Williamson Parent magazine March 2018

Page 1

Babies & Nightmares

Cray-Cray Camp Fun

Classes 4 You



TO DO! p. 56

Are We

SCRE WING UP the Kids ?





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VOLUME 25, No. 8



our littlest kids is coming out, and it’s time to get a grip.

The truth about too much tech for


REAL-TIME FUN AT SLEEP-AWAY CAMP! Scoopin’ all the nifty program- ming that happens for kids at residential camps. Tribe night, anyone?!

IN EACH ISSUE 11 13 14 16 19 27 92





Junie B. program for kids PLUS LOTS MORE!





E S TA B L I S H E D I N 1 9 9 3


nashvilleparent.com Publisher


Stewart Day, ext. 130 stewart@daycommedia.com


Party with your favorite Disney characters

Susan Swindell Day, ext. 110 susan@daycommedia.com

during Disney Junior Dance Party! On Tour (disney.com/disneyjuniortour) It’s coming to

Managing Editor/ Entertainment Editor

the Grand Ole Opry House on Wednes-

Chad Young, ext. 115 chad@daycommedia.com

day, March 28. We’re givign away two family four-packs of tickets! Go to NASH-

Associate Editor

VILLEPARENT.COM to register to win

Kiera Ashford, ext. 114 kiera@daycommedia.com

by Wednesday, March 21. The lucky

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winners will be randomly selected

Ashford, Day & Young

and notified Friday, March 23!

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Good luck!

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Egg Hunts Anyone? — READERS OPINE ON PUBLIC EGG HUNTS — “I started taking my granddaughter to Tusculum Hills Baptist Church’s Easter egg hunt when we first moved to Nashville in 2012. When my grandson was old enough we took him, too. This year my youngest grandson will be going to his first one. He’s 18 months and we can’t wait!” Paula Ann Atkins

“We do ours at home for the grandkids. The public ones are usually disappointing. Too many people and parents running over kids to get at the eggs. Big kids trampling little ones. No thanks.” Beverly Baughman Cravath

“We don’t really like the public eggs hunts. It’s just a bunch of plastic eggs all over the ground and people don’t care if they run over kids, or if their kids run over kids, as long as they get the prize. We always do egg hunts at home. The eggs are actually hidden, and the kids get to go find them. They love it so much, we let everyone have a turn hiding them. They’re real eggs we dye, too, not plastic candy-filled eggs. When I was little, our entire family got together for actual prize eggs worth different amounts of money. The most was a $10 egg, but there were lots of $1 eggs, and the adults made sure everyone got at least one money egg. Ahhh, the good days.” Samantha Downing

NASHVILLE, RUTHERFORD, SUMNER AND WILLIAMSON PARENT MAGAZINES are published monthly by Day Communications, Inc. Offices are located at 3212 West End Ave, Ste. 201, Nashville, TN 37203. Phone number: 615-256-2158; Fax: 615-256-2114. E-mail to: npinfo@daycommedia.com. Although every precaution has been taken to ensure accuracy of published material, NASHVILLE/RUTHERFORD/SUMNER/ WILLIAMSON PARENT cannot be held responsible for opinions expressed or facts supplied by its authors. NASHVILLE/RUTHERFORD/SUMNER/ WILLIAMSON PARENT is copyright © 2018 by Day Communications, Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without written permission is prohibited.


Nashville Parent — nashvilleparent.com — understands that parents need tools for navigating the most meaningful part of their lives — their children. We surround moms and dads with how-to’s and support. We offer candid advice and fresh ideas, connecting parents together so they can share real-world lessons and compelling stories. We aim to inspire involved parenting because we want all children to be safe, loved, healthy and supported. © 2018 DAY COMMUNICATIONS, INC. THIS PUBLICATION AUDITED BY



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10 march 2018


DAYBYDAY Is Your Little One a Tech Addict?


R.R. Tolkien knew a thing or two about the human potential to destroy ourselves. In his 1937 fantasy masterpiece, The Lord of the Rings (LOTR), a simple hobbit named Smeagol, fishing in the bucolic shire, dives into a pond after a hooked fish yanks his pole away. On the pond bottom, Smeagol finds a beautiful golden ring in the silt. Entranced, he scoops it up and surfaces. This ring — the One Ring — holds mysterious, corrupting powers. The ring makes its owner wretched. Smeagol’s so susceptible to its power, he transforms into “Gollum,” an isolated, twisted, pathetic creature, who loves and hates the ring just as he loves and hates himself. “My precious!” he hisses, obsessed by the ring, checking left, checking right, paranoid. Addiction. When my second boy discovered Xbox, my husband and I joked that he turned into Gollum as soon as we’d ask him to take a break. Our sweet, friendly kid would turn surly and irritated, stomping around and not wanting to do anything else for a good 30 minutes or so. Back on Xbox, he’d be happy again, and woe to those who’d try to stop him. If you have a child like this, you know what I mean. Parents everywhere deal with little ones who throw tantrums when their iPads are taken away. We can’t go anywhere without being tethered to our tech. What a mess! It’s estimated that 10 - 15 percent of the population have an addictive personality, but I’ll wager it’s much worse than that. Last January, two major investors asked Apple to figure out how to help parents limit their kids’ use of iPhones and iPads, and I’m glad. We laugh about our “addictions,” but they’re not really funny, are they? Meanwhile, early childhood development doctors say too much tech for little children hinders the face-to-face time they need to grow healthily and to build critical human connections. One idea being looked at is encouraging users to set tech devices to grayscale in order to make them less appealling and stimulating. Think about sugary cereal boxes with all those colors. Would your toddler sprint for the Fruit Loops if the box was black and white? At one point I realized my little Gollum needed help. He couldn’t control what happened to him when he NEEDED to play Xbox. I started by putting a chart up at home and letting him earn playing time. I also began involving myself more in his other interests: army men figurines, Hot Wheels cars, music, soccer. It’s our job to help our kids discover the wonder of the real world around them — and it has to happen in person. Real-world experiences can’t be experienced on any screen, anywhere. SUSAN DAY, EDITOR-IN-CHIEF susan@daycommedia.com


march 2018 11


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“Encourage her to be herself and be glad she isn’t one to follow the crowd. It’s wonderful that at that young of an age she’s already fully comfortable standing on her own.” — Tobi Pruett

Join us daily for posts and discussions about kids and life!

OUR POST: Your young child doesn’t want to dress up for special events at school. What do you do?

YOUR POSTS: “I tried saying, ‘Stan Lee is almost 100 [for the 100th day of school dress-up event] — you could dress like him!’ But in the end, he may just want to observe the other kids dressing up, and that’s OK. That’s his way of enjoying the day.” Jessica Couts Tucker

“We don’t push our son to dress up if he doesn’t want to. We tell him several others will do it, but it’s up to him. My hope is, if he learns it’s OK at a young age to not do something just because everyone else is doing it, peer pressure won’t be as strong for him when he’s older. Hopefully he’ll feel comfortable to go against the grain.” Kitty Dunn “Maybe stick an item in the back pack just in case she changes her mind at school, but I wouldn’t make her.” Alexis Carver

“My older son didn’t like some of the dress-up days because he thought he’d look silly. I tried to persuade him, then I left him alone about it. I figured if he regretted not being part of the fun, he’d do it the next time, but I didn’t want to pressure him into doing something that made him uncomfortable.” Kathryn Weems Tarsha “My son has a hard time doing anything out of the realm of his routine. He’s anxious no one else will dress up and then he’ll show up as the only one who did and get laughed at. I let him skip the first few dress-up days until he saw that other kids participated, too. It took him a few times to feel comfortable before he joined in. I didn’t force it; he came around on his own. Maybe show your child some ideas on Pinterest. Danielle Zaradich “No need to force it. There will be plenty of kids who won’t dress up. Also, this gives your child the ability to make a decision for himself. Plus, some battles just aren’t worth having. I would say this is one to let go.” Kelly Watlington Peterson

FEEDBACK TO THE EDITOR: MOST PARENTS SAY KISSING KIDS ON THE LIPS IS OK: “Totally OK, as long as it’s OK with your child! My son is 5. Sometimes he wants a kiss on the lips, and sometimes he wants a kiss on the cheek. I definitely agree with the ‘if you have a problem with it, you are the problem’ statement.’” Amanda Nichole “I think it’s disgusting. I think it’s OK to kiss your children on the forehead or cheek, but not the lips. We all have our own opinion.” Margaret Blankenship Jenkins “Why does this even matter? It’s a personal preference, nothing more and nothing less. You’re not a bad parent if you do, and you’re not a bad parent if you don’t.” Nicholas Shauna Brockway “My kids are at the age where I get a forehead when I want kisses! But absolutely, there is nothing sexual when I kiss my kids. We are not shoving tongues in mouths; it’s a kiss between kids and parents! Gah, what is this world coming to?” Jennifer Wilcox-Wood “It’s fine. Seriously, people just need to stop it. It’s just wasted news when ‘they’ make a big deal of it; it’s children for God’s sake!” Michele Schumer “‘Ew! He kissed his son on the lips!,’ say the same people who think it’s perfectly fine to buy a shotgun for their 8-yearold. Since when is showing affection a problem? Did he French-kiss his son? No. Get a grip. I can only pray my son is still willing to show me that kind of affection in public when he’s 11.” Jody Moreland-Peters

Some kids like to dress up while others don’t. Let them express themselves the way they want.


march 2018 13


Babies DO Have Nightmares Nightly wakings happens for a variety of reasons, but starting at age 1, disturbances can change ... and then there are night terrors. BY KIERA ASHFORD


leep is a luxury for new parents. Just when you’ve fallen asleep, your 1-year-old starts crying uncontrollably and you haven’t a clue why. Struggling to stay awake, your mind starts ticking through all the possibilities for his discomfort while you try to calm him. There’s no fever. His diaper’s dry. He was fed just before putting him down. Is it teething, or could it be his first nightmare?

NIGHTMARES VS TERRORS Do babies actually have nightmares? Or could it be a night terror? “It’s not known for sure when nightmares begin, but by age 1 - 2, children can have them,” says Phaythoune Chothmounethinh (Dr. Phay), M.D., at Saint Thomas Medical Partners in Franklin. Dr. Phay says night terrors can begin as early as 2 years old, but are more common in children between the ages of 4 and 12. One thing’s clear: there’s a definite difference between a nightmare and a night terror. “Nightmares generally occur in the early morning hours, while night terrors tend to occur within one to two hours of falling asleep,” says Dr. Phay. If your child wakes from sleep and goes right into screaming, appears agitated and doesn’t respond to you, he’s experiencing a night terror. Dr. Phay also says the child won’t remember the episode later.

14 march 2018

RULING THINGS OUT Of course, while nightmares or night terrors may first pop into your head as the cause of nightly wakings, be sure to check for other things, too. “Virtually any illness or condition can lead to crying — hunger, skin irritation from diaper rash, teething, infections such as ear infections, fever, acid reflux,” says Dr. Phay. “If he has a fever or is having trouble feeding, your pediatrician can help rule out other possibilities such as infection or GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease). If your child is lethargic or has difficulty breathing, seek medical attention immediately.

AVOID MELATONIN If you’ve ruled out health issues and are convinced your child’s experiencing nightmares, avoid giving him a sleep aid such as melatonin. “The brain naturally produces melatonin, a neurotransmitter that helps signal sleep,” says Dr. Phay. “It has a good safety record for short-term use in adolescents and adults, but we don’t know the effects of extra melatonin on early childhood development.” Melatonin supplements are not recommended for babies and should rarely be used for children and only under a doctor’s supervision. Children who have seizures may experience more of them if given melatonin. It can


also trigger hyperactivity, behavioral changes, worsening sleep patterns, nightmares and constipation. The safest course of action is to try and pinpoint the underlying cause of sleep trouble in your child rather than to rely on sleep medication for any child younger than the age of 12. Helping your child to have a good night’s sleep begins in babyhood when you establish a soothing bedtime routine and make it consistent. Dr. Phay suggests starting with a warm bath, a gentle song, a bedtime story, etc.

“SCHEDULED AWAKENING” There’s an entirely different method to approaching a child experiencing a night terror, which generally occurs in the first one-third of your child’s sleeping hours. “For night terrors in older children, ‘scheduled awakening’ is a behavioral technique where you wake up your child 15 - 20 minutes before the usual time when the sleep terrors occur,” says Dr. Phay. “During the scheduled waking, comfort him and behave as you would when awakened by him.” Doing this on a routine disrupts his sleeping pattern and can help him sleep through the night again within one month’s time. Kiera Ashford is associate editor for this publication and mother of three ages 1, 7 and 11.


5 Tips on Taking a Picture From a Phone – from a Professional Photographer

As a professional photographer and grandmother of seven, I often choose to use my cell phone to capture candids. I love to be able to get those spur of the moment shots without carrying my professional camera everywhere with me, especially since we always have a cell phone in hand. With that said, I will give you some tips to improve the candids you capture day to day on a phone camera. 1. First of all, for safety and privacy, always check your location settings for your camera so that when you post images to social media the location is not embedded in the image. This prevents potential predators from locating you or honing in on your routine. 2. Go into your settings (each phone is different) to verify that it is saving your images at the highest resolution possible. Lowering the resolution is good if you have limited space on your phone, though it negatively impacts the quality of your images. 3. Always be aware of the light and the angle from which it is coming. You want well-lit subjects, but you do not want them squinting into the sun, nor do you want light coming directly behind them and shadowing their face. Full or partial shade or somewhere like a porch with filtered light are ideal for great lighting. 4. Get in close to your subjects and use them to fill the frame. You want your child to be the focus instead of being a small piece of the image. Don’t use the zoom to do this because you will lose image quality. 5. Clean your lens with a soft cloth often. Our phone lenses are constantly exposed to the environment and can easily pick up dust and grime which can lead to spots or hazy areas in your images. In conclusion, for images that hang on the wall in portrait sizes, I would always trust a professional to do the job but candids on your phone are super mobile and it’s important to make sure you backup your images so you don’t get into a situation that they are lost forever.

New Day Photography sits on 2.5 acres in Franklin, TN. Owners, Misty and Bruce, have created a unique playground for shoots inside and out. The 1920’s cottage encomopasses everything needed for that special setting that other photographers can’t offer, shoots are done all in one place so there is no need to seek out public locations. Misty gives a perspective of what the studio offers: “Outside we have areas set up with our cottage gardens bursting with flowers from March-October, picket fences, trails through the woods, a ‘57 Chevy pickup, tractors, barns, board swing, tire swing, antique and vintage furniture, rock walls and much more. There is always something new for our return clients each year as we continue to build new sets.”

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Just You >> At long last ... spring.



16 march 2018

and spread a little sunshine this month by taking a hike, grooming a garden bed or learning a new hobby. Spring’s the month of renewal, and no doubt we can ALL use a little of that. Rise, shine and make your days count — and head to Cheekwood in Bloom running March 17 - April 15. Make your plans to visit Nashville’s famed estate and gardens at cheekwood.org.


Ah, Wilderness! CELEBRATE SPRING Saturday, March 24 tnstateparks.com It’s the day to shed your winter blahs and get outside for some free fun. Register online for the following: • Bicentennial Capitol Mall State Park, 600 James Robertson Pkwy., Nashville. “Spring Into Action” from 8:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m., join a ranger at 11 a.m. for a hike to explore spring in the park. Bring a packed lunch for a picnic. Learn more: 615-741-5280. • Bledsoe Creek State Park, 400 Zieglers Fort Road, Gallatin. An Eco-Hike from10:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. Lace up your kicks and show the trails a ‘lil TLC. Learn more: 615230-8325. • Cedars of Lebanon State Park, 328 Cedar Forest Road, Lebanon. A spring hike takes place from 9 - 10 a.m. Meet at the Park Office. Learn more: 615-443-2769. • Harpeth River State Park, 1640 Cedar Hill Road, Kingston Springs. A spring hike to Pattison Forge from 9 - 10 a.m. Starts off at the Narrows of the Harpeth area, located at 1254 Narrows of the Harpeth Road. Learn more: 615-3359659. • Long Hunter State Park, 2910 Hobson Pike, Hermitage. A history hike at Sellars Farm starts at 1 p.m. Exact directions for meet-up are posted online. Learn more: 615-8852422.


>> Hand-picked Events 4 U

2018 Wildflower & Waterfall Tour Fall Creek Falls State Park, 2009 Village Camp Road, Spencer. From Monday, March 19 - Wednesday, March 21, take a spring hiking tour and stay for two nights in the park. $299 per person based on double occupancy. Included are meals, lodging and transportation to various destinations. Call Connie or Renee to reserve a spot: 800-250-8610. See complete itinerary online at tnstateparks.com/fall-creek-falls.

Start a New Hobby “Animal Photography” (Nashville Zoo) REGISTER AT: nashvillezoo.org/ photography-classes 3777 Nolensville Pike, Nashville 615-833-1534 Private animal photography lessons with Zoo photographer Amiee Stubbs. Digital camera required. $180 for two hours.

“Flower Arranging for Everyone” (Cheekwood) REGISTER AT: cheekwood.org 1200 Forrest Park Drive Nashville 615-356-8000 Saturday, March 17 from 9:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. ($96; supplies are covered).

“Botanical Photography” (Cheekwood) REGISTER AT: cheekwood.org 1200 Forrest Park Drive Nashville 615-356-8000 Saturday, March 24 from 10 a.m. - 12 p.m. ($78; bring your own DSLR camera).

Skillpop Nashville REGISTER AT: skillpop.com Go to site, enter Nashville & discover pop-up classes offered in various locations. This month: “Brush Calligraphy” on March 22 ($30) or “Watercolor Lettering” on March 27 ($35). All supplies provided.

MAR. 11: The Bloody Mary Festival at Track One, 1211 Fourth Ave. S., Nashville. Sample several brunch cocktails and cast your vote for the best. Thebloodymaryfest.com. MAR. 14: Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater at TPAC’s Jackson Hall, 505 Deaderick St., Nashville. A night of contemporary dance and a standard fave. Tpac.org. MAR. 31: Scout Cookies & Wine Pairing at City Winery, 609 Lafayette St., Nashville. Find out what wines go best with, yep, Girl Scout cookies! Citywinery.com. ON YOUR RADAR: The Southern Women’s Show returns to Music City Center in downtown Nashville April 5 - 8. Get tickets now at southernshows.com. Find More Events Go ahead and pick out things to do that YOU’LL enjoy, not just the kids. Find the month’s best Things to Do starting on page 56.

Daffodil Day Step back in time and make a day of it for the 41st celebration of the popular flower signifying spring in Bell Buckle, Tenn. Daffodil Day takes place Saturday, March 17 from 10 a.m. - 3 p.m., including a daffodil show and activities for all ages. Visit bellbucklechamber.com/daffodildays-2 to learn more.


march 2018 17

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18 march 2018

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Kids can enjoy face painting at High Hopes’ family picnic.


at High Hopes


Get practical help on things like fear-of-haircuts and more with High Hopes Development Center’s new Family Support Services (FSS). The program includes a “Practical Tips To Help Parents” series, therapy-based camps, sensory-friendly haircuts and more. All FSS programs are open to the public. High Hopes, the nonprofit inclusive childcare facility, is expanding, too. The square footage in the facility is doubling in order to serve more families in the community. Four new classrooms are being added to the preschool and the multipurpose area is getting more space. The new playground gives kids a place to play during the construction process. High Hopes’ next “Practical Tips to Help Parents” session is “Financial Planning” on Thursday, March 8 from 5:30 - 6:30 p.m. Capital Wealth Advisors will be on hand to discuss financial planning for special needs children. Admission is free. High Hopes is located at 301 High Hopes Court, Franklin. Call 615-661-5437 or visit highhopesforkids.org/family-support-1 to learn more.


Sensory-friendly haircuts at High Hopes eases hair-cut fears.


march 2018 19


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20 march 2018



Meet Luka! The 5-year-old female Andean bear is one of three Andean bears now on exhibit at Nashville Zoo. Inset photos are artist renderings now ready to be experienced.

NASHVILLE ZOO WELCOMES ANDEAN BEARS! The brand-new exhibit more than two years in the making opens Thursday, March 15 at 1 p.m.


id you know that Paddington Bear — the beloved literary and film character — is based on the real-life Andean bear? Tell your kids that little tidbit when you take them to see Expedition Peru: Trek of the Andean Bear exhibit opening Thursday, March 15 at the Nashville Zoo. The $9.3 million presentation features three bears: one female (5-year-old Luka pictured above) and two males (3-year-olds Holt and Muniri). The zoo took two careful years to develop the state-of-the-art exhibit, transforming an unused hillside adjacent to the Bamboo Trail. Step inside the large and beautiful Peruvian Lodge for an unobstructed view of the bears’ expansive habitat. Andeans are smaller than black bears and more active than grizzlies, says Nashville Zoo’s Marketing and Public Relations Director Jim Bartoo. Kids and parents can expect to see active bears, particularly in the close-up


underwater viewing area. You’ll occasionally get to witness zoo keepers target training the bears. This form of positive reinforcement conditioning makes it easier for zoo staff to address health and wellness concerns without having to restrain or sedate the animals. As an immersive experience, and in addition to the bears, you’ll see freshwater stingrays and other aquatic critters representative of the Peruvian Amazon Basin in a 16-foot aquarium located inside the lodge. Just outside, discover southern pudu (the world’s smallest deer) and have fun watching 20 guinea pigs while learning their importance to Peruvian culture. Nashville Zoo is located at 3777 Nolensville Road, Nashville. Hours are 9 a.m. - 6 p.m. daily. Weekday admission is $17 adults, $12 ages 2 - 12; tickets are $1 more on weekends. Call 615-833-1534 or visit nashvillezoo.org.

march 2018 21

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22 march 2018





here he goes again, twirling around the living room showing off his dance routines! Sign him up for the new dance program at PrairieLife Fitness. Available for boys and girls ages 2 - 12. Ballet and hip hop are currently available, and the first class is complimentary. Kids will learn movement vocabulary; dance sequences; musicality; flexibility; coordination; spatial awareness; how to dance to a song; how to work with others; confidence and more. The class is split into different age groups on different days of the week. Cost per class per week is $50 members, $75 non-members. PrairieLife Fitness is located at 300 Shingle Way, Franklin. Call 615-764-3984 or visit prairielife.com.

— QUICK BITS — Nolensville dad Greg Joiner helps parents connect to their kids in his new book, RISER: A PRACTICAL TOOLKIT FOR STRENGTHENING YOUR RELATIONSHIPS WITH YOUNG PEOPLE (Halsey Press; 2018). The book helps you learn how to start and continue conversations with your kids — oh, so important today! Joiner currently serves as the Student Ministries Pastor at Fellowship Bible Church in Brentwood. Get his bookfor $17.99 on amazon.com ... A new children’s series, GRACIOUS (ImagineWe, LLC; 2018), pulls kids out of this electronic-driven world

and helps them dive into their imaginations. Brentwood mom Corin Lutz illustrated this first book in a three-book series that uses only pictures showing different emotions — giving kids the opportunity to tell their own story. “With Gracious, children can see and experience emotions that they might not otherwise recognize, even in themselves,” says Lutz. “The book opens the door to understanding very strong human emotions and gives adults a chance to glimpse these emotions through the child’s eyes.” Purchase your copy online for $9.99 at imaginewellc.com

... Laura’s Custom Cookies offers a KIDS’ EASTER COOKIE CLASS on Sunday, March 18 from 1:30 - 3:30 p.m. Ages 9 - 14 will learn to decorate simple Easter-theme designs using basic techniques like outlining, flooding, wet-on-wet, wet-on-dry and marbling. They’ll get a copy of icing and dough recipes to take home, too. Cost is $45 per child and space is limited. Laura’s Custom Cookies is located at 1863 O’Reilly Circle, Spring Hill. Call 615429-3113 or visit facebook. com/laurascustomcookies.


Tots 2 Teens Consignment Sale takes place at 7248 Nolensville Road, Nolensville (Nolensville Historic School Gym) April 5 - 8. New mom, consignor and volunteer pre-sale is Wednesday, April 5; public sale is April 6 - 7; half-price sale is Saturday, April 8. Learn more at tots2teenstn.com ... Little Sprouts Sale takes place at 1113 Murfreesboro Road, Ste. 201, in Franklin March 6 - 10. Presale for volunteers, consignors and new moms is March 6 - 7; public sale is March 8 - 10. Learn more at littlesproutssale.com ... Otter Creek Sale takes place at Otter Creek Church (409 Franklin Road, Brentwood) March 2 - 3. Public sale is both days, and many items are half-price on Saturday, March 3. Learn more at ottercreeksale.com ... Southpointe Consignment Sale takes place at Southpointe Community Church (7227 Haley Industrial Blvd., Nolensville) March 14 - 17. Drop-off day is Wednesday, March 14; volunteer, consignor and new mom pre-sale day is Thursday, March 15; public sale is Friday, March 16; halfprice sale day and pick-up day is Saturday, March 17. Learn more at myconsignmentsale.com/spkidspdo ... Encores Consignment South takes place at the former Piggly Wiggly Store (1022 Columbia Ave., Franklin) March 4 17. Drop-off days are March 4 - 6; private pre-sale is Friday, March 9; new moms sale is Saturday, March 10; public sale dates are March 10 - 17. Learn more at encoresconsignmentsouth.com.

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Here’s something to go ga-ga over! It’s Nashville Parent’s premier event for all-things infant, and it’s happening at Saint Thomas Midtown this year! The Baby Fair takes place Saturday, April 21 at the hospital’s Gladys Stringfield Owen Education Center at 2000 Church Street in downtown Nashville from 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. The FREE fair features vendors, exhibitors with baby products, and tours of Saint Thomas Midtown’s swanky new birthing suites. The Baby Fair stage will host Q & A sessions with local pediatricians, nurses, childhood nutritionists, breastfeeding specialists and more. Enjoy fun games for expectant moms and dads (with prizes, of course!) and giveaways galore! Booth space is available; get a spot by calling Stewart Day at 615-256-2158, ext. 130, or e-mailing stewart@daycommedia.com. For more info about The Baby Fair, visit nashvilleparent.com/babyfair18.

— QUICK BITS — This year’s NASHVILLE LAWN AND GARDEN SHOW includes children’s activities. Youngsters of all ages can hear stories, build bluebird houses, enjoy live animal encounters and more. The show takes place March 1 - 4 at The Fairgrounds in Nashville. Hours are Thu - Sat 10 a.m. - 7 p.m., Sun 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. Admission is $12 adults ($25 for a four-day pass), $2 ages 12 & younger. Call 615-772-6809 or visit nashvillelawnandgardenshow.com ... NASHVILLE SOCCER CLUB celebrates its inaugural

24 march 2018

season in Music City! The official home opener of the season is Saturday, March 24 at 5 p.m. against the Pittsburgh Riverhounds. The game’s at Nissan Stadium, and tickets start at $15. Call 615-457-8200 or visit nashvillesc.com for tickets and the schedule for the rest of the 2018 season ... URBAN COOKHOUSE is now open in the Schermerhorn Symphony Center’s West Lobby Café. During your next Nashville Symphony outing, grab salads, wraps, side items, drinks and desserts 90 minutes prior

to every concert. Urban Cookhouse remains open throughout intermission at each performance. For more info, visit nashvillesymphony.org ... The popular KIDSVILLE program at The Parthenon helps to give kids a jump start on a lifetime of financial fitness. On Saturday, March 17, Kidsville — in conjunction with Jackson National Life Insurance — hosts a free financial literacy program at Centennial Performing Arts Center’s Black Box Theater in Centennial Park (2500 West End Ave., Nashville). From


1 - 2 p.m., ages 12 & younger can learn about earning, saving, spending and donating money. Visit kidsvilleonline.org ... TUESDAYS FOR TOTS returns to Cheewood starting March 6. It continues every Tuesday from 10 a.m. - 12 p.m. through the end of the year. The parent-toddler program features a different art and/or garden experience each week. It’s free with gate admission ($20 adults, $13 ages 3 - 17, free ages 2 & younger). Cheekwood also has new garden games on tap for this year’s 26TH

ANNUAL SPRING ART HOP on Saturday, March 31. Visit cheekwood. org ... Friday, March 16 is the scholarship application deadline for the BLAIR SCHOOL OF MUSIC’S precollege program, which includes several music instruction opportunities for students in elementary through high school. Download the application at blair. vanderbilt.edu. Call 615-322-7655 or e-mail rachel.hobbs@vanderbilt. edu for more info.


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S’mores by the fire pit at Hyatt Regency Hill Country Resort and Spa.

San Antonio’s

Hyatt Regency Hill Country Resort & Spa


Nine-hundred-and-thirty miles from home is a swanky, all-inclusive family resort to love. And it’s not that far from The Alamo & lots more.

onsidering the fact that it’s a whopping 16-hour drive from Nashville, a family trip to San Antonio, Texas, was not on my horizon. It’s a long haul even without three young children. However, I was thrilled to have the opportunity to wind up in “Alamo City” recently and I discovered a terrific family destination at the Hyatt Regency Hill Country Resort and Spa.

FAMILY ACTIVITIES GALORE The resort is busting with lots of activities for everyone in your family. Several free daily happenings include arts and crafts, scavenger hunts, kickball, water balloon tosses and more. Lobby signs let you know what’s on deck each day. If you’re a sports-centric outdoorsy clan, you’re in luck. Hill Country lets you enjoy healthy competition in the way of soccer, flag football, sand volleyball, tennis, bocce ball, horseshoes and cornhole. The sand on the new badminton court in “Pat’s Playground”

lets your fantasize about the beach. It also features slides and climbing obstacles for kids with energy to burn. Lure Dad with the 27-hole Hill Country Golf Club (hyatthillcountrygolf.com), but it also offers family-friendly programming and Family Express Golf, suitable to all, regardless of ability. It’s $69 for two players; $20 each additional player (includes clubs and balls). You’ll play on the Lakes, Creeks and Oaks nine-hole courses offering tees at shorter distances, which makes the game more enjoyable for youngsters or even for you if you’re a newbie. Little ones can use rubber, tennis or golf balls while they learn to play the game with you. I enjoyed a leisurely bike ride on paved trails around the resort. Bikes of various sizes are available to rent for free on a first-come, first-served basis. Got a baby in tow? Bring your own accessories if you want him to ride along.

RELAX & CHILL OUT Texas heat getting to ya? It’s water time!


Float on the lazy river on the resort grounds. I hit the lazy river and it’s almost entirely in shade, providing a perfect respite from the sun. The resort also has an awesome five-acre water park including multiple pools, a water slide and a wave machine (the simulator requires a fee). Even the most close-knit family can use “me time” on vacation. The Windflower Spa and secluded pool called my name, so I thought, what would I do with the kids? Oh, I know — Camp Hyatt! The day camp is available at three different times for potty trained children ages 3 - 12. They can have fun bead making, doing arts and crafts, sniffing around on a scavenger hunt, swimming, hiking, playing games, and basically doing all the things kids love to do most. Book the camp at least 24 hours in advance for $40 - $50 per child, per session. Afternoon and evening sessions include meals.

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San Antonio’s

Hyatt Regency Hill Country Resort & Spa

End your day on a sweet note, too. From 7 - 9 p.m., kids gather around the giant fire pit to make s’mores. Then, grab a blanket and head to the lawn for a family friendly movie. Screenings take place daily from Memorial Day to Labor Day, weekends only during the rest of the year.

A TASTE OF SAN ANTONIO One of my favorite things about traveling is exploring food options. If you want to dress up, the resort has a variety of dining options like Antlers Lodge. Springhouse Café is perfect for a quick sandwich; Papa Ed’s Pool Bar & Grill lets you grab a bite in between outdoor activities and Papa’s Ice Cream Parlor serves icy treats. However, if you want to explore the local flavors of the city (why not?), there’s great fare off site, too For breakfast, Mi Tierra Café y Panaderia is a must — it’s open 24/7. Here, you can feast on a Mexican-inspired breakfast and sample the pastries. Kids will enjoy the cinnamonlaced Mexican hot chocolate. Be sure to take some of the decadent pecan pralines with you; they’re what Mi Tierra is known for. For lunch, make your way to Viola’s Ventanas featuring an outdoor playground for the kids. I’m still thinking about those puffy tacos!

SAN ANTONIO DELIGHTS Although you can enjoy a full stay at Hill Country resort without ever leaving, make the most of your trip by enjoying some of San Antonio’s must-see attractions. The Alamo is San Antonio’s most famous site, and it’s also the most visited landmark in Texas. Dating back to 1836, your family can learn about the freedom fighters who died here. Thrill-seeking older kids will want to hit Six Flags Fiesta Texas. The amusement park has rides for all ages and bravery levels, but it’s known for its superhero-themed coasters. Batman the Ride and Superman: Krypton Coaster are big draws, and the Wonder Woman Golden Lasso Coaster makes its debut this spring. It’s the world’s first single-rail coaster.

28 march 2018

SeaWorld is near the resort and full of fun featuring Discovery Point and Aquatica. Discovery Point offers up close encounters with beluga whales, dolphins and orcas — an unforgettable, emotional experience. For additional fees, you can book in-the-water experiences with dolphins, belugas or sea lions; talk about a memory-making experience for your kids! The Aquatica side of SeaWorld boasts a variety of water park rides and slides. One float goes through a grotto filled with rays and exotic fish. New this year is the Taumata Racer. Opening March 10, it’s a high-speed waterslide zooming brave ones downhill head first on a foam bodysurfing mat. There are several coasters at SeaWorld, too. Your little ones will enjoy a visit at the park’s Sesame Street Bay or Play featuring rides, floats and character visits. You’ll find the world’s first ultra-accessible splash park for children with any ability at Morgan’s Inspiration Island. There are five water play areas that guests with disabilities can use. The park offers waterproof wheelchairs, too. Kids will particularly enjoy the River Boat Adventure ride’s twists and turns meandering through a jungle setting. For a festive animal encounter adventure, make your way to the San Antonio Zoo. Everyone in your family can hand feed lettuce to a friendly giraffe (it’s a small additional fee, but well worth the experience). You’re also sure to love the playfulness of Uma the hippo as she swims about. The zoo boasts 750 species on 56 acres, so there’s a lot to see. Your littlest ones 5 and younger will have fun in the Tiny Tots nature spot where they can dig, climb and even get wet (bring swim diapers). Of course, all kids enjoy the petting zoo. After a full day, get back to that resort! How I loved the big, comfy pillows. I had great sleeping while I was there — good thing, because it was pretty much go, go, go during the day! Kiera Ashford is associate editor for this publication and mother of three ages 1, 7 and 11.


Kids’ll love Morgan’s Inspiration Island.

BOUND FOR SAN ANTONIO Hyatt Regency Hill Country Resort and Spa 210-647-1234 hillcountry.regency.hyatt.com Mi Tierra Cafe y Panaderia 210-225-1262 mitierracafe.com Viola’s Ventanas 210-684-9660 violasventanas.com The Alamo 210-225-1391 thealamo.org Six Flags Fiesta Texas 210-697-5050 sixflags.com/fiestatexas SeaWorld San Antonio 210-520-4732 seaworld.com/san-antonio Morgan’s Wonderland and Inspiration Island 210-495-5888 morganswonderland.com San Antonio Zoo 210-734-7184 sazoo.org

Feed the giraffes at San Antonio Zoo.

parent nashville







march 2018 29





hat if children actually DID come with a parenting manual? If tucked inside your baby’s swaddling clothes was a step-by-step guide for raising your little one from infancy to age 21? Wouldn’t it be great? You could just flip to the chapter on kids and technology and follow along for the well-being of your child. Well, joke’s on us. There’s no manual, and even if there were, the chapter on technology wouldn’t be there because it’s not available yet. This era we’re in where nearly 100 percent of homes have a smart device is one big grand experiment. But psychologists are starting to see links between the overuse of technology and our kids’ mental health. Psychiatrists are seeing an uptick in childhood depression while eyeing the effects of social media and technology on kids. Parents see kids talking less, heads

down more. Looking at her 3-year-old completely wrapped up in his iPad, a mom laughs, “He’s completely addicted!” and throws her hands up in the air, “but so am I!” What do YOU do when your toddler starts making “gimme” hands for your smartphone? Hand it over, right? Yes, technology is fantastic ... except for when it’s not. Common Sense Media (CSM), a California nonprofit that studies the relationship between kids and technology, says an electronic childhood has “profound implications for parenting and childhood.” Chief Executive Jim Steyer, a dad of four, says, “These devices have great benefits, but the downsides are very significant; you’ve got all of these parents glued to their blanking devices, and so are their 6-year-olds.” The evidence is clear that parents with toddlers have caved in to “modern” society’s clamor for more and more tech at younger and younger ages. The good news is, if you raise your kids with common sense and authority (consistent, firm and loving; being the parent,

No new app, no new game can replace the old truth that children thrive in the context of healthy, real-life relationships.

30 march 2018


not the friend), you stand the best chance of parenting your child through the weedy world of what’s good for him and what’s not.


So you’ve heard that Bill Gates refused to let his kids have a smartphone before age 14, but here’s why: He knew about their highly addictive quality, and he wanted his kids to know the value of restraint and face-to-face communication. In other words, you’ll never ace a key college interview if you can’t talk to adults. Nathaniel Clark, M.D., chief medical officer for Vanderbilt Psychiatric Hospital and associate professor of clinical psychiatry and behavioral science, says the right age for a smartphone varies by child, but that “as late as possible” is best. Yet parents give their 18-month-olds smart devices and set up parental controls with little thought to the child’s capacity for it. “Our brains continue developing until well after we reach age 20,” Clark says. “Particularly in the frontal lobe, which is responsible for both planning, reasoning and inhibition of impulses.” Ah, impulsivity. It’s why kids love Snapchat. Take a pic, write a comment with Emoji, share it and poof it’s gone. A 15-year-old boy (who requested anonymity for this article) witnessed a girl, age 7 or so, on Snapchat sitting in front of him at TPAC. He looked disgusted when he said, “She shouldn’t be on Snapchat. She doesn’t know what she’s doing. You just want to do it all the time.” A savvy 24-year-old blogger told me, “The problem is, kids are faster at doing things online than parents are. Even if parents think they know what their kids are doing, they don’t. THAT’s what’s going on. They can’t possibly keep their kids safe.” While technology is a huge source of pleasure, we also know it can be incredibly overwhelming. With smart devices providing that individual, deeply immersive experience, homes are sort of circuses with parents struggling to balance screen time with everything else in their lives. Jean Twenge, Ph.D., is the author of iGen: Why Today’s SuperConnected Kids are Growing Up Less Rebellious, More Tolerant, Less Happy and Completely Unprepared for Adulthood (Atria; 2017). Twenge’s eye-opening generational research compares children born in the mid-1990s to the mid-2000s and later. She says the year 2012 (when those having iPhones went above the 50 percent mark) is the same year that kids started saying they felt “sad, hopeless, useless, and that they couldn’t do anything ‘right.’” Kids started describing feeling left out and lonely to her researchers, and Twenge saw a 50 percent increase in teen clinical level depression.


Children given devices at younger ages means addiction starting earlier and human connectivity waning. You know that awful irritability you witness when you take the iPad away from your 3-yearold? That’s what we’re talking about. The struggle of it all. According to Gabor Maté, M.D., the best-selling author and expert on addiction, when you put an iPad or other smart device in the hands of your chubby little toddler, you are giving him a one-way relationship; an indifferent, unloving, inhuman babysitter. Human beings must have human connections or they can become lonely, often deeply so. The iPad, iPhone, Facebook and all of the social media platforms promise connection, but it’s not there, Maté says. Technology provides a temporary relief from loneliness; when it’s taken away, the “pain” returns and so you need more. So think: If your child’s addicted to his device at age 3, what are

you going to have on your hands when he’s a teen? If Snapchat and Instagram monopolize your preteen’s social life now, what’s going to be running your toddler’s life 10 years from now? And another thought: before all of these social media apps, a kid could go home and not take the mean kids at school with her. On social media, they’re with her all day long. Parents have to be keenly observant when kids are entering puberty, going underground with their feelings and becoming experts at masking what they really feel. Psychologist Catherine Steiner-Adair wrote The Big Disconnect: Protecting Childhood and Family Relationships in the Digital Age (Harper; 2014). To counter a teen’s feelings of being “left out” or judged, she says meditation can offer health benefits to help reduce anxiety and depression. But what if your child is experiencing deep stress? Results from the 2017 National Poll on Children’s Health released last April suggest many adults think children today are experiencing worse mental health than when they themselves were young. If you think technology is to blame for making the world faster and meaner, it doesn’t take much to connect the dots for kids. It’s important to work on your connection to them starting from a young age and to keep it going as they grow. This connectivity will help tremendously when the going gets tough in the teen years. “If we have a strong connection with our children, we can help them verbalize what’s going on inside,” Clark says. Stress, in particular, he adds, produces the situations that provoke dangerous thoughts and the word no parent likes to hear — suicide. With the rate of childhood suicides on the rise, the medical community is initiating mental health screenings for kids in school now, but parents must also be on the alert for behavior changes. “Smartphone addiction is becoming recognized as a societal, if not a behavioral, health problem,” says Clark.


Say you have a preschooler and a baby on the way. You love your device, and your toddler loves her iPad. That’s OK, but Clark says you do need to incorporate a sense of mindfulness so you’re not constantly distracted. Your baby and toddler need you. “Mindfulness as a lifestyle decision has been demonstrated to be helpful in coping with stress, and there is evidence to suggest it can also help with depression and anxiety,” Clark adds. That means we need to pay attention. “When we are not mindful with our children, or distracted by digital technology, we do two things,” says Clark. “The first is modeling that distraction is normal, even for the people whom we need to be attentive to. The second is that our children may feel unimportant. Infancy is a crucial time for developing a sense of attachment and stability. It sets the stage for how our children experience relationships in the world,” he adds. So don’t buy in to pop culture’s view that limits are old fashioned or that being authoritative with your children is the wrong way to go. Be the parent, and set clear tech limits for your kids. “Say no to all screens for your child’s first two years, says SteinerAdair. “Everything she needs to grow into what she can be is available from her relationship to you,” she adds. “If we can approach our children with empathy and respect, and can avoid being punitive,” Clark says, “we can often set good limits that help our children grow.” Susan Day is editor of this magazine and mom of four amazing kids.


march 2018 31


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The inside scoop on day-by-day planned activities at residential summer camps!


SLEEP-AWAY CAMPS Eating watermelon, after a “dragon egg treasure hunt at Valley View Ranch camp.


om! Dad! Have you seen the list of all the things I get to do at camp?!” That list of scheduled activities sure is long, and you wonder how they even have time for anything else, but they do. In between all the “elected” activities for the day, overnight camps always find time to add a little something extra special to help kids feel more comfortable while making lasting memories.

CABIN VS. CABIN At overnight summer camp, you’re there for a long time. Some camps offer week-long, two-week-long or three-week long sessions. With so much time away, camps take interest in getting all the campers together for extra activities instead of just keeping them separate and doing their own thing. “Most of our campers say their favorite thing about camp is being a part of their tribe,” says Donna Bares, assistant direc-

tor at Riverview Camp for Girls (riverviewcamp.org) in Mentone, Ala. At Riverview, there are three tribe: Shawnees, Pawnees and Chippewas. Upon arrival at camp, you draw a color stick out of a hat and whichever color it is tells you what tribe you’re in. Once you are placed in a tribe, you are forever in that tribe. So, each time you come back to camp, you’re with your tribe. “As my daughter was growing up, it seemed like everything I bought her had to be blue and white for the Chippewas,” adds Bares. At Riverview, each of the tribes come together for scavenger hunts, swim meets and other friendly competitions. This allows campers the chance to meet a new friend aside from the ones in their own cabin. To make it fun, the camp hides a buffalo

rattle and the tribes try to find it to earn points for their tribe. The tribe with the most points wins the Sequoyah Trophy. It’s just a little different over at Cedar Lake Camp (cedarlakecamp.org) in Livingston, Tenn., but campers are up against each other in friendly competitions, too. However, there can only be one Honor Cabin. Aside from regularly scheduled activities, cabins also do skits together, enjoy night games, a testimony campfire night, a polar bear plunge, special games that are created by the counselor staff and more. If your kids love Minute to Win It, they’ll get to have a chance to play against other cabins with this type of competition game, says Fred Reyes, senior director of camps and recreation at Deer Run Camps & Retreats

Silly antics begin the moment you arrive at Deer Run Camps & Retreats.


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march 2018 33


SLEEP-AWAY CAMP (deerrun.camp) in Thompson’s Station, Tenn. You’ll find kids running about with a red or blue nose at Camp Lake Hubert for Girls (lincolnlakehubert.com) in Lake Hubert, Minn. “The popular camp activity splits our camp into two teams,” says Rachel Brawley of Camp Lake Hubert. “The kids on one team get a red nose painted on while the others get a blue nose. The teams navigate their group to the center of camp without getting tagged by a swiper (camp counselor). If a camper is caught, then the swiper wipes the nose paint off and the camper returns to their home base for new paint.” Other fun things campers do at both Lake Hubert and Camp Lincoln for Boys (which are located across the lake from each other) are cabin skits, dances or even lip sync performances. There’s also the competitive and capture the flag game at both camps, too.

SPECIAL GAMES Campers at Deer Run have a pretty jam-packed schedule, but Reyes says, “We program in a few special items for our campers to make their week of camp a memorable one.” This summer, campers are in for a surprise. “We will have late-night games under the lights on the big field, sprinkle in night hikes (weather permitting) and have impromptu dance parties between activities,” adds Reyes. Last year, Valley View Ranch Equestrian Camp for Girls (valleyviewranch.com) in Cloudland, Ga., introduced the Dinosaur Egg treasure hunt. The camp sets up staff members at various locations along the trails in the woods. Campers go horseback riding on the trails and meet with each stationed staff member. The

34 march 2018

campers are given a question to answer and complete an obstacle. The clue in the answer leads them to the next location and then eventually to the Dragon Egg (a watermelon). This special addition turns a horseback ride into an adventure that requires participation from each person riding. Other fun things that happen at Valley View Ranch are blue-and-gold group games, a camp-wide relay race and more. Camp Lake Hubert and Camp Lincoln offer campers the chance to prepare for a Camp-2-Camp swim. “Campers do a certain amount of laps at the waterfront,” says Brawley. “Those who have completed their laps by the day will swim from one camp across the lake to the other one.” There’s also a Chuck Everett Sr. Sailing Regatta, Fred’s Projectile’s Competition and more between both camps. However, a special treat for campers is the sibling lunch where siblings from the other camp meet up for lunch and games once every two weeks. The campers enjoy showing off big sister or brother and a special bond is created between them. Many camps love to incorporate creative activities that the counselors come up with. “Our counselors come up with activities that are expressions of themselves and sometimes of their countries,” says Ari Farley, assistant camp director and creative director at Cub Creek Science Camp (mosciencecamp.com) in Rolla, Mo. “Last summer, we had two Scottish counselors who taught ‘Ceilidh,’ a Scottish country dance. Our campers gathered in our dining hall after their evening activity to learn from the two counselors. Even if you didn’t want to dance, watching was just as fun.”

“Tribe” members sporting their colors at Riverview Camp for Girls.

These boys show off the flag for being the “Honor Cabin” at Cedar Lake Camp.

Cub Creek counselors also teach wacky water aerobics, morning yoga, star gazing and morning hikes. “We love to give our counselors the chance to share a part of their interests with our campers,” adds Farley.

UNBREAKABLE BONDS Nearly every residential camp conducts an end-of-camp banquet or awards ceremony. “At the end of camp, each ‘tribe’ comes together for a banquet,” says Bares. “The campers are crying and hugging each other because they will miss each other.” Whatever the case may be for the camp that you choose, campers have a last day of camp moment to share with each and everyone at camp. This gives campers a moment to look back


Siblings come together for a special lunch between Camp Lake Hubert for Girls and Camp Lincoln for Boys.

at all the fun they had and the friendships they deepened. Kiera Ashford is associate editor for this publication and mother of three ages 1, 7 and 11.

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Camps, Summer Programs and After-School Activities ACADEMICS Discovery Center at Murfree Springs 502 S.E. Broad Street, Murfreesboro explorethedc.org

in sports, academics, the arts, and technology. Flexible morning and afternoon scheduling allows either whole-day or half-day experiences. After-care provided from 4:00 - 5:00 p.m.


When school is out, camp is in! The Discovery Center incorporates fun, hands-on, inquiry-based learning into all of our camps. Campers are divided into different age groups each with their own Camp Counselor and age-appropriate lessons packed with hands-on games and activities designed to help campers learn, socialize and have fun! Grades K - 4.

Franklin Road Academy Summer Programs 4700 Franklin Road, Nashville fracamps.com • fracamps@franklinroadacademy.com


Whether it’s academic preparation, athletic skills training, arts and crafts, or all of the above, FRA is the place to be for summer fun! A wide variety of camps are offered for all ages (pre-K and up) in academics, arts, enrichments, and sports. Extended morning and afternoon services are available.

The Learning Lab

5500 Maryland Way, Ste. 110, Brentwood 2416 21st Ave. S, Ste. 100, Nashville mylearnlab.com

615-377-2929 615-321-7272

Where 21st century learning and summer fun come together. Our camps provide personalized learning and opportunities for all ages to master any subject at any grade level, along with test and study skills. Students can also choose their own STEAM (science, technology, engineering, art, math) adventures in robotics, 3D printing, coding, pottery, drama, mixed media, Lego design, science experiments and more!

The Tutoring Center

5021 Hughes Crossing, Ste. 160, Franklin franklintn@tutoringcenter.com

Art • Dance • Music Science • Technology Sports • Aeronautics Special Needs and more!


The Tutoring Center works with students grades K - 12 in math, reading, and writing. We work with students on their academic skills and concentration through our patented “Rotational Approach to Learning”. As a company we have a 95% success rate for students advancing an entire grade level in 6 months. Call today for information about our free diagnostic assessment and test consultation.

Vanderbilt Programs for Talented Youth On the Vanderbilt Campus pty.vanderbilt.edu


We believe that providing acceleration as well as challenging, inquiry-based educational opportunities, best serve the intellectual needs of gifted children; that being able to work alongside true academic peers provides a sense of community and belonging that helps to meet the social and emotional needs of gifted children; and that crafting authentic creative learning experiences best allows gifted students to develop their full capacities as thinkers, as problem-solvers and as compassionate people.

ANIMALS, EQUESTRIAN Creekside Riding Academy and Stables 2359 Lewisburg Pike, Franklin


creeksideridingstables.com Where horse lovers come to camp! We focus on safety, proper riding techniques, grooming, care, and tacking horses. All activities are geared to the riders level, ability and age. Campers ride each day in lessons, games on horseback and trail rides. Barn activities include scavenger hunts, horse related arts and crafts, making homemade horse treats and more. Connecting with and caring for these magnificent animals has been shown to give riders confidence in many areas of life!

Cub Creek Science Camp

16795 St. Rt. E, Rolla, MO mosciencecamp.com • office@bearriverranch.com


With 300 animals, a six-element ropes course, archery range, arts studio, and classes in veterinary science, survival skills, and culinary, Cub Creek is the ultimate camp experience. Ages 7 - 17. ACA accredited. Air conditioned facilities. For teens 13 - 18 looking for an adventure, check out Animal Camp Jamaica!

Harris Riding Academy

4024 Barfield Crescent Road, Murfreesboro lessonshra@gmail.com



Lessons, camps, birthday parties and more! Let us take you through the whole horse experience. Programs geared for beginner to show riders, kids to adults, and everything in between. Let us help you achieve your horse dreams. Check us out on Facebook.

Make USN Summer Camps your choice for a fun, enriching experience this summer. Many of our camps are led by USN faculty members who bring their expertise and varied passions to diverse programming

continued on page 39...

University School of Nashville 2000 Edgehill Ave., Nashville usn.org/summer • ganderson@usn.org


february 2018 37

Starts June 4th

Peachtree Farms, LLC

Learning Life’s lessons through horses

Enroll Now for our Summer Camps! Over 50 years of teaching children correct riding skills (control of horse and safety) and basic horsemanship (care and knowledge of the horse) in a safe and fun environment. 615-419-1089 | www.peachtreefarms.com Highway 96 Arrington, TN - East of I-65, South Brentwood - Wilson Pike

This summer, thread your stories together. Register for embroidery and other camps online at watkins.edu


SUMMER CAMP... MINUS THE DIRT & BUGS! March 18_Nashville Parent_1_4.indd 1

2/21/18 1:20 PM



PRE-SCHOOL CAMP (ages 2-5)

JULY 9th-12th JULY 16th-19th JULY 23rd-26th



38 february 2018


Lucky Ladd Farm

4374 Rocky Glade Road, Eagleville luckyladdfarms.com • tours@luckyladdfarms.com


New lower rates! Campers ages 5 - 10 explore the wonder and magic of Lucky Ladd Farms. Our affordable week-long day camps offer wholesome outdoor AG-ventures through old-fashioned learning and play. Activities include working with farm animals, pony rides, gardening, games, crafts, archery, water play, wilderness exploration, and much more. Lunch and snacks included. Extended care available.

Peachtree Farms Equestrian Center 4819 Hwy 96 E, Arrington peachtreefarms.com • polly@peachtreefarms.com

y d i rt Getting kicdes19 sin 30!


Strengthening friendships, impacting lives, and creating memories that will last a lifetime.

Saddle up and ride! Our equestrian camp provides extensive time with horses. Campers learn life skills through caring for and communicating with horses. We teach safe and correct riding skills. Beginner to advanced, English or Western. Half-day camps for ages 4 - 8, full-day for ages 6 and older. After-care is available. Weekly camps in June and July. CHA approved facility and U.S. Pony Club Center. Parent visitation da is Apr. 21.

Valley View Equestrian Camp 606 Valley View Ranch Road, Cloudland, GA valleyviewranch.com

Get the full scoop at:



Horse lovers’ paradise since 1954! A’top Lookout Mountain, for 50 girls ages 8 - 17. One to 9 weeks. 600 acres. English, Western, barrels, vaulting, and trails. CHA instructors teach beginner to advanced riders. Spend 4 - 6 hours daily with your OWN camp horse. The Jones family are third generation horse lovers, camp administrators, and equine educators making girls dreams come true!

ARTS – DANCE Ann Carroll School of Dance

1121 Harpeth Industrial Court, Franklin anncarrollschoolofdance.com • di@anncarrollschoolofdance.com


Ann Carroll School of Dance offers a performing arts camp for ages 2 - 18 yrs. Preschool camps are offered Mon. - Thu. and include ballet, tap, hip-hop, musical theater, and tumbling. Camp for ages 6 - 18 yrs. are offered Mon. - Fri. and consist of dance, acting, and vocal performance.

Artistic Elements

artisticelementsdance.com 615-472-9471

Dance into summer with the go-to dance studio in Williamson County! With 18 different camp options, we have dancing fun for everyone. Half- and full-day camps for beginner to pre-professional dancers ages 3 - 18. Ballet, jazz, tap, hip-hop, contemporary and more. Before- and after-care available.

Cheekwood Botanical Garden and Museum of Art 1200 Forrest Park Drive, Nashville cheekwood.org


Adventure awaits this summer at Nashville’s favorite summer camps. Cheekwood summer camps invite kids of all ages to foster their creativity in the art studios, or get outside and explore the gardens. This year, favorite camps like Clay Fundamentals and Garden Sprouts, are joined by new options like Reduce, Reuse, ReImagine, and Hands-On Mechanics. Full-day pricing now available. Jun. 4 - Aug. 3. Register online.

Dance in Bloom

7982 Coley Davis Road, Nashville danceinbloom.com • info@danceinbloom.com


Located just off 1-40W in Bellevue, Dance in Bloom offers classes for ages 2 and up in the disciplines of ballet, tap, jazz, hip-hop, acro, cheer, improv and comp. Classes are up-beat and fun! Ask about our camps and birthday parties.

The Dancer’s School

2159 N. Thompson Lane, Murfreesboro thedancersschool.com • thedancersschool@live.com

Play It Smart This Summer.


A day program for academically advanced elementary and middle school students.

A residential learning experience for advanced middle and high school students.

Offering weekly sessions in June and July.

Session options and duration vary by grade.

Summer class schedule will be announced on our website on April 2. For schedule, registration, and teacher information please visit our website. Call or email us with questions. Non-competitive studio specializing in technique and presentation. All ages.

Grassland Dance Academy 1111 Battlewood St. , Franklin gdadance.com


Grassland Dance Academy offers a variety of dance classes for all ages and all styles. Dance gives children a creative outlet to enjoy music, learn coordination and rhythm, work on fitness, and most of all, have fun! Ask us about our birthday parties.

ARTS – MUSIC Belmont School of Music 1900 Belmont Ave., Nashville belmont.edu/music


The Belmont University School of Music offers a variety of summer camps. New this year is a program for students with special needs, ages 7 - 12, and a piano camp for students, ages 6 - 12. Visit our website and select Summer Programs. Band, piano, string, and vocal camps are offered for students in grades 9 - 12.

Developing talent in gifted students… and those who work with them pty.vanderbilt.edu


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february 2018 39

Summer Riding Camp Weekly

during June & July!

• Safe Horse Handling • Riding Lessons • Trail Rides • Grooming & Games

CREEKSIDE Riding Academy & Stables

Hwy 431 at Duplex Rd. 2359 Lewisburg Pk. Franklin

615-595-7547 creeksideridingstables.com

The #1 Summer STEM Camp for Ages 7–18 Empower your child to take their STEM skills to the next level. From coding and game development to robotics

Held at 150 prestigious universities

and design, your child will develop in-demand skills

Vanderbilt | University of Memphis Emory | MIT | Harvard | Princeton

and ignite lifelong passions—all within a fun, inclusive environment. Get ready for the best summer ever!


40 february 2018

Get a brochure and find a camp near you! iDTechCamps.com | 1-844-788-1858 nashvilleparent.com

Mobile Music Academy

mmamusic.com • info@mobilemusicacademy.com


Recording Studio Camp: a week-long day camp with limited spots available, 13 - 18 years old. Students are hands-on in the studio. Private Music Lessons: In-home music lessons available for many instruments and voice. A La Carte Music Classes: Have a small group that wants a specific class? We can create that for you! Voted #1 for music instruction!

Songwriting Camp – Country Music Hall of Fame and Museum 222 5th Ave. S, Nashville countrymusichalloffame.org/songwritingcamp


Aspiring songwriters can hone their craft, learn from professionals, and make new friends. Camp includes one-on-one mentoring sessions, instrument instruction, performance coaching, demo recording, workshops led by special guests, and more. Campers enjoy unlimited access to the museum galleries, participate in a group recording session at historic RCA Studio B and present a showcase on the final day.

ARTS – THEATER Expression City Arts and Fitness 1724-A Gen. George Patton Drive, Brentwood expressioncity.com • allison@expressioncity.com


The mission of Expression City is to offer creative expression, arts education and community service. Interdisciplinary programs feature cross-training in circus, music, dance, art, acting, improv and artistic professional development. Expression City Arts and Fitness provides a home for students and professionals to grow as artists and as individuals who use their talents to positively impact their community.

French Woods Festival of the Performing Arts Hancock, NY frenchwoods.com • admin@frenchwoods.com


French Woods offers summer camp programs in dance, theater, music, circus, magic, visual arts, film and video, sports, tennis, fitness, waterfront, skate board, rock and roll and horseback riding. We cater to children from 7 - 17 yrs. Younger campers have more guidance and supervision, while older campers are able to take on some responsibility and have a chance to work in the areas of their interest.

Nashville Children’s Theatre 25 Middleton St., Nashville nashvillechildrenstheatre.org


Nashville Children’s Theatre’s camps and classes have taught generations of Nashvillians. Whether your child wants to play while pretending, be creative with new friends, or develop serious theatre skills, NCT has the right fit for ages 4 - 18. Most camps conclude with a sharing for family and friends.

ARTS – VISUAL Little Art House

2104 Acklen Ave, Nashville littlearthousenashville.com


Locally owned by two sisters who are licensed and experienced art teachers, Little Art House supports education as well as offering encouragement and confidence in art making for all ages. Join them at their studio in Hillsboro Village for school break camps, classes for the littlest artists, and adult offerings throughout Spring and Summer 2018!

Watkins College of Art

2298 Rosa L. Parks Blvd., Nashville watkins.edu/community-education-watkins

Funtastic Summer Camp Where camp is fun & Christ is #1!

May 21-Aug 9 Ages 3-12


Trampoline Fun Arts & Crafts Rocket Blaster Pizza Party Star Castle Zip Line Rock Wall Climb

As the world becomes ever more dependent on creative minds, now is the time for your child to take on a creative challenge and develop those skills. Watkins Summer Camp participants learn to think and follow through on an idea, to accept and integrate feedback, and to see the world through more innovative and richer lenses. Best of all, they have terrific fun while they’re learning, growing, and creating.

FITNESS/SPORTS Adventure Works

4129 Whites Creek Pike, Whites Creek 1300 Narrows of the Harpeth Road, Kingston Springs adventureworks.com

615-297-2250 615-297-2250

In 1987 we started creating adventures that would connect and inspire teams. We’ve expanded to include adventures for everyone. Join us as we strive to do good, work smart, live well, and laugh often through all of our adventures!

Bill Taylor’s Bushido School of Karate 1911 Business Campus Drive, Murfreesboro 1820 NW Broad St., Murfreesboro bskonline.com • bushido96@aol.com

615-890-6755 615-893-6003

Let martial arts take your kids to new heights! Bill Taylor’s Bushido School of Karate offers programs in traditional karate from age 3 - adult. Call now to find out how to get one month free with uniform.


Summer Camp T-shirt with coupon! Must present coupon. Expires June 1, 2018

American Ninja Warrior Obstacles Call for our summer schedule of gymnastics classes for ages 12 mos. and up

Sign up for 8 days and receive the 9th day FREE! Must present coupon. Expires June 1, 2018

continued on page 43...


Volley Ball Basketball Gymnastics Floor Hockey Warped Wall Indoor Games Outdoor Games

369-3547 NOW Cool Springs 1892 Gen. George Patton Franklin, TN

lisgym.com february 2018 41

Dance into

SUMMER beginner to pre-professional

summer camps

BELMONT UNIVERSITY 615.472.9471 @artisticelementsdance


summer camps at currey ingram academy

Full-day camp experience with “make-your-ownmorning� elective choices and fun weekly themes. Camps offered to students in rising grades K-6 through June and July.

Learn more at

www.curreyingramcamps.org 42 february 2018


British Swim School

britishswimschool.com/williamson-smyrna 615-212-2010 goswimwilliamsonsmyrna@britishswimschool.com

Nashville’s newest swim school is now open in Franklin with the mission of making sure that every child has the opportunity to become a safe and happy swimmer. Register now for the parent-trusted and kidapproved safety-first swim lessons. Classes start at 3 mos. and take place in a heated indoor pool. Call or visit our website to register today!

Camp Vandy - Vanderbilt Recreation and Wellness Center 2700 Children’s Way, Nashville vanderbilt.edu/campvandy • campvandy@vanderbilt.edu


Camp Vandy is the Rec’s summer day camp for ages 5 - 13. Theme weeks, including Game Show, Vandy Olympics, and Island Paradise promote active programming where campers learn lifelong skills and stay fit. Campers climb the rock wall, swim in the pool, play field games, go bowling, participate in fitness classes, build arts and crafts, and much more! Before- and after-care are available. See you at the Rec!

David Deaton Karate

Brentwood 615-377-1100 Hendersonville 615-824-9111 Lebanon 615-547-1754 Mt. Juliet 615-754-6878 daviddeaton.com

Voted the #1 martial arts school in Williamson, Sumner and Wilson counties for 10 years in a row. With more than four decades of experience, students are taught how to handle emergency situations, to be healthy through exercise and to practice self-discipline with a confident, respectful attitude. Classes are for ages 4 - adult.

E.T.C. Gymnastics

1137 Haley Road, Murfreesboro 1932 Almaville Road, Smyrna etcgymnastics.com • coachken@etcgymnastics.com

615-867-6900 615-617-7644

Visit CAMPINVENTION.ORG by MARCH 23 to secure your spot and

SAVE $25

E.T.C. Gymnastics is dedicated to bringing a new standard of excellence in gymnastics through Him. We offer classes in gymnastics for boys and girls ages 2 years and older. We also offer cheerleading and tumbling, as well as competitive teams. Call and ask about our free trial class. We also do parties, field trips and parents’ nights out.

Harvest Martial Arts

595 Hillsboro Road, Ste. 337, Franklin harvestmartialarts@gmail.com

Promo Code: RegCamp25


Harvest Martial Arts is a traditional martial arts school that teaches Han Mu Do and fitness classes to both adults and kids. We have a broad range of classes and a very accessible schedule to make sure that you can attend our martial arts classes at the most convenient time. We are located in Historic Downtown Franklin.

1892 Gen.George Patton Drive, Franklin lisgym.com • gyminfo@letitshinegym.com


We offer a super FUNTASTIC summer camp for ages 3 - 12. Camp is from 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. with extended care available from 7:30 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. Kids will have a FUNTASTIC time on our trampolines, zipline, rocket blaster, star castle, rock wall, volley ball, basketball, floor hockey, swimming, and gymnastics.


Mountain Bike Camp

ades K –6

Deep Well Trailhead, Percy Warner Park, Nashville 615-856-4772 campwarnerpark.com/mountain-bike-camp • info@leadershipacademyllc.com



Is your teen ready to hit the trail? Our mountain bike camp is a great way for ages 11 - 15 yrs. to enjoy nature and improve their skills. Riders learn bike maintenance, bike set-up and a variety of riding techniques to help them get the most out of their time on the bike. Camp inludes cycling activities that provide practical ways to apply important STEM concepts. Fun and challenging for beginner to advanced riders.

Music City Archery

1113 Murfreesboro Road, Ste. 205, Franklin musiccityarchery.com

122 Wheeler St., La Vergne musiccitygym.com • info@musiccitygym.com

me Two RO



Whether it’s enjoying time with friends or improving your archery skills, we offer something for everyone at our indoor range and USA Archery club. Register on our website for fall classes! We offer group lessons for all ages and skill levels. These lessons include one hour of instruction by our USA Archery certified coaches with all equipment provided.

Music City Gymnastics



Let it Shine Gymnastics


MCGC provides high-quality instruction at an affordable price in gymnastics, cheerleading and tumbling for girls and boys ages 3 years and older. We offer special activities including Parents’ Night Out, open gym, clinics, summer camps and birthday parties. Call or email for your free trial and ask about registration discounts.





Led by local educators 1,500+ Summer Programs Nationwide! In Partnership with the United States Patent and Trademark Office

continued on page 45...


february 2018 43

Summer 2018

vator... Be An Inno Game! Change the #1

Tech Camp!

Summer at usn

university school of nashville summer camps 2018

Award-Winning Summer Camps! 35+ Majors & Minors In Technology

June 4th - July 27th ~ Register for 1+ Weeks! Ages 7-14

usn.org/ summer

(615) 535-9696


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For more information and to register, log on to www.montgomerybell.edu/camps

44 february 2018


Music City Indoor Karting

400 Davidson St., Nashville musiccityindoorkarting.com • sales@musiccityindoorkarting.com




Campers experience the thrill of indoor kart racing. The program features lots of racing with only other campers on the track, classroom sessions to develop racing skills, track safety briefing and basic kart operations. Instructors teach campers how to drive safely and follow their progress. Activities include kart care and maintenance, make and race your own pinewood derby car, games, mini golf, inflatables, and more!

My Gym

330 Franklin Road, Brentwood my-gym.com/brentwood


Ages 5-13 years June 4th - August 3rd

We build strong, healthy bodies through tumbling, relays, music and gymnastics. High-energy, structured classes improve balance, agility and build self-confidence. Our immaculate facilities and low studentteacher ratios help children 3 mos. - 13 yrs. develop excellent fitness habits in a non-competitive way.

Nashville Sail Camp

Harbor Island Yacht Club and Percy Priest Yacht Club nashvillesailcamp.com • info@leadershipacademyllc.com



Nashville Sail Camp is a learn to sail camp for beginner sailors. Qualified instructors teach boating safety, points of sail, boat parts, rigging, and basic maneuvering. This camp offers a week-long basic level of sailing, focusing on the fundamentals while having a great time on the water. Part of the course is on the water and part of the course on shore. Course curriculum will be based on US Sailing Level 1 instruction.

One Goal Sports

Murfreesboro 615-896-7309 onegoalsports.net • admin@onegoalsports.net

A non-profit, community-based sports league existing to provide quality sports programming for families in a fun, Christian environment. Now registering for spring soccer, summer t-ball, summer coach pitch, summer flag football and others. Visit our website for more information.

Vanderbilt Athletics Youth Camps

Soccer: vandysoccercamps.com • andrea.bigler@vanderbilt.edu



Vanderbilt Soccer Youth Summer Day Camps are designed for all levels who want to learn and improve their fundamental soccer skills in a fun and encouraging environment. Jun. 4 - 8, 11 - 15 and 18 - 22. Ages 5 - 13.


Lacrosse: vucommodores.com/sports/w-lacros/spec-rel/w-lacros-camp.htm lisa.gracey@vanderbilt.edu 615-343-5341

The Vanderbilt Elite Lacrosse Camp offers a premier experience for players to take their came to the next level. Jul. 9 - 11. Ages 12 - 18.

Yong In Martial Arts

330 Franklin Road, Brentwood 1031 Riverside Drive, Ste. K, Franklin taekwondobrentwood.com


615-370-1117 615-591-3373


We are dedicated to teaching the swift and accurate motions in self-defense using martial arts styles and forms. These include Hapkido, Tae Kwon Do, Karate and Martial Arts Sparring. We were rated the number one martial arts academy in Nashville because we have the most skilled and professional instructors. Over 35 years of experience. Call today or come by our studio.

FLIGHT MTSU Aerospace Department

1301 E. Main St., Murfreesboro mtsu.edu/aerospace • marylou.cornett@mtsu.edu


The MTSU Aerospace Department offers a one week Introduction to Aviation day camp, designed for students rising grades 8 - 12 to explore a variety of aviation career fields including flight, maintenance, technology, air traffic control and unmanned aerial systems. Activities are hands-on and include a flight in a training aircraft.


Nashville Flight Training


801 Hangar Lane, Hangar 7, Nashville 615-366-9192 nashvilleflighttraining.com/nashville-pilot-camp • info@nashvilleflighttraining.com

Specially designed for ages 13 - 18, Nashville Pilot Camp offers the opportunity to find out what it really takes to learn to fly. During our one week summer camp, students will learn through hands-on participation as they gain valuable aviation experience and meet like minded aviation enthusiasts their own age. Every participant receives up to two full hours of FAA-certified flight instruction in an actual airplane, one hour of flight training in an FAA certified flight simulator, as well as books, maps, and a camp t-shirt.

Field House Play Games Obstacle Courses Bounce Houses Swimming

Gymnastics & Tumbling Arts & Crafts Water Slides Special Guests Weekly and much more!

AGES 3-4 | 9a - 1p

AGES 5-12 | 9a - 3p

NATURE Dauphin Island Sea Lab

101 Bienville Blvd., Dauphin Island​, AL disl.org/dhp/summer


​​ Dauphin Island Sea Lab offers hands-on adventures with the best educational staff around. Day camps, overnight camps, and educator workshops introduce all ages to coastal Alabama habitats from the beautiful bay, to the fascinating marshes, and Dauphin Island’s sunny beaches. See and do new things at the Dauphin Island Sea Lab.

BEFORE AND AFTER CARE AVAILABLE! 615-352-8533 | info@boostgymnastics.com | 11 Vaughns Gap Rd. Nashville, TN

continued on page 47...


february 2018 45


A Tradition of Faith, Knowledge, Service fath erryan.org/summercam ps

NOW ENROLLING! art music football drama dance soccer cheer hockey swimming cooking gaming science baseball volleyball Pope John Paul II High School

REGISTER ONLINE www.jp2hs.org

kn i gh ts.offi c e@l ca kn i gh ts.c om or 615 .22 3.0 45 1

Explore a variety of programs designed to engage girls in ACADEMICS, ARTS AND ATHLETICS.

Oak Hill School’s

summer program

Summer Plans MAKE YOUR


Rising PreK - 6th Grade Boys & Girls

HarpethHall.org 3801 Hobbs Road • Nashville, TN 37215 • 615.297.9543

46 february 2018



Great Smoky Mountains Institute at Tremont 9275 Tremont Road, Townsend gsmit.org • jenjones@gsmit.org


50 + CA MP S & WOR K S HOP S P S -1 2

Tremont Institute offers summer youth programs that foster an understanding of the beautiful Smoky Mountains and encourage a lifelong appreciation of the environment. Imagine splashing around in a cold mountain stream, climbing ridges to an unbelievable view, or choosing from a variety of activities to discover nature through hands-on explorations.

GROW Enrichment Camp

Two Rivers Park, Nashville 615-856-4772 leadershipacademyllc.com/grow-enrichment-camp • info@leadershipacademyllc.com

GROW Enrichment Camp is the perfect place for kids to get outdoors in the summer and experience a wide range of natural habitats! In fact, our camps are entirely outdoors! Your child will hike, explore nature, meet wildlife, and enjoy unstructured playtime all while learning basic principals of urban conservation. Located at Two Rivers Park. Ages 6 - 12.


Multiple Locations campinvention.org • campinvention@invent.org

cpalions.org/ventures BEFOR E CAR E AVAI LABLE / 8 - 9 A .M .


Our all-new summer program, Fast Forward, allows children grades K - 6 to create a vehicle of the future, design a mechanical robot dog, and build futuristic dream homes. Local educators lead the week of fun, hands-on, STEM activities that encourage children to think big, explore their curiosity, and never give up! Call or visit our website to register. Use promo code RegCamp25 to save $25 (expires 3/23) and RegCamp15 to save $15 (expires 5/4).

Camp Rock Zone

11902 Lebanon Road, Mt. Juliet camprockzone.com • contact@rockzonemusic.com


Camp Rock Zone® is hosting it’s annual S.T.E.A.M. themed summer camp experience. Perfect for kid imagineers ages 7 - 11 who love Minecraft, Legos, robotics, space and music. Weekly sessions available all June and July. Attend one week or the whole summer. Before- and after-care available.

Camp Tech R3volution (Lavner Camps)

Camps held at Vanderbilt, 2201 West End Ave., Nashville 610-664-8803 lavnercampsandprograms.com • justin@lavnercampsandprograms.com

Award-winning Camp Tech R3volution is your Next Generation Tech Camp! 35+ majors/minors in robotics with EV3/artificial intelligence/Vex, game design, Python, Java, VR, Minecraft™, Spy Tech, sports analytics, film production for YouTube, digital music making, and more. Jun. 4 - Jul. 7. Ages 7 - 14.

iD Tech Camps

Camps held at Vanderbilt University idtech.com • info@idtech


Let your child design video games, code the next big app, or discover encryption and cyber security. At iD Tech summer programs, students explore top campuses, create impressive projects, and build skills that last long after summer. Whether you attend one session or come back every season, your tech pathway starts here.

Kids 4 Coding Tech Camps Camps held at Belmont University kids4coding.com • info@kids4coding.com


Award-winng camps for ages 7 - 16. Voted one of Atlanta’s top 10 Most Innovative Young Tech Startups (Microsoft Azure 2015). This summer, students can learn to code games, robots, drones, musical compositions and even build their own laptops (to keep!). Half- and full-day programs. Weeklong sessions are supervised by certified teachers and taught by experienced instructors. Jun. 4 - Jul. 20.

Lipscomb University/Nissan BisonBot Camps One University Park Drive, Nashville robotics@lipscomb.edu

For every kid who just can’t resist dismantling the toaster, the Lipscomb University/Nissan BisonBot Robotic Summer Camp will be the highlight of their summer. All camps will be held in the Hughes Center engineering facility on the Lipscomb campus. For grades K - 12. Camps for beginners to advanced.

Mr. Bond’s Science Guys

mrbondscienceguy.com 615-573-2702

We have devoted over 20 years to inspiring kids to love science via our inspirational hands-on demonstrations that make science fun, cool and easy! Our uncanny crowd control makes us a favorite at special events including birthday parties, in-school field trips, assemblies, fairs and festivals, and library shows. Anywhere there are children hungry for fun and learning, The Science Guys will be there to help!

Robotix Institute

1550 West McEwen Drive, Ste. 300, Franklin robotixinstitute.net


We offer a variety of robotics lessons, customized for individual students. We provide structured robotics education for those interested in STEM curriculum. We offer Lego robotics for elementary/middle school students and VEX program for middle and high school students. Our curriculum is based on Carnagie Mellon’s Robomatter, the leaders in Robotics education. Camps in June and July.



continued on page 49...


february 2018 47

T e n ne ss ee JTennessee ay ce e FouJaycee n d at io n Foundation


Everyone Deserves a Chance to Go to Camp, Regardless Ability! is a specially deCamp of Discovery

Marine Science Course for High School Students

Camp Discovery signed is a specially designed summer camp for summer camp for individuals individuals ages 7 and up with Special Needs.Needs. ages 7 and up with Special

June 10 July 6, 2018 Immerse yourself in the world of marine science. Learn by doing - in the field, in the lab, and on the boat

More Information Visit Our Website At:

Connect with DISL researchers, aquarists, and faculty

www.jayceecamp.org Or Contact: Chester Lowe: 615-504-1727

For more information visit our website

Live at the Dauphin Island Sea Lab


For current 9th through 12th graders

or call

Chester Lowe at 615-504-1727

Learn more at disl.org/dhp/summer or call 251-861-2141 x7515 or email DHPSummer@disl.org.

Earn science credit

OAK HILL DAY CAMP Beyond Belief The Universe of God

Summer Camp 2018

Call (615) 298-9583 or visit rec.fpcnashville.org/o-h-day-camp/ to register. 48 february 2018


ScienceQuest Camps at Adventure Science Center 800 Ft. Negley Blvd., Nashville adventuresci.org/camps • camps@adventuresci.org


Learn, explore and discover at Adventure Science Center’s ScienceQuest Camps! Students entering kindergarten - grade 6 can enjoy exciting science enrichment programs that encourage them to actively discover and examine new concepts at one of Nashville’s most iconic attractions. Special programs are available for rising grades 7 - 9.

Camp Juliette Low On Lookout Mountain in Cloudland, GA CJL is an independent,


residential summer camp

Camp Discovery

400 Camp Discovery Lane, Gainesboro jayceecamp.org

for girls ages 7-17.


1 & 2 week sessions

Camp Discovery is a specially designed summer camp for mentally and physically challenged individuals. We have been offering this experience since 1983, which includes a quadriplegic pool, fishing, music, arts and crafts, hiking and many more activities, specially designed for our guests. Located on the Cordell Hull Lake in Gainesboro, on 186 acres of rolling countryside.

TRADITIONAL CAMPS Battle Ground Academy

336 Ernest Rice Lane, Franklin bgacamps.com • bgacamps@mybga.org


BGA has summer camps for every interest and age this summer! Whether your child is interested in learning to build robots, fly drones, or bake culinary masterpieces, our camps are designed to nurture curiosity. We also offer athletic camps for all ages and sports including football, baseball, softball, basketball, cheerleading, soccer, tennis and volleyball. Ages 3 and up. Camps run from Jun. 4 - Jul. 27. Full-day and half-day camps are available. Early-, after- and between-care available.

June 3—July 28, 2018

     


 Ropes course  Climbing wall  Pottery/crafts  Fire-building  Platform tents 

Canoeing Sailing Archery Pool Hiking Drama

Camp Beech Creek at Currey Ingram Academy 6544 Murray Lane, Brentwood curreyingramcamps.org


Beech Creek Camp at Currey Ingram Academy offers full-day fun experiences on an 83 acre campus in Brentwood featuring nature trails, creek, sports fields, and creative indoor spaces. Children ages rising K - grade 6 will enjoy “make-your-own-morning” elective choices and weekly themes.

Camp Bells Bend Beaman

4187 Old Hickory Blvd, Nashville campbellsbendbeaman.com • info@leadershipacademyllc.com


www.CJL.org Preparing Girls for Confident Living and Leadership Since 1922

Experience two of Nashville’s Metro parks in one camp! Camp Bells Bend and Beaman provides outdoor adventures for children ages 6 - 12. Day campers are grouped with well-trained, energetic, and caring counselors who will foster a sense of appreciation of the parks and the outdoors. Let the adventure begin! Mon. - Wed. at Bells Bend Outdoor Center, Thu. and Fri. at Beaman Park Nature Center.

Camp Cedar Cliff

5 Porters Cove Road, Asheville, NC campcedarcliff.org


Building authentic Christ-followers through community, worship, biblical teaching, and outdoor recreation in the camp setting. That youth would be transformed into authentic followers of Christ, marked by a desire to serve others in his name and live godly lives, while using the scriptures to this end.

Camp Crusader - Hendersonville Christian Academy 355 Old Shackle Island Road, Hendersonville crusaderkidscom • info@hcacrusaders.com


Parents appreciate our pay-by-the-day plan. There is no need to commit to full weeks during the summer. We provide a clean t-shirt each day and clean towels on pool days. Lunch and snacks are included in the daily rate. Campers take fun field trips every day.

Camp Davis, Gordon JCC

801 Percy Warner Blvd., Nashville campdavisnashville.com • jack@nashvillejcc.org


The ultimate summer day camp for Nashville and Middle Tennessee. A back-to-basics curriculum of sports, art, music, and nature serves as our foundation. At Camp Davis we are more than a camp, we are a family – teaching values of compassion and respect. Camp Davis ... getting kids dirty since 1930!

Camp JPII (Pope John Paul II High School) 117 Caldwell Drive, Hendersonville camp@jp2hs.org

321 Camp Juliette Low Road, Cloudland, GA cjl.org • info@cjl.org

SUMMER PROGRAMS With options in the arts, academics, athletics, and more. Open to all children in grades PreK through 8.

615-822-2375 ext. 4037

Camp JPII offers exciting camps for ages 5 - 18 during the month of June, including academic, sports, and artistic camps. With early drop off, after care, weekly lunch plans, state-of-the-art facilities, and amazing teachers, Camp JPII is a fun, easy, and educational way to enjoy the summer.

Camp Juliette Low



Platform tents, outdoor adventure, traditional camping, fun and friendship – located on Lookout Mountain in Cloudland, Georgia, Camp Juliette Low is an independent, residential summer camp for girls ages 7 - 17 that fosters self-confidence, independence, teamwork, and leadership. One- and two-week sessions. Preparing girls for confident living and leadership since 1922.



continued on page 51...


february 2018 49

at Lipscomb Academy Camps for Pre-K through 12th grade.



Live and Learn inside Great Smoky Mountains National Park

The prestige of a University, the feel of family.

Residential Summer Camps Ages 4-17 Programs for adults and families too!


Visit gsmit.org for more info and to register.

50 february 2018


Camp Lincoln for Boys and Camp Lake Hubert for Girls 23416 Camp Lincoln Road, Lake Hubert, MN lincoln-lakehubert.com


For over 100 years, Camp Lincoln for Boys and Camp Lake Hubert for Girls have excelled in providing a traditional sleep-away adventure. With top-of-the-line activities and instruction, our family-run camps offer the perfect playground for skill-building, fostering emotional growth, and just having a blast.

Camp Warner Park

7199 Hwy 100, Nashville campwarnerpark.com • info@leadershipacademyllc.com


Summer is better in Nashville’s largest Metro park! Camp Warner Park connects children with nature through outdoor learning and play. Day campers will be grouped with qualified, energetic, and passionate counselors who will foster a sense of appreciation of the parks and the outdoors. For children ages 6 - 12. Let the adventure begin!

Camp Y.I.

599 Jones Mill Road, La Vergne campyi.org


Camp Y.I. is situated on a peninsula overlooking Percy Priest Lake. Our 175 acres provides an outdoor playground for boys and girls ages 7 - 14 (overnight campers) and ages 6 - 10 (day campers). Activities include horseback riding, swimming pool, lake activities, high ropes and a climbing tower.

Christ Presbyterian Academy 2323 - A Old Hickory Blvd., Nashville cpalions.org • camps@cpalions.org


CPA offers 50+ camps and workshops for preschool - grade 12. Campers will enjoy a variety of camps including sports, arts, science, robotics and so much more! There are camps to meet any interest and schedule, with multiple camps offered weekly. Early Bird Pricing good through May 31.

Deer Run Camps & Retreats – Overnight Camps 3845 Perkins Road, Thompson’s Station deerrun.camp/camps • contact@deerrun.camp


Age-graded 1-week (grades 3 - 12) and 2-week (ages 12 - 15) co-ed camps. Campers experience fun adventures, grow in their faith and forge friendships through reduced distractions and no technology. Zip lines, giant swing, paintball, archery tag, climbing tower and lake activities: waterslide, swimming, kayaking, aqua park and more. Campers choose one track to develop skills.

Deer Run Camps & Retreats – Day Camps 3845 Perkins Road, Thompson’s Station deerrun.camp/camps • contact@deerrun.camp


Age-graded small groups. Day Camps: 5 yrs. - grade 5. Adventure Day Camps: grades 6 - 8. Bus transportation. Extended care. Fun adventures. New friendships. No technology. Lake activities, pedal karts, obstacle course, games, archery, crafts, climbing tower, creek wading, songs, Bible study and more. Adventure Camps also include survival skills: shelter building, fire starting, knot tying, navigation, lashing and more.

Deer Run Camps & Retreats – Family Camps 3845 Perkins Road, Thompson’s Station deerrun.camp/camps • contact@deerrun.camp


A life-changing, everything-planned-for-you, vacation experience! Week-long summer camps or 3-night Labor Day Weekend. An opportunity to create long-lasting memories, experience the outdoors and strengthen relationships. Your family has a personal, college-age assistant who helps as needed with your kids. Recreation, family challenges, games, outdoor movie night, wagon rides, crafts, family devotions and more.

Father Ryan High School

700 Norwood Drive, Nashville 615-383-4200 fatherryan.org/page/athletics/summer-camps • summer@fatherryan.org

The fun doesn’t stop during the summer at Father Ryan! Our courts, fields, stages and classrooms are alive with pulse-pounding action in our highly sought-after camps. From football to dance to dodgeball to art, we have something for all interests, abilities and ages. All camps are held on the Father Ryan campus and are conducted by the Irish’s impressive lineup of championship coaches, trainers and teachers.

Harding Academy Summer Programs 170 Windsor Drive, Nashville hardingacademy.org


Harding offers week-long day camps for children preK - grade 8. Camp offerings include theme days, storytelling, music, creative movement, math, science and language arts enrichment, water days, arts and crafts, indoor and outdoor play, and technology. Our popular athletic camps include volleyball, basketball, football, lacrosse, and soccer. All skill levels welcome.

continued on page 53...


february 2018 51


Christian School And Preschool

Horton Haven Christian Camp Boys and Girls ages 8-18

K2 - 12th Grade Fully Accredited College Preparatory

Summer camps include: Daily camp, athletics, fine arts, & more! Call 615.331.6286 www.golcslions.org Making Private, Christian Education Affordable Lighthouse Christian School, Antioch, TN



Mtn Biking

is open!


Space is limited


for grades


Building Leaders for Tomorrow... since 1945


• Horseback riding • Swimming Pool • Lake activities • High Ropes • Climbing Tower and more!

Bible Lessons

Camp Y.I. Overnight & Day Camp LaVergne, TN • www.campyi.org


2nd thru 8th


Climbing Walls

Conveniently located 1 hour south of Nashville

(931) 364-7656 hortonhaven.org

Imagine the Perfect day...campers have the chance to splash in a creek, climb up a tree, play in the dirt, get up close and personal to animals, create something beautiful, build friendships and make memories. Give them MORE of what summer should be. Join us for our 46th summer and see what everyone is talking about! camp@whippoorwill.com • www.whippoorwill.com 7840 Whippoorwill Lane • Fairview, TN 37062 • 615-799-9925




52 february 2018




Harpeth Hall School 3801 Hobbs Road, Nashville harpethhall.org


Artist. Athlete. Actor. Astronaut. No matter what a girl aspires to be, she can live her dreams at Harpeth Hall this summer. Girls from preK - grade 12 can spend one or two weeks uncovering artistic talents, perfecting athletic skills, exploring science in-depth and just plain having fun. Registration for summer camp programs is now open. Learn more on our website. Harpeth Hall is where girls dream big and go far!

Historic Travellers Rest

636 Farrell Pkwy, Nashville travellersrestplantation.org • tonyas@historictravellersrest.org

Hendersonville Christian Academy


June 4 to July 27th th

Kofnights the

Round Table at Camp Crusader

Ages 5 to 12


Our summer camps have been making history for over 20 years! One of Nashville’s best-kept secrets, our award-winning day camps make history an adventure. From exploring History’s Mysteries to Tennessee Tales, The War of 1812 to The Civil War... you and your camper will be amazed at how fun history can be.

Horton Haven Christian Camp 3711 Reed Harris Road, Chapel Hill hortonhaven.org


Conveniently located in Hendersonville.

Just one hour south of Nashville offering overnight and day camps. Overnight campers experience archery, air rifles, climbing, horseback riding, canoeing, crafts, mountain biking, swimming, and more. Teens can try our 45 ft. high, 600 ft. long zip line. One-week sessions, ages 8 - 11, 12 - 14, and 15 - 18. Day campers enjoy games, crafts, bible lessons, swimming, and more.

Indian Creek Camp

150 Cabin Circle Drive, Liberty indiancreekcamp.com • icc@kytn.net


Indian Creek Camp is a Christian, co-ed, overnight, ACA accredited camp for ages 7 - 17. It also offers an all-inclusive family camp summer vacation. Week-long affordable fun! Activities include horseback riding, water skiing, canoeing, archery, ceramics, mountain biking, swimming lessons, a nature center, and more.

Lancaster Christian Academy

150 Soccer Way, Smyrna lancasterchristianacademy.org • knights.office@lcaknights.com


Lancaster Christian Academy offers a summer day camp for grades K - 6. Campers will enjoy two fun, exciting field trips each week along with camper’s choice of specialty camp. Camps include: art, baseball, cheer, cooking, dance, drama, football, gaming, hockey, music, science, soccer, swimming and volleyball.

Lipscomb Academy Summer Experience 4517 Granny White Pke, Nashville summerexperience.org


We are excited to invite your child to participate in one of the 70 camps for PreK - grade 12 students. Along with athletics and fine arts your child can participate in STEM-based camps including drone flying, robotics and more! The Lipscomb University College of Entertainment and Arts offers a variety of high-quality camps led by award-winning directors, Disney animators and broadway performers.

Montgomery Bell Academy – Summer @ MBA 4001 Harding Pike, Nashville, TN montgomerybell.edu/camps


More than 100 sports, enrichment and academic camps and classes allow rising first graders to high school boys and girls to fill their summer with activities. Offerings include sports, outdoor adventure, art, leadership, study skills, science, crafts and computer. MBA faculty, staff and students work with campers, providing families a glimpse of the MBA community. Visit our web site and click on the Camps tab.

Oak Hill Day Camp

4815 Franklin Pike, Nashville fpcnashville.org


OHDC constantly strives to meet the physical, emotional, and spiritual needs of the whole family. To that end, 2018 brings changes to our overall structure with availability more appropriate for working parents and programs facilitating both fun and growth while maintaining our core values: faith, friendship, tradition, service, and respect.

Providence Christian Academy Summer Camps 410 Dejarnett Lane, Murfreesboro providencechristian.com • camps@providencechristian.com


Register now for PCA Summer Camps! A variety of half- and full-day camp offerings from athletics to arts to robotics for students entering grades K - 8. For PCA Summer Camp schedules and registration information, visit our website or send us an email with any questions.

Riverview Camp for Girls

757 CR 614, Mentone, AL riverviewcamp.com • info@riverviewcamp.com


Voted best sleep-away camp more than six times in the Best of Parenting reader’s poll. One- and twoweek sessions. Ages 6 - 16. Member of Christian Camping International and accredited by AEE and ACA. Traditional camp activities. Facilities include a heated pool, tennis courts, climbing tower, horseback riding, bathrooms and showers in all cabins. Campers select six activities daily. 5:1 camper-to-counselor ratio.


continued on page 54...


february 2018 53

Teen Leadership Adventure

4187 Old Hickory Blvd, Nashville 615-856-4772 leadershipacademyllc.com/teen-leadership-adventure • info@leadershipacademyllc.com

Most teens will tell you their life is full of challenges: making good grades, meeting new people, and facing lots of changes and transitions. But when was the last time your teen had the opportunity for adventure? Leadership Academy has the answer with our Teen Leadership Adventure camp that gives rising grades 7 - 10 the chance to experience the beauty of nature and programs to develop their leadership skills.

Under The Oaks Summer Program

4815 Franklin Road, Nashville oakhillschool.org/undertheoaks • undertheoaks@oakhillschool.org


Come play, learn and create this summer with Under the Oaks at Oak Hill School. We offer more than 75 programs geared toward kids, PreK (4 yrs) - rising grade 6, with varying interests. Our academic, athletic and enrichment programs provide a unique summer experience and the opportunity to make life-long memories. Sessions begin the week of June 4 and run through July 13.

Victory Ranch

4330 Mecklinburg Drive, Bolivar victoryranch.org • smith@victoryranch.org


Christian (non-denominational), co-ed residential camp featuring one of the best facilities in the nation including an incredible outdoor adventure course, 20-stall barn, water activities and much more all on 500 beautiful acres. All lodges are air-conditioned and incredibly comfortable. Camp staff hand-selected with a ratio of 3:1. Campers are loved, nurtured, challenged and have the time of their lives. Space is limited.

The Webb School Summer Day Camp 319 Webb Road East, Bell Buckle thewebbschool.com/academics/summer-program


The Webb School’s Summer Day Camp for rising grades 4 - 8 focuses on engineering, robotics, art, sports and outdoor adventure. The class schedule runs from 8 a.m. - 3:30 p.m., Monday through Friday. Camps are week-long and run from Jun. 11 - Jun. 29. Bus service is available from Murfreesboro and Tullahoma. Lunch is provided. Come for one week, or sign up for all three!

WeHaKee Camp for Girls N8104 Barker Lake Road, Winter, WI wehakeecampforgirls.com


The all girls summer camp experience you’ve always dreamed of! Come join us this summer and find out just how much fun discovering yourself at cam can be.

Whippoorwill Farm Day Camp 7840 Whippoorwill Lane, Fairview whippoorwill.com • camp@whippoorwill.com


Celebrating 45 years of fun on the farm. Located in beautiful Williamson County, campers choose how they spend their day. Activities include swimming, rope activities, archery, gardening, kayaking, pony rides and more! Providing adventures and old fashion fun in a safe environment for campers grades 1 - 10. Bus transportation included and ACA accredited.

54 february 2018

Williamson County Parks and Recreation Mulitple Locations wcparksandrec.com

615-790-5719, ext. 2038

We provide a variety of summer camp programs and activities for ages 4 - 17, at various recreation facilities across Williamson County. Summer activities include day camps, field trips and speciality camps such as sports, dance, drama, art and technology camps and much more. Specific information will be available on our website beginning in February, and registration will open in March for most programs.

YMCA Camp Ocoee

111 YMCA Drive, Ocoee ymcacampocoee.org • info@campocoee.com


Located in the mountains of Southeast Tennessee, Camp Ocoee has been providing children with wilderness adventures since 1923. One-week sessions for boys and girls ages 7 - 15. 4:1 camper to staff ratio. Strong Christian environment. Activities include paintball, whitewater rafting, kayaking, climbing, mountain biking, camp-outs, and many more.

YMCA Day Camps

ymcamidtn.org/programs/camp 615-259-9622

Camping at the Y is about learning skills, developing character, and making friends. Our camps are also places where kids become a community as they engage in physical, social, and educational activities that teach how to be more independent and contribute to a group. Each week includes swimming and field trips.

YMCA Summer Adventure

Camps offered at participating school locations ymcafunco.org


The summer component of the YMCA’s Fun Company out-of-school time program, Summer Adventure offers campers daily fun in a safe, supervised environment. Offering full-day excitement, campers will learn skills, develop character, and make new friends, all while engaging in physical, social, and educational activities.

YMCA Widjiwagan Day Camp 3088 Smith Springs Road, Antioch campwidji.org


Discover your own adventure at Nashville’s top summer camp, YMCA Camp Widjiwagan! Week after week, campers can customize their outdoor summer camp experience with options like sailing, zip lining, skiing, climbing, banana boat rides, horseback riding, and more! Day campers also get lunch and a snack every day so there’s no need to pack meals throughout the week. Ages 4 - 16.

YMCA Widjiwagan Overnight Camp 3088 Smith Springs Road, Antioch campwidji.org


Widjiwagan’s overnight campers love creating their own summer camp experience! With options such as climbing, swimming, arts and crafts, wood working, canoeing, zip lining, and more, kids get to decide what their summer adventure will look like. While at Overnight Camp, Widji’s beautiful cabins create a home away from home! New for summer 2017 is the addition of the Yurt Village. Ages 7 - 16.


French Woods Festival of the Performing Arts Summer Camp

What are you doing this summer?

Our Summers are full of Plays, Musical Theater, Dance, Music, Circus, Magic, Sports and Art. Our program is individual choice – you make your schedule. We offer over 90 activities every day and 4, 3-week sessions.

Hancock, NY



French Woods Festival of the Performing Arts







Wednesday, March 28 Grand Ole Opry House, Nashville • Page 84 Get on your feet and shake it with favorite Disney characters and an interactive concert.


March 10 - April 28 Hendersonville Performing Arts Company Page 65 Kids in grades 1 - 12 can learn theater skills while mounting a spring production for family and friends.


March 28 - April 22 TPAC’s Jackson Hall, Nashville • Page 77 The smash Broadway musical about what may have happened before Dorothy dropped into Oz is still defying gravity.



March events in day-by-day order.



FUN FOR WEE ONES Our top picks for babies, tots & preschoolers.



Puppet pizzazz at the Ryman with Darci Lynne and Friends.




Even MORE outstanding things to put on your family calendar.



Take in a show with one of these productions on a stage near you.


Saturday, March 31 Nashville Zoo Page 85 One of the most celebrated Easter happenings in the midstate features age-appropriate egg hunts and lots of other festive activities.



March 8 - 11 Ag Expo Park, Franklin Page 64 All ages can enjoy this annual canine competition.

March 10 - 11 Sam Davis Home, Smyrna Page 66 Girls, bears and dolls can experience an 1800s-style tea party.


Saturday, March 31 Cheekwood, Nashville Page 86 Cheekwood’s annual spring soiree combines art and Easter activities.


Saturday, March 10 Ryman Auditorium, Nashville Page 65 The 13-year-old ventriloquist and winner of America’s Got Talent brings puppet pals to the Ryman for two shows.









Special days to celebrate, including Barbie’s birthday!

The Baby Fair comes to Saint Thomas Midtown April 21.

When it comes to Easter, Nashville Zoo’s Eggstravaganzoo is the bear!

Events coming down the pike next month.



Find library storytimes, classes, more events and reviews at nashvilleparent.com.

march 2018 57




YOUTH AND FAMILY FUN Drop in for a wide range of hands-on programs and fun for the whole family, including banjo classes, puppet shows, and so much more.

COUNT YOURSELF IN FREE YOUTH ADMISSION for 18-and-under from Davidson and bordering counties. CountryMusicHallofFame.org/CommunityCounts


• @CountryMusicHOF • Downtown Nashville

SUPPORTED BY: Family Programs are funded in part by The Bonnaroo Works Fund of The Community Foundation of Middle Tennessee; Epiphone; Fender; Gibson Foundation; Heads Up Penny Foundation; Metropolitan Nashville Arts Commission; Nail Family Foundation; Nashville Parent; and Tennessee Arts Commission. Technology Partners: Cisco; NewTek; Personal Computer Systems, Inc.; and Promethean.



Greater Nashville








Events without color dots are ones happening in multiple counties or are outside of our typical area.


R FREE Dr. Seuss’ Birthday Party

N 2018 SEC

615-893-4131 linebaugh.org

615-770-2000 bridgestonearena.com

All ages. Linebaugh Public Library, 105 W. Vine St., Murfreesboro; 6 p.m. Celebrate all-things Dr. Seuss with stories, songs, puppets, crafts and snacks.

Women’s Basketball Tournament

All ages. Bridgestone Arena, 501 Broadway, Nashville; 12 p.m.; $8 - $10. Five days of women’s basketball excitement.

R Busy Bees

615-893-7439 murfreesborotn.gov/parks Ages 3 - 5. Patterson Park Community Center, 521 Mercury Blvd., Murfreesboro; 10:45 - 11:15 a.m.; $3. Group activities that stimulate your tot’s coordination.

N Cabaret

See “Theater & Dance,” page 76.

S Disney’s Beauty and the Beast

See “Theater & Dance,” page 76.

R Horse Scouts (Register)

615-556-7370 harrisridingacademy.com Ages 6+. Harris Riding Academy, 4024 Barfield Crescent Road, Murfreesboro; 5 - 6:30 p.m.; $15. Learn about horses in a hands-on, creative way.

R Mind-Blowing Matinee

615-890-2300 explorethedc.org All ages. Discovery Center, 502 S.E. Broad St., Murfreesboro; Tue - Fri 3:30 p.m.; $8. Explore all-things scientific by learning through discovery. Topics include liquid nitrogen, visible light and reptiles.

SPOTLIGHT Music City Irish Fest

March 1 - 31

Nashville celebrates St. Patrick’s Day with a month full of festivities. The main event, the St. Patrick’s Day Celebration, takes place March 17 - 18 at Riverfront Park in Downtown Nashville. Both days feature free music and dance performances. There’s a whole lot more fun happening all month long. The most kid-friendly offerings include Gulliver’s Travels, an exploration of Irish literature through puppetry and song at Nashville Public Library (March 16 - 17, 23 - 24 & 30 - 31) and the Nashville Irish Step Dancers’ Celtic Rhythms on Fire (March 10 - 11) at Lebanon’s Capitol Theater. Get the full event schedule at musiccityirishfest.com.

N Mockingbird

See “Theater & Dance,” page 76.

N Nashville

House Concert

615-782-4040 | tpac.org All ages. War Memorial Auditorium, 301 Sixth Ave. N., Nashville; 7 p.m.; $25. Storme Warren and Joe Denim co-host a diverse blend of music.

N Nashville Lawn and Garden Show

615-772-6809 | nashvillelawnandgardenshow.com All ages. The Fairgrounds, 500 Wedgewood Ave., Nashville; Thu - Sat 10 a.m. - 7 p.m., Sun 10 a.m. - 5 p.m.; $12 adults ($25 for four-day pass), $2 ages 12 & younger. Live garden displays, lectures, vendors, floral designs and special programs. Children’s activities include stories, bluebird house making, live animal encounters and other interactive fun.

N Opry

Country Classics

615-889-3060 | ryman.com All ages. Ryman Auditorium, 116 Fifth Ave. N., Nashville; 7 p.m.; $40 - $99. Larry Gatlin shares stories and songs with special guests.

R Patterson

Homeschool PE Class (Register)

615-893-7439 murfreesborotn.gov/parks Ages 6 - 13. Patterson Park Community Center, 521 Mercury Blvd., Murfreesboro; 12 p.m.; $3. Various physical education activities promoting health, sportsmanship and group participation.

membership ($25/year). Learn a variety of dance steps and movement. Runs Thursdays through March 29.

W FREE Teen Anime Club

615-371-0090 brentwood-tn.org/library Ages 13+. Brentwood Library, 8109 Concord Road, Brentwood; 4 - 5 p.m. Watch anime, make crafts and enjoy snacks.

R Water Polo

615-895-5040 murfreesborotn.gov/parks Ages 13+. Sports*Com, 2310 Memorial Blvd., Murfreesboro; 7 - 8:45 p.m.; $3 adults, $2 youth. Participate in an aquatic sport in the deep end of the indoor pool.

in the Park

See “Theater & Dance,” page 76.

N Creative Play

615-933-9644 littlearthousenashville.com Ages 10 months - 3 years. Little Art House, 2104 Acklen Ave., Nashville; 9 - 9:45 a.m.; $5. Parent-tot creative time with a variety of activities.

N Dearly Departed

See “Theater & Dance,” page 76.

W Doyle Lawson & Quicksilver

615-538-2076 franklintheatre.com

N West Side Story

See “Theater & Dance,” page 76.

All ages. Franklin Theatre, 419 Main St., Franklin; 8 p.m.; $30 - $40. A night of bluegrass music.

R Youth Volleyball

W FREE Franklin

615-907-2251 murfreesborotn.gov/parks

Ages 9 - 17. Sports*Com, 2310 Memorial Blvd., Murfreesboro; 4:30 - 6 p.m.; $3. Beginners to advanced players can develop and refine their skills like bumping, setting and spiking.

FRI 2 N 2018 SEC Women’s Basketball Tournament

See Thursday, March 1.

N Aladdin Jr.

See “Theater & Dance,” page 76.

R FREE Perform

W Annie Jr.

615-893-7439, ext. 6104 murfreesborotn.gov/parks

W Any Number

All ages. The Washington Theatre, 521 Mercury Blvd., Murfreesboro; 5 - 6 p.m.; free with Perform Murfreesboro

See “Theater & Dance,” page 76.

Murfreesboro Dance Class (Register)

N Barefoot

See “Theater & Dance,” page 76.

Art Scene

downtownfranklintn.com/ the-franklin-art-scene All ages. Several locations in downtown Franklin; 6 - 9 p.m. Explore dozens of art galleries in downtown Franklin with free trolley rides.

N Grand Ole Opry

800-733-6779 | opry.com All ages. Grand Ole Opry House, 2804 Opryland Drive, Nashville; 7 p.m.; $40 - $99. Country legends and contemporary stars perform their hits.

R KidFIT: Movers and Shakers (Register)

615-893-7439 murfreesborotn.gov/parks Ages 1 - 3. Patterson Park Community Center, 521 Mercury Blvd., Murfreesboro; 10:30 - 11 a.m.; $3. This parent/tot class focuses on playing with others, gross motor skills and having fun.

Can Die

(turn the page)


march 2018 59

THINGS TO DO R KidFIT: Twist and Shout (Register)

615-893-7439 murfreesborotn.gov/parks

615-904-3070 lonestarrodeocompany.com

Astronomer (Register)

615-373-4897 dyer.vanderbilt.edu

Ages 8+. Dyer Observatory, 1000 Oman Drive, Brentwood; 7 p.m.; $6.24. A Vanderbilt astronomer speaks on a current topic of interest and answers questions.

N Nashville ’90s Block Party

615-862-6390 nashvilleauditorium.com All ages. Municipal Auditorium, 417 Fourth Ave. N., Nashville; 7:30 p.m.; $54.90 - $94.50. A night of music with Guy featuring Teddy Riley, Ginuwine, Dru Hill, Next and Jagged Edge.

N Nashville Lawn and Garden Show

See Thursday, March 1.

W Rhythm & Spirit Parent and Me Tumbling (Register)


Ages 24 - 35 months. Longview Recreation Center, 2909 Commonwealth Drive, Spring Hill; 9:15 a.m.; $70. Little ones can flip, roll and stretch with Mom or Dad’s assistance. Class meets Fridays through April 27 (skip March 30).

60 march 2018

N 2018 SEC

R Disney’s

See Thursday, March 1.

See “Theater & Dance,” page 76.

N All That Jazz

N Family Program:


R LoneStar Rodeo

W Meet the

N Creative Play

Women’s Basketball Tournament

Ages 3 - 5. Patterson Park Community Center, 521 Mercury Blvd., Murfreesboro; 11:05 11:45 a.m.; $3. Run, jump and play while learning skills like balance, coordination, listening and taking turns.

All ages. Tennessee Miller Coliseum, 304B Thompson Lane, Murfreesboro; 7:30 p.m.; $15 adults, $10 kids. Riding events, barrel races and contests for kids ages 10 & younger. Proceeds benefit the Rutherford County Sheriff’s Department SRO program.


Kids get in on the fun and action of the LoneStar Rodeo happening in Murfreesboro, March 2 - 3.

W Ringside:

A Fight for Kids

615-791-1777 | charleyfoundation.org/ringside.html Ages 21+. Liberty Hall at The Factory, 230 Franklin Road, Franklin; 6:30 p.m.; $100 $250. An evening of boxing, celebrity guests, cocktails, dinner and an auction with proceeds benefiting The Charley Foundation, a local nonprofit providing assistance to disabled and underprivileged kids.

N Simply Sinatra 615-687-6400 nashvillesymphony.org

All ages. Schermerhorn Symphony Center, 1 Symphony Place, Nashville; 8 p.m.; $29 $99. Crooner Steve Lippa joins the Nashville Symphony to bring Frank Sinatra’s songbook to life.

N TAO: Drum Heart 615-782-4040 | tpac.org

All ages. TPAC’s Polk Theater, 505 Deaderick St., Nashville; 8 p.m.; $35 - $70. A high-energy drumming production.

N Tedeschi

Trucks Band

615-889-3060 | ryman.com All ages. Ryman Auditorium, 116 Fifth Ave. N., Nashville; 8 p.m.; $39.50 - $89.50. A night of blues/rock.

R Toddler Time

615-895-5040 murfreesborotn.gov/parks

Adults. Noah Liff Opera Center, 3622 Redmon St., Nashville; 6 - 9 p.m.; $125. This benefit for Nashville Opera is a throwback to the 1920s & ’30s. Cocktails, dinner with wine and dancing to music by Annie Sellick and The Nashville Jazz Orchestra.

W American Girl Doll

Hair Salon Spectacular (Register)

877-247-5223 | americangirl.com/retail/nashville.php

Ages 5 & younger. Sports*Com, 2310 Memorial Blvd., Murfreesboro; 10 a.m.; $3. Follow directions, working together and learn body part recognition.

Ages 8+. American Girl Store at CoolSprings Galleria, 1800 Galleria Blvd., Franklin; 9 - 10 a.m.; $25. Learn new tricks and insider tips for styling your doll’s hair; refreshments follow.

N Toddler Tunes

N Ballet Ball


615-933-9644 littlearthousenashville.com Ages 2 - 5. Little Art House, 2104 Acklen Ave., Nashville; 8 a.m.; $15. A parent-tot music experience with interactive songs, instruments and toys.

R Willy Wonka Kids See “Theater & Dance,” page 76.

R Wine & Whiskey at the Wetlands

615-890-2300 explorethedc.org

Ages 21+. Discovery Center, 502 S.E. Broad St., Murfreesboro; 5:30 - 8:30 p.m.; $35 in advance, $40 at the door, $15 DDs. This fundraiser for the center features more than 150 exceptional local and crafted wines, fine whiskies, bourbons and brandies.

615-297-2966 nashvilleballet.com/ballet-ball Adults. Schermerhorn Symphony Center, 1 Symphony Place, Nashville; 6 p.m.; $650 (late party only tickets are $150). This black-tie fundraiser for Nashville Ballet includes a cocktail hour, gourmet dinner, Nashville Ballet performance with live music, and dancing with a live big band during a late party (starting at 8 p.m.).

N FREE Celebrating Seuss

615-862-8539 sbnc.nashville.gov All ages. Shelby Bottoms Nature Center, 1900 Davidson St., Nashville; 1 - 3 p.m. The classroom becomes Seussville in this open house-style event featuring activities, stories and crafts.

N FREE Compost

Nashville (Register)

615-352-6299 wpnc.nashville.gov

All ages. Warner Park Nature Center, 7311 Hwy. 100, Nashville; 1 - 2:30 p.m. Learn why composting is important and how to do it at home.

N The Pillowman

See “Theater & Dance,” page 76.


See Friday, March 2.

Aristocat Kids

Beginner Mandolin Workshop

615-416-2001 countrymusichalloffame.org Ages 7+. Country Music Hall of Fame & Museum, 222 Fifth Ave. S., Nashville; 10:30 - 11 a.m. & 11:15 - 11:45 a.m.; free with gate ($24.95 adults, $14.95 ages 6 - 12, free 5 and younger; discounts for local families). Learn about the significance of the mandolin in bluegrass and country music during a hands-on workshop.

N FREE First

Saturday Art Crawl

nashvilledowntown.com/ play/first-saturday-art-crawl All ages. 6 - 9 p.m. Twenty-five art galleries in the downtown area host receptions and art openings.

N Grand Ole Opry See Friday, March 2.

W Hal Ketchum 615-538-2076 franklintheatre.com

All ages. Franklin Theatre, 419 Main St., Franklin; 8 p.m.; $35 - $45. A night of country music.

FREE Home Depot Kids’ Workshop (Register) homedepot.com

Ages 5 - 12. Find locations at the website; 9 a.m. - 12 p.m. Make a periscope during a fun, hands-on workshop.

N Jo Koy:

Break the Mold Tour

615-782-4040 | tpac.org

Ages 16+. TPAC’s Polk Theater, 505 Deaderick St., Nashville; 7 p.m.; $37 - $112. A night of stand-up comedy.


Junior Makers

615-893-4131 linebaugh.org

Ages 4 - 12. Linebaugh Public Library, 105 W. Vine St., Mur-

THINGS TO DO freesboro; 10 a.m. Kids can get creative and have fun building LEGO masterpieces.

N Little Art House Drop-In Class

615-933-9644 littlearthousenashville.com Ages 4 - 12. Little Art House, 10 - 10:45 a.m.; $10. Young artists can imagine new concepts, explore various mediums and create original works.

R LoneStar Rodeo See Friday, March 2.

N Math Moves! Day 615-862-5160 adventuresci.org

All ages. Adventure Science Center, 10 a.m. - 3 p.m.; $14.95 adults, $10.95 ages 2 - 12. Explore the Math Moves! exhibit and see how math shapes the world around us while exploring pyramids, fractals, pixels and more.

N FREE Musical Petting Zoo

615-416-2001 countrymusichalloffame.org Ages 7+. Martha O’Bryan Center, 711 S. Seventh St., Nashville; 9 a.m. - 12 p.m. Country Music Hall of Fame & Museum staff will have a variety of instruments and instructors on site to encourage kids to get hands-on and make music.

N Nashville Lawn and Garden Show

See Thursday, March 1

Celebrate all-things Seuss on Saturday, March 3 at Shelby Bottoms Nature Center.

N Natural Beekeeping School (Register)

615-942-7169 greendoorgourmet.com

All ages. Green Door Gourmet, 7007 River Road Pike, Nashville; Sat 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. and Sun 12 - 6 p.m.; $50 - $340. Learn what it takes to be a beekeeper, including training on the equipment and several add-on options.

and playing on the equipment with the second hour open to the public.

N FREE Spring

StoryWalk Reveal

615-352-6299 wpnc.nashville.gov

All ages. Warner Park Nature Center, 7311 Hwy. 100, Nashville; 8 a.m. - 8 p.m. Bring your little ones to discover the spring story along the Little Acorn Trail loop.

2102 Belcourt Ave., Nashville; 7 p.m.; $125 - $350. Join film fans on Hollywood’s biggest night to watch the Academy Awards on the big screen. Walk the red carpet, enjoy food and drink, participate in a silent auction and visit the VIP lounge.

N FREE Make Letterpress Art

615-416-2001 countrymusichalloffame.org

See “Theater & Dance,” page 76.

N Tedeschi

N FREE Shakespeare

See Friday, March 2.

All ages. Hatch Show Print, 224 Fifth Ave. S., Nashville; 12, 1 & 2 p.m. Kids can explore oldschool printmaking techniques today at Hatch Show Print.

N FREE The Enchant-

N MercyMe &

615-832-5242 nashvilleopera.org

615-889-3060 | ryman.com

R Seussical


nashvilleshakes.org All ages. Nashville Public Library, 615 Church St., Nashville; 12 - 3 p.m. Participate in (or just listen to) a complete reading of Cymbeline.

R FREE Silly Satur-

day: No Brainer Day


All ages. Outdoor Adventure Center, 100 Sam Ridley Pkwy. E., Smyrna; 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. A day of riddles and brain-training games.

R Sixth Annual

MTCS Trivia Night


Ages 12+. Middle Tennessee Christian School, 100 MTCS Road, Murfreesboro; 5:30 p.m.; $20 adults, $10 students. Play trivia games during this fundraiser for the school’s band and chorus departments. There will also be dinner, a silent auctions, a bake sale, door prizes and more.

Special Needs Jump

615-778-1304 gotjumpstreet. com/tennessee All ages. JumpStreet locations in Franklin, Goodlettsville and Murfreesboro; 9 11 a.m.; $8 ages 4+, $4 ages 3 & younger. Children with special needs can enjoy a private hour of jumping on trampolines

Trucks Band

ed Forest

All ages. Edmondson Library, 5501 Edmondson Pike, Nashville; 10 a.m. Nashville Opera presents this interactive, 35-minute production about an adventure to save the forest from a fire-breathing dragon.

Tenth Avenue North

All ages. Ryman Auditorium, 116 Fifth Ave. N., Nashville; 7:30 p.m.; $35 - $55. A night of contemporary Christian music.

N Nashville Lawn and Garden Show

See Thursday, March 1.

615-799-5544 bowiepark.org

Ages 13+. Bowie Nature Park, 7211 Bowie Lake Road, Fairview; 9 - 10 a.m.; donations welcome. Bring a mat, water and block to learn basic meditation and yin yoga to strengthen poses.

SUN 4 N 2018 SEC Women’s Basketball Tournament

See Thursday, March 1.

N A Red Carpet

Evening (Register)

615-846-3150 belcourt.org

Ages 21+. Belcourt Theatre,


Sewing (Register)

615-893-743,9 ext. 6104 murfreesborotn.gov/parks Ages 10 - 17. The Washington Theatre, 521 Mercury Blvd., Murfreesboro; 5 - 6 p.m.; free with Perform Murfreesboro membership ($25/year). A master seamstress teaches kids everything from threading a needle to working a sewing machine to make outfits. Mondays through April 30.

N Early Explorers 615-862-5160 adventuresci.org


615-687-6400 nashvillesymphony.org

615-799-5544 bowiepark.org

615-224-3851 harvestmartialarts.com

Maarika Mann

R FREE Beginning

N FREE Voices


W FREE Yoga with

Ages 5 & younger. Patterson Park Community Center, 521 Mercury Blvd., Murfreesboro; 9:45 a.m.; $4 adults, $3 youth. Enjoy an aquatic-themed tale, then enjoy time in the pool.

All ages. Harvest Martial Arts, 595 Hillsboro Road, Ste. 337, Franklin; 1 p.m.; $5. Participate in a community yoga class.

N FREE Weed WranAges 12+. Various locations; 7 a.m. Hands-On Nashville hosts this citywide volunteer effort to rescue public parks and green spaces from invasive plant species.

Storytime and Swim

615-893-7439 murfreesborotn.gov/parks

Ages 3 - 5. Adventure Science Center, 800 Fort Negley Blvd., Nashville; 9 a.m. - 12 p.m.; $10.95 ages 6+, $4.95 ages 5 & younger; $2 planetarium show; discounted admission applies to arrivals prior to 9:45 a.m., regular rates apply thereafter. Breakfast, storytime and a planetarium show.

W Small World Yoga

gle 2018 (Register)

R Aquatic

Drop-In Class

of Spring

All ages. Schermerhorn Symphony Center, 1 Symphony Place, Nashville; 3 p.m. The Nashville Symphony and Symphony Chorus present an afternoon of British choral music spanning four centuries.

with a Naturalist

All ages. Bowie Nature Park, 7211 Bowie Lake Road, Fairview; 10 - 11 a.m. Hit the trails with a naturalist at Fairview’s Bowie Park.

W Mommy & Me Movement

MON 5 R After-School Art

615-867-7244 murfreesborotn.gov/parks First grade & higher. Patterson Park Community Center, 521 Mercury Blvd., Murfreesboro; 4 - 5 p.m.; $3. Study an artist then create a project based on the lesson.

615-790-5719 wcparksandrec.com Ages 0 - 4. Franklin Recreation Complex, 1120 Hillsboro Road, Franklin; 9:15 - 9:45 a.m.; $8 adults, free to kids. Parents and tots can enjoy bonding time and movement fun.

(turn the page)

march 2018 61

R Snack Attack! 615-890-2300 explorethedc.org

All ages. Discovery Center, 502 S.E. Broad St., Murfreesboro; 3:30 p.m.; $8. Prepare tasty snacks in the kitchen.


615-890-2300 explorethedc.org Ages 3 - 5. Discovery Center, 502 S.E. Broad St., Murfreesboro, 9 a.m.; $2 plus $8 gate admission. Hear stories and enjoy related activities.

W FREE Sprouts Yoga (Register)

615-224-3851 harvestmartialarts.com Ages 3 - 6. Harvest Martial Arts, 595 Hillsboro Road, Ste. 337, Franklin; 10:30 a.m. Learn to stretch and balance while learning to control mind and body.

R Teen-Only Horse Scouts (Register)

615-556-7370 harrisridingacademy.com Ages 13+. Harris Riding Academy, 4024 Barfield Crescent Road, Murfreesboro; 5 - 6:30 p.m.; $15. Learn about horses in a hands-on, creative way.

N The Nashville Alternators

615-324-1010 citywinery.com All ages. City Winery, 609 Lafayette St., Nashville; 7 p.m.; $10. A night of classic rock and soul.

R Tumbleweeds (Register)

615-895-5040 murfreesborotn.gov/parks Ages 3 - 5. Sports*Com, 2310 Memorial Blvd., Murfreesboro; 10:15 - 11 a.m.; $3. Learn the basic techniques of tumbling along with improving balance, coordination and overall fitness.

TUE 6 N FREE Bellevue Adventure Club

615-862-5854 nashvillepubliclibrary.org Grades K - 4. Bellevue Library, 720 Baugh Road, Nashville; 4

62 march 2018

p.m. Crafts, activities, games and more.

N Tennessee Flavors

R Busy Bees

Adults. Nashville State Community College, 120 White Bridge Road, Nashville; 6 - 8 p.m.; $50 - $65. This student scholarship fundraising event features more than 80 food and drink vendors.

See Thursday, March 1.

N Grand Ole Opry See Friday, March 2.

R Homeschool Pro-


gram: Water Wonders (Register)

R FREE Theatre

Ages 4 - 13. Outdoor Adventure Center, 100 Sam Ridley Pkwy. E., Smyrna; 9 a.m. - 12 p.m.; $5. Learn about the water cycle, meet live aquatic animals and take home a sea monkey.

615-893-7439, ext. 6104 murfreesborotn.gov/parks


N Nashville

Predators Hockey

615-770-7800 nashvillepredators.com

All ages. Bridgestone Arena, 501 Broadway, Nashville; 7 p.m.; $25 - $210. Versus the Dallas Stars.

W FREE Observa-

tory Open House Day (Register)

615-373-4897 dyer.vanderbilt.edu

Ages 8+. Dyer Observatory, 1000 Oman Drive, Brentwood; 9 a.m. - 12 p.m. The observatory in Brentwood is re-open for tours. Kids love the giant telescope!

R Patterson

Homeschool PE Class (Register)

615-893-7439 murfreesborotn.gov/parks

Ages 6 - 13. Patterson Park Community Center, 521 Mercury Blvd., Murfreesboro; 12 p.m.; $3. Various physical education activities promoting health, sportsmanship and group participation.

Ensemble Choir (Register)

Ages 9 - 17. The Washington Theatre, 5 - 6 p.m.; free with Perform Murfreesboro membership ($25/year). Learn how to approach choreography and the importance of being an ensemble cast member. Runs Tuesdays through April 24.

R Water Polo

See Thursday, March 1.

WED 7 W Archery Home-

school Day (Register)

615-566-5187 musiccityarchery.com

Ages 7+. Music City Archery, 1113 Murfreesboro Road, Franklin; 2:30 - 3:30 p.m.; $16. This class includes archery instruction with equipment provided and a game at the end. Parents can participate, too.

R Discover Art (Register)

615-867-7244 murfreesborotn.gov/parks Ages 3 - 5. McFadden Community Center, 211 Bridge Ave., Murfreesboro; 10 - 11 a.m.; $3. Parent and tot creative exploration through a variety of art projects.

W FREE Puppet

W FREE Girls Who

615-799-5544 bowiepark.org

615-371-0090 or brentwoodtn.gov/library


Ages 18 months - 12 years. Bowie Nature Park, 7211 Bowie Lake Road, Fairview; 10 - 10:45 a.m. A nature-based puppet show at Bowie Nature Center in Fairview.

Code Club (Register)

Grades 6 - 12. Brentwood Library, 8109 Concord Road, Brentwood; 4 - 5:30 p.m. Explore computer science and coding in a fun, friendly way.


See Monday, March 5.

(continues on page 64)




Celebrate all-things Dr. Seuss at Linebaugh Library on Thursday, March 1.

>> This month’s editor’s picks for your babies, toddlers & preschoolers — with YOU! DR. SEUSS BIRTHDAY PARTY

Linebaugh Library, Murfreesboro Thursday, March 1 linebaugh.org

Celebrate the wonderful world of Seuss through stories, songs, puppets and crafts.

MOMMY & ME MOVEMENT Franklin Recreation Complex Every Monday wcparksandrec.com

Bonding time and movement fun for ages birth - 4 years.


Bowie Nature Park, Fairview Tuesday, March 6 bowiepark.org

Ages 18 months & older can enjoy a nature-based puppet show.

MEET ME AT THE ZOO: PRINCESSES Nashville Zoo Saturday, March 10 nashvillezoo.org

Tots can have fun getting pictures with popular princess characters.


Warner Park Nature Center Nashville Friday, March 16 wnpc.nashville.gov

Ages 3 - 5 can discover the evergreen trees in the park. Register in advance.


Grand Ole Opry House, Nashville Wednesday, March 28 ryman.com

When it comes to little ones, Disney’s hard to beat. This interactive show promises to get ’em moving.

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We Scoop Poop


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march 2018 63

THINGS TO DO R Homeschool Creativity Class

615-867-7244 murfreesborotn.gov/parks All ages. McFadden Community Center, 211 Bridge Ave., Murfreesboro; 2 - 3 p.m.; $3. Learn about art in a hands-on learning environment and create art in a variety of mediums.

S Homeschool

Program: Garden Insects (Register)

615-859-3678 | historicmanskersstation.eventbrite.com Ages 8 - 14. Historic Mansker’s Station, 705 Caldwell Drive, Goodlettsville; 10 a.m. - 12 p.m.; $10. Learn about bees and other insects that are friend and foe in the garden. Then, make a craft.

R Homeschool

Program: Water Wonders (Register)


Ages 4 - 13. Outdoor Adventure Center, 100 Sam Ridley Pkwy. E., Smyrna; 9 a.m. - 12 p.m.; $5. Learn about the water cycle, meet live aquatic animals and take home a sea monkey.

R KidFIT: Movers and Shakers (Register)

N Volunteer Jam XX 615-770-2000 bridgestonearena.com

All ages. Bridgestone Arena, 501 Broadway, Nashville; 7 p.m.; $49.50 - $129.50. This musical tribute to Charlie Daniels includes performances by Alabama, Alison Krauss, Sara Evans, Oak Ridge Boys, Chris Young and more.

R Wild Things (Register)

615-217-3017 murfreesborotn.gov/parks Ages 1 - 4 with a parent. The Wilderness Station, 697 Veterans Pkwy., Murfreesboro; 9:30 a.m.; $3. This nature-themed program includes songs, crafts, hikes and other activities.

W Youth Yoga

615-786-0200, ext. 2418 wcparksandrec.com Ages 8 - 12. Williamson County Recreation Complex, 7250 Nolensville Road, Nolensville; 5:30 - 6:30 p.m.; $4. Learn yoga stretches and techniques.

THU 8 R Busy Bees

See Friday, March 2.

See Thursday, March 1.

R KidFIT: Twist and

W FREE Country Mu-

See Friday, March 2.


Shout (Register)

W FREE Kids’ Hour 615-550-5660 wholefoodsmarket.com

Ages 10 & younger. Whole Foods, 1566 W. McEwen Drive, Franklin; 9:30 a.m. Mare Wakefield performs music for children.

R Sports*Com Homeschool PE (Register)

615-895-5040 murfreesborotn.gov/parks

sic Cluster Dog Show

All ages. Williamson County Ag Expo Park, 4215 Long Lane, Franklin; 8 a.m. The Nashville and Tullahoma Kennel Clubs host this dog show where a variety of breeds compete.

R Disney’s Mary Poppins Jr!

See “Theater & Dance,” page 76.

R Horse Scouts (Register)

Ages 6 - 15. Sports*Com, 2310 Memorial Blvd., Murfreesboro; 9 a.m.; $3. Physical education activities promotion health, sportsmanship and group participation.

See Thursday, March 1.

R Tumbleweeds

Play (Register)


See Monday, March 5.

64 march 2018

N Into the Woods

See “Theater & Dance,” page 76.

W FREE It Looks Like 615-371-0090 brentwood-tn.org/library

wood Library, 8109 Concord Road, Brentwood; 10 - 11 a.m. Tactile experiences for little hands and minds include mixing, pouring, tearing, squishing and more.

S Little Women: The Broadway Musical

See “Theater & Dance,” page 76.

N Mahler’s Fifth 615-687-6400 nashvillesymphony.org

All ages. Schermerhorn Symphony Center, 1 Symphony Place, Nashville; Thu 7 p.m., Fri - Sat 8 p.m.; $22 - $145. Guest violinist Jennifer Koh joins the Nashville Symphony for a night of classical music.

N FREE Music Togeth-

er Trial Class (Register)

615-390-3207 inharmonymusicmidtn.com/ tryout-class Ages 5 & younger. Renee’s Groove Room, 3668 Central Pike, Nashville; 11 a.m. Try out this parent-tot music-andmovement program.

W FREE Sprouts Yoga

R KidFIT: Twist and

615-224-3851 harvestmartialarts.com

See Friday, March 2.


Ages 3 - 6. Harvest Martial Arts, 595 Hillsboro Road, Franklin; 10:30 a.m. Learn to stretch and balance while learning to control mind and body.

W FREE Youth Martial Arts Class (Register)

615-224-3851 harvestmartialarts.com

Ages 5 - 13. Harvest Martial Arts, 595 Hillsboro Road, Franklin; 4:45 p.m. Learn selfdefense, fitness, confidence, mindfulness and moral character while practicing traditional techniques, forms and more.

FRI 9 W FREE Country Music Cluster Dog Show

See Thursday, March 8.

N Creative Play See Friday, March 2.

N Nashville

R Critter Encounter

615-770-7800 nashvillepredators.com

All ages. Outdoor Adventure Center, 100 Sam Ridley Pkwy. E., Smyrna; 4:30 - 5:30 p.m.; $4 adults, $3 ages 3 - 12. Meet a variety of live animals.

Predators Hockey

All ages. Bridgestone Arena, 501 Broadway, Nashville; 7 p.m.; $25 - $210. Versus the Anaheim Ducks.

N Opry

Country Classics

See Thursday, March 1.

R Patterson

Homeschool PE Class (Register)

See Thursday, March 1.

W Shrek the Musical See “Theater & Dance,” page 76.

N FREE Spring

Forward to the Hill Forest (Register)

615-352-6299 wpnc.nashville.gov

Ages 8+. Warner Park Nature Center, 7311 Hwy. 100, Nashville; 3 - 5 p.m. Hike the Hill Forest and look for signs of spring on the hilltops and hollows.


N FREE Feathers (Register)

615-352-6299 wpnc.nashville.gov Ages 6 - 12. Warner Park Nature Center, 7311 Hwy. 100, Nashville; 9:30 - 11:30 a.m. (ages 6 - 8) and 1 - 3 p.m. (ages 9 - 12). Bring a journal to capture the unique characteristics of different feathers.

N Grand Ole Opry See Friday, March 1.


615-782-4040 | tpac.org Ages 14+. War Memorial Auditorium, 301 Sixth Ave. N., Nashville; 8 p.m.; $30 - $70. A night of rap with special guest Tee Grizzly.

R KidFIT: Movers and Shakers (Register)

See Friday, March 2.

Ages 9 months - 4 years. Brent-


Shout (Register)


Mania (Register)

615-371-0090 brentwoodtn.gov/library Ages 5 - 12. Brentwood Library, 8109 Concord Road, Brentwood; 4:30 - 5:30 p.m. Unleash creativity while building with LEGO blocks.

N Lewis Black

615-889-3060 | ryman.com Ages 16+. Ryman Auditorium, 116 Fifth Ave. N., Nashville; 8 p.m.; $32.50 - $75. A night of stand-up political comedy.

N Mahler’s Fifth See Thursday, March 8.

N FREE Music Togeth-

er Trial Class (Register)

615-390-3207 inharmonymusicmidtn.com/ tryout-class Ages 5 & younger. Renee’s Groove Room, 3668 Central Pike, Nashville; 10 a.m. Try out this parent-tot music-andmovement program.

R Parents’

Night Out (Register)

615-890-2300 explorethedc.org

Ages 4 - 12. Discovery Center, 502 S.E. Broad St., Murfreesboro; 5:30 - 9:30 p.m.; $20 ($15 siblings). Enjoy a night to yourself while the kids explore the music, play games, watch a movie and have dinner.

N FREE Salon@615 with Roma Downey

615-953-2243 parnassusbooks.net

All ages. Nashville Public Library, 615 Church St., Nashville; 6:15 p.m. Parnassus Books welcomes Roma Downey to discuss and sign her new book, Box of Butterflies.

W Telescope

Night (Register)

615-373-4897 dyer.vanderbilt.edu

Ages 8+. Dyer Observatory, 1000 Oman Drive, Brentwood; 7 - 9 p.m.; $6.24. View celestial sights through the giant telescope at Dyer Observatory.



N FREE Acrobuffo’s

N Celtic

615-782-4040 | tpac.org

See “Theater & Dance, “ page 76.

AirPlay (Register)

All ages. TPAC’s Polk Theater, 505 Deaderick St., Nashville; 2 p.m. This nonverbal performance features umbrellas, oversized kites and fabrics dancing in the air along with other aerial spectacles.

R FREE American Girl Book Club (Register)

615-893-4131 linebaugh.org

Ages 8 - 12. Linebaugh Public Library, 105 W. Vine St., Murfreesboro; 2 p.m. Discuss American Girl Addy, make a craft and enjoy snacks. There will also be a spinning and weaving demonstration.

S American Girl

Darci Lynne and Friends Live!

Saturday, March 10 She’s the youngest contestant to ever win America’s Got Talent, and at 13 years old, Darci Lynne has already racked up more than 21 million YouTube views! Catch the young star at the Ryman Auditorium on Saturday, March 10 at 3 and 7 p.m. She’ll perform her spectacular ventriloquism act with puppet pals Petunia, the diva bunny; Oscar, the shy, soulful mouse; and Edna, the brash old broad. Tickets are $29.75 - $49.75. Call 615-889-3060 or visit ryman.com.

N That’s Inappropri-

ate Live with Meredith

615-782-4040 | tpac.org

Ages 16+. TPAC’s Polk Theater, 505 Deaderick St., Nashville; 7 p.m.; $30. A night of stand-up comedy with topics ranging from marriage to parenting.

R Toddler Time See Friday, March 2.


Author Event

615-953-2243 parnassusbooks.net Ages 12+. Parnassus Books, 3900 Hillsboro Pike, Nashville; 6:30 p.m. Nashville’s Helen Dunbar discusses and signs

copies of her new youth title, Boomerang.

SAT 10 N FREE 2018 Tennessee State Poetry Out Loud Competition

615-416-2001 countrymusichalloffame.org All ages. Country Music Hall of Fame & Museum, 222 Fifth Ave. S., Nashville; 10:30 a.m. - 3 p.m. High school students recite poems and compete for a chance to perform at the national Poetry Out Loud contest this spring.

Tea Party of 1774 (Register)

615-859-3678 | historicmanskersstation.eventbrite.com Ages 7 - 12. Goodlettsville Visitor’s Center, 705 Caldwell Drive, Goodlettsville; 10 11:30 a.m. or 12 - 1:30 p.m.; $20. Write with a quill feather pen, keep a journal, enjoy cake and tea, and participate in other colonial girl activities like those of American Girl Felicity. Bring your doll.

N FREE Birds of the Burch (Register)

615-352-6299 wpnc.nashville.gov

All ages. Warner Park Nature Center, 7311 Hwy. 100, Nashville; 1:30 - 3:30 p.m. Before spring migrants return, discover cardinals, woodpeckers and other birds that call the park home.

N Budding

Naturalists (Register)

615-790-5719 wcparksandrec.com

Ages 7 - 12. Timberland Park, Natchez Trace Parkway at mile marker 437.2; 12 - 2 p.m.; $16. Embark on guided hikes to learn about wildlife, bird identification, animal habitats, conservation and more. Saturdays, March 10 - 31.

Rhythms on Fire

W FREE Country Music Cluster Dog Show

See Thursday, March 8.

S County Sumner Irish Festival

facebook.com/events/ 1574961179207437 All ages. Bledsoe’s Fort Historical Park, 2923 Hartsville Pike, Castalian Springs; 10 a.m. - 2 p.m.; $5 per vehicle. Tour an Irish cottage, enjoy life music, hear Irish ghost stories, watch hurling and Gaelic football, and more.

N Creative Play See Friday, March 2.

S FREE Easter Bunny Arrival & Egg Hunt


Ages 12 & younger. RiverGate Mall, 1000 Rivergate Pkwy., Goodlettsville; 12 - 2 p.m. Peter Cottontail hops into the mall, kids can hunt for more than 8,000 eggs and enjoy other activities like a magic show, face painting, balloon art, bunny hop races, a Home Depot Kids’ Workshop and more.

N Grand Ole Opry See Friday, March 2.

N Hands-On History

Performing Arts Company, 260 West Main St., Hendersonville; 9 a.m. - 12 p.m. Saturdays through April 21; $250. Study character development, auditioning skills, public speaking, improv skills and performance. Culminates in performances of Junie B. Jones the Musical April 27 - 28.

R Kids Cookie Class (Register)

615-956-6077 thecuriouskitchen.net Ages 6 - 14. The Curious Kitchen, 1602 W. Northfield Blvd., Murfreesboro; 11 a.m. 2 p.m.; $55. Learn decorating techniques like piping, flooding, outlining and more while creating a box of cookies to take home.

R Kids Night Out (Register)

615-556-7370 harrisridingacademy.com Ages 6+. Harris Riding Academy, 4024 Barfield Crescent Road, Murfreesboro; 6 - 9:30 p.m.; $25. Horse fun, dinner, arts and crafts, and more.

N FREE Kidsville kidsvilleonline.org

Ages 12 & younger. The Parthenon, 2500 West End Ave., Nashville; 11 - 11:45 a.m. Hear about he Athenian treasure stored in the Parthenon of ancient Greece, then make your own treasure box.

615-356-0501 bellemeadeplantation.com

N Little Art House

All ages. Belle Meade Plantation, 110 Leake Ave., Nashville; 10 a.m. - 12 p.m.; $10 ages 4+, free ages 3 & younger. Kids can wear princess and knight costumes for a tea party with games and crafts.

See Saturday, March 3.


Day (Register)

615-370-4672 | owlshill.org All ages. Owl’s Hill Nature Sanctuary, 545 Beech Creek Road S., Brentwood; 10 a.m. - 1 p.m. A guided hike through the trails and grounds.

S Junie B. Jones

Spring Student Program (Register)

615-826-6037 | hpactn.com Grades 1 - 12. Hendersonville

Drop-In Class

N LK Live

615-883-8375 thelarrykeetontheatre.org All ages. Larry Keeton Theatre, 108 Donelson Pike, Nashville; 7:30 p.m.; $12 in advance, $15 at the door. Jazz music with Jennifer Bruce and DejaNu.

N MAD Bash

2018 (Register)

615-862-5160 adventuresci.org/madbash Ages 21+. Adventure Science Center, 800 Fort Negley Blvd., Nashville; 6:30 - 10:30 p.m.; $100 - $500. Explore a journey through sounds while exploring exhibits during this adults-only fundraising night for the center.

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march 2018 65

THINGS TO DO N Mahler’s Fifth See Thursday, March 8.

N Meet Me at the Zoo: Princesses

615-833-1534 nashvillezoo.org

All ages. Nashville Zoo, 3777 Nolensville Road, Nashville; 10 a.m. - 3 p.m.; $18 adults, $13 ages 2 - 12. Dress as your favorite fairy tale character for photo ops with popular princess characters.

N Nashville

Predators Hockey

615-770-7800 nashvillepredators.com

All ages. Bridgestone Arena, 501 Broadway, Nashville; 7 p.m.; $25 - $210. Versus the New Jersey Devils.

N Pink Floyd Laser Show

615-782-4040 | tpac.org All ages. TPAC’s Jackson Hall, 505 Deaderick St., Nashville; 8 p.m.; $28.50 - $75. A laser light experience choreographed to music from Pink Floyd’s Dark Side of the Moon and The Wall albums.

N Roller Derby

nashvillerollergirls.com All ages. The Fairgrounds, 500 Wedgewood Ave., Nashville; 5:30 p.m.; $7 - $15. The Nashville Rollergirls host this double header featuring Music City All Stars vs Demolition City Roller Derby and Music City Brawl Stars vs Western Kentucky Rockin’ Rollers.

S Shamrock Run

615-452-4000 | active.com All ages. Calvin Short Football Field, 695 E. Main St., Gallatin; 6:30 a.m.; $35 for the 5K, $45 for the 10K. Participate in a timed 5K or 10K walk/ run through downtown Gallatin benefiting education programs for K - 12 students in the city.

W Shrek

Meet & Greet

615-472-4731 wcs.edu/phs

All ages. Page High School Theatre, 6281 Arno Road, Franklin; 12 p.m.; $12 adults, $15 children. Meet the characters from Shrek the Musical before the show, get pics and participate

66 march 2018

in children’s activities. Ticket includes the 2 p.m. show.

R FREE Silly Saturday: Johnny Appleseed Day


All ages. Outdoor Adventure Center, 100 Sam Ridley Pkwy. E., Smyrna; 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. Learn the tale of Johnny Appleseed and leave with an apple tree plant of your own.

R Smyrna

production about an adventure to save the forest from a firebreathing dragon.

W Yoga with American Girl (Register)

Ages 7+. American Girl Store at CoolSprings Galleria, 1800 Galleria Blvd., Franklin; 9 - 10 a.m.; $10. Stretch, breathe and finding your inner calm. Breakfast treats included.

Strokes (Register)

W FREE Yoga with

Ages 13+. Downtown Train Depot, 98 Front St., Smyrna; 6 - 8 p.m.; $10. Have fun with friends while creating a painting.

See Saturday, March 3.


N Songwriting 101: Thomas Rhett Style

615-416-2001 countrymusichalloffame.org Ages 7+. Country Music Hall of Fame & Museum, 222 Fifth Ave. S., Nashville; 10:30 - 11:30 a.m.; free with gate ($24.95 adults, $14.95 ages 6 - 12, free 5 and younger; discounts for local families). Write a song as a group in this introductory workshop, then sing and record it.

R FREE Southeastern Young Adult Book Festival


Ages 10+. MTSU, 1301 E. Main St., Murfreesboro; 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. Celebrate the written word by connecting with a variety of young adult authors.

R Teddy

Bear Tea (Register)

615-459-2341 samdavishome.org

Ages 2 - 12. Sam Davis Home, 1399 Sam Davis Road, Smyrna; Sat 10 a.m. & 2 p.m., Sun 2 p.m.; $16. Girls can bring their favorite teddy bear or doll for an 1800s-style tea party with treats.

N FREE The Enchanted Forest

615-832-5242 nashvilleopera.org All ages. Casa Azafran, 2195 Nolensville Pike, Nashville; 10 a.m. Nashville Opera presents this interactive, 35-minute

The Easter Bunny at Opry Mills.

877-247-5223 | americangirl.com/retail/nashville.php

Maarika Mann

R FREE Youth Magic Group

615-893-4131 linebaugh.org

Ages 8 - 12. Linebaugh Public Library, 105 W. Vine St., Murfreesboro; 9:30 a.m. Explore the world of magic.

SUN 11 S FREE Caring Bunny (Register)

rivergate-mall.com/events/ caring-bunny-morning-easterbunny-children-special-needs All ages. RiverGate Mall, 1000 RiverGate Pkwy., Goodlettsville; 8 - 10 a.m. Children with special needs can participate in a special photo session with the Easter Bunny with no bright lights or loud music. He’ll be walking around to visit with kids who want to interact with him, and a photographer will capture one free photo.

W FREE Country Music Cluster Dog Show

See Thursday, March 8.

N Creative Zone:

Make a Backstage Pass

615-416-2001 countrymusichalloffame.org All ages. Country Music Hall of Fame & Museum, 222 Fifth Ave. S., Nashville; 10 a.m. - 1 p.m.; free with gate ($24.95 adults, $14.95 ages 6 - 12, free 5 and younger; discounts for local families). Design a custom backstage pass for the concert of your dreams.

(turn to page 69)


Easter Bunny at the Malls Hop on over to one of these spots to get a pic with Peter Cottontail. The Avenue Murfreesboro 2615 Medical Center Pkwy., Murfreesboro 615-893-4207 theavenuemurfreesboro. com/events Friday, March 30 from 12 - 2 p.m. Bass Pro Shop 323 Opry Mills Drive Nashville 615-514-5200 basspro.com/easter March 24 - 31: Mon Thu 6 - 8 p.m., Fri 2 - 8 p.m., Sat 11 a.m. - 6 p.m. CoolSprings Galleria 1800 Galleria Blvd. Franklin 615-771-2128 coolspringsgalleria.com March 10 - 31: Mon Sat 10 a.m. - 9 p.m., Sun 12 - 6 p.m. The Mall at Green Hills 2126 Abbott Martin Road, Nashville 615-298-5478 shopgreenhills.com March 9 - 31: Mon - Sat 10 a.m. - 9 p.m., Sun 12 - 6 p.m. Opry Mills 433 Opry Mills Drive Nashville 615-514-1100 oprymills.com March 9 - 10, 12 - 17, 19 - 22 from 11 a.m. - 8 p.m.; March 11 & 18 from 11 a.m. - 7 p.m.; March 23 & 25 from 11 a.m. - 8:30 p.m.; March 24 & 26 - 29 from 10 a.m. - 8:30 p.m.; March

20 from 9 a.m. - 8:30 p.m.; March 31 from 9 a.m. - 9 p.m. Photo packages vary. Reserve your time at simonbunny.com. Providence Marketplace 401 S. Mt. Juliet Road Mt. Juliet 615-773-2298 shopprovidencemarketplace.com Saturday, March 24 from 11 a.m. - 2 p.m. RiverGate Mall 1000 RiverGate Pkwy. Goodlettsville 615-859-3458 rivergate-mall.com March 10 - 31: Mon - Sat 10 a.m. - 9 p.m. (breaks from 1 - 2 p.m. & 5 - 6 p.m.), Sun 12 - 6 p.m. (break from 3 - 3:30 p.m.). Stones River Mall 1720 Old Fort Pkwy. Murfreesboro 615-896-4486 stonesrivermall.com March 16 - 31: Mon Sat 12 - 8 p.m. (break from 3 - 3:45 p.m.), Sun 12 - 6 p.m. (break from 2 - 3:30 p.m.). Saturdays, March 24 & 31 from 10 a.m. - 9 p.m. (breaks from 2 - 2:30 p.m. & 5 5:30 p.m.). Streets of Indian Lake 300 Indian Lake Blvd. Hendersonville streetsofindianlake.com Saturday, March 24 from 11 a.m. - 2 p.m. during the Easter Hop & Shop event.

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THINGS TO DO N Green Hills

Sensory-Friendly Bunny

615-298-5478 shopgreenhills.com

All ages. The Mall at Green Hills, 2126 Abbott Martin Road, Nashville; 9 - 10:30 a.m.; photo package prices vary. Children with any kind of sensory issue or special need can visit Peter Cottontail in Bunnyville without the usual noise, lights and other distractions.

N Human Nature 615-687-6400 nashvillesymphony.org

All ages. Schermerhorn Symphony Center, 1 Symphony Place, Nashville; 7:30 p.m.; $29 - $69. A musical tribute to the legends of pop, Motown and soul, and today’s breakout hits. Presented without orchestra.


615-889-3060 | ryman.com All ages. Ryman Auditorium, 116 Fifth Ave. N., Nashville; 7:30 p.m.; $39.50 - $59.50. A night of psychedelic rock music.

p.m. In honor of Johnny Appleseed’s legacy, get your hands dirty by playing and planting in the community garden.

R Teddy Bear

Drop-In Class

N FREE Sunday Funday

615-354-1625 nashvillejcc.org All ages. Gordon Jewish Community Center, 801 Percy Warner Blvd., Nashville; 2 - 4:30

R After-School Art See Monday, March 5.

Tea (Register)

W CoolSprings Pet

N The Bloody

615-771-2128 coolspringsgalleria.com

See Saturday, March 10.

Mary Festival

thebloodymaryfest.com Ages 21+. Track One, 1211 Fourth Ave. S., Nashville; 1 p.m.; $45. This benefit for Fannie Battle celebrates the popular brunch cocktail. Sample different concoctions from local restaurants and bars then cast your vote in a people’s choice award. Plus, food and live music.

N FREE The Enchanted Forest

615-832-5242 nashvilleopera.org All ages. Belle Meade Plantation, 110 Leake Ave., Nashville; 2 p.m. Nashville Opera presents this interactive, 35-minute production about an adventure to save the forest from a firebreathing dragon.

Photos with the Bunny

All ages. CoolSprings Galleria, 1800 Galleria Blvd., Franklin; 6 - 9 p.m.; photo package prices vary. Bring your furry family member for a pic with Peter Cottontail.

N Early Explorers See Monday, March 5.

W Mommy

& Me Movement

See Monday, March 5.

R FREE Nature

Nerds: Under the Sea (Register)


All ages. Outdoor Adventure Center, 100 Sam Ridley Pkwy. E., Smyrna; 4:30 - 5:30 p.m. Make crafts, experience nature and meet live animals.

R FREE rad Kids

615-893-7439 murfreesborotn.gov/parks Ages 12 & younger. Patterson Park Community Center, 521 Mercury Blvd., Murfreesboro; 4:30 - 6:30 p.m. Kids and parents can learn personal safety strategies.

R Snack Attack! See Monday, March 5.


See Monday, March 5.

W FREE Sprouts Yoga (Register)

See Monday, March 5.

MON 12 R FREE Adoption 101 (Register)

615-898-0803 heavensentchildren.com Adults. Heaven Sent Children, 2604 Merchants Walk, Mur-


615-799-5544 bowiepark.org Ages 18 months - 5 years. Bowie Nature Park, 7211 Bowie Lake Road, Fairview; 10 - 11 a.m. Read, sing songs, play games, make crafts and go on a hike.

Ages 13 - 18. Bowie Nature Park, 7211 Bowie Lake Road, Fairview; 10 a.m. - 12 p.m. Do hands-on field research using lab techniques and data collection to examine the park’s environments.

R Patterson

Homeschool PE Class (Register)

See Tuesday, March 6.

R FREE rad Kids

See Monday, March 12.

615-556-7370 harrisridingacademy.com


Ages 13+. Harris Riding Academy, 4024 Barfield Crescent Road, Murfreesboro; 5 - 6:30 p.m.; $15. Learn about horses in a hands-on, creative way.

R Tumbleweeds (Register)

See Monday, March 5.

Photo Night

All ages. RiverGate Mall, 1000 Rivergate Pkwy., Goodlettsville; 6 - 9 p.m.; visit is free; photo packages vary. Dog and cat pics with Peter Cottontail.


See Monday, March 5.

R Water Polo

See Thursday, March 1.

TUE 13 N FREE Bellevue

WED 14

Adventure Club

N Alvin Ailey Ameri-

R Busy Bees

See “Theater & Dance,” page 76.

See Tuesday, March 6.

See Thursday, March 1.

can Dance Theater

W Archery Home-

school Day (Register)

See Friday, March 2.

See Wednesday, March 7.

R Homeschool PE:

W FREE Girls Who

Arcade Games (Register)


Ages 4 - 18. Outdoor Adventure Center, 100 Sam Ridley Pkwy. E., Smyrna; 10 - 11 a.m.; $2. Experience arcade games in a whole new way, and trade tickets in for prizes.

N Nashville

Predators Hockey

615-770-7800 nashvillepredators.com


Rangers (Register)

615-799-5544 bowiepark.org

S RiverGate Pet

Scouts (Register)

N Grand Ole Opry

Kids can explore balance, shadow fractions, motion, gears and more through the Math Moves! exhibit at Adventure Science Center running through May 13. Visit adventuresci.org.

W FREE Nature

R Teen-Only Horse

W FREE Nature

W Small World Yoga See Sunday, March 4.

freesboro; 6 - 8 p.m. Explore the adoption process.

All ages. Bridgestone Arena, 501 Broadway, Nashville; 7 p.m.; $25 - $210. Versus the Winnipeg Jets.

Code Club (Register)

See Wednesday, March 7.

R Homeschool Creativity Class

See Wednesday, March 7.

S Homeschool Pro-

gram: Basic Embroidery Stitches (Register)

615-859-3678 | historicmanskersstation.eventbrite.com Ages 8 - 14. Historic Mansker’s Station, 705 Caldwell Drive, Goodlettsville; 10 a.m. - 12 p.m.; $10. Learn 10 embroidery stitches.

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march 2018 69

R KidFIT: Movers and N Andrew Jackson’s Shakers (Register)

See Friday, March 2.

R KidFIT: Twist and Shout (Register)

See Friday, March 2.

W FREE Kids’ Hour 615-550-5660 wholefoodsmarket.com

Ages 10 & younger. Whole Foods, 1566 W. McEwen Drive, Franklin; 9:30 a.m. Multiinstrumentalist Jacob Johnson entertains kids.

N FREE Pi Party

615-891-3384 mathnasium.com/greenhills All ages. Mathnasium, 3748 Hillsboro Pike, Nashville; 5 - 7 p.m. Celebrate pi (3.14) with pie-themed foods like pizza and pie, hula hooping, coding the number pi into art, learning the history of pi, creating art with compasses and more.

R FREE rad Kids

See Monday, March 12.

R Sports*Com Homeschool PE (Register)

See Wednesday, March 7.

R Tumbleweeds (Register)

See Monday, March 5.

R Wild Things (Register)

See Wednesday, March 7.

W Youth Yoga

See Wednesday, March 7.

THU 15 N FREE Adelicia

Acklen’s 201st Birthday Celebration

615-460-5459 belmontmansion.com

All ages. Belmont Mansion, 1700 Belmont Blvd., Nashville; 5 p.m. Explore Adelcia’s musical traditions detailed in her collection from her school days at the Nashville Female Academy.

70 march 2018

251st Birthday

615-889-2941 thehermitage.com

All ages. The Hermitage, 4580 Rachel’s Lane, Nashville; 8:30 a.m. - 5 p.m.; $10 adults, $7.50 students, $5 children. It’s half-price admission day during this celebration that includes an 11 a.m. wreath-laying ceremony at the presidential tomb, living history programs, children’s games and activities, and more.

N Beer+Hymns — St. Patty’s


ing Rachel Jackson, Martha Washington, Abigail Adams and Dolley Madison share challenges and highlights from the time earl first ladies were in the White House.

W FREE It Looks Like Play (Register)

See Thursday, March 8.

N Opry

Country Classics

See Thursday, March 1.

R Patterson Homeschool PE Class (Register)

All ages. Capitol Theatre, 110 W. Main St., Lebanon; 7:30 p.m.; $11. Sing along to traditional Irish folk songs, Irish radio hits and wall-of-sound hymns.

See Thursday, March 1.

R Busy Bees

Ages 13 - 18. Brentwood Library, 8109 Concord Road, Brentwood; 4 - 5 p.m. Enjoy a slice of pizza and an activity tied to books.

See Thursday, March 1.

R Cannonsburgh Village Historical Lunch and Learn (Register)

615-890-0355 murfreesborotn.gov/parks

Ages 18+. Cannonsburgh Village, 312 S. Front St., Murfreesboro; 12 p.m.; $12.50 (includes lunch). Learn about the world’s largest cedar bucket and other fun facts.

N Harry Potter and

the Prisoner of Azkaban in Concert

615-687-6400 nashvillesymphony.org

All ages. Schermerhorn Symphony Center, 1 Symphony Place, Nashville; Thu - Sat 7 p.m., Sun 3 p.m.; $69 - $139. Watch the Harry Potter movie in HD while the Nashville Symphony performs the score.

W FREE Pizza & Pages

615-371-0090 brentwood-tn.org/library

R Preschool

Program: Little Ninjas (Register)


Ages 3 - 5. Outdoor Adventure Center, 100 Sam Ridley Pkwy. E., Smyrna; 10 - 11 a.m.; $2. Unlock your hidden power and master the art of the shadow warrior.

R FREE rad Kids

See Monday, March 12.

W FREE Sprouts Yoga (Register)

See Thursday, March 8.

W The Wizard of Oz See “Theater & Dance,” page 76.

R Horse

W FREE Youth Martial

See Thursday, March 1.

See Thursday, March 8.

Scouts (Register)

N Hosting the

People’s House: An Evening with the First Ladies

615-889-2941 thehermitage.com

All ages. First Amendment Center, 1207 18th Ave. S., Nashville; 6 - 9 p.m.; $30 (includes wine and hors d’ouevres). Costumed re-enactors represent-

Arts Class (Register)

FRI 16 N Creative Play See Friday, March 2.

R Critter Encounter See Friday, March 9.




The life and legacy of “The King” is alive and well during the Nashville Elvis Festival at Franklin Theatre.

>> Add to your must list this month. NASHVILLE LAWN AND GARDEN SHOW

The Fairgrounds, Nashville March 1 - 4 nashvillelawnandgardenshow.com Live garden displays plus a whole new offering of kids’ activities like bluebird house making.


The Factory, Franklin Friday, March 2 charleyfoundation.org/ringside.html This night of boxing raises money to help disabled and underprivileged children.


Green Door Gourmet, Nashville March 3 - 4 greendoorgourmet.com See what all the buzz is about.


Riverfront Park, Nashville March 17 - 18 musiccityirishfest.com

Two days of free music and dance with an Irish flair.


Schermerhorn Symphony Center Nashville March 22 - 24 nashvillesymphony.org

Musicians perform on instruments played by Jews during the Holocaust.

NASHVILLE ELVIS FESTIVAL Franklin Theatre, Franklin March 23 - 25 nashvilleelvisfestival.com

This second annual celebration features performances, Q & A sessions and other activities.

THINGS TO DO W Friday Skate Night N FREE Jolly Green 615-799-9331, ext. 2310 wcparksandrec.com

All ages. Fairview Recreation Complex, 2714 Fairview Blvd., Fairview; 6:30 - 8:30 p.m.; $5. Bring your own roller skates and zip around the gym.

N From the

Ancient Valley

intersectionmusic.org All ages. Quattro Evento Receptions, 403 Allied Drive, Nashville; 7:30 p.m.; $25. Intersection Music Ensemble presents a musical program inspired by Kurdish and Persian culture.

N Grand Ole Opry See Friday, March 2.

N Harry Potter and

the Prisoner of Azkaban in Concert

See Thursday, March 15.

N Hermitage

Homeschool Days

615-889-2941 thehermitage.com

All ages. The Hermitage, 4580 Rachel’s Lane, Nashville; 9 a.m. - 12 p.m.; $40 per family up to five. Homeschool students can create their own decorative art similar to those found at the Hermitage.

Experience the art of Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater at TPAC on Wednesday, March 14.

Giants (Register)

N OZ School

Day (Register)

615-352-6299 wpnc.nashville.gov

615-350-7200 ozartsnashville.org

Ages 3 - 5. Warner Park Nature Center, 7311 Hwy. 100, Nashville; 10 - 11 a.m. In celebration of St. Patrick’s Day, discover the evergreen tress of the park along with a few miniature emerald beauties.

Ages 5 - 15. Centennial Performing Arts Studio, 211 27th Ave. N., Nashville; 9 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.; $50. Kids can explore art, theater, music and movement with a “found sound” theme.

R KidFIT: Movers and W Pam Tillis Shakers (Register)

See Friday, March 2.

R KidFIT: Twist and Shout (Register)

See Friday, March 2.

N FREE Music Togeth-

er Trial Class (Register)

615-390-3207 inharmonymusicmidtn.com/ tryout-class Ages 5 & younger. Renee’s Groove Room, 3668 Central Pike, Nashville; 10 a.m. Try out this parent-tot music-andmovement program.

N NCAA Division

1 Men’s Basketball Championships

615-770-2000 bridgestonearena.com

All ages. Bridgestone Arena, 501 Broadway, Nashville; 12 p.m.; $198 - $300. Root for your favorite NCAA team as they compete in this March Madness event.

615-538-2076 franklintheatre.com All ages. Franklin Theatre, 419 Main St., Franklin; 8 p.m.; $40 - $50. A night of country music.

R FREE rad Kids

See Monday, March 12.

R SibShop (Register) 615-890-2300 explorethedc.org

Ages 8 - 13. Discovery Center at Murfree Spring, 502 S.E. Broad St., Murfreesboro; 5 - 9 p.m.; $10. Dinner, games and activities for siblings of children with special needs.

N Snap

Judgment Live!

615-889-3060 | ryman.com All ages. Ryman Auditorium, 116 Fifth Ave. N., Nashville; 7:30 p.m.; $27 - $67. The NPR storytelling show comes to Music City.

N TEDxNashville 2018: Imagine

615-782-4040 | tpac.org All ages. TPAC’s Jackson Hall, 505 Deaderick St., Nashville; Fri 6 - 10 p.m., Sat 1 - 6 p.m.; $50 - $80. A fast-paced, deep dive into some of the world’s most fascinating topics.

R Toddler Time

See Friday, March 2.

N Toddler

Tunes (Register)

See Friday, March 2.

N Tri-Star Boxing St. Paddy’s Day Fights

615-394-6206 tristarboxing.com

All ages. The Fairgrounds, 500 Wedgewood Ave., Nashville; 6 p.m.; $20 - $600. Nashville’s best professional boxers compete.


SAT 17 W 15th Annual

Main Street Brewfest

mainstreetbrewfest.eventbrite. com Ages 21+. Downtown Franklin, 419 Main St., Franklin; 5 - 8 p.m.; $55. Experience more than 50 brews along with food trucks, entertainment and more.

N Beginning Banjo Workshop: St. Patrick’s Day Style

615-416-2001 countrymusichalloffame.org Ages 7+. Country Music Hall of Fame & Museum, 222 Fifth Ave. S., Nashville; 1 & 1:45 p.m.; free with gate ($24.95 adults, $14.95 ages 6 - 12, free 5 and younger; discounts for local families). Learn banjo basics, including a few chords and Irish songs.

N Creative Play See Friday, March 2.

N FREE Explore the Burch Reserve (Register)

615-352-6299 wpnc.nashville.gov Ages 8+. Warner Park Nature Center, 7311 Hwy. 100, Nashville; 9 - 11 a.m. Welcome spring while exploring the park’s newest trail.

N Family Craft Day (Register)

615-447-8480 craftlove.com/nashville Ages 6+. Craft Love, 5104 Centennial Blvd., Nashville; 1 - 4 p.m.; $35 - $85. Create a unique wood decor project together.

R Family Fun Night: Shamrock and Roll (Register)


All ages. Outdoor Adventure Center, 100 Sam Ridley Pkwy. E., Smyrna; 6 - 8 p.m.; $2. Karaoke with St. Patrick’s Dayinspired snacks and drinks.

R FREE Family Movie 615-893-4131 linebaugh.org

All ages. Linebaugh Public Library, 105 W. Vine St.,

Murfreesboro; 10 a.m. Catch a screening of a family-friendly flick.

N FREE Family Movie Matinee: Hercules

615-244-3340 fristcenter.org

All ages. Frist Center, 919 Broadway, Nashville; 2 - 4 p.m. Enjoy a screening of Disney’s Hercules followed by hands-on art activities.

N From the Ancient

Valley Family Concert


All ages. Casa Azafran, 2195 Nolensville Pike, Nashville; 2 p.m.; $7.50 - $35. Intersection Music Ensemble presents an abridged concert with audience interaction with music inspired by Kurdish and Persian culture.

W Gateway Chamber Orchestra: The Family Show

615-538-2076 franklintheatre.com

All ages. Franklin Theatre, 419 Main St., Franklin; 11 a.m.; $15 adults, $10 students. Dulcimer virtuoso Stephen Seifert joins the orchestra for “Broad Bands of Light.”

N Grand Ole Opry See Friday, March 2.

N Harry Potter and

the Prisoner of Azkaban in Concert

See Thursday, March 15.

N FREE iNaturalist: Aquatic Critters (Register)

615-352-6299 wpnc.nashville.gov

Ages 8+. Warner Park Nature Center, 7311 Hwy. 100, Nashville; 1 - 2:30 p.m. Search for critters big and small while learning about the Warner Park Biodiversity Project and the iNaturalist Project.

N FREE It’s Saint Patty’s Day!!! (Register)

615-862-8539 sbnc.nashville.gov

All ages. Shelby Bottoms Nature Center, 1900 Davidson St., Nashville; 1 - 3 p.m. This outing focuses on the many “green” things found in nature.

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march 2018 71

THINGS TO DO kidsvilleonline.org

Your Buddy, Aaron Tessis

Ages 12 & younger. The Parthenon, 2500 West End Ave., Nashville; 11 - 11:45 a.m. Hear stories of pots of gold in myths and folk tales from around the world, then make your own pot of gold.

All ages. The Arts Center of Cannon County, 1424 John Bragg Hwy., Woodbury; 7:30 p.m.; $15. A musical tribute to Buddy Holly.

N FREE Kidsville

615-563-2787 artscenterofcc.com

N FREE Kidsville

SUN 18

Financial Literacy Program


Ages 12 & younger. Centennial Performing Arts Center, 2500 West End Ave., Nashville; 1 - 2 p.m. Youngsters can learn about earning money, saving, spending and donating funds.

N Little Art House Drop-In Class

See Saturday, March 3.

S Mid TN Baby & Beyond Expo

615-824-2818 hendersonvillechamber.com All ages. Hendersonville YMCA,102 Bluegrass Commons Blvd., Hendersonville; 1 - 4 p.m.; $15 adults, $10 seniors, free for kids. Exhibitor booths with products and services for new and expectant parents, educational seminars, giveaways, outdoor fun and more.

N Music City Half

Marathon, 10K & 5K

team-magic.com/events/114 All ages. East Bank Landing, 2 Victory Ave., Nashville; 8 a.m.; $75 for the half, $45 for the 10K, $35 for the 5K. Participate in this 12th annual race along the banks of the Cumberland River.

N NCAA Division

1 Men’s Basketball Championships

See Friday, March 16.

W Riverbend Kids Club

615-468-2008 riverbendnurseries.com All ages. Riverbend Nurseries, 2008 Lewisburg Pike, Franklin; 10 - 11 a.m.; $5. Kids will learn how to prepare a garden.

N A Silent Past: Un-

covering the Story of the Enslaved (Register)

Experience Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban in Concert with the Nashville Symphony, March 15 - 18 at the Schermerhorn.

R FREE Silly Saturday: Celtic Crafts


All ages. Outdoor Adventure Center, 100 Sam Ridley Pkwy. E., Smyrna; 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. Make a Celtic-inspired craft.

N FREE Spring Fling In-House Figure Skating Competition

615-928-7977 nashvilleiceskate.com

All ages. Centennial Sportsplex, 222 25th Ave. N., Nashville; 10:45 a.m. - 12:45 p.m. Enjoy the excitement of figure skating action.

N FREE St. Patrick’s

General George Patton Drive, Brentwood; 7 p.m.; $5. Local teens and preteens perform songs, monologues and scenes.

R Teens Cooking for Myself (Register)

615-956-6077 thecuriouskitchen.net

Ages 15 - 18. The Curious Kitchen, 1602 W. Northfield Blvd., Murfreesboro; 11 a.m. - 2 p.m.; $50. Teens will learn basic skills and fun food options to help them in their quest to feel more grown up and independent.

W FREE The Enchanted Forest

Day Celebration

615-832-5242 nashvilleopera.org

All ages. Riverfront Park, 100 First Ave. N., Nashville; 11 a.m. A day of music and dance featuring Fiddle Frenzy, Nashville Pipes & Drums, S.ern Academy of Irish Dance, Celtic Cross, Skerryvore and more.

All ages. Williamson County Library, 1314 Columbia Ave., Franklin; 10 & 11:30 a.m. Nashville Opera presents this interactive, 35-minute production about an adventure to save the forest from a fire-breathing dragon.

R St. Patrick’s Day

R The Green Tie


Getaway (Register)

615-893-7439 murfreesborotn.gov/parks Ages 7 - 13. Patterson Park Community Center, 521 Mercury Blvd., Murfreesboro; 6 - 9 p.m.; $5 in advance, $7 at the door. Swimming, crafts, treats, Irish food and more.

W Teen Coffeehouse 615-678-4739 expressioncity.com

Affair & Casino Night

615-898-1862 murfreesborosymphony.com

Adults. Stones River Country Club, 1830 N.W. Broad St., Murfreesboro; 7 - 11 p.m.; $45. This fundraiser for the Murfreesboro Symphony Orchestra includes $1,000 in play money, heavy hors d’ouvres, dancing with a DJ and more.

615-889-3060 | ryman.com All ages. Ryman Auditorium, 116 Fifth Ave. N., Nashville; 8 p.m.; $24.50 - $45.50. A night of blues/folk music.

W Wildflower Hike (Register)

615-370-4672 | owlshill.org Adults. Owl’s Hill Nature Sanctuary, 545 Beech Creek Road, Brentwood; 9:30 - 11:30 a.m.; $12. Enjoy spring colors during a nature hike.

R Wildlife

Painting (Register)

615-217-3017 murfreesborotn.gov/parks Ages 13+. The Wilderness Station, 697 Veterans Pkwy., Murfreesboro; 2 - 4 p.m.; $15. An instructor-led, step-by-step, nature-themed painting class.

S FREE Wonderland Egg Hunt

615-824-0502 historicrockcastle.com All ages. Historic Rock Castle, 139 Rock Castle Lane, Hendersonville; 10 a.m. Jump down the rabbit hole for an adventure including egg hunts (there’s one for Mom and Dad, too), crafts, games and other activities. Be sure to grab photos with the Red Queen, Alice and the Mad Hatter.

W FREE Yoga with Maarika Mann

See Saturday, March 3.

All ages. Expression City, 1724

72 march 2018

N The Wood Brothers

615-832-8197 travellersrestplantation.org

All ages. Historic Travellers Rest, 636 Farrell Pkwy., Nashville; 12:30 - 4 p.m.; $15 adults, $10 ages 10 - 15. Specialty house tours highlighting enslaved workers stories (paid ticket). There are separate free grounds and exhibit tours as well.

W American Girl Bunny Brunch (Register)

877-247-5223 | americangirl.com/retail/nashville.php Ages 3+. American Girl Store at CoolSprings Galleria, 1800 Galleria Blvd., Franklin; 10 - 11:30 a.m.; $25. Dine on brunch items and pose for pics with the Easter Bunny.

N Climbing for Clouds

615-833-1534 nashvillezoo.org All ages. Climb Nashville, 3600 Charlotte Ave., Nashville; 6 - 8 p.m.; $15. Climb for a cause and meet some of the Nashville Zoo’s animal ambassadors. Zookeepers will be available to talk about clouded leopard conservation.

N Creative Zone: Hats and Fiddles

615-416-2001 countrymusichalloffame.org All ages. Country Music Hall of Fame & Museum, 222 Fifth Ave. S., Nashville; 10 a.m. - 1 p.m.; free with gate ($24.95 adults, $14.95 ages 6 - 12, free 5 and younger; discounts for local families). Show off your individuality by decorating a paper fiddle or wearable paper hat.

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74 march 2018


THINGS TO DO N FREE Extra Special Bunny (Register)

615-514-1000 | eventbrite. com/e/extra-special-bunnytickets-42649408529 All ages. Opry Mills, 433 Opry Mills Drive, Nashville; 8 - 10 a.m. Children with special needs can visit the Easter Bunny in a sensory-friendly environment — no mall music, dimmer lights and no queue lines. Children will receive numbers and be called to the set in order.

R FREE Harris Lil’

Hoofers Horse Youth Club

N Harry Potter and

the Prisoner of Azkaban in Concert

See Thursday, March 15.

W Kids’ Easter Cookie

Class (Register)

615-429-3113 | facebook. com/laurascustomcookies Ages 9 - 14. Laura’s Custom Cookies, 1863 O’Reilly Cir., Spring Hill; 1:30 - 3:30 p.m.; $45. Learn to decorate simple designs using basic techniques.

N NCAA Division

1 Men’s Basketball Championships

615-556-7370 harrisridingacademy.com

See Friday, March 16.

Ages 6+. Harris Riding Academy, 4024 Barfield Crescent Road, Murfreesboro; 2 p.m. Hands-on horse fun.

Drop-In Class

W Small World Yoga See Sunday, March 4.

N FREE St. Patrick’s Day Celebration

musiccityirishfest.com All ages. Riverfront Park, 100 First Ave. N., Nashville; 12 p.m. A day of music and dance featuring the Nashville Irish Step Dancers, Flook, Lunasa, Talisk, We Banjo 3 and more.

N The Ultimate Diva Expo

theultimatedivaexpo.com Adults. The Fairgrounds, 500 Wedgewood Ave., Nashville; 11 a.m. - 7 p.m.; $15 in advance (includes free glass of wine), $20 at the door. Enjoy a spring fashion show, sip & shop fun, DJ & line dancing, self-defense instruction, yoga, networking, prize giveaways and more.

W WellieWishers

Friendship Tea Party (Register)

March 17 - April 15

Get into spring by taking in the beauty of 150,000+ vibrant flowers filling the gardens during Cheekwood in Bloom. The annual celebration invites families for six weekends of themed crafts and garden activities, live entertainment, food trucks and this year’s new addition — the floral house. The Spring Art Hop is Cheekwood in Bloom’s main event on Saturday, March 31 (additional cost TBA). This mashup of Easter and art-making fun takes place from 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. and features 25 egg hunts, new garden games, music by Mr. Steve and more. Cheekwood is located at 1200 Forrest Park Drive, Nashville. Hours are Tue - Sun 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Admission is $20 adults, $13 ages 3 - 17, free ages 2 & younger. Call 615-3568000 or visit cheekwood.org.

See Monday, March 5.

N Little Art House

Spring Break Camp (Register)

615-933-9644 littlearthousenashville.com Grades K - 2. Little Art House, 2104 Acklen Ave., Nashville; 9 a.m. - 12 p.m.; $45 per day, $40 per day for full week. Art-making fun spanning multiple mediums.

W Mommy & Me Movement

See Monday, March 5.

R Snack Attack! See Monday, March 5.


See Monday, March 5.

W FREE Sprouts Yoga (Register)

877-247-5223 | americangirl.com/retail/nashville.php

See Monday, March 5.

Ages 5+. American Girl Store at CoolSprings Galleria, 1800 Galleria Blvd., Franklin; 3 4:30 p.m.; $13.50. Treats, crafts, cupcake decorating and more.

See Monday, March 12.

MON 19 SPOTLIGHT Cheekwood in Bloom

N Early Explorers

R After-School Art See Monday, March 5.

R Aquatic

Storytime and Swim

615-893-7439 murfreesborotn.gov/parks

Ages 5 & younger. Patterson Park Community Center, 521 Mercury Blvd., Murfreesboro; 9:45 a.m.; $4 adults, $3 youth. Enjoy an aquatic-themed tale, then enjoy time in the pool.

W Bunny

Hop (Register)

wcparksandrec.com Ages 3 - 6. Williamson County Recreation Complex, 7250 Nolensville Road, Nolensville; 10 - 11 a.m.; $4. Fun, games and photos with the Easter Bunny.

W CoolSprings Pet

Photos with the Bunny

See Monday, March 12.

R Teen-Only Horse Scouts (Register)

TUE 20 N FREE Bellevue Adventure Club

See Tuesday, March 6.

R Busy Bees

See Thursday, March 1.

N FREE Composers of Hope

615-687-6400 nashvillesymphony.org All ages. Schermerhorn Symphony Center, 6 p.m. Part of Nashville Symphony’s Violins of Hope initiative, this concert features the music of composers whose lives were directly impacted by the Holocaust.

$5. Learn methods of conservation and the effects of pollution, then make an upcycled craft.

N Little Art House

Spring Break Camp (Register)

See Monday, March 19.

R Make Music

Workshop (Register)

615-867-7244 murfreesborotn.gov/parks

Ages 2 - 5. McFadden Community Center, 211 Bridge Ave., Murfreesboro; 10 a.m.; $3. Kids can explore keyboards, drums, shakers, ukuleles, maracas and other instruments through games and playtime.

R Patterson

Homeschool PE Class (Register)

See Tuesday, March 6.

S RiverGate Pet Photo Night

rivergate-mall.com All ages. RiverGate Mall, 1000 Rivergate Pkwy., Goodlettsville; 6 - 9 p.m.; visit is free; photo packages vary. Bring your furry family members for photos with the Easter Bunny.


See Monday, March 5.

N Tony Bennett

615-889-3060 | ryman.com All ages. Ryman Auditorium, 116 Fifth Ave. N., Nashville; 7:30 p.m.; $65 - $225. A night of pop and American standards by a living legend.

N Vandy vs Belmont 615-690-4487, ext. 2 bit.ly/vandyvsbelmont

All ages. First Tennessee Park, 19 Junior Gilliam Way, Nashville; 6:30 p.m.; $8 - $15. The Vanderbilt Commodores and Belmont Bruins square off on the baseball field.

N Grand Ole Opry

W FREE Vernal Equi-

R Homeschool

615-799-5544 bowiepark.org

See Friday, March 2.

Program: Earth Day (Register)


Ages 5 - 18. Outdoor Adventure Center, 100 Sam Ridley Pkwy. E., Smyrna; 9 a.m. - 12 p.m.;

nox Extravaganza

All ages. Bowie Nature Park, 7211 Bowie Lake Road, Fairview; 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. Mark the coming of spring with crafts, refreshments and other activities.

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march 2018 75

R Water Polo

W FREE Kids’ Hour

WED 21 W Archery Home-

Ages 10 & younger. Whole Foods, 1566 W. McEwen Drive, Franklin; 9:30 a.m. Ginger Sands performs music for children.

See Wednesday, March 7.

N Little Art House

See Thursday, March 1.

school Day (Register)

W FREE Faith and

Phones: Our Deepening Relationship with a Screen

615-370-4227 eastbrentwoodpc.com

All ages. East Park Community Center, 9000 Concord Road, Brentwood; 7 p.m. Jaco Hamman, Ph.D., a professor at Vanderbilt Divinity School, leads a discussion on our deepening addiction to phones, tablets and gaming consoles, while offering ways to assure spiritual vitality.

615-550-5660 gingersands.com

Spring Break Camp (Register)

See Monday, March 19.

R Sports*Com Homeschool PE (Register)

See Friday, March 2.

W FREE Timberland

Easter Eggstravaganza (Register)


W FREE Girls Who

Ages 3 - 5. Timberland Park, Natchez Trace Parkway at mile marker 437.2, Franklin; 10 a.m. Make an Easter craft, meet the Easter Bunny and embark on an egg hunt.

See Wednesday, March 7.

R Tumbleweeds

R Homeschool

See Monday, March 5.

See Wednesday, March 7.

R Wild Things

R Homeschool

See Wednesday, March 7.

Code Club (Register)

Creativity Class

Program: Earth Day (Register)


Ages 5 - 18. Outdoor Adventure Center, 100 Sam Ridley Pkwy. E., Smyrna; 9 a.m. - 12 p.m.; $5. Learn methods of conservation and the effects of pollution, then make an upcycled craft.



W Youth Yoga

See Wednesday, March 7.

THU 22 R Busy Bees

See Thursday, March 1.

N Jammin’ to

W FREE DC/Marvel

615-889-3060 | ryman.com

615-371-0090 brentwoodtn.gov/library

Beat the Blues

All ages. Ryman Auditorium, 116 Fifth Ave. N., Nashville; 7:30 p.m.; $39.50 - $59.50. Trace Adkins and friends perform this benefit for Mental Health America of Middle Tennessee.

Comics Club (Register)

Ages 13+. Brentwood Library, 8109 Concord Road, Brentwood; 4 - 5 p.m. Snacks, activities and social time regardless of what side of the comic world you reside.

R KidFIT: Movers

and Shakers (Register)

See Friday, March 2.

R KidFIT: Twist and


March 2 - 4 | All ages bravocreativeartscenter.com

Bravo Creative Arts Center at The Father Ryan Center for the Arts, 700 Norwood Drive, Nashville. Fri 7 p.m., Sat 2 & 7 p.m., Sun 2 p.m. $12. The classic Disney story of the “diamond in the rough” street rat who discovers a magic lamp in the Cave of Wonders.

ALVIN AILEY AMERICAN DANCE THEATER Wednesday, March 14 All ages 615-782-4040 | tpac.org

TPAC’s Jackson Hall, 505 Deaderick St., Nashville. 7:30 p.m. $40 - $85. The worlds most popular modern dance company presents contemporary works touching on timely topics.


March 2 - 4 | All ages 615-302-0971, ext. 2216 academyparktn.wcparksandrec.com

The Star Bright Players at the Williamson County Performing Arts Center, 112 Everbright Ave., Franklin. Fri - Sat 7 p.m., Sun 2 p.m. $8. The musical tale of a feisty orphan girl who finds a home in an unexpected place.


March 2 - 17 | Ages 10+ 615-221-1174 townecentretheatre.com

Towne Centre Theatre, 136 Frierson St., Brentwood. Thu - Sat 8 p.m., Sun 2:30 p.m. $20 adults, $16 students. Ingenious murders take place in an island mansion as a pair of detectives set to work on their first case.


Through March 4 | Ages 10+ 615-847-0934 lakewoodtheaterco.com

Lakewood Theatre Company, 2211 Old Hickory Blvd., Old Hickory. Fri Sat 7:30 p.m., Sun 2:30 p.m. $15 adults, $12 students. A newlywed couple in NYC learn to live together while facing daily ups and downs.


Shout (Register)

See Friday, March 2.

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76 march 2018



Through March 4 | Ages 14+ 615-782-4040 | tpac.org

Broadway Series at TPAC’s Jackson


Hall, 505 Deaderick St., Nashville. Thu 7:30 p.m., Fri 8 p.m., Sat 2 & 8 p.m., Sun 1 & 6:30 p.m. $42.50 - $92.50. This Kander and Ebb musical focuses on the nightlife at the seedy Kit Kat Klub and revolves around young American writer Cliff Bradshaw and his relationship with English cabaret performer Sally Bowles.


March 10 - 11 | All ages 615-578-7368 nashvilleirishstepdancers.com

Nashville Irish Step Dancers at the Capitol Theatre, 110 W. Main St., Lebanon. Sat 7 p.m., Sun 2 p.m. $20 adults, $15 ages 3 - 12. An energetic fusion of Irish dance, music and song.


March 2 - 11 | Ages 10+ 615-598-8950 encore-theatre-company.org

Encore Theatre Company, 6978 Lebanon Road, Mt. Juliet. Fri - Sat 7:30 p.m., Sun 2:30 p.m. $15 adults, $10 ages 12 & younger. In the Baptist backwoods of the Bible Belt, the beleaguered Turpin family proves that living and dying in the South are seldom tidy and always hilarious.


Saturday, March 3 | All ages 615-904-2787 | boroarts.org

Center for the Arts, 110 W. College St., Murfreesboro. 9:30, 10:30 & 11:30 a.m. $10. Center Stage Academy presents the tale of a highsociety cat and her kittens.


Through March 4 | All ages 615-826-6037 | hpactn.com

Hendersonville Performing Arts Company, 260 W. Main St., Hendersonville. Thu - Fri 7:30 p.m., Sat 2 & 7:30 p.m., Sun 2 p.m. $18 adults, $15 students. The timeless tale about the importance of what’s on the inside.


March 8 & 10 | All ages 615-904-2787 | boroarts.org

Center for the Arts, 110 W. College St., Murfreesboro. 6 p.m. on March 8, 10 a.m. & 12 p.m. on March


March 1 - 18 | Ages 8+ 615-252-4675 | nashvillect.org

Nashville Children’s Theatre, 25 Middleton St., Nashville. Opening night at 6:30 p.m., Sat - Sun 2 p.m. (no Sun show on March 4). $20 adults, $15 youth. An 11-year-old girl with Asperger’s syndrome discovers that not everything is black and white.


March 2 - 17 | Ages 12+ act1online.com

Act 1 at the Darkhorse Theater, 4610 Charlotte Ave., Nashville. Thu - Sat 7:30 p.m., Sun 2:30 p.m. $15. A fiction writer living in a police state is interrogated about the gruesome content of his short stories and their similarities to a number of bizarre child murders occurring in his town.

Bravo Creative Arts Center presents Aladdin Jr. at the Father Ryan Center for the Arts, March 2 - 4. 10. $12. Center Stage Academy presents the musical about a magical nanny.


March 30 - April 8 | All ages 615-904-2787 | boroarts.org

Center for the Arts, 110 W. College St., Murfreesboro. Fri - Sat 7:30 p.m., Sun 2 p.m. $15 adults, $13 students, $11 children. A group of disciples help Jesus tell different parables by using a wide variety of games, storytelling techniques and comic timing.


March 24 - April 21 | Ages 12+ 615-782-4040 | tpac.org Nashville Rep at TPAC’s Johnson Theater, 505 Deaderick St., Nashville. Wed - Thu 6:30 p.m., Fri 7:30 p.m., Sat 2:30 & 7:30 p.m., Sun 2:30 p.m. $47.50 - $52.50. Inspired by the sensational Scopes Monkey Trial of 1925 in Dayton, Tenn., this courtroom drama centers on the prosecution of a teacher who read Darwin’s The Origin of Species to his science class.


March 8 - 12 | All ages hillsboroplayers.com

The Hillsboro Players at Hillsboro High School, 3812 Hillsboro Road, Nashville. 7 p.m. $12 - $15 adults, $8 students. James Lapine/Stephen

Sondheim’s musical that weaves together the plot lines of Cinderella, Jack and the Beanstalk, Little Red Riding Hood and Rapunzel.

LITTLE WOMEN: THE BROADWAY MUSICAL March 8 - 17 | All ages actorspointtheatre.com

Actors Point Theatre at GodWhy Church, 100 GodWhy Court, Hendersonville. Thu - Sat 7:30 p.m. $13 - $18. The adventures of the March sisters at home in Massachusetts while their father is away on the Civil War Battlefield.

LOVE’S LABOUR’S LOST March 22 - 25 | All ages 615-818-7358 thetheaterbug.org

The Theater Bug, 4809 Gallatin Pike, Nashville. Thu - Sat 7 p.m., Sun 6 p.m. $12 adults, $7 ages 11 & younger at the door (discount tickets available at ticketsnashville.com). Santiago Sosa directs a retro romp through a Shakespeare classic.


Saturday, March 24 | All ages 615-782-4040 | tpac.org

TPAC’s Jackson Hall, 505 Deaderick St., Nashville. 8 p.m. $45 - $450. A new dance tour featuring favorites from ABC’s Dancing with the Stars.

SHREK THE MUSICAL March 8 - 17 | All ages

615-472-4731 | wcs.edu/phs

Page High School Theatre, 6281 Arno Road, Franklin. Thu - Fri 7 p.m. (no show March 15), Sat 2 & 7 p.m. $12 adults, $10 children. Everyone’s favorite ogre comes to life on stage alongside a wisecracking donkey, a feisty princess and fairy tale misfits.


March 3 & 10 | All ages 615-563-2787 artscenterofcc.com

The Arts Center of Cannon County, 1424 John Bragg Hwy., Woodbury. 2 p.m. $10 adults, $7 students. A one-act cut of the family musical based on the books of Dr. Seuss.


March 23 - April 8 | Ages 10+ 615-847-0934 lakewoodtheaterco.com

Lakewood Theatre Company, 2211 Old Hickory Blvd., Old Hickory. Fri - Sat 7:30 p.m., Sun 2:30 p.m. $15 adults, $12 students. Based on Shakespeare’s Much Ado About Nothing, this play is set in an American high school with all the love, hate, treachery and teen angst one can imagine.

- Sat 7:30 p.m., Sun 3 p.m. $20 ($10 on Thursdays). A comedy-drama about the bond between a group of Southern women in a small community and how they cope with the death of one of their own.


March 28 - April 22 | All ages 615-782-4040 | tpac.org

TPAC’s Jackson Hall, 505 Deaderick St., Nashville. Tue - Thu 7:30 p.m., Fri 8 p.m., Sat 2 & 8 p.m., Sun 1 & 6:30 p.m. $41.50 - $146.50. The smash musical about what happened in Oz before Dorothy dropped in.


March 2 - 4 | All ages 615-867-7244 murfreesborotn.gov/parks

Perform Murfreesboro at The Washington Theatre, 521 Mercury Blvd., Murfreesboro. Fri - Sat 7 p.m., Sun 2 p.m. $7.50 adults, $6 ages 4 - 17. Roald Dahl’s tale of an enigmatic candy manufacturer’s special contest.


March 15 - 24 | All ages 615-400-7733 offthesquarefranklin.com

Off The Square Theatre at Williamson County Performing Arts Center, 112 Everbright Ave., Franklin. Thu - Fri 7 p.m., Sat 1 & 5 p.m. $12 adults, $10 kids. A young girl travels to a faraway land where she kills a witch in the midst of a shoe squabble.


Through March 3 | Ages 10+ 615-883-8375 thelarrykeetontheatre.org

The Larry Keeton Dinner Theatre, 108 Donelson Pike, Nashville. Thu - Sat 7 p.m., Sun 2 p.m. $18 - $30 adults, $15 - $20 ages 12 & younger. A staged concert version of the musical with music by Leonard Bernstein and lyrics by Stephen Sondheim.


March 23 - April 8 | Ages 10+ 615-332-7529 circleplayers.net

Circle Players at Looby Theater, 2301 Rosa L. Parks Blvd., Nashville. Thu


Eric D. Pasto-Crosby and Rebecca Keeshin star in the Nashville Children’s Theatre production of Mockingbird.

march 2018 77

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THINGS TO DO N Guerrero Conducts

N FREE Music Togeth- N Opry

N Creative Play

615-687-6400 nashvillesymphony.org

615-390-3207 inharmonymusicmidtn.com/ tryout-class

R Critter Encounter

the Violins of Hope

All ages. Schermerhorn Symphony Center, 1 Symphony Place, Nashville; Thu 7 p.m., Fri - Sat 8 p.m.; $29 - $145. Nashville Symphony musicians perform on the Violins of Hope, a collection of instruments played by Jews during the Holocaust, for the world premiere of Jonathan Leshnoff’s “Symphony No. 4.” It will be recorded live for a future worldwide release.

R Horse

Scouts (Register)

615-556-7370 harrisridingacademy.com Ages 6+. Harris Riding Academy, 4024 Barfield Crescent Road, Murfreesboro; 5 - 6:30 p.m.; $15. Learn about horses in a hands-on, creative way.

W FREE It Looks Like Play (Register)

See Thursday, March 8.

N Little Art House

Spring Break Camp (Register)

See Monday, March 19.

N Love’s

Labour’s Lost

See “Theater & Dance,” page 76.

er Trial Class (Register)

Ages 5 & younger. Renee’s Groove Room, 3668 Central Pike, Nashville; 11 a.m. Try out this parent-tot music-andmovement program.

Country Classics

See Thursday, March 1.

R Patterson

Homeschool PE Class (Register)

See Thursday, March 1.

See Friday, March 2.

See Friday, March 9.

N FREE Experiment

Friday: STEAM Series (Register)

N Rushes Ensemble

615-329-8544 galleries@fisk.edu | fisk.edu

Hungry Dinner

615-350-7200 ozartsnashville.org

Adults. Gray & Dudley, 221 Second Ave. N., Nashville; 6 p.m.; $175. This multi-course event benefits No Kid Hungry’s work to end childhood hunger in America. Includes a cocktail reception and live auction.

All ages. OZ Arts, 6172 Cockrill Bend Cir., Nashville; 7 p.m.; $20. Two kaleidoscope concert-length, thematically linked works for single-instrument families include “Rushes” for seven bassoons and “Timber” for six percussionists.

Ages 2 - 5. Fisk University’s Aaron Douglas Gallery, 1000 17th Ave. N., Nashville; 3:45 p.m. Fisk students lead children in experiments at the intersection of art and science.

N Nashville

W FREE Sprouts

N Nashville No Kid events.nokidhungry.org

Predators Hockey

615-770-7800 bridgestonearena.com

All ages. Bridgestone Arena, 501 Broadway, Nashville; 7 p.m.; $25 - $210. Versus the Toronto Maple Leafs.

& Mantra Percussion

Yoga (Register)

See Thursday, March 8.

W Take the Cake

Featuring John Ford Coley

615-538-2076 franklintheatre.com

All ages. Franklin Theatre, 419 Main St., Franklin; 7 p.m.; $40 - $45. This charity auction and concert benefits Williamson County’s DUI Court.

W FREE Youth Martial Arts Class (Register) See Thursday, March 8.

FRI 23 W

FREE Amphibian Hike (Register) 615-799-5544 bowiepark.org

All ages. Bowie Nature Park, 7211 Bowie Lake Road, Fairview; 6 7:30 p.m. Enjoy an evening stroll while learning to identify frogs by sound and sight.

N Grand Ole Opry See Friday, March 2.

N Guerrero Conducts the Violins of Hope

See Thursday, March 22.

N Homeschool Ice Skating Class (Register)

615-928-7977 nashvilleiceskate.com Ages 6+. Centennial Sportsplex, 222 25th Ave. N., Nashville; 2:15 - 3:15 p.m.; $75. Homeschool students can learn to ice skate. Fridays through April 13.

R KidFIT: Movers and Shakers (Register)

See Friday, March 2.

interviews with those who worked with Elvis, live music performances and more.

N FREE Nashville Flea Market

nashvilleflea.com All ages. The Fairgrounds, 500 Wedgewood Ave., Nashville; Fri 12 - 5 p.m., Sat 7 a.m. - 6 p.m., Sun 7 a.m. - 4 p.m. Shop for treasures with a “Spring Ahead” theme.

N Something’s Up, Maybe?

See “Theater & Dance,” page 76.

N Steel Magnolias

See “Theater & Dance,” page 76.

N The Eagles

615-770-2000 bridgestonearena.com All ages. Bridgestone Arena, 501 Broadway, Nashville; 8 p.m.; $99.50 - $375. A night of rock music with Vince Gill as part of the group.

R Toddler Time See Friday, March 2.

N FREE Under, Inside and All Around (Register)

615-352-6299 wpnc.nashville.gov

615-371-0090 brentwoodtn.gov/library

Ages 6 - 12. Warner Park Nature Center, 7311 Hwy. 100, Nashville; 9:30 - 11:30 a.m. (ages 6 - 8) and 1 - 3 p.m. (ages 9 - 12). Search for salamanders under the leaf litter, insects inside rotting logs and listen all around for songs of spring.

Ages 5 - 12. Brentwood Library, 8109 Concord Road, Brentwood; 4:30 - 5:30 p.m. Unleash creativity while building with LEGO blocks.

SAT 24

R KidFIT: Twist and Shout (Register)

See Friday, March 2.


Mania (Register)

N Little Art House

N FREE Bass Pro Easter Crafts

Spring Break Camp (Register)

615-514-5200 basspro.com/easter

W Nashville

All ages. Bass Pro Shop, 323 Opry Mills Drive, Nashville; 1 - 4 p.m. Decorate an Easterthemed foam placemat.

See Monday, March 19.

Elvis Festival


Let Fido get in on the seasonal fun during the GooDOG Festival & Easter Egg Hunt in Goodlettsville on Saturday, March 24.


All ages. Franklin Theatre, 10 a.m.; $39 - $59 per session. Celebrate the music and legacy of the King of Rock ‘n’ Roll with celebrity appearances, on-stage

(turn the page)

march 2018 79

R Chocolate Hike

S FREE Easter

615-217-3017 murfreesborotn.gov/parks



Hop & Shop

Ages 8+. The Wilderness Station, 697 Veterans Pkwy., Murfreesboro; 2:30 p.m.; $3. Following a bird-themed nature hike, enjoy games and hot chocolate.

All ages. The Streets of Indian Lake, 300 Indian Lake Blvd., Hendersonville; 11 a.m. - 2 p.m. Visit with the Easter Bunny, gather eggs, shop artisan vendors, enjoy live music, make crafts, play games and more.

R FREE Community

N Family Program:

Yard Sale

615-890-0355 murfreesborotn.gov/parks All ages. Cannonsburgh Village, 312 S. Front St., Murfreesboro; 7 a.m. - 12 p.m. Shop ’til you drop at more than 50 booths.

S FREE Crappie USA Classic’s Kids Fishing Rodeo

615-452-7719 crappieusa.com

Ages 12 & younger. Flipper’s Bait and Tackle, 200 Odoms Bend Road, Gallatin; 8 - 11 a.m. Kids can bring their own poles and cast a line during this annual fishing tournament. Top winners in each division will receive a rod-and-reel combo; all youth anglers will be eligible to win one of six $1,000 scholarships awarded in October. A parent must accompany each child.

N Creative Play See Friday, March 2.

N Creative Zone: Design an Album Cover

615-416-2001 countrymusichalloffame.org All ages. Country Music Hall of Fame & Museum, 222 Fifth Ave. S., Nashville; 10 a.m. - 1 p.m.; free with gate ($24.95 adults, $14.95 ages 6 - 12, free 5 and younger; discounts for local families). Create original album art inspired by artifacts and LP covers in the museum’s collection.

Making Waves at Historic RCA Studio B (Register) 615-416-2001 countrymusichalloffame.org

Ages 5+. Country Music Hall of Fame & Museum, 222 Fifth Ave. S., Nashville; 12 - 1 p.m.; $13. Record a group song in the historic studio Elvis Presley, Dolly Parton and others made classic recordings. The interactive workshop includes history of the studio, recording basics and the science of sound.

W FREE Franklin

615-255-1289 | nfcn.org All ages. East Park, 700 Woodland St., Nashville; 11 a.m. Egg hunts, hot dogs, live entertainment and more family fun.

Family Forest Flowers (Register)

615-352-6299 wpnc.nashville.gov

All ages. Warner Park Nature Center, 7311 Hwy. 100, Nashville; 1 - 2:30 p.m. Bring your smartphone or camera to assist with inventorying spring wildflowers for the Warner Park Biodiversity Project.

N Inherit the Wind

See “Theater & Dance,” page 76.

N Iris Ball theirisball.com

Ages 21+. Marathon Music Works, 1402 Clinton St., Nashville; 8 p.m.; $125 - $175. This black-tie fundraiser for The Oasis Center includes live entertainment, hors d’ouevres, a silent auction, libations and more.

R Kids & Teens Cake Decorating (Register)

Community Egg Hunt

615-956-6077 thecuriouskitchen.net

Ages 10 & younger. Cheek Park Soccer Fields, Claude Yates Drive, Franklin; 10 a.m. Bring a basket for egg gathering and get pics with the Easter Bunny.

Ages 6 - 15. The Curious Kitchen, 1602 W. Northfield Blvd., Murfreesboro; 11 a.m. - 2 p.m.; $55. Decorate a two-layer cake while learning icing basics and the fundamentals of frosting.



Festival & Easter Egg Hunt

615-851-2253 goodlettsvilleparks.com

All ages. Moss-Wright Park, 705 Caldwell Drive, Goodlettsville; 10 a.m. - 12 p.m. Bring your kids and furry family members with baskets for treat-filled egg searching, photos with the Easter Bunny and other activities.

N Grand Ole Opry See Friday, March 2.

N Guerrero Conducts the Violins of Hope

See Thursday, March 22.

N FREE East Nashville R FREE Harris EGGstravaganza

N FREE iNaturalist:

Easter Egg Hunt

615-556-7370 harrisridingacademy.com All ages. Harris Riding Academy, 4024 Barfield Crescent Road, Murfreesboro; 1 - 4 p.m. Search for eggs, enjoy pony rides, see demonstrations, learn about summer camp and more.

N FREE Kidsville kidsvilleonline.org

Ages 12 & younger. The Parthenon, 2500 West End Ave., Nashville; 11 - 11:45 a.m. Hear the story of hope as a character in myths and fables, the make your own hope puppet.

N Little Art House Drop-In Class

See Saturday, March 3.

N Make the Magic donate.kesem.org

Adults. Nelson’s Greenbrier Distillery, 1414 Clinton St., Nashville; 6 - 9 p.m.; $60. This benefit dinner benefiting Vanderbilt’s Camp Kesem (for children affected by a parent’s cancer) includes a cocktails, dinner, games, a silent auction and prizes.



Barbie — possibly the most popular doll on the planet — gets her own special day on Friday, March 9.

>> A day for this, a day for




Dr. Seuss Day (aka Read Across America Day)

SUNDAY, MARCH 4 Hug a G.I. Day

TUESDAY, MARCH 6 Oreo Cookie Day


FRIDAY, MARCH 9 Day of Unplugging

FRIDAY, MARCH 9 Barbie Day


Johnny Appleseed Day

MONDAY, MARCH 12 Girl Scout Day

WEDNESDAY, MARCH 14 Children’s Craft Day


WEDNESDAY, MARCH 21 Single Parent Day


FRIDAY, MARCH 23 Puppy Day

WEDNESDAY, MARCH 28 Little Red Wagon Day

FRIDAY, MARCH 30 Pencil Day


Source: nationaldaycalendar.com

80 march 2018


THINGS TO DO N One Up Nashville

Cheerleading Competition

615-862-6390 nashvilleauditorium.com

All ages. Municipal Auditorium, 417 Fourth Ave. N., Nashville; 8 a.m.; $15 ages 6+, free ages 5 & younger. Watch cheerleaders compete.


Community Easter Egg Hunt

615-833-1500 oslanashville.org

Ages 1 - 8. Our Savior Lutheran Academy, 5110 Franklin Pike, Nashville; 10 a.m. Search for eggs, play games, make crafts and more.

N FREE Shape Up Nashville

602-996-6300 shapeupus.org

A local mom and baby gather floating eggs in the indoor pool during the Egg Dive-In at Longview Recreation Center in Spring Hill. This year’s outing takes place Sunday, March 25. Register in advance.

N Maks, Val and Peta Live on Tour: Confidential

615-782-4040 | tpac.org See “Theater & Dance,” page 76.

N Mat Kearney

615-889-3060 | ryman.com All ages. Ryman Auditorium, 116 Fifth Ave. N., Nashville; 8 p.m.; $24.50 - $42.50. A night of folk rock with special guests Andrew Belle and Filous.

S FREE Monthaven Exhibit Opening

615-822-0789 | monthavenartsandculturalcenter.com All ages. Monthaven Arts & Cultural Center, 1017 Antebellum Cir., Hendersonville;10 a.m. - 5 p.m. The 42nd Annual Best of Sumner County Student Art Show features the work of local middle and high school students. It’s on exhibit through April 14.

N Nano Day 615-862-5160 adventuresci.org

All ages. Adventure Science Center, 800 Fort Negley Blvd., Nashville; 10 a.m. - 3 p.m.; $14.95 adults, $10.95 ages 2 - 12. Enter a miniscule world and learn how the tiniest structures have a big impact.

W Nashville Elvis Festival

See Friday, March 23.

N FREE Nashville

Flea Market

See Friday, March 23.

N Nashville Soccer Club

615-457-8200 nashvillesc.com All ages. Nissan Stadium, 1 Titans Way, Nashville; 5 p.m.; Tickets start at $15. The first official home opener of the season. Nashville SC vs Pittsburgh Riverhounds.

All ages. Downtown YMCA, 1000 Church St., Nashville; 10 a.m. - 3 p.m. A day of play geared toward putting all kids on the path to health and physical literacy includes stage performances, fitness contests, arts and crafts, games, inflatables, face painting, education booths and more.

S Sherlock Gnomes Sensory-Friendly Screening

615-451-9500 ncgmovies.com

All ages. NCG Cinema, 1035 Greensboro Drive, Gallatin; 10 a.m.; $6. Enjoy a screening of Sherlock Gnomes with softer sound, lights not as dim and no previews. Plus, kids can run around and make noise if they wish.

R FREE Smyrna Easter Egg Hunt

615-459-9773 townofsmyrna.org

All ages. Lee Victory Recreation Park, 110 Sam Ridley Pkwy. E., Smyrna; 1 p.m. Search for hidden eggs, get a photo with the Easter Bunny and enjoy other activities.

Hollow Pkwy., Nashville; 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. Gather eggs, meet the Easter Bunny, play on inflatables, enjoy ice cream and more.


Party (Register)

N Creative Zone: Design an Album Cover

See Saturday, March 24.

615-862-8539 sbnc.nashville.gov

W Egg Dive-In

All ages. Shelby Bottoms Nature Center, 1900 Davidson St., Nashville; 8 - 10 p.m. Join astronomers to view celestial sights through telescopes.



See Friday, March 23.

Ages 12 & younger. Longview Recreation Center, 2909 Commonwealth Drive, Spring Hill; 4:30 - 5:30 p.m.; $5. Hop into the pool for an age-specific underwater egg hunts, and get pics with the Easter Bunny, too.

R FREE Underwater

W FREE Fairview

615-893-7439 murfreesborotn.gov/parks


N The Eagles Egg Hunt

Ages 2 - 9. Patterson Park Community Center, 521 Mercury Blvd., Murfreesboro; 1:30 3:30 p.m. Gather eggs off the pool floor and floating on top of the water.

W Wildflower Hike (Register)

615-370-4672 | owlshill.org

Community Egg Hunt

Ages 10 & younger. Fairview Recreation Complex, 2714 Fairview Blvd., Fairview; 2 p.m. Bring baskets for egg gathering and take pics with the Easter Bunny.

N Keith Sweat

615-687-6400 nashvillesymphony.org

Adults. Owl’s Hill Nature Sanctuary, 545 Beech Creek Road, Brentwood; 9:30 - 11:30 a.m.; $12. Enjoy spring colors during a nature hike.

All ages. Schermerhorn Symphony Center, 1 Symphony Place, Nashville; 7:30 p.m.; $39 - $99. A night of music from the New Jack Swing era. Presented without orchestra.

W FREE Yoga with


See Saturday, March 3.


Maarika Mann

SUN 25 W American Girl Eas-

ter-Themed Painting & Tea Party (Register)

877-247-5223 | americangirl.com/retail/nashville.php

lenic Easter Egg Hunt

Ages 12 & younger. MTSU President’s Lawn, 1301 E. Main St., Murfreesboro; 2 - 4 p.m. Bring baskets and have fun gathering eggs.

W Nashville Elvis Festival

See Friday, March 23.

Ages 7+. American Girl Store at CoolSprings Galleria, 1800 Galleria Blvd., Franklin; 3:30 - 6 p.m.; $35. Enjoy tea and snacks in the bistro before painting an Easter-themed work of art.

N FREE Nashville Flea

N FREE Bass Pro


Easter Crafts

N FREE Southeast

See Saturday, March 24.


N Brian Regan

All ages. Southeast Nashville Commons, 5260 Hickory

Ages 16+. Ryman Auditorium,

Nashville Egg Hunt

116 Fifth Ave. N., Nashville; 7 p.m.; $47.50 - $62.50. A night of stand-up comedy.

615-889-3060 | ryman.com


See Friday, March 23.

N Nashville In

Concert: Final Season Celebration

All ages. Grand Ole Opry House, 2804 Opryland Drive, Nashville; 7:30 p.m.; $45 $299. A musical farewell to the hit show, Nashville, featuring several of its stars, including Charles Esten.

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march 2018 81


R FREE First Shot

615-514-1000 oprymills.com

615-893-7439 murfreesborotn.gov/parks

All ages. Opry Mills, 433 Opry Mills Drive, Nashville; 6 - 8:30 p.m.; visit is free; photo packages vary. Bring your furry family member for a photo with Peter Cottontail.

Ages 8 - 13. Patterson Park Community Center, 521 Mercury Blvd., Murfreesboro; 12 - 4 p.m. Enjoy sports, character building and cultural arts.

Pet Photo Night

W Small World Yoga Drop-In Class

See Sunday, March 4.

S FREE Spring SpEGGtacular

615-851-2253 goodlettsvilleparks.com Ages 12 & younger. MossWright Park, 745 Caldwell Drive, Goodlettsville; 1 p.m. Kids can bring baskets for egg hunt fun, then get pics with the big bunny.

MON 26 R After-School Art See Monday, March 5.

N Chelsea Clinton Book Signing

615-953-2243 parnassusbooks.net All ages. Parnassus Books, 3900 Hillsboro Road, Nashville; 5:30 p.m. Chelsea Clinton signs her new picture book, She Persisted Around the World: 13 Women Who Changed History. Line tickets (up to four people) available only with the purchase of the $17.99 book.

W CoolSprings Pet

W Mommy

& Me Movement

See Monday, March 5.

W Nature Camp with Mr. Bond’s Science Guys (Register)


Ages 5 - 12. Franklin Recreation Complex, 1120 Hillsboro Road, Franklin; Mon - Fri 12 - 3 p.m.; $180. Explore nature and learn about biomes, animals and the earth using the Giant Dymaxion Map.


Ages 9 - 13. Fairview Recreation Complex, 2714 Fairview Blvd., Fairview; 1 - 4 p.m.; $35. Kids will learn proper introductions, respect for others, table manners and more.

W Safe Kids

101 (Register)

Nashville Parent’s premier event for all-things babies is at a new location this year — Saint Thomas Midtown Hospital! The event features exhibitors with products and services for new and expectant parents. Plus, you can tour St. Thomas Midtown’s renovated birthing facility and participate in classes including Baby Boot Camp, Why Go Natural? and Breastfeeding 101. Play fun games like the Daddy Diaper Derby for prizes, and win giveaways throughout the day. The Baby Fair takes place from 10 a.m. - 2 p.m., and admission is FREE! Call 615-256-2158, ext. 130, or visit nashvilleparent.com/babyfair18.

wcparksandrec.com Ages 9 - 13. Williamson County Recreation Complex, 7250 Nolensville Road, Nolensville; 1 - 4 p.m.; $35. Learn to stay safe at home and in the community with digital and real-life tips on handling intruders, strangers and more.

See Monday, March 12.

See Monday, March 5.

N Early Explorers


See Monday, March 5.

See Monday, March 5.

N Family Monday

R Spring Break

82 march 2018

Saturday, April 21

Kids 101 (Register)

R Snack Attack!

All ages. Frist Center, 919 Broadway, Nashville; 10 a.m. 2 p.m.; $12 per family. Enjoy a story, a family tour and hands-on creativity in the hands-on gallery.

The Baby Fair

W Polite

Photos with the Bunny

615-244-3340 fristcenter.org

Next Month’s HOT TICKET

Skills Academy

Camp: Playing with STEAM (Register)

615-890-2300 explorethedc.org

Grades K - 4. Discovery Center, 502 S.E. Broad St., Murfreesboro; 9 a.m. - 4 p.m.; $35 members, $40 non-members. Find the science, technology, engineering, art and math hidden in popular toys.

R Spring Break

Horse Camp (Register)

615-556-7370 harrisridingacademy.com

Ages 6+. Harris Riding Academy, 4024 Barfield Crescent Road, Murfreesboro; 9 a.m. - 3 p.m.; $80 full day, $45 half day (discount for the full week). Ride and care for horses, enjoy arts and crafts, and more.

N FREE Violins of

Hope Exhibit Opening


All ages. Nashville Public Library, 615 Church St., Nashville; 9 a.m. - 6 p.m. View the instruments while learning the stories behind this collection of violins that survived the Holocaust. The exhibit runs through May 27.

W FREE Sprouts Yoga (Register)

See Monday, March 5.

W Superhero Camp with Mr. Bond’s Science Guys (Register)


Ages 5 - 12. Franklin Recreation Complex, 1120 Hillsboro Road, Franklin; Mon - Fri 8:30 - 11:30 a.m.; $180. Explore the science of superheroes and villains, including magnetic power, web throwing and ice powers.


TUE 27 R FREE Animal

R Busy Bees

See Thursday, March 1.

R Engineering Antics (Register)

townofsmyrna.org Ages 4+. Outdoor Adventure Center, 100 Sam Ridley Pkwy. E., Smyrna; 10 a.m. - 4 p.m.; $4 adults, $3 children. Learn the best techniques to construct bridges.

R FREE First Shot Skills Academy

See Monday, March 26.

Encounters with a Craft (Register)

R Homeschool Horse

All ages. The Wilderness Station, 697 Veterans Pkwy., Murfreesboro; 2 - 3 p.m. Meet an animal then make a related craft to take home.

Ages 6+. Harris Riding Academy, 4024 Barfield Crescent Road, Murfreesboro; 2 - 4:30 p.m.; $35. Riding, horse education, arts and crafts, and more.

615-217-3017 murfreesborotn.gov/parks

Day (Register)

615-556-7370 harrisridingacademy.com

(turn to page 84)




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march 2018 83

THINGS TO DO R Homeschool PE: Birthday Bash (Register)


Ages 4 - 18. Outdoor Adventure Center, 100 Sam Ridley Pkwy. E., Smyrna; 10 - 11 a.m.; $2. Learn exercises and why physical education is important.

N Nashville

Predators Hockey

615-770-7800 nashvillepredators.com

All ages. Bridgestone Arena, 501 Broadway, Nashville; 7 p.m.; $25 - $210. Versus Minnesota Wild.

R Night at the Museum Lock-In (Register)

615-962-8773 murfreesborotn.gov/parks

Ages 13 - 17. Bradley Academy Museum, 415 S. Academy St., Murfreesboro; 7 p.m.; $10. Explore the museum at night, play games, watch movies, create art and more.

S RiverGate Pet Photo Night

rivergate-mall.com All ages. RiverGate Mall, 1000 Rivergate Pkwy., Goodlettsville; 6 - 9 p.m.; visit is free; photo packages vary. Bring your furry family members for photos with the Easter Bunny.


See Monday, March 5.

R Spring Break Fun Day (Register)

615-217-3017 murfreesborotn.gov/parks Ages 7 - 10. The Wilderness Station, 697 Veterans Pkwy., Murfreesboro; 10 a.m. - 1 p.m.; $5. Live animals, nature walks, games and crafts.

N The Music of

Michael Jackson

615-687-6400 nashvillesymphony.org All ages. Schermerhorn Symphony Center, 7:30 p.m.; $43 - $85. Vocalist James Delisco joins the Nashville Symphony for a night of music featuring Michael Jackson’s hits.

N Vandy vs Lipscomb 615-690-4487, ext. 2 bit.ly/vandyvslipscomb

All ages. First Tennessee Park, 19 Junior Gilliam Way, Nashville; 6:30 p.m.; $8 - $15. The Vanderbilt Commodores and Lipscomb Bisons square off on the baseball field.

R Water Polo

See Thursday, March 1.

WED 28 R FREE Animal

Encounters with a Craft (Register)

615-217-3017 murfreesborotn.gov/parks All ages. The Wilderness Station, 697 Veterans Pkwy., Murfreesboro; 2 - 3 p.m. Meet an animal then make a related craft to take home.

W Archery Home-

school Day (Register)

See Wednesday, March 7.

N Demi Lovato

615-770-2000 bridgestonearena.com

A local lad shows off his cash-filled find during the Lucky Ladd Easter Celebration. This year’s fun takes place March 30 - 31.

84 march 2018

All ages. Bridgestone Arena, 501 Broadway, Nashville; 7:30 p.m.; $29.95 - $149.95. A night of pop/R&B with special guest DJ Khaled.

N Disney Junior

Dance Party! On Tour

W Youth Yoga

See Wednesday, March 7.

615-889-3060 | ryman.com All ages. Grand Ole Opry House, 2804 Opryland Drive, Nashville; 6 p.m.; $39.50 - $59.50. Kids can dance along with their favorite Disney characters during this interactive concert experience.

R FREE First Shot

THU 29 R FREE Animal En-

counters with a Craft (Register)

See Tuesday, March 26.

W FREE Brentwood

W FREE Kids’ Hour

615-371-0090 brentwoodtn.gov/library

615-550-5660 rachelsumner.com

Easter Egg Hunt

Ages 10 & younger. Whole Foods, 1566 W. McEwen Drive, Franklin; 9:30 a.m. Award-winning family entertainer Rachel Sumner performs interactive music.

All ages. Brentwood Library, 8109 Concord Road, Brentwood; 2:30 p.m. Search for prize-filled eggs, take photos with the Easter Bunny, participate in a jelly bean guessing game, enjoy face painting and more.

W Paintball

N Creative Zone:


615-416-2001 countrymusichalloffame.org

Trip (Register)

Ages 11 - 16. Franklin Recreation Complex, 1120 Hillsboro Road, Franklin; 9 a.m. - 4 p.m.; $45. A day trip to Middle TN Paintball for a day of paintball action. Price includes transportation, all equipment and 200 paintballs.

R Sports*Com Homeschool PE (Register)

See Wednesday, March 7.

N Tchaikovsky vs Drake

615-687-6400 nashvillesymphony.org All ages. Schermerhorn Symphony Center, 7:30 p.m.; $39 - $74. Classical meets hip-hop in this symphonic mashup as three vocalists, a rapper and the Nashville Symphony meld Tchaikovsky’s “Fifth Symphony” with more than a dozen Drake hits.

Play (Register)

See Thursday, March 8.

Skills Academy

See Monday, March 26.

W FREE It Looks Like

Adorn a Microphone

All ages. Country Music Hall of Fame & Museum, 222 Fifth Ave. S., Nashville; 10 a.m. - 1 p.m.; free with gate ($24.95 adults, $14.95 ages 6 - 12, free 5 and younger; discounts for local families). Kids to decorate their own iconic microphone with color, gems, sequins and creativity.

R Family Adventure Day (Register)

615-217-3017 murfreesborotn.gov/parks Ages 10+. The Wilderness Station, 697 Veterans Pkwy., Murfreesboro; 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.; $15. A naturalist-guided 5.5mile hike along the Cumberland Plateau to Greeter Falls. Transportation provided from the Wilderness Station.

N Megan Hilty:

Broadway & Beyond

615-687-6400 nashvillesymphony.org

All ages. Schermerhorn Symphony Center, 1 Symphony Place, Nashville; Thu 7 p.m., Fri - Sat 8 p.m.; $18 - $64. The star of stage and screen joins the Nashville Symphony for a night of Broadway tunes and classics from the Great American Songbook.

N Nashville

Predators Hockey

615-770-7800 nashvillepredators.com

All ages. Bridgestone Arena, 501 Broadway, Nashville; 7 p.m.; $25 - $210. Versus the San Jose Sharks.

N Opry

Country Classics

See Thursday, March 1.

R Patterson

Homeschool PE Class (Register)

See Thursday, March 1.

R Preschool

Program: Earth Exploration (Register)


Ages 3 - 5. Outdoor Adventure Center, 100 Sam Ridley Pkwy. E., Smyrna; 10 - 11 a.m.; $2. Through games and activities, discover what occurs below the Earth’s surface and how we affect it.

N Rolling Stones Exhibit Opening


See “Theater & Dance,” page 76.

Ages 13+. Brentwood Library, 8109 Concord Road, Brentwood; 4 - 5 p.m. Celebrate different fandoms with friends.

All ages. Musicians Hall of Fame and Museum, 401 Gay St., Nashville; 10 a.m. - 5 p.m.; $39.50 adults, $19.50 ages 7 - 17, free ages 6 & younger. Exhibitionism: The Rolling Stones Exhibit is the very first major exhibit of the renowned rock band. The exhibit runs through June 30.

R Wild Things

R FREE First Shot

W FREE Sprouts

See Monday, March 26.

See Thursday, March 8.

R Tumbleweeds (Register)

See Monday, March 5.

R Wicked


See Wednesday, March 7.


W FREE Fandom Fifth Thursday

615-371-0090 brentwoodtn.gov/library

Skills Academy

Yoga (Register)


W FREE Youth Martial Arts Class (Register)

See Thursday, March 8.

THINGS TO DO R Toddler Time See Friday, March 2.

N Toddler Tunes (Register)

FRI 30

See Friday, March 2.

SAT 31

R FREE Animal

Encounters with a Craft (Register)

N 56th Annual

See Tuesday, March 27.

Oyster Easter

N FREE Bass Pro E

615-942-7169 greendoorgourmet.com

615-514-5200 basspro.com/easter All ages. Bass Pro Shop, 323 Opry Mills Drive, Nashville; 2 5 p.m. Create an Easter-themed photo frame.

All ages. Green Door Gourmet, 7007 River Road Pike, Nashville; 1 - 5 p.m.; $65 in advance, $80 at the gate. A Cajun feast, brews, contests, a silent auction and more.

R Breakfast with

N FREE Bass Pro

aster Crafts

615-274-3786 luckyladdfarms.com

All ages. Lucky Ladd Farms, 4374 Rocky Glade Road, Eagleville; 9 & 10 a.m.; $33 adults, $25 ages 2 - 12, free ages 2 & younger. A breakfast buffet, Easter Bunny photo ops, baby farm animal visits, crafts and a souvenir gift for each child.

N Creative Play See Friday, March 2.

Easter Crafting


the Easter Bunny (Register)

615-514-5200 basspro.com/easter

Saturday, March 31 The Easter Bunny and zoo mascot Twiga welcome your family to Nashville Zoo on Saturday, March 31 for the annual Eggstravaganzoo festivities from 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. The day features spring games, inflatables, face painting, live animal shows and special animal encounters along zoo paths. Ten age-appropriate egg hunts take place: ages 2 & younger at 10 a.m. & 12:30 p.m., 3-year-olds at 10:30 a.m. & 1 p.m., ages 4 - 5 at 11 a.m. & 1:30 p.m., ages 6 - 7 at 11:30 a.m. & 2 p.m., and ages 8 - 10 at 12 & 2:30 p.m. Eggstravangzoo is included with gate admission ($18 adults, $13 ages 2 - 12, free ages 2 & younger). Call 615-833-1534 or visit nashvillezoo.org.

N Creative Zone:

Adorn a Microphone

See Thursday, March 29.

N Family Program: Beginning Fiddle Workshop

615-416-2001 countrymusichalloffame.org Ages 7+. Country Music Hall of Fame & Museum, 222 Fifth Ave. S., Nashville; 10:30 - 11 a.m. and 11:15 - 11:45 a.m.; free with gate ($24.95 adults, $14.95 ages 6 - 12, free 5 and younger; discounts for local families). Learn the history of the fiddle and a few playing techniques.

N Frist Exhibit Opening

615-244-3340 fristcenter.org All ages. Frist Center, 919 Broadway, Nashville; 10 a.m. - 5:30 p.m.; $12 adults, free

All ages. Bass Pro Shop, 323 Opry Mills Drive, Nashville; 1 4 p.m. Create a bunny box.

N FREE Bass Pro Easter Egg Hunt

615-514-5200 basspro.com/easter

All ages. Bass Pro Shop, 323 Opry Mills Drive, Nashville; 1:30 - 3 p.m. Bring baskets and search for hidden eggs.

N FREE Bellevue Easter Egg Hunt

ages 18 & younger. We Shall Overcome: Civil Rights and the Nashville Press, 1957 - 1968 is a collection of nearly 50 photographs documenting an important period in Nashivlle’s struggle for racial equality. The exhibit runs through Oct. 14.

R Godspell Jr.

See “Theater & Dance,” page 76.

R FREE Good Friday Family Fun Day

615-869-7482 bethelmurfreesboro.com All ages. Bethel Community Church, 1503 Sulpher Springs Road, Murfreesboro; 4 - 6:30 p.m. Food, inflatables, competitive games, pony rides and more.

N Grand Ole Opry

R Lucky Ladd

N FREE Phishing

615-274-3786 luckyladdfarms.com

615-352-6299 wpnc.nashville.gov

All ages. Lucky Ladd Farms, 4374 Rocky Glade Road, Eagleville; 11 a.m. - 4 p.m.; $13 adults, $11 ages 2 - 12. A day of games, egg hunts, crafts, baby farm animals, Easter Bunny visits, playground attractions and more.

All ages. Warner Park Nature Center, 7311 Hwy. 100, Nashville; 10 a.m. - 12 p.m. Make a pole out of bamboo and fish the Little Harpeth River.

Easter Celebration

N Megan Hilty:

Broadway & Beyond

See Thursday, March 29.

W Pat Boone

615-538-2076 franklintheatre.com All ages. Franklin Theatre, 419 Main St., Franklin; 8 p.m.; $51 - $61. A night of pop/ rock music.

See Friday, March 2.

for Fish (Register)

N FREE Special Needs Easter Egg Hunt (Register)

615-758-5358 achurchforyou.org

All ages. Shiloh Plaza, 15285 Lebanon Road, Old Hickory; 1 - 3 p.m. Friendship Community Church hosts this egg hunt for children with any kind of special need and their siblings. The fun includes inflatables, a petting zoo, pictures with the Easter Bunny, face painting, games and more.

615-646-2711 bellevuebaptist.com

All ages. Red Caboose Park, 200 Myhr Green, Nashville; 10 a.m. - 1 p.m. Age-specific egg hunts with prizes, plus games and snacks.

R Breakfast with the Easter Bunny (Register)

See Friday, March 30.

N Bunny

Breakfast (Register)

615-833-1534 nashvillezoo.org

All ages. Nashville Zoo, 3777 Nolensville Road, Nashville; 8, 8:30, 9 & 9:30 a.m.; $42 adults, $31 ages 2 - 12 (discounts for members). Start your day with breakfast fare, photo ops with Peter Cottontail and a keepsake for kids. Ticket includes Eggstravaganzoo.

(turn the page)


march 2018 85

N FREE Burch Reserve Hike (Register)

615-352-6299 wpnc.nashville.gov Ages 8+. Warner Park Nature Center, 7311 Hwy. 100, Nashville; 9 - 11 a.m. Admire wildflowers, spring migrants and other wildlife during nature hike.

N Creative Play See Friday, March 2.

N Creative Zone:

Adorn a Microphone

See Thursday, March 29.

S FREE Glow-in-theDark Easter Egg Hunt

615-826-7575 celebrationoflife.com

Ages 13 & younger. Celebration of Life Church, 768 Forest Retreat Road, Hendersonville; 7:30 p.m. The Easter Bunny hops around for photo ops while kids enjoy three different game areas and searching for glowing goodies.

N Grand Ole Opry See Friday, March 2.

N Hermitage

Easter Egg Hunts

N Easter Bunny

615-889-2941 thehermitage.com

615-241-0346 | tcry.org

Ages 1 - 12. Tulip Grove Mansion at The Hermitage, 4580 Rachel’s Lane, Nashville; 10 a.m., 1 p.m.; $5 adults, $10 children. More than 4,000 eggs with toys and treats are waiting to be found. Following each hunt, kids can take pics with the Easter Bunny, do arts and crafts, play 19th-century games and more.

Excursion Train

All ages. Tennessee Central Railway Museum, 220 Willow St., Nashville; 9 a.m. - 3:15 p.m.; $21 - $75. Ride the rails to Watertown with Peter Cottontail. There will be two age-appropriate egg hunts during the layover.

N Family Craft Day (Register)

615-447-8480 craftlove.com/nashville Ages 6+. Craft Love, 5104 Centennial Blvd., Nashville; 1 - 4 p.m.; $35 - $85. Create a unique wood decor project together.

R Family Fun Night: CSI Smyrna

townofsmyrna.org Ages 6+. Outdoor Adventure Center, 100 Sam Ridley Pkwy. E., Smyrna; 4 - 6 p.m.; $2. Help solve the mystery disappearance of the SOAC manager using real crime scene investigation techniques.

N Fiddle Meets Guitar: Hank Williams Style

615-416-2001 countrymusichalloffame.org Ages 7+. Country Music Hall of Fame & Museum, 222 Fifth Ave. S., Nashville; 1 - 1:45 & 2 - 2:45 p.m.; free with gate ($24.95 adults, $14.95 ages 6 - 12, free 5 and younger; discounts for local families). Form a band with new friends in this workshop where you’ll learn to play Hank Williams’ “I’m So Lonesome I Could Cry.”

86 march 2018

N FREE It’s Hammock Season (Register)

615-352-6299 wpnc.nashville.gov

Ages 8+. Warner Park Nature Center, 7311 Hwy. 100, Nashville; 1:30 - 3 p.m. Bring your gear, learn about hammock suspension systems and perfect your hang.

N FREE Kidsville kidsvilleonline.org

Ages 12 & younger. The Parthenon, 2500 West End Ave., Nashville; 11 - 11:45 a.m. Hear the story of what happened on the Greek Island of Zakynthos in World War II, then make your own map of the Greek islands.

N Little Art House

R FREE Murfreesboro Citywide Easter Egg Hunt

615-907-2251 murfreesborotn.gov/parks All ages. Richard Siegel Community Park, 515 Cherry Lane Drive, Murfreesboro; 1 p.m. Age-appropriate hunts, carnivalstyle games, Easter Bunny visits and more.

N FREE Nashville Predators Hockey

615-770-7800 nashvillepredators.com

All ages. Bridgestone Arena, 501 Broadway, Nashville; 7 p.m. Versus the Buffalo Sabres.

N Sensory-Friendly Easter Egg Hunt

615-889-2941 thehermitage.com

All ages. The Hermitage, 4580 Rachel’s Lane, Nashville; 3:30 p.m.; $5 adults, $10 kids. All those on the autism spectrum or with any special need can hunt eggs, take pics with the Easter Bunny, play lawn games, decorate cookies and more.

N Spring Art Hop 615-356-8000 cheekwood.org

All ages. Cheekwood, 1200 Forrest Park Drive, Nashville; 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.; price TBD. Twenty-five egg hunts with 30,000 eggs, performances by Mr. Steve, ‘Art’ivities, new garden games, food trucks and more.

W The Everly Broth-

ers Experience Featuring The Zmed Brothers

615-538-2076 franklintheatre.com

All ages. Franklin Theatre, 419 Main St., Franklin; 8 p.m.; $30 - $40. A night of pop/ rock music.

Drop-In Class

W Wildflower

R Lucky Ladd E

615-370-4672 | owlshill.org

See Saturday, March 3.

Hike (Register)



From grammar and science to government and math, Nashville Symphony performs Schoolhouse Rock! next month.

>> Mark your calendars for these April happenings. BRAD PAISLEY

Saturday, April 7

Bridgestone Arena, Nashville bridgestonearena.com

DRAGONS LOVE TACOS April 12 - May 13

Nashville Children’s Theatre nashvillect.org


Nashville Public Square nashvillecherryblossomfestival.org


Nashville Ballet Studios, Nashville nashvilleballet.com

WEIRD AL YANKOVIC Tuesday, April 17

War Memorial Auditorium Nashville tpac.org


Schermerhorn Symphony Center Nashville nashvillesymphony.org

EARTH DAY FESTIVAL Saturday, April 21

Centennial Park, Nashville nashvilleearthday.org


N Megan Hilty:

Adults. Owl’s Hill Nature Sanctuary, 545 Beech Creek Road, Brentwood; 9:30 - 11:30 a.m.; $12. Enjoy spring colors during a nature hike.

See Thursday, March 29.

W FREE Yoga with


See Saturday, March 3.

Downtown Franklin williamsonheritage.org

aster Celebration

See Friday, March 30.

Broadway & Beyond

Maarika Mann


Saturday, April 28

Cannonsburgh Village, Murfreesboro murfreesborotn.gov/parks

April 28 - 29


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SNAP SHOTS 6p oun ds,

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Jan 7 o uary unc 8 es |1 9.5 inc hes

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January 12 es 6 pounds, 14 ounces | 19 inch

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To see your newborn’s announcement in print, please submit the following info: Baby’s photo (a phone pic’s OK), Baby’s first name, birth date, birth weight and length in inches. E-mail Baby’s pic and info to kiera@ daycommedia.com using the subject line: BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENT. Submitting your infant’s photo serves as a photo release, giving this magazine permission to publish your child’s image and info.


November 12 8 pounds, 3 ounces | 19 inches

Vedik a

6p oun Oct ds, o 6 o ber 31 unc es | 20. 25 inch es

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