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PUBLISHER Stewart Day stewart@daycommedia.com
Susan Swindell Day susan@daycommedia.com
Michael W. Aldrich michael@daycommedia.com
PRODUCTION DIRECTOR Tim Henard timhenard@daycommedia.com
Alexandra Day, Noah Day Christina Moody
Noah Day noah@daycommedia.com
Baby Fair
is back after several years hiatus; a new book helps parents to worry less; get your tickets now for the upcoming fair season; local parent briefs. ADVERTISING
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Last call for summer camps! Get your digital Summer Camp Guide and fill up those open gaps in your child’s schedule.
Subscribe to our Thursday e-newsletter (available at nashvilleparent.com) to get in on our #WINSday prize drawings. On Wednesdays, on Facebook, we announce the #WINSday prize asking, “What day is it?” You post the EXACT answer from the previous week’s e-newsletter and get into our drawing.
WED., JULY 5: One family of four will win tickets to see Jurassic Park, accompanied by the Nashville Symphony.

WED., JULY 12: A weekend experience to “Summer of More” at Gaylord Opryland for a family of four.
WED., JULY 19: Four tickets to the Big Machine Music City Grand Prix in downtown Nashville on Aug. 5.
WED., JULY 26: Four tickets to Nashville Zoo with attraction tickets to see DinoTrek, too.
DISTRIBUTION MANAGER Kevin Mutz distribution@daycommedia.com
Jill Riffel accounting@daycommedia.com
Nashville, Rutherford and Williamson Parent Magazines provide the community connection parents long for. We help moms, dads and families navigate the uncharted waters of family life, and we weave bright threads of joy and opportunity into the daily lives of families.
Our magazines are published monthly by Day Communications, Inc. The mailing address is 1229 Lakeview Drive, Ste. A., Franklin, TN 37067. Phone number: 615-475-5220. E-mail to: npinfo@daycommedia.com. Every precaution has been taken to ensure the accuracy of published material, however, NASHVILLE/RUTHERFORD/ WILLIAMSON PARENT cannot be held responsible for opinions expressed or facts supplied by its authors. NASHVILLE/RUTHERFORD/ WILLIAMSON PARENT is copyright © 2023 by Day Communications, Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction without written permission is prohibited.

Nashville Zoo's prehistoric adventure takes you along a secret, wooded trail to discover more than 20 life-size dinosaurs that look and act so real...you'll swear they're alive.

March 10 - July 30 nashvillezoo.org/dinotrek