Sistership Volume 1

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SISTERSHIP Nurturing relationships among women based on shared experiences, creativity, and encouragement.

Volume I Galentine’s 2016

Dedication This zine is dedicated to the most inspiring women in my life; my sister and my mother. Thank you Momma for encouraging my creativity and loving me. Thank you Sissy for listening to me as I processed, providing feedback, and being the best twin-two-years-apart that a gal could ever wish for. I love you both.

Appreciation I would like to thank Nadia, Chelsea, JoAnna, Jessica, Liz, and Katie for helping this long held creative dream become a tangible reality.

Sistership zine is the intellectual property of Sarah Reckling. Sistership Volume I also contains personal photos and interview responses which were contributed by Nadia Fuad, Liz Morrow, Jessica Nichols, JoAnna Johnson, Chelsea Laine Francis, and Katie McCauley. Please do not redistribute any portion of this publication, in part or in whole, without prior written permission from Sarah Reckling. February 2016

SISTERSHIP Volume I Galentine’s 2016

Table of Contents: Introduction

The Lovely Ladies Nadia Chelsea JoAnna Jessica Liz Katie

Continued Inspiration Bookshelf Corner Music Playlist


Dear Reader, Welcome to Sistership! I am so thankful that you have chosen to take time to explore these pages. For over a year I had a desire to create a small digital zine about women who inspire me. I wanted it to be a space for women to share parts of their stories and a publication that readers could be encouraged and inspired by. Most of all, I wanted it to be a space with the theme of encouragement. Just before the New Year I decided it was time to make the creative project a reality. To create this project I reached out to a few of the many women that inspire me. Some I know in person, some I have “met” through social media, and others I had never personally corresponded with prior to this project. I asked if they would be interested in participating in a mini-interview via email. It was honestly incredibly nerve racking to reach out to each individual and ask them to participate, but I am so glad that I stepped outside of my comfort zone. The responses that I received were each inspiring and provided such unique perspectives. Within these pages you will find six interviews with different women that inspire me in some way. At the end of the zine you can also browse the Bookshelf Corner and the Music Playlist where each of the women I interviewed shared some of their favorite books and music. I hope that this project will encourage you and that you will also be inspired by the wonderful women who participated in this project. I decided to release this into the world on Galentine’s Day. (February 13th.) It seemed like the perfect day to publish a zine all about inspiring women. It is my hope that this will be the first of many Sistership volumes to come. Happy reading! Sincerely, Sarah Reckling Creator and Editor of Sistership Nadia

-What are you passionate about and how are you continuing to cultivate that passion this year? I am passionate about crochet. I enjoy using my skill to give back in ways that benefit others. I am cultivating that passion by continuing to grow my craft, build my brand and name YARNutopia, and use my platform in crochet to build more awareness for Crohn’s disease.

struggle through this disease has been a challenge for nearly eight years. I often have to navigate obstacles that illness has placed in my life. During one of the lowest times of my life, I turned to crochet as a form of therapy. A hobby grew into a passion and that passion has helped me reach out to others who follow my website. Many YARNutopia followers are not always familiar with Crohn’s disease. Sharing my

-Could you share a little about your journey with Crohn's disease and any awareness information you would like to share?

story and being open about my battles helps

I have been personally impacted by severe

YARNutopians has shown help in a

Crohn’s disease. As it states in my bio, my

multitude of ways.

to raise more awareness in a different arena. The incredible support and outreach [of] my

It opens doors for others to feel comfortable to share their own personal stories. We have

-What is something that you love about being a woman?

an amazing community, and outside of my

The things I love are not gender specific. I

friends and family, they have lifted me up so

love that I have a gift of empathy for others

much during many of the toughest days. For

who also face health challenges or any

me it has been the best way to get my

adversity. I like that I have the ability to

message out to the masses.

move people or raise awareness by sharing my story. I like that I have a strong

-How has creativity and crochet impacted your life?

conviction to never give up and have been

Crochet and being creative are ways to feel

have a foot in two cultures which has helped

productive when my body won’t cooperate.

open my mind for that reason. These are just

They are forms of therapy for me. It is often

parts of being a human but if my journey and

during crochet that I can lose myself and not

my craft inspires other women then that is

think about the detours that life has put in

empowering to me as a woman to help be a

my path or feel unproductive while lying in a

positive influence. I love the idea that one

hospital bed. It truly has given me purpose

day I could possibly carry a child and create

and drive. I am able to reach goals and feel

life despite what I have gone through and

like I am accomplishing something even

help influence the life of my child.

able to fight through so much. I like that I

when I am unable to leave the house at times. -What are you proud of yourself for? I am very proud of my ability to have taken a very negative situation and have turned it into something incredibly positive and given myself a purpose and a mission to fulfill. I feel so proud that I can teach others and share my craft. It is the most humbling experience to share the gifts that God has given me.

-Is there a woman that inspires you? What about her inspires and encourages you? I am loved and encouraged by the most amazing women in my family first and foremost - my mom, my aunts, my sister-inlaw, my cousins, and a host of dear friends. There are so many women who inspire and encourage me. I am also motivated and inspired by women who have written to me and shared their stories.

I have found that opening myself up has been

with illness that has left my body completely

a catalyst to allow others to share their

scarred and functioning differently than

stories with me. So many women have found

most. None of that diminishes my value or

crochet to help them as much as it has me.

worth as a woman. I have been on the

They have shared stories of struggle,

receiving end of racist comments, comments

substance abuse, health crises, loss,

that have deemed me disgusting for having

loneliness, and escape from a bad situation

an ostomy, and critics that put my work

where crochet and finding my blog has

down. I just use that to empower myself and

helped them cope. THEY are my heroes.

let my “haters be my motivators!” I won’t lie

They motivate me. They encourage me and

and say that I don’t have “those” days, but

keep me going when I myself struggle.

most days I feel intelligent, I feel empowered, I am thankful people want my

-What encouragement would you like to share with other women?

instruction in crochet, and I can share my

Be you! Do you! Be different! There is a lot of

I cover my hair and my body, an act which

pressure on women today. Media has created

has never diminished my ability to feel

an image of what they deem as perfection

beautiful or make me feel less. Acceptance of

and I feel women have to take charge of

one’s self is a journey and we are all a work

changing that perception. You can be anyone

in progress-keep working on being the best

you want to be and feel powerful and


beautiful. I crochet, I write a blog, I struggle

knowledge and skills. I am a modest woman;

More about Nadia’s Health Journey: God never gives us more than we can handle. I am a firm believer in what path my life has taken, I was meant to be on this journey. I was diagnosed with Crohn’s disease 8 years ago. My disease was so progressive; I had to undergo a hand-assisted laproscopic total proctocolectomy with a temporary ileostomy and a J-pouch in 2008. I lived with an ileostomy for some time while my J-pouch healed and had my takedown surgery in February 2009. However, my J-pouch failed, and in November 2010, I underwent another surgery to have a temporary ileostomy for a year in hopes that my J-pouch would heal, but that never happened. I had to have another surgery in September 2011 to make my ileostomy permanent and remove my J-pouch and affected intestine. I now live with a permanent ileostomy. In May 2015, I had to have another surgery to remove approximately 30 centimeters of small intestine in a resection surgery along with a relocation of my ostomy due to a prolapse. Severe complications set in with an internal infection, a subQ leak from my stoma and other issues which nearly cost me my life. More recently, I underwent another surgery to remove the anal

area because an abscess had formed internally causing a very critical situation. The doctors felt that removing this area, it would prevent further complications down the line. Crochet Life I began crocheting to pass the time during all the numerous hospital stays I had endured through my journey with Crohn’s disease. Soon this hobby took on a life of its own and I began to crochet as a form of therapy. I love to pick up a hook and start creating. Creating things helps me feel accomplished. I started a mini shop, called YARNutopia, to sell some of my crocheted creations in 2012. A portion of each sale is donated to research to find a cure for inflammatory bowel diseases, a disease that has affected me personally. Everyone has to deal with the hand they have been dealt. I am no exception to that rule. I just feel that out of something negative, it was vital for me to turn it into something positive, and for me to not allow this disease to take from me more than it already has. I really wish I could do more in my life, but hospital stays and surgeries have stalled some of the progress that I would see my life taking. Being able to crochet and build awareness through my craft is the detour my life took when this disease tried to put some roadblocks in my way. I am extremely thankful that I found this outlet, and I feel better that I am able to give back in this way. To learn more about YARNutopia and Nadia Fuad’s crochet work, visit


-What are you passionate about and how are you continuing to cultivate that passion this year? I am passionate about creative people, and in particular women, doing the things they

Tomorrow it's waking up to shoot photos of a creative boss lady for another creative boss lady's blog. Sunday it's going to a goal setting workshop.

endeavor. Whether that's a business, a non-

-Could you share about your journey with photography and creating your own business?

profit, a family or a hobby-- I just love seeing

I've always been interested in snapping

people get empowered to go for their dreams.

photos. In high school I was on yearbook

That's why I take photos.

staff. In college I filled up scrapbooks and

need to do to succeed in starting their own

-What does creativity mean to you? It means that every day at my job looks completely different. Today it's answering a pile of emails, watching some videos for an online class & then going on a Target run.

Facebook albums and I desperately wanted to pursue photography, but everyone I knew was doing it and I wanted to be different.

After college I was trying to figure out what

wasn't really afraid of failing, I was afraid

was next, and at the suggestion of my

of succeeding and they were 100% right! I'm

incredible husband I picked up a professional

planning on this being the year I stare that

camera and gave it a real shot. For an entire

fear in the face.

year I tried it out. That year I made almost no money whatsoever. I built a portfolio that I'm still proud of to this day, and I got to be a part of so many small businesses stories! I moved to Austin, in January of last year and while I was looking for and actively applying for open positions in marketing departments, I was shooting around town. It accidentally became my job because I began

-What is something that you love about being a woman? I love the camaraderie I have with other women as a woman. Does that make sense at all? I just love all of my female friendships so much. If I was a guy, they'd be totally different I think.

any time to apply for jobs. It would have

-Is there a woman that inspires you? What about her inspires and encourages you?

been great to have had a plan, but there's no

Yes. SO MANY. My best friend Stephanie

reason to wish the past is any different. This

(Hinrichs) inspires me. She's not afraid to try

will be my first year in an intentional

new things. She hasn't always been that way

photography business! I'm so excited about

either, which is actually more inspiring. I've

that! I have a lot of goals that I'm hoping I

gotten to watch her morph into this strong

can meet.

and confident woman who isn't afraid of

booking paying work, until I no longer had

starting a new business, or fulfilling a new -What are you proud of yourself for?

role at work that she's never done before, or

I'm really proud of the planning I've put into

going Texas two stepping just because she

this year. I have massive spreadsheets full of

wants to. I think I'm most inspired by her

plans and trajectories. I have budgets. I have

ability to grow and adapt.

hypothetical budgets. My budgets have budgets. I've been reading a lot about setting goals intentionally, and I think I've done that for 2016. I'm really proud of myself for going after this thing. Someone once told me that I

-What encouragement would you like to share with other women? Oh my goodness, what a question. I think I want you to know that you're enough.

You are well equipped to conquer today, and

Surround yourself with people who want you

tomorrow & this whole entire year of your

to succeed and then push yourself until you

life. You have everything inside of you to

see it. That's the advice that I'm trying to


take this year, at least.

Chelsea Laine Francis is a photographer & blogger in Austin, Texas. She loves telling stories visually, meeting people for coffee or cocktails, and both sleeping late and getting up early. Breakfast is her favorite meal, #hankfromaustin is her favorite dog, and her husband Tucker makes the best cup of coffee she's ever tasted. You can learn more about her photography and creative expression at


-What are you passionate about and how are you continuing to cultivate that passion this year? I am passionate about females achieving more in life, and not settling for a life of comfort. I am working with a youth ministry, where I get to work with urban girls.

-What are you proud of yourself for? Most recently I graduated and it took forever but I am still very proud to have my degree. However looking over my family’s traditional curses, I am really proud that I am the one woman in three generations of my family that doesn’t have children before I am married.

-What does creativity mean to you? Seeing the beauty in life, and whatever you make or do displaying that beauty.

-What is something that you love about being a woman? The fact that we have the ability [to] create life, lead companies, wipe snotty noses, all with heels on is pretty amazing.

-Is there a woman that inspires you? What about her inspires and encourages you? My Mom, she raised me to make my own decisions and be a women with extreme conviction. She always encouraged me to chase dreams, even though they are extremely different from her dreams.

-What encouragement would you like to share with other women? BE YOU, no matter what society tells you to be, no matter what your family tells you to be, no matter what your friends tell you to be. As women we get so wrapped up with being what other people tell us to be, when you become yourself you become someone that will truly make a difference, you become one of the different ones.

JoAnna Johnson recently graduated with her Bachelor of Arts in Strategic Communications. She is passionate about actively investing in the lives of other women and working with urban youth in her community.


What are you passionate about and how are you continuing to cultivate that passion this year? I’m passionate about being the healthiest version of me that I can be, and that means physically with taking care of my body with exercise and nutrition; emotionally with strong relationships and psychologically with creative expression and meditation. I’m

What does creativity mean to you? To me, creativity means opening space to let your soul shine through. It means loosening expectations on outcomes, being playful, being in motion, being flexible and being grounded in a self-loving place to see what happens next.

my PT exercises, remembering to take all

Painting and photography seem to be deeply rooted in your creative expression. Could you share a little bit about what these two art forms mean to you and how you continue to explore them?

my prescriptions (thyroid and hormones

Painting is a way for me to connect with my

make a big difference in my life), drink more

playful side, which got pushed aside even

water, paint daily, etc.

during my childhood.

using an app called Streaks to track some daily habits I’m trying to cement like doing

It is a very grounding practice for me as it’s not digital. I experiment with colors, marks,

What is something that you love about being a woman?

shapes while listening to music and smelling

I love how my female brain works, and how

palo santo or sacred sage. It’s a multi-

it’s attentive to details, environment and

sensory experience, which is quite opposite


from photography. My photography is most often a self-care practice. I see in photos

Is there a woman that inspires you? What about her inspires and encourages you?

automatically, I’m constantly scanning my

Yes, another Jessica is one of my favorite

environment and composing images. When

Instagrammers, @jessaspen, and she has

I’m tired or blue or overwhelmed, taking my

inspired me for years to simplify, stay

camera out to find something pretty lifts me

connected to what’s important (love! family!

right up. I like to say I’m photographing the

friends! nature!) and to surround myself with

magic of the ordinary.

a beautiful environment.

What are you proud of yourself for?

What encouragement would you like to share with other women?

I’m most proud of how I mother my son, I’ve made it a huge focus to raise him in an

I’d like to encourage other women to be

emotionally intelligent way with an emphasis

gentle with themselves and lower their

on honest communication, sincere apologies

expectations of what can be reasonably done

and forgiveness. The more I teach him, the

in one day. Trust me, I’m the one who needs

more he teaches me. I’m also quite proud of

to learn this the most. I want to encourage

myself for being a lifelong learner. I’ve

women to allow room in their schedules to

learned a lot about nutrition, the human

breathe, to proactively build in time so you

body and how to advocate for myself through

aren’t stressed and frantic and cranky. Use

my five experiences with lymphoma. I’ve

that built in time to feed yourself, stretch,

learned all about photography and how to

exercise, be still, or to connect with the

run my small business. Now I’m learning

people you love regularly. Take care of

about painting. I have taught myself a lot but

yourself so you can give of yourself. An

I have so much to learn still! I love learning.

empty cup quenches no one’s thirst is the wise advice I was given years ago and try to remember every day.

Jessica Nichols Sweet Eventide Photography Do you want to nurture yourself? I believe surrounding ourselves with beauty is an act of self care. Sign up for my email list and get beautiful stories and photos twice a month. Follow along on Instagram: @sweeteventide for my photography @jessicanicholsartist for my paintings


-What are you passionate about and how are you continuing to cultivate that passion this year?

super excited to lead my first set of

I'm really passionate about encouraging

womanhood through escaping the rat race of

women and girls to live brave lives. I am

regular life and by doing a raw, authentic

such a believer that a full life exists beyond

Wildbride photo shoot with me!

Wildbride retreats for women this year focused on celebrating wild, sacred

the comfort zone and that means tapping into the deep well of bravery that is sometimes hidden very far inside. Sometimes it can be scary to live a brave life but it's the

-What does creativity mean to you? How does creative expression continue to evolve in your life?

life I feel like is most worth living.

Creativity means everything to me. At my

This year I'm cultivating that passion by

core I am a creator. Making art and living a

living a brave life myself and getting myself

life infused with creativity is one of my

out of my own comfort zone, and also I'm

biggest goals in life. Creative expression for

a lot of my past 5 years has channeled into blogging and now that I'm no longer blogging as my full time (or even part time)

-Is there a woman that inspires you? What about her inspires and encourages you?

job I'm going back to my roots when it

My mom is definitely someone who taught

comes to artistic endeavors. I'm focusing a

me so much about being a healthy and strong

ton this year on getting back to those roots

woman. Despite not always feeling brave I've

in drawing and painting and photography.

always seen her as one of the bravest women I know. She always is trying new things,

-What are you proud of yourself for? I'm super proud of putting together these Wildbride retreats and just deciding to go for it even though I've never done anything like it before and had no guarantee that anyone would come. I'm so excited to see how these retreats grow and shift and

whether it's belly dancing or ballet classes after turning 50, picking up a new career after decades as a stay at home mom, driving cross country in a 35 ft RV alone with 3 kids. -What encouragement would you like to share with other women?

become more than what they started out as. Live Brave! You were meant to live a full and -What is something that you love about being a woman? I feel like being a woman is a deeply spiritual experience that is only accessible through having lived as a woman. It feels like the most sacred and exclusive club and I love being a part of that sisterhood.

beautiful life, and it's out there beyond your comfort zone, waiting for you!

Liz Morrow is a photographer, writer, adventurer, dog mom, and vintage Winnebago enthusiast. She started blogging in 2008 on her lifestyle blog, Delightfully Tacky, where you'll find everything from personal style, cocktail recipes, and travel to feminist essays and thoughtful ramblings. She's a tomboy who believes that empowering women will change the world, that creativity makes souls come alive, and that life was meant to be lived bravely. You can read more of Liz’s writing, learn about her travel adventure, and learn more about her Wildbride photography at


-What are you passionate about and how are you continuing to cultivate that passion this year? I'm passionate about relationships. I think love is the greatest currency we have to give,

conclusions: 1) therapy is downright a necessity for me to be able to love people well, because my self care and prioritization has been a little broken. We take our cars in

as cheesy as that sounds. I believe that when

for maintenance, so why not our minds? 2)

it's all said and done, we don't take anything

We give love the way we want to receive it,

with us, so we should focus on giving the

and I'm grateful that in times when I do

best intangible gift we can. To me, that's

become a bit of a recluse, my friends come

rooted in relationships, making others feel

after me. They've seen me love them that

heard & valued, and having a posture of

way, and they know that's what I need. So, I

unity. And to be real honest, the demands of

guess have hope & confidence that the work

life make relationships the hardest thing for

and intention you put into relationships is

me to maintain. When I get overwhelmed or

always worth it, because it does get returned.

busy, I tend to become a bit of a recluse. As

(Although if it isn't, that's a clue you should

I've reflected on that, I've come to a couple of

listen to).

So, the things that help me cultivate a passion for relationship are a mixture of self care (so my tank is full to pour into others in a sincere way), putting time on the calendar so I make sure I see my people (otherwise I'll fill it with all the things I think I'm supposed

There's an Anne Lamott quote I go back to when that happens: “You own everything that happened to you. Tell your stories. If people wanted you to write warmly about them, they should have behaved better.�

I think that's the perfect cocktail to keeping a

-I've noticed that you describe yourself as a connector. Could you share a bit about what being a connector means to you and ways you desire to live that out?

passion alive. Self care so you don't get

To me, being a connector means really

burned out & it stays a passion, carving out

seeing people. It means being the person who

concrete time for it so you actually get to do

looks you in the eye when you're speaking

what you love, and FUN so you know to not

instead of scanning the room to see if there is

take it so seriously and remember why you

someone more interesting, or someone I can

love it.

just gain something from. It's knowing that

to be doing), and some straight-up fun.

-What does creativity mean to you? Creativity means two things for me: trust & courage. Trust that I'm capable, I have something inside me that deserves to see the

there's something to gain just by relating to someone, or just listening to their story even if I don't relate. Again, it goes back to my value of love being the greatest currency.

light of day, and that the creative process

And I know how fluffy that can sound, but I

will indeed help it escape even if it feels like

do try to translate that in practical ways for

it's taking forever. Courage that even if I put

people. Sometimes it really is just plain ol'

something out there that doesn't get a

eye contact and giving someone your full

response or attention, it wasn't for the

attention. And other times, it's making the

purpose of attention - it was for me. And I

effort to remember someone, their passions,

guess courage to have the vulnerability to

their current pursuits. And then when I meet

put an extension of myself out in the world.

someone else who I think they should get to

My creativity is more rooted in writing and

know because they'd relate, help one another,

words, and right now I'm wrestling with all

or hit it off - taking the time to connect them

the things I want to be really honest about in

with one another.

my writing, but I'm scared.

I'd much rather be the bridge between

social good sector. I was asked to be an

relationships than be the person working a

official blogger for SXSW Interactive,

room shaking hands and kissing babies.

covering their Startup Village and elevating the conversation of diversity that is present

-What are you proud of yourself for?

this year. Two years ago, I was fired from

I'm proud of my honesty & vulnerability.

my job. I was a sucky employee at that time,

This past year has been a year where I've

not dealing with some of my personal issues

lived that out way more than any other time

that absolutely bled into my work. And now

in my life and I feel like a much purer, clearer

I've seen how I've worked really hard to

version of myself. It hasn't always been

right that in my own life, and I'm so dang

pretty, and I've definitely messed up a bit

proud of myself.

while trying to practice that honesty & vulnerability. And there are some

-What is something that you love about being a woman?

relationships that I'm still working on and

I love that I can still be soft, gentle, and

some that I need to give a little more love,

vulnerable while I go conquer my dreams. I

but I find that in those situations I'm a little

think the idea that women have to adopt

rooted in fear, so I can practice my honesty

masculine qualities to be taken seriously is

& vulnerability to make them right.

ANNOYING. I've avoided that practice in

I'm really proud of the professional milestones I've hit recently. Again, by no

my own life this year and I've seen it rewarded.

means perfect, but what progress is? In my

I love my emotion as a woman. Most days,

job as Community Manager at Noonday

the people closest to me would probably say

Collection, I've really been able to shine in

I told them I hated how sensitive I am

my strength as a connector, and really been

(which I do say regularly and I'm trying to

able to identify what I'm just not good at.

stop - ha!) But my sensitivity, no matter how

I've sat with a strategic planner from a

messy it's been sometimes, has started some

reputable New York ad agency to share my

of the most meaningful and milestone-

thoughts on how big corporations & big

worthy conversations of my life and I'm

banks can incorporate community

thankful my emotions have served me that

development and make progress in the


And I also just love the female form and that I get to have curves, be physically soft, and I can play with that in my style, wardrobe, and makeup. I haven't really appreciated that for most of my life, but recently I've come to a really loving place with my body and I actually have fun with style & makeup now.

and getting help from professional resources. She's intentional in her goals and it's inspired me to put pen to paper on the things I want to accomplish. Something she does that I love is "small goals", which are exactly what they sound like. You don't have to do this big grand things to accomplish happiness, and she's shown me that! From what I've seen,

-Is there a woman that inspires you? What about her inspires and encourages you?

she's also intentional in her relationship with

Oh this is such a HUGE question for me.

individuals - I see so many couples default to

My life is rooted in loving women and being

the strictly "we" mentality and they inspire

inspired by them, so that's tough. I'll just

me to cultivate myself within my

pick one.

relationship. And lastly, Nicole is so

her boyfriend/partner Dago, and I love that the both of them value one another as

intentional about celebrating diversity, My friend Nicole Seligman of Writes Like A

advocating for marginalized people, and

Girl is one of the most inspiring women I

using her platform to elevate important

know in my real life. If you look on her blog,

issues. To me, she goes above and beyond

you'll see her say "sisterhood is my religion"

the innate responsibility we have as humans

and that is the perfect summary for her. She

to help others, and she makes it look easy.

is one of the most genuine women I know, and she is so holistically intentional. In her relationships, she makes time for others and

-What encouragement would you like to share with other women?

she always follows up with people on things -

You don't have to have it figured out, and

their passions, life events, hard moments. It

better yet, you don't have to PRETEND that

really amazes me. She's intentional about her

you have it figured out. I've adopted that

self care and she's helped me (and so many

practice this past year and 1) the world

other women) see that there is nothing

hasn't ended, 2) no one important has walked

wrong with prioritizing yourself. She also

away from me, and 3) I've gotten WAY more

does a lot of work to de-stigmatize therapy

"me too's" than I ever expected.

It serves you so much better to quiet the

Put yourself out there in communities of

noise around you and listen to what is

likeminded people - they were all new at one

actually important to you, not what's

point. And go to therapy. It's the best gift

expected. And if you don't have many people

you can give yourself and you'll find life

around you that will understand, I promise

won't be so exhausting.

you will find them. Trust the process.

Katie McCauley believes every woman has a compelling story to tell. She is the Community Manager for Noonday Collection, where she encourages & equips a community of 1,000 women to build their own businesses through social entrepreneurship. Natural light seeker, vinyl record hoarder, DIY attempter. She considers the kitchen her living room and all animals her best friends, whether they like it or not. Trying to bridge the gap between the aspirational life & the nitty gritty. You can learn more about Katie at her About Me page.




I LOVE Anne of Green Gables. I didn't read it

This can’t go by without me answering The

until I was a Junior in College and I think it


really (really really) impacted me as a person. I think everyone feels that way about Anne! I


also love Yes, Please by Amy Poehler just

I read some really amazing books in 2015,

because it's funny and she's an incredible

but one I read long ago and suggest for any

comedian! The Book Thief by Markus Zusak

human to read is The Road Less Traveled by

is the book I notoriously buy and then give

M. Scott Peck. But more recently I read

away immediately to people. It's a favorite.

Women Who Run With The Wolves, The Art of

JoAnna It’s a really random book, but it is Kate Cutrone’s If You Have to Cry, Go Outside. It

Asking, and Big Magic. All so good. Especially for creative women.


taught me to shoot for the stars as cheesy as

I find myself drawn to books written by

that sounds.

strong women with little filter, and I find


myself adopting a bit of that courage in my own life. The first author to do this for me

— Brave Intuitive Painting by Flora Bowley

was Anne Lammott, and I think it's because

started my love affair with paint.

faith will always be the central question of

— Creative Block by Danielle Krysa (The

my life.

Jealous Curator) helps me when I’m stuck with my creative work. — Clean by Dr. Alejandro Junger really taught me a huge amount about nutrition and my body.

I've flip flopped on either side of belief/non belief and I continue to do so, and her writing has show me that's okay and sometimes necessary.

At this season in my life I've made a choice to

And as for an all time favorite "escape" read,

not identify, and her writing helps me still

The Time Traveler's Wife is at the top of my

feel close and a part of the community I was

list. I read that book when I traveled on my

a part of for most of my life; you could say

first big international trip - Germany &

she's like a comforting, stiff glass of whiskey

Austria during the Christmas holiday. It was

for me. Familiar, but has a kick. Brene Brown

such a magical trip for me, so reading a

is a newer author for me, and I'm currently

really romantic and magical book while

reading Daring Greatly. I can already tell that

having that experience made it all the more

this book will be one of the most impactful

better. Every time I read it, it takes me back

reads of my life. It probably also relates back

to that feeling. And, I love that even though

that I'm going to therapy for the first time in

the book's premise is a little magical (time

my life, too. I've discovered so much about

travel), I loved that the most magical thing

myself, my strengths, and the things I no

about their story was in the ordinary - their

longer have to carry because they're not

love for each other. It reminds me to

serving me.

cultivate that magic in my own relationship.




As someone who uses music for motivation

When We Were Young - Brett Dennen

every day, I am often inspired by songs that

Compliment Your Soul - Can Croll

have a great message. Lupe Fiasco, Frank

How Loud Your Heart Gets - Lucius

Ocean, Alicia Keys, and Andra Day are

If You Didn't See Me [Then You Weren't on the

among my favorite artists. Presently, I am

Dancefloor] - Jr Jr

listening to a lot of Adele and The Weeknd. I am also a big fan of old school rap and classic rock music. Songs that make me want to break it down and dance, however, are songs from my favorite Bollywood movies Devdas, Veer Zaara, and Kal Ho Na Ho.


Jessica — I Can’t Wait by NuShooz always makes me dance. — Twirl Me by Wildlight gets me into my painting zone. — Hold On by Wilson Phillips empowers me when I need it. (It’s best to be alone in the

Beyoncé. Basic, maybe, but she knows how to pump a girl up.

Chelsea I really love Perfect Situation by Weezer, Send my Love to Your New Lover by Adele, The Middle by Jimmy Eat World, and Chandelier by Sia!

JoAnna Right now, Thomas Rhett’s I Feel Good.

car and sing along as loud as possible.)

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