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How are we are doing it? Simply by demanding more and more space for ourselves. In our assault on the ecosystemsarounduswehaveusedanumberoftools,fromspearandguntobulldozerandchainsaw.Certain especiallyrichecosystemshaveprovedthemostvulnerable.InHawaiimorethanhalfofthenativebirdsarenow gone-some50species. SuchcarnagehastakenplaceallacrosstheislandcommunitiesofthePacificand Indian oceans. While many species were hunted to extinction, others simply succumbed to the "introduced predators' thathumans brought with them: thecat, thedog, the pig, and therat.

Todaythetempoofextinctionispickingupspeed.Huntingisnolongerthemajorculprit,althoughrarebirdsand animals continue to be butchered for their skin, feathers, tusks, and internal organs, or taken as savage pets. Today the main threat comes from the destruction of the habitat of wild plants, animals, and insects need to survive. The draining and damming of wetland and river courses threatens the aquatic food chain and our own seafood industry. Overfishing and the destruction of fragile coral reefs destroy ocean biodiversity. Deforestation is taking a staggering toll, particularly in the tropics where the most global biodiversity is at risk. The shinking rainforest cover of the Congo and Amazon river basins and such place as Borneo and Madagascar have awealth of species per hectare existing nowhere else. As those precious hectares are drowned or turned into arid pasture andcropland, such species disappearforever.


Source:FinalCountdownPracticeTestsby D.F Piniaris,HeinleCengageLearning,2010

Question21: Whatdoesthe passagemainly discuss?

Thetempo ofextinction ofspeciestoday

Thetwowaysin whichspeciesdisappear

Deforestationasamajorcauseofmass extinctionsof species

Humanactivityand itsimpact ona massextinction ofspecies

Question22: Theword “assault” in paragraph2is closestin meaningto

A. development B. influence

C. attack

Question23: Allof thefollowingarementioned asaform ofhabitat destruction EXCEPT cuttingdownforests huntingrarebirdsandanimals destroyingcoralreefs dammingwetlandsandrivers

D. effort humanassaulton ecosystems vulnerablerichecosystems toolsused byhuman beings huntersandintroducedpredators

Question24: WhatwasthemainthreattobiodiversityinHawaiiandotherislandsinthePacificandIndian oceansuntil recently?

Question25: Theword “them” inparagraph2refersto

A. oceans B. predators

C. humans

Question26: Which isnolonger consideredamajor causeofthemassextinctionunder waycurrently?

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