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Ths Nguyễn Thanh Tú eBook Collection


Tài liệu chuẩn tham khảo Phát triển kênh bởi Ths Nguyễn Thanh Tú Đơn vị tài trợ / phát hành / chia sẻ học thuật : Nguyen Thanh Tu Group Hỗ trợ trực tuyến Fb www.facebook.com/DayKemQuyNhon Mobi/Zalo 0905779594










I. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions. 1. A. focus B. open C. chore D. impose 2. A. generation B. advice C. typical D. elegant 3. A. manners B. conflicts C. objects D. viewpoints 4. A. decision B. impose C. arise D. organisation 5. A. restricted B. obliged C. respected D. beloved II. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the position of primary stress in each of the following questions. 1. A. nuclear B. childcare C. respect D. parent B. teenage C. consist D. useful 2. A. viewpoint B. regardless C. opinion D. mutual 3. A. surrounding 4. A. financial B. different C. preference D. history 5. A. comfortable B. independent C. explanation D. understanding III. Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the underlined part that needs correction in each of the following sentences. 1. According to the results of a survey which conducted by a USA magazine, there isn't really A B C a generation gap. D 2. The survey shows that today's generation of young people generally get along well with their A B parents and appreciate the way they're being risen. C D 3. His parents asked him to buy books which he found them useful and necessary for his study. A B C D 4. The number of articles published on the generation gap are really amazing. A B C D 5. With the discovery of the new material, the equipment are greatly improved. A B C D 6. I'm glad to invite to sing a song to you tonight as there is no better occasion. A B C D 7. The cake would get burnt if it had been left in the oven even two minutes longer. A B C D 8. When I found Linda, she was busy to play table tennis with her friend. A B C D 9. Her early arrival gave everyone a big surprise as it was typical for her to be late for most A B C occasions. D 10. Sitting at the dinner table with strangers made the kids to be restless and uneasy. A B C D IV. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following sentences. 1. Most parents expect their children to help them with the _______ chores. A. domestic B. housework C. extended D. homework









2. There are both advantages and disadvantages of living in families with three or four generations, also known as _______ families. A. single-parent B. extended C. nuclear D. crowded 3. Many teenagers do not like it when their parents impose their decision _______ them. A. in B. on C. at D. to 4. The advantages of the new method really _______ the disadvantages. A. outperform B. outdo C. outweigh D. outgrow 5. I have a 10 p.m _______. I would be in trouble if I returned home after that time. A. homestay B. conflict C. curfew D. banning 6. Students _______ cheat in the exams; it is against the rules. A. must B. have to C. don't have to D. mustn't 7. Students _______ go to school on Sundays; there is no class then. A. must B. have to C. don't have to D. mustn't 8. This is a closed-book exam, so you _______ use any reference books in the examination room. A. must B. have to C. don't have to D. mustn't 9. The project work in this semester is optional, so students _______ do it. A. must B. have to C. don't have to D. mustn't 10. Mr. Hung is a doctor and expects his son to follow _______ his footsteps. A. up B. in C. on D. at 11. Parents should be _______ by giving children advice but not imposing their decisions on them. A. like-minded B. narrow-minded C. open-minded D. absent-minded 12. Some young people would like to work in private enterprises whereas some prefer getting a job in _______ companies. A. state-bought B. state-kept C. state-possessed D. state-owned 13. Parents often claim that _______ and soft drinks are not good for their children's health. A. soft foods B. junk foods C. table foods D. school foods 14. Open communication among parents and children can help create _______ trust. A. dependent B. endless C. mutual D. conflicting 15. Many children do not like it when their parents _______ them like little kids. A. treat B. talk C. behave D. tell 16. Conflicts may _______ when parents and children do not share the same interests in music or arts. A. rise B. raise C. arise D. climb 17. To many children, playing computer games is a form of _______. A. relax B. relaxingly C. relaxation D. relaxed 18. Tina considers herself lucky when her parents are quite sympathetic _______ her and offer her valuable advice. A. about B. to C. in D. with 19. An important rule in Tim's family is that they have to pay _______ visits to their grandparents in the countryside. A. customary B. normal C. usual D. regular 20. Tim's parents were so strict; they didn't let him _______ computer games. A. play B. playing C. to play D. be playing 21. Some teenagers are so stubborn and refuse to _______ their parents' advice. A. receive B. bring C. follow D. regard 22. David is so naughty a boy that his teachers often complain _______ his parents about his misbehavior at school. A. to B. for C. about D. on









23. Nick had to leave the party early as his parents did not _______ him to go home later than 23:00. A. let B. make C. forbid D. allow 24. Kiddy's mom is always complaining that she did not lift a finger to help _______ the housework. A. for B. to C. with D. at 25. Susan takes great _______ in talking about how sympathetic her parents are. A. please B. pleasant C. pleasantry D. pleasure 26. They will open a supermarket in the residential area _______ there are a lot of families. A. what B. which C. where D. when 27. The Brown are a new family here. They don't know where the largest market is ________. A. located B. standing C. lied D. situating 28. Helen's parents used to take her to school by bike, _______? A. didn't they B. did they C. used they D. aren't they 29. There was so much noise that the speaker could not make himself _______. A. heard B. to hear C. hearing D. being heard 30. The Blacks are _______ family in the little town. A. the possible richest B. the much richest C. the richest by far D. by far the richest V. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following sentences. 1. It is believed that conflicts between parents and children can be resolved by means of heart-toheart talks. A. agreements B. disagreements C. differences D. similarities 2. Domestic problems such as arguments with parents may distract children from schoolwork and lead to poor academic results. A. relating to money B. within the family C. involving violence D. within the country 3. It's typical of young teens to pursue fashion styles and music tastes different from those of their parents. A. rare B. characteristic C. surprising D. open 4. While parents may be more experienced in life, they should not impose their decision on their children. A. reject B. deny C. accept D. force 5. Living under the same roof with several generations can be frustrating because of the lack of space and privacy. A. delightful B. angry C. annoying D. demanding VI. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to each of the following sentences. 1. It is not necessary for Alice to do all the housework. A. Alice must not do all the housework. B. Alice should not do all the housework. C. Alice doesn't have to do all the housework. D. Alice doesn't have to do the unnecessary housework. 2. It was wrong of you to scare your brother like that. A. You must not scare your brother like that. B. You ought not to have scared your brother like that. C. You should have scared your brother like that. D. You should not scare your brother like that.









3. It is against the school rules to cheat in the test. A. You don't have to cheat in the test. B. You must cheat in the test. C. You must not cheat in the test. D. You have to cheat in the test. 4. It is necessary for young people to consult their parents about future career. A. Young people don't have to consult their parents about future career. B. Young people ought not to consult their parents about future career. C. Young people should have consulted their parents about future career. D. Young people must consult their parents about future career. 5. Youngsters should confide their problems to their parents for sound solutions. A. It is advisable for youngsters to confide their problems to their parents for sound solutions. B. It is obligatory for youngsters to confide their problems to their parents for sound solutions. C. It is illegal for youngsters to confide their problems to their parents for sound solutions. D. It is optional for youngsters to confide their problems to their parents for sound solutions. VII. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the sentence that best combines each pair of sentences given. 1. You shouldn’t be worried. You have prepared carefully for the test. A. You shouldn't be worried, and you have prepared carefully for the test. B. You shouldn't be worried, or you have prepared carefully for the test. C. You shouldn't be worried, for you have prepared carefully for the test. D. You shouldn't be worried, but you have prepared carefully for the test. 2. The kids like Sundays. They don't have to get up early then. A. The kids like Sundays if they don't have to get up early then. B. The kids like Sundays although they don't have to get up early then. C. The kids like Sundays so that they don't have to get up early then. D. The kids like Sundays since they don't have to get up early then. 3. Some parents and children have different tastes in music. They have different taste in fashion, too. A. Some parents and children have different tastes in both music and fashion. B. Some parents and children have different tastes in either music or fashion. C. Some parents and children have different tastes in neither music nor fashion. D. Some parents and children have different tastes in music but not fashion. 4. His parents don't like some of his friends. His friends wear too flashy clothes. A. His parents don't like some of his friends despite their too flashy clothes. B. His parents don't like some of his friends because of their too flashy clothes. C. His parents don't like some of his friends but for their flashy clothes. D. His parents don't like some of his friends without their too flashy clothes. 5. Sue does not help her parents with the housework. She is so irresponsible. A. Sue is so irresponsible that she cannot help her parents with the housework. B. Sue is not responsible enough to help her parents with the housework. C. Sue is so responsible a girl that she cannot help her parents with the housework. D. It is irresponsible of Sue not to help her parents with the housework. VIII. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks. Generation gap refers to a vast difference in cultural norms between a younger generation and their elders. It’s a distressing thing for the phenomenon (1) _______ occurs around the world. The (2) _______ of communication, different views on certain problems and different attitudes towards









life may cause the generation gap or even widen it. First, one of the major factors for this misunderstanding between two generations is that parents and children lack communication. Young people (3) _______ reveal their feelings to their parents, and often complain that their parents are out of (4) _______ and that they talk too much about certain problems. So when young people meet some problems, they would rather (5) _______ to their classmates or their friends for help. The lack of communication widens the generation gap. Another factor is that parents and their children see almost everything from different (6) _______. Take choosing career as an example. Parents generally believe it is their responsibility to plan the career for their children. Some hope their children will (7) _______ professions that will bring them greatest prestige and economic benefits. Some hope children will have a stable job with a regular income. But the youth may think they should be free to (8) _______ their own decisions as to their future career. Young people explain that true success is not a matter of money or position, instead, it is a matter of self-fulfillment. Finally, with the change of the world over decades, the attitude of the young has altered too. There are differences in (9) _______ matters as musical tastes, fashions, drug use, sex and politics between the young people and their elders. Nowadays long hair on young males is viewed as fashion by the young, but it is frequently considered a shocking act of rebellion against (10) _______ norms by parents. B. who C. whom D. what 1. A. which 2. A. deficiency B. shortage C. lack D. inadequacy 3. A. sometimes B. always C. often D. seldom 4. A. mind B. reach C. depth D. touch B. turning C. to turn D. to have turned 5. A. turn 6. A. opinions B. perspectives C. scopes D. visions 7. A. come in for B. go in for C. go down with D. come up with 8. A. make B. do C. build D. create B. so C. such D. those 9. A. the 10. A. society B. sociable C. social D. socializing IX. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions. It is natural for young people to be critical of their parents at times and to blame them for most of the misunderstandings between them. They have always complained, more or less justly, that their parents are old-fashioned, possessive and dominant; that they do not trust their children to deal with obstacles; that they talk too much about certain problems and that they have no sense of humor, at least in parent-child relationships. I think it is true that parents often underestimate their teenage children and also forget how they themselves felt when young. Young people often irritate their parents with their choices in clothes and hairstyles, in entertainers and music. This is not their motive. They feel cut off from the adult world into which they have not yet been accepted. So they create a culture and society of their own. Then, if it turns out that their music or entertainers or vocabulary or clothes or hairstyles irritate their parents, this gives them additional enjoyment. They feel they are superior, at least in a small way, and that they are leaders in style and taste. Sometimes you are resistant and proud because you do not want your parents to approve of what you do. If they did approve, it looks as if you are betraying your own age group. But in that case, you are assuming that you are the underdog: you can’t win but at least you can keep your honor. This is a passive way of looking at things. It is natural enough after long years of childhood, when you were completely under your parents’ control. But it ignores the fact that you are now beginning to be responsible for yourself. If you plan to control your life, co-operation can be part of that plan. You can charm others, especially parents, into doing things the ways you want. You can impress others with your sense of responsibility and initiative, so that they will give you the authority to do what you want to do. 1. What is paragraph 1 mainly about?









A. The teenagers' criticism of their parents B. Misunderstandings between teenagers and their parents C. The dominance of the parents over their children D. The teenagers' ability to deal with difficulty 2. According to paragraph 2, teenagers tend to have strange clothes and hairstyles because they _______. A. want to show their existence by creating a culture of their own B. have a strong desire to be leaders in style and taste C. have no other way to enjoy themselves better D. want to irritate their parents 3. The word "superior" in the passage is closest in meaning to _______. A. passive B. dominant C. advantageous D. updated 4. Teenagers do not want their parents to approve of whatever they do because they _______. A. have already been accepted into the adult world B. are not likely to win over the adults C. have a desire to be independent D. feel that they are superior in a small way to the adults 5. To improve parent-child relationships, teenagers are advised to be . A. obedient B. responsible C. co-operative D. independent X. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions. There are many types of family systems around the world. In North America and northern Europe, the nuclear family (with two generations - a father, a mother and one or more children) is often seen as the most typical. In contrast, in most other parts of the world, extended families, which include other family members such as grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins, are seen as the norm. The common view is that the nuclear family has become the norm in many Western societies as a result of industrialization and urbanization. This trend began in the late eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, when people were forced to move to cities to find work in the factories that sprang up during the Industrial Revolution. In the twentieth century, greater industrialization resulted in even more people leaving their large extended families. Urbanization also meant that people lived in much smaller houses, which were not big enough for an extended family. The trend towards nuclear families meant that many of the duties and responsibilities of a family, such as providing food and shelter, cleaning the home, preparing the food, caring for children and their education, and caring for the sick and elderly are no longer shared among the members of the extended family. The parents (or parent) now have to do this, with some help from the state. However, this is the price that people pay for the higher standard of living that may come from living in a city. We may think we know what we mean by a ‘nuclear’ family and an ‘extended’ family, but reality is more complicated than most people believe. Most nuclear families are part of extended families: children have grandparents and, in many cases, aunts, uncles and cousins as well. Part of what makes them ‘nuclear’ is that they live in their own separate household, but it is not the whole story. In Greece or Italy, for example, a nuclear family may live in its own flat, but the extended family may live in the same apartment block or in the same street and family members see each other and even eat together every day. There is at least one more factor to consider. Family members may be separated from each other by geographical distance, but they may have close emotional ties. Even in North America and northern Europe, grandparents usually have close bonds with their grandchildren, and families often travel long distances so .that they can see each other. Grandparents often help their adult children, for example, by cooking and looking after their children in emergencies. In the same way, when









their parents become too old to live on their own, adult children may take them into their own homes. As a result, they turn their nuclear family into an extended family. The structure of families changes over time. The effects of urbanization and industrialization are enormous, but they are not the only reasons for the changes. People marry, have children, become widowed, divorce and die. Children grow up and adults grow old. Nuclear families become extended families and extended families become nuclear families. Family ties stay strong or become weak. One thing is certain: in a changing world, the family will continue to change, but ultimately, it is likely to continue to be the basic unit of society. 1. According to paragraph 1, the nuclear family is seen as the most common in _______. A. all parts of the world B. most places except North America C. most places except northern Europe D. north America and northern Europe 2. The word "norm" in the passage mostly means _______. A. standard B. exception C. law D. story 3. What made the nuclear family become the norm? A. Higher living standard B. Reduction of land C. Higher prices of food and shelter D. Industrialization and urbanization 4. The word "sprang up" in the passage is closest in meaning to _______. A. declined B. widened C. expanded D. prolonged 5. According to the passage, which of the following is NOT true about nuclear families? A. They are isolated from their extended families. B. They often live in their separate household. C. They often live in smaller houses. D. They have fewer members to share family duties. 6. The word "ties" in the passage is closest in meaning to _______. A. expressions B. connections C. selections D. similarities 7. The word "their" in the passage refers to _______. A. grandparents' B. adult children's C. emergencies' D. distances' 8. In what way can a nuclear family be turned into an extended household? A. Children can help their parents prepare meals. B. Adult children take care of their parents in emergencies. C. Grandparents come to live with their adult children when becoming too old. D. Grandparents help adult children with the housework and in emergencies. 9. Which of the following is NOT stated in the passage? A. Members of extended families may have strong emotional bonds. B. Changes to family structure will become increasingly fast in the future. C. Urbanization and Industrialization are not the only reason for changes in the family structure. D. However the changes may be, families are likely to be the fundamentals of the society. 10. Which of the following best serves as the title for the passage? A. Types of family system in the world B. The popularity of extended families C. Changes in family structure D. Similarities of nuclear and extended families










I. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the position of primary stress in each of the following questions. 1. A. online B. opposite C. concentrate D. romantic 2. A. dating B. caring C. same D. relation 3. A. school B. soon C. book D. noon 4. A. drop B. reconcile C. confide D. apology 5. A. judge B. engage C. apology D. together II. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the position of primary stress in each of the following questions. 1. A. friendship B. dating C. involve D. single B. romantic C. relation D. engaging 2. A. concentrate B. relationship C. apology D. initiative 3. A. sympathetic 4. A. engage B. confide C. accept D. offer 5. A. depress B. involve C. listen D. become III. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the underlined part that needs correction in each of the following sentences. 1. It was the shop near my school that I bought these shirts and accessories. A B C D 2. It was last Saturday which my brother bought his new car from our neighbour. A B C D 3. Which happened was that their car broke down on the motorway so they didn't get A B C to Jo's wedding on time. D 4. Under the floor at 23 Robin Hood Road is the place which the jewels are hidden. A B C D 5. It is only families that people receive unconditional love and care from parents. A B C D IV. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following sentences. 1. The fifth generation computers, with artificial intelligence, _______ and perfected now. A. developed B. have developed C . are being developed D. will have been developed 2. This ticket _______ you to a free meal in our new restaurant. A. gives B. grants C. entitles D. credits 3. You _______ her in her office last Friday; she's been out of town for two weeks. A. needn't have seen B. must have seen C. might have seen D. can't have seen 4. That was so serious a matter that I had no choice but _______ the police. A. called in B. calling in C. call in D. to call in 5. She was so _______ in her job that she didn't hear anybody knocking at the door. A. attracted B. absorbed C. drawn D. concentrated 6. _______ as it was at such a time, his work attracted much attention. A. Being published B. Published C. Publishing D. to be published









7. At first, the speaker was referring to the problem of pollution in the country, but halfway in her speech, she suddenly _______ to another subject. A. committed B. switched C. favoured D. transmitted 8. It is politely requested by the hotel management that radios _______ after 11 o'clock at night. A. were not played B. not to play C. not be played D. did not play 9. Although I like the appearance of the house, what really made me decide to buy it was the beautiful _______ from the window. A. vision B. look C. picture D. view 10. Cancer is second only _______ heart disease as a cause of death. A. of B. to C. with D. from 11. Despite the wonderful acting and well-developed plot the _______ movie could not hold our attention. A. three-hours B. three-hour C. three-hours' D. three-hour's 12. The manager needs an assistant that he can _______ to take care of problems in his absence. A. count on B. count in C. count up D. count out 13. The organization had broken no rules, but _______ had it acted responsibly. A. neither B. so C. either D. both 14. We gave out a cheer when the red roof of the cottage came _______ view. A. from B. in C. before D. into 15. They took _______ measures to prevent poisonous gases from escaping. A. fruitful B. beneficial C. valid D. effective 16. Doing your homework is a sure way to improve your test scores, and this is especially true _______ it comes to classroom tests. A. when B. since C. before D. after 17. Careful Surveys have indicated that as many as 50 percent of patients do not take drugs _______ directed. A. like B. so C. which D. as 18. In developing countries people are _______ into overcrowded cities in great numbers. A. breaking B. filling C. pouring D. hurrying 19. It's reported that by the end of this month the output of cement in the factory ______ by about 10%. A. will have risen B. has risen C. will be rising D. has been rising 20. If I had remembered _______ the window, the thief would not have got in. A. to close B. closing C. to have closed D. having closed 21. There are other problems which I don't propose to _______ at the moment. A. go into B. go around C. go for D. go up 22. Don't get your schedule _______; stay with us in this class. A. to change B. changed C. changing D. change 23. It is quite necessary for a qualified teacher to have good manners and _______knowledge. A. extensive B. expansive C. intensive D. expensive 24. Jean doesn't want to work right away because she thinks that if she _______ a job she probably wouldn't be able to see her friends very often. A. has not get B. were to get C. had got D. could have got 25. I felt somewhat disappointed and was about to leave, _______ something occurred which attracted my attention. A. unless B. until C. when D. while 26. A love marriage, however, does not necessarily _______ much sharing of interests and responsibilities. A. takeover B. result in C. hold on D. keep to









27. The ability to store knowledge makes computers different from every other machine _______ invented. A. ever B. thus C. yet D.as 28. I'm not sure whether I can gain any profit from the investment, so I can't make a(n) _______ promise to help you. A. exact B. defined C. definite D. sure 29. I have kept that portrait _______ I can see it every day, as it always reminds me of my university days in London. A. which B. where C. whether D. when 30. The sports meet, originally due to be held last Friday, was finally _______ because of the bad weather. A. setoff B. broken off C. worn off D. called off V. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following sentences. 1. The milk in the fridge smell awful; don't drink it. A. fantastic B. terrible C. strange D. normal 2. Flowers of this kind grow very quickly if there is enough warmth and sunshine. A. fast B. well C. slowly D. easily 3. It is unreasonable to judge those who dye their hair as naughty and unreliable. A. illogical B. logical C. positive D. negative 4. Jonas was so poor that he had to drop out of school and started working as a waiter in the local restaurant. A. continue working B. stop working C. continue to study D. stop learning 5. Several governments now encourage young people to take part in dating events. A. discourage B. advise C. distract D. enable VI. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to each of the following sentences. 1. His classmates don't like him because of his poor manner. A. His classmates have poor manner so they don't like him. B. It is because of their poor manner that his classmates don't like him. C. It was because of his poor manner that his classmates disliked him. D. It is his poor manner that makes him unpopular among his classmates. 2. I found the lost ring in the garden, not anywhere else. A. It was the ring that I lost in the garden. B. It was in the garden that I found the lost ring. C. It was I who found the lost ring in the garden. D. It was the lost ring that I found in the garden. 3. John didn't buy an Ipad, but a new laptop yesterday. A. It was John who bought a new Ipad yesterday. B. It was an Ipad that John bought yesterday. C. It was a new laptop that John bought yesterday. D. It was yesterday that John bought a new laptop. 4. "Let's tell Dad about our problem" - said Carol to Tony. A. Carol ordered Tony to tell Dad about their problem. B. Carol suggested telling Dad about their problem. C. Carol forbid Tony to tell Dad about their problem. D. Carol allowed Tony to tell Dad about their problem.









5. "You should open up and tell our teacher about your situation" - said Maria to Victor. A. Maria advised Victor to open up and tell their teacher about his situation. B. Maria forbid Victor to open up and tell their teacher about his situation. C. Maria forced Victor to open up and tell their teacher about his situation. D. Maria allowed Victor to open up and tell their teacher about his situation. VII. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the sentence that best combines each pair of sentences given. 1. Lucy's friends made fun of her. Her grades were poor. A. Lucy's friends made fun of her, so her grades were poor. B. Lucy's friends made fun of her, but her grades were poor. C. Lucy's friends made fun of her because her grades were poor. D. Lucy's friends made fun of her so that her grades were poor. 2. His girlfriend left him. He felt depressed. A. His girlfriend left him, but he felt depressed. B. His girlfriend left him, for he felt depressed. C. His girlfriend left him, so he felt depressed. D. His girlfriend left him, yet he felt depressed. 3. I can't speak three languages fluently. My friend can. A. It was my friend who could speak three languages fluently. B. It is three languages that my friend and I can speak fluently. C. Though speaking three languages, my friend is not fluent at them. D. It is my friend who can speak three languages fluently. 4. Tina does not want to become a lawyer. She wants to become a counselor. A. It is a lawyer, not a counselor that Tina wants to become. B. It is Tina who wants to become a counselor not a lawyer. C. It is Tina who wants to become a lawyer not a counselor. D. It is a counselor, not a lawyer that Tina wants to become. 5. Boys and girls can't be real friends. Tara's grandmother thinks so. A. Tara's grandmother finds it impossible for boys and girls to be real friends. B. Tara's grandmother makes it impossible for boys and girls to be real friends. C. Tara's grandmother finds it possible for boys and girls to be real friends. D. Tara's grandmother makes it possible for boys and girls to be real friends. VIII. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks. CLOSE FRIENDS British people have a reputation for being rather quiet and reserved. However, a new study has (1) _______ that Britons are actually quite sociable and the (2) _______ person claims to have 14 close friends. Although a minority of those questioned (3) _______ that they had no best friend, a quarter said that they had more than 18 close friends. Experts said that this is (4) _______ to changes in the way people (5) _______ their free time. They are now more (6) _______ to invite friends to their homes or go out socialising than previous generations. The increasing use of mobile phones and emails has also made it easier to (7) _______ a greater number of friendships. Men's relationships are not (8) _______, though they tend to have more friends. Women, (9) _______, prefer to have a small number of friends they can trust (10) _______, and with whom they can feel completely at (11) _______. The idea that people in the north of England are more neighbourly than those in the south seems to be backed (12) _______ by the survey. However, despite having friends, it seems that family still (13) _______ an important part in most people's lives. When asked who they would (14) _______ to for help if they were ill or had a problem, the majority said that they would (15) _______ upon a relative first rather than a friend.









1. A. exposed B. revealed C. presented D. remarked 2. A. usual B. common C. average D. medium B. apologised C. accused D. allowed 3. A. admitted 4. A. because B. due C. result D. as 5. A. pass B. apply C. accept D. spend 6. A. probable B. likely C. sure D. certain B. keep up with C. carry through D. get on 7. A. go with B. big C. deep D. high 8. A. long 9. A. in particular B. in effect C. on the whole D. on the other hand 10. A. really B. totally C. quite D. lots 11. A. comfort B. calm C. ease D. relaxation B. in C. through D. up 12. A. out 13. A. gives B. provides C. makes D. plays 14. A. turn B. apply C. contact D. request 15. A. go B. call C. send D. as IX. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions. You depend on all the people closely around to give you the warm feeling of belongingness that you must have to feel secure. But, in fact, the members of all the groups to which you belong also depend on you to give that feeling to them. A person who shows that he wants everything for himself is bound to be a lonely wolf. The need for companionship is closely related to the need for a sense of belongingness. How sad and lonely your life would be if you had no one to share your feelings and experiences. You may take it for granted that there always will be people around to talk to and to do things with you and for you. The important point, however, is that keeping emotionally healthy does not depend so much upon having people around you as upon your ability to establish relationships that are satisfying both to you and to them. Suppose you are in a crowd watching a football game. You don’t know them. When the game is over, you will all go your separate ways. But just for a while you had a feeling of companionship, of sharing the feelings of others who were cheering for the team you wanted to win. An experience of this kind gives the clue to what companionship really is. It depends upon emotional ties of sympathy, understanding, trust, and affection. Companions become friends when these ties are formed. When you are thrown in a new circle of acquaintances, you may not know with whom you will make friends, but you can be sure that you will be able to establish friendships if you show that you really like people. 1. What does paragraph 2 primarily discuss? A. Close link between companionship and belongingness B. How to satisfy other people's needs C. An example of a satisfying relationship D. Difficulties in establishing friendships 2. If you had no one to share your feelings, your life would be _______. A. sad and lonely B. colorful C. busy D. quiet 3. The warm feeling of belongingness may give you _______. A. happiness B. a sense of humor C. freedom D. a sense of security 4. The ability to establish fine relations with others will keep you _______. A. a lonely wolf B. emotionally healthy C. a young heart D. beautiful









5. You will find it hard to make friends with people _______. A. without pity B. who have few words C. without real love for them D. who are very rich X. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions. The benefits of forming friendships with those we meet online are obvious, so why do people still make fun of the idea? Another week, another survey claiming to reveal great truths about ourselves. This one says that (shock horror!) people are increasingly turning online friends' into people they'd think worthy of calling real-life friends. Well, that’s stating the obvious, I would have thought! If there's a more perfect place for making friends, I have yet to find it. However, when surveys like this are reported in the media, it's always with a slight air of “It's a crazy, crazy world!” And whenever the subject crops up in conversation, it's clear that people look down on friends like these. In fact, some members of my family still refer to my partner of six years as my 'Internet Boyfriend.' It's the shocked reaction that surprises me, as if people on the internet were not 'real' at all. Certainly, people play a character online quite often - they may be a more confident or more argumentative version of their real selves - but what's the alternative? Is meeting people at work so much better than making friends in a virtual world? Perhaps, but for some a professional distance between their 'work' selves and their 'social' selves is necessary, especially if they tend to let their guard down and might say or do something they will later regret. And are people really much more themselves at a party than online? Those people disapproving of online friendships argue that the concept of 'friendship' is used loosely in a world driven by technology, in which you might have a thousand online friends. They make a distinction between 'social connections' - acquaintances who are only a click away - and meaningful human interaction, which they say requires time and effort. They note that for many Facebook 'friends', conversation is a way of exchanging information quickly and efficiently rather than being a social activity. With its short sharp updates on what you're thinking 'right now', Facebook has been criticised for encouraging rushed and therefore shallow friendships. This may all have an element of truth. However, I've found that far from being the home of oddballs and potential serial killers, the internet is full of like-minded people. For the first time in history, were lucky enough to choose friends not by location or luck, but by those who have similar interests and senses of humour, or passionate feelings about the same things. The friends I've made online might be spread wide geographically, but I'm closer to them than anyone I went to school with, by a million miles. They are the best friends I have. And for people like me who might be a little shy - and there are plenty of us about - moving conversations from the net to a coffee shop is a much more natural process than people might expect. After having already made friends online, you can get rid of the social awkwardness that comes with trying to make a friend out of someone you don't know at all. You can enjoy their company when you eventually meet, knowing that you have enough in common to sustain the friendship. The benefit is clear - you cut out all the boring small talk. What could be better? Obviously, there will always be concerns about the dangers of online friendship. There are always stories buzzing around such as 'man runs off with the woman he met on Second Life' or people who meet their 'soulmate' online and are never seen again. But people are people are people, whether online or not. As for 'real' friendship dying out, surely social networking is simply redefining our notion of what this is in the twenty-first century? The figures - half a billion Facebook users worldwide - speak for themselves. And technology has allowed countless numbers of these people to keep in close contact with their loved ones, however far away they are. Without it, many disabled or housebound people might go without social contact at all. Call me naive, call me a social misfit, I don't care. Virtual people make the best real friends. 1. The findings of the survey described in the paragraph 1 are thought to be _______. A. amusing B. ridiculous C. predictable D. impressive 2. What does "the subject" in the passage refer to?









A. surveys B. the media C. real friends D. online friends 3. Which of the following is stated about 'real' and 'virtual' friendships in paragraph 2? A. There is more chance of making friends online than at a party. B. The first impression is rarely accurate in either kind of friendship. C. There is less pressure to impress 'virtual' friends than 'real' friends. D. People should avoid spending free time with their work colleagues. 4. What does the phrase "let their guard down" in the passage mostly mean? A. like being on their own B. show dislike towards their colleagues C. prefer to spend time away from their work colleagues D. speak or act without worrying about the consequences 5. According to paragraph 3, online friendships are often criticised because _______. A. their purpose is functional rather than social B the people have no shared history to hold them together C. the more friends people have, the less each one is valued D. the friendship can't be genuine until people meet face to face 6. According to paragraph 4, what are the advantages of online friendships? A. It's better to have friends that don't live nearby. B. It's likely that these relationships will last a long time. C. It's valuable for those who don't have any old schoolfriends. D. It's possible to find people with whom you have a lot in common. 7. Which of the following is implied about meeting up with online friends? A. It's a waste of time. B. It can be difficult to arrange. C. It's easier than meeting complete strangers. D. It can often lead to even stronger friendships. 8. What is the writer's reaction to fears and warnings about online friendships? A. She accepts there will always be dangers however you make friends. B. She is nervous about the risks but thinks the benefits make it worthwhile. C. She believes that online relationships are safer than face to face friendships. D. She recommends online friendships only for people who can look after themselves.









Unit 3: BECOMING INDEPENDENT I. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions. 1. A. figure B. decisive C. nice D. advice 2. A. ability B. attempt C. admire D. demand 3. A. permission B. essential C. necessary D. possible 4. A. recently B. decision C. decisive D. responsible 5. A. developed B. approached C. wished D. pleased II. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the position of primary stress in each of the following questions. 1. A. reliant B. decisive C. determined D. possible 2. A. demand B. offer C. attempt D. request B. figure C. advice D. rely 3. A. approach B. decisiveness C. unwillingness D. necessary 4. A. prioritise 5. A. difficult B. interesting C. ambitious D. probable III. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the underlined part that needs correction in each of the following sentences. 1. Neither the clerks nor the department manager are being considered for promotion this time. A B C D 2. Not until his mother passed away then he realized how important she was. A B C D 3. Most students succeeded in passing the exam, but a few was failed. A B C D 4. Due to her ability to think quicker, Helena won the quiz contest. A B C D 5. His parents don't allow him staying out late on weekdays. A B C D IV. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following sentences. 1. My family is trying _______ where to go on holiday. A. decided B. decide C. to decide D. deciding 2. I'd like _______ somewhere different for a change. A. went B. to go C. go D. going 3. I enjoy _______ places I've never been to before. A. visiting B. to visit C. visits D. visit 4. They prefer _______ in a swimming pool all day. A. playing B. plays C. to play D. to playing 5. They refuse _______ out on trios if it's too hot. A. to going B. to go C. going D. go 6. Last year we managed _______ a holiday that suited everyone. A. found B. to find C. find D. finding 7. We decided ______ a house with a swimming pool. A. renting B. rent C. to renting D. to rent 8. A woman from a travel agency helped us _______ a nice house. A. to choose B. choosing C. to be chosen D. being chosen 9. When we arrived, the people next door invited us _______ a drink with them. A. have B. to have C. to had D. having 10. Everyone hopes _______ themselves on holiday but it isn't always easy.









A. enjoy B. to enjoy C. be enjoyed D. enjoying 11. My wife and I are starting _______ we should stay at home. A. thinking B. think C. to think D. thought 12. I went to the shops _______ some shoes. A. buy B. so to buy C. to buy D. for to buy 13. He told me he loved me. I didn't know what _______. A. to say B. say C. will I say D. saying 14. It's very pleasant ______ on the beach in summer. A. lie B. to lie C. lay D. lying 15. Working in the garden it is pleasant _______ to music. A. to listening B. listened C. to listen D. having listened 16. Judy's parents respect her _______ to move out and live independently. A. decide B. decision C. decisiveness D. deciding 17. These days, many people _______ leading an independent life. A. attempt to B. work on C. strive for D. head for 18. It is said that with good life skills, young people can build up their _______ and self-esteem. A. confidence B. confidential C. confidentiality D. confide 19. Many would consider _______ with stress to be an important life skill. A. facing B. solving C. coping D. encountering 20. Living independently means that young people have to be _______ for their own life. A. reliable B. responsible C. decisive D. self-reliant 21. Simon earned the respect of his friends when he determined to complete such a challenging task while others had already _______. A. gone off B. given in C. given up D. gone through 22. One piece of advice to succeed is to try hard and never to be _______ by others. A. requested B. determined C. decided D. influenced 23. Most young people want to _______ an independent life without being influenced by anyone. A. lay B. put C. lead D. bring 24. However hard I tried, I could not keep _______ with the other students in class. A. face B. pace C. place D. stage 25. You ought not to _______ fun of your friends who don't have very good grades. A. take B. get C. have D. make 26. Ian has no difficulty in _______ into use the perfect plans his friends have prepared for him. A. lending B. taking C. putting D. heading 27. During the six months' wait for the trip to Greece, Kate looked for some _______ work. A. casual B. intensive C. independent D. temporary 28. A: "Living an independent life is not easy yet rewarding." B:" _______." A. Oh, that's too bad. B. You are welcome. C. That's that. D. You can say that again. 29. A:" _______ " B:"He is self-reliant and really helpful." A. Why do you like Bob? B. I don't like Bob very much. C. Which class is Bob in? D. I have just met Bob. 30. A: "What do you think about time management skill?' B:" _______ " A. It's time to go. B. I quite agree with you. C. It is an important life skill. D. I can't help thinking about it. V. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following sentences.









1. The students become more and more worried as the exam dates are approaching. A. drawing near B. getting done C. moving quickly D. solving easily 2. Many young people live a life of constant anxiety over money and job security. A. worry B. relaxation C. pleasure D. debts 3. Many working women rely on relatives to help take care of their children. A. work on B. depend on C. decide on D. focus on 4. She can learn to observe herself, figuring out what she does easily and what takes more work. A. watching out B. selling out C. working out D. standing out 5. An indecisive commander is unlikely to win the confidence of his men. A. slow B. determined C. hesitant D. reliant VI. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks. TIME MANAGEMENT FOR STUDENTS Learning to manage your time involves using a variety of life skills together. First of all, you need to know yourself. Only you know (1) _______ you are a morning or an evening person, for example. Understanding when you are (2) _______ your best can help you decide when to do certain things you have to do - like studying. Then, you need to prioritise and decide which things are the most (and least) important. After that, you need to get organised and start planning a schedule, (3) _______ could include when to study, as well as when to relax. It is important to be (4) _______ when you are trying to manage your time. You need to factor in time to sleep, (5) _______, and this should be based on your normal sleep patterns there is no (6) _______ in planning to study at six in the morning if you have never managed to get out of bed before eight. Many people forget to include socialising, but this is a mistake because it is unhealthy to avoid seeing people, just as it is a mistake to (7) _______ all your time socialising while your list of things to do grows longer and longer. On the subject of lists, it is important to remember that these may have to change. You need to plan for the unexpected - a visit from a friend, for example - and this means that you may have to (8) _______ your to-do list, perhaps (9) _______ something that is less important. Flexibility is the key here, (10) _______ you risk becoming extremely disorganised. It is better to have to change a plan than to lose it completely. Finally, remember the old saying - ‘If you fail to plan, you plan to fail’. In the end, managing your time better will help you avoid stress, and that can only be a good thing. B. whether C. what D. how 1. A. that 2. A. in B. on C. at D. over 3. A. that B. which C. it D. there B. realism C. reality D. realistic 4. A. real 5. A. in contrast B. in addition C. for all D. for instance B. need C. demand D. request 6. A. point B. put C. bring D. spend 7. A. take 8. A. adapt B. adjust C. abandon D. affect 9. A. crossing out B. thinking of C. putting out D. taking off 10. A. consequently B. moreover C. however D. otherwise VII. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions. MANAGING TIME Time management: two words that have me breaking out in a cold sweat. Why should I suddenly have to learn how to manage my time? Surely time had got on perfectly well for several millennia without requiring management, let alone by me. But my university tutor was adamant: time needed some managing and apparently it was up to me to do it.









First of all, let’s be clear. I do have plenty of time to manage. As an arts student, I generally have 23 hours in the day that aren’t given over to going to lectures. But I generally need somebody to tell me what I should be writing, so I go to lectures. Perhaps I had “taken on too much”? I’d been elected to four committees, produced a play, applied for a part time job, hung around the college bar with my friends, and written the odd essay. But I thought I was coping well. Sure, there was the day when I did the research for an essay on the morning of deadline day and wrote it that afternoon, but that was a one off. On second thoughts, maybe my tutor is right. It’s difficult to give up what you’re involved in but perhaps it’s a good idea to sit back and have a breather once in a while. Even an arts student has to get down to some real work! 1. What was the writer's initial reaction to his tutor's ultimatum? A. He had to admit that it was sound advice. B. He failed to see how it could help him. C. He had no understanding of what it meant. D. He had tried it before so he knew it would fail. 2. What is the writer's job? A. He's a time manager. B. He's a lecturer. C. He's an arts student. D. He's a university tutor. 3. Which of the following is NOT mentioned as something he had done? A. Producing a play B. Getting a part time job C. Writing an essay D. Head of four committees 4. The writer slowly begins to realize that he should ______. A. spend more time with his friends B. end his obsession with leisure pursuit C. integrate more into university life D. apply himself to the real task in hand 5. The word "breather" in the passage mostly means ________. A. an assignment B. a machine C. a rest D. a passion VIII. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions. When I tell people about the idea of moving out, many people’s reaction is like, “what do your parents say?” because they assume the parents would not like their children to leave them. Well I don’t know if my parents like it but I can tell you my parents support and respect my decision. They think it is good for me to try and live on my own and then I would know it is the best to stay with my family. The most important reason for independent living is to save the travelling time to work. It used to take me one hour fifteen minutes to travel to work from my previous living place. From my new apartment, it just takes me thirty minutes so I saved forty-five minutes’ traveling time. I don’t have to get up so early and I save two-third of my traveling cost. It does not only save my time to travel for work but also from most of the places in Hong Kong. In addition, I gain my personal space and freedom by independent living. I make my own decision all the time, I do not have to say whether I would go home for dinner, I can invite my friends to come up and stay late. Of course, there are some trade-offs in living on your own. If you want to rent an apartment, there are lots of preparatory work to do. You have to keep visiting the apartments to search for your ideal one. You have to negotiate with the landlord about the price, furniture inclusion, who is responsible for the maintenance of the furniture and equipment. My experience was that after we moved into the apartment, it was not until the kitchen cupboard was soaked with water that we found out there was water leakage in the kitchen sink. Money is the main issue in living on your own. You have to be responsible for all the expenses, for example, the rent, electricity, gas, water, telephone, internet bills, etc. Therefore, you’ve got to be well prepared and save up for your bills. Although I find my transportation time much shorter, the saved time is spent on other things, such as cooking and some other household chores. I think preparing and cooking the food do occupy a significant portion of my time, therefore I always try to









make simple meals. On the other hand, I have to regularly tidy up my apartment and wash my clothes, so it doesn’t really save much of my time after all. Now everything is settled down, I’m getting used to my new life and I am enjoying it. I feel that moving out makes it easier for me to strike a balance between my work, my social life, my study and my family. It may be troublesome but it may worth. 1. Why does the writer want to move out? A. Many people assume that he should live independently. B. His parents would like him to live far from them. C. His parents do not support and respect his decision. D. It makes his travelling to work more convenient. 2. All of the following are mentioned as the benefits of living in the new place EXCEPT _______. A. saving time and money B. making his own decisions C. staying up late with friends D. enjoying more freedom 3. The word "trade-offs" in the passage is closest in meaning to _______. A. regulations B. disadvantages C. preparations D. benefits 4. Which of the following is NOT included in the preparatory work of renting an apartment? A. Bargaining the price B. Fixing defective facilities C. Visiting various apartments C. Discussing what furniture to include 5. The word "negotiate" in the passage is closest in meaning to _______. A. argue B. discuss C. complain D. complete 6. The writer mentions the kitchen cupboard soaked with water to show that _______. A. the landlord of his apartment is not reliable B. the facilities in the apartment are bad C. the maintenance of facilities is not easy D. the preparatory work was not done well 7. According to paragraph 4, which of the following is the most time consuming to the writer? A. Saving up for household bills B. Tidying up the apartment C. Transportation time D. Cooking and doing the housework 8. The word "strike" in the passage is closest in meaning to _______. A. destroy B. consider C. reach D. upset 9. The word "it" in the passage refers to _______. A. my work B. my social life C. enjoying life D. moving out 10. What conclusion does the writer make about moving out? A. It is too troublesome to live on his own. B. It enables him to gain balance in life. C. It is easier for others not for him. D. He is enjoying the trouble that it brings. IX. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to each of the following sentences. 1. Tim is able to persuade people to do what he wants. A. Tim has the ability to do what people persuade him to. B. People are able to be persuaded to do what Tim wants them to. C. Tim has the ability to persuade people to do what he wants. D. Tim is able to be persuaded by people to do what they want. 2. We have some minutes to spare so you don't have to be hurried. A. There is no need for you to be hurried as we have time to spare. B. You should be hurried as we have no time to spare. C. It is necessary for you not to be hurried as we have time to spare.









D. You must not be hurried as we have plenty of time to spare. 3. That the champion decided to withdraw from the tournament surprised us all. A. It came as no surprise to us that the the champion decided to withdraw from the tournament. B. It was surprising to us that the champion decided to withdraw from the tournament. C. The champion's decision to withdraw from the tournament is surprising to us all. D. We were surprised to decide the champion's withdrawal from the tournament. 4. Mike is trying to win the scholarship. A. Mike is making an effort to win the scholarship. B. Mike was trying in vain to win the scholarship. C. Mike is hopeless at winning the scholarship. D. Mike has an opportunity to win the scholarship. 5. The students were not allowed to use mobile phones during the test. A. The students were not using mobile phones during the test. B. The students should have asked for the permission to use mobile phones during the test. C. The students can't have used mobile phones during the test. D. The students did not have the permission to use mobile phones during the test. X. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the sentence that best combines each pair of sentences given. 1. You are not so ill. You don't have to stay in bed all the time. A. You are not so ill, so there is no need to stay in bed all the time. B. You are too ill to stay in bed all the time. C. You are not ill enough to stay in bed all the time. D. You are not so ill, but there is no need to stay in bed all the time. 2. Routines will be developed. Then, they take less time to do. A. Before routines are developed, they took less time to do. B. Once routines are developed, they will take less time to do. C. Routines will be developed because they take less time to do. D. Routines will be developed if they take less time to do. 3. You can finish the assignment by yourself. It is possible. A. There is no point in finishing the assignment by yourself. B. I can make it possible for you to finish the assignment. C. It is possible for you to finish the assignment by yourself. D. You may consider finishing the assignment by yourself possible. 4. You can't master a language in a month. It is impossible. A. It is just a matter of time before you can matter a language. B. It is reasonable for a language to be mastered in a month. C. It is so practical of you to master a language in a month. D. It is impossible for you to master a language in a month. 5. Don't expect that everyone shares the same thoughts with you. It is unreasonable. A. It is just a matter of reason that everyone shares the same thoughts with you. B. It is possible to expect that everyone shares the same thoughts with you. C. It is impolite to expect that everyone shares the same thoughts with you. D. It is unreasonable to expect that everyone shares the same thoughts with you.









Unit 4: CARING FOR THOSE IN NEED I. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions. 1. A. disabled B. donate C. physical D. integrate 2. A. visual B. disable C. physical D. enthusiastic 3. A. slogan B. local C. support D. remote 4. A. involved B. volunteered C. supported D. disabled 5. A. provides B. involves C. donates D. improves II. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the position of primary stress in each of the following questions. 1. A. donate B. respect C. deafen D. impair 2. A. preferable B. disrespectful C. secondary D. voluntary B. effective C. respectful D. primary 3. A. disabled B. energetic C. curricular D. employable 4. A. vocational 5. A. battery B. volunteer C. barrier D. villager III. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following sentences. 1. Reading is widely considered a voluntary activity associated with pleasure and achievement. A. optional B. mandatory C. academic D. informative 2. It will be particularly annoying for the local people who had to endure deafening music from the nearby bars until the small hours. A. loud B. polluted C. soft D. melodious 3. The citizens really support the local government in helping disadvantaged children in the area. A. assist B. oppose C. encourage D. deny 4. Are people who work till 10 o'clock in the evening more energetic than those who stop at 5 o'clock? A. alert B. delightful C. exhausted D. passive 5. Many children with learning difficulties are integrated into ordinary schools. A. mixed B. separated C. evaluated D. classified IV. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following sentences. 1. This house has been built in 2010 and I bought it when I moved to Vinh city in 2014. A B C D 2. My friend can't walk to school now because his broken leg. A B C D 3. Modern farms are much larger than that of former times. A B C D 4. Per capital income is a nation's entire income dividing by the number of people in the nation. A B C D 5. Alcoholic beverages vary widely in content, ranging from only 2 or 3 percent for some light A B beers to as high to 60 percent for some Vodkas and brandies. C D V. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following sentences. 1. Don't worry, Joe's depression is only _______ - it’ll soon pass. A. lasting B. temporary C. impatient D. essential 2. A lot of patience is _______ to look after a disabled child.









A. reguired B. registered C. participated D. lectured 3. This room may be hired for weddings and other _______. A. signals B. comments C. functions D. campsites 4. Do you know that the _______ letter can also work as a formal document? A. confirm B. confirming C. confirmed D. confirmation 5. The disabled artist digitally inserted himself _______ the picture. A. on B. to C. into D. at 6. Typhoon Damrey has caused extensive damage _______ houses, boats and crops in Vietnam. A. for B. to C. into D. with 7. There is no decision _______ when the work might start. A. in B. at C. from D. on 8. The girl whom you met last night _______ a singer. A. was used to be B. used to be C. used to being D. was used to being 9. His excuse for being disrespectful to the disabled sounded quite _______, so we did not accept it. A. believable B. believing C. unbelievable D. unbelievably 10. The volunteers decided to make this Christmas _______ for their friends with disabilities. A. forgetful B. forgettable C. forgotten D. unbelievable 11. The government have _______ a campaign to relieve poverty and eradicate hunger in the local area. A. set B. followed C. made D. launched 12. The campaign _______ donating books, toys, spare clothes for disadvantaged children in remote areas. A. contains B. involves C. consists D. includes 13. The organization is looking for some volunteers _______ as Santa Claus to give gifts to children. A. dressing in B. wearing on C. dressing up D. putting on 14. The students are _______ about recording audiobooks as Christmas presents for children with visual impairments. A. eager B. enthusiastic C. keen D. interested 15. The school hopes to attract more and more students to its _______ activities aiming at helping the disabled. A. curricular B. extra-curriculum C. extra-curricular D. curriculum 16. The number of people joining the volunteer group _______ to nearly 300. A. has risen B. have risen C. have been risen D. has been risen 17. The workers _______ a new representative. A. have been elected B. have elected C. has elected D. was elected 18. My job application to the volunteer club _______. A. haven't been accepted B. haven't accepted C. hasn't been accepted D. hasn't accepted 19. They're really angry because someone _______ their car. A. has been damaged B. has damaged C. damage D. was damaged 20. She's going to be late because her plane _______. A. has been delayed B. has delayed C. delayed D. was delayed 21. They still _______ more money by the management. A. haven't offered B. haven't been offered









C. offer D. offered 22. The police _______ the public that the wanted man is dangerous. A. have warned B. has warned C. warned D. have been warned 23. When they _______ she was reading some books on learning disabilities. A. arrive B. will arrive C. were arriving D. arrived 24. Robert de Niro began acting in the 1970s. He has been _______ for about 35 years. A. acted B. acting C. acts D. to act 25. When I _______ home my father wasn't there. He had gone out. A. came B. had come C. come D. will come 26. I'll phone Mike as soon as I _______ any news. A. will get B. get C. got D. had got 27. The electric light bulb _______ by Edison. A. invented B. invents C. is invented D. was invented 28. I saw you on the bus yesterday. Where _______ you _______? A. are/ going B. did/ went C. will/ go D. were/ going 29. - A: "What should be done to help people with visual impairments?" - B:" _______ " A. Not at all. B. Recording audiobooks may help. C. I can't agree with you more. D. Let's help those people. 30. - A: "It is quite disrespectful to use words like "mute" or "dumb" to talk about disabled people." - B:" _______ " A. I'm in no mood for that. B. I respect all people. C. You can say that again. D. Thanks for the comment. VI. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks. Over the past fifty years or so, the methods used for collecting money from the public to aid the developing world have changed out of all recognition, along with the gravity of the problems (1) _______, and the increasing awareness among the population that something must be done. At the beginning of this period, it would have been common to put money in a collecting box, perhaps on the street or at church. The 1960s saw the (2) _______ of shops which sold second-hand goods, donated by the public, and which also began to sell articles manufactured in the developing world in charitable projects set up to guarantee a fair income to local people. The next development was probably the charity ‘event’, in which participants were (3) _______ to run, cycle, swim or what have you, and collected money from friends and relatives (4) _______ how far or long they managed to keep going. The first hint of what was to become the most successful means of (5) _______ money was the charity record, where the artists donated their time and talent, and the (6) _______ from the sales went to a good cause. This was perhaps a (7) _______ of the fact that young people felt increasingly concerned about the obvious differences between life in Europe and the United States, and that in most of Africa, for example. A feeling of frustration was building up. Why was so little being done? The huge success of Band Aid, and (8) _______ televised concerts, showed the power of the media, and of music in particular, to inspire and shock. It differed significantly in style from other events. People phoned up in their thousands on the day and pledged money by (9) _______ their credit card numbers. (10) _______, if you have enough money to buy an MP3 player, you can afford something for the world’s starving children. 1. A. faced B. covered C. opposed D. approached 2. A. occurrence B. entrance C. happening D. advent 3. A. supported B. funded C. sponsored D. promoted B. according to C. with reference to D. as regard 4. A. in as much as 5. A. increasing B. lifting C. boosting D. raising 6. A. produce B. proceeds C. receipts D. returns









7. A. consideration B. reflection C. view D. display 8. A. subsequent B. consequent C. attendant D. relevant B. quoting C. affirming D. recalling 9. A. mentioning 10. A. Anyway B. After all C. Although D. At any rate VII. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions. People do many crazy things to raise money for charity. The latest crazy stunt came from an English man who decided to push a Brussels sprout up the highest mountain in Wales - with his nose. He wanted to raise $8,500 for a cancer charity. Stuart Kettell, 49, said he loves challenges and will try to do anything for charity. His other challenges include walking 800 kilometers on stilts and sitting in a box for a week. He said: "I have seen firsthand the amazing charity work that Macmillan Cancer Support does, not only for the patient but their family and friends too." He added: "People’s cancer stories inspire me even more to carry on, and my challenges are going to get even more crazy." It took Mr. Kettell three days to push the Brussels sprout up the 1,085 meters high Mount Snowden. He wore a specially designed face mask so he wouldn't scrape the skin off his face. He practised for his charity mission by pushing a Brussels sprout around his garden. He chose a large sprout for his Snowden challenge. It was about the size of a table-tennis ball. He said he wanted a larger one because it would not fall down a crack. He spent three days on his hands and knees with his nose a centimeter or two above the ground. He told reporters there was "a huge amount of pain" in his knees, wrists and back. He said he was happy because his training worked, he reached the summit, and he raised money for the charity. 1. Which of the following is true about Mr. Kettell? A. He is from Brussels. B. He is almost 50 years old. C. He walked 800 miles for charity. D. He worked for Macmillan Cancer Support. 2. The word "stunt" in the passage mostly means _______. A. an action B. a trick C. a guy D. an influence 3. According to Kettell, who has inspired him to take on more challenges? A. his family B. patients' stories C. his friends D. the money 4. All of the following is true about Kettell's challenge EXCEPT that _______. A. It took him three days to finish the task. B. The pain was less than he expected. C. He could raise money for the charity. D. He pushed the sprout up nearly 1 km. 5. The word "It" in the passage refers to _______. A. face B. challenge C. sprout D. ball VIII. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions. THE MEANING OF VOLUNTEERING The knock-on effect of volunteering on the lives of individuals can be profound. Voluntary work helps foster independence and imparts the ability to deal with different situations, often simultaneously, thus teaching people how to work their way through different systems. It therefore brings people into touch with the real world; and, hence, equips them for the future. Initially, young adults in their late teens might not seem to have the expertise or knowledge to impart to others that say a teacher or agriculturalist or nurse would have, but they do have many skills that can help others. And in the absence of any particular talent, their energy and enthusiasm can be harnessed for the benefit of their fellow human beings, and ultimately themselves. From all this, the gain to any community no matter how many volunteers are involved is immeasurable. Employers will generally look favourably on people who have shown an ability to work as part of a team. It demonstrates a willingness to learn and an independent spirit, which would be desirable qualities in any employee. So to satisfy employers’ demands for experience when









applying for work, volunteering can act as a means of gaining experience that might otherwise elude would-be workers and can ultimately lead to paid employment and the desired field. But what are the prerequisites for becoming a volunteer? One might immediately think of attributes like kindness, selflessness, strength of character, ability to deal with others, determination, adaptability and flexibility and a capacity to comprehend the ways of other people. While offering oneself selflessly, working as a volunteer makes further demands on the individual. It requires a strength of will, a sense of moral responsibility for one’s fellow human beings, and an ability to fit into the ethos of an organisation. But it also requires something which in no way detracts from valuable work done by volunteers and which may seem at first glance both contradictory and surprising: self-interest. Organisations involved in any voluntary work have to be realistic about this. If someone, whatever the age is going to volunteer and devote their time without money, they do need to receive something from it for themselves. People who are unemployed can use volunteer work as a stepping-stone to employment or as a means of finding out whether they really like the field the plan to enter or as a way to help them find themselves. It is tempting to use some form of community work as an alternative to national service or as punishment for petty criminals by making the latter for example clean up parks, wash away graffiti, work with victims of their own or other people. Those may be acceptable, but it does not constitute volunteer work, two cardinal rules of which are the willingness to volunteer without coercion and working unpaid. 1. According to paragraph 1, voluntary work helps equip people for the future because _______. A. It has knock-on effect on people's lives B. It helps people have profound knowledge about situations C. It imparts knowledge about independence on individuals D. It enables people to cope with various situations 2. The word "imparts" in the passage is closest in meaning to _______. A. trains B. prevents C. creates D. learns 3. According to paragraph 2, the whole community can benefit from . A. young volunteers' expertise B. young volunteers' energy and enthusiasm C. young volunteers' particular talent D. young volunteers' fellows 4. According to paragraph 3, desirable qualities of an employee involve all of the following EXCEPT _______. A. working in the desired field B. having an independent spirit C. showing a willingness to learn D. being able to work well in a team 5. According to paragraph 4, which of the following is true about the prerequisites for becoming a volunteer? A. They do not include understanding others' behavior. B. They include both intrinsic and extrinsic qualities. C. They must exclude the motive of self-interest. D. They include contradictory qualities. 6. The word "prerequisites" in the passage mostly means _______. A. requirements B. techniques C. regulations D. demands 7. The phrase "detracts from" in the passage is closest in meaning to _______. A. honours B. denies C. devalues D. evaluates 8. What should organisations concerning any voluntary work bear in mind? A. Volunteers still benefit from their work in many ways. B. People can do volunteer work regardless of their age. C. Some people do volunteer work to get to know the employers.









D. Some volunteers may stop working if they find they dislike the field. 9. The phrase "the latter" in the passage refers to _______. A. national service B. petty criminals C. community work D. parks 10. Which of the following is stated about making petty criminals do some community work? A. It can also be used for the victims of the criminals. B. It is widely acceptable as punishments in certain communities. C. It is not classified as volunteer work despite some similarities. D. It should be done without coercion and with adequate payment. IX. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to each of the following sentences. 1. Jack joined the volunteer team in 2010. A. Jack has worked in the volunteer team since 2010. B. It was in 2010 that Jack began doing volunteer work. C. Jack began doing volunteer work in 2010. D. Jack started the volunteer team in 2010. 2. Since last month, people have donated more than 500 books. A. People have donated 500 books more than they did last month. B. People started to donate 500 books one month ago. C. More than 500 books were donated a month ago. D. After a month, more than 500 books have been donated. 3. Janet started her voluntary work when she was in grade 11. A. Janet has been a voluntary worker since she was in grade 11. B. Janet has been doing voluntary work since she was in grade 11. C. It was in grade 11 that Janet joined the volunteer team. D. Only after grade 11 did Janet start her voluntary work. 4. Donations of clothes, toys, and books are always needed at the local charity shop. A. The local charity shop always lacks donations of clothes, toys, and books. B. The local charity shop only needs donations of clothes, toys, and books. C. The local charity shop always in need of donations of clothes, toys, and books. D. The local charity shop always needs more than donations of clothes, toys, and books. 5. It was wrong of you to use disrespectful language to talk about people with disability. A. You should have used disrespectful language to talk about people with disability. B. You can't have used disrespectful language to talk about people with disability. C. You oughtn't to have used disrespectful language to talk about people with disability. D. You must have used respectful language to talk about people with disability. X. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the sentence that best combines each pair of sentences given. 1. Understanding cognitive disabilities will change people's attitudes. It will also make them support these children better. A. Understanding cognitive disabilities will neither change people's attitudes nor make them support these children better. B. Understanding cognitive disabilities will either change people's attitudes or make them support these children better. C. Understanding cognitive disabilities will only change people's attitudes not make them support these children better. D. Understanding cognitive disabilities will not only change people's attitudes but also make them support these children better. 2. Thomas Edison was one of the world's greatest inventor. He had difficulties with words and speech.









A. Thomas Edison, one of the world's greatest inventor, had difficulties with words and speech. B. Because Thomas Edison was one of the world's greatest inventor, he had difficulties with words and speech. C. Although Thomas Edison was one of the world's greatest inventor, he had difficulties with words and speech. D. Unless Thomas Edison were one of the world's greatest inventor, he would have difficulties with words and speech. 3. Disabled people can contribute to our community. Non-disabled people can also contribute to our community. A. Either disabled people or non-disabled ones can contribute to our community. B. Both disabled people and non-disabled ones can contribute to our community. C. Only disabled people not non-disabled ones can contribute to our community. D. Neither disabled people nor non-disabled ones can contribute to our community. 4. Louis Braille invented Braille in 1829. Since then, it has been an effective means of communication for the visually impaired. A. Since Louis Braille invented Braille in 1829, it has been an effective means of communication for the visually impaired. B. Louis Braille had no sooner invented Braille in 1829 than it became an effective means of communication for the visually impaired. C. Not until Louis Braille invented Braille in 1829 did it become an effective means of communication for the visually impaired. D. Louis Braille invented Braille in 1829 so that it would be an effective means of communication for the visually impaired. 5. We should not use the words like "deaf" or "them". They are disrespectful. A. We should not use the words like "deaf" or "them", and they are disrespectful. B. We should not use the words like "deaf" or "them", so they are disrespectful. C. We should not use the words like "deaf" or "them", but they are disrespectful. D. We should not use the words like "deaf" or "them", for they are disrespectful.









Unit5: BEING PART OF ASEAN I. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions. 1. A. stable B. maintain C. scholarship D. dominate 2. A. hold B. offer C. bloc D. solidarity 3. A. participates B. athletes C. dominates D. activities 4. A. avoided B. recommended C. permitted D. practiced 5. A. promote B. confusion C. focus D. association II. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the position of primary stress in each of the following questions. 1. A. maintain B. charter C. finish D. practice 2. A. solidarity B. cooperation C. voluntarily D. economically B. integrate C. principle D. consider 3. A. membership B. enjoy C. involve D. realize 4. A. promote 5. A. remember B. understand C. imagine D. encourage III. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following sentences. 1. Thailand has dominated in most of the recent ASEAN GAMES in the region, winning the biggest numbers of gold medals. A. has been the most successful B. has been the least successful C. has been the most dedicated D. has been the least dynamic 2. In making policy city, officials depend on over fifty citizen advisory boards and commissions for citizen input. A. decide on B. rely on C. impact on D. insist on 3. Most Vietnamese students know what the red colour on their national flag stands for. A. targets B. symbolizes C. belongs D. infers 4. Mainstream economists argue that the purpose of the policy is to promote economic efficiency. A. begin B. stabilize C. boost D. activiate 5. Negotiation is among a few effective ways to resolve any dispute. A. disrespect B. organization C. acceptance D. disagreement IV. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the underlined part that needs correction in each of the following sentences. 1. The 27th SEA Games, featured 33 sports with 460 gold, 460 silver and 637 bronze medals, A B ran from Dec 11 to Dec 22,2013 in Myanmar. C D 2. The official mascot of the 2013 Southeast Asian Games was a couple of owls which A B are considering lucky charms in Myanmar tradition. C D 3. Gifts normally exchange at the beginning of meetings with Japanese and should be given A B C and received with both hands. D 4. The Netherlands, with much of its land lying lower than sea level, have a system of dikes A B C and canals for controlling water. D









5. In Southeast Asian, many forests have been cut down to produce timber and clearing land A B C for farms and industries. D V. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following sentences. 1. As an ASEAN member, Vietnam has actively participated in the group's programs and has also created new _______ and cooperation mechanisms. A. initiatives B. initiates C. initiations D. initiators 2. The population of ASEAN is more than 600 million people, _______ about 8% of the world's population. A. counting on B. setting for C. accounting for D. making of 3. The ASEAN gross domestic product grew _______ 4.6% to reach US$ 2.57 trillion in 2015. A. on B. by C. in D. with 4. The government hopes their program will help new immigrants _______ well in the community. A. enter B. immerse C. exchange D. integrate 5. Many volunteer organizations have been _______ to give help and support to disadvantaged children in the area. A. laid out B. looked on C. setup D. got by 6. It came as no surprise that Thailand ended the latest SEA Games at the top of medals _______. A. host B. standing C. participating D. earning 7. The children would love to join the exchange program where they can _______ themselves in different traditional and cultural activities. A. immerse B. dip C. imply D. obtain 8. It is important that young people be taught the importance of _______ the national heritage. A. preserving B. reversing C. reserving D. conserving 9. Vietnam, along with China, stands out as a rare story among transition economies. A. successful B. successive C. success D. succeeding 10. There is a _______ shortage of food in the disaster-stricken areas of ASEAN. A. deep B. critical C. erratic D. strong 11. Young people are supposed to _______ themselves in several voluntary social activities. A. promote B. involve C. serve D. participate 12. ASEAN always attempts to _______ adequate support to victims of natural disasters in the area. A. conduct B. involve C. present D. administer 13. She is afraid of the dentist, so she always puts off _______ till the last possible moment. A. to go B. going C. go D. gone 14. I don't regret _______ her what I thought, even if it upsets her. A. tell B. to tell C. to have told D. telling 15. I simply couldn't resist _________ you to tell you the good news! A. phoning B. to phone C. phone D. phoned 16. They were expected _______ back by eleven. A. being B. been C. have been D. to be 17. We'll get Robert _______ it. A. delivers B. delivering C. to deliver D. deliver 18. Let's not waste time _______ about this. A. argue B. arguing C. having argued D. to have argued 19. I went to the airport _______ to meet her, but she didn't arrive. A. expecting B. to expect C. to be expected D. to have expected









20. _______ that I would be late for school, I took a taxi instead of a bus. A. Thinking B. Thought C. To think D. To be thinking 21. I tried _______ her flowers but it didn't have any effect. A. to send B. sending C. sent D. to be sent 22. I insist on _______ this small present as a token of my appreciation. A. your accepting B. you to accept C. yours accepting D. you accept 23. Susan hoped _______ to Terry's party. A. for being invited B. to be invited C. she will be invited D. being invited 24. The universe is supposed _______ all the time. A. to expand B. expanding C. to be expanding D. to have expanded 25. You should avoid _______ to the downtown area during the rush hour. A. traveling B. to travel C. traveled D. to traveling 26. I greatly regret _______ those boots when they were so cheap. A. not having bought B. not to have bought C. not to buy D. didn't buy 27. He is very skillful at _______ animal noises. A. being made B. to make C. made D. making 28. Some people are against children _______ to school before they are six. A. being sent B. to send C. to be sent D. having been sent 29. - A: "Would you please go over my presentation on ASEAN?" - B:" _______ " A. I'm glad to go. B. No problem. C. I'll be fine. D. Yes, I would be. 30. - A:" _______ " - B: "I've just asked where you are from." A. Pardon? B. Repeat. C. Excuse me! D. What's your name? VI. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks. Vietnam is a (1) _______, developing country that in the last 34 years has had to recuperate from the ravages of war. Substantial progress was (2) _______ from 1986 to 1997 in moving forward from an extremely low level of development and significantly reducing poverty. Since 2001, Vietnamese authorities have reaffirmed their (3) _______ to economic liberalization and international (4) _______. They have moved to implement the structural reforms needed to modernize the economy and to produce more competitive, (5) _______ industries. Vietnam’s membership in the ASEAN Free Trade Area (AFTA) and entry (6) _______ force of the US-Vietnam Bilateral Trade Agreement in December 2001 have (7) _______ to even more rapid changes in Vietnam’s trade and economic regime. Vietnam’s exports to the US doubled in 2002 and again in 2003. Vietnam joined the WTO (World Trade Organization) in January 2007, following over a decade long (8) _______. This should provide an important boost to the economy and should help to ensure the continuation of liberalizing reforms. Vietnam is working to create jobs to meet the challenge of a (9) _______ that is growing by more than one million people every year. Vietnamese authorities have tightened monetary and fiscal (10) _______ to stem high inflation. 1. A. dense-populated B. densely-populated C. dense-populating D. densely-populating B. advanced C. maintained D. achieved 2. A. improved 3. A. commitment B. promise C. determination D. assurance 4. A. incorporation B. integration C. combination D. inclusion 5. A. export-driving B. export-driven C. exporting driving D. export-to drive B. on C. into D. of 6. A. in

A. guided B. went C. led D. directed A. negotiating process B. negotiable process C. negotiation process D. negotiated process 9. A. labor force B. labor movement C. labor relation D. labor shortage 10. A. guidelines B. procedures C. rules D. policies VII. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions. The Spring festival season in Vietnam starts with the Lunar New Year and closes with the celebration honoring the mythical founding fathers, the Hung Kings, on the tenth day of the third lunar month. Underlying the origins of these rituals is the farming cycle and its association with fertility rites and ancestor worship. Ancestor worship is a belief of wet-rice farmers who keep their ancestors' graves in their village. This strong attachment to the village of one's birth and the recognition that the inhabitants all descend from the same ancestral line creates strong bonds. The village festival is based on the spirit of unity and family. The farmers are the festivals' creators, actors and audience. Ancient ceremonies related to farming sometimes take on additional meanings: the commemoration of heroic deeds and the village heroes' birth or death. Each village in the North of Vietnam has such a heroic or super-human figure as a tutelary or guardian spirit. The heroes were honored in their own temples and communal houses which became the heart of the village activities. There are basic themes which are common to all Spring festivals in the Red River Delta. For instance, water takes on an essential role. Water is collected and blessed and later used for ritual washing. There are boat races, fishing contests, snake dances and water puppet performances. In Chem village, in the suburbs of Hanoi on the banks of the Red River, the main part of the festival actually occurs on a barge carrying over 200 people waving flags, singing, dancing and chasing a unicorn. The barge sails from the temple out into the middle of the Red River, while elders in smaller boats fetch three large jars of water to be blessed and used in rituals during the year. The next day the blessed water is used for the symbolic washing of the wooden statue of the village guardian. 1. According to paragraph 1, how long does the the Spring festival last? A. one month B. less than one month C. more than three months D. just more than two months 2. With which of the following are the rituals of the festival NOT associated? A. Ancestor worship B. Fertility rites C. Festival creators D. Unity and family spirit 3. The word "descend" in the passage is closest in meaning to _______. A. improve B. originate C. transform D. exchange 4. What is stated in paragraph 4 about boat races, fishing contests, snake dances and water puppet performances? A. They are very basic activities. B. They take on an essential role. C. They are all done on the water. D. They take place in Chem village. 5. Which of the following is true about the blessed water in the festival of Chem village? A. It is carried on the barge. B. It used for the ritual of the next day. C. It is taken from the village guardian. D. It helps make wooden statues clean. VIII. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions. Thailand's most celebrated festival is the Songkran Festival. It starts on April 13 and lasts between three to ten days, depending on where you are in Thailand. The word Songkran is from Sanskrit, meaning the beginning of a new solar year.









7. 8.









The festival begins on April 13 and everyone is awakened at dawn to the sound of firecrackers used to drive away evil spirits. This is the day when everything is scrupulously cleaned from the self, clothes, Buddha images, to houses, shops and streets in preparation for the New Year. April 14 is the day between the old year and the new year. It is customary not to quarrel or use harsh words on one another. The morning is spent shopping and preparing food for the following day, while the afternoon is reserved for visiting a temple in the neighborhood. It is imperative that they carry a fistful of sand with them to compensate for the dirt that they have carried away from the temple during their visits throughout the year. The sand is then sculpted into stupa-shaped piles. April 15 marks the New Year's Day called Wan Phya Wan. It is a day of great importance. It is customary to visit the temple early in the morning to take food to the monks, as a form of merit making and later in the afternoon to return to place small banners, known as Thung, on the top of the stupas built the day before. After that, visits to family and relatives are carried out. The gifts during the visit include areca nuts, clove leaves, turmeric water and acacia oil. Family members ask for forgiveness from their respected elders for any wrong doings they may have committed throughout the year and to receive their blessings for the year to come. At the end of this ceremony, a little water is sprinkled onto the hands and heads of the old people as a blessing and then quite a lot is thrown at the rest of the family in anticipation of the water wars that are to follow. Traditionally water should be thrown on April 16 but nowadays it is not unusual for water to be thrown throughout the whole of the Songkran festival. Armed with high-powered water pistols, bowls, buckets or anything that will hold water revelers gather on the streets to throw water at one another. Even the policemen directing traffic are not spared. Each and every participant is expected to receive the 'blessing' with good humor. If you want to stay dry and still do not want to miss the fun, you can always view the scene from inside an air-conditioned tourist bus - just remember not to open the windows. To attract tourists, other activities are held in big cities. These include the sand-stupa building contests, local cultural performances and Miss Songkran Beauty Queen Contests. Demonstrations of Thai cooking and handicraft making are also held at well-known hotels in cities like Bangkok. 1. According to the passage, the Songkran Festival ______. A. varies in length across the areas in Thailand B. is celebrated when everyone is awakened C. marks the beginning of a new lunar year D. takes place mainly on April 13 2. The word "scrupulously" in the passage is closest in meaning to ______. A. carefully B. honestly C. frankly D. completely 3. The word "harsh" in the passage is closest in meaning to ______. A. angry B. extreme C. unkind D. unenjoyable 4. Why do people have to carry a fistful of sand with them when visiting the temple? A. To drive away the evil spirit B. To remind them to avoid quarreling C. To make up for the dirt brought away D. To help make the stupa-shaped piles there 5. The word "sculpted" in the passage mostly means ______. A. cooked B. formed C. taken D. brought 6. According to the passage, when do people bring food to the monks at the temple? A. On the first day of the festival B. On the second day of the festival C. On the third day of the festival D. On the fourth day of the festival 7. What often happens at the visits to family and relatives? A. The elders tell the other family members the wrong doings they made. B. The elders have a lot of water thrown at them as a blessing.









C. The water wars take place before the blessing exchange. D. The wrong doings of family members are confessed to the elders. 8. The word "they" in the passage refers to ______. A. blessings B. respected elders C. family members D. gifts 9. According to the passage, the water wars ______. A. only take place on April 16 B. should exclude policemen C. can be seen throughout the festival D. require participants to have good humour 10. According to the passage, all of the following have been done to attract tourists to the festival EXCEPT ______. A. competitions of building sand-stupa B. restricting throwing water at tourists on the bus C. beauty contests bearing the name of the festival D. holding demonstrations of Thai cuisines and handicraft. IX. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to each of the following sentences. 1. I regret missing the opening ceremony of the ASEAN GAMES last night. A. I wish I could miss the opening ceremony of the ASEAN GAMES last night. B. I wish I did not miss opening ceremony of the ASEAN GAMES last night. C. I wish to miss opening ceremony of the ASEAN GAMES last night. D. I wish I had not missed opening ceremony of the ASEAN GAMES last night. 2. Lucy is excited about meeting her new pen pal from Thailand. A. Lucy can't wait to meet her new pen pal from Thailand. B. Lucy is waiting to meet her new pen pal from Thailand. C. Lucy is excited that her new pen pal from Thailand is waiting for her. D. Lucy can't bear meeting her new pen pal from Thailand. 3. Our group managed to deliver a presentation on ASEAN yesterday. A. Our group found a manager to deliver a presentation on ASEAN yesterday. B. Our group succeeded in delivering a presentation on ASEAN yesterday. C. A presentation on ASEAN was delivered to the manager of our group yesterday. D. The delivery of our presentation on ASEAN was managed yesterday. 4. Perhaps Vietnam will defeat Thailand in the football final of the ASEAN game. A. Vietnam must defeat Thailand in the football final of the ASEAN game. B. Vietnam may probably defeat Thailand in the football final of the ASEAN game. C. Vietnam should have defeated Thailand in the football final of the ASEAN game. D. Vietnam can't have defeated Thailand in the football final of the ASEAN game. 5. It is unnecessary to apply for a visa to enter Singapore. A. There is no point in applying for a visa to enter Singapore. B. It's hopeless to apply for a visa to enter Singapore. C. You should not have to apply for a visa to enter Singapore. D. You don't need to apply for a visa to enter Singapore. X. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the sentence that best combines each pair of sentences given. 1. Han was so busy surfing the Net for information about ASEAN members. He did not hear his Mom call.









A. Being busy surfing the Net for information about ASEAN members, Han did not hear his Mom call. B. Han was so busy surfing the Net for information about ASEAN members, but he did not hear his Mom call. C. Having not heard his Mom call, Han was so busy surfing the Net for information about ASEAN members. D. Han was so busy surfing the Net for information about ASEAN members, or he did not hear his Mom call. 2. Michelle likes travelling to Vietnam very much. She made a lot of friends while travelling there. A. Michelle likes travelling to Vietnam very much because she wants to make a lot of friends while travelling there. B. Michelle really likes travelling to Vietnam where she made a lot of friends while travelling. C. Michelle likes travelling to Vietnam very much, but she made a lot of friends while travelling there. D. Michelle likes travelling to Vietnam very much in spite of making a lot of friends while travelling there. 3. ASEAN is an international organization. It consists of 10 countries located in Southeast Asia. A. ASEAN is an international organization, so it consists of 10 countries located in Southeast Asia. B. An international organization which consists of 10 countries located in Southeast Asia is called ASEAN. C. ASEAN is an international organization, consisting of 10 countries located in Southeast Asia. D. ASEAN is an international organization having consisted of 10 countries located in Southeast Asia. 4. The students look forward to participating in the activities. They are arranged by the ASEAN volunteer program. A. The students look forward to arranging the activities together with the ASEAN volunteer program. B. The students look forward to participating in the activities arranged by the ASEAN volunteer program. C. The students, arranged by the ASEAN volunteer program, look forward to participating in the activities. D. The students look forward to participating in ASEAN volunteer program that arrange the activities. 5. More and more Vietnamese youngsters are studying English. They recognize the importance of the language. A. As more and more Vietnamese youngsters are studying English, they recognize the importance of the language. B. Seeing the importance of English, more and more Vietnamese youngsters are studying the language. C. More and more Vietnamese youngsters are studying English, but they recognize the importance of the language. D. More and more Vietnamese youngsters are studying English, or they recognize the importance of the language.









Unit 6: GLOBAL WARMING I. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions. 1. A. famine B. absorb C. admit D. global 2. A. capture B. transport C. atmosphere D. carbon 3. A. admit B. emit C. climate D. injure 4. A. infectious B. emission C. measure D. shortage 5. A. reduces B. diseases C. changes D. captures II. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the position of primary stress in each of the following questions. 1. A. carbon B. conjure C. worldwide D. absorb 2. A. balance B. capture C. release D. harvest B. numerous C. supporting D. contribute 3. A. infectious B. fertilizer C. ecological D. catastrophic 4. A. atmospheric 5. A. disrupted B. develop C. confession D. atmosphere III. Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the underlined part that needs correction in each of the following sentences. 1. As emissions increase, it trap more heat in the atmosphere, leading to a period of unprecedented A B C D warming. 2. Since the beginning of the 20th century, the average temperature has raised by about 0.8°C and A B C this has far-reaching consequences. D 3. It is claimed by scientists that climate change will affect the frequency and tension of A B C extreme events. D 4. Global warming is a global emergency although it has caused abnormal climate change. A B C D 5. In late October of 2012, the U.S. was struck by a devastated Atlantic storm in Hurricane Sandy, A B which was the deadliest and costliest to hit there that year. C D IV. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following sentences. 1. Many species are now ______danger of being extinct as a result of deforestation and habitat loss. A. in B. on C. at D. with 2. The rainforests around the world are ______ threat of deforestation. A. in B. by C. under D. on 3. To solve the problems of pollution, it is important to identify the ______ of it. A. reasons B. purpose C. causes D. facts 4. The rivers in the local area are heavily polluted ______ wastes released from nearby factories. A. from B. with C. of D. in 5. Animal ______ are being destroyed by human activities. A. places B. habitats C. shelter D. accommodation 6. Global warming is among many factors that drive many species of animals to the ______ of extinction.









A. verge B. period C. corner D. bottom 7. The loss of biodiversity has a serious ______ on the survival of wildlife and humans. A. affect B. problem C. impact D. influential 8. The success of wildlife preservation depends largely ______ people's awareness. A. with B. of C. on D. by 9. Humans should try to maintain biodiversity as they ______ a lot from it. A. achieve B. keep C. benefit D. attain 10. Many of our medicines are derived ______ animals and plants. A. of B. from C. by D. to 11. Forests ______ humans with many valuable things. A. give B. provide C. award D. bring 12. Many measures have been taken to ______ people's awareness of conservation. A. increase B. rise C. promote D. raise 13. More wildlife ______ need to be built to save animals from extinction. A. zoos B. parks C. reserves D. regions 14. Global warming can ______ the ecological balance, bringing about terrible consequences. A. destroy B. upset C. converse D. injure 15. When can all animals be ______ from disappearance? A. protected B. covered C. rescued D. poached 16. In regions of volcanoes, houses should be built with ______ materials. A. destroyed B. destructible C. indestructible D. destroying 17. Toxic chemicals from factories are seriously ______. A. contaminate B. contamination C. contaminated D. contaminating 18. It has been proven that humans and animals are ______ and that one's existence must be closely linked with that of the other. A. interdependent B. independent C. dependable D. dependent 19. ______ are trying to put a stop to the destruction of forests. A. Conservation B. Conservationists C. Conserve D. Conservatives 20. Conservation is a challenging job but we cannot ______. A. give it on B. give it up C. put it on D. take it up 21. ______ of his job as a forester is to take care of these trees. A. Part B. Half C. Most D. All 22. What needs to be done to save the animals that are ______ to extinction? A. going B. nearly C. next D. close 23. ______ is one of the causes of the extinction of the rhinos. A. Losing habitat B. Habitat losing C. Lost of habitat D. Habitat loss 24. Powdered rhino horn is said to be able to ______ people of their fever. A. treat B. cure C. save D. rescue 25. There is a decline ______ the number of all these endangered species. A. on B. by C. in D. with 26. A lot of ______ have been taken to reduce global warming and its consequences. A. ways B. methods C. rules D. measures 27. People think they can make a ______ with rhino horns. A. fortune B. wealth C. property D. riches 28. Jack has decided to ______ the time he spends watching television, thinking he can contribute to reducing global warming effects. A. run out of B. cut down on C. go in for D. come up with









29. - "I have thought of a way to save energy around the house!"" ______!" A. Best wishes B. My dear C. Well done D. That's very well 30. - " ______ " - "All right then, if you insist." A. She did it right then. B. Are you sure you won't come for a drink with us? C. What seems to be the trouble? D. Everything was all right at the party, wasn't it? V. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following sentences. 1. The company admitted to discharging a lot of waste to the local river and was willing to take responsibility for it. A. denied B. addressed C. confessed D. threatened 2. Environmentalists fear that, if completed, the hydro-electric dam will severely disrupt the Danube ecosystem. A. upset B. benefit C. affect D. improve 3. Introducing a new species to the area may be injurious to the local eco-system. A. beneficial B. unpredictable C. harmful D. annoying 4. The recent draught has led hundreds of victims to be famish and in terrible conditions. A. extremely hungry B. in misery C. completely senseless D. in debt 5. There were many differences of opinion regarding how contagious measles was and how it was transmitted. A. dangerous B. infectious C. mysterious D. measurable VI. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks. Despite the wealth of information campaigns telling people about global warming and its causes, most people have yet to realize how severe the problem is. Coming climate changes could alter as (1) ______ as one third of plant and animal habitats (2) ______ the end of the 22nd century. These changes could in (3) ______ cause widespread extinctions among plant and animal (4) ______ around the globe. Coastal and island habitats are perhaps in the greatest danger (5) ______ they face the combined threats of warming oceans and rising sea (6) ______. As habitats change, many animals will come (7) ______ intense pressure to find more suitable homes for themselves. Mass (8) ______ of at least some animals are certainly to be expected, but the fact remains that many animals will simply not be able to move fast enough. Such dire predictions may sound alarmist, but they are based on the rather moderate estimate that the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere will double by 2100. Many scientists believe, however, that this figure is actually very conservative, and they claim that a tripling is (9) ______ more realistic. If they are (10) ______, the effects on nature will be even more dramatic. 1. A. well B. much C. long D. far B. until C. by D. since 2. A. at 3. A. turn B. order C. result D. line B. categories C. genres D. species 4. A. types B. providing C. since D. therefore 5. A. although 6. A. heights B. levels C. extents D. tides 7. A. from B. across C. under D. by 8. A. migrations B. onslaught C. emigration D. extinctions B. quite C. really D. almost 9. A. far 10. A. precise B. true C. exact D. correct









VII. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions. The greenhouse effect is always reported as being a negative consequence of current human lifestyle practices. However there certainly have been numerous suggestions of positive consequences of the greenhouse effect. A slight temperature increase in some of the colder parts of the world may improve conditions for agriculture and changing rainfall patterns may favor some species over others. However, they do not balance with overall negative impacts. The social, economic and ecological disorders brought about by such climatic changes worldwide are projected to greatly outweigh regional benefits. The impacts of global warming and climate change could become a source of increased tension between nations and regions. While the developed, industrialized world is responsible for 75% of all CO2 emissions, these impacts will most likely hit hardest upon the poorer, underdeveloped parts of the world. For example, as sea levels rise countries like Bangladesh will suffer much more from the loss of valuable and populated lands than European or North American countries, even though they have emitted only a tiny fraction of the greenhouse gases. The effect of drowning coastlines could lead to hundreds of millions of climate refugees. Where will these refugees go? How will they be cared for? Undoubtedly, such a disaster will seriously worsen the already critical refugee problem in the world. A severe disorder of the world's food supplies through floods, droughts, crop failures and diseases brought about by climate change would lead to famines, wars and civil disorder in many countries. 1. Which of the following is true according to the passage? A. Greenhouse effect brings us more benefits than negative impacts. B. Greenhouse effect brings us more negative impacts than benefits. C. Current reports on the greenhouse effect are not accurate. D. Reports should focus on suggestions of positions consequences of the greenhouse effect. 2. Which of the following will suffer most from the impacts of climate change? A. The developed countries B. The developing countries C. The countries with valuable and populated lands D. European or North American countries 3. Why will there be an increased tension between countries? A. The developed countries are a source of disasters upon the underdeveloped countries. B. The developed countries head lots of climate refugees to the underdeveloped countries. C. The developed countries will suffer more than the underdeveloped countries. D. The European or North American countries will lose more valuable and populated lands. 4. The word "tiny" in the passage is closest in meaning to . A. large B. small C. much D. considerable 5. According to the passage, climate change will result in all of the following EXCEPT . A. coastline disorder B. refugee problem C. famine D. crop failure VIII. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions. El Nino and La Nina Typically, Pacific trade winds blow from east to west, transporting warm surface waters westward, east of Indonesia and northeast of Australia. Thus, the water maintains a cold temperature for much of the year. This is achieved by an upwelling of cold deep ocean-water, which benefits fisheries in the Pacific Ocean lying near the equator. However, these trade winds sometimes lose or gain strength in the Northern Hemisphere. This leads to an effect known as the Southern Oscillation which refers to the two recurring weather patterns of El Nino and La Nina.









El Nino, meaning the "boy," is the phenomenon that results in the temperature of the sea surface off the coast of Peru increasing. This condition typically lasts for at least six months. Thus, there is a reduction in dissolved oxygen in the ocean so marine life declines devastating fisheries. It also fuels major differences in air pressure near the Pacific Ocean, which in turn leads to more severe weather events including droughts, increased precipitation, flooding, and even cyclonic storms like hurricanes. Usually, the eastern Pacific region has an upswing in heavy rains to cause flooding, and in contrast, Australia and Indonesia have droughts, often with accompanying forest fires. These two opposing weather events hurt agriculture. For instance, the 1982 — 1983 El Nino, recognized as the worst weather event of the century, hit hard in the U.S. by dropping huge amounts of rainfall on the southern California coast, which resulted in millions of dollars of damage while necessitating the evacuation of 10,000 people. El Nino counterpart, La Nina, meaning "the girl," contrastingly forms when Pacific trade winds grow more powerful than usual. It is the result of the cooler-than-average temperatures of South American equatorial surface waters which cause global cooling. La Nina's duration usually lasts for 9 to 12 months and although forming in the Pacific region, it can wreak havoc across large swaths of the world. During the winter months, the western Pacific areas including Australia, Malaysia, and the Philippines have much greater rainfall. Conversely, unusually dry conditions settle in over North America's Gulf Coast and large sections of South and Central America as well. Additionally, in the Canadian and American West, there is a cooling effect. By studying the patterns of the El Nino and La Nina cycles, meteorologists have come to better understand their impacts on global weather phenomena. They are thus better able to make predictions especially in terms of not only the strength of each stage, but also when either will fizzle out or begin again, allowing governments to better prepare for floods and droughts which come with each cycle and to prevent billions of dollars in losses and damage. Thereby, the areas under their influence need accurate forecasts to reduce the wide-reaching effects these phenomena have across many facets of both the environment and the economy. 1. The word "upwelling" in the passage most likely means ________. A. climbing B. surging C. rising D. fluctuating 2. Which of the following is stated in paragraph 1 ? A. Cold water is conducive to marine life and beneficial to the fishing industry B. El Nino and La Nina are yearly recurrences affecting the Earth's climate and weather systems C. Some regions in Indonesia and Austria are often damaged by the Southern Oscillation. D. Trade winds blow to the east across the Pacific ocean cooling ocean temperatures. 3. Why are droughts, increased precipitation, flooding, and even cyclonic storms mentioned? A. To compare the damage in the eastern and western Pacific regions B. To name some of the devastating results of El Nino C. To contrast the power between El Nino and La Nina D. To show that there are worse outcomes compared to a difference in air pressure 4. The word "fuels" in the passage is closest in meaning to ________. A. decreases B. increases C. supplies D. distinguishes 5. It is NOT mentioned in paragraph 2 that ________. A. one El Nino event can be expected to last at least half a year B. Pacific trade winds that cause El Nino are weaker than ones that cause La Nina C. El Nino is caused by a rise in water temperatures off Peru's shores D. marine life is affected by lowered oceanic oxygen levels 6. The words "wreak havoc" in the passage is closest in meaning to ________. A. bring benefits B. blow winds C. release heat D. cause damage 7. The word "They" in the passage refers to ________. A. the El Nino and La Nina cycles B. meteorologists C. global weather phenomena D. governments









8. The main purpose in paragraph 4 is to ________. A. show the detrimental effects the El Nino and La Nina cycles have on the art of weather prediction B. refute the idea that predictions are far too costly given their limited applications C. demonstrate the importance of predicting the patterns of the Southern Oscillation D. emphasize the excellence of the current scientific technology used in prediction 9. According to the passage, all of the following are mentioned EXCEPT ________. A. the equatorial region in the Pacific Ocean in which the circulation of cold water mostly occurs B. meteorologists' capability to forecast the strength of cyclonic storms C. Malaysia's higher levels of precipitation in winter when there is a La Nina D. experts' prediction power to state when each cycle of El Nino and La Nina will start and stop 10. Which of the following can be inferred from the passage? A. More government money will be spent on technology to better predict the phenomena and save money in the long run. B. Global warming will change the patterns of El Nino and La Nina in a few years. C. Countries whose economy is largely dependent upon fishing would place a higher value on prediction than countries which rely primarily upon agriculture. D. The government of Peru pays more attention to monitoring ocean temperatures than other countries do. IX. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to each of the following sentences. 1. Many species are threatened with extinction due to deforestation and loss of habitat. A. Deforestation and loss of habitat threaten many species so that they will become extinct. B. Many species lost their habitat because of deforestation and now they are extinct. C. Deforestation and loss of habitat are driving many species to the verge of extinction. D. Many species are extinct, so they run the risk of deforestation and loss of habitat. 2. Motor vehicles running on petrol are responsible for a large amount of carbon dioxide emission. A. Because of releasing a large amount of carbon dioxide, motor vehicles run on petrol. B. A large amount of carbon dioxide emission results from motor vehicles running on petrol. C. A large amount of carbon dioxide emission causes motor vehicles to run on petrol. D. Emitting a large amount of carbon dioxide is one of the responsibilities of motor vehicles running on petrol. 3. Global warming has proven truly catastrophic for the environment. A. The environment has been made catastrophic by global warming. B. It is true that global warming is a catastrophe caused by the environment. C. It has been proven that global warming is harmful to the environment. D. The environment has been truly dangerous because of global warming. 4. The alarming rate of deforestation results in damage to the quality of the land. A. It is alarming that deforestation damages the quality of the land. B. The quality of the land deteriorates as the result of the alarming rate of deforestation. C. The alarming rate of deforestation results from damage to the quality of the land. D. The damage to the quality of the land is to blame for the alarming rate of deforestation. 5. Not many people are aware of the dangers of plastic bags to the environment. A. People are totally unaware of the dangers of plastic bags to the environment. B. People are fully aware of the dangers of plastic bags to the environment. C. The dangers of plastic bags to the environment came to the attention of only a few. D. It is time that people were aware of the dangers of plastic bags to the environment.









X. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the sentence that best combines each pair of sentences given. 1. The company had dumped large amounts of waste into the river. It was strongly criticized for that. A. Having been strongly criticized, the company dumped large amounts of waste into the river. B. The company had dumped large amounts of waste into the river, which was strongly criticized. C. Dumping large amounts of waste into the river is critical to the company's strength. D. The company was strongly criticized for having dumped large amounts of waste into the river. 2. Electronic devices use energy. They do it even when they are turned off A. Even when turned off, electric devices use energy. B. Electronic devices use energy unless they are turned off. C. Because of their energy use, electronic devices are turned off. D. In spite of their energy use, electronic devices are turned off. 3. There are some ways to help reduce global warming. Cutting down energy use is one of them. A. Cutting down energy use is the only way to reduce global warming. B. Global warming is among many ways to cut down energy use. C. Helping reduce global warming is a way to cut down energy use. D. Cutting down energy use is one of the ways to reduce global warming. 4. Jonas had come up with a way to help save energy used in class. His classmates admired him for that. A. Having come up with a way to help save energy used in class, his classmates admired Jonas. B. Having come up with a way to help save energy used in class, Jonas earned his classmates' admiration. C. Jonas admired his classmates for having come up with a way to help save energy used in class. D. Being admired by his classmates, Jonas came up with a way to help save energy used in class. 5. Sara's classmates said that she littered on the school yard. She denied it. A. Sara denied having littered on the school yard. B. Sara denied her friends' littering on the school yard. C. Having littered on the school yard, Sara's classmates denied it. D. As Sara denied it, her classmates said that she littered on the school yard.









Unit 7: FURTHER EDUCATION I. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions. 1. A. distance B. mandatory C. doctorate D. major 2. A. college B. credit C. degree D. respective 3. A. passion B. collaboration C. analyse D. exchange 4. A. based B. pursued C. applied D. arranged 5. A. modes B. colleges C. distances D. enriches II. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the position of primary stress in each of the following questions. 1. A. decide B. major C. broaden D. practice 2. A. flexible B. junior C. critical D. dependent B. collaboration C. educational D. opportunity 3. A. mathematical B. subject C. degree D. native 4. A. entrance 5. A. alternative B. appreciate C. mandatory D. respectively III. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the underlined part that needs correction in each of the following sentences. 1. One of the most famous and respectable learners of the country is said to have found this school. A B C D 2. As soon as the singer came onto the stage, there had been a round of applause. A B C D 3. There are more than two hundred applications for this job vacancy, and most of them can speak A B C D English very well. 4. The interviewer told me which university in the U.K. I had graduated from. A B C D 5. He would have sent you a post card when he is on holiday abroad if he had had your address. A B CD IV. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following sentences. 1. Although he was completely ______ as a furniture maker, he produced the most beautiful chairs. A. unable B. untrained C. incapable D. uneducated 2. In recent years, schools have become more involved with students' emotional welfare as well as their ______ achievement. A. academic B. intellectual C. scholar D. studious 3. Students who complete the program receive a skills ______ along with their high school diploma. A. certificate B. degree C. permit D. certification 4. He has several years of experience of ______ interviews with potential students. A. making B. conducting C. performing D. having 5. The manager did not offer her the job because of her untidy ______. A. personality B. demeanor C. feature D. appearance 6. There should be no discrimination on ______ of sex, race or religion. A. fields B. places C. areas D. grounds 7. He felt ______ when he failed the exams the second time. A. discouraged B. annoyed C. undecided D. determined 8. Although ______ education is compulsory in England, parents are not required to send their children to state schools. A. higher B. further C. secondary D. formal









9. Higher education is a continuing ______ process. A. developing B. developed C. development D. developmental 10. Journalists sometimes wear ______ clothes to fit in well with the situation in which they are working. A. ordinary B. common C. habitual D. casual 11. My job now is not ______ to what I was majored in at university. A. devoted B. related C. supposed D. belonging 12. The salesman gave me a kind of detergent which I ______ before. A. had not used B. did not use C. was not using D. have never used 13. There are not many ______ courses in the last two years at university. Most of them are compulsory. A. required B. optional C. preferred D. additional 14. It is ______ to wear uniform to most high school nowadays. A. obliged B. obliging C. obligational D. obligatory 15. When it comes to children's schooling problems, both parents have to ______ responsibility. A. get B. respond C. compel D. take 16. Students who want to continue their ______ education in the UK are expected to take A-level course. A. high B. tertiary C. secondary D. post-graduate 17. The professor of this course asked for ______ attendance in his lectures; no student could be absent. A. equal B. demanding C. compulsory D. obliged 18. Many measures ______ to improve the quality of higher education have been approved by the council. A. suggesting B. suggested C. which suggest D. having suggested 19. Professor Kimberly ______ three books since 2015, and she's working on her fourth. A. writes B. has written C. wrote D. has been writing 20. There are two types of education in Vietnam: formal and ______. A. informal B. mainstream C. non-formal D. in-service 21. Many colleagues admire Kelly because she has found happiness in both ______ and private life. A. occupational B. professional C. job-related D. working 22. Mary's parents are concerned that her grades are ______ worse this year. A. markedly B. decisively C. evenly D. expectedly 23. I ______ her for so long a time that I've forgotten what she looks like. A. hadn't seen B. haven't seen C. didn't see D. haven't been seeing 24. ______ your opinion of the professor is, you must admit that he has a good method of teaching. A. How B. Whatever C. Whether D. What 25. Peter ______ the book for 4 hours non-stop. He must have found it unputdownable. A. read B. has read C. was reading D. has been reading 26. His difficulty ______ understanding math result ______ a childhood illness. A. on/from B. in/from C. with/in D. in / in 27. Where ______ my calculator? I ______ it on the desk a minute ago and now it ______! A. has been / put I has disappeared B. is / put / has been disappearing C. is / have put / disappears D. is / put / has disappeared 28. A: "Could I help you with that?" B:" ______ " A. Thanks, your compliment is encouraging. B. Think nothing of it. Why not?









C. That's all right, but thanks anyway. I'm OK. D. I couldn't agree more! Please! 29. A:" ______ " B: "You have to obtain the high school diploma." A. What is the requirement to enter this university? B. When do we finish high school? C. I can't wait to obtain the high school diploma. D. I am trying my best to win a place at university. 30. A: "Tertiary education is the only way to success." B:" ______ " A. You know nothing about it. B. That's too bad. C. I can't agree with you there. D. You must say that again. V. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following sentences. 1. These audio-visual methods have the added advantage of being independent of the availability of the system. A. benefit B. drawback C. characteristic D. danger 2. When I was young and idealistic I believed it was possible to change the world. A. applicable B. energetic C. practical D. thoughtless 3. If you have any comments or suggestions, please let us know - we always appreciate feedback from friends. A. depress B. welcome C. disregard D. consider 4. For these elective courses, there are no special entry requirements. A. exit B. score C. academic D. strict 5. On the whole, further education still plays an important role in the development of any country. A. Generally B. Specifically C. Essentially D. Surprisingly VI. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks. An A level is an Advanced level GCE qualification. This exam is (1) ______ taken after two years of A level study, following the O level/IGCSE exams. Students can take any number of A level exams; in the UK, most college students take three or four A level exams for their final two years of study. The (2) ______ of A levels to be taken will often depend on the qualifications that the university (3) ______ requires. A level results can open doors to (4) ______ studies at some of the best higher educational institutions in the world, and to a (5) ______ range of professional and vocational courses that can help build skills for an exciting and (6) ______ career. In many countries round the world, some schools follow the GCE syllabus to prepare their pupils for taking A level exams. Students at these schools should enquire at their school about how they can register and sit (7) ______ the exams. Students who do not (8) ______ a school that follows the GCE syllabus can still take A level exams and can register as a private individual with the British Council. In order to register for an A level exam one will need to (9) ______ an entry form which will become available at the British Council offices. Forms usually become (10) ______ for January examinations in early August of the preceding year. For May/June examinations, they are available in early December of the preceding year. 1. A. normally B. popularly C. largely D. noticeably 2. A. sum B. number C. amount D. quantity 3. A. chosen B. choosing C. to choose D. in choice 4. A. graduate B. postgraduate C. graduating D. undergraduate B. various C. long D. wide 5. A. huge 6. A. daunting B. rewarding C. amazing D. longing









7. A. at B. in C. for D. into 8. A. acquire B. enroll C. attend D. pursue B. complete C. obtain D. accomplish 9. A. achieve 10. A. handful B. accessible C. exchangeable D. available VII. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions. Normally a student must attend a certain number of courses in order to graduate, and each course which he attends gives him a credit which he may count towards a degree. In many American universities the total work for a degree consists of thirty-six courses each lasting for one semester. A typical course consists of three classes per week for fifteen weeks; while attending a university a student will probably attend four or five courses during each semester. Normally a student would expect to take four years attending two semesters each year. It is possible to spread the period of work for the degree over a longer period. It is also possible for a student to move between one university and another during his degree course, though this is not in fact done as a regular practice. For every course that he follows a student is given a grade, which is recorded, and the record is available for the student to show to prospective employers. All this imposes a constant pressure and strain of work, but in spite of this some students still find time for great activity in student affairs. Elections to positions in student organizations arouse much enthusiasm. The effective word of maintaining discipline is usually performed by students who advise the academic authorities. Any student who is thought to have broken the rules, for example, by cheating has to appear before a student court. With the enormous numbers of students, the operation of the system does involve a certain amount of activity. A student who has held one of these positions of authority is much respected and it will be of benefit to him later in his career. 1. How many classes each week would a student normally attend at least? A. 36 B.20 C. 12 D. 15 2. According to paragraph 1, an American student is allowed ______. A. to live in a different university B. to take a particular course in a different university C. to live at home and drive to classes D. to get two degrees from two different universities 3. American university students are usually under pressure of work because ______. A. their academic performance will affect their future careers B. they are heavily involved in student affairs C. they have to observe university discipline D. they want to run for positions of authority 4. Some students are enthusiastic for positions in student organizations probably because ______. A. they hate the constant pressure strain of their study B. they will then be able to stay longer in the university C. such positions help them get better jobs D. such positions are usually well paid 5. The student organizations seem to be effective in ______. A. dealing with the academic affairs of the university B. ensuring that the students observe university regulations C. evaluating students' performance by bringing them before a court D. keeping up the students' enthusiasm for social activities VIII. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions. Harvard University, today recognized as part of the top echelon of the world’s universities, came from very inauspicious and humble beginnings.









This oldest of American universities was founded in 1636, just 16 years after the Pilgrims landed at Plymouth. Included in the Puritan emigrants to the Massachusetts colony during this period were more than 100 graduates of England’s prestigious Oxford and Cambridge Universities, and these university graduates in the New World were determined that their sons would have the same educational opportunities that they themselves had had. Because of this support in the colony for an institution of higher learning, the General Court of Massachusetts appropriated 400 pounds for a college in October of 1636 and early the following year decided on a parcel of land for the school; this land was in an area called Newetowne, which was later renamed Cambridge after its English cousin and is the site of the present-day university. When a young minister named John Harvard, who came from the neighboring town of Charlestowne, died from tuberculosis in 1638, he willed half of his estate of 1,700 pounds to the fledgling college. In spite of the fact that only half of the bequest was actually paid, the General Court named the college after the minister in appreciation for what he had done. The amount of the bequest may not have been large, particularly by today’s standards, but it was more than the General Court had found it necessary to appropriate in order to open the college. Henry Dunster was appointed the first president of Harvard in 1640, and it should be noted that in addition to serving as president, he was also the entire faculty, with an entering freshman class of four students. Although the staff did expand somewhat, for the first century of its existence the entire teaching staff consisted of the president and three or four tutors. 1. The word "echelon" in the passage could best be replaced by ______. A. level B. rank C. class D. title 2. What is the main idea of this passage? A. Harvard is one of the world's most prestigious universities. B. What is today a great university started out small. C. John Harvard was key to the development of a great university. D. Harvard University developed under the auspices of the General Court of Massachusetts. 3. It is indicated in the passage that Harvard is ______. A. one of the oldest universities in the world B. the oldest university in the world C. one of the oldest universities in America D. the oldest university in America 4. It can be inferred from the passage that the Puritans who travelled to Massachusetts colony were ______. A. rather well-educated B. rather rich C. rather supportive of the English government D. rather undemocratic 5. The pronoun "they" in the passage refers to ______. A. Oxford and Cambridge Universities B. university graduates C. sons D. educational opportunities 6. The "English cousin" in the passage refers to a ______. A. city B. relative C. university D. court 7. Which of the following is NOT mentioned about John Harvard? A. What he died of B. Where he came from C. Where he was buried D. How much he bequeathed to Harvard 8. The word "fledgling" in the passage could be best replaced by ______. A. newborn B. flying C. winged D. established 9. It is implied in the passage that ______. A. Henry Dunster was an ineffective president B. someone else really served as president of Harvard before Henry Dunster









C. Henry Dunster spent much of his time as president managing the Harvard faculty D. the position of president of Harvard was not merely an administrative position in the early years 10. Where in the passage does it indicate how much money Minister Harvard was really responsible for giving to the university? A. Paragraph 1 B. Paragraph 2 C. Paragraph 3 D. Paragraph 4 IX. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to each of the following sentences. 1. You should not have come to class late. A. I'd rather you didn't come to class late. B. I would like you not to be late for class. C. I'd sooner you hadn't come to class late. D. I would prefer that you come to class on time. 2. You have to finish your homework if you want to go to the party. A. Finish your homework, and you cannot go to the party. B. Unless you finish your homework, you can go to the party. C. Finish your homework, otherwise you can go to the party. D. Finish your homework, or else you cannot go to the party. 3. Although he was very tired, he agreed to play tennis. A. Tired as though he was, he agreed to play tennis. B. Tired though he was, he agreed to play tennis. C. Tired, he agreed to play tennis. D. So tired was he that he agreed to play tennis. 4. Thanks for your help, I managed to bring it off. A. But for your help, I could have managed to bring it off. B. If it were not for your help, I couldn't manage to bring it off. C. Had you not helped me, I couldn't have managed to bring it off. D. Had it not for your help, I could have managed to bring it off. 5. The roof of the house was blown off during the hurricane. A. The house got the hurricane to blow off its roof. B. The house had its roof blown off by the hurricane. C. The house and its roof were blown off by the hurricane. D. The house was blown off by the hurricane except its roof. X. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the sentence that best combines each pair of sentences given. 1. The book was written by a famous author. It was not well recognized. A. The book would not be well recognized if it were written by a famous author. B. The book was written by a famous author, but it was not well recognized. C. Due to the famous author, the book was not well recognized. D. The author who is famous did not recognize the book. 2. He delayed writing the book. He only started to write it until he had done a lot of research. A. Only after he had done a lot of research did he begin to write the book. B. He did a lot of research after he finished writing the book. C. He delayed writing the book as he had already done any research. D. It was only when he had written the book that he did a lot of research. 3. The man left the key inside the locked house. He could not get into the house. A. If the man did not lock the house, he could get into it. B. If the key was not inside the house, the man could get into it.









C. Leaving the key inside the house, the man could get into the house. D. If the man had not left the key inside the house, he could have got into it. 4. Mary was trying to swim in the sea alone. She should never have been allowed to do so. A. When Mary left to swim in the sea alone, she said she knew what she was doing. B. It would probably be wrong to let Mary swim in the sea on her own. C. No one could have stopped Mary from trying to swim in the sea by herself. D. Someone ought to have stopped Mary from attempting to swim in the sea on her own. 5. Nina was so nervous. She quit the final round of the competition. A. Nina was too nervous to join the final round of the competition. B. Nina quit final round of the competition despite being nervous. C. Though she was nervous, Nina quit the final round of the competition. D. Having quit the final round of the competition, Nina felt nervous.









Unit 8: OUR WORLD HERITAGE SITES I. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions. 1. A. intact B. dynasty C. excavation D. citadel 2. A. abundant B. subsequent C. luxury D. numerous 3. A. relic B. complex C. heritage D. imperial 4. A. grotto B. complex C. forgettable D. archeological 5. A. limestone B. geographical C. heritage D. citadel II. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the position of primary stress in each of the following questions. 1. A. relic B. intact C. complex D. grotto 2. A. subsequent B. heritage C. abundant D. luxury B. mausoleum C. unforgettable D. imperial 3. A. geographical B. distinctive C. numerous D. dynasty 4. A. underground 5. A. flora B. scenic C. tower D. preserved III. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the underlined part that needs correction in each of the following sentences. 1. The Japanese Bridge which built in the early 1600's became a main tourist attraction A B C in central Vietnam. D 2. Tourists should be told to avoid buying relics that illegally removed from protected heritage sites. A B C D 3. We couldn't wait to pay a visit to the temple which located on the river bank. A B C D 4. Most visitors were so fascinated to go on a tour around an ancient house overlooked the river in A B C D the town of Hoi An. 5. To the visitors' relief, the ancient houses to be destroyed by the fire are now under reconstruction. A B C D IV. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following sentences. 1. My friends proposed _______ a holiday in Ha Long Bay for a change. A. to take B. taking C. on taking D. of taking 2. Everything _______, they decide not to acknowledge the site as a world heritage site as it is not so well-qualified. A. is considered B. be considered C. considered D. to be considered 3. Tourists should be held _______ for the damage they have caused to the archeological site. A. accountable B. guilty C. charged D. blamed 4. It is highly _______ that factories should be moved to the suburbs to reduce the pollution rate in the cities. A. desirous B. desirable C. desired D. desiring 5. Mass tourism is now a growing _______ to the preservation of historical places in most countries. A. hazard B. threat C. peril D. risk 6. The students only go to visit the archeological site _______ now and then. A. each B. all C. any D. every









7. The tour of the cave and grotto system is the main _______ for tourists in Phong Nha - Ke Bang National Park. A. attractive B. attractiveness C. attract D. attraction 8. Hoi An Ancient Town is quite special among the heritage sites because it is in a good state of _______. A. preserve B. preservation C. preservative D. preservatives 9. After many years, the archaeological _______ has finally led to the discovery of the ancient village. A. excursion B. excavation C. evacuation D. execution 10. Which is the first place in Vietnam _______ as a World Heritage Site by UNESCO? A. to recognize B. recognizing C. to be recognized D. having been recognized 11. We were lucky to get a map _______ the way to the archeological site. A. showed B. showing C. to be shown D. being shown 12. In the afternoon, the tourist will take a boat trip to the ancient temple _______ on the river bank. A. locating B. which located C. located D. was located 13. Cable cars are moved by cables _______ underground and are powered by a stationary engine. A. they run B. run C. running D. that runs 14. The World Heritage Site is famous for its _______ features and cultural values. A. geography B. geographical C. geothermal D. geological 15. Prices for the _______ to are based on flights from Ho Chi Minh City to Hanoi. A. schedules B. schemes C. timetables D. itineraries 16. Ha Long Bay cuisine is famous _______ its fresh and diverse seafoods. A. as B. to C. for D. at 17. Tourists can have a lot to do and see in Trang An Scenic Landscape Complex at a(n) _______ price. A. adequate B. average C. cheap D. reasonable 18. _______ twice, the postman refused to deliver our mails unless we chained our dog up. A. Being bitten B. Having been bitten C. Having bitten D. Had been bitten 19. There is not much time left, so tell me about it _______. A. in condense B. in detail C. in all D. in brief 20. We will set out at 9 o'clock if it _______ raining by then. A. will stop B. stops C. has stopped D. will have stopped 21. Since he is often ignored by his colleagues, he _______ has the opportunity to demonstrate his ability. A. frequently B. obviously C. rarely D. apparently 22. The policeman stopped my car because the engine _______ heavy smoke. A. gave off B. gave up C. gave out D. gave away 23. The taxi _______ us to Ha Long Bay broke down and we reached the site two hours late. A. taken B. taking C. to take D. having taken 24. To ask for more information about the trip to Citadel of the Ho Dynasty, you can contact the agency _______ Saigon Tourist. A. named B. naming C. to have named D. to name 25. Some of the tourists _______ to visit Trang An Complex could not depart as scheduled. A. planned B. planning C. to plan D. to have planned 26. Life has become much easier for people _______ near the world heritage sites because there are more and better paid jobs there.









A. lived B. to live C. living D. to have lived 27. If only I _______ the books on the reading list before I attended the lecture on My Son sanctuary. A. had read B. would have read C. have read D. have been reading 28. His History teacher recommends that he _______ a project on World Heritage Sites. A. start B. starts C. must start D. is starting 29. - A:" _______ " B: "That's a good idea." A. Why not take a trip to the Citadel in Hue this summer holiday? B. What happened to the Citadel in Hue after the storm? C. Have you heard about the Citadel in Hue? D. How can we book a tour to the Citadel in Hue this summer holiday? 30. - A: "Each of us should join hand to protect the World Heritage Sites." - B:" _______ " A. I can't do it. B. I totally agree. C. That's not true. D. That's too bad. V. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following sentences. 1. The heritage site is famous for both its cultural beauty and natural integrity. A. completeness B. resources C. importance D. characteristics 2. Visiting the heritage site, tourists will notice a mix of eastern and western cultures. A. contrast B. combination C. difference D. similarity 3. The film festival is acknowledged by the public as an event of international importance. A. accused B. rejected C. recognized D. realized 4. Thirteen people helped Michelangelo create his masterpiece on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel. A. an outdated product B. an outstanding work C. a beautiful song D. a persuasive speech 5. Winter visitors to the heritage site probably arrive in November, sometimes October, and are most numerous in November and December. A. in small numbers B. infrequent C. excited D. in large numbers VI. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks. The World Wildlife Fund (WWF) has issued a stark warning about the future of the world's natural World Heritage sites. It says half of the sites are at (1) _______ from different industries. The WWF warned that harmful industrial (2) _______ such as mining, dredging or drilling for oil are endangering the future of 114 of 229 sites. (3) _______ factors adding to the risk include illegal logging and unsustainable water use. All of these are in addition to the damage being (4) _______ by climate change. The WWF says the sites affected include Australia's Great Barrier Reef, the Grand Canyon National Park in the USA, and China's Sichuan Giant Panda Sanctuaries, which are home (5) _______ more than 30 per cent of the world's endangered pandas. The director of the UNESCO World Heritage Centre said it was (6) _______ everyone to protect these sites. She said: "World Heritage is humankind's (7) _______ heritage, and the responsibility for its conservation is shared by everyone." She welcomed government efforts at reducing what they take from the Earth, saying: "The WWF's report comes at a time (8) _______ governments and the private sector around the world are stepping up their action against harmful extractive uses." However, the WWF said that more than 11 million people worldwide (9) _______ on World Heritage sites for food, water, shelter jobs and medicine, and that non-stop development could harm (10) _______ as well as the environment. 1. A. danger B. risk C. threat D. harm B. activists C. activities D. acts 2. A. actions 3. A. Other B. Others C. Another D. The other









4. A. made B. brought C. done D. taken 5. A. by B. to C. of D. for B. up on C. up with D. up to 6. A. in for 7. A. similar B. regular C. customary D. common 8. A. which B. where C. that D. when 9. A. decide B. influence C. insist D. rely B. livelihoods C. living D. life 10. A. liveliness VII. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions. In 1959, the government of Egypt was working on a plan to build a dam on the River Nile. It was called the Aswan Dam, and it was intended to generate electricity and allow the river water to be used for agriculture. There was one big problem with the plan, though. The dam would flood a nearby valley that contained ancient Egyptian treasures, including two enormous stone temples. It can be difficult for governments to choose culture and history over economics. However, if countries always made decisions like this, the majority of the world's ancient sites would end up being destroyed. Luckily, UNESCO stepped in. They formed a committee that tried to convince Egypt to protect its ancient treasures. With support from many countries, they were finally successful. The huge temples were carefully removed from their original site and moved to a safe location so that the dam could be built. UNESCO is an agency of the United Nations. The United Nations is a partnership between countries from all over the world. They are joined to help promote world peace, enforce human rights, and help countries develop. UNESCO is a part of the United Nations that is concerned with science and culture. After their success in saving the temples in Egypt, UNESCO went on to save more sites around the world. They protected lagoons in Venice, ruins in Pakistan, and temples in Indonesia. With industrialization changing the world rapidly, there were many sites that needed to be saved. Eventually, UNESCO formed the World Heritage Organization to protect important natural and historic sites wherever it was necessary. By now, the World Heritage Organization has protected hundreds of sites ranging from beautiful natural islands to buildings in large cities to ancient ruins. If you're able to visit any of the many protected sites, you'll agree it was worth it. 1. Why did UNESCO get involved in Egypt ? A. Egypt was planning to build a dam that would harm ancient temples. B. Egypt was planning to build a valley for agriculture and electricity. C. Egypt was planning to create a dam right on top of an ancient temple. D. When the dam flooded a valley, several treasures were discovered. 2. Which of the following is true according to paragraph 2? A. Most governments prefer to sell their treasures. B. Money sometimes seems more important than all other things. C. Governments are never able to consider two things at once. D. Governments usually don't know anything about their culture. 3. The United Nations would probably not be involved in _______. A. helping a poor country improve its agriculture B. trying to solve a violent conflict between two nations C. developing a new spacecraft for travel to the moon D. protesting against the killing of the tribes people of a country 4. The word "Eventually" in the passage is closest in meaning to _______. A. firstly B. reasonably C. finally D. seriously 5. Why is the World Heritage Organization more important now than it would have been years ago? A. Countries didn't cooperate in the past.









B. Cities were smaller back then. C. There were not as many interesting sites 200 years ago. D. Modern business and production are changing the world. VIII. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions. Welcome to Trang An, Vietnam’s newest UNESCO World Heritage Site, a place where the water is crystal clear and pink flowers bloom along the shallows. Temples rest on a precipice of rock and water. Here, for 30,000 years, people have lived amongst these limestone giants. To the unfamiliar, this area is a maze of confusing waterways and impassable hills, a place where one could easily disappear from the world. However, to the emperors of the 10th and 11th centuries, this was the ideal setting for a capital city where the inhabitants could be controlled and enemies rebuffed. This combination of stunning natural beauty and ancient history has led Trang An to be recognised as Vietnam’s eighth World Heritage Site. Unlike the previous seven, Trang An is notable for being the only UNESCO site in Vietnam to be classified for both its cultural beauty and natural integrity. At the ticket office, we are met by the sight of thousands of wooden boats bobbing along the shoreline. Stepping gingerly into the closest dinghy, we are greeted by a young woman whose ability to paddle three adults - all in the midst of Christmas feasting - for three straight hours left me in awe of her strength. What followed was a string of beautiful caves of varying heights and lengths, interspersed with scenes of a peaceful beauty that can be hard to come by in Vietnam. Dubbed ‘Ha Long Bay on land’, Trang An’s landscape is reminiscent of its coastal World Heritage neighbour. Dominated by similar karst geography, Ha Long Bay and Trang An both provide a stunning backdrop to a tranquil boat cruise. Unlike Ha Long, however, the boats at Trang An are small, seating no more than five adults, and weekday crowds are minimal. We emerged from a particularly low cave opening and into a small cove ringed by flowering reeds and waterlilies. The steep limestone cliffs block all outside sounds. Underwater reeds stand tall in the clear water beneath our boat, their green spongy limbs waving gently in the current as we paddle past. Brownand-gold fish dart between grass, their scales glinting in the sunlight, before plunging into the shadows of the towering hills above. Water movement is imperceptible, with the steep hillsides, plunging valleys and clear sky mirrored in its glassy surface. It is as though a parallel world of deep crevices and underwater mountains exists just below our feet. A parallel world does, in fact, describe how it seemed as we floated through the caves of Trang An. The journey through the first hollow felt like stepping through the back of the wardrobe and entering Narnia. We were suddenly transported into a beautiful, magical world. So at odds with the industrial limestone factories that dominate the Ninh Binh landscape, this small pocket of serenity is surprising. With more and more visitors flocking to Vietnam’s World Heritage Sites, I worry that Trang An will suffer the consequences of unchecked mass tourism. We can only hope that tourism officials will learn from the experiences of other popular tourist destinations and ensure that this place remains as close to paradise as it was on our visit. 1. In paragraph 1, Trang An can be described as all of the following EXCEPT _______. A. an escape from the daily world B. a location with scenic beauty C. a place for religious practices D. a financial center of ancient Vietnam 2. The word "rebuffed" in the passage is closest in meaning to _______. A. prevented B. welcomed C. protected D. denied 3. Which makes Trang An unique among other World Heritage Sites in Vietnam? A. It has to be accessed by wooden boat. B. It was recognized for both natural and cultural values. C. It is a maze of confusing waterways and impassable hills. D. It offers string of beautiful caves of varying heights and lengths.









4. The word "gingerly" in the passage is closest in meaning to _______. A. noisily B. cautiously C. strongly D. confidently 5. The word "that" in the passage refers to _______. A. strength B. lengths C. beauty D. caves 6. What can be inferred in paragraph 4 about Ha Long Bay? A. The boats there are bigger. B. It has no caves at all. C. It is called "Trang An in water". D. It does not offer boat cruise. 7. Which of the following is true about Trang An according to paragraph 4? A. The water movement at Trang An can be heard easily. B. The underwater reeds are vulnerable beneath the boats. C. The water at Trang An is empty of living animals. D. The site is peaceful and almost soundproofed from the outside. 8. The word "serenity" in the passage is closest in meaning to _______. A. tranquility B. industrialization C. magic D. limestone 9. Why is Trang An considered as a parallel world? A. It stays close to paradise in spite of being visited by many. B. It is in existence under visitors' feet but hardly anyone recognizes. C. It is in stalk contrast with the dominant industrial landscape in Ninh Binh. D. It has not suffered the consequences of uncontrolled mass tourism yet. 10. The writer's attitude towards Trang An can be described as that of _______. A. concern B. admiration C. shock D. suspicion IX. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to each of the following sentences. 1. "No, I did not remove the relics from the heritage site", he said. A. He objected to removing relics from the heritage site. B. He denied having removed the relics from the heritage site. C. He accepted to remove relics from the heritage site. D. He advised against removing relics from the heritage site. 2. The place is both scenic and tranquil. A. Not only is the place scenic but it is also tranquil. B. The place is neither scenic nor tranquil. C. Not only is the place tranquil but it also has no scene. D. The place is either scenic or tranquil. 3. He has the habit of upsetting people unintentionally. A. He is often the victim of people's unintentional upset. B. It is in his habit to upset people unintentionally. C. He is in the habit of upsetting people unintentionally. D. He tend to being internationally upset by people. 4. You have to finish your homework if you want to visit the heritage site with your classmates. A. Finish your homework if you don't want to visit the heritage site with your classmates B. Unless you finish your homework, you can visit the heritage site with your classmates. C. Finish your homework, otherwise you can visit the heritage site with your classmates. D. Finish your homework, or else you cannot visit the heritage site with your classmates. 5. Tom wasn't absorbed in exploring the heritage site. A. Tom doesn't like exploring the heritage site. B. Tom showed no interest in exploring the heritage site. C. Tom lacks interest in exploring the heritage site. D. Exploring the heritage site brought Tom no fun.









X. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the sentence that best combines each pair of sentences given. 1. Visitors can explore the caves and grottos when coming to the site. They can enjoy mountain climbing. A. When coming to the site, visitors can enjoy mountain climbing but have no chance to explore the caves and grottos. B. As there are too many visitors, the site only offers exploring caves and grottos not mountain climbing. C. When coming to the site, in addition to exploring the caves and grottos, visitors can also enjoy mountain climbing. D. When coming to the site, visitors can neither enjoy mountain climbing nor explore the caves and grottos. 2. Victor had visited the heritage site before. He fell in love with the scenery there. A. Having visited the heritage site before, Victor fell in love with the scenery there. B. Having fallen in love with the scenery of the heritage site, Victor visited the place many times. C. Despite falling in love with the scenery of the heritage site, Victor visited the place again. D. Had Victor visited the heritage site before, he would have fallen in love with the scenery there. 3. The region's average rainfall is high. Few streams and rivers can be seen there. A. Because of the region's high average rainfall, few streams and rivers can be seen there. B. The region's average rainfall is so high that few streams and rivers can be seen there. C. If the region's average rainfall were high, more streams and rivers could be seen there. D. In spite of the region's high average rainfall, few streams and rivers can be seen there. 4. A hurricane is defined as a tropical storm. In this storm, winds attain speeds greater than 120 kilometers per hour. A. A hurricane in which winds attain speeds greater than 120 kilometers per hour is defined as a tropical storm. B. A hurricane is defined as a tropical storm in which winds attain speeds greater than 120 kilometers per hour. C. Defined as a cyclone, winds in a tropical storm often attain speeds greater than 120 kilometers per hour. D. Because a hurricane is defined as a tropical storm, its winds attain speeds greater than 120 kilometers per hour. 5. It's a long trip to the world heritage site. We have to start off early and come back in the afternoon. A. It's a long trip to the world heritage site, but we have to start off early and come back in the afternoon. B. It's a long trip to the world heritage site because we have to start off early and come back in the afternoon. C. It's a long trip to the world heritage site, so we have to start off early and come back in the afternoon. D. It's a long trip to the world heritage site if we have to start off early and come back in the afternoon.









Unit 9: CITIES OF THE FUTURE I. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions. 1. A. capable B. available C. global D. climate 2. A. promote B. sensor C. insoluble D. pollution 3. A. urban B. infrastructure C. quality D. inhabitant 4. A. disturbed B. censored C. detected D. solved 5. A. promotes B. predicts C. wastes D. changes II. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the position of primary stress in each of the following questions. 1. A. forecast B. design C. ignore D. detect 2. A. resident B. occupy C. inhabit D. conference B. complete C. alive D. special 3. A. ideal B. contrary C. quality D. improvement 4. A. underground 5. A. soluble B. emphatic C. excellent D. probable III. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the underlined part that needs correction in each of the following sentences. 1. He complained about not being informed of the change of plan and insisted on compensating A B C D for it. 2. With a view to extend relations with other countries, the government has made every effort to A B C welcome foreign investment. D 3. Before steel and concrete was introduced as building materials, carpenters had played the A B major role in construction. C D 4. Industrial wastes that man discharges them into the sea have a deleterious effect on marine life. A B C D 5. The company is introducing a fire-prevention system that activated by any small increase A B C in temperature. D IV. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following sentences. 1. There won't be any lecture about urbanization this week, _______? A. won't there B. will there C. won't it D. will it be 2. Nobody is interested in city life in the future, _______? A. are they B. won't they C. aren't they D. will they 3. Your father used to swim in the country river, _______? A. did he B. didn't he C. used he D. not used he 4. I'm not used to city life, _______? A. am I B. don't I C. aren't I D. not I 5. Please don't shout at your children, _______? A. aren't you B. won't you C. would you D. will you 6. We have to wait for the bus, _______? A. haven't we B. have we C. won't we D. don't we









7. You have just bought a new cassette, _______? A. did you B. didn't you C. haven't you D. have you 8. Susana hardly ever speaks to us these days, _______? A. does she B. doesn't she C. has she D. hasn't she 9. Carl thinks you had better clear the ashes away first, _______? A. hadn't you B. does he C. had you D. doesn't he 10. There has not been a great response to the schedule, _______? A. does there B. has there C. hasn't it D. has it 11. Let's listen to the radio programs that the teacher mentioned, _______? A. do we B. won't we C. don't we D. shall we 12. Everybody here loves classic music, _________? A. isn't he B. do they C. don't they D. is he 13. John does not need to come, _______? A. does he B. need he C. must he D. will he 14. They should have gone early, _______? A. have they B. should they C. haven't they D. shouldn't they 15. Something in his report about living standards in big cities is wrong, _______? A. is it B. aren't they C. isn't it D. are they 16. If ice is heated, it _______. A. would melt B. melts C. is melting D. will have melted 17. Optimistic people believe that city _______ will have a better live thanks to important achievements in technology and medicine. A. citizens B. locals C. dwellers D. occupants 18. Scientists are looking for ways to cut _______ the cost of renewable energy sources. A. back B. up C. off D. down 19. They really ripped us _______ at that hotel; they charged me a lot of money. A. up B. off C. out D. into 20. If you need help, make no _______ to ask. A. hesitation B. reluctance C. shyness D. embarrassment 21. The main goal of _______ planning is providing a healthier environment for people living in the city. A. livable B. urban C. rural D. sustainable 22. Many researchers claim that yoga practice and physical activities can improve people's _______ of life. A. quality B. infrastructure C. habitat D. pace 23. The reason for all the changes being made to us _______ yet. A. has not explained B. has not been explained C. did not explained D. were not explained 24. Experiments in the photography of moving objects _______ in both the United States and Europe well before 1900. A. were conducting B. were conducted C. had been conducted D. had conducted 25. They took _______ measures to prevent poisonous gases from escaping. A. fruitful B. beneficial C. valid D. effective 26. In developing countries people are _______ into overcrowded cities in great numbers. A. breaking B. filling C. pouring D. hurrying 27. There are other problems of city life which I don't propose to _______ at the moment. A. go into B. go around C. go for D. go up









28. It is politely requested by the hotel management that radios _______ after 11 o'clock at night. A. did not play B. not to play C. not be played D. were not played 29. - A: "The regional authorities failed to provide the poor with essential services such as accommodation, fresh water and electricity." - B: “____________” A. That's great. B. That's too bad. C. It's too good to be true. D. I have no idea. 30. - A: "Jenny is always late for appointments." - B: "Yes. _______ " A. But she is having an appointment. B. But she will never be appointed to the position. C. And the appointment is never late, too. D. And she always knows how to make an excuse. V. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following sentences. 1. The basic challenge for sustainable agriculture is to maximise the use of locally- available and renewable resources. A. long-term B. short-term C. beneficial D. harmful 2. Passengers often complain about cancelled and overcrowded coaches and the lack of services. A. infrequent B. reliable C. empty D. untidy 3. We need to do more to make the neighborhood safer and more livable. A. inhabitable B. uninhabitable C. dangerous D. prosperous 4. The country's infrastructure is in poor condition and needs to be upgraded. A. improved B. repaired C. examined D. deteriorated 5. Many new machines have been invented to help doctors to detect diseases early. A. notice B. recognized C. ignore D. cure VI. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks. THE RISE OF OLDER CITIES Many older cities are having modern makeovers and they are being given a new (1) _______. Sometimes the impetus for this (2) _______ of change comes from the need to provide new (3) for particular events being held in the city - a sporting event, or something (4) _______. On other (5) _______ the change just seems to (6) _______ place almost naturally. Take Birmingham, for instance, (7) _______ it was previously an (8) _______ place to live, it has now become trendy, and this change has been (9) _______ largely by the new-look architecture that can be found everywhere in the city. The old shopping centre has been (10) _______ down and completely rebuilt, and new shopping malls are competing to attract shoppers with the high quality of their services and goods. The area located around the canal, once hidden away and surrounded by decaying factories was often used as a rubbish (11) _______, but it has now become a trendy place (12) _______ up of modern offices, bars, sought-after apartments and restaurants. To (13) _______ up, Birmingham has become the place to be. Even in what was formerly the poorest part of the city an old factory has been (14) _______ into a lively complex of studios, galleries and coffee bars. With its theatres, museums and football teams Birmingham is (15) _______ worth visiting and has something for everyone. 1. A. look B. view C. panorama D. sight 2. A. species B. type C. variety D. brand B. equipment C. facilities D. items 3. A. features B. like C. typical D. similar 4. A. same 5. A. times B. events C. occasions D. happenings B. take C. get D. spare 6. A. have









7. A. Even B. Since C. As D. Although 8. A. invalid B. unfashionable C. unapproved D. out-of-date B. come into C. put up D. set out 9. A. brought about 10. A. hit B. knocked C. pushed D. sent 11. A. place B. area C. tip D. hold 12. A. made B. created C. done D. given B. end C. finish D. total 13. A. sum B. connected C. altered D. converted 14. A. amended 15. A. exactly B. absolutely C. completely D. well VII. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions. Around the world, Rio de Janeiro is famous for its beautiful beaches and Carnival celebration. But the city is also known for its poor areas, known as favelas. For years, many favelas had high poverty and crime rates. However, things are starting to change. In the past, many favelas received very little government assistance. Neighborhood residents had to build their own streets and homes. Gangs were also common, and so were guns. However, a new government plan is starting to change this. The city is sending thousands of police officers into favelas with the goal of driving out the gangs. In some favelas, the plan is already working. Crime is down, and unlike in the past, children are playing in the streets again. New apartment buildings are being built, and the city is providing more services. “In 20 years,” says police officer Leonardo Nogueira, “the children who live here now ... will be different people.” Police influence is changing the favelas, but something else is, too. Today, more Brazilians are moving into these neighborhoods because housing is expensive in other parts of Rio. “Favelas are a place for young doctors without much money to get started and young architects to start working,” explains Simone Miranda, a Rio tour guide. In the past, favela residents felt different - separate from the rest of Rio. “But now,” says Miranda, “they feel part of the society of Brazil.” Life is improving in the favelas, but there are still challenges. In some areas, poverty rates are still high. As students, families, and foreigners move into the favelas, property costs skyrocket. In some places, housing has more than doubled in price. Despite this, favela residents are hopeful. If Rio can develop these favelas for all residents - both poor and middle class - the city could become a model for other cities with similar problems. 1. Which of the following best serves as the title for this passage? A. A History of Rio's Favelas B. Crime on the Rise in Rio's Favelas C. How Rio's Favelas Are Changing D. Favelas, Rio's New Tourist Destination 2. Which of the following is true about favelas in the past? A. They got a lot of government assistance. B. There were no gangs. C. Many police officers worked there. D. Children didn't play in the streets very much. 3. Which statement would tour guide Simone Miranda probably agree with? A. More favela residents now feel a part of Brazilian culture. B. The police officers in the favelas cause many problems. C. Young people from Rio should not move into the favelas. D. There will be no more favelas in 20 years. 4. What is the purpose of the third paragraph? A. To discuss the high costs of housing in Rio B. To explain why architects are choosing to study in favelas C. To talk about how newer residents are changing the favelas D. To compare favela and non-favela residents 5. What does the word "skyrocket" in the passage mostly mean?









A. To increase quickly B. To drop slowly C. To become dangerous D. To become smaller VIII. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions. Throughout the nineteenth century and into the twentieth, citizens of the United States maintained a bias against big cities. Most lived on farms and in small towns and believed cities to be centers of corruption, crime, poverty, and moral degradation. Their distrust was caused, in part, by a notional ideology that proclaimed farming the greatest Occupation and rural living superior to urban living. This attitude prevailed even as the number of urban dwellers increased and cities became an essential feature of the notional landscape. Gradually, economic reality overcame ideology. Thousands abandoned the precarious life on the farm for more secure and better paying jobs in the city. But when these people migrated from the countryside, they carried their fears and suspicions with them. These new urban population, already convinced that cities were overwhelmed with great problems, eagerly embraced the progressive reforms that promised to bring order out of the chaos of the city. One of many reforms came in the area of public utilities. Water and sewerage systems were usually operated by municipal governments, but the gas and electric networks were privately owned. Reformers feared that the privately owned utility companies would charge exorbitant rates for these essential services and deliver them only to people who would afford them, some city and state governments responded by regulating the utility companies, but a number of cities began to supply these services themselves. Proponents of these reforms argued that public ownership and regulation would insure widespread access to these utilities and guarantee a fair price. While some reforms focused on government and public behavior, others looked at the cities as a whole. Civic leaders, convinced that physical environment influenced human behavior, argued that cities should develop master plans to guide their future growth and development. City planning was nothing new, but the rapid industrialization and urban growth of the late nineteenth century took place without any consideration for order. Urban renewal in the twentieth century followed several courses. Some cities introduced plans to completely rebuild the city core. Most other cities contented themselves with zoning plans for regulating future growth. Certain parts of town were restricted to residential use, while others were set aside for industrial or commercial development. 1. What does the passage mainly discuss? A. A comparison of urban and rural life in the early twentieth century B. The role of government in twentieth-century urban renewal C. Efforts to improve urban life in the early twentieth century D. Methods of controlling urban growth in the twentieth century 2. The word "bias" in the passage closest in meaning to _______. A. diagonal B. slope C. distortion D. prejudice 3. The first paragraph suggests that most people who lived in rural areas _______. A. were suspicious of their neighbors B. were very proud of their lifestyle C. believed city government had too much power D. wanted to move to the cities 4. In the early twentieth century, many rural dwellers migrated to the city in order to _______. A. participate in the urban reform movement B. seek financial security C. comply with a government ordinance D. avoid crime and corruption 5. The word "embraced" in the passage is closest in meaning to _______. A. suggested B. overestimated C. demanded D. welcomed 6. What concern did reformers have about privately owned utility companies? A. They feared the services would not be made available to all city dwellers.









B. They believed private ownership would slow economic growth C. They did not trust the companies to obey the government regulations. D. They wanted to ensure that the services would be provided to rural areas. 7. The word "exorbitant" in the passage closest in meaning to _______. A. additional B. expensive C. various D. modified 8. All of the following were the direct result of public utility reforms EXCEPT _______. A. local governments determined the rates charged by private utility companies B. some utility companies were owned and operated by local governments C. the availability of services was regulated by local government D. private utility companies were required to pay a fee to local governments 9. The word "Proponents" in the passage is closest in meaning to _______. A. Experts B. Pioneers C. Reviewers D. Supporters 10. Why does the author mention "industrialization"? A. To explain how fast urban growth led to poorly designed cities B. To emphasize the economic importance of urban areas C. To suggest that labor disputes had become an urban problem D. To illustrate the need for construction of new factories IX. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to each of the following sentences. 1. Poverty and overcrowding are ruining the life of people in many big cities. A. To make poverty and overcrowding even worse, people in many big cities rum their life. B. Due to poverty and overcrowding, the life of people in many big cities is being ruined. C. Unless there are poverty and overcrowding, the life of people in many big cities won't be ruined. D. Despite poverty and overcrowding, the life of people in many big cities is being ruined. 2. Do you agree with my view on this issue? A. Did you see eye to eye with me on this issue? B. Do you view this issue with my agreement? C. Can you try to agree with me on this issue? D. Are you in agreement with my view on this issue? 3. We stayed in that hotel despite the noise. A. Because the hotel is noisy, we stayed there. B. We stayed in the noisy hotel, and we liked it. C. Although the hotel was noisy, we stayed there. D. Without the noise, we would have stayed in the hotel. 4. He didn't hurry, so he missed the plane. A. If he hurried, he wouldn't miss the plane. B. If he had hurried, he wouldn't have caught the plane. C. If he had hurried, he could have caught the plane. D. He didn't miss the plane because he was hurried. 5. No sooner had James begun his new job than he knew his decision was wrong. A. Just before James took up his new post, he realized that he was not suited for it. B. As soon as James started working, he realized that his decision had not been a good one. C. Had James not begun his new job, he would have gone looking for a better one. D. Since James did not like his new job, he began looking for a better one. X. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the sentence that best combines each pair of sentences given. 1. We almost gave up hope. At that time, the rescue party arrived.









A. Only after the rescue party arrived did we give up hope. B. It was not until the rescue party arrived that we gave up hope. C. We were on the verge of giving up hope when the rescue party arrived. D. Had the rescue party not arrived, we wouldn't have given up hope. 2. Pessimistically speaking, cities will be overpopulated. Traffic will be heavy, too. A. Pessimistically speaking, cities will be overpopulated, and traffic will be heavy. B. Pessimistically speaking, cities will be overpopulated, for traffic will be heavy. C. Pessimistically speaking, cities will be overpopulated, but traffic will be heavy. D. Pessimistically speaking, cities will be overpopulated, or traffic will be heavy. 3. Robots can work in situations that are dangerous or harmful for human workers. This is one of the greatest advantages of robots. A. Robots can work in situations that are dangerous or harmful for human workers, which is the only advantage of them. B. The only difference between robots and humans is that robots can work in situations that are dangerous or harmful for human workers. C. Because robots can work in situations that are dangerous or harmful for human workers, they have more advantages over human beings. D. One of the greatest advantages of robots is that they can work in situations that are dangerous or harmful for human workers. 4. The burglar was trying to break into the shop. He was caught by the night guard when doing so. A. By the time the night guard caught him, the burglar had broken into the shop. B. While trying to break into the shop, the burglar was caught by the night guard. C. Having tried to break into the shop, the burglar was caught by the night guard. D. Having seen the burglar breaking into the shop, the night guard caught him. 5. No disapproval of the plan was raised. I suggest we go ahead. A. Despite the approval of the plan being raised, I suggest we go ahead. B. In case someone raises the disapproval of the plan, I suggest we go ahead C. As nobody raised any disapproval of the plan, I suggest we go ahead. D. Because the disapproval of the plan might be raised, I suggest we go ahead.









Unit 10: HEALTHY LIFESTYLES AND LONGEVITY I. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions. 1. A. nutrient B. immune C. natural D. attribute 2. A. expectancy B. experience C. expensive D. expectation 3. A. remedy B. meditation C. obesity D. success 4. A. dietary B. antibiotics C. attribute D. service 5. A. blood B. drug C. soon D. such II. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the position of primary stress in each of the following questions. 1. A. cholesterol B. remedial C. expectancy D. meditation 2. A. immune B. ageing C. relieve D. massage B. bacteria C. medicinal D. remedial 3. A. acupuncture B. vaccinate C. dietary D. develop 4. A. nutrient 5. A. medical B. potential C. nutritious D. dramatic Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the underlined part that needs correction in each of the following sentences. 1. Doctor Lam said if you ate too much fat, you would have suffered from obesity and other A B C health problems. D 2. Yesterday Jonas read an article on the Internet said that we could increase our life expectancy A B C D if we had a healthy diet. 3. Going to the gym regularly is good, but there are others ways to keep fit and stay healthy. A B C D 4. Health experts advised to wash vegetables carefully before consuming them. A B C D 5. My personal trainer suggested that I must do some warm-up activities before starting the A B C main tasks. D IV. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following sentences. 1. Yoga involves breathing exercises, stretching and _______. A. meditate B. meditation C. meditated D. meditative 2. Cycling makes you fitter and gives you a better life _______. A. expectation B. expecting C. expectancy D. expectant 3. People with normal, healthy _______ systems generally can fight off certain diseases without drugs, and might not even feel sick. A. immune B. commune C. operation D. prevention 4. The effects of diarrhoeal disease can be conquered with one of the simplest and cheapest natural _______ known to science. A . restorations B. selections C. remedies D. fixings 5. A poor diet, with low nutrient snacks can lead to nutritional _______. A. shortages B. lacks C. inadequacies D. deficiencies 6. If the victims survive the first half hour, there is a good chance of complete _______. A. coverage B. recovery C. improvement D. treatment









7. What a pity! Thomas wasn't strong enough to _______ his own confidence. A. improve B. progress C. boost D. raise 8. The rapidly _______ population will put a strain on the country's health care system. A. ageless B. ageing C. ageless D. anti-aging 9. Mass media have helped to raise people's awareness of _______ choices. A. lifestyle B. living C. livelihood D. lifelong 10. It is said that adults are often immune _______ such diseases as measles, whooping coughs, or mumps. A. at B. off C. over D. to 11. Jack's parents should _______ have a healthier diet because his big weight. A. let him B. make him C. get him D. encourage him 12. He admitted _______ the car but denied _______ it by himself. A. stealing/doing B. to steal / doing C. stealing/to do D. to steal /to do 13. The young man didn't stop _______ although I asked him twice. A. is smoking B. smoked C. smoking D. smoked 14. She begged with me _______ more fat and _______ more vegetables instead. A. not to take in/ eating B. taking in / eating C. not to take in / to eat D. not taking in / to eat 15. The increase in the number of obese children can be _______ to several factors, among which is unhealthy diets. A. responsible B. blamed C. led D. attributed 16. His picture on the wall will _______ to you some idea of the meaning of a healthy lifestyle. A. coincide B. commence C. convey D. convert 17. If this kind offish becomes _______,the future generations may never taste it at all. A. minimum B. short C. seldom D. scarce 18. _______, you would not have been involved in that terrible condition. A. If you listened to me B. Had you listened to me C. If only you has listened to me D. As long as you listened to me 19. The trainer reminded me _______ in more vegetables for dinner. A. of taking B. to take C. to be taking D. having taken 20. A popular way to relieve stress in today's busy lifestyles is _______ meditation and yoga. A. taking on B. taking in C. taking to D. taking up 21. Research has suggested that the food we eat _______ longevity. A. must affect B. should affect C. affected D. affects 22. My brother is now in hospital, _______ treatment of his upset stomach. A. in B. under C. on D. over 23. After suffering an injury during the match against Federer, Nadal has required surgery _______ his right knee. A. on B. at C. to D. in 24. Remember that even simple _______ changes can boost our immune system. A. diet B. dietary C. dieting D. diets 25. Jack hid himself in his bedroom and did not want to see anybody, _______ they were. A. whichever B. however C. whatever D. whoever 26. He is quite sure that it's _______ impossible for him to lose five kilos within two days. A. absolutely B. extremely C. fully D. roughly 27. In the household, grandparents and other relatives play _______ roles in raising children so that they can grow up healthily. A. incapable B. indispensable C. insensible D. infinite









28. The statistical figures on the number of obese children in that report are not _______. You should not refer to them. A. accurate B. fixed C. trustworthy D. precise 29. - A: "School canteens should prepare nutritious meals for young children." - B:" _______ " A. Yes, let's. B. I have to go. C. No wonders. D. I agree. 30. -A:" _______ " - B: "I feel a sharp pain in my head." A. What's the matter? B. How old are you? C. Thank you. D. Sorry to hear that. V. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following sentences. 1. In the 1960s, the World Health Organization (WHO) began a campaign to eradicate the mosquitoes that transmit the disease malaria. A. minimize B. develop C. eliminate D. appreciate 2. The disease is said to kill an estimated 3 million people each year in the world's tropical regions, predominantly southern Africa. A. mainly B. only C. except D. noticeably 3. One factor responsible for a dramatic increase in life expectancy is the advanced technology and medical development. A. insignificant B. remarkable C. important D. relative 4. The fall in the number of deaths from heart disease is generally attributed to improvements in diet. A. blamed on B. contributed to C. responsible for D. thanks to 5. Smoking, alcohol intake and fast food consumption can increase the risk of heart disease. A. the amount used B. the output C. the amount left D. the input VI. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks. Recent studies have shown that more and more students are choosing unhealthy ways to boost energy. The two main ways (1) _______ are eating snacks high in sugar and drinking beverages high in caffeine. In fact, research shows these two choices may (2) _______ in the opposite effects as those desired. Eating a sweet snack, (3) _______ a candy bar, does not provide the body more energy. (4) _______ candy bars have little (5) _______ value; however, their high sugar content can create a full feeling in the consumer. While the sugar may produce an initial boost in energy, the lack of nutritional value soon (6) _______ the body feeling fatigued. In effect, eating a sweet snack will have the opposite effect to what most people expect. Likewise, many people will drink a caffeinated beverage like coffee or cola to give themselves more energy. To a certain (7) _______, drinking coffee or cola will give a person some energy. The caffeine can increase the heart rate and blood flow, (8) _______ producing a feeling of increased energy. (9) _______, caffeine products are often consumed in excessive quantities or at unwise times. This, (10) _______, can interfere with normal sleep patterns and also lead to fatigue. In the end, caffeine drinkers often lose valuable hours of sleep and become even more tired during the day. 1. A. choosing B. chosen C. which choose D. having chosen 2. A. lead B. bring C. cause D. result B. such C. as D. unlike 3. A. like B. Most of C. All of D. Most 4. A. Almost 5. A. nutrient B. nutrition C. nutritious D. nutritional B. makes C. leaves D. lets 6. A. gets









7. A. level B. extent C. limit D. standard 8. A. then B. therefore C. thus D. and B. Unfortunately C. Remarkably D. Understandably 9. A. Supposedly 10. A. in sum B. at odds C. in turn D. at risk VII. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions. In 1960, Americans spent 10% of their healthcare dollar on medicines. Most of the money came from their own pockets, and was spent on drugs that largely treated infections, heart disease, arthritis and depression. Beyond that, there was little that science could offer. Today, the range of diseases for which medical research has some partial treatment is vast. Despite this, and the double digit increase in drug spending - 75%-90% of which is paid for by insurance companies prescription drugs now account for 9% of total health expenditures. Similarly, claims by insurers and corporations - that drug costs are driving insurance costs up in general - are overstated. According to health analyst J.D. Kleinke, since pharmacy costs represent only 9% of all spending, even increases of 20% could not be responsible for insurance premium increases of 10%-15% over the last two years: Premiums have been increasing far out of proportion to increasing total medical costs over the past three years. The fact is we should spend more on newer, more expensive medicines because they are worth the investment. Medical innovation creates what Harvard economist David Cutler calls health capital - the ability of people to stay well early and consistently throughout their lives, and remain that way at an increasingly older age. In fact, under the most conservative assumption, the U.S would have needed only about 30% of the improvement in medical progress over the period in time. In the case of congestive heart failure, Mr. Cutler found that increased consumption of new and more expensive drugs and other innovative technologies generated longer life, more productivity and lower health costs that offset the cost of their development and consumption. 1. What has changed the least since 1960? A. Percentage of money Americans pay for medicines out of their own pockets. B. The variety of drugs available. C. Percentage of healthcare dollar on medicines. D. The amount of money spent on drugs by insurance companies. 2. Claims by insurers and corporations that drug costs are driving insurance costs are overstated because _______. A. drug costs have not increased in the past B. insurance costs have not increased in the past C. premiums have increased by more than 20% in the last two years D. premiums have increased much more than have total medical costs in the past three years 3. The way to invest in health capital is to _______. A. adopt a healthy lifestyle B. spend around 10% of the healthcare money on medicines C. spend money on medicines that the latest medical science can offer D. spend more money on medical care in spite of higher health costs 4. The cost of congestive heart failure illustrates that _______. A. health capital is no guarantee for a better life B. using newer drugs may prove too expensive for many people C. using newer drugs contributes to a better life D. it is difficult to make people spend more on medicines 5. The main idea of the passage is that _______. A. people should spend more money on good medicines B. people should get insurers to pay for their medicines C. people are reluctant to pay a lot of money on medicines









D. medical technologies make most diseases curable VIII. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions. A healthy diet is essential for maintaining a healthy body and a healthy lifestyle. Though some doctors and health experts disagree on some components of a healthy diet, other parts are almost universally recognized. For example, all agree that a healthy diet includes necessary nutrients ingredients that help keep bodies strong and healthy. Human bodies need more than 50 different kinds of nutrients, including vitamins, minerals, water, and fiber. Vitamins are natural substances found in plants and animals. A body cannot make its own vitamins, so it must get them from food. Vitamins do not supply energy. However, they are useful substances that the body needs. Vitamin A, for example, helps eyes see better. Vitamin B develops protein needed in muscle growth. Vitamin C helps support the healing process for certain illnesses. Finally, Vitamin D helps strengthen teeth and bones. Minerals help balance bodily fluids, such as blood and water. They are also an important part of the iron in blood. There are seven major minerals that bodies need in large amounts, and ten minor, or trace, minerals, which bodies need in smaller amounts. Scientists are still studying many minerals, such as nickel and cobalt, to try to understand exactly how they affect the human body. Some people do not include water as a nutrient, but it is vital for a healthy body to function properly. Humans can live for several days without food, but only for two or three days without water. People who play sports or exercise a lot often fail to drink enough water. This can cause their muscles to become overly tired. If not enough water is taken in during very strenuous exercise, death may in fact result. Scientists have learned much about the importance of fiber in recent years. They now say that many people do not get enough fiber in their diets. The average many people should eat between 30 and 40 grams of fiber each day, twice as much as the average person currently gets. Though fiber is not digested or absorbed, it helps rid the body of waste products. Fiber helps control weight and maintain normal levels of important substances such as cholesterol and blood sugar. Fiber is found in whole-grain breads and cereals, as well as nuts, beans, fruits, and vegetables. There are several different kinds of fiber, and they each help in different ways. Two kinds of fiber, called pectins and gums, are needed to help control body fats, cholesterol, and carbohydrates (a type of nutrient that produces energy). Apples, cranberries, and cherries are good sources of pectin. Oatmeal and legumes are good sources of gums. In general, fresh fruits and raw vegetables provide more fiber than peeled fruits and cooked vegetables. According to dieticians, two servings of vegetables and two servings of whole grains (like whole wheat bread) each day will provide enough fiber for most adults. In summary, recommendations for a healthy diet include drinking lots of liquids while eating fiber from a wide variety of foods. This way, the body will not be getting too much of one kind of fiber and too little of another kind. If a person is not eating enough fiber now, it is best to change one's diet gradually. Above all, experts warn, do not depend on getting fiber from pills or tablets. A whole bottle would need to be consumed to see any benefit. 1. According to paragraph 1, what are nutrients? A. Regular foods B. Sources of energy for the body C. Useful substances in foods D. Substances controlling levels of cholesterol 2. According to the passage, which of the following is true of vitamins? A. Americans do not get enough of them. B. They are natural substances made by our bodies. C. They do not supply energy to our bodies. D. They do not have a good taste. 3. According to the passage, which of the following is NOT true about minerals? A. They are important to iron in blood.









B. They help balance fluids in body. C. Many of them are being researched. D. Some minerals support the healing process. 4. The word "major'' in the passage can be best replaced by _______. A. powerful B. general C. large D. main 5. The word "function" in paragraph 4 is closest in meaning to _______. A. breathe B. operate C. move D. exist 6. Which of the following is true about water according to the passage? A. Water is not always considered a nutrient; however, it is as important as food. B. Though nutrients are not found in water, they are essential for good health. C. Water is not considered nutritious; however, it helps your body work. D. Though water is sometimes not classified as a nutrient, it is essential for good health. 7. What is the main purpose of paragraph 5? A. To discuss the importance of fiber B. To explain the history of fiber C. To describe the structure of fiber D. To tell how to eat enough fiber 8. Which of the following is NOT true of minerals? A. They help balance liquids in the body. B. There are seven of them in total. C. They play an important role in human blood. D. Some of them are under further studies. 9. The word "they" in the passage refers to _______. A. breads B. kinds of fiber C. cereals D. different ways 10. The author's tone in this passage could best be described as _______. A. neutral B. humorous C. critical D. pessimistic IX. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to each of the following sentences. 1. "What a beautiful dress you have just bought!" Peter said to Mary. A. Peter promised to buy Mary a beautiful dress. B. Peter said thanks to Mary for her beautiful dress. C. Peter complimented Mary on her beautiful dress. D. Peter asked Mary how she had just bought her beautiful dress. 2. "Please don't leave until I come back," Sarah said. A. Sarah suggested not leaving until she comes back. B. Sarah asked us to leave until she came back. C. Sarah told us not to leave until she came back. D. Sarah offered to leave until she came back. 3. "Stop smoking or you'll be ill", the doctor told me. A. The doctor advised me to give up smoking to avoid illness. B. The doctor suggested smoking to treat illness. C. I was ordered not to smoke to recover from illness. D. I was warned against smoking a lot of cigarettes. 4. She said, "John, I'll show you round my city when you're here." A. She made a trip round her city with John. B. She planned to show John round her city. C. She promised to show John round her city. D. She organized a trip round her city for John. 5. My friend told me, "If I were you, I would not ask him for help." A. My friend advised me not to ask him for help.









B. My friend told me to ask him for help. C. My friend prohibited me from asking him for help. D. My friend suggested not asking him for help. X. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the sentence that best combines each pair of sentences given. 1. Last night she worked very hard. She wanted to finish the report on time. A. Last night she worked very hard so as to finish the report on time. B. Last night she worked very hard although he wanted to finish the report on time. C. However hard she worked last night, she finished the report on time. D. No matter how hard she worked last night, she finished the report on time. 2. You'd better call him immediately. It's possible he'll leave for Paris. A. If he leaves for Paris, you should call him immediately. B. You'd better call him immediately as he possibly leaves for Paris. C. You'd better call him immediately so that he possibly leaves for Paris. D. You'd better call him immediately unless he possibly leaves for Paris. 3. She wasn't wearing a seat-belt. She was injured. A. If she hadn't been wearing a seat-belt, she wouldn't have been injured. B. If she had been wearing a seat-belt, she would have been injured. C. If she were wearing a seat-belt, she wouldn't be injured. D. If she had been wearing a seat-belt, she wouldn't have been injured. 4. I eat a lot. I cannot keep fit. A. I eat more and more and become fitter and fitter. B. The less I eat, the fitter I become. C. The more I eat, the less fit I become. D. I become fit not only because I eat a lot. 5. They finished one project. They started working on the next. A. Had they finished one project, they would have started working on the next. B. Only if they had they finished one project did they start working on the next. C. Hardly had they finished one project when they started working on the next. D. Not until they started working on the next project did they finish the previous one.










Phonetics Strong and weak forms of words in connected speech Grammar - Modals: should, ought to Chau loves chocolate, but she should not eat too much or she will get fat. A: I think that the grade my teacher gave me on my test is wrong. B: Really? You ought to talk to her after class today. - Must vs. have to My mother isn't feeling well, so I told her that she must go to the doctor. You don't have to wash your clothes by hand. We have a washing machine to do it. Vocabulary - Words and phrases related to the generation gap and family rules: mature, change one's mind ... - Compound nouns: childcare, generation gap ... I. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions. 1. A. focus B. open C. chore D. impose (âm /ɔ:/, các từ còn lại âm /əʊ/) 2. A. generation B. advice C. typical D. elegant (âm /eɪ/, các từ còn lại âm /ə/) 3. A. manners B. conflicts C. objects D. viewpoints (âm /z/, các từ còn lại âm cuối là /t/, khi ở dạng số nhiều, thành âm /s/)) 4. A. decision B. impose C. arise D. organisation (âm /ʒ/, các từ còn lại âm /z/) 5. A. restricted B. obliged C. respected D. beloved (âm /d/, các từ còn lại âm /id/) II. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the position of primary stress in each of the following questions. 1. A. nuclear B. childcare C. respect D. parent (nhấn âm 2, các từ còn lại nhấn âm 1) 2. A. viewpoint B. teenage C. consist D. useful (nhấn âm 2, các từ còn lại nhấn âm 1) 3. A. surrounding B. regardless C. opinion D. mutual (nhấn âm 1, các từ còn lại nhấn âm 2) 4. A. financial B. different C. preference D. history (nhấn âm 2, các từ còn lại nhấn âm 1) 5. A. comfortable B. independent C. explanation D. understanding (nhấn âm 1, các từ còn lại nhấn âm 3)


III. Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the underlined part that needs correction in each of the following sentences. 1. According to the results of a survey which conducted by a USA magazine, there isn't really a generation gap. A B C D (sửa thành "which was conducted") 2. The survey shows that today's generation of young people generally get along well with their parents and A B










appreciate the way they're being risen. C D (sửa thành “being raised”) 3. His parents asked him to buy books which he found them useful and necessary for his study. A B C D (bỏ "them” ra khỏi câu, do đã có “which”) 4. The number of articles published on the generation gap are really amazing. A B C D (sửa thành “is”, chú ý the number of ...") 5. With the discovery of the new material, the equipment are greatly improved. A B C D (sửa thành is", "equipment” là danh từ không đếm được) 6. I'm glad to invite to sing a song to you tonight as there is no better occasion. A B C D (sửa thành "to be invited”) 7. The cake would get burnt if it had been left in the oven even two minutes longer. A B C D (câu điều kiện loại III, sửa thành “would have got”) 8. When I found Linda, she was busy to play table tennis with her friend. A B C D (sửa thành "busy playing ...", cấu trúc "to be busy doing something") 9. Her early arrival gave everyone a big surprise as it was typical for her to be late for most occasions. A B C D (sửa thành “of", cấu trúc" typical of somebody to do something”) 10. Sitting at the dinner table with strangers made the kids to be restless and uneasy. A B C D (bỏ “to be” ra khỏi cấu, cấu trúc “make somebody adj”) IV. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following sentences. 1. Most parents expect their children to help them with the ____ chores. A. domestic B. housework C. extended D. homework ("domestic chores” bằng nghĩa với “housework", mang nghĩa “việc nhà”) 2. There are both advantages and disadvantages of living in families with three or four generations, also known as ____ families. A. single-parent B. extended C. nuclear D. crowded (“extended family” là gia đình nhiều thế hệ, so sánh với gia đình 1 thế hệ là "nuclear family") 3. Many teenagers do not like it when their parents impose their decision ____ them. A. in B. on C. at D. to ("impose something on somebody", mang nghĩa “áp đặt ai theo cái gì”) 4. The advantages of the new method really ____ the disadvantages. A. outperform B. outdo C. outweigh D. outgrow (“outweigh”, đọc là /ˌaʊt'weɪ/, có nghĩa “có nhiều hơn”, hay dùng với “advantages” và “disadvantages”) 5. I have a 10 p.m ____. I would be in trouble if I returned home after that time. A. homestay B. conflict C. curfew D. banning ("curfew”, đọc là /'kɜ:rfju:/, mang nghĩa "giờ giới nghiêm”) 6. Students ____ cheat in the exams; it is against the rules. A. must B. have to C. don't have to D. mustn't (“mustn't” hoặc “must not" mang nghĩa “không được phép làm gì”, so sánh với "don't have to” là “không bắt buộc phải làm việc gì”)










7. Students ____ go to school on Sundays; there is no class then. A. must B. have to C. don't have to D. mustn't (xem lại câu 6) 8. This is a closed-book exam, so you ____ use any reference books in the examination room. A. must B. have to C. don't have to D. mustn't (xem lại câu 6) 9. The project work in this semester is optional, so students ____ do it. A. must B. have to C. don't have to D. mustn't (xem lại câu 6) 10. Mr. Hung is a doctor and expects his son to follow ____ his footsteps. A. up B. in C. on D. at (“follow in somebody's footsteps” là cụm thành ngữ, mang nghĩa "theo chân, theo gương”) 11. Parents should be ____ by giving children advice but not imposing their decisions on them. A. like-minded B. narrow-minded C. open-minded D. absent-minded ("open-minded”, mang nghĩa "đầu óc cởi mở”, so sánh với “narrow-minded” là “đầu óc bó hẹp”, “absent-minded” là “đãng trí”, “like-minded” là “suy nghĩ tương tự, cùng ý tưởng") 12. Some young people would like to work in private enterprises whereas some prefer getting a job in ____ companies. A. state-bought B. state-kept C. state-possessed D. state-owned (“state-owned” mang nghĩa “thuộc sở hữu của chính phủ) 13. Parents often claim that ____ and soft drinks are not good for their children's health. A. soft foods B. junk foods C. table foods D. school foods (“junk foods” hoặc “fast foods” là “thức ăn nhanh”) 14. Open communication among parents and children can help create ____ trust. A. dependent B. endless C. mutual D. conflicting (“mutual trust” là cụm collocation, mang nghĩa “sự tin tưởng chung, lẫn nhau”) 15. Many children do not like it when their parents ____ them like little kids. A. treat B. talk C. behave D. tell (treat somebody like something”, đọc là /tri:t/, mang nghĩa "đối xử với ai đó theo cách nào đó”) 16. Conflicts may ____ when parents and children do not share the same interests in music or arts. A. rise B. raise C. arise D. climb (lưu ý từ “conflicts”, “mâu thuẫn”, sẽ đi với động từ “arise”, “xuất hiện”) 17. To many children, playing computer games is a form of ____. A. relax B. relaxingly C. relaxation D. relaxed (“relaxation”, đọc là / ri:læk'seɪʃn/, nghĩa “sự giải trí, thư giãn”) 18. Tina considers herself lucky when her parents are quite sympathetic ____ her and offer her valuable advice. A. about B. to C. in D. with ("be sympathetic with somebody”, đọc là /,sɪmpə'θetɪk/, nghĩa “cảm thông với ai") 19. An important rule in Tim's family is that they have to pay ____ visits to their grandparents in the countryside. A. customary B. normal C. usual D. regular (“pay regular visits to somebody”, nghĩa “ghé thăm ai thường xuyên”) 20. Tim's parents were so strict; they didn't let him computer games. A. play B. playing C. to play D. be playing (cấu trúc “let somebody V-bare”, “cho phép/để ai làm việc gì”) 21. Some teenagers are so stubborn and refuse to ____ their parents' advice. A. receive B. bring C. follow D. regard (“follow somebody's advice”, nghĩa “nghe theo lời khuyên của ai)










22. David is so naughty a boy that his teachers often complain ____ his parents about his misbehavior at school. A. to B. for C. about D. on ("complain to somebody about something", mang nghĩa “phàn nàn với ai về việc gì”) 23. Nick had to leave the party early as his parents did not ____ him to go home later than 23:00. A. let B. make C. forbid D. allow (“allow somebody to do something”, mang nghĩa “cho phép ai làm việc gì”) 24. Kiddy's mom is always complaining that she did not lift a finger to help ____ the housework. A. for B. to C. with D. at ("help somebody with something”, mang nghĩa "giúp đỡ ai làm việc gì”) 25. Susan takes great ____ in talking about how sympathetic her parents are. A. please B. pleasant C. pleasantry D. pleasure (“take (great) pleasure in doing something”, mang nghĩa “thích làm việc gì”) 26. They will open a supermarket in the residential area ____ there are a lot of families. A. what B. which C. where D. when (“where” thay cho “residential area”, chỉ nơi chốn) 27. The Brown are a new family here. They don't know where the largest market is ____. A. located B. standing C. lied D. situating (“to be located” mang nghĩa “có vị trí ở đâu”) 28. Helen's parents used to take her to school by bike, ____? A. didn't they B. did they C. used they D. aren't they ("used to V-inf” được coi như động từ thường, phần tag question sẽ là “didn't they") 29. There was so much noise that the speaker could not make himself ____. A. heard B. to hear C. hearing D. being heard ("make somebody heard”, “làm cho ai được nghe”, mang nghĩa “nói đủ lớn để người khác nghe được") 30. The Blacks are ____ family in the little town. A. the possible richest B. the much richest C. the richest by far D. by far the richest (“by far”, mang nghĩa “cho tới thời điểm hiện tại”, sẽ đứng sau "to be" và đứng trước các thành phần khác trong câu) V. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following sentences. 1. It is believed that conflicts between parents and children can be resolved by means of heart-to-heart talks. A. agreements B. disagreements C. differences D. similarities ("conflict”, đọc là /'kɑ:nfɪkt/, mang nghĩa “sự mâu thuẫn”, gần nghĩa với "disagreement”, đọc là / diso'grirmont, mang nghĩa “sự bất đồng”) 2. Domestic problems such as arguments with parents may distract children from schoolwork and lead to poor academic results. A. relating to money B. within the family C. involving violence D. within the country ("domestic", đọc là /də'mestɪk/, có thể mang nghĩa trong gia đình" hoặc "nội địa”, trong ngữ cảnh này chọn câu B) 3. It's typical of young teens to pursue fashion styles and music tastes different from those of their parents. A. rare B. characteristic C. surprising D. open (“typical”, gần nghĩa với “characteristic", đọc là /ˌkærəktə'rɪstɪk/, mang nghĩa “đặc trưng”, “điển hình”) 4. While parents may be more experienced in life, they should not impose their decision on their children. A. reject B. deny C. accept D. force (“impose something on somebody", đọc là /ɪm'poʊz/, gần nghĩa với “force something on somebody”, mang nghĩa "áp đặt cái gì với ai”) 5. Living under the same roof with several generations can be frustrating because of the lack of space and privacy.










A. delightful B. angry C. annoying D. demanding (“frustrating”, đọc là /'frʌstreɪtɪŋ/, sẽ gần nghĩa với “annoying”, mang nghĩa “gây khó chịu”) VI. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to each of the following sentences. 1. It is not necessary for Alice to do all the housework. A. Alice must not do all the housework. B. Alice should not do all the housework. C. Alice doesn't have to do all the housework. D. Alice doesn't have to do the unnecessary housework. ("not necessary for somebody to do something” và “doesn't/don't have to do something” cùng mang nghĩa “không cần thiết phải làm việc gì”). 2. It was wrong of you to scare your brother like that. A. You must not scare your brother like that. B. You ought not to have scared your brother like that. C. You should have scared your brother like that. D. You should not scare your brother like that. ("ought not to have V-3" và “should not have V-3” cùng mang nghĩa “đúng ra không nên làm gì”, dùng cho những việc đã làm sai) 3. It is against the school rules to cheat in the test. A. You don't have to cheat in the test. B. You must cheat in the test. C. You must not cheat in the test. D. You have to cheat in the test. (“must not + V-bare” mang nghĩa “không được phép làm việc gì”, lưu ý cụm “It is against the rules ..." mang nghĩa “trái luật”) 4. It is necessary for young people to consult their parents about future career. A. Young people don't have to consult their parents about future career. B. Young people ought not to consult their parents about future career. C. Young people should have consulted their parents about future career. D. Young people must consult their parents about future career. ("It is necessary for somebody to do something” mang nghĩa “cần thiết phải làm việc gì”, sẽ gần nghĩa với "must + V-bare") 5. Youngsters should confide their problems to their parents for sound solutions. A. It is advisable for youngsters to confide their problems to their parents for sound solutions. B. It is obligatory for youngsters to confide their problems to their parents for sound solutions. C. It is illegal for youngsters to confide their problems to their parents for sound solutions. D. It is optional for youngsters to confide their problems to their parents for sound solutions. ("It is advisable for somebody to do something", đọc là /əd'vaɪzəbl/, mang nghĩa “nên làm gì”) VII. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the sentence that best combines each pair of sentences given. 1. You shouldn't be worried. You have prepared carefully for the test. A. You shouldn't be worried, and you have prepared carefully for the test. B. You shouldn't be worried, or you have prepared carefully for the test. C. You shouldn't be worried, for you have prepared carefully for the test. D. You shouldn't be worried, but you have prepared carefully for the test. ("for" trong ngữ cảnh này bằng với “since”, “as” hoặc “because”, diễn tả nguyên nhân) 2. The kids like Sundays. They don't have to get up early then. A. The kids like Sundays if they don't have to get up early then. B. The kids like Sundays although they don't have to get up early then. C. The kids like Sundays so that they don't have to get up early then. D. The kids like Sundays since they don't have to get up early then.










("since" diễn tả lí do tại sao trẻ em thích ngày chủ nhật) 3. Some parents and children have different tastes in music. They have different taste in fashion, too. A. Some parents and children have different tastes in both music and fashion. B. Some parents and children have different tastes in either music or fashion. C. Some parents and children have different tastes in neither music nor fashion. D. Some parents and children have different tastes in music but not fashion. (“both A and B” mang nghĩa là “cả A và B”) 4. His parents don't like some of his friends. His friends wear too flashy clothes. A. His parents don't like some of his friends despite their too flashy clothes. B. His parents don't like some of his friends because of their too flashy clothes. C. His parents don't like some of his friends but for their flashy clothes. D. His parents don't like some of his friends without their too flashy clothes. (“because” diễn tả nguyên nhân tại sao “ba mẹ anh ta không thích một vài người bạn của anh ta") 5. Sue does not help her parents with the housework. She is so irresponsible. A. Sue is so irresponsible that she cannot help her parents with the housework. B. Sue is not responsible enough to help her parents with the housework. C. Sue is so responsible a girl that she cannot help her parents with the housework. D. It is irresponsible of Sue not to help her parents with the housework. ("It is irresponsible of somebody not to do something", cấu trúc này mang nghĩa “ại đó vô trách nhiệm khi không làm việc gì”) VIII. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks. Generation gap refers to a vast difference in cultural norms between a younger generation and their elders. It's a distressing thing for the phenomenon (1) ____ occurs around the world. The (2) ____ of communication, different views on certain problems and different attitudes towards life may cause the generation gap or even widen it. First, one of the major factors for this misunderstanding between two generations is that parents and children lack communication. Young people (3) ____ reveal their feelings to their parents, and often complain that their parents are out of (4) ____ with modern days, that they are dominant, that they do not trust their children to deal with crises, and that they talk too much about certain problems. So when young people meet some problems, they would rather (5) ____ to their classmates or their friends for help. The lack of communication widens the generation gap. Another factor is that parents and their children see almost everything from different (6) ____. Take choosing career as an example. Parents generally believe it is their responsibility to plan the career for their children. Some hope their children will (7) ____ professions that will bring them greatest prestige and economic benefits. Some hope children will have a stable job with a regular income. But the youth may think they should be free to (8) ____ their own decisions as to their future career. Young people explain that true success is not a matter of money or position, instead, it is a matter of self-fulfillment. Finally, with the change of the world over decades, the attitude of the young has altered too. There are differences in (9) ____ matters as musical tastes, fashions, drug use, sex and politics between the young people and their elders. Nowadays long hair on young males is viewed as fashion by the young, but it is frequently considered a shocking act of rebellion against (10) ____ norms by parents. 1. A. which B. who C. whom D. what (từ “which” thay cho chữ “phenomenon” trước nó) 2. A. deficiency B. shortage C. lack D. inadequacy (Xét cấu trúc, "shortage”, “inadequacy” và “lack" đều thỏa mãn, nhưng về ngữ cảnh chỉ có “lack” phù hợp) 3. A. sometimes B. always C. often D. seldom ("seldom” mang nghĩa “hiếm khi”, lưu ý cầu trước đó,"... parents and children lack communication")










4. A. mind B. reach C. depth D. touch (“out of touch” mang nghĩa “không có tiếp xúc với cái gì”) 5. A. turn B. turning C. to turn D. to have turned ("would rather + V-bare") 6. A. opinions B. perspectives C. scopes D. visions (“from different perspectives”, “từ những góc nhìn khác nhau...) 7. A. come in for B. go in for C. go down with D. come up with ("go in for something” mang nghĩa “làm điều gì thường xuyên, yêu thích điều gì”) 8. A. make B. do C. build D. create (“make decisions” là kết hợp từ phù hợp) 9. A. the B. so C. such D. those (cấu trúc "such ... as ...") 10. A. society B. sociable C. social D. socializing ("Social norms” là cụm collocation, mang nghĩa “chuẩn mực xã hội”) IX. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions. It is natural for young people to be critical of their parents at times and to blame them for most of the misunderstandings between them. They have always complained, more or less justly, that their parents are oldfashioned, possessive and dominant; that they do not trust their children to deal with obstacles; that they talk too much about certain problems and that they have no sense of humor, at least in parent-child relationships. I think it is true that parents often underestimate their teenage children and also forget how they themselves felt when young. Young people often irritate their parents with their choices in clothes and hairstyles, in entertainers and music. This is not their motive. They feel cut off from the adult world into which they have not yet been accepted. So they create a culture and society of their own. Then, if it turns out that their music or entertainers or vocabulary or clothes or hairstyles irritate their parents, this gives them additional enjoyment. They feel they are superior, at least in a small way, and that they are leaders in style and taste. Sometimes you are resistant and proud because you do not want your parents to approve of what you do. If they did approve, it looks as if you are betraying your own age group. But in that case, you are assuming that you are the underdog: you can you can keep your honor. This is a passive way of looking at things. It is natural enough after long years of childhood, when you were completely under your parents' control. But it ignores the fact that you are now beginning to be responsible for yourself. If you plan to control your life, co-operation can be part of that plan. You can charm others, especially parents, into doing things the ways you want. You can impress others with your sense of responsibility and initiative, so that they will give you the authority to do what you want to do. 1. What is paragraph 1 mainly about? A. The teenagers' criticism of their parents B. Misunderstandings between teenagers and their parents C. The dominance of the parents over their children D. The teenagers' ability to deal with difficulty (ý chính của đoạn 1 là “sự chỉ trích của người vị thành niên dành cho bậc phụ huynh”) 2. According to paragraph 2, teenagers tend to have strange clothes and hairstyles because they ____. A. want to show their existence by creating a culture of their own B. have a strong desire to be leaders in style and taste C. have no other way to enjoy themselves better D. want to irritate their parents (chú ý đoạn 2, "They feel cut off from the adult world into which they have not yet been accepted. So they create a culture and society of their own")










3. The word "superior" in the passage is closest in meaning to ____. A. passive B. dominant C. advantageous D. updated ("superior to somebody", đọc là /su: pirior/, mang nghĩa “tốt hơn, có quyền lực hơn ai đó”, bằng với “dominant”, đọc là /datminant/) 4. Teenagers do not want their parents to approve of whatever they do because they ____. A. have already been accepted into the adult world B. are not likely to win over the adults C. have a desire to be independent D. feel that they are superior in a small way to the adults (chú ý đoạn 3, "you are assuming that you are the underdog: you can't win but at least you can keep your honor") 5. To improve parent-child relationships, teenagers are advised to be ____. A. obedient B. responsible C. co-operative D. independent ("Co-operative”, mang nghĩa “mang tính hợp tác”, chú ý đoạn cuối, “If you plan to control your life, cooperation can be part of that plan") X. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions. There are many types of family systems around the world. In North America and northern Europe, the nuclear family (with two generations - a father, a mother and one or more children) is often seen as the most typical. In contrast, in most other parts of the world, extended families, which include other family members such as grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins, are seen as the norm. The common view is that the nuclear family has become the norm in many Western societies as a result of industrialization and urbanization. This trend began in the late eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, when people were forced to move to cities to find work in the factories that sprang up during the Industrial Revolution. In the twentieth century, greater industrialization resulted in even more people leaving their large extended families. Urbanization also meant that people lived in much smaller houses, which were not big enough for an extended family. The trend towards nuclear families meant that many of the duties and responsibilities of a family, such as providing food and shelter, cleaning the home, preparing the food, caring for children and their education, and caring for the sick and elderly are no longer shared among the members of the extended family. The parents (or parent) now have to do this, with some help from the state. However, this is the price that people pay for the higher standard of living that may come from living in a city. We may think we know what we mean by a ‘nuclear' family and an extended family, but reality is more complicated than most people believe. Most nuclear families are part of extended families: children have grandparents and, in many cases, aunts, uncles and cousins as well. Part of what makes them ‘nuclear' is that they live in their own separate household, but it is not the whole story. In Greece or Italy, for example, a nuclear family may live in its own flat, but the extended family may live in the same apartment block or in the same street and family members see each other and even eat together every day. There is at least one more factor to consider. Family members may be separated from each other by geographical distance, but they may have close emotional ties. Even in North America and northern Europe, grandparents usually have close bonds with their grandchildren, and families often travel long distances so that they can see each other. Grandparents often help their adult children, for example, by cooking and looking after their children in emergencies. In the same way, when their parents become too old to live on their own, adult children may take them into their own homes. As a result, they turn their nuclear family into an extended family. The structure of families changes over time. The effects of urbanization and industrialization are enormous, but they are not the only reasons for the changes. People marry, have children, become widowed, divorce and die. Children grow up and adults grow old. Nuclear families become extended families and










extended families become nuclear families. Family ties stay strong or become weak. One thing is certain: in a changing world, the family will continue to change, but ultimately, it is likely to continue to be the basic unit of society. 1. According to paragraph 1, the nuclear family is seen as the most common in ____. A. all parts of the world B. most places except North America C. most places except northern Europe D. north America and northern Europe (chú ý đoạn 1," In North America and northern Europe, the nuclear family (with two generations - a father, a mother and one or more children) is often seen as the most typical") 2. The word "norm" in the passage mostly means ____. A. standard B. exception C. law D. story ("norm” hoặc “standard” mang nghĩa "chuẩn mực”) 3. What made the nuclear family become the norm? A. Higher living standard B. Reduction of land C. Higher prices of food and shelter D. Industrialization and urbanization (chú ý đoạn 2, "The common view is that the nuclear family has become the norm in many Western societies as a result of industrialization and urbanization") 4. The word "sprang up" in the passage is closest in meaning to ____. A. declined B. widened C. expanded D. prolonged ("spring up” hoặc “expand” mang nghĩa “mở rộng ra") 5. According to the passage, which of the following is NOT true about nuclear families? A. They are isolated from their extended families. B. They often live in their separate household. C. They often live in smaller houses. D. They have fewer members to share family duties. (chú ý đoạn 4, "Most nuclear families are part of extended families: children have grandparents and, in many cases, aunts, uncles and cousins as well") 6. The word "ties" in the passage is closest in meaning to ____. A. expressions B. connections C. selections D. similarities (ties","connections” mang nghĩa “sự kết nối”, một từ gần nghĩa khác là “bonds...) 7. The word "their" in the passage refers to ____. A. grandparents' B. adult children's C. emergencies' D. distances' (chú ý đoạn 5, "Grandparents often help their adult children, for example, by cooking and looking after their children in emergencies") 8. In what way can a nuclear family be turned into an extended household? A. Children can help their parents prepare meals. B. Adult children take care of their parents in emergencies. C. Grandparents come to live with their adult children when becoming too old. D. Grandparents help adult children with the housework and in emergencies. (chú ý đoạn 5, “In the same way, when their parents become too old to live on their own, adult children may take them into their own homes. As a result, they turn their nuclear family into an extended family.") 9. Which of the following is NOT stated in the passage? A. Members of extended families may have strong emotional bonds. B. Changes to family structure will become increasingly fast in the future. C. Urbanization and Industrialization are not the only reason for changes in the family structure. D. However the changes may be, families are likely to be the fundamentals of the society. ("Changes to family structure will become increasingly fast in the future.", chú ý đoạn cuối có đề cập đến sự thay đổi, nhưng không nói “sẽ thay đổi nhanh chóng”)










10. Which of the following best serves as the title for the passage? A. Types of family system in the world B. The popularity of extended families C. Changes in family structure D. Similarities of nuclear and extended families (ý chung của cả bài là sự thay đổi trong cấu trúc gia đình, gia đình hạt nhân “nuclear family" và gia đình nhiều thế hệ “extended family")











Phonetics Contracted forms: nouns/ pronouns ... + verbs; verbs + not Grammar - Linking verbs: be, seem ..., verbs of perception She remains faithful, even though it has been two years since he left. Yesterday's homework seemed extra hard after we hadn't had any for several days. - Cleft sentences: It is/ was ... who/ that ... It is my mother that/ who makes important decisions in my family. It was because she was so lonely all the time that she decided to move out. A: Didn't we meet at this bar? B: No, it was that karaoke bar in the street corner that we met for the first time. Don't you remember? I. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the position of primary stress in each of the following questions. 1. A. online B. opposite C. concentrate D. romantic (âm /əʊ/, các từ còn lại âm /ɒ/) 2. A. dating B. caring C. same D. relation (âm /eə/, các từ còn lại âm /eɪ/) 3. A. school B. soon C. book D. noon (âm /ʊ/, các từ còn lại âm /u:/) 4. A. drop B. reconcile C. confide D. apology (âm /ɒ/, các từ còn lại âm /ə/) 5. A. judge B. engage C. apology D. together (âm /ɡ/, các từ còn lại âm /ʒ/) II. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the position of primary stress in each of the following questions. 1. A. friendship B. dating C. involve D. single (nhấn âm 2, các từ còn lại nhấn âm 1) 2. A. concentrate B. romantic C. relation D. engaging (nhấn âm 1, các từ còn lại nhấn âm 2) 3. A. sympathetic B. relationship C. apology D. initiative (nhấn âm 3, các từ còn lại nhấn âm 2) 4. A. engage B. confide C. accept D. offer (nhấn âm 1, các từ còn lại nhấn âm 2) 5. A. depress B. involve C. listen D. become (nhấn âm 1, các từ còn lại nhấn âm 2) III. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the underlined part that needs correction in each of the following sentences. 1. It was the shop near my school that I bought these shirts and accessories. A B C D (Sửa thành “It was at the shop” - ở đây nhấn mạnh trạng từ chỉ nơi chốn) 2. It was last Saturday which my brother bought his new car from our neighbour. A B C D (Sửa thành “when") 3. Which happened was that their car broke down on the motorway so they didn't get to Jo's wedding on time. A B C D










(Sửa thành “What") 4. Under the floor at 23 Robin Hood Road is the place which the jewels are hidden. A B C D (Sửa thành “where”) 5. It is only families that people receive unconditional love and care from parents. A B C D (Sửa thành “It is in families” ở đây nhấn mạnh trạng từ chỉ nơi chốn) IV. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following sentences. 1. The fifth generation computers, with artificial intelligence, ____ and perfected now. A. developed B. have developed C. are being developed D. will have been developed (thể bị động ở thì “Hiện tại tiếp diễn”, có từ chỉ thời gian là “now”) 2. This ticket ____ you to a free meal in our new restaurant. A. gives B. grants C. entitles D. credits (“entitle” có nghĩa là "cho phép”) 3. You ____ her in her office last Friday; she's been out of town for two weeks. A. needn't have seen B. must have seen C. might have seen D. can't have seen (vế “She's been out of town for two weeks" mang tính chất chắc chắn, do đó chúng ta cần phải chọn từ “can't” - mang tính chất chắc chắn nhất) 4. That was so serious a matter that I had no choice but ____ the police A. called in B. calling in C. call in D. to call in (have no choice but + to V - nhấn mạnh một hành động gì đó) 5. She was so ____ in her job that she didn't hear anybody knocking at the door. A. attracted B. absorbed C. drawn D. concentrated (“absorbed” mang nghĩa là “mải mê”) 6. ____ as it was at such a time, his work attracted much attention. A. Being published B. Published C. Publishing D. to be published (Quá khứ phân từ, dạng bị động thay thế cho chủ ngữ “his work”) 7. At first, the speaker was referring to the problem of pollution in the country, but halfway in her speech, she suddenly ____ to another subject. A. committed B. switched C. favoured D. transmitted ("switch to” là chuyển sang cái gì đó) 8. It is politely requested by the hotel management that radios ____ after 11 o'clock at night. A. were not played B. not to play C. not be played D. did not play (thể bị động “be played”) 9. Although I like the appearance of the house, what really made me decide to buy it was the beautiful ____ from the window. A. vision B. look C. picture D. view ("view" mang nghĩa là quang cảnh) 10. Cancer is second only ____ heart disease as a cause of death. A. of B. to C. with D. from ("second only to” mang nghĩa là ít quan trọng hơn cái gì đó) 11. Despite the wonderful acting and well-developed plot the ____ movie could not hold our attention. A. three-hours B. three-hour C. three-hours' D. three-hour's ("three-hour movie” mang nghĩa là một bộ phim dài 3 giờ, tính từ kép) 12. The manager needs an assistant that he can ____ to take care of problems in his absence. A. count on B. count in C. count up D. count out ("Count on” nghĩa là “tin cậy vào”)










13. The organization had broken no rules, but ____ had it acted responsibly. A. neither B. so C. either D. both (“neither” mang nghĩa là “Không cái nào”, neither đứng đầu câu sẽ có đảo ngữ "had it acted...") 14. We gave out a cheer when the red roof of the cottage came ____view. A. from B. in C. before D. into (“come into view” có nghĩa là “trở nên rõ ràng, nhìn thấy được") 15. They took ____ measures to prevent poisonous gases from escaping. A. fruitful B. beneficial C. valid D. effective (“take effective measures” là cụm Collocation, Có nghĩa “thực hiện giải pháp hiệu quả”) 16. Doing your homework is a sure way to improve your test scores, and this is especially true ____ it comes to classroom tests. A. when B. since C. before D. after ("when it comes to sth” là cụm idiom, có nghĩa “khi đề cập tới cái gì đó”) 17. Careful Surveys have indicated that as many as 50 percent of patients do not take drugs ____ directed. A. like B. so C. which D. as (“as directed” là cụm từ, có nghĩa là “như được chỉ dẫn”) 18. In developing countries people are ____ into overcrowded cities in great numbers. A. breaking B. filling C. pouring D. hurrying (“pour into” là cụm động từ, có nghĩa “tràn vào với một số lượng lớn”) 19. It's reported that by the end of this month the output of cement in the factory ____ by about 10%. A. will have risen B. has risen C. will be rising D. has been rising (cụm từ “by the end of this month” cho một thời điểm xác định trong tương lai, dùng thì tương lai hoàn thành) 20. if I had remembered ____ the window, the thief would not have got in. A. to close B. closing C. to have closed D. having closed ("remember to do sth” có nghĩa “không quên làm một việc gì đó”) 21. There are other problems which I don't propose to ____ at the moment. A. go into B. go around C. go for D. go up (“go into” là một cụm động từ, có nghĩa “thảo luận việc gì đó kĩ hơn") 22. Don't get your schedule ____; stay with us in this class. A. to change B. changed C. changing D. change (“get sth + V-ing” là một cấu trúc Có nghĩa “làm cho việc gì / cái gì bắt đầu làm việc gì khác”) 23. It is quite necessary for a qualified teacher to have good manners and ____ knowledge. A. extensive B. expansive C. intensive D. expensive ("extensive knowledge” là một cụm collocation, có nghĩa “kiến thức bao la") 24. Jean doesn't want to work right away because she thinks that if she ____ a job she probably wouldn't be able to see her friends very often. A. has not get B. were to get C. had got D. could have got (“were to + V-inf" là cấu trúc câu điều kiện, nhấn mạnh chuyện gì đó không có khả năng xảy ra) 25. I felt somewhat disappointed and was about to leave, ____ something occurred which attracted my attention. A. unless B. until C. when D. while (“when something occurred” là một cụm từ, có nghĩa “khi chuyện gì đó xảy ra”) 26. A love marriage, however, does not necessarily ____ much sharing of interests and responsibilities. A. take over B. result in C. hold on D. keep to ("result in” là một cụm động từ, có nghĩa “làm cho một chuyện gì đó xảy ra”) 27. The ability to store knowledge makes computers different from every other machine ____ invented. A. ever B. thus C. yet D. as ("ever” có nghĩa “đã từng”, nhấn mạnh cho máy tính, phù hợp với nghĩa của câu)










28. I'm not sure whether I can gain any profit from the investment, so I can't make a(n) ____ promise to help you. A. exact B. defined C. definite D. sure ("definite promise” là một cụm collocation, có nghĩa “lời hứa chắc chắn") 29. I have kept that portrait ____ I can see it every day, as it always reminds me of my university days in London. A. which B. where C. whether D. when (đại từ quan hệ chỉ vị trí cho “that portrait") 30. The sports meet, originally due to be held last Friday, was finally ____ because of the bad weather. A. set off B. broken off C. worn off D. called off (“call sth off" là một cụm động từ, có nghĩa “huỷ bỏ") V. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following sentences. 1. The milk in the fridge smell awful; don't drink it. A. fantastic B. terrible C. strange D. normal ("awful” nghĩa là “tồi tệ", sẽ trái nghĩa với “fantastic", mang nghĩa là “tuyệt vời”) 2. Flowers of this kind grow very quickly if there is enough warmth and sunshine. A. fast B. well C. slowly D. easily (“quickly” nghĩa là "một cách nhanh chóng”, sẽ trái nghĩa với “slowly", mang nghĩa “một cách chậm rãi”) 3. It is unreasonable to judge those who dye their hair as naughty and unreliable. A. illogical B. logical C. positive D. negative (“unreasonable” nghĩa là “không hợp lí", sẽ trái nghĩa với “logical”, mang nghĩa là “hợp lí, có lí”) 4. Jonas was so poor that he had to drop out of school and started working as a waiter in the local restaurant. A. continue working B. stop working C. continue to study D. stop learning ("drop out of school” có nghĩa là “ngừng học”, sẽ trái nghĩa với "continue to study”, mang nghĩa là “tiếp tục việc học”) 5. Several governments now encourage young people to take part in dating events. A. discourage B. advise C. distract D. enable ("encourage” có nghĩa là “khuyến khích, khích lệ”, sẽ trái nghĩa với “discourage”, mang nghĩa là “làm nản lòng, ngăn cản”) VI. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to each of the following sentences. 1. His classmates don't like him because of his poor manner. A. His classmates have poor manner so they don't like him. B. It is because of their poor manner that his classmates don't like him. C. It was because of his poor manner that his classmates disliked him. D. It is his poor manner that makes him unpopular among his classmates. (“It is his poor manner” mang nghĩa tương đương “because of his poor manner”, câu viết lại sẽ viết theo cấu trúc Nguyên nhân- Kết quả, và “that makes" diễn tả kết quả của một việc đã được đề cập) 2. I found the lost ring in the garden, not anywhere else. A. It was the ring that I lost in the garden. B. It was in the garden that I found the lost ring. C. It was I who found the lost ring in the garden. D. It was the lost ring that I found in the garden. (“not anywhere else” nhấn mạnh việc “the lost ring” được tìm thấy trong “the garden”, do đó “It was in the garden”, nhấn mạnh cho nơi chốn tìm thấy "the lost ring")










3. John didn't buy an ipad, but a new laptop yesterday. A. It was John who bought a new Ipad yesterday. B. It was an Ipad that John bought yesterday. C. It was a new laptop that John bought yesterday. D. It was yesterday that John bought a new laptop. (“It was a new laptop” mang ý nhấn mạnh cho túc từ a new laptop”) 4. "Let's tell Dad about our problem” said Carol to Tony. A. Carol ordered Tony to tell Dad about their problem. B. Carol suggested telling Dad about their problem. C. Carol forbid Tony to tell Dad about their problem. D. Carol allowed Tony to tell Dad about their problem. (“Let's” và “suggest + V-ing” đều mang nghĩa là “hãy làm việc gì” ) 5. "You should open up and tell our teacher about your situation" - said Maria to Victor. A. Maria advised Victor to open up and tell their teacher about his situation. B. Maria forbid Victor to open up and tell their teacher about his situation. C. Maria forced Victor to open up and tell their teacher about his situation. D. Maria allowed Victor to open up and tell their teacher about his situation. ("should” mang nghĩa là “nên làm điều gì”, đồng nghĩa với động từ "advise” mang nghĩa là “Khuyên ai đó nên làm điều gì”) VII. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the sentence that best combines each pair of sentences given. 1. Lucy's friends made fun of her. Her grades were poor. A. Lucy's friends made fun of her, so her grades were poor. B. Lucy's friends made fun of her, but her grades were poor. C. Lucy's friends made fun of her because her grades were poor. D. Lucy's friends made fun of her so that her grades were poor. ("because" diễn tả nguyên nhân) 2. His girlfriend left him. He felt depressed. A. His girlfriend left him, but he felt depressed. B. His girlfriend left him, for he felt depressed. C. His girlfriend left him, so he felt depressed. D. His girlfriend left him, yet he felt depressed. (“so” diễn tả kết quả của việc bạn gái rời bỏ anh ta) 3. I can't speak three languages fluently. My friend can. A. It was my friend who could speak three languages fluently. B. It is three languages that my friend and I can speak fluently. C. Though speaking three languages, my friend is not fluent at them. D. It is my friend who can speak three languages fluently. ("It is my friend who" là cấu trúc, nhấn mạnh vào chủ từ “bạn của tôi" cho mệnh đề sau) 4. Tina does not want to become a lawyer. She wants to become a counselor. A. It is a lawyer, not a counselor that Tina wants to become. B. It is Tina who wants to become a counselor not a lawyer. C. It is Tina who wants to become a lawyer not a counselor. D. It is a counselor, not a lawyer that Tina wants to become. ("It is a counselor" nhấn mạnh cho việc làm tư vấn viên, cụm từ “not a lawyer” phủ định cho việc làm luật sư) 5. Boys and girls can't be real friends. Tara's grandmother thinks so. A. Tara's grandmother finds it impossible for boys and girls to be real friends. B. Tara's grandmother makes it impossible for boys and girls to be real friends.










C. Tara's grandmother finds it possible for boys and girls to be real friends. D. Tara's grandmother makes it possible for boys and girls to be real friends. (cấu trúc “find sth impossible for sb to do sth” có nghĩa “thấy việc gì đó không có khả năng xảy ra”, đồng nghĩa với chữ “can't be”) VIII. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks. CLOSE FRIENDS British people have a reputation for being rather quiet and reserved. However, a new study has (1) ____ that Britons are actually quite sociable and the (2) ____ person claims to have 14 close friends. Although a minority of those questioned (3) ____ that they had no best friend, a quarter said that they had more than 18 close friends. Experts said that this is (4) ____ to changes in the way people (5) ____ their free time. They are now more (6) ____ to invite friends to their homes or go out socialising than previous generations. The increasing use of mobile phones and emails has also made it easier to (7) ____ a greater number of friendships. Men's relationships are not (8) ____ though they tend to have more friends. Women, (9) ____ prefer to have a small number of friends they can trust (10) ____, and with whom they can feel completely at (11) ____. The idea that people in the north of England are more neighbourly than those in the south seems to be backed (12) ____ by the survey. However, despite having friends, it seems that family still (13) ____ an important part in most people's lives. When asked who they would (14) ____ to for help if they were ill or had a problem, the majority said that they would (15) ____ upon a relative first rather than a friend. 1. A. exposed B. revealed C. presented D. remarked ("revealed” nghĩa là "tiết lộ, cho thấy dược”, đi ghép với danh từ “study" ở đây nghĩa là “nghiên cứu”) 2. A. usual B. common C. average D. medium ("average” nghĩa là “bình thường”, đi ghép với danh từ “person”; các từ còn lại không đi với danh từ “person”) 3. A. admitted B. apologised C. accused D. allowed ("admitted” nghĩa là “thừa nhận rằng”, phù hợp với nghĩa cho câu tiếp theo “that they had no best friend") 4. A. because B. due C. result D. as ("due to” là cụm từ đồng nghĩa với “bởi vì”. Các từ còn lại không phù hợp về nghĩa) 5. A. pass B. apply C. accept D. spend ("spend time” là một cụm từ, có nghĩa dành thời gian”) 6. A. probable B. likely C. sure D. certain (“likely to do sth” là một cấu trúc, mang nghĩa “có lẽ, có thể sẽ làm chuyện gì đó”) 7. A. go with B. keep up with C. carry through D. get on (“keep up with” là một cụm động từ, Có nghĩa là “bắt kịp với...”) 8. A. long B. big C. deep D. high (“deep” có nghĩa là "sâu đậm”, đi với từ “relationship”; các từ còn lại không phù hợp) 9. A. in particular B. in effect C. on the whole D. on the other hand (“on the other hand” là cụm mang nghĩa “trái lại”; các cụm khác không phù hợp về mặt nghĩa) 10. A. really B. totally C. quite D. lots ("totally" có nghĩa là “hoàn toàn”; các từ còn lại không phù hợp về nghĩa) 11. A. comfort B. calm C. ease D. relaxation ("at ease” là thành ngữ, có nghĩa là “thoải mái”) 12. A. out B. in C. through D. up (“back up” là cụm động từ, Có nghĩa là "ủng hộ”, đồng nghĩa với động từ "support) 13. A. gives B. provides C. makes D. plays ("play an important part in sth” là một cụm từ có nghĩa là “đóng một vai trò quan trọng trong việc gì”) 14. A. turn B. apply C. contact D. request










(“turn to sb for help” có nghĩa là “tìm kiếm sự giúp đỡ từ ai đó”) 15. A. go B. call C. send D. as ("call upon sb” là cụm động từ có nghĩa là “kêu ai đó làm điều gì”) IX. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions. You depend on all the people closely around to give you the warm feeling of belongingness that you must have to feel secure. But, in fact, the members of all the groups to which you belong also depend on you to give that feeling to them. A person who shows that he wants everything for himself is bound to be a lonely wolf. The need for companionship is closely related to the need for a sense of belongingness. How sad and lonely your life would be if you had no one to share your feelings and experiences. You may take it for granted that there always will be people around to talk to and to do things with you and for you. The important point, however, is that keeping emotionally healthy does not depend so much upon having people around you as upon your ability to establish relationships that are satisfying both to you and to them. Suppose you are in a crowd watching a football game. You don't know them. When the game is over, you will all go your separate ways. But just for a while you had a feeling of companionship, of sharing the feelings of others who were cheering for the team you wanted to win. An experience of this kind gives the clue to what companionship really is. It depends upon emotional ties of sympathy, understanding, trust, and affection. Companions become friends when these ties are formed. When you are thrown in a new circle of acquaintances, you may not know with whom you will make friends, but you can be sure that you will be able to establish friendships if you show that you really like people. 1. What does paragraph 2 primarily discuss? A. Close link between companionship and belongingness B. How to satisfy other people's needs C. An example of a satisfying relationship D. Difficulties in establishing friendships (Chú ý câu mở đoạn "The need for companionship is closely related to the need for a sense of belongingness.") 2. If you had no one to share your feelings, your life would be ____. A. sad and lonely B. colorful C. busy D. quiet (Chú ý đoạn 2 "How sad and lonely your life would be if you had no one to share your feelings and experiences") 3. The warm feeling of belongingness may give you ____. A. happiness B. a sense of humor C. freedom D. a sense of security (Chú ý đoạn 1 "You depend on all the people closely around to give you the warm feeling of belongingness that you must have to feel secure") 4. The ability to establish fine relations with others will keep you ____. A. a lonely wolf B. emotionally healthy C. a young heart D. beautiful (Chú ý đoạn 2 "The important point, however, is that keeping emotionally healthy does not depend so much upon having people around you as upon your ability to establish relationships that are satisfying both to you and to them.") 5. You will find it hard to make friends with people ____. A. without pity B. who have few words C. without real love for them D. who are very rich (Chú ý đoạn cuối "but you can be sure that you will be able to establish friendships if you show that you really like people.") X. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions.










The benefits of forming friendships with those we meet online are obvious, so why do people still make fun of the idea? Another week, another survey claiming to reveal great truths about ourselves. This one says that (shock horror!) people are increasingly turning 'online friends' into people they'd think worthy of calling real-life friends. Well, that's stating the obvious, I would have thought! If there's a more perfect place for making friends, I have yet to find it. However, when surveys like this are reported in the media, it's always with a slight air of "It's a crazy, crazy world!" And whenever the subject crops up in conversation, it's clear that people look down on friends like these. In fact, some members of my family still refer to my partner of six years as my 'Internet Boyfriend.' It's the shocked reaction that surprises me, as if people on the internet were not 'real' at all. Certainly, people play a character online quite often - they may be a more confident or more argumentative version of their real selves - but what's the alternative? Is meeting people at work so much better than making friends in a virtual world? Perhaps, but for some a professional distance between their 'work' selves and their 'social' selves is necessary, especially if they tend to let their guard down and might say or do something they will later regret. And are people really much more themselves at a party than online? Those people disapproving of online friendships argue that the concept of 'friendship is used loosely in a world driven by technology, in which you might have a thousand online friends. They make a distinction between 'social connections' - acquaintances who are only a click away - and meaningful human interaction, which they say requires time and effort. They note that for many Facebook 'friends', conversation is a way of exchanging information quickly and efficiently rather than being a social activity. With its short sharp updates on what you're thinking 'right now', Facebook has been criticised for encouraging rushed and therefore shallow friendships. This may all have an element of truth. However, I've found that far from being the home of oddballs and potential serial killers, the internet is full of like-minded people. For the first time in history, we're lucky enough to choose friends not by location or luck, but by those who have similar interests and senses of humour, or passionate feelings about the same things. The friends I've made online might be spread wide geographically, but I'm closer to them than anyone I went to school with, by a million miles. They are the best friends I have. And for people like me who might be a little shy - and there are plenty of us about - moving conversations from the net to a coffee shop is a much more natural process than people might expect. After having already made friends online, you can get rid of the social awkwardness that comes with trying to make a friend out of someone you don't know at all. You can enjoy their company when you eventually meet, knowing that you have enough in common to sustain the friendship. The benefit is clear - you cut out all the boring small talk. What could be better? Obviously, there will always be concerns about the dangers of online friendship. There are always stories buzzing around such as 'man runs off with the woman he met on Second Life' or people who meet their 'soulmate' online and are never seen again. But people are people are people, whether online or not. As for 'real' friendship dying out, surely social networking is simply redefining our notion of what this is in the twenty-first century? The figures - half a billion Facebook users worldwide - speak for themselves. And technology has allowed countless numbers of these people to keep in close contact with their loved ones, however far away they are. Without it, many disabled or housebound people might go without social contact at all. Call me naive, call me a social misfit, I don't care. Virtual people make the best real friends. 1. The findings of the survey described in the paragraph 1 are thought to be ____. A. amusing B. ridiculous C. predictable D. impressive (Chú ý câu "Well, that's stating the obvious, I would have thought!") 2. What does "the subject" in the passage refer to? A. surveys B. the media C. real friends D. online friends (Chú ý câu "people are increasingly turning 'online friends' into people they'd think worthy of calling real-life friends" và câu "it's clear that people look down on friends like these")










3. Which of the following is stated about 'real' and 'virtual friendships in paragraph 2? A. There is more chance of making friends online than at a party. B. The first impression is rarely accurate in either kind of friendship. C. There is less pressure to impress 'virtual friends than 'real' friends. D. People should avoid spending free time with their work colleagues. (Câu "people play a character online quite often - they may be a more confident or more argumentative version of their real selves - but what's the alternative?" nói về virtual friendships, câu "but for some a professional distance between their 'work' selves and their social selves is necessary") 4. What does the phrase "let their guard down" in the passage mostly mean? A. like being on their own B. show dislike towards their colleagues C. prefer to spend time away from their work colleagues D. speak or act without worrying about the consequences (“let sb's guard down” là thành ngữ Có nghĩa “trở nên mất cảnh giác bản thân") 5. According to paragraph 3, online friendships are often criticised because ____. A. their purpose is functional rather than social B. the people have no shared history to hold them together C. the more friends people have, the less each one is valued D. the friendship can't be genuine until people meet face to face ("functional" thể hiện qua ý "a way of exchanging information quickly and efficiently"; social thể hiện qua ý "rather than being a social activity") 6. According to paragraph 4, what are the advantages of online friendships? A. It's better to have friends that don't live nearby. B. It's likely that these relationships will last a long time. C. It's valuable for those who don't have any old schoolfriends. D. It's possible to find people with whom you have a lot in common. (Chú ý câu "but by those who have similar interests and senses of humour, or passionate feelings about the same things") 7. Which of the following is implied about meeting up with online friends? A. It's a waste of time. B. It can be difficult to arrange. C. It's easier than meeting complete strangers. D. It can often lead to even stronger friendships. (Chú ý câu "After having already made friends online, you can get rid of the social awkwardness that comes with trying to make a friend out of someone you don't know at all") 8. What is the writer's reaction to fears and warnings about online friendships? A. She accepts there will always be dangers however you make friends. B. She is nervous about the risks but thinks the benefits make it worthwhile. C. She believes that online relationships are safer than face to face friendships. D. She recommends online friendships only for people who can look after themselves. (Chú ý câu "Call me naive, call me a social misfit, I don't care")











LANGUAGE FOCUS Phonetics Sentence stress and rhythm: linking between a consonant and a vowel Grammar To-infinitives after certain adjectives and nouns Obviously we will be much more willing to do the project if we have plenty of spare time. Although the centre is anxious to attract young men and women, this will take some time. The government's long-term objective is to cut CO2 emissions by 30%. The Government has indicated an intention to set up two universities in Inner City areas. Vocabulary Words and phrases related to being independent: self-reliant, decisive, make a decision ... I. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions. 1. A. figure B. decisive C. nice D. advice (âm /ɪ/, các từ còn lại âm /aɪ/) 2. A. ability B. attempt C. admire D. demand (âm /æ/, các từ còn lại âm /ə/) 3. A. permission B. essential C. necessary D. possible (âm /ʃ/, các từ còn lại âm /s/) 4. A. recently B. decision C. decisive D. responsible (âm /ʒ/, các từ còn lại âm /s/) 5. A. developed B. approached C. wished D. pleased (âm /d/, các từ còn lại âm /t/) II. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the position of primary stress in each of the following questions. 1. A. reliant B. decisive C. determined D. possible (nhấn âm 1, các từ còn lại nhấn âm 2) 2. A demand B. offer C. attempt D. request (nhấn âm 1, các từ còn lại nhấn âm 2) 3. A. approach B. figure C. advice D. rely (nhấn âm 1, các từ còn lại nhấn âm 2) 4. A. prioritise B. decisiveness C. unwillingness D. necessary (nhấn âm 1, các từ còn lại nhấn âm 2) 5. A. difficult B. interesting C. ambitious D. probable (nhấn âm 2, các từ còn lại nhấn âm 1) III. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the underlined part that needs correction in each of the following sentences. 1. Neither the clerks nor the department manager are being considered for promotion this time. A B C D (sửa thành “is", trong cấu trúc “neither ... nor ...” thì động từ được chia theo chủ ngữ đứng thứ 2) 2. Not until his mother passed away then he realized how important she was. A B C D (sửa thành “did he realize”, chú ý nhầm với cấu trúc “no sooner ... than”) 3. Most students succeeded in passing the exam, but a few was failed. A B C D (sửa thành “failed”, không cần sử dụng thể bị động)










4. Due to her ability to think quicker, Helena won the quiz contest. A B C D (sửa thành “thanks to”, mang nghĩa “nhờ vào”, còn “due to” là “tại vi”, dùng khi chỉ một nguyên nhân của một vấn đề nào đó, “quick” bản thân nó là trạng từ rồi, "quicker” không sai) 5. His parents don't allow him staying out late on weekdays. A B C D (sửa thành “stay out”, chú ý cấu trúc “allow SB to do ST", mang nghĩa cho phép ai làm gì”) IV. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following sentences. 1. My family is trying ____ where to go on holiday. A. decided B. decide C. to decide D. deciding (“try to do ST", mang nghĩa “cố gắng làm gì”, phân biệt “try doing ST", mang nghĩa “thử làm việc gì”) 2. I'd like ____ somewhere different for a change. A. went B. to go C. go D. going (“would like to do ST”, mang nghĩa “muốn làm gì”) 3. I enjoy ____ places I've never been to before. A. visiting B. to visit C. visits D. visit ("enjoy doing ST”, mang nghĩa “thích thú làm việc gì”) 4. They prefer ____ in a swimming pool all day. A. playing B. plays C. to play D. to playing (“prefer to do ST", mang nghĩa “thích làm việc gì hơn”) 5. They refuse ____ out on trips if it's too hot. A. to going B. to go C. going D. go ("refuse to do ST”, mang nghĩa “từ chối làm việc gì”) Last year we managed ____ a holiday that suited everyone. A. found B. to find C. find D. finding (“manage to do ST”, mang nghĩa “thành công làm việc gì”, tương tự “succeed in doing ST") 7. We decided ____ a house with a swimming pool. A. renting B. rent C. to renting D. to rent ("decide to do ST", mang nghĩa “quyết định làm gì”) 8. A woman from a travel agency helped us ____ a nice house. A. to choose B. choosing C. to be chosen D. being chosen ("help SB (to) do ST", mang nghĩa “giúp ai làm việc gì”) 9. When we arrived, the people next door invited us ____ a drink with them. A. have B. to have C. to had D. having (“invite SB to do ST”, mang nghĩa “mời ai làm việc gì”) 10. Everyone hopes ____ themselves on holiday but it isn't always easy. A. enjoy B. to enjoy C. be enjoyed D. enjoying (“hope to do ST", mang nghĩa “hi vọng làm việc gì”) 11. My wife and I are starting ____ we should stay at home. A. thinking B. think C. to think D. thought ("start to do ST”, mang nghĩa “bắt đầu làm gì”) 12. I went to the shops ____ some shoes. A. buy B. so to buy C. to buy D. for to buy (“to V-inf” diễn tả mục đích, “để làm việc gì) 13. He told me he loved me. I didn't know what ____. A. to say B. say C. will I say D. saying (“what to say/do/ think ...", mang nghĩa "cái gì để nói/ làm/ nghĩ v.v...") 14. It's very pleasant ____ on the beach in summer.










A. lie B. to lie C. lay D. lying (“It is pleasant to do ST”, mang nghĩa “làm việc gì thì thoải mái”) 15. Working in the garden it is pleasant ____ to music. A. to listening B. listened C. to listen D. having listened (Như câu trên) 16. Judy's parents respect her ____ to move out and live independently. A. decide B. decision C. decisiveness D. deciding ("respect SB's decision”, mang nghĩa “tôn trọng quyết định của ai”) 17. These days, many people ____ leading an independent life. A. attempt to B. work on C. strive for D. head for ("strive for ST/doing ST”, mang nghĩa "Cố gắng làm việc gì”) 18. A ("confidence”, danh từ, mang nghĩa “sự tự tin”) 19. C (cope with SB/ST", mang nghĩa “đối phó với điều gì?) 20. B (to be responsible for ST/doing ST", mang nghĩa “chịu trách nhiệm việc gì”) 21. C ("give up”, là cụm động từ, mang nghĩa “đầu hàng”) 22. D (“influence”, động từ, mang nghĩa "ảnh hưởng”) 23. C (“lead a life” là cụm từ, mang nghĩa “sống một cuộc sống thế nào?) 24. B ('keep pace with ...” là cụm từ, mang nghĩa “theo kịp với ai”) 25. D (“make fun of SB” là cụm từ, mang nghĩa “trêu ghẹo ai”) 18. It is said that with good life skills, young people can build up their ____ and self-esteem. A. confidence B. confidential C. confidentiality D. confide ("confidence”, danh từ, mang nghĩa “sự tự tin”) 19. Many would consider ____ with stress to be an important life skill. A. facing B. solving C. coping D. encountering (cope with SB/ST", mang nghĩa “đối phó với điều gì?) 20. Living independently means that young people have to be ____ for their own life. A. reliable B. responsible C. decisive D. self-reliant (to be responsible for ST/doing ST", mang nghĩa “chịu trách nhiệm việc gì”) 21. Simon earned the respect of his friends when he determined to complete such a challenging task while others had already ____. A. gone off B. given in C. given up D. gone through ("give up”, là cụm động từ, mang nghĩa “đầu hàng”) 22. One piece of advice to succeed is to try hard and never to be ____ by others. A. requested B. determined C. decided D. influenced (“influence”, động từ, mang nghĩa "ảnh hưởng”) 23. Most young people want to ____ an independent life without being influenced by anyone. A. lay B. put C. lead D. bring (“lead a life” là cụm từ, mang nghĩa “sống một cuộc sống thế nào?) 24. However hard I tried, I could not keep ____ with the other students in class. A. face B. pace C. place D. stage ('keep pace with ...” là cụm từ, mang nghĩa “theo kịp với ai”) 25. You ought not to ____ fun of your friends who don't have very good grades. A. take B. get C. have D. make (“make fun of SB” là cụm từ, mang nghĩa “trêu ghẹo ai”) 26. Ian has no difficulty in ____ into use the perfect plans his friends have prepared for him. A. lending B. taking C. putting D. heading ("put into use ST”, là cụm từ, mang nghĩa “sử dụng cái gì”) 27. During the six months' wait for the trip to Greece, Kate looked for some ____ work. A. casual B. intensive C. independent D. temporary ("temporary work”, là công việc tạm thời, phân biệt với công việc lâu dài là "permanent work") 28. A: “Living an independent life is not easy yet rewarding." - B:"____"










A. Oh, that's too bad. B. You are welcome. C. That's that. D. You can say that again. (“You can say that again”, thể hiện sự đồng ý, sự tán thành) 29. A: “____” - B: "He is self-reliant and really helpful." A. Why do you like Bob? B. I don't like Bob very much. C. Which class is Bob in? D. I have just met Bob. ("self-reliant" mang nghĩa “đáng tin cậy”, “helpful” mang nghĩa "có ích”) 30. A: "What do you think about time management skill?" - B: “____” A. It's time to go. B. I quite agree with you. C. It is an important life skill. D. I can't help thinking about it. (câu hỏi “What do you think about ...?", mang nghĩa "bạn nghĩ gì về ...?”) V. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following sentences. 1. The students become more and more worried as the exam dates are approaching. A. drawing near B. getting done C. moving quickly D. solving easily ("approach” mang nghĩa “lại gần, tiếp cận”, gần nghĩa với “drawing near") 2. Many young people live a life of constant anxiety over money and job security. A. worry B. relaxation C. pleasure D. debts ("anxiety” và “worry" đều mang nghĩa “sự lo lắng”) 3. Many working women rely on relatives to help take care of their children. A. work on B. depend on C. decide on D. focus on ("rely on ...” và “depend on ..." đều mang nghĩa “dựa vào cái gì”) 4. She can learn to observe herself, figuring out what she does easily and what takes more work. A. watching out B. selling out C. working out D. standing out (“figure out ST” hoặc “work ST out” đều mang nghĩa “giải quyết được việc gì”) 5. An indecisive commander is unlikely to win the confidence of his men. A. slow B. determined C. hesitant D. reliant (“indecisive” mang nghĩa “thiếu quyết đoán”, “hesitant” mang nghĩa "do dự”) VI. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks. TIME MANAGEMENT FOR STUDENTS Learning to manage your time involves using a variety of life skills together. First of all, you need to know yourself. Only you know (1) ____ you are a morning or an evening person, for example. Understanding when you are (2) ____ your best can help you decide when to do certain things you have to do - like studying. Then, you need to prioritise and decide which things are the most (and least) important. After that, you need to get organised and start planning a schedule, (3) ____ could include when to study, as well as when to relax. It is important to be (4) ____ when you are trying to manage your time. You need to factor in time to sleep, (5) ____, and this should be based on your normal sleep patterns there is no (6) ____ in planning to study at six in the morning if you have never managed to get out of bed before eight. Many people forget to include socialising, but this is a mistake because it is unhealthy to avoid seeing people, just as it is a mistake to (7) ____ all your time socialising while your list of things to do grows longer and longer. On the subject of lists, it is important to remember that these may have to change. You need to plan for the unexpected - a visit from a friend, for example - and this means that you may have to (8) ____ your to-do list, perhaps (9) ____ something that is less important. Flexibility is the key here, (10) ____ you risk becoming extremely disorganised. It is better to have to change a plan than to lose it completely. Finally, remember the old saying - 'If you fail to plan, you plan to fail. In the end, managing your time better will help you avoid stress, and that can only be a good thing. 1. A. that B. whether C. what D. how (cấu trúc “whether ... or ... ...)










2. A. in B. on C. at D. over ("to be at SB's best” mang nghĩa trong trạng thái tốt nhất) 3. A. that B. which C. it D. there (“which”, là đại từ quan hệ, thay thế cho "a schedule”) 4. A. real B. realism C. reality D. realistic ("realistic” mang nghĩa “mang tính thực tế”) 5. A. in contrast B. in addition C. for all D. for instance (“for instance” mang nghĩa “ví dụ như”) 6. A. point B. need C. demand D. request (“there is no point in ST/doing ST" mang nghĩa “không có ý nghĩa khi làm việc gì") 7. A. take B. put C. bring D. spend ("spend time doing ST”, mang nghĩa “dành thời gian làm việc gì”) 8. A. adapt B. adjust C. abandon D. affect (“adjust” mang nghĩa “chỉnh sửa, điều chỉnh”) 9. A. crossing out B. thinking of C. putting out D. taking off ("cross ST out", là cụm động từ, mang nghĩa "gặt bỏ điều gì?) 10. A. consequently B. moreover C. however D. otherwise ("otherwise” mang nghĩa “nếu không thì”) VII. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions. MANAGING TIME Time management: two words that have me breaking out in a cold sweat. Why should I suddenly have to learn how to manage my time? Surely time had got on perfectly well for several millennia without requiring management, let alone by me. But my university tutor was adamant: time needed some managing and apparently it was up to me to do it. First of all, let's be clear. I do have plenty of time to manage. As an arts student, I generally have 23 hours in the day that aren't given over to going to lectures. But I generally need somebody to tell me what I should be writing, so I go to lectures. Perhaps I had "taken on too much"? I'd been elected to four committees, produced a play, applied for a part time job, hung around the college bar with my friends, and written the odd essay. But I thought I was coping well. Sure, there was the day when I did the research for an essay on the morning of deadline day and wrote it that afternoon, but that was a one off. On second thoughts, maybe my tutor is right. It's difficult to give up what you're involved in but perhaps it's a good idea to sit back and have a breather once in a while. Even an arts student has to get down to some real work! 1. What was the writer's initial reaction to his tutor's ultimatum? A. He had to admit that it was sound advice. B. He failed to see how it could help him. C. He had no understanding of what it meant. D. He had tried it before so he knew it would fail. (chú ý đoạn 1, "Time management: two words that have me breaking out in a cold sweat. Why should I suddenly have to learn how to manage my time?") 2. What is the writer's job? A. He's a time manager. B. He's a lecturer. C. He's an arts student. D. He's a university tutor. (chú ý đoạn 2, "As an arts student, I generally have 23 hours in the day that aren't given over to going to lectures") 3. Which of the following is NOT mentioned as something he had done? A. Producing a play B. Getting a part time job










C. Writing an essay D. Head of four committees (chú ý đoạn 3, "I'd been elected to four committees, produced a play, applied for a part time job, hung around the college bar with my friends, and written the odd essay") 4. The writer slowly begins to realize that he should ____. A. spend more time with his friends B. end his obsession with leisure pursuit C. integrate more into university life D. apply himself to the real task in hand (chú ý đoạn cuối, "Even an arts student has to get down to some real work!") 5. The word "breather" in the passage mostly means ____. A. an assignment B. a machine C. a rest D. a passion (“breather” hoặc “rest” mang nghĩa “sự nghỉ ngơi”) VIII. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions. When I tell people about the idea of moving out, many people's reaction is like, "what do your parents say?" because they assume the parents would not like their children to leave them. Well I don't know if my parents like it but I can tell you my parents support and respect my decision. They think it is good for me to try and live on my own and then I would know it is the best to stay with my family. The most important reason for independent living is to save the travelling time to work. It used to take me one hour fifteen minutes to travel to work from my previous living place. From my new apartment, it just takes me thirty minutes so I saved forty-five minutes' traveling time. I don't have to get up so early and I save two-third of my traveling cost. It does not only save my time to travel for work but also from most of the places in Hong Kong. In addition, I gain my personal space and freedom by independent living. I make my own decision all the time, I do not have to say whether I would go home for dinner, I can invite my friends to come up and stay late. Of course, there are some trade-offs in living on your own. If you want to rent an apartment, there are lots of preparatory work to do. You have to keep visiting the apartments to search for your ideal one. You have to negotiate with the landlord about the price, furniture inclusion, who is responsible for the maintenance of the furniture and equipment. My experience was that after we moved into the apartment, it was not until the kitchen cupboard was soaked with water that we found out there was water leakage in the kitchen sink. Money is the main issue in living on your own. You have to be responsible for all the expenses, for example, the rent, electricity, gas, water, telephone, internet bills, etc. Therefore, you've got to be well prepared and save up for your bills. Although I find my transportation time much shorter, the saved time is spent on other things, such as cooking and some other household chores. I think preparing and cooking the food do occupy a significant portion of my time, therefore I always try to make simple meals. On the other hand, I have to regularly tidy up my apartment and wash my clothes, so it doesn't really save much of my time after all, Now everything is settled down, I'm getting used to my new life and I am enjoying it. I feel that moving out makes it easier for me to strike a balance between my work, my social life, my study and my family. It may be troublesome but it may worth. 1. Why does the writer want to move out? A. Many people assume that he should live independently. B. His parents would like him to live far from them. C. His parents do not support and respect his decision. D. It makes his travelling to work more convenient. (chú ý đoạn 1, “The most important reason for independent living is to save the travelling time to work") 2. All of the following are mentioned as the benefits of living in the new place EXCEPT ____. A. saving time and money B. making his own decisions C. staying up late with friends D. enjoying more freedom (chú ý đoạn 2, “I can invite my friends to come up and stay late” khác với “stay up late") 3. The word "trade-offs" in the passage is closest in meaning to ____.










A. regulations B. disadvantages C. preparations D. benefits (“trade-offs” hoặc “disadvantages” đều mang nghĩa “điểm bất lợi”) 4. Which of the following is NOT included in the preparatory work of renting an apartment? A. Bargaining the price B. Fixing defective facilities C. Visiting various apartments D. Discussing what furniture to include (chú ý đoạn 3, "You have to negotiate with the landlord about the price, furniture inclusion, who is responsible for the maintenance of the furniture and equipment") 5. The word "negotiate" in the passage is closest in meaning to ____. A. argue B. discuss C. complain D. complete ("negotiate” là “thương lượng”, gần nghĩa với "discuss” là “thảo luận”) 6. The writer mentions the kitchen cupboard soaked with water to show that ____. A. the landlord of his apartment is not reliable B. the facilities in the apartment are bad C. the maintenance of facilities is not easy D. the preparatory work was not done well (chú ý đoạn 3, "My experience was that after we moved into the apartment, it was not until the kitchen cupboard was soaked with water that we found out there was water leakage in the kitchen sink", hàm ý sự khó khăn trong việc “bảo dưỡng” – “maintenance”) 7. According to paragraph 4, which of the following is the most time consuming to the writer? A. Saving up for household bills B. Tidying up the apartment C. Transportation time D. Cooking and doing the housework (chú ý đoạn 4, "the saved time is spent on other things, such as cooking and some other household chores. I think preparing and cooking the food do occupy a significant portion of my time") 8. The word "strike" in the passage is closest in meaning to ____. A. destroy B. consider C. reach D. upset ("strike/reach a balance” mang nghĩa “đạt được sự cân bằng”) 9. The word "it" in the passage refers to ____. A. my work B. my social life C. enjoying life D. moving out (lưu ý “it” thay thế cho "moving out, cái việc "chuyển ra ngoài sống” của tác giả) 10. What conclusion does the writer make about moving out? A. It is too troublesome to live on his own. B. It enables him to gain balance in life. C. It is easier for others not for him. D. He is enjoying the trouble that it brings. (chú ý đoạn cuối "I feel that moving out makes it easier for me to strike a balance between my work, my social life, my study and my family.") IX. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to each of the following sentences. 1. Tim is able to persuade people to do what he wants. A. Tim has the ability to do what people persuade him to. B. People are able to be persuaded to do what Tim wants them to. C. Tim has the ability to persuade people to do what he wants. D. Tim is able to be persuaded by people to do what they want. (“to be able to do ST” hoặc “have the ability to do ST” mang nghĩa “Có khả năng làm gì”) 2. We have some minutes to spare so you don't have to be hurried. A. There is no need for you to be hurried as we have time to spare. B. You should be hurried as we have no time to spare. C. It is necessary for you not to be hurried as we have time to spare.










D. You must not be hurried as we have plenty of time to spare. ("there is no need for SB to do ST” mang nghĩa “không cần thiết phải làm việc gì”) 3. That the champion decided to withdraw from the tournament surprised us all. A. It came as no surprise to us that the champion decided to withdraw from the tournament. B. It was surprising to us that the champion decided to withdraw from the tournament. C. The champion's decision to withdraw from the tournament is surprising to us all. D. We were surprised to decide the champion's withdrawal from the tournament. (“That the champion decided” sẽ tương ứng với “The champion's decision”; “surprise SB" sẽ tương ứng với “to be surprising to SB") 4. Mike is trying to win the scholarship. A. Mike is making an effort to win the scholarship. B. Mike was trying in vain to win the scholarship. C. Mike is hopeless at winning the scholarship. D. Mike has an opportunity to win the scholarship. ("try to do ST" và "make an effort to do ST" đều mang nghĩa “Cố gắng làm việc gì”) 5. The students were not allowed to use mobile phones during the test. A. The students were not using mobile phones during the test. B. The students should have asked for the permission to use mobile phones during the test. C. The students can't have used mobile phones during the test. D. The students did not have the permission to use mobile phones during the test. ("not be allowed to do ST" sẽ bằng với "do not have the permission to do ST", mang nghĩa “không được phép làm gì) X. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the sentence that best combines each pair of sentences given. 1. You are not so ill. You don't have to stay in bed all the time. A. You are not so ill, so there is no need to stay in bed all the time. B. You are too ill to stay in bed all the time. C. You are not ill enough to stay in bed all the time. D. You are not so ill, but there is no need to stay in bed all the time. (“so” diễn tả nguyên nhân - kết quả) 2. Routines will be developed. Then, they take less time to do. A. Before routines are developed, they took less time to do. B. Once routines are developed, they will take less time to do. C. Routines will be developed because they take less time to do. D. Routines will be developed if they take less time to do. (“once” mang nghĩa “một khi”, diễn tả thời điểm) 3. You can finish the assignment by yourself. It is possible. A. There is no point in finishing the assignment by yourself. B. I can make it possible for you to finish the assignment. C. It is possible for you to finish the assignment by yourself. D. You may consider finishing the assignment by yourself possible. (“It is possible for SB to do ST”, mang nghĩa "ai có thể làm được việc gì”) 4. You can't master a language in a month. It is impossible. A. It is just a matter of time before you can matter a language. B. It is reasonable for a language to be mastered in a month. C. It is so practical of you to master a language in a month. D. It is impossible for you to master a language in a month. (“It is impossible for SB to do ST", mang nghĩa "ai không thể làm được việc gì”) 5. Don't expect that everyone shares the same thoughts with you. It is unreasonable.










A. It is just a matter of reason that everyone shares the same thoughts with you. B. It is possible to expect that everyone shares the same thoughts with you. C. It is impolite to expect that everyone shares the same thoughts with you. D. It is unreasonable to expect that everyone shares the same thoughts with you. (“It is unreasonable to do ST", mang nghĩa “không hợp lí/ thỏa đáng khi làm việc gì”)











Phonetics Elision of weak vowels before /l/, /n/ and /r/ Grammar The past simple and the present perfect When I saw Sophie smoking, I was very disappointed. Emphasis has been laid on the necessity that all factors be taken into account before the project is started. My grandma has worked as a volunteer at this hospital since she retired three years ago. Vocabulary Words and phrases related to people with disabilities and how to support them accessible, donate, cognitive impairment... I. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions. 1. A. disabled B. donate C. physical D. integrate (âm /ə/, các câu còn lại âm /ei/) 2. A. visual B. disable C. physical D. enthusiastic (âm /ʒ/, các câu còn lại âm /s/) 3. A. slogan B. local C. support D. remote (âm /ɔ:/, các câu còn lại âm /əʊ/) 4. A. involved B. volunteered C. supported D. disabled (âm /ɪd/, các câu còn lại âm /d/) 5. A. provides B. involves C. donates D. improves (âm /s/, các câu còn lại âm /z/) II. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the position of primary stress in each of the following questions. 1. A. donate B. respect C. deafen D. impair (nhấn âm 1, các câu còn lại nhấn âm 2) 2. A. preferable B. disrespectful C. secondary D. voluntary (nhấn âm 3, các câu còn lại nhấn âm 1) 3. A. disabled B. effective C. respectful D. primary (nhấn âm 1, các câu còn lại nhấn âm 2) 4. A. vocational B. energetic C. curricular D. employable (nhấn âm 3, các câu còn lại nhấn âm 2) 5. A. battery B. volunteer C. barrier D. villager (nhấn âm 3, các câu còn lại nhấn âm 1) III. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following sentences. 1. Reading is widely considered a voluntary activity associated with pleasure and achievement. A. optional B. mandatory C. academic D. informative (“voluntary" mang nghĩa "mang tính tự nguyện”; “mandatory” hoặc “compulsory” mang nghĩa “tỉnh bắt buộc”) 2. It will be particularly annoying for the local people who had to endure deafening music from the nearby bars until the small hours. A. loud B. polluted C. soft D. melodious










(“deafening” mang nghĩa “chói tai”, “soft” mang nghĩa "êm dịu, dễ chịu”, lưu ý "melodious” có nghĩa “nghe êm tại như nhạc” ví dụ “a rich melodious voice”, chứ không nói là “melodious music) 3. The citizens really support the local government in helping disadvantaged children in the area. A. assist B. oppose C. encourage D. deny ("support” mang nghĩa "ủng hộ”, “oppose SB/ST" mang nghĩa “phản đối”) 4. Are people who work till 10 o'clock in the evening more energetic than those who stop at 5 o'clock? A. alert B. delightful C. exhausted D. passive ("exhausted” mang nghĩa “kiệt sức", "energetic" mang nghĩa “nhiều năng lượng”) 5. Many children with learning difficulties are integrated into ordinary schools. A. mixed B. separated C. evaluated D. classified (integrate into/with ST” mang nghĩa “nhập chung”, trái nghĩa với “separate from ST” mang nghĩa “tách ra”) IV. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following sentences. 1. This house has been built in 2010 and I bought it when I moved to Vinh city in 2014. A B C D (sửa thành “was built", lưu ý “in 2010” là một thời điểm cụ thể trong quá khứ) 2. My friend can't walk to school now because his broken leg. A B C D (sửa thành “that”, lưu ý cấu trúc “now that”, mang nghĩa như “because/since/as”) 3. Modern farms are much larger than that of former times. A B C D (sửa thành “those”, lưu ý “modern farms” là danh từ số nhiều) 4. Per capital income is a nation's entire income dividing by the number of people in the nation. A B C D (sửa thành “divided by", rút gọn mệnh đề quan hệ "... income (which is) divided by the number ...") 5. Alcoholic beverages vary widely in content, ranging from only 2 or 3 percent for some light beers to as high A B C to 60 percent for some Vodkas and brandies. D (sửa thành “as high as”, cấu trúc "as ADJ as", so sánh bằng) V. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following sentences. 1. Don't worry, Joe's depression is only ____ - it'll soon pass. A. lasting B. temporary C. impatient D. essential ("temporary mang nghĩa "tạm thời”, so sánh với “lasting” mang nghĩa “kéo dài) 2. A lot of patience is ____ to look after a disabled child. A. required B. registered C. participated D. lectured (“to be required to do ST” mang nghĩa “cái gì được yêu cầu để làm việc gì”) 3. This room may be hired for weddings and other ____. A. signals B. comments C. functions D. campsites (“function”, mang nghĩa “chức năng") 4. Do you know that the ____ letter can also work as a formal document? A. confirm B. confirming C. confirmed D. confirmation (“confirmation letter” mang nghĩa “thư xác nhận”) 5. The disabled artist digitally inserted himself ____ the picture. A. on B. to C. into D. at (insert ST into ST”, mang nghĩa “thêm cái gì vào cái gì”) 6. Typhoon Damrey has caused extensive damage ____ houses, boats and crops in Vietnam. A. for B. to C. into D. with










("cause damage to ST", mang nghĩa “thiệt hại đối với ai”) 7. There is no decision ____ when the work might start. A. in B. at C. from D. on ("decision on ST”, mang nghĩa “quyết định về vấn đề gì”) 8. The girl whom you met last night ____ a singer. A. was used to be B. used to be C. used to being D. was used to being ("used to do ST" mang nghĩa "đã từng làm việc gì”; So sánh với “be used to V-ing” mang nghĩa “đã quen với làm việc gì”) 9. His excuse for being disrespectful to the disabled sounded quite ____, so we did not accept it. A. believable B. believing C. unbelievable D. unbelievably (“unbelievable”, mang nghĩa “khó tin, không đáng tin cậy”) 10. The volunteers decided to make this Christmas ____ for their friends with disabilities. A. forgetful B. forgettable C. forgotten D. unbelievable (“unbelievable”, trong ngữ cảnh này, mang nghĩa “tuyệt vời, không thể tin nổi") 11. The government have ____ a campaign to relieve poverty and eradicate hunger in the local area. A. set B. followed C. made D. launched (“launch a campaign” là một cụm từ, mang nghĩa “thực hiện một chiến dịch”) 12. The campaign ____ donating books, toys, spare clothes for disadvantaged children in remote areas. A. contains B. involves C. consists D. includes ("involve doing ST", mang nghĩa “bao gồm làm việc gì”, lưu ý "contain”, “consist” hoặc “include” cũng mang nghĩa “bao gồm”, nhưng để chỉ các phần cấu tạo nên cái gì) 13. The organization is looking for some volunteers ____ as Santa Claus to give gifts to children. A. dressing in B. wearing on C. dressing up D. putting on ("dress up”, mang nghĩa “hoá trang”) 14. The students are ____ about recording audiobooks as Christmas presents for children with visual impairments. A. eager B. enthusiastic C. keen D. interested (“be enthusiastic about ST", mang nghĩa “rất hứng thú với việc gì”) 15. The school hopes to attract more and more students to its ____ activities aiming at helping the disabled. A. curricular B. extra-curriculum C. extra-curricular D. curriculum ("extra-curricular activities”, mang nghĩa “hoạt động ngoại khoá”) 16. The number of people joining the volunteer group ____ to nearly 300. A. has risen B. have risen C. have been risen D. has been risen (chú ý “the number of N” là chỉ số lượng, một con số, nên động từ chia số ít; so sánh với “a number of N”, mang nghĩa "một số người” thì lúc này động từ mới chia số nhiều) 17. The workers ____ a new representative. A. have been elected B. have elected C. has elected D. was elected (hành động mà kết quả còn trong hiện tại, dùng thì Hiện tại hoàn thành; “elect SB”, mang nghĩa “bầu cử ai”) 18. My job application to the volunteer club ____. A. haven't been accepted B. haven't accepted C. hasn't been accepted D. hasn't accepted (hành động mà kết quả còn trong hiện tại, dùng thì Hiện tại hoàn thành) 19. They're really angry because someone ____ their car. A. has been damaged B. has damaged C. damage D. was damaged (hành động không rõ thời điểm xảy ra, kết quả còn trong hiện tại, dùng thì Hiện tại hoàn thành) 20. She's going to be late because her plane ____. A. has been delayed B. has delayed C. delayed D. was delayed










(kết quả còn trong hiện tại, dùng thì Hiện tại hoàn thành, lưu ý, “chuyến bay bị hoãn”, cần dùng câu bị động) 21. They still ____ more money by the management. A. haven't offered B. haven't been offered C. offer D. offered (kết quả còn trong hiện tại, dùng thì Hiện tại hoàn thành; lưu ý, “được thưởng tiền”, cần dùng câu bị động) 22. The police ____ the public that the wanted man is dangerous. A. have warned B. has warned C. warned D. have been warned ("the police” là danh từ tập hợp, động từ sẽ chia ở dạng số nhiều) 23. When they ____ she was reading some books on learning disabilities. A. arrive B. will arrive C. were arriving D. arrived (chỉ một thời điểm xác định trong quá khứ, nên dùng thì quá khứ đơn) 24. Robert de Niro began acting in the 1970s. He has been ____ for about 35 years. A. acted B. acting C. acts D. to act (chú ý cụm “35 years” chỉ một quãng thời gian kéo dài từ quá khứ tới hiện tại, dùng thì hiện tại hoàn thành tiếp diễn) 25. When I ____ home my father wasn't there. He had gone out. A. came B. had come C. come D. will come (chỉ một thời điểm xác định trong quá khứ, nên dùng thì quá khứ đơn) 26. I'll phone Mike as soon as I ____ any news. A. will get B. get C. got D. had got (trong câu có hai mệnh đề, mệnh đề chính là thì tương lai, thì mệnh đề chỉ thời gian dùng thì hiện tại đơn) 27. The electric light bulb ____ by Edison. A. invented B. invents C. is invented D. was invented (việc Edison phát minh ra bóng đèn là một sự kiện lịch sử, xảy ra và kết thúc trong quá khứ, dùng thì quá khứ đơn) 28. I saw you on the bus yesterday. Where ____ you ____? A. are / going B. did / went C. will / go D. were / going (chỉ một hành động đang xảy ra vào một thời điểm xác định trong quá khứ) 29. - A: "What should be done to help people with visual impairments?" - B: “____” A. Not at all. B. Recording audiobooks may help. C. I can't agree with you more. D. Let's help those people (câu hỏi “Điều gì có thể làm để giúp người khiếm thị?”) 30. - A: "It is quite disrespectful to use words like "mute" or "dumb" to talk about disabled people." - B: “____” A. I'm in no mood for that. B. I respect all people. C. You can say that again. D. Thanks for the comment. (“you can say that again” được dùng khi thể hiện sự tán đồng hoàn toàn) VI. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks. Over the past fifty years or so, the methods used for collecting money from the public to aid the developing world have changed out of all recognition, along with the gravity of the problems (1) ____, and the increasing awareness among the population that something must be done. At the beginning of this period, it would have been common to put money in a collecting box, perhaps on the street or at church. The 1960s saw the (2) ____ of shops which sold second-hand goods, donated by the public, and which also began to sell articles manufactured in the developing world in charitable projects set up to guarantee a fair income to local people. The next development was probably the charity 'event', in which participants were (3) ____ to run, cycle, swim or what have you, and collected money from friends and relatives (4) ____ how far or long they managed to keep going. The first hint of what was to become the most successful means of (5) ____ money was










the charity record, where the artists donated their time and talent, and the (6) ____ from the sales went to a good cause. This was perhaps a (7) ____ of the fact that young people felt increasingly concerned about the obvious differences between life in Europe and the United States, and that in most of Africa, for example. A feeling of frustration was building up. Why was so little being done? The huge success of Band Aid, and (8) ____ televised concerts, showed the power of the media, and of music in particular, to inspire and shock. It differed significantly in style from other events. People phoned up in their thousands on the day and pledged money by (9) ____ their credit card numbers. (10) ____ if you have enough money to buy an MP3 player, you can afford something for the world's starving children. 1. A. faced B. covered C. opposed D. approached (“the problems faced (by SB)”, mang nghĩa vấn đề mà ai phải đối mặt") 2. A. occurrence B. entrance C. happening D. advent ("the advent of ST", mang nghĩa “sự xuất hiện quan trọng của cái gì”) 3. A. supported B. funded C. sponsored D. promoted (“sponsor” mang nghĩa là được tài trợ”, dùng được cho người; so sánh với “fund”, nghĩa tương tự, nhưng được dùng cho tổ chức, sự kiện) 4. A. in as much as B. according to C. with reference to D. as regard (“according to ST”, mang nghĩa “theo cái gì”) 5. A. increasing B. lifting C. boosting D. raising ("raise a fund/money” mang nghĩa “gây quỹ”, “kêu gọi tiền”) 6. A. produce B. proceeds C. receipts D. returns (“proceeds” ở đây là danh từ, mang nghĩa “tiền lời"; So sánh với động từ “proceed with ST", mang nghĩa “tiếp tục làm việc gì”) 7. A. consideration B. reflection C. view D. display (“reflection” mang nghĩa “sự phản ánh”; không mang nghĩa “sự phản xạ” trong ngữ cảnh này) 8. A. subsequent B. consequent C. attendant D. relevant (“subsequent” mang nghĩa “tiếp nối, tiếp theo”) 9. A. mentioning B. quoting C. affirming D. recalling (“quote” mang nghĩa “trích dẫn, trích lại”) 10. A. Anyway B. After all C. Although D. At any rate ("after all” mang nghĩa “sau tất cả, suy cho cùng”) VII. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions. People do many crazy things to raise money for charity. The latest crazy stunt came from an English man who decided to push a Brussels sprout up the highest mountain in Wales - with his nose. He wanted to raise $8,500 for a cancer charity. Stuart Kettell, 49, said he loves challenges and will try to do anything for charity. His other challenges include walking 800 kilometers on stilts and sitting in a box for a week. He said: "I have seen firsthand the amazing charity work that Macmillan Cancer Support does, not only for the patient but their family and friends too." He added: "People's cancer stories inspire me even more to carry on, and my challenges are going to get even more crazy." It took Mr. Kettell three days to push the Brussels sprout up the 1,085 meters high Mount Snowden. He wore a specially designed face mask so he wouldn't scrape the skin off his face. He practised for his charity mission by pushing a Brussels sprout around his garden. He chose a large sprout for his Snowden challenge. It was about the size of a table-tennis ball. He said he wanted a larger one because it would not fall down a crack. He spent three days on his hands and knees with his nose a centimeter or two above the ground. He told reporters there was "a huge amount of pain" in his knees, wrists and back. He said he was happy because his training worked, he reached the summit, and he raised money for the charity. 1. Which of the following is true about Mr. Kettell? A. He is from Brussels. B. He is almost 50 years old.










C. He walked 800 miles for charity. D. He worked for Macmillan Cancer Support. (lưu ý đoạn 1, "Stuart Kettell, 49, said he loves challenges and will try to do anything for charity") 2. The word "stunt" in the passage mostly means ____. A. an action B. a trick C. a guy D. an influence ("stunt", "action” mang nghĩa “pha hành động nguy hiểm”; diễn viên đóng thế còn được gọi là “stuntman”) 3. According to Kettell, who has inspired him to take on more challenges? A. his family B. patients' stories C. his friends D. the money (lưu ý đoạn 1, "People's cancer stories inspire me even more to carry on, and my challenges are going to get even more crazy") 4. All of the following is true about Kettell's challenge EXCEPT that ____. A. It took him three days to finish the task. B. The pain was less than he expected. C. He could raise money for the charity. D. He pushed the sprout up nearly 1 km. (lưu ý đoạn 2, "He told reporters there was "a huge amount of pain" in his knees, wrists and back") 5. The word "It" in the passage refers to ____. A. face B. challenge C. sprout D. ball (lưu ý đoạn 2, “He chose a large sprout for his Snowden challenge”) VIII. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions. THE MEANING OF VOLUNTEERING The knock-on effect of volunteering on the lives of individuals can be profound. Voluntary work helps foster independence and imparts the ability to deal with different situations, often simultaneously, thus teaching people how to work their way through different systems. It therefore brings people into touch with the real world; and, hence, equips them for the future. Initially, young adults in their late teens might not seem to have the expertise or knowledge to impart to others that say a teacher or agriculturalist or nurse would have, but they do have many skills that can help any skills that can help others. And in the absence of any particular talent, their energy and enthusiasm can be harnessed for the benefit of their fellow human beings, and ultimately themselves. From all this, the gain to any community no matter how many volunteers are involved is immeasurable. Employers will generally look favourably on people who have shown an ability to work as part of a team. It demonstrates a willingness to learn and an independent spirit, which would be desirable qualities in any employee. So to satisfy employers' demands for experience when applying for work, volunteering can act as a means of gaining experience that might otherwise elude would-be workers and can ultimately lead to paid employment and the desired field. But what are the prerequisites for becoming a volunteer? One might immediately think of attributes like kindness, selflessness, strength of character, ability to deal with others, determination, adaptability and flexibility and a capacity to comprehend the ways of other people. While offering oneself selflessly, working as a volunteer makes further demands on the individual. It requires a strength of will, a sense of moral responsibility for one's fellow human beings, and an ability to fit into the ethos of an organisation. But it also requires something which in no way detracts from valuable work done by volunteers and which may seem at first glance both contradictory and surprising: self-interest. Organisations involved in any voluntary work have to be realistic about this. If someone, whatever the age is going to volunteer and devote their time without money, they do need to receive something from it for themselves. People who are unemployed can use volunteer work as a stepping-stone to employment or as a means of finding out whether they really like the field the plan to enter or as a way to help them find themselves. It is tempting to use some form of community work as an alternative to national service or as punishment for petty criminals by making the latter for example clean up parks, wash away graffiti, work with










victims of their own or other people. Those may be acceptable, but it does not constitute volunteer work, two cardinal rules of which are the willingness to volunteer without coercion and working unpaid. 1. According to paragraph 1, voluntary work helps equip people for the future because ____. A. It has knock-on effect on people's lives B. It helps people have profound knowledge about situations C. It imparts knowledge about independence on individuals D. It enables people to cope with various situations (lưu ý đoạn 1, "It therefore brings people into touch with the real world; and, hence, equips them for the future.") 2. The word "imparts" in the passage is closest in meaning to ____. A. trains B. prevents C. creates D. learns (“impart ST (to SB)” mang nghĩa “truyền đạt kiến thức/thông tin ... cho ai”) 3. According to paragraph 2, the whole community can benefit from ____. A. young volunteers' expertise B. young volunteers' energy and enthusiasm C. young volunteers' particular talent D. young volunteers' fellows (lưu ý đoạn 2, "And in the absence of any particular talent, their energy and enthusiasm can be harnessed for the benefit of their fellow human beings, and ultimately themselves. From all this, the gain to any community no matter how many volunteers are involved is immeasurable.) 4. According to paragraph 3, desirable qualities of an employee involve all of the following EXCEPT ____. A. working in the desired field B. having an independent spirit C. showing a willingness to learn D. being able to work well in a team (lưu ý đoạn 3, "Employers will generally look favourably on people who have shown an ability to work as part of a team. It demonstrates a willingness to learn and an independent spirit, which would be desirable qualities in any employee") 5. According to paragraph 4, which of the following is true about the prerequisites for becoming a volunteer? A. They do not include understanding others' behavior. B. They include both intrinsic and extrinsic qualities. C. They must exclude the motive of self-interest. D. They include contradictory qualities. (lưu ý đoạn 4, "attributes like kindness, selflessness, strength of character, ability to deal with others, determination, adaptability and flexibility ..." đều diễn tả “intrinsic qualities", mang nghĩa “phẩm chất từ bên trong, tính cách"; “self-interest” ở dòng cuối, mang nghĩa “lợi ích cá nhân”, là “extrinsic quality", mang nghĩa “tính chất bên ngoài...) 6. The word "prerequisites" in the passage mostly means ____. A. requirements B. techniques C. regulations D. demands (“prerequisite” hoặc “requirement” đều mang nghĩa “yêu cầu, điều kiện để làm gì”) 7. The phrase "detracts from" in the passage is closest in meaning to ____. A. honours B. denies C. devalues D. evaluates ("detract from” hoặc “devalue” đều mang nghĩa “làm giảm giá trị”) 8. What should organisations concerning any voluntary work bear in mind? A. Volunteers still benefit from their work in many ways. B. People can do volunteer work regardless of their age. C. Some people do volunteer work to get to know the employers. D. Some volunteers may stop working if they find they dislike the field. (Lưu ý, đoạn 5, "If someone, whatever the age is going to volunteer and devote their time without money, they do need to receive something from it for themselves") 9. The phrase "the latter" in the passage refers to ____.










A. national service B. petty criminals C. community work D. parks ("It is tempting to use some form of community work as an alternative to national service or as punishment for petty criminals by making the latter for example clean up parks, wash away graffiti, work with victims of their own or other people.") 10. Which of the following is stated about making petty criminals do some community work? A. It can also be used for the victims of the criminals. B. It is widely acceptable as punishments in certain communities. C. It is not classified as volunteer work despite some similarities. D. It should be done without coercion and with adequate payment. (đoạn cuối, "it does not constitute volunteer work ...") IX. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to each of the following sentences. 1. Jack joined the volunteer team in 2010. A. Jack has worked in the volunteer team since 2010. B. It was in 2010 that Jack began doing volunteer work. C. Jack began doing volunteer work in 2010. D. Jack started the volunteer team in 2010. ("Jack joined ... in 2010” mang nghĩa “tham gia vào năm 2010”, tức là “làm từ năm 2010 tới nay”, “has worked ... since 2010”) 2. Since last month, people have donated more than 500 books. A. People have donated 500 books more than they did last month. B. People started to donate 500 books one month ago. C. More than 500 books were donated a month ago. D. After a month, more than 500 books have been donated. (cấu trúc bị động “passive voice”; “be+V-ed/N-3”; mang nghĩa “bị/ được làm gì”) 3. Janet started her voluntary work when she was in grade 11. A. Janet has been a voluntary worker since she was in grade 11. B. Janet has been doing voluntary work since she was in grade 11. C. It was in grade 11 that Janet joined the volunteer team. D. Only after grade 11 did Janet start her voluntary work. ("started ... in grade 11" mang nghĩa “bắt đầu làm lúc lớp 11”, tức là “làm từ lúc lớp 11 tới nay", "has been doing ... since she was in grade 11") 4. Donations of clothes, toys, and books are always needed at the local charity shop. A. The local charity shop always lacks donations of clothes, toys, and books. B. The local charity shop only needs donations of clothes, toys, and books. C. The local charity shop always in need of donations of clothes, toys, and books. D. The local charity shop always needs more than donations of clothes, toys, and books. (“to be in need of ST” mang nghĩa "ai thiếu thốn điều gì”) 5. It was wrong of you to use disrespectful language to talk about people with disability. A. You should have used disrespectful language to talk about people with disability. B. You can't have used disrespectful language to talk about people with disability. C. You oughtn't to have used disrespectful language to talk about people with disability. D. You must have used respectful language to talk about people with disability. (“oughtn't to have V-ed/-3” và “shouldn't have V-ed/V-3” đều mang nghĩa đáng lẽ ra không nên làm việc gì”) X. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the sentence that best combines each pair of sentences given. 1. Understanding cognitive disabilities will change people's attitudes. It will also make them support these children better.










A. Understanding cognitive disabilities will neither change people's attitudes nor make them support these children better. B. Understanding cognitive disabilities will either change people's attitudes or make them support these children better. C. Understanding cognitive disabilities will only change people's attitudes not make them support these children better. D. Understanding cognitive disabilities will not only change people's attitudes but also make them support these children better. (“... not only ... but also ...” là cấu trúc mang nghĩa “không những ... mà còn ...") 2. Thomas Edison was one of the world's greatest inventor. He had difficulties with words and speech. A. Thomas Edison, one of the world's greatest inventor, had difficulties with words and speech. B. Because Thomas Edison was one of the world's greatest inventor, he had difficulties with words and speech. C. Although Thomas Edison was one of the world's greatest inventor, he had difficulties with words and speech. D. Unless Thomas Edison were one of the world's greatest inventor, he would have difficulties with words and speech. ("A, B, ...” là cấu trúc “appositive”, hoặc “đồng vị”, khi B sẽ có nghĩa tương đương với A, làm rõ A) 3. Disabled people can contribute to our community. Non-disabled people can also contribute to our community. A. Either disabled people or non-disabled ones can contribute to our community. B. Both disabled people and non-disabled ones can contribute to our community. C. Only disabled people not non-disabled ones can contribute to our community. D. Neither disabled people nor non-disabled ones can contribute to our community. (Both ... and ..." là cấu trúc mang nghĩa “Cả ... và ... đều ...") 4. Louis Braille invented Braille in 1829. Since then, it has been an effective means of communication for the visually impaired. A. Since Louis Braille invented Braille in 1829, it has been an effective means of communication for the visually impaired. B. Louis Braille had no sooner invented Braille in 1829 than it became an effective means of communication for the visually impaired. C. Not until Louis Braille invented Braille in 1829 did it become an effective means of communication for the visually impaired. D. Louis Braille invented Braille in 1829 so that it would be an effective means of communication for the visually impaired. ("Since...,...”; “thì hiện tại hoàn thành” với từ “since”) 5. We should not use the words like "deaf" or "them". They are disrespectful. A. We should not use the words like "deaf" or "them", and they are disrespectful. B. We should not use the words like "deaf" or "them", so they are disrespectful. C. We should not use the words like "deaf" or "them", but they are disrespectful. D. We should not use the words like "deaf" or "them", for they are disrespectful. (“for” ở đây mang nghĩa như “because”, “tại vì”)











LANGUAGE FOCUS Phonetics Falling and rising intonation Grammar - Gerunds A lot of the landscapes in the region are definitely worth visiting. The school doesn't allow chewing gum in the classroom. I don't like him taking all the credit when he didn't do any of the work. - State verbs in continuous forms I think we should go to Malaysia for our holiday this year. Sorry, what did you say? I was thinking about my holiday. Vocabulary Words and phrases related to ASEAN, its aims, member states and activities vision, stability, cooperation ... I. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions. 1. A. stable B. maintain C. scholarship D. dominate (âm /ə/, các từ còn lại âm /eɪ/) 2. A. hold B. offer C. bloc D. solidarity (âm /əʊ/, các từ còn lại âm /ɒ/) 3. A. participates B. athletes C. dominates D. activities (âm /z/, các từ còn lại âm cuối là /t/, khi thêm “s” thành âm /s/) 4. A. avoided B. recommended C. permitted D. practiced (âm /t/, các từ còn lại âm cuối là /d/ hoặc /t/, thành âm /ɪd/) 5. A. promote B. confusion C. focus D. association (âm /ə/, các từ còn lại âm /əʊ/) II. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the position of primary stress in each of the following questions. 1. A. maintain B. charter C. finish D. practice (nhấn âm 2, các từ còn lại nhấn âm 1) 2. A. solidarity B. cooperation C. voluntarily D. economically (nhấn âm 4, các từ còn lại nhấn âm 3) 3. A. membership B. integrate C. principle D. consider (nhấn âm 2, các từ còn lại nhấn âm 1) 4. A. promote B. enjoy C. involve D. realize (nhấn âm 1, các từ còn lại nhấn âm 2) 5. A. remember B. understand C. imagine D. encourage (nhấn âm 1, các từ còn lại nhấn âm 2) III. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following sentences. 1. Thailand has dominated in most of the recent ASEAN GAMES in the region, winning the biggest numbers of gold medals. A. has been the most successful B. has been the least successful C. has been the most dedicated D. has been the least dynamic (“dominate” là động từ, mang nghĩa “bá chủ, thống trị”, hoặc “most successful”, “thành công nhất”)










2. In making policy city, officials depend on over fifty citizen advisory boards and commissions for citizen input. A. decide on B. rely on C. impact on D. insist on ("rely on ST” hoặc “depend on ST” mang nghĩa “dựa vào cái gì”) 3. Most Vietnamese students know what the red colour on their national flag stands for. A. targets B. symbolizes C. belongs D. infers (“stand for” hoặc “symbolize” mang nghĩa “mang tính biểu tượng, biểu trưng cái gì”) 4. Mainstream economists argue that the purpose of the policy is to promote economic efficiency. A. begin B. stabilize C. boost D. activiate (“promote” hoặc “boost” mang nghĩa “làm cho cái gì tăng lên, tốt lên”) 5. Negotiation is among a few effective ways to resolve any dispute. A. disrespect B. organization C. acceptance D. disagreement ("dispute” hoặc “disagreement” mang nghĩa “sự bất đồng quan điểm”) IV. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the underlined part that needs correction in each of the following sentences. 1. The 27th SEA Games, featured 33 sports with 460 gold, 460 silver and 637 bronze medals, ran from Dec 11 to A B C Dec 22, 2013 in Myanmar. D (sửa thành "featuring", cấu trúc là “A feature(s) B”) 2. The official mascot of the 2013 Southeast Asian Games was a couple of owls which are considering lucky A B C charms in Myanmar tradition. D (sửa thành”are considered”, cấu trúc "to be considered ST", mang nghĩa “được xem là ...") 3. Gifts normally exchange at the beginning of meetings with Japanese and should be given and received with A B C both hands. D (sửa thành "are normally exchanged”, mang nghĩa “quà được trao đổi”) 4. The Netherlands, with much of its land lying lower than sea level, have a system of dikes and canals for A B C controlling water. D (sửa thành “has”, mặc dù “Netherlands” có "s” ở cuối, nhưng đó là tên riêng, bản thân nó vẫn là một quốc gia, là số ít) 5. In Southeast Asian, many forests have been cut down to produce timber and clearing land for farms and A B C industries. D (sửa thành “clear land”, chú ý cấu trúc song hành với từ “and” ở trước) V. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following sentences. 1. As an ASEAN member, Vietnam has actively participated in the group's programs and has also created new ____ and cooperation mechanisms. A. initiatives B. initiates C. initiations D. initiators ("initiative” mang nghĩa “một chiến dịch, một kế hoạch”) 2. The population of ASEAN is more than 600 million people, ____ about 8% of the world's population. A. counting on B. setting for C. accounting for D. making of










(“account for” mang nghĩa “chiếm bao nhiêu %") 3. The ASEAN gross domestic product grew ____ 4.6% to reach US$ 2.57 trillion in 2015. A. on B. by C. in D. with (grow by ...%" là tăng trưởng được bao nhiêu %") 4. The government hopes their program will help new immigrants ____ well in the community. A. enter B. immerse C. exchange D. integrate (“integrate” mang nghĩa “hòa nhập”) 5. Many volunteer organizations have been ____ to give help and support to disadvantaged children in the area. A. laid out B. looked on C. set up D. got by ("set up”, “found”, “establish” đều mang nghĩa “thành lập”) 6. It came as no surprise that Thailand ended the latest SEA Games at the top of medals ____. A. host B. standing C. participating D. earning ("standing” mang nghĩa danh sách thứ hạng) 7. The children would love to join the exchange program where they can ____ themselves in different traditional and cultural activities. A. immerse B. dip C. imply D. obtain ("immerse in ST” mang nghĩa “đắm chìm trong cái gì”) 8. It is important that young people be taught the importance of ____ the national heritage. A. preserving B. reversing C. reserving D. conserving ("preserve” mang nghĩa “bảo tồn, duy trì”, so sánh với “conserve” mang nghĩa “sử dụng tiết kiệm hoặc bảo vệ”) 9. Vietnam, along with China, stands out as a rare ____ story among transition economies. A. successful B. successive C. success D. succeeding ("success story" mang nghĩa “câu chuyện về sự thành công”, “successful” được dùng khi bản thân nó là thành công, ví dụ “a successful book” hoặc “a successful actor") 10. There is a ____ shortage of food in the disaster-stricken areas of ASEAN. A. deep B. critical C. erratic D. strong (critical" sẽ đi với “shortage”, mang nghĩa “thiếu thốn trầm trọng”) 11. Young people are supposed to ____ themselves in several voluntary social activities. A. promote B. involve C. serve D. participate ("involve themselves in ...” mang nghĩa “tham gia hoạt động gì”) 12. ASEAN always attempts to ____ adequate support to victims of natural disasters in the area. A. conduct B. involve C. present D. administer ("present adequate support" mang nghĩa “cung cấp đủ sự hỗ trợ”, tương tự từ "offer") 13. She is afraid of the dentist, so she always puts off ____ till the last possible moment. A. to go B. going C. go D. gone ("put off doing ST" mang nghĩa “trì hoãn việc gì”, tương tự với từ “postpone”) 14. I don't regret ____ her what I thought, even if it upsets her. A. tell B. to tell C. to have told D. telling ("regret doing ST” mang nghĩa “hối hận một việc gì đã làm, so sánh với "regret to tell/inform ..." mang nghĩa “rất lấy làm tiếc phải ...”) 15. I simply couldn't resist ____ you to tell you the good news! A. phoning B. to phone C. phone D. phoned (-resist doing ST” mang nghĩa “cưỡng lại được việc gì”) 16. They were expected ____ back by eleven. A. being B. been C. have D. to be ("to be expected to V-inf” mang nghĩa được dự đoán sẽ làm gì”) 17. We'll get Robert ____ it.










A. delivers B. delivering C. to deliver D. deliver ("get SB to do ST” là thể nhờ vả, tương tự với cấu trúc “have SB do ST") 18. Let's not waste time ____ about this. A. argue B. arguing C. having argued D. to have argued ("waste time doing ST” mang nghĩa “tốn thời gian làm việc gì”) 19. I went to the airport ____ to meet her, but she didn't arrive. A. expecting B. to expect C. to be expected D. to have expected (rút gọn mệnh đề cùng chủ ngữ, ở dạng chủ động nên còn lại V-ing) 20. ____ that I would be late for school, I took a taxi instead of a bus. A. Thinking B. Thought C. To think D. To be thinking (tương tự câu 19) 21. I tried ____ her flowers but it didn't have any effect. A. to send B. sending C. sent D. to be sent (“try doing ST” mang nghĩa “thử làm việc gì”, so sánh với “try to do ST” mang nghĩa "cố gắng làm việc gì”) 22. I insist on ____ this small present as a token of my appreciation. A. your accepting B. you to accept C. yours accepting D. you accept ("insist on doing ST” mang nghĩa “nằng nặc, khăng khăng làm việc gì”) 23. Susan hoped ____ to Terry's party. A. for being invited B. to be invited C. she will be invited D. being invited (hope to do ST", mang nghĩa "hi vọng được làm việc gì”) 24. The universe is supposed ____ all the time. A. to expand B. expanding C. to be expanding D. to have expanded (“to be supposed to do ST”, mang nghĩa “được cho là phải làm gì”, tuy nhiên chú ý cụm “all the time”, nên phải chia dạng tiếp diễn là “be expanding") 25. You should avoid ____ to the downtown area during the rush hour. A. traveling B. to travel C. traveled D. to traveling ("avoid doing ST” mang nghĩa “tránh làm việc gì”) 26. I greatly regret ____ those boots when they were so cheap. A. not having bought B. not to have bought C. not to buy D. didn't buy ("regret (not) doing ST” mang nghĩa “hối hận đã (không) làm việc gì”; để ý ngữ cảnh sẽ thấy cần phải dùng quá khứ phân từ “not having bought") 27. He is very skillful at ____ animal noises. A. being made B. to make C. made D. making (“be skillful at doing ST” mang nghĩa "rất thành thạo việc gì”) 28. Some people are against children ____ to school before they are six. A. being sent B. to send C. to be sent D. having been sent (“to be against ST/doing ST" mang nghĩa “phản đối việc gì”, ở đây cần phải chia bị động do ngữ cảnh và phù hợp cấu trúc nên chọn “being sent") 29. - A: "Would you please go over my presentation on ASEAN?" - B: “____” A. I'm glad to go. B. No problem. C. I'll be fine. D. Yes, I would be. (câu hỏi “Bạn có thể làm ơn xem qua bài thuyết trình về ASEAN không?”, câu trả lời sẽ là “không thành vấn đề”) 30. - A: “____” - B: "I've just asked where you are from." A. Pardon? B. Repeat. C. Excuse me! D. What's your name? (câu trả lời là “Tôi mới hỏi bạn từ đầu đến”, câu hỏi sẽ là "Pardon?”, được dùng khi không nghe rõ người kia nói gì)










VI. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks. Vietnam is a (1) ____, developing country that in the last 34 years has had to recuperate from the ravages of war. Substantial progress was (2) ____ from 1986 to 1997 in moving forward from an extremely low level of development and significantly reducing poverty. Since 2001, Vietnamese authorities have reaffirmed their (3) ____ to economic liberalization and international (4) ____. They have moved to implement the structural reforms needed to modernize the economy and to produce more competitive, (5) ____ industries. Vietnam's membership in the ASEAN Free Trade Area (AFTA) and entry (6) ____ force of the USVietnam Bilateral Trade Agreement in December 2001 have (7) ____ to even more rapid changes in Vietnam's trade and economic regime. Vietnam's exports to the US doubled in 2002 and again in 2003. Vietnam joined the WTO (World Trade Organization) in January 2007, following over a decade long (8) ____. This should provide an important boost to the economy and should help to ensure the continuation of liberalizing reforms. Vietnam is working to create jobs to meet the challenge of a (9) ____ that is growing by more than one million people every year. Vietnamese authorities have tightened monetary and fiscal (10) ____ to stem high inflation. 1. A. dense-populated B. densely-populated C. dense-populating D. densely populating (cụm tính từ, "densely” là trạng từ, mang nghĩa “dày đặc”, “populated” là tính từ, mang nghĩa “có dân cư") 2. A. improved B. advanced C. maintained D. achieved (progress”, mang nghĩa “tiến bộ, thành quả”, đi với từ “achieve” là “đạt được") 3. A. commitment B. promise C. determination D. assurance (“commitment” mang nghĩa “trách nhiệm, sự trung thành với nhiệm vụ”, đi với từ “reaffirm” ở trước, mang nghĩa “khẳng định lại”) 4. A. Incorporation B. integration C. combination D. inclusion (“international integration” mang nghĩa “sự thống nhất mang tính quốc tế”) 5. A. export-driving B. export-driven C. exporting driving D. export-to drive ("noun-driven” mang nghĩa “bị chi phối theo cái gì”, ở đây, “export-driven” mang nghĩa “xuất siêu") 6. A. in B. on C. into D. of (“entry into ST" mang nghĩa “sự gia nhập") 7. A. guided B. went C. led D. directed (“lead to ST”, quá khứ phân từ “led to ST", mang nghĩa "dẫn tới cái gì”, tương tự "result in ST") 8. A. negotiating process B. negotiable process C. negotiation process D. negotiated process (danh từ ghép, từ “negotiation” mang nghĩa “sự thương lượng” và “process” mang nghĩa “quá trình”) 9. A. labor force B. labor movement C. labor relation D. labor shortage (“labor force” là một cụm từ, mang nghĩa “lực lượng lao động, nhân lực”) 10. A. guidelines B. procedures C. rules D. policies (“fiscal policy" là một cụm từ, mang nghĩa “chính sách tiền tệ”) VII. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions. The Spring festival season in Vietnam starts with the Lunar New Year and closes with the celebration honoring the mythical founding fathers, the Hung Kings, on the tenth day of the third lunar month. Underlying the origins of these rituals is the farming cycle and its association with fertility rites and ancestor worship. Ancestor worship is a belief of wet-rice farmers who keep their ancestors' graves in their village. This strong attachment to the village of one's birth and the recognition that the inhabitants all descend from the same ancestral line creates strong bonds. The village festival is based on the spirit of unity and family. The farmers are the festivals' creators, actors and audience.










Ancient ceremonies related to farming sometimes take on additional meanings: the commemoration of heroic deeds and the village heroes' birth or death. Each village in the North of Vietnam has such a heroic or super-human figure as a tutelary or guardian spirit. The heroes were honored in their own temples and communal houses which became the heart of the village activities. There are basic themes which are common to all Spring festivals in the Red River Delta. For instance, water takes on an essential role. Water is collected and blessed and later used for ritual washing. There are boat races, fishing contests, snake dances and water puppet performances. In Chem village, in the suburbs of Hanoi on the banks of the Red River, the main part of the festival actually occurs on a barge carrying over 200 people waving flags, singing, dancing and chasing a unicorn. The barge sails from the temple out into the middle of the Red River, while elders in smaller boats fetch three large jars of water to be blessed and used in rituals during the year. The next day the blessed water is used for the symbolic washing of the wooden statue of the village guardian. 1. According to paragraph 1, how long does the the Spring festival last? A. one month B. less than one month C. more than three months D. just more than two months (chú ý đoạn 1, "starts with the Lunar New Year" cho đến “tenth day of the third lunar month”, tức là từ đầu tháng Giêng đến ngày 10 tháng Ba âm lịch, là hơn 2 tháng) 2. With which of the following are the rituals of the festival NOT associated? A. Ancestor worship B. Fertility rites C. Festival creators D. Unity and family spirit (chú ý đoạn 2, dòng 1, "farming cycle and its association with fertility rites and ancestor worship" và dòng 4 "The village festival is based on the spirit of unity and family.") 3. The word "descend" in the passage is closest in meaning to ____. A. improve B. originate C. transform D. exchange ("descend from ST" hoặc "originate” mang nghĩa “bắt nguồn từ”) 4. What is stated in paragraph 4 about boat races, fishing contests, snake dances and water puppet performances? A. They are very basic activities. B. They take on an essential role. C. They are all done on the water. D. They take place in Chem village. (chú ý thấy các hoạt động này đều được làm trên nước, ví dụ như “boat races” -"đua thuyền” hoặc “water puppet performances” – “múa rối nước") 5. Which of the following is true about the blessed water in the festival of Chem village? A. It is carried on the barge. B. It used for the ritual of the next day. C. It is taken from the village guardian. D. It helps make wooden statues clean. (chú ý đoạn 4, dòng cuối, “The next day the blessed water is used for the symbolic washing of the wooden statue of the village guardian.") VIII. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions. Thailand's most celebrated festival is the Songkran Festival. It starts on April 13 and lasts between three to ten days, depending on where you are in Thailand. The word Songkran is from Sanskrit, meaning the beginning of a new solar year. The festival begins on April 13 and everyone is awakened at dawn to the sound of firecrackers used to drive away evil spirits. This is the day when everything is scrupulously cleaned from the self, clothes, Buddha images, to houses, shops and streets in preparation for the New Year. April 14 is the day between the old year and the new year. It is customary not to quarrel or use harsh words on one another. The morning is spent shopping and preparing food for the following day, while the afternoon is reserved for visiting a temple in the neighborhood. It is imperative that they carry a fistful of sand with them to compensate for the dirt that they have carried away from the temple during their visits throughout the year. The sand is then sculpted into stupa-shaped piles.










April 15 marks the New Year's Day called Wan Phya Wan. It is a day of great importance. It is customary to visit the temple early in the morning to take food to the monks, as a form of merit making and later in the afternoon to return to place small banners, known as Thung, on the top of the stupas built the day before. After that, visits to family and relatives are carried out. The gifts during the visit include areca nuts, clove leaves, turmeric water and acacia oil. Family members ask for forgiveness from their respected elders for any wrong doings they may have committed throughout the year and to receive their blessings for the year to come. At the end of this ceremony, a little water is sprinkled onto the hands and heads of the old people as a blessing and then quite a lot is thrown at the rest of the family in anticipation of the water wars that are to follow. Traditionally water should be thrown on April 16 but nowadays it is not unusual for water to be thrown throughout the whole of the Songkran festival. Armed with high-powered water pistols, bowls, buckets or anything that will hold water revelers gather on the streets to throw water at one another. Even the policemen directing traffic are not spared. Each and every participant is expected to receive the 'blessing' with good humor. If you want to stay dry and still do not want to miss the fun, you can always view the scene from inside an air-conditioned tourist bus - just remember not to open the windows. To attract tourists, other activities are held in big cities. These include the sand-stupa building contests, local cultural performances and Miss Songkran Beauty Queen Contests. Demonstrations of Thai cooking and handicraft making are also held at well-known hotels in cities like Bangkok. 1. According to the passage, the Songkran Festival ____. A. varies in length across the areas in Thailand B. is celebrated when everyone is awakened C. marks the beginning of a new lunar year D. takes place mainly on April 13 (chú ý đoạn 1, "It starts on April 13 and lasts between three to ten days, depending on where you are in Thailand") 2. The word "scrupulously" in the passage is closest in meaning to ____. A. carefully B. honestly C. frankly D. completely ("scrupulously", "meticulously” hoặc “carefully” đều mang nghĩa "một cách cẩn thận") 3. The word "harsh" in the passage is closest in meaning to ____. A. angry B. extreme C. unkind D. unenjoyable (“harsh” hoặc “unkind” mang nghĩa “khắc nghiệt, không tử tế") 4. Why do people have to carry a fistful of sand with them when visiting the temple? A. To drive away the evil spirit B. To remind them to avoid quarreling C. To make up for the dirt brought away D. To help make the stupa-shaped piles there (chú ý đoạn 3, "It is imperative that they carry a fistful of sand with them to compensate for the dirt that they have carried away from the temple during their visits throughout the year.") 5. The word "sculpted" in the passage mostly means ____. A. cooked B. formed C. taken D. brought ("sculpt" mang nghĩa “tạo hình dáng”, gần nghĩa với “form") 6. According to the passage, when do people bring food to the monks at the temple? A. On the first day of the festival B. On the second day of the festival C. On the third day of the festival D. On the fourth day of the festival (chú ý đoạn 2 “The festival begins on April 13” và đoạn 4 “April 15 marks the New Year's Day ... customary to visit the temple early in the morning to take food to the monks") 7. What often happens at the visits to family and relatives? A. The elders tell the other family members the wrong doings they made. B. The elders have a lot of water thrown at them as a blessing. C. The water wars take place before the blessing exchange. D. The wrong doings of family members are confessed to the elders.










(chú ý đoạn 5, "Family members ask for forgiveness from their respected elders for any wrong doings they may have committed throughout the year") 8. The word "they" in the passage refers to ____. A. blessings B. respected elders C. family members D. gifts (“they" đi cùng với “wrongdoings ... committed”, mang nghĩa “phạm lỗi”, nên nó thay thế cho “family members" chứ không phải "respected elders") 9. According to the passage, the water wars ____. A. only take place on April 16 B. should exclude policemen C. can be seen throughout the festival D. require participants to have good humour (chú ý đoạn 6, “Traditionally water should be thrown on April 16 but nowadays it is not unusual for water to be thrown throughout the whole of the Songkran festival") 10. According to the passage, all of the following have been done to attract tourists to the festival EXCEPT ____. A. competitions of building sand-stupa B. restricting throwing water at tourists on the bus C. beauty contests bearing the name of the festival D. holding demonstrations of Thai cuisines and handicraft. (chú ý đoạn cuối, “These include the sand-stupa building contests, local cultural performances and Miss Songkran Beauty Queen Contests. Demonstrations of Thai cooking and handicraft ...") IX. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to each of the following sentences. 1. I regret missing the opening ceremony of the ASEANGAMES last night. A. I wish I could miss the opening ceremony of the ASEAN GAMES last night. B. I wish I did not miss opening ceremony of the ASEAN GAMES last night. C. I wish to miss opening ceremony of the ASEAN GAMES last night. D. I wish I had not missed opening ceremony of the ASEAN GAMES last night. ("regret doing ST” là “hối hận đã làm việc gì”, dùng cấu trúc “I wish” để giả định việc không có thật trong quá khứ) 2. Lucy is excited about meeting her new pen pal from Thailand. A. Lucy can't wait to meet her new pen pal from Thailand. B. Lucy is waiting to meet her new pen pal from Thailand. C. Lucy is excited that her new pen pal from Thailand is waiting for her. D. Lucy can't bear meeting her new pen pal from Thailand. (cấu trúc "can't wait to do ST" , được dùng khi diễn tả sự phấn khích, hay “to be excited to do ST") 3. Our group managed to deliver a presentation on ASEAN yesterday. A. Our group found a manager to deliver a presentation on ASEAN yesterday. B. Our group succeeded in delivering a presentation on ASEAN yesterday. C. A presentation on ASEAN was delivered to the manager of our group yesterday. D. The delivery of our presentation on ASEAN was managed yesterday. (“manage to do ST" hoặc "succeed in doing ST” mang nghĩa “thành công làm việc gì”) 4. Perhaps Vietnam will defeat Thailand in the football final of the ASEAN game. A. Vietnam must defeat Thailand in the football final of the ASEAN game. B. Vietnam may probably defeat Thailand in the football final of the ASEAN game. C. Vietnam should have defeated Thailand in the football final of the ASEAN game. D. Vietnam can't have defeated Thailand in the football final of the ASEAN game. (trạng từ "perhaps” và “probably" đều mang nghĩa “có thể, có khả năng”) 5. It is unnecessary to apply for a visa to enter Singapore. A. There is no point in applying for a visa to enter Singapore.










B. It's hopeless to apply for a visa to enter Singapore. C. You should not have to apply for a visa to enter Singapore. D. You don't need to apply for a visa to enter Singapore. ("unnecessary to do ST" hoặc "do/does not need to do ST" cùng mang nghĩa “không cần thiết phải làm gì", so sánh với "there is no point in doing ST" mang nghĩa “không có ích lợi gì”) X. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the sentence that best combines each pair of sentences given. 1. Han was so busy surfing the Net for information about ASEAN members. He did not hear his Mom call. A. Being busy surfing the Net for information about ASEAN members, Han did not hear his Mom call. B. Han was so busy surfing the Net for information about ASEAN members, but he did not hear his Mom call. C. Having not heard his Mom call, Han was so busy surfing the Net for information about ASEAN members. D. Han was so busy surfing the Net for information about ASEAN members, or he did not hear his Mom call. (Nối hai câu sử dụng cấu trúc rút gọn mệnh đề cùng chủ ngữ) 2. Michelle likes travelling to Vietnam very much. She made a lot of friends while travelling there. A. Michelle likes travelling to Vietnam very much because she wants to make a lot of friends while travelling there. B. Michelle really likes travelling to Vietnam where she made a lot of friends while travelling. C. Michelle likes travelling to Vietnam very much, but she made a lot of friends while travelling there. D. Michelle likes travelling to Vietnam very much in spite of making a lot of friends while travelling there. (Nối hai câu sử dụng mệnh đề quan hệ chỉ nơi chốn, lưu ý từ “Vietnam” được thay thế bằng từ “where”) 3. ASEAN is an international organization. It consists of 10 countries located in Southeast Asia. A. ASEAN is an international organization, so it consists of 10 countries located in Southeast Asia. B. An international organization which consists of 10 countries located in Southeast Asia is called ASEAN. C. ASEAN is an international organization, consisting of 10 countries located in Southeast Asia. D. ASEAN is an international organization having consisted of 10 countries located in Southeast Asia. (Nối hai câu sử dụng cấu trúc rút gọn mệnh đề cùng chủ ngữ) 4. The students look forward to participating in the activities. They are arranged by the ASEAN volunteer program. A. The students look forward to arranging the activities together with the ASEAN volunteer program. B. The students look forward to participating in the activities arranged by the ASEAN volunteer program. C. The students, arranged by the ASEAN volunteer program, look forward to participating in the activities. D. The students look forward to participating in ASEAN volunteer program that arrange the activities. (Nối hai câu sử dụng mệnh đề quan hệ rút gọn) 5. More and more Vietnamese youngsters are studying English. They recognize the importance of the language. A. As more and more Vietnamese youngsters are studying English, they recognize the importance of the language. B. Seeing the importance of English, more and more Vietnamese youngsters are studying the language. C. More and more Vietnamese youngsters are studying English, but they recognize the importance of the language. D. More and more Vietnamese youngsters are studying English, or they recognize the importance of the language. (Nối hai câu sử dụng cấu trúc rút gọn mệnh đề cùng chủ ngữ)


















Phonetics Yes-No questions & echo questions Grammar Perfect gerunds and perfect participles The boy admitted having played truant the day before. She mentioned having been to the cinema with him, but I didn't know what she had really done. Having identified the causes of global warming, we began to work out solutions to reduce its effects. Not having taken good care of the environment, we now have to suffer the effects of global warming. Vocabulary Words and phrases related to global warming: suffer, greenhouse effect, climate change .. I. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions. 1. A. famine B. absorb C. admit D. global (âm /æ/, các từ còn lại âm /ə/) 2. A. capture B. transport C. atmosphere D. carbon (âm /ɑ:/, các từ còn lại âm /æ/) 3. A. admit B. emit C. climate D. injure (âm /aɪ/, các từ còn lại âm /ɪ/) 4. A. infectious B. emission C. measure D. shortage (âm /ʒ/, các từ còn lại âm /ʃ/) 5. A. reduces B. diseases C. changes D. captures (âm /z/, các từ còn lại âm /ɪz/) II. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the position of primary stress in each of the following questions. 1. A. carbon B. conjure C. worldwide D. absorb (nhấn âm 2, các từ còn lại nhấn âm 1) 2. A. balance B. capture C. release D. harvest (nhấn âm 2, các từ còn lại nhấn âm 1) 3. A. infectious B. numerous C. supporting D. contribute (nhấn âm 1, các từ còn lại nhấn âm 2, lưu ý “contribute” có thể nhấn âm 1 hoặc âm 2) 4. A. atmospheric B. fertilizer C. ecological D. catastrophic (nhấn âm 1, các từ còn lại nhấn âm 3) 5. A. disrupted B. develop C. confession D. atmosphere (nhấn âm 1, các từ còn lại nhấn âm 2) III. Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the underlined part that needs correction in each of the following sentences. 1. As emissions increase, it trap more heat in the atmosphere, leading to a period of unprecedented warming. A B C D (sửa thành “they”, lưu ý "emissions” là danh từ số nhiều) 2. Since the beginning of the 20th century, the average temperature has raised by about 0.8°C and this has farA B C reaching consequences. D










(sửa thành “has risen”, ở đây cần nội động từ (intransitive verb) “rise”, không phải ngoại động từ (transitive verb) “raise”) 3. It is claimed by scientists that climate change will affect the frequency and tension of extreme events. A B C D (sửa thành “tendency", mang nghĩa “xu hướng xảy ra”, không phải “tension", mang nghĩa “sự căng thẳng”) 4. Global warming is a global emergency although it has caused abnormal climate change. A B C D (sửa thành “because”, chỉ nguyên nhân) 5. In late October of 2012, the U.S. was struck by a devastated Atlantic storm in Hurricane Sandy, which was A B the deadliest and costliest to hit there that year. C D (sửa thành "devastating”, lưu ý, nó bổ nghĩa cho “Atlantic storm”) IV. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following sentences. 1. Many species are now ____ danger of being extinct as a result of deforestation and habitat loss. A. in B. on C. at D. with (cấu trúc “to be in danger of ...", mang nghĩa “trong vòng nguy hiểm”) 2. The rainforests around the world are ____ threat of deforestation. A. in B. by C. under D. on (cấu trúc “under threat of ...", mang nghĩa “bị đe doạ bởi ...") 3. To solve the problems of pollution, it is important to identify the ____ of it. A. reasons B. purpose C. causes D. facts ("cause(s)” mang nghĩa “nguyên nhân, tác nhân”) 4. The rivers in the local area are heavily polluted ____ wastes released from nearby factories. A. from B. with C. of D. in (“to be polluted with ...”, mang nghĩa “bị ô nhiễm bởi ...") 5. Animal ____ are being destroyed by human activities. A. places B. habitats C. shelter D. accommodation (ohabitat” mang nghĩa “môi trường sống”) 6. Global warming is among many factors that drive many species of animals to the ____ of extinction. A. verge B. period C. corner D. bottom (cấu trúc “on the verge of extinction”, mang nghĩa “trên bờ vực tuyệt chủng”) 7. The loss of biodiversity has a serious ____ on the survival of wildlife and humans. A. affect B. problem C. impact D. influential ("impact on ST/SB”, mang nghĩa “sự ảnh hưởng đối với ...") 8. The success of wildlife preservation depends largely ____ people's awareness. A. with B. of C. on D. by ("depend on ST/SB”, mang nghĩa “dựa vào, phụ thuộc vào cái gì”) 9. Humans should try to maintain biodiversity as they ____ a lot from it. A. achieve B. keep C. benefit D. attain (“benefit from ST/SB", mang nghĩa “nhận lợi ích từ cái gì”) 10. Many of our medicines are derived ____ animals and plants. A. of B. from C. by D. to ("to be derived from ST", mang nghĩa “có nguồn gốc từ cái gì”) 11. Forests ____ humans with many valuable things. A. give B. provide C. award D. bring (provide SB with ST”, mang nghĩa “cung cấp cái gì cho ai”)










12. Many measures have been taken to ____ people's awareness of conservation. A. increase B. rise C. promote D. raise ("raise SB's awareness of ST" mang nghĩa “nâng cao sự nhận thức của ai về vấn đề gì”) 13. More wildlife ____ need to be built to save animals from extinction. A. zoos B. parks C. reserves D. regions ("reserve” là danh từ, mang nghĩa “khu bảo tồn”) 14. Global warming can ____ the ecological balance, bringing about terrible consequences. A. destroy B. upset C. converse D. injure (“upset ST" là động từ, mang nghĩa “làm xáo trộn, ảnh hưởng xấu đến cái gì”) 15. When can all animals be ____ from disappearance? A. protected B. covered C. rescued D. poached (“protect SB/ST from SB/ST", mang nghĩa “bảo vệ ... khỏi ...") 16. In regions of volcanoes, houses should be built with ____ materials. A. destroyed B. destructible C. indestructible D. destroying (“indestructible” là tính từ, mang nghĩa “không thể phá huỷ được") 17. Toxic chemicals from factories are seriously ____. A. contaminate B. contamination C. contaminated D. contaminating ("contaminating” là tính từ, mang nghĩa “độc hại, ô nhiễm”, lưu ý, tính từ ở đây bổ nghĩa cho “toxic chemicals” nên không thể là “contaminated", mang nghĩa “bị ô nhiễm”) 18. It has been proven that humans and animals are ____ and that one's existence must be closely linked with that of the other. A. interdependent B. independent C. dependable D. dependent (“interdependent” là tính từ, mang nghĩa “phụ thuộc lẫn nhau”, tạo thành từ "dependent” và tiền tố “inter", mang nghĩa “liên kết, liên thông") 19. ____ are trying to put a stop to the destruction of forests. A. Conservation B. Conservationists C. Conserve D. Conservatives (“conservationist” là danh từ, mang nghĩa “nhà bảo tồn”) 20. Conservation is a challenging job but we cannot ____. A. give it on B. give it up C. put it on D. take it up (“give ST up”, mang nghĩa “từ bỏ, ngưng làm việc gì”) 21. ____ of his job as a forester is to take care of these trees. A. Part B. Half C. Most D. All ("part of ST", mang nghĩa "một phần của cái gì”) 22. What needs to be done to save the animals that are ____ to extinction? A. going B. nearly C. next D. close (“to be close to ST", mang nghĩa “gần với cái gì”, ở đây hiểu là "gần tuyệt chủng”) 23. ____ is one of the causes of the extinction of the rhinos. A. Losing habitat B. Habitat losing C. Lost of habitat D. Habitat loss (“habitat loss” là cụm danh từ, mang nghĩa “sự mất đi môi trường sống”) 24. Powdered rhino horn is said to be able to ____ people of their fever. A. treat B. cure C. save D. rescue (“cure ST", là động từ, mang nghĩa "chữa khỏi bệnh gì”) 25. There is a decline ____ the number of all these endangered species. A. on B. by C. in D. with ("decline in ST", là danh từ, mang nghĩa “sự tụt giảm về cái gì”, gần nghĩa với "drop" hoặc "decrease") 26. A lot of ____ have been taken to reduce global warming and its consequences. A. ways B. methods C. rules D. measures (“measure”, là danh từ, mang nghĩa “biện pháp, giải pháp”, gần nghĩa với "solutions")










27. People think they can make a ____ with rhino horns. A. fortune B. wealth C. property D. riches ("make a fortune”, là cụm từ, mang nghĩa “làm ra cả một gia tài”, “kiếm được nhiều tiền") 28. Jack has decided to ____ the time he spends watching television, thinking he can contribute to reducing global warming effects. A. run out of B. cut down on C. go in for D. come up with (cut down on ST”, là động từ, mang nghĩa “cắt giảm cái gì”) 29. - "I have thought of a way to save energy around the house!" - "____!" A. Best wishes B. My dear C. Well done D. That's very well (“well done” được dùng khi động viên ai, mang nghĩa “làm tốt lắm”) 30. - "____" - “All right then, if you insist." A. She did it right then. B. Are you sure you won't come for a drink with us? C. What seems to be the trouble? D. Everything was all right at the party, wasn't it? (câu hỏi “Bạn có chắc bạn không muốn đi uống nước chứ?”, câu trả lời “Thôi cũng được, nếu bạn kiên quyết như vậy”) V. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following sentences. 1. The company admitted to discharging a lot of waste to the local river and was willing to take responsibility for it. A. denied B. addressed C. confessed D. threatened ("admit to doing ST” mang nghĩa “thú nhận làm việc gì”, gần nghĩa với “confess to doing ST") 2. Environmentalists fear that, if completed, the hydro-electric dam will severely disrupt the Danube ecosystem. A. upset B. benefit C. affect D. improve ("disrupt ST”, mang nghĩa "xáo trộn, ảnh hưởng xấu”, gần nghĩa với “upset ST") 3. Introducing a new species to the area may be injurious to the local eco-system. A. beneficial B. unpredictable C. harmful D. annoying (“injurious to ST/SB” mang nghĩa “có hại đối với ...", gần nghĩa với “harmful to ST/SB" 4. The recent draught has led hundreds of victims to be famish and in terrible conditions. A. extremely hungry B. in misery C. completely senseless D. in debt (“famish” mang nghĩa "chết đói”, gần nghĩa với "extremely hungry") 5. There were many differences of opinion regarding how contagious measles was and how it was transmitted. A. dangerous B. infectious C. mysterious D. measurable (“infectious” mang nghĩa “lây nhiễm nhanh”, gần nghĩa với "contagious”) VI. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks. Despite the wealth of information campaigns telling people about global warming and its causes, most people have yet to realize how severe the problem is. Coming climate changes could alter as (1) ____ as one third of plant and animal habitats (2) ____ the end of the 22nd century. These changes could in (3) ____ cause widespread extinctions among plant and animal (4) ____ around the globe. Coastal and island habitats are perhaps in the greatest danger (5) ____ they face the combined threats of warming oceans and rising sea (6) ____. As habitats change, many animals will come (7) ____ intense pressure to find more suitable homes for themselves. Mass (8) ____ of at least some animals are certainly to be expected, but the fact remains that many animals will simply not be able to move fast enough. Such dire predictions may sound alarmist, but they are based on the rather moderate estimate that the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere will double by 2100. Many scientists believe, however, that this










figure is actually very conservative, and they claim that a tripling is (9) ____ more realistic. If they are (10) ____, the effects on nature will be even more dramatic. 1. A. well B. much C. long D. far (as much as”, gần nghĩa với "almost”, mang nghĩa "gần như”) 2. A. at B. until C. by D. since (“by the end of ...” để diễn tả việc gì đã hoàn thành trước thời điểm đó, so sánh với “at the end of ...” là diễn tả việc gì mới bắt đầu vào thời điểm đó) 3. A. turn B. order C. result D. line (“in turn”, gần nghĩa với “because of that”, mang nghĩa “Vì vậy, do đó”) 4. A. types B. categories C. genres D. species ("species”, mang nghĩa "giống loài”, lưu ý là dạng số ít vẫn là "species”) 5. A. although B. providing C. since D. therefore (since”, gần nghĩa với “as” hoặc “because”, mang nghĩa "tại vì”) 6. A. heights B. levels C. extents D. tides ("sea levels” mang nghĩa “mực nước biển”) 7. A. from B. across C. under D. by (under pressure” là cụm từ, mang nghĩa “chịu áp lực”) 8. A. migrations B. onslaught C. emigration D. extinctions ("migration” là di cư, nhưng mang tính tạm thời, so sánh với "emigration” là di cư, nhưng mang tính lâu dài, đi luôn) 9. A. far B. quite C. really D. almost (trong câu so sánh hơn, có thể dùng “far” để nhấn mạnh hơn) 10. A. precise B. true C. exact D. correct (để chỉ người, nên chọn “correct”) VII. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions. The greenhouse effect is always reported as being a negative consequence of current human lifestyle practices. However there certainly have been numerous suggestions of positive consequences of the greenhouse effect. A slight temperature increase in some of the colder parts of the world may improve conditions for agriculture and changing rainfall patterns may favor some species over others. However, they do not balance with overall negative impacts. The social, economic and ecological disorders brought about by such climatic changes worldwide are projected to greatly outweigh regional benefits. The impacts of global warming and climate change could become a source of increased tension between nations and regions. While the developed, industrialized world is responsible for 75% of all CO2 emissions, these impacts will most likely hit hardest upon the poorer, underdeveloped parts of the world. For example, as sea levels rise countries like Bangladesh will suffer much more from the loss of valuable and populated lands than European or North American countries, even though they have emitted only a tiny fraction of the greenhouse gases. The effect of drowning coastlines could lead to hundreds of millions of climate refugees. Where will these refugees go? How will they be cared for? Undoubtedly, such a disaster will seriously worsen the already critical refugee problem in the world. A severe disorder of the world's food supplies through floods, droughts, crop failures and diseases brought about by climate change would lead to famines, wars and civil disorder in many countries. 1. Which of the following is true according to the passage? A. Greenhouse effect brings us more benefits than negative impacts. B. Greenhouse effect brings us more negative impacts than benefits. C. Current reports on the greenhouse effect are not accurate.










D. Reports should focus on suggestions of positions consequences of the greenhouse effect. (chú ý đoạn 2, câu "they do not balance with overall negative impacts") 2. Which of the following will suffer most from the impacts of climate change? A. The developed countries B. The developing countries C. The countries with valuable and populated lands D. European or North American countries (chú ý đoạn 3, câu "these impacts will most likely hit hardest upon the poorer, underdeveloped parts of the world.") 3. Why will there be an increased tension between countries? A. The developed countries are a source of disasters upon the underdeveloped countries. B. The developed countries head lots of climate refugees to the underdeveloped countries. C. The developed countries will suffer more than the underdeveloped countries. D. The European or North American countries will lose more valuable and populated lands. (chú ý đoạn 3, câu “The impacts of global warming and climate change could become a source of increased tension between nations and regions. While the developed, industrialized world is responsible for 75% of all CO2 ...") 4. The word "tiny" in the passage is closest in meaning to ____. A. large B. small C. much D. considerable (từ “tiny", gần nghĩa với từ “small”, mang nghĩa rất nhỏ”) 5. According to the passage, climate change will result in all of the following EXCEPT ____. A. coastline disorder B. refugee problem C. famine D. crop failure (chú ý đoạn cuối, câu “A severe disorder of the world's food supplies ... lead to famines, wars and civil disorder in many countries.") VIII. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions. El Niño and La Niña Typically, Pacific trade winds blow from east to west, transporting warm surface waters westward, east of Indonesia and northeast of Australia. Thus, the water maintains a cold temperature for much of the year. This is achieved by an upwelling of cold deep ocean-water, which benefits fisheries in the Pacific Ocean lying near the equator. However, these trade winds sometimes lose or gain strength in the Northern Hemisphere. This leads to an effect known as the Southern Oscillation which refers to the two recurring weather patterns of El Niño and La Niña. El Niño, meaning the "boy," is the phenomenon that results in the temperature of the sea surface off the coast of Peru increasing. This condition typically lasts for at least six months. Thus, there is a reduction in dissolved oxygen in the ocean so marine life declines devastating fisheries. It also fuels major differences in air pressure near the Pacific Ocean, which in turn leads to more severe weather events including droughts, increased precipitation, flooding, and even cyclonic storms like hurricanes. Usually, the eastern Pacific region has an upswing in heavy rains to cause flooding, and in contrast, Australia and Indonesia have droughts, often with accompanying forest fires. These two opposing weather events hurt agriculture. For instance, the 1982 – 1983 El Niño, recognized as the worst weather event of the century, hit hard in the U.S. by dropping huge amounts of rainfall on the southern California coast, which resulted in millions of dollars of damage while necessitating the evacuation of 10,000 people. El Niños counterpart, La Niña, meaning "the girl," contrastingly forms when Pacific trade winds grow more powerful than usual. It is the result of the cooler-than-average temperatures of South American equatorial surface waters which cause global cooling. La Niña's duration usually lasts for 9 to 12 months and although forming in the Pacific region, it can wreak havoc across large swaths of the world. During the winter months, the western Pacific areas including Australia, Malaysia, and the Philippines have much greater rainfall.










Conversely, unusually dry conditions settle in over North America's Gulf Coast and large sections of South and Central America as well. Additionally, in the Canadian and American West, there is a cooling effect. By studying the patterns of the El Niño and La Niña cycles, meteorologists have come to better understand their impacts on global weather phenomena. They are thus better able to make predictions especially in terms of not only the strength of each stage, but also when either will fizzle out or begin again, allowing governments to better prepare for floods and droughts which come with each cycle and to prevent billions of dollars in losses and damage. Thereby, the areas under their influence need accurate forecasts to reduce the wide-reaching effects these phenomena have across many facets of both the environment and the economy. 1. The word "upwelling" in the passage most likely means ____. A. climbing B. surging C. rising D. fluctuating (oupwelling” gần nghĩa với “rising", mang nghĩa "tăng lên”) 2. Which of the following is stated in paragraph 1? A. Cold water is conducive to marine life and beneficial to the fishing industry. B. El Niño and La Niña are yearly recurrences affecting the Earth's climate and weather systems. C. Some regions in Indonesia and Austria are often damaged by the Southern Oscillation. D. Trade winds blow to the east across the Pacific ocean cooling ocean temperatures. ("conducive to ST” có nghĩa "có lợi cho việc gì”; chú ý đoạn 1, câu “an upwelling of cold deep oceanwater, which benefits fisheries in the Pacific Ocean lying near the equator") 3. Why are droughts, increased precipitation, flooding, and even cyclonic storms mentioned? A. To compare the damage in the eastern and western Pacific regions B. To name some of the devastating results of El Niño C. To contrast the power between El Niño and La Niña D. To show that there are worse outcomes compared to a difference in air pressure (mục đích là để nêu ra những tác hại của El Niño) 4. The word "fuels" in the passage is closest in meaning to ____. A. decreases B. increases C. supplies D. distinguishes (“fuel” trong ngữ cảnh này sẽ mang nghĩa “gia tăng, làm tăng lên”, “increase”) 5. It is NOT mentioned in paragraph 2 that ____. A. one El Niño event can be expected to last at least half a year B. Pacific trade winds that cause El Niño are weaker than ones that cause La Niña C. El Niño is caused by a rise in water temperatures off Peru's shores D. marine life is affected by lowered oceanic oxygen levels (câu không được đề cập trong đoạn 2 đó là “gió mậu dịch Thái Bình Dương” - “Pacific trade winds” mà tạo ra El Niño thì yếu hơn gió tạo ra La Niña) 6. The words "wreak havoc" in the passage is closest in meaning to ____. A. bring benefits B. blow winds C. release heat D. cause damage (“wreak havoc" gần nghĩa với “cause damage”, mang nghĩa “gây ra sự phá huỷ) 7. The word "They" in the passage refers to ____. A. the El Niño and La Niña cycles B. meteorologists C. global weather phenomena D. governments (chú ý, trong câu có cụm "able to make predictions”, thì chỉ có thể là “meteorologist”, là nhà khí tượng học) 8. The main purpose in paragraph 4 is to ____. A. show the detrimental effects the El Niño and La Niña cycles have on the art of weather prediction B. refute the idea that predictions are far too costly given their limited applications C. demonstrate the importance of predicting the patterns of the Southern Oscillation D. emphasize the excellence of the current scientific technology used in prediction










(mục đích của đoạn 4 là thể hiện sự quan trọng của việc dự đoán đúng đặc điểm của “sự dao động phương Nam”, chú ý câu "...better prepare for floods and droughts which come with each cycle and to prevent billions of dollars in losses and damage") 9. According to the passage, all of the following are mentioned EXCEPT ____. A. the equatorial region in the Pacific Ocean in which the circulation of cold water mostly occurs B. meteorologists' capability to forecast the strength of cyclonic storms C. Malaysia's higher levels of precipitation in winter when there is a La Niña D. experts' prediction power to state when each cycle of El Niño and La Niña will start and stop (lưu ý ở đoạn 4, câu "able to make predictions especially in terms of not only the strength of each stage ...”, chứ không phải “cyclonic storms”) 10. Which of the following can be inferred from the passage? A. More government money will be spent on technology to better predict the phenomena and save money in the long run. B. Global warming will change the patterns of El Niño and La Niña in a few years. C. Countries whose economy is largely dependent upon fishing would place a higher value on prediction than countries which rely primarily upon agriculture. D. The government of Peru pays more attention to monitoring ocean temperatures than other countries do. (lưu ý đoạn 4, câu cuối "... prevent billions of dollars in losses and damage. Thereby, the areas under their influence need accurate forecasts to reduce the wide-reaching effects these phenomena have across many facets of both the environment and the economy.") IX. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to each of the following sentences. 1. Many species are threatened with extinction due to deforestation and loss of habitat. A. Deforestation and loss of habitat threaten many species so that they will become extinct. B. Many species lost their habitat because of deforestation and now they are extinct. C. Deforestation and loss of habitat are driving many species to the verge of extinction. D. Many species are extinct, so they run the risk of deforestation and loss of habitat. ("to be threaten with extinction" được thay bằng "drive ... to the verge of extinction") 2. Motor vehicles running on petrol are responsible for a large amount of carbon dioxide emission. A. Because of releasing a large amount of carbon dioxide, motor vehicles run on petrol. B. A large amount of carbon dioxide emission results from motor vehicles running on petrol. C. A large amount of carbon dioxide emission causes motor vehicles to run on petrol. D. Emitting a large amount of carbon dioxide is one of the responsibilities of motor vehicles running on petrol. (“be responsible for ..." và "result from ..." được dùng để chỉ cái gì là nguyên nhân của cái gì) 3. Global warming has proven truly catastrophic for the environment. A. The environment has been made catastrophic by global warming. B. It is true that global warming is a catastrophe caused by the environment. C. It has been proven that global warming is harmful to the environment. D. The environment has been truly dangerous because of global warming. (viết lại dùng passive voice, “It is ... that ...") 4. The alarming rate of deforestation results in damage to the quality of the land. A. It is alarming that deforestation damages the quality of the land. B. The quality of the land deteriorates as the result of the alarming rate of deforestation. C. The alarming rate of deforestation results from damage to the quality of the land. D. The damage to the quality of the land is to blame for the alarming rate of deforestation. ("result in ..." và "as the result of ..." được dùng để thể hiện nguyên nhân-kết quả)










5. Not many people are aware of the dangers of plastic bags to the environment. A. People are totally unaware of the dangers of plastic bags to the environment. B. People are fully aware of the dangers of plastic bags to the environment. C. The dangers of plastic bags to the environment came to the attention of only a few. D. It is time that people were aware of the dangers of plastic bags to the environment. ("to be aware of ..." mang nghĩa “có nhận thức về ", được thay bằng “come to attention of ...", mang nghĩa “trở thành sự chú ý của ...") X. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the sentence that best combines each pair of sentences given. 1. The company had dumped large amounts of waste into the river. It was strongly criticized for that. A. Having been strongly criticized, the company dumped large amounts of waste into the river. B. The company had dumped large amounts of waste into the river, which was strongly criticized. C. Dumping large amounts of waste into the river is critical to the company's strength. D. The company was strongly criticized for having dumped large amounts of waste into the river. (“to be criticized for doing ST” mang nghĩa “bị chỉ trích do làm việc gì”) 2. Electronic devices use energy. They do it even when they are turned off. A. Even when turned off, electric devices use energy. B. Electronic devices use energy unless they are turned off. C. Because of their energy use, electronic devices are turned off. D. In spite of their energy use, electronic devices are turned off. (rút gọn mệnh đề cùng chủ ngữ, câu đầy đủ là “even when (they are) turned off, electric devices use energy") 3. There are some ways to help reduce global warming. Cutting down energy use is one of them. A. Cutting down energy use is the only way to reduce global warming. B. Global warming is among many ways to cut down energy use. C. Helping reduce global warming is a way to cut down energy use. D. Cutting down energy use is one of the ways to reduce global warming. (thay trực tiếp từ “them” bằng “the ways") 4. Jonas had come up with a way to help save energy used in class. His classmates admired him for that. A. Having come up with a way to help save energy used in class, his classmates admired Jonas. B. Having come up with a way to help save energy used in class, Jonas earned his classmates' admiration. C. Jonas admired his classmates for having come up with a way to help save energy used in class. D. Being admired by his classmates, Jonas came up with a way to help save energy used in class. (rút gọn mệnh đề cùng chủ ngữ dùng gerund “danh động từ”, lưu ý, “had done” chuyển thành “having done”) 5. Sara's classmates said that she littered on the school yard. She denied it. A. Sara denied having littered on the school yard. B. Sara denied her friends' littering on the school yard. C. Having littered on the school yard, Sara's classmates denied it. D. As Sara denied it, her classmates said that she littered on the school yard. ("deny doing ST” mang nghĩa “chối bỏ việc gì”)











Phonetics Intonation: Wh-questions Grammar The present perfect and the present perfect continuous She has finished her essay and has sent it to her professor. I have been calling John for hours and hours and he hasn't answered. I'm really angry with him! It's really smelly in here. Has somebody been smoking? I. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions. 1. A. distance B. mandatory C. doctorate D. major (âm /eɪ/, các từ còn lại âm /ə/) 2. A. college B. credit C. degree D. respective (âm /e/, các từ còn lại âm /ɪ/) 3. A. passion B. collaboration C. analyse D. exchange (âm /eɪ/, các từ còn lại âm /æ/) 4. A. based B. pursued C. applied D. arranged (từ “base” âm cuối là /s/, khi thêm “ed” thành âm /t/, các từ còn lại âm /d/) 5. A. modes B. colleges C. distances D. enriches (B, C, D các âm cuối lần lượt là /dʒ/, /s/ và /tʃ/, khi thêm “s/es” đọc là /ɪz/; A âm cuối là /z/) II. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the position of primary stress in each of the following questions. 1. A. decide B. major C. broaden D. practice (nhấn âm 2, các từ còn lại nhấn âm 1) 2. A. flexible B. junior C. critical D. dependent (nhấn âm 2, các từ còn lại nhấn âm 1) 3. A. mathematical B. collaboration C. educational D. opportunity (nhấn âm 4, các từ còn lại nhấn âm 3) 4. A. entrance B. subject C. degree D. native (nhấn âm 2, các từ còn lại nhấn âm 1) 5. A. alternative B. appreciate C. mandatory D. respectively (từ “mandatory” có thể nhấn âm 1, hoặc âm 2; các từ còn lại nhấn âm 2) II. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the underlined part that needs correction in each of the following sentences. 1. One of the most famous and respectable learners of the country is said to have found this school. A B C D (sửa thành “have founded”, “found-founded-founded” là động từ có quy tắc, mang nghĩa "thành lập”, so sánh với “find-found-found” là động từ bất quy tắc, mang nghĩa “tìm thấy") 2. As soon as the singer came onto the stage, there had been a round of applause. A B C D (sửa thành “was”, lưu ý "as soon as” mang nghĩa “ngay khi”, chứ không xảy ra trước để dùng thì quá khứ hoàn thành) 3. There are more than two hundred applications for this job vacancy, and most of them can speak English very A B C D well.










(sửa thành "applicants”, mang nghĩa "người ứng tuyển”, lưu ý đằng sau nói “... can speak English very well") 4. The interviewer told me which university in the U.K. I had graduated from. A B C D (sửa thành “asked”, đằng sau là dạng câu hỏi của câu tường thuật-reported speech) 5. He would have sent you a post card when he is on holiday abroad if he had had your address. A B C D (sửa thành “was”, lưu ý cầu đề cho là câu điều kiện loại 3, tức ngữ cảnh của câu này là ở trong quá khứ) IV. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following sentences. 1. Although he was completely ____ as a furniture maker, he produced the most beautiful chairs. A. unable B. untrained C. incapable D. uneducated (“untrained” là tính từ, mang nghĩa “không được đào tạo, huấn luyện”) 2. In recent years, schools have become more involved with students' emotional welfare as well as their ____ achievement. A. academic B. intellectual C. scholar D. studious ("academic achievement" là cụm danh từ, mang nghĩa “thành tích học tập”) 3. Students who complete the program receive a skills ____ along with their high school diploma. A. certificate B. degree C. permit D. certification ("certificate” là danh từ, mang nghĩa “giấy chứng nhận”, so sánh với “degree” là một tấm bằng được cấp ở bậc đại học hoặc cao hơn) 4. He has several years of experience of ____ interviews with potential students. A. making B. conducting C. performing D. having ("conduct" mang nghĩa thực hiện”, nó thường đi với các danh từ như “interview”, “experiment” hoặc “survey") 5. The manager did not offer her the job because of her untidy ____. A. personality B. demeanor C. feature D. appearance (untidy appearance” là cụm danh từ, mang nghĩa “vẻ ngoài không gọn gàng”, so sánh với "demeanor” mang nghĩa "cách biểu hiện, hành vi") 6. There should be no discrimination on ____ of sex, race or religion. A. fields B. places C. areas D. grounds ("on grounds of ST” là cụm từ cố định, mang nghĩa "xét về cái gì”) 7. He felt ____ when he failed the exams the second time. A. discouraged B. annoyed C. undecided D. determined ("discouraged” là tính từ, mang nghĩa "cảm thấy nản lòng”) 8. Although ____ education is compulsory in England, parents are not required to send their children to state schools. A. higher B. further C. secondary D. formal ("secondary education” là cụm danh từ, chỉ giáo dục trung học cơ sở hoặc giáo dục trung học phổ thông; so sánh với primary education” là giáo dục ở bậc tiểu học) 9. Higher education is a continuing ____ process. A. developing B. developed C. development D. developmental ("developmental” là tính từ, mang nghĩa "Có tính phát triển”) 10. Journalists sometimes wear ____ clothes to fit in well with the situation in which they are working. A. ordinary B. common C. habitual D. casual (“casual clothes” là cụm danh từ, mang nghĩa "quần áo bình thường", so sánh với “formal clothes” là “quần áo trang trọng”, như áo vest v.v...) 11. My job now is not ____ to what I was majored in at university, A. devoted B. related C. supposed D. belonging










(“to be related to ST”, mang nghĩa “có liên quan đến cái gì”) 12. The salesman gave me a kind of detergent which I ____ before. A. had not used B. did not use C. was not using D. have never used (lưu ý gave me” ở quá khứ, mà trước đó chưa từng sử dụng, thì phải dùng thì quá khứ hoàn thành) 13. There are not many ____ courses in the last two years at university. Most of them are compulsory. A. required B. optional C. preferred D. additional ("optional” là tính từ, mang nghĩa “có thể lựa chọn, không bắt buộc”) 14. It is ____ to wear uniform to most high school nowadays. A. obliged B. obliging C. obligational D. obligatory ("obligatory" là tính từ, mang nghĩa “bắt buộc”, từ gần nghĩa là “mandatory” hoặc “compulsory”) 15. When it comes to children's schooling problems, both parents have to ____ responsibility. A. get B. respond C. compel D. take (“to take responsibility for ST” là cụm từ cố định, mang nghĩa “có trách nhiệm với việc gì”) 16. Students who want to continue their ____ education in the UK are expected to take A-level course. A. high B. tertiary C. secondary D. post-graduate (“tertiary education” là cụm danh từ, mang nghĩa “giáo dục bậc đại học”) 17. The professor of this course asked for ____ attendance in his lectures; no student could be absent. A. equal B. demanding C. compulsory D. obliged ("compulsory" là tính từ, mang nghĩa “bắt buộc", gần nghĩa với “mandatory” hoặc “obligatory) 18. Many measures ____ to improve the quality of higher education have been approved by the council. A. suggesting B. suggested C. which suggest D. having suggested (rút gọn của mệnh đề quan hệ, câu đầy đủ là “Many measures which were suggested to improve ...") 19. Professor Kimberly ____ three books since 2015, and she's working on her fourth. A. writes B. has written C. wrote D. has been writing (lưu ý “three books” chỉ thành quả, kết quả còn trong hiện tại, nên phải sử dụng thì hiện tại hoàn thành) 20. There are two types of education in Vietnam: formal and ____. A. informal B. mainstream C. non-formal D. in-service ("non-formal” là tính từ, mang nghĩa “không chính quy") 21. Many colleagues admire Kelly because she has found happiness in both ____ and private life. A. occupational B. professional C. job-related D. working (“professional life” là cụm danh từ, mang nghĩa "đời sống công việc”, so sánh với “private life”, là “cuộc sống riêng tư, cá nhân”) 22. Mary's parents are concerned that her grades are ____ worse this year. A. markedly B. decisively C. evenly D. expectedly ("markedly” là trạng từ, mang nghĩa một cách đáng chú ý”) 23. I ____ her for so long a time that I've forgotten what she looks like. A. hadn't seen B. haven't seen C. didn't see D. haven't been seeing (một thời gian dài chưa gặp, tức là hành động kéo dài từ quá khứ tới hiện tại, nên dùng thì hiện tại hoàn thành) 24. ____ your opinion of the professor is, you must admit that he has a good method of teaching. A. How B. Whatever C. Whether D. What (cấu trúc “whatever + Noun/Pronoun+V", mang nghĩa “cho dù ... đi nữa”) 25. Peter ____ the book for 4 hours non-stop. He must have found it unputdownable. A. read B. has read C. was reading D. has been reading (lưu ý “for 4 hours non-stop”, nhấn mạnh thời gian, hoặc hành động này kéo dài liên tục, nên dùng thì hiện tại hoàn thành tiếp diễn) 26. His difficulty ____ understanding math result ____ a childhood illness. A. on / from B. in / from C. with / in D. in / in










(difficulty in ST/doing ST": "result from ST” mang nghĩa “bắt nguồn từ cái gì”, So sánh với "result in” là “dẫn đến”) 27. Where ____ my calculator? I ____ it on the desk a minute ago and now it ____! A. has been / put / has disappeared B. is / put / has been disappearing C. is / have put / disappears D. is / put / has disappeared (khi hỏi về trạng thái, trong hiện tại, thì dùng thì hiện tại đơn; lưu ý "a few minutes ago”, dùng thì quá khứ đơn; máy tính biến mất, kết quả còn trong hiện tại, dùng thì hiện tại hoàn thành) 28. A: “Could I help you with that?" - B: “____” A. Thanks, your compliment is encouraging. B. Think nothing of it. Why not? C. That's all right, but thanks anyway. I'm OK. D. I couldn't agree more! Please! (câu hỏi là “Tôi có thể giúp bạn với việc đó không?”, câu trả lời là “Ổn rồi, nhưng dẫu sao cũng cảm ơn bạn. Tôi ổn mà.”) 29. A: “____” - B: "You have to obtain the high school diploma." A. What is the requirement to enter this university? B. When do we finish high school? C. I can't wait to obtain the high school diploma. D. I am trying my best to win a place at university. (câu trả lời là “Bạn phải có bằng tốt nghiệp trung học phổ thông”, nên câu hỏi phải là “Điều kiện để được vào học trường này là gì?”) 30. A: "Tertiary education is the only way to success." - B: "____" A. You know nothing about it. B. That's too bad. C. I can't agree with you there. D. You must say that again. (chỉ có câu C đúng mẫu câu và thể hiện sự lịch sự câu A mất lịch sự; câu B không liên quan; câu D để thể hiện sự đồng ý phải nói “You can say that again”) V. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following sentences. 1. These audio-visual methods have the added advantage of being independent of the availability of the system. A. benefit B. drawback C. characteristic D. danger ("advantage” là “lợi thế, lợi ích”, trái nghĩa với nó là “drawback”, mang nghĩa “bất lợi/bất cập”) 2. When I was young and idealistic I believed it was possible to change the world. A. applicable B. energetic C. practical D. thoughtless ("idealistic” là “mang tính lí tưởng”, trái nghĩa với nó là “practical", mang nghĩa “thực tế") 3. If you have any comments or suggestions, please let us know - we always appreciate feedback from friends. A. depress B. welcome C. disregard D. consider ("appreciate” là “trân trọng”, trái nghĩa với nó là "disregard”, mang nghĩa “không tôn trọng/trân trọng") 4. For these elective courses, there are no special entry requirements. A. exit B. score C. academic D. strict ("entry” là “đầu vào”, trải nghĩa với nó là “exit”, mang nghĩa “đầu ra”) 5. On the whole, further education still plays an important role in the development of any country. A. Generally B. Specifically C. Essentially D. Surprisingly ("on the whole” mang nghĩa “nói chung chung”, trái nghĩa với nó là “specifically” là “cụ thể là”) VI. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks. An A level is an Advanced level GCE qualification. This exam is (1) ____ taken after two years of A level study, following the O level/IGCSE exams. Students can take any number of A level exams; in the UK,










most college students take three or four A level exams for their final two years of study. The (2) ____ of A levels to be taken will often depend on the qualifications that the university (3) ____ requires. A level results can open doors to (4) ____ studies at some of the best higher educational institutions in the world, and to a (5) ____ range of professional and vocational courses that can help build skills for an exciting and (6) ____ career. In many countries round the world, some schools follow the GCE syllabus to prepare their pupils for taking A level exams. Students at these schools should enquire at their school about how they can register and sit (7) ____ the exams. Students who do not (8) ____ a school that follows the GCE syllabus can still take A level exams and can register as a private individual with the British Council. In order to register for an A level exam one will need to (9) ____ an entry form which will become available at the British Council offices. Forms usually become (10) ____ for January examinations in early August of the preceding year. For May/June examinations, they are available in early December of the preceding year. 1. A. normally B. popularly C. largely D. noticeably ("normally” là trạng từ, mang nghĩa “thông thường”) 2. A. sum B. number C. amount D. quantity (the number of ST”, mang nghĩa “số lượng cái gì”, lưu ý, danh từ phải là danh từ đếm được) 3. A. chosen B. choosing C. to choose D. in choice ("chosen” ở đây là rút gọn mệnh đề quan hệ, câu đầy đủ là "... the university which was chosen required") 4. A. graduate B. postgraduate C. graduating D. undergraduate ("undergraduate studies” là cụm danh từ, mang nghĩa “giáo dục bậc đại học", bản thân “undergraduate” mang nghĩa "sinh viên...) 5. A. huge B. various C. long D. wide ("a wide range of ST” là cụm từ, mang nghĩa “sự đa dạng, phong phú, nhiều loại”) 6. A. daunting B. rewarding C. amazing D. longing ("rewarding” là tính từ, mang nghĩa "xứng đáng”) 7. A. at B. in C. for D. into ("sit for exams” là cụm từ, mang nghĩa “làm bài thi”) 8. A. acquire B. enroll C. attend D. pursue ("attend a school/university” là cụm từ, mang nghĩa “theo học ở trường nào đó”) 9. A. achieve B. complete C. obtain D. accomplish ("to complete a form” là cụm từ, mang nghĩa “điền vào, hoàn tất một mẫu đơn nào đó”) 10. A. handful B. accessible C. exchangeable D. available ("available” là tính từ, mang nghĩa “có thể sử dụng được") VII. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions. Normally a student must attend a certain number of courses in order to graduate, and each course which he attends gives him a credit which he may count towards a degree. In many American universities the total work for a degree consists of thirty-six courses each lasting for one semester. A typical course consists of three classes per week for fifteen weeks; while attending a university a student will probably attend four or five courses during each semester. Normally a student would expect to take four years attending two semesters each year. It is possible to spread the period of work for the degree over a longer period. It is also possible for a student to move between one university and another during his degree course, though this is not in fact done as a regular practice. For every course that he follows a student is given a grade, which is recorded, and the record is available for the student to show to prospective employers. All this imposes a constant pressure and strain of work, but in spite of this some students still find time for great activity in student affairs. Elections to positions in student










organizations arouse much enthusiasm. The effective word of maintaining discipline is usually performed by students who advise the academic authorities. Any student who is thought to have broken the rules, for example, by cheating has to appear before a student court. With the enormous numbers of students, the operation of the system does involve a certain amount of activity. A student who has held one of these positions of authority is much respected and it will be of benefit to him later in his career. 1. How many classes each week would a student normally attend at least? A. 36 B. 20 C. 12 D. 15 (lưu ý đoạn 1, “A typical course consists of three classes per week for fifteen weeks, while attending a university a student will probably attend four or five courses...") 2. According to paragraph 1, an American student is allowed ____. A. to live in a different university B. to take a particular course in a different university C. to live at home and drive to classes D. to get two degrees from two different universities (lưu ý đoạn 1, "It is also possible for a student to move between one university and another during his degree course") 3. American university students are usually under pressure of work because ____. A. their academic performance will affect their future careers B. they are heavily involved in student affairs C. they have to observe university discipline D. they want to run for positions of authority (lưu ý đoạn 2, "... the record is available for the student to show to prospective employers. All this imposes a constant pressure") 4. Some students are enthusiastic for positions in student organizations probably because ____. A. they hate the constant pressure strain of their study B. they will then be able to stay longer in the university C. such positions help them get better jobs D. such positions are usually well paid (lưu ý câu cuối, "A student who has held one of these positions of authority is much respected and it will be of benefit to him later in his career.") 5. The student organizations seem to be effective in ____. A. dealing with the academic affairs of the university B. ensuring that the students observe university regulations C. evaluating students' performance by bringing them before a court D. keeping up the students' enthusiasm for social activities (lưu ý đoạn 2, "The effective word of maintaining discipline is usually performed by students who advise the academic authorities") VIII. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions. Harvard University, today recognized as part of the top echelon of the world's universities, came from very inauspicious and humble beginnings. This oldest of American universities was founded in 1636, just 16 years after the Pilgrims landed at Plymouth. Included in the Puritan emigrants to the Massachusetts colony during this period were more than 100 graduates of England's prestigious Oxford and Cambridge Universities, and these university graduates in the New World were determined that their sons would have the same educational opportunities that they themselves had had. Because of this support in the colony for an institution of higher learning, the General Court of Massachusetts appropriated 400 pounds for a college in October of 1636 and early the following year decided










on a parcel of land for the school; this land was in an area called Newetowne, which was later renamed Cambridge after its English cousin and is the site of the present-day university. When a young minister named John Harvard, who came from the neighboring town of Charlestowne, died from tuberculosis in 1638, he willed half of his estate of 1,700 pounds to the fledgling college. In spite of the fact that only half of the bequest was actually paid, the General Court named the college after the minister in appreciation for what he had done. The amount of the bequest may not have been large, particularly by today's standards, but it was more than the General Court had found it necessary to appropriate in order to open the college. Henry Dunster was appointed the first president of Harvard in 1640, and it should be noted that in addition to serving as president, he was also the entire faculty, with an entering freshman class of four students. Although the staff did expand somewhat, for the first century of its existence the entire teaching staff consisted of the president and three or four tutors. 1. The word "echelon" in the passage could best be replaced by ____. A. level B. rank C. class D. title (từ “echelon” chỉ một cấp bậc trong hệ thống nào đó, gần nghĩa với từ “rank”) 2. What is the main idea of this passage? A. Harvard is one of the world's most prestigious universities. B. What is today a great university started out small. C. John Harvard was key to the development of a great university. D. Harvard University developed under the auspices of the General Court of Massachusetts. (ý chính của bài này đại học lừng danh như Havard thì có xuất phát điểm rất nhỏ bé và khiêm tốn) 3. It is indicated in the passage that Harvard is ____. A. one of the oldest universities in the world B. the oldest university in the world C. one of the oldest universities in America D. the oldest university in America (lưu ý đoạn 2, "This oldest of American universities was founded in 1636") 4. It can be inferred from the passage that the Puritans who travelled to Massachusetts colony were ____. A. rather well-educated B. rather rich C. rather supportive of the English government D. rather undemocratic (lưu ý đoạn 2, "Included in the Puritan emigrants to the Massachusetts colony during this period were more than 100 graduates of England's prestigious Oxford and Cambridge Universities") 5. The pronoun "they" in the passage refers to ____. A. Oxford and Cambridge Universities B. university graduates C. sons D. educational opportunities (lưu ý “they themselves had had” là chỉ việc họ đã từng có sự giáo dục như vậy, liên hệ với cầu trước “these university graduates in the New World were determined that their sons would have the same educational opportunities") 6. The "English cousin" in the passage refers to a ____. A. city B. relative C. university D. court (“English Cousin”, mang nghĩa “người anh em họ Anh quốc của nó”, ở đây chỉ Cambridge, là một thành phố ở Anh) 7. Which of the following is NOT mentioned about John Harvard? A. What he died of B. Where he came from C. Where he was buried D. How much he bequeathed to Harvard (điều không được đề cập trong bài đó là nơi chôn cất của John Havard) 8. The word "fledgling" in the passage could be best replaced by ____. A. newborn B. flying C. winged D. established (“fledgling” gần nghĩa với “newborn”, mang nghĩa “mới sinh”; cả 2 từ ở đây ám chỉ trường đại học mới được thành lập)










9. It is implied in the passage that ____. A. Henry Dunster was an ineffective president B. someone else really served as president of Harvard before Henry Dunster C. Henry Dunster spent much of his time as president managing the Harvard faculty D. the position of president of Harvard was not merely an administrative position in the early years (lưu ý, đoạn cuối, "addition to serving as president, he was also the entire faculty, with an entering freshman class of four students") 10. Where in the passage does it indicate how much money Minister Harvard was really responsible for giving to the university? A. Paragraph 1 B. Paragraph 2 C. Paragraph 3 D. Paragraph 4 (đoạn 3, "he willed half of his estate of 1,700 pounds to the fledgling college”) IX. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to each of the following sentences. 1. You should not have come to class late. A. I'd rather you didn't come to class late. B. I would like you not to be late for class. C. I'd sooner you hadn't come to class late. D. I would prefer that you come to class on time. ("should not have V3/V-ed” mang nghĩa "đáng lẽ ra không nên làm gì”, “Would rather/ would sooner" mang nghĩa “muốn cái gì/ việc gì”) 2. You have to finish your homework if you want to go to the party. A. Finish your homework, and you cannot go to the party. B. Unless you finish your homework, you can go to the party. C. Finish your homework, otherwise you can go to the party. D. Finish your homework, or else you cannot go to the party. ("or else” mang nghĩa “hoặc là/ nếu không thì”) 3. Although he was very tired, he agreed to play tennis. A. Tired as though he was, he agreed to play tennis. B. Tired though he was, he agreed to play tennis. C. Tired, he agreed to play tennis. D. So tired was he that he agreed to play tennis. (cấu trúc đảo ngữ để nhấn mạnh, chỉ có câu B đúng cấu trúc "Adj + though/ as + S + be") 4. Thanks for your help, I managed to bring it off. A. But for your help, I could have managed to bring it off. B. If it were not for your help, I couldn't manage to bring it off. C. Had you not helped me, I couldn't have managed to bring it off. D. Had it not for your help, I could have managed to bring it off. (lưu ý câu gốc ở thì quá khứ đơn, nên câu chuyển phải dùng điều kiện loại 3; câu C dùng đúng cấu trúc đảo ngữ nhấn mạnh của loại 3) 5. The roof of the house was blown off during the hurricane. A. The house got the hurricane to blow off its roof. B. The house had its roof blown off by the hurricane. C. The house and its roof were blown off by the hurricane. D. The house was blown off by the hurricane except its roof. (dùng thể nhờ vả - causative form để chỉ bị động “have + ST + V-ed”) X. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the sentence that best combines each pair of sentences given. 1. The book was written by a famous author. It was not well recognized. A. The book would not be well recognized if it were written by a famous author. B. The book was written by a famous author, but it was not well recognized. C. Due to the famous author, the book was not well recognized.










D. The author who is famous did not recognize the book. (dùng “but” để thể hiện sự tương phản) 2. He delayed writing the book. He only started to write it until he had done a lot of research. A. Only after he had done a lot of research did he begin to write the book. B. He did a lot of research after he finished writing the book. C. He delayed writing the book as he had already done any research. D. It was only when he had written the book that he did a lot of research. (đảo ngữ nhấn mạnh với “only after”, nhấn mạnh việc “anh ta phải nghiên cứu rất nhiều rồi mới bắt đầu viết”) 3. The man left the key inside the locked house. He could not get into the house. A. If the man did not lock the house, he could get into it. B. If the key was not inside the house, the man could get into it. C. Leaving the key inside the house, the man could get into the house. D. If the man had not left the key inside the house, he could have got into it. (câu gốc ở thì quá khứ đơn, dùng câu điều kiện loại 3 để chỉ một tình huống ngược với quá khứ) 4. Mary was trying to swim in the sea alone. She should never have been allowed to do so. A. When Mary left to swim in the sea alone, she said she knew what she was doing. B. It would probably be wrong to let Mary swim in the sea on her own. C. No one could have stopped Mary from trying to swim in the sea by herself. D. Someone ought to have stopped Mary from attempting to swim in the sea on her own. (“ought to/ should (not) have V3/V-ed” đều mang nghĩa “đáng lẽ ra nên”, chỉ một việc đúng ra nên làm hoặc không nên làm trong quá khứ) 5. Nina was so nervous. She quit the final round of the competition. A. Nina was too nervous to join the final round of the competition. B. Nina quit final round of the competition despite being nervous. C. Though she was nervous, Nina quit the final round of the competition. D. Having quit the final round of the competition, Nina felt nervous. (cấu trúc “too ADJ to do ST", mang nghĩa “quá lắm để làm gì?)











Phonetics Intonation: Choice questions Grammar Participle and to-infinitive clauses Animals eating both meat and plants are called omnivores. Tourists like to buy clothes and handicrafts made by local people. The next one of you to make a sound will have to stay on after class. There is still a lot to do before we can call it a day. Vocabulary - Words and phrases related to the World Heritage Sites: complex, archeology, in ruins ... I. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions. 1. A. intact B. dynasty C. excavation D. citadel (âm /æ/, các từ còn lại âm /ə/) 2. A. abundant B. subsequent C. luxury D. numerous (âm /u:/, các từ còn lại âm /ʌ/) 3. A. relic B. complex C. heritage D. imperial (âm /ɪ/, các từ còn lại âm /e/) 4. A. grotto B. complex C. forgettable D. archeological (âm /ə/, các từ còn lại âm /ɒ/) 5. A. limestone B. geographical C. heritage D. citadel (âm /aɪ/, các từ còn lại âm /ɪ/) II. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the position of primary stress in each of the following questions. 1. A. relic B. intact C. complex D. grotto (nhấn âm 2, các từ còn lại nhấn âm 1) 2. A. subsequent B. heritage C. abundant D. luxury (nhấn âm 2, các từ còn lại nhấn âm 1) 3. A. geographical B. mausoleum C. unforgettable D. imperial (nhấn âm 2, các từ còn lại nhấn âm 3) 4. A. underground B. distinctive C. numerous D. dynasty (nhấn âm 2, các từ còn lại nhấn âm 1) 5. A. flora B. scenic C. tower D. preserved (nhấn âm 2, các từ còn lại nhấn âm 1) III. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the underlined part that needs correction in each of the following sentences. 1. The Japanese Bridge which built in the early 1600's became a main tourist attraction in central Vietnam. A B C D (sửa thành “which was built", mang nghĩa “được xây”) 2. Tourists should be told to avoid buying relics that illegally removed from protected heritage sites. A B C D (sửa thành “that was illegally removed”, mang nghĩa “được tháo bỏ một cách bất hợp pháp") 3. We couldn't wait to pay a visit to the temple which located on the river bank. A B C D










(sửa thành “which was located”, mang nghĩa “được đặt ở đâu, có vị trí ở đâu”) 4. Most visitors were so fascinated to go on a tour around an ancient house overlooked the river in the town of A B C D Hoi An. (sửa thành “that/which overlooked the river” hoặc “overlooking the river”; cách sửa thứ 2 là rút gọn mệnh đề quan hệ) 5. To the visitors' relief, the ancient houses to be destroyed by the fire are now under reconstruction. A B C D (sửa thành “destroyed”, vì “to be destroyed” sẽ mang tính chỉ mục đích, trong khi ngữ cảnh câu này không chỉ mục đích) IV. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following sentences. 1. My friends proposed ____ a holiday in Halong Bay for a change. A. to take B. taking C. on taking D. of taking ("propose ST/doing ST” là động từ, mang nghĩa “đề xuất việc gì”) 2. Everything ____, they decide not to acknowledge the site as a world heritage site as it is not so well-qualified. A. is considered B. be considered C. considered D. to be considered (rút gọn của mệnh đề quan hệ everything that has been considered”, mang nghĩa "sau khi đã cân nhắc mọi thứ”) 3. Tourists should be held ____ for the damage they have caused to the archeological site. A. accountable B. guilty C. charged D. blamed (“to be held accountable for ST/doing ST” mang nghĩa “bị bắt chịu trách nhiệm cho việc gì”) 4. It is highly ____ that factories should be moved to the suburbs to reduce the pollution rate in the cities. A. desirous B. desirable C. desired D. desiring (cấu trúc “It is ... that S+(should)+V-bare ...”; cần dùng tính từ, là “desirable”, mang nghĩa “đáng làm”) 5. Mass tourism is now a growing ____ to the preservation of historical places in most countries. A. hazard B. threat C. peril D. risk ("to be a threat to SB/ST mang nghĩa “là mối đe dọa với ai/cái gì”, so sánh “pose a risk to SB/ST” mang nghĩa “sự rủi ro đối với ai/cái gì”) 6. The students only go to visit the archeological site ____ now and then. A. each B. all C. any D. every ("every now and then” là cụm từ, mang nghĩa “thỉnh thoảng, không thường xuyên”) 7. The tour of the cave and grotto system is the main ____ for tourists in Phong Nha - Ke Bang National Park. A. attractive B. attractiveness C. attract D. attraction ("attraction” là danh từ, mang nghĩa “điểm thu hút tham quan du lịch”, cũng hay gặp là “tourist attraction”) 8. Hoi An Ancient Town is quite special among the heritage sites because it is in a good state of ____. A. preserve B. preservation C. preservative D. preservatives (preservation” là danh từ, mang nghĩa “sự bảo tồn") 9. After many years, the archaeological ____ has finally led to the discovery of the ancient village. A. excursion B. excavation C. evacuation D. execution ("excavation” là danh từ, mang nghĩa “sự khai quật") 10. Which is the first place in Vietnam ____ as a World Heritage Site by UNESCO? A. to recognize B. recognizing C. to be recognized D. having been recognized (lưu ý từ “the first place”, nên khi rút gọn mệnh đề quan hệ “which was recognized" thành "to be recognized") 11. We were lucky to get a map ____ the way to the archeological site. A. showed B. showing C. to be shown D. being shown (rút gọn mệnh đề quan hệ “that/which showed”)










12. In the afternoon, the tourist will take a boat trip to the ancient temple ____ on the river bank. A. locating B. which located C. located D. was located (rút gọn mệnh đề quan hệ “that/which is located”) 13. Cable cars are moved by cables ____ underground and are powered by a stationary engine. A. they run B. run C. running D. that runs (rút gọn mệnh đề quan hệ “that/which run ...") 14. The World Heritage Site is famous for its ____ features and cultural values. A. geography B. geographical C. geothermal D. geological ("geographical features” mang nghĩa đặc điểm địa lí”) 15. Prices for the ____ to are based on flights from Ho Chi Minh City to Hanoi. A. schedules B. schemes C. timetables D. itineraries (“itinerary" là danh từ, mang nghĩa “lịch trình”, hay dùng trong ngữ cảnh đi du lịch) 16. Ha Long Bay cuisine is famous ____ its fresh and diverse seafoods. A. as B. to C. for D. at (to be famous for ST" mang nghĩa “nổi tiếng nhờ cái gì”) 17. Tourists can have a lot to do and see in Trang An Scenic Landscape Complex at a(n) ____ price. A. adequate B. average C. cheap D. reasonable ("reasonable” là tính từ, mang nghĩa “hợp lí”, hay đi với danh từ "price”) 18. ____ twice, the postman refused to deliver our mails unless we chained our dog up. A. Being bitten B. Having been bitten C. Having bitten D. Had been bitten (rút gọn mệnh đề cùng chủ ngữ, câu nguyên bản là “Because he had been bitten") 19. There is not much time left, so tell me about it ____. A. in condense B. in detail C. in all D. in brief (“in brief" mang nghĩa "một cách ngắn gọn”, lưu ý “not much time left” ở vết rước) 20. We will set out at 9 o'clock if it ____ raining by then. A. will stop B. stops C. has stopped D. will have stopped (câu điều kiện loại 1, diễn tả 1 khả năng, bên mệnh đề “If" phải dùng thì hiện tại đơn) 21. Since he is often ignored by his colleagues, he ____ has the opportunity to demonstrate his ability. A. frequently B. obviously C. rarely D. apparently ("rarely” là trạng từ, mang nghĩa “hiếm khi”) 22. The policeman stopped my car because the engine ____ heavy smoke. A. gave off B. gave up C. gave out D. gave away ("give off" là động từ, mang nghĩa “thải ra”, gần nghĩa với "emit” hoặc "release") 23. The taxi ____ us to Ha Long Bay broke down and we reached the site two hours late. A. taken B. taking C. to take D. having taken (rút gọn mệnh đề quan hệ “which/that took us”) 24. To ask for more information about the trip to Citadel of the Ho Dynasty, you can contact the agency ____ Saigon Tourist. A. named B. naming C. to have named D. to name (rút gọn mệnh đề quan hệ “which/that is named”) 25. Some of the tourists ____ to visit Trang An Complex could not depart as scheduled. A. planned B. planning C. to plan D. to have planned (rút gọn mệnh đề quan hệ “some of the tourists who planned to”) 26. Life has become much easier for people ____ near the world heritage sites because there are more and better paid jobs there. A. lived B. to live C. living D. to have lived (rút gọn mệnh đề quan hệ “people who live near”) 27. If only I ____ the books on the reading list before I attended the lecture on My Son sanctuary.










A. had read B. would have read C. have read D. have been reading (“if only” là một dạng câu điều kiện, mang nghĩa “giá như”, ngữ cảnh câu này trong quá khứ, nên trong câu điều kiện động từ được chia ở thì quá khứ hoàn thành) 28. His History teacher recommends that he ____ a project on World Heritage Sites. A. start B. starts C. must start D. is starting (lưu ý “recommend that S+(should)+V-bare...”, nên "start” thỏa mãn cấu trúc) 29. - A: “____” - B: "That's a good idea." A. Why not take a trip to the Citadel in Hue this summer holiday? B. What happened to the Citadel in Hue after the storm? C. Have you heard about the Citadel in Hue? D. How can we book a tour to the Citadel in Hue this summer holiday? (lưu ý câu trả lời “Đó là ý hay!” thì câu hỏi phải là lời đề nghị “Tại sao không đi tham quan Nội thành Huế hè này?") 30. - A: "Each of us should join hand to protect the World Heritage Sites." - B: “____” A. I can't do it. B. I totally agree. C. That's not true. D. That's too bad. (lưu ý cầu trước là lời kêu gọi “Mỗi người chúng ta nên góp sức bảo vệ những khu di sản văn hoá thế giới”, đáp lại là “tôi hoàn toàn đồng ý”, câu B) V. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following sentences. 1. The heritage site is famous for both its cultural beauty and natural integrity. A. completeness B. resources C. importance D. characteristics (“intergrity” là danh từ, mang nghĩa “sự thống nhất, sự nguyên vẹn”, gần nghĩa với “completeness”) 2. Visiting the heritage site, tourists will notice a mix of eastern and western cultures. A. contrast B. combination C. difference D. similarity (“mix” là danh từ, mang nghĩa "sự kết hợp, pha trộn”, gần nghĩa với "combination") 3. The film festival is acknowledged by the public as an event of international importance. A. accused B. rejected C. recognized D. realized (acknowledge” là động từ, mang nghĩa “công nhận”, gần nghĩa với "recognize") 4. Thirteen people helped Michelangelo create his masterpiece on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel. A. an outdated product B. an outstanding work C. a beautiful song D. a persuasive speech (“masterpiece” là danh từ, mang nghĩa “tuyệt tác", gần nghĩa với "an outstanding work", từ “outstanding” có nghĩa “tốt hơn những cái khác") 5. Winter visitors to the heritage site probably arrive in November, sometimes October, and are most numerous in November and December. A. in small numbers B. infrequent C. excited D. in large numbers ("numerous” là tính từ, mang nghĩa “số lượng lớn", gần nghĩa với “in large numbers") VI. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks. The World Wildlife Fund (WWF) has issued a stark warning about the future of the world's natural World Heritage sites. It says half of the sites are at (1) ____ from different industries. The WWF warned that harmful industrial (2) ____ such as mining, dredging or drilling for oil are endangering the future of 114 of 229 sites. (3) ____ factors adding to the risk include illegal logging and unsustainable water use. All of these are in addition to the damage being (4) ____ by climate change. The WWF says the sites affected include Australia's Great Barrier Reef, the Grand Canyon National Park in the USA, and China's Sichuan Giant Panda Sanctuaries, which are home (5) ____ more than 30 per cent of the world's endangered pandas. The director of the UNESCO World Heritage Centre said it was (6) ____ everyone to protect these sites. She said: "World Heritage is humankind's (7) ____ heritage, and the responsibility for its conservation is shared










by everyone." She welcomed government efforts at reducing what they take from the Earth, saying: "The WWF's report comes at a time (8) ____ governments and the private sector around the world are stepping up their action against harmful extractive uses." However, the WWF said that more than 11 million people worldwide (9) _____ on World Heritage sites for food, water, shelter, jobs and medicine, and that non-stop development could harm (10) ____ as well as the environment. 1. A. danger B. risk C. threat D. harm (cấu trúc “to be at risk from ST", mang nghĩa “chịu rủi ro từ cái gì”, so sánh với "to be in danger of ST" và "to be under threat of ST") 2. A. actions B. activists C. activities D. acts (“industrial activities” là cụm danh từ, mang nghĩa “hoạt động công nghiệp”) 3. A. Other B. Others C. Another D. The other (“other” là định từ, bổ nghĩa cho "factors", gần nghĩa với "additional”; “other factors” mang nghĩa "những yếu tố khác”) 4. A. made B. brought C. done D. taken (lưu ý từ “damage” ở trước, cấu trúc là “to do damage to ST/SB”, nên chọn"done”) 5. A. by B. to C. of D. for (cấu trúc "to be home to SB/ST", mang nghĩa là nhà của ai/cái gì”) 6. A. in for B. up on C. up with D. up to (cấu trúc “to be up to SB”, mang nghĩa “tuỳ thuộc vào ai”) 7. A. similar B. regular C. customary D. common (“common heritage” là một cụm từ cố định, mang nghĩa “di sản chung”) 8. A. which B. where C. that D. when (lưu ý "governments and the private sector around the world are stepping up their action against harmful extractive uses" có đầy đủ chủ-vị nên không thể chọn “which” hoặc “that”, dùng “when” để thay cho “a time” ở trước, chỉ thời gian) 9. A. decide B. influence C. insist D. rely (“to rely on SB/ST” mang nghĩa “dựa vào ai/cái gì”, gần nghĩa với “depend on SB/ST") 10. A. liveliness B. livelihoods C. living D. life (“livelihood” là danh từ, mang nghĩa “cách kiếm tiền”, hoặc “cần câu cơm”) VII. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions. In 1959, the government of Egypt was working on a plan to build a dam on the River Nile. It was called the Aswan Dam, and it was intended to generate electricity and allow the river water to be used for agriculture. There was one big problem with the plan, though. The dam would flood a nearby valley that contained ancient Egyptian treasures, including two enormous stone temples. It can be difficult for governments to choose culture and history over economics. However, if countrics always made decisions like this, the majority of the world's ancient sites would end up being destroyed. Luckily, UNESCO stepped in. They formed a committee that tried to convince Egypt to protect its ancient treasures. With support from many countries, they were finally successful. The huge temples were carefully removed from their original site and moved to a safe location so that the dam could be built. UNESCO is an agency of the United Nations. The United Nations is a partnership between countries from all over the world. They are joined to help promote world peace, enforce human rights, and help countries develop. UNESCO is a part of the United Nations that is concerned with science and culture. After their success in saving the temples in Egypt, UNESCO went on to save more sites around the world. They protected lagoons in Venice, ruins in Pakistan, and temples in Indonesia. With industrialization changing the world rapidly, there were many sites that needed to be saved. Eventually, UNESCO formed the World Heritage Organization to protect important natural and historic sites wherever it was necessary.










By now, the World Heritage Organization has protected hundreds of sites ranging from beautiful natural islands to buildings in large cities to ancient ruins. If you're able to visit any of the many protected sites, you'll agree it was worth it. 1. Why did UNESCO get involved in Egypt? A. Egypt was planning to build a dam that would harm ancient temples. B. Egypt was planning to build a valley for agriculture and electricity. C. Egypt was planning to create a dam right on top of an ancient temple. D. When the dam flooded a valley, several treasures were discovered. (lưu ý đoạn 1, câu "The dam would flood a nearby valley that contained ancient Egyptian treasures, including two enormous stone temples.") 2. Which of the following is true according to paragraph 2? A. Most governments prefer to sell their treasures. B. Money sometimes seems more important than all other things. C. Governments are never able to consider two things at once. D. Governments usually don't know anything about their culture. (lưu ý đoạn 2, câu "It can be difficult for governments to choose culture and history over economics.") 3. The United Nations would probably not be involved in ____. A. helping a poor country improve its agriculture B. trying to solve a violent conflict between two nations C. developing a new spacecraft for travel to the moon D. protesting against the killing of the tribes people of a country (lưu ý đoạn 3, câu "They are joined to help promote world peace, enforce human rights, and help countries develop.", không liên quan đến xây dựng tàu vũ trụ "spacecraft” như câu C) 4. The word "Eventually" in the passage is closest in meaning to ____. A. firstly B. reasonably C. finally D. seriously (từ “eventually”, gần nghĩa với “finally”, mang nghĩa “cuối cùng”) 5. Why is the World Heritage Organization more important now than it would have been years ago? A. Countries didn't cooperate in the past. B. Cities were smaller back then. C. There were not as many interesting sites 200 years ago. D. Modern business and production are changing the world. (lưu ý đoạn 4, câu “With industrialization changing the world rapidly, there were many sites that needed to be saved") VIII. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions. Welcome to Trang An, Vietnam's newest UNESCO World Heritage Site, a place where the water is crystal clear and pink flowers bloom along the shallows. Temples rest on a precipice of rock and water. Here, for 30,000 years, people have lived amongst these limestone giants. To the unfamiliar, this area is a maze of confusing waterways and impassable hills, a place where one could easily disappear from the world. However, to the emperors of the 10th and 11th centuries, this was the ideal setting for a capital city where the inhabitants could be controlled and enemies rebuffed. This combination of stunning natural beauty and ancient history has led Trang An to be recognised as Vietnam's eighth World Heritage Site. Unlike the previous seven, Trang An is notable for being the only UNESCO site in Vietnam to be classified for both its cultural beauty and natural integrity. At the ticket office, we are met by the sight of thousands of wooden boats bobbing along the shoreline. Stepping gingerly into the closest dinghy, we are greeted by a young woman whose ability to paddle three adults - all in the midst of Christmas feasting - for three straight hours left me in awe of her strength. What










followed was a string of beautiful caves of varying heights and lengths, interspersed with scenes of a peaceful beauty that can be hard to come by in Vietnam. Dubbed ‘Halong Bay on land’, Trang An’s landscape is reminiscent of its coastal World Heritage neighbour. Dominated by similar karst geography, Halong Bay and Trang An both provide a stunning backdrop lo a tranquil boat cruise. Unlike Halong, however, the boats at Trang An are small, seating no more than five adults, and weekday crowds are minimal. We emerged from a particularly low cave opening and into a small cove ringed by flowering reeds and waterlilies. The steep limestone cliffs block all outside sounds. Underwater reeds stand tall in the clear water beneath our boat, their green spongy limbs waving gently in the current as we paddle past. Brown-and-gold fish dart between grass, their scales glinting in the sunlight, before plunging into the shadows of the towering hills above. Water movement is imperceptible, with the steep hillsides, plunging valleys and clear sky mirrored in its glassy surface. It is as though a parallel world of deep crevices and underwater mountains exists just below our feet. A parallel world does, in fact, describe how it seemed as we floated through the caves of Trang An. The journey through the first hollow felt like stepping through the back of the wardrobe and entering Narnia. We were suddenly transported into a beautiful, magical world. So at odds with the industrial limestone factories that dominate the Ninh Binh landscape, this small pocket of serenity is surprising. With more and more visitors flocking to Vietnam's World Heritage Sites, I worry that Trang An will suffer the consequences of unchecked mass tourism. We can only hope that tourism officials will learn from the experiences of other popular tourist destinations and ensure that this place remains as close to paradise as it was on our visit. 1. In paragraph 1, Trang An can be described as all of the following EXCEPT ____. A. an escape from the daily world B. a location with scenic beauty C. a place for religious practices D. a financial center of ancient Vietnam (“a financial center” là trung tâm tài chính, là điều không được nói về Trang An trong đoạn 1) 2. The word "rebuffed" in the passage is closest in meaning to ____. A. prevented B. welcomed C. protected D. denied ("rebuff" là động từ, mang nghĩa “chống lại”, gần nghĩa với "prevent”, mang nghĩa "phòng tránh, ngăn chặn”) 3. Which makes Trang An unique among other World Heritage Sites in Vietnam? A. It has to be accessed by wooden boat. B. It was recognized for both natural and cultural values. C. It is a maze of confusing waterways and impassable hills. D. It offers string of beautiful caves of varying heights and lengths. (lưu ý đoạn 2, câu “Trang An is notable for being the only UNESCO site in Vietnam to be classified for both its cultural beauty and natural integrity.") 4. The word "gingerly" in the passage is closest in meaning to ____.. A. noisily B. cautiously C. strongly D. confidently (“gingerly" là trạng từ, mang nghĩa “một cách cẩn thận”, gần nghĩa với "cautiously") 5. The word "that" in the passage refers to ____. A. strength B. lengths C. beauty D. caves (lưu ý câu "interspersed with scenes of a peaceful beauty that can be hard to come by in Vietnam.”, vế sau mang nghĩa “khó bắt gặp ở Việt Nam”, nên “that” phải thay thế cho “beauty”) 6. What can be inferred in paragraph 4 about Halong Bay? A. The boats there are bigger. B. It has no caves at all. C. It is called "Trang An in water". D. It does not offer boat cruise. (lưu ý câu "Unlike Halong, however, the boats at Trang An are small") 7. Which of the following is true about Trang An according to paragraph 4? A. The water movement at Trang An can be heard easily.










B. The underwater reeds are vulnerable beneath the boats. C. The water at Trang An is empty of living animals. D. The site is peaceful and almost soundproofed from the outside. (lưu ý đoạn 4, câu “The steep limestone cliffs block all outside sounds” và câu "Underwater reeds stand tall in the clear water beneath our boat ... just below our feet." chỉ sự yên bình của khung cảnh ở Trang An) 8. The word "serenity" in the passage is closest in meaning to ____. A. tranquility B. industrialization C. magic D. limestone ("serenity là tính từ, mang nghĩa “sự êm đềm, yên tĩnh”, gần nghĩa với từ "tranquility") 9. Why is Trang An considered as a parallel world? A. It stays close to paradise in spite of being visited by many. B. It is in existence under visitors' feet but hardly anyone recognizes. C. It is in stalk contrast with the dominant industrial landscape in Ninh Binh. D. It has not suffered the consequences of uncontrolled mass tourism yet. (lưu ý đoạn 5, câu "So at odds with the industrial limestone factories that dominate the Ninh Binh landscape, this small pocket of serenity is surprising.") 10. The writer's attitude towards Trang An can be described as that of ____. A. concern B. admiration C. shock D. suspicion (thái độ của tác giả được miêu tả là "admiration”, mang nghĩa "sự ngưỡng mộ”) IX. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to each of the following sentences. 1. "No, I did not remove the relics from the heritage site", he said. A. He objected to removing relics from the heritage site. B. He denied having removed the relics from the heritage site. C. He accepted to remove relics from the heritage site. D. He advised against removing relics from the heritage site. ("deny doing ST” là động từ, mang nghĩa “phủ nhận đã làm việc gì”; lưu ý trong câu đề là “I did not” là câu trực tiếp trong dấu ngoặc kép của câu tường thuật, tức hành động này phải chia ở thì quá khứ hoàn thành, vì vậy “denied having done” mới chính xác) 2. The place is both scenic and tranquil. A. Not only is the place scenic but it is also tranquil. B. The place is neither scenic nor tranquil. C. Not only is the place tranquil but it also has no scene. D. The place is either scenic or tranquil. (cấu trúc “not only ... but also ...” mang nghĩa “không những ... mà còn ...") 3. He has the habit of upsetting people unintentionally. A. He is often the victim of people's unintentional upset. B. It is in his habit to upset people unintentionally. C. He is in the habit of upsetting people unintentionally. D. He tend to being internationally upset by people. (thay cấu trúc "have the habit of doing ST" bằng "in the habit of doing ST") 4. You have to finish your homework if you want to visit the heritage site with your classmates. A. Finish your homework if you don't want to visit the heritage site with your classmates. B. Unless you finish your homework, you can visit the heritage site with your classmates. C. Finish your homework, otherwise you can visit the heritage site with your classmates. D. Finish your homework, or else you cannot visit the heritage site with your classmates. (thay câu điều kiện loại 1 bằng cấu trúc “or else”, mang nghĩa “nếu không thì”, “otherwise” ở câu C cũng tương tự “or else”, nhưng câu C viết sai vế sau.)










5. Tom wasn't absorbed in exploring the heritage site. A. Tom doesn't like exploring the heritage site. B. Tom showed no interest in exploring the heritage site. C. Tom lacks interest in exploring the heritage site. D. Exploring the heritage site brought Tom no fun. ("to be absorbed in ST", mang nghĩa "to be very interested in ST"; nên gần nghĩa với “wasn't absorbed in” là “showed no interest in ...") X. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the sentence that best combines each pair of sentences given. 1. Visitors can explore the caves and grottos when coming to the site. They can enjoy mountain climbing. A. When coming to the site, visitors can enjoy mountain climbing but have no chance to explore the caves and grottos. B. As there are too many visitors, the site only offers exploring caves and grottos not mountain climbing. C. When coming to the site, in addition to exploring the caves and grottos, visitors can also enjoy mountain climbing. D. When coming to the site, visitors can neither enjoy mountain climbing nor explore the caves and grottos. (“in addition to ST” mang nghĩa “ngoài việc gì ra”) 2. Victor had visited the heritage site before. He fell in love with the scenery there. A. Having visited the heritage site before, Victor fell in love with the scenery there. B. Having fallen in love with the scenery of the heritage site, Victor visited the place many times. C. Despite falling in love with the scenery of the heritage site, Victor visited the place again. D. Had Victor visited the heritage site before, he would have fallen in love with the scenery there. (rút gọn mệnh đề cùng chủ ngữ từ câu “Although Victor had visited the heritage site before, he fell in love ...") 3. The region's average rainfall is high. Few streams and rivers can be seen there. A. Because of the region's high average rainfall, few streams and rivers can be seen there. B. The region's average rainfall is so high that few streams and rivers can be seen there. C. If the region's average rainfall were high, more streams and rivers could be seen there. D. In spite of the region's high average rainfall, few streams and rivers can be seen there. (“In spite of ST” mang nghĩa “mặc dù có cái gì”) 4. A hurricane is defined as a tropical storm. In this storm, winds attain speeds greater than 120 kilometers per hour. A. A hurricane in which winds attain speeds greater than 120 kilometers per hour is defined as a tropical storm. B. A hurricane is defined as a tropical storm in which winds attain speeds greater than 120 kilometers per hour. C. Defined as a cyclone, winds in a tropical storm often attain speeds greater than 120 kilometers per hour. D. Because a hurricane is defined as a tropical storm, its winds attain speeds greater than 120 kilometers per hour. (thay “in this storm” bằng đại từ quan hệ, thành “in which”) 5. It's a long trip to the world heritage site. We have to start off early and come back in the afternoon. A. It's a long trip to the world heritage site, but we have to start off early and come back in the afternoon. B. It's a long trip to the world heritage site because we have to start off early and come back in the afternoon. C. It's a long trip to the world heritage site, so we have to start off early and come back in the afternoon. D. It's a long trip to the world heritage site if we have to start off early and come back in the afternoon. ("so” chỉ mối quan hệ nguyên nhân - kết quả)


















Phonetics Intonation: Question tags Grammar - Question tags The keys to the exercises usually appear on separate pages, don't they? Let's choose this model of future cities, shall we? - Conditional sentences type o I like to visit the museums if I visit a new city. If the weather is fine, I cycle to school. Vocabulary Words and phrases related to city life in the future: Sustainable, infrastructure, ... I. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions. 1. A. capable B. available C. global D. climate (âm /eɪ/, các từ còn lại âm /ə/) 2. A. promote B. sensor C. insoluble D. pollution (âm /ɒ/, các từ còn lại âm /ə/) 3. A. urban B. infrastructure C. quality D. inhabitant (âm /ɒ/, các từ còn lại âm /ə/) 4. A. disturbed B. censored C. detected D. solved (âm /ɪd/, các từ còn lại âm /d/) 5. A. promotes B. predicts C. wastes D. changes (âm /ɪz/, các từ còn lại âm /s/) II. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the position of primary stress in each of the following questions. 1. A. forecast B. design C. ignore D. detect (nhấn âm 1, các từ còn lại nhấn âm 2) 2. A. resident B. occupy C. inhabit D. conference (nhấn âm 2, các từ còn lại nhấn âm 1) 3. A. ideal B. complete C. alive D. special (nhấn âm 1, các từ còn lại nhấn âm 2) 4. A. underground B. contrary C. quality D. improvement (nhấn âm 2, các từ còn lại nhấn âm 1) 5. A. soluble B. emphatic C. excellent D. probable (nhấn âm 2, các từ còn lại nhấn âm 1) III. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the underlined part that needs correction in each of the following sentences. 1. He complained about not being informed of the change of plan and insisted on compensating for it. A B C D (sửa thành “on being compensated for”, mang nghĩa “được bồi thường) 2. With a view to extend relations with other countries, the government has made every effort to welcome A B C foreign investment. D










(sửa thành “to extending”, lưu ý cấu trúc “with a view to ST/doing ST") 3. Before steel and concrete was introduced as building materials, carpenters had played the major role in A B C construction. D (sửa thành “were introduced”, lưu ý "steel and concrete” là danh từ số nhiều) 4. Industrial wastes that man discharges them into the sea have a deleterious effect on marine life. A B C D (sửa thành “discharges into”, vì “that” đã thay thế cho “industrial wastes”, “them” là thành phần dư) 5. The company is introducing a fire-prevention system that activated by any small increase in temperature. A B C D (sửa thành “that is activated” hoặc “activated”; cách sửa đầu là dựa theo ý của câu, hệ thống chống cháy này cần được kích hoạt”, cách sửa sau là rút gọn mệnh đề quan hệ của cách đầu) IV. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following sentences. 1. There won't be any lecture about urbanization this week, ____? A. won't there B. will there C. won't it D. will it be (với câu có "there” làm chủ ngữ, tag-question cần có “there”, ngược lại với "won't" là "will") 2. Nobody is interested in city life in the future, ____? A. are they B. won't they C. aren't they D. will they (lưu ý “nobody làm cho câu mang tính phủ định, nên trợ động từ của câu hỏi đuôi là "are”, cùng thì hiện tại đơn với câu đề) 3. Your father used to swim in the country river, ____? A. did he B. didn't he C. used he D. not used he ("use to do ST” là động từ thường, nên dùng trợ động từ “did” cho câu hỏi đuôi. Câu mang tính khẳng định, nên câu hỏi tag là “didn't...) 4. I'm not used to city life, ____? A. am I B. don't I C. aren't I D. not I (trong tag-question với “I am”, nếu câu hỏi đuôi khẳng định sẽ là "am I?”. Nếu câu hỏi đuôi phủ định sẽ là "aren't I?") 5. Please don't shout at your children, ____? A. aren't you B. won't you C. would you D. will you (tag-question với câu ra lệnh, dùng trợ động từ “will”. Câu hỏi tag ngược với câu gốc, nên dùng "will you) 6. We have to wait for the bus, ____? A. haven't we B. have we C. won't we D. don't we (“have to do ST” là động từ thường, dùng trợ động từ “do”, trái với câu gốc, tag-question là "don't we") 7. You have just bought a new cassette, ____? A. did you B. didn't you C. haven't you D. have you (thì hiện tại hoàn thành, chủ ngữ “you”, dùng trợ động từ “have”; ngược với câu gốc, tag-question là “have you”) 8. Susana hardly ever speaks to us these days, ____? A. does she B. doesn't she C. has she D. hasn't she (lưu ý từ "hardly” làm cho câu gốc mang tính phủ định; thì hiện tại đơn, chủ ngữ ngôi thứ 3 số ít, dùng trợ động từ “does”) 9. Carl thinks you had better clear the ashes away first, ____? A. hadn't you B. does he C. had you D. doesn't he (chia theo “Carl thinks", thì hiện tại đơn, ngôi thứ 3 số ít, dùng trợ động từ “does”) 10. There has not been a great response to the schedule, ____?










A. does there B. has there C. hasn't it D. has it (trong câu gốc dùng “there”, câu hỏi đuôi cũng dùng “there”) 11. Let's listen to the radio programs that the teacher mentioned, ____? A. do we B. won't we C. don't we D. shall we (lưu ý trong cấu trúc “Let's ...” thì câu hỏi đuôi sẽ là “shall we?") 12. Everybody here loves classic music, ____? A. isn't he B. do they C. don't they D. is he (với các từ như "nobody”, “somebody”, “everybody”... thì câu hỏi đuôi dùng từ "they") 13. John does not need to come, ____? A. does he B. need he C. must he D. will he ("need to do ST” xem như động từ thường, câu hỏi đuôi dùng trợ động từ “does”) 14. They should have gone early, ____? A. have they B. should they C. haven't they D. shouldn't they (câu hỏi đuôi dùng modal verb “should” như câu gốc) 15. Something in his report about living standards in big cities is wrong, ____? A. is it B. aren't they C. isn't it D. are they (tương tự câu 12) 16. If ice is heated, it ____. A. would melt B. melts C. is melting D. will have melted (câu điều kiện loại 0, diễn tả một sự thật) 17. Optimistic people believe that city ____ will have a better live thanks to important achievements in technology and medicine. A. citizens B. locals C. dwellers D. occupants (“dweller” là danh từ, mang nghĩa "người sống ở một nơi nào đó”) 18. Scientists are looking for ways to cut ____ the cost of renewable energy sources. A. back B. up C. off D. down ("to cut down ST” là cụm động từ, mang nghĩa “cắt giảm cái gì”) 19. They really ripped us ____ at that hotel; they charged me a lot of money. A. up B. off C. out D. into (“to rip SB off" là cụm động từ, mang nghĩa “tính ai giá cao hơn bình thường") 20. If you need help, make no ____ to ask. A. hesitation B. reluctance C. shyness D. embarrassment (make no hesitation to do ST là cụm động từ, mang nghĩa “đừng ngần ngại làm việc gì”) 21. The main goal of ____ planning is providing a healthier environment for people living in the city. A. livable B. urban C. rural D. sustainable ("urban planning” là cụm danh từ, mang nghĩa “quy hoạch đô thị”) 22. Many researchers claim that yoga practice and physical activities can improve people's ____ of life. A. quality B. infrastructure C. habitat D. pace ("quality of life” là cụm danh từ, mang nghĩa “chất lượng cuộc sống”) 23. The reason for all the changes being made to us ____ yet. A. has not explained B. has not been explained C. did not explained D. were not explained (lưu ý từ “yet”, dùng thì hiện tại hoàn thành với cấu trúc bị động) 24. Experiments in the photography of moving objects ____ in both the United States and Europe well before 1900. A. were conducting B. were conducted C. had been conducted D. had conducted (lưu ý “before 1900”, thì quá khứ hoàn thành diễn tả một hành động trước một thời điểm trong quá khứ) 25. They took ____ measures to prevent poisonous gases from escaping. A. fruitful B. beneficial C. valid D. effective










(lưu ý từ “measure” mang nghĩa “biện pháp”, dùng với tính từ "effective”, mang nghĩa "có hiệu quả”) 26. In developing countries people are ____ into overcrowded cities in great numbers. A. breaking B. filling C. pouring D. hurrying (“pour into” là cụm động từ, trong ngữ cảnh này mang nghĩa "đổ về, tập trung về”) 27. There are other problems of city life which I don't propose to ____ at the moment. A. go into B. go around C. go for D. go up ("go into” là cụm động từ, trong ngữ cảnh này mang nghĩa “thảo luận”, tương tự "discuss”) 28. It is politely requested by the hotel management that radios ____ after 11 o'clock at night. A. did not play B. not to play C. not be played D. were not played (lưu ý cấu trúc “It is politely requested ... that ...", sau đó là động từ chia ở dạng nguyên mẫu, có hoặc không có "should”) 29. - A: "The regional authorities failed to provide the poor with essential services such as accommodation, fresh water and electricity." - B: “____” A. That's great. B. That's too bad. C. It's too good to be true. D. I have no idea. (“That's too bad” ở đây dùng để thể hiện sự đồng tình với câu trước) 30. - A: "Jenny is always late for appointments." - B: “Yes. ____” A. But she is having an appointment. B. But she will never be appointed to the position. C. And the appointment is never late, too. D. And she always knows how to make an excuse. (make an excuse” là cụm động từ, mang nghĩa “kiếm cớ") V. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following sentences. 1. The basic challenge for sustainable agriculture is to maximise the use of locally available and renewable resources. A. long-term B. short-term C. beneficial D. harmful ("sustainable” là tính từ, mang nghĩa tính lâu dài, bền vững”, trái nghĩa với “short-term”, mang nghĩa “ngắn hạn”) 2. Passengers often complain about cancelled and overcrowded coaches and the lack of services. A. infrequent B. reliable C. empty D. untidy (“overcrowded” là tính từ, mang nghĩa “rất đông đúc, trái nghĩa với "empty", mang nghĩa “trống rỗng, trống trải”) 3. We need to do more to make the neighborhood safer and more livable. A. inhabitable B. uninhabitable C. dangerous D. prosperous ("liveable” là tính từ, mang nghĩa “có thể sống được", trái nghĩa với "uninhabitable”, mang nghĩa “không thể tồn tại/sống được") 4. The country's infrastructure is in poor condition and needs to be upgraded. A. improved B. repaired C. examined D. deteriorated (“upgrade” là động từ, mang nghĩa “nâng cấp”, trái nghĩa với "deteriorate”, mang nghĩa "xuống cấp”) 5. Many new machines have been invented to help doctors to detect diseases early. A. notice B. recognized C. ignore D. cure ("detect” là động từ, mang nghĩa “phát hiện”, trái nghĩa với “ignore”, mang nghĩa “phớt lờ”) VI. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks. THE RISE OF OLDER CITIES Many older cities are having modern makeovers and they are being given a new (1) ____. Sometimes the impetus for this (2) ____ of change comes from the need to provide new (3) ____ for particular events being










held in the city - a sporting event, or something (4) ____. On other (5) ____ the change just seems to (6) ____ place almost naturally. Take Birmingham, for instance, (7) ____ it was previously an (8) ____ place to live, it has now become trendy, and this change has been (9) ____ largely by the new-look architecture that can be found everywhere in the city. The old shopping centre has been (10) ____ down and completely rebuilt, and new shopping malls are competing to attract shoppers with the high quality of their services and goods. The area located around the canal, once hidden away and surrounded by decaying factories was often used as a rubbish (11) ____, but it has now become a trendy place (12) ____ up of modern offices, bars, sought-after apartments and restaurants. To (13) ____ up, Birmingham has become the place to be. Even in what was formerly the poorest part of the city an old factory has been (14) ____ into a lively complex of studios, galleries and coffee bars. With its theatres, museums and football teams Birmingham is (15) ____ worth visiting and has something for everyone. 1. A. look B. view C. panorama D. sight (“look” ở đây là vẻ ngoài, “to be given a new look” mang nghĩa “được khoác lên một diện mạo mới”) 2. A. species B. type C. variety D. brand ("type of ST” là danh từ, mang nghĩa “loại” hoặc “kiểu”, gần nghĩa với “kind of ST”) 3. A. features B. equipment C. facilities D. items ("facility" là danh từ, mang nghĩa "cơ sở thiết bị, cơ sở vật chất”) 4. A. same B. like C. typical D. similar (“something similar” mang nghĩa “những thứ tương tự”) 5. A. times B. events C. occasions D. happenings (“On other occasions” là cụm từ, mang nghĩa “những dịp khác” hoặc “ở những lần khác") 6. A. have B. take C. get D. spare (“to take place” là cụm động từ, mang nghĩa “diễn ra”, gần nghĩa với “happen” hoặc “occur") 7. A. Even B. Since C. As D. Although ("although” chỉ sự tương phản) 8. A. invalid B. unfashionable C. unapproved D. out-of-date (lưu ý từ “trendy” ở vế sau, mang nghĩa “hợp xu hướng”, tương phản với nó là từ “unfashionable”, mang nghĩa “không thời thượng”) 9. A. brought about B. come into C. put up D. set out (“bring about” là cụm động từ, mang nghĩa “mang lại, tạo ra”, hay dùng với các danh từ như “change” hoặc “benefit") 10. A. hit B. knocked C. pushed D. sent (“knock down” trong ngữ cảnh này mang nghĩa "đập bỏ”, gần nghĩa với "demolish") 11. A. place B. area C. tip D. hold (“rubbish tip” là cụm danh từ, mang nghĩa “bãi rác”, gần nghĩa với “rubbish dump" hoặc "landfill site") 12. A. made B. created C. done D. given ("to be made up of ST” mang nghĩa “được tạo thành từ cái gì”) 13. A. sum B. end C. finish D. total (“to sum up” là cụm từ, mang nghĩa “để kết thúc”, thường hay dùng ở cuối bài khi đưa ra kết luận) 14. A. amended B. connected C. altered D. converted (“to be converted into ST là cụm từ, mang nghĩa “được chuyển đổi thành cái gì”) 15. A. exactly B. absolutely C. completely D. well (“to be well worth DOING ST” là cụm từ, mang nghĩa “việc gì đó rất đáng làm”) VII. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions. Around the world, Rio de Janeiro is famous for its beautiful beaches and Carnival celebration. But the city is also known for its poor areas, known as favelas. For years, many favelas had high poverty and crime rates. However, things are starting to change.










In the past, many favelas received very little government assistance. Neighborhood residents had to build their own streets and homes. Gangs were also com guns. However, a new government plan is starting to change this. The city is sending thousands of police officers into favelas with the goal of driving out the gangs. In some favelas, the plan is already working. Crime is down, and unlike in the past, children arc playing in the streets again. New apartment buildings are being built, and the city is providing more services. "In 20 years," says police officer Leonardo Nogueira, "the children who live here now ... will be different people." Police influence is changing the favelas, but something else is, too. Today, more Brazilians are moving into these neighborhoods because housing is expensive in other parts of Rio. "Favelas are a place for young doctors without much money to get started and young architects to start working,” explains Simone Miranda, a Rio tour guide. In the past, favela residents felt different - separate from the rest of Rio. “But now," says Miranda, "they feel part of the society of Brazil.” Life is improving in the favelas, but there are still challenges. In some areas, poverty rates are still high. As students, families, and foreigners move into the favelas, property costs skyrocket. In some places, housing has more than doubled in price. Despite this, favela residents are hopeful. If Rio can develop these favelas for all residents – both poor and middle class - the city could become a model for other cities with similar problems. 1. Which of the following best serves as the title for this passage? A. A History of Rio's Favelas B. Crime on the Rise in Rio's Favelas C. How Rio's Favelas Are Changing D. Favelas, Rio's New Tourist Destination (ý chính của bài đọc là “những khu vực nghèo của Rio đang thay đổi như thế nào”) 2. Which of the following is true about favelas in the past? A. They got a lot of government assistance. B. There were no gangs. C. Many police officers worked there. D. Children didn't play in the streets very much. (lưu ý đoạn 2, câu "unlike in the past, children are playing in the streets again") 3. Which statement would tour guide Simone Miranda probably agree with? A. More favela residents now feel a part of Brazilian culture. B. The police officers in the favelas cause many problems. C. Young people from Rio should not move into the favelas. D. There will be no more favelas in 20 years. (lưu ý đoạn 2, câu "But now," says Miranda, "they feel part of the society of Brazil.") 4. What is the purpose of the third paragraph? A. To discuss the high costs of housing in Rio B. To explain why architects are choosing to study in favelas C. To talk about how newer residents are changing the favelas D. To compare favela and non-favela residents (ý chính của đoạn 3 là “nói về cách mà các cư dân mới của các khu ổ chuột thay đổi nó”, vì đây là nơi “young doctors"-"bác sĩ trẻ” và “young architects”-“kiến trúc sư trẻ” sinh sống) 5. What does the word "skyrocket" in the passage mostly mean? A. To increase quickly B. To drop slowly C. To become dangerous D. To become smaller ("skyrocket" là động từ, mang nghĩa “tăng đột biến”, gần nghĩa với câu A) VIII. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions. Throughout the nineteenth century and into the twentieth, citizens of the United States maintained a bias against big cities. Most lived on farms and in small towns and believed cities to be centers of corruption, crime, poverty, and moral degradation. Their distrust was caused, in part, by a notional ideology that proclaimed farming the greatest Occupation and rural living superior to urban living. This attitude prevailed even as the number of urban dwellers increased and cities became an essential feature of the notional landscape. Gradually, economic reality overcame ideology. Thousands abandoned the precarious life on the farm for more secure and










better paying jobs in the city. But when these people migrated from the countryside, they carried their fears and suspicions with them. These new urban population, already convinced that cities were overwhelmed with great problems, eagerly embraced the progressive reforms that promised to bring order out of the chaos of the city. One of many reforms came in the area of public utilities. Water and sewerage systems were usually operated by municipal governments, but the gas and electric networks were privately owned. Reformers feared that the privately owned utility companies would charge exorbitant rates for these essential services and deliver them only to people who would afford them, some city and state governments responded by regulating the utility companies, but a number of cities began to supply these services themselves. Proponents of these reforms argued that public ownership and regulation would insure widespread access to these utilities and guarantee a fair price. While some reforms focused on government and public behavior, others looked at the cities as a whole. Civic leaders, convinced that physical environment influenced human behavior, argued that cities should develop master plans to guide their future growth and development. City planning was nothing new, but the rapid industrialization and urban growth of the late nineteenth century took place without any consideration for order. Urban renewal in the twentieth century followed several courses. Some cities introduced plans to completely rebuild the city core. Most other cities contented themselves with zoning plans for regulating future growth. Certain parts of town were restricted to residential use, while others were set aside for industrial or commercial development. 1. What does the passage mainly discuss? A. A comparison of urban and rural life in the early twentieth century B. The role of government in twentieth-century urban renewal C. Efforts to improve urban life in the early twentieth century D. Methods of controlling urban growth in the twentieth century (ý chính của bài đọc này là “các nỗ lực để cải thiện đời sống thành thị ở đầu thế kỉ 20”) 2. The word "bias" in the passage closest in meaning to ____. A. diagonal B. slope C. distortion D. prejudice (“bias” hoặc “prejudice” là danh từ, mang nghĩa “định kiến”) 3. The first paragraph suggests that most people who lived in rural areas ____. A. were suspicious of their neighbors B. were very proud of their lifestyle C. believed city government had too much power D. wanted to move to the cities (lưu ý đoạn 1, câu "a notional ideology that proclaimed farming the greatest occupation and rural living superior to urban living") 4. In the early twentieth century, many rural dwellers migrated to the city in order to ____. A. participate in the urban reform movement B. seek financial security C. comply with a government ordinance D. avoid crime and corruption (lưu ý đoạn 1, câu "Thousands abandoned the precarious life on the farm for more secure and better paying jobs in the city.") 5. The word "embraced" in the passage is closest in meaning to ____. A. suggested B. overestimated C. demanded D. welcomed ("embrace” là động từ, mang nghĩa “chào đón”, đồng nghĩa với “welcome”) 6. What concern did reformers have about privately owned utility companies? A. They feared the services would not be made available to all city dwellers. B. They believed private ownership would slow economic growth C. They did not trust the companies to obey the government regulations. D. They wanted to ensure that the services would be provided to rural areas.










(lưu ý đoạn 2, câu "Reformers feared that the privately owned utility companies would charge exorbitant rates for these essential services and deliver them only to people who would afford them") 7. The word "exorbitant" in the passage closest in meaning to ____. A. additional B. expensive C. various D. modified ("exorbitant” là tính từ, mang nghĩa "rất đắt đỏ”, gần nghĩa nhất với "expensive”) 8. All of the following were the direct result of public utility reforms EXCEPT ____. A. local governments determined the rates charged by private utility companies B. some utility companies were owned and operated by local governments C. the availability of services was regulated by local government D. private utility companies were required to pay a fee to local governments (câu D, "các công ty tư nhân cung cấp dịch vụ công cộng thì phải trả phí cho chính quyền địa phương”, không phải là kết quả của sự cải cách trong bài đọc) 9. The word "Proponents" in the passage is closest in meaning to ____. A. Experts B. Pioneers C. Reviewers D. Supporters ("proponent” là danh từ, mang nghĩa “người ủng hộ”, gần nghĩa với "supporter" hoặc "advocate") 10. Why does the author mention "industrialization"? A. To explain how fast urban growth led to poorly designed cities B. To emphasize the economic importance of urban areas C. To suggest that labor disputes had become an urban problem D. To illustrate the need for construction of new factories (lưu ý đoạn cuối, câu “the rapid industrialization and urban growth of the late nineteenth century took place without any consideration for order.") IX. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to each of the following sentences. 1. Poverty and overcrowding are ruining the life of people in many big cities. A. To make poverty and overcrowding even worse, people in many big cities ruin their life. B. Due to poverty and overcrowding, the life of people in many big cities is being ruined. C. Unless there are poverty and overcrowding, the life of people in many big cities won't be ruined. D. Despite poverty and overcrowding, the life of people in many big cities is being ruined. (“Due to ST", thể hiện mối quan hệ nguyên nhân-kết quả; tương tự với "because of ST" hoặc "owing to ST") 2. Do you agree with my view on this issue? A. Did you see eye to eye with me on this issue? B. Do you view this issue with my agreement? C. Can you try to agree with me on this issue? D. Are you in agreement with my view on this issue? (thay "agree with ST" bằng "to be in agreement with ST") 3. We stayed in that hotel despite the noise. A. Because the hotel is noisy, we stayed there. B. We stayed in the noisy hotel, and we liked it. C. Although the hotel was noisy, we stayed there. D. Without the noise, we would have stayed in the hotel. (thay cấu trúc “despite” với cấu trúc "although”) 4. He didn't hurry, so he missed the plane. A. If he hurried, he wouldn't miss the plane. B. If he had hurried, he wouldn't have caught the plane. C. If he had hurried, he could have caught the plane. D. He didn't miss the plane because he was hurried.










(câu gốc là quá khứ đơn, viết lại bằng câu điều kiện loại 3, diễn tả một điều không có thật ở quá khứ) 5. No sooner had James begun his new job than he knew his decision was wrong. A. Just before James took up his new post, he realized that he was not suited for it. B. As soon as James started working, he realized that his decision had not been a good one. C. Had James not begun his new job, he would have gone looking for a better one. D. Since James did not like his new job, he began looking for a better one. (câu gốc dùng đảo ngữ với “No sooner ... than ...", chuyển bằng cấu trúc “as soon as ...", mang nghĩa “ngay khi”) X. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the sentence that best combines each pair of sentences given. 1. We almost gave up hope. At that time, the rescue party arrived. A. Only after the rescue party arrived did we give up hope. B. It was not until the rescue party arrived that we gave up hope. C. We were on the verge of giving up hope when the rescue party arrived. D. Had the rescue party not arrived, we wouldn't have given up hope. (thay "almost gave up" bằng "on the verge of giving up”, “at that time" bằng “when”) 2. Pessimistically speaking, cities will be overpopulated. Traffic will be heavy, too. A. Pessimistically speaking, cities will be overpopulated, and traffic will be heavy. B. Pessimistically speaking, cities will be overpopulated, for traffic will be heavy. C. Pessimistically speaking, cities will be overpopulated, but traffic will be heavy. D. Pessimistically speaking, cities will be overpopulated, or traffic will be heavy. (dùng "and” để nối 2 mệnh đề) 3. Robots can work in situations that are dangerous or harmful for human workers. This is one of the greatest advantages of robots. A. Robots can work in situations that are dangerous or harmful for human workers, which is the only advantage of them. B. The only difference between robots and humans is that robots can work in situations that are dangerous or harmful for human workers. C. Because robots can work in situations that are dangerous or harmful for human workers, they have more advantages over human beings. D. One of the greatest advantages of robots is that they can work in situations that are dangerous or harmful for human workers. (nối bằng mệnh đề danh ngữ, xem “that they can work ..." là một danh từ, làm vị ngữ trong câu “One of the advantages of robots is ...") 4. The burglar was trying to break into the shop. He was caught by the night guard when doing so. A. By the time the night guard caught him, the burglar had broken into the shop. B. While trying to break into the shop, the burglar was caught by the night guard. C. Having tried to break into the shop, the burglar was caught by the night guard. D. Having seen the burglar breaking into the shop, the night guard caught him. (“while” mang nghĩa “trong khi”) 5. No disapproval of the plan was raised. I suggest we go ahead. A. Despite the approval of the plan being raised, I suggest we go ahead. B. In case someone raises the disapproval of the plan, I suggest we go ahead. C. As nobody raised any disapproval of the plan, I suggest we go ahead. D. Because the disapproval of the plan might be raised, I suggest we go ahead. ("as” chỉ mối quan hệ nguyên nhân - kết quả)


















Phonetics Intonation: invitations, suggestions, polite requests, uncertainty and surprise Grammar - Reported speech with conditionals "You may have a stomachache if you eat too much pickled onions." → My mum said that I may have a stomachache if I eat too much pickled onions. → My mum said that I might have a stomachache if I ate too much pickled onions. “If I had some spare time, I'd do exercise every day.” → He said that if he had some spare time, he'd do exercise every day. - Reported speech with to-infinitives and gerunds "Would you like to eat out this evening?” → He invited me to eat out that evening. "You may have a short break now.” → The teacher allowed having a short break then. Vocabulary Words and phrases related to healthy lifestyles and longevity: life expectancy, stress-free lifestyle ... I. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions. 1. A. nutrient B. immune C. natural D. attribute (âm /ə/, các từ còn lại âm /u:/) 2. A. expectancy B. experience C. expensive D. expectation (âm /e/, các từ còn lại âm /ɪ/) 3. A. remedy B. meditation C. obesity D. success (âm /ɪ/, các từ còn lại âm /e/) 4. A. dietary B. antibiotics C. attribute D. service (âm /aɪ/, các từ còn lại âm /ɪ/) 5. A. blood B. drug C. soon D. such (âm /u:/, các từ còn lại âm /ʌ/) II. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the position of primary stress in each of the following questions 1. A. cholesterol B. remedial C. expectancy D. meditation (nhấn âm 3, các từ còn lại nhấn âm 2) 2. A. immune B. ageing C. relieve D. massage (nhấn âm 2, các từ còn lại nhấn âm 1, lưu ý từ “massage” có 2 cách nhấn âm) 3. A. acupuncture B. bacteria C. medicinal D. remedial (nhấn âm 1, các từ còn lại nhấn âm 2) 4. A. nutrient B. vaccinate C. dietary D. develop (nhấn âm 2, các từ còn lại nhấn âm 1) 5. A. medical B. potential C. nutritious D. dramatic (nhấn âm 1, các từ còn lại nhấn âm 2) III. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the underlined part that needs correction in each of the following sentences. 1. Doctor Lam said if you ate too much fat, you would have suffered from obesity and other health problems. A B C D










(sửa thành “would suffer”, vì đây là câu điều kiện loại 2, chỉ một khả năng) 2. Yesterday Jonas read an article on the Internet said that we could increase our life expectancy if we had a A B C D healthy diet. (sửa thành “that said” hoặc "saying”, lưu ý "an article on the Internet” là tân ngữ của vế trước, dùng mệnh đề quan hệ để nối với vế sau) 3. Going to the gym regularly is good, but there are others ways to keep fit and stay healthy. A B C D (sửa thành “other ways”, để "other" làm tính từ, bổ nghĩa cho “ways") 4. Health experts advised to wash vegetables carefully before consuming them. A B C D (sửa thành “washing”, “advise ST/doing ST”, tránh nhầm lẫn với “advise SB to do ST") 5. My personal trainer suggested that I must do some warm-up activities before starting the main tasks. A B C D (sửa thành “should do” hoặc “do”, lưu ý cấu trúc với từ “suggest”) IV. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following sentences. 1. Yoga involves breathing exercises, stretching and ____. A. meditate B. meditation C. meditated D. meditative (“meditation” là danh từ, mang nghĩa “sự thiền định”) 2. Cycling makes you fitter and gives you a better life ____. A. expectation B. expecting C. expectancy D. expectant (“life expectancy” là cụm danh từ, mang nghĩa “tuổi thọ", đồng nghĩa với "life span") 3. People with normal, healthy ____ systems generally can fight off certain diseases without drugs, and might not even feel sick. A. immune B. commune C. operation D. prevention ("immune system” là cụm danh từ, mang nghĩa “hệ miễn dịch”) 4. The effects of diarrhoeal disease can be conquered with one of the simplest and cheapest natural ____ known to science. A. restorations B. selections C. remedies D. fixings (“remedy” là danh từ, mang nghĩa “cách chữa trị”) 5. A poor diet, with low nutrient snacks can lead to nutritional ____. A. shortages B. lacks C. inadequacies D. deficiencies (“nutritional deficiencies” là cụm danh từ, mang nghĩa “sự thiếu hụt chất dinh dưỡng”) 6. If the victims survive the first half hour, there is a good chance of complete ____. A. coverage B. recovery C. improvement D. treatment (“improvement” là danh từ, mang nghĩa “sự cải thiện”, lưu ý "recovery” là đáp án sai, do nó mang nghĩa “sự hồi phục” sau khi đã được điều trị xong) 7. What a pity! Thomas wasn't strong enough to ____ his own confidence. A. improve B. progress C. boost D. raise (“to boost ST" là động từ, mang nghĩa “làm tăng cái gì”, “boost confidence” mang nghĩa “làm tăng sự tự tin”) 8. The rapidly ____ population will put a strain on the country's health care system. A. ageless B. ageing C. ageless D. anti-aging ("ageing population” là cụm danh từ, mang nghĩa “dân số đang già đi”) 9. Mass media have helped to raise people's awareness of ____ choices. A. lifestyle B. living C. livelihood D. lifelong (“lifestyle” là danh từ, mang nghĩa “lối sống, nếp sống") 10. It is said that adults are often immune ____ such diseases as measles, whooping coughs, or mumps.










A. at B. off C. over D. to (“to be immune to ST” là tính từ, mang nghĩa “miễn dịch với cái gì”) 11. Jack's parents should ____ have a healthier diet because his big weight. A. let him B. make him C. get him D. encourage him (cấu trúc "make SB do ST”, mang nghĩa “bắt/khiến ai đó làm việc gì”, cấu trúc có nghĩa tương tự là “get SB to do ST”) 12. He admitted ____ the car but denied ____ it by himself. A. stealing / doing B. to steal / doing C. stealing / to do D. to steal / to do ("admit doing ST", mang nghĩa “thú nhận đã làm việc gì”; "deny doing ST", mang nghĩa “chối bỏ đã làm việc gì”) 13. The young man didn't stop ____ although I asked him twice. A. is smoking B. smoked C. smoking D. smoked (“stop doing ST” mang nghĩa “ngưng làm việc gì”, tránh nhầm lẫn với “stop to do ST”, mang nghĩa “dừng lại để làm việc gì”) 14. She begged with me ____ more fat and ____ more vegetables instead. A. not to take in / eating B. taking in / eating C. not to take in / to eat D. not taking in / to eat (cấu trúc “beg SB to do ST”, mang nghĩa “van xin ai làm việc gì”) 15. The increase in the number of obese children can be ____ to several factors, among which is unhealthy diets. A. responsible B. blamed C. led D. attributed (“to be attributed to ST", mang nghĩa “có thể quy vào” hoặc “nhờ vào”) 16. His picture on the wall will ____ to you some idea of the meaning of a healthy lifestyle. A. coincide B. commence C. convey D. convert (lưu ý từ “idea”, dùng từ “convey", mang nghĩa “truyền đạt, truyền tải một thông điệp, thông tin nào đó") 17. If this kind of fish becomes ____, the future generations may never taste it at all. A. minimum B. short C. seldom D. scarce ("scarce” là tính từ, mang nghĩa “khan hiếm, cạn kiệt”) 18. ____, you would not have been involved in that terrible condition. A. If you listened to me B. Had you listened to me C. If only you has listened to me D. As long as you listened to me (đảo ngữ của câu điều kiện loại 3, câu bình thường là “If you had listened to me”) 19. The trainer reminded me ____ in more vegetables for dinner. A. of taking B. to take C. to be taking D. having taken ("remind SB to do ST", mang nghĩa “nhắc nhở ai đó làm việc gì”) 20. A popular way to relieve stress in today's busy lifestyles is ____ meditation and yoga. A. taking on B. taking in C. taking to D. taking up (“take up ST” mang nghĩa “bắt đầu luyện tập/chơi một môn thể thao hoặc môn nào đó”) 21. Research has suggested that the food we eat ____ longevity. A. must affect B. should affect C. affected D. affects (lưu ý “suggest” ở đây không mang nghĩa “khuyên, đề nghị”, nên "should affect” sai, câu đúng là "affects”, thì hiện tại đơn diễn tả một sự thật) 22. My brother is now in hospital, ____ treatment of his upset stomach. A. in B. under C. on D. over (“to be under treatment”, mang nghĩa "đang được điều trị”) 23. After suffering an injury during the match against Federer, Nadal has required surgery ____ his right knee. A. on B. at C. to D. in










("surgery” đi với giới từ “on”, mang nghĩa “phẫu thuật ở bộ phận nào”) 24. Remember that even simple ____ changes can boost our immune system. A. diet B. dietary C. dieting D. diets (“dietary” là tính từ, mang nghĩa “liên quan đến chế độ ăn uống”) 25. Jack hid himself in his bedroom and did not want to see anybody, ____ they were. A. whichever B. however C. whatever D. whoever (“whoever” mang nghĩa "cho dù ai đi nữa”) 26. He is quite sure that it's ____ impossible for him to lose five kilos within two days. A. absolutely B. extremely C. fully D. roughly (absolutely impossible” là cụm từ cố định, nhấn mạnh “không thể nào thực hiện được") 27. In the household, grandparents and other relatives play ____ roles in raising children so that they can grow up healthily. A. incapable B. indispensable C. insensible D. infinite (“indispensable” là tính từ, mang nghĩa “quá quan trọng, không thể bỏ qua”) 28. The statistical figures on the number of obese children in that report are not ____. You should not refer to them. A. accurate B. fixed C. trustworthy D. precise ("accurate” là tính từ, mang nghĩa “chuẩn xác, khi nói tới thông tin, số liệu đó có đáng tin hay không, so sánh với "precise” là từ gần nghĩa, nhưng dùng để nói cái gì có "chi tiết, cụ thể” hay không) 29. - A: "School canteens should prepare nutritious meals for young children." – B: “____” A. Yes, let's. B. I have to go. C. No wonders. D. I agree. (“I agree” để thể hiện sự đồng tình) 30. - A: “____” – B: "I feel a sharp pain in my head." A. What's the matter? B. How old are you? C. Thank you. D. Sorry to hear that. (“What's the matter?” mang nghĩa “Có vấn đề gì chăng?") V. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following sentences. 1. In the 1960s, the World Health Organization (WHO) began a campaign to eradicate the mosquitoes that transmit the disease malaria. A. minimize B. develop C. eliminate D. appreciate (eradicate” là động từ, mang nghĩa “loại bỏ", sẽ gần nghĩa với "eliminate”) 2. The disease is said to kill an estimated 3 million people each year in the world's tropical regions, predominantly southern Africa. A. mainly B. only C. except D. noticeably (“predominantly" là trạng từ, mang nghĩa “mang tính chủ đạo, chủ yếu”, gần nghĩa với “mainly” là phần lớn) 3. One factor responsible for a dramatic increase in life expectancy is the advanced technology and medical development. A. insignificant B. remarkable C. important D. relative ("dramatic” khi đi với các từ “increase” hoặc “decrease”, mang nghĩa “đáng kể", gần nghĩa với "remarkable”, mang nghĩa “đáng chú ý”) 4. The fall in the number of deaths from heart disease is generally attributed to improvements in diet. A. blamed on B. contributed to C. responsible for D. thanks to (“to be attributed to ST” mang nghĩa “nhờ vào cái gì”, gần nghĩa với “thanks to”) 5. Smoking, alcohol intake and fast food consumption can increase the risk of heart disease. A. the amount used B. the output C. the amount left D. the input ("consumption” là danh từ, mang nghĩa “lượng tiêu thụ, sự tiêu thụ”, gần nghĩa với "the amount used")










VI. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks. Recent studies have shown that more and more students are choosing unhealthy ways to boost energy. The two main ways (1) ____ are eating snacks high in sugar and drinking beverages high in caffeine. In fact, research shows these two choices may (2) ____ in the opposite effects as those desired. Eating a sweet snack, (3) ____ a candy bar, does not provide the body more energy. (4) ____ candy bars have little (5) ____ value; however, their high sugar content can create a full feeling in the consumer. While the sugar may produce an initial boost in energy, the lack of nutritional value soon (6) ____ the body feeling fatigued. In effect, eating a sweet snack will have the opposite effect to what most people expect. Likewise, many people will drink a caffeinated beverage like coffee or cola to give themselves more energy. To a certain (7) ____, drinking coffee or cola will give a person some energy. The caffeine can increase the heart rate and blood flow, (8) ____ producing a feeling of increased energy. (9) ____, caffeine products are often consumed in excessive quantities or at unwise times. This, (10) ____, can interfere with normal sleep patterns and also lead to fatigue. In the end, caffeine drinkers often lose valuable hours of sleep and become even more tired during the day. 1. A. choosing B. chosen C. which choose D. having chosen ("chosen” là rút gọn mệnh đề quan hệ từ “which are chosen”) 2. A. lead B. bring C. cause D. result (“to result in ST” mang nghĩa “dẫn tới cái gì”, lưu ý gần nghĩa với có “lead to ST" hoặc là "cause ST") 3. A. like B. such C. as D. unlike (“like” ở đây là để đưa ra ví dụ, tương tự có "such as ...") 4. A. Almost B. Most of C. All of D. Most (lưu ý “candy” ở đây là danh từ không xác định, “most” là từ hạn định, mang nghĩa “phần lớn”, bổ nghĩa cho “candy”; so sánh với “most of the + danh từ xác định”) 5. A. nutrient B. nutrition C. nutritious D. nutritional (lưu ý từ “value”, phải đi cùng từ “nutritional”, mang nghĩa “liên quan đến dinh dưỡng”; từ “nutritious” mang nghĩa “giàu chất dinh dưỡng”, chỉ dùng cho “đồ ăn”) 6. A. gets B. makes C. leaves D. lets (cấu trúc “leave SB/ST doing ST", mang nghĩa “để/khiến ai/cái gì làm gì”; lưu ý "make SB/ST do ST") 7. A. level B. extent C. limit D. standard ("to a certain extent” là cụm từ, mang nghĩa trong một chừng mực nhất định”) 8. A. then B. therefore C. thus D. and (“thus” trong ngữ cảnh này bằng “in this way, like this", mang nghĩa “theo cách này”; “thus” không mang nghĩa “nên” như "therefore” trong trường hợp này) 9. A. Supposedly B. Unfortunately C. Remarkably D. Understandably (“unfortunately” là trạng từ, mang nghĩa “không may mắn rằng”; lưu ý sự trái ngược về tính chất của cầu trước- chỉ tác dụng của caffein, câu sau nếu tác hại của nó) 10. A. in sum B. at odds C. in turn D. at risk (“in turn” mang nghĩa “theo lần lượt”, chỉ việc uống café vào những thời điểm không thích hợp, thì sẽ lần lượt ảnh hưởng đến “thói quen ngủ”) VII. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions. In 1960, Americans spent 10% of their healthcare dollar on medicines. Most of the money came from their own pockets, and was spent on drugs that largely treated infections heart disease, arthritis and depression. Beyond that, there was little that science could offer. Today, the range of diseases for which medical research has some partial treatment is vast. Despite this, and the double digit increase in drug spending - 75%-90% of which is paid for by insurance companies - prescription drugs now account for 9% of total health expenditures.










Similarly, claims by insurers and corporations - that drug costs are driving insurance costs up in general - are overstated. According to health analyst J.D. Kleinke, since pharmacy costs represent only 9% of all spending, even increases of 20% could not be responsible for insurance premium increases of 10%-15% over the last two years: Premiums have been increasing far out of proportion to increasing total medical costs over the past three years. The fact is we should spend more on newer, more expensive medicines because they are worth the investment. Medical innovation creates what Harvard economist David Cutler calls health capital — the ability of people to stay well early and consistently throughout their lives, and remain that way at an increasingly older age. In fact, under the most conservative assumption, the U.S would have needed only about 30% of the improvement in medical progress over the period in time. In the case of congestive heart failure, Mr. Cutler found that increased consumption of new and more expensive drugs and other innovative technologies generated longer life, more productivity and lower health costs that offset the cost of their development and consumption. 1. What has changed the least since 1960? A. Percentage of money Americans pay for medicines out of their own pockets. B. The variety of drugs available. C. Percentage of healthcare dollar on medicines. D. The amount of money spent on drugs by insurance companies. (lưu ý đoạn 1, câu “In 1960, Americans spent 10% of their healthcare dollar on medicines... prescription drugs now account for 9% of total health expenditures.) 2. Claims by insurers and corporations that drug costs are driving insurance costs are overstated because ____. A. drug costs have not increased in the past B. insurance costs have not increased in the past C. premiums have increased by more than 20% in the last two years D. premiums have increased much more than have total medical costs in the past three years (lưu ý đoạn 2, câu "Premiums have been increasing far out of proportion to increasing total medical costs over the past three years.") 3. The way to invest in health capital is to ____. A. adopt a healthy lifestyle B. spend around 10% of the healthcare money on medicines C. spend money on medicines that the latest medical science can offer D. spend more money on medical care in spite of higher health costs (lưu ý đoạn 2, câu "The fact is we should spend more on newer, more expensive medicines because they are worth the investment.") 4. The cost of congestive heart failure illustrates that ____. A. health capital is no guarantee for a better life B. using newer drugs may prove too expensive for many people C. using newer drugs contributes to a better life D. it is difficult to make people spend more on medicines (lưu ý đoạn 2, câu "increased consumption of new and more expensive drugs and other innovative technologies generated longer life, more productivity and lower health costs") 5. The main idea of the passage is that ____. A. people should spend more money on good medicines B. people should get insurers to pay for their medicines C. people are reluctant to pay a lot of money on medicines D. medical technologies make most diseases curable (ý chính của bài viết là "mọi người nên dành nhiều tiền hơn cho thuốc có chất lượng tốt")










VIII. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions. A healthy diet is essential for maintaining a healthy body and a healthy lifestyle. Though some doctors and health experts disagree on some components of a healthy diet, other parts are almost universally recognized. For example, all agree that a healthy diet includes necessary nutrients - ingredients that help keep bodies strong and healthy. Human bodies need more than 50 different kinds of nutrients, including vitamins, minerals, water, and fiber. Vitamins are natural substances found in plants and animals. A body cannot make its own vitamins, so it must get them from food. Vitamins do not supply energy. However, they are useful substances that the body needs. Vitamin A, for example, helps eyes see better. Vitamin B develops protein needed in muscle growth. Vitamin C helps support the healing process for certain illnesses. Finally, Vitamin D helps strengthen teeth and bones Minerals help balance bodily fluids, such as blood and water. They are also an important part of the iron in blood. There are seven major minerals that bodies need in large amounts, and ten minor, or trace, minerals, which bodies need in smaller amounts. Scientists are still studying many minerals, such as nickel and cobalt, to try to understand exactly how they affect the human body. Some people do not include water as a nutrient, but it is vital for a healthy body to function properly. Humans can live for several days without food, but only for two or three days without water. People who play sports or exercise a lot often fail to drink enough water. This can cause their muscles to become overly tired. If not enough water is taken in during very strenuous exercise, death may in fact result. Scientists have learned much about the importance of fiber in recent years. They now say that many people do not get enough fiber in their diets. The average many people should eat between 30 and 40 grams of fiber each day, twice as much as the average person currently gets. Though fiber is not digested or absorbed, it helps rid the body of waste products. Fiber helps control weight and maintain normal levels of important substances such as cholesterol and blood sugar. Fiber is found in whole-grain breads and cereals, as well as nuts, beans, fruits, and vegetables. There are several different kinds of fiber, and they each help in different ways. Two kinds of fiber, called pectins and gums, are needed to help control body fats, cholesterol, and carbohydrates (a type of nutrient that produces energy). Apples, cranberries, and cherries are good sources of pectin. Oatmeal and legumes are good s general, fresh fruits and raw vegetables provide more fiber than peeled fruits and cooked vegetables. According to dieticians, two servings of vegetables and two servings of whole grains (like whole wheat bread) each day will provide enough fiber for most adults. In summary, recommendations for a healthy diet include drinking lots of liquids while eating fiber from a wide variety of foods. This way, the body will not be getting too much of one kind of fiber and too little of another kind. If a person is not eating enough fiber now, it is best to change one's diet gradually. Above all, experts warn, do not depend on getting fiber from pills or tablets. A whole bottle would need to be consumed to see any benefit. 1. According to paragraph 1, what are nutrients? A. Regular foods B. Sources of energy for the body C. Useful substances in foods D. Substances controlling levels of cholesterol (lưu ý đoạn 1, câu "necessary nutrients - ingredients that help keep bodies strong and healthy") 2. According to the passage, which of the following is true of vitamins? A. Americans do not get enough of them. B. They are natural substances made by our bodies. C. They do not supply energy to our bodies. D. They do not have a good taste. (lưu ý đoạn 2, câu “Vitamins do not supply energy) 3. According to the passage, which of the following is NOT true about minerals? A. They are important to iron in blood.










B. They help balance fluids in body. C. Many of them are being researched. D. Some minerals support the healing process. ("support healing process” mang nghĩa “hỗ trợ quá trình hồi phục", ý này không được nói đến trong bài) 4. The word "major" in the passage can be best replaced by ____. A. powerful B. general C. large D. main (từ “major” là tính từ, mang nghĩa “phần lớn”, gần nghĩa với từ “main”) 5. The word "function" in paragraph 4 is closest in meaning to ____. A. breathe B. operate C. move D. exist (“function” là động từ, mang nghĩa “vận hành”, gần nghĩa với “operate”) 6. Which of the following is true about water according to the passage? A. Water is not always considered a nutrient; however, it is as important as food. B. Though nutrients are not found in water, they are essential for good health. C. Water is not considered nutritious; however, it helps your body work. D. Though water is sometimes not classified as a nutrient, it is essential for good health. (lưu ý đoạn 3, câu "Some people do not include water as a nutrient, but it is vital for a healthy body to function properly.") 7. What is the main purpose of paragraph 5? A. To discuss the importance of fiber B. To explain the history of fiber C. To describe the structure of fiber D .To tell how to eat enough fiber (ý chính của đoạn 5 là để bàn về sự quan trọng của chất xơ-"fiber”) 8. Which of the following is NOT true of minerals? A. They help balance liquids in the body. B. There are seven of them in total. C. They play an important role in human blood. D. Some of them are under further studies. (lưu ý đoạn 3, câu "There are seven major minerals that bodies need in large amounts, and ten minor...) 9. The word "they" in the passage refers to ____. A. breads B. kinds of fiber C. cereals D. different ways (lưu ý "There are several different kinds of fiber, and they each help in different ways"; "they" thay thế cho danh từ, nhưng ở vế trước chỉ có “kinds of fiber” là danh từ) 10. The author's tone in this passage could best be described as ____. A. neutral B. humorous C. critical D. pessimistic (giọng điệu của tác giả trong bài là “neutral”, mang nghĩa “bình thường, trung lập”) IX. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to each of the following sentences. 1. "What a beautiful dress you have just bought!" Peter said to Mary. A. Peter promised to buy Mary a beautiful dress. B. Peter said thanks to Mary for her beautiful dress. C. Peter complimented Mary on her beautiful dress. D. Peter asked Mary how she had just bought her beautiful dress. ("compliment SB on ST/doing ST” mang nghĩa “khen ai đó về cái gì”) 2. "Please don't leave until I come back," Sarah said. A. Sarah suggested not leaving until she comes back. B. Sarah asked us to leave until she came back. C. Sarah told us not to leave until she came back. D. Sarah offered to leave until she came back. ("don't leave” là câu mệnh lệnh, chỉ có B và C cũng là câu mệnh lệnh, nhưng B lại sai về nghĩa) 3. "Stop smoking or you'll be ill", the doctor told me. A. The doctor advised me to give up smoking to avoid illness.










B. The doctor suggested smoking to treat illness. C. I was ordered not to smoke to recover from illness. D. I was warned against smoking a lot of cigarettes. (câu B, C và D đều khác nghĩa câu gốc, trong đó ở câu D “to be warned against smoking a lot of cigarettes”, “nên tránh hút nhiều thuốc”, hàm ý việc hút thuốc chưa diễn ra, khác với câu gốc) 4. She said, "John, I'll show you round my city when you're here." A. She made a trip round her city with John. B. She planned to show John round her city. C. She promised to show John round her city. D. She organized a trip round her city for John. (lưu ý thì tương lai đơn “I’ll show ..." được dùng để đưa ra "offer” – “lời đề nghị”, nên sẽ tương đương "promise to do ST") 5. My friend told me, "If I were you, I would not ask him for help." A. My friend advised me not to ask him for help. B. My friend told me to ask him for help. C. My friend prohibited me from asking him for help. D. My friend suggested not asking him for help. (lưu ý “If I were/was you” là cấu trúc dùng để đưa lời khuyên, nên sẽ bằng "advise SB to do ST") X. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the sentence that best combines each pair of sentences given. 1. Last night she worked very hard. She wanted to finish the report on time. A. Last night she worked very hard so as to finish the report on time. B. Last night she worked very hard although he wanted to finish the report on time. C. However hard she worked last night, she finished the report on time. D. No matter how hard she worked last night, she finished the report on time. ("so as to do ST" chỉ mục đích của ai khi làm gì. Lưu ý “she wanted” ở câu gốc) 2. You'd better call him immediately. It's possible he'll leave for Paris. A. If he leaves for Paris, you should call him immediately. B. You'd better call him immediately as he possibly leaves for Paris. C. You'd better call him immediately so that he possibly leaves for Paris. D. You'd better call him immediately unless he possibly leaves for Paris. ("as” mang nghĩa “vì”, chỉ ra lí do cho việc gì) 3. She wasn't wearing a seat-belt. She was injured. A. If she hadn't been wearing a seat-belt, she wouldn't have been injured. B. If she had been wearing a seat-belt, she would have been injured. C. If she were wearing a seat-belt, she wouldn't be injured. D. If she had been wearing a seat-belt, she wouldn't have been injured. (lưu ý câu gốc ở quá khứ, dùng câu điều kiện loại 3 để diễn tả một hành động không có thật ở quá khứ) 4. I eat a lot. I cannot keep fit. A. I eat more and more and become fitter and fitter. B. The less I eat, the fitter I become. C. The more I eat, the less fit I become. D. I become fit not only because I eat a lot. (cấu trúc so sánh kép, lưu ý câu B sai do nó sai sự thật “the less I eat”, thực tế “ eat a lot") 5. They finished one project. They started working on the next. A. Had they finished one project, they would have started working on the next. B. Only if they had they finished one project did they start working on the next. C. Hardly had they finished one project when they started working on the next. D. Not until they started working on the next project did they finish the previous one.










(cấu trúc đảo ngữ “Hardly ... when ...", dùng để nhấn mạnh hai sự việc xảy ra liền nhau)

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