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Ths Nguyễn Thanh Tú eBook Collection


BÀI TẬP TIẾNG ANH LỚP 7 THEO CHƯƠNG TRÌNH THÍ ĐIỂM BÀI TẬP TỔNG HỢP THEO TỪNG UNIT CẢ NĂM WITH ANSWER KEY (PHIÊN BẢN DẠY KÈM QUY NHƠN) WORD VERSION | 2021 EDITION ORDER NOW / CHUYỂN GIAO QUA EMAIL TAILIEUCHUANTHAMKHAO@GMAIL.COM Tài liệu chuẩn tham khảo Phát triển kênh bởi Ths Nguyễn Thanh Tú Đơn vị tài trợ / phát hành / chia sẻ học thuật : Nguyen Thanh Tu Group Hỗ trợ trực tuyến Fb www.facebook.com/DayKemQuyNhon Mobi/Zalo 0905779594


a piece of cake (idiom)

/əpi:s əv keɪk/

dễ ợt


arranging flowers

/ə'reɪndʒɪŋ 'flaʊər/

cắm hoa


bird-watching (n)

/bɜːd wɒtʃɪŋ/

quan sát chim chóc


board game (n)

/bɔːd ɡeɪm/

trò chơi trên bàn cờ (cờ tỉ phú, cờ vua)


carve (v)


chạm, khắc


carved (adj)


được chạm, khắc


collage (n)


một bức tranh tạo thành từ nhiều tranh, ảnh nhỏ


eggshell (n)


vỏ trứng


fragile (adj)


dễ vỡ


gardening (n)


làm vườn


horse-riding (n)

/hɔːs, 'raɪdɪŋ/

cưỡi ngựa


ice-skating (n)

/aɪs, 'skeɪtɪŋ/

trượt băng


making model

/'meɪkɪŋ, 'mɒdəl/

làm mô hình


making pottery

/'meɪkɪŋ 'pɒtəri/

nặn đồ gốm




giai điệu


monopoly (n)


cờ tỉ phú


mountain climbing (n)

/'maʊntɪn, 'klaɪmɪŋ/

leo núi


share (v)


chia sẻ


skating (n)


trượt pa tanh


strange (adj)




surfing (n)


lướt sóng


unique (adj)


độc đáo




He/She/It/ danh từ số it/ danh từ không đếm được

+ danh từ/tính từ

+ danh từ/tính từ Yes, No, Yes, No,

You/ we/ they/ danh từ số nhiều

Yes, No,

Câu trả lời ngắn I Am not He/She/It/ danh từ số it/ danh từ không đếm được

Is not/isn’t

You/ we/ they/ danh từ số nhiều

Are not/ aren’t

Ví dụ: Am I in team A? (Mình ở đội A có phải không?) Yes, you are / No, you aren’t Is she a nurse? (cô ấy có phải là y tá không?) Yes, she is/ No, she isn’t Are they friendly? (Họ có thân thiện không?) Yes, they are/ No, they aren’t • Lưu ý: Khi chủ ngữ trong câu hỏi là “you” (bạn) thì câu trả lời phải dùng “I” (tôi) b. Với động từ thường “Verb/ V” Thể khẳng định Thể phủ định I/ You/ we/ they/ + V nguyên mẫu I/ You/ we/ they/ + do not/don’t + V nguyên mẫu danh từ số nhiều danh từ số nhiều He/She/It/ danh + V-s,es He/She/It/ danh + does từ số it/ danh từ từ số it/ danh từ not/doesn’t không đếm được không đếm được Ví dụ: Ví dụ: - I walk to school every - They don’t do their homework evry afternoon morning (mỗi buổi sáng tôi đi (Họ không làm bài tập về nhà vào mỗi buổi chiều) bộ đến trường) - His friends don’t go swimming in the evening (Bạn của anh ấy không đi bơi vào buổi tối) - My parents play badminton in the morning (Bố mẹ tôi chơi - He doesn’t go to school on Sunday (Anh ấy cầu lông vào buổi sáng) không đi học vào chủ nhật) - She always gets up early (Cô - Her grandparents doesn’t do excersises in the ấy luôn thức dậy sớm) park (Bà của cô ấy không tập thể dục trong công - Nam watches TV every viên) evening (Nam xem tivi vào mỗi tối) Do

Thể phủ định Am not Is not/isn’t

từ số it/ danh từ không đếm được You/ we/ they/ Are not/ aren’t danh từ số nhiều Ví dụ: I am not here (Tôi không ở đây) Miss Lan isn’t my teacher (Cô Lan không phải là cô giáo của tôi) My brothers aren’t at school (các anh trai của tôi thì không ở trường)

Thể nghi vấn Am


23. unusual (adj) /ʌn'ju:ʒuəl/ khác thường B.NGỮ PHÁP I. THÌ HIỆN TẠI ĐƠN (PRESENT SIMPLE) 1. Cách dùng Cách dùng Ví dụ Dùng để diễn tả thói quen hoặc những việc thường We go to school everyday (Tôi đi học mỗi ngày) xuyên xảy ra ở hiện tại. Dùng để diễn tả những sự vật, sự việc xảy ra mang This festival occurs every 4 years. (Lễ hội này diễn ra tính chất quy luật. 4 năm một lần) Dùng để diễn tả các sự thật hiển nhiên, một chân lý, The earth moves around the Sun (trái đất xoay quanh các phong tục tập quán, các hiện tượng tự nhiên. mặt trời) Dùng để diễn tả lịch trình cố định của tàu, xe, máy The train leaves at 8 am tomorrow (Tàu khởi hành lúc bay,… 8 giờ sáng mai.) 2. Dạng thức của thì hiện tại đơn. a. Với động từ “to be” (am/is/are) Thể khẳng định I Am + danh từ/tính từ I He/She/It/ danh Is He/She/It/ danh

từ số it/ danh từ không đếm được You/ we/ they/ are danh từ số nhiều Ví dụ: I am a student (Tôi là một học sinh) She is very beautiful (Cô ấy rất xinh) We are in the garden (Chúng tôi đang ở trong vườn)

Thể nghi vấn I/ You/ we/ they/ danh từ số nhiều

+ V nguyên mẫu Yes, No,


Câu trả lời ngắn I/ You/ we/ do they/ danh từ số Do not/ don’t nhiều


He/She/It/ danh từ số it/ danh từ không đếm được

Yes, No,

He/She/It/ danh từ số it/ danh từ không đếm được

Does Does not/ doesn’t

Ví dụ: Do you often go to the cinema? (Bạn có thường đi xem phim vào cuối tuần không?) Yes, I do / No, I don’t Does he play soccer in the afternoon? (Có phải anh ấy chơi bóng đá vào cuối buổi chiều không?) Yes, he does / No, he doesn’t Do they often go swimming? (Họ thường đi bơi phải không?) Yes, they do/ No, they don’t c. Wh-questions. Khi đặt câu hỏi có chứa Wh-word (từ để hỏi) như: Who, When, Where, Why, Which, How ta đặt chúng lên đầu câu. Tuy nhiên, khi trả lời cho dạng câu hỏi này, ta không dùng Yes/No mà cần đưa ra câu trả lời trực tiếp. Cấu trúc: Wh-word + am/is/are + S ? Wh-word + do/does + S + V? Ví dụ: Ví dụ: Who is he? (Anh ấy là ai?) What do you do? (Bạn làm nghề gì?) He is my brother (Anh ấy là anh trai tôi) I am a student. (Tôi là một học sinh) Where are they? (Họ ở đâu?) Why does he cry? (Tại sao anh ấy khóc?) They are in the playground. (Họ ở trong sân Because he is sad. (Bởi vì anh ấy buồn) chơi) 3. Dấu hiệu nhận biết Trong câu ở thì hiện tại đơn thường có sự xuất hiện của các trạng từ chỉ tần suất và chúng được chia thành 2 nhóm: Nhóm trạng từ đứng ở trong câu: - Always (luôn luôn), usually (thường thường), often (thường), sometimes (thỉnh thoảng), rarely (hiếm khi), seldom (hiếm khi), frequently (thường xuyên), hardly (hiếm khi), never (không bao giờ), regularly (thường xuyên)… - Các trạng từ này thường đứng trước động từ thường, sau động từ “to be” và trợ động từ. Ví dụ: - He rarely goes to school by bus. (Anh ta hiếm khi đi học bằng xe buýt) - She is usually at home in the evening (Cô ấy thường ở nhà vào buổi tối) - I don’t often go out with my friends (Tôi không thường đi ra ngoài với bạn bè) Nhóm trạng ngữ đứng cuối câu: - Everyday/week/month/ year (hàng ngày/hàng tháng/hàng tuần/hàng năm) - Once (một lần), twice (hai lần), three times (ba lần), four times (bốn lần)… - * Lưu ý: từ ba lần trở lên ta sử dụng: số đếm + times Ví dụ: - He phones home every week (Anh ấy điện thoại về nhà mỗi tuần) - They go on holiday to the seaside once a year (Họ đi nghỉ hè ở bãi biển mỗi năm một lần) 4. Cách thêm s/es vào sau động từ Trong câu ở thì hiện tại đơn, nếu chủ ngữ là ngôi thứ ba số ít (she,he,it,danh từ số ít) thì động từ phải thêm đuôi s/es. Dưới đây là các quy tắc khi chia động từ. Thêm “s” vào đằng sau hầu hết các động từ Ví dụ: Work – works Read – reads Love – loves See – sees Thêm “es” vào các động từ kết thúc bằng Ví dụ: Miss – misses Watch – watches “ch,sh,x,s,z,o” Mix – mixes Go – goes Đối với động từ tận cùng bằng “y” Ví dụ: Play – plays Fly – flies + Nếu trước “y” là một nguyên âm Buy – buys Cry – cries (u,e,o,a,i) ta nguyên “y + s” + Nếu trước “y” là một phụ âm ta đổi “y” Pay – pays Fry – fries thành “I + es” Trường hợp ngoại lệ Ví dụ: 3

BÀI TẬP VẬN DỤNG CƠ BẢN Bài 1: Hoàn thành bảng sau, thêm đuôi s/es vào sau các động từ sao cho đúng. V V-s/es V V-s/es Begin (bắt đầu) Say (nói) Believe (tin tưởng) See(nhìn) Build (xây) Sleep (ngủ) Come (đến) Spend (dành) Do (làm) Study(học) Eat (ăn) Taste (nếm, có vị) Finish (kết thúc) Tell (nói) Get (được) Think (nghĩ) Go (đi) Travel (đi) Have (có) Use (dùng) Meet (gặp) Wash (rửa) Play (chơi) Watch (xem) Put (đặt, để) Work (làm việc) Rise (mọc lên) Write (viết) Bài 2: Viết lại các câu sau ở thể khẳng định (+), thể phủ định (-), thể nghi vấn (?) của thì hiện tại đơn. 1. (+) He goes to the cinema. (-) ___________________________________ (?) ___________________________________ 2. (+)___________________________________ (-) James doesn’t like strawberry (?) ___________________________________ 3. (+)___________________________________ (-) ___________________________________ (?) Do they work in this software company? 4. (+) His new trousers are black (-) ___________________________________ (?) ___________________________________ 5. (+)___________________________________ (-) ___________________________________ (?) Does she want to quit the job? Bài 3: Khoanh tròn vào câu trả lời đúng 1. My sister (go/goes) ice skating every winter 2. They seldom (have/has) dinner with each other. 3. I (come/ comes) from Ha Noi, Viet Nam. 4. Jim and I (don’t/ doesn’t ) go to school by bus. 5. His hobby (is/are) collecting stamps 6. Jane and I (am/ are) best friends. 7. My cat doesn’t (eat/eats) vegetables. 8. (Does/ Do) your mother finish her work at 4 o’clock? 9. We (watch/watches) Tv everyday. 10. Peter never (forgets/ forget) to do his homework. 11. Tom always (win/ wins) when he plays chess 12. (Do/ Are) you a student? 13. Mice (is/are) afraid of cats. 14. How does your father (travel/ travels) to work everyday? 15. They sometimes (go/goes) sightseeing in rural areas. Bài 4: Cho dạng đúng của động từ trong ngoặc ở thì hiện tại đơn. 1. Nurses and doctors (work)___________ in hospitals. 2. This schoolbag (belong) ___________to Jim. 3. ___________the performance (begin) ___________at 7pm? 4. Sometimes, I (get) ___________up before the sun (rise) ___________ 5. Whenever she (be) ___________in trouble, she (call) ___________me for help. 6. Dogs (have) ___________eyyesight than human. 4

7. She (speak) ___________four different languages. 8. The Garage Sale (open) ___________on 2nd of August and (finish) ___________on 4th of October. 9. She (be) ___________ a great teacher. 10. Who ___________ this umbrella (belong) ___________to? 11. Who (go) ___________to the theater once a month? 12. James often (skip) ___________breakfast. 13. I rarely (do) ___________morning exercises. 14. My cousin (have) ___________a driving lesson once a week. 15. My father and I often (play) ___________football with each other. Bài 5: Hãy chọn câu trả lời đúng cho các câu sau: 1. My father ___________a teacher. He works in a hospital. A. Is B. isn’t C. are D. aren’t 2. I ___________rock music but my brothers don’t like it. A. Likes B. likes C. don’t like D. doesn’t like 3. Workers always ___________helmet for safety reason. A. Wears B. wear C. don’t wear D. doesn’t wear 4. I don’t like chocolate. I ___________eat it. A. Never B. often C. always D. usually 5. My classmates ___________lazy. They always do their homework. A. Are B. is C. aren’t D. isn’t 6. My grandfather___________fishing very often A. Goes B. go C. don’t go D. is 7. ___________tidy your room? A. How often are you? B. How often do you? C. How often you D. How often does you 8. Ms Thuy water the trees ___________a week. A. Once B. one C. two D. one time 9. What ___________your nationality? I am Vietnamese. A. Is B. are C. do D. does 10. I really love making models and my brother ___________it too. A. Love B. loves C. don’t love D. doesn’t love 11. The Smiths never___________to their neighbors A. Talk B. talks C. don’t talk D. doesn’t talk 12. My sister ___________ how to swim. A. Don’t know B. doesn’t know C.don’t knows D. not know. 13. My teacher ___________ very kind. We really like her. A. Is B. isn’t C. are D. aren’t 14. Sometimes a rainbow___________ after the rain. A. Appear B.appears C. not appear D. doesn’t appears 15. The train ___________at 6 am tomorrow. A. Leaves B. leave C. is leave D. don’t leave Bài 6: Hoàn thành các câu sau. 1. How often/ you/ go/skating? -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2. What time/ your sister/ wake up/ in the morning? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------3. Charlie/ carve/ eggshells/ in his free time. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4. I/ often/ not go/ the cinema. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------5. Harry/ be/ always/ late/ for school. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------6. He/ a photographer. / He/ take/ beautiful photos. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------5

7. My sister/ rarely/ drink/ orange juice. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------8. She/ arrange/ flowers/ beautifully? -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------9. What/ your hobby? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------10. Mr. Ha/ teach/ many students. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Bài 7: Tìm lỗi sai và viết lại câu đúng. 1. My brother and my sister doesn’t like playing board games. 2. Does Mr. and Mrs. Parker make pottery everyday? 3. Does bird-watching is Tom’s hobby? 4. How often you polish your car? 5. My friend don’t work in this company. 6. James live in Australia. 7. Are you get up early in the morning? 8. Does Sarah drives to work everyday? 9. Elena haves a beautiful smile. 10. What does the children do in their free time? II. THÌ TƯƠNG LAI ĐƠN (FUTURE SIMPLE) 1. Cách dùng Cách dùng Ví dụ Dùng để diễn tả một hành động hay sự việc sẽ She’ll be back at 6 p.m tonight (tối nay cô ấy sẽ xảy ra trong tương lai trở về vào lúc 6 giờ) They will help me do exercise (họ sẽ giúp tôi làm bài tập này) Dùng để diễn tả một suy nghĩ, quyết định ngay I will drink water instead of milk (tôi sẽ uống lúc nói nước thay cho sữa) I think I will teach here (tôi nghĩ tôi sẽ ở đây) Dùng để diễn tả một lời hứa I promise I will come here tomorrow (tôi hứa tôi sẽ đến đây vào ngày mai) He promises he will marry me (anh ấy hứa anh ấy sẽ cưới tôi) Dùng để diễn tả một lời đề nghị, gợi ý Will we go for a walk tonight? (tối nay chúng ta sẽ đi dạo nhe) What will we do now? (chúng ta sẽ làm gì bây giờ nhỉ) 2. Dạng thức của thì tương lai đơn. Thể khẳng định Thể phủ định I/you/we/they/Danh từ + will + V nguyên I/you/we/they/Danh từ + will not + V nguyên số nhiều mẫu số nhiều mẫu He/she/it/Danh từ số ít (will = ‘ll) He/she/it/Danh từ số ít (will not = won’t) Ví dụ: - I will visit Hue city (Tôi sẽ đến thăm thành phố Huế) - She will be fourteen years old on hẻ next birthday (cô ấy sẽ 14 tuổi vào sinh nhật kế tiếp) - They will come to the party next Sunday (chủ nhật tuần sau họ sẽ đến bữa tiệc) Will

Thể nghi vấn I/you/we/they/Danh từ số nhiều He/she/it/Danh từ số ít

Ví dụ: - She won’t forget him (cô ấy sẽ không quên anh ấy) - Hung will not go camping next week (Tuần tới Hùng sẽ không đi cắm trại) - We won’t do some shopping tomorrow. (Ngày mai chúng tôi sẽ không đi mua sắm)

+ V nguyên mẫu?


Yes No

Câu trả lời ngắn I/you/we/they/Danh từ số nhiều He/she/it/Danh từ số ít

will won’t

Ví dụ: - Will you go to Ha noi city next month? (tháng sau bạn sẽ đi thành phố Hà Nội à?) Yes, I will / No, I won’t - Will she meet her boy friend tonight? (Tối nay cô ấy sẽ gặp bạn trai phải không?) Yes, she does/ No, she doesn’t - Will they arrive here next week? (Tuần sau họ sẽ đến đây phải không?) Yes, they will / No, they won’t. 3. Dấu hiệu nhận biết. - Trong câu thì tương lai thường xuất hiện các từ sau: tonight (tối nay), tomorrow (ngày mai); next week/ month/ year…(tuần/tháng/năm sau); someday (một ngày nào đó); soon (chẳng bao lâu); … - Ngoài ra các từ và cụm từ như I think, I promise, perhaps = probably (có lẽ, có thể), ….cũng được dùng trong thì tương lai đơn. BÀI TẬP VẬN DỤNG CƠ BẢN. Bài 8: Dựa vào từ cho sẵn , viết câu ở thể khẳng định (+), thể phủ định (-), thể nghi vấn (?) của thì tương lai đơn. 1. He/ be/ back/ before 10 pm. (+)___________________________________ (-) ___________________________________ (?) ___________________________________ 2. James/ go shopping/ with you. (+)___________________________________ (-) ___________________________________ (?) ___________________________________ 3. You/ go out/ with me. (+)___________________________________ (-) ___________________________________ (?) ___________________________________ 4. I/ bring/ you/ some apples (+)___________________________________ (-) ___________________________________ (?) ___________________________________ 5. Tomorrow/ be/ a good day. (+)___________________________________ (-) ___________________________________ (?) ___________________________________ 6. They/ buy/ new house. (+)___________________________________ (-) ___________________________________ (?) ___________________________________ 7. Your family/ travel/ by car. (+)___________________________________ (-) ___________________________________ (?) ___________________________________ 8. Jim/ learn/ how to cook. (+)___________________________________ (-) ___________________________________ (?) ___________________________________ Bài 9: Điền “will ” hoặc “shall” vào chỗ trống để tạo thành câu hoàn chỉnh. 1. My parents ________come home today. 2. I think I ________pass the entrance exam. 3. Perhaps Janet________participate in this competition. 4. ________we go out for a walk? 5. She promises me she ________land me her book. 6. ________I help you wash the dishes? 7. I believe Alisa ________be a wonderful teacher in the future. 8. Mr.Vu ________probably bring his son to work today. 7

9. ________we go to the beach and sinbathe? 10. What ________Tom give you on your next birthday? 11. ________I give you the book? 12. They ________help you when you ask them. 13. ________you help me with this exercise? 14. I don’t think It________rain today. 15. ________you lift this box for me? 16. When I grow up, I ________take care of my parents. 17. In the future, there ________be more cars on the streets. 18. My teacher ________be there in the next five minutes. 19. I hope she ________ get better. 20. ________they prepare dinner tonight? Bài 10: Chia động từ trong ngoặc ở thì tương lai đơn. 1. I am hot. I (turn) ________ on the air-conditioner. 2. You (meet) ________many interesting people. 3. ________(you/come) to her birthday party? 4. He wishes he (earn) ________ a lot of money in the future. 5. My sister (turn) ________sixteen tomorrow. 6. Ava (not be) ________with one hour. 7. What ________(you/do) tonight? 8. My father believe that this year the weather (be) ________fine. 9. The restaurant (serve) ________Thai food in the next few weeks. 10. How long ________(he/stay) in Hanoi? 11. I study very hard. I think I (get) ________ good marks. 12. Tomorrow is my sister’s graduation. I (buy) ________some flowers for her. 13. She thinks she (not stop) ________playing violin in the future. 14. I am sure Mr. Parker (come) ________ 15. Don’t run so fast. You (fall) ________ 16. Are you sick? I (phone) ________the doctor. 17. Don’t worry. Everything (be) ________alright. 18. There (not be) ________any magazines tomorrow. 19. I suppose my father (take) ________me to the theater tomorrow. 20. How long ________ (you voyage/ take)? 21. (there/ be) a lot of people at the concert. 22. Your boss (agree) ________to your brilliant ideas. 23. You (never see) ________this beautiful thing again. 24. ________(your parents/be) at home tomorrow? 25. ________(you/ accept) my invitation? Bài 11: Nối câu hỏi ở cột A với câu trả lời ở cột B sao cho thích hợp. A B 1. What will you do tonight? a. No, he won’t 2. Will you come to our party next week? b. No, they won’t 3. Will he manage to persuade Tom? c. Yes, I will 4. Will Mrs. Smith visit her son tomorrow? d. Probably before 6 o’clock 5. Will Mary and Ann meet each other today? e. Japan 6. When will he arrive here? f. I will watch my favorite movie 7. Where will Sarah visit this summer? g. By train 8. Will thay be late? h. Yes, she will 9. Will two of you leave soon? i. Yes, they will. They are in the same class 10. How will you get there tomorrow? j. No, we won’t Bài 12: Sắp xếp các từ sau theo thứ tự đúng để tạo thành câu hoàn chỉnh. 1. Promise/ I / never/ lies/ tell/ will/ again/ I. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2. Busy/ The/ be/ will/ doctor/ today/ probably/ very. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------8

3. She/ Perhaps/ forgive/ you/ will --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4. morning/windy/ tomorrow/ I / will/ think/ be/ it/ not/ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------5. this/do/ will/ afternoon/ What/ you? --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------6. we/ out/ dinner/ go/ Shall/ for/ tonight? --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------7. come/ I / will/ not/ he/ will/ back/ but/ now. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------8. bride/ a/ tomorrow/ charming/ will/ become/ She. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------9. you/ do/ me/ Will/ a/ favor? --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------10. think/ We/ he/ propose to/ girlfriend/ will/ his/ tonight. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------II. ĐỘNG TỪ CHỈ SỰ THÍCH VÀ GHÉT (VERBS OF LIKING AND DISLIKING) 1. Các động từ chỉ sự yêu, thích phổ biến Các động từ phổ biến Like (thích), love (yêu thích), enjoy (thích thú), fancy (mến, thích), adore (mê, thích) Cấu trúc Like/love/enjoy/fancy/adore + V-ing Ví dụ - Do you like watching TV? (Cậu có thích xem TV không?) - My mother loves watering flowers in the garden. (Mẹ tớ thích tưới hoa trong vườn) - My parents really enjoy surfing at the beach. (Bố mẹ tớ rất thích lướt sóng bãi biển) - Do you fancy riding a bike now? (Cậu có muốn đi xe đạp bây giờ không?) - My brother and I adore playing badminton. (Anh em tớ rất thích chơi cầu lông) Chú ý 1. Có thể dùng dạng phủ định của các động từ “like, fancy” để diễn đạt ý không thích Ví dụ: She doesn’t like drawing (Cô ấy không thích vẽ) He doesn’t fancy climbing a tree (Anh ấy không thích trèo cây) 2. “very much” và “a lot” (rất nhiều) thường đứng cuối câu chỉ sự yêu thích. Ví dụ: I love singing very much/ a lot 2. Các động từ chỉ sự ghét, không thích. Các động từ phổ biến Dislike (không thích), hate (ghét), detest (ghét cay, ghét đắng) Cấu trúc Dislike/hate/ detest + V-ing Ví dụ Rose dislikes studying Maths. (Rose không thích học Toán) I hate having a bath in winter (Tôi ghét tắm ở mùa đông.) Laura detests cooking (Laura rất ghét nấu ăn) Adults don’t like eating sweets (Người lớn không thích ăn kẹo) I don’t fancy swimming in this cold weather (Tớ không thích bơi trong thời tiết này) BÀI TẬP VẬN DỤNG CƠ BẢN Bài 13: Viết các động từ trong bảng dưới đây ở dạng V-ing V V-ing V V-ing paint cook write make read drink listen watch play see 9

sit eat hit drive keep sleep Bài 14: Chọn và cho đáp án đúng của các động từ trong hộp dưới đây vào chỗ trống. Get – tidy – do – brush – make – go – go – have – meet - eat 1. She doesn’t like ________ her room everyday. 2. Do you like ________to bad at eleven o’clock? 3. My mother dislikes ________up at 7. 4. Does your sister hate________ cold food? 5. Anne’s father loves ________to work by car. 6. I always like ________my homework before 7 o’clock. 7. John likes ________his teeth at noon. 8. Your grandmother hates ________ bread. 9. Does she like________a shower after dinner? 10. Hannah loves________ her friends once a week. Bài 15: Sắp xếp các từ sau để tạo thành câu hoàn chỉnh. 1. classical/ My/ likes/ mother/ to/ music/ . / Listening 2. his/ dad/ car/ . / Ana’s/ washing/ hates 3. traveling/ friend/ by/ loves/ My/ plane/ . / father’s 4. emails/ . / writing/ I/ long/ hate 5. watching/ dislike/ films/horror/ She/ TV/ . / on 6. in/ Tommy/ dancing/ the/ loves/ disco/ . 7. Englihs/ . / My / speaking/ Maths/ loves/ teacher/ 8. doesn’t/ early/ . / friend’s/ sister/ My/ like/ getting/ up 9. the/ I/ getting/ dressed/ mornings/ . / like/ in 10. a/ at/ bath/ aunt/ having/ nights/ . / loves/ James’ Bài 16: Cho dạng đúng của động từ trong ngoặc trong các câu dưới đây 1. I don’t fancy ________(go) out tonight 2. He enjoys ________(have) a bath in the evening 3. I dislike ________(wait). 4. She doesn’t like ________(be) on the computer 5. He likes ________(read) magazines. 6. He doesn't like____(talk) on the phone. 7. They like ____ (go) to restaurants. 8. They don’t like _ _____ (cook). 9. She likes ___ ___(watch) films. 10. I like_____(get) up early in summer. Bài 17: Khoanh tròn vào câu trả lời đúng 1. Tom (likes / hates) doing homework. He is lazy. 2. She (fancies / doesn't fancy) the idea of staying out too late. It's too dangerous. 3. Most girls (detest / like) cockroaches. 4. Tom (likes/ doesn't like) making models. He never do It 5. We (enjoy/ hate) spending time with Jane. She is very Interesting. 6. Many people (dislike/enjoy) doing morning exercises. It is good for health. 7. Mary always (adores/dislikes) her brother. She often plays with him. 8. I (hate/like) drinking coffee. It is too bitter. 9. I don't (fancy/hate) collecting stamps. I think it's boring. 10. They really (enjoy/dislike) talking with others. They are best friends. BÀITẬP TỐNG HỢP NÂNG CAO Bài 18. Dựa vào bảng dưới đây và hoàn thành câu sao cho đúng arrange flowers

make pottery

climb mountains





Alex and Peter My mother

hate love

detest adore

fancy hate


1. Megan_____flowers 2. Alex and Peter____ pottery 3. My mother______mountains. 4. Megan_____ pottery 5. Alex and Peter_____flowers 6. My mother______pottery 7. Megan______mountains. 8. Alex and Peter __________mountains. Bài 19. Cho dạng đủng cùa động từ trong ngoặc ở thì hiện tại đơn hoặc tương lai đơn. 1. I (promise) ---- I (not do)_____that silly thing again. 2. My hobby (be)_____reading book. I (continue)_____ reading in the future. 3. Peter really (enjoy)_____music. He (not stop)_____listening to music in thefuture. 4. The train (leave)_____at 6 o'clock tomorrow morning. 5. ________(I/bring) you a glass of water? 6. Ann (go) ____ ______to the museum tomorrow. The museum (open)____at 7am and(close)______at 5 pm. 7. _____(you/help) me carry this luggage. It (be) __ ______so heavy. 8. You (look)_____tired. I (bring)_____you something to drink. 9. He always (try)_____his best. He (be)_____successful in the future. 10. ___________(the airplane/take off) at 6am tomorrow? Bài 20. Chọn và cho dạng đúng của các động từ trong hộp dưới đây vào chỗ trống. Một từ có thể được dùng hơn một lần. go be detest like take lend pass listen 1. Tomorrow I_____sightseeing with my friends. I think it_____ beautiful day. 2. They______each other. They never talk to each other. 3. My mother doesn't like arranging flowers but I ______doing it. 4. Does Mr. Nam like______photos? 5. _______(you) me your book? 6. I seldom to______the beach but I______to Sam Son this summer. 7. My teacher thinks that all of us______the test. 8. Does your sister adore_______to music?______(she) to the music festival tomorrow? Bài 21. Cho dạng đúng của động từ trong ngoặc ở thì hiện tại đơn hoặc tương lai đơn. Jim and Jane (1. be)____best friends and they have the same hobby. Both of them (2. enjoy/read)____book in their free time. Jim (3. love/read)______ science books because there are many interesting things. Jim (4. learn)_____ ----------- a lot from his books. Jane (5.like)______a different type of book. She usually (6. spend)____hours reading about famous people in history. Jane (7. think)____they are very inspiring. Jim and Jane often (8.talk)_____with each other about the books. Their talk sometimes (9. last)_____for several hours. They (10. agree)_____that reading is very relaxing. Tomorrow the two friends (11. go)_____to a book fair. There (12. be)____a lot of books. Jim and Jane think they (13. buy)_____some books. There (14. be)_____also a meeting of the local reading club. Jane (15. probably join)_____in and (16. have)_____small talks with the book lovers. After the fair, Jim and Jane (17. go)______home and (18. enjoy) _______ their books. Trả lời các câu hỏi dưới đây: a. Do Jim and Jane share the same hobby? ________________________________ b. Why does Jim enjoy reading science books? ___________________________________ c. What do Jim and Jane talk about? _______________________________ d. When will Jim and Jane go to the book fair? __________________________________ e. What will Jim and Jane do after the fair? _________________________________ 11

C.EXERCISES UNIT 1 I.Find the word which has a different sound in the part underline. 1.A. prefer B. better C. teacher 2.A. bear B. hear C. dear 3.A. collect B. concern C. concert B. government C. dependent 4.A. absent 5.A. future B. return C. picture II.Match the noun from the box with the correct.

D. worker D. near D. combine D.enjoy D. culture









computer games












music videos


table tennis


1.go: _____________________________________________________________________________ 2.do: _____________________________________________________________________________ 3.collect: _________________________________________________________________________ 4.play: ___________________________________________________________________________ 5.take: ___________________________________________________________________________ 6.watch: __________________________________________________________________________ III.Put one of the verbs from the box in each blank with the correct form. play

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. IV.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. V. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.





The children are a play at the end of term. When did you start antique glass? What kind of music do you to? Irene won’t be able in the match on Saturday. I’ve never skiing. He spent a pleasant afternoon the book. Complete the sentences with the words in the box. basketball books chess music photography skating


films swimming

I really like - especially in the sea. I’m interested in . My favourite band is T-ara from Korea. I love . I go to the cinema every weekend. I really like . I don’t play it, but I watch matches on TV. My hobby is . I have a new camera. I love . My favourite writer is To Hoai. I really love in the park with my friends. . I play against my dad. I also play against other people on the Internet. I like Put the verbs in brackets in the correct verb form. Nam’s friends often (give) him stamps from other countries. the guitar twice a week. My sister (practise) I (see) a film this Sunday evening. (you/ go) with me? They (give) a party next week. The members of the stamp collectors’ club (meet) at the library next Friday. (you/ be) free next Sunday. We (live) near Nam’s house, but we (not see) him very often. Don’t worry. I (go) fishing with you next Saturday morning. 12

VI.Complete the text with the verbs in the box in the correct form. Maybe some verbs can be used more than once. go play watch listen John has a lot of hobbies. He (1) chess at school and he also (2) skating. After dinner, he (3) for a walk and he (4) to music every evening in athletics at school, and he (6) football after his room. John loves sports. He (5) school. On Saturdays, John and his friends (7) swimming. On Sundays, they (8) basketball in the park. On Sunday evenings, they sometimes (9) a film. VII. Complete the questions, using the verbs from the box in the correct form. do




1. your father like rock music? your parents like on holiday? 2. 3. you enjoy ice-cream? 4. your friends hate their homework? VIII. Choose the correct answer A, B, c or D to fill each blank in the following passage. Coin collecting is one of the most popular hobbies in the world. Most coin (1) enjoytrying to have a complete set of a country’s coins. Some people collect coins for pleasure;(2) collect coins somethingabout certain famous people and events in order to sell them later. From coins, we can also (3) in a country’s (4)______.Many beginning collector go tothe bank and buy coins. Then they (5) coins for their collection. 1.A. collectors B. collecting C. collected D. collections 2.A. another B. other C. others D. the other 3.A. teach B. learn C. give D. offer 4.A. history B. nature C. science D. geography 5.A. look B. see C. watch D. find IX. Read the article and then decide whether the statements are true (T) or false (F). After school Susan goes home to do her model-making. She loves making models. She started about a year ago. She needs about two weeks to make a model. Then she puts it on the shelf in her bedroom. She has about twenty models now. She thinks she will need to get another shelf soon. Last term she tried to start a club for model-making at school but the teachers and other children weren’t interested. She thinks she has a lot of fun anyway. True False 1.Susan makes models when she stays at school. 2.She has made her models for about one year. 3.It takes her two weeks to make two models. 4.She will need another shelf for her models soon. 5.Susan tried to start a club for model making and the teachers and other children were interested in it very much. X. Read the passage, and then choose the best answer. Along with jogging and swimming, cycling is the best all-round forms of exercise. It canhelp to increase your strength and energy, giving you a stronger heart. You don’t carry the weight of your body on your feet when cycling. It is also a good form for people with a pain in your feet or your back. You should start your hobby slowly. Doing too quickly can have bad effects. You should cycle twice or three times a week. If you find you are in pain, you will stop and take a rest. 1. Why is cycling a good form of exercise? _________________________________________________________________________________ 2.Why might people with a pain in the back go cycling? _________________________________________________________________________________ 3.What will happen if you do too quickly? _________________________________________________________________________________ 4.How often should you go cycling? 13

_________________________________________________________________________________ 5.What will you do if you find you are in pain _________________________________________________________________________________ XI. Use the words or phrases given to write meaningful sentences. Then, write a paragraph about your hobby or your classmate’s hobby. 1. Name of the hobby: I/ unusual hobby/ collect/ buttons. _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ 2.When I started the hobby: When/ I/ ten/ I/ lose/ a cute button/ shirt. _________________________________________________________________________________ I/ have to/ find/ another/ to replace. _________________________________________________________________________________ 3.Why I like it: Buttons/ long history. _________________________________________________________________________________ Buttons/ be made/ different materials. _________________________________________________________________________________ They/ various sizes/ shapes/ designs/ colours. _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ 4.Feelings about the hobby: Button collecting/ not expensive/ it/ useful/ many ways _________________________________________________________________________________ 5. Future: I/ collect/ rare buttons/ other countries. _________________________________________________________________________________ TEST 1 UNIT 1 I. Find the word which has different sound in the underlined part. B. girl C. first D. sister 1. A. bird 2. A. burn B. sun C. hurt D. turn 3. A. nurse B. picture C. surf D. return 4. A. neighbor B. favorite C. culture D. tourist 5. A. hobby B. hour C. hotel D. hot II. Find the word which has a different sound in the underlined part. 1. A. prefer B. better C. teacher D. worker 2. A. bear B. hear C. dear D. near B. concern C. concert D. combine 3. A. collect 4. A. absent B. government C. dependent D. enjoy 5. A. future B. return C. picture D. culture III. Put the word into the correct column according the underlined part. camera culture

bird natural

learn heard

first sir












final girl

Hi Mi, welcome to our house! Come upstairs! I’ll (1) you my room. Wow! You have so many dolls. Yes. My hobby is (2) dolls. Do you have a hobby? I like collecting glass bottles. Really? That’s very unusual. Is it (3) ? Not at all, I just keep the bottles after we use them. What (4) doll collecting? Is it expensive? Elena: I guess so, but all of my dolls (5) presents. My aunt and uncle always give me dolls on special occasions. Mi: Your dolls are all very different. Elena: Yes, they’re (6) all over the world! Nick: I don’t know why girls collect things. It’s a piece of cake. Mi: Do you have a difficult hobby, Nick? mountain climbing. Nick: Yes, I (7) Mi: But Nick, there are no mountains around here! Nick: I know. I’m in a mountain climbing club. We travel to mountains around Viet Nam. In the future, I’ll (8) mountains in other countries too. V. Complete the sentences with the correct prepositions. 1. Mr. Porter is nice everyone. 2. Kathy was absent class yesterday. 3. Are you ready the test? 4. I’m angry Greg. 5. I’m mad Peter. 6. Are you afraid dogs? 7. Sometimes people aren’t kind animals. 8. One inch is equal 2.54 centimeters. 9. I’m thirsty a big glass of ice water. 10. Joe has good manners. He’s always polite everyone. that book. Whose is it? 11. I'm not familiar 12. John’s thermos bottle is full coffee. VI. Choose the correct answer in each sentence. 1. Are you interested for/ in photography. 2. This is my best/ favourite book. It’s David Copperfield, by Dickens. 3. I’ve decided to make/ join the local swimming club. 4. Kate usually passes/ spends most of her time reading. 5. Tim has a very interesting fun/ hobby. He builds small boats.

6. What do you like doing in your empty/ spare time? 7. Wendy is a member/ team of the drama club. 8. Anna likes going to the cinema/ cinema. VII. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. 1. Sally and her family love (go) to the park in the summer. on the blanket and loves (read) her favourite 2. Her mum likes (lie) magazines. 3. Anna’s family (like) the park because they love (be) outdoors. 4. I enjoy (collect) dolls and it becomes my pleasure. 5. We love (watch) new films, and we (go) to watch a new Hollywood film next weekend. the same things day after day. 6. My brother hates (do) 7. Our uncle (play) badminton once a week. 8. I (collect) a lot of stamps from foreign countries so far. 9. In 2100, people (travel) in flying cars. 10. I’m so hungry, Mum. you some sandwiches. - I (make) VIII. Put the verb in the parentheses into correct tenses. 1. The sun always (rise) in the east. (not, rain) much in winter. 2. In my country, it 3. The moon (move) around the earth. 4. Mai (be) very happy because she has 3 good marks today. 5. I like (play) tennis. (enjoy) playing football. He usually (play) football every 6. My brother afternoon. 7. My brothers (be, not) engineers. (have) large ears and he 8. Well, he is 40 years old, bald with a moustache. He (wear) glasses. 9. They (have, not) any money. 10. Hoa (visit) her parents once a year. IX. Read the text and choose the correct answer. If you enjoy cycling for pleasure, doing it in London can be a shock. There are not enough lanes especially for bikes, and making your way through the traffic can be very risky. But if you have great passion, cycling in London can be exciting, and it is an inexpensive way of keeping fit if you live there. Some cyclists don’t mind spending a lot of money on expensive bikes. However, if you just want a basic bike that is only for occasional use, there are many cheap choices. Several markets have cheap bikes on sale which may not be impressive to look at but should be satisfactory. You should buy a cycling helmet if you want to cycle in London. Wearing a cycling helmet is not compulsory in Britain, but it is a good idea to wear one for protection. 1. What is the main idea of the passage? A. Cycling helmets B. Cheap bicycles C. Bicycle markets D. Cycling in London 2. According to the passage, cycling in London is A. easy B. difficult C. tiring D. boring 3. The word “it” in line 3 refers to A. cycling B. passion C. excitement D. doing exercise 4. The difficulty of cycling in London is described in lines A. 2 B. 5 C. 5-6 D. 8-9 5. According to the passage, all the followings are true EXCEPT that A. It is compulsory to wear a helmet when cycling in Britain. B. Some bikes in London are cheap. C. There are not many lanes especially for bikes. D. Some cyclists don’t want to buy expensive bikes.





IV. Read the dialogue and fill the correct words in the blanks, use the words in the box. are








Nick: Elena: Mi: Elena: Mi: Elena: Mi:

X. Choose the most suitable word for each space. What do you like doing best (1) your spare time? My cousin Paul likes going (2) in the photos. Sometimes he (4) with his friends, and they (5) at the country and (3) park or at the beach. They always (6) a good time. His brother Chris isn’t (7) on walking. He spends most of the (8) at home. 1. A. for B. when C. in D. at 2. A. for walks B. walks C. a walk D. to walk 3. A. making B. having C. taking D. doing 4. A. travels B. gets up C. sees D. goes out 5. A. enjoy B. have fun C. hobby D. go 6. A. have B. make C. do D. like 7. A. interested B. out C. decided D. keen 8. A. other B. time C. people D. money XI. Choose the correct answer A, B, C. or D to fill each blank in the following passage. I have a very interesting and (1) hobby. I make short video clips with my digital camera. It was my birthday present from my parents last year. Since then, I have (2) three short films. It’s great in the films. I have tried to write the story fun! I started asking my friends and relatives to take (3) for my video clips. When I have finished the script, I make copies for the “actors”. Each scene is small and they can look at the words just (4) we start filming. We film at the weekend in my neighborhood, (5) no one has to travel far. When the video clip is finished, I invite all the “actors” and we watch the film at my house. 1. A. enjoyable B. enjoyed C. enjoying D. enjoy 2. A. done B. made C. played D. watched 3. A. scene B. role C. part D. film 4. A. until B. after C. only D. before 5. A. so B. because C. but D. although XII. Use the words and phrases to write a passage. 1. Stamp collection/ be/ interesting hobby. 2. You/ can learn many things, such/ the geography/ a country/ stamps. 3. Postal stamps/ be a source/ interesting facts/ important dates/ every country/ the world. 4. It/ make stamp collecting/ become very popular. 5. As you look at the pages/ a stamp album, you/ can learn interesting details/ foreign customs/ arts/ literature/ history/ culture. 6. Their colors/ can make/ you feel relaxed/ happy. 7. Collecting stamps/ can become/ a business. 8. If you are lucky/ finding/ special stamp, it/ will bring/ you some money besides knowledge/ pleasure. ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... TEST 2 (UNIT 1) I.Find the word which has a different sound in the part underlined. 1.A. bird B. girl C. first D. sister 2.A. burn B. sun C. hurt D. turn 3.A. nurse B. picture C. surf D. return 17

4.A. neighbour B. favourite C. culture D. tourist 5.A.hobby B.hour C.hotel D.hot II.Choose the word which has a different stress pattern from the others. 6.A. reporter B. collector C. gardener D. newspaper 7.A. stamps B. album C. collector D. mountain 8.A. skating B. climbing C. gardening D. horse-riding 9.A. hate B. enjoy C. love D. like 10.A. unusual B. favourite C. popular D. common III. Choose the best answer A, B, C or D to complete the sentences. 11.There are many why it is important to have a hobby. A. answers B.reasons C.details D.facts making models in the future? 12.Will you A.pick up B.look for C.take up D.find 13.Do you think that hobby is and boring? A.easy B.difficult C.danger D. interesting 14.I love my sister’s paintings because she is very in using colours. A.careless B.care C.creative D.imagine 15.A hobby helps you to connect with people. A.other B.others C.another D.the other a lot of beautiful photos. 16.I join a photography club, and all the members love A.take B.taking C.make D.making 17.What does your father do his free time? A. in B. at C. on D. while 18.I think a hobby will always give you and help you . A. pleased - relax B. pleasure - relaxed C.pleased - relaxing D.pleasure - relax 19.You can share your stamps other collectors a stamp club. A. with - at B. to - at C. with - in D. to - in you need is time. 20.I think this hobby does not cost you much, and A. most B. all C. some D. all of 21.Nowadays people hours sitting in front of computers. A. take B. last C. set D. spend 22.I think you should take up swimming it is suitable for your health condition. A. so B. because C. although D. but 23.My family enjoys because we can sell vegetables and flowers money. A. garden - to B. gardening - for C. gardening - with D. garden - of 24.If your hobby is greeting card making, you can give your to your friends as presents. A. hobby B. money C. greetings D. products 25.My sister’s hobby is sewing, and she can get the sewing patterns from the magazines. A. fashion B. cooking C. sports D. science . 26.My brother doesn’t like ice-skating because he thinks it is A. danger B. in danger C. dangerous D. endangered 27.My sister is very keen on swimming, and she goes swimming three a week. A. time B. a time C. times D. timings 28.We often read the instructions carefully in order to make of the things we like best. A. meanings B. models C. copies D. uses 29.You need to be to follow eggshell carving because it may take two weeks to complete one shell. A. careful B. interested C. fit D. patient 30.If you choose sewing as your hobby, you will your own clothes. A. do B. make C. take D. get IV. Fill in each blank with a suitable hobby.











ice skating

1. _________ : a game played by two people on a square board, in which each player has 16 pieces thay can be moved on the board in different ways. 2. _________ : the job or activity of working in a garden, growing and taking care of the plants, and keeping it attractive. 3. _________ : a game played by two teams of five men or six women who score points by throwing a large ball through an open net hanging from a metal ring. 4. _________ : the sport or activity of riding a bicycle. 5. _________ : the art of moving your body to music. 6. _________ : moving across ice using special shoes with a thin metal bar fixed to the bottom that you wear to move quickly on ice. 7. _________ : the activity of running at a slow regular speed, especially as a form of exercise. 8. _________ : the hobby of studying wild birds in their natural environment. 9. _________ : the hobby of studying wild birds in their natural environment, physical exercises and activities performed inside, often using equipment such as bars and ropes which are intended to increase the body’s strength and the ability to move and bend easily. 10. ________ : the activity or job of taking photographs or films. V. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. dolls and it becomes my pleasure. 1. I enjoy (collect) 2. We love (watch) new films, and we (go) to watch a new Hollywood film next weekend. 3. My brother hates (do) the same things day after day. badminton once a week. 4. Our uncle (play) 5. I (collect) a lot of stamps from foreign countries so far. VI. Choose the correct answer A, B, C or D to fill each blank in the following passage. I have a very interesting and (1) hobby. I make short video clips with my digitalcamera. It was my birthday present from my parents last year. Since then, I have (2) three short films. It’s great fun! I started asking my friends and relatives to take (3) inthe films. I have tried to write the story for my video clips. When I have finished the script, 1 make copies for the “actors”. Each scene is small and we start filming. We film at the weekend in my neighbourhood, (5) they can look at the words just(4) noone has to travel far. When the video clip is finished, I invite all the “actors” and we watch the film at my house. 1.A. enjoy B. enjoyed C. enjoying D. enjoyable 2.A. done B. played C. made D. watched 3.A. part B. role C. scene D. film 4.A. before B. after C. only D. until 5.A. although B. because C. but D. so IX. Read the passage carefully, and decide whether the sentences are True or False. Our school has a model club. The members of the club try to make water rockets. The students taking part in the club love discovering new things and learning science subjects. A water rocket doesn’t cost you much. You can use the things you have used such as empty bottles, old tyres of bicycles. The model has two main parts: the base and the rocket. The pump in the base is made up of water pipes and it can increase the pressure of water. The rocket made from empty bottles should have blades in its tail and a pointed head. These parts help the water go in the correct path as the members have planned. When we use the pump to increase the pressure of water, the rocket will take off and fly into the air. Our school club has just won the first prize on making water rockets. 1.The members of the model club have a love of science. ___________ 2.You can use old things to make water rockets. ___________ 3.It is expensive to make water rockets. ___________ 4.The high pressure of water can make the models fly. ___________ 19

5.We cannot control the water rockets at all. ___________ VIII. Read the passage, and then choose the correct answer. Stamp collecting is an interesting hobby. You can learn many things, such as the geography of a country from stamps. Postal stamps are a source of interesting facts and important dates about every country in the world. It makes stamp collecting become very popular. As you look at the pages of a stamp album, you can learn interesting details of foreign customs, arts, literature, history and culture. Their colours can make you feel relaxed and happy. Collecting stamps can become a business. If you are lucky in finding a special stamp, it will bring you some money besides knowledge and pleasure. 1.Stamp collecting is an interesting hobby because . A. you can learn many things such as the geography of a country from stamps B. stamps give you interesting facts and important dates about a country C. it is very important to collect stamps D. A and B are correct 2.All of the following are true EXCEPT . A. stamps can make you relaxed and happy B. stamps can make you know more C. stamp collecting can make you famous D. you can earn money from your collection if you are lucky . 3.According to the passage, it is true to say that A. stamp collecting helps you become rich and famous B. stamp collecting is a very popular hobby C. stamp collectors can earn a lot of money from stamp collecting D. stamp collecting is a hobby that costs you a lot of money 4.The word “business” in the last paragraph is closest in meaning to . A. the activity of collecting stamps B. the activity of selling stamps from other countries C. the activity of buying stamps from other countries D. the activity of buying or selling something 5.The main idea of the passage is . A. the history of stamp collecting B. good things from stamp collecting C. the ways of stamp collecting D. famous stamp collectors IX. Make correct sentences from the words and phrases given. 1.When/ you/ start/ hobby? _________________________________________________________________________________ 2.We/ find/ make/ models/ very interesting/ because/ we/ should/ creative. _________________________________________________________________________________ 3.I/ think/ future/ people/ take up/ more/ outdoor activities. _________________________________________________________________________________ 4.My best friend/ not/ like/ mountain climbing/ because/ he/ afraid/ heights. _________________________________________________________________________________ 5.My sister/ enjoy/ cook/ and/ make/ new dishes/ her own.

I. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. II. 1.

TEST 3 UNIT 1 Choose the word that has the underlined part pronounced differently from the others. a. pottery b. flower c. silent d. service a. girl b. expert c. open d. burn a. sentence b. world c. picture d. dangerous a. surfing b. collect c. concert d. melody a. worst b. learn c. control d. dessert Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others. a. exciting b. excellent c. experience d. expensive 20

2. a. hobby b. cycle c. bye d. why 3. a. pottery b. collect c. melody d. monopoly b. bird c. world d. picture 4. a. heard 5. a. bird-watching b. children c. school d. challenge III. Choose the best answer a, b, c, or d to complete the sentence. 1. My father can make beautiful pieces of art ________ empty eggshells. a. of b. from c. in d. into 2. Why don’t you take ________ a new hobby? a. up b. in c. over d. after 3. Collecting cars is a(n) ________ hobby. It costs a lot of money. a. interesting b. cheap c. expensive d. unusual 4. More people are ________ birds today than ever before. a. seeing b. looking c. hearing d. watching 5. Do you enjoy ________ board games? a. play b. to play c. playing d. played 6. Be careful not to drop it; it’s very ________. a. unique b. fragile c. difficult d. unusual 7. Sam and I ________ the same hobby. We both like playing computer games. a. share b. play c. do d. work 8. I hope he’ll teach me ________ to do eggshell carving. a. what b. where c. how d. when 9. ________ have you had your hobby? ~ For three years. a. How much b. How long c. How often d. When 10. ‘I think model making is an expensive hobby.’ ‘________ it’s incredibly cheap.’ a. You’re right b. Certainly c. No matter d. Not at all IV. Choose the correct verb form or tense. 1. I’m told you are ill. I hope you ________ better again. a. will feel b. feel c. are feeling d. don’t feel 2. We were getting tired, so we stopped ________ lunch. a. have b. having c. to have d. for having 3. ______ you ______ to school every morning? a. Does ... walk b. Do ... walk c. Will... walk D. Are ... walking 4. He enjoys ________ cycling at the weekend. a. to go b. going c. goes d. go 5. You needn’t wear your coat. It ________ cold today. a. will be b. won’t be c. doesn’t be d. is 6. We ________ swimming because it’s fun and good exercise. a. like b. are liking c. will like d. liked 7. My grandparents don’t like ________ in the city because it’s noisy and crowded. a. live b. lived c. living d. to living 8. Fire needs oxygen to burn. It ________ without oxygen. a. burn b. burns c. don’t burn d. doesn’t burn 9. How much time do you spend ________ the Internet per day? a. surf b. to surf c. surfing d. to be surfing 10. I don’t mind ________ a DVD, but I prefer ________ to the cinema. a. to watch - to go b. watching – go c. to watch – going d. watching – to go V. Put the words into the correct column.



















board games






game shows

PLAY: ______________________________________________________________________ GO: ________________________________________________________________________ DO:_________________________________________________________________________ COLLECT:___________________________________________________________________ WATCH: VI. Complete the sentences with the correct form or tense of the verb play, go, do or collect. 1. He ________ tennis with his father every Sunday. 2. We ________ camping in Dam Sen Park next Saturday. 3. ________ you ________ coins some day in the future? 4. Do you want ________ a jigsaw puzzle with me? 5. I enjoy________ cycling at the weekend. 6. My uncle ________ karate when he was young. 7. The children ________ volleyball on the beach at the moment. 8. When I’m waiting for the train, I usually ________ crosswords. 9. She dislikes ________ chess because she finds it boring. 10. I ________ books since I was ten years old. VII. Complete the sentences with the words from the box. photos






model cars


1. She usually goes _____________ with her friends in the pool near her school. 2. Sarah likes _____________. She plants lots of flowers and vegetables in her home garden. 3. Every weekend, I go _____________ in my uncle’s boat, or just off the shoreline. 4. In later years, he took up _____________ as a hobby. He drew watercolour landscapes. 5. My hobby is listening to _____________. It can help relax my mind. 6. I have recently started a new hobby – collecting _____________. 7. Most people take _____________ and post them on their social networking accounts. 8. Carving _____________ is a great hobby that can make you happier. VIII. Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Simple. 1. I _____________ (not visit) my parents very often. 2. ____________________ (Mai/ go) to school every day? ~ No, she (go) _____________ to school from Monday to Friday. 3. The teachers at our school _____________ (give) us lots of homework. 4. My brother _____________ (play) tennis, but he _____________ (not like) it. 5. How often _____________ (they/ go) jogging? 6. We (not study) _____________ chemistry because it _____________ (be) difficult. 7. _____________ (your parents/ watch) TV every night? 8. Mark’s class _____________ (do) sport on Monday and Wednesday. 9. Children often _____________ (use) a computer for school work. 10. Mike _____________ (usually/ not play) computer games during the week. 10. I think people ______________ CDs in 20 years’ time. IX. Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Simple or Future Simple. 1. I ______________ (listen) to music in my free time. 2. It often (rain) ______________ in the summer. 22

3. Do you think that he ______________ (recognise) me? 4. We ______________ (not want) to see that film because it looks boring. 5. What time __________ the film __________ (begin)? 6. I promise that I ______________ (not be) late for school again. 7. Simon usually ______________ (do) his homework and ______________ (watch) TV at the same time. 8. The students ______________ (plant) some flowers in the schoolyard tomorrow. 9. Nam and Vinh______________ (play) volleyball three times a week. 10. The train ______________ (leave) at 6 o’clock in the morning. X. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. 1. Would you mind _____________ (watch) my bag for a few minutes? 2. I enjoy _____________ (listen) to music while I’m doing the cooking. 3. He wants _____________ (buy) a new computer game. 4. I’d like _____________ (speak) to Mr Davis, please. Is he there? 5. Please avoid _____________ (make) silly mistakes in this exercise. 6. The children would love _____________ (eat) French fries. 7. She really loves _____________ (work) with children. 8. We tried _____________ (call) you but your mobile was off. 9. They intend _____________ (build) houses on the school playing fields. 10. I can’t stand _____________ (do) the washing up. XI. Supply the correct form of the words in brackets. 1. Rossie has a large ______________ of dolls. (collect) 2. A______________ is someone who enjoys watching birds. (birdwatch) 3. My sister’s hobby is ______________.She took a lot of nice photos. (photo) 4. I find woodcarving ______________ because it’s a creative activity. (interest) 5. ______________ eggshells are unique gifts for family and friends. (carve) 6. A hobby is an ______________ that you do for pleasure. (act) 7. I think collecting glass bottles is ______________. (usual) 8. Susan is very ______________ and she paints very well. (create) XII. Read the text carefully, then answer the questions. My name’s Susan. I have two favourite hobbies. My first hobby is reading. I started to do it when I was four years old. The first time I did it, I felt interested. So I kept reading. I enjoy reading because it can make me relaxed and calm. Moreover, it can give me an imagination, so I can write books in the future. I can learn the different cultures and customs of other countries in the world, too. My second hobby is gardening. I have made a small garden and planted many beds of flowers. In the spring season, my garden is full of beautiful flowers. I have a separate plot for vegetables – carrots, potatoes, etc. In the evening, I water the plants and remove the weeds. I love sitting in my garden and reading my books. It is very pleasant to be there! 1. What are Susan’s hobbies? _________________________________________________________________________ 2. When did she start reading? _________________________________________________________________________ 3. How did she feel when she first read a book? _________________________________________________________________________ 4. Why does she enjoy reading? _________________________________________________________________________ 5. What has she planted in her garden? _________________________________________________________________________ 6. When does she water plants? _________________________________________________________________________ XIII. Fill in each blank with a word from the box. 23









Collecting (1) ____________ is my favourite hobby. I started my hobby five years ago. Thefirst item in my (2) ____________ is a book about Doraemon. And now I have a lot of books of all (3) ____________ comics, children’s, history, science, detective, adventure, etc. Whenever I find an interesting book I buy it (4) ____________. I usually buy books in the bookstores (5) ____________ my school and my house. Sometimes my relatives and my friends give me books as a gift. I (6) ____________ my books into different categories and put each category in one corner of my bookshelf with a (7) ____________ tag on it. It takes all my free time to keep everything (8) ____________ and dusted. It keeps me amused for hours, too. XIV. Read the text carefully, then decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F). Our life would be hard without rest and recreation. And people have many different ideas of how to spend their free time. If you enjoy doing a thing or activity in your free time, then you have a hobby. A hobby is an activity, interest, enthusiasm, or pastime that is undertaken for pleasure or relaxation, done during one’s own time. A person’s hobbies depend on his age, character and personal interests. An interesting thing to one person can be boring to another. That’s why some people prefer reading, cooking, knitting, collecting, playing a musical instrument, photography or playing computer games while others prefer dancing, travelling, camping or sports. 1. A hobby is anything that you enjoy doing in your free time. 2. Different people have the same hobbies. 3. A hobby can provide us with relaxation. 4. Your hobby may be changed as you get older. 5. One person’s hobby may be a boring thing to another person. 6. Playing sports is not a hobby. XV. Write sentences, using the cues given. 1. I/ enjoy/ play / sports/ because/ it/ good/ health _________________________________________________________________________ 2. your children/ go/ camp/every summer holiday? _________________________________________________________________________ 3. I/ think/ photography/ can/ expensive hobby _________________________________________________________________________ 4. my cousin/ give/ me/ book/ gift/ next birthday _________________________________________________________________________ 5. he/ find/ mountain climbing/ dangerous/ so/ he/ not take/ it _________________________________________________________________________ 6. I/ hope/ the future/ he/ teach/ me/ how/ do/ eggshell carving _________________________________________________________________________ XVI. Arrange the words to make sentences. 1. hobby/ you/ have/ any / do/? _________________________________________________________________________ 2. his/ do/ what/ your/ brother/ free/ does/ in/ time/? _________________________________________________________________________ 3. he/ summer/ in/ climbing/ goes/ mountain/ the/ usually/. _________________________________________________________________________ 4. friends/ monopoly/ enjoy/ I/ with/ playing/ my/? _________________________________________________________________________ 5. it/ boring/ because/ finds/ time/ models/ Jim/ takes/ lots of/ making/. _________________________________________________________________________ 6. you/ up/ will/ ice-skating/ future/ in/ take/ the/? _________________________________________________________________________ 24

B.GRAMMAR I. CÂU GHÉP (COMPOUN SENTENCES) 1. Định nghĩa và cấu trúc câu ghép. - Là câu có 2 hay nhiều mệnh đề độc lập về ý nghĩa Định nghĩa - Được kết nối với nhau bởi một liên từ kết hợp hay còn gọi là liên từ đẳng lập như and, or, but, so, … Mệnh đề 1 + (,) + mệnh đề 2 Cấu trúc Ví dụ: You should eat less fast food or you can put on weight (Bạn nên ăn ít đồ ăn nhanh hơn hoặc bạn có thể tăng cân đấy) I wasn’t very hungry, but I ate a lot (tớ không đói lắm, nhưng tớ đã ăn rất nhiều) My mother does exercise everyday, so she looks very young and fit (Mẹ tớ tập thể dục hằng ngày,vì vậy mà trông mẹ rất trẻ và khỏe) Chúng ta cần phải sử dụng dấu phẩy trước liên từ “so”, còn với các liên từ “and, so, but” thì Lưu ý có thể có dấu phẩy hoặc không.

XVII. Complete the second sentence so that it has the same meaning as the first one. 1. What is your hobby? → What hobby _______________________________________________________________ 2. → 3. → 4. → 5. →

We all find painting interesting because it’s a creative activity. We all think _______________________________________________________________ It took me three hours to make this pottery jug. I spent ___________________________________________________________________ My father likes to do gardening at the weekend. My father enjoys ___________________________________________________________ Why don’t we go swimming this afternoon? What about _______________________________________________________________ UNIT 2: HEALTH A.VOCABULARY 1. allergy (n) /'ælədʒi/ dị ứng 2.





compound (n)


ghép, phức




tập trung


conjunction (n)


liên từ


coordinate (v)


kết hợp


cough (n)




depression (n)


chán nản, buồn rầu


diet (adj)


ăn kiêng


essential (n)


cần thiết


expert (n)


chuyên gia


independent (v)


độc lập, không phụ thuộc


itchy (adj)


ngứa, gây ngứa


junk food (n)

/dʒʌŋk fu:d/

đồ ăn nhanh, quà vặt


myth (n)


việc hoang đường


obesity (adj)


béo phì


pay attention

/peɪ ə'tenʃən/

chú ý, lưu ý đến


put on weight (n)

/pʊt ɒn weɪt/

lên cân


sickness (n)


đau yếu, ốm yếu


spot (n)


mụn nhọt


stay in shape

/steɪ ɪn ʃeɪp/

giữ dáng, giữ cơ thể khoẻ mạnh


sunburn (n)


cháy nắng


triathlon (n)


cuộc thi thể thao ba môn phối hợp


vegetarian (n)


người ăn chay


2. Các liên từ kết hợp phổ biến. Liên từ And (và): dùng để bổ sung thêm thông tin

Ví dụ The Japanese eat a lot of fish, and they eat a lot of tofu too. (Người Nhật ăn rất nhiều cá, và họ cũng ăn rất nhiều đậu phụ nữa) Or (hoặc): dùng khi có sự lựa chọn You can take this medicine, or you can drink hot ginger tea (Con có thể uống thuốc này hoặc con có thể uống trà gừng nóng) But (nhưng): dùng để nối 2 mệnh đề mang ý nghĩa trái She doesn’t eat much, but she’s still fat (cô ấy không ngược, đối lập nhau. ăn nhiều, nhưng cô ấy vẫn béo) So (nên/vì vậy mà/vì thế mà/ vậy nên): dùng để nói về My mother eats healthily, so she is very strong một kết quả của sự việc được nhắc đến trước đó (Mẹ tớ ăn uống rất lành mạnh, nên bà ấy rất khỏe) BÀI TẬP VẬN DỤNG CƠ BẢN Bài 1: Khoanh tròn vào đáp án đúng. 1. My sister is a nurse (and/ but) she works in a dental clinic. 2. My teeth hurt, (so/ or) I make an appointment with the dentist. 3. The couple want to go to the musical, (but/ so) there aren't any tickets left. 4. Stop listening to rock music through earphones (or/ and) you will have earache. 5. Eating too much sugar is bad for your teeth, (so/ and) it causes obesity. 6. The laptop suddenly stops working, (but/ so) I cannot finish my work on time. 7. There are many people passing by (and/ but) only few people drop in the restaurant. 8. The doctor advises people to drink enough water, (and/ so) do exercises regularly. 9. My neighborhood is peaceful, (but/ so) sometimes there are several cases of petty crime. 10. My boyfriend asked me out (and/ but) I was sick. 11. There are many wonderful things in Thailand, (so/ but) I decide to stay here for another couple of days. 12. I want to eat sushi, (so/ but) I am going to a Japanese restaurant tonight. 13. I will go to the park tomorrow, (and/ so) Jim will take me there. 14. My friend is studying abroad (but/ or) we still keep in touch with each other. 15. My father is under a lot of pressure from work, (so/ but) I am trying to make him laugh. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Bài 2: Điển liên từ"and/but/or/so" vào chỗ trống để tạo thành câu ghép. I am very thirsty_______I don't have any money to buy drinks. It's late_______I'm still wide awake. We live in a small house_______we like it very much. My friend looks wea_______k he's really strong. The entrance test is very difficult_______I hope I will pass it. You go home now_______ your mother will punish you for staying out too late. Fruits taste good_______ they are healthy for your body. 26

8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25.

I like small dogs_______ I hate big ones. My brother is having the flu_______ I think he won't be absent from school today. Our project is successful _______all of us are happy about it. He performs very well, _______he deserves the reward. Take care of yourself_______ you will go down with disease. My mother usually gets home at 5pm_______then she prepares dinner. Stop eating raw food_______ you will have stomachache. Janet thinks Chemistry is a difficult subject_______ she is interested in it. The phone doesn't work well, _______Ana sells it and buys new one. There is a need for a new fridge in Tom's kitchen_______ he lacks money now. He is very good-looking_______ he seems to lack personality. Will you speak to him_______ I speak? I have an allergy to seafood, _______ I can't taste it. This exercise is challenging_______it is helpful. I am going to the beach, _______I buy some sunscreen. My little brother dreams of becoming a pilot_______he wants to travel around the world. The singer is suffering from sore throat, _______ he won’t perform tomorrow. Tomorrow is my sister's birthday, _______ I am making a cake for her. BÀI 3: Chọn đáp án đúng. 1. I love going to the beach but I_______of sunburnam A. am afraid B. am not afraid 2. My brother doesn't want to suffer from toothache, so he his teeth twice y A. brushes B. doesn't brush 3. My friend wishes to become a doctor one day, so _______. A. he studies very hard B. he wants to work in his hometown's hospital 4. My friend wishes to become a doctor one day, _______he wants to work in his hometowns hospital. A. and B. so 5. My father is angry with me, so_______. A. he doesn't say a word to me B. he still takes me to the park 6. I will go shopping with my mom tomorrow but . A. I will buy some new clothes B. I won't buy anything 7. Louis is my closest friend and _______. A. he is my co-worker B. I don't want to talk to him now 8. _______or you will be frozen. A. Wear thick clothes B. The weather is cold outside 9. Tim is in hospital, so_______ . A. the doctor is taking his temperature B. he can't go to school today 10. Tim is in hospital_______the doctor is taking his temperature. A. and B.but 11. My father is having a sore throat, so_______. A. he needs to avoid cold drinks B. he has high temperature. 12. It is chilly outside but_______. A. we can go out and build a snowman B. we should stay in and keep warm 13. They need to repair the rooftop or_______. A. raindrops will leak in B. their house will look better 14. I never want anyone to wait for me, so_______. A. I try not to be late B. I keep being late 15. Last week he got a severe car accident but now A. he is still weak. B. he recovers quickly Bài 4: Đánh dấu [V] trước câu đúng. Đánh dấu [x] trước câu có lỗi sai và viết lại cho đúng 1. My mother loves eating traditional dishes but she likes local restaurants. 2. There are many hairdressers in my hometown so my teacher only goes to one place to cut her hair. 27

3. Stop smoking or you will suffer from lung cancer. 4. 1 want to meet my friends so 1 call them for a date. 5. There are numerous big and modern hospitals in the city so they are always overcrowded. 6. I need to finish my homework before 5pm and my mother won't let me hang out with friends. 7. My brother has to stop drinking ice water so he will have sore throat. 8. It is hard to win this contest and 1 still think my daughter will be the champion. 9. 1 have to admit that 1 love eating fast food and 1 like drinking beer. 10. My grandmother is old so she is strong. Bài 5: Nối hai câu dưới đây, dùng liên từ "and/ but/ or/ so" để tạo thành một câu ghép 1. It takes a lot of time to cure this disease. You need to be extremely patient ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2. Anne is a gorgeous girl. She has a pleasant personality. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------3. It is raining hard. We postpone our boat trip. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4. He dreams of being the best student. He never studies hard. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------5. My bicycle is broken. I have to take the bus to school. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------6. He is a brilliant doctor. He is a loving father. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------7. I need to tidy my room. My mom will be angry with me. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------8. My house is quite old. Living in it is comfortable. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------II. MỆNH LỆNH CÁCH VỚI MORE VÀ LESS (IMPERATIVES WITH MORE AND LESS) Mệnh lệnh cách - Là câu có tính chất sai khiến, được dùng khi chúng ta muốn yêu cẩu, ra Định nghĩa lệnh, hướng dẫn hay gợi ý cho người khác làm một việc gì đó. - Được hình thành bắt đầu bằng một động từ nguyên thể không có "to". Stand up! (Đứng lên đi.) Ví dụ Come in. (Vào đi.) 2. Mệnh lệnh với more và less a. Chức năng và cấu trúc Chức năng Khi muốn yêu cẩu ai đó hãy làm gì đó nhiều hơn hoặc ít hơn, các em có thể thêm từ more và less sau động từ. V + more/less Câu trúc Ví dụ

Sleep more. (Hãy ngủ nhiều hơn.) 28

Để nội dung mệnh lệnh cách cụ thể hơn, các em cũng có thể thêm danh từ vào phía sau more hoặc less. V+ more + danh từ đếm được và danh từ không đếm được V+ less + danh từ không đêm được Do more exercise. (Hãy tập thể dục nhiều hơn.)

Sunbathe less. (Hãy tắm nắng ít hơn.) Talk less, listen more. (Hãy nói ít đi, hãy lắng nghe nhiều hơn.) Spend less, save more. (Hãy tiêu ít hơn, tiết kiệm nhiều hơn.)

Eat more fruit. (Hãy ăn nhiều trái cây hơn.) Eat less salt and sugar. (Hãy ăn ít muối và đường hơn.) Drink less beer and wine. (Hãy uống ít bia và rượu hơn.)

b. Một số cách dùng phổ biến của mệnh lệnh cách với more và less Cách dùng Ra lệnh trực tiếp Hướng dẫn

Gợi ý

Ví dụ Play less! (Chơi ít thôi!) Bring more books here! (Mang thêm sách lại đây!) Please provide more details in this form. (Vui lòng điển thêm chi tiết vào lá đơn này.) Eat less salt when taking this medicine. (Hãy ăn nhạt hơn khi uống loại thuốc này.) Wear more clothes and you'll be warmer. (Hãy mặc nhiều quần áo hơn và bạn sẽ thấy ấm hơn.) Spend less time surfing the Internet and you'll have more time for exercise. (Hãy dành ít thời gian cho việc lướt mạng hơn và bạn sẽ có nhiều thời gian hơn cho việc tập thể dục.)

■ BÀI TẬP VẬN DỤNG CƠ BẢN Bài 6: Điền "more" hoặc "less" để hoàn thành những câu sau: 1. Eat_______fruits and vegetables. 2. Stay outdoor and do_______exercises to be healthier. 3. Drink_______alcohol or you will be weak. 4. Sleep_______and don't go to bed too late. 5. Practice_______and you will improve your skills. 6. Spend_______time on smartphone and laptop or you will ruin your eyes. 7. Go out_______and make some new friends, so you won't be lonely. 8. Drink_______coffee. It's not good for your brain. 9. Read_______books to broaden your knowledge. 10. Play_______computer games and study_______ 11. Take_______vitamin A to strengthen your immune system. 12. Put_______wood into the campfire to keep warm 13. Smoke_______ or you will have lung cancer. 14. Eat_______raw food or you will have stomachache. 15. Spend_______time on TV and pay_______attention to your siblings. 16. Sunbathe_______if you don't want to have skin cancer. 17. Take_______ photos of this beautiful mountainous area. 18. Wear_______warm clothes or you'll be cold. 19. Put_______more effort in your work to achieve best result. 20. Watch_______documentaries about Nile River and write a report. Bài 7: Hoàn thành các câu sau bằng cách đỉền cụm từ thích hợp dưới đây vào chỗ trống. Prepare more Talk less Drink more Study more Drink less Talk more Plant more Go out more 1. ____________cakes because many people will come to our party. 2. You are so talkative. ____________and listen more. 3. It is a difficult subject. ____________or you may fail. 4. Why are you so quiet? ____________. Everyone here is friendly. 5. ____________pure water and your body will function better. 6. ____________with friends and you won't be bored. 7. ____________ trees to make your neighborhood greener. 8. ____________ wine or you will have a headache. 29

Bài 8: Dùng câu mệnh lệnh với “more/less” để đưa ra lời khuyên về sức khỏe. Jim is getting fat. He eats a lot of fast food every day. Eat less fast food. 1. Your father smokes several cigarettes a day. It is very harmful to his lungs. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2. Jane stays up too late. She is always sleepy. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------3. Maria takes in a lot of sugar every day. She may suffer from diabetes --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4. He spends too much time on computer. He will soon be very short-sighted --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------5. Mary likes drinking cold water. She may have sore throat. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------6. Your friend always eat raw food. She will have an upset stomach. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------7. Louis works too much. He doesn't relax much. He is very weak and tired. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------8. Jay always look tired. He doesn't exercise enough. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Bài 9: Khoanh tròn vào đáp án đúng 1. (Spend more/ do more) time doing morning exercises. 2. (Play more/ do more) sports like biking, swimming or yoga. 3. Give up junk food and (eat less/ eat more) food high in fat, salt, and cholesterol. 4. (Take in more/ Eat less) healthy foods like fruits, vegetables, fish or nuts in your daily meals. 5. If you get fat, (eat less/ sleep more) and (exercise more/ sleep less). 6. Don't (take in more/ take in less) calories than you burn. 7. (Spend more/ Spend less) time with family and friends. 8. (Pay more/ Pay less) attention to your health. 9. If you want to be taller, (drink more/ drink less) coca and (take in more/ take in less) calcium. 10. If you want to avoid obesity, (eat more/take in less) sugar. 11. (Wear less/ Put on more) clothes or you will have the flu. 12. (Go out more/ Go out less) on sunny days to avoid sunburn and skin cancer Bài 10. Gạch chân lỗi sai trong câu và viết lại câu đúng. 1. Studies more or you won't pass the test. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2. Exercise less during daytime and you will have a decent night sleep. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------3. Read less books and you can learn new things. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4. Don't drink less beer or you will have a big belly. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------5. Don't smoke more and you will have poor health condition. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------6. Talk more and keep quiet. I need to concentrate on my homework. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------7. Spend more time on computer and hang out more with friend. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------8. Eat less carrots because they are good for your eyes. C. EXERCISES TEST 1 UNIT 2 I. Find the word which has a different sound in the underlined part. 1. A. put B. adult C. junk 2. A. itchy B. riding C. sick 3. A. chemical B. children C. headache B. identify C. really 4. A. regularly 30

D. sun D. swimming D. architect D. healthy

5. A. cycling B. doctor C. aerobics D. calories II. Find the word which has a different sound in the underlined part. 1. A. coordinate B. triathlon C. allergy D. calorie 2. A. leaf B. life C. knife D. of 3. A. monopoly B. melody C. compound D. concentrate B. cough C. although D. enough 4. A. paragraph 5. A. vegetarian B. depression C. essential D. attention III. Choose the best one (A, B, C or D) to complete the sentence. 1. You should eat a lot of fruits and vegetables because they vitamin A, which is good for the eyes. A. run B. take C. provide D. get from that diet expert is that you should eat less junk food and count your calories 2. The health if you are becoming fat. A. advices B. ideas C. tip D. tips 3. The seafood I ate this morning makes me feel all over. A. itchy B. weak C. running D. well activities. 4. If you want to be fit, stay outdoors more and do more A. physics B. physic C. physical D. physically 5. Do more exercise eat more fruit and vegetables. A. and B. so C. but D. although your eyes and relax. 6. After working in computer for long hours, you should A. wake B. rest C. sleep D. sleep in 7. Eat less high-fat foods to keep you from fat. A. gaining B. reducing C. getting D. rising in order to keep fit. 8. We should follow the advice from doctors and health A. managers B. experts C. people D. workers 9. Have a healthy and you can enjoy your life. A. lifeline B. lively C. lives D. lifestyle 10. They go swims outside even when it’s cold. A. B. swiming C. swimming D. swam 11. Rob eats a lot of fast food and he on a lot of weight. A. spends B. brings C. takes D. puts 12. We need to spend less time computer games. A. playing B. to playing C. play D. to play 13. To prevent , you should eat a lot of garlic and keep your body warm. A. cold B. Mumps C. flu D. headache 14. Be careful with you eat and drink. A. who B. this C. what D. that . 15. Eating a lot of junk food may lead to your A. pain B. stomachache C. obesity D. fitness IV. Fill in the blank with a suitable word in the box. allergy








1. Some people have a very habit in littering in public. 2. People who live in a dusty area often on diseases. 3. Julia has a headache, and she feels . 4. I have an , so I choose food and drink very carefully. 5. You should spend less time playing computer games, or your eyes will be 6. Tom feel , but he doesn’t go to bed early. 7. Trung eats too many sweets so he has . 31


8. In prevent , we should keep our hands clean, our feet warm. V. Look at the advice for a healthy lifestyle, and complete the sentences using more or less. 1. You have toothache. Eat candy. 2 .Get up early and do exercise. 3. The examination is coming. Watch TV. television and you can protect your eyes. 4. Watch 5. You look tired, sleep . 6. She should eat fast food. 7. You are putting on weight. Eat fast food. 8. I will spend time on computer games. warm water. 9. You have a cough. Drink 10. We should eat junk food and eat fruit and vegetables. VI. Fill in each blank with the correct conjunction: if, so, and, but, or, when. 1. Do more exercise you want to lose weight. 2. I have a lot of homework to do this evening, I don’t have time to watch the football match. you will feel healthier. 3. Eat more vegetables, 4. Take up a new hobby you’ll have some new friends. 5. Eat more fish, you will be smarter. he still eats a lot of sweets and cakes. 6. He has toothache 7. Try to talk less you have a sore throat. 8. Smoke less give it up. 9. Sunbathe less, you’ll get sunburnt. television programmes, you will have more time 10. If you spend less time on computer games for outdoor activities. VII. Choose the word or phrase among A, B, C or D that best fits the blank space in the following passage. It’s important to (1) well, especially when you are studying. If you are at primary (2) , you may not go home for lunch and have a cooked meal of meat or (3) and vegetables. A chicken and lettuce sandwich, with some (4) fruit would be a light but (5) lunch. Many people around the world eat plain, boiled (6) two or three times a day. Pupils and students often don’t eat (7) when they’re revising for an exam – they eat chocolate and (8) lots of black coffee! And by the way, doctors say everybody should start the day with healthy (9) . It’s also good for you to drink a lot of (10) through the day. 1. A. launching B. emitting C. eat D. peaking 2. A. school B. weapons C. spaceships D. rockets 3. A. to B. towards C. with D. fish 4. A. as soon as B. fresh C. as well as D. such as 5. A. burnt B. explored C. went off D. healthy 6. A. rice B. audience C. observatories D. watcher 7. A. sent back B. returned to C. well D. except for 8. A. weightlessness B. drink C. wavelengths D. length 9. A. space B. atmosphere C. vacant D. breakfast 10. A. scientists B. drivers C. water D. astronauts VIII. Fill in the blank with a suitable word in the box. spend










We need calories or (1) to do the things every day. For example, when we walk or (2) a bike to school, we spend a certain amount of (3) and even when we sleep, we also use them. But how many calories should we (4) a day to stay in shape? It’s difficult (5) us to calculate. If 32

people want to keep (6) , they should remember that everyone should have between 1600 and 2500 calories a day. We get calories (7) the food we eat. If we get too much food and don’t take part (8) any activities, we can get fat quickly. So besides studying, we should do some (9) , play sports or do the housework, such as cleaning the floor, cooking etc., if we don’t eat enough, we feel (10) and weak. IX. Read the following passage and write T (true) or F (false) for each statement. How many calories can you burn in one hour? Well, it all depends on the activity. You use calories all the time, even when you are resting. Reading, sleeping, sitting and sunbathing all use about 60 calories an hour. Very light activities use 75 calories. Examples are eating, writing, knitting, shaving, driving and washing up. Light activities which use about 100 calories an hour include playing the piano, getting dressed and having a shower. Under moderate activities which use between 100 and 200 calories an hour we can put walking, doing housework, shopping and skating. Energetic activities use 200-400 calories. Those activities include horse riding, cycling, swimming, skipping and dancing. Finally there are strenuous activities which use up to 600 calories an hour. These activities include climbing stairs, jogging, digging the garden and playing football. 1. Horse riding uses the most amount of calories. 2. Reading uses as many calories as writing. 3. The calories we burn for eating and washing up are the same. 4. Walking is a very light activity. 5. Sunbathing uses more calories than driving. 6. When we are resting, we don’t burn calories. 7. Having a shower uses only 100 calories an hour. 8. Cycling and dancing use the same amount of calories 9. Playing football uses fewer calories than swimming. 10. The amount of calories we use an hour depends on the activity we do. X. Write complete sentences, using the words/ phrases given in their correct forms. 1. Nick/ wash/ hands a lot/ he/ not/ have the flu. ______________________________________________________________________ 2. David/ eat/ lots of junk food/ he/ not do exercise. ______________________________________________________________________ 3. doctor/ told Elena that she/ sleep more/ she/ try to relax more. ______________________________________________________________________ 4. My sister/ play/ computer games/ she does exercise too. ______________________________________________________________________ 5. Eating/ carrots help/ you see objects / more clearly/ at night. ______________________________________________________________________ 6. Going outside/ wet hair /give/ you a cold or flu. XI. Make correct sentences from the words and phrases given. 1. We/ keep/ our bodies/ warm/ avoid/ flu/ a cold. ______________________________________________________________________ 2. Getting/ enough/ rest/ help/ you/ concentrate/ school. ______________________________________________________________________ 3. Vitamins/ play/ important/ role/ our diet. ______________________________________________________________________ 4. You/ not/ play/ more/ computer games/ free time. ______________________________________________________________________ 5. Doctor/ asking/ Mai/ questions/ about/ health problems. TEST 2 (UNIT 2) I.Find the word which has a different sound in the part underlined. B. of C. leaf D. life 1.A. knife 2.A. although B. enough C. paragraph D. cough 33

3.A. junk B. sun C. put D. adult 4.A. headache B. architect C.chemical D.children B.calories C.cycling D. doctor 5.A. aerobics II.Choose the correct answer. 1.You can avoid some diseases by yourself clean. A.keeping B.taking C.looking D.bringing they stay more healthy. 2.The Japanese eat a lot of fish instead of meat A.but B.because C.although D.so 3.Rob eats a lot of fast food and he on a lot of weight. A.takes B.puts C.spends D.brings computer games. 4.We need to spend less time A.play B.to play C.playing D.to playing 5.Do more exercise eat more fruit and vegetables. A.but B.or C.and D.so 6.After working on computers for long hours, you should your eyes and relax. A.sleep B.sleep in C.wake D.rest you or your eyes. 7.Watching too much television is not good A.with B.to C.at D.for 8.When you have flu, you may have a cough and a nose. A.runny B.running C.flowing D.noisy . 9.When you have a temperature, you should drink more water and rest A.most B.more C.most D.less 10.I forgot to wear a sun hat today and I got a . A.stomachache B.earache C.backache D.headache . 11.We should play sports or do exercise in order to stay in A.look B.shape C.fit D.health 12.Don’t eat that type of fish: you may have a/an . A.sick B.sore C.energy D. allergy 13.Do you believe that eating carrots helps you see at night? A.much more B.less C.most D.the most 14.We should try to keep everything around US clean and then flu will find it to spread. A.difficult B.difficulty C.difficultly D.difficulties 15.Be careful with you eat and drink. A.what B.that C.who D.this 16.Eating a lot of junk food may lead to your . A.obesity B.fitness C.pain D.stomachache 17.We should follow the advice from doctors and health in order to keep fit. A.people B.workers C.managers D.experts and you can enjoy your life. 18.Have a healthy A.lives B.lifestyle C.lifeline D.lively 19.The health from that diet expert is that you should eat less junk food and count your calories if you are becoming fat. A.tip B.tips C.advices D.ideas all over. 20.The seafood I ate this morning makes me feel A.running B.well C.itchy D.weak III. Complete the words for the health problems. 1. st _ _ _ _ _ ache 2. e _ _ ache 3. s _ _ _ th _ _ _ _ 4. c___ 5. t _ _ _ _ che IV. Fill in each blank the correct health problem from the box according to the description. 34






sore throat



1. _________ : a pain caused by something being wrong with one of your teeth. 2. _________ : a pain in your back. 3. _________ : a very severe pain that you feel in your head. 4. _________ : pain in your stomach. 5. _________ : a pain in the inside part of your ear. 6. _________ : a problem which is like a very bad cold, but which causes atemperature. 7. _________ : a pain in your throat. 8. _________ : a health problem that you make a lot of loud sounds. V. Look at the advice for a healthy lifestyle, and complete the sentences using more or less. sweet food. 1. Eat 2. Get exercise. 3. Drink coffee. 4. Eat fast food. fruit and vegetables. 5. Eat 6. Drink water. 7. Smoke and give it up. . 8. Relax 9. Worry about things 10. Spend time on computer games. VI. Fill in each blank with the correct conjunction. 1. Get up early do more exercise. eat more fruit and vegetables. 2. Eat less junk food 3. The weather is very cold today I should put on a coat. 4. Watch less television ____________ you can protect your eyes. television programmes, you will have more 5. If you spend less time on computer games time for outdoor activities. 6. I have a lot of homework to do this evening I don’t have time to watch the football match. 7. Take up a new hobby you’ll have some new friends. 8. He has toothache he still eats a lot of sweets and cakes. VII. Complete the sentences with the words from the box. cough










1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. VIII.

Is she enough to run one kilometer? “Ow! Be careful with that coffee.” - “Look, now I have a on my arm.” of 39.50C. Rob has a Don’t eat so quickly. You’ll get a . in my back. I’m going to lie down. I have a That’s a bad . Why don’t you have a glass of water? “I have .” - “Why don’t you telephone the dentist?” . Quick, I must get to the bathroom! I feel My arm after that game of table tennis. “I have a ___________.” - “That’s because you watch too much TV.” Read the passage, and then answer the questions. Everyone suffers from the common cold at some time or other. It isn’t a serious illness, but people spend a lot of money on medicine. The medicine can only relieve the symptoms. That is, it can make you cough less, make you feel better, and stop your nose running for a while. So far, there is no cure for the common cold and no medicine to prevent it. People also drink a lot of hot water with sugar, lemon juice. It helps provide them with a lot of vitamin C. 35

1Why is the common cold very popular? _________________________________________________________________________________ 2.Is the common cold a serious illness? _________________________________________________________________________________ 3.What does the medicine help people with the common cold? _________________________________________________________________________________ 4.Besides medicine, what do people do to make them feel better? _________________________________________________________________________________ 5.Why is it useful? ____________________________________________________________________________________ IX. Choose the correct answer A, B, c or D to fill each blank in the following passage. My friend, Ben, has had a few problems with his health. He didn’t feel well, (1) he told his parents about that. His mum said, “You should eat (2) vegetables. You shouldn’t eat (3) every day.” His dad said, “You should go to bed (4) . You (5) stay up so late at night.” He phoned me and told me about the problems. I said, “Don’t play so (6) computer games. Go outside (7) play football.” the doctor. The doctor said, “You should stay at He didn’t go to school last week. He went to (8) home for a week. Don’t go out and don’t turn on your computer.” At school today, he looked sad. We asked him, “What’s (9) ? You should be happy. You weren’t here last week.” his homework from last week. He’s not happy at all. Ben is (10) 1.A. because B. or C. and D. but 2.A. more B. less C. most D. the more 3.A. ready food B. fresh food C. junk food D. traditional food 4.A. late B. lately C. earlier D. more earlier 5.A. should B. shouldn’t C. must D. needn’t 6.A. many B. much C. lot D. lots 7.A. or B. so C. and D. but 8.A. look B. look at C. find D. see 9.A. bad B. trouble C. problem D. wrong 10.A. doing B. making C. playing D. taking X. Make correct sentences from the words and phrases given. 1.You/ not/ play/ more/ computer games/ free time. _________________________________________________________________________________ 2.Doctor/ asking/ Mai/ questions/ about/ health problems. _________________________________________________________________________________ 3.Vitamins/ play/ important/ role/ our diet. _________________________________________________________________________________ 4.We/ keep/ our bodies/ warm/ avoid/ flu/ a cold. _________________________________________________________________________________ 5.Getting/ enough/ rest/ help/ you/ concentrate/ school. _________________________________________________________________________________

I. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. II. 1.

TEST 3 UNIT 2 Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others. b. cycling c. itchy d. allergy a. myth a. headache b. spread c. health d. weak a. fat b. leaf c. of d. safe a. flu b. sunburn c. junk d. much a. wash b. wear c. wake d. wrap Choose the best answer a, b, c, or d to complete the sentence. Please wake me ________ at 5 and we will leave at 6 in the morning. 36

a. up b. on c. over d. in 2. If you want to ________ weight, you should follow a low-fat diet. a. lose b. gain c. put on d. take 3. Junk foods are high in fat, sodium and sugar, which can lead to ________. a. fever b. allergy c. obesity d. stomachache 4. He looks so ________. He can’t keep his eyes open! a. happy b. tired c. healthy d. fit 5. If you want to stay healthy, eat ________ vegetables, wholegrains, fruit and fish. a. much b. fewer c. more d. less 6. Fruit tastes good ________ it’s healthy for your body. a. so b.but c. or d. and 7. You are ________ you eat, so don’t eat unhealthy foods. a. what b.who c. which d. that 8. She looks very tired. She should work ________ or she will get sick. a. well b. less c. more d. enough 9. She stays in ________ by exercising daily and eating well. a. health b. fit b. size d. shape 10. Don’t sit too close to the screen, ________. a. and you’ll hurt your eyes b. so you can see more clearly c. or you’ll get a headache d. but it’s bad for your health III. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb have or feel. Add a or an where necessary. 1. I __________ flu. I __________ tired and weak. 2. Jane __________ sick, so she stays at home today. 3. Maybe she __________ fever. Her face is red and she tells me that she __________ very hot. 4. I __________ terrible headache yesterday, but I __________ better now. 5. What’s wrong with Sarah? Does she __________ toothache? 6. ‘Have you ever __________ allergy to seafood?’ ‘Yes, I __________ ill when I ate some lobsters two months ago. 7. My friend __________ sunburn after a day at the beach. Her skin becomes red and sore. 8. I __________ itchy and I __________ runny nose. Do I __________ cold? IV. Put the words into the correct column. flu, playing sports, cough, walking, sore throat, watching TV fever, gardening, allergy, swimming, runny nose, doing aerobics, headache, exercising, sneezing, cycling, red skin, relaxing, stomachache, sleeping

Illnesses and symptoms


V. Underline the correct words. 1. Your eyes look very tired. Let your eyes rest more / less and watch more / less TV. 2. If you want to stay in shape, eat more / less healthy food like fruits, vegetables or fish. 3. Drink more / less water when you have a high fever. 4. If you want to lose weight, eat more / less junk food. 5. Sunbathe more / less to avoid getting sunburnt. 6. The popular thing to lose weight is “eat more / less and exercise more / less”. 7. Stay outdoors and do more / less physical activities. You will be more healthy. 8. Spend more / less time in front of screens, such as the phone, TV or computer. It’s not good for your eyes. VI. Complete the imperatives with more or less, using the verbs in the box. 37









1. ____________video games or your eyes will be hurt. 2. ____________ fruit, vegetables or nuts because they are healthy. 3. ____________ if you want to be more active. 4. If you want to improve your knowledge, ____________ books. 5. ____________ TV because too much TV is really bad for your eyes. 6. If you’re outside on a hot day, ____________ water. 7. ____________ exercise, and you will feel fitter and healthier. 8. ____________ time on social media, so you can focus on your tasks. VII.Fill in the blanks with and,so, but, or. 1. We stayed at home ________ watched a film. 2. I want to buy a new car, ________ I don’t have enough money. 3. She had a terrible headache last night, ________ she couldn’t go out. 4. I eat cake, ________ I never eat biscuits; I don’t like them. 5. Would you like cake ________ biscuits with your coffee? 6. My job is very interesting, ________ it doesn’t pay very well. 7. We can go by bus, ________ we can walk. 8. My classmate studies very hard, ________ she always gets good marks. 9. You had better hurry up, ________ you’ll be late for work. 10. The Japanese eat healthily, ________ they have high life expectancy. VIII. Fill in each blank with a suitable preposition. 1. Would you like to go out? - No, thanks. I’d rather stay ________ home. 2. If you’re going to watch the football, you can count me ________. I don’t like football. 3. I’ve put ________ 2kg in the last month. 4. The Japanese eat healthily, so they live ________ a long time. 5. Sitting too close ________ the TV hurts your eyes. 6. Be careful ________ what you eat and drink. 7. She runs six miles every day to help keep herself ________ shape. 8. Watching TV too much isn’t good ________ your eyes. IX. Write the correct form or tense of the verbs in brackets. 1. ______________ (you/ eat) fried chicken last night? 2. He ______________ (put) on a lot of weight recently. 3. I often ______________ (drink) coca cola when I was a child. 4. Joana ______________ (wash) her face regularly to prevent spots. 5. I think he ______________ (not pass) the exam. He hasn’t studied at all. 6. She ______________ (have) a sore throat, and she ______________ (cough) terribly now. 7. You should try ______________ (exercise) a couple times a week. 8. He keeps ______________ (sneeze), so I think he’s got a cold. 9. What ______________ (you/ do) tomorrow evening? 10. My mother doesn’t like ______________(eat) fast food. X. Supply the correct form of the words in brackets. 1. The Japanese eat ______________, so they have high life expectancy. (health) 2. Drinking unclean water can cause ______________. (sick) 3. My uncle is a ______________. He doesn’t eat meat or fish. (vegetable) 4. ______________ can increase the risk of heart disease and diabetes. (obese) 5. I’m ______________ to shellfish, so I can’t eat lobster and shrimp. (allergy) 6. I got ______________ during my beach vacation. (sunburn) 7. Lack of vitamin E can cause skin diseases and ______________. (tired) 38

8. The symptoms of the disease include fever and ______________. (head) XI. Choose the word which best fits each gap. Breakfast is the (1) ______ important meal of the day. It provides the nutrients your body needs for good health, the calories it needs for (2) ______ and helps to maintain your blood sugar level. Studies have shown that people who don’t have breakfast have a low blood sugar level and are often slow, tired, hungry and (3) ______ to concentrate. Surprisingly, breakfast actually plays a part in weight control. It's easier to (4) ______ weight if you eat in the morning rather than later in the day. Dividing the day’s calories (5) ______ three meals helps take off weight more efficiently than (6) ______ breakfast and having two larger meals a day does. 1. a. healthy b. tasty c. main d. most 2. a. strenght b. power c. energy d. effort 3. a. able b. enable c. unable d. capable 4. a. lose b. put c. gain d. drop 5. a. in b. into c. up d. for 6. a. skipping b. making c. buying d. serving XII. Read the text carefully then choose the correct answers. The island of Okinawa in Japan has some of the oldest people in the world. It’s famous for its high number of centenarians – men and women who live beyond 100 years of age. There have been many scientific studies of their lifestyle and you can even buy cookery books based on their diets. Some of the reasons for their good health are that they ... go fishing and eat what they catch. regularly do gardening and grow their own fruit and vegetables. go cycling and never drive when they can walk. often spend time with friends. They meet at people’s houses and play games. rarely buy food from a supermarket. do regular exercise, go swimming and lead active lives. 1. According to the passage, Okinawa is well known for . a. its beauty b. its centenarians c. its subtropical climate d. its cuisine 2. The people of Okinawa _______. a. cook very well b. eat a lot of meat c. have an unhealthy diet d. have the longest lifespan 3. Which of the followings is NOT true about the Okinawans? a. They eat what they fish and grow. b. They often buy food at the supermarket. c. They do exercise regularly. d. They enjoy socializing with friends. 4. A centenarian is a person who _______. a. is 100 years old b. is almost 100 years old c. is 100 years old or more d. is 100 years old or less 5. The Okinawans live a long life because _______. a. they have healthy diets and living habits. b. they walk as much as they can. c. they love gardening and going fishing. d. they only eat fruit and vegetables. XIII. Write sentences, using the words given. 1. Phong/ eat/ lots of/ junk food/ so/ he/ putting/ weight. _________________________________________________________________________ 2. I/ exercise/ daily/ because/ I/ want/ stay/ healthy. _________________________________________________________________________ 3. Sitting/ too/ close/ the TV/ hurt/ your eyes. _________________________________________________________________________ 4. She/ often/ take/ paracetamol/ if/ she/ get / bad/ headache. _________________________________________________________________________ 5. how many calories/ you/ bum/ do/ aerobics/ 2 hours? _________________________________________________________________________ 6. getting/ enough/ sleep/ help/ students/ do/ their best/ the classroom. _________________________________________________________________________ 39

XIV. Join each pair of sentences by using a suitable conjunction: and, but, or, so. 1. The bus stopped. The man got off. _________________________________________________________________________ 2. Junk food tastes so good. It is bad for your health. _________________________________________________________________________ 3. You should eat less junk food. You will put on weight. _________________________________________________________________________ 4. He is a vegetarian. He doesn’t eat any meat. _________________________________________________________________________ 5. Would you likemeat for lunch? Would you like vegetables for lunch? _________________________________________________________________________ 6. Susan went to the park. She had a ride on the swing. _________________________________________________________________________ 7. I love fruit. I am allergic to strawberries. _________________________________________________________________________ 8. There was a heavy rain. The roads were flooded. _________________________________________________________________________ XV. Arrange the words to make sentences. 1. cold/ I/ sore throat/ love/ a/ drinks/ but/ have/ I. _________________________________________________________________________ 2. Jim/ overweight/ so/ eats/ is/ fast food/ too much/ he. _________________________________________________________________________ 3. too much/ bad/ television/ watching/ for/ health/ your/ is? _________________________________________________________________________ 4. the flu/ should/ you/ a cold/ if/ have/ or/ you/ home/ stay. _________________________________________________________________________ 5. Alex/ usually/ fishing/ so/ loves/ goes/ in/ near/ he/ his house/ fishing/ the lake. _________________________________________________________________________ 6. you/ some/ clean/ yourself/ avoid/ diseases/ by/ can/ keeping. UNIT 3: COMMUNITY SERVICE A.VOCABULARY 1. benefit (n)


lợi ích

2. blanket (n)



3. charitable (adj)


từ thiện

4. clean up (n, v)

/kli:n ʌp/

dọn sạch

5. community service (n)

/kə'mju:nəti 'sɜːvɪs/

dịch vụ công cộng

6. disabled people (n)

/dɪˈseɪbld ̩ 'pi:pl/

người tàn tật

7. donate (v)


hiến tặng, đóng góp

8. elderly people (n)

/'eldəli 'pi:pl/

người cao tuổi

9. graffiti


hình hoặc chữ vẽ trên tường

10 homeless people

/'həʊmləs 'pi:pl/

người vô gia cư

11 interview (n, v)


cuộc phỏng vấn, phỏng vấn

12 make a difference

/meɪk ə 'dɪfərəns/

làm thay đổi (cho tốt đẹp hơn)

13 mentor (n)


thầy hướng dẫn 40

14 mural (n)


tranh khổ lớn

15 non-profit organization (n)

/nɒn'prɒfɪt ,ɔːɡənaɪˈzeɪʃ ən/

tổ chức phi lợi nhuận

16 nursing home

/'nɜːsɪŋ həʊm/

nhà dưỡng lão

17 organisation (n)


tổ chức

18 service (n)


dịch vụ

19 shelter (n)


mái ấm, nhà tình thương, nhà cứu trợ

20 sort (n)


thứ, loại, hạng

21 street children (n)

/stri:t 'tʃɪldrən/

trẻ em (lang thang) đường phố

22 to be forced

/tu: bi: fɔːst/

bị ép buộc

23 traffic jam (n)

/"træfɪk dʒæm/

ùn tắc giao thông

24 tutor (n, v)


thầy dạy kèm, dạy kèm

25 volunteer (n, v)


người tình nguyện, đi tình nguyện

26 use public transport (bus, tube,…

dùng các phương tiện giao thông công cộn g

27 start a clean-up campaign

phát động một chiến dịch làm sạch

28 plant trees

trồng cây

29 punish people who make graffiti

phạt những người vẽ bậy

30 raise people’s awareness

nâng cao ý thức của mọi người

B.GRAMMAR I. THÌ QUÁ KHỨ ĐƠN (PAST SIMPLE TENSE) 1. Cách dùng - Diễn tả hành động hay sự việc đã xảy ra và kết thúc tại một thời điểm trong quá khứ. E.g.I met her last summer. (Tôi đã gặp cô ấy vào mùa hè năm ngoái.) - Diễn tả hành động thường làm hay quen làm trong quá khứ. E.g.She often went swimming every day last year. (Cô ấy thường đi bơi mỗi ngày vào năm ngoái.) 2. Dạng thức của thì quá khứ đơn a. Với động từ to be (was/ were) Thể khẳng định Thể phủ định I/ He/ She/ It/ I/ He/ She/ It/ was was not/ Danh từ số ít Danh từ số ít wasn’t + danh từ/ tính + danh từ/ tính You/ We/ You/ We/ They/ were were not/ từ từ They/ Danh từ Danh từ số nhiều weren’t số nhiều Examples: Examples: 1. He was tired. (Anh ấy đã rất mệt.) 1. He wasn’t at school yesterday. 2. They were in the room. (Anh ấy đã không ở trường ngày hôm qua.) (Họ đã ở trong phòng.) 2. They weren’t in the park. (Họ đã không ở trong công viên.) Was Were

Thể nghi vấn I/ He/ She/ It/ Danh từ số ít You/ We/ They/ Danh từ số nhiều

Câu trả lời ngắn Yes. + danh từ/ tính từ

No. Yes. 41

was. I/ He/ She/ It/ Danh từ số ít You/ We/ They/ Danh từ số

wasn't. were.

No. nhiều weren't. Examples: 1. Were they tired yesterday? (Hôm qua họ đã mệt phải không?) => Yes, they were./ No, they weren’t. 2. Was he at home? (Anh ấy đã ở nhà phải không?) => Yes, he was./ No, he wasn’t. * Lưu ý: Khi chủ ngữ trong câu hỏi là “you” (bạn) thì câu trả lời phải dùng I (tôi) để đáp lại. b. Với động từ thường (Verb/ V) Thể khẳng định Thể phủ định I/ You/ We/ They/ I/ You/ We/ They/ Danh từ số nhiều Danh từ số nhiều + V-ed + did not/ didn’t + V (nguyên mẫu) He/ She/ It/ Danh He/ She/ It/ Danh từ số ít từ số ít Examples: Examples: 1. She went to school yesterday. 1. My mother didn’t buy me a new computer last year. (Hôm qua cô ấy đã đi học.) (Năm ngoái mẹ tôi đã không mua cho tôi một chiếc máy tính 2. He worked in this bank last year. mới.) (Năm ngoái anh ấy đã làm việc ở ngân 2. He didn’t meet me last night. hàng này.) (Anh ấy đã không gặp tôi tối qua.) 3. Mr Nam disn’t watch TV with me. (Ông Nam đã không xem TV với tôi.) Thể nghi vấn Câu trả lời ngắn Did I/ You/ We/ They/ Danh từ + V (nguyên Yes, I/ You/ We/ They/ Danh did. số nhiều mẫu) No, từ số nhiều didn't. He/ She/ It/ Danh từ số ít He/ She/ It/ Danh từ số ít Examples: 1. Did she work there? (Có phải cô ấy đã làm việc ở đó không?) Yes, she did./ No, she didn’t. 2. Did you go to Ha Noi last month? (Có phải bạn đã đi Hà Nội tháng trước không?) Yes, I did./ No, I didn’t. II. WH- QUESTION Khi đặt câu hỏi có chứa Wh-word (từ để hỏi) như Who, What, When, Where, Why, Which, How, ta đặt chúng lên đầu câu. Tuy nhiên, khi trả lời cho dạng câu hỏi này, ta không dùng Yes/ No mà cần đưa ra câu trả lời trực tiếp. Cấu trúc: Wh- word + was/ were + S? Examples: 1. Where were they? (Họ đã ở đâu thế?) => They were in the playground. (Họ đã ở trong sân chơi.)

Wh – word + did + S + V? Examples: 1. What did Ba do at the weekend? (Ba đã làm gì vào ngày cuối tuần vậy?) => He studied English. (Anh ấy đã học Tiếng Anh.)

3. Dấu hiệu nhận biết Trong câu ở thì quá khứ đơn thường có sự xuất hiện của các trang từ chỉ thời gian như: - yesterday (hôm qua) - last night/ week/ month/… (tối qua/ tuần trước/ tháng trước/ …) - ago (cách đây), (two hours ago: cách đây 2 giờ; two weeks ago: cách đây 2 ngày, …) - in + thời gian trong quá khứ (e.g. in 1990) - when: khi (trong câu kể) 4. Cách thêm –ed vào sau động từ a. Trong câu ở thì quá khứ đơn, động từ bắt buộc phải thêm đuôi –ed. Dưới đây là các quy tắc khi thêm đuôi – ed vào sau động từ. Thêm –ed vào đằng sau hầu hết các động từ Examples: want – wanted want – wanted look – looked look – looked 42

Động từ kết thúc bằng đuôi “e” hoặc “ee”, chúng ta chỉ việc thêm “d” vào cuối động từ Examples: Đối với những động từ tận cùng là “y” + Nếu trước “y” là một nguyên âm (a, e, u, i, o), ta thêm “ed” bình thường. + Nếu trước “y” là một phụ âm, ta đổi “y” thành “i” + “ed” Examples:

live – lived

live – lived

love – loved play – played

love – loved play – played

stay - stayed

stay - stayed

enjoy - enjoyed enjoy - enjoyed Động từ một âm tiết, tận cùng bằng một nguyên âm + một phụ âm (trừ những từ kết stop – stopped stop – stopped thúc bằng h, w, x, y), ta phải gấp đôi phụ âm trước khi thêm “ed” Examples: plan – planned plan – planned Động từ bất quy tắc: - Là những động từ được chia ở cột 2 trong “Bảng động từ bất quy tắc” (học thuộc lòng) Examples: V V- ed Nghĩa go went đi have had có teach taught dạy buy bought mua drink drank uống BÀI TẬP VẬN DỤNG CƠ BẢN EX1: Cho dạng đúng của động từ ở dạng quá khứ (V2) và quá khứ phân từ (V3), dùng bảng động từ bất quy tắc nếu cần. V V2 V3 be (là) bring (mang đến) buy (mua) cut (cắt) do (làm) eat (ăn) find (tìm) found (thành lập) go (đi) have (có) keep (giữ) lie (nằm) lie (nói dối) lose (mất) make (làm) move (di chuyển) play (chơi) provide (cung cấp) put (đặt) read (đọc) see (nhìn) sleep (ngủ) spend (dành) study (học) take (mang đi) think (nghĩ) travel (du lịch) visit (thăm) 43

work (làm việc) write (viết) EX2: Viết các câu sau ở thể khẳng định (+), thể phủ định (-), thể nghi vấn (?) ở thì quá khứ đơn. 1. (+) They decided to leave soon. (-) ________________________________________________________________. (?) ________________________________________________________________? 2. (+) ________________________________________________________________. (-) There were not many homeless people here ten years ago. (?) ________________________________________________________________? 3. (+) ________________________________________________________________. (-) _________________________________________________________________. (?) Did Tom’s grandfather use to be a soldier? 4. (+) My teacher started teaching here 6 years ago. (-)_________________________________________________________________. (?) _________________________________________________________________? 5. (+) Jane often went to school on foot 3 years ago. (-) _________________________________________________________________. (?) _________________________________________________________________? 6. (+) _________________________________________________________________. (-) The cat didn’t want to eat yesterday. (?) _________________________________________________________________? 7. (+) _________________________________________________________________. (-) __________________________________________________________________. (?) Did the train arrive late yesterday? 8. (+) _________________________________________________________________. (-) There wasn’t anything left in the fridge. (?) _________________________________________________________________? EX3. Chia các động từ trong ngoặc ở thì quá khứ đơn. 1. Last week, my mother (take) _____________ me to the zoo. 2. When we (arrive) _____________ at the party, there (not be) _____________ many people there. 3. My mother (say) _____________ that she (buy) _____________ me a new dress. 4. Last summer, my father (teach) _____________ me to drive. 5. I (start) _____________ doing charity when I (be) _____________ a first year student. 6. Many rich people (donate) _____________ money for this volunteer program. 7. My friend (ring) _____________ me yesterday and (invite) _____________ me to his party. 8. What (you/ watch) _____________ on TV last night? 9. When my father (be) _____________ young, he (use to) _____________ be the most handsome boy in the village. 10. _____________ (you/ go) to see the concert yesterday? 11. My performance (not be) _____________ really good. I (not feel) _____________ happy about it. 12. Jim (spend) _____________ the whole day taking after his brother. 13. I (write) _____________ a letter to my foreign friend but he (not write) _____________ back. 14. _____________ (they/ be) students of our school? 15. Yesterday, I (see) _____________ Jim at a bookstore. EX4. Gạch lỗi sai trong các câu sau rồi sửa lại cho đúng. 1. My friend and I was at the hairdresser’s yesterday. ________________________________________________________________________ 2. My sister in law used to had long hair but now she has short hair. ________________________________________________________________________ 3. Did your father worked in a tobacco factory before he retired? ________________________________________________________________________ 4. Why you didn’t come to the meeting last week? ________________________________________________________________________ 5. My best friend and I use to hated each other when we first met. ________________________________________________________________________ 6. Was Anna be successful with her project last week? 44

________________________________________________________________________ 7. Yesterday morning I readed several chapters of the book “The little prince”. ________________________________________________________________________ 8. Last summer we involved in community service in our neighborhood, so we did go on holiday. ________________________________________________________________________ EX5. Hoàn thành câu với những động từ cho sẵn ở thì quá khứ đơn (thể khẳng định hoặc phủ định). disturb put like be hold have decide sleep stay cost 1. It was freezing outside, so I ___________ on my coat. 2. My mother was very busy yesterday, so I ___________ her. 3. Yesterday was Mary’s birthday but she ___________ a party. 4. We were exhausted, so we ___________ to leave the party early. 5. The bed was very uncomfortable. Tim ___________ well. 6. The musical wasn’t very good. I ___________ it much. 7. The restaurant wasn’t very expensive. It ___________ much to have dinner there. 8. I had to look after my little sister yesterday, so I ___________ time to call you. 9. It ___________ hard to lift the boxes. They weren’t very heavy. 10. It was raining heavily, so I ___________ in. EX6. Sắp xếp các từ cho sẵn thành câu hoàn chỉnh. 1. many/ went/ to/ volunteer/ ,/ Last year/ the/ and/ flooded area/ free food/ people/ gave to/./ ________________________________________________________________________ 2. rebuild/ helped/ houses/ They/ trees/ also/ plant/ and/ people/./ ________________________________________________________________________ 3. people/ donated/ generous/ for/ people/ Many/ poor/ money/./ ________________________________________________________________________ 4. I/ joined/ a student/ ,/ was/ When/ charitable work/ I/ often/ in/./ ________________________________________________________________________ 5. my friends/ used to/ remoted areas/ travel/ help/ to/ to/ people there/ I/ with/./ ________________________________________________________________________ 6. mountainous/ for/ areas/ weeks/ We/ in/ stayed/ the/./ ________________________________________________________________________ 7. the chidren/ read/ there/ We/ taught/ and/ write/ to/./ ________________________________________________________________________ 8. a volunteer/ was/ a/ experience/ wonderful/ Being/./ ________________________________________________________________________ 9. I/ busy/ graduated/ was/ After/ ,/ I/ very/./ ________________________________________________________________________ 10. I/ Now/ do/ still/ charity/ my/ in/ hometown/./ ________________________________________________________________________ III. THÌ HIỆN TẠI HOÀN THÀNH (PRESENT PERFECT) 1. Cách dùng Cách dùng Ví dụ Dùng để diễn tả hành động đã bắt đầu trong quá - I have learned English for 15 years. khứ, kéo dài đến hiện tại và có thể tiếp tục ở tương (Tôi đã học Tiếng Anh được 15 năm rồi. => hiện tại lai tôi vẫn đang học) - Mr Nam has taught French here since 1990. (Ông Nam đã dạy tiếng Pháp ở đây từ năm 1990. => hiện tại ông ấy vẫn còn dạy ở đây) Dùng để diễn tả hành động vừa mới xảy ra - I have just taught English here. (Tôi vừa mới dạy tiếng Anh ở đây.) - Lan has learned French recently. (Gần đây Lan đã học tiếng Pháp.) Dùng để diễn tả hành động đã xảy ra trong quá khứ - I have seen this film. I like it so much. nhưng không biết rõ thời gian hoặc không đề cập (Tôi đã xem bộ phim này. Tôi rất thích nó.) đến thời gian - She has visited Ha Long Bay. (Cô ấy đã đến thăm vịnh Hạ Long.) 45

Dùng để diễn tả hành động đã xảy ra nhưng kết quả còn ở hiện tại

2. Dạng thức của thì hiện tại hoàn thành Thể khẳng định He/ She/ It/ has Danh từ số ít + V (p.II) I/ You/ We/ have They/ Danh từ số nhiều Ví dụ: - She has just bought a house. (Cô ấy vừa mới mua một ngôi nhà.) - They have gone to Ho Chi Minh city. (Họ đã đi tới thành phố Hồ Chí Minh.) - Mr Nam has taught English since last month. (Ông Nam đã dạy tiếng Anh từ tháng trước.) - I have known Nam for ages. (Tôi đã biết Nam lâu rồi).

Has Have

Thể nghi vấn he/ She/ It/ Danh từ số ít I/ You/ We/ They/ Danh từ số nhiều

+ V (p.II)

- Lan has cleaned the floor. => It is clean now. (Lan đã lau sàn nhà.) - He has had a serious accident. => He is in hospital now. (Anh ấy đã gặp tai nạn nghiêm trọng.) Thể phủ định He/ She/ It/ has not/ hasn’t Danh từ số ít + V (p.II) I/ You/ We/ have not/ They/ Danh từ haven’t số nhiều Ví dụ: - My mother hasn’t lived here since Christmas. (Mẹ tôi đã không sống ở đây kể từ Giáng Sinh.) - I haven’t been to Ha Noi. (Tôi chưa tới Hà Nội.) - We haven’t finished our homework. (Chúng tôi chưa hoàn thành bài tập về nhà.)

Yes, No, Yes, No,

Câu trả lời ngắn he/ She/ It/ Danh từ số ít I/ You/ We/ They/ Danh từ số nhiều

has. hasn't. have. haven't.

Ví dụ: - Have you done your homework? (Bạn đã làm bài tập về nhà chưa?) => Yes, I have./ No, I haven’t. - Has you taught here since last month? (Cô ấy đã dạy ở đây từ tháng trước phải không?) => Yes, she has./ No, she hasn’t. - Have they gone to Hue? (Họ đã đi Huế chưa?) => Yes, they have./ No, they haven’t. 3. Dấu hiệu nhận biết Trong câu ở thì hiện tại hoàn thành, thường có các từ/ cụm từ sau: - Never (chưa bao giờ), ever (đã từng), just (vừa mới), already (đã rồi), yet (chưa), how long (bao lâu), before (trước đây), recently/ lately/ so far (gần đây), up to now/ up the present (cho tới bây giờ), ….. - in the past (ten) years: trong (mười) năm qua - in the last (years): những (năm) gần đây - this is the first time/ the second time: đây là lần đầu tiên/ lần thứ hai - since + mốc thời gian (since 2000/ last summer, …) - for + khoảng thời gian (for ages/ two years ,…), for a long time = for ages (trong một khoảng thời gian dài), … 4. Cách chia động từ ở thì Hiện tại hoàn thành Động từ ở thì Hiện tại hoàn thành được chia theo 1 trong 2 cách sau: - Nếu là động từ có quy tắc thì thêm đuôi “ed”: áp dụng quy tắc thêm đuôi “ed” vào sau động từ ở Unit 8. - Nếu là động từ bất quy tắc thì xem cột 3 bảng động từ bất quy tắc Ví dụ: - He has just bought a new house. (Anh ấy vừa mới mua một ngôi nhà mới.) - I’ve known her for ten years. (Tôi đã biết cô ấy 10 năm rồi.) - Nga has ever eaten this kind of food. (Nga đã từng ăn loại thức ăn này rồi.) - She has waited for him for 30 minutes. (Cô ấy đã chờ anh ấy được 30 phút rồi.) 46

5. So sánh thì hiện tại hoàn thành và thì quá khứ đơn Thì hiện tại hoàn thành - Dùng để diễn tả hành động đã bắt đầu trong quá Cách dùng khứ, kéo dài đến hiện tại và có thể tiếp tục ở tương lai - Dùng để diễn tả hành động đã xảy ra trong quá khứ nhưng không biết rõ thời gian hoặc không đề cập đến thời gian - She has lived in Ho Chi Minh city for 8 years. Ví dụ (Cô ấy đã sống ở thành phố Hồ Chí Minh được 8 năm rồi.) => Bây giờ cô ấy vẫn sống ở thành phố Hồ Chí Minh - Someone has stolen my computer. (Ai đó đã ăn trộm máy tính của tôi.)

Thì quá khứ đơn - Dùng để diễn tả hành động đã hoàn toàn kết thúc trong quá khứ - Dùng để diễn tả hành động đã xảy ra tại một thời gian trong quá khứ - She lived in Ho Chi Minh city 8 years ago. (Cô ấy đã sống ở thành phố Hồ Chí Minh cách đây 8 năm.) => Bây giờ cô ấy không sống ở thành phố Hồ Chí Minh nữa. - Someone stole my computer yesterday. (Hôm qua ai đó đã ăn trộm máy tính của tôi.)

BÀI TẬP VẬN DỤNG CƠ BẢN EX7. Viết các câu sau ở thể khẳng định (+), thể phủ định (-), thể nghi vấn (?) ở thì hiện tại hoàn thành. 1. (+) I have finished my homework. (-) ________________________________________________________________. (?) ________________________________________________________________? 2. (+) ________________________________________________________________. (-) My uncle hasn’t been to Singapore before. (?) ________________________________________________________________? 3. (+) ________________________________________________________________. (-) ________________________________________________________________. (?) Have they found their keys? 4. (+) Jim has just played video games with his brother. (-) ________________________________________________________________. (?) ________________________________________________________________? 5. (+) ________________________________________________________________. (-) My grandmother hasn’t visited me since November. (?) ________________________________________________________________? 6. (+) ________________________________________________________________. (-) ________________________________________________________________. (?) Has your sister studied Medicine for 2 years? 7. (+) It has been long since our last encounter. (-) ________________________________________________________________. (?) ________________________________________________________________? 8. (+) ________________________________________________________________. (-) We haven’t graduated yet. (?) ________________________________________________________________? EX8: Đặt những trạng từ trong ngoặc vào đúng vị trí của nó trong các câu sau đây: 1. I have had dinner with my family. (already) 2. Have you finished your report? You need to bring it to me before 9 a.m. (yet) 3. I haven’t done my homework. (yet) 4. My sister has left the party. (just) 5. Your mother has told you to come home early. (already) 6. Has the mouse gone? (already) 7. I have met her. (just) 8. The paiter hasn’t finished his work. (yet) EX9. Điền “for” hoặc “since” vào chỗ trống sao cho thích hợp. 1. I have learned Japanese _________ 3 months. 2. May has been working for a non-profit organization _________ I graduated. 3. Kim has been unemployed _________ half a year. 47

4. I miss my friend. I haven’t seen her _________ months. 5. We have lived in the dorm _________ our first year at university. 6. Jim and Jane have known each other _________ quite a long time. 7. The baby’s hungry. He hasn’t eaten anything _________ the morning. 8. Have you used this laptop _________ 4 years? 9. They’ve been close friends _________ they started college. 10. My grandmother has been a vegetarian _________ several years. EX10. Chia động từ trong ngoặc ở thì hiện tại hoàn thành. Jim: Hi, Jane. How are you? What (1. you/ do) ______________recently? Jane: Oh, hi Jim. It (2. be)______________quite a long time since we last talked. Well, I (3. work)______________for a non-profit organization. We are carrying out a project to help homeless people in our neighborhood. Jim: That sounds very interesting. (4. You/ have)______________any difficulties? Jane: Of course! Basically my colleagues and I are doing charitable work, so we rarely receive any financial support. We (5. provide)______________free food for the homeless people since last week. Moreover, the organization (6. recently offer)______________ jobs for those people. Jim: It is a meaningful job. I really admire you! How long (7. you/ work)______________there? Jane: Since the start of our summer holoiday. How about you? What (8. you/ do)__________ this summer? Jim: Not much. I spend my whole day reading and reading. So far, I (9. already finish)______________three books. My mother (10. tell)______________me several times to go out and try something new but I (11. not find)______________anything that suits me. Jane: Uhm, let’s see. How about joining our organization? We (12. look)______________for new volunteers for weeks. The organization (13. also plan)______________to have some voluntary programs to help disabled children. You can join and read books for the kids.I think it’s quite suitable for you. Jjm: That’s a nice idea. I will definitely consider it. By the way, I (14. plan)__________to have a party with friends. Would you like to come? Jane: I’d love to. When will you hold the party? Jim: I (15. not decide)______________yet. But I will call you soon. EX11. Dựa vào những từ cho sẵn, hãy viết thành những câu hoàn chỉnh. 1. I/ think/ I/ hear/ that song/ before/./ ________________________________________________________________. 2. They/ not/ come/ yet/./ ________________________________________________________________. 3. Jim/ already/ invite/Shirley/ his party/./ ________________________________________________________________. 4. John and Julie/ have/ their house/ about two years/./ ________________________________________________________________. 5. She/ not take/ her driving test/ yet/./ ________________________________________________________________. 6. Mary/ be/a translator/ since/ she/ leave/ university/./ ________________________________________________________________. 7. You/ ride/ your new car/ yet/?/ ________________________________________________________________? 8. Paul/ ever/ meet/ a famous person/?/ ________________________________________________________________? 9. Up to now/ Peter/ receive/ 5 awards/./ ________________________________________________________________. 10. It/ be/ ages/ we/ last/ talk/./ ________________________________________________________________. EX12. Khoanh tròn đáp án đúng. 1. His mother hasn’t prepared the meal (already/ yet). 2. Tommy (worked/ has worked) for this company for 10 months but now he doesn’t work here. 3. This machine (has worked/ worked) for ten years so far. 4. Mr Vu (have found/ founded) this non-profit organization to benefit the local community. 5. Jame’s (not been/not) a member of the volunteer club since he left school. 6. Her husband (has given up/ gave up) smoking when they had their first child. 48

7. (Have you read/ Did you read) this book yet? 8. I lost my key on my way home last night. Up to now I (didn’t find/ haven’t found) it. 9. You (have lied/ have lain) in bed since the morning. Get up and find something else to do. 10. They (were/ have been) close friends for 3 months but now they hate each other. 11. (Have you ever tried/ Did you ever try) ice skating when you were a kid? 12. How long (have you taught/ did you teach) in this primary school? 13. The last time we met (has been/ was) ten days ago. 14. You (have eaten/ haven’t eaten) anything since yesterday. You must be very hungry now. 15. We (have been/ have never been) to this place before. This is the first time. BÀI TẬP TỔNG HỢP NÂNG CAO EX13. Chọn câu có cùng ý nghĩa với câu cho sẵn. 1. The last time I ate sushi was the last summer. A. I have eaten sushi since the last summer. B. I haven’t eaten sushi since the last summer. 2. I last saw her on Monday. A. I haven’t seen her since Monday. B. I have seen her since Monday. 3. I haven’t watered this tree for a week. A. The last time I watered this tree was a week ago. B. The last time I didn’t water this tree was a week ago. 4. I started collecting stamps last winter. A. I have collected stamps since last summer. B. I have started collecting stamps since last summer. 5. How long have you worked as a volunteer? A. When did you start working as a volunteer? B. When have you worked as a volunteer? 6. This singer’s last performance was in Jly 20th. A. This singer has performed since July 20th. B. This singer hasn’t performed since July 20th. 7. They began playing tennis in the spring of 2012. A. They have played tennis since the spring of 2012. B. They haven’t played tennis since the spring of 2012. 8. I last went to the zoo when I was 10. A. I haven’t gone to the zoo since I was 10. B. I have gone to the zoo since I was 10. EX14. Chuyển các câu sau từ thì quá khứ đơn sang thì hiện tại hoàn thành sao cho nghĩa của câu không thay đổi. 1. The last time I played the violin was 2 years ago. => ____________________________________________________________________. 2. The last time the team won the prize was a long time ago. => ____________________________________________________________________. 3. She last did charity work 2 years ago. => ____________________________________________________________________. 4. The last time I wrote a letter was 5 years ago. => ____________________________________________________________________. 5. My father stopped smoking in 2014. => ____________________________________________________________________. 6. I last donated my blood 7 months ago. => ____________________________________________________________________. 7. When did you start doing charitable work? => ____________________________________________________________________. 8. The last time she involved in community service was 2 months ago. => ____________________________________________________________________. 9. She said: “I began working as an activist when I was 20 years old.” => ____________________________________________________________________. 10. My best friend gave up eating fast food last year. 49

=> ____________________________________________________________________. EX15. Chuyển các câu sau từ thì hiện tại hoàn thành sang thì quá khứ đơn sao cho nghĩa của câu không thay đổi. 1. We have learned English for 10 years. => ____________________________________________________________________. 2. It has been a long time since we last met. => ____________________________________________________________________. 3. Ms. Ann hasn’t taken part in any voluntary programs for 4 years. => ____________________________________________________________________. 4. I haven’t mer my family since last Christmas. => ____________________________________________________________________. 5. How long have you lived here? => ____________________________________________________________________. 6. The volunteers have provided free food and fresh water to homeless people since yesterday. => ____________________________________________________________________. 7. The doctor has quitted his job in the local hospital and moved to the central hospital for 2 days. => ____________________________________________________________________. 8. The children haven’t had a long vacation since last year. => ____________________________________________________________________. 9. They haven’t visited their parents for 3 months. => ____________________________________________________________________. 10. It has been 2 years since we broke up. => ____________________________________________________________________. EX16. Chia động từ trong ngoặc về thì quá khứ đơn hoặc hiện tại hoàn thành (thể khẳng định hoặc phủ định) sao cho phù hợp. 1. Last month our class (go) ____________ on a field trip with our teacher. We (not have) ____________ another field trip since then. 2. I (use to/ live) ____________ with my grandmother until I (be) ____________ 18. Since then, I (meet) ____________ my grandmother again. 3. My mother (work) ____________ as a teacher in the local high school for 20 years before her retirement. 4. The last time we (have) ____________ dinner together was 2 weeks ago. 5. My uncle (meet) ____________ his family since he (go) ____________ on a business trip last month. 6. Your friend Sarah (just/ phone) ____________ you. She (say) ____________ sorry because she (can/ come) ____________ to your party. 7. So far, I (already/ read) ____________ 11 different books. My most favourite book is “Paper towns” by John Green. I (finish) ____________ reading it last weekend. 8. Last night I (feel) ____________ well, so my father (take) ____________ me to hospital. I (be) ____________ out of hospital yet. EX17. Khoanh tròn đáp án đúng. My first voluntary experience It was a sunny day (1) _______ I first involved in community service. I (2) _______ a group of more than 20 students to do voluntary work in a school of (3) _______ children. Soon after we came there, the leader divided us into several teams with different duties. My job was to play with the children there. To be honest, I was a bit confused at first. There were many children and all of them had health problems. However, most of them were (4) _______ and friendly. They seemed to enjoy the volunteer’s visit and they played joyously with us. We (5) _______ the kids with paper and pencils and instructed them to draw. We maintained a cozy atmosphere until the volunteer group had to leave. It was such an amazing experience to me that I could (6) _______ forget it. I have involved in many other charitable projects (7) _______ my first voluntary experience. I think I will continue doing charity in the future (8) _______ I have time. 1. A. when B. since C. for D. before 2. A. was B. came C. joined D. made 3. A. small B. strong C. disabled D. cute 4. A. badly-behaved B. naughty C. mischief D. well-behaved 5. A. provided B. bought C. lent D. borrowed 6. A. always B. often C. never D. just 7. A. since B. for C. when D. before 50

8. A. since

B. for

C. if

D. unless

EX18. Đọc đoạn văn dưới đây và trả lời câu hỏi. When Henry Gates III was born on October 28, 1955. Almost everyone knows that he is one of the world’s richest people and perhaps the most successul businessman ever. He is the co-founder of Microsoft and successully made it into the world’s biggest software company. Moreover, he is renowed as a generous and kind man who started his own charity with his wife. They named it “Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation”, also known as the “Gates Foundation”. The main purpose of the foundation are to improve healthcare and reduce poverty globally. In America, it also helps to open up educational opportunities and provide access to information technology. So far, the Gates Foundation has received many awards. President Barack Obama honored Bill and Melinda Gates with the Presidential Medal of Freedom on November 22, 2016. “Time” magazine voted Gates as one of the biggest influences of the 20th century. 1. When was William Henry Gates III born? ________________________________________________________________ 2. What is the name of Bill and Melinda’s charity foundation? ________________________________________________________________ 3. What are the main purposes of the foundation on global scale? ________________________________________________________________ 4. What does the foundation help in America? ________________________________________________________________ 5. When did President Barack Obama honor Bill and Melinda Gates with a medal? ________________________________________________________________ C.EXERCISES UNIT 3 I.Find the word which has a different sound in the part underlined. 1A. architect B. church C.children D. armchair 2.A.general B.garden C.go D.get 3.A.cancel B.ceiling C.calling D.cupboard 4.A.calorie B.carve C.collage D.centre 5.A. unique B. mosquito C. mosque D.question II.Match one verb in column A with words in column B to make meaningful expressions, writing the answer in each blank. Answer A B _______________________ 1. fix a. a bike _______________________ 2. tidy b. in a form _______________________ 3. care c. meals _______________________ 4. fill d. funds _______________________ 5. raise e. a room _______________________ 6. plant f. part in sports _______________________ 7. cook g. for old people _______________________ 8. take h. flowers III.Fill in the blanks with the correct words or phrases matching with the verbs. Maybe some verbs can be used more than once. elderly people


fresh water

school yard

old clothes


homeless people

English lessons






street children

local people



evening classes

dirty tables

poor children

1.clean: __________________________________________________________________________ 51

_________________________________________________________________________________ 2.donate: _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ 3.help: ___________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ 4.provide: ________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ IV. Complete the following letter, using the words in the box. save










Dear Linh, Thank you for your (1) race. I’m going to (3)

. I’m happy to (2) you’ve just won the in our school program thismonth. “Be a Buddy” is having some new (4) to help the community.All the members have to (5) glass, waste paper and empty cans andsend them for recycling. We do this to help (6) natural resources and(7) some money for the organization. We also (8) some frees and flowers along the sidewalks near our school. We (9) thestreets clean by collecting and emptying all the garbage. We have a lot of things to (10) , but they are really interesting, aren’t they? Write to me soon and tell me all your news. Love Your friend Nga V. Put the verbs in brackets in the correct verb tense: the Present Perfect or Past Simple. the film Titanic yet. 1. They (not see) 2. Tom (call) his boss yesterday. 3. John (read) the letter from Mary already. to learn for the test yet. 4. We (not begin) 5. I (meet) Robert at the supermarket this morning. 6. Nancy (be) to Viet Nam several times. 7. I (not see) your brother yet. 8. When (your father/ give up) smoking? 9. My pen isn’t here any more. Someone (take) it already. 10. The motorbike looks clean, (you/ wash) it? VI. Put the verbs in brackets in the correct verb tense: the Present Perfect or Past Simple, 1. My uncle (move) to Da Lat in 2005. 2. The Greens (be) to many countries in the world so far. 3. We (go) to that village to do volunteer work several times. 4. We (spend) our summer vacation in Ha Long Bay last July. to US how to use the printer already. 5. Our teacher (explain) 6. The postman (deliver) the letter half an hour ago. 7. Mai (not finish) her homework yet. our form teacher in the hospital already. 8. I (visit) 9. I (hear) the good news from Mary a few minutes ago. 10. They (not start) the project yet. VII.Complete the sentences with the verbs given in the correct form. 1.I hundreds of e-mail in my life. I ten last night. (write) 2.I my homework when I came home, but I (not) the washing-up yet. (do) 3.We Chinese food last week, but we (never) Japanese food. (have) 4.My brother two CDs already. He the first one two years ago. (make) 52

5.My parents me lots of nice presents. Last year, they me a DVD player. (give) 6.My friend to lots of countries. Last summer, she to India. (go) 7.“ you the tennis match yesterday?” - “No. I (never) a match against Jack.” (win) you a concert last weekend? you ever in the USA? (play) 8. VIII. Complete the sentences with the verbs in the box in the correct form. send buy pass finish spend lose start win 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. IX.

She a lot of money and is going to spend it on a holiday. He his homework and he can relax now. his mobile phone and he doesn’t know where it is. He They a lot of clothes and don’t have any money left. He all his exams and his parents are very pleased with him. They all their money on computer games. She an e-mail to her friend and is waiting for her friend to write back. My uncle a new job. It’s hard work but he likes it. Choose the correct answer A, B, C or D to fill each blank in the following passage. are on a very dirty beach now. Today they are ready to (2) Mr. Brown and some (1) the beach a clean and beautiful place again. After listening to Mr. Brown’sinstructions, they are divided into three groups. Group 1 needs to walk along the beach. Group 2 should check the sand, (3) group 3 has to check among the rocks. Garbage must be put into plastic bags, and the bags will be collected by Mr. Brown. He will take the bags to the garbage (4) . They all are (5) to work hard to refresh this area. 1.A. voluntary B. volunteers C. volunteering D. volunteer 2.A. make B. get C. do D. change 3.A. so B. but C. although D. and 4.A. dump B. yard C. area D. place 5.A. exciting B. interesting C. eager D. bored X.Read the conversation between the interviewer (I) and the head of the village (HoV), and then choose the correct answers. I: When did the volunteers come to your village? HoV: _______________ Well, they came last month. I:___________________ How many of them came? HoV: A group of about twelve. I: What did they do on the first day? HoV: They held a meeting with me and some elderly villagers in the first evening to talk about their plans while they were staying in the village. I: What did they do in the following days? HoV: They repaired old cottages, taught the children how to have a healthy and clean life. I: What did the villagers think of them? HoV: Well, they loved them because they were very helpful, active, and polite. I: Was there any change in the village after they came? HoV: Yes, a lot. But they should come to help US more next year. I hope so. I: What do you think of the community service? HoV: _______________ Well, it is very helpful, and it makes US believe in the young generation. 1.The volunteers came to the village . A. last week B. last month C. last year D. last weekend 2.On the first day the volunteers had a meeting with . A. all the villagers B. all the children C. the head of the village and some of the villagers D. all the children and the head of the village 53

3.They talked about . A. staying in the village B. having a holiday in the village C. what they would do D. what they would help the children 4.The villagers like them because they have . A. appearance B. hard working habit C. hard working habit and good behavior D. a healthy and clean life all the time 5.The head of the village thinks that . A. the community service is very helpful B. he doesn’t believe in the young generation C. he doesn’t want the volunteers to come back next year D. the community service is not very helpful III.Read the text carefully, and then decide whether the statements are true (T), or false (F). A volunteer group came to our little village last month. When they arrived at the end of the path leading to the village, the village children ran after them and we heard their loud songs. On the first day, they had a talk with the head of the village in the morning, and later on with the villagers in the evening. They brought lots of things with them such as clothes, food, and school things. During the day, they did a lot of different and helpful things for US. They repaired the furniture in our village school and also fixed the houses for elderly people, they dug some new wells so that we could get more fresh water. They gave notebooks and pencils to the school children. In the evening, they taught the village children songs and games. Life in our village became newer and more exciting. Everyone had a good time. 1.The volunteer group brought the happy atmosphere to the small village. ___________ 2.They gave talks to all the villagers on the first morning. ___________ 3.Clothes, food, school things and so on were given to the villagers. ___________ 4.They repaired chairs and tables in the village school. ___________ 6.Children were taught songs and games. ___________ XII. Read the passage, and then choose the correct answer. Each country has many good people who take care of others. For example, some ofstudents in the United States often spend many hours as volunteers in hospitals, orphanages or homes for the elderly. They read books to the people in these places, or they just visit them and play games with them or listen to their problems. Other young volunteers go and work in the homes of people who are sick or old. They paint, clean up, or repair their houses, do the shopping. For boys who don t have fathers, there is an organization called Big Brothers. College students and other men take these boys to basketball games or on fishing trips and help them to get to know things that boys usually learn from their fathers. Each city has a number of clubs where boys and girls can go and play games. Some of these clubs show movies or hold short trips to the mountains, the beaches, museums, or other places of interest. Most of these clubs use a lot of students as volunteers because they are young enough to understand the problems of younger boys and girls. 1.What do volunteers usually do to help those who are sick or old in their homes? A. They tell them stories and sing and dance for them. B. They do shopping, and repair or clean up their houses. C. They cook, sew, and wash their clothes. D. They take them to basketball games. 2.What do they help boys whose father do not live with them? A. To learn things that boys usually learn from their fathers. B. To get to know things about their fathers. C. To get to know things that boys want from their fathers. D. To learn things about their fathers. 3.Which activity is NOT available for the students at the clubs? A. playing games B. watching films 54

C. going to interest places D. learning photography 4.Why do they use many students as volunteers? – Because . A. they know how to do the work B. they have a lot of free time C. they can understand the problems of younger boys and girls D. they are good at playing games and learning new things 5.Where don’t students often do volunteer work? A. hospitals B. orphanages C. homes for the elderly D. clubs E.WRITING I. Use the cues to make sentences in the present perfect. 1.I/ buy/ a laptop/ but I/ not use/ it. _________________________________________________________________________________ 2.I/ write/ a blog/ but I/ not upload/ any photos to it. _________________________________________________________________________________ 3.We/ start/ the game/ half an hour ago/ but we/ not finish/ it. _________________________________________________________________________________ 4.My dad/ be/ to London/ but he/ not see/ Big Ben. _________________________________________________________________________________ 5.I/ read/ my English book/ but I/ not do/ my English homework. _________________________________________________________________________________ 6.They/ have/ lunch/ but they/ not have/ dinner. _________________________________________________________________________________ 7.I/ download/ some songs/ but I/ not listen/ to them. TEST 1 UNIT 3 I. Find the word which has different sound in the underlined part. B. learn C. dear D. clear 1. A. near 2. A. knocked B. needed C. founded D. wanted 3. A. volunteer B. collage C. community D. doctor 4. A. provide B. individual C. situation D. children 5. A. tutor B. student C. university D. discuss 6. A. cough B. laugh C. enough D. high 7. A. collect B. clean C. city D. cracker 8. A. blanket B. donate C. calorie D. allergy II. Choose A, B, C or D for each gap in the following sentences 1. He ate a lot of fried food so he fat quickly. A. get B. got C. gets D. will get 2. The Japanese eat a lot offish and healthy food, they live for a long time. A. so B. because C. or D. but English for more than a year but she can speak it very well. 3. Lan A. learns B. learn C. learned D. has learned 4. You should watch less TV because looking at screens in a long time your eyes. A. hurt B. hurts C. is hurting D. to hurt 5. Go Green people to recycle rubbish, such as glass, cans and paper. A. to encourage B. encourage C. encouraged D. has encouraged 6. Be a Buddy has education for street children. A. given B. spent C. provided D. helped 7. He books for poor children for years. A. has collected B. collects C. is collecting D. collected 8. Linh often uses her headphones when she listens to music her parents don’t like loud noise. A. so B. but C. because D. and 9. Ngoc loves outdoors with trees and flowers. 55

A. to be B. be C. being D. A & C 10. I think 10 years from now more people going to work by bicycle. A. to enjoy B. will enjoy C. enjoying D. enjoy III. Put the verbs in brackets into the past simple or the present perfect. 1. A: (you/ ever/ meet) anyone famous? (sit) next to Brad Pit on a plane to LA. B: Yes, last summer I 2. A: How long ago (you/ start) painting? B: Ten years ago. I (recently/ complete) a painting that the National Gallery (ask) me to do a year ago. 3. A: Last night, I (see) the latest James Bond film. (already/ see) it twice. B: Oh, I 4. A: Do you know that Mrs Janet (work) here for sixteen years? B: I thought she (start) working here ten years ago. IV. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct verb form. 1. I (have) dinner when his friend called. 2. Joan (travel) around the world. to study for the test yet. 3. We (not begin) 4. Don’t get on a bus while it (run) . 5. I (invite) them to my birthday party yesterday, however, they (not come) . the room. 6. Look! Somebody (clean) 7. My brother (begin) looking for a job in January. 8. Timson (make) 13 films and I think her latest is the best. 9. She (cook) at the moment. That’s why she can’t answer the phone. out in the evening. 10. She doesn’t mind (go) 11. I (not see) him since we (leave) school. 12. Football (be) my favourite sport. I like (play) it in my free time. just a few minutes ago. 13. Jane (leave) 14. She (be) extremely quiet since her husband died. V. Put the verbs in brackets in the correct tense form. 1. My hobby is carving eggshells and now I (carve) nearly 100. 2. Going home from school yesterday, I (help) an old man to go across the street. 3. Last Tuesday, I (go) home late because there was a traffic jam near my school. 4. At Tet, my mother and her close friends often go to the hospitals to donate cakes, sweets and toys for the sick children there. She (do) it for many years. 5. Lan never (eat) Banh tet. She will try some this year. 6. Linh is my close friend. We (know) each other for 5 years. 7. You ever (do) volunteer work? - Yes. I (do) volunteer work last month. hundreds of old books and clothes for street children so far. 8. I (collect) 9. My sister wants to raise funds for street children so she (make) hundreds of postcards to sell them. VI. Fill in: “yet, already, just, ago, yesterday, since, for, always, ever, how long”. 1. have you known Peter and Charlie? 2. Anna woke up at 9 o’clock . 3. She hasn’t telephoned me . 4. I have wanted to travel abroad. 5. Have you been to Disneyland? 6. Is it really a year ______________ we last went on holiday? finished my homework. I finished it two minutes ago. 7. I have 8. Shakespeare was born over four hundred years . 9. We have been to Canada so we are going to USA this summer. 10. John has worked at this company seven years. 56

VII. Correct the tense in these sentences. 1. I have collected coins when I was a little boy. ______________________________________________________________________ 2. I see a real elephant when I went to Ban Don last year. ______________________________________________________________________ 3. We clean the beach last Sunday. ______________________________________________________________________ 4. I didn’t see her for two weeks. ______________________________________________________________________ 5. Do you do your homework yet? ______________________________________________________________________ VIII. Choose the correct word A, B or C for each gap to complete the following passage. January 17th, 1995, a powerful earthquake hit the city of Kobe, Japan. Many buildings (2) (1) or collapsed. Soon after the earthquake, people in Kobe (3) working together to save their city. Neighbours pulled each other out (4) collapsed buildings. Ordinary people (5) out fires even before . They worked out a system the fire trucks arrived. Volunteers in Kobe organized themselves into (6) to send (7) to people who needed. Other teams searched for belongings in damaged stores and homes. Some people (8) food, water, clothes, and electric generators to different part of the city. Some volunteers of children who had lost their parents. Teams of volunteers from outside Japan took (9) helped, too. Today, Kobe has been built. But people there still remember the outpouring of support they (10) from all over the world back in 1995. 1. A. in B. at C. on D. from 2. A. is burning B. burned C. burning D. burn 3. A. to begin B. are beginning C. begin D. began 4. A. into B. of C. on D. with 5. A. to put B. putting C. puts D. put 6. A. teams B. pair C. group D. friends 7. A. helped B. helping C. help D. to help 8. A. brought B. bringing C. brings D. brought 9. A. part B. care C. caring D. note 10. A. received B. is receiving C. have received D. receiving IX. Read the passage, and then choose the best answers. Each country has many good people who take care of others. For example, some of students in the United States often spend many hours as volunteers in hospitals, orphanages or homes for the elderly. They read books to the people in these places, or they just visit them and play games with them or listen to their problems. Other young volunteers go and work in the homes of people who are sick or old. They paint, clean up, or repair their houses, do the shopping. For boys who don’t have fathers, there is an organization called Big Brothers. College students and other men take these boys to basketball games or on fishing trips and help them to get to know things those boys usually learn from their fathers. Each city has a number of clubs where boys and girls can go and play games. Some of these clubs show movies or hold short trip to the mountains, the beaches, museums, or other places of interest. Most of these clubs use a lot of students as volunteers because they are young enough to understand the problems of younger boys and girls. 1. What do volunteers usually do to help those who are sick or old in their homes? A. They do the shopping, and repair or clean up their house. B. They tell them stories and sing dance for them. C. They cool, sew, and wash their clothes. D. They take them to basketball games. 2. What do they help boys whose fathers do not live with them? A. To learn things about their fathers. 57

B. To get to know thing about their fathers. C. To get to know things that boys want from their fathers. D. To learn things that boys usually learn from their fathers. 3 .Which activities are NOT available for the students at the clubs? A. playing games B. learning photography C. going to interest places D. watching films . 4. Why do they use many students as volunteers? – Because A. they can understand the problems of younger boys and girls. B. they have a lot of free time. C. they know how to do the work. D. they are good at playing games and learning new things. 5. Where don’t students often do volunteer work? A. hospitals B. orphanages C. clubs D. homes for the elderly X. Use the words and phrases to form the sentences. 1. some/ she / bought / last weekend / interesting book. ______________________________________________________________________ 2. I/ love / basketball / volleyball/ watching/ and. ______________________________________________________________________ 3. teacher/ dances/ English/ gracefully/ my/ very. ______________________________________________________________________ 4. have to/ home/ I/ stay/ at/ because/ is/ raining/ it. ______________________________________________________________________ 5. Vietnam/ because/ beautiful/ I/ it/ is/ love/ very. ______________________________________________________________________ 6. born/ I/ in/ 1990/ was/ Vinh Phuc/ in. ______________________________________________________________________ 7. English lessons/ and/ I/ on/ have/ Monday/ Tuesday. ______________________________________________________________________ 8. passion/ swimming/ favourite/ my/ is. ______________________________________________________________________ 9. family/ here/ in/ moved/ my/ 2004. ______________________________________________________________________ 10. her/ Mary/ that/ are/ is/ those/ and/ students. ______________________________________________________________________ TEST 2 (UNIT 3) I.Find the word which has a different sound in the part underlined. 1.A. volunteer B. engineer C. committee D. clear 2.A. population B. volunteer C.offer D. provide B. volunteer C. computer D. community 3.A. tutor 4.A.certain B.compare C. encourage D.community 5.A.charity B.chemistry C.chemical D. mechanic II.Choose the best answer A, B, C or D to complete the sentences. 11.We came to the remote village and meals for homeless children . A.cook B.offered C.do D. made 12.You should think of the volunteer activities in your community. A.taking in B.taking part in C.participating D.making 13.Traditional volunteer activities include money for people in need, cooking andgiving food. A.rising B.raising C.getting D.taking them to do homework before or after school. 14.You can help young children by A.doing B.offering C.teaching D.helping 15.Let’s collect and warm clothes to homeless children in our city. A.give away B.give back C.take off D.put on 58

16.To help people in remote areas, we can transportation, such as giving rides to the elderly. A.give B.bring C.provide D.donate 17.Let’s help the sweet children because they have bad . A.live B.living conditions C.ways of life D.earnings 18.They have decided to ride to work it is good for their health and the environment. A.so B.but C.althoughD.because children from poor families in Ho Chi Minh City. 19.Our school has a programme to A.ask B.offer C.tutor D.volunteer 20.Americans the tradition of volunteering and helping one another since the early days of the country. A.have had B.has had C.had D.to have such as clean-up projects or home repair. 21.Volunteers can do general A.activities B.things C.labour D.jobs 22.My brother and I a white tiger already. A.have seen B.has seen C.see D.are seeing 23.I blood twice, and presents to sick children in the hospital recently. A.donate - give B.donated — gave C.have donated - have given D.have donated - gave 24.Volunteering is special me because I can help others. A. at B. for C.with D. to ? 25.How many novels Charles Dickens A.does - write B.have - written C.did - written D.did - write 26.We to Ha Noi several times, but last summer we there by train. A.flew - went B.has flown - went C.have flown - have gone D.have flown - went 27.She blood twenty times so far. A.donates B.has donated C.is donating D.to donate 28.He lectures to foreign tourists about traditional food and games recently . A.gives B.gave C.have given D.has given 29.They have decided to clean up the neighbourhood it is full of rubbish. A.so B.but C.althoughD.because 30.“Have you ever to Sa Pa?” A.gone B.been C.seen D.visited III. Put the verbs in brackets in the correct verb tense: the Present Perfect or Past Simple. 1. Someone (turn) on the hi-fi. Do you know that song? 2. The match (just start) . Our team is playing very well. 3. My mother (do) all the cleaning. The apartment is really clean now. 4. He (lose) his credit card. He can’t find it anywhere. 5. Prices (go) up. Everything is more expensive nowadays. the laptop yet. 6. (you/buy) 7. I (have) this iPad for three years3. My father (give) it to me when I was in grade 6. 8. I (watch) the film Titanic already. 9. Miss White (work) in Ha Noi from 2011 and 2014. 10. I (be) to Sa Pa twice since 2000. IV.Fill in each blank with just' already or yet. 1. I haven’t had lunch . 2. I’ve had my exam results. 2. My father has returned from his trip to Australia. 4. I have had three tests this week. 5. Have you played your new computer game ? V.Choose the correct answer A, B, c or D to fill each blank In the following passage.

Each year volunteers from England work abroad: teachers, nurses, engineers, and people with special skills. They do not go for money. Volunteers from Voluntary Service Overseas (VSO) receive the (1) pay as a local colleague. VSO first (2) in 1958 when 14 young school leavers went away for a year. Onlythree years later there were 176 volunteers in 25 different countries, and ten years later therewere 15,000 volunteers. At first, almost everyone (3) young, and without very muchexperience. But in the late 1960s, VSO reduced the number of young people, and more and more older, experienced people with different skills went abroad. Now more than 20,000 people from England have worked abroad as volunteers, some areyoung, (4) are old. Abroad they live simply with the local people, and they return(5) England with great understanding of other people in other parts of the world. 1.A. like B. same C. similar D. average 2.A. was starting B. has started C. started D. starts 3.A. was B. is C. were D. are 4.A. other B. another C. the other D. others 5.A. in B. to C. at D. for VI. Read the passage, and then choose the correct answer. Scouting began in England in 1907. The Boy Scouts of America started three years later.Today, there are Boy Scout programmes in more than 140 countries. In the United States alone, there are over 4 million Scouts. Boy Scouts learn useful skills while having fun. Scouts swim and play sports, go camping and hiking, and learn how to survive in the outdoors. They also learn how to protect the environment. Other Scout activities include making arts and crafts, learning first aid, and learning how to use computers or fix cars. Scouts often do community service and volunteer work. Scouts learn teamwork by working together. . 1.Scouting began in the United States in A. 1907 B. 1910 C. 1917 D. 1920 2.There are over 4 million Scouts in . A.England B.the USA C.the world D.North America 3.Scouts learn many skills except . A.swimming B.collecting C.going camping D.playing sports 4.Scouts activities include many except . A.learning how to make cars B.making arts and crafts C.learning first aid D.learning how to use computers 5.Scouts learn teamwork by . . A.working one by one B.working alone C.working all year round D.working in groups VII. Arrange these words to make meaningful sentences. 1.you/ have/ finished/ homework/ your/ yet? _________________________________________________________________________________ 2.printer/ under/ this/ guarantee/ is. _________________________________________________________________________________ 3.vacation/ since/ we/ haven’t/ last/ had/ a/ year. _________________________________________________________________________________ 4.Ha Noi/ homeless/ give/ in/ clothes/ away/ they/ warm/ to/ people. _________________________________________________________________________________ 5.our/ a/ in/ makes/ volunteering/ difference/ community _________________________________________________________________________________ TEST 3 UNIT 3 I. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others. b. kid c. encourage d. colour 1. a. centre



2. a. chemistry b. school c. mechanic d. charity 3. a. tutor b. volunteer c. student d. community b. garage c. general d. globe 4. a. graffiti 5. a. provide b. donate c. program d. clothes II. Choose the word that has the underlined part pronounced differently. 1. a. collect b. cough c. think d. certain 2. a. girl b. game c. gym d. give 3. a. colour b. face c. city d. recycle 4. a. global b. geography c. green d. big 5. a. charitable b. character c. headache d. school III. Choose the best answer a, b, c, or d to complete the sentence. 1. We are very excited ________ our 2018 Volunteer Program. a. about b. for c. in d. with 2. Toys of Hope provide toys, books and clothing ________ needy and homeless children. a. from b. to c. with d. against 3. Many people donate to the Red Cross, a ________ organization that aids people free of charge. a. profit-making b. for-profit c. non-profit d. profitable 4. The river is heavily polluted. They should ________. a. clean it up b. give it away c. pick out d. recycle it 5. ________ people usually live on the streets, under bridges, or in camps. a. Sick b. Homeless c. Elderly d. Disabled 6. I’ve ________ seen this film. Let’s watch something else. a. never b. ever c. already d. yet 7. We help families in ________ by providing food, clothing, housing and much more. a. control b. case c. need d. shape 8. Most people volunteer ________ they want to make a difference in their community. a. because b. so c. so that d. in order to 9. We can help to reduce ________ by using public transportation, biking and walking. a. air pollution b. water pollution c. social problems d. community service 10. ________ do you like this charity work? – I really like it. a. What b. Why c. When d. How IV. Complete the sentences with the words or phrases from the box.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. V.

street children


homeless people

sick children

disabled people


Sally often spends her free time helping ________________ at the hospital. They provide housing and other services to ________________. Street Child works to help ________________ off the streets and into school. Most blood ________________ are unpaid volunteers who donate blood for a community supply. Schools need ________________ to help children to read. They help ________________ with housework and gardening. The local authority built a new home for severely ________________. Complete the sentences with the correct verbs in the box. plant

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

elderly people


clean up




______________ your used books to your local library or charities. ______________ a fundraising event to raise money for charity. ______________ polluted rivers and lakes. ______________ trees or flowers in your backyard or community garden. ______________ at a nursing home, soup kitchen, or homeless shelter. ______________ plastic and paper for a clean environment. 61



7. ______________ nutritious meals to the poor and needy people. 8. ______________ homeless children who are unable to attend school. VI. Underline the correct answers. 1. I saw/ have seen that film already. 2. We went/ have gone to the movies three times last month. 3. Did you ever do/ Have you ever done volunteer work? 4. I had/ have had five tests so far this semester. 5. Linus did/ has done his homework before he went to sleep. 6. This is my grandparents’ house. They lived/ have lived here for more than 50 years. 7. She bought/ has bought a new mobile phone two days ago. 8. Did you see/ Have you seen Peter at the party last night? 9. I read/ have read this book twice and I still find it very interesting. 10. They didn’t play/ haven’t played very well yesterday. They lost the match. VII. Put the verbs into the correct tense, past simple or present perfect. 1. _____________ (you/ ever/ be) to the United States ? - No, but I _____________ (be) to England and France. 2. When we were in Canada, we _____________ (go) skiing almost every day. 3. When _____________ (you/ meet) your wife? - 3 years ago. 4. Peter _____________ (not phone) yet. I’m still waiting. 5. I _____________ (know) Helen since we were at school together. 6. My uncle _____________ (live) in Berlin in 1999. 7. We _____________ (not see) Beth at Mike’s house yesterday morning. 8. Do you like this picture? My uncle _____________ (paint) it. 9. Mr. Dass _____________ (leave) for New York late last night. 10. Mr and Mrs Grey _____________ (teach) French here for over five years. VIII. Write the correct form or tense of the verbs in brackets. 1. Jasmine ______________ (fail) her driver’s test three times! 2. They ______________ (establish) the Viet Nam Red Cross Society in 19‘16. 3. How long ____________ (they/ live) here?~They____________ (move) here two years ago. 4. So far, we ______________ (finish) half of our work. 5. I’m really busy now. I ______________ (study) for the final exam. 6. When ______________(you/ buy) these shirts? ~ I ______________ (buy) them yesterday. 7. __________________ (you/ ever/ be) to Japan? ~ No, I ______________ (not be) to Japan yet. 8. Claire ______________ (volunteer) at the homeless shelter once a week. 9. We volunteer ______________ (help) the elderly in a nursing home. 10. Jane suggested ______________ (donate) old books, and toys to needy children. IX. Supply the correct form of the words in brackets. 1. Community ______________ have a lot of positive effects on students. (serve) 2. ______________ people find it difficult to have a job. (disable) 3. I’d like to work as a volunteer for a charity ______________. (organise) 4. He made a £5000 ______________ to charity. (donate) 5. The Soup Kitchen is a ______________ organization that provides free meals for needy people. (profit) 6. The homeless shelters are entirely staffed by ______________ worker. (volunteer) 7. The organization is funded by ______________ donations. (charity) 8. We help the ______________ with housework and gardening. (old) X. Choose the correct answer a, b, c, or d. 1. We ______ very busy last week. a. was b. am c. were d. will be 2. I ______ her recently. The last time we met was at a party. a. have seen b. haven’t seen c. didn’t see d. saw 3. In 2012, they ______ their project for street children. a. start b. are starting c. started d. have started 62

4. We ______ very early this morning. a. will leave b. leave c. have left d. left 5. She ______ because she’s late for her class. a. runs b. ran c. is running d. has ran 6. I ______ that book already. It’s really fantastic. a. read b. have read c. am reading d. will read 7. He ______ you as soon as he’s on the bus. a. will call b. calls c. called d. is calling 8. Sometimes I ______ up the streets of my neighborhood for volunteer service. a. clean b. am cleaning c. have cleaned d. will clean 9. I live in New York, but I ______ the Statue of Liberty. a. never visit b. have never visited c. never visited d. will never visit 10. I ______ my favourite song when I turned on the radio yesterday. a. hear b. heard c. am hearing d. will hear XI. Join each pair of sentences using because, as or since. 1. He stopped the car. The traffic lights turned red. (because) _________________________________________________________________________ 2. Jane didn’t join our programme. She had to take a summer course. (as) _________________________________________________________________________ 3. He behaved very rudely. Everyone dislike him. (since) _________________________________________________________________________ 4. They like doing something useful. They do volunteer work. (because) _________________________________________________________________________ 5. I won’t be able to attend the meeting. I’ll be on holiday with my family. (since) _________________________________________________________________________ 6. It was raining heavily. We decided to stay home and watch TV. (as) _________________________________________________________________________ 7. He wants to get fit. He’s training hard. (because) _________________________________________________________________________ 8. Sally was ill. She didn’t go to school yesterday. (since) _________________________________________________________________________ XII. Complete the sentences with and, but, so, or, because. 1. Olivia was very happy __________ she passed her examination. 2. He didn’t study __________ he failed the history exam. 3. My mother usually gets home at 5 o’clock __________then she cooks dinner. 4. I was late for class tills morning __________ the bus was late. 5. We went to Jane’s house __________ she was out. 6. We can go to the pool __________ we can go horse-riding, whichever you prefer. 7. She is studying very hard __________ she wants to be a doctor. 8. Carol studied hard for the maths test __________ she couldn’t get a good mark. 9. The floor was wet and slippery __________ Mason almost fell. 10. Mike ate healthy food __________ did regular exercises to keep fit. XIII. Fill in each blank with a suitable preposition. 1. Tom Holden worked __________ a volunteer at a charity in 2010. 2. They provided housing and other supports __________ homeless people. 3. Some volunteers enjoy helping elderly people living __________ nursing homes. 4. She donated thousands of pounds __________ children’s charities. 5. The benefits __________ volunteering are enormous to you, and your community. 6. You can volunteer to help cook and serve a meal __________ a homeless shelter. 7. UNICEF has launched a campaign to help children __________ need. 8. They provided street children __________ food and books. 63

XIV. Fill In each blank with a word from the box. service








Many people (1) ___________ in their communities. Some people work with children or the elderly (2) ___________ others clean city parks. Some student clubs require their members to participate in a certain number of hours of community (3) ___________ every month. One way that communities work (4) ___________ is by raising funds for those in need. A community might raise (5) ___________ for a school to buy new equipment or uniforms by selling baked goods or holding a yard sale. Many communities provide places for people in need to receive food, (6)___________, or shelter. Volunteering can help people feel like they are giving something (7) ___________ to their communities. Sometimes a person may need help at one time (8) ___________ be able to help others later. XV. Read the text carefully then answer the questions. Community service is work done by a person or group of people that benefits others. It is often done near the area where you live, so your own community gets the benefits of your work. You do not get paid to perform community service, but get to learn a lot. Community service can help many different groups of people, even animals and the environment. Community service is often organized through a local group, such as a place of worship, school, or non-profit organization, or you can start your own community service projects. Community service can even involve raising funds by donating used goods or selling used goods like clothing. Many people participate in community service because they enjoy helping others and improving their community. 1. What is community service? _________________________________________________________________________ 2. Where is community service often done? _________________________________________________________________________ 3. Is community service a paying job? _________________________________________________________________________ 4. What groups of people can community service help? _________________________________________________________________________ 5. Is donation of used goods a community service example? _________________________________________________________________________ 6. Why do many people take part in community service? _________________________________________________________________________ XVI.Choose the word which best fits each gap. Doing some form of voluntary work has (1) _________ been more popular with British people. Over 20 million people were engaged (2) _________ voluntary activities in 2013. Volunteering means giving up time to do work of (3) _________ to the community. It can be based in the UK or overseas. Volunteering can take many forms, from working with children with (4)_________ difficulties, in an animal hospital, or planting trees. (5) _________ London won its bid to host the 2012 Olympics, up to 70,000 (6) _________ were needed to help ensure the games were a success. 1. a. ever b. any c. never d. before 2. a. with b. in c. to d. for 3. a. comfort b. benefit c. contribute d. profit 4. a. learn b. learned c. learning d. learnt 5. a. When b. While c. Where d. What 6. a. donors b. visitors c. foreigners d. volunteers XVII. Read the text carefully, then decide whether the following statements are true (T) orfalse (F). The Soup Kitchen, founded in 1986, is a resource for the homeless, elderly, lonely and poor inCentral London, providing free hot meals, clothes and toiletries, and creating a sense of belonging and community. Serving around 70 people a day from 10 am -12 noon on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday, 64

with the Clothes Closet open on alternate Mondays, four to five volunteers are required each morning to carry out this vital work. The Soup Kitchen is run by a Board of Trustees, a part-time Director and Kitchen Manager, three more staff and a team of volunteers. Support for The Soup Kitchen comes from individuals, corporations and trusts. Volunteers and donations (both financial and in-kind) are vital to support our work and enable us to continue this service to the community. 1. The Soup Kitchen is a non-profit organization. 2. It provides free meals for people in need. 3. It opens five days a week from 10am to 12pm. 4. Clothing is provided every Monday morning. 5. The organization is funded by donations from individuals, corporations and trusts. 6. People can only donate money to the Soup Kitchen. XVIII. Arrange the words to make sentences. 1. way/ others/ community/ a/ help/ service/ is/ great/ to/. _________________________________________________________________________ 2. they/community/people/ because/ volunteer/ want/ improve/ to/ their/. _________________________________________________________________________ 3. encouraged/ books/ people/ street children/ we/ to/ donate/ and clothes/ to _________________________________________________________________________ 4. what/ to/ help/ we/ can/ do/ the environment/ clean/? _________________________________________________________________________ 5. work/ done/ you/ ever/ have/ volunteer/ any? _________________________________________________________________________ 6. free time/ Joe/ doing/ work/ spent/ most/ at/ his/ local hospital/ a/ of/ volunteer. _________________________________________________________________________ TEST YOURSELF 1 (UNIT 1,2,3) I.Find the word which has a different sound in the part underlined. B. diet C. get D. correct 1.A. fresh 2.A. sunburnt B. turn C. curtain D. temperature 3.A. calories B. natural C. nature D. carrot 4.A. junk B. regular C. dust D. brush 5.A. kitchen B. ketchup C.chips D.champagne II.Choose the correct answer. 6.We can make postcards and sell them to money to help the homeless. A.rise B.raise C.get D.own 7.Model making is a wonderful way of time alone or even with other people. A.spend B.spending C.take D.taking it develops my imagination. 8.I enjoy reading A.and B.but C.so D.because 9. We can get many from volunteer work. A.benefit B.benefits C.advantage D.good luck a difference in our community. 10.I feel very happy because I can A.do B.make C.bring D.take 11.We many toys for street children so far. A. do B.have done C.make D.has been 12.In the United States, almost everyone, at one time or another, a volunteer. A. be B. are C. have been D.has been you’ll get sunburnt. 13. Wear a hat A. and B. or C. but D.so 14.Working hard and doing a lot of exercise helps you bum the calories easily. A. more B. less C. most D. the most 65

15.About one-fifth of the American population volunteer work each year. A. do B. does C. make D. makes 16.To help people with transportation, we can rides to the elderly. A. ask B. give C. donate D. help 17.Doing volunteer work can you feel more confident. A. do B. make C. bring D. force and do physical exercises. 18.Stay outdoors A.more - less B.less - less C.more - more D.less - more 19.There are many reasons it is important to have a hobby. A. for B. why C. so D. because my hobby because I love it very much. 20.I don’t think it is difficult to A. take B. go C. have D. follow 21.Don’t read or study when there is not enough light because it is to your eyes. A.harm B.harmful C.harmless D.unharmed 22.He had a cold he didn’t wear warm clothes in the cold weather. A.and B.or C.because D.although , especially the homeless, the elderly and street children . 23.We should help people A.needed B.need C.at need D.in need 24.I think you should jogging because it is very useful for your health. A.take B.to take C.take up D.take in money to charitable organizations to help street children and the homeless. 25.My aunt often A.makes B.does C.donates D.send III.Complete each blank in the sentences with only ONE suitable word. 26. I’ve eaten too many sweets. I have . 27. Do you have a painkiller? I have a . 28. I have . I think that food was bad. in my leg. 29. I have a 30. Ouch! My arm . 31. I got some water in my ear and now I have . 32. I can’t eat any biscuits. I have a sore . 33. That’s a bad . Try some hot lemon tea. 34. When you have flu, you usually have a high . 35. He ate some seafood yesterday. Now he doesn’t feel well. He thinks he has a/an . IV. Fill in the blanks with “yet” or “already”. 36. Have you done volunteer work ? 37. Most of the students have gone home . 38. Have you seen the newest movie at Thang Long Cinema ? 39. The students have learned the new words in Unit 3 . done all my homework. 40. I have 41. Have you looked up the meaning of this new word ? 42. The Browns have lived here for two years. ? 43. We haven’t written the letter to thank the volunteers 44. Is it right that you have spoken to the bank manager? 45. My pen pal hasn’t come to Viet Nam . V. Put the verbs in brackets in the correct verb forms. (Linda and John are on a school camping holiday.) Linda: Hey, John. (46. you/ put) up your tent yet? John: Yeah, I (47. just/ done) it. It’s that green tent. Linda: I (48. not/ start) yet. I (49. borrow) this tent from David yesterday, but one of the poles is missing. John: Are you sure? Why don’t you have a look in the bag? Linda: I (50. already/ look) . 66

It (51. not/be) there. John: Calm down. Linda. I (52. find) it. It’s under your bag. there? Linda: That’s strange. How (53. it/ get) John: I have no idea. Come one. Let’s put the tent up. Ten minutes later John: There you are. It’s ready. It’s not bad, but I think my tent (54. be) better. Linda: Thanks, John. I owe you one. Oh, no. How terrible! John: What’s up now? Linda: I (55. just/ see) a spider. VI. Choose the correct answer A, B, C or D to fill each blank in the following passage. Hobbies are activities for entertainment. Hobby can cost you almost nothing. in their free time. Music is the most popular. For example, many people play the guitar for (56) Sports provide other (57) hobbies. Cycling, running, tennis, table-tennis are the sports that millions of people play during their free time. Some people’s coin collections are wonderful. There are still hundreds of (58) collections, such as bottle collections, seashell collections, butterfly collections, and so on. , like chess. In chess, we need two or more people For some people, a hobby is a favourite (59) (60) . 56.A. fun B. funny C. funnies D. funniest 57.A. strange B. normal C. favourite D. unusual 58.A. another B. other C. others D. the other 59.A. exercise B. game C. interest D. sports 60.A. play B. to play C. playing D. to playing VII. Read the passage, and then decide whether the statements are true (T) or false (F). Volunteering is one of the things that are very useful to you. To your future bosses, volunteer work shows that you are interested in both the world and your future. Although volunteer work does not bring you money, it gives you a time to learn social skills and make a difference in our community. Volunteers have the chance to teach English, arts, and sports for homeless children. They also help children with health problems, especially children who cannot see, hear and speak. True False 61.Doing volunteer work is very useful to you. 62.Volunteering is good for your future job. 63.You can earn a lot of money from volunteering. 64.Volunteers can help homeless children to learn English, arts, and learn how to play sports. 65.Volunteers only help healthy children. VIII. Read the following passage carefully, and then answer the questions. We send young people of different nationalities on expeditions around the world. Our volunteers get the chance to work with local people to learn about different cultures. There are ten expeditions every year. Each expedition lasts for ten weeks and takes 150 volunteers. They go to countries such as Chile, Namibia, Mongolia and Viet Nam. Some of our volunteers work with local people to provide facilities, for example, building schools. Others work in national parks or help scientists to do environmental research. These adventurous, young people come from all over the world. To become a volunteer, you have to be between 17 and 25; you have to speak some English and you also have to be enthusiastic, flexible and hardworking members of a team. 66.Who goes on the expeditions? ________________________________________________________________________________ 67.How many .expeditions are there every year? ________________________________________________________________________________ 68.How long does each expedition last? 67

________________________________________________________________________________ 69.What do the volunteers help scientists? ________________________________________________________________________________ 70.Which language must we know to become a volunteer? TEST YOURSELF 2(UNIT 1,2,3) I. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others. 1. a. laugh b. cough c. bought d. tough 2. a. game b. gym c. girl d. bag 3. a. calorie b. labour c. community d. volunteer b. benefit c. service d. sick 4. a. environmental 5. a. danced b. helped c. watched d. enjoyed II. Fill in each blank with a suitable word. 1. My friend loves _____________ dolls. She has a large doll collection. 2. Two people wereseverely physically _____________ in the crash. 3. My father carves eggshells as a _____________. 4. He keeps sneezing and coughing. I think he has a _____________. 5. Walking is one of the best ways to stay in _____________. 6. The government should provide housing for _____________ people. III. Choose the best answer a, b, c, or d to complete the sentence. 1. Have you ever taken part _______ volunteer work? a.for b. to c. in d.with 2. We have raised money for people in need _______ 2015. a. in b.at c.since d. for 3. She’s got a high _______ – almost 40°. a. flu b.headache c.sore throat d. temperature 4. Jane is _______ weight because she eats too much junk food. a. getting over b. putting on c.taking up d. throwing away 5. The charity _______ facilities for disabled people to take part in sport. a. provides b.donates c.raises d. collects 6. I can’t fasten my jeans – I’ll have to _______. a. eat more junk food b. go out regularly c. see my doctor d. go on a diet 7. My favourite hobby is _______. I spend most of my free time making vases and bowls from clay. a. woodcarving b. pottery making c. model making d. birdwatching 8. I’ve already done my homework, _______ I am going to watch TV. a. so b.because c.but d. and 9. They could not afford to buy the house because it was _______. a. too pretty b.too tight c.too expensive d. too cheap 10. _______ do you do volunteer work? - Every weekend. a. How long b.How far c.How much d. How often IV. Write the correct tense or form of the verbs in brackets. 1. I ________________ (already/ read) that book. It’s fantastic. 2. We ________________ (not do) any volunteer work five years ago. 3. James ________________ (do) lots of volunteer work when he was in high school. 4. I think people ________________ (eat) more healthy food in the future. 5. People ________________ (need) about 2,000 calories a day to stay in shape. 6. ______________ (Alex/ ever/ be) to Seattle? ~ Yes, he ______________ (be) to Seattle once. 7. Right now, Margaret ________________ (have) a shower. Do you want to ring later? 8. Be a Buddy ________________ (establish) in 2011. 9. We encouraged people ________________ (recycle) bottles, cans and paper. 68

10. My mother enjoys ________________(do) charitable work. V. Supply the correct form of the words in brackets. 1. Mike’s hobby is listening to music. He gets a lot ___________ from listening to music. (enjoy) 2. John is a stamp ___________. He has a lot of rare and valuable stamps. (collect) 3. One third of children in the U. S. is ___________ or obese. (weigh) 4. I have ___________ so I must go to a dentist. (tooth) 5. Junk food is ___________, so we shouldn’t eat too much junk food. (health) 6. Blood ___________ give blood for use in hospitals. (donate) 7. They aren’t forced to do charity work. They do it ___________. (volunteer) 8. They opened a shelter to provide housing for the ___________. (home) VI. Make questions for the underlined parts. 1. A: _________________________________________ B: My favourite hobby is taking photos. 2. A: _________________________________________ B: He spends most of his free time carving eggshells. 3. A: _________________________________________ B: I often share my hobby with my best friend. 4. A: _________________________________________ B: She went to the doctor because she had a high fever. 5. A: _________________________________________ B: People need about 2.000 calories a day to stay in shape. 6. A: _________________________________________ B: I started working as a volunteer in 2015. 7. A: _________________________________________ B: So far, we have provided food and clothes to people in need. 8. A: _________________________________________ B: My mother has done charitable work for five years. VII. Fill in each blank with a word from the box. feed








It’s not uncommon in America for a person to belong to some kind of volunteer group. (1)____________ one’s time and services is very much a part of the American way of life. Most (2)____________ activities are organized by churches and groups around the nation and even encouraged by the government. The (3) ____________ hand is extended to the poor, the homeless and the (4) ____________. Some people work to teach youngsters (5) ____________ to read, others open up soup kitchens to (6) ____________ the homeless. Volunteers also take (7) ____________ of the disabled by making reading tapes for the blind and working in orphanages to help children without (8) ____________. VIII. Read the text carefully then choose the correct answers. Maintaining a healthy body is not that easy and not so difficult also. Most important tip for a healthy body is to have healthy food and eat them at proper time. Avoid eating junk food. Your diet should contain food which has more nutrients. Try to include vegetables, fruits, milk, and fish in your daily diet. Make sure you are having your breakfast regularly. Skipping your breakfast regularly will definitely affect your health. Make sure you drink more amount of water daily. Regular exercise will also keep your body in good health. You can go for running, do cycling, walking faster etc. Apart from these always try to manage your stress. By controlling your stress you can maintain a healthy body. Your body should get enough time to take rest. Make sure you get a sleep of 8 hours daily. Sleep is very important for healthy body and also for mental and emotional happiness. 1. To have a healthy body, you should _________. a.eat junk food b. put on weight c. have a healthy diet d. not consume nutrients 2. Skipping breakfast is _________ for your health. a.good b. bad c. necessary d. important 69

3. Which of the followings is not keep your body in good health? a.smoking b. cycling c. running d. jogging 4. Managing stress can help people _________. a.have a good body b. live longer c. sleep enough time d. stay healthy 5. Which of the followings is NOT true? a.It’s difficult to maintain a healthy body. b.Water is important for your health. c.Getting enough sleep can make you happier. d.Eating healthy and exercising are tips to stay healthy. IX. Write the second sentence so that it has the same meaning to the first one. 1. My father finds playing board games interesting. → My father is _______________________________________________________________ 2. He hasn’t smoked cigarettes for a month. → The last time _______________________________________________________________ 3. That apartment is more modern than any apartments. → That apartment _____________________________________________________________ 4. There are over two hundred stamps in Nam’s collection. → Nam’s collection____________________________________________________________ 5. I spend twenty minutes walking to school every morning. → It takes ___________________________________________________________________ 6. I find losing weight very difficult. → It’s ______________________________________________________________________ UNIT 4 MUSIC AND ARTS A.VOCABULARY 1.

anthem (n)


quốc ca


atmosphere (n)


không khí, môi trường


compose (v)


soạn, biên soạn


composer (n)


nhà soạn nhạc, nhạc sĩ


control (v)


điều khiển


core subject (n)

/kɔːr 'sʌbdʒekt/

môn học cơ bản


country music (n)

/'kʌntri 'mju:zɪk/

nhạc đồng quê


curriculum (n)


chương trình học


folk music (n)

/fəʊk 'mju:zɪk/

nhạc dân gian

10. non-essential (adj)


không cơ bản

11. opera (n)


vở nhạc kịch

12. originate (v)


bắt nguồn

13. perform (n)


biểu diễn

14. performance (n)


sự trình diễn, buổi biểu diễn

15. photography (n)


nhiếp ảnh

16. puppet (n)


con rối

17. rural (adj)


thuộc nông thôn, thôn quê

18. sculpture (n)


điêu khắc, tác phẩm điêu khắc

19. support (v)


nâng đỡ 70

20. Tick Tac Toe (n)

/tɪk tæk təʊ/

trò chơi cờ ca-rô

21. water puppetry (n)

/'wɔːtər 'pʌpɪtrɪ/

múa rối nước

B. GRAMMAR I. SO SÁNH (COMPARISONS) VỚI “AS….AS”, “THE SAME AS”, “DIFFERENT FROM” 1. So sánh sự giống nhau: “as…as”, “the same as” (giống như) - Cấu trúc câu so sánh ngang bằng được dùng để so sánh 2 người, vật, … có tính chất gì đó tương đương nhau. Cấu trúc

S + to be + as + adj + as + noun/ S + V + the same + noun + as + noun/ pronoun/ clause. pronoun. S: chủ ngữ, adj: tính từ, noun: danh từ, pronoun: đại từ, clause: mệnh đề. Ghi chú 1. Folk music is as melodic as pop 1. She is the same height as me. Ví dụ music. (Cô ấy có chiều cao như tôi.) (Nhạc dân gian thì du dương như là 2. She has the same book as me. nhạc pop.) (Cô ấy có cuốn sách giống tôi.) 2. My paiting is as expensive as hers. (Bức họa của tôi thì đắt bằng bức họa của cô ấy.) 3. This camera is as good as it was before. (Cái máy ảnh này vẫn tốt như ngày nào.) 2. So sánh sự khác nhau: “not as…as” (không bằng), “different from” (khác) - Cấu trúc câu so sánh không ngang bằng được dùng để so sánh 2 người, vật, … khác nhau ở một mặt nào đó. Cấu trúc S + to be + not + so/as + adj + as + S+ to be + different from + noun/ pronoun. noun/ pronoun/ clause. 1. Black and white movies are not as 1. Life in the city is different from life in the Ví dụ interesting as colour movies. countryside. (Những bộ phim đen trắng thì không hấp (Cuộc sống trong thành phố khác cuộc sống dẫn bằng những bộ phim màu.) ở vùng quê.) 2. My hometown is not as noisy as yours. 2. His house is different from my house. (Quê tôi không ồn ào như quê bạn.) (Ngôi nhà của anh ấy khác ngôi nhà của tôi.) 3. She is not as famous as she was before. (Cô ấy không còn nổi tiếng như trước nữa.) Ở cấu trúc “not as…as”, ta có thể thay Lưu ý thế “as” đầu tiên bằng “so”. BÀI TẬP VẬN DỤNG CƠ BẢN EX1. Hoàn thành các câu dưới đây, sử dụng cấu trúc so sánh “as…as” và tính từ trong ngoặc. 1. I am not ___________________ you. (tall) 2. This book is not ___________________ that one. (interesting) 3. This summer is ___________________ last summer. (hot) 4. Yesterday is was ___________________ today. (sunny) 5. I think my essay is ___________________ yours. (good) 6. My dog isn’t ___________________ it appears to be. (fierce) 7. Children nowadays are not ___________________ they used to be. (active) 8. Watching movie is not ___________________ reading books. (entertaining) 9. Jane is ___________________ as a doll. (pretty) 10. Cats are not ___________________ dogs. (friendly) 11. My brother said that going abroad was not ___________________ he thought. (amusing) 12. She didn’t want to be late, so she run ___________________ she could. (fast) 13. Please call me ___________________ possible. (soon) 14. Sleeping on the sofa is not ___________________ in bed. (comfortable) 15. This hotel is ___________________ the one near the beach but it is much better. (expensive) 16. My grandmother is ___________________ fairy godmother. (warm-hearted) 71

17. Do you think learning Japanese is ___________________ learning English? (difficult) 18. This musician is not ___________________ that one. (popular) 19. Ann looks ___________________ princess in her new dress. (gorgeous) 20. The river isn’t ___________________ it looks. (deep) EX2. Dùng cấu trúc so sánh “different from” để hoàn thành những câu dưới đây. 1. My house is small and old. Your house is spacious and modern. => My house is ____________________________________________________. 2. My mother’s favourite food is noodle. My favourite food is rice. => My mother’s favourite food ________________________________________. 3. My best friend has a powerful personality. I have a weak personality. => My best friend’s personality ________________________________________. 4. Life in the countryside is quiet and peaceful. Life in the city is exciting. => _______________________________________________________________. 5. Lan’s school is Hai Ba Trung School. Hue goes to Nguyen Hue School. => _______________________________________________________________. 6. My hobby is collecting stamps. My brother’s hobby is playing the piano. => _______________________________________________________________. 7. My answer for this equation is “4” but Tom thinks it should be “5”. => _______________________________________________________________. 8. My sister’s hair is long and wavy. My hair is short and straight. => _______________________________________________________________. EX3. Hoàn thành các câu dưới đây, sử dụng cấu trúc so sánh “the same….as” và danh từ trong ngoặc. 1. My sister has ___________________ me. (height) 2. Jim pursues ___________________ Jane. (hobby) 3. My best friend is at ___________________ me. (age) 4. My friends went to see ___________________ me. (movie) 5. This musician plays ___________________ me. (musical instrument) 6. Critics say that this paiter has ___________________ with that one. (style) 7. My brother is interested in ___________________ me. (subject) 8. This class has ___________________ that one. (number of students) 9. Anne bought ___________________ me yesterday. (dress) 10. She cut her hair ___________________ mine. (length) 11. My best friend likes ___________________ my brother. (books) 12. I bought my car at ___________________ hers. (price). 13. My mother likes ___________________ me. (TV programs) 14. He had ___________________ a famous actor. (appearance) 15. He puts on ___________________ usual. (old coat) EX4. Gạch chân lỗi sai trong các câu sau và viết lại câu đúng. 1. My boyfriend is as strong like a horse. _______________________________________________________________. 2. This exercise isn’t hard as I thought. _______________________________________________________________. 3. Life in foreign countries is different life in home country. _______________________________________________________________. 4. My parents share the same hobby as. _______________________________________________________________. 5. His cat isn’t the same pretty as mine.


_______________________________________________________________. 6. This art museum is definitely different as the historical museum. _______________________________________________________________. 7. Roses don’t have the same fragrance like lotuses. _______________________________________________________________. 8. My essay is as length as yours. _______________________________________________________________. 9. This island isn’t as beautiful than those I have visited. _______________________________________________________________. 10. My mother is different appearacne from me. _______________________________________________________________. EX5. Sắp xếp những từ cho sẵn thành câu hoàn chỉnh. 1. difficult/ as/ Playing/ is/ piano/ guitar/ playing/ as/./ _______________________________________________________________. 2. horse/ run/ a/ Can/ fast/ as/ a/ as/ train/?/ _______________________________________________________________. 3. try/ as/ can/ you/ hard/ as/ should/ You. _______________________________________________________________. 4. Tom’s/ totally/ is/ from/ My/ writing style/ different/./ _______________________________________________________________. 5. car/ same/ runs/ the/ speed/ at/ His/ mine/ as/./ _______________________________________________________________. 6. I/ went/ My/ school/ friend/ same/ the/ best/ and/ to/./ _______________________________________________________________. 7. good/ This/ fridge/ modern/ isn’t/ as/ my/ one/ as/ old/./ _______________________________________________________________. 8. Spending time/ isn’t/ with/ as/ computer/ as/ friends/ entertaining/ on/ spending time/./ _______________________________________________________________. II. CÂU ĐỒNG TÌNH (EXPRESS AGREEMENT)VỚI “TOO/ EITHER” TOO EITHER Được dùng trong câu khẳng định để diễn tả Được dùng trong câu phủ định để diễn tả ý Chức năng ý đồng tình với một điều khẳng định trước đồng tình với một điều phủ định trước đó. đó. Thường đứng ở cuối câu. Thường đứng ở cuối câu. Vị trí 1. A: I love pop music. (Tôi thích nhạc 1. A: My sister doesn’t know the name of Ví dụ pop.) that singer. B: I love pop music too./ I love it too. (Chị gái tôi không biết tên của cô ca sĩ đó.) (Tôi cũng thích nhạc pop.) B: I don’t know either. 2. Tom is interested in dancing, and Kate is Hoặc sử dụng câu rút gọn: interested in dancing too. I don’t either. (Tôi cũng không biết.) (Tom thích khiêu vũ và Kate cũng thích khiêu vũ.) 3. I wactched the concert on TV last night, and my husband watched it on TV last night too. (Tôi đã xem buổi hòa nhạc trên TV tối qua và chồng tôi cũng xem nó.) Trong câu rút gọn, chúng ta cần sử dụng các Lưu ý trợ động từ ở dạng phủ định. BÀI TẬP VẬN DỤNG CƠ BẢN EX6. Điền “too/ either” vào chỗ trống để hoàn thành câu. 1. My father is a musician. I am a musician __________. 2. I don’t like the smell of durian. My sister doesn’t like it __________.

5. My father loves watching football matches on TV and I love it__________. 6. My mother can’t open the jar and I can’t__________. 7. Jim should go to bed now and you should go to bed __________. 8. Your sister mustn’t skip breakfast and you mustn’t __________. 9. I find action movies so interesting and James finds them interesting __________. 10. Studying Math isn’t easy for me and studying English isn’t __________. EX7. Viết câu đồng tình với “too/ either” trong những câu cho sẵn sau đây. 0. “I am not hungry now.” =>“I am not hungry either.” 1. “They are my favourite footballers.” => “___________________________________________________________.” 2. “I want to be a good student.” => “___________________________________________________________.” 3. “I won’t come to his party.” => “___________________________________________________________.” 4. “It is not my pencil.” => “___________________________________________________________.” 5. “She will never forgive me.” => “___________________________________________________________.” 6. “I really admire him.’ => “___________________________________________________________.” 7. “Yesterday I couldn’t sleep.” => “___________________________________________________________.” 8. ‘I am not working on my project.”

3. I can’t wait to meet my parents and my sister can’t__________. 4. My favourite comedian is Rowan Atkinson. His favourite comedian is Rowan Atkinson__________. 73


=> “___________________________________________________________.” 9. “I didn’t expect her to win the competition.” => “___________________________________________________________.” 10. “I should go out now.” => “___________________________________________________________.” EX8. Đánh dấu √ trước câu đúng. Đánh dấu x trước câu sau, gạch chân lỗi sau và sửa. 1. My sister doesn’t want another ice-cream and I do either. _______________________________________________________________. 2. I will go the park tomorrow and my sister will go to the park too. _______________________________________________________________. 3. My favourite band is The Beatles and his favourite band is The Beatles either. _______________________________________________________________. 4. The apples in our garden are ripe and the oranges won’t ripe too. _______________________________________________________________. 5. My favourite drink is hot cacao. My friend’s favourite drink is beer too. _______________________________________________________________. 6. My wife doesn’t like doing housework and I don’t either. _______________________________________________________________. 7. I want to be a musician but my sister wants to be an actor either. _______________________________________________________________. 8. My essay didn’t get good mark. Tom’s essay doesn’t either. _______________________________________________________________. EX9. Dựa vào đoạn văn sau viết câu đồng tình với “too/ either”. Yesterday Ann and Jane went to the prom together. Both of them dressed up elegantly. They looked very beautiful. They really enjoyed the music there. Both Ann and Jane didn’t drink much because they weren’t thirsty. After the prom, they came home by bus. Ann and Jaen will never forget about the prom. They want to keep this happy memory forever. 0. Yesterday Ann went to the prom and Jane went to the prom too. 1. _______________________________________________________________. 2. _______________________________________________________________. 3. _______________________________________________________________. 4. _______________________________________________________________. 5. _______________________________________________________________. 6. _______________________________________________________________. 7. _______________________________________________________________. BÀI TẬP NÂNG CAO EX10. Dùng các từ cho sẵn, viết câu so sánh với “as…as” hoặc “the same…as”. movies hard tasty valuable origin fast long songs talent clothes 1. Can I borrow your ladder? My ladder isn’t ______________ yours. 2. Your cake is delicious. My cake isn’t ______________ yours. 3. None of Tom’s friends has ______________ him. 4. Both of us fancy rock music. She listens to ______________ me. 5. Jim likes ______________ Tom, and they often watch together. 6. Life nowadays isn’t ______________ it used to be. People now live more comfortably. 7. Her ring is not ______________ her necklace. 8. My cat has ______________ yours. They both come from Russia. 9. Kim bought ______________ her sister. They want to look like twins. 10. You should go home ______________ you can. Your mom is looking for you everywhere. EX11. Viết lại câu, sử dụng cấu trúc so sánh “the same…as”. 1. My brother and I both have big brown eyes. => _______________________________________________________________. 2. My favourite subject is Math. Tim likes Math too. => _______________________________________________________________. 3. I have a problem with this exercise. Peter has a problem with it too. => _______________________________________________________________. 75

4. Louis and James are both 18 years old. => _______________________________________________________________. 5. I went to my local primary school. Jim went to my local primary school too. => _______________________________________________________________. 6. You and I both have dark brown hair. => _______________________________________________________________. 7. I left the meeting room at 11 a.m and so did you. => _______________________________________________________________. 8. My birthday is 5 April. Tom’s birthday is 5 April too. => _______________________________________________________________. EX12. Viết lại câu, sử dụng cấu trúc so sánh “as…as”. 1. My doll is pretty but her doll is prettier than mine. => My doll ________________________________________________________. 2. Travelling by train is quite exciting but travelling by plane is more exciting. => Travelling by train => ____________________________________________. 3. My salary is high, but my husband’s is higher. =>My salary ______________________________________________________. 4. I am disappointed about my team’s score. Ann is disappointed too. => I___________________________________________________________. 5. It’s warm today, but it was much warmer yesterday. => Today it ________________________________________________________. 6. I still feel a bit tired, but I am better than yesterday. => I don’t feel ______________________________________________________. 7. Tom’s essay is very good and mine is good too. => Tom’s essay _____________________________________________________. 8. The Smiths have lived here for quite a long time, but we’ve lived here longer. => The Smiths haven’t _______________________________________________. EX13. Hoàn thành câu sử dụng câu đồng tình với “too/ either” sao cho nghĩa của câu không thay đổi. 1. My grandfaher worked for a tobacco company. My father also worked for a tobacco company. My grandfather worked for a tobacco company and my father ______________________. 2. Both my father and my mother aren’t Vietnamese. My father isn’t Vietnamese and my mother ______________________________________. 3. I fancy classical music and my brother also fancies classical music. I fancy classical music _______________________________________________________. 4. Reading books is as relaxing as listening to music. Reading books is relaxing and listening to music __________________________________. 5. My friend and I didn’t go to the concert last night. My friend didn’t go to the concert last night and I _________________________________. 6. My parents and my teacher won’t allow me to play truant. My parents won’t allow me to play truant and my teacher ___________________________. 7. I am never good at singing and paiting. I am never good at singing and I _______________________________________________. 8. Both my brother and I rarely listen to traditional songs. I rarely listen to traditional songs and my brother __________________________________. EX14. Gạch chân đáp án đúng. 1. I can’t go to Berlin with you and your father can’t (either/ too). 2. I hardly skip breakfast and Jim (doesn’t skip breakfast either/ skips breakfast too). 3. We won’t go sailing tomorrow because of the storm and they (don’t/ won’t) either. 4. I want to be a famous actress in the future and my friemd Sarah (wants/ doesn’t want) it too. 5. They haven’t watched the movie yet and I (haven’t/ doesn’t have) either. 6. I will help my mom do the washing and my brother (will do it too/ don’t do it either). 7. My brother’s just got a new bike and I (have got a new bike too/ am got a new bike too). 8. For me, playing the piano is never easy and playing the guitar (is too/ isn’t either). 9. She is a warm-hearted person but her daughter (isn’t either/ isn’t). 10. Drinking alcohol is harmful to your body and eatung fast food (is harmful too/ isn’t harmful either). EX15. Khoanh tròn đáp án đúng. 76

Nowadays, life is totally different (1) ______ 30 years ago. In the past, there weren’t as many people (2) ______ there are today, so houses were (3) ______spacious than today. Because there weren’t so many cars in the streets, the air was not as (4) ______as it is today. Our grandparents often earned a living by growing plants and raising animals. Life at that time depended a lot on the weather. In the present days, people live (5) ______comfortable and independent than before. Our houses aren’t as large as it (6) ______be but they are all taller and more modern. We don’t grow plants to make more anymore and we don’t raise animals (7) ______. Instead, we work in big factories and tall buildings. There are also more ways of entertainment than before. Today’s life is more interesting and comfortabe (8) ______in the past. 1. A. from B. like C. as D. than 2. A. as B. more C.most D. so 3. A. as B. more C.most D. so 4. A. clean B. fresh C. polluted D. pollution 5. A. as B. more C.most D. so 6. A. have to B. must C. can D. used to 7. A. too B. so C. either D. also 8. A. from B. like C. as D. than EX16. Đọc đoạn văn sau và điền T (true) trước câu trả lời đúng với nội dung bài đọc, điền F (false) trước câu trả lời khác nội dung bài đọc. Ludwig van Beethoven Ludwig van Beethoven, born in 17 December 1770, was a well-known German composer and pianist. At an early age, Beethoven showed his musical talents. His father Johann van Beethoven, together with composer and conductor Christian Gottlob Neefe, taught him about music. When Beethoven was 21 years old, he moved to Vienna. Here he started studying composition with Joseph Haydn. He soon became popular as a pianist. Unfortunately, Beethoven had problems with his hearing by his late 20s. In the last ten years of his life, he was almost deaf. In 1811, he stopped performing in public but he continued to compose. Many of his wonderful pieces of music came from the last 15 years of hif life. He lived in Vienna until he dies in 26 March 1827. His best-known compositions include 9 symphonies, 5 piano concertos, 1 violin concerto, and 32 piano sonatas. The list goes on. Beethoven always remains as one of the most famous and influential composers all over the world. ______ 1. Beethoven is only famous as a composer. ______ 2. When Beethoven was small, he studied composition with Joseph Haydn. ______ 3. Beethoven had problems with his hearing by his late 20s. ______ 4. In 1811, Beethoven stopped performing and composing. ______ 5. He lived in Vienna until his death. C.EXERCISES UNIT 4 I.Put the words into the correct column according the underlined part. special essential vision leisure exhibition fiction sunshine closure treasure machine usually sure pleasure television champagne measure attention decision discussion collage /ʃʃ/ ………………………………………………. ………………………………………………. ………………………………………………. ……………………………………………….

musician social delicious occasion conclusion

/ʒʒ/ ……………………………………………… ……………………………………………… ……………………………………………… ………………………………………………

II.Complete the following text, using the words in the box. subject saxophone pop star band singing painting 77

concert art

My friend’s name is Nick and he loves music. He is good at (1) andhe can play the guitar. He wants to learn the (2) when he is a bitolder. He is already in a (3) and they hope to play at the school(4) next term. He is also interested in (5) so hisfavourite (6) at school is (7) . But to be honest, hecan’t wait to leave school and become a (8) ! III. Fill in each blank with the words from the box. hands rap

weddings drums

trousers India

and Pakistan.People traditionally played the music at harvest time andalso Bhangra is from (1) to celebrate New Year and (2) . The most traditional instrument is a type of (3) . Many modem pop artists mix bhangra with hip hop and (4) . The dancers in Ayesha’s class learn the dance steps and how to move their (5) . and akind of scarf. Women wear colourful clothes including a shirt, (6) IV. Put the verbs in brackets in the correct verb form. Kevin O’Donnell works in Hollywood. He records sound for films. He (1. work) on his first film in 1980: Star Wars. He’s now 51 and he (2. help) to make more than 100 films. In 1983, he (3. do) the sound on the film called Terms of Endearment. The film (4. win) five Oscars, but O’Donnell (5. not win) one.He (6. be) at the Oscars in 1983 when he was only 26. Now, he (7. be) to the Oscars 20 times. He has worked on Top Gun,Terminator 3, Spider-Man, Transformers and other great films, but he (8. not win) an Oscar yet. He (9. write) 20 speeches so far, but(10. never given) one. The speeches are in a drawer in his house. Kevin doesn’t mind. He knows the sound in his films is amazing. He’s going to win - one day! V. Rewrite the sentences using “not as...as". 1.Football is more exciting than rugby. Rugby isn’t ________________________________________________________________________ 2.Indonesia is hotter than Viet Nam. Viet Nam____________________________________________________________________________ 3.French is easier than German. German __________________________________________________________________________ 4.Anita is friendlier than Alice. Alice ____________________________________________________________________________ 5.The hotel in London was better than the hotel in Paris. The hotel in Paris ___________________________________________________________________ VI.Complete the sentences using the correct comparative, superlative form or“as…as” of the adjectives given. 1.Some people think that Music isn’t (important) Maths orScience. I don’t agree. 2.The guitar is one of the (popular) instruments among young people. 3.It’s (easy) to play an instrument after you’ve beenpractising for a while. than I play the violin. 4.I play the piano (good) 5.Guitars aren’t (expensive) many other instruments. 6.Saxophones are (heavy) than a lot of instruments. than keyboards for beginners. 7.Traditional pianos are (suitable) 8.Mai is (good) singer in our class. VII.Read the passage, and then answer the questions. There are many activities after school hours in Lan’s school, so she and her classmate can take part in them. Lan and Mai join the school theater group and they are also the members of the stamp collector’s club. They are rehearsing a play for the Teacher’s Day. Hung and Tuan are members of the school sport club. They 78

play for the school football team, Ha and Thanh are the members of the school art club, and they want to be good artist one day in the future. 1.Which of them joins the school theater group? _________________________________________________________________________________ 2.What are they doing now? _________________________________________________________________________________ 3.Who are the members of the stamp collector’s club? _________________________________________________________________________________ 4.Who plays for the school football team? _________________________________________________________________________________ 5.Who are the members of the school art club? _________________________________________________________________________________ VIII. Read the passage, and then answer the questions. School of Rock Have you seen the film School of Rock? It’s about a rock musician who became a teacher. The film is based on a real music school which is run by Paul Green. Paul Green started the first School of Rock in 1998 in Philadelphia in the USA. He gave students rock music lessons after school, but he wanted to do more. Now he gives them the chance to play in rock concerts. “Some of our students have never played in front of a real audience before. We teach them how to do it,” he says. He has already taught hundreds of young people to be rockperformers, and now there are over 30 schools of rock in different towns in the USA. 1.How many schools of rock are there in the USA? _________________________________________________________________________________ 2.What is the film School of Rock about? _________________________________________________________________________________ When did Paul Green start his first rock school? _________________________________________________________________________________ 4.What does he teach his students to do? _________________________________________________________________________________ 5.How many students has he taught? _________________________________________________________________________________ IX. Read the text about an artist. Choose the correct answer: A, B, or C. You can’t buy a drawing by Julian Beever and you can’t see his work in a gallery or museum. Julian makes his amazing pictures on the pavements of city streets. People have called him “the Pavement Picasso” and perhaps you have seen his pictures on the Internet. Julian has made hundreds of pieces of “pavement art” in different countries - in many parts of Europe and also in the USA, Australia, Japan, Argentina, and Brazil. His drawings can take three or four days to finish. But because he draws with chalk, the drawings only stay for a short time. When people walk on them or when it rains, they quickly disappear. For Julian, this isn’t a problem. The drawings survive in the photos he has taken, and this is the most important thing for him. Julian’s fame hasn’t come from experts in the art world, but from the Internet. “The reason why my work has become well known is because people like it and they’ve sent it to each other on the Internet,” he says. “So I know that what I do is popular.” Julian Beever is from Leicestershire in England, but he now lives in Belgium. . 1.Julian Beever makes drawings A. outside B. on his computer C. for exhibitions in a gallery 2.He has worked . A. in a few cities B. in lots of countries C. with hundreds of people 3.His pictures . A. are easy to draw B. look good when it rains C. don’t stay for a long time 4.Lots of people know Julian’s art because . A. they know a lot about art B. he has sent photos to them 79

C. they have seen it on the net 5.Julian Beever . A. hasn’t lived in Britain B. hasn’t tried to be a star in the art world C. isn’t very interested in photos


TEST 1 UNIT 4 Put the words into the correct column according to the underlined part. fashion exhibition show

fiction optional essential

ocean wash shark

closure stations shelter

musician shoulder usually








II. Find the word which has a different sound in the underlined part. B. tradition C. exhibition D. question 1. A. collection 2. A. version B. pleasure C. usual D. design 3. A. closure B. sure C. pleasure D. leisure 4. A. ocean B. concert C. musician D. official 5. A. so B. expensive C. saxophone D. music III. Find the word which has different sound in the underlined part. 1. A. treasure B. closure C. exposure D. ensure 2. A. happy B. hard C. similarity D. talent B. brochure C. machine D. chef 3. A. chorus 4. A. treasure B. vision C. discussion D. decision 5. A. exhibition B. action C. question D. tradition IV. Choose the word that has the different stress from the others. 1. A. adventure B. advertisement C. buffalo D. detective 2. A. cavity B. unhealthy C. personal D. shower 3. A. music B. science C. teacher D. contain 4. A. paddle B. invent C. display D. cartoon 5. A. information B. direction C. tomato D. potato V. Choose the best one (A, B, C or D) to complete the sentence. John. 1. No one else in the class plays the guitar A. as well B. as far as C. so well as D. as soon as 2. The Brit School is the most famous arts school in Britain. A. performing B. performance C. perform D. performed 3. Jane is not her brother. A. more intelligent as B. intelligent as C. so intelligent as D. so intelligent that 4. Since the 1970s, the festival in Glastonbury has taken almost every year and has grown in size. A. part B. place C. note D. notice 5. He drives as his father does. A. careful as B. more carefully C. the most careful D. carefully as 6. Dong Ho paintings are made on paper with beautiful colors. 80

A. traditional – nature B. tradition - natural C. tradition – nature D. traditional - natural 7. I’ll be there I can. A. sooner as B. no sooner as C. as soon as D. soonest as 8. My village is not it was ten years ago. A. the same as B. the same to C. same as D. the same they were years ago. There is no change at all. 9. The villagers are A. differently from B. not as friendly as C. as friend as D. as friendly as 10. Water puppetry in the 11th century in the villages of the Red River Delta of North Viet Nam. A. originated B. formed C. started D. began themes of Vietnamese villages. 11. The puppet shows present A. city B. urban C. village D. rural 12. No one in my class is beautiful her. A. as – as B. more - as C. as - than D. the - more for their albums and tours around the world. 13. The group is A. well-knows B. know-how C. well-prepared D. well-known 14. Going by train isn’t convenient as going by car. A. so B. as C. more D. A & B are correct. in the countryside and . 15. The performances of puppetry show A. everyday life - folk rock B. every day life - folk people C. everyday life - folk tales D. every day life - folk stories VI. Combine into one sentence with “too” or “either”. 1. They can play table tennis. We can play table tennis. .................................................................................................................................... 2. He sings love songs very well. His sister sings love songs very well. .................................................................................................................................... 3. I write diary every night. My mother writes diary every night. .................................................................................................................................... 4. My father doesn’t drink beer. My mother doesn’t drink beer. .................................................................................................................................... 5. She is swimming in the pool. Her children are swimming in the pool. .................................................................................................................................... 6. Hoa ate bread with milk for breakfast. Hoa’s uncle ate bread with milk for breakfast. .................................................................................................................................... 7. She didn’t watch TV last night. Her husband didn’t watch TV last night. .................................................................................................................................... 8. They mustn’t stay up late. Their friends mustn’t stay up late. .................................................................................................................................... 9. Milk is good for your health. Fruit juice is good for your health. .................................................................................................................................... 10. Betty does morning exercise. Betty’s aunt does morning exercise. .................................................................................................................................... VII. Give the correct form of the words in capital. .ARTHe is famous for the painting “Little sister 1. Tran Van Cam is my favourite Diep”. 2. Tra Giang is one of the most famous of ACT Viet Nam. Many people love her. 3. I think that good knowledge of arts and music is a NECESSARY for anyone. 4. The she gave last night was marvelous. PERFORM 81

5. Water puppetry in the villages of the River Delta. 6. The DAN BAU is a Vietnamese traditional instrument. 7. is the art or taking and processing photographs. as 8. I don’t like pop music because it is not as and roll.





9. Peter has received a letter of to see a water INVITE puppet show this Sunday. with other people. PLEASE 10. Mai wanted to share her VIII. Complete the sentences by using as ... as; not ... as, different ... from. 1. Ms. Hoa is Mrs. Lan. (attractive) 2. Her daughter is her. (beautiful) 3. That dog it looks. (not dangerous) 4. Living in Valencia living in Paris is. (not expensive) schools in the USA. (different) 5. Schools in Viet Nam are 6. Learning French is learning English. (difficult) 7. These trees those. (same) Mazda 3. (not luxurious) 8. Vios 9. His appearance is what I have expected. (different) 10. His job is mine. (important) IX. Fill in the blank with a suitable word in the box. however leaving

made wrote

best lived

was in

much the

One of the first novels in the history of literature (1) written in England in 1719. It was Robinson Crusoe by Daniel Defoe. Daniel Defoe was born (2) London in the family of a rich man. When school, he worked in his father’s shop and Daniel was a schoolboy, be began to write stories. After (3) (4) articles for newspapers. Defoe visited many countries and met many people. That helped him (5) in his writings. him In 1719, when Defoe was sixty years old, he wrote the novel Robinson Crusoe which (6) famous. Defoe used in his book a true story about a sailor who (7) on an island for four years. Robinson Crusoe in Defoes novel lived on an island for twenty-eight years. People liked (8) novel in England and in many other countries, Daniel Defoe wrote other books. (9) , his novel Robison Crusoe was the (10) famous. Defoe was not a rich man when he died in 1731. X. Read the following passage and write T (True) or F (False) for each statement. In the 1960s, The Beatles were probably the most famous pop group in the whole world. Since then, there have been a great many groups that have achieved enormous fame, so it is perhaps difficult now to imagine how sensational The Beatles were at that time. They were four boys from the north of England and none of them had any training in music. They started by performing and recording songs by black Americans and they had some success with these songs. Then they started writing their own songs and that was when they became really popular. The Beatles changed pop music. They were the first pop group to achieve great success from songs they had written themselves. After that it became common for groups and singers to write their own songs. _____ 1. Prior to The Beatles, it was usual tor groups to write their own songs. _____ 2. The Beatles were the most famous pop group in the 1960s. _____ 3. The Beatles did not succeed with the songs by black Americans. _____ 4. Some members of The Beatles studied music at school. _____ 5. The Beatles achieved great success with the song they had written. XI. Complete sentences with “too" or “either”. 1. They often go to the library on Sunday afternoon. He ................................................... 82

2. Lee can speak Japanese. I ............................................................................................. 3. Nam didn’t see the train. Nga ....................................................................................... 4. Linh will fly to China next month, and he ..................................................................... 5. The books aren’t red. And the ruler................................................................................ 6. Today is hot, and yesterday ........................................................................................... 7. The boys don’t smoke cigarettes and the girls ............................................................... 8. I don’t know her and he ................................................................................................. 9. I likes eggs and her brother ............................................................................................ 10. I stayed at home last night, and they ........................................................................... XII. Complete sentences with too or either. 1. We often go to the library on Sunday afternoon, they .................................................... 2. Susan can speak Japanese, Tom ..................................................................................... 3. Minh didn't see the train, Nga ........................................................................................ 4. Hoa will fly to Hong Kong next month, and her mother ................................................ 5. The pineapples aren’t ripe. And the durians .................................................................. 6. March is hot, and May .................................................................................................. 7. The boys shouldn’t smoke cigarettes and the girls ......................................................... 8. I don’t know how to use a computer and my friends ..................................................... 9. She likes eggs, and her brothers .................................................................................... 10. They stayed at home last night, and their children ........................................................ TEST 2 (UNIT 4) I. Find the word which has a different sound in the part underlined. C. collection D. tradition 1.A. exhibition B. question 2.A. pleasure B. leisure C. closure D.sure 3.A. discussion B. decision C. treasure D. vision C.so D. expensive 4.A.saxophone B. music 5.A. similarity B. talent C. happy D. hard II.Choose the best answer A, B, C or D to complete the sentences. 11. The Brit School is the most famous arts school in Britain. A.perform B. performed C.performing D.performance 12. Since the 1970s, the festival in Glastonbury has taken almost every year and has grown in size. A.note B.notice C.time D.place 13. Dong Ho paintings are made on paper with beautiful colours. A.tradition - nature B.traditional - natural C.traditional - nature D.tradition natural 14.You can see many interesting in that art gallery. A.paints B.colours C.portraits D.paper in the 11th century in the villages of the Red River Delta of North Viet Nam. 15.Water puppetry A.start B.begin C.originated D.formed 16.The puppet shows present themes of Vietnamese villages. A.country B.rural C.city D.urban 17.The group is for their albums and tours around the world. A.well-prepared B.well-known C.well-know D.know-how 18.The performances of puppetry show in the countryside and . A.everyday life - folk tales B.every day life - folk stories C.everyday life - folk rock D.every day lives - folk people . 19.I never watch ballet, and my sister doesn’t A.too B.so C.either D.like that 20.Teenagers in Viet Nam like K-pop, and they like Korean films . A.too B.either C.so D.however 83

21.Today, subjects like music and arts are put into the school in Viet Nam. A.school year B.subjects C.curriculum D.education 22.For many people, a good knowledge of music and arts is regarded as a for every student. A.necessary B.need C.needs D.necessity 23.Arts are of great in education, especially for young children. A.important B.importance C.unimportant D.unimportance 24.Classical music is not as pop music. A.as exciting B.as excited C.exciting D.more excited 25.This film is not long as the film I watched last week. A.as B.but C.either D.too mine. 26.My brother’s taste in art is quite different A.than B.as C.to D.from 27.My village is not it was ten years ago. A.same as B.the same C.the same as D.the same like 28.The villagers are they were years ago. There is no change at all. A.as friend as B.as friendly as C.different from D.not as friendly as 29.This year’s musical festival is not it was last year. A.as good as B.as well as C.different from D.worse . 30.My cousin, Mai, is the same age A. like B. to C. of D. as III. Choose the correct answer A, B, c or D to fill each blank in the following text. My friends and I have written a (1) . We have decided to (2) it for our school. I for us to wear. Ihaven’t learned the (4) have already built the set. Karen has just finished the (3) yet, so I am a bit nervous, but I’m excited (5) . I haven’t been in a play before. I can’t wait! 1.A. film B. song C. play D. club 2.A. perform B. make C. take D. build 3.A. stage B. actors C. play D. costumes 4.A. script B. scripts C. play D. lessons 5.A. also B. then C. too D. either IV. Read the passage, and then answer the questions. My free time On weekdays, I don’t have much free time. When I get home from school, I usually do my homework, watch some TV or read a book. My parents bought me a new guitar for my birthday so I play that a lot too. At the weekend, I usually relax with my friends, John and Thomas. We really like playing music together. Thomas plays the keyboard and John plays the drums. John has a set of drums in his bedroom, so we usually practise at his house. John has also written some songs, so we are practising them at the moment. My sister sometimes sings with us and we are hoping to play some concerts one day! In the holidays, I sometimes go on day trips with my family. I am really interested in science. That’s why we often go to the Science Museum. We usually go to the beach in August. We always have a great time, but the best thing is lying on the sand and listening to music on my iPod. 1.What does the student often do in his free time on weekdays? ________________________________________________________________________________ 2.Which musical instruments do John and Thomas have? ________________________________________________________________________________ 3.Who has written some songs? Who sometimes sings with them? ________________________________________________________________________________ 4.What are they hoping to do in future? ________________________________________________________________________________ 5.What does he sometimes do with his family? What does the student like doing in the holiday best? 84

________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ V. Complete each sentence so that it means the same as the sentence above. 1.This room is larger than the one at the end of the corridor of the art gallery. The room at the end of the corridor of the art gallery is not __________________________________ 2.I think action films are more exciting than romance films. In my opinion, romance films are not___________________________________________________ 3. Salvador Dali’s paintings are different from Picasso’s paintings. Picasso’s paintings are not __________________________________________________________ 4.I am interested in comic books, and my brother is also interested in comic books. I am interested in comic books, and my brother is ________________________________________ 5.My mother doesn’t like thrillers. I don’t like them. My mother doesn’t like thrillers, and I don’t _____________________________________________ 6.She takes photographs and collects coins as hobbies. Her hobbies are ___________________________________________________________________ 7.“Chèo” or “Cải lương” are considered some kinds of traditional opera in Viet Nam. Viet Nam has some kinds of _________________________________________________________ 8.My sister sings better than me. I don’t sing ______________________________________________________________________ 9.Ballets and modern dance are quite different. Ballets and modern dance are not 10.The project was shorter than we thought at first. The project was not as ______________________________________________________________ VI. Write a letter to invite a friend to a circus, using the following cues. Dear Nam 1.I/ happy/ hear/ that/ you/ your family/ well. ________________________________________________________________________________ 2.You/ remember/ circus/ we/ see/ last year? ________________________________________________________________________________ 3.Circus/ coming/ again/ our city. ________________________________________________________________________________ 4.My father/ tickets/ circus. ________________________________________________________________________________ 5.We/ you/ go/ us. ________________________________________________________________________________ 6.You/ free/ this weekend? ________________________________________________________________________________ 7.We/ meet/ 7 pm/ outside/ theatre. ________________________________________________________________________________ 8.Show/ begin/ 7.30 pm. ________________________________________________________________________________ 9.I/ hope/ we/ good time/ together. ________________________________________________________________________________ 10.I/ look forward/ see/ you/ there. ________________________________________________________________________________ Have a good day! TEST 3 UNIT 4







leisure tradition

occasion champagne


/∫/ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________

show station









/ȝ/ ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________

II. Choose the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently. 1. a. dish b. sugar c. shoes d. sing 2. a. vision b. pressure c. washer d. machine b. occasion c. leisure d. ensure 3. a. division 4. a. chauffer b. shampoo c. children d. cashier 5. a. exhibition b. revision c. anxious d. social III. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others. b. painting c. anthem d. gallery 1. a. actor 2. a. decide b. exciting c. exhibit d. organise 3. a. educated b. played c. recycled d. changed 4. a. cello b. choose c. kitchen d. concert 5. a. sugar b. closure c. share d. anxious IV. Choose the best answer a, b, c, or d to complete the sentence. 1. His Jacket is almost the same colour __________ mine. a. with b. as c. to d. for 2. Water puppetry began __________ the 11th century. a.in b. on c.at d.from 3. The __________ is rather older now; however, his acting ability has never been better. a. composer b. actress c.artist d. actor 4. Janna can’t play the piano, and Carol can’t play it __________. a. either b. too c.neither d. as well 5. Juan and Patricia are not the same height Juan is __________ Patricia. a. as tall as b. not as tall as c. more tall than d. not tall than 6. Saxophones are used mainly for __________ jazz music. a. composing b. taking c.playing d. writing 7. I went to the 3D __________ last weekend. The paintings were excellent! a. movie theater b. concert hall c. opera house d.art museum 8. __________ I’m not a fan of country music, I thoroughly enjoyed his lively performance. a. Although b. Because c.As d. However 9. __________ does a water puppet show take place? ~ In a pool. a. What b. When c.How d. Where 10. Which is the national anthem of Vietnam? a. Tieu Doan 307 b.Chien si Viet Nam c. TienQuanCa d. Tienve Ha Noi V. Complete the sentences with the words in the box. musician

1. 2. 3. 4.

I. Put the words into the correct columns.



singer poet





TruyenKieu is written by the great _____________ Nguyen Du. Celine Dion is a Canadian _____________. She sang the song My heart will go on. Mozart was an Austrian classical _____________. He wrote over 600 pieces of music. Every joke the _____________ made was greeted with gales of laughter. 86


5. Vietnamese _____________ Dang Thai Son studied piano in Moscow. 6. The _____________ is playing some sad tune on his saxophone. 7. This young _____________ is currently exhibiting his work at the gallery. 8. American _____________ Selena Gomez starred in the film Another Cinderella Story. VI. Complete the sentences with the correct tense or form of the verbs in the box. play








1. Mozart _____________ his first piece of music when he was five years old. 2. She usually_____________ in watercolour. 3. We all _____________ ‘Happy Birthday’ to her. 4. Most pupils learn _____________ a musical instrument. 5. We _____________ many of his works at our gallery so far. 6. Rosie _____________ an elephant and coloured it in. 7. My brother enjoys_____________ photos of the nature and landscape. 8. The band _____________ live at the Central Park tomorrow. VII. Choose the correct option for each of the following sentences. 1. What is the _______________ month of the year in Vietnam? (hot, hotter, hottest) 2. Hawaii is _______________ from Hong Kong than Japan. (far, farther, farthest) 3. Mozart is as _______________ as Beethoven. (famous, more famous, most famous) 4. Which is _______________, grammar or vocabulary? (important, more important, most important) 5. Who is the _______________ person in your family? (powerful, more powerful, most powerful) 6. Their house is three times as _______________ as ours. (big, bigger, biggest) 7. Susan is much _______________ with children than her sister is. (patient, morepatient, most patient) 8. Ann does not swim so _______________ as her coach claims. (quickly, more quickly, most quickly) VIII. Rewrite each of the following sentences using different from or the same as. 1. Their results and our results are different. Their results are different from our results. 2. The price of the scarf and the price of the gloves are the same. The price of the scarf is the same as the price of the gloves. 3. This house and your last house are different. _______________________________________________________ 4. The child’s height and the height of the table are the same. _______________________________________________________ 5. Jane and her sister are very different. _______________________________________________________ 6. This cake and that cake taste the same. _______________________________________________________ 7. Food in San Francisco and food in New Orleans are different. _______________________________________________________ 8. His shoes and my shoes are the same. _______________________________________________________ 9. American English and British English are slightly different. _______________________________________________________ 10. People say I and my mother look just the same. _______________________________________________________ IX. Complete the sentence with as, than or from. 1. The blue car is as fast __________ the red car. 2. Physics is more difficult __________ history. 3. Animals feel pain the same __________ we do 4. Life in the country is very different __________ life in the city. 87

5. 6. 7. 8. X. 1.

He’s not really __________ tall as he looks on TV. This classroom is a lot nicer __________ the one we had last year. London was different __________ most European capitals. Driving a boat is not the same __________ driving a car. Complete the second sentence using the word in brackets. Cycling is faster than walking. (as) Walking ________________________________________________ 2. This tea doesn’t taste the same as the one I usually drink. (from) This tea ________________________________________________ 3. Money is not as important as health. (than) Health __________________________________________________ 4. His new guitar isn’t different from his old one. (as) His new guitar ___________________________________________ 5. Everest is higher than K2. (as) K2_____________________________________________________ 6. Oil painting is not the same as pencil painting. (from) Oil painting______________________________________________ 7. Yesterday’s exam wasn’t as short as today’s. (than) Today’s exam ____________________________________________ 8. Your idea is different from mine. (as) Your idea _______________________________________________ XI. Complete the sentences with too or either. 1. I don’t really like tomatoes. My brother doesn’t like them _____________. 2. My sister enjoys Korean movies, and she likes watching K-Pop _____________. 3. He didn’t say anything, and I didn’t _____________. 4. I don’t speak French and Sarah doesn’t speak French _____________. 5. Danny is really tired and I am tired _____________. 6. They don’t like Rock and Roll music, and we don’t like it _____________. 7. French is a difficult language to learn. Latin is a difficult language to learn _____________. 8. Helen’s got a lovely voice, and she’s a good dancer _____________. XII. Fill in each blank with a suitable preposition. 1. Karen Carpenter is famous __________ the song Top of the world. 2. This rock band is playing __________ the Central Club. 3. I love his painting __________ the old Ha Noi streets. 4. We can watch the concert live __________ TV. 5. I’m very interested __________ pop music. 6. The puppets are made __________ wood and then painted. 7. My friend is very good __________ drawing things. 8. The water puppet show is __________ 57B DinhTien Hoang St., HoanKiem Dist. XIII. Write the correct tense or form of the verbs in brackets. 1. My home town ________________ (change) a lot in the recent years. 2. Please, stop! You ________________(drive) so fast. 3. The paintings ________________(make) on Dzo paper with natural colours. 4. Yesterday I ________________(go) to the centre and ________________(see) an exhibition. 5. As soon as I ________________(finish) painting my room, I’ll paint the kitchen. 6. I ________________(be) to England three times so far. 7. The children ________________ (not be) at home last Sunday. 8. Do you think we ________________ (write) a test tomorrow? 9. Are you interested in ________________(do) community service? 10. Some teenage girls volunteered ________________ (work) at the local hospital. XIV. Choose the word which best fits each gap. 88

While art may not be vital to fulfill our basic needs, it does make life (1) ________. When you look at a painting or poster hang on your living room wall, you feel happy. The sculpture on the kitchen windowsill create a (2) ________ of joy. These varieties of art forms that we are surrounded by all come (3) ________to create the atmosphere that we want to live in. Just like art, music can make life extremely joyful and can have a huge effect (4) ________ our mood. If you have something hard or difficult to work on or are feeling tired, an energetic song will likely (5) ________you up and add some enthusiasm to the situation. Similarlywhen stress is high, many people find that relaxing to calming music is (6) ________ that eases the mind. 1. a. boring b. beautiful c. joyful d. helpful 2. a. sense b. feel c. cause d. way 3. a. away b. along c. down d. together 4. a. on b. in c. at d. of 5. a. take b. wake c. pick d. bring 6. a. something b. anything c. everything d. nothing XV. Read the text carefully, then answer the questions. Modern graffiti began in big cities in the United States in the 1970s. One of the first ‘taggers’ was a teenager called Demetrius. He wrote his tag TAKI 183 on walls and in subway stations in New York. Other teenagers saw Demetrius’s tag and started writing their own tags on walls, buses and subway trains all over New York. Then, some teenagers started writing their tags with aerosol paint. Their tags were bigger and more colourful. Aerosol paint graffiti became very popular in the 1970s and 1980s and appearedon trains, buses and walls around the world. In the 1990s and 2000s, a lot of graffiti artists started painting pictures. In some countries, writing or painting on walls is a crime and street artists can have problems with the police. In other countries, artists can draw and paint in certain places. For example, in Taiwan, there are ‘graffiti zones’ where artists can paint on walls. In São Paulo in Brazil, street artists can paint pictures on walls and houses. Their pictures are colourful and beautiful. Some tourists visit São Paulo just to see the street art! 1. Where did modern graffiti begin? _______________________________________________________ 2. What was Demetrius’s tag? _______________________________________________________ 3. What did young people write on New York walls? _______________________________________________________ 4. When did aerosol paint graffiti become popular? _______________________________________________________ 5. Is graffiti legal in every country in the world? _______________________________________________________ 6. Where can artists paint in graffiti zones? _______________________________________________________ XVI. Fill in each blank with a word from the box.

leaves decoration


north layer


printed talk

Dong Ho Painting is a kind of Vietnamese (1) _____________ painting originating in Dong Ho Village, BacNinh Province. Dong Ho paintings have about 300 years of history in the (2) _____________ of Vietnam. Dong Ho pictures are (3) _____________ on a special kind of Dzo paper. Theprinting paper is made of bark of a tree called“Dzo”. Colours of the painting are refined from various kinds of tree (4) _____________, which people can easily find in Vietnam. Traditional (5) _____________ use all-natural colours for their pictures: burnt bamboo leaves for black, cajuput leaves for green, copper rust for blue, etc. The painting is covered by a 89

(6) _____________ of sticky rice paste to protect the painting and their colours. They are so (7) _____________ lasting, so that it is very difficult to make them dimmer even time or daylight. Vietnamese people used to buy Dong Ho pictures for (8) _____________ during Tet. XVII. Read the text carefully then decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F). Many students listen to music while they are studying, and say that it helps them learn. Many parents and teachers say that music is just distracting, and that students are better studying in silence. Who is right? In a study, some scientists asked three groups of students to listen to a piece of music by Mozart or a relaxation tape for ten minutes, or just sit in silence for ten minutes. The students then did a ‘spatial reasoning’ test (a test about remembering shapes and imagining looking at objects from different directions), and the ones who had listened to the Mozart did better in the test. Taking part in musical activities and learning to play an instrument can improve verbal memory (the ability to remember words). The longer the training lasts, the better the improvement in the memory. So, there’s no excuse to give up the piano lessons! 1. Many students think it’s helpful to listen to music when studying. 2. Teachers say music helps students to better concentrate. 3. The students who had listened to Mozart did better in the spatial reasoning test. 4. Listening to Mozart music will not make you smarter. 5. Music training helps to improve memory. XVIII. Arrange the words to make sentences. 1. who/more/don’t/attentive/arts/students/than/study/those/who/are/. _________________________________________________________________________ 2. father/don’t/either/and/horror/watches/my/never/films/I/. _________________________________________________________________________ 3. you/think/as/classical/do/is/music/exciting/Rockand Roll/as/? _________________________________________________________________________ 4. performance/the/is/next/about/very/anxious/musician/the/. _________________________________________________________________________ 5. sister/interested/ is/ boring/find/I/drawing/my/in/ but/ it/. _________________________________________________________________________ 6. music/your/kind/what/favourite/is/of/? _________________________________________________________________________ XIX. Write the second sentences so that it has the same meaning to the first one. 1. Her phone is not the same as mine. → Her phone is _______________________________________________________________ 2. I think rock music is more popular than jazz. → I think jazz music isn’t ______________________________________________________ 3. Do you like seeing a water puppet show? → Are you __________________________________________________________________ 4. They perform the water puppet show in a pool. → The water puppet show _______________________________________________________ 5. The last time I spoke to David was at Christmas. → I haven’t __________________________________________________________________ 6. Nobody wanted to go, so they cancelled the school trip. → They cancelled _____________________________________________________________ 7. Jim doesn’t play the saxophone as well as his brother. → Jim’s brother plays __________________________________________________________ 8. What is your favourite kind of music? → What kind ________________________________________________________________ XX. Write the second sentence so that it has the same meaning to the first one. Use the word in brackets. 1. This show is the same as the show we saw last week. (different) 90

→ 2. → 3. → 4. → 5. → 6. → 7. → 8. →

This show ______________________________________________ She is the quickest runner at all. (quick) No other runner __________________________________________ She hasn’t made as many mistakes as last time. (fewer) She ____________________________________________________ The Eiffel Tower is as high as an 81-storey building. (same) The Eiffel Tower _________________________________________ Steven Spielberg directed Jurassic Park. (by) Jurassic Park ____________________________________________ This painting isn’t so expensive as my favourite painting. (than) My favourite painting _____________________________________ My English is better than my French. (as) My French ______________________________________________ John hasn’t done any housework for a month. (ago) The last time John ________________________________________ UNIT 5: VIETNAMESE FOOD AND DRINK



beat (v)


khuấy trộn, đánh trộn


beef (n)


thịt bò


bitter (adj)




broth (n)


nước xuýt


delicious (adj)


ngon, thơm ngon


eel (n)


con lươn


flour (n)




fold (n)


gấp, gập


fragrant (adj)


thơm, thơm phức


green tea (n)

/,ɡri:n 'ti:/

chè xanh


ham (n)


giăm bông


noodles (n)


mì, mì sợi


omelette (n)

/'ɒmlət, 'ɒmlɪt/

trứng tráng


pancake (n)


bánh kếp


pepper (n)


hạt tiêu


pork (n)


thịt lợn


pour (v)


rót, đổ


recipe (n)


công thức làm món ăn


salt (n)




salty (adj)


mặn, có nhiều muối


sandwich (n)


bánh xăng-đúych


sauce (n)


nước xốt


sausage (n)


xúc xích 91


serve (v)


múc/ xới/ gắp ra để ăn


shrimp (n)


con tôm


slice (n)


miếng mỏng, lát mỏng


soup (n)


súp, canh, cháo


sour (adj)




spicy (adj)


cay, nồng


spring rolls (n)

/sprɪŋ rəʊlz/

nem rán


sweet (adj)




sweet soup (n)

/swi:t su:p/



tasty (adj)


đầy hương vị, ngon


tofu (n)


đậu phụ


tuna (n)


cá ngừ


turmeric (n)


củ nghệ

37. warm (v) /wɔːm/ hâm nóng B. GRAMMAR I. DANH TỪ ĐẾM ĐƯỢC, KHÔNG ĐẾM ĐƯỢC ( COUNTABLE/ UNCOUNTABLE NOUNS) 1. Danh từ đếm được (Countable nouns) a. Định nghĩa Định nghĩa - Danh từ đếm được là những danh từ có thể đếm trực tiếp số lượng người hay vật/ sự vật ấy bằng cách sử dụng số đếm đứng trước danh từ Đặc điểm - Chúng có dạng số it (singular) và danh từ số nhiều (plural) - Với danh từ số ít ta thêm mạo từ a/an (một) ở đằng trước danh từ. - Với danh từ số nhiều ta thêm “s”, “es” vào sau để chuyển từ dạng số ít sang số nhiều Ví dụ Số ít số nhiều One dog ( một con chó) two dogs (2 con chó) One horse ( một con ngựa) two horses (2 con ngựa) One man ( một người đàn ông) two men ( 2 người đàn ông) One idea ( một ý kiến) two ideas ( 2 ý kiến) One shop ( một cửa hàng) two shops ( hai cửa hàng) Cách thêm s/es vào sau danh từ để chuyển danh từ về dạng số nhiều Thêm “s” vào sau đại đa số các danh từ Hospital – hospitals (bệnh viện) Town- towns ( thị trấn) Thêm “es” vào sau các danh từ có tận cùng là -s, -ss, -x, -ch,-sh Đổi “y” thành “i” rồi thêm “es” vào sau các danh từ có tận cùng là y

Bus- buses(xe bus), class- classes ( lớp học) Box- boxes (cái hộp), dish-dishes (cái đĩa) City – cites (thành phố) Country- coutries (quốc gia)

b. Một số dah từ đếm được có dạng số nhiều đặc biệt Số ít Số nhiều Số ít A person ( người) People a foot ( bàn chân) A child ( 1 đứa trẻ) Children (trẻ em) A mouse (con chuột) A tooth (răng) Teeth A man ( 1 người đàn ông) Goose ( ngỗng) Geese Woman ( 1 phụ nữ) 92

Số nhiều Feet Mice Men Women

Một số danh từ đến được có dạng số it và số nhiều như nhau Số ít Số nhiều Số ít An aircraft (mấy bay) Aircraft Crossroads (ngã tư) A sheep (con cừu) Sheep Series ( loạt/chuỗi) A fish (con cá) Fish Dear (con nai)

Số nhiều Crossroads Series dear

2. danh từ không đếm được ( Uncountable nouns ) a. Định nghĩa Định nghĩa Danh từ không đếm được là những từ không thể đếm được một cách trực tiếp. Đó có thể là những khái niệm trừu tượng hay những vật quá nhỏ, vô hình ( chất lỏng, bột, khí, …..) Đặc điểm Chúng không có hình thức số nhiều Ví dụ Tea (trà) Sugar (đường) Water ( nước) Air ( không khí) Rice ( cơm, gạo) Knowledge ( sự hiểu biết) Beauty (vẻ đẹp) Anger ( sự tức giận) Fear (sự khiếp sợ) Love ( tình yêu) Money (tiền) Research ( sự nghiên cứu) Safety ( sự an toàn) Evidence ( bằng chứng) b. Các cụm từ dùng để nhấn mạnh số lượng của danh từ không đếm được Ta có thể sử dụng một vài cụm từ để đo chính xác các danh từ không đếm được như A bit of news ( một mẩu tin) A gallon of petrol ( một galon A bottle of water ( một chai xăng) nước) A grain of sand ( một hạt cát) A pane of glass ( một ô kính) A piece of bread ( một mẩu bánh mỳ) A slice of bread ( một lát bánh A glass of beer ( một ly bia) A cake of soap ( một bánh xà mỳ) bông) A bowl of soup ( một bát súp) A drop of oil ( một giọt dầu ) A bag of pepper ( một túi hạt tiêu) BÀI TẬP VẬN DỤNG CƠ BẢN Bài 1: Chuyển các danh từ đếm được dưới dây thành dạng số nhiều Singular Plural Singular Baby ( em bé) Key ( chìa khóa) Book ( sách) Lady ( quý cô) Bottle ( bình) Mouse ( chuột) Bowl ( bát) Person ( người) Box ( hộp) Photo ( ảnh) Bus ( xe buýt) Sailor ( thủy thủ) Chair ( ghế) Series ( chuỗi) Child ( đứa trẻ) Spoon ( muỗng) Church ( nhà thờ) Student ( học sinh) Computer ( máy tình) Table ( bàn) Door ( cửa) Tooth ( răng) Fish ( cá) Vehicle ( xe cộ) Foot ( chân) Window ( cửa sổ) Gentleman ( quý ông) Woman ( người phụ nữ) Goose ( ngỗng ) Year ( năm)


Bài 2: Hoàn thành câu với những danh từ cho sẵn , sử dụng dạng số ít hoặc số nhiều của chúng. My mother used to be a famous __________. ( cook ) 93

My friend and I are best ________. ( friend) There are more than two hundred ______ in the local library. ( book) There must be several _____ in my kitchen. ( mouse) You shoudn’t eat more than two _____ of cake. ( piece) I will spend one ____ đay doing nothing ( day) Two ____ have entered this apartment. ( man) Jane was the only ____ in the room. ( person) You need two ____ of sugar to make this cake. ( teasspoon) Apple and strawberry are my favorite _____. ( fruit) My brother promised to buy me a new _____. ( ball) They are my _____. ( classmate) Would you like a ____ of tea ? ( cup) Tim wants to be a ____ in the future. ( librarian) My father and I caught two big ___ in the lake behind our house. ( fish) Bài 3: Hãy viết C ( countable) bên cạnh những danh từ đếm được, viết U ( uncountable) trước danh từ không đếm được. Anger ( sự giận dữ) Knife ( dao) Bread ( bánh mì) Lamp ( đèn) Cake ( bánh) Lemonade ( nước chanh) Chopstick ( đũa) Milk ( sữa) Cup ( cốc) Money ( tiền) Cupboard ( tủ, chạn) News ( tin tức) Dish ( đĩa) Nature ( tự nhiên) Drop ( giọt) Noodle ( mì) Fan ( quạt) Person ( người) Flour ( bột) Rice ( gạo) Fruit ( hoa quả) Salt ( muối) Glass ( ly) Sugar ( đường) Heat ( nhiệt) Tomato ( cà chua) Information ( thông Vegetable ( rau) tin) Kitchen ( phòng bếp) Wine ( rượu) Bài 4: Điền các từ để đo số lượng những danh từ không đếm được vào chỗ trống sao cho thích hợp. Pot Sheets Litres Bar Gallons Grains Glass Cake Slices Bag 1. Would you like another ____ of water? 2. I’d like two ____ of lemonade , please. 3. My grandmother gave me a ____of jam yesterday. 3. You may need three ____ of paper to write your essay. 5. He usually has two ____ off bread for his breakfast. 6. My boyfriend gave me a ________ of chocolate last week. 7. You need at least two ____ of petrol to run this machine. 8. There are some______ of sand in my tea. 9. My mon told me to buy a ____ of soap. 10. There is a ____ of pepper in the cupboard. II. CÂU HỎI CÓ BAO NHIÊU “ HOW MUCH/ HOW MANY? “ 1. How many? Chức năng Dùng để hỏi vè số lượng của một danh từ đếm được. Cấu trúc How many + danh từ đếm được dạng số nhiều (+ are there) ? There is/ there are + từ chỉ số lượng How many + danh từ đếm được đạng số nhiều (+ trợ động từ + S+ V) ? S+ V + từ chỉ số lượng Ví dụ How many eggs? ( có bao nhiêu quả trứng) 94

there is one. ( có một) How many days are there in January ? ( Tháng một có bao nhiêu ngày?) There are 31 days. ( có 31 ngày.) How many tomatoes do we have? ( chúng ta có bao nhiêu quả cà chua? ) we have 5 tomatoes. ( chúng tôi có 5 quả cà chua. ) 2. How much? Chức năng Dùng để hỏi về số lương của một danh từ không đếm được Cấu trúc How much + danh từ không đếm được dạng số nhiều ( + is there) ? There is/ are + từ chỉ số lượng. ( Động từ to be chia là “is” hay “ are” tùy thuộc vào danh từ đứng đằng sau nó.) How much+ danh từ không đếm được dạng số nhiều (+ trợ động từ + S+ V) ? S + V + từ chỉ số lượng. Ví dụ How much money is there in the wallet? ( Có bao nhiêu tiền ở trong ví? ) There is $ 200 ( có 200 đô) How much bread is there ? ( có bao nhiêu bánh mì ở đó?) There are two loaves ( có 2 ổ) How much rice does she need? ( cô ấy cần bao nhiêu gạo) she need five kilos ( cô ấy cần 5 cân) III. BÀI TẬP VẬN DỤNG CƠ BẢN BÀI 5: Điền “ how much/ how many” vào chỗ trống sao cho thích hợp. 1. _____________people are there in the meeting room? 2. _____________bread do you have? 3. _____________Countries are there in the world? 4. _____________ time do we have ? 5. _____________fish did you catch? 6. _____________cakes you are going to make? 7. _____________flour do we need to make this cake? 8. _____________players are there in a football team? 9. _____________pocket money did your father give you? 10. _____________siblings does Jane have? 11. _____________water is in this bottle? 12. _____________lemonade did they buy for the party? 13. _____________salt will you add into the soup? 14. _____________mice has your cat caught? 15. _____________sheep are there in the farm? 16. _____________milk do you have for breakfast? 17. _____________cats are there in this pet shop? 18. _____________ information about him did you get? 19. _____________ comic books have you collected? 20. _____________men are there in the room? Bài 6: Dựa vào những từ cho sẵn, hãy viết thành câu hoàn chỉnh. 1. How much/ sugar/ we/ buy/ yesterday ? ________________________________________________________ 2. How many/ kid/you/ have? ________________________________________________________ 3. How much/ time/ you/ usually / spend on/ your homework? ________________________________________________________ 4. How many/ sheet/ of blank paper/ you / have/ now? ________________________________________________________ 5. How many/ table/ there/ in your classroom? ________________________________________________________ 6. How much/ money/ you/ borow/ him/ last week? 95

________________________________________________________ 7. How much/ rice/ there/ in your kitchen? ________________________________________________________ 8. How much / fruit/ you/ buy/ tomorrrow ? ________________________________________________________ 9. How much/ water/ there/ in a swimming pool? ________________________________________________________ 10. How many/ teaspoon/ of sugar/ we/ need? ________________________________________________________ Bài 7: Nối câu hỏi ở cột A với câu trả lời ở cột B sao cho thích hợp. A B 1. How many sailor are there? a. I only need one sheet of it 2. How much peper will you buy? b. About haft an hour. 3. how much paper do you need? c. I have five. 4. how many types of fish are there in the lake? d. two cubes. 5. how much time will it take to do your e. There are twenty –one people. homework? 6. How many schools are there in your f. only one school. hometown? 7. how much sugar is there in your coffee? g. There are about eleven types. 8. how many spoons do you have? h. I will buy two bags of it. 1-_________ 2 -_________ 3 -_________ 4-_________ 5. -_________ 6. -_________ 7. -_________ 8 -________ Bài 8: Dựa vào những câu trả lời cho sẵn , viết câu hỏi với “how much/ how many”. 1. __________________________________________________________ This book has one hundred pages. 2. __________________________________________________________ I will spend an hour on my project . 3. __________________________________________________________ There is one egg in the refrigerator. 4. __________________________________________________________ Tim read two books yesterday. 5. __________________________________________________________ There are only two waiters in the restaurant. 6. __________________________________________________________ I need two litres of milk , please. 7. __________________________________________________________ Kate has received two birthday presents. 8. . __________________________________________________________ Our family has one dog. III. A, AN, SOME, ANY 1. A/ an Cách dùng “a” và “an” (một) là hai mạo từ được dùng cho danh từ đếm được số ít. “ a” đứng trước phụ âm, “an” đứng trước nguyên âm ( u,e,o,a,i) Ví dụ - There is a cat . ( có một con mèo.) - There isn’t a house. ( Không có một ngôi nhà.) - Is there an egg? ( Có một quả trứng không?) 2. Some/ any. Some và Any là hai tính từ chỉ số lượng bất định, đều có nghĩa là “ một sô, một vài, một chút” . Chúng có thể sử dụng với cả danh từ đếm được số nhiều và danh từ không đếm được. Some ( một vài, một ít) Any (nào ) “ Some” được dùng trong câu khẳng định và “Any” được dùng trong câu phủ định hoặc câu lời mời, yêu cầu hỏi 96

Ví dụ: Would you like some tea? ( Bạn dùng một ít trà nhé?) “Some” đứng trước danh từ không đếm được hoặc danh từ đếm được số nhiều Ví dụ: There are some butter. ( Có một chút bơ) There are some eggs. ( Có một vài quả trứng)

Ví dụ: Do you have any pens? ( bạn có chiếc bút nào không?) “ Any” đứng trước danh từ không đếm được hoặc danh từ đếm được số nhiều. Ví dụ: There isn’t any bitter. ( không có chút bơ nào cả.) Are there any eggs? ( Có quả trứng nào không?)

BÀI TẬP VẬN DỤNG CƠ BẢN Bài 9: Điền “a/an” trước những danh từ sau: _________ Book Apple Hour University Year Aunt Egg Orange

House Cup Sheet Cigarette Telephone Computer Fork Bowl

Bai 10: Điền “a/an” hoặc x vào chỗ trống sao cho thích hợp. 1. My mother need ____ information about the flights. 2. I’d like ___ apple and ___ grapefruit, please. 3. Are you afraid of ___ big dog? 4. We read ____ books all the morning. 5. Do you have ____ umbrella? 6. Did you drink ___ wine yesterday? 7. They’ve bought ___ very expensive car. 8. I had___ bread and ____cheese for breakfast. 9. Please bring me ___ glass of water. 10. My sister bought me ___ new dress. 11. I never have ____eggs for dinner. 12. I don’t like _______ coffee but I like ___ tea. 13. Tim doesn’t want to ask his mother for ____ money. 14. Do you want to add ____ sugar in your coffee? 115. There is ____ piece of cake in the fridge. Bai 11: Điền “some/any” vào chỗ trống sao cho thích hợp. 1. My teacher told us to do ____ exercises. 2. Would you like ___ tea? 3. Have you tasted ____ Vietnamese food? 4. Have you heard _______ news about the robbery? 5. There are ____ workers in the factories now. 6. My brother doesn’t eat _____ vegetables. 7. I will go out with ____ friends tomorrow. 8. Have you watched ___ films of Johnny Depp? 9. I tried ___ japanese traditional dishes when I visted Japan/ 10. My manager won’t let us waste ___ time. 11. You shouldn’t spend ___ money on alcohol. 12. Did you take ___ pictures of Jane. 13. I want ____ bread and butter. 14. The hens didn’t lay ____ eggs yesterday. 15. They want to plant ___ trees along the street. Bai 12: Chọn đáp án đúng. 1. I didn’t drink ___ last night. 97

A. any beer B. some beer C. any beers 2. There isn’t ___ food left. A. any B. some C. a 3. Would you like ___ glass of water? A. any B. some C. a 4. I need some ___ to write a letter. A. papers B. sheet of paper C. sheets of paper 5. Do you have any science_____? A. a book B. book C. books 6. There ____ any noodle left for you. A. isn’t B. aren’t C. is 7. I often have ___ slices of bread for breakfast. A. any B. some C. a 8. There aren’t ___ fish in the lake. A. any B. some C. a 9. I’d like _____ milk , please. A. any B. some C. a 10. There are ___ sheep in the fields. A. any B. some C. a Bài 13: Ddieenff “a/an/some/any” vào chỗ trống sao cho phù hợp. 1. Would you like ________ glass of lemonade? 2. There isn’t ________ butter in the fridge 3. My parents will not buy me ________ new computer. 4. Can I make ________ telephone call? 5. Will you lend her ________ money? 6. It takes me ________ hour to clean my house. 7. I haven’t made ________ new friends at my new school. 8. The house doesn’t hav ________ furniture. 9. I will buy ________ bananas and ________ milk. 10. There is ________ university at the end of the road. 11. Would you like ________ coffee? 12. I asked the waiter for ________ water. 13. ________ apple a day keeps the doctor away. 14. I borrowed ________ books from the local library yesterday. 15. Don’t add ________ more salt in the soup. 16. Is there ________ post office near here? 17 I want to drink ________ beer. 18. Are there ________ fruits left in the fridge. 19. ________ students in my class are foreingers. 20. I don’t have ________ information about hour. BÀI TẬP TỔNG HỢP NÂNG CAO BÀI 14: Gạch chân lỗi sai trong các câu dưới đây và sửa lại cho đúng. 1. There are cattles in the fields. _______________________________________________________________ 2. I haven’t heard some news about the accidents. _______________________________________________________________ 3. The Philippines are a country in Southeast Asia. _______________________________________________________________ 4. Can you lend me your scissor? _______________________________________________________________ 5. Two young ladys have just walked out of the retaurant. _______________________________________________________________ 6. My sister bought me a new pair of trouser. _______________________________________________________________ 7. Many people never show some anger. _______________________________________________________________ 98

8. How much any milk will you have for breakfast? _______________________________________________________________ 9. I want to buy some new clothe. _______________________________________________________________ 10. How many money did you borrow from your brother? _______________________________________________________________ Bài 15: Khoanh tròn vào đáp án đúng. 1. Every ( person / people) in your family went to the same school. 2. (Some / any) friends of mine are studying abroad. 3. I have never drunk ( some/any) alcoholic drinks before . 4. Rabies (was/were) used to be unable to cure. 5. How many (fish/ fishes) did you buy? 6. It is (a/an) honor to recerive this reward. 7. I have only (a/one) T-shirt to wear. 8. How (many/much) kilos of flour do you need? 9. Are there any ( mice/ mouse) in your house? 10. I have never seen any ( aircraft/ aircrafts) before. Bai 16: Dựa vào những từ cho sẵn , hãy viết thành câu hoàn chỉnh. 1. you/ put/ effort/ on your work? _______________________________________________________________ 2. How many/goose/ you/ own? _______________________________________________________________ 3. She/ not show/interest/ in my painting. _______________________________________________________________ 4. There/not be/ boyt/ in my class. _______________________________________________________________ 5. You/ buy/ jam/ yet? _______________________________________________________________ 6. There / be/ apple/ but/ there/ not be/ orange. _______________________________________________________________ 7/ There/not be/ egg/ in the fridge/ so/ I /buy/ egg. _______________________________________________________________ 8. Up to now/ I/ not read/ fiction book. _______________________________________________________________ Bài 17: Jim có một số thực phẩm ở trong tủ lạnh, và cậu ấy sẽ mua thêm một số thực phẩm nữa. Dựa vào ghi chú của Jim, hãy đặt câu hỏi rồi trả lời về số lượng thực phẩm Jim có và số lượng thực phẩm Jim sẽ mua. I have I will buy Milk 0 3 litres Egg 3 7 Chocolate 0 2 bars Orange 3 3 kilos Bread 1 loaf 3 loaves Beef Half a kilo A kilo

5. _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ Bài 18. Khoanh tròn vào đáp án đúng. How much (1)_________does it usually take you to prepare a dish? You are busy and you don’t have (2) _________time for a meal. Don’t worry. It’s always quick and easy to make (3) _________omelette for a quick meal. You only have to go through (4) _________ steps as followed . Before you start, make sure you’ve already have two eggs, two (5) _________ of water, one teaspoon of butter and (6) _________salt. After you get all the needed (7) _________, start by beatig eggs, water and salt in small bowl. In the following step, you heat butter in (8) _________ nonstick pan until it is hot. Then you pour the egg mixture into the pan. Gently push cooked portions from edges toward the center. Continue cooking until the top surface of eggs is thickened and no visible liquid egg remains. Now it’s time for you to enjoy the dish. 1. A. hours B. hour C. time D. times 2. A. a B. an C. any D. some 3. A. a B. an C. any D. some 4. A. a B. an C. any D. some 5. A. bottles B. gallons C. teaspoons D. litres 6. A. a B. an C. any D. some 7. A tools B. ingredients C. furniture D. food 8. A. a B. an C. any D. some Bài 19: Đọc đoạn văn sau và trả lời câu hỏi. Square cake (Banh Chung) is one of the most popular and tasty traditional vietnamese food, It is an essential part of Vietnamese cuisine and culture. Vietnamese people never forget to make or buy some Square cakes in the Tet Holidays and King Hung's anniversary. They believe that itis the best way to show gratitude to their ancestors and homeland. People place Square cakes in the family altars so as to honor the ancestors and pray them to support the family in the new year. Almost all Vietnamese children know about the legend and origin of this traditional dish.This cake was invented by the 18'1' Prince of Hung Emperor. 3,000-4,000 years ago, Prince Lang Lieu, made round and square cakes and brought them to the King. He explained the meaning of the cakes to his father: the round cake was the symbol of the sky and the Square cake was the symbol of the Earth. In the old belief of Vietnamese people, the Earth is square, so this cake's shape is square, too. Because of the special meaning and delicious taste of the cakes, Lang Lieu became the next Emperor. Since then, in honor of this 18th Prince, Vietnamese people always make and have Square cake in the Lunar New Year. It has become the soul of Vietnamese New Year. 1. According to the pasage, what is an essential part of Vietnamese cuisine and culture? ______________________________________________________________________ 2. Where do people place Square cakes to honor the ancestors? ______________________________________________________________________ 3. Who invented the cake? ______________________________________________________________________ 4. According to the old belief of the vietnamese, what was the shape of the Earth? ______________________________________________________________________ 5. Why could Lang Lieu become the next Emperor? ______________________________________________________________________

0. How much milk does Jim have? He doesn’t have any milk. How much milk will Jim buy ? He will buy 3 litres of milk. 1. _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ 2. _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________


3. _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ 4. _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ 99

C.EXERCISES UNIT 5 Put the word into the correct according to the underlined part. more


























/ɒ/ ………………………………………………. ………………………………………………. ………………………………………………. ……………………………………………….

/ɔː/ ……………………………………………… ……………………………………………… ……………………………………………… ………………………………………………

II.Find the word which has a different sound in the part underline. 1.A. warm B. wash C. wall D. walk B. bag C. wash D.add 2.A. pan 3.A. sauce B. daughter C. caught D.aunt 4.A. wash B.off C. draw D.on 5.A.audience B. naughty C. document D. water III.Choose the word that is a different kind of food to the others. 1.A. apple B. banana C. lemon D. pork 2.A. beans B. eggs C. salad D. mushrooms 3.A. beef B. carrot C. lamb D. pork 4.A. coffee B. fruit juice C. tea D. tomato 5.A. cakes B. chocolate C. nuts D. fish IV.Put the words or phrases about food and drink in the correct column. apple pork mineral –water noodles toast

coffee beef eggs lemon tea chicken

hot chocolate orange juice sandwiches cheese shrimp

Food ………………………………………………. ………………………………………………. ………………………………………………. ……………………………………………….

milk sausages sticky rice pancake yoghurt

bread green tea pizza beef noodle soup eel soup

Drink ……………………………………………… ……………………………………………… ……………………………………………… ……………………………………………….

V.Write questions and short answers about the food. Use the correct form of there is or there are and some, or any. Follow the examples. Example: bananas?/ Yes. A: Are there any bananas? B: Yes, there are some cheese?/ No. A: Is there any cheese? B: No, there isn’t any. 1cakes?/ Yes. ______________________________________________________________________ 2.butter?/ No. ______________________________________________________________________ 3.mineral water?/ Yes. _______________________________________________________________ 4.eggs?/ No. _______________________________________________________________________ 5.salt?/ Yes. _______________________________________________________________________ 6.carrots?/ Yes. ____________________________________________________________________ 7.apples?/ Yes. ____________________________________________________________________ 8.sugar?/ Yes. _____________________________________________________________________ VI.Fill in each blank with the correct word: some, or any. Mai: I’m really hungry. What did you have for lunch? Nam: Nothing! I wanted to make 1 pancakes but I don’t know how to make one. Mai: OK. We can have 2 pancakes. Is there 3 flour and cooking oil? Nam: Yes, and we have 4 eggs too. Mai: Good. I need two eggs for each pancake. I want 5 turmeric too. Nam: Yes, there is 6 for you. Do you need 7 minced pork andgreen onions? 101

Mai: Yes, I need 8 . OK, that’s enough for us to make pancakes now. VII. Match the two parts of the sentences, and write the answers (a-h) in the blanks __ 1. How much a. food at the party? __ 2. There’s a lot b. onions. __ 3. There aren’t many c.orange juice __ 4. How many d. of tomatoes in this salad. __ 5. We don’t have much e.milk do we have? __ 6. Was there much f. strawberries in the garden? __ 7. There are a lot g. of ham on this pizza. __ 8. Are there many h. potatoes do you want? VIII. Complete the questions with “How much" or “How many”. 1. _______________ homework do you do a day? 2. _______________ sleep do you get a night? 3. _______________ text messages do you send a day? 4. _______________ money have you got in your pocket? 5. _______________ cousins have you got? 6. _______________ packets of biscuits do you eat a week? 7. _______________ people are there in this classroom? 8. _______________ time is there to the end of the lesson? IX. Make questions with “How much” or “How many” and the cues given. 1.water/ you/ drink/ every day? _________________________________________________________________________________ 2.students/ in you class? _________________________________________________________________________________ 3.hours/ you/ sleep/ every night? _________________________________________________________________________________ 4.money/ you/ have/ in your bag or pocket? _________________________________________________________________________________ 5.subjects/ you/ study/ at school? _________________________________________________________________________________ X. Read the passage carefully, and then do the following tasks Our school has an organic garden. We learn about growing vegetables and looking after them in our food science lessons. In the holidays, we can volunteer to work in the garden. My family live in a flat so it’s great for me to have a garden at school. Volunteers can take some vegetables home too, so my parents are very happy that I like working there. My aunt and uncle live on a farm in the Red River Delta. It isn’t very big but they have hens,pigs, and cows. We always go to stay with them in summer. It’s a beautiful place and the food is amazing. All the vegetables are so fresh and, because the farm is organic, we know they are healthy, too. We live in Ha Noi and my parents buy food at The Viet Fresh Farm Shop near our flat. It is very famous in our city and all the food they sell is from animals that live on the farm or vegetables that they grow. They organise a food festival once a year and we always go to eat the free food and watch cookery demonstrations. They are really interesting and you can learn a lot about cooking. A. Read the passage again. Match the underlined words with the correct meanings (1-6). . 1. very good 2. something or someone that a lot of people know about . 3. activities which explain and show how to do something . 4. people working or helping because they want to, not for money . 5. the animals that the meat beef comes from . 6. offer to do something for no money . B. Read the passage again. Choose the correct answer to the questions. 1.The students at the school . A. have to work in the school garden 102

B. get some free food for working in the garden C.have food science lessons during the holidays D. use the vegetables from the garden in cookery lessons 2.The student who wrote about the school garden . A. works there with her parents B. also helps in her parents’ garden C.would like to work there in summer but she can’t D.doesn’t have a garden at home 3.We know that the student who writes about the farm of her aunt and uncle certainly . A.goes there every year B. helps on the farm C.likes eating meat from the farm D. eats only healthy food 4.The Viet Fresh Farm Shop . A. is the best farm shop in Ha Noi B. is famous all over Viet Nam C.sells only vegetarian food D. only sells food from their farm 5.If you go to The Viet Fresh Farm food festival, you . A.have to pay for the food B.can watch how to cook different dishes C. see animals from the farm D. have to take food to sell XI.Read the passage carefully, and then do the following tasks. The healthy eating diet Healthy eating is about feeling great and having more energy. If you choose the right foods, your healthy diet will be a tasty diet, too. You can still enjoy your favourite sweet and saltyfoods, but too much sugar and salt is bad for your body. Dairy products like milk, cheese, and yoghurt are great because they contain calcium and keep your teeth and bones healthy. You should choose low-fat dairy products. Meat, fish, eggs, beans, and nuts are important, too. They keep our bodies healthy and they give us energy to work and play. Whole grains are an important part of every meal. If you eat lots of whole grains, you will have a healthy heart. Whole grains are in bread, cereal, pasta, and rice. Dark bread and brown rice are great sourcesof whole grains. Fruit and vegetables are the most important part of a healthy diet. They are low in caloriesand full of vitamins. Eat lots of fruit and vegetables with every meal, and as snacks during the day. Fruit and vegetables with darker colours have more vitamins. A. Find the underlined words in the text to match the meanings. 1. _________ : an amount of energy. 2. _________ : the power that your body gets from food. 3. _________ : food that you eat between meals. 4. _________ : If food is this, it tastes of sugar. 5. _________ : If food is this, it tastes of salt. 6. _________ : the types of food that you eat most often. 7. _________ : things in food that we need to grow and be healthy. 8. _________ : the place where you get something from. B. Answer the following questions. 1.What does the healthy eating diet help you? _________________________________________________________________________________ 2.What can you also enjoy when you have a healthy eating diet _________________________________________________________________________________ 3.Why are dairyproducts good for your health? _________________________________________________________________________________ 4.What is the function of meat, fish, eggs, beans and nuts? _________________________________________________________________________________ Why are whole grains an important part of every meal? 103


_________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ 6.What types of foods can we get whole grains from? _________________________________________________________________________________ 7.Why are fruit and vegetables the most important part of a healthy diet? _________________________________________________________________________________ 8. What types of fruit and vegetables have more vitamins? _________________________________________________________________________________ XII. Write the instructions to make lemon iced tea (tra chanh),using the words or phrases given, and words showing sequence (first, second, next, then, after that, finally). Ingredients: tea bags (You can use any kind of tea you love:lotus tea, Lipton tea, or dried tea leaves). lemon, sugar, ice. Process: 1.put/ tea bag/ small cup/ then/ pour/ slowly/ boiled water/ it. _________________________________________________________________________________ 2.wait/ 5-7 minutes/ then get/ tea bag/ out. _________________________________________________________________________________ 3.cut/ lemon/ half/ then/ press/ water/ from it/ not/ use/ seeds. _________________________________________________________________________________ 4.add/ sugar/ and/stir/ mixture/ then/ add/ ice. _________________________________________________________________________________ 5.your drink/ already/ served/ pour/ it/ glasses. _________________________________________________________________________________ 6.decorate/ sliced lemon/ basil leaves/ surface of drink. _________________________________________________________________________________ TEST 1 UNIT 5 I. Find the word which has a different sound in the underlined part. B. warm C. wall D. walk 1. A. wash 2. A. pan B. bag C. water D. add 3. A. sauce B. aunt C. caught D. daughter 4. A. document B. naughty C. audience D. water II. Find the word which has a different sound in the underlined part. 1. A. one B. bottle C. coffee D. pot 2. A. morning B. what C. problem D. yogurt 3. A. talk B. salt C. sausage D. cause 4. A. pork B. flower C. cow D. flour B. food C. soon D. cook 5. A. noodle 10. I’ll get some cheese/ cheeses while I’m at the shop. III. Choose the correct answer A, B, C or D. 1. ? - There’s some meat and some rice. A. What’s for lunch? B. What’s lunch? C. What’s lunch for? D. Where’s lunch for? 2. Coffee is . A. favourite my drink B. my favourite drink C. drink my favourite D. my drink favourite 3. What would you like? . A. I like some apple juice. B. I’d like any apple juice. C. I’d like some apple juice. D. I’d like an apple juice. 4. My hobby is . A. cooking B. cook C. to cooking D. cooked 104

5. We hate the dishes. A. wash B. to washing C. washed D. washing 6. I do not have oranges, but I have apples. A. any – any B. some – any C. any – some D. a – some 7. Where is there ? A. drinking B. drink C. drank D. to drink fruit juice in the fridge. 8. There is A. any B. some C. a D. many IV. Complete the sentences with: “a/ an” or “some/ any”. 1. I need sugar. money. 2. I haven’t got 3. This is very good diet. 4. You need oil in your diet, but not a lot. 5. I’ve got information for you. 6. We don’t need more white paint. 7. Shall I get melon for dinner? butter while I’m at the shop. 8. I’ll get 9. Would you like apple? 10. We need bars of chocolate for the party. V. Underline the correct words in the sentences. 1. There isn't any/ no butter in my sandwich. 2. Can I have some/ any water, please? 3. Would you like no/ some sugar in your coffee? 4. You can call me some/ any time you like. 5. There aren’t no/ any children in the park. 6. A: Do you drink much/many tea? B: No, but I drink much/ a lot of coffee. 7. A: Do you eat much/many vegetables? B: Yes, I eat much/many potatoes every day. I always have some for lunch. 8. A: Do you buy much/many fruits? B: Yes, on Saturdays, I always buy a lot of/much fruits at the market. I don’t buy any in the supermarket. 9. A: How much/many tomatoes do you usually put in a salad? B: Not much/many - Just one or two. 10. A: How many/much money do you spend on food every week? B: Not much/many because I live on my own. VI. Underline the correct word in each sentence. 1. Boil/ Cook some water, and pour it into the cup. 2. We usually bake/ fry the fish in oil. 3. At the end of the meal we paid the menu/ bill. 4. I always buy fresh food because I don’t like iced/ frozen food. 5. Lisa doesn’t eat meat. She’s a vegetable/ vegetarian. 6. Don’t forget to put the meal/ the food in the fridge. 7. When the food is made/ done, take it out of the oven. 8. Could we have some more bread/ loaf please? 9. The cook/ cooker put the meat in the oven. 10. Jack bought a fresh chicken/ kitchen from the supermarket. VII. Write the words in the correct column. Use the words in the box.

pasta; beef; milk; salmon; tea; tuna; peas; beans; yoghurt; coffee; chicken; icecream; rice; pork; bacon; sausages; butter; flour; bread; noodles; cucumber; wine; oranges; bananas; cod; peppers; beer; pears; strawberries; tomatoes; prawns; cream; lemonade; grapes; lamb; ham Meat





Dairy products



















































VIII. Complete these sentences with “some or any”, 1. Can I have ................... more milk, please? 2. Has Jane got ................... brothers or sisters? 3. I haven’t got ................... work to do. 4. Is there ................... news about the new project? 5. I’ve got ................... news for you. 6. There isn’t ................... information on the computer about this. 7. Would you like ................... help? 8. Could you get me ................... stamps, please? 9. We went out with ................... friends last night. 10. Is there ................... wine left? IX. Read the texts and complete the chart. I’m Roy and this is my wife, Joan. We live on a farm, so we have to get up early, at about 5.30. We start a day at 6 a.m with a big breakfast- bacon, sausages, eggs, tomatoes and mushrooms. We have toast, too, and two or three cups of tea. Our big meal of the day is lunch at 12 o’clock. We have meat with potatoes and vegetables, then a big pudding, such as apple pie and custard, and a cup of tea. At five o’clock we have tea. That’s a light meal- eggs perhaps, or cheese on toast, and then cakes or biscuits and another cup of tea. On Fridays and Saturdays we go to the pub in the evenings and we have a few pints of beer. Meals



1. Breakfast ......................









X. Put a word from the box in each gap to complete the following passage 105


are mixed

special introduction

kinds dish

for easy

when dried

This (1) is called Nem Ran by northerners and Cha Gio by southerners. In Ha Noi, the (2) of Nem Ran dates back to a time (3) Cha Ca had not existed. Although it ranks among Vietnam’s specialty dishes, Nem Ran is very (4) to prepare. Consequently, it has long been a occasions such as Tet and other family festivities. preferred food on (5) Nem Ran comprise of lean minced pork, see crabs or unshelled shrimps, Ingredients used (6) two kinds of edible mushroom (Nam Huong and Moc Nhi), (7) onion, duck eggs, pepper, salt and different of seasoning. All are (9) thoroughly before being wrapped with transparent (8) rice paper into small rolls. These rolls (10) then fried in boiling oil. XI. Complete the sentences. Using “many” or “much”. 1. I’ll try to call you tonight, but I don’t have ................ time. 2. How ................ times do you brush your teeth every day? 3. Shall I make some more tea? I didn’t make ................ 4. Kate only ate a sandwich because she didn’t have ................ money. 5. There weren’t ................ seats. Some of us had to stand up. 6. Have you got ................ work, or do you want to come to the cinema? 7. We invited lots of people to our party, but not ................ turned up. 8. You’ll have to share, because there aren’t................ books. 9. I haven’t got ................ homework today. 10. Are there ................ apples on the tree? XII.Rewrite the sentences, using the given words. 1. Tim is better at English than Susan. → Susan isn’t .......................................................................................... 2. We spent five hours getting to London. → It took ................................................................................................. 3. Listening to music gives him pleasure. → He enjoys .............................................................................................. 4. She is more beautiful than her younger sister. → Her ..................................................................................................... 5. They began studying English in 2004. → They ................................................................................................... 6. You ought to go to school now. → It’s time .............................................................................................. 7. My father works as a teacher at a high school. → My ...................................................................................................... 8. We can’t afford to buy the car. → The car is ............................................................................................ 9. People say that he beats his wife. → He is said to ........................................................................................ 10. She bought that house in 1990. → She has................................................................................................ TEST 2 (UNIT 5) I.Find the word which has a different sound in the part underlined. 1.A. bottle B.one C. coffee D. pot 2.A. morning B. yoghurt C. problem D. what 3.A. talk B. sausage C. salt D. cause 4.A. flour B. flower C. cow D. pork 5.A. noodle B. food C. cook D. soon II.Choose the word that is different kind of food to the others. 6.A. apple B. banana C. egg D. grape 107

7.A. carrot B. onion C. potato D. orange 8.A. bean B. pork C. beef D. chicken 9.A. pear B. melon C. peach D. salad 10.A. yoghurt B. tea C. butter D. cheese III. Choose the correct answers. this dish? 11. Can you tell me A.to cook B.how to cook C.cooking D.how to cooking 12. What do I need to cook an omelette? A.food B.material C.menu D.ingredients 13. In Viet Nam, spring rolls are served at a family gathering or anniversary dinner. A.most B.almost C.mostly D.most of dish for breakfast?” - “It’s beef noodle soup.” 14. “What is your A.favourite B.most C.best D.liking 15. How many do you eat every day? A.orange B.milk C.apple D.apples 16. Cakes in Viet Nam are made butter, eggs, and flour. A.in B. from C. of D. by 17. Lan’s brother is a , working at the Metropolitan Restaurant. A.cooker B.cooking C.chief D.chef drink do you like most? 18. What A.nation B.foreign C.foreigner D.favourite 19. “Do you want to this new dish of noodle I have just cooked?” A.like B.try C.drink D.make 20. The eel soup that your father has just cooked tastes very . A.well B.best C.healthy D.delicious 21. There isn’t for dinner, so I have to go to the market. A.some left B.any leaning C.some leaving D.any left is a small meal that you eat when you are in a hurry. 22. A A.snack B.fast food C.breakfast D.lunch 23. is hot food that is quick to cook, and is served very quickly in a restaurant. A.Hot food B.Fast food C.Sandwiches D.Hamburgers 24. water should I put into the glass? A.How B.How much C.How many D.What 25. tomatoes do you need to make the sauce? A.How much B.How many C.How long D.How often 26. bottles of milk does your family need for a week? A.How much B.How many C.How D.How often 27. How many do you want? A.orange juice B.bottle of orange juice C.jar of orange juice D.cartons of orange juice in the refrigerator? 28. Is there any butter A.leave B.to leave C.to leaving D.left 29. There is tofu, but there aren’t sandwiches. A.some - some B.any - any C.some - any D.any - some 30. How many do you need? A.yogurt B.packet of yogurt C.carton of yogurt D.cartons of yogurt IV. Fill in each blank with some or any. 31. There’s milk in that bottle. 32. She wanted stamps but there weren’t in the machine. 33. I’m afraid there isn’t coffee left. 34. I’d like to buy new clothes but I don’t have money. 35. Do you have friends in Ha Noi? V. Make questions with “How many/ How much" for the underlined part in the following sentences. 108

36.I have only a little luggage. ________________________________________________________________________________ 37.I need some paper to write on. ________________________________________________________________________________ 38.My father often reads two papers a day. ________________________________________________________________________________ 39.I usually drink two litres of water every day. ________________________________________________________________________________ 40.I need some bread to make sandwiches. ________________________________________________________________________________ VI. Choose the correct answer A, B, c or D to fill each blank in the following text. Vietnamese people may (41) to drink at coffee shops or pubs on weekdays(42) their friends after work. Some of them invite their friends to drink at their homeson weekends. In the past, the Vietnamese usually (43) home-made alcohol such as“ruou gao” or “ruou de”. Then, they started to drink beer or imported wines. Vietnamese people know about the damage of drinking alcohol, but they still drink. MoreVietnamese people (44) their free time outside their homes such as cinemas, theatresor coffee shops. The number of places for entertainment has increased in big cities. However, more young people use their free time to study or such as communications, presentation and team working. attend clubs or centres for improving (45) 41.A. go B. go out C. go on D. go away 42.A. for B. of C. with D. to 43.A. drink B. drinking C. to drink D. drank 44.A. spend B. take C. come D. waste 45.A. knowledge B. skills C. experience D. memory VII.Read the passage, and then answer the questions. Eating habits in Viet Nam Meals in Viet Nam - lunch or dinner - must include rice. Traditionally, Vietnamese meals are prepared by wives or mothers and the whole family is expected to eat. However, families now may have only one meal a day at home, and it may not include all the family members. Tastes, cooking methods and dishes are different between the three regions: the North, the Central, and the South. Nowadays, these differences have become small. When families do not have time to prepare meals, they eat out. Employees have lunch somewhere nearby the work places. Since Viet Nam opened its doors to foreign investors, more foreigners have stayed and worked in Viet Nam. As a result, more foreign restaurants have been opened in Viet Nam, especially in big cities. Young people in Viet Nam now like fast food because of its conveniences. Vietnamese food fast shops have been opened, and the most successful Vietnamese fast food chain is Pho 24. In recent years, there have been more Vietnamese fast food chains such as Bun Bo Hue 3A3. 46.What do meals in Viet Nam usually include? ________________________________________________________________________________ 47.When have more foreign restaurants been opened in Viet Nam? ________________________________________________________________________________ 48.Why do young people in Viet Nam like fast food? ________________________________________________________________________________ 49.Where do most employees have lunch? ________________________________________________________________________________ 50.What is the most successful Vietnamese fast food chain? ________________________________________________________________________________ VIII.Write a paragraph about eating habits in your area/ city/ village. Use the cues given below. 51.People/ my town/ have/ three meals/ day/ breakfast, lunch, and dinner. ________________________________________________________________________________ 109

52.They/ have/ breakfast/ 7 o’clock/ morning. ________________________________________________________________________________ 53.It/ a light meal/ but/ it/ considered/ important/ with/ a bowl of beef noodle soup (pho)/ noodles with pork (hutieu), instant noodle/ a plate of sticky rice (xoi). ________________________________________________________________________________ 54.Lunch/ usually start/ 11.30/ also a light meal/ followed/ an hour’s rest. ________________________________________________________________________________ 55.Most employees/ have/ lunch/ food shops/ near/ working places. ________________________________________________________________________________ 56.Students/ have/ lunch/ school canteens. ________________________________________________________________________________ 57.People/ often have/ rice/ meat/ fish/ vegetables/ but young people/ often/ fast food/ shops/ Lotteria, Jollibee, and KFC. ________________________________________________________________________________ 58.Dinner/ main meal/ including rice/ with many dishes/ meat/ fish/ eggs/ tofu/ vegetables. ________________________________________________________________________________ 59.People/ prepare/ food/ boiling/ steaming/ barbecuing/ frying/ then/ fruit/ green tea. ________________________________________________________________________________ 60.So. I/ think/ Vietnamese food/ cheap/ nutritious/ very delicious. ________________________________________________________________________________

I. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. II. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

TEST 3 UNIT 5 Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others. b. beef c. meat d. tea a. bread a. audience b. sauce c. sausage d. taught b. cups c. cartons d. noodles a. eggs a. soup b. salt c. sauce d. sugar a. fridge b. rice c. spinach d. milk Choose the word that has the underlined part pronounced differently. a. tofu b. opera c. hot d. bottle a. taught b. water c. sandwich d. author a. apple b. pancake c. snack d. salt a. sauce b. saw c. bought d. yoghurt a. torch b. pot c. omelette d. rock

III. Choose the best answer a, b, c, or d to complete the sentence. 1. Pho is always served _________ fresh herbs, bean sprouts, sliced-up chiles, and lime. a. for b. with c. in d. on 2. This cake is made _________ fresh butter and eggs. a. in b. of c. by d. from 3. You don’t need to take _________ food on the trip. a. a b. some c. any d. the 4. We need a _________ of bread to make the sandwiches foreveryone. a. carton b. bar c. loaf d. tube 5. There was some ham _________ from lunch. a. leave b. leaving c. to leave d. left 6. My lemonade is a bit _________. Can you give me some sugar, please? a. sour b. sweet c. spicy d. salty 7. Would you like _________ milk in your coffee? a. any b. some c. a d. a few 8. How _________ cheese do we need to make a cheese cake? ~ About 250 grams. 110

a. few b. many c. much d. little 9. Flour is the main _________ in cakes. a. recipe b. dish c. formulary d. ingredient 10. Alan: _________________ Huan: Pho, bun cha, bun bo, banh mi, com tam, etc. a.What Vietnamese food should I try? b.What’s your favourite drink? c.How do you cook Vietnamese food? d.How much food do you like? IV. Underline the correct words. 1. She bought a loaf/ bowl/ bar of bread so we can make sandwiches. 2. We’ve already eaten a tube/ packet/ slice of biscuits! 3. Would you like a bowl/piece/glass of lemonade? 4. There is a piece/ carton/ kilo of milk in the fridge. 5. Could you cut me a smaller slice/ spoon/ bunch of ham? 6. You can have a loaf/ piece/ pot of cake after you’ve eaten your vegetables! 7. See round the grocer’s for a bottle/ tin/ tube of sardines. 8. She ate a glass/ slice/ bowl of noodles yesterday morning. 9. Anna always eats a slice/ bar/ loaf of chocolate on her way to school. 10. He got a can/ piece/ carton of Coke from the fridge because he was thirsty. . V. Write C for countableand U for uncountable. 1. beef ____ 7. spinach ____ 13. turmeric ____ 2. apple ____ 8. egg ____ 14. pancake ____ 3. bread ____ 9. butter ____ 15. vegetable ____ 4. biscuit ____ 10. lemonade ____ 16. coffee ____ 5. rice ____ 11. sandwich ____ 17. sugar ____ 6. spring roll ____ 12. ham ____ 18. orange ____ VI. Fill in the blanks with a, an, some or any. 1. Have you got __________ potatoes? 2. I’d like __________bread, and __________piece of cheese, please. 3. For breakfast, I have __________ham sandwich and __________orange juice. 4. Here are __________ cereals, but there isn’t __________ milk. 5. Would you like __________ beer or would you prefer __________ bottle of Coke? 6. Is there __________ rice left? ~ I’m afraid there isn’t __________ rice left, but youcan have __________noodles instead. 7. There aren’t __________ bananas, but there is __________ apple and __________ grapes. 8. I want __________ jam and __________ butter for my toast. 9. Can I have __________ sausages and__________omelette with fries on the side, please? 10. My father always has __________biscuit and __________cup of tea at bedtime. VII. Complete the sentences with How much or How many. 1. _____________grams of sugar per day should we consume? 2. _____________bread do we need? 3. _____________coffee do you drink in a day? 4. _____________steaks do you want? 5. _____________meat do we need for the barbecue tonight? 6. _____________bottles of orange juice have you had today? 7. _____________hamburgers did he eat? 8. _____________cream would you like in your coffee? 9. _____________potatoes are there in the basket? 10. _____________rice can I put in the soup? VIII. Make questions with How much or How many.

1. cups of butter/ we/ need/ for this recipe _________________________________________________________________________ 2. milk/ you/ like/ in your tea _________________________________________________________________________ 3. grapes/ there/ in the fridge _________________________________________________________________________ 4. cakes/ she/ make/ for the party last night _________________________________________________________________________ 5. pork/ your mother/ want/ for the barbecue _________________________________________________________________________ 6. cat food/ you/ buy /at the supermarket/ yesterday _________________________________________________________________________ 7. exams/ they/ have/ so far _________________________________________________________________________ 8. tea/there/ in the teapot _________________________________________________________________________ IX. Read the dialogue and circle the correct words. Lucy: How about making (1) a/ an apple pie? Alan: Great idea! Have we got (2) some / any apples? Lucy: Yes, there are (3) some / any in the bowl. (4) How much / How many do we need? Alan: A lot, about a (5) kilo / litre. Lucy: We haven’t got enough. We can buy (6) some / any in the corner shop. Alan: And we need (7) some / any flour, too. Look at the recipe. (8) How much / manyflour do we need? Lucy: About half a pound. Alan: And (9) how much / how many eggs do we need? Sue: Four. And we also need (10) some / any butter and (11) some / any sugar. Oh, we haven’t got (12) some / any butter. Andy: We can buy (13) a / some bar of butter in the shop, too. X. Write the correct tense or form of the verbs in brackets. 1. My house is very dirty. I ______________ (clean) it tomorrow. 2. This coffee ______________ (taste) terrible, but the biscuits ______________ (be) great. 3. Pho ______________ (become) more and more popular in Saigon since 1954. 4. Last year we ______________ (go) on a school trip to Scotland. 5. At the moment Joana ______________ (learn) to cook some Vietnamese dishes. 6. I’m very sorry Dr. Jones ______________ (not be) back in the clinic until 2pm. 7. The chicken meat served with pho ga ______________ (cut) into thin slices. 8. My father ______________(eat) pho almost every morning at the restaurant nearby. 9. The broth is made by ______________ (stew) cow bones for a long time. 10. What is there ______________ (drink), Mike? XI. Supply the correct form of the words in brackets. 1. The soup had a very ___________ taste. (salt) 2. She covered the cake with a ______________ of sugar and whites of eggs. (mix) 3. Most children enjoy eating ______________ chicken and French fries. (fry) 4. The pineapple was sweet and ______________. (juice) 5. Meats and fish are ______________ used in all Vietnamese cooking. (common) 6. The chicken meat is ______________ and cut into thin slices. (bone) 7. It took about 30 minutes of ______________ and 40 minutes of baking. (prepare) 8. The sauce itself was ______________ and slightly sweet. (fragrance) XII. There is one mistake in each sentence. Underline and correct the mistake. 1. How many orange juice have you had today? 2. Are there some eggs in the fridge? 3. Would you like a cheese with your pasta?



4. Salt is one of important ingredient for almost dishes. 5. Can you buy some breads on your way home? 6. What do you usually have in breakfast? 7. Vietnamese eat more instant noodles to Japanese. 8. How many glass of water should you drink per day? XIII. Choose the word which best fits each gap. Pho might be Vietnam’s (1) _______ famous dish, butbun cha is the top choice when it comes to lunchtime in Hanoi. It doesn’t matter if you eat bun cha in a restaurant or a small cart on the street, you will be (2) _______ by a plate of vermicelli (bun), a bowl of broth with grilled pork and a (3) _______ of fresh herbs. The vermicelli and fresh herbs are pretty common in a Vietnamese restaurant. The broth and the pork are the ones that make this dish (4) _______. Bun cha sets often come with the delicious nemcua be– friedcrab spring (5) _______. Still not convinced? It’s what Obama ate during his night (6) _______ with Bourdain. 1. a. most b. the most c. best d. the best 2. a. cooked b. made c. served d. tried 3. a. bottle b. pot c. bar d. basket 4. a. simple b. comfort c. specially d. unique 5. a. pieces b. rolls c. halves d. slices 6. a. out b. in c. towards d. along XIV. Read the text carefully then choose the correct answers. Vietnamese food culture varies by regions from the north to the south. In Northern Vietnam, food is characterized by light and balanced. Northern Vietnam is seen to be the cradle of Vietnamese cuisine with many notable dishes like Pho, Bun Rieu, Bun Thang, Bun Cha, BanhCuon, etc. Then, food culture in Northern Vietnam became popular in Central and Southern Vietnam with suitable flavors in each regions. The regional cuisine of Central Vietnam is famous for its spicy food. Hue cuisine is typical Central Vietnam’s food culture. Food in the region is often used with chili peppers and shrimp sauces, namely, Bun Bo Hue, BanhKhoai, BanhBeo, etc. In Southern Vietnam, the warm weather and fertile soil create an ideal condition for planting a variety of fruit, vegetables and livestock. Thus, food in the region is often added with garlic, shallots and fresh herbs. Particularly, Southerners are favored of sugar; they add sugar in almost dishes. Some signature dishes from Southern Vietnam include BanhKhot and Bun Mam. 1. It is considered that Vietnamese cuisine __________. a.originated from the North b.became more and more popular c.always combines taste and colour d.can be found only in Northern Vietnam 2. What are the features of Northern Vietnamese food? a. It’s delicious and healthy. b. It’s sweet and sour. c.It’s light and balanced. d. It’s a bit fatty and salty. 3. Hue cuisine is notable for its __________. a. colorful food b. spicy taste c. bitter taste d. light flavor 4. In Southern Vietnam, __________. a.the warm weather makes it hard to plant fruit and vegetables b.fresh herbs are always used in cooking c.people love sweet food d.sugar is often added to dishes 5. Which of the followings is NOT true? a.Food in Vietnam changes region to region. b.Southerners do not like northern food due to its light flavor. c.Chill peppers and shrimp sauces are among the frequently used ingredients. d.Bun Bo Hue is a typical dish of the Central Vietnam cuisine. XV. Fill in each blank with a word from the box. 113









Pho is one of the (1) ___________ popular Vietnamese dishes. What is pho? Pho is a Vietnamese noodle soup consisting of (2) ___________, rice noodles, herbs and meat. There are two (3) ___________ types of pho and that is Pho Bo (beef noodle soup) and Pho Ga (chicken noodle soup). Pho Bo is beef broth that is made by stewing cow bones in a large (4) ___________ for quite a long time. Pho Ga is very similar to Pho Bo. Instead of beef broth, chicken broth is made by (5) ___________ chicken bones. The noodle itself is made from varieties of (6) ___________. The ingredients and toppings may (7) ___________ a slight bit in the North and the South. Pho is normally eaten for breakfast, but many of people eat at lunch, or (8) __________ dinner. XVI.Read the text carefully then decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F). Once being a basic food of farmers and poor families in Vietnam, com tam or broken rice is now a favourite dish of most Vietnamese. It is said that the best broken rice can be found in Saigon. When you come to Saigon, you should try this dish at least one time and you will not regret it. Com tam literally means broken rice. Broken rice originally consisted of grains which were broken during the harvesting and cleaning of rice. In the past, as most people preferred to eat the long, whole grain rice, broken rice grains were difficult to sell and usually eaten by the Vietnamese working class because of the cheap price. Nowadays, often favored over long grain rice for its unique flavour and texture, broken rice is one of the best-loved fares in Vietnam. Local broken rice eateries can practically be found on every street in Saigon. A broken rice dish is served with many beautiful colours from grilled pork chop with multi-flavour to steamed egg, shredded pork skin, pickles, vegetables such as tomatoes, cucumbers ... and especially sweet fish sauce that is the spirit of the dish. 1. Today, com tamis only eaten by poor Vietnamese. 2. Com tamis made from broken rice grains. 3. In the past, most people didn’t eat broken rice grains because they were cheap. 4. It is difficult to find a place to eat com tam in Saigon. 5. The most important part of com tamis sweet fish sauce. 6. Com tamis now a favourite dish of Vietnamese people, especially Saigonese. XVII. Arrange the words to make sentences. 1. kilos/how many/would/potatoes/of/like/you/? _________________________________________________________________________ 2. but/went/I/fish/ I/ fishing/ catch/didn’t/any/. _________________________________________________________________________ 3. 15/ cook/for/chicken/you/over/ the/low/minutes/heat/it/before/ serve/. _________________________________________________________________________ 4. broken/tell/you/can/how/me/to/rice/cook/? _________________________________________________________________________ 5. three/in/fridge/are/there/milk/the/cartons/of/. _________________________________________________________________________ 6. has/but/egg/bread/got/he/an/hasn’t/he/any/got/. _________________________________________________________________________ 7. electric cooker/how much/in/rice/left/the/is/? _________________________________________________________________________ 8. Vietnam/most/Pho/of/the/popular/is/one/dishes/in/. _________________________________________________________________________ XVIII. Make questions for the underlined parts. 1. She needs twelve eggs to make two cakes. _________________________________________________________________________ 2. They drank a lot of wine at the party last night. _________________________________________________________________________ 3. I often drink coffee in the morning. 114

_________________________________________________________________________ 4. Beef noodle soup is my favourite food. _________________________________________________________________________ 5. My lemonade tastes a bit sour. _________________________________________________________________________ 6. No, there isn’t any milk in the fridge. _________________________________________________________________________ 7. No, thanks. I love cookies, but I’m full. _________________________________________________________________________ 8. The beef broth is made by stewing cow bones. UNIT 6: THE FIRST UNIVERSITY IN VIET NAM A.VOCABULARY 1.

build (v)


xây dựng


consider (v)


coi như


consist of (v)

/kən'sist əv/

bao hàm/ gồm


construct (v)


xây dựng


doctor’s stone tablet (n)

/'dɒktərz stəʊn 'tæblət/

bia tiến sĩ


erect (v)


xây dựng lên, dựng lên


found (v)


thành lập


grow (v)


trồng, mọc


Imperial Academy (n)

/ɪm'pɪəriəl ə'kædəmi/

Quốc Tử Giám

10. Khue Van Pavilion (n)


Khuê Văn Các

11. locate (v)


đóng, đặt, để ở một vị trí

12. pagoda (n)



13. recognise (v)


chấp nhận, thừa nhận

14. regard (v)


đánh giá

15. relic (n)


di tích

16. site (n)


địa điểm

17. statue (n)



18. surround (v)


bao quanh, vây quanh

19. take care of (v)

/teɪ keər əv/

trông nom, chăm sóc

20. Temple of Literature (n)

/’templ əv 'lɪtərɪtʃə/

Văn Miếu

21. World Heritage (n) /wɜːld 'herɪtɪdʒ/ Di sản thế giớ B. GRAMMAR I. CÂU BỊ ĐỘNG (THE PASSIVE VOICE) 1. Định nghĩa - Câu bị động là câu mà trong đó chủ ngữ trong câu không thực hiện hành động mà ngược lại bị tác động bới một yếu tố khác. 2. Phân biệt câu chủ động với câu bị động Câu chủ động Câu bị động Cách dùng Khi bản thân chủ thể được Khi bản thân chủ thể không tự nhắc đến tự thực hiện hành thực hiện được hành động. 115

Dạng thức Ví dụ

động S+V+O S: Chủ ngữ , V: Động từ, O: Tân ngữ Many parents are preparing a lot of delicious cakes. ( Bố mẹ tôi đang chuẩn bị rất nhiều bánh ngon) Mary did her homework yesterday. (mảy làm bài tập về nhà ngày hôm qua)

S+ to be + P2 P2: động từ phân từ hai My money was stolen yesterday. ( Tiền của tôi bị trộm mất ngày hôm qua) The meal has been cooked. ( bữa ăn vừa mới được nấu )

3. Cấu trúc biến đổi từ câu chủ động sang câu bị động Chủ động S+V+ O Bị động S+ tobe + P2 + by O Cách biến đổi - Tân ngữ (O) trong câu chủ động đưa lên làm chủ ngữ trong câu bị động - Động từ (V) trong câu chủ động sẽ chuyển thành “tobe + p2”. Trong đó “be” chia theo thì và chia theo chủ ngữ. - Chủ ngữ (S) trong câu chủ động sẽ biến đổi thành tân ngữ và có giới từ “by” đằng trước (by + O) Ví dụ Chủ động : They will sell their house next year. Bị động: Their house will be sold by them next year. Lưu ý * Chủ ngữ I, you, he, she, it, we, they, one, people, someone, somebody, nobody, no one, trong câu chủ động thường được bỏ đi trong câu bị động. Ví dụ: People speak French in this country. ( mọi người nói tiếng Pháp ở đất nước này.) French is spoken in this country. ( Tiếng Pháp được nói ở đất nước này) * Trạng từ chỉ thời gian đứng sau By+ O Ví dụ: Nam bought this dictionary in 2008 . ( Nam đã mua quyển từ điển này vào năm 2008.) Thí dictionary was bought by Nam in 2008 ( Quyển từ điển này được mua bởi Nam vào năm 2008) BÀI TẬP VẬN DỤNG CƠ BẢN Bài 1: Đánh dấu ( ) trước những câu ở dạng bị động My mother bought me this dress yesterday This letter was written by my secretary. He had a serious accident yesterday. I was allowed to go picnic with friends I didn’t expect Jim to come. I was born in Russia. I bought this book in the local bookstore yesterday. All the wine was drunk by Peter last night. The songs were sung by many famous singers. This cup is made from clay. The vase broke into pieces. My father and my mother are employed by the same company. My parents took me and my sister to the theater. This actor is admired by many people. 116

Jim wasn’t expected to fail the test. Bai 2: Chia động từ trong ngoặc 1. This cake is ______ by Jane. ( make) 2. My phone was _____ by my mother. ( buy) 3. The ring isn’t _____ of diamond . ( make) 4. The milk was ____ by one of my cats ( drink) 5. Your car was ____ next to hers . ( park) 6. This hole was ____ by a mouse. ( dig) 7. Tim is ____ to school by his father. ( take) 8. They are ____ to the prom. ( invite) 9. He is ____ as am assistant. ( engage) 10. The chores are always ____ by my mother. (do) 11. All the exam paper are ____ by my teacher. ( mark) 12. I wasn’t ___ to be the winner. ( expect) 13. The cat is ____ by jane everyday. ( feed) 14. My little is ____ by my grandmother. ( look after) 15. This car isn’t ___ by me . ( drive) Bai 3: Gạch chân lỗi sai trong các câu bị động dưới đây và viết lại câu đúng 1. My keys were find in the living room. __________________________________________________________________ 2. Household rubbish is took to a large dump. __________________________________________________________________ 3. The local library located near the local school. __________________________________________________________________ 4. The chair was fixed with Jim. __________________________________________________________________ 5. This fridge was bought in 2000 by my brothers. __________________________________________________________________ 6. The birthday cake was cutted into 8 pieces. __________________________________________________________________ 7. The organization were founded in 1970. __________________________________________________________________ 8. The streets are litter with rubbish. __________________________________________________________________ 9. The old man helped by his grandchildren. __________________________________________________________________ 10. Many houses were destroyed in the flood. __________________________________________________________________ Bai 4: Đánh dấu ( ) trước những câu bị động có phần tân ngữ ( đứng sau “by”) cần thiết trong câu. Đánh dấu (X) trước câu có phần tân ngữ ( đứng sau “by”) không cần thiết và gạch bỏ chúng X 0. the festival is held by people annually. 1. The dinner was prepared by a famous cook. 2. My money was stolen by someone. 3. I wasn’t told about her story by anyone. 4. Jim’s homework wasn’t finished by him yesterday. 5. This table is made from wood by people. 6. These flowers are grown by a skillful gardener 7. My sister is looked after by a babysister. 8. This letter was sent to me by someone. 9. These walls are painted in pink by my sister. 10. It is thought by people that jane will marry Jim II. CÂU BỊ ĐỘNG THÌ HIỆN TẠI ĐƠN ( THE PRESENT SIMPLE PASSIVE) Thể Câu chủ động Câu bị động 117

Khẳng định

Phủ định

Nghi vấn

S+ V (s/es) + O Ví dụ: Mary studies English everyday. ( Mary học tiếng Anh mỗi ngày) S+ don’t / doesn’t + V + O Ví dụ: Mary doesn’t study English everyday ( Mary không học tiếng Anh mỗi ngày) Do/ Does + S + V+ O? Ví dụ: Does mary study English everyday? ( mary có học tiếng Anh mỗi ngày không )

S+ am/ is/ are + V p2 + (by O) Ví dụ: English is studied by Mary everday ( tiếng anh được học bởi Mary mỗi ngày) S+ am/is/are + not + Vp2 + ( by O) Ví dụ: English isn’t studied by Mary everyday. ( Tiếng Anh không được học bởi Mary mỗi ngày ) Am/ is/ are + S + Vp2 Ví dụ: Is English studied by Mary everyday? ( Tiếng Anh có được học bởi Mary mỗi ngày không?)

BÀI TẬP VẬN DỤNG CƠ BẢN BÀI 5: Chuyển những câu bị động dưới đây về thể khẳng định (+), phủ định (-) và nghi vấn (?) ở thì hiện tại đơn. 1. (+) This table is made of wood. (-)__________________________________________. (?)__________________________________________? 2. (+)__________________________________________. (-) This book isn’t sold in many bookstores. (?)__________________________________________? 3. This gift is wrapped in colorful paper. (-)__________________________________________. (?)__________________________________________? 4. (+)__________________________________________. (-)__________________________________________. Are tickets sold at the entrance? 5. (+)__________________________________________. (-) The car isn’t polished regularly. (?)__________________________________________? 6. The grass is cut every week. (-)__________________________________________. (?)__________________________________________? 7. These tomatoes are grown in Mrs. Smith’s garden. (-)__________________________________________. (?)__________________________________________? 8. . (+)__________________________________________. (-)__________________________________________. Is the bank always closed at 4:30? Bài 6: Khoanh tròn vào đáp án đúng. 1. English is ( speak/ spoken) in many countries. 2. I (am not/ don’t) allowed to stay out too late. 3. These flowers are (watered/ waters) everyday by my mother. 4. The housework (are/ is) done by both of my parents. 5. The food ( is preparing/ is prepared) by Jane. 6. My mother ( is bought/ buys) me new clothese every month. 7. Mr Vu is (admiring/ admired) by many people. 8. May difficult exercises ( are done/ are doing) easily by Jim. 118

9. The air ( is polluted/ is polluting) by smoke from factories. 10. My glasses are ( broke/ broken). 11. These trees ( are planted/ are plants) by local people. 12. This report ( is typed/ typed) by my assistant. 13. English ( is studying/ is studied) by students at schools. 14. Cheese ( is made/ makes) from milk. 15. Breakfast is prepared ( by/ from) my mother everyday. Bai 7: Chia động từ trong ngoặc về thể bị động thì hiện tại đơn để hoàn thành đoạn văn sau: How sugar is made Sugar (1. normally make) _______________ from sugar cane. This kind of plant (2. grow) _______________ in tropical or subtropical areas. In such developed countries as the United States, harvesting of cane (3. do) _______________ mainly by machine. In other areas, this process (4. also do) _______________ by hand. After the cane (5. harvest) _______________ , it (6. load) _______________ mechanically into trucks or railroad and (7. take) _______________ to mills. Then it (8. process) _______________ into raw sugar. The cane (9. clean) _______________ by warm water before it (10. break) _______________ by two or three crusher rollers. A large part of the juice (11. extract) _______________ and then (12. purify) _______________ to make sugar crystals. In the next steps, sugar crystals (13. tumble) _______________ through heated air. After they (14. dry) _______________ ' they (15. sort) _______________ by size and (16. place) _______________ in storage bins. Sugar (17. pack) _______________ in the packages like we see in the supermarket . Sugar (18. use) _______________ for various purposes and it is a must-have. item in every kitchen. Bài 8: Dựa vào những từ cho sẵn, viết câu bị động ở thì hiện tại đơn. 1. My house/ make from/ wood . _________________________________________________________________ 2. These eggs/ not lay/ by my hens. _________________________________________________________________ 3. Morning exercises/ do/ Jim/ everyday. __________________________________________________________________ 4. The dogs/ feed/ jane/ every day. _________________________________________________________________ 5. Letters/ deliver/ mailman/ everyday. _________________________________________________________________ 6. Vegetables/ grow/ in the fields/ farmers. ________________________________________________________________ 7. Cattle / raise/ farm workers. _________________________________________________________________ 8. Many diseases/ cure/ by surgery/ nowadays. __________________________________________________________________ 9. National heritages/ preserve/ the government. __________________________________________________________________ 10. The architectural features of the house/ carefully study/ architects. __________________________________________________________________ Bai 9: Hoàn thành câu thứ hai dựa vào từ cho sẵn trng ngoặc. 0. my father washes the car once a month. ( is) The car is washed by my father once a month. 1. The painter displays all the paintings in the gallery. ( are) All the paintings __________________________________________________ 2. Jim turns off the kettle . ( by) The kettle________________________________________________________ 3. Peter always looks the door before 9 p.m ( locked) The door _________________________________________________________ 4. Does Jim take you to the airport? ( taken) Are you _________________________________________________________ 5. How ofte does Jane clean the room? ( is) How often _________________________________________________________ 6. My brother rarely write a long essay. ( is) 119

A long essay _________________________________________________________ 7. My aunt arranges flowers beautifully. ( are) Flowers _________________________________________________________ 8. Mr. Smith sometimes drive the new car to work. (is) The new car _________________________________________________________ 9. I never speak English outside the classroom. ( by) English _________________________________________________________ 10/ People never open this gate. ( is) The gate_________________________________________________________ 11. people make bottles from plastic. ( are) Bottles _________________________________________________________ 12. Jane hangs the wedding photo on the wall. (by ) The wedding photo _________________________________________________________ 13. Someone guard this place twenty-four hour a day. ( is) This place _________________________________________________________ 14. Jim writes and posts his blog on social network site. ( is) Jim’s blog _________________________________________________________ 15. People harvest winter wheat in late July ( is) Winter_________________________________________________________ Bài 10: Chuyển những câu bị động sau thành câu chủ động. 1. I am taken to school by my father every day. ________________________________________________________________. 2. This book is read by a large number of people. ________________________________________________________________. 3. The President is warmly welcomed by the citizens. ________________________________________________________________. 4. You are invited to the party by Jim. ________________________________________________________________. 5. Chocolate is loved by many children. ________________________________________________________________. 6. Historic places in my hometown are protected by the authorities. ________________________________________________________________. 7. This old man is visited regularly by his grandchildren. ________________________________________________________________. 8. The letter is accidentally torn by me. ________________________________________________________________. 9. This problem is cleatly explained by my teacher. ________________________________________________________________. 10. The vase is placed under the table by my mother. ________________________________________________________________. III. CÂU BỊ ĐỘNG THÌ QUÁ KHỨ ĐƠN ( THE PAST SIMPLE PASSIVE) Thể Câu chủ động Câu bị động Khẳng định S+ Ved + O S+ was/ were + Vp2 + by O Ví dụ Ví dụ: She wrote a letter yesterday . A letter was written ( by her) ( Cô ấy đã viết một bức thư yesterday . ngày hôm qua) (Một bức thư đã được viết ngày hôm qua) Phủ định S+ didn’t + V +O S+ was/ were + not Vp2 + by Ví dụ: O She didn’t write a letter Ví dụ: yesterday A letter was n’t written ( by ( Cô ấy đã không viết một bức her) yesterday . thư ngày hôm qua) (Một bức thư đã không được viết ngày hôm qua) Nghi vấn Did + S+V+O/ Was/ were + S+ Vp2? 120

Ví dụ: Ví dụ: Did she write a letter Was a letter written ( by her) yesterday ? yesterday ( Một bức thư đã ( Cô ấy đã viết một bức thư được viết ngày hôm quà à?) ngày hôm qua à?) BÀI TẠP VẬN DỤNG CƠ BẢN BÀI 11: Chuyển những câu bị động dưới đây về thể khẳng định (+), phủ định (-) và nghi vấn (?) ở thì quá khứ đơn. 1. (+) This building was designed by a French architect. (-)_________________________________________________________ (? ) ________________________________________________________ 2. (+)_________________________________________________________ (-) This non-profit organization wasn’t founded in 1990. (? ) ________________________________________________________ 3. The thieves were arrested yesterday. (-)_________________________________________________________ (? ) ________________________________________________________ 4. (+)_________________________________________________________ (-)_________________________________________________________ Was this piece of music composed y Mozart? 5. (+)_________________________________________________________ The keys weren’t found in her bedroom (? ) ________________________________________________________ 6. the statue was destroyed years ago. (-)_________________________________________________________ (? ) ________________________________________________________ 7. (+)_________________________________________________________ (-)_________________________________________________________ (?) Were Janet born in America? 8. (+) I was named by my grandparents. (-)_________________________________________________________ (? ) ________________________________________________________ Bài 12: Chọn đáp án đúng: 1. My chidlren were ______to the zoo yesterday. A. take B. took C. taken 2. They ____ by the large strange animals. A. were fascinate B. fascinated C. were fascinated 3. Many rhinos were killed _____ hunters in the last decade. A. by B. with C. and 4. Wild animals and their habitats ____ by the government. A. was protected B. were protect C. were protected 5. Forests and oceans ____ under protection of people. A. were put B. was put C. were putted 6. ______polluted by waste from local factories? A. Did the river was B. did the river C. was the river 7. It ____ that tomorrow might be snowy. A. was predict B. was predicted C. predicted 8. Many people _____ to the city in the last 20 years. A. were commuted B. were commute C. commuted 9. My brother was looked after _______. A. by me yesterday B. yesterday by me C. with me yesterday 10. My little sister was taken ______. A. to the park by me B. by me to the park C. to me by the park Bài 13: Chia động từ trong ngoặc về thể bị động thì quá khứ đơn. 1. My homework ( finish) _____________ before 7 p.m yesterday. 2. The accident ( cause_____________ by this man 121

3. The apple juice ( drink) _____________ by my sister . 4. This meal ( prepare) _____________ by my mother. 5. This box ( not open) _____________ . 6. The cake (cut) _____________into 8 pieces. 7. The criminal ( sentence) _____________ three years in prison. 8. This postcard ( send) _____________ Italy by my Italian friend. 9. These rings ( make) _____________ of gold. 10. This organization (found) _____________ by a businessman 3 years ago. 11. Many songs ( sing) _____________ on the New year’s Eve. 12. Fireworks (set off) _____________ to celebrate the Independent Day. 13. Three people ( rescue) _____________ from the raging fire by the firefighter. 14. _____________ ( you/bear) on August 29? 15. These dresses ( sell out) _____________ in a few minutes. 16. My old chair ( throw) _____________ away by my father. 17. When _____________ ( your house/ build)? 18. The famous actor ( not regconize) _____________ when he went shopping yesterday. 19. Everone ( surprise) _____________ by her victory. 20. This event ( witness) _____________ by millions of people. Bai 14: Chuyển câu chủ động sau thành câu bị động. 1. Someone robbed the women on her way home last night. _________________________________________________________________. 2. Someone found my bike near the river bank. __________________________________________________________________. 3. Tom fixed the broken table in my room. __________________________________________________________________ 4. He hurt his back yesterday. __________________________________________________________________. 5. Tom’s classmates bullied him when he was seventh grader. __________________________________________________________________ 6. People took the victim to the hospital after the accident. __________________________________________________________________. 7. The police didn’t find my lost suitcase. __________________________________________________________________. 8. Someone broke into Mr. Smith’s house when they were out. _________________________________________________________________. 9. Soldiers, common people and criminals built the Great Wall of China. __________________________________________________________________. 10. They cut that piece of paper into 4 smaller pieces. __________________________________________________________________. 11. My father taught me Japanese during last summer. __________________________________________________________________. 12. Did the local people build this wooden bridge . __________________________________________________________________. 13. Did anyone harvested all the apples in the garden yesterday. __________________________________________________________________. 14. What di people make wine from? __________________________________________________________________. 15. When did they close the shop yesterday? __________________________________________________________________. Bài 15: Sắp xếp những từ cho sẵn thành câu hoàn chỉnh. 1. painting/ was/ the/ when/ displayed? _______________________________________________________________________. 2. South/ brought up/ in/ of/ the/ Vietnam/ by/ I/ uncle/ my / was. _______________________________________________________________________. 3. My/ mother/ birthday/by/my/ given/ I/ doll/ was/ a/ on. _______________________________________________________________________. 122

4. sister/ decorated/ My/ was/ and/ painted/ by/ my/ room. _______________________________________________________________________. 5. My brother/not/ to eat/ when/ junk food/ allowed/ were/ small/ were/ when/ _______________________________________________________________________. 6. garden/ held/ This/ was/the/ party/ Jim/ yesterday/ by/ in. _______________________________________________________________________. 7. mine/ near/ parked/Jane’s/ was/ car. _______________________________________________________________________. 8. by/ yesterday/me/ caught/ fish/ were/ Two. _______________________________________________________________________. 9. my/ cousin/ sent/ was/ This/ and/ written/ by/ letter. _______________________________________________________________________. 10/ last/ arrested/ police/ thief/ week/ The/the. _______________________________________________________________________. BÀI TẬP TỔNG HỢP NĂNG CAO BÀI 16: Gạch chân lỗi sai trong câu và viết lại câu đúng. 1. Does the car is cleaned in the garage by your father? _______________________________________________________________________. 2. No one were told abut his tragic death. _______________________________________________________________________. 3. My computer was purchase from the local shop. _______________________________________________________________________. 4. The table was lay by my mother. _______________________________________________________________________. 5. The church is constructed in the 18th century. _______________________________________________________________________. 6. Did this book read by Jim yesterday? _______________________________________________________________________. 7. When my father was worked in the local factory , he didn’t have free time. _______________________________________________________________________. 8. The tower was built in 1990 by a famous architect. _______________________________________________________________________. 9. This crimnial case was solved with the police. _______________________________________________________________________. 10. Were you walked to school when you were a child? _______________________________________________________________________. Bai 17: Chia động từ trong hộp vào chỗ trống sao cho thích hợp, sử dụng thể bị động thì hiện tại đơn hoặc quá khứ đơn của động từ. Sell demolish visit solve complete Preserve regard construct locate invite 1. Several historical places n my countries _____________to make room for houses and factories many years ago. 2. The one Pillar Pagoda _____________ by Emperor Ly Thai Tong in 1049. 3. My house _____________ on the outskirts of Ha noi. 4. Natinonal heritages _____________ by both the government and the citizens . 5. Mary_____________as a responsible person by her co-workerd. 6. my project _____________ two days ago. 7. The tickets _____________ at a reasonable price. 8. What was the last time you _____________ by your grandchild? 9. _____________ Jim_____________ to his neighbor’s wedding? 10. The problems _____________ by my teacher yesterday. Bài 18: Điền các động từ trong ngoặc vào chỗ trống sao cho phù hợp, sử dụng thể chủ động hoặc bị động của những động từ đó. 1. I ( not permit) _____________ to go out after 10 pm 2. The black dress ( make) _____________ me look older than my mother. 3. This little girl (expect) _____________ by her parents to win the competition.

4. My manager ( not let) _____________me use the computer in the office for personal purposes. 5. Your hydro bill (pay) _____________ by Mr. Smith yesterday. 6. This building (design) _____________ by a well-known architect in 2001. 7. last year, It ( rumour) _____________ that people would build a new bridge here. 8. The teacher (order) _____________ me to finish my report before yesterday. 9. his shoes ( often shine) _____________ by his wife. 10. Our way ( light) _____________ by a full moon. 11. _____________ ( your health/ worsen) by your bad eating habit? 12, He ( promise) _____________ to lend me his book yesterday. 13. The stars ( cover) _____________ by the clouds last night. 14. They ( often make) _____________ special cakes for the Mid-autumn Festival. 15. My piano ( move) _____________ upstairs yesterday. Bai 19: Chuyển những câu chủ động thành câu bị động 1. my teacher gave me a notebook as a reward. __________________________________________________________________ 2. People pick grapes and then turn them into wine. __________________________________________________________________ 3. My father didn’t allow me to stay up late. __________________________________________________________________ 4. you don’t use pencils in your Maths exam. __________________________________________________________________ 5. My parents allowed me to go picnic with my friends yesterday. __________________________________________________________________ 6. No one told me about his story. __________________________________________________________________ 7. I make this cake. __________________________________________________________________ 8. When I was a kid, a dog bit my leg. __________________________________________________________________ 9. You need many social skills when you enter the workplace. _________________________________________________________________. 10. A hearing aid assists my grandmother’s hearing. _________________________________________________________________. Bài 20: Khoanh tròn vào đáp án đúng One Pillar Pagoda When you come to Hanoi, you have the chance to visit various monuments, parks and (1) ________ places and the One Pillar Pagoda is one of the destinations. The unique pagoda (2)________ in the western part of Hanoi. According to historical records, the pagoda was constructed (3) ________ Emperor Ly Thai Tong in 1049. It (4) ________ of wood on a single stone pillar 1.25 m in diameter, and it is designed to resemble a lotus blossom. Lotus is a Buddhist symbol of purity because it blossoms in a muddy pond. Before the pagoda was opened, prayers were held for the longevity of the monarch, so the One Pillar Pagoda (5) ________ a temple at that time. During the Ly Dynasty era, the temple was the site of an annual royal ceremony on the birthday of Gautama Buddha. A Buddha-bathing ceremony (6) ________ annually by the monarch. As time went by, the pagoda (7) ________ from destruction by the colonial powers. In 1954, the pagoda was destroyed by the French Union forces before they (8) ________ from Vietnam after the First Indochina War. One Pillar Pagoda was rebuilt afterwards. 1. A. architectural B. brilliant C. historic D. old 2. A. is located B. locates C. was located D. located 3. A. by B. in C. with D. and 4. A. makes B. is made C. made D. was made 5. A. used to consider B. considered C. was considered D. considers 6. A. was hold B. was held C. hold D. held 7. A. suffered B. was suffered C. is suffered D. suffers 8. A. withdrew B. withdrawn C. was withdrew D. was withdrawn Bài 21: Đọc bìa đọc dưới đây và điền T ( True) trước câu trả lời đúng với nội dung Bài đọc, F ( false) trước câu trả lời có nội dung khác với nội dung bài đọc, NF( no information)trước câu có nội dung không được đề cấp đến trong bài đọc.



St. Joseph's Cathedral St. Joseph's Cathedral is one of the tourist attractions in Hanoi, capital of Vietnam. The cathedral is a Roman Catholic cathedral and it is located at 40 Nha Chung Street. Its architectural style was described as resembling Notre Dame de Paris. The church was built by the French colonial government. In 1882, after the French army took control of Hanoi, the cathedral was constructed and completed in 1886. The cathedral and Nha Chung area were built on the land formerly belonging to Bao Thien pagoda. The cathedral is 64.5m in length, 20.5m in width with two bell towers of 31.5m-height. Although the appearance of the cathedral follows Western style, the main interior part is decorated in Vietnamese way with two typical colors yellow and red. Outside, in front of the cathedral is the statue of Mother Maria. The first Christmas took place in the cathedral in 1887. Since then, the cathedral is always crowded with hundreds of people including both Christians and non-Christians at the weekend or during religious holidays like Christmas. 1. The architectual style of St. Joseph's Cathedral is different from Notre Dame de Paris. 2. The cathedral was built from 1882 to 1886 3. St. Joseph's Cathedral is the oldest cathedral in Hanoi. 4. Every part of the cathedral follows Western style. 5. There is a statue in front of the cathedral 6. Only Christians go to St. Joseph's Cathedral at weekends and during religious holiday. C.EXERCISES UNIT 6 I.

Put the word into the correct column according the underlined part. literature

























/tʃ/ ………………………………………………. ………………………………………………. ………………………………………………. ……………………………………………….

/dʒ/ ……………………………………………… ……………………………………………… ……………………………………………… ………………………………………………

II. Imagine that you are going to take a trip to Sa Pa in winter and to Mui Ne in summer. Choose the items from the box you would like to take with you. Maybe some items should be used in both places. mineral water



canned food

warm clothes

mobile phone


swim suit




suntan lotion









SaPa: ___________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ Mui Ne: _________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ III.Supply the correct passive form of the verbs in brackets. 1. America (discover) by Christopher Columbus. 2. Sydney opera House in Australia (finish) in 1973. 125

3. The Great Wall in China (build) many centuries ago. 4. The Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco (complete) in 1937. in 2010. 5. Burj Khalifa in Dubai, the highest building in the world, (open) 6. A painting by Picasso (sell) for 3 million dollars last year. 7. The Japanese Covered Bridge in Hoi An (build) in the 16thcentury. the first university in Viet Nam. 8. The Imperial Academy (consider) 9. The site for Huong Pagoda (discover) about 2000 years ago. 10. One-Pillar Pagoda in Ha Noi (complete) in 1049. IV. Make passive sentences, using the cues given. 1.kangaroos/ find/ Australia. _______________________ 2.English/ speak/ many countries/ world. _______________________ 3.rice/ grow/ mostly/ Asia. _______________________ 4.coffee/ make/ Brazil. _______________________ 5.carnival/ hold/ Brazil/ every year. _______________________ 6.baseball/ play/ all over the USA. _______________________ V. Rewrite the sentences in the passive voice. 1.People use computers all over the world. Computers _______________________________________________________________________ 2.They keep many ancient things in museums. Many ancient things _______________________________________________________________ 3.I do all my homework on my computer. All my homework _________________________________________________________________ 4.People make many famous films in Hollywood. Many famous films ________________________________________________________________ 5.Ms Linh teaches our English lessons. Our English lessons ________________________________________________________________ 6.My father drives all of us to school every day. Allof us _________________________________________________________________________ 7.A lot of people use cell phones. Cell phones ______________________________________________________________________ . 8.Hundreds of tourists visit my town every year. My town ________________________________________________________________________ 9.People use Khue Van Pavilion symbol on all street signs of Ha Noi. Khue Van Pavilion symbol __________________________________________________________ 10.King Ly Nhan Tong built the Imperial Academy as the first university in Viet Nam in 1076. The Imperial Academy _____________________________________________________________ VI. Read the passage, and then decide whether the statements are true (T) or false (F). UNESCO has recognized the 82 Doctors’ stone tablets as a Memory of the World. Theyare inscribed with the names of 2,313 doctorate holders who passed the royal examinations between 1442 and 1780. The stone tablets, which bear the names of Trang Nguyen, Bang Nhan, Tham Hoa, and Hoang Giap (the first, second, third and fourth winning categories at the royal examinations), sit on the backs of stone turtles. These stone tablets are different from those in other Asian countries, including China which had influenced Vietnamese feudal education. The decorations on Viet Nam’s stone tablets were more diverse. By naming Viet Nam’s stone tablets as a Memory of the World, UNESCO also acknowledges Viet Nam’s efforts to preserve and promote heritage to international community. The recognition would also help to raise the awareness in heritage preservation. T F 1.UNESCO has recognized the 82 Doctors’ stone tablets as the World Heritage. 2.The stone tablets are inscribed with the names of more than 2300 Doctors who passed the royal examinations throughout its history. 3.The stone tablets in the Temple of Literature in Ha Noi are unique because they are different from those inother Asian countries. 126

4.Viet Nam has made a lot of efforts to preserve and promote its heritage. 5.The recognition of UNESCO helps to make people more aware of the need of heritage preservation. VII. Read the passage about the Temple of Literature, and then answer the questions. The Temple of Literature is about 10 minutes away from Hoan KiemLake. It was constructed in 1070 under Ly Thanh Tong’s dynasty, first to honor Confucius and nowadays to celebrate the doctorates and high rank scholars of Vietnam. In 1076, Emperor Ly Nhan Tong continued the work and built the Imperial Academy as the first university of Vietnam. The temple is divided into five courtyards. The first courtyard is from the main gate to Dai Trung Gate. The second is with Khue Van Pavilion. Thepavilion symbol is used on all street signs of Ha Noi. The third courtyard is the place where doctorate names were listed on the stone tablets above tortoise backs. The fourth courtyard is dedicated for Confucius and his 72 honoured students, as well as Chu Van An - one of the most famous teachers at the Imperial Academy. The last is also the farthest courtyard is Thai Hoc House, which was used as the Imperial Academy. Thai Hoc House holds a small collection of old-time costumes for students and scholars. 1.Where is the Temple of Literature? ________________________________________________________________________________ 2.When and by whom was it built? ________________________________________________________________________________ 3.How many courtyards are there in the Temple of Literature? ________________________________________________________________________________ 4.Which courtyard has Khue Van Pavilion? ________________________________________________________________________________ 5.What is the Khue Van Pavilion symbol used for? ________________________________________________________________________________ 6.Where can we find stone tablets above tortoise backs with the names of doctors? ________________________________________________________________________________ 7.What is the fourth courtyard dedicated for? ________________________________________________________________________________ 8.Where is the Thai Hoc House? ________________________________________________________________________________ 9.What was used as the Imperial Academy? ________________________________________________________________________________ 10.What does the Thai Hoc House hold nowadays? ________________________________________________________________________________ VIII. Read the passage about the royal examinations, and then answer the questions. The practice of holding royal examinations to select talented people for administrationbegan in 1075. It continued throughout the Le dynasty and up to 1919 when the Nguyen dynasty held the last examination. For more than 300 years, royal examinations had been irregularly, and the number of laureates for each exam was small. In 1434, Emperor Le Thai Tong ordered that examinations should be held regularly, once every three years. From 1442, laureates of a royal examination were awarded the title “Tien si ” (Doctoral laureate), and one stone tablet was erected for each examination. From 1484 to 1780, 82 stone tablets were erected to record the names of 1304 Tien si. 1.When did the practice of holding Royal examinations begin? When did it end? ________________________________________________________________________________ 2.How long did the royal examinations last? ________________________________________________________________________________ 3.Who ordered that the royal examinations should be held regularly? When did it happen? ________________________________________________________________________________ 4.Which title were the laureates of a royal examination awarded? ________________________________________________________________________________ 5.How many stone tablets were erected from 1484 to 1780? 127

TEST 1 UNIT 6 I. Find the word which has a different sound in the underlined part. itchy





journey teacher

jam stranger

sausage originate

subject heritage

cheerful culture








II. Find the word which has a different sound in the underlined part. 1. A. theater B. health C. bath D. father 2. A. storage B. advantage C. message D. garage B. chapter C. literature D. culture 3. A. feature 4. A. language B. passage C. danger D. angry 5. A. student B. graduate C. gradual D. soldier III. Find the word which has a different sound in the underlined part. 1. A. chocolate B. marching C. chemistry D. speech 2. A. chair B. child C. cheese D. architect 3. A. stopped B. carried C. looked D. watched 4. A. gift B. region C. geography D. germ 5. A. children B. chili C. chaos D. chicken IV. Choose a word in each line that has different stress pattern. 1. A. surprise B. sugar C. profession D. success 2. A. advance B. around C. industry D. imperial 3. A. natural B. national C. literature D. suggestion 4. A. charming B. champagne C. children D. charity 5. A. recognition B. temple C. tablet D. emperor V. Choose the best one (A, B, C or D) to complete the sentence or replace the underlined word. as the symbol of HN city. 1. Khue Van Palivilion is A. regarded B. surrounded C. expected D. considered 2. Minh Mang Tomb constructing in 1841, and three years later. A. started - was completed B. was started - was completed C. started – completed D. was started - complete 3. Many beautiful Cham Towers in Ninh Thuan Province and now many domestic and foreign tourists. A. were restored – attract B. restored - were attracted C. restored - attracted D. was restored - attracted 4. Tom doesn’t know why many students pay a to the Temple of Literature before their exam. A. visit B. holiday C. walk D. trip the oldest university in the English speaking world. 5. Oxford University A. considered to be B. is regarded as C. is considered being D. is regarded 6. Many kinds of fruits and vegetables at the floating market in Can Tho. 128

A. are selling B. will sell C. sell D. are sold 7. The laboratory is to the main building. A. in front B. between C. next D. near 8. The Temple of Literature in 1070. A. was found B. was founded C. find D. found 9. The Imperial Academy was in 1076 under Emperor Ly Nhan Tong. A. constructed B. constructing C. build D. construct 10. You’d better an umbrella because it’s rainy. A. will take B. take C. taking D. to take 11. Papers at the Royal examinations in the past were by the King. A. correct B. check C. passed D. graded in Da Lat throughout the year. 12. A lot of flowers A. growing B. are grown C. grow D. grew 13. The University of Oxford among the top five universities in the world. A. is ranking B. being ranked C. ranks D. is ranked 14. The Imperial Academy was regarded the first university in Viet Nam. A. for B. of C. to D. as 15. The students of the Imperial Academy from local examinations all over the country. A. were selected B. selecting C. selected D. was selected VI. Supply the correct form of the verbs in brackets. (provide) pencils at the test, so please bring your own. 1. They will not 2. A new university will (establish) in our province in the near future. 3. The Japanese Covered Bridge in Hoi An (build) in the 16th century. (not reconstruct) until at the end of 2000. 4. The old buildings 5. The Imperial Academy (consider) the first university in Viet Nam. 6. A lot of trees (plant) around the school at the moment. (discover) about 2000 years ago. 7. The site for Huong Pagoda 8. My brother (graduate) from the University of Melbourne in 2012. 9. One-Pillar Pagoda in Ha Noi (complete) in 1049. 10. A painting by Picasso (sell) for 3 million dollars last year. VII.Supply the correct passive form of the verbs in brackets. 1. This computer (use) for two years. 2. America (discover) by Christopher Columbus. 3. I think this institution (widen) twice since 1999. 4. Sydney Opera House in Australia (finish) in 1973. 5. My sister is studying law at Viet Nam National University, Ho Chi Minh city now. This university (situate) in Thu Due District. 6. The Great Wall in China (build) many centuries ago. (visit) the Temple of Literature last week. 7. David and his father 8. The Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco (complete) in 1937. 9. The University of Cambridge (form) in 1209. It is always considered to be one of the most prestigious universities in the world. (open) in 2010. 10. BurjKhalifa in Dubai, the highest building in the world, VIII. Find ONE mistake in each of the following sentences and correct it. 1. Some flowers bought for his mother on her birthday yesterday. 2. A new high school builds in our town next year. 3. Tickets for the football match sold at the ticket booth. 4. Huong Pagoda Festival visited by thousands of tourists during the first three months of the Lunar Year. 5. Our school names after a great scholar of our country - Le Quy Don. 6. My Son Sanctuary located in Duy Xuyen District, Quang Nam Province. 7. The students in that university teach by famous professors and lectures. 8. The first Doctors’ stone tablets erected by King Le Thanh Tong. 129

9. The students of the Imperial Academy select carefully from local examinations all over the country. 10. Harvard considers the oldest university in the USA. IX. Give the correct form of the words in capital. 1. Thong Nhat Palace is a attraction in HCMC. TOUR 2. The Temple of Literature is considered one of the most IMPORT historical sites of Viet Nam. 3. The school is quite normal, but its are SURROUND really beautiful. 4. The students were carefully for the final exam. PREPARE 5. The university grows and receives from the RECOGNISE society. of the first Doctors’ Stone Tablet ordered ERRECT by 6. Was the King Le Thanh Tong? 7. Is Hung King’s Temple a place in Viet Nam? CULTURE 8. Many students and teachers have for the CONTRIBUTE development of the school. was a great success and it became famous all UNIVERSE over 9. The the world. 10. Many and scholars discussed the change of the EDUCATE curricula. X. Turn these sentences into passive voice. 1. He often does exercises every night. → ................................................................................................................................ 2. She usually decorates the room at weekends. → ................................................................................................................................ 3. Daisy always sings country songs. → ................................................................................................................................ 4. She often gives her sister sweets. → ................................................................................................................................ 5. Nam and Peter often water these trees. → ................................................................................................................................ 6. They produce cars in this country. → ................................................................................................................................ 7. We don’t allow smoking in this restaurant. → ................................................................................................................................ 8. Do pupils clean the room every day? → ................................................................................................................................ XI. Complete the second sentence in each pair so that it has similar meaning to the first sentence. 1. People invented the wheel thousands of years ago. → The wheel ............................................................................................................... 2. My father waters these flower every morning. → These flowers ......................................................................................................... 3. People use computers all over the world. → Computers .............................................................................................................. 4. Are they building a statue of Chu Van An? → Is .......................................................................................................................... ? 5. John invited Fiona to his birthday party last night. → Fiona ...................................................................................................................... 6. They keep many ancient things in museums. → Many ancient things ................................................................................................ 7. Do four busy streets surround the Temple of Literature? → Is .......................................................................................................................... ? 130

8. People make many famous films in Hollywood. → Many famous films ................................................................................................. 9. Her mother is preparing the dinner in the kitchen. → The dinner .............................................................................................................. 10. I do all my homework on my computer. → All my homework ................................................................................................... XII. Turn these sentences into passive voice. 1. The bill includes service. → ................................................................................................................................ 2. Nana chooses the book carefully. → ................................................................................................................................ 3. We don’t use that room. → ................................................................................................................................ 4. They grow fruits in California. → ................................................................................................................................ 5. These jeans attract many young people. → ................................................................................................................................ 6. People don’t use this road very often. → ................................................................................................................................ 7. I wash the dishes in the evening. → ................................................................................................................................ XIII. Turn these sentences into passive voice. 1. She bought the watch at the shop. → ................................................................................................................................ 2. They built the house in 1950. → ................................................................................................................................ 3. We did the exercises last week. → ................................................................................................................................ 4. The pupils sent the letters the day before yesterday. → ................................................................................................................................ 5. He learned the lesson two weeks ago. → ................................................................................................................................ 6. Nguyen Du wrote Kieu story. → ................................................................................................................................ 7. She made the cake last night. → ................................................................................................................................ 8. Daisy washed the dishes last night. → ................................................................................................................................ XIV. Complete the second sentence in each pair so that it has similar meaning to the first sentence. 1. A lot of people use cell phones. → Cell phones.................................................................................................................. 2. Miss. Diep hasn’t taught us since the last semester. → We .............................................................................................................................. 3. Mr. Vinh teaches our English lessons. → Our English lessons ..................................................................................................... 4. A student is doing that experiment. → That experiment........................................................................................................... 5. Our teachers give us a free period this Saturday to prepare the festival. → We.............................................................................................................................. 6. Did you buy this dictionary two weeks ago? → Was ............................................................................................................................. 7. We should clean our teeth twice a day. 131

→ Our teeth .................................................................................................................... 8. Alan’s knowledge about science and technology doesn’t impress me. → I................................................................................................................................... 9. Her father drive all of us to school every day. → All of us ...................................................................................................................... 10. They are going to build a new school here next year. → A new school ............................................................................................................... TEST 2 (UNIT 6) I.Find the word which has a different sound in the part underlined. 1.A. sandwich B.chicken C.children D.chilli B. culture C. feature D. chapter 2.A. literature 3.A.cheese B. architect C.chair D.child 4.A.academy B. imperial C. advance D.around 5.A. tablet B.emperor C. recognition D. temple II.Choose the correct answer. 11. The Temple of Literature in 1070. A. find B. found C. was found D. was founded 12. The Imperial Academy was in 1076 under Emperor Ly Nhan Tong. A. build B. construct C. constructed D. constructing from first university in Viet Nam. 13. The Imperial Academy was regarded A. to B. as C. for D. of 14. The students of the Imperial Academy from local examinations all over the country. A. selected B. was selected C. were selected D. selecting 15. The students at the Imperial Academy were carefully for the National examinations first, and then the Royal examinations. A. studied B. prepared C. learned D. taken 16. The Imperial Academy was young men for the country. A. used to educate B. used of educating C. used to educating D. used to educate 17. Students at Oxford University by famous lecturers and tutors in many departments. A.teach and support B.taught and supported C.are taught and supported D.are taught to support 18. Bach Ma National Park close to the sea. A.locates B.located C.is located D.is being located 19. Tan KyHouse in Hoi An over two hundred years ago. A.build B.is built C.is to build D.was built 20. Oxford University the oldest university in the English speaking world. A.is considered being B.is regarded C.considered to be D.is regarded as at the floating market in Can Tho. 21. Many kinds of fruitsand vegetables A.sell B.are sold C.are selling D.will sell 22. Many precious relics in the Temple of Literature. A.keep B.is kept C.kept D.are kept 23. In 2010, the 82 Doctors’ stone tablets as a Memory of the World. A.recognised B.are recognised C.recognising D.were recognised 24. The first Doctors’ stone tablets in 1484. A.were erected B.was erected C.are erected D.erected 25. The Temple of Literature by old trees and many interesting things . A.surrounds - contains B.is surrounded - is contained C.is surrounded — contains D.surrounds - is contained 26. In 2003, four of Emperor Ly Thanh Tong, Emperor Ly Nhan Tong, Emperor Le Thanh Tong and Chu Van An were built in the Temple of Literature. 132

A.stone tablets B.photos C.statues D.forms 27. Papers at the Royal examinations in the past were by the King . A.passed B.graded C.correct D.check 28. A lot of flowers in Da Lat throughout the year. A.grow B.grew C.growing D.are grown 29. Minh Mang Tomb constructing in 1841, and three years later. A.started - completed B.was started - completed C.started - was completed D.was started - was completed 30. Many beautiful Cham Towers in Ninh Thuan Province and now many domestic and foreign tourists. A.restored – attracted B.was restored - attracted C.were restored - attract D.restored - were attracted III.Put the verbs in brackets in the correct verb forms. 31.Some flowers for his mother on her birthday yesterday. (buy) 32.A new high school in our town next year. (build) 33.Tickets for the football match at the ticket booth. (sell) by thousands of tourists during the first three months of 34.Huong Pagoda Festival the Lunar Year. (visit) 35.Our school after a great scholar of our country - Le Quy Don. (name) in Duy Xuyen District, Quang Nam Province. (locate) 36.My Son Sanctuary 37.The students in that university by famous professors and lecturers. (teach) 38.The first Doctors’ stone tablets by King Le Thanh Tong. (erect) 39.The students of the Imperial Academy carefully from local examinations all over the country. (select) the oldest university in the USA. (consider) 40.Harvard IV. Read the passage, and the decide whether the statements are true (T) or false (F). Chu Van An was born in 1292 and died in 1370. From his childhood, he was famous for his intelligence. He did not have the dream of taking part in exams to become mandarins like other students. Chu Van An stayed at home and taught himself by reading books, and opened schools. His school quickly became famous in the region and many students from other places went there to study. Emperor Tran Minh Tong invited Chu Van An to be the principal of the Imperial Academy to teach his crown prince and other students to become talented people for the country. In 1359, Emperor Tran Minh Tong gave his crown to his son, Tran Hien Tong, who was also a student of ChuVan An. Under the regime of Emperor Tran Hien Tong, the court and the country were peaceful. However, this period lasted only for 12 years. Then Emperor Tran Hien Tong died, and Tran Du Tong inherited the crown. The social situation became complicated, the people were very poor and hard and many good people were killed. Chu Van An bravely submitted a petition which requested the Emperor to behead 7 perfidious mandarins, so it was called “Seven Beheaded Petition” (That Tram So). “Seven Beheaded Petition” became the symbol of the courageous attitude of the real intellectuals, and of Chu Van An’s spirit. True False 41.Chu Van An was very intelligent and was taught by many good teachers. 42.He opened a school and it quickly became famous. 43.Chu Van An was invited to become the principal of the Imperial Academy by Emperor Tran Hien Tong. 44.Emperor Tran Hien Tong was also Chu Van An’s student. 45.Chu Van An was famous for “Seven Beheaded Petition”, a symbol of the courageous attitude of the real intellectuals. V. Read the passage carefully, and then answer the questions. Hue Temple of Literature In Hue, the Temple of Literature is located on the bank of the Huong River, to the west of the Citadel, just 1 kilometer from Linh Mu Pagoda.

Hue Temple of Literature was built in 1908 during the reign of Emperor Gia Long, on the top of a hill. Over the years afterwards, the temple has gone through several major I restoration works. The remaining of the complex consists of about 50 architectural works, the biggest of which is the worshiping hall of Confucius. After going past the main gate, we would see several small houses where kings and mandarins would stop by to prepare their costumes before going inside to attend the ceremony. At the front there are two rows of 32 stone tablets bearing the names of 239 successful candidates in National Examinations organized through the Nguyen Dynasty. Although the monument has been damaged during the war, the main temple and especially the Doctors’ stone tablets still remain. Today, people visiting the Temple of Literature can see a unique symbol of Vietnam educational system during the feudal times. 4 Where is Hue Temple of Literature? ________________________________________________________________________________ 4 When and by whom was it built? ________________________________________________________________________________ 48.What is the biggest architectural work in Hue Temple of Literature? ________________________________________________________________________________ 49.How many stone tablets are there? And how many names do they hold? ________________________________________________________________________________ 50.What is the importance of Hue Temple of Literature? ________________________________________________________________________________ VI.Rewrite the sentences so that their meanings stay the same, using the beginning given for each. 56.People will plant more trees and plants in the park. More ___________________________________________________________________________ 57.King Le Thanh Tong ordered to erect the first Doctors’ stone tablets. The erection of ___________________________________________________________________ 58.They have sold out the tickets for the football match between Viet Nam and Thailand. The tickets _______________________________________________________________________ 59.People have restored many old houses in Hoi An. Many old houses __________________________________________________________________ 60.People chose Khue Van Pavilion as the symbol of Ha Noi. Khue Van Pavilion ________________________________________________________________ TEST 3 UNIT 6 I. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others. b.blanket c. academy d. tablet 1. a. pagoda 2. a. children b.scholar c. teacher d. lunch 3. a. question b.nation c. education d.recognition 4. a. visited b.founded c. decided d. developed b.historic c. recognise d. literature 5. a. heritage II. Choose the best answer a, b, c, or d to complete the sentence. 1. Oxford University is regarded ________ the oldest university in the UK. a. as b.in c.at d. by 2. Tickets are a bit harder to buy right on the pot, so you’d better book________ advance. a. for b.with c.of d. in 3. The stone stelae were ________ with the names and places of birth of 1307 graduates. a. written b.learned c.carved d.selected 4. Chu Van An was one of the most famous ________at the Imperial Academy. a. founders b.statues c.teachers d.doctors 5. The students of the Imperial Academy ________ by very famous scholars. a. are studied b. were taught c. have learned d. was educated 6. We ________ leave now or we’ll miss the bus. a. can b.shall c. had better d. shouldn’t



7. He bought a picture of the Temple of Literature as a ________ of his trip to Hanoi. a. souvenir b.landmark c. symbol d. tablet 8. ________ was the University of Cambridge formed? - In 1209. a. What b.Where c. How d. When 9. Huong Pagoda is a great ________ spot in Hanoi. a. see-sight b. sight-see c. seeing-sight d. sight-seeing 10. ‘________ to Hanoi?’‘Yes, I went there last year.’ a. Were you ever b. Have you ever been c. Did you ever go d. Were you ever gone III. Put the words into the correct column according to the underlined part. joke chicken watch college cheap cello question juice july sandwich giraffe garage engine exhaustion gymnastic natural enjoy furniture language statue /dʒ/ /tʃ/ _________________________________ ________________________________ _________________________________ ________________________________ _________________________________ ________________________________ _________________________________ ________________________________ IV. Use the prompts to write sentences, putting the verbs in the present simple passive. 1. Cheese/ make/ from milk. _______________________________________________________ 2. The Temple/ visit/ thousands of people/ every year. _______________________________________________________ 3. Toyota cars/ produce/ Toyota Motor Corporation. _______________________________________________________ 4. German/ also/ speak/ at EU meetings. _______________________________________________________ 5. Most newspapers/ print/ on recycled paper. _______________________________________________________ 6. The Imperial Academy/ consider/ the first university in Viet Nam. _______________________________________________________ 7. Three millilitres of water/ add/ to the mixture. _______________________________________________________ 8. The letters/ deliver/ the postman/ at 8 o’clock. _______________________________________________________ V. Complete the sentences using the past simple passive form of the verbs in brackets. 1. The Temple of Literature _________________ (construct) in 1070 under Ly ThanhTong’s dynasty. 2. The statues _________________ (build) by the Ha Noi People’s Committee in 2003. 3. The Doctors’ stone tablets _________________ (recognise) by UNESCO in 2010. 4. The construction of TuDuc Tomb _________________ (complete) in 1876. 5. The students of the Imperial Academy _________________ (select) from regional examinations. 6. Originally, the Po Nagar tower _________________ (make) of wood in order to worship Goddess Po Nagar. 7. Between 1442 and 1779, eighty-one exams _________________ (hold) by the Le dynasty. 8. Chu Van An _________________ (bear) in Van Thon village, Thanh Dam district. VI. Complete the sentences with the passive form of the verbs In the box.












1. Lunar New Year ________________ in January or February. 2. The TajMahal ________________ in the 17th century. 3. The Independence Palace ________________ on Nam KyKhoiNghia Street. 4. The novel Oliver Twist ________________ by Charles Dickens. 5. In 2000, Ha Long Bay ________________ by UNESCO as a World Heritage Site. 6. Many precious relics ________________ in the Temple of Literature. 7. The first Doctors’ Stone Tablets ________________ in 1484. 8. Many old buildings in the Temple of Literature ________________ in 1999. 9. Van Mieu ________________ by three main roads of Hanoi. 10. The three Ivory Cham Towers ________________ as one of the best Cham tower complexes in Vietnam. VII. Rewrite the sentences in passive voice. 1. People use the Internet all over the world. _______________________________________________________ 2. Did the police find the missing girl? _______________________________________________________ 3. Large numbers of tourists visit these tourist attractions annually. _______________________________________________________ 4. They built Po Nagar Cham Towers to honour the goddess Po Nagar. _______________________________________________________ 5. Tourists don’t visit this museum very often. _______________________________________________________ 6. She bought all this cheese in France. _______________________________________________________ 7. They didn’t invite me to their New Year party. _______________________________________________________ 8. Do they sell mineral water in plastic bottles? _______________________________________________________ 9. People consider the Imperial Academy the first university in Vietnam. _______________________________________________________ 10. When did UNESCO recognise Ha Long Bay as a World Heritage Site? _______________________________________________________ VIII. Choose the bestanswer a, b, c, or d to complete each sentence. 1. British author George Orwell ___________ the novel Animal Farm. a. writes b. wrote c. is written d. was written 2. My passport ___________ last year while I was on vacation. a. stole b. has stolen c. was steal d. was stolen 3. Breakfast ___________ in this hotel until 7a.m. a. served b. didn’t serve c. isn’t served d. isn’t serving 4. Most email accounts at my company ___________ by virus two days ago. a. affected b. were affected c. was affected d. are affected 5. Someone ___________ this mirror last night. a. breaks b. is broken c. broke d. was broken 6. Look at this beautiful lace! Where ___________? a. was it made b. does it make c. did it make d. is it made 7. The school ___________ two examinations every year. a. holds b. held c. is held d. was held 8. The Temple of Literature ___________ in 1070 by Emperor LyThanh Tong. 136

a. found b. has founded c. was found 9. The committee ___________ a public transportation proposal. a. consider b. is considering c. considered 10. Everybody ___________ by the terrible news yesterday. a. shocked b. has shocked c. was shocked

d. was founded d. was considered d. were shocked

IX. Fill in each blank with a suitable preposition. 1. We are preparing ___________ a trip to the Temple of Literature. 2. She’s very keen to learn ___________ Japanese culture. 3. The Temple of Literature was built ___________ Ly Thanh Tong’s dynasty. 4. What do you plan to take ___________ you on the trip? 5. The Imperial Academy was regarded ___________ the first university in Vietnam. 6. The Po Nagar Tower Complex consisted ___________ six towers. 7. The One Pillar Pagoda was built ___________ the year 1049. 8. The 82 Doctors’ stone tablets were recognised ___________ UNESCO. 9. Thong Nhat Palace is located ___________ 106 Nguyen Du Street, District 1. 10. Khue Van Pavilion is the symbol ___________ Hanoi. X. Write the correct form or tense of the verbs in brackets. 1. Glastonbury festival _______________ (organise) every year in the village of Pilton, England. 2. In 1076, King Ly Nhan Tong _______________ (build) the Imperial Academy as the first university of Vietnam. 3. The first temples of My Son Sanctuary _______________ (make) of wood in the 4th century. 4. An altar to Chu Van An _______________ (set) up in the Temple of Literature. 5. We _______________ (not do) any practice tests yet so I’m not sure what they’re like. 6. Wait a minute, he _______________(speak) to someone on his mobile. 7. Many different languages _______________ (speak) in Canada. 8. The Imperial City of Hue can _______________ (divide) into two main parts. 9. You’d better _______________ (rent) a bike if you want to travel around. 10. I don’t want to go to Huong Pagoda. How about _______________ (visit) Ho Chi MinhMausoleum? XI. Supply the correct form of the words in brackets. 1. One Pillar Pagoda is a major tourist _______________ in Hanoi. (attract) 2. Imperial citadel of Thang Long is a _______________ complex built during the Ly Dynasty. (culture) 3. King Ly Nhan Tong was the _______________ of the Imperial Academy. (found) 4. In 1484, King Le Thanh Tong odered the _______________ of the first Doctors’ stone tablets. (erect) 5. The Imperial Academy was opened to educate _______________ students from all over the country. (talent) 6. The circle and square of the pavilion _______________ the heaven and the earth. (symbol) 7. The 82 Doctors’ stone tablets have recently received _______________ as a National Treasure. (recognise) 8. Tourists like to visit _______________ monuments such as Ho Chi Minh Mausoleum and the Temple of Literature. (history) XII. Choose the word which best fits each gap. The Temple of Literature was (1) ___________ in 1070 under Ly Thanh Tong’s dynasty. The temple is divided into five courtyards. The first courtyard stretches (2) ___________ the main gate to Dai Trung gate. The second stands out with Khue Van Cac Pavilion. The third courtyard is (3)___________ doctor names were listed on stone tablets above tortoise backs. There are a total of 82 tombstones, with names and places of birth of 1307 doctors. The fourth courtyard is dedicated to Confucius and his 72 honoured students, as (4) ___________ as Chu Van An – a famous teacher known for his devotion to teaching. The last and also furthest courtyard is Thai Hoc house, which used to be the Imperial Academy (QuocTuGiam) – the first (5) ___________ of Vietnam. Thai Hoc house holds a small (6) ___________ of old time costumes for students and mandarins. 1. a. constructed b. build c. erected d. considered 2. a. since b. from c. to d. in 137

3. a. when b. who c. what d. where 4. a. long b. good c. well d. far 5. a. university b. temple c. house d. academy 6. a. collect b. colleting c. collection d. collective XIII. Read the text carefully, then answer the questions. Chu Van An was born in 1292 in Van Thon village, QuangLiet commune, present day ThanhTri district, Hanoi. In the early life, he was famous as a straightforward man who passed the doctoral examination but refused to become a mandarin. Instead, he opened a school and began his career as a Confucian teacher in Huynh Cung village in Thanh Tri. Under the reign of Tran Minh Tong, Chu Van An became a teacher at the Imperial Academy where he was responsible for teaching the crown prince Vuong, the future emperor Tran Hien Tong. Later, he resigned and returned to his home-village because Tran Du Tong refused his request of beheading eight corrupted mandarins. For the rest of his life, Chu Van An continued his teaching career and wrote books. He died of illness in 1370. After his death, an altar was set up in his honour in the Temple of Literature. 1. When was Chu Van An born? _________________________________________________________________________ 2. What was he like? _________________________________________________________________________ 3. What did he do in his early life? _________________________________________________________________________ 4. Who did Chu Van An teach when he was a teacher at the Imperial Academy? _________________________________________________________________________ 5. Why did he resign? _________________________________________________________________________ 6. How old was he when he died? _________________________________________________________________________ 7. Where was an altar to Chu Van An erected? _________________________________________________________________________ XIV. Read the text carefully, then do the tasks. The Temple of Literature (Van Mieu) was constructed in 1070 under the reign of King LyThanh Tong. The temple was originally dedicated to Confucius as well as other scholars and sages. Six year later, the Imperial Academy (QuocTuGiam), Vietnam’s first university, was founded by King Ly Nhan Tong on the grounds of the temple. Initially, the Imperial Academy was the school for princes and sons from royal families and then expanded to admit brilliant students from all over the country. In 1484 Emperor Le Thanh Tong ordered the erection of the first stone tablets that were carved with the names, places of birth and achievements of doctors. The university operated for more than 700 years, from 1076 to 1779. Nowadays, the Temple of Literature – Imperial Academy (Van Mieu - QuocTuGiam) is one of the most famous historic and cultural heritages of Vietnam. And the Doctors’ stone tablets were recognised by UNESCO as World Documentary Heritage in 2010. * Decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F). 1. The Temple of Literature was built to honour Confucius. 2. The Imperial Academy was founded in 1070. 3. The Imperial Academy was established within the Temple of Literature. 4. The Imperial Academy was originally established to educate students from all over the country. 5. The first Doctors’ stone tablets were erected under the Le Dynasty. 6. The Temple of Literature was recognised by UNESCO as World Heritage.

* Answer the questions. 7. When was the Imperial Academy founded? _______________________________________________________ 138

8. How long did the Imperial Academy operate as a university? _______________________________________________________ XV. Write the second sentence so that it has the same meaning to the first one. 1. Thousands of people visit the Temple of Literature every day. → The Temple of Literature _____________________________________________________ 2. In 1484, King Le Thanh Tong ordered the construction of 116 stelaes. → The construction ___________________________________________________________ 3. You should take warm clothes because it’s very cold in Sa Pa. → You had __________________________________________________________________ 4. Do you want to visit Ho Chi Minh Mausoleum first? → Would you ________________________________________________________________ 5. It’s not necessary to book a hotel In advance. → You don’t _________________________________________________________________ 6. It’s a good idea to rent a bike or motorbike to travel around the city. → You ______________________________________________________________________ 7. Let’s pay a visit to Huong Pagoda. → Why don’t_________________________________________________________________ 8. Khue Van Pavilion was chosen as the official symbol for Vietnam’s capital Hanoi. → They _____________________________________________________________________ XVI. Change the sentences into the passive or active voice. 1. The Temple of Literature is regarded as the first university in Vietnam. → _________________________________________________________________________ 2. His father bought a picture of the One Pillar Pagoda last year. → _________________________________________________________________________ 3. Thousands of people visit the Hung Kings’ Temple every day. → _________________________________________________________________________ 4. By whom was the Imperial Academy built? → _________________________________________________________________________ 5. People can see Khue Van Pavilion symbol on street signs in Hanoi. → _________________________________________________________________________ 6. Vietnamese people use Khue Van pavilion as a symbol of Hanoi. → _________________________________________________________________________ 7. What surrounds the Temple of Literature? → _________________________________________________________________________ 8. In 1994, Ha Long Bay was recognised by UNESCO as a World Heritage Site. → _________________________________________________________________________

TEST YOURSELF 1(UNIT 4,5,6) I.Find the word which has a different sound in the part underlined. B.chicken C.children D.chef 1.A.cheap 2.A. watch B. catch C. architect D. match 3.A. bottle B. fork C. record D. pork 4.A.champion B.charity C.champagne D.choose 5.A. decision B. revision C. occasion D. discussion II. Choose the correctanswer. in this restaurant. 11.Only fresh fish A.is serve B.is served C.is to serve D.serves 12Yesterday she a very difficult task to do. A.has given B.was given C.gave D.is given 139

13.“A Complete History of Dai Viet” by a number of famous Vietnamese historians from the 15th to the 17th century. A.wrote B.is written C.was written D.were written 14.Ho Chi Minh Mausoleum in August, 1975. A.completes B.completed C.is completed D.was completed 15.The best chocolate by Swiss companies. A.make B.makes C.is made D.are made III. Rewrite the sentences so that their meanings stay the same, using the beginning given for each. 16.Lan is 1.40 metres, and I am 1.35 metres. I’m not ___________________________________________________________________________ 17.Work is very important to me. Family is also important to me Work is __________________________________________________________________________ 18.Rap music is a kind of music, but R&B is quite different. __________________________________________________________ R&B is quite rap music. 19.The gold watch is €180. The silver watch is €100. The silver watch is not _______________________________________________________________ 20.Playing a musical instrument is difficult, but composing a song is more difficult. Playing a musical instrument is not _____________________________________________________ IV. Complete the questions with How much or How many. 21. ________ water do you drink every day? 22. ________ cups of coffee does your father drink every day? 23. ________ red meat do you eat every week? 24. ________ bread do you eat every day? 25. ________ vegetables do you eat every day? 26. ________ hours’ sleep do you have every night? 27. ________ time do you work on a computer every day? 28. ________ times do you play sport every week? 29. ________ kilometers do you walk every day? 30. ________ money have you got with you today? V. Read the text about the favourite places where the two students often eat out. Then do the tasks that follow. Susan: “I eat out once a week. My parents usually take me to a Chinese or an Indian restaurant at the weekend. But my favourite place to eat is the Rainforest Café in central London. It looks like a rainforest with wild animals (they’re not real!) and the food’s great.” Nick: “I eat out quite a lot. Once a week I go to a pizza restaurant with my friends and twice a week I go out with my parents. We usually have a Chinese or an Italian meal. But my favourite place to eat is the Hard Rock Café. It has loud music and fantastic photos of my favourite rock singers on the walls.” A. Read the passage, and then decide whether thestatements are true (T) or false (F). True False 31.Susan eats out every day. 32.Susan is usually taken to a Chinese or an Indian restaurant. 33.Nick never eats out with his friends. 34.Nick goes out with his parents twice a week. 35.Nick likes some rock singers. B. Choose the correct answer. restaurant. 36.Susan sometimes eats out in A. a Chinese B. a Thai C. an Italian 37.Susan’s favourite restaurant is restaurant. A. an Indian B. a theme C. a fast food 38.The Rainforest Café . A. is located in the rain forest B. looks like a rainforest and has some wild animals for entertainment 140

C. looks like a rainforest and has some models of wildlife 39.Nick eats out . A. three times a week B. at the weekend C. once a week 40.Nick likes in the restaurant. A. the food B. the music C. the people VI. Read the passage carefully, and then answer the questions. Van Mieu - Quoc Tu Giam (Temple of Literature - Imperial Academy) The Temple of Literature was built in 1070 under the reign of Emperor Ly Thanh Tong to honour Confucius and later used as a royal school, where Emperor Ly Nhan Tong studied when he was a five- year-old prince. The Imperial Academy, which can be considered Vietnam’s first university, was built in 1076 next to the temple. Over the next seven centuries and more, theuniversity produced thousands of scholars for the country. Under the reign of Emperor Tran Minh Tong (1314-1329), the teacher Chu Van An, was appointed the school’s principal. After his death in 1370, Emperor Tran Nghe Tong (1321 - 1394) had him worshiped beside Confucius at the Temple of Literature. Many schools in Vietnam are also named after Chu Ban An. In 1946, the Imperial Academy in Hanoi was destroyed by French bombing, but gradually restored later. To enter the main area of the Temple of Literature, visitors must go through three gates. The first gate is called Van Mieu Mon; the second is called Dai Trung Mon and the third, Dai Thanh Mon. In the space between Dai Trung Mon and Dai Thanh Mon is the one-storey, two-roof pavilion called Khue Van Cac. Behind Khue Van Cac is the Thien Quang Tinh (Well of Heavenly Clarity), on either side of which 41 Doctors’ stone tablets stand in two rows. They stand upon stone turtles with the names and birthplaces of successful doctoral candidates from the examinations held at the Imperial Academy from 1484 to 1780. Now as a major tourist site, the Temple of Literature - Imperial Academy also hosts award ceremonies to recognize outstanding students. An annual poetry festival is held here on the 15th of the first lunar month. 41.What was the Temple of Literature built for? _________________________________________________________________________________ 42What was the Imperial Academy considered? _________________________________________________________________________________ 43.What did the Imperial Academy do for the country at that time? _________________________________________________________________________________ 44.Who was Chu Van An? Where was he worshiped? _________________________________________________________________________________ 45.How many Doctors’ stone tablets are there? Where are they _________________________________________________________________________________ VII.Make questions to ask your partner, using the words and phrases given. 46.How/ water/ drink/ every day? _________________________________________________________________________________ 47.How/ chocolate/ eat/ every week? _________________________________________________________________________________ 48How/ cola/ drink/ every week? _________________________________________________________________________________ 49.How/ brothers and sisters/ have? _________________________________________________________________________________ 50.How/ rooms/ be/ there/ in your house (flat)? _________________________________________________________________________________ TEST YOURSELF 2(UNIT 4,5,6) I. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others. b. cook c. soup d. noodle 1. a. food 2. a. spicy b. fry c. shy d. try 3. a. salt b. tablet c. ham d. pancake 141

4. 5. II. 1.

a. musician b. sugar c. ocean d. television a. scholar b. architect c. machine d. choir Choose the best answer a, b, c, or d to complete the sentence. Thousands of Vietnamese scholars graduated _________ the Imperial Academy. a. from c. in c. for d. under 2. The broth for pho ga is made _________ stewing chicken bones. a. of b. with c. by d. from 3. I haven’t got_________ bread left. Would you like _________ noodles instead? a. any – any b. some – some c. no – some d. any – some 4. My sister hates rock music, and she hates rap _________. a. either b. also c. neither d. too 5. How much _________ should I use to make the cake? a. pineapple b. flour c. egg d. carton of milk 6. The first Doctors’ Stone Tablets were _________ in 1484. a. erected b. selected c. regarded d.located 7. Jazz _________ in the US and is now popular throughout the world. a. originates b. originated c. was originated d. is originated 8. From his childhood, Chu Van An was _________ for his intelligence. a. interested b. successful c. talented d. famous 9. _________ was the Temple of Literature founded? ~ Emperor Ly Thanh Tong. a. When b. Where c.Who d. By whom 10. ‘_________’ ‘There is some milk and orange juice in the fridge.’ a. What is there for lunch? b. What is there to drink? c. Is there anything to eat? d. What do you drink? III. Write the correct form or tense of the verbs in brackets. 1. Water puppetry ______________ (begin) in the 11th century. 2. Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire ______________(write) by J K Rowling 3. I think she ______________ (not agree) with this idea. 4. When she was young she ______________(go) swimming very often. 5. We ______________(not work) at the moment. Please call back later. 6. During the wars, both the gate and the bell tower ______________(destroy). 7. They ______________ (work) at this company since 2008. 8. In the UK, alcohol ______________(not sell) to anyone under 18. It’s against the law. 9. Would you like ______________(go) to Huong Pagoda with me? 10. Many young people enjoy ______________ (watch) Korean dramas. IV. Supply the correct form of the words in brackets. 1. Van Cao was a famous Vietnamese ______________. (compose) 2. The ______________of TuDuc Tomb was completed in 1876. (construct) 3. The children enjoyed the water puppet ______________. (perform) 4. The chicken meat served with pho ga is ______________and cut into thin slices. (bone) 5. The students were ______________prepared for the national exams. (care) 6. He is so clever and well ______________. (educate) 7. Dong Ho ______________are made in Dong Ho village. (paint) 8. The ______________of pho spread southwards in the 1950’s. (popular) V. Each sentence has a mistake. Find and correct it. 1. Jason hasn’t telephoned me since two weeks. 2. How many water do you drink every day? 3. At the age of seven, Picasso received artistic training by his father. 4. My mother doesn’t enjoy country music, and I don’t like it too. 5. The One Pillar Pagoda built in 1049. 142

6. Your idea is quite different as mine. 7. The puppets are maked of wood and then painted. 8. She would like to make an apple pie, but there isn’t any apples left! VI. Choose the word which best fits each gap. The first Glastonbury Festival took place In 1970 and was (1) _______ by Michael Eavis, who still runs the festival now (2) _______ his farm in Somerset in the south-west of England. Michael charged people just £1 to enter, and the ticket included free milk from the farm. Only 1,500 people attended on that occasion, (3) _______ this number has grown exponentially since then. In 2011, there were approximately 100 times (4) _______ people in the crowd and tickets, which cost £195 each, (5) _______ out within 4 hours. The festival takes place almost every year in the last weekend of June and lasts for three days. Although it is best known for contemporary music, Glastonbury is host to other (6) _______ arts such as dance, comedy and theatre. 1. a. organise b. organising c. organised d. organization 2. a. on b. in c. at d. from 3. a. so b. but c. or d. while 4. a. many b. much c. more d. most 5. a. took b. sold c. bought d. worked 6. a. performing b. creative c. decorative d. academic VII. Read the text carefully, then decide whether the following statements are true (T) orfalse (F). Famously being one of Vietnam’sseven UNESCO World Heritage Sites, the ImperialCity of Hue has long been a must-see attraction for tourists. The Imperial City of Hue was actually a walled fortress and palace belonged to the ancient city of Hue which was a capital city of the Nguyen Dynasty – Vietnam’s last royal dynasty for 140 years. The grandeur architecture was planned to be built in 1803 by Emperor Gia Long. During 27 years from 1805 to 1832, the Imperial City of Hue was finally completed under the reign of the Emperor Minh Mang, making it the most massive structure being built in the history of modern Vietnam. There are total of ten main majestic gates leading to the Imperial City of Hue, which can be divided into two main parts: The Citadel and The Forbidden City. The complex of the Emperor’s residence, gates, temples, and pagodas was severely damaged during the Vietnam War, and only 20 out of 148 buildings survived. 1. Hue used to be the capital of Vietnam. 2. The Imperial City of Hue was built in 1803 by Emperor Gia Long. 3. It took 27 years to complete the construction of the Imperial City of Hue. 4. The Imperial City of Hue includes two main parts: The Citadel and the Forbidden City., 5. Many relics in Hue Imperial City were badly damaged due to natural disasters. 6. The Imperial City of Hue was made a UNESCO World Heritage Site. VIII. Write the second sentence so that it has the same meaning to the first one. 1. → 2. → 3. → 4. → 5. → 6. →

A great poet wrote these wonderful poems. These wonderful poems ______________________________________________________ Khue Van pavilion is used as a symbol of Hanoi by Vietnamese people. Vietnamese people _________________________________________________________ His idea is different from mine. His idea is not _____________________________________________________________ These Dong Ho paintings are more expensive than those modern paintings. Those modern paintings are not ________________________________________________ What is your favourite food? What food ________________________________________________________________ Chefs use these machines to mix the ingredients. These machines ____________________________________________________________ THE FIRST SEMESTER TEST 143

I. Find the word which has a different sound in the underlined part. 1. A. result B. unusual C. uncle D. difficult B. fish C. like D. badminton 2. A. piano 3. A. rest B. help C. garden D. identify 4. A. game B. arrange C. skate D. cake B. doll C. collect D. hobby 5. A. over II. Read the text and mark the sentences as True (T) or False (F). Hi. My name is Nick. I live in the small town near Pert. My favourite sport is fishing. I often fish for hours without catching anything. But it doesn't worry me. Some fishermen are unlucky. Instead of catching fish, they catch old boots and rubbish. I am ven less lucky. I never catch anything even old boots. After having spent the morning on the river, I always go home with an empty bag. My friends advise me to give up fishing. But they don’t realise one important thing. I am only interested in sitting in the boat and doing nothing at all. Mark the sentences



1. Fishing is Nick’s favourite sport. 2. He often fishes for some hours. 3. He catches a lot of old boots and rubbish. 4. Nick enjoys sitting in the boat and doing nothing. 5. This passage is about cooking fish. III. Put a word from the box in each gap to complete the following passage. collecting cycling

cooks goes

gets reads

likes have

walking listening

My family has six people. We (1) different hobbies. My grandfather (2) reading newspapers. He (3) newspapers every morning after breakfast. My grandmother doesn’t like reading them. She (4) to the market near my house every morning. She buys a lot of food. She (5) very well. Oh, I love all her food. My father likes (6) . He (7) up early and cycles around the West Lake all the year round. My mother doesn’t likes this sport. She likes (8) . She walks about four or five kilometers every morning. My brother doesn’t like any sports. He likes (9) to music and playing drums. He is a member of the Green Band. It is a well-known band in my country. I don’t like reading, cooking or playing sports. I love (10) things, such as stamps and coins. IV. Underline the correct preposition to complete the sentences. 1. What will you do on/in Monday? 2. It is often rainy at/in autumn. 3. What did you do in/at the afternoon? 4. I often get up on/at 7 o’clock. 5. Flowers are beautiful at/in spring. 6. I watched a new film on/at midnight. 7. My brother’s birthday is at/on 16th December. 8. Sam watched football on/in the evening. 9. Do you get presents on/in Christmas Day? 10. We had lunch at/on noon. 11. My father was born on/in 1970. 12. It is very cold at/in winter. 13. Will you go to the club on/in Friday morning? 14. What did you do at/in Easter? 15. We’ll go to a picnic in/on Saturday. 144

V. Rewrite the sentences, active or passive. 1. The store was opened in 1932 by Jack. Jack ............................................................................................................................. 2. Has anyone told you about it yet? Have you ..................................................................................................................... 3. Somebody accused him of stealing the money. He ............................................................................................................................... 4. People are going to build a bridge over my house. A bridge ...................................................................................................................... 5. They built many buildings to commemorate Uncle Ho’s birthday. Many buildings ........................................................................................................... 6. They will ask us all several questions. We shall ...................................................................................................................... 7. They must observe the rules of the games carefully. The rules...................................................................................................................... 8. They were building a new stadium when I arrived. A new stadium............................................................................................................. 9. Newspaper are sold everywhere in the city. People ......................................................................................................................... 10. Did the woman buy those vegetables? Were those vegetables ................................................................................................. VI. Put the verbs in brackets in the correct tense form. 1. Does your brother like (listen) to music in his free time? going out by bicycles. 2. I think in the future, more people (enjoy) 3. My father says when he’s retired, he (go) back to his village to do the gardening. 4. We are planting trees around our school now. Our school (be) surrounded by a lot of green trees. this hobby from next year. 5. Lan says she loves collecting pens but she (not/continue) 6. You (think) collecting stamps costs much money? 7. My father thinks mountain climbing (be) more dangerous than skating. 8. Every year, my mother (give) me a nice doll on my birthday. 9. My brother (not like) collecting stamps, he likes collecting glass bottles. 10. My sister likes (cook) very much. She can cook many good foods. VII. Fill each blank with a word/ phrase in the box. camping bottles

dolls photos

fishing gardening horse-riding gymnastics

painting the guitar

1. I like drawing very much. My hobby is . 2. My sister likes collecting . Now she has more than 100. 3. Her hobby is . She plants many beautiful flowers in her garden. 4. My father likes . He often goes to the lakes or rivers when he has free time. 5. When we have some days off, my close friends and I often go . 6. My sister likes doing . She looks very fit. 7. I always take a lot of when I go on holidays. ? 8. A: Can you play B: No, I can’t, but I can play the piano. 9. My brother’s hobby is watching , he likes horses very much. 10. Her brother likes collecting , especially glasses. VIII. Use the words and phrase to complete the sentences. 1. Chu Van An/ born in 1292 and/ die in 1370. From his childhood, he was famous/ his intelligence. 2. He/ not have the dream of taking part/ exams/ become mandarins like other students. 3. Chu Van An/ stay at home and taught himself/ reading books,/ opened schools. 4. His school quickly/ become famous in the region/ many students from other places/ go there to study. 145

5. Emperor Tran Minh Tong/ invite Chu Van An to be the principal/ the Imperial Academy/ teach his crown prince/ other students to become talented people/ the country. 6. In 1359, Emperor Tran Minh Tong/ give his crown to his son, Tran Hien Tong, who/ was also a student/ Chu Van An. Under the regime of Emperor Tran Hien Tong, the court/ the country/ were peaceful. 7. However, this period/ last only for 12 years. Then Emperor Tran Hien Tong/ die, and Tran Du Tong/ inherit the crown. The social situation/ become complicated, the people/ were very poor/ many good people/ killed. 8. Chu Van An bravely/ submitted a petition which requested the Emperor to behead 7 perfidious mandarins, so it/ was called “Seven Beheaded Petition” (That Tram So). “Seven Beheaded Petition” became the symbol/ the courageous attitude/ of the real intellectuals,/ of Chu Van An’s spirit.

UNIT 1: HOBBIES I. 1. A 2. A 3. C 4. D 5. B II. 1. go: cycling, skating, swimming, camping 2. do: athletics, karate, judo, aerobics, gardening, gymnastics 3. collect: bottles, dolls, coins 4. play: basketball, football, tennis, computer games, table tennis 5. take: photos, stamps 6. watch: TV, films, cartoons, music videos III. 1. doing 2. collecting 3. listen 4. to play 5. gone 6. Reading IV. 1. Swimming 2. music 3. Films 4. basketball 5. Photography 6. Books 7. Skating 8. chess V. 1. give 2. practises 3. will see – Will you go 4. will give 5. will meet 6. Will you be 7. live – don’t see 8. will go VI. 1. plays 2. Goes 3. goes 4. listens 5. Does 6. plays 7. go 8. play 9. watch VII. 1. Does – listen to 2. Do – going 3. Do – eating 4. Do – doing VIII. 1. A 2. C 3. B 4. A 5. D IX. 1. False 2. True 3. False 4. True 5. False X. 1. Because it can help to increase your strength and energy, giving you a stronger heart. 2. Because you don’t carry the weight of your body on your feet when cycling. 3. If you do too quickly, it will have bad effects. 4. You should cycle twice or three times a week. 5. If you find you are in pain, you will stop and take a rest. XI. I have an unusual hobby: it is collecting buttons. When I was ten, I lost a cute button of my shirt. I had to find another button to replace. Buttons have a long history. Buttons are made of different materials. They have various sizes, shapes, designs, and colours. Button collecting is not expensive, and it is useful in many ways. I collect rare buttons from other countries. TEST 1 UNIT 1 I. 1. D 2. B 3. B 4. D 5. B II. l. A 2. A 3. C 4. D 5. B III. /ə/ /ɜː/ final; assistant; neighbor; culture; heard; turn; girl; third; first; bird; natural; camera; again; yesterday; signal learn; birthday; word; world; sir

IV. 146

1. show 5. are

2. collecting 6. from

3. expensive 7. enjoy

4. about 8. climb

1. to 7. to

2. from 8. to

3. for 9. for

4. at/ with 10. to

V. 5. at 11. with

6. of 12. of

VI. 1. in 2. favourite 3. join 4. spends 5. hobby 6. spare 7. member 8. the cinema VII. 1. going / to go 2. lying - reading 3. likes - being 4. collecting 5. watching (/ to watch) - will go 6. doing 7. plays 8. have collected 9. will travel 10. will make VIII. 1. rises 2. does not rain 3. moves 4. is 5. playing 6. enjoys – plays 7. are not 8. has – wears 9. do not have 10. visits IX. l. D 2. B 3. A 4. A 5. A X. l. C 2. A 3. C 4. D 5. B 6. A 7. D 8. B XI. 1. A 2. B 3. C 4. D 5. A XII. Stamp collection is an interesting hobby. You can learn many things, such as the geography of a country from stamps. Postal stamps are a source of interesting facts and important dates about every country in the world. It makes stamp collecting become very popular. As you look at the pages of a stamp album, you can learn interesting details of foreign customs, arts, literature, history and culture. Their colors can make you feel relaxed and happy. Collecting stamps can become a business. If you are lucky in finding a special stamp, it will bring you some money besides knowledge and pleasure. TEST 2 (UNIT 1) I. 1. D 2. B 3. B 4. D 5. B II. 6. D7. D 8. C 9. A 10. A III. 11. B 12. C 13. B 14. C 15. A 16. B 17. A 18. D 19. C 20. B 21. D 22. B 23. B 24. D 25. A 26. C 27. C 28. B 29. D 30. B IV. 1. chess 2. gardening 3. basketball 4. cycling 5. dancing 6. ice skating 7. jogging 8. bird-watching 9. gymnastics 10. photography V. 1. collecting 2. watching – will go 3. doing 4. plays 5. have collected VI .1. D 2. C 3. A 4. A 5. D VII. 1. True 2. True 3. False 4. True 5. False VIII. 1. A 2. C 3. B 4. D 5. B IX. 1. When did you start your hobby? 2. We find making models very interesting because we should be creative. 3. I think in the future people will take up more outdoor activities. 4. My best friend does not like mountain climbing because he is afraid of heights. 5. My sister enjoys cooking and making new dishes on her own. 147

TEST 3 UNIT 1 I. 1. d 2. c 3. b 4. a 5. c II. 1. b 2. a 3. a 4. d 5. c III. 1. b 2. a 3. c 4. d 5. c 6. b 7. a 8. c 9. b 10. d IV. 1. a 2. c 3. b 4. b 5. b 6. a 7. c 8. d 9. c 10. d V. PLAY: football, chess, tennis, board games, sports GO: skating, camping, swimming, jogging, cycling DO: crossword, gardening, gymnastics, judo, aerobics COLLECT: dolls, badges, stamps, coins, books WATCH: cartoons, films, television, game shows VI. 1. plays 2. willgo 3. Will... collect 4. to do 5. going 6. did 7. areplaying 8. do 9. playing 10. have collected VII.1. swimming 2. gardening 3. fishing 4. painting 5. music 6. model cars 7. photos 8. eggshells VIII.1. don’t visit 2. Does Mai go - goes 3. give 4. plays - doesn’t like 5. do they go 6. don’t study - is 7. Do your parents watch 8. does 9. use 10. doesn’t usually play IX. 1. listen 2. rains 3. will recognise 4. don’t want 5. does... begin 6. won’t be 7. does - watches 8. will plant 9. play 10. leaves X. 1. watching 2. listening 3. to buy 4. to speak 5. making 6.to eat 7. working/ to work 8. to call 9. to build 10. doing XI. 1. collection 2. birdwatcher 3. photography 4. interesting 5. Carved 6. activity 7. unusual 8. creative XII. 1. Her hobbies are reading and gardening. 2. She started reading when she was four years old. 3. She felt interested when she first read a book. 4. She enjoys reading because it can make her relaxed and calm. 5. She has planted flowers, vegetables, carrots, potatoes, etc. in her garden. 6. She waters plants in the evening. XIII.1. books 2. collection 3. kinds 4. immediately 5. near 6. classify 7. name 8. clean XIV. 1. T 2. F 3. T 4. T 5. T 6. F XV. 1. I enjoy playing sports because it’s good for my health. 2. Do your children go camping every summer holiday? 3. I think photography can be an expensive hobby. 4. My cousin will give me a book as a gift on my next birthday. 5.He finds mountain climbing dangerous so he doesn’t take it up. 6. I hope that in the future he will teach me how to do eggshell carving. XVI. 1. Do you have any hobby? 2.What does your brother do in his free time? 3.He usually goes mountain climbing in the summer. 4. I enjoy playing monopoly with my friends. 5.Jim finds making models boring because it takes lots of time. 6.Will you take up ice-skating in the future? XVII. 1. What hobby do you have? 2.We all think painting is interesting because it’s a creative activity. 3. I spent three hours making this pottery jug. 4.My father enjoys doing gardening at the weekend. 5.What about going swimming this afternoon.



2. B

3. B

4. B

5. A

1. A

2. D

3. B

4. C


1. C 6. B 11. D

2. C 7. C 12. A

3. A 8. B 13. C

4. C 9. D 14. C

5. A 10. C 15. C

1. bad 5. worse

2. suffer 6. tired

3. sick 7. toothache

4. allergy 8. flu

1. less 6. less

2. more 7. less

3.less 8. less

4. less 9. more


IV. V. 5. more 10. less – more

VI. 1. if 2. so 3. and 4. and 5. and 6. but 7. when 8. and 9. or 10. or VII. l. C 2. A 3. D 4. B 5. D 6. A 7. C 8. B 9. D 10. C VIII. 1. energy 2. ride 3. calories 4. spend 5. for 6. fit 7. from 8. in 9. exercise 10. tired IX. 1. F 2. F 3. T 4. F 5. F 6. F 7. T 8. T 9. F 10. T X. 1. Nick washes his hands a lot, so he doesn’t have the flu. 2. David eats lots of junk food, and he doesn’t do exercise. 3. The doctor told Elena that she should sleep more, or she should try to relax more. 4. My sister plays computer games, but she does exercise too. 5. Eating more carrots helps you see objects more clearly at night. 6. Going outside with wet hair gives you a cold or flu. XI. 1. We should keep our bodies warm to avoid flu or a cold. 2. Getting enough rest helps you (to) concentrate well at school. 3. Vitamins play an important role in our diet. 4. You should not play more computer games in your free time. 5. The doctor is asking Mai some questions about her health problems. II. Health is so undeniably important that everyone wishes to have a healthy life. First of all, it is important to stay physically active. Doing exercises is the best way to keep fit and to prevent some diseases such as heart ailment, high blood pressure, lung disorder and so on. This also helps build up our muscle and strengthen the immune system. Moreover, a suitable and nutritious eating habit is of great necessity if one wants to stay healthy. In addition, a healthy mind is part of a healthy body. When people are in a good state of mind, they make good decisions for themselves about their jobs, their lifestyle, and their health. It is advisable to reduce stress, make time for things that are fun and get enough sleep every day. Finally, regular health care visit is essential for a healthy life. The practice ensures timely diagnosis and treatment of potential diseases. In conclusion, it requires a combination of practices to maintain good health. TEST 2(UNIT 2) I. 1. B

2. A

3. C

4. D

5. C 149

II. 1. A 2. D 3. B 4. C 5. C 6. D 7. D 8. B 9. B 10. D 11. B 12. D 13. A 14. A 15. A 16. A 17. D 18. B 19. A 20. C III. 1. stomachache 2. earache 3. sore throat 4. cold 5. toothache IV. 1. toothache 2. backache 3. headache 4. stomachache 5. Earache 6. flu 7. sore throat 8. cough V. 1. less 2. more 3. less 4. less 5. More 6. more 7. less 8. more 9. less 10. less VI. 1. and 2. and 3. so 4. and 5. and 6. so 7. and 8. but VII. 1. well 2. burn 3. temperature 4. stomachache 5. pain 6. cough 7. toothache 8. sick 9. hurts 10. headache VIII. 1. Because everyone suffers from the common cold at some time or other. 2.No, it isn’t a serious illness. 3.It can make you cough less, make you feel better, and stop your nose running for a while. 4.People also drink a lot of hot water with sugar, lemon juice. 5.Because it helps provide people with a lot of vitamin C. IX. 1. C 2. A 3. C 4. C 5. B 6. A 7. C 8. D 9. D 10.D X. 1. You should not play more computer games in your free time. 2. The doctor is asking Mai some questions about her/ the health problems. 3. Vitamins play an important role in our diet. 4. We should keep our bodies warm to avoid flu or a cold. 5. Getting enough rest helps you (to) concentrate well at school. TEST 3 UNIT 2 I. 1. b 2. d 3. c 4. a 5. d II. 1. a 2. a 3. c 4. b 5. c 6. d 7. a 8. b 9. d 10. c III. 1. have - feel 2. feels 3. has a – feels 4. had a - feel 5. have (a) 6. had an – felt 7. has 8. feel - have a - have a IV. Illnesses and symptoms Activities flu, cough, sore throat, fever, allergy, runny playing sports, walking, watching TV, nose, headache, sneezing, red skin, gardening, swimming, doing aerobics, stomachache exercising, cycling, relaxing, sleeping V. 1. more 2. more 3. more 4. less 5.less 6. less – more 7. more 8. less VI. 1. Play less 2. Eat more 3. Sleep more 4. read more 5. Watch less 6. drink more 7. Do more 8. Spend less VII. 1. and 2. but 3. so 4. but 5. or 6. but 7. or 8. so 9. or 10. so VIII. 1. at 2. out 3. on 4. for 5. to 6. with 7. in 8. for IX. 1. Didyou eat 2. has put 3. drank 4. washes 5. won’t pass 6. has - is coughing 7. to exercise 8. sneezing 9. are you doing 10. eating/ to eat X. 1. healthily 2. sickness 3. vegetarian 4. Obesity 5.allergic 6. sunburnt 7. tiredness 8. headache XI. 1. d 2. c 3. c 4. a 5. b 6. a XII. 1. b 2. d 3. b 4. c 5. a XIII. 1. Phong eats lots of junk food, so he is putting on weight. 2. I exercise daily because I want to stay healthy. 3.Sitting too close to the TV hurts your eyes. 4.She often takes paracetamol if she gets a bad headache. 5.How many calories do you burn doing aerobics for 2 hours? 6.Getting enough sleep helps students (to) do their best in the classroom. XIV 1. The bus stopped, and the man got off. 150

2.Junk food tastes so good, but it is bad for your health. 3.You should eat less junk food or you will put on weight. 4.He is a vegetarian, so he doesn’t eat any meat. 5.Would you like meat or vegetables for lunch? 6.Susan went to the park and had a ride on the swing. 7. I love fruit, but I am allergic to strawberries. 8.There was a heavy rain, so the roads were flooded. XV. 1. I love cold drinks, but I have a sore throat. 2.Jim eats too much fast food so he is overweight. 3.Is watching too much television bad for your health? 4.If you have the flu or a cold you should stay home. 5.Alex loves fishing so he usually goes fishing in the lake near his house. 6.You can avoid some diseases by keeping yourself clean. UNIT 3: COMMUNITY SERVICES I. 1. A 2. A 3. B 4. D 5. D II. 1. a 2. e 3. g 4. b 5. d 6. h 7. c 8. f III. 1. clean: school yard; neighbourhood; streets; dirty tables 2. donate: old clothes; books; notebooks; blood; money 3. help: elderly people; homeless people; street children; local people; poor children 4. provide: fresh water; English lessons; food; opportunities; Internet; evening classes IV. 1. letter 2. hear 3. participate 4. plans 5. collect 6. save 7. earn 8. plant9. keep 10. do V. 1. haven’t seen 2. called 3. has read 4. haven't begun 5. met 6. has been 7. haven’t 8. did – give up 9. has taken 10. Have you washed VI. 1. moved 2. have been 3. have gone 4. spent 5. has explained 6. delivered 7. hasn't finished 8. have visited 9. heard 10. haven't started VII. 1. have written – wrote 2. did – haven’t done 3. had – have never had 4. has made – made 5. have given – gave 6. has gone – went 7. Did – win – have never won 8. Did – play – Have – played VIII. 1. has won 2. has finished 3. has lost 4. have bought 5. has passed 6. have spent 7. has sent 8. has started/ started IX. 1. B 2. A 3. D 4. A 5. C X. 1. B 2. C 3. C 4. C 5. A XI. 1. True 2. False 3. True 4. True 5. True XII. 1. B 2. A 3. D 4. C 5. D XIII. 1. I have bought a laptop, but I have not used it. 2.I have written a blog, but I have not uploaded any photos to it. 3.We started the game half an hour ago, but we have not finished it. 4.My dad has been to London, but he has not seen Big Ben. 5.I have read my English book, but I have not done my English homework. 6.They have had lunch, but they have not had dinner. 7.I have downloaded some songs, but I have not listened to them. TEST 1 UNIT 3 151

I. 1. B

2. A

3. C

4. A

5. D

6. D


8. B

II. l. B 6. C

2. A 7. A

3. D 8. C

4. B 9. D

5. D 10. B

III. 1. Have you ever met – sat 3. saw - have already seen

2. did you start - have recently completed – asked 4. has worked – started

IV. 1. was having 4. is running 7. began 10. going l2. is playing

2. has travelled 5. invited - didn’t come 8. has made 11. haven’t seen - left 13. left

3. haven’t begun 6. is cleaning 9. is cooking

1. am carving 4. has done 7. Have you ever done/ did 8. have collected

2. helped 5. has never eaten

3. went 6. have known

14. has been


9. has made

VI. 1. How long 2. yesterday 3. yet 4. always 5. ever 6. since 7. just 8. ago 9. already 10. for VII. 1. have collected → collected 2. see → saw 3. clean → cleaned 4. didn’t see → haven’t seen 5. Do you do → Have you done VIII. l. C 2. B 3. D 4. B 5. D 6. A 7. C 8. A 9. B 10. A IX. l. C 2. B 3. D 4. B 5. D 6. A 7. C 8. A 9. B 10. A X. 1. She bought some interesting books last weekend. 2. I love watching basketball and volleyball. 3. My English teacher dances very gracefully. 4. I have to stay at home because it is raining. 5. I love Vietnam because it is very beautiful. 6. I was born in 1990 in Vinh Phuc. 7. I have English lessons on Monday and Tuesday. 8. Swimming is my favourite passion. 9. My family moved here in 2004. 10. That is Mary and those are her students. VIII. l. A 2. A 3. D 4. B 5. B 6. C TEST 2 (UNIT 3) I. 1. C 2. D 3. B II. 11. A 12. B 13. B 21. C 22. A 23. C III. 1. has turned 6. Have you bought

4. A


14. D 15. A 16. C 17. B 18. D 19. C 20. A 24. D 25. D 26. D 27. B 28. D 29. D 30. B 2. has just started 7. have had – gave

3. has done 8. have watched 152

4. has lost 9. Worked

5. have gone 10. have been

IV. 1. yet V. 1. B VI. 1. B VII. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

2. already

3. just/ already

2. C

3. C

4. D

2. B

3. B

4. A 5. D

4. already

5. Yet

5. B

Have you finished your homework yet? This printer is under guarantee. We haven’t had a vacation since last year. They give away warm clothes to homeless people in Ha Noi. Volunteering makes a difference in our community. TEST 3 UNIT 3 I. 1. a 2. d 3. b 4. c 5. a II. 1. d 2. c 3. a 4. b 5. a III.1. a 2. b 3. c 4. a 5. b 6. c 7. c 8. a 9. a 10. d IV. 1. sick children 2. homeless people 3. street children 4. donors 5. volunteers 6. elderly people 7. disabled people V. 1. Donate 2. Organise 3. Clean up 4. Plant 5. Volunteer 6. Recycle 7. Provide 8. Tutor VI. 1. have seen 2. went 3. Have you ever done4. have had 5. did 6. have lived 7.bought 8. Did you see 9. have read 10. didn’t play VII.1. Have you ever been - have been 2. went 3. did you meet 4. hasn’t phoned 5. have known 6. lived 7. didn’t see 8.painted 9.left 10. have taught VIII.1. has failed 2.established 3. have they lived – moved 4.have finished 5.am studying 6.did you buy - bought 7.Have you ever been - haven’t been 8.volunteers 9.to help 10.donating IX. 1. services 2. Disabled 3. organisation 4. donation 5. non-profit 6. voluntary 7. charitable 8. elderly X. 1. c 2. b 3. c 4. d 5. c 6. b 7. a 8. a 9. b 10. b XI.1. He stopped the car because the traffic lights turned red. 2.Jane didn’t join our programme as she has to take a summer course. 3.Since he behaved very rudely, everyone dislike him. 4.They do volunteer work because they like doing something useful. 5. I won’t be able to attend the meeting since I’ll be on holiday with my family. 6.As it was raining heavily, we decided to stay home and watch TV. 7.He’s training hard because he wants to get fit. 8.Since Sally was ill, she didn’t go to school yesterday. XII.1. because 2. so 3. and 4. because 5. but 6. or 7. because 8. but 9. so 10. and XIII. 1. as 2. for 3. in 4. to 5. of 6. at 7. in 8. with XIV.1.volunteer 2. while 3. service 4. together 5.money 6. clothing 7. back 8. but XV. 1.Community service is work done by a person or group of people that benefits others. 2.It is often done near the area where you live. 3.No, it isn’t. (You do not get paid to perform community service.) 4.It can help many different groups of people: children, elderly people, homeless people, people in poverty and people with disabilities. 5.Yes, it is. 6.Many people take part in community service because they enjoy helping others and improving their community. 153

XVI.1. c 2. b 3. b 4. c 5. a 6. d XVII.1. T 2. T 3. F 4. F 5. T 6. F XVIII. 1.Community service is a great way to help others. 2.People volunteer because they want to improve their community. 3.We encouraged people to donate books and clothes to street children. 4.What can we do to help clean the environment? 5.Have you ever done any volunteer work? 6.Joe spent most of his free time doing volunteer work at a local hospital. TEST YOURSELF 1 I. 1. B 2. D 3. C 4. B 5. D II. 6. C 7. B 8. D 9. B 10. B11. D 12. D 13. B 14. C 15. B 16. B 17. B 18. C 19. B 20. D21. B 22. C 23. D 24. C 25. C III. 26. toothache 27. Headache 28. Stomachache 29. pain 30. hurts 31. earache 32. throat 33. Cough 34. temperature 35. allergy IV. 36. yet 37. already 38. yet 39. Already 40. already 41. yet 42. already 43. yet 44. already 45. yet V. 46. Have you put 47. have just done 48. haven't started 49. borrowed 50. have already looked 51. hasn’t been 52. have found 53. has it got 54. is 55. have just seen 56. B VI. 56. A 57. C 58. B 59. B 60. B VII. 61. True 62. True 63. False 64. True 65. False VIII. 66. Young people of different nationalities go on the expeditions. 67. There are ten expeditions every year. 68. It lasts for ten weeks. 69. They help scientists to do environmental research. 70. We have to speak English to become a volunteer. TEST YOURSELF 1 I. 1. c 2. b 3. d 4. a 5. d II. 1. collecting 2. disabled 3. hobby 4. cold 5. shape 6. homeless III. 1. c 2. c 3. d 4. b 5. a 6. d 7. b 8. a 9. c IV. 1. have already read 2. didn’t do 3. did 4. will eat 5. need 6. Has Alex ever been - has been 7. is having 8. was established 9. to recycle 10. doing V. 1. enjoyment 2. collector 3. overweight 4. toothache 5. unhealthy 6. donors 7. voluntarily 8. homeless VI.1. What is your favourite hobby? 2.How much time does he spend carving eggshells? 3.Who do you often share your hobby with? 4.Why did she go to the doctor? 5.How many calories a day do people need to stay in shape? 6.When did you start working as a volunteer? 7.What have you done so far? 8.How long has your mother done charitable work? VII.1. Donating 2. charitable 3. helping 4. disabled 5.how 6. feed 7. care 8. parents 154

10. d

VIII.1. c 2. b 3. a 4. d 5. a IX. 1. My father is interested in playing board games. 2.The last time he smoked was a month ago. 3.That apartment is the most modern. 4.Nam’s collection has over two hundred stamps. 5.It takes me twenty minutes to walk to school every morning. 6.It’s very difficult for me to lose weight.


fashion, fiction, ocean, musician, exhibition, closure, stations, usually, vision, optional, wash, shoulder, show, essential, leisure shark, shelter, special, short, social II. 1. D

2. D

3. B

4. B

5. D

1. D

2. B

3. A

4. C

5. C

III. IV. 155

2. B

3. D

4. A

5. A

l. C 6. D 11.D

2. A 7. C 12. A

3. C 8. A 13. D

4. B 9. D 14. D

5. D 10. A 15. C


UNIT 4: MUSIC AND ARTS I. /ʃ/:special; essential; musician; exhibition; fiction; sunshine; social; machine; sure; delicious; champagne; attention; discussion; /ʒ/:vision; leisure; closure; treasure; usually; pleasure; television; measure; occasion; decision; collage; conclusion II. 1. singing 2. saxophone 3. band 4. concert 5. art 6. painting III. 1. India 2. weddings 3. drums 4. rap 5. hands 6. trousers IV. 1. worked 2. has helped 3. did 4. won 5. didn't win 6. was 7. has been 8. hasn't won 9. has written 10. has never been given V. 1. Rugby isn’t as exciting as football. 2. Viet Nam isn’t as hot as Indonesia. 3. German isn’t as easy as French. 4. Alice isn’t as friendly as Anita. 5. The hotel in Paris isn’t as good as the hotel in London. VI. 1. as important as 2. most popular 3. Easier 4. better 5. as expensive as 6.heavier 7. more suitable 8. the best VII. 1. Lan and and Mai join the school theater group. 2.They are rehearsing a play for the Teacher’s Day. 3.Lan and Mai are the members of the stamp collector’s club. 4.Hung and Tuan play for the school football team. 5.Ha and Thanh are the members of the school art club VIII. 1. There are over 30 schools of rock in different towns in the USA. 2.It’s about a rock musician who became a teacher. 3.He started the first School of Rock in 1998. 4.He teaches them to be rock performers. 5.He has already taught hundreds of young people. IX. 1. A 2. B 3. C 4. C 5. B TEST 1 UNIT 4 I. /ʃ/

l. C V.

1. They can play table tennis, and we can, too. 2. He sings love songs very well, and his sister does, too. 3. I write diary every night, and my mother does, too. 4. My father doesn’t drink beer, and my mother doesn’t, either. 5. She is swimming in the pool, and her children are, too. 6. Hoa ate bread with milk for breakfast, and Hoa’s uncle did, too. 7. She didn’t watch TV last night, and her husband didn’t, either. 8. They mustn’t stay up late, and their friends mustn’t, either. 9. Milk is good for your health, and fruit juice is, too. 10. Betty doesn’t do morning exercise, and Betty’s aunt doesn’t, either. VII. 1. artist 2. actor 3. necessity 4. performance 5. originated 6. musical 7. photography 8. excited 9. invitation 10. pleasure VIII. 1. as attractive as 2. as beautiful as 3. isn’t as dangerous as 4. isn’t as expensive as 5. different from

6. as difficult as 7. are the same as 8. isn’t as luxurious as 9. different from 10. as important as

IX. l. was 6. made

2. in 7. lived

3. leaving 8. the

4. wrote 9. However

5. much 10. most

1. F

2. T

3. F

4. F

5. T

X. XI. 1. He does, too. 3. Nga didn’t, either. 5. the ruler isn’t, either. 7. The girls don’t, either. 9. her brother does, too. XII. 1. they do, too. 3. Nga didn’t, either. 5. the durians aren’t, either. 7. the girls shouldn’t, either. 9. her brothers do, too.

2. I can, too. 4. He will, too. 6. yesterday is, too. 8. he doesn’t, either. 10. they did, too. 2. Tom can, too. 4. her mother will, too. 6. May is, too. 8. my friends don’t, either. 10. their children did, too. TEST 2(UNIT 4)

I. 1. B II. 11. C 21. C III. 1. C

2. D

3. A

4. B

5. D

12. D 13. B 14. C 15. C 16. B 17. B 18. A 19. C 20. A 22. B 23. B 24. A 25. A 26. D 27. C 28. B 29. A 30. D 2. A

3. D

4. B

5. C 156

IV. 1.He usually does his homework, watch some TV, read a book or play the guitar. 2.Thomas has the keyboard and John has the drums. 3.John has written some songs, and his sister sometimes sings with them. 4.They are hoping to play some concerts one day! 5.He sometimes goes on day trips with his family, the best thing is lying on the sand and listening to music on my iPod. V. 1.The room at the end of the corridor of the art gallery is not as large as this room. 2.In my opinion, romance films are not as exciting as action films. 3.Picasso’s paintings are not the same as Salvador Dali’s paintings. 4.I am interested in comic books, and my brother is interested in comic books too. 5.My mother doesn’t like thrillers, and I don’t either. 6.Her hobbies are taking photographs and collecting coins. 7.Viet Nam has some kinds of traditional opera, such as “Chèo” or “Cải lương”. 8.I don’t sing as well as my sister. 9.Ballets and modern dance are not the same. 10.The project was not as long as we thought at first. VI. 1.I am happy to hear that you and your family are well. 2.Did you remember the circus (that) we saw last year? 3.The circus is coming again to our city. 4.My father has bought the tickets for the circus. 5.We would like you to go with us. 6. Are you free this weekend? 7. We will meet you at 7 pm outside the theatre. 78. The show begins at 7.30 pm. 9.I hope we will have a good time together. 10.I look forward to seeing you there/ I am looking forward to seeing you there. TEST 3 UNIT 4 I. /ʃ/ musician, special, sure, show, sugar, machine, ocean, champagne, station, dishwasher,delicious, tradition, brochure, /ʒ/ pleasure, occasion, usually, television, leisure, provision, decision, treasure, garage II. 1. d 2. a 3. d 4. c 5. b III. 1. b 2. c 3. a 4. d 5. b IV. 1. b 2. a 3. d 4. a 5. b 6. c 7. d 8. a 9. d 10. c V. 1. poet 2. singer 3. composer 4. comedian 5. pianist 6. musician 7. artist 8. actress VI. 1. composed 2. paints 3. sang 4. to play 5. have exhibited 6. drew 7. taking 8. is performing VII.1. hottest 2. farther 3. famous 4. more important 5. most powerful 6. big 7. more patient 8. quickly VIII. 3. This house is different from your last house. 4.The child’s height is the same as the height of the table. 5.Jane is very different from her sister. 6.This cake tastes the same as that cake. 7.Food in San Francisco is different from food in New Orleans. 8.His shoes are the same as my shoes. 9.American English is slightly different from British English. 10.People say I look just the same as my mother. IX.1. as 2.than 3.as 4. from 5. as 6.than 7.from 8. as X. 1. Walking is not as fast as cycling. 2.This tea tastes different from the one I usually drink. 3.Health is more important than money. 4.His new guitar is the same as his old one. 5.K2 is not as high as Everest. 157

6.Oil painting is different from pencil painting. 7.Today’s exam was shorter than yesterday’s. 8.Your idea is not the same as mine. XI. 1. either 2.too 3.either 4. either 5. too 6.either 7.too 8. too XII. 1. for 2. at 3. of 4. on 5. in 6. of 7. at 8. at XIII.1. has changed 2. are driving 3. are made 4. went - saw 5. finish/have finished 6. have been 7. weren’t 8. will write 9. doing 10. to work XIV. 1. c 2. a 3. d 4. a 5. b 6. a XV. 1. Modern graffiti began in big cities in the United States. 2. Demetrius’s tag was TAKI 183. 3. They wrote their own tags on New York walls. 4. Aerosol paint graffiti became popular in the 1970s and 1980s. 5. No, it isn’t. In some countries, it is illegal. 6.In Taiwan, Artists can paint in graffiti zones. XVI.1. folk 2. north 3. printed 4. leaves 5. artists 6.layer 7. long 8. decoration XVII. 1. T 2. F 3. T 4. F 5. T XVIII. 1. Students who study arts are more attentive than those who don’t. 2.My father never watches horror films, and I don’t either. 3.Do you think classical music is as exciting as Rock and Roll? 4.The musician is very anxious about the next performance. 5.My sister is interested in drawing, but I find it boring. 6.What is your favourite kind of music? XIX. 1. Her phone is different from mine. 2. I think jazz music isn’t as popular as rock music. 3.Are you interested in seeing a water puppet show? 4.The water puppet show is performed in a pool. 5. I haven’t spoken to David since Christmas. 6.They cancelled the school trip because nobody wanted to go. 7.Jim’s brother plays the saxophone better than him. 8.What kind of music do you like most? XX. 1.This show isn’t different from the show we saw last week. 2.No other runner is as quick as her/she is. 3.She has made fewer mistakes than last time. 4.The Eiffel Tower is the same height as an 81-storey building. 5.Jurassic Park was directed by Steven Spielberg. 6.My favourite painting is more expensive than this painting. 7.My French is not as good as my English. 8.The last time John did any housework was a month ago.

UNIT 5: VIETNAMESE FOOD AND DRINK I. /ɒ/:bottle; pot; salt; omelette; what; yogurt; chocolate; dialogue; shopping; lot; got; not; soft /ɔː/:more; pork; fork; sauce; short; caught; daughter; audience; morning; talk; laundry; water II. 1. B 2. C 3. D 4. C 5. C III. 1. D 2. B 3. B 4. D 5. D II. IV.


Food :apples; bread; pork; beef; sausages; eggs; sandwiches; sticky rice; pizza; noodles; cheese; pancake; beef noodle soup; toast; chicken; shrimp; eel soup Drink :coffee; hot chocolate; milk; orange juice; green tea; mineral water; lemon tea; yoghurt V. 1. Are there any cakes? – Yes, there are some. 2. Is there any butter? – No, there isn’t any. 3. Is there any mineral water? – Yes, there is some. 4. Are there any eggs? – No, there aren’t any. 5. Is there any salt? – Yes, there is some. 6. Are there any carrots? – Yes, there are some. 7. Are there any apples? – Yes, there are some. 8. Is there any sugar? – Yes, there is some. VI. 1. some 2. some 3. any 4. some 5. some 6. some 7. any 8. some VII. 1. e 2. g 3. b 4. h 5. c 6. a 7. d 8. f VIII. 1. How much 2. How much 3. How many 4. How much 5.How many 6. How many 7. How many 8. How much IX. 1. How much water do you drink every day? 2.How many students are there in you class? 3.How many hours do you sleep every night? 4.How much money do you have in your bag or pocket? 5.How many subjects do you study at school? X. A.1. amazing 2. famous 3. demonstrations 4. volunteers 5. cows 6. volunteer B.1. B 2. D 3. A 4. D 5. B XI. A/ 1. calories 2. energy 3. snacks 4. sweet 5. salty 6. healthy 7. vitamins 8. sources B/ 1. It helps you feel great. 2. You can still enjoy your favourite sweet and salty foods. 3. Because they contain calcium and keep your teeth and bones healthy. 4. They keep our bodies healthy and they give us energy to work and play. 5. Because they help you have a healthy heart. 6. We get whole grains from bread, cereal, pasta, and rice. 7. Because they are low in calories and full of vitamins. 8. Fruit and vegetables with darker colours have more vitamins. XII. 1. First, you put the tea bag into a small cup, and pour slowly boiled water on it. 2. After that, wait for 5 to 7 minutes, then get the tea bag out of the cup. 3. Second, cut the lemon half, and press the water from it, but don’t use its seeds. 4. Next, add some sugar and stir the mixture, and then add some ice. 5. Your drink has already been served, and then pour it into some glasses. 6. Finally, decorate a sliced lemon and some basil leaves on the surface of drink.

1. some 6. any

2. any 7. a

3. a 8. some

l. B

2. C

3. B

4. A

l. A

2. B

3. C

4. A

l. A 5. D

2. B 6. C

3. C 7. D

4. A 8. B

II. 5. D

III. IV. 159

5. some 10. some

V. 1. any 4. any 7. many – many 10. much – much

2. some 5. any 8. much- a lot of

3. some 6. much – a lot of 9. many – many

2. fry 7. done

3. bill 8. bread

5. vegetarian 10. chicken





dairy products


oranges bananas pears strawberries grapes

peas beans cucumber pepper tomatoes

tea coffee wine beer lemonade

milk yogurt ice cream butter cream

pasta rice flour bread noodles

VI. 1. Boil 6. the food VII. meat beef chicken pork bacon sausages lamp ham VIII. 1. some 6. any

salmon tuna cod prawns

2. any 7. some

3. any 8. some

4. frozen 9. cook

4. any 9. some

5. some 10. Any

X. 1. dish 6. for

2. introduction 7. dried

3. when 8. kinds

4. easy 9. mixed

XI. 1. much 2. many 3. much 4. much 6. much 7. many 8. many 9. much XII. 1. Susan isn’t as good at English as Tim. 2. It took us five hours to get to London. 3. He enjoys listening to music. 4. Her younger sister isn’t as beautiful as she is. 5. They have studied English since 2004. 6. It’s time for you to go to school. 7. My father is a teacher at a high school. 8. The car is too expensive for us to buy. 9. He is said to beat his wife. 10. She has bought that house since 1990.


4. some 9. an

5. many 10. Many

TEST 2 (UNIT 5) I. 1. B II. 6. C III. 11. B 21. D IV.

2. A

3. C

4. D

5. C

7. D

8. A

9. D

10. B

12. D 13. C 14. A 15. D 16. B 17. D 18. B 19. B 20. D 22. A 23. B 24. B 25. B 26. B 27. D 28. D 29. C 30. D 160

5. special 10. are

31. some

32. some – any

33. any 34. some – any

35. any

V. 36. How much luggage do you have? 37. How much paper do you need to write on? 38. How many newspapers does your father read a day? 39. How many litres of water do you drink every day? 40. How much bread do you need to make sandwiches? VI. 41. B 42. C 43. D 44. A 45. B VII. 46. Meals in Viet Nam usually include rice. 47. More foreign restaurants have been opened in Viet Nam since Viet Nam opened its doors to foreign investors. 48. Young people in Viet Nam now like fast food because of its conveniences. 49. They have lunch somewhere nearby the work places. 50. The most successful Vietnamese fast food chain is Pho 24. VIII. 51.People in my town enjoy healthy food and they have three meals a day – breakfast, lunch, and dinner. 52.At about 7 o’clock in the morning, they often have breakfast. 53.Breakfast is a light meal. But it is considered important. People have breakfast with a bowl of noodle soup, or noodles with pork (hu tieu), instant noodle or a plate of sticky rice (xoi). 54.Lunch usually starts at 11.30. Lunch is also a light meal, usually followed by an hour’s rest. 55.Most employees have lunch at food shops near their working places. 56.Students have lunch at school canteens. 57.People often have traditional food with rice, meat, fish and vegetables. Young people often have fast food at shops like Lotteria, Jollibee, and KFC. 58.Dinner is the main meal. Dinner must include rice with many dishes from meat, fish, eggs, tofu, and vegetables. 59.People prepare food by boiling, steaming, barbecuing and frying. Then, they often have fruit and green tea. 60.I think Vietnamese food is cheap, nutritious, and very delicious. TEST 3 UNIT 5 I. 1. a 2. c 3. b 4. d 5. b II. 1. a 2. c 3. d 4. d 5. a III. 1. b 2. d 3. c 4. c 5. d 6. a 7. b 8. c 9. d 10. A IV. 1. loaf 2. packet 3. glass 4. carton 5. slice 6. piece 7. tin 8. bowl 9. bar 10. can V. 1. U 2. C 3. U 4. C 5. U 6. C 7. U 8. C 9. U 10. U 11. C 12. U 13. U 14. C 15. C 16. U 17. U 18. C VI. 1. any 2. some - a 3. a - some 4. some - any 5. some - a 6. any - any - some 7. any - an - some 8. some - some 9. some - an 10. a - a VII.1. How many 2. How much 3. How much 4. How many 5. How much 6. How many 7. How many 8. How much 9. How many 10. How much VIII.1. How many cups of butter do we need for this recipe? 2.How much milk would you like in your tea? 3.How many grapes are there in the fridge? 4.How many cakes did she make for the party last night? 5.How much pork does your mother want for the barbecue? 6.How much cat food did you buy at the supermarket yesterday? 7.How many exams have they had so far? 8.How much tea is there in the teapot? IX. 1. an 2. any 3. some 4. How many 161

5. kilo 6. some 7. some 8. How much 9.how many 10. some 11. some 12. any X. 1. am going to clean 2.tastes – are 3.has become 4.went 5. is learning 6.won’t be 7.is cut 8.eats 9.stewing 10.to drink XI. 1. salty 2.mixture 3.fried 4.juicy 5. commonly 6.boneless 7.preparation 8.fragrant XII.1. many → much 5.breads → bread 2.some → any 6.in → for 3.a → some 7.to→ than 4.ingredient → ingredients 8.glass→ glasses XIII. 1. a 2. c 3. d 4. d 5. b 6. a XIV. 1. a 2. c 3. b 4. d 5. B XV.1. most 2. broth 3. basic 4. pot 5. stewing 6. rice 7. vary 8. even XVI. 1. F 2. T 3. F 4. F 5. T 6. T XVII. 1.How many kilos of potatoes would you like? 2. I went fishing but I didn’t catch any fish. 3.Cook the chicken over the low heat for 15 minutes before you serve it. 4.Can you tell me how to cook broken rice? 5.There are three cartons of milk in the fridge. 6.He has got an egg but he hasn’t got any bread. 7.How much rice is left in the electric cooker? 8.Pho is one of the most popular dishes in Vietnam.

13. a

XVIII. 1. How many eggs does she need to make two cakes? 2. How much wine did they drink at the party last night? 3. When do you often drink coffee? 4.What is your favourite food? 5.How does your lemonade taste? 6.Is there any milk in the fridge? 7.Would you like some cookies? 8.How is the beef broth made? UNIT 6: THE FIRST UNIVERSITY IN VIET NAM I. /tʃ/iterature; coach; lecture; question; choose; feature; culture; charitable; sandwich; beach; sculpture; statue /dʒ/passenger; luggage; stranger; Japan; journey; January; juice; arrange; fragile; junk; sausage; heritage; vegetarian II. Sa Pa: blanket, compass, canned food, warm clothes, mobile phone, camera, scarf, boots, brochure, umbrella, matches, torch, medicines. Mui Ne: mineral water, mobile phone, tent, camera, ball, suntan lotion, swim suit, hat/ cap, brochure, umbrella, towel, medicines. III. 1. was discovered 2. was finished 3. was built 4. was completed 5. was opened 6. was sold 7. was built 8. was considered 9. was discovered 10. was completed IV. 1. Kangaroos were found in Australia. 2. English is spoken in many countries in the world. 162

3. Rice is grown in mostly Asia. 4. Coffee is made in Brazil. 5. The carnival is held in Brazil every year. 6. Baseball is played all over the USA. V. 1. Computers are used all over the world. 2. Many ancient things are kept in museums. 3. All my homework is done on my computer. 4. Many famous films are made in Hollywood. 5. Our English lessons are taught by Ms Linh. 6. All of us are driven to school by my father. 7. Cell phones are used by a lot of people. 8. My town is visited by hundreds of tourists every year. 9. Khue Van Pavilion symbol is used on all street signs of Ha Noi. 10. The Imperial Academy was built as the first university in Viet Nam by King Ly Nhan Tong in 1076. VI. 1. False 2. False 3. True 4. True 5. True VII. 1. The Temple of Literature is about 10 minutes away from Hoan Kiem Lake. 2. It was constructed in 1070 under Ly Thanh Tong’s dynasty. 3. There are five courtyards. 4. The second is with Khue Van Pavilion. 5. It is used on all street signs of Ha Noi. 6. We can find the stone tablets above tortoise backs with the names of doctors in the third courtyard. 7. The fourth courtyard is dedicated for Confucius and his 72 honoured students, as well as Chu Van An. 8. Thai Hoc House is in the farthest courtyard. 9. Thai Hoc House was used as the Imperial Academy. 10. It holds a small collection of old-time costumes for students and scholars. VIII. 1. It began in 1075, and ended in 1919. 2. They lasted more than 300 years. 3. Emperor Le Thai Tong ordered that examinations should be held regularly, once every three years. In 1434. 4. The laureates of a royal examination were awarded the title “Tien si” (Doctoral laureate). 5. From 1484 to 1780, 82 stone tablets were erected. TEST 1 UNIT 6 I. /tʃ/


itchy, chest, feature, children, jazz, journey, jam, sausage, subject, cheerful, teacher, culture, charity, stranger, originate, heritage, passenger, exchange, coach encourage II. 1. D

2. D

3. B

4. C

5. A

1. C

2. D

3. B

4. A

5. C

1. B

2. C

3. D

4. B

5. A

1. A 6. D 11. C

2. A 7. C 12. B

3. A 8. B 13. D

4. A 9. A 14. D

5. B 10. B 15. A


VI. 163

1. provide 3. was built 5. was considered 7. was discovered 9. was completed VII. 1. has been used 3. has been widened 5. is situated 7. visited 9. was formed VIII. 1. bought => were bought 3. sold => are sold 5. names => is named 7. teach => are taught 9. select => were selected

2. be established 4. weren’t reconstructed 6. are being planted 8. graduated 10. was sold 2. was discovered 4. was finished 6. was built 8. was completed 10. was opened 2. builds => will be built 4. visited => is visited 6. located => is located 8. erected => were erected 10. consider => is considered

IX. 1. tourist 4. prepared 7. cultural 10. educators

2. important 5. recognition 8. contributed

3. surroundings 6. erection 9. university

X. 1. Exercises are often done (by him) every night. 2. The room is usually decorated (by her) at weekends. 3. Country songs are always sung by Daisy. 4. Her sister is often given sweets. 5. These trees are often watered by Nam and Peter. 6. Cars are produced in this country. 7. Smoking isn’t allowed in this restaurant. 8. Is the room cleaned by pupils every day? XI. 1. The wheel was invented thousands of years ago. 2. These flowers are watered by my father every morning. 3. Computers are used all over the world. 4. Is a statue of Chu Van An being built? 5. Fiona was invited to his birthday party by John last night. 6. Many ancient things are kept in museums. 7. Is the Temple of Literature surrounded by four busy streets? 8. Many famous films are made in Hollywood. 9. The dinner is being prepared in the kitchen by her mother. 10. All my homework is done on my computer. XII. 1. Service is included in the bill. 2. The book is chosen carefully by Nana. 3. That room isn’t used. 4. Fruits are grown in California. 5. Many young people are attracted by these jeans. 6. This road isn’t used very often. 7. The dishes are washed in the evening. XIII. 1. The watch was bought at the shop (by her). 2. The house was built in 1950. 3. The exercises were done last week. 4. The letters were sent by the pupils the day before yesterday. 164

5. The lesson was learned (by him) two weeks ago. 6. Kieu story was written by Nguyen Du. 7. The cake was made by her last night. 8. The dishes were washed by Daisy last night. XIV. 1. Cell phones are used by a lot of people. 2. We haven’t been taught by Miss Diep since the last semester. 3. Our English lessons are taught by Mr. Vinh. 4. That experiment is being done by a student. 5. We are given a free period by our teachers this Saturday to prepare the festival. 6. Was this dictionary bought two weeks ago? 7. Our teeth should be cleaned twice a day. 8. I am not impressed by Alan’s knowledge about science and technology. 9. All of us are driven to school by her father every day. 10. A new school is going to be built here next year.

5. were selected 6. was made 7.were held 8.was born VI. 1.is celebrated 2. was built 3.is located 4.was written 5. was recognized 6. are displayed 7.were erected 8.were reconstructed 9. is surrounded 10. are regarded VII.1. The Internet is used all over the world. 2.Was the missing girl found by the police? 3.These tourist attractions are visited by large numbers of tourists annually. 4.Po Nagar Cham Towers were built to honour the goddess Po Nagar. 5.This museum isn’t visited by tourists very often. 6.All this cheese was bought in France. 7. I wasn’t invited to their New Year party. 8.Is mineral water sold in plastic bottles? 9.The Imperial Academy is considered the first university in Vietnam. 10. When was Ha Long Bay recognised by UNESCO as a World Heritage Site? VIII. 1. b 2. d 3. c 4. b 5. c 6. a 7. a 8. d 9. b 10. c IX. 1. for 2. about 3. under 4. with 5. as 6. of 7. in 8. by 9. at 10. of

TEST 2(UNIT 6) I. 1. A 2. D 3. B 4. C 5. A II. 11. D 12. C 13. B 14. C 15. B 16. D 17. C 18. C 19. D 20. D 21. B 22. D 23. D 24. A 25. C 26. C 27. B 28. D 29. C 30. C III. 31. were bought 32. will be built 33. are sold 34. is visited 35. is named 36. is located 37. are taught 38. were erected 39. were selected 40. is considered IV. 41. False 42. True 43. False 44. True 45. True V. 46. It is located on the bank of the Huong River, to the west of the Citadel, just 1 kilometer from Linh Mu Pagoda. 47. It was built in 1908 during the reign of Emperor Gia Long. 48. It is the worshiping hall of Confucius. 49. There are 32 stone tablets bearing the names of 239 successful candidates in National Examinations organized through the Nguyen Dynasty. 50. Hue Temple of Literature is a unique symbol of Vietnam educational system during the feudal times. VI. 56. More trees and plants will be planted in the park. 57. The erection of the first Doctors’ stone tablets was ordered by King Le Thanh Tong. 58. The tickets for the football match between Viet Nam and Thailand have been sold out. 59. Many old houses in Hoi An have been restored. 60. Khue Van Pavilion was chosen as the symbol of Ha Noi. TEST 3 UNIT 6 I. 1. a 2. b 3. a 4. d 5. c II. 1. a 2. d 3. c 4. c 5. b 6. c 7. a 8. d 9. d 10. b III. /dʒ/: joke, college, juice, July, giraffe, garage, engine, gymnastic, enjoy, language /tʃ/: chicken, watch, cheap, cello, question, sandwich, exhaustion, natural, furniture, statue IV. 1. Cheese is made from milk. 2.The Temple is visited by thousands of people every year. 3.Toyota cars are produced by Toyota Motor Corporation. 4. German is also spoken at EU meetings. 5.Most newspapers are printed on recycled paper. 6.The Imperial Academy is considered the first university in Vietnam. 7.Three millilitres of water are added to the mixture. 8.The letters are delivered by the postman at 8 o’clock. V. 1. was constructed 2. were built 3.were recognized 4.was completed

X. 1. is organised 2. built 3. were made 4. was set 5. haven’t done 6. is speaking 7. are spoken 8. be divided 9.rent 10.visiting XI. 1. attraction 2.cultural 3.founder 4. erection 5.talented 6.symbolise 7.recognition 8. historic XII. 1. a 2. b 3. d 4. c 5. a 6. c XIII. 1. Chu Van An was born in 1292. 2.He was a straightforward man. 3.In his early life, he opened a school and began his career as a Confucian teacher. 4.When he was a teacher at the Imperial Academy, Chu Van An taught the prince Vuong, the future emperor Tran Hien Tong. 5.He resigned because his request of beheading eight corrupted mandarins was refused./ ... because King Tran Du Tong refused his request of beheading eight corrupted mandarins. 6.He was 78 years old when he died. 7.An altar to Chu Van An was erected in the Temple of Literature. XIV. 1. T 2. F 3. T 4. F 5. T 6. F 7.The Imperial Academy was founded in 1076. 8.The Imperial Academy operated as a university for more than 700 years. XV. 1. The Temple of Literature is visited by thousands of people every day. 2.The construction of 116 steles was ordered by King Le Thanh Tong in 1484. 3.You had better take warm clothes because it’s very cold in Sa Pa. 4.Would you like to visit Ho Chi Minh Mausoleum first? 5.You don’t need to book a hotel in advance. 6.You should rent a bike or motorbike to travel around the city. 7.Why don’t we pay a visit to Huong Pagoda? 8.They chose Khue Van Pavilion as the official symbol for Vietnam’s capital Hanoi. XVI. 1. People/ They regard the Temple of Literature as the first university in Vietnam. 2.A picture of the One Pillar Pagoda was bought by his father last year. 3.The Hung Kings’ Temple is visited by thousands of people every day. 4.Who built the Imperial Academy? 5.Khue Van pavtllion symbol can be seen on street signs in Hanoi. 6.Khue Van pavillion is used as a symbol of Hanoi by Vietnamses people. 7.What is the Temple of Literature surrounded by? 8.In 1994, UNESCO recognised Ha Long Bay as a World Heritage Site



2. C

3. A

4. C

5. D


11. B 12. B 13. C 14. D 15. C III. 16. I’m not as tall as Lan. 17. Work is as important as family to me. 18. R&B is quite different from rap music. 19. The silver watch is not as expensive as the gold watch. 20. Playing a musical instrument is not as difficult as composing a song. IV. 21. How much 22. How many 23. How much 24. How much 25. How many 26. How many 27. How much 28. How many 29. How many 30. How much V. 31. False 32. False 33. False 34. True 35. True 36. A 37. B 38. C 39. A 40. B VI. 41. It was built to honour Confucius and later used as a royal school. 42. It was considered Vietnam’s first university. 43. It produced thousands of scholars for the country. 44. Chu Van An was appointed the Imperial Academy’s principal under the reign of Emperor Tran Minh Tong. 45. There are 82 Doctors’ stone tablets. They stand upon stone turtles. VII. 46. How much water do you drink every day? 47. How much chocolate do you eat every week? 48. How much cola do you drink every week? 49. How many brothers and sisters do you have? 50. How many rooms are there TEST YOURSELF 2 I. 1. b 2. a 3. a 4. d 5. c II. 1. a 2. c 3. d 4. d 5. b 6. a 7. b 8. d 9. d 10. b III. 1. began 2. was written 3. won’t agree 4. went 5.aren’t working 6. were destroyed 7. have worked 8. isn’t sold 9.to go 10. watching IV. 1. composer 2. construction 3. performance 4. boneless 5. carefully 6. educated 7. paintings 8. popularity V.1. since →for 2.many → much 3.by →from 4.too → either 5.built →was built 6.as → from 7.maked→ made 8.isn’t → aren’t VI. 1. c 2. a 3. b 4. c 5. b 6. a VII. 1. T 2. F 3. T 4. T 5. F 6. T VIII. 1.These wonderful poems were written by a great poet. 2.Vietnamese people use Khue Van pavillion as a symbol of Hanoi. 3.His idea is not the same as mine. 4.Those modern paintings are not as expensive as these Dong Ho paintings. 5.What food do you like most? 6.These machines are used to mix the ingredients by chefs.

THE FIRST SEMESTER TEST I. 1. D 2. C 3. C 4. B 5. A II. 1. T 2. T 3. F 4. T 5. F III. 1. have 2. likes 3. reads 4. goes 5. cooks 6. cycling 7. gets 8. walking 9. listening 10. collecting IV. 1. on 2. in 3. in 4. at 5. in 6. at 7. on 8. in 9. on 10. at 11. in 12. in 13. on 14. at 15. on V. 1. Jack opened the store in 1932. 2. Have you been told about it yet? 3. He was accused of stealing the money. 4. A bridge is going to be built over my house. 5. Many buildings were built to commemorate Uncle Ho’ birthday. 6. We shall be asked several questions. 7. The rules of the games must be observed carefully. 8. A new stadium was being built when I arrived. 9. People sell newspapers everywhere in the city. 10. Were those vegetables bought by the woman? VI. 1. listening 2. will enjoy 3. will go 4. is 5. will not continue 6. Do you think 7. is 8. gives 9. does not like 10. cooking VII. 1. painting 2. dolls 3. gardening 4. fishing 5. camping 6. gymnastics 7. photos 8. the guitar 9. horse-riding 10. bottle VIII. Chu Van An was born in 1292 and died in 1370. From his childhood, he was famous for his intelligence. He did not have the dream of taking part in exams to become mandarins like other students. Chu Van An stayed at home and taught himself by reading books, and opened schools. His school quickly became famous in the region and many students from other places went there to study. Emperor Tran Minh Tong invited Chu Van An to be the principal of the Imperial Academy to teach his crown prince and other students to become talented people for the country. In 1359, Emperor Tran Minh Tong gave his crown to his son, Tran Hien Tong, who was also a student of Chu Van An. Under the regime of Emperor Tran Hien Tong, the court and the country were peaceful. However, this period lasted only for 12 years. Then Emperor Tran Hien Tong died, and Tran Du Tong inherited the crown. The social situation became complicated, the people were very poor and many good people were killed. Chu Van An bravely submitted a petition which requested the Emperor to behead 7 perfidious mandarins, so it was called “Seven Beheaded Petition” (That Tram So). “Seven Beheaded Petition” became the symbol of the courageous attitude of the real intellectuals, and of Chu Van An’s spirit. KEYS GRAMMAR UNIT 1 - MY HOBBIES (SỞ THÍCH CỦA TÔI) BÀI TẬP VẬN DỤNG CƠ BẢN Bài 1: Hoàn thành bảng sau, thêm đuôi s/es vào sau các động từ sao cho đúng.

V Begins (bắt đầu) Believes (tin tưởng) Builds (xây) Comes(đến) Does (làm) Eats (ăn) 167

V Says (nói) Sees(nhìn) Sleeps (ngủ) Spends (dành) Studies(học) Tastes (nếm, có vị) 168

Finishes (kết thúc) Gets (được) Goes (đi) Has (có) Meets (gặp) Plays (chơi) Puts (đặt, để) Rises (mọc lên)

Tells (nói) Thinks (nghĩ) Travels (đi) Uses (dùng) Washes (rửa) Watches (xem) Works (làm việc) Writes (viết)

Bài 2: Viết lại các câu sau ở thể khẳng định (+), thể phủ định (-), thể nghi vấn (?) của thì hiện tại đơn. 1. (+) He goes to the cinema. (-)he doesn’t go to the cinema (?) does he go to the cinema? 2. (+)James likes strawberry (-) James doesn’t like strawberry (?) does James like strawberry 3.(+)_they work in this software company (-) they don’t work in this software company (?) Do they work in this software company? 4. (+) His new trousers are black (-)His new trousers aren’t black. (?)are His new trousers are black/ 5. (+) she wants to quit the job (-) she doesn’t want to quit the job (?) Does she want to quit the job? Bài 3: Khoanh tròn vào câu trả lời đúng 16. My sister (go/goes) ice skating every winter 17. They seldom (have/has) dinner with each other. 18. I (come/ comes) from Ha Noi, Viet Nam. 19. Jim and I (don’t/ doesn’t ) go to school by bus. 20. His hobby (is/are) collecting stamps 21. Jane and I (am/ are) best friends. 22. My cat doesn’t (eat/eats) vegetables. 23. (Does/ Do) your mother finish her work at 4 o’clock? 24. We (watch/watches) Tv everyday. 25. Peter never (forgets/ forget) to do his homework. 26. Tom always (win/ wins) when he plays chess 27. (Do/ Are) you a student? 28. Mice (is/are) afraid of cats. 29. How does your father (travel/ travels) to work everyday? 30. They sometimes (go/goes) sightseeing in rural areas. Bài 4: Cho dạng đúng của động từ trong ngoặc ở thì hiện tại đơn. 16. Work 21. Have 26. Goes 17. Belongs 22. Speaks 27. Skips 18. Does…begin 23. Opens/finishes 28. Do 19. Get/rises 24. Is 29. Has 20. Is/calls 25. Does/belong 30. play Bài 5: Hãy chọn câu trả lời đúng cho các câu sau: 16. My father ___________a teacher. He works in a hospital. B. Is B. isn’t C. are D. aren’t 17. I ___________rock music but my brothers don’t like it. B. Likes B. like C. don’t like D. doesn’t like 18. Workers always ___________helmet for safety reason. B. Wears B. wear C. don’t wear D. doesn’t wear 19. I don’t like chocolate. I ___________eat it. 169

B. Never B. often C. always D. usually 20. My classmates ___________lazy. They always do their homework. B. Are B. is C. aren’t D. isn’t 21. My grandfather___________fishing very often B. Goes B. go C. don’t go D. is 22. ___________tidy your room? E. How often are you? F. How often do you? G. How often you H. How often does you 23. Ms Thuy water the trees ___________a week. B. Once B. one C. two D. one time 24. What ___________your nationality? I am Vietnamese. B. Is B. are C. do D. does 25. I really love making models and my brother ___________it too. B. Love B. loves C. don’t love D. doesn’t love 26. The Smiths never___________to their neighbors B. Talk B. talks C. don’t talk D. doesn’t talk 27. My sister ___________ how to swim. B. Don’t know B. doesn’t know C.don’t knows D. not know. 28. My teacher ___________ very kind. We really like her. B. Is B. isn’t C. are D. aren’t 29. Sometimes a rainbow___________ after the rain. B. Appea r B.appears C. not appear D. doesn’t appears 30. The train ___________at 6 am tomorrow. B. Leaves B. leave C. is leave D. don’t leave Bài 6: Hoàn thành các câu sau. 11. How often do you go skating? 12. What time does your sister wake up in the morning? 13. Charlie/ carve/ eggshells/ in his free time. 14. I don’t often go to the cinema. 15. Harry is always late for school. 16. He is a photographer. He takes beautiful photos. 17. My sister rarely drinks orange juice. 18. Does She arrange flowers beautifully? 19. What is your hobby? 20. Mr. Ha teaches many students. Bài 7: Tìm lỗi sai và viết lại câu đúng. 16. Live-lives 11. Doesn’t -don’t 12. Does-do 17. Are-do 13. Is bird watching 18. Drives-drive 14. You-do you 19. Haves-has 15. Don’t-doesn’t 20. Does-do Bài 8: Dựa vào từ cho sẵn , viết câu ở thể khẳng định (+), thể phủ định (-), thể nghi vấn (?) của thì tương lai đơn. 9. He will be back before 10 pm. He will not be back before 10 pm. Will He be back before 10 pm. 10. James will go shopping with you. James will not go shopping with you. Will James go shopping with you. 11. You will go out with me. You will not go out with me. Will You go out with me. 170

20. We think he will propose to his girlfriend tonight Bài 13: Viết các động từ trong bảng dưới đây ở dạng V-ing

12. I will bring you some apples I will not bring you some apples


Will I bring you some apples

painting writing reading listening playing sitting hitting keeping

13. Tomorrow will be a good day. Tomorrow will not be a good day. Will tomorrow be a good day. 14. They will buy a new house. They will not buy a new house.

V cooking making drinking watching seeing eating driving sleeping

Bài 14: Chọn và cho đáp án đúng của các động từ trong hộp dưới đây vào chỗ trống. 11. Tidying 15. Going 19. Having 12. Going 16. Doing 20. meeting 13. Getting 17. Brushing 14. Eating 18. Making Bài 15: Sắp xếp các từ sau để tạo thành câu hoàn chỉnh.

Will they will buy a new house. 15. Your family will travel by car. Your family will not travel by car. Will your family travel by car. 16. Jim will learn how to cook. Jim will not learn how to cook. Will Jim learn how to cook. Bài 9: Điền “will ” hoặc “shall” vào chỗ trống để tạo thành câu hoàn chỉnh. 28. Will 21. Will 22. Will 29. Shall 23. Will 30. Will 24. Shall 31. Shall 25. Will 32. Will 26. Shall 33. Will 27. Will 34. Will Bài 10: Chia động từ trong ngoặc ở thì tương lai đơn. 26. Will turn 35. Will he stay 27. Will meet 36. Will get 28. Will you come 37. Will buy 29. Will earn 38. Won’t stop 30. Will turn 39. Will come 31. Won’t be 40. Will fall 32. Will you do 41. Will phone 33. Will be 42. Will be 34. Will serve 43. Won’t be Bài 11: Nối câu hỏi ở cột A với câu trả lời ở cột B sao cho thích hợp. 1-f 2-c 3-a 4-h 5-i 6-d 7-e 8-b 9-j 10-g Bài 12: Sắp xếp các từ sau theo thứ tự đúng để tạo thành câu hoàn chỉnh. 11. I promise I will never tell lies aganin 12. The doctor will probably be very busy today 13. She will perhap forgive you 14. I think it will not be windy tomorrow morning 15. What will you do this afternoon 16. Shall we go out for dinner tonight 17. I will come back now but he will not 18. She will become a charming bride tomorrow 19. Will you do me a favor 171

35. Will 36. Will 37. Will 38. Will 39. Will 40. will

44. Will take 45. Will you take 46. There will be 47. Will agree 48. Will never see 49. Will your parents be 50. Will you accept

11. My mother likes listening to classical music 12. Ana hates washing his dad’s car 13. My father’s friend love travelling by plane 14. I hate writing long email 15. She dislikes watching horror film on TV 16. Tommy loves dancing the disco 17. My math teacher loves speaking english 18. My friend’s sister doesn’t like getting up early 19. I like getting dressed in the morning 20. Jame’s aunt loves having a bath at night Bài 16: Cho dạng đúng của động từ trong ngoặc trong các câu dưới đây 6. Going 10. reading 7. Having 11. talking 8. waiting 12. going 9. being 13. cooking Bài 17: Khoanh tròn vào câu trả lời đúng 11. hates 12. 17. enjoy 13. doesn’t fancy 18. adores 14. detest 19. hate 15. doen’t like 20. fancy 16. enjoy 21. enjoy Bài 18. Dựa vào bảng dưới đây và hoàn thành câu sao cho đúng arrange flowers

make pottery

14. watching 15. getting

climb mountains





Alex and Peter My mother

hate love

detest adore

fancy hate

9. Megan_____flowers 10. Alex and Peter____ pottery 11. My mother______mountains. 12. Megan_____ pottery 13. Alex and Peter_____flowers 14. My mother______pottery 15. Megan______mountains. 172

16. Alex and Peter __________mountains. Bài 19. Cho dạng đủng cùa động từ trong ngoặc ở thì hiện tại đơn hoặc tương lai đơn. 11.Promise/ won’t do 12.Is/will continue 13.Enjoys/Won’t stop 14.Will leave 15.Will I bring 16.Will go/opens/closes 17. Will you help/is 18. Look/will bring 19. Tries/will be 20. Will the plane take off Bài 20. Chọn và cho dạng đúng của các động từ trong hộp dưới đây vào chỗ trống. Một từ có thể được dùng hơn một lần. 9. Will spend/will be 13. ______ Will you lend 10. ______ Detest 14. ______ Go/Will go 11. ______ Like 15. ______ Will pass 12. ______ Taking 16. ______ Listening/listens Bài 21. Cho dạng đúng của động từ trong ngoặc ở thì hiện tại đơn hoặc tương lai đơn. 1. Are 7. Thinks 13. Will buy 2. Enjoy reading 8. Talk 14. Is 3. Loves reading 9. Last 15. Will probably join 4. Learns 10. Agree 16. Have 5. Likes 11. Will go 17. Will go 6. Spends 12. Are 18. enjoy Trả lời các câu hỏi dưới đây: f. yes, they do g. because there are many interesting things h. about the books i. tomorrow j. they will go home and enjoy their books UNIT 2 HEALTH (SỨC KHỎE) Bài 1: Khoanh tròn vào đáp án đúng. 16. And 21. So 26. so 17. So 22. But 27. so 18. But 23. And 28. and. 19. Or 24. but 29. But 20. And 25. but 30. So Bài 2: Điển liên từ"and/but/or/so" vào chỗ trống để tạo thành câu ghép. 26. But 34. so 42. but 27. But 35. so 43. or 28. But 36. or 44. so 29. But 37. and 45. but 30. But 38. or 46. so 31. Or 39. but 47. and 32. And 40. so 48. so 33. But 41. but 49. so BÀI 3: Chọn đáp án đúng. 2. A 7. B 12. A 3. A 8. A 13. A 4. A 9. A 14. A 5. A 10. B 15. A 6. A 11. A 16. B 173

Bài 4: Đánh dấu [V] trước câu đúng. Đánh dấu [x] trước câu có lỗi sai và viết lại cho đúng 1.but-so 7.so-or 2.so-but 8.and-but 5.so-but 10.So-but 6.and-so Bài 5: Nối hai câu dưới đây, dùng liên từ "and/ but/ or/ so" để tạo thành một câu ghép 9. It takes a lot of time to cure this disease,so you need to be extremely patient 10. Anne is a gorgeous girl, and she has a pleasant personality. 11. It is raining hard,so We postpone our boat trip. 12. He dreams of being the best student,but He never studies hard. 13. My bicycle is broken,so I have to take the bus to school. 14. He is a brilliant doctor,and He is a loving father. 15. I need to tidy my room,or My mom will be angry with me. 16. My house is quite old, but Living in it is comfortable. Bài 6: Điền "more" hoặc "less" để hoàn thành những câu sau: 21. More 28. Less 35. Less/more 22. More 29. More 36. Less 23. Less 30. Less/more 37. More 24. More 31. More 38. more 25. More 32. More 39. more 26. Less 33. Less 40. More 27. More 34. Less Bài 7: Hoàn thành các câu sau bằng cách đỉền cụm từ thích hợp dưới đây vào chỗ trống. 9. Prepare more 13. Drink more 10. Talk less 14. Go out more 11. Study more 15. Plant more 12. Tak more 16. Drink less Bài 8: Dùng câu mệnh lệnh với “more/less” để đưa ra lời khuyên về sức khỏe. 9. Smoke less 13. Drink les cold water 10. Sleep more 14. Eat less raw food 11. Eat less sugar 15. Relax more 12. Spend less time on computer 16. Do more exercise Bài 9: Khoanh tròn vào đáp án đúng 13. (Spend more/ do more) time doing morning exercises. 14. (Play more/ do more) sports like biking, swimming or yoga. 15. Give up junk food and (eat less/ eat more) food high in fat, salt, and cholesterol. 16. (Take in more/ Eat less) healthy foods like fruits, vegetables, fish or nuts in your daily meals. 17. If you get fat, (eat less/ sleep more) and (exercise more/ sleep less). 18. Don't (take in more/ take in less) calories than you burn. 19. (Spend more/ Spend less) time with family and friends. 20. (Pay more/ Pay less) attention to your health. 21. If you want to be taller, (drink more/ drink less) coca and (take in more/ take in less) calcium. 22. If you want to avoid obesity, (eat more/take in less) sugar. 23. (Wear less/ Put on more) clothes or you will have the flu. 24. (Go out more/ Go out less) on sunny days to avoid sunburn and skin cancer Bài 10. Gạch chân lỗi sai trong câu và viết lại câu đúng. 9. Studies-study 10. Less-more 11. Less-more 12. Less-more 13. and-or 14. More-less 15. More-less 174



UNIT 3 BÀI TẬP VẬN DỤNG CƠ BẢN EX1: Cho dạng đúng của động từ ở dạng quá khứ (V2) và quá khứ phân từ (V3), dùng bảng động từ bất quy tắc nếu cần. V V2 V3 be (là) was/ were Been bring (mang đến) brought Brought buy (mua) bought Bought cut (cắt) Cut Cut do (làm) Did Done eat (ăn) Ate Eaten find (tìm) found Found found (thành lập) founded Founded go (đi) went Gone have (có) Had Had keep (giữ) kept Kept lie (nằm) Lay Lain lie (nói dối) Lied Lied lose (mất) Lost Lost make (làm) made Made move (di chuyển) moved Moved play (chơi) played Played provide (cung cấp) provided Provided put (đặt) Put Put read (đọc) read Read see (nhìn) Saw Seen sleep (ngủ) slept Slept spend (dành) spent spent study (học) studied studied take (mang đi) took taken think (nghĩ) thought thought travel (du lịch) traveled traveled visit (thăm) visited visited work (làm việc) worked worked write (viết) wrote written EX2: Viết các câu sau ở thể khẳng định (+), thể phủ định (-), thể nghi vấn (?) ở thì quá khứ đơn. 1. (+) They decided to leave soon. (-) They didn’t decide to leave soon. (?) Did they decide to leave soon? 2. (+) There were many homeless people here ten years ago. (-) There were not many homeless people here ten years ago. (?) Were there many homeless people here ten years ago? 3. (+) Tom’s grandfather used to be a soldier. (-) Tom’s grandfather didn’t use to be a soldier. (?) Did Tom’s grandfather use to be a soldier? 4. (+) My teacher started teaching here 6 years ago. (-) My teacher didn’t start teaching here 6 years ago. (?) Did my teacher start teaching here 6 years ago? 5. (+) Jane often went to school on foot 3 years ago. 175

(-) Jane didn’t often go to school on foot 3 years ago. (?) Did Jane often go to school on foot 3 years ago? 6. (+) The cat wanted to eat yesterday. (-) The cat didn’t want to eat yesterday. (?) Did the cat want to eat yesterday? 7. (+) The train arrived late yesterday. (-) The train didn’t arrive late yesterday. (?) Did the train arrive late yesterday? 8. (+) There was anything left in the fridge. (-) There wasn’t anything left in the fridge. (?) Was there anything left in the fridge? Giải thích: Câu ở thì quá khứ đơn với động từ tobe. Trong câu phủ định có đại từ bất định “anything”, khi chuyển về câu khẳng định cần chuyển “anything” thành “something”. Câu (?) đảo động từ tobe lên đầu câu, giữ nguyên “anything”. EX3. Chia các động từ trong ngoặc ở thì quá khứ đơn. 1. Last week, my mother (take) took me to the zoo. 2. When we (arrive) arrived at the party, there (not be) were not/ weren’t many people there. 3. My mother (say) said that she (buy) bought me a new dress. 4. Last summer, my father (teach) taught me to drive. 5. I (start) started doing charity when I (be) was a first year student. 6. Many rich people (donate) donated money for this volunteer program. 7. My friend (ring) rang me yesterday and (invite) invited me to his party. 8. What (you/ watch) did you watch on TV last night? 9. When my father (be) was young, he (use to) used to be the most handsome boy in the village. Lưu ý: Cấu trúc “S + used to + V” dùng để diễn tả hành động đã từng làm trong quá khứ mà bây giờ không còn làm nữa. 10. Did you go (you/ go) to see the concert yesterday? 11. My performance (not be) was not/ wasn’t really good. I (not feel) didn’t feel happy about it. 12. Jim (spend) spent the whole day taking after his brother. 13. I (write) wrote a letter to my foreign friend but he (not write) did not write back. 14. Were they (they/ be) students of our school? 15. Yesterday, I (see) saw Jim at a bookstore. EX4. Gạch lỗi sai trong các câu sau rồi sửa lại cho đúng. 1. My friend and I was at the hairdresser’s yesterday. was => were Giải thích: Câu ở thì quá khứ đơn với động từ tobe, chủ ngữ “my friend and I” là số nhiều nên tobe chia thành “were”. 2. My sister in law used to had long hair but now she has short hair. had => have Giải thích: Cấu trúc “S + used to + V” dùng để diễn tả hành động đã từng làm trong quá khứ mà bây giờ không còn làm nữa. Sau “used to” là động từ nguyên thể không chia. 3. Did your father worked in a tobacco factory before he retired? worked => work Giải thích: Câu ở thì quá khứ đơn với động từ có quy tắc “work”. Câu nghi vấn đảo trợ động từ “did” lên đầu câu, động từ sau đó không chia. 4. Why you didn’t come to the meeting last week? you didn’t => didn’t you Giải thích: Câu hỏi ở thì quá khứ đơn, trợ động từ “didn’t” đứng sau từ để hỏi “why” và đứng trước chủ ngữ “you”. 5. My best friend and I use to hated each other when we first met. use to hated => used to hate 176

Giải thích: Cấu trúc “S + used to + V” dùng để diễn tả hành động đã từng làm trong quá khứ mà bây giờ không còn làm nữa. Sau “used to” là động từ nguyên dạng không chia. 6. Was Anna be successful with her project last week? be successful => successful Giải thích: Câu ở thì quá khứ đơn với động từ tobe, chủ ngữ “Anna” là danh từ riêng số ít nên tobe chia thành “was”. “be” là từ thừa trong câu. 7. Yesterday morning I readed several chapters of the book “The little prince”. readed => read Giải thích: Câu ở thì quá khứ đơn với động từ bất quy tắc “read”. Dạng quá khứ của “read” vẫn là “read”. 8. Last summer we involved in community service in our neighborhood, so we did go on holiday. did => didn’t Giải thích: Dựa vào văn cảnh để xác định đây là câu phủ định: “Hè trước chúng tôi tham gia làm dịch vụ cộng đồng, vậy nên chúng tôi không đi nghỉ mát.” Câu phủ định nên thêm trợ động từ “didn’t”, động từ sau đó không chia. EX5. Hoàn thành câu với những động từ cho sẵn ở thì quá khứ đơn (thể khẳng định hoặc phủ định). 1. It was freezing outside, so I put on my coat. Trời đang rất lạnh bên ngoài, vậy nên tôi mặc áo khoác vào. 2. My mother was very busy yesterday, so I didn’t disturb her. Mẹ tôi rất bận hôm qua, vậy nên tôi không làm phiền mẹ. 3. Yesterday was Mary’s birthday but she didn’t hold a party. Hôm qua là sinh nhật của Mary nhưng cô ấy không tổ chức tiệc. 4. We were exhausted, so we decided to leave the party early. Chúng tôi rất mệt vậy nên chúng tôi quyết định rời bữa tiệc sớm. 5. The bed was very uncomfortable. Tim didn’t sleep well. Chiếc giường không thoải mái. Tim không ngủ ngon. 6. The musical wasn’t very good. I didn’t like it much. Vở nhạc kịch không quá tốt. Tôi không thích nó lắm. 7. The restaurant wasn’t very expensive. It didn’t cost much to have dinner there. Nhà hàng không đắt lắm. Nó không tốn nhiều khi ăn tối ở đó. 8. I had to look after my little sister yesterday, so I didn’t have time to call you. Tôi phải chăm sóc em gái tôi ngày hôm qua, vậy nên tôi không có thời gian gọi cho bạn. 9. It wasn’t hard to lift the boxes. They weren’t very heavy. Nó không khó để nâng những hộp này. Chúng không nặng lắm. 10. It was raining heavily, so I stayed in. Trời đã mưa rất to, vậy nên chúng tôi ở trong nhà. EX6. Sắp xếp các từ cho sẵn thành câu hoàn chỉnh. 1. many/ went/ to/ volunteers/ ,/ Last year/ the/ and/ flooded area/ free food/ people/ gave to/./ Last year, many volunteers went to the flooded area and gave free food to people. Năm ngoái, nhiều tình nguyện viên đã đi tới vũng lũ và phát đồ ăn miễn phí cho mọi người. 2. rebuild/ helped/ houses/ They/ trees/ also/ plant/ and/ people/./ They also helped people rebuild houses and plant trees. Họ cũng giúp mọi người xây lại nhà cửa và trồng cây. 3. people/ donated/ generous/ for/ people/ Many/ poor/ money/./ Many generous people donated money for poor people. Rất nhiều người hào phóng đã quyên góp tiền cho người nghèo. 4. I/ joined/ a student/ ,/ was/ When/ charitable work/ I/ often/ in/./ When I was a student, I often joined in charitable work. Khi tôi còn là một sinh viên, tôi thường tham gia công việc từ thiện. 5. my friends/ used to/ remoted areas/ travel/ help/ to/ to/ people there/ I/ with/./ I used to travel to remote areas with my friends to help people there. Tôi đã từng đi đến những vùng xa xôi với bạn bè để giúp những người ở đó. 6. mountainous/ for/ areas/ weeks/ We/ in/ stayed/ the/./

We stayed in the mountainous areas for weeks. Chúng tôi đã ở lại vùng núi hàng mấy tuần liền. 7. the chidren/ read/ there/ We/ taught/ and/ write/ to/./ We taught the children there to read and write. Chúng tôi dạy trẻ em ở đó đọc và viết. 8. a volunteer/ was/ a/ experience/ wonderful/ Being/./ Being a volunteer was a wonderful experience. Trở thành một tình nguyện viên là một trải nghiệm tuyệt vời. 9. I/ busy/ graduated/ was/ After/ ,/ I/ very/./ After I graduated, I was very busy. Sau khi tôi tốt nghiệp, tôi rất bận rộn. 10. I/ Now/ do/ still/ charity/ my/ in/ hometown/./ Now I still do charity in my hometown. Bây giờ tôi vẫn làm từ thiện ở quê tôi. EX7. Viết các câu sau ở thể khẳng định (+), thể phủ định (-), thể nghi vấn (?) ở thì hiện tại hoàn thành. 1. (+) I have finished my homework. (-) I haven’t finished my homework. (?) Have you finished your homework? 2. (+) My uncle has been to Singapore before. (-) My uncle hasn’t been to Singapore before. (?) Has your uncle been to Singapore before? 3. (+) They have found their keys. (-) They haven’t found their keys. (?) Have they found their keys? 4. (+) Jim has just played video games with his brother. (-) Jim hasn’t just played video games with his brother. (?) Has Jim just played video games with his brother? 5. (+) My grandmother has visited me since November. (-) My grandmother hasn’t visited me since November. (?) Has your grandmother visited you since November? 6. (+) Your sister has studied Medicine for 2 years. (-) Your sister hasn’t studied Medicine for 2 years. (?) Has your sister studied Medicine for 2 years? 7. (+) It has been long since our last encounter. (-) It hasn’t been long since our last encounter. (?) Has it been long since our last encounter? 8. (+) We have graduated yet. (-) We haven’t graduated yet. (?) Have you graduated yet? EX8: Đặt những trạng từ trong ngoặc vào đúng vị trí của nó trong các câu sau đây: 1. I have had dinner with my family. (already) I have already had dinner with my family./ I have had dinner with my family already. 2. Have you finished your report? You need to bring it to me before 9 a.m. (yet) Have you finished your report yet? You need to bring it to me before 9 a.m. 3. I haven’t done my homework. (yet) I haven’t done my homework yet. 4. My sister has left the party. (just) My sister has just left the party. 5. Your mother has told you to come home early. (already) Your mother has already told you to come home early. / Your mother has told you to come home early already. 6. Has the mouse gone? (already)



Has the mouse already gone?/ Has the mouse gone already? 7. I have met her. (just) I have just met her. 8. The paiter hasn’t finished his work. (yet) The paiter hasn’t finished his work yet. Giải thích: - Already: đứng sau “have/ has” và đứng trước động từ chính. Ngoài ra, “already” có thể đứng ở cuối câu. - Just: đứng sau “have/ has” và đứng trước động từ chính. - Yet: chỉ dùng trong câu phủ định và nghi vấn, đứng ở cuối câu. EX9. Điền “for” hoặc “since” vào chỗ trống sao cho thích hợp. 1. I have learned Japanese for 3 months. 2. May has been working for a non-profit organization since I graduated. 3. Kim has been unemployed for half a year. 4. I miss my friend. I haven’t seen her for months. 5. We have lived in the dorm since our first year at university. 6. Jim and Jane have known each other for quite a long time. 7. The baby’s hungry. He hasn’t eaten anything since the morning. 8. Have you used this laptop for 4 years? 9. They’ve been close friends since they started college. 10. My grandmother has been a vegetarian for several years. Giải thích:“since” + mốc thời gian (kể từ khi ….); “for” + khoảng thời gian (trong bao lâu) EX10. Chia động từ trong ngoặc ở thì hiện tại hoàn thành. 1.have you done 6. has recently offered 11. haven’t found 2. has been 7. have you worked 12.have looked 3. have worked 8. have you done 13.has also planned 4. Have you had 9. have already finished 14.have planned 5.have provided 10. has told 15.haven’t decided EX11. Dựa vào những từ cho sẵn, hãy viết thành những câu hoàn chỉnh. 1. I/ think/ I/ hear/ that song/ before/./ I think I have heard that song before. Giải thích: Động từ “think” chia về thì hiện tại đơn với chủ ngữ là “I”. Mệnh đề sau đó diễn tả hành động xảy ra trong quá khứ nhưng không biết rõ thời gian nên chia về thì hiện tại hoàn thành. 2. They/ not/ come/ yet/./ They haven’t come yet. Giải thích: Câu có chứa trạng từ “yet” nên chia về thì hiện tại hoàn thành. 3. Jim/ already/ invite/Shirley/ his party/./ Jim has already invited Shirley to his party. Giải thích: Câu có chứa trạng từ “already” nên chia về thì hiện tại hoàn thành. 4. John and Julie/ have/ their house/ about two years/./ John and Julie have had their house for about two years. Giải thích: Câu có chứa trạng từ “for” và khoảng thời gian “two years” nên chia về thì hiện tại hoàn thành. 5. She/ not take/ her driving test/ yet/./ She hasn’t taken her driving test yet. Giải thích: Câu có chứa trạng từ “yet” nên chia về thì hiện tại hoàn thành. 6. Mary/ be/a translator/ since/ she/ leave/ university/./ Mary has been a translator since she left university. Giải thích: Câu diễn tả hành động đã bắt đầu trong quá khứ, kéo dài đến hiện tại và có thể tiếp tục ở tương lai, đi với trạng từ “since” và mốc thời gian nên chia về thì hiện tại hoàn thành. Mệnh đề sau “since” là mốc thời gian trong quá khứ nên chia về thì quá khứ đơn. 7. You/ ride/ your new car/ yet/?/ Have you ridden your new car yet? Giải thích: Câu có chứa trạng từ “yet” nên chia về thì hiện tại hoàn thành.

8. Paul/ ever/ meet/ a famous person/?/ Has Paul ever met a famous person? Giải thích: Câu có chứa trạng từ “ever” nên chia về thì hiện tại hoàn thành. 9. Up to now/ Peter/ receive/ 5 awards/./ Up to now, Peter has received 5 awards. Giải thích: Câu diễn tả hành động đã bắt đầu trong quá khứ, kéo dài đến hiện tại và có thể tiếp tục ở tương lai, đi với trạng từ “up to now” nên chia về thì hiện tại hoàn thành. 10. It/ be/ ages/ we/ last/ talk/./ It has been ages since we last talked. Giải thích: Câu diễn tả hành động đã bắt đầu trong quá khứ, kéo dài đến hiện tại và có thể tiếp tục ở tương lai, đi với trạng từ “since” và mốc thời gian nên chia về thì hiện tại hoàn thành. EX12. Khoanh tròn đáp án đúng. 1. His mother hasn’t prepared the meal (already/ yet). Mẹ tôi chưa chuẩn bị bữa ăn. Giải thích: Dùng “yet” (chưa) trong câu phủ định ở thì hiện tại hoàn thành. 2. Tommy (worked/ has worked) for this company for 10 months but now he doesn’t work here. Tommy đã làm việc cho công ty này 10 tháng nhưng bây giờ anh ấy không làm việc ở đây. Giải thích: Câu diễn tả hành động đã xảy ra và kết thúc trong quá khứ nên chia về thì quá khứ đơn. 3. This machine (has worked/ worked) for ten years so far. Chiếc máy này đã hoạt động được 10 năm. Giải thích: Câu diễn tả hành động đã bắt đầu trong quá khứ, kéo dài đến hiện tại và có thể tiếp tục ở tương lai, đi với trạng từ “for” và “so far” nên chia về thì hiện tại hoàn thành. 4. Mr Vu (have found/ founded) this non-profit organization to benefit the local community. Ông Vũ đã thành lập tổ chức phi lợi nhuận này để mang lại lợi ích cho cộng đồng địa phương. Giải thích: Động từ “find-found-found: tìm kiếm”; động từ “found-founded-founded: thành lập”. Ở trong câu này cần dùng động từ “found” ở thì quá khứ đơn. 5. Jame’s (not been/not) a member of the volunteer club since he left school. James không còn là thành viên của câu lạc bộ từ khi anh ấy ra trường. Giải thích: Câu diễn tả hành động đã bắt đầu trong quá khứ, kéo dài đến hiện tại và có thể tiếp tục ở tương lai, đi với trạng từ “since” và mốc thời gian nên chia về thì hiện tại hoàn thành. 6. Her husband (has given up/ gave up) smoking when they had their first child. Chồng cô ấy đã từ bỏ thuốc lá khi họ có đứa con đầu tiên. Giải thích: Câu diễn tả hành động đã xảy ra và kết thúc trong quá khứ tại một thời điểm xác định “when they had…” nên chia về thì quá khứ đơn. 7. (Have you read/ Did you read) this book yet? Bạn đã đọc quyển sách này chưa? Giải thích: Câu diễn tả hành động xảy ra trong quá khứ nhưng không biết rõ thời gian, đi với trạng từ “yet” nên chia về thì hiện tại hoàn thành. 8. I lost my key on my way home last night. Up to now I (didn’t find/ haven’t found) it. Tôi làm mất chìa khóa trên đường về nhà tối qua. Cho đến giờ tôi vẫn chưa tìm thấy nó. Giải thích: Câu diễn tả hành động đã bắt đầu trong quá khứ, kéo dài đến hiện tại và có thể tiếp tục ở tương lai, đi với trạng từ “up to now” nên chia về thì hiện tại hoàn thành. 9. You (have lied/ have lain) in bed since the morning. Get up and find something else to do. Bạn đa nằm ở trên giường từ sáng rồi. Dậy đi và tìm cái khác để làm. Giải thích: Động từ “lie- lay- lain: nằm”; động từ “lie- lied- lied: nói dối”. Ở đây cần dùng động từ “lie” (nằm) ở thì hiện tại hoàn thành. 10. They (were/ have been) close friends for 3 months but now they hate each other. Họ đã là bạn thân được 3 tháng nhưng bây giờ họ ghét nhau. Giải thích: Câu diễn tả hành động đã xảy ra và kết thúc trong quá khứ nên chia về thì quá khứ đơn. 11. (Have you ever tried/ Did you ever try) ice skating when you were a kid? Bạn đã từng thử trượt băng khi bạn còn là một đứa trẻ chưa?



Giải thích: Câu diễn tả hành động đã xảy ra và kết thúc trong quá khứ, tại một thời điểm xác định “when you were a kid” nên chia về thì quá khứ đơn. 12. How long (have you taught/ did you teach) in this primary school? Bạn đã dạy ở trường tiểu học bao lâu rồi? Giải thích: Câu diễn tả hành động đã bắt đầu trong quá khứ, kéo dài đến hiện tại và có thể tiếp tục ở tương lai, đi với trạng từ “up to now” nên chia về thì hiện tại hoàn thành. 13. The last time we met (has been/ was) ten days ago. Lần cuối chúng ta gặp là 10 ngày trước. Giải thích: Câu diễn tả hành động đã xảy ra và kết thúc trong quá khứ nên chia về thì quá khứ đơn. 14. You (have eaten/ haven’t eaten) anything since yesterday. You must be very hungry now. Bạn chưa ăn gì từ hôm qua. Bạn chắc hẳn là rất đói. Giải thích: Dựa vào văn cảnh và đại từ bất định “anything” ta có thể xác định đây là câu ở thể phủ định 15. We (have been/ have never been) to this place before. This is the first time. Chúng tôi chưa bao giờ đến nơi này trước kia. Đây là lần đầu tiên. Giải thích: Dựa vào văn cảnh để xác định câu mang nghĩa phủ định với trạng từ “never”. BÀI TẬP TỔNG HỢP NÂNG CAO EX13. Chọn câu có cùng ý nghĩa với câu cho sẵn. 1. B. I haven’t eaten sushi since the last summer. 2. A. I haven’t seen her since Monday. 3.A. The last time I watered this tree was a week ago. 4. A. I have collected stamps since last summer. 5. A. When did you start working as a volunteer? 6. B. This singer hasn’t performed since July 20th. 7. A. They have played tennis since the spring of 2012. 8. A. I haven’t gone to the zoo since I was 10. EX14. Chuyển các câu sau từ thì quá khứ đơn sang thì hiện tại hoàn thành sao cho nghĩa của câu không thay đổi. 1. The last time I played the violin was 2 years ago. => I haven’t played the violin for 2 years. 2. The last time the team won the prize was a long time ago. => The team hasn’t won the prize for a long time. 3. She last did charity work 2 years ago. => She hasn’t done charity work for 2 years. 4. The last time I wrote a letter was 5 years ago. => I haven’t written a letter for 5 years. 5. My father stopped smoking in 2014. => My father hasn’t smoked since 2014. 6. I last donated my blood 7 months ago. => I haven’t donated my blood for 7 months. 7. When did you start doing charitable work? => How long have you done charitable work? 8. The last time she involved in community service was 2 months ago. => She hasn’t involved in community service for 2 months. 9. She said: “I began working as an activist when I was 20 years old.” => She said: “I have worked as an activist since I was 20 years old.” 10. My best friend gave up eating fast food last year. => My best friend hasn’t eaten fast food since last year. . EX15. Chuyển các câu sau từ thì hiện tại hoàn thành sang thì quá khứ đơn sao cho nghĩa của câu không thay đổi. 1. We have learned English for 10 years.

=> We started learning English 10 years ago.. 2. It has been a long time since we last met. => We last met a long time ago./ The last time we met was a long time ago. 3. Ms. Ann hasn’t taken part in any voluntary programs for 4 years. => Ms. Ann last took part in voluntary programs 4 years ago./ The last time Ms. Ann took part in voluntary programs was 4 years ago. 4. I haven’t mer my family since last Christmas. => I last met my family last Christmas./ The last time I met my family was last Christmas. 5. How long have you lived here? => When did you start living here? 6. The volunteers have provided free food and fresh water to homeless people since yesterday. => The volunteers started providing free food and fresh water to homeless people yesterday. 7. The doctor has quitted his job in the local hospital and moved to the central hospital for 2 days. => The doctor quitted his job in the local hospital and moved to the central hospital 2 days ago. 8. The children haven’t had a long vacation since last year. => The children last had a long vacation last year./ The last time the children had a long vacation was last year. 9. They haven’t visited their parents for 3 months. => They last visited their parents 3 months ago./ The last time they visited their parents was 3 months ago. 10. It has been 2 years since we broke up. => We broke up two years ago. EX16. Chia động từ trong ngoặc về thì quá khứ đơn hoặc hiện tại hoàn thành (thể khẳng định hoặc phủ định) sao cho phù hợp. 1. Last month our class went on a field trip with our teacher. We haven’t had another field trip since then. Tháng trước lớp chúng tôi đi dã ngoại với giáo viên. Kể từ đó, chúng tôi không có buổi dã ngoại nào nữa. 2. I used to live with my grandmother until I was 18. Since then, I haven’t met my grandmother again. Tôi từng sống với bà tôi cho đến khi tôi 18 tuổi. Kể từ đó, tôi không gặp lại bà. 3. My mother worked as a teacher in the local high school for 20 years before her retirement. Mẹ tôi đã làm việc cho trường cấp 3 ở địa phương được 20 năm trước khi nghỉ hưu. 4. The last time we had dinner together was 2 weeks ago. Lần cuối cùng chúng tôi ăn tối với nhau là hai tuần trước. 5. My uncle hasn’t met his family since he went on a business trip last month. Chú của tôi đã không gặp gia đình chú ấy từ khi chú đi công tác tháng trước. 6. Your friend Sarah has just phoned you. She said sorry because she couldn’t come to your party. Bạn Sarah vừa gọi điện cho bạn. Cô ấy nói xin lỗi vì không thể đến được bữa tiệc của bạn. Lưu ý: Dạng quá khứ của động từ khuyết thiếu “can” là “could” và động từ sau nó ở dạng nguyên thể. 7. So far, I have already read 11 different books. My most favourite book is “Paper towns” by John Green. I finished reading it last weekend. Cho đến bây giờ, tôi đã đọc được 11 cuốn sách. Cuốn yêu thích của tôi là “Paper Towns” của John Green. Tôi đã đọc xong nó tuần trước. 8. Last night I didn’t feel well, so my father took me to hospital. I haven’t been out of hospital yet. Đêm qua tôi cảm thấy không khỏe vậy nên bố tôi đưa tôi đi bệnh viện. Bây giờ tôi vẫn chưa ra viện. EX17. Khoanh tròn đáp án đúng. 1. A. when B. since C. for D. before 2. A. was B. came C. joined D. made 3. A. small B. strong C. disabled D. cute 4. A. badly-behaved B. naughty C. mischief D. well-behaved 5. A. provided B. bought C. lent D. borrowed 6. A. always B. often C. never D. just 7. A. since B. for C. when D. before 8. A. since B. for C. if D. unless



EX18. Đọc đoạn văn dưới đây và trả lời câu hỏi. 1. When was William Henry Gates III born? On October 28, 1955 Dẫn chứng: William Henry Gates III was born on October 28, 1955. 2. What is the name of Bill and Melinda’s charity foundation? “Bill and Melinda’s Gates Foundation” Dẫn chứng: They named it “Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation”, also known as the “Gates Foundation”. 3. What are the main purposes of the foundation on global scale? To improve healthcare and reduce poverty gobally Dẫn chứng: The main purpose of the foundation are to improve healthcare and reduce poverty globally. 4. What does the foundation help in America? Open up educational opportunities and provide access to information technology Dẫn chứng: In America, it also helps to open up educational opportunities and provide access to information technology. 5. When did President Barack Obama honor Bill and Melinda Gates with a medal? Presidential Medal of Freedom Dẫn chứng: President Barack Obama honored Bill and Melinda Gates with the Presidential Medal of Freedom on November 22, 2016. UNIT 4. MUSIC AND ARTS (ÂM NHẠC VÀ MỸ THUẬT) BÀI TẬP VẬN DỤNG CƠ BẢN EX1. Hoàn thành các câu dưới đây, sử dụng cấu trúc so sánh “as…as” và tính từ trong ngoặc. 1. I am not as tall as you. (tall) 2. This book is not as interesting as that one. (interesting) 3. This summer is as hot as last summer. (hot) 4. Yesterday is was as sunny as today. (sunny) 5. I think my essay is as good as yours. (good) 6. My dog isn’t as fierce as it appears to be. (fierce) 7. Children nowadays are not as active as they used to be. (active) 8. Watching movie is not as entertaining as reading books. (entertaining) 9. Jane is as pretty as a doll. (pretty) 10. Cats are not as friendly as dogs. (friendly) 11. My brother said that going abroad was not as amusing as he thought. (amusing) 12. She didn’t want to be late, so she run as fast as she could. (fast) 13. Please call me as soon as possible. (soon) 14. Sleeping on the sofa is not as comfortable as in bed. (comfortable) 15. This hotel is as expensive as the one near the beach but it is much better. (expensive) 16. My grandmother is as warm-hearted as fairy godmother. (warm-hearted) 17. Do you think learning Japanese is as difficult as learning English? (difficult) 18. This musician is not as popular as that one. (popular) 19. Ann looks as gorgeous as princess in her new dress. (gorgeous) 20. The river isn’t as deep as it looks. (deep) EX2. Dùng cấu trúc so sánh “different from” để hoàn thành những câu dưới đây. 1. My house is small and old. Your house is spaciuos and modern. => My house is different from your house. 2. My mother’s favourite food is noodle. My favourite food is rice. => My mother’s favourite food is different from my favourite food. 3. My best friend has a powerful personality. I have a weak personality. => My best friend’s personality is different from my personality. 4. Life in the countryside is quiet and peaceful. Life in the city is exciting. => Life in the countryside is different from life in the city. 183

5. Lan’s school is Hai Ba Trung School. Hue goes to Nguyen Hue School. => Lan’s school is different from Hue’s school. 6. My hobby is collecting stamps. My brother’s hobby is playing the piano. => My hobby is different from my brother’s hobby. 7. My answer for this equation is “4” but Tom thinks it should be “5”. => My answer for this equation is different from Tom’s answer. 8. My sister’s hair is long and wavy. My hair is short and straight. => My sister’s hair is different from my hair. EX3. Hoàn thành các câu dưới đây, sử dụng cấu trúc so sánh “the same….as” và danh từ trong ngoặc. 1. My sister has the same height as me. (height) 2. Jim pursues the same hobby as Jane. (hobby) 3. My best friend is at the same age as me. (age) 4. My friends went to see the same movie as me. (movie) 5. This musician plays the same musical instrument as me. (musical instrument) 6. Critics say that this paiter has the same style as with that one. (style) 7. My brother is interested in the same subject as me. (subject) 8. This class has the same number of students as that one. (number of students) 9. Anne bought the same dress as me yesterday. (dress) 10. She cut her hair the same length as mine. (length) 11. My best friend likes the same books as my brother. (books) 12. I bought my car at the same price as hers. (price). 13. My mother likes the same TV programs as me. (TV programs) 14. He had the same appearance as a famous actor. (appearance) 15. He puts on the same coat as usual. (old coat) EX4. Gạch chân lỗi sai trong các câu sau và viết lại câu đúng. 1. My boyfriend is as strong like a horse. Lỗi sai: like Sửa:My boyfriend is as strong as a horse. Giải thích: Câu sử dụng cấu trúc so sánh ngang bằng “S + to be + as + adj + as + noun.” 2. This exercise isn’t hard as I thought. Lỗi sai: thiếu “as” trước tính từ “hard” Sửa:This exercise isn’t as hard as I thought. 3. Life in foreign countries is different life in home country. Lỗi sai: thiếu “from” sau tính từ “different” Sửa:Life in foreign countries is different from life in home country. Giải thích: Câu sử dụng cấu trúc so sánh sự khác biệt “S + to be + different from + noun.” 4. My parents share the same hobby as. Lỗi sai: as Sửa:My parents share the same hobby. Giải thích: Câu sử dụng cấu trúc so sánh ngang bằng “S + V + the same + noun + as + noun.” Ở câu này không có danh từ thứ hai, vậy nên “as” cũng cần lược bỏ. 5. His cat isn’t the same pretty as mine. Lỗi sai: the same Sửa:His cat isn’t as pretty as mine. Giải thích: Cấu trúc so sánh “the same…as” chỉ dùng với danh từ. Ở câu này cần dùng cấu trúc so sánh ngang bằng “S + to be + as + adj + as + noun.” với tính từ “pretty”. 6. This art museum is definitely different as the historical museum. Lỗi sai: as Sửa:This art museum is definitely different from the historical museum. 7. Roses don’t have the same fragrance like lotuses. Lỗi sai: like Sửa:Roses don’t have the same fragrance as lotuses. 184

8. My essay is as length as yours. Lỗi sai: length Sửa:My essay is as long as yours. Giải thích: Câu sử dụng cấu trúc so sánh ngang bằng “S + to be + as + adj + as + noun.” Danh từ “length” không áp dụng với cấu trúc này nên cần phải chuyển về tính từ “long”. 9. This island isn’t as beautiful than those I have visited. Lỗi sai: than Sửa:This island isn’t as beautiful as those I have visited. 10. My mother is different appearance from me. Lỗi sai: appearance Sửa:My mother is different from me./ My mother’s appearance is different from my appearance. EX5. Sắp xếp những từ cho sẵn thành câu hoàn chỉnh. 1. difficult/ as/ Playing/ is/ piano/ guitar/ playing/ as/./ Playing guitar is as difficult as playing piano. Chơi ghi-ta cũng khó như chơi piano. 2. horse/ run/ a/ Can/ fast/ as/ a/ as/ train/?/ Can a horse run as fast as a train? Một con ngựa có thể chạy nhanh bằng tàu hỏa không? 3. try/ as/ can/ you/ hard/ as/ should/ You. You should try as hard as you can. Bạn nên cố gắng hết sức có thể. 4. Tom’s/ totally/ is/ from/ My/ writing style/ different/./ My writing style is totally different from Tom’s. Phong cách viết của tôi khác hẳn với của Tom. 5. car/ same/ runs/ the/ speed/ at/ His/ mine/ as/./ His car runs at the same speed as mine. Xe của anh ấy chạy cùng tốc đố với xe của tôi. 6. I/ went/ My/ school/ friend/ same/ the/ best/ and/ to/./ My best friend and I went to the same school. Bạn thân của tôi và tôi đi học cùng trường. 7. good/ This/ fridge/ modern/ isn’t/ as/ my/ one/ as/ old/./ This modern fridge isn’t as good as my old one. Chiếc tủ lạnh hiện đại này không tốt bằng cái cũ của tôi. 8. Spending time/ isn’t/ with/ as/ computer/ as/ friends/ entertaining/ on/ spending time/./ Spending time on computer isn’t as entertaining as spending time with friends. Dành thời gian cho máy tính không thú vị bằng dành thời gian với bạn bè. EX6. Điền “too/ either” vào chỗ trống để hoàn thành câu. 1. My father is a musician. I am a musician too. 2. I don’t like the smell of durian. My sister doesn’t like it either. 3. I can’t wait to meet my parents and my sister can’t either. 4. My favourite comedian is Rowan Atkinson. His favourite comedian is Rowan Atkinson too. 5. My father loves watching football matches on TV and I love it too. 6. My mother can’t open the jar and I can’t either. 7. Jim should go to bed now and you should go to bed too. 8. Your sister mustn’t skip breakfast and you mustn’t either. 9. I find action movies so interesting and James finds them interesting too. 10. Studying Math isn’t easy for me and studying English isn’t either. Giải thích: “too” được dùng trong câu khẳng định để diễn tả ý đồng tình với một điều khẳng định trước đó; “either” được dùng trong câu phủ định để diễn tả ý đồng tình với một điều phủ định trước đó. EX7. Viết câu đồng tình với “too/ either” trong những câu cho sẵn sau đây. 0. “I am not hungry now.” => “I am not hungry either.” 185

1. “They are my favourite footballers.” => They are my favourite footballers too. 2. “I want to be a good student.” => I want to be a good student too. 3. “I won’t come to his party.” => I won’t come to his party either./ I won’t either. 4. “It is not my pencil.” => It is not my pencil either. 5. “She will never forgive me.” => I will never forgive me either./ I won’t either. Lưu ý:“never” (không bao giờ) là trạng từ mang nghĩa phủ định, do vậy câu đồng tình của nó cũng là câu phủ định và đi với “either”. Một số trạng từ mang ý nghĩa phủ định khác là “rarely/ seldom/ hardly/ scarely” (hiếm khi, gần như không). 6. “I really admire him.’ => I really admire him too. 7. “Yesterday I couldn’t sleep.” => Yesterday I couldn’t sleep either./ I couldn’t either. 8. ‘I am not working on my project.” => I am not working on my project either. I am not either. 9. “I didn’t expect her to win the competition.” => I didn’t expect her to win the competition either./ I didn’t either. 10. “I should go out now.” => I should go out now too. Giải thích: “too” được dùng trong câu khẳng định để diễn tả ý đồng tình với một điều khẳng định trước đó; “either” được dùng trong câu phủ định để diễn tả ý đồng tình với một điều phủ định trước đó. EX8. Đánh dấu √ trước câu đúng. Đánh dấu x trước câu sau, gạch chân lỗi sau và sửa. 1. My sister doesn’t want another ice-cream and I do either. (X) Lỗi sai: do Sửa: don’t Giải thích: Đối với câu đồng tình với mệnh đề phủ định, trong câu rút gọn chúng ta cần sử dụng các trợ động từ ở dạng phủ định trước “either”. 2. I will go the park tomorrow and my sister will go to the park too. (√) Câu đúng 3. My favourite band is The Beatles and his favourite band is The Beatles either. (X) Lỗi sai: either Sửa:too Giải thích: “too” được dùng trong câu khẳng định để diễn tả ý đồng tình với một điều khẳng định trước đó. 4. The apples in our garden are ripe and the oranges won’t ripe too. (X) Lỗi sai: won’t Sửa: are 5. My favourite drink is hot cacao. My friend’s favourite drink is beer too. (X) Lỗi sai: beer Sửa: hot cacao Giải thích: “too” được dùng trong câu khẳng định để diễn tả ý đồng tình với một điều khẳng định trước đó, do vậy mệnh đề với “too” phải có nội dung tương tự mệnh đề trước đó. 6. My wife doesn’t like doing housework and I don’t either. (√) Câu đúng 7. I want to be a musician but my sister wants to be an actor either. (X) Lỗi sai: either Sửa: bỏ “either” 186

Giải thích: Ở đây không dùng câu đồng tình với “either” vì mệnh đề thứ hai không mang nghĩa đồng tình với mệnh đề thứ nhất. 8. My essay didn’t get good mark. Tom’s essay doesn’t either. (X) Lỗi sai: doesn’t Sửa: didn’t Giải thích: Câu đồng tình cần có sự tương đương về thì với câu trước đó. EX9. Dựa vào đoạn văn sau viết câu đồng tình với “too/ either”. 0. Yesterday Ann went to the prom and Jane went to the prom too. 1. Ann dressed up elegantly and Jane dressed up elegantly too. 2. Ann looke very beautiful and Jane looked very beautiful too. 3. Ann really enjoyed the music there and Jane really enjoyed the music there too. 4. Ann didn’t drink much and Jane didn’t either. 5. After the prom, Ann came home by bus and Jane came home by bus too. 6. Ann will never forget about the prom and Jane won’t either. 7. Ann wants to keep this happy memory forever and Jane wants to keeps this happy memory forever too. Giải thích: “too” được dùng trong câu khẳng định để diễn tả ý đồng tình với một điều khẳng định trước đó; “either” được dùng trong câu phủ định để diễn tả ý đồng tình với một điều phủ định trước đó. BÀI TẬP NÂNG CAO EX10. Dùng các từ cho sẵn, viết câu so sánh với “as…as” hoặc “the same…as”. movies hard tasty valuable origin Fast long songs talent clothes 1. Can I borrow your ladder? My ladder isn’t as long as yours. Tôi có thể mượng cái thang của bạn được không? Cái thang của tôi không dài bằng của bạn. Giải thích: Câu sử dụng cấu trúc so sánh ngang bằng “S + to be + as + adj + as + noun” với tính từ “long”. 2. Your cake is delicious. My cake isn’t as tasty as yours. Cái bánh của bạn thật ngon. Chiếc bánh của tôi không ngon bằng của bạn. Giải thích: Câu sử dụng cấu trúc so sánh ngang bằng “S + to be + as + adj + as + noun” với tính từ “tasty” 3. None of Tom’s friends has the same talent as him. Không có người bạn nào của Jim có tài năng giống anh ấy. Giải thích: Câu sử dụng cấu trúc so sánh ngang bằng “S + V + the same + noun + as + noun” với danh từ “talent” 4. Both of us fancy rock music. She listens to the same songs as me. Cả hai chúng tôi đều thích nhạc rock. Cô ấy nghe các bài hát giống tôi. Giải thích: Câu sử dụng cấu trúc so sánh ngang bằng “S + V + the same + noun + as + noun” với danh từ “songs” 5. Jim likes the same movies as Tom, and they often watch together. Jim thích những bộ phim giống Tom và họ thường xem với nhau. Giải thích: Câu sử dụng cấu trúc so sánh ngang bằng “S + V + the same + noun + as + noun” với danh từ “movies” 6. Life nowadays isn’t as hard as it used to be. People now live more comfortably. Cuộc sống ngày nay không khó khăn như trước. Mọi người sống thoải mái hơn. Giải thích: Câu sử dụng cấu trúc so sánh ngang bằng “S + to be + as + adj + as + noun” với tính từ “hard”. 7. Her ring is not as valuable as her necklace. Chiếc nhẫn của cô ấy không giá trị bằng vòng cổ của cô ấy. Giải thích: Câu sử dụng cấu trúc so sánh ngang bằng “S + to be + as + adj + as + noun” với tính từ “valuable”. 8. My cat has the same origin as yours. They both come from Russia. Con mèo của tôi có cùng nguồn gốc với con mèo của bạn. Chúng đều đến từ Nga. Giải thích: Câu sử dụng cấu trúc so sánh ngang bằng “S + V + the same + noun + as + noun” với danh từ “origin”. 9. Kim bought the same clothes as her sister. They want to look like twins. Kim mua quần áo giống chị của cô ấy. Họ muốn nhìn như sinh đôi.

Giải thích: Câu sử dụng cấu trúc so sánh ngang bằng “S + V + the same + noun + as + noun” với danh từ “clothes” 10. You should go home as fast as you can. Your mom is looking for you everywhere. Bạn nên về nhà sớm nhất có thể. Mẹ của bạn đang tìm bạn khắp mọi nơi. Giải thích: Câu sử dụng cấu trúc so sánh ngang bằng “S + to be + as + adj + as + noun” với tính từ “soon”. EX11. Viết lại câu, sử dụng cấu trúc so sánh “the same…as”. 1. My brother and I both have big brown eyes. => My brother has the same eyes as me. Anh tôi và tôi cùng có mắt to và nâu. Anh tôi có mắt to và nâu giống tôi. Giải thích: Câu sử dụng cấu trúc so sánh ngang bằng “S + V + the same + noun + as + noun” với danh từ “eyes” 2. My favourite subject is Math. Tim likes Math too. => I like the same subject as Tim. Môn học yêu thích của tôi là Toán. Tim cũng thích Toán. => Tôi thích môn học giống với Tim. Giải thích: Câu sử dụng cấu trúc so sánh ngang bằng “S + V + the same + noun + as + noun” với danh từ “subject” 3. I have a problem with this exercise. Peter has a problem with it too. => I have the same problem as Peter. Tôi có rắc rối với bài tập này. Peter cũng có rắc rối với nó. => Chúng tôi có cùng một rắc rối. Giải thích: Câu sử dụng cấu trúc so sánh ngang bằng “S + V + the same + noun + as + noun” với danh từ “problem”. 4. Louis and James are both 18 years old. => Louis is at the same age as James. Louis và James đều 18 tuổi. => Louis ở cùng độ tuổi với James. Giải thích: Câu sử dụng cấu trúc so sánh ngang bằng “S + V + the same + noun + as + noun” với danh từ “age”. 5. I went to my local primary school. Jim went to my local primary school too. => I went to the same primary as Jim. Tôi đi học ở trường tiểu học địa phương. Jim cũng đi học tại trường tiểu học địa phương. => Tôi đi học cùng trường tiểu học với Jim. Giải thích: Câu sử dụng cấu trúc so sánh ngang bằng “S + V + the same + noun + as + noun” với cụm danh từ “primary school”. 6. You and I both have dark brown hair. => You have the same hair as me. Bạn và tôi đều có mái tóc nâu đậm. => Bạn có mái tóc nâu đậm giống tôi. Giải thích: Câu sử dụng cấu trúc so sánh ngang bằng “S + V + the same + noun + as + noun” với danh từ “hair”. 7. I left the meeting room at 11 a.m and so did you. => I left the meeting room at the same time as you. Tôi rời phòng họp lúc 11 giờ trưa và bạn cũng vậy. => Tôi rời phòng họp vào cùng thời gian với bạn. Giải thích: Câu sử dụng cấu trúc so sánh ngang bằng “S + V + the same + noun + as + noun” với danh từ “time”. 8. My birthday is 5 April. Tom’s birthday is 5 April too. => I have the same birthday as Tom. Sinh nhật của tôi là ngày 5 tháng 4. Sinh nhật của Tom cũng là ngày 5 tháng 4. => Tôi có cùng ngày sinh nhật với Tom.



Giải thích: Câu sử dụng cấu trúc so sánh ngang bằng “S + V + the same + noun + as + noun” với danh từ “birthday”. EX12. Viết lại câu, sử dụng cấu trúc so sánh “as…as”. 1. My doll is pretty but her doll is prettier than mine. => My doll isn’t as pretty as her doll. Búp bê của tôi rất xinh nhưng búp bê của cô ấy xinh hơn. => Búp bê của tôi không xinh bằng búp bê của cô ấy. Giải thích: Câu sử dụng cấu trúc so sánh ngang bằng “S + to be + as + adj + as + noun” với tính từ “pretty” 2. Travelling by train is quite exciting but travelling by plane is more exciting. => Travelling by train isn’t as exciting as travelling by plane. Di chuyển bằng tàu khá thú vị nhưng di chuyển bằng máy bay thú vị hơn. Di chuyển bằng tàu không thú vị bằng di chuyển bằng máy bay. Giải thích: Câu sử dụng cấu trúc so sánh ngang bằng “S + to be + as + adj + as + noun” với tính từ “exciting”. 3. My salary is high, but my husband’s is higher. => My salary isn’t as high as my husband’s. Lương của tôi thì cao nhưng lương của chồng tôi cao hơn. => Lương của tôi không cao bằng lương của chồng tôi. Giải thích: Câu sử dụng cấu trúc so sánh ngang bằng “S + to be + as + adj + as + noun” với tính từ “high”. 4. I am disappointed about my team’s score. Ann is disappointed too. => I am disappointed about the score as Ann. Tôi thấy thất vọng về điểm của nhóm. Ann cũng thất vọng. => Tôi thấy thất vọng về điểm của nhóm giống như Ann. Giải thích: Câu sử dụng cấu trúc so sánh ngang bằng “S + to be + as + adj + as + noun” với tính từ “disappointed”. 5. It’s warm today, but it was much warmer yesterday. => Today it isn’t as warm as it was yesterday. Trời hôm nay ấm nhưng trời ấm hơn nhiều vào hôm qua. => Trời hôm nay không ấm bằng trời hôm qua. Giải thích: Câu sử dụng cấu trúc so sánh ngang bằng “S + to be + as + adj + as + noun” với tính từ “warm”. 6. I still feel a bit tired, but I am better than yesterday. => I don’t feel as tired as yesterday. Tôi vẫn cảm thấy mệt nhưng tôi đã khá hơn hôm quá => Tôi không cảm thấy mệt như hôm qua. Giải thích: Câu sử dụng cấu trúc so sánh ngang bằng “S + to be + as + adj + as + noun” với tính từ “tired”. 7. Tom’s essay is very good and mine is good too. => Tom’s essay is as good as mine. Bài văn của Tom rất tốt và của tôi cũng tốt. => Bài văn của Tom tốt như bài của tôi. Giải thích: Câu sử dụng cấu trúc so sánh ngang bằng “S + to be + as + adj + as + noun” với tính từ “good”. 8. The Smiths have lived here for quite a long time, but we’ve lived here longer. => The Smiths haven’t lived here as long as us. Gia đình Smith đã sống ở đây khá lâu nhưng chúng tôi sống ở đây lâu hơn. => Gia đình Smith không sống ở đây lâu bằng chúng tôi. Giải thích: Câu sử dụng cấu trúc so sánh ngang bằng “S + to be + as + adj + as + noun” với tính từ “long”. EX13. Hoàn thành câu sử dụng câu đồng tình với “too/ either” sao cho nghĩa của câu không thay đổi. 1. My grandfaher worked for a tobacco company. My father also worked for a tobacco company. My grandfather worked for a tobacco company and my father worked for a tobacco company too. 2. Both my father and my mother aren’t Vietnamese. My father isn’t Vietnamese and my mother isn’t Vietnamese either./ isn’t either. 3. I fancy classical music and my brother also fancies classical music. I fancy classical music and my brother fancies classical music too. 4. Reading books is as relaxing as listening to music.

Reading books is relaxing and listening to music is relaxing too. 5. My friend and I didn’t go to the concert last night. My friend didn’t go to the concert last night and I didn’t go to the concert either./ didn’t either. 6. My parents and my teacher won’t allow me to play truant. My parents won’t allow me to play truant and my teacher won’t allow me to play truant either./ won’t either. 7. I am never good at singing and paiting. I am never good at singing and I am never good at singing and paiting either. 8. Both my brother and I rarely listen to traditional songs. I rarely listen to traditional songs and my brother rarely listen to traditional songs either./ doesn’t either. Giải thích: Giải thích: “too” được dùng trong câu khẳng định để diễn tả ý đồng tình với một điều khẳng định trước đó; “either” được dùng trong câu phủ định để diễn tả ý đồng tình với một điều phủ định trước đó. Lưu ý:“never” (không bao giờ) là trạng từ mang nghĩa phủ định, do vậy câu đồng tính của nó cũng là câu phủ định và đi với “either”. Một số trạng từ mang ý nghĩa phủ định khác là “rarely/ seldom/ hardly/ scarely” (hiếm khi, gần như không).



EX14. Gạch chân đáp án đúng. 1. I can’t go to Berlin with you and your father can’t (either/ too). 2. I hardly skip breakfast and Jim (doesn’t skip breakfast either/ skips breakfast too). Lưu ý: “hardly” (hiếm khi) là trạng từ mang nghĩa phủ định, do vậy câu đồng tình của nó cũng là câu phủ định và đi với “either”. 3. We won’t go sailing tomorrow because of the storm and they (don’t/ won’t) either. Giải thích: Câu đồng tình cần có sự tương đương về thì với câu trước đó. 4. I want to be a famous actress in the future and my friemd Sarah (wants/ doesn’t want) it too. 5. They haven’t watched the movie yet and I (haven’t/ doesn’t have) either. 6. I will help my mom do the washing and my brother (will do it too/ don’t do it either). 7. My brother’s just got a new bike and I (have got a new bike too/ am got a new bike too). 8. For me, playing the piano is never easy and playing the guitar (is too/ isn’t either). 9. She is a warm-hearted person but her daughter (isn’t either/ isn’t). Giải thích: Ở đây không phải là câu đồng tình nên không dùng “either”. 10. Drinking alcohol is harmful to your body and eatung fast food (is harmful too/ isn’t harmful either). EX15. Khoanh tròn đáp án đúng. 1. A. from B. like C. as D. than Giải thích: Câu sử dụng cấu trúc so sánh sự khác biệt “S + to be + different from + noun”. 2. A. as B. more C.most D. so Giải thích: Câu sử dụng cấu trúc so sánh ngang bằng “S + to be + as + adj + as + noun”. 3. A. as B. more C.most D. so Giải thích: Câu sử dụng cấu trúc so sánh hơn “S1 + to be + more + adj + than + S2”. 4. A. clean B. fresh C. polluted D. pollution Bởi vì không có nhiều xe trên đường, không khí không ô nhiễm như bây giờ. 5. A. as B. more C.most D. so Giải thích: Câu sử dụng cấu trúc so sánh hơn “S1 + to be + more + adj + than + S2”. 6. A. have to B. must C. can D. used to Nhà của chúng ta không to như trước kia nhưng chúng cao hơn và hiện đại hơn. 7. A. too B. so C. either D. also Giải thích: “either” được dụng trong câu phủ định để diễn tả ý đồng tình với một điều phủ định trước đó. 8. A. from B. like C. as D. than Giải thích: Câu sử dụng cấu trúc so sánh hơn “S1 + to be + more + adj + than + S2”. EX16. Đọc đoạn văn sau và điền T (true) trước câu trả lời đúng với nội dung bài đọc, điền F (false) trước câu trả lời khác nội dung bài đọc. ___F___ 1. Beethoven is only famous as a composer. Dẫn chứng: Ludwig van Beethoven, born in 17 December 1770, was a well-known German composer and pianist.

___F___ 2. When Beethoven was small, he studied composition with Joseph Haydn. Dẫn chứng: At an early age, Beethoven showed his musical talents. His father Johann van Beethoven, together with composer and conductor Christian Gottlob Neefe, taught him about music. ___T___ 3. Beethoven had problems with his hearing by his late 20s. Dẫn chứng: Unfortunately, Beethoven had problems with his hearing by his late 20s. ___F___ 4. In 1811, Beethoven stopped performing and composing. Dẫn chứng: In 1811, he stopped performing in public but he continued to compose. ___T___ 5. He lived in Vienna until his death. Dẫn chứng: He lived in Vienna until he dies in 26 March 1827. UNIT5: VIETNAMESE FOOD AND DRINKS Bài 1: Singular Baby (em bé) Book (sách) Bottle (bình) Bowl (bát) Box (hộp) Bus (xe buýt) Chair(ghế) Child (đứa trẻ) Church ( nhà thờ) Computer (máy tính) Door (cửa) Fish (cá) Foot (chân) Gentleman (quý ông)

Plural Babies Books Bottles Bowls Boxes Buses Chairs Children Churches Computers Doors Fish Feet Gentlemen

Goose ( ngống) Geese Bài 2: 1. cook 2. Friends 3. Books 7. men 8. Person 9. Teaspoons Cup 14. Librarian 15. Fish Bài 3: Anger (sự giận dữ) U Bread (bánh mì) U Cake (bánh) C Chopstick (đũa) Cup (cốc) Cupboard (tủ, chạn) Dish (đĩa) Drop (giọt) Fan (quạt) Flour (bột) Fruit (hoa quả) Glass (ly) Heat (nhiệt) Information (thông tin)


Singular Key (chìa khóa) Lady (quý cô) Mouse (chuột) Person ( người) Photo (ảnh) Sailor (thủy thủ) Series (chuỗi) Spoon ( muống) Student (học sinh) Table (bàn) Tooth (răng) Vehicle (xe cộ) Window (cửa sổ) Woman ( người phụ nữ) Year (năm) 4. Mice 10. Fruits Knife (dao) Lamp (đèn) Lemonade (nước chanh) Milk (sữa) Money (tiền) News (tin tức) Nature (tự nhiên) Noodle (mì) Person (người) Rice (gạo) Salt ( muối) Sugar (đường) Tomato (cà chua) Vegetable (rau) 191

Plural Keys Ladies Mice People Photos Sailors Series Spoons Students Tables Teeth Vehicles Windows Women years 5. Pieces 11. Ball C C U U U U U U C U U U C C

6. Day 12. Classmates13.

Kitchen (phòng bếp)


Wine (rượu)


Bài 4: 1. glass Bạn có muốn một cốc nước nữa không? 2. Litres Tôi muốn hai lts nước chanh. 3. pot Bà tôi cho tôi một hũ mứt hôm qua. 4. Sheets Bạn có thể cần đến 3 tờ giấy để viết bài văn của bạn. 5. slices Anh ta thường ăn 2 lát bánh mì vào buổi sáng 6. bar Bạn trai tôi tặng tôi một thanh socola tuần trước 7. gallons Bận cấn ít nhất 2 galon xăng để chạy chiếc máy này 8. grains Có vìa hạt cát trong trà của tôi 9. cake Mẹ bảo tôi mua một bánh xà phòng, 10. bag Có một túi tiêu ở trong tủ Bài 5: 1. How many 2 How much 3 How many 4 How much 5 How many 6 How many 7 How much 8 How many 9 How much 10 How many 11 How much 12 How much 13 How much 14 How many 15 How many 16 How much 17 How many 18 How much 19 How many 20 How many Giải thích: “ how many” dùng để hỏi về số lượng của một danh từ đếm được. “How much” đùng để hỏi về số lượng của một danh từ không đếm được. Bài 6: 1. How much sugar did you buy yesterday? Giải thích: Dùng cấu trúc “How much + uncountable N+ trợ động từ + S+ V?” với danh từ không đếm được “ sugar” . Câu có trạng từ yesterday chi thời gian trong quá khứ nên chia vế thì quá khứ đơn. 2. How many kids do you have ? Giải thích: Dùng cấu trúc “ how many + countable N ( số nhiều) + trợ động từ + S +V ?” với danh từ đếm được dạng số nhiều “ kids” . Động từ “ have “ chỉ sự sở hữu nên chia vế thì hiện tại đơn. 3. How much time do you usually spend on your homework ? 4. How many sheets of blank paper do you have now? 5. How many tables are there in your classroom? 6. How much money did you borrow him last week? 7. How much rice is there in your kitchen? 8. How many fruits will you buy tomorrrow ? 9. How much water is there in a swimming pool? 10. How many teaspoons of sugar do we need? Bài 7: 1-e 2-h 3-a 4-g 5-b 6-f 7-d 8-c 1. Có bao nhiêu thủy thủ ? (e) có 21 người 2. bạn sẽ mua boa nhiêu tiêu? (h) tôi sẽ mua hai túi 3. bạn cần bao nhiêu giấy ? (a) tôi chỉ cần một tờ giấy. 4. Có bao nhiêu loại cá trong hồ ? (g) có khoảng 11 loại 192

5. Sẽ mất bao nhieey thời gian để bạn làm xong bài tập về nhà? (b) khoảng nửa giờ. 6. Có bao nhiêu trường học ở quê bạn? (f) chỉ có một trường. 7. Có bao nhiêu đường trong cà phê của bạn ? (d) 2 viên 8. bạn có bao nhiêu cái muỗng ? (c) tôi có 5 Bài 8: 1. How many pages does this book have? 2. how much time will you spend on your project? 3. how many eggs are there in the refrigerator? 4. How many books did Tim read yesterday? 5. How many waiters are there in the restaurant? 6. How much milk do you need? 7. How many birthday presents has kate received? 8. How many dogs does your family have? Lưu ý: câu hỏi cần được chia về cùng thì với câu trả lời cho sẵn. Đối với nhứng câu trả lời có ngôi thứ nhất ( I, my , ….) khi đặt câu hỏi cần chuyển về ngôi thứ hai ( you, your…) Bìa 9: A book A house An apple An hour A university A year An aunt An egg An orange

A cup A sheet A cigarette A telephone A computer A fork A bowl

Lưu ý: TỪ “ hour” có phát âm là , chữ “h” câm nên từ “ hour” bắt đầu bằng nguyên âm /a/. Do vậy , trước danh từ số it “ hour” thêm mạo từ “ an” Từ university có phát âm / / , bắt đầu bằng phụ âm /j/ nên trước nó thêm mạo từ “a” Bài 10: 1. x 2. An-a3. X 4.x 5.an 6.x 7.a 8.x-x 9.a 10.a 11.x 12.x-x 13.x 14.x 15.a Giải thích: “a” và “an” ( một) là hai mạo từ được dùng cho danh từ đếm được số ít. “a” đứng trước phụ âm . “an” đứng trước nguyên âm (u,e,o,a,i) . Không dùng mạo từ “a” và “an” trước danh từ đếm được số nhiều và danh từ không đếm được. Bài 11: 1. some Giải thích: Dùng “some” trước danh từ đếm được số nhiều “ exercise “ trong câu khẳng định. 2. some Giải thích: Dùng “some” trong lời mời, lời yêu cầu. 3. Any Giải thích: Dùng “any” trước danh từ không đếm được “food” trong câu nghi vấn. 4. Any Giải thích : dùng “any” trước danh từ không đếm được “ news” trong câu nghi vấn. 5. some Giải thích: Dùng “some” trước danh từ đếm được số nhiều “workers ” trong câu khẳng định. 6. Any Giải thích: dùng “ any” trước danh từ đếm được số nhiều “ vegetables” trong câu phủ định. 7. Some Giải thích: dùng “ some” trước danh từ đếm được số nhiều “ friends” trong câu khẳng định. 8. Any Giải thích: Dùng “ any” trước danh từ đếm được số nhiều “ films” trong câu nghi vấn. 193

9. Some Giải thích: dùng “ some” trước danh từ đếm được số nhiều “ dishes “ trong câu khẳng định. 10. Any Giải thích: Dùng “ any” trước danh từ không đếm được “ time” trong câu phủ định 11. Any Giải thích “ Dùng “any” trước danh từ không đếm được “ money” trong câu phủ định. 12. Any Giải thích: Dùng “any” trước danh từ đêm được số nhiều “ pintures” trong câu nghi vấn 13. Some Giải thích: Dùng “ some” trước dnah từ không đếm được “ bread and butter” trong câu khẳng định 14. Any Giải thích: Dùng “any” trước danh từ đếm được số nhiều “ eggs” trong câu phủ định 15. Some Giải thích: Dùng “some” trước danh từ đếm được số nhiều “ trees” trong câu khẳng định Bài 12: 1. A, any beer 4. C sheets of paper 7. B. some 10. B. some 2. A.any 5. C. books 8. A, any 4. C.a 6. A. isn’t 9. B. some Bài 13: 1.A 2. Any 3. A 4. A 5. Some 6. An 7. Any 8. Any 9. Some-some 10.a 11. Some 12. some 13. An 14. Some 15.any 16. A 17. some 18. Any 19. Some 20. Any Bài 14: 1. Lỗi sai: cattles Sửa: cattle Giả thích: “Cattle” (gia súc ) là danh từ dạng số nhiều, không cần thêm “s” 2. Lỗi sai: some Sửa: any Giải thích: Dùng “ any” trước danh từ không đếm được “ news” trong câu phủ định 3. Lỗi sai: are Sửa: is Giải thích: “ the Philipines” là tên một quốc gia , không phải danh từ dạng số nhiều nên động từ “tobe” chia thành “is” 4. . Lỗi sai: scissor Sửa: scissors Giải thích: Danh từ “scissors” ( cái kéo) luôn tồn tại dưới dạng số nhiều Lưu ý: Có một số danh từ khác cũng thường ở dạng số nhiều như “ glasses” ( kính mắt), “shoes” ( đôi giày) , “binoculars ” ( ống nhòm ), trousers ( quần) ……. 5. Lỗi sai: ladys Sửa: ladies Giải thích: danh từ “lady” có tận dugf là y nên đổi “y” thành “i” rôi thên “es” 6. Lỗi sai: trouser Sửa: trousers Giải thích: Danh từ “trousers” luon tồn tại dưới dạng số nhiều. 7. Lỗi sai: some Sửa: never Giải thích: trạng từ “ never” mang nghĩa phủ định nên dùng any“ trước danh từ không đếm được “anger” 8. Lỗi sai: much any Sửa: much Giải thích: Dùng cấu trúc” how much + N không đếm được + trợ động tù + S+V?” với danh từ không đếm được “milk” 194

9. Lỗi sai: clothe Sửa: clothes Giải thích: danh tù “clothes” luôn tồn tại dạng số nhiều 10. Lỗi sai: many Sửa: much Giải thích: “ money” là danh từ không đếm được Bìa 15: 1. person Giải thích: sau “every” ( mọi. mỗi) là danh từ dạng số ít 2. Some Giải thích: DÙng “ some” trước danh từ đếm được số nhiều “ friends” trong câu khẳng định 3. Any Giải thichs: Trạng từu “ never” mang nghĩa phủ định nên dùng “any” trước danh từ đếm được số nhiều “drinks” 4. Was Giải thích : “rabie” ( bệnh dại) là danh từ số ít nên động từ “ tobe” sau nó cần chia về thì quá khứ là “was” 5. Fish Giải thích: Danh từ “fish” ở dạng số nhiều vẫn là “fish” 6. An Giải thích: từ “honor” có âm /h/ câm, bắt đầu bằng nguyên âm /o/ nen dùng mạo từ “ an” 7. One Giải thích: sau tính từ “only” ( duy nhất, chỉ một) dùng từ “one” mang ý nghĩa nhấn mạnh về số lượng 8. many Giải thích: câu hỏi “ how many” dùng để hỏi về số lượng của danh từ dếm được “kilo” 9. Mice Giải thích: Dùng “any” trước danh từ đếm được số nhiều “ mice” trong câu nghi vấn 10. Aircraft Giải thích: Dùng “any” trước danh từ đếm được số nhiều “ aircraft” trong câu nghi vấn. Dạng số nhiều của “aircraft” vẫn là “aircraft” Bài 16: 1/ Do you put any effort on yourr work? Giải thích: Dùng “any” trước danh từ không đếm được “effort” trong câu nghi vấn. 2. How many geese do you own? Giải thích: dùng cấu trúc “ How many+ N đếm được + trợ động từ + S+V?” với danh từ đếm được dạng số nhiều “geese” 3. She doesn’t show any interest in my painting. Giải thích: Dugf “ any” trước danh từ không đếm được “ interest” trong câu phủ định 4. There aren’t any boys in my class. Giải thích: Dùng “any” trước danh từ đếm được số nhiều “boys” trong câu phủ định 5. Have you bought any jam yet? Giải thích: Dùng “any” trước danh từ không đếm được “jam” trong câu “nghi vấn” 6. There are some apples but there aren’t any oranges. Giải thích: Dùng “some” trước danh từ đếm được số nhiều “apples” trong câu khẳng định “any” trước danh từ đếm được số nhiều “boys” trong câu phủ định. 7. There aren’t any eggs in the fridge so I will buy some eggs. Giải thích: DÙng “any” trong câu phủ định và “some” trong câu khẳng định trước danh từ đếm được số nhiều “eggs”. 8. Up to now I haven’t read any fiction books . Giải thích: Dùng “any” trước danh từ đếm được sô nhiều “books” trong câu phủ định. Bài 17: 1. how many eggs does Jim have? He has three eggs How many eggs will Jim buy? He will buy 7 eggs. 195

2. how much chocolate does Jim have? He doesn’t have any chocolate. How much chocolate will Jim buy? He will buy 2 bars of chocolate. 3. How many oranges does Jim have? He has 3 oranges. How many oreange will Jim buy? He will buy 3 kilos of orange. 4. how much bread does Jim have? He has 1 loaf of bread How much bread will Jim buy ? He will buy 3 loaves of bread 5. How much beef does Jim have? He has half a kilo of beef How much beef will Jim buy? He will buy a koli of beef. Giải thích: Dùng cấu trúc “ how much + uncountable N + trợ động từ + S+V?” với danh từ không đếm được “ chocolate, bread, beef” Dùng cấu trúc “ How many+ countable N ( so nhièu) + trợ động từ + S+ V? với danh từ đếm được dạng số nhiều “eggs, oranges ”. Dựa vòa ghi chú của Jim để đưa ra câu trả lời về số lượng thực phẩm. Bìa 18: 1. C time 2. C any 3. B an 4. D some 5. C teaspoon: thìa cà phê 6. D some 7. B ingredients: nguyên liệu 8. A a Bài 19: 1. Square cake ( Banh chung) 2. In the family altars 3, The 18th Prince of Hung Emperor Dẫn chứng: This cake was invented by the 18th Prince of Hung Emperor 4. square 5. because of the special meaning and delicious taste of the cakes. UNIT 6: THE FIRST UNIVERSITY OF VIETNAM Baii 1: My motherboughtme this dress yesterday S V O This letterwaswritten by my secretary S tobe Vp2 Hehada serious accident yesterday S V O I wasallowed to go picnic with friends. S tobe Vp2 Ididn’t expectJim to come S V O Iwasborn in Russia. S tobe Vp2 Iboughtthis book in the local bookstore yesterday S V O All the winewasdrunk by Peter last night S tobe Vp2 The songsweresung by many famous singers S tobe Vp2 This cup ismade from clay S tobe Vp2 The vasebroke intopieces S V O My father and my motherareemployed by the same company. S tobe Vp2 My parentstooksme and my sister to the theater. S V O This actorisadmired by many people. 196

S tobe Vp2 Jimwasn’texpected to fail the test S tobe Vp2 Giai thich: Câu chủ động có dạng thức “S+V+O” , câu bị động có dạng thức “S+ tobe + Vp2” Bài 2: 1. made 2. Bought 3. Made 4. Drunk 5. Parked 6. dug 7. Taken 8. Invited 9. Engaged 10. Done 11. marked 12. Expected 13. Fed 14. Looked after 15. driven Bài 3: 1. Lỗi sai: find Sửa: found Giải thích: Trong câu bị động, động từ đứng sau tobe phải chia về dạng quá khứ phân từ. 2. Lỗi sai: took Sửa: taken Giải thích: trong câu bị động, động từ đứng sau tobe phải chia về dạng quá khứ phân từ. 3. Lỗi sai: located Sửa: is located Giải thích: Câu bị động có dạng thức “S+ tobe + Vp2” . Ở câu trên chủ ngữ “ the local library” là danh từ đếm được số ít nên tobe chia về thì hiện tại đơn là “is”, sau “tobe” là động từ ở dạng quá khứ phân từ. 4. Lỗi sai: with Sửa: by Giải thích: Trong câu bị động, trước tân ngữ dùng giới từ “ by” ( bởi ai, bởi cái gì) 5. Lỗi sai: in 2000 by my mother Sửa: By my mother in 2000 Giải thích: trong câu bị động trạng từ chỉ thời gain đứng sau “ by + O” 6. Lỗi sai: cutted Sửa: cut Giải thích: Dạng quá khứ phân từ của “cut” vẫn là “cut” 7. Lỗi sai: were Sửa: was Giải thích: Chủ ngữ “ the organization” là danh từ số ít nên tobe chia về thì quá khứ là “was” 8. Lỗi sai: litter Sửa: littered Giải thích: Trong câu bị động , động từ sau tobe phải chia về dạng quá khứ phân từ 9. Lỗi sai: helped Sửa: is helped Giải thích: Câu bị động có dạng thức “S+ tobe + vp2” . Ở câu trên chủ ngữ “ the old man” là danh từ đếm được số ít nên tobe chia về thì hiện tại đơn là “is” , sau tobe là động từ ở dạng quá khứ phân từ. 10. Lỗi sai: destroy Sửa: destroyed Giải thích: Trong câu bị động, động từ đứng sau tobe phải chia về dạng quá khứ phân từ Bài 4: The dinner was prepared by a famous cook. X My money was stolen by someone. X I wasn’t told about her story by anyone. X Jim’s homework wasn’t finished by him yesterday X This table is made from wood by people. These flowers are grown by a skillful gardener. My sister is looked after by a babysitter. X This letter was sent to me by someone. These walls are painted in pink by my sister. 197

X It is thought by people that Jane will marry Jim Giải thích: CHủ ngữ I, you, he, she, it , we, they , one, people, someone, somebody, nobody, no one trong câu chủ động thường được bỏ đi trong câu bị động Bài 5: 1. This table isn’t made of wood Is this table made of wood? 2. This book is sold in many bookstores Is this book sold in many bookstores? 3. The gift isn’t wrapped in colorful paper? Is the gift wrapped in colorful paper? 4. Tickets are sold at the entrance. Ticker aren’t sold at the entrance 5. The car is polished regularly. Is the car polished regularly? 6. The grass isn’t cut every week. Is the grass cut every week? 7. These tomatoes aren’t grown in Mrs. Smith’s garden. Are these tomatoes grown in Mrs. Smith’s garden? 8. The bank is always closed at 4.30 The bank isn’t always closed at 4.30. Giải thích: câu bị động ở thì hiện tại đơn có dạng thức “ S+ am/í/are + Vp2”. Câu phủ định thêm “not” sau tobe, câu nghi vấn đảo “tobe” lên đầu câu. Bài 6: 1. spoken 2. Am not 3. Watered 4. Is 5. Is prepared 6. Buy 7. Admired 8. Are done 9. Is polluted 10. Broken 11. Are planted 12. Is typed 13. is studied 14. Is made 15. By Bài 7: 1. is normally made 2. Is grown 3. Is done 4. Is also done 5. Is harvested 6. Is loaded 8. Is processed 7. Is taken 9. Is cleaned 10. Is broken 11. Iss extracted 12. Is purified 13. Are tumbled 14. Are dried 15. Are sorted 16. Are placed 17. Is packed 18. Is used Bai 8: 1. my house is made from wood. Giải thích: Tân ngữ “all the painings” của câu chủ động chuyển thành chủ ngữ trong câu bị động và động từ “tobe” theo đó chia thành “ are”, động từ “display ” đứng sau tobe phải chia về dạng quá khứ phân từ là “displayed ”. Chủ ngữ “the painter” trong câu chủ động chuyển thành tân ngữ đứng sau “by” trong câu bị động 2. these eggs are not laid by my hens 3. Morning exercises are done by Jim everyday. 4. The dogs are fed by jane everyday 5. Letters are delivered by the mailman everyday. 6. Vegetables are grown in the fields by farmers 7. Cattle are raised by farm workers. 8. Many diseases are cured by surgery nowadays 9. National heritages are preserved by the government. 10. The architectural features of the house are carefully studied by architects. Bai 9: 1. are displayed in the gallery by the painter. 2. is turned off by Jim 3. Is always locked by Peter before 9 pm 4. Taken to the airport by jim 198

5. is the room cleaned by jane? 6. Is rarely written by my mother? 7. Are arranged beautifully by my aunt 8. is sometimes driven to work by Mr. smith 9. Is never spoken outside the classroom by me 10. Is never opened 11. are mde from plastic 12. is hung on the wall by Jane 13. Is guarded twenty-four hours a day 14. Is written and posted on social network site by Jim 15. Is hervested in late July. Lưu ý: Trong câu bị động “by + O” đứng sau trạng từ chỉ nơi chốn và đứng trước trạng từ chỉ thời gian Bài 10: 1. my father takes me to school everyday 2. A large number of people read this book. 3. The citizens warmly welcome the President. 4. jim invites you to the party 5. Many children love chocolate. 6. The authorities protect historic places in my hometown. 7. His grandchildren visit the old men regularly. 8. I accidentally tear the letter. 9. My teacher clearly explains this problem. 10. My mother places the vase under the table. Bai 11: 1. This building was not designed by a French architect Was this building designed by a French architect? 2. This non-profit organization was founded in 1990. Was this non-profit organization founded in 1990? 3. The thieves were not arrested yesterday. Were the thieves arrested yesterday? 4. This piece of music was composed by Mozart. This piece of music was not composed by Mozart 5. The keys were found in her bedroom Were the keys found in her bedroom? 6. The statue was not destroyed years ago. Was the statue destroyed years ago? 7. Janet was born in America Janet was not born in America. 8. I was not named by my grandparents. Was inamed by my grandparents? Bai 12 1 . C taken 5. A were put 9. A by me yesterday 2. C were fascinated 6. C was the river 10. A to the park by me 3. A by 7. B. was predicted 4. C. were protected 8. C commuted Bài 13 1. was finished 2. was caused 3. was drunk 4. was prepared

5. wasn’t opened 6. was cut 7. was sentenced 8. was sent 199

9. were made 10. was founded 11. were sung 12. were set off

13. were rescued 16. was thrown 19. was surprised 14. were you born 17. was your house built 20. was witnessed 15. were sold out 18. wasn’t recognized Bai 14: 1. The woman was robbed on her way home last night. 2. my bike was found near the river bank. 3. the borken table in my room was fixed by Jim 4. His back was hurt by him yesterday . 5. Tom was bullied by his classmates when he was a seventh grader. 6. The victim was taken to the hospital after the accident. 7. My lost suitcse wasn’t found by the police 8. Mr. Smith’s house was borken into when the were out 9. The Great Wall of China was built by soldiers, common people and criminals. 10. That piece of paper was cut into four smaller pieces 11. I was taight Japanese by my father during last summer. 12. Was this wooden bridge built by the local people? 13. Were all the apples in the garden harvested yesterday ? 14. What was wine made from? 15. When was the shop closed yesterday ? Bài 15: 1. Where was the painting displayed? Bức tranh được trưng bày ở đâu? 2. I was brought up in the South oF Viet Nam by my uncle Tôi được nuôi lớn ở miền nam Viet Nam bởi chú tôi. 3. I was given a doll by my mother on my birthday Tôi được tặng một con búp bê bởi mẹ tôi trong ngày sinh nhật 4. my room was painted and decorated by my sister. Phòng của tôi được sơn và trang trí bởi chị tôi 5. My brother and I were not allowed to eat junk food when we were small. Em trai tôi và tôi không được phép ăn đồ ăn vặt khi chúng tôi còn bé 6. this party was held in the garden by Jim yesterday. Bữa tiệc này được tổ chức trong vườn bởi Jim ngày hôm qua 7. Jane’s car was parked near mine. Xe của Jane được đậu ở gần xe của tôi 8. two fish were caught by me yesterday\ Hai con cá bị bắt bởi tôi ngày hôm qua 9. this letter was written and sent by my cousin Bức thư này được viết và gửi bởi em họ tôi 10. the police arrested the thief last week Cảnh sát bắt tên trộm vào tuần trước Bai 16: 1. Lỗi sai: does Sửa: is the car cleaned in the garage by your father? 2. Lỗi sai: were Sửa: No one was told about his tragic death 3. Lỗi sai: purchase Sửa: My computer was purchased from the local shop 4. Lỗi sai: lay Sửa: The table was laid by my mother 5. Lỗi sai: is Sửa: was 6. Lỗi sai: did 200

Sửa: was 7. . Lỗi sai: was worked Sửa: When my father worked in the local factory, he didn’t have free time 8. . Lỗi sai: in 1990 by a famous architect Sửa: The tower was built by a famous architect in 1990 9. . Lỗi sai: with Sửa: This criminal case was solved by the police 10. . Lỗi sai: were you walked Sửa: Did you walk to school when you were a child? Giải thích: Câu chủ động với động từ “walk ” . câu nghi vấn đảo trợ động từ lên đầu câu Bai 17: 1/ were demolished Một vài địa danh lịch sử ở quê tôi bị phá hủy để dành chỗ cho nhà cửa và nhà máy Giải thích: Câu bị động ở thì quá khứ đơn, chủ ngữ “ several historical places” là danh từ số nhiều nên động từ tobe chia thành were , động từ “demolish ” đứng sau tobe phải chia về dạng quá khứ phân từ là “demolished” 2. was constructed Chùa một cột được xây dựng bởi vua Lý Thái Tông năm 1049 Giải thích: Câu bị động ở thì quá khứ đơn, chủ ngữ “ The one Pillar Pagoda” là danh từ số ít nên động từ tobe chia thành was , động từ “construct ” đứng sau tobe phải chia về dạng quá khứ phân từ là “constructed” 3. Is located Nhà của tôi được đặt ở vùng ngoại ô Hà nội Giải thích: Câu bị động ở thì hiện tại đơn, chủ ngữ “ my house” là danh từ số ít nên động từ tobe chia thành is , động từ “locate ” đứng sau tobe phải chia về dạng quá khứ phân từ là “located” 4. Are preserved Di sản quốc gia được bảo tồn bởi cả chính phủ và người dân. Giải thích: Câu bị động ở thì quá khứ đơn, chủ ngữ “ national heritage ” là danh từ số nhiều nên động từ tobe chia thành are , động từ “preserve ” đứng sau tobe phải chia về dạng quá khứ phân từ là “preserved” 5. is regarded Mary được cho là người có trách nhiệm bởi đồng nghiệp. Giải thích: Câu bị động ở thì hiện tại đơn, chủ ngữ “ Mary” là danh từ số ít nên động từ tobe chia thành is , động từ “regard ” đứng sau tobe phải chia về dạng quá khứ phân từ là “regarded” 6. was completed Dự án của tôi được hoàn thành 2 ngày trước. Giải thích: Câu bị động ở thì quá khứ đơn, chủ ngữ “ my project” là danh từ số ít nên động từ tobe chia thành was , động từ “complete ” đứng sau tobe phải chia về dạng quá khứ phân từ là “completed” 7. are sold Vé được bán với mức giá hợp lý. 8. was visited Đâu là lần cuối cùng bạn được thăm bởi cháu của bạn? Giải thích: Câu bị động ở thì quá khứ đơn, chủ ngữ “ you” là danh từ số ít nên động từ tobe chia thành was , động từ “visit ” đứng sau tobe phải chia về dạng quá khứ phân từ là “visited ” 9. Is – invited Jim có được mời đến đám cưới của hàng xóm không? Giải thích:

Câu bị động ở thì hiện tại đơn, chủ ngữ “ Jim” là danh từ số ít nên động từ tobe chia thành is , động từ “invite ” đứng sau tobe phải chia về dạng quá khứ phân từ là “invited” . Câu nghi vấn đảo tobe lên đầu câu. 10. were solved Vấn đề đã được giải quyết bởi giáo viên của tôi ngày hôm qua Giải thích: Câu bị động ở thì quá khứ đơn, chủ ngữ “ The problems” là danh từ số nhiều nên động từ tobe chia thành were , động từ “solve ” đứng sau tobe phải chia về dạng quá khứ phân từ là “solved” Bài 18: 1. am not permitted 6. was designed 11. is your health worsened 2. makes 7. was rumoured 12. Promised 3. Is expected 8. ordered 13. Were covered 4. Doesn’t let 9. are often shone 14. often make 5. Was paid 10. is lit 15. was moved Bài 19: 1. I was given a notebook as a reward by my teacher. 2. Grapes are picked and turned into wine . 3. I wasn’t allowed to stay up late by my father. 4. Pencils aren’t used in your Math exam . 5. I was allowed to go picnic with my friends by my parents yesterday . 6. I wasn’t told about his story. 7. This cake was made by me. 8. When I was a kid, My leg was bitten by a dog. 9. Mnay social skills are needed when you enter the workplace . 10. My grandmother’s hearing is assisted by a hearing aid. Bài 20: 1. C historic: có giá trị lịch sử 5. C was considered 2. A. is located 6. B was held. 3. A, by 7. A sufferd 4. B. is made 8. A withdrew Bài 21: 1. F Dẫn chứng : Its architectural style was described as resembling Notre Dame de Paris 2. T Dẫn chứng: In 1882, after the French army took control of hanoi, the Cathedral wa constructed completed in 1886. 3. NG 4. F Dẫn chứng: Although the appearance of the cathedral follows Western style, the main interior part is decoreated inVIetnamese wasy with two typical colors yelloe and red. 5. T Dẫn chứng: Outside, in front of the cathedral is the statue of Mother Maria 6. F Dẫn chứng: Sine then, the cathedral is always crowded with hundreds of people including both Christians and non-Christians at the weekend or during religious holidays like Christmas.



UNIT 7: TRAFFIC (GIAO THÔNG) A. VOCABULARY 1. cycle (v) /saɪkl/: đạp xe 2. traffic jam (n) /'træfɪk dʒæm/: sự kẹt xe 3. park (v) /pɑ:k/: đỗ xe 4. pavement (n) /'peɪvmənt/: vỉa hè (cho người đi bộ) 5. railway station (n) /'reɪlwei ,steɪ∫n/: nhà ga xe lửa 6. safely (adv) /'seɪflɪ/: an toàn 7. safety (n) /'seɪftɪ/: sự an toàn 8. seatbelt (n) /'si:t'belt/: dây an toàn 9. traffic rule (n) /'træfIk ru:l/: luật giao thông 10. train (n) /treɪn/: tàu hỏa 11. roof (n) /ru:f/: nóc xe, mái nhà 12. illegal (adj) /ɪ'li:gl/: bất hợp pháp 13. reverse (n) /rɪˈvɜːs/: quay đầu xe 14. boat (n) /bəʊt/: con thuyền 15. fly (v) /flaɪ/: lái máy bay, đi trên máy bay 16. helicopter (n) /'helɪkɒptər/: máy bay trực thăng 17. triangle (n) /'traɪæŋɡl/: hình tam giác 18. vehicle (n) /'viɪkəl/: xe cộ, phương tiện giao thông 19. plane (n) /pleɪn/: máy bay 20. prohibitive (adj) /prə'hɪbɪtɪv/: cấm (không được làm) 21. road sign /rəʊd saɪn/: biển báo giao thông 22. ship (n) /ʃɪp/: tàu thủy 23. tricycle (n) /trɑɪsɪkəl/: xe đạp ba bánh B. GRAMMAR I. HỎI VÀ TRẢ LỜI VỀ KHOẢNG CÁCH ( ASK & ANSWER ABOUT DISTANCE) Cách dùng “How far” là câu hỏi thường được dùng để hỏi về khoảng cách, quãng đường giữa 2 địa điểm. Ta đặt “It” làm chủ ngữ trong câu để nói về khoảng cách. Cấu trúc How far is it from A to B? It is (about) + khoảng cách Ví dụ How far is it from your house to Tan Son Nhat airport? (Khoảng cách từ nhà bạn tới sân bay Tân Sơn Nhất bao xa?) It’s about 200 km (Khoảng 200 km) Lưu ý Trong câu trả lời về khoảng cách ta thường dùng “about” (khoảng chừng) khi không biết chính xác về khoảng cách đó. BÀI TẬP VẬN DỤNG CƠ BẢN: Bài 1: Khoanh tròn vào đáp án đúng. 1. How far is it from your apartment (from/to) the city centre? 2. It is (at/ about) 1 kilometre. 3. It is not very (near/far) from my house to the post office. It is just 500 metres. 4. How far (is it/ it is) from your country to Japan? 5. How (far/ much) is it from your location to the train station? 6. My house is 2 kilometers (near/ far) from my grandparents’ bungalow. 7. How far (is it/ are they) from here to the local museum? 8. I think it is about 200 ( metres/ metre) from here to the nearest bus stop. 9. My school is not far (from/to) my house. I can walk to school every day. 10. How far is it (from/ at) your office to the supermarket?


Bài 2: Điền một từ thích hợp vào chỗ trống. 1. How_______ is it from your house to the city centre? 2. How far is it from this restaurant to the nearest __________? It is about 1 kilometer from this restaurant to the nearest bank? 3. How far__________it from Hanoi to Ho Chi Minh City? 4. It is about 5 kilometres from my house__________yours. 5. How far is_________from your company to your apartment? 6. It is __________3 kilometres. 7. How far is it from my school to yours? __________is about 8 kilometres 8. How far is it __________where you live to your company? Bài 3: Dựa vào những câu trả lời cho trước, hãy viết câu hỏi về khoảng cách. 1. ______________________________________________________________? It is about 300 metres from here to the nearest post office. 2. ______________________________________________________________? It is about 3,900 kilometers from New York to California. 3. ______________________________________________________________? It is about 200 metres from my house to my family store. 4. ______________________________________________________________? It is about 4576.89 miles from Beijing to Berlin. 5. ______________________________________________________________? It is about 1 kilometer from my hotel to the beach. 6. ______________________________________________________________? It is about 500 metres from here to the place where I live. 7. ______________________________________________________________? It is about 200 kilometers from his hometown to the place where he lives now. 8. ______________________________________________________________? It is just 200 metres from the park to the parking lot. 9. ______________________________________________________________? It is approximately 4 kilometers from here to the airport. 10. ______________________________________________________________? It is about 60 kilometers from my parent’s house to mine Bài 4: Đánh dấu (√ ) trước những câu trả lời đúng. Đánh dấu (X) trước những câu có lỗi sai và sửa lại cho đúng. _________ 1. How far is from your house to the nearest restaurant? __________________________________________________________ _________ 2. It is at 2 kilometers from my house to La Villa French restaurant. __________________________________________________________ _________ 3. How far is it from your university and my university? __________________________________________________________ _________ 4. It is not far from my university to yours __________________________________________________________ _________ 5. How far is it from here to our destination? __________________________________________________________ _________ 6. How far it is from our school to the camp site? __________________________________________________________ _________ 7. Its not far from our school to the camp site. __________________________________________________________ _________ 8. How far is it at the train station to the nearest drugstore? __________________________________________________________ Bài 5: Dựa vào gợi ý cho sẵn trong ngoặc, trả lời các câu hỏi về khoảng cách sau đây: 1. How far is it from your house to the gym? (300 metres)


__________________________________________________________ 2. How far is it from where you live to where you work? (2 kilometres) __________________________________________________________ 3. How far is it from Hanoi to Hoi An? (about 800 kilometres) __________________________________________________________ 4. How far is it from from Earth to Mars? (about 34 miles) __________________________________________________________ 5. How far is it from Earth to the nearest star? (4.2 light-years) __________________________________________________________ 6. How far is it from North Pole to Equator? (about 100000 kilometres) __________________________________________________________ II. THÓI QUEN TRONG QUÁ KHỨ VỚI “ USED TO” “used to” được dùng để miêu tả những thói quen, hành động hoặc trạng thái đã xảy ra Cách dùng thường xuyên trong quá khứ và đã kết thúc, không còn ở hiện tại. Cấu trúc (+) S+ used to + V (-) S+ didn’t use to + V (+) Did + S+ use to + V? I used to listen to the radio. (Ngày trước tôi thường nghe đài) Ví dụ They used to go swimming together. (Ngày trước họ thường đi bơi cùng nhau) He didn’t use to play marbles. (Ngày trước anh ấy không chơi bi) Did you use to ride a buffalo? (Ngày trước bạn có đi cưỡi trâu không) BÀI TẬP VẬN DỤNG CƠ BẢN: Bài 6: Viết các câu sau về thể khẳng định (+), phủ định (-) và nghi vấn (?). 1. (+) Susan used to live in Paris. (-)__________________________________________________________ (?)__________________________________________________________? 2. (+)__________________________________________________________ (-) They didn’t use to commute from New York to London (?)__________________________________________________________ 3. (+)__________________________________________________________ (-)__________________________________________________________ (?) Did your mother use to teach at the local school? 4. (+)__________________________________________________________ (-) He didn’t use to cry a lot (?)__________________________________________________________? 5. (+) Jane used to work for a non-profit organisation. (-)__________________________________________________________ (?)__________________________________________________________? 6. (+)__________________________________________________________ (-)__________________________________________________________ (?) Did Jim use to own an old car? 7. (+)__________________________________________________________ (-) This house didn’t use to belong to my family. (?)__________________________________________________________? 8. (+) My brother used to go swimming when he was young. (-)__________________________________________________________ (?)__________________________________________________________? Bài 7: Khoanh tròn vào đáp án đúng. 1. I (used to/ use to) collect stamps when I was nine years old. 2. My father (used to/ use to) be an excellent student at university.


3. I didn’t (used to/ use to) eat with chopsticks when I lived in America. 4. Did they (used to/ use to) work in a big factory before their retirement? 5. Peter (used to/ use to) drive to work but now he doesn’t. 6. My younger brother didn’t use (walk/ to walk) to school 7. My classmates didn’t (used to/ use to) like me. 8. There (used to/ use to) be a lot of trees along this street. 9. Horse and cart used to (be/is) the main way of transportation. 10. Coffee didn’t (used to/ use to) be my favorite drink. 11. Did Sarah (used to/ use to) be Mr Vu’s student? 12. My grandmother (used to travel/ use to travel) a lot before she got married. 13. Mr Ha(used to/ use to) work in Japan for 3 years. 14. I didn’t (like used to/ use to like) reading books. 15. Did Jim and Jane (used to/ use to) hate each other? Bài 8: Sử dụng cấu trúc “ used to V” với các động từ trong ngoặc để hoàn thành đoạn văn sau: Travelling (1. not be)__________as quick and convenient as we see today. In the ancient world, people (2. travel)__________long distances just on foot. It (3. take)__________a lot of time for people to travel from place to place. As time when by, they knew to domesticate animals and use them for transportation. People (4. ride)__________horses, donkeys and camels instead of walking. Horse and cart (5. be)__________ one of the main means of transportation and the cart (6. be)__________common worldwide before the Industrial Revolution. During the Industrial Revolution, many inventions were introduced. Modern rail transport systems (7. make)__________use of steam engine. The systems (8. be)__________the first practical form of mechanize land transport. In the past, roads (9. be)__________ narrow and there (10. be)__________vey few cars in the streets. People (11.not find)__________it easy to travel long distance because it (12.take)__________much time and money for transportation. However, today travelling is so easy and cheap thanks to the advancement of technology. Bài 9: Sử dụng cấu trúc “ used to V” với các động từ trong ngoặc để hoàn thành câu. Sử dụng thể khẳng định, phủ định và nghi vấn sao cho hợp lý. 1. I (go)______________to work by bus but now I drive my car to work. 2. Joe and I (like)______________each other but now we are friends. 3. Sue (fancy)______________rock music but now she is a fan of it. 4. My uncle (work)______________as a police officer before he retired. 5. ______________(you/ catch)fireflies when you were a child? 6. I (play)______________tennis with my friends but now I am too busy to continue. 7. My father (smoke)______________ a lot but he gave up three years ago. 8. My brother (do)______________the washing but now he wants to help my mon do it 9. Jane (break)______________ the speed limit and a police officer stopped her. 10. The Smiths (live)______________in the country but now they live and work in the city. 11. This doctor (be)______________famous but now everyone knows him. 12. My hometown (have)______________ an amusement park but the authorities have opened one. 13. My student (be)______________ very bad at Math but now he improves a lot. 14. Jim’s brother (like)______________ reading comic but he stopped reading it 1 year ago. 15. His parents (live)______________in a small house but now they live in a big one. BÀI TẬP TỔNG HỢP NÂNG CAO: Bài 10: Viết câu hỏi về khoảng cách sao cho hợp lý để hoàn thành đoạn hội thoại sau: Jim: Hello, Jane. Long time no see Jane: Oh, hello Jim. How’s it going? Jim: Great! I’m planning my summer vacation. I think I will do part-time job in my uncle’s restaurant. But it’s really far from my house. Jane: (1)__________________________________________________? Jim: About 4 kilometres. Another plan is working in the local library. I remember it is near our school. (2)__________________________________________________?


Jane: It’s about 200 metres from our school to the local library. Jim: Great! How about you, Jane? Have you planned anything in the summer? Jane: I am going to visit my grandmother. She lives in Da Nang. This city is far from our city. Jim: (3)__________________________________________________? Jane: I’m not so sure. After the visit, I will come back and find a part-time job. Jim: How about joining with me in the library? Jane: It’s too far from my apartment. I can’t walk or ride my bike to work. Jim: (4)__________________________________________________? Jane: About 6 kilometers from the library to my apartment. Jim: Why don’t you take the bus? There is a bus stop near the local library? Jane: (5)__________________________________________________? Jim: Just about 100 metres. Jane: Sound good. I will consider it Bài 11: Dựa vào những từ cho sẵn, hãy viết thành câu hoàn chỉnh: 1. How far /it/ your company/ where you live? It/ about/ 10/ kilometre. ______________________________________________________________ 2. How far/ it/ Jane’s apartment/ her school? ______________________________________________________________ 3. My father and I/ not/ use to/ spend/ time/ with/ each other. ______________________________________________________________ 4. This man/ use to/ be/ famous/ actor? ______________________________________________________________ 5. There/ not/ use to/ be/ many vehicles/ in the streets/ when/ I/ be/ young. ______________________________________________________________ 6. My family/ use to/ go sailing/ every/ weekend/ but/ now/ we/ not. ______________________________________________________________ 7. Her mother/ use to/ kiss/ hug/ her/ when/ she/ be/ kid. ______________________________________________________________ 8. Mrs Smith/ not/ use to/ do/ morning exercises/ but/ now/ she/ do/ regularly. ______________________________________________________________ Bài 12: Sử dụng cấu trúc “ used to V” với những động từ cho sẵn để hoàn thành những câu sau. drive work serve believe spend deliver be go 1. People ________________goods in ox carts. 2. There ________________ very few cars in the streets. 3. When I was a kid, I ________________ sailing with my brother. 4. When Mr Smith was young, he ________________ a car without a driving license. 5. Jim ________________ his weekend doing part-time job 6. People ________________ that the Earth was flat. 7. This old man________________as a librarian in the local library. 8. My grandfather________________ as a captain in the army. Bài 13: Viết lại câu, sử dụng cấu trúc “used to”. 1. My mother worked at a restaurant 3 years ago but now she doesn’t. ______________________________________________________________ 2. He was the president of Student Union but now he isn’t. ______________________________________________________________ 3. There were many tree-lined streets in my hometown but now there is none of them. ______________________________________________________________ 4. My husband didn’t do housework but now he does. ______________________________________________________________ 5. Children didn’t play with high-tech devices at an early age but now they do. ______________________________________________________________ 6. The students didn’t go to school by public transportation but now they do.


______________________________________________________________ 7. My city was a tourist destination but now it isn’t. ______________________________________________________________ 8. Traffic jam didn’t happen when I was small but it happens now. ______________________________________________________________ C.EXERCISES TEST 1 UNIT 7 I.Find the word which has different sound in the underlined part. B. help C. garden D. identify 1. A. rest 2. A. traffic B. pavement C. plane D. station 3. A. sign B. mistake C. triangle D. drive 4. A. nearest B. head C. bread D. health 5. A. railway B. mail C. sail D. captain II.Choose the correct answer by circling A, B, C or D. 1. Linda used to morning exercise when she got up early. A. did B. does C. doing D. do 2. My mum the bus to work every day, but I cycle. A. catches B. drives C. goes D. runs 3. You should look right and left when you go the road. A. down B. across C. up D. along 4. Bus is the main public in Viet Nam. A.travel B. tricycle C. transport D. vehicle 5. The play was so boring. , An saw it from beginning to end. A. Therefore B. Despite C. However D. Although 6. She’s sure that they will find the film . A. entertaining B. entertain C. entertainment D. entertained ” 7. - “Do you like seeing a film?” - “ A. No, I don’t like it at all B. Sure. What film shall we see? C. Who is in it? D. I’m sorry, I can’t. 8. being frightened by the images, Lan still liked the film so much. A. In spite B. Despite C. Although D. Nevertheless 9. is La Tomatina celebrated? - Every August. A. Where B. Why C. When D. Which 10. My father liked the of that singer. A. perform B. performer C. performance D. performing 11. Does your bike ever down on the way to school? A. break B. take C. do D. turn 12. I go on foot when I was in primary school. A. used to B. break C. can D. may 13. Give a before you turn left or right. A. sign B. turn C. sound D. signal 14. A lot of dancers go to Rio de Janeiro to the Carnival. A. attend B. join C. perform D. appear 15. the film was gripping, Tom slept from beginning to end. A. Therefore B. Despite C. However D. Although III.Choose the correct option for each gap in the sentences. 1. Drivers have to their seatbelt whenever they drive. A. put B. tie C. fasten D. put on 2. We should wait for the traffic lights before we cross the street. A. turn green B. to turn green C. turn yellow D. to turn yellow 3. All of us have to obey strictly.


A. traffic rules B. traffic C. traffic jam D. regular 4. Cyclists and motorists have to wear a when they ride a motorbike. A. hard hat B. cap C. mask D. helmet 5. He forgot to give a before he turned left and got a ticket. A. signal B. sign C. light D. hand 6. does it take you to get to Ho Chi Minh City by plane? - About 2 hours. A. How far B. How much C. How long D. How many 7. There a bus station in the city centre, but it has been moved to the suburbs. A. used to be B. used to have C. use to have D. were 8. I marbles when I was young, but now I didn’t. A. play B. used to play C. have played D. didn’t use to play 9. “ is it from your house to the nearest bus stop?” - “About 50 meters’ A. How far B. How long C. How often D. How much 10. We should the street at the zebra crossing. A. walk B. walk on C. walk through D. walk across 11. Lan used to go to school . A. with bicycle B. by foot C. in car D. by bus 12. Public in my town is good and cheap. A. transport B. tour C. journey D. travel 13. _______ is not very far from here to the city center. A. That B. This C. It D. There 14. When there is a traffic jam, it me a very long time to go home. A. costs B. takes C. lasts D. spends 15. Mai’s dad usually drives her to school her school is very far from her house. A. but B. though C. because D. or 16. Yesterday Hoa and Lan round West Lake. It took them an hour. A. cycle B. cycles C. cycling D. cycled 17. Minh used to his homework late in the evening. A. does B. do C. doing D. did 18. If people the rules, there are no more accidents. A. follow B. take care of C. obey D. remember 19. You should right and left when you go across the roads. A. see B. look C. be D. take 20. Hurry up or we can’t the last bus home. A. keep B. follow C. go D. catch IV.Complete the sentences with the correct form of “used to” and the verb in bracket. (you/ enjoy) maths at school? 1. 2. I (not like) flying, but I love it now. (be) friends, but we don’t get on now. 3. We 4. (John/ work) for IBM before he came here? 5. Winters (not/ be) as cold as they are now. 6. She (live) with her mother, but now she lives with her father. (not do) any exercise. 7. I 8. (he/ play) for Manchester United? V.Write sentences with “it”. Use these cues. 1. 120 km/ Ho Chi Minh City/ Vung Tau .................................................................................................................................... 2. 384,400 km/ the Earth/ the Moon .................................................................................................................................... 3. not very far/ Ha Noi/ Noi Bai Airport .................................................................................................................................... 4. 500 meters/ my house/ nearest shop ....................................................................................................................................


5. 700 meters/ my house/ Youth Club .................................................................................................................................... 6. five km/ my home village/ nearest town .................................................................................................................................... VI.Read the passage and fill in the blanks with suitable words. Who are the (1) drivers? Which drivers are the safest on the roads? According to a recent survey, young and inexperienced (2) are the most likely to have an accident. Older drivers are more (3) . Young men have the worst accident records of all. They often (4) faster cars with bigger engines. One of the (5) interesting facts in the survey is that passengers have an effect on the driver. When men have (6) friends in the car, their driving become worse. When their wife or girlfriend is in the car, (7) , their driving is better. But opposite is true for women. Their driving is (8) dangerous when their husband or boyfriend is in the car. VII.Read the following text carefully and choose the correct answer A, B, C or D for each of the gap. When you are in Singapore, you can go about (1) taxi, by bus, or by underground. I myself prefer the underground (2) it is fast, easy and cheap. There are (3) buses and taxis in Singapore and one cannot drive along the road (4) and without many stops, especially on Monday morning. The underground is therefore usually quicker (5) taxis or buses. If you do not know Singapore very well, it is difficult (6) the bus you want. You can take a taxi, but it is (7) expensive than the underground or a bus. On the underground, you find good maps that (8) you the names of the stations and show you (9) to get to them, so (10) it is easy to find your way. 1. A. by B. in C. at D. on 2. A. but B. because C. when D. so 3. A. few B. a lot C. many D. some 4. A. quick B. quickly C. quicker D. quickest 5. A. so B. like C. than D. as 6. A. find B. to find C. finding D. found 7. A. less B. more C. most D. much 8. A. tell B. told C. tells D. telling 9. A. who B. what C. when D. how 10. A. how B. that C. when D. where VIII.Read the text and fill in the blanks with correct words. Use the words in the box. in










the traffic. Taxis are bringing tired people (2) The streets are crowded (1) the airport and the train stations to the hotels. They hope to (3) a few hours before their busy day in the big city. Trucks (4) bringing fresh fruits and vegetables into the city. Ships are bringing food (5) fuel to the harbour. the morning, the streets are filled again with people. Millions of people By seven o’clock (6) (7) in the big city, and millions of people who work in the big city live in the suburbs, the commuters, are hurrying to get to (8) offices. Everyone is in a hurry. Some stop only to drink a cup of coffee. Others stop to buy the morning paper (9) to have breakfast. louder. The policemen blow their whistles to stop the traffic or to hurry it The noise of traffic (10) along. IX.Read the text and then choose the best answer A, B, C or D. Yesterday, on the way home from school, I saw an accident. A boy was run over by a taxi when he was riding his bicycle. The boy’s leg was broken and it was bleeding badly. Someone there tried to stop the bleeding. They put pressure on it and held it tight. A man used his mobile phone to call the emergency service. Some minutes later, an ambulance arrived and sent the boy to the hospital. Two policemen came to the scene immediately. Some people told the police that the taxi driver was driving at a very high speed when the accident happened. Some others began talking about the traffic accidents these days and blamed the increasing number of accidents on the roads for careless driving and drunk drivers. 1. What did the writer see yesterday?


A. An accident B. A fire C. A fighting D. A crash 2. The accident happened between a taxi and . A. a bus B. a bicycle C. a car D. motorbike 3. The boy was sent to the hospital by . A. a police B. a car C. a passenger D. an ambulance 4. What part of his body was hurt? – His . A. arm B. head C. leg D. shoulder 5. How was the driver driving when the accident happened? – Very . A. fast B. slowly C. carefully D. well X.Put the words and phrases in the right order to make meaningful sentences. 1. takes/ art/ half/ gallery/ only/ hour/ to/ an/ the/ It/ to/ get. .................................................................................................................................... 2. mine/ book/ Her/ from/ is/ different. .................................................................................................................................... 3. playing/ young/ brother/ the/ very/ piano/ My/ when/ was/ enjoyed/ he. .................................................................................................................................... 4. are/ I/ as/ as/ not/ thought/ These/ expensive/ clothes. .................................................................................................................................... 5. new/ is/ next/ A/ to be/ going/ school/ built/ year/ here. .................................................................................................................................... XI. Rewrite the following sentences in the way that their original meanings do not change. 1. Van Cao composed Viet Nam's anthem Tien Quan Ca. → Viet Nam’s anthem Tien Quan Ca .......................................................................... 2. Be careful or you’ll hurt yourself. → If you are ............................................................................................................... 3. What is the price of the bicycle? → How much ........................................................................................................... ? 4. The market does not have any carrots → There ..................................................................................................................... 5. You’re the best guitarist in the school. → No one ................................................................................................................... XII.Rewrite each sentence or question so it has the same meaning. Use “Used to”. Ex: I was in the school tennis team. → I used to be in the school tennis team. 1. Anna had long hair when she was at school. ....................................................................................................... 2. Mary didn’t listen when her teachers were speaking. ....................................................................................................... 3. Ricardo got up at 6.00 when he was training for the Olympics. ....................................................................................................... 4. What did you usually do on Saturday evenings? ....................................................................................................... 5. Sophie was afraid of dogs when she was a little girl. ....................................................................................................... 6. We always gave our teachers presents at the end of term. ....................................................................................................... 7. Did you live next door to Mrs. Harrison? ....................................................................................................... 8. My brother wore glasses when he was young. ....................................................................................................... XIII.Choose the sentence that has the same meaning as the first. 1. As soon as I receive my result, I will phone you. A. I will ring you the moment I receive my result.


B. Sooner or later after I receive my result, I will give you a ring. C. After receiving my result, I will call you. D. I will make a phone call to you when I get my result. 2. When I was a young girl, chocolate was one of my favourites. A. When very young, I like eating chocolate cakes. B. Chocolate used to be a favorite of mine when I was a young girl. C. My favourite was chocolate as was a little girl. D. Being a little girl, I like chocolate. 3. I haven’t seen my aunt for years. A. I haven’t meet my aunt for long ago. B. The last time I met my aunt was since years ago. C. I last saw my aunt years ago. D. I didn’t see my aunt years ago. 4. I think it’s necessary to tell Tim about it at once. A. Tim may be told about it at once. B. Tim might be told about it at once. C. Tim must be told about it at once. D. Tim should be told about it at once. 5. It is essential that we meet him at the airport. A. He must be met at the airport. B. He might be met at the airport. C. He should be met at the airport. D. He may be met at the airport. XIV.Complete the second sentences so that it has a similar meaning to the first. 1. I usually stayed up late to watch football matches last year, but now I don’t. → I used ...................................................................................................................... 2. There were some trees in the field, but now there aren’t any. → There used .............................................................................................................. 3. Anna doesn’t live with her parents any more. → Anna used ............................................................................................................... 4. He is not a poor man any more, but he become a rich businessman. → He used................................................................................................................... 5. They didn’t often go to the cinema every Sunday last year. → They didn’t use ....................................................................................................... 6. My hair now is much longer than that in the past. → In the past my hair used .......................................................................................... 7. I don’t have time to collect stamps as when I was in primary school. → I used ...................................................................................................................... 8. Did you often go to the beach when you lived in Nha Trang? → Did you use............................................................................................................. 9. Mr. Hung often went to work by motorbike, but now he goes to work by bus. → Mr. Hung ................................................................................................................ 10. There were traffic jams in this street during rush hours, but now the street become wider. → There ...................................................................................................................... TEST 2 UNIT 7 I. Find the word which has a different sound in the part underlined. 1. A. head B. break C. bread D. heavy 2. A. said B. wait C. maid D. sail B. lake C. station D. came 3. A. start 4. A.ancient B. radio C. nature D. village 5. A. indicate B. mistake C. take D. says II. Find the word which has a different sound in the part underlined. 1. A. lazy B. date C. hate D. car B. wait C. train D. paid 2. A. said 3. A. safety B. waste C. taste D. chat


4. A. security B. belt C. let D. centre 5. A. head B. seat C. heavy D. weather III. Choose the correct answer. 1. does it take to go from Ha Noi to Ho Chi Minh City by plane? A.How far B.How much C.How long D.How many 2. There a bus station in the city centre, but it has been moved to the suburbs. A.used to be B.used to have C.use to have D.were 3. I marbles when I was young, but now I didn’t. A.play B.used to play C.have played D.didn’t use to play 4. “ is it from your house to the nearest bus stop?” - “About 50 metres.” A.How far B.How long C.How often D.How much 5. We should the sheet at the zebra crossing. A.walk B.walk on C.walk through D.walk across 6. Drivers have to your seatbelt whenever they drive. A.put B.tie C.fasten D. put on 7. We should wait for the traffic lights before we cross the street. A.turn green B.to turn green C.turn yellow D.to turn yellow 8. All of us have to obey strictly. A.traffic rules B.traffic C.traffic jam D.regular 9. Cyclists and motorists have to wear a when they ride a motorbike. A.hard hat B.cap C.mask D.helmet 10. He forgot to give a before he turned left and got a ticket. A.signal B.sign C.light D.hand IV. Complete the sentences with the phrases in the box. train tickets road user

railway station speed limit

means of transport driving license

traffic jams safety helmet

road safety zebra crossing

1. Roadworks have caused throughout the city centre. . 2. Slow down because you’re breaking the 3. A is a place on a road at which vehicles must stop to allowpeople to walk across the road. 4. A is an official document that shows you are able to drive. . 5. We needed to get to Ha Noi, but we had no 6. I have two available to go to Lao Cai. Would you like to go with me to Sa Pa? 7. The government has introduced a new campaign in an attempt to reduce the number of road accidents. 8. We looked on our map to find the way to the . 9. You should know the regulations in order to become a good . 10. A is a hard hat which covers and protects the whole head, worn especially by motorcyclists. V. Put the types of transport into the correct group of the verb. Some types of transport can be used more than once, and used with the article “a” or “the”. bus helicopter 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

plane bike

train horse

taxi motorbike

car ship

take: ______________________________________________________________________ get on: _____________________________________________________________________ get off: _____________________________________________________________________ go by: _____________________________________________________________________ ride: _______________________________________________________________________

VI. Complete the following sentences using a different verb or expression. Don’t change the meaning. Number 0 has been done for you as an example. 0. She never drives to the shops.


She never goes to the shops by car. In bad weather, I take the bus to school. In bad weather, I to school . 2. I always walk to my grandparents’ house. I always to my grandparents’ house . 3. I usually go to school by bike. I usually to school. 4. Do you go to school on foot? Do you to school? 5. My father usually goes to work by car. My father usually to work. 6. My mother drives me to the bus station. My mother me to the bus station by . VII. Complete the sentences with “used to” or “didn’t use to”. 1. I like sports, but now I do a lot of different sports. 2. I be afraid of heights, but then I started climbing hills. 3. I like putting my head in the water because I couldn’t swim. 4. I go skating until I met Anna in Switzerland, and then we have practised a lot so far. 5. I go to school on foot, but now I ride a bicycle to school. VIII. Read the following passage about driving laws around the world, and then tick the correct answers: true (T), or false (F). In Sweden, it is necessary to keep your headlights on 24 hours a day. We understand that it is required for places as cold as Sweden during winter, but you cannot turn off your car’s lights even if it is June and the weather looks just fine. If you are driving in Beijing and you come across a zebra crossing, don’t stop or even try to slow down because this will get you in trouble with the law. In Thailand, it is compulsory to wear a shirt while driving. Women who go topless while driving can be fined equal to a few hundred baht. In Cyprus, you should keep both hands on the wheel. Drivers who unnecessarily raise a hand from the steering wheel can get fines, although we think that making some gestures at bad drivers is sometimes good. Don’t yell or curse while you are driving in Rockville, Maryland, USA although you are right. It is illegal to curse in public. You have to pay a fine up to $100 or go to prison up to 10 days. Before you drive off with a car in Denmark, you must check that the children in your car have the best places. Maybe the reason is that they can read books by Hans Anderson. Drinking and driving is illegal in Spain, but in Macedonia, if you are drunk, you cannot sit in the front seats. True False 1. Use your car’s headlights 24 hours a day in Sweden. 2. In Sweden, you have to turn on your car’s lights in June when theweather is bad. 3. In Beijing, it is against the law to stop at a zebra crossing. 4. In Thailand, you have to wear a shirt while driving. 5. There are no rules about what women have to wear while they aredriving in Thailand. 6. In Cyprus, you cannot shake your fist (a hand with the fingers and thumb held tightly in) at other drivers. 7. It is illegal to use bad language while you are driving in Rockville, Maryland, USA. 8. If you yell or curse while you are driving in Rockville, Maryland, USA and don't pay the fine, you may be put in prison up to 90 days. 9. Children can have best places while they are riding in a car in Denmark. 10. Don’t sit in the front seats if you are drunk in Macedonia, Spain. IX. Read the following text, and then answer the questions. Bike safety • Children under 10 should always ride with an adult. • You must wear an approved cycle helmet correctly. 1.


Make sure bikes have working brakes. Wearing a high visibility vest or jacket, especially at night, is a good idea. You should copy the way you see your parents riding their bikes. At which age can children ride their bikes alone? ___________________________________________________________________________ 2. What must you wear while riding? ___________________________________________________________________________ 3. What should your bike have? ___________________________________________________________________________ 4. What should you wear when you ride at night? ___________________________________________________________________________ 5. Is the way your parents ride their bikes a good example for you to follow? ___________________________________________________________________________ X. Read the text and answer the following questions. The streets are crowded with traffic. Taxis are bringing tired people from the airport and the train stations to the hotels. They hope to sleep a few hours before their busy day in the big city. Trucks are bringing fresh fruits and vegetables into the city. Ships are bringing food and fuel to the harbour. By seven o’clock in the morning, the streets are filled again with people. Millions of people live in the big city, and millions of people who work in the big city live in the suburbs, the commuters, are hurrying to get to their offices. Everyone is in a hurry. Some stop only to drink a cup of coffee. Others stop to buy the morning paper or to have breakfast. The noise of traffic gets louder. The policemen blow their whistles to stop the traffic or to hurry it along. 1. Where do taxis often take people from? ___________________________________________________________________________ 2. What are trucks bringing? And what about ships? ___________________________________________________________________________ 3. Who are commuters? ___________________________________________________________________________ 4. What do people often do when they are in a hurry in the early morning? ___________________________________________________________________________ 5. What do the policemen do to control the traffic? ___________________________________________________________________________ XI. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first. 1. I usually stayed up late to watch football matches last year, but now I don’t. I used ______________________________________________________________________ . 2. There were some frees in the field, but now there aren’t any. There used __________________________________________________________________ . 3. Linda doesn’t live with her parents any more. Linda used __________________________________________________________________ . 4. He is not a poor man any more, but he becomes a rich businessman. He used _____________________________________________________________________ . 5. They didn’t often go to the cinema every Sunday last year. They didn’t use _______________________________________________________________ . 6. My hair now is much longer than that in the past. In the past my hair used ________________________________________________________ . 7. I don’t have time to collect stamps as when I was in primary school. I used ______________________________________________________________________ . 8. Did you often go to the beach when you lived in Nha Trang? Did you use _________________________________________________________________ . 9. Mr. Nam often went to work by motorbike, but now he goes to work by bus. Mr. Nam ___________________________________________________________________ . 10. There were traffic jams in this street during rush hours, but now the street becomes wider. There ______________________________________________________________________ . • • • 1.


XII. Write a paragraph about traffic problems and the solutions, using the cues given and the words to show sequence like: first, second, moreover, in addition,..., at last. 1. Most streets/ roads/ our city/ narrow/ in bad conditions. ___________________________________________________________________________ 2. Many people/ not strictly follow/ traffic laws/ when using the roads. ___________________________________________________________________________ 3. For example/ they/ cross/ sheet/ wrong places/ ride/ motorbikes/ wrong direction. ___________________________________________________________________________ 4. Many street vendors/ occupy/ pavement/ display/ goods/ sale/ pedestrians/ walk/ in the road. ___________________________________________________________________________ 5. The number of trucks/ our city/ very big/ so/ they/ interfere/ traffic flow. ___________________________________________________________________________ 6. Construction/ houses and buildings/ not carefully planned/ so/ they/ occupy/ surface of the roads. ___________________________________________________________________________ To solve the traffic problems in our city, we should do many things. 7. All streets/ be widened/ and traffic lines/ more logical. ___________________________________________________________________________ 8. We/ encourage/ people/ use public transport/ theft personal vehicles. ___________________________________________________________________________ 9. Heavy penalties/ use/ for/ careless/ dangerous drivers. People/ be educated/ traffic regulations/ at the same time. ___________________________________________________________________________ 10. In short/1 hope/ traffic problems/ our city/ be solved/ so that/ we/ feel/ comfortable/ when/ use the road. ___________________________________________________________________________

UNIT 8: FILMS ( PHIM ẢNH) A. VOCABULARY: 1. animation (n) /'ænɪˈmeɪʃən/: phim hoạt hoạ 2. critic (n) /'krɪtɪk/: nhà phê bình 3. direct (v) /dɪˈrekt/: làm đạo diễn (phim, kịch...) 4. disaster (n) /dɪˈzɑːstə/: thảm hoạ, tai hoạ 5. documentary (n) /,dɒkjə'mentri/: phim tài liệu 6. entertaining (adj) /,entə'teɪnɪŋ/: thú vị, làm vui lòng vừa ý 7. gripping (adj) /'ɡrɪpɪŋ/: hấp dẫn, thú vị 8. hilarious (adj) /hɪˈleəriəs/: vui nhộn, hài hước 9. horror film (n) /'hɒrə fɪlm /: phim kinh dị 10. must-see (n) /'mʌst si:/: bộ phim hấp dẫn cần xem 11. poster (n) /'pəʊstə/: áp phích quảng cáo 12. recommend (v) /,rekə'mend /: giới thiệu, tiến cử 13. review (n) /rɪˈvju:/: bài phê bình 14. scary (adj) /:skeəri/: làm sợ hãi, rùng rợn 15. science fiction (sci-fi) (n) /saɪəns fɪkʃən/: phim khoa học viễn tưởng 16. star (v) /stɑː/: đóng vai chính 17. survey (n) /'sɜːveɪ/: cuộc khảo sát 18. thriller (n) /'θrɪlə /: phim kinh dị, giật gân 19. violent (adj) /'vaɪələnt/: có nhiều cảnh bạo lực B. GRAMMAR. TÍNH TỪ V-ING/ V-ED MIÊU TẢ PHIM VÀ CẢM XÚC KHI XEM PHIM (-ED AND –ING ADJECTIVES.


1. Cách thành lập tính từ V-ing/ V-ed Cách thành lập tính từ Ví dụ từ một động từ Thêm “-ed” vào sau I’m interested in science-fiction films. động từ để tạo ra động ( Tôi rất thích thú với các bộ phim khoa học viễn tưởng) từ miêu tả ai đó cảm I was so moved when I watched the end of the film. thấy như thế nào, cảm (Tôi đã rất xúc động khi tôi xem đoạn cuối của bộ phim) I was really surprised at the achievement at the Cannes Film Festival. xúc của một người. ( Tôi đã rất ngạc nhiên với thành tích của họ tại Liên hoan phim Cannes) Thêm “-ing” vào sau Last night, I saw an interesting science-fiction film. động từ để tạo ra động (Tối qua, tôi xem một bộ phim khoa học viễn tưởng rất thú vị) từ miêu tả ai, cái gì The end of the film was so moving. mang lại cảm giác như (Kết thúc của bộ phim thật cảm động) They have got a surprising achievement at the Cannes Film Festival. thế nào cho đối tượng (Họ vừa giành được thành tích đáng ngạc nhiên tại Liên hoan phim Cannes) 2. Một vài cặp tính từ phổ biến: Tính từ-ed Entertained (thú vị) Embarrassed (bị bối rối, ngượng ngùng) Annoyed (bị bực mình) Interested (thích thú) Disappointed (thất vọng) Excited (sôi nổi) Exhausted (kiệt sức) Surprised (bất ngờ) Confused (bối rối) Frightened (hoảng sợ) Bored (nhạt nhẽo, tẻ nhạt)

Tính từ-ing Entertaining (làm thú vị) Embarrassing (làm bối rối, xấu hổ) Annoying (làm bực mình) Interesting (làm thú vị) Disappointing (làm thất vọng) Exciting (làm sôi nổi) Exhausting (làm kiệt sức) Surprising (làm bất ngờ) Confusing (làm bối rối) Frightening ( làm hoảng sợ) Boring (làm cho nhạt nhẽo)

BÀI TẬP VẬN DỤNG CƠ BẢN BÀI 1: Thành lập tính từ đuôi “ed” và tính từ đuôi “-ing” từ những động từ sau: V -ed annoy bore confuse depress disappoint embarrass excite exhaust fascinate frighten interest move relax satisfy shock surprise terrify thrill tire



Bài 2: Hoàn thành những câu dưới đây với tính từ đuôi “ed” hoặc “-ing” cho sẵn. 1. moved/ moving -The film was so_______________ -I was deeply _______________ by the film. 2. terrified/ terrifying -Both of us were _______________ of that violent scene. -That violent scene was _______________. 3. tired/ tiring -Going shopping all day makes me feel_______________. -Going shopping all day is _______________. 4. interested/ interesting -Jim’s _______________ in reading books. -Jim finds reading books_______________. 5. fascinated/ fascinating -Jane sometimes has many _______________ ideas. -We are _______________ by Jane’s ideas. 6. depressed/ depressing -The weather was _______________ yesterday. -The weather made me fell _______________yesterday. 7. annoyed/ annoying -His tone of voice is so _______________ -I am so _______________ by his tone of voice. 8. shocked/ shocking -His latest news was _______________. -We were _______________ at his latest news. Bài 3: Khoanh tròn vào đáp án đúng. 1. Are you (interested/ interesting) in classical music? 2. I always feel (exhausted/ exhausting) after long working hours. 3. The movie I saw last night was (excited/ exciting). 4. I find it (astonished/astonishing) you didn’t like sci-fi movies. 5. My sister easily gets (embarrassed/ embarrassing). 6. Tom, you look (tired/ tiring). What have you done? 7. I think all my teachers are (amazed/ amazing). I love them very much. 8. Last week, my father threw a (surprised/ surprising) party to celebrate my birthday. 9. I didn’t find the jokes at all (amused/ amusing). 10. Last year, I had a really (terrified/ terrifying) experience at the camp site. 11. I never find reading books (bored/ boring). 12. His wife looked (astounded/astouding) at the news. 13. Ann was (thrilled/ thrilling) to bits that she got the job. 14. This complicated system really makes me (confusing/confused). 15. The film was terribly (disappointed/ disappointing). Bài 4: Sử dụng tính từ đuôi “ed” hoặc “-ing” tạo thành từ những động từ trong ngoặc để hoàn thành những câu dưới đây. 1. The kitchen was in a_______________ state when she left. ( disgust) 2. Jim had an accident yesterday and his situation is _______________. (worry) 3. The result of her exam is very _______________. ( disappoint) 4. This is the most_______________ film I have known. (thrill) 5. Everyone was _______________ at her new hair. (surprise) 6. I really got _______________ at the lack of progress. (frustrate) 7. What is the most _______________ creature in the world? (frighten) 8. It is absolutely a visually _______________ movie. (stun) 9. Jane gave up her part-time job because it was too _______________(exhaust) 10. The rainforests are disappearing at an _______________ rate. (alarm)


11. They are never_______________. They are always complaining. (satisfy) 12. My teacher was very _______________that I studied hard. (please) 13. I am _______________ to know your thought of the movie. (intrigue) 14. Your remarks are_______________. You should apologize. (insult) 15. I was deeply _______________ by the news. (disturb) 16. It was _______________ outside. You should put on thick coat before going out. (freeze) 17. My parents always give me a warm_______________ hug whenever I get home. (welcome) 18. Students easily get _______________. (distract) 19. I find his argument very _______________. (convince) 20. Jane appeared _______________ and confident before the interview. ( relax) Bài 5: Đánh dấu (√ ) trước những câu trả lời đúng. Đánh dấu (X) trước những câu có lỗi sai và sửa lại cho đúng. _____________ 1. The special effects of this film are fascinated. _____________ 2. I embarrassed today morning because I wore my sweater inside out. _____________ 3. Everyone in my class found the lesson very bored. _____________ 4. The locals were extremely welcoming. _____________ 5. My brother is not a bored person. _____________ 6. Many critics found this film was deeply moving. _____________ 7. I am confusing by these twins. _____________ 8. No one was surprised at the news. _____________ _____________ _____________ II. TỪ NỐI ( CONNECTORS): ALTHOUGH/ IN SPITE OF/ DESPITE/ HOWEVER/ NEVERTHELESS. 1. Although/ In spite of/ Despite: Although In spite of Despite Chức năng Chỉ mối quan hệ đối lập giữa hai thông tin trong cùng một câu Cấu trúc Although + mệnh đề 1 (S+V), In spite of +danh từ/ cụm Despite +danh từ/ cụm mệnh đề 2 (S+V), danh từ/ V-ing danh từ/ V-ing We enjoyed our camping holiday We enjoyed our camping We enjoyed our camping Ví dụ holiday in spite of the rain. holiday despite the rain. although it rained every day. (Chúng tôi đã rất thích chuyến đi (Chúng tôi đã rất thích (Chúng tôi đã rất thích cắm trại mặc dù ngày nào trời cũng chuyến đi cắm trại mặc dù chuyến đi cắm trại mặc mưa) trời mưa) dù ngày nào trời cũng mưa) In spite of the traffic, we Despite the pain in his Although he worked very hard, he arrived on time. leg, he completed the didn’t manage to pass the exam. marathon. (Mặc dù anh ấy học hành chăm chỉ, (Mặc dù giao thông tồi tệ, (Mặc dù đau chân nhưng nhưng anh ấy đã không thi đỗ) tôi vẫn đến đúng giờ) anh ấy vẫn hoàn thành cuộc thi chạy)

2. However/ Nevertheless: However/ Nevertheless: Chức năng Chỉ mối quan hệ đối lập giữa hai câu


Cấu trúc Ví dụ

Mệnh đề 1. However/ Nevertheless, mệnh đề 2. Mệnh đề 1. Chủ ngữ, however/ nevertheless, động từ. Mệnh đề 1. Mệnh đề 2, however/ nevertheless I love London. However, the weather is bad. (Tôi yêu Luân Đôn. Tuy nhiên thời tiết thì tệ) I love London. The weather, however, is bad. I love London. The weather is bad, however.

BÀI TẬP VẬN DỤNG CƠ BẢN: Bài 6: Điền “although/ despite/ in spite of” vào chỗ trống thích hợp. 1. ________________ she has a good look, everybody hates her. 2. Jane seldom sees Jim ______they go to the same school. 3. ________________ her illness, Jane went to work yesterday. 4. ________________ it was chilly outside, we went fishing. 5. ________________ working hard, Peter failed the test. 6. ________________ the difficulties, Sarah managed to solve the problem. 7. My grandfather was very strong __________his old age. 8. The children slept deeply ________________ the noise. 9. ________________ the high salary, Marey refused the job offer. 10. ________________earning a high salary, Sara never wastes her money. 11. I find the film boring________________ many people like it. 12. ________________the bad weather, we went on our school picnic. 13. ________________the congestion, we weren’t late for the meeting. 14. ________________ he’s rich, he is always upset. 15. I couldn’t sleep________________ I was exhausted. Bài 7: Sử dụng liên từ “however” hoặc “nevertheless” để liên kết hai câu cho sẵn. 1. Mrs Smith loves her children so much. She’s sometimes very strict 2. We can go there by bus. It is not the only way. ___________________________________________________________________ 3. Jim is good at English. He is not the best student. ___________________________________________________________________ 4. My new phone costs a lot of money to buy. It isn’t as good as I expected. ___________________________________________________________________ 5. It’s hard to find a parking lot near here on Sunday. I think we can find one. ___________________________________________________________________ 6. My mother wants to go to Paris in this summer. My dad wants to go to Berlin. ___________________________________________________________________ 7. Jane doesn’t like salads. She likes vegetables. ___________________________________________________________________ 8. My father loves watching football match. He never plays football. ___________________________________________________________________ Bài 8: Hoàn thành câu với một trong những từ nối “although/ despite/ however” sao cho thích hợp. 1. _______________ the restaurant’s good reputation, the food was terrible. _______________ the restaurant has a good reputation, the food was terrible. The restaurant has a good reputation. _______________, the food was terrible. 2. _______________ it didn’t stop raining, we didn’t cancel our picnic. _______________ the rain, , we didn’t cancel our picnic. It didn’t stop raining. We didn’t cancel our picnic,______________. 3. Mary still bought the watch, __________ it had a high price. Mary still bought the watch __________ its high price. The watch had a high price. Mary, ___________, bought it


4. _______________ the fact that I was late for school, my teacher didn’t punish me. _______________ I was late for school, my teacher didn’t punish me. I was late for school. My teacher didn’t punish me, ___________. 5. _______________ I invited Jim to my party, he didn’t come. _______________ my invitation to the party, Jim didn’t come. I invited Jim to the party. _______________, he didn’t come. 6. I don’t want to watch this film_______________ it has many good reviews. I don’t want to watcht this film _______________ its good reviews. The film has many good reviews. I don’t want to watch it, _______________. 7. _______________ there are many challenges, Tom won’t give up his dream. _______________ many challenges, Tom won’t give up his dream. There are many challenges.__________, Tom won’t give up his dream. 8. _______________ I studied very hard, I failed the exam. _______________ studying very hard, I failed the exam. I studied very hard. I,__________, failed the exam.

………………………………………………………………………………………… 2. However she doesn’t look very beautiful, she has a kind heart. ………………………………………………………………………………………… 3. In spite that I don’t like her way of talking, I appreciate her effort. ………………………………………………………………………………………… 4. My brother isn’t very young, nevertheless, he talks like a middle-aged woman. ………………………………………………………………………………………… 5. Although the fact that Mary’s recently moved to this city, she is so familiar with it. ………………………………………………………………………………………… 6. I often eat fastfood. It is not, however, good for my health. ………………………………………………………………………………………… 7. My brother wants to travel around the world. Although he can’t afford it. ………………………………………………………………………………………… 8. I try to spare some time for my children. I am very busy, although. ………………………………………………………………………………………

Bài 9: Khoanh tròn đáp án đúng. 1. We adore winter _________ the cold. A. in spite of B. although C. however 2. She went to bed early_________ she didn’t finish her work. A. despite B. although C. however 3. _________ the fact that he is 23 years old, he is so childish. A. in spite B. despite C. however 4. I go to school by bus every day. I don’t like it much, _________. A. despite B. although C. however 5. _________ Jim owns two cars, he rarely drives to work. A. despite B. although C. however 6. The athlete completed the race _________ his pain. A. despite B. although C. nevertheless 7. Jane looks pretty. She, _________, seems to lack personality. A. despite B. although C. nevertheless 8. _________ we have a slim chance to win, we won’t lose hope. A. despite B. although C. however 9. _________ of his bad luck, he won the medal. A. in spite B. despite C. however 10. He is friendly _________ the fact that he’s very famous. A. despite B. although C. however

BÀI TẬP TỔNG HỢP NÂNG CAO Bài 12: Sử dụng tính từ đuôi “ed” hoặc “-ing” tạo thành từ những động từ trong ngoặc để hoàn thành những câu dưới đây. Disappoint Irritate Frighten Surprise Bore Tire Stun Interest Move excite

Bài 10: Nối cột A với cột B sao cho thích hợp. A B 1. Although I have many friends, a. However, I admire her courage. 2. I didn’t wake up late b. Nevertheless, he is good at Literature 3. I don’t really like Mary. c. Living in it, however, is very comfortable. 4. Their project was finally successful d. he didn’t skip the class. 5. Tom is not good at science subjects. e. although my alarm clock didn’t go off. 6. In spite of his headache, f. I feel lonely sometimes 7. My apartment is quite small. g. despite all the obstacles 8. I rarely go travelling h. although many friends want to travel with me. 1-_________ 2-________ 3-________ 4. -________ 5-________ 6-________ 7. -________ 8-________

1. I found the last scene of the movie so ________________ that I was close to tears. 2. The team lost the match and they were ________________ with themselves. 3. We were all surprised by the ________________ view of the mountain. 4. She told me she was very ________________ although she didn’t do anything. 5. I found the way she looks at me very________________. 6. Did you see that horror film? It was so ________________. 7. We’d be ________________ to hear your views on this topic. 8. The history class was very________________. I almost fell asleep. 9. Everyone was ________________ about the upcoming feast. 10. It’s not ________________ that they fail the test. They didn’t study hard. Bài 13: Hoàn thành câu thứ hai sao cho nghĩa không thay đổi so với câu thứ nhất, sử dụng từ gợi ý trong ngoặc. 1. Although there was a traffic jam, me managed to arrive at the train station on time (despite) ………………………………………………………………………………………… 2. I don’t want to buy a new computer although I have enough money. (having) ………………………………………………………………………………………… 3. Both of them usually go to school late although they don’t live far away from school. (spite) ………………………………………………………………………………………… 4. My brother still went to school yesterday although he was sick. (sickness) ………………………………………………………………………………………… 5. Although he looks healthy, he has a weak heart. (looking) ………………………………………………………………………………………… 6. Despite the fact that Louis is not so rich, he often does charity. (although) ………………………………………………………………………………………… 7. In spite of the awful weather, we enjoyed our party last night. (although) ………………………………………………………………………………………… 8. She goes shopping every week although she has many clothes. (having) …………………………………………………………………………………………

Bài 11: Gạch chân lỗi sai trong câu và viết lại cho đúng. 1. Despite of the film’s amazing effects, its plot is not so appealing.

Bài 14: Điền “although/ despite/ in spite of” vào chỗ trống để hoàn thành những câu sau. 1. _____________ Peter was not invited to the party, he was the first to come.



2. _____________ he promises he won’t tell lie again, I won’t trust him anymore. 3. This is an old car. _____________, it’s very reliable. 4. I am exhausted after school. _____________, I will help mom do housework. 5. Ted is only 6 years old. He, _____________, can play the piano very well. 6. She bought that sweater _____________ its high price. 7. They rushed to the cinema. _____________, they were too late. 8. _____________Sally hates crowded places, we’ve invited her to the prom. 9. I didn’t like her rude behavior. _____________, I said nothing. 10. _____________ working slowly, he rarely makes mistakes. 11. I do exercise every day. I haven’t lost any weight, _____________. 12. My father tried to lift the box. _____________, it was too heavy. 13. We won the game_____________ having lost two players. 14. I called Jane four times. _____________, she didn’t answer me. 15. He wants to be a famous actor. His parents, _____________, wants him to be a doctor. Bài 15: Dựa vào những từ cho sẵn, hãy viết thành câu hoàn chỉnh. 1. Although/ Anna/ not look/ serious/ she/ worried/ now. ………………………………………………………………………………………… 2. In spite of/ get/ up/ late/ this morning/ I not miss/ the bus ………………………………………………………………………………………… 3. Despite/ have/ no/ money/ we/ go/ shopping/ tomorrow. ………………………………………………………………………………………… 4. Although/ the book/ thick/ Jane/ finish/ it/ yesterday. ………………………………………………………………………………………… 5. Jim/ have/ serious/ car/ accident/ last/ month/ howver/ he/ recover/ quickly. ………………………………………………………………………………………… 6. Although/ I/ fascinated/ to/ know/ the result/ I/ pretend/ I not care. ………………………………………………………………………………………… 7. Jim/ not/ usually/ like/ sci-fi movies/ nevertheless/ this one/ be/ exception. ………………………………………………………………………………………… 8. Although/ it /sunny/ I / bring/ umbrella/ with me. ………………………………………………………………………………………… C.EXERCISES TEST 1 UNIT 8 I.Put the words in the box into two groups. walked





















II.Find the word which has a different sound in the underlined part. B. liked C. wished D. gripped 1. A. loved 2. A. safely B. pavement C. animation D. female


3. A. bored B. amazed C. excited D. enjoyed 4. A. filled B. opened C. played D. wanted 5. A. ended B. shocked C. laughed D. missed III.Find the word which has a different sound in the underlined part. 1. A. recommend B. seatbelt C. vehicle D. investigate 2. A. performed B. approached C. advertised D. murdered 3. A. illegal B. sign C. critic D. direct 4. A. terrified B. entertained C. produced D. engaged 5. A. talked B. needed C. cooked D. booked IV.Choose the best one (A, B, C or D) to complete the sentence. 1. A film in which strange and frightening things happen is called a/an . A. thriller B. comedy C. drama D. animation 2. Not many people went to see the film; , it received good reviews from critics. A. however B. despite C. but D. although 3. he spent much money on the film, it wasn’t a big success. A. Even B. But C. Although D. Despite 4. Trung finds horror films really . A. disgust B. disgusts C. disgusting D. disgusted 5. they spent a lot of money on the film, it wasn’t a big success. A. However B. Nevertheless C. When D. Although 6. We didn’t find it funny it was a comedy. A. in spite of B. despite C. although D. but 7. In Titanic, it Leonardo DiCaprio as Jack Dawson, a poor artist. A. directs B. shows C. acts D. stars 8. The end of the film was so that many people cried. A. shocking B. moving C. exciting D. boring 9. I went to the cinema with my friends yesterday feeling very tired. A. although B. in spite of C. but D. so beginning with a terrible disaster, the film has a happy ending. 10. A. In spite B. Despite C. Although D. However 11. I found the book so that I couldn’t put it down. A. gripping B. boring C. tiring D. shocking careful preparation, we have a lot of difficulties in making a new film. 12. A. With B. However C. Such D. Despite 13. The film has a silly plot. , many people enjoyed it. A. Though B. Moreover C. Because D. Nevertheless 14. A is a film that shows real life events or stories. A. Action B. documentary C. thriller D. comedy 15. I have never felt as as I did when I watched that horror film. A. terrify B. terrified C. terrifying D. terrible V.Complete the sentences with “although/in spite of/because/because of”. 1. Although it rained a lot, we enjoyed our holiday. 2. a. .... all our careful plans, a lot of things went wrong. b. .... we’d phoned everything carefully, a lot of things went wrong. 3. a. I went home early .... I was feeling unwell. b. I went to work the next day .... I was still feeling unwell. 4. a. She only accepted the job .... the salary, which was very high. b. She accepted the job .... the salary, which was rather low. 5. a. I managed to get to sleep .... there was a lot of noise. b. I couldn’t get to sleep .... the noise. VI.Choose the correct word. 1. We were all (horrifying/horrified) when we heard about the disaster.


2. It’s sometimes (embarrassing/embarrassed) when you have to ask people for money. 3. Are you (interesting/interested) in football? 4. I enjoyed the football match. It was quite (exciting/excited). 5. It was a really (terrifying/terrified) experience. Afterwards everybody was very (shocking/shocked). 6. I had never expected to be offered the job. I was really (amazing/amazed) when I was offered it. 7. The kitchen hadn’t been cleaned for ages. It was really (disgusting/ disgusted). 8. Do you easily get (embarrassing/embarrassed)? VII.Give the correct form of the words given to complete the sentence. 1. This film made a strong on me. IMPRESS 2. Have you ever seen this comedy? It’s really . FUN 3. The film was though they spent millions of SUCCEED dollars making it. 4. I love action films. The/re very . EXCITE 5. Big Ben Down is about a group of who take TERROR control of Big Ben. 6. We were with the service at the cinema. SATISFY Everything was terrible. 7. There are always cowboys in a . WEST 8. The film is a big . It is boring from DISAPPOINT beginning to end. 9. A drama is a play in a theatre or on television or radio, or plays ACT and generally. 10. The film is about two hijackers who to blow THREAT up the plane. VIII.Choose the correct word. 1. I was disappointing/disappointed with the film. I had expected it to be better. 2. Are you interesting/interested in football? 3. The football match was very exciting/excited. I enjoyed it. 4. It’s sometimes embarrassing/embarrassed when you have to ask people for money. 5. Do you easily get embarrassing/embarrassed? 6. I had never expected to get the job. I was really amazing/amazed when I was offered it. 7. She has really learnt very fast. She has made astonishing/astonished progress. 8. I didn’t find the situation funny. I was not amusing/amused. 9. Why do you always look so boring/bored? Is your life really so boring/bored? 10. He’s one of the most boring/bored people I’ve ever met. He never stops talking and he never says anything interesting/interested. IX.Fill in the blank with a suitable word in the box. Safely

called in





to see




Modern cinema audiences expect (1) plenty of thrilling scenes in action films. These scenes (2) are known as stunts are usually (3) by stuntmen who are specially trained to dangerous things (4) . Anyone can crash a car, but if you are (5) in a film, you have to be extremely precise, sometimes you drive and stop right in front of the camera and film crew. At (6) early stage in the (7) , an expert stuntman is (8) to work out the action scenes and form a team. He is the only person who can against the words of the director, (9) he will usually only (10) this in the regards of safe. X.Make one sentence from two. Use the word(s) in brackets in your sentences. 1. I couldn’t sleep. I was very tired. (despite) ___________________________________________________________________ 2. They have very little money. They are happy. (in spite of) ___________________________________________________________________


3. My foot was injured. I managed to walk to the nearest village. (although) ___________________________________________________________________ 4. I enjoyed the film. The story was silly. (in spite of) ___________________________________________________________________ 5. We live in the same street. We hardly ever see each other. (despite) ___________________________________________________________________ 6. I got very wet in the rain. I was only out for five minutes. (even though) XI. 1. Although Tom was a poor student, he studied very well. In spite of _________________________________________________________ 2. Mary could not go to school because she was sick. Because of ________________________________________________________ 3. Although the weather was bad, she went to school on time. Despite ___________________________________________________________ 4. My mother told me to go to school although I was sick. In spite of _________________________________________________________ 5. Because there was a big storm, I stayed at home. Because of ________________________________________________________ 6. Tom was admitted to the university although his grades were bad. Despite ___________________________________________________________ 7. Although she has a physical handicap, she has become a successful woman. Despite ___________________________________________________________ 8. In spite of his good salary, Tom gave up his job. Although _________________________________________________________ 9. Though he had not finished the paper, he went to sleep. In spite of _________________________________________________________ 10. In spite of the high prices, my daughter insists on going to the movies. Even though TEST 2 UNIT 8 I. Find the word which has a different sound in the part underlined. 1. A. picked B. clicked C. promised D. delivered 2. A. wanted B. developed C. needed D. included 3. A. jumped B. loved C. washed D. liked B.acting C.address D.action 4. A.actor 5. A. long B. boring C. shocked D. comedy II. Choose the correct answer. 1. A is a film that shows real life events or stories. A.action B.documentary C.thriller D.comedy 2. I found the book so that I couldn’t put it down. A.gripping B.boring C.tiring D.shocking 3. A is a film that tries to make audiences laugh. A.horror B.sci-fi C.comedy D.documentary 4. The end of the film was so that many people cried. A.shocking B.moving C.exciting D.boring 5. Mr. Bean’s Holiday is a film - I was laughing from beginning to end. A.hilarious B.violent C.scary D.moving 6. they spent a lot of money on the film, it wasn’t a big success. A.However B.Nevertheless C.When D.Although 7. Last night, I didn’t go to bed early being very tired. A.despite of B.in spite of C.althoughD.because of 8. Not many people went to see the film; , it received good reviews from critics. A.however B.despite C.but D.although



We found the plot of the film . A.bored B.boring C.interested 10. We were with the latest film of that director. A.satisfy B.satisfying C.satisfactory III. Complete the text with the words given in the box. role






10. D.satisfied star


My (l) film this year was Zero Game, the latest (2) by (3) Xi Dong. It has several well-known Chinese (4) and one real (5) , Li Mu Bai, who plays the (6) of thepoliceman who has to catch a thief, Jun Fat. Li Mu Bai is brilliant. In the best(7) , he chases Jun Fat across the city on a motorbike, . watched by thousandsof (8) IV. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the adjectives in brackets. 1. It’s a book and I’m every time I start reading it. (bore) 2. I was very in the lesson because our teacher is very in history. (interest) about the school trip but it wasn’t an 3. We were all very trip at all. (excite) 4. Studying for exams is very . I get when I open my school books. (tire) sort of person but he hates doing activities. (relax) 5. My friend is a very V. Complete the conversations with the correct form of the adjectives in brackets. 1. A: Was it a good film? . In fact, it was really (bore) . B: No, it wasn’t very (interest) 2. A: I’m always very (tire) after a day at work. I can’t do anything in the evening. B: Why don’t you watch a film? A: I always fall asleep. Sometimes, I put on the most (excite) film that I really want to see but I always fall asleep 3. A: I’m an actor. Acting is a very (tire) job. It isn’t (relax) at all. Are you (relax) ? B: No way. I’m a worker. VI. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the adjectives in the box. bore (x2)





1. I’m . I have nothing to do. 2. “Do you think yoga is ?” - “Oh, yes. It’s great. All my problems go after an hour of yoga.” 3. I’m . I didn’t sleep last night. 4. The film was . Nothing happened. 5. Ben was very about his birthday presents. He woke up at 5 a.m. and wanted to open them then. 6. This is a very book about the history of the cinema. I’m learning a lot. VII. Complete the sentences, using although, despite, in spite of, however, or nevertheless. Sometimes, two answers are possible. it was raining heavily, he went out without a raincoat. 1. 2. My father is very busy. , he is always willing to give a hand with the housework. 3. Some English words have the same pronunciation they are spelled differently, for example, dear and deer. 4. I was cold and wet. , Bob put on his swimming suit and went to the beach. 5. I think I did OK in my speech last night I’d had almost no sleep for 24 hours. 6. Carol arrived at the meeting I asked her not to be there. 7. The sky was grey and cloudy. , we went to the beach. their present difficulties. 8. It looks like they’re going to succeed 9. there was no electricity, I was able to read because I had a candle.


I heard the telephone ring, I didn’t answer it.

D.acting VIII. Complete the sentences, using although, despite, in spite of, however, or nevertheless. Sometimes, two answers are possible. 1. difficulties, the firemen managed to save many people who were caught in the fire. 2. he got top marks at high school, he never went to university. 3. She failed the test she studied hard. 4. Everyone thought she would accept the offer. , she turned it down. 5. We enjoyed our holiday the rain. IX. Complete the sentences with the words in the box. action musical

animated romance

comedy film

horror science-fiction

western drama

. 1. We are going to the cinema to see a 2. A is a play in a theatre or on television or radio, or plays and actinggenerally. 3. There are always cowboys in a . films. They’re very exciting. 4. I love 5. Have you ever seen this ? It’s really funny. 6. Dracula is the best film I’ve ever seen. 7. My favourite films have beings from Mars. last week. The singing and dancing are great. 8. I watched this 9. The Lion King is an excellent film. I love cartoons. 10. He falls in love with a pretty girl. It’s a beautiful . X. Read the conversation, and then answer the questions. Susan: Sorry, guys, the Batman film’s sold out. Which film will we see instead? Linda: How about this? It’s called Girl of my Dreams. It’s about a young man who dreamtabout a perfect girl. The next day he went to the bookshop where he met a girl called Nina. Nick: That’s a love story. No, thank you! Paul: What about Journey into Space? It’s about some spacemen who go to Mars. Linda: Mm. It doesn’t sound very exciting. Is there anything else on? Susan: How about The Pyramid? It’s a horror film about a monster in an Egyptianpyramid which comes alive. Paul: OK, that’s better. Shall I get the tickets? Susan: Yes, but let’s hurry. It’s half past five. The next performance starts in five minutes. 1. Which film do they want to see at first? ___________________________________________________________________________ 2. Why can’t they see it? ___________________________________________________________________________ 3. Which films do Linda, Paul, and Susan suggest that they see? ___________________________________________________________________________ 4. What types of film are they? ___________________________________________________________________________ 5. Which film do they agree to see? ___________________________________________________________________________ XI. Read the passage, and then answer the questions. Pirates of the Caribbean Captain Jack Sparrow is a pirate. He has a ship called the Black Pearl. One day, he goes to Jamaica, where he sees a beautiful woman, Elizabeth. Then Jack meets Will, who loves Elizabeth too. Jack, Will, and Elizabeth look for pirate treasure. The treasure is on the island Isla de Muerta. They must fight the pirate Captain Barbarossa, who has the treasure. Captain Jack wins and they all go back to Jamaica. There, Elizabeth tells Will that she loves him. 1. Is Captain Jack sparrow a pirate? What is the name of his ship?


___________________________________________________________________________ 2. Who loves Elizabeth? _________________________________________________________ 3. Who has the treasure? _________________________________________________________ 4. Who wins the treasure? ________________________________________________________ 5. Who does Elizabeth love? ______________________________________________________ XII. Read the film review, and then answer the questions. A Kid in King Arthur’s Court is directed by Michael Gottlieb. The main character in the film is a teenager called Calvin Fuller. Calvin is played by Thomas Ian Nicholas. This film is a modem retelling of Mark Twain’s classic book Connecticut Yankee. Calvin lives in California, USA. He is a very shy boy and he is not very goodat sports. At the beginning of the film, Calvin is playing baseball when there is a terrible earthquake. A hole opens in the ground and Calvin falls through it. He lands in the past, in the time of King Arthur. Calvin meets King Arthur and Merlin, the wizard. King Arthur is played by Joss Ackland and Merlin is played by Ron Moody. They think that Calvin is amazing because he plays them modem music on his CD player and he shows them how to make rollerblades and a mountain bike. Calvin is trained to be a knight and he becomes more confident. Calvin helps King Arthur to beat his enemy, Lord Belasco, and then Merlin sends Calvin back to the future. Calvin finds himself back in the baseball game, but this time he wins the game. The special effects in A Kid in King Arthur's Court are very good. Michael Gottlieb is a great director and the actors’ performances are good. The film is funny and exciting. It’s a comedy, a drama, and an action film all in one. 1. What type is the film “A Kid in King Arthur ’s Court”? ___________________________________________________________________________ 2. Who is the main character? By whom is it played? ___________________________________________________________________________ 3. Who is the director of the film? Is he a good director? ___________________________________________________________________________ 4. What is Calvin doing when the earthquake happens? ___________________________________________________________________________ 5. How can he land in the time of King Arthur? ___________________________________________________________________________ 6. Why do King Arthur and Merlin think that Calvin is amazing? ___________________________________________________________________________ 7. Who is Calvin trained to become? ___________________________________________________________________________ 8. What does Calvin do to help King Arthur? ___________________________________________________________________________ 9. How can Calvin come back to the present time? ___________________________________________________________________________ 10. How are the special effects in the film? ___________________________________________________________________________ 11. How are the actors’ performances? ___________________________________________________________________________ 12. What does the writer think about the film? ___________________________________________________________________________ XIII. Read the film review, and decide whether the statements are true (T), or false (F), and tick the correct box. Have you ever read Alice In Wonderland, by Lewis Carol? I did and I really like it. It’s an adventure story full of magic and danger. Yesterday I saw Tim Burton’s version of the film at the cinema. This story is about Alice, who is now a teenager. A man wants to marry her, but she runs away and falls downa rabbit hole. She travels to Wonderland, which she has visited before as a child, and meets a lot of amazing characters on her adventures.


There are a lot of good special effects in the film. The Red Queen, played by Helena Bonham Carter, is very scary, and Johnny Depp is brilliant as the Mad Hatter. He has acted in a lot of films before but this is my favourite one. Mia Waslkowska is good as Alice; this is her first big film and I think she’s going to become a big star! Overall, I think this is a good film for teenagers, but it’s a bit long. You should see it if you like fantasy and adventure, but don’t go if you like romances: it’s not a love story. Charlie, Manchester, UK True False 1. Wonderland was directed by Lewis Carol. 2. The film is both an adventure story and a love story. 3. Alice is still in her childhood. 4. Alice has never been to Wonderland before. 5. She meets a lot of amazing people in Wonderland. 6. The special effects in the films are good. 7. The Red Queen is very friendly. 8. The Mad Hatter is played by Johnny Depp 9. Johnny Depp played his first role in this film. 10. The writer of the report thinks that the film is a good film for teenagers. XIV. Read the passage, and then answer the questions. My favourite actors I like a lot of different actors, but my real favourites are Daniel Craig and Halle Berry. Daniel Craig is British and he’s a really talented actor. He’s been in a lot of different kinds of films including action adventure, science fiction, and romantic drama, but he always gives an excellent performance. He was brilliant in Tomb Raider as Alex West, but my favourite film is Casino Royale.I think Daniel Craig is a fantastic James Bond. Halle Berry is American. She was a model, but then decided to become an actress. I like her because she’s beautiful. She’s a good actress and I think she has a great sense of humour. I’m not keen on some of her films, such as Catwoman,but her other films are excellent. My favourite is X-Men which is a science fiction film. She plays the main character Storm, who has the ability to change the weather. Daniel Craig and Halle Berry are both entertaining and talented actors. I love watching their films. Nick, London, UK 1. What are Nick’s favourite actors? _____________________________________________________________________ 2. Where does Daniel Craig come from? _____________________________________________________________________ 3. What kinds of films has he played? _____________________________________________________________________ 4. What is his role in Tomb Raider? _____________________________________________________________________ 5. What Daniel Craig’s film does Nick like best? Why? _____________________________________________________________________ 6. Where does Halle Berry come from? _____________________________________________________________________ 7. What was her job before she became an actress? _____________________________________________________________________ 8. Why does Nick like Halle Berry? _____________________________________________________________________ 9. What Halle Berry’s film does Nick like best? _____________________________________________________________________ 10. What is her role in that film? _____________________________________________________________________ XV. Rewrite the sentences, using the words in the brackets. Change other words in the sentence if necessary.



The new restaurant looks good. It seems to have few customers. (however) ___________________________________________________________________________ 2. We had planned to walk right round the lake. The heavy rain made this impossible. (although) ___________________________________________________________________________ 3. I’ve been too busy to answer my email. I’ll do it soon. (nevertheless) ___________________________________________________________________________ 4. Mary was sick. She didn’t leave the meeting until it ended. (despite) ___________________________________________________________________________ 5. We live in the same sweet. We rarely see each other, (in spite of) ___________________________________________________________________________ XVI. Rewrite the sentences, using the words in the brackets. Change other words in the sentence if necessary. 1. I couldn’t sleep. I was tired. (in spite of) ___________________________________________________________________________ 2. They have little money. They are happy. (despite) ___________________________________________________________________________ 3. My foot was hurt. I managed to walk to the nearest village. (although) ___________________________________________________________________________ 4. We planned to visit Petronas in the afternoon. We could not afford the fee. (however) ___________________________________________________________________________ 5. I got very wet in the rain. I had an umbrella. (although)

UNIT 9. FESTIVALS AROUND THE WORLD A. VOCABULARY 1. festival (n) /'festɪvl/: lễ hội 2. fascinating (adj) /'fæsɪneɪtɪŋ/: thú vị, hấp dẫn 3. religious (adj) /rɪˈlɪdʒəs/: thuộc về tôn giáo 4. celebrate (v) /'selɪbreɪt/: tổ chức lễ 5. camp (n,v) /Kæmp/: trại,cắm trại 6. thanksgiving (n) /'θæŋksgɪvɪŋ/: lễ tạ ơn 7. stuffing (n) /'stʌfɪŋ/: nhân nhồi (vào gà) 8. feast (n ) /fi:st/: bữa tiệc 9. turkey (n) /'tə:ki/: gà tây 10. gravy (n) /'ɡreɪvi/: nước xốt 11. cranberry (n) /'kranb(ə)ri/: quả nam việt quất 12. seasonal (adj) /'si:zənl/: thuộc về mùa 13. steep (adj) /sti:p/: dốc B. GRAMMAR I. H/Wh-questions Trong Tiếng Anh, khi chúng ta cần hỏi rõ ràng và cần có câu trả lời cụ thể, ta dùng câu hỏi với các từ để hỏi. Loại câu này còn được gọi là câu hỏi trực tiếp (direct questions). 1. Các từ để hỏi trong Tiếng Anh Who (Ai) (Chức năng Whom (Ai)(Chức năng What (cái gì) Whose (Của ai) chủ ngữ) tân ngữ) Where (Ở đâu) Which (Cái nào) (Hỏi về When (Khi nào) Why (Tại sao) sự lựa chọn) How (Thế nào) How much (Bao nhiêu, How many (Bao nhiêu, How long (Bao lâu) giá tiền, số lượng) số lượng)


How far (Bao xa)

How old (Bao nhiêu tuổi)

How often (Thường xuyên thế nào)

What time (Mấy giờ)

2. Các cấu trúc câu hỏi WH thường gặp a. Nguyên tắc đặt câu hỏi - Nếu chưa có trợ động từ thì phải mượn trợ động từ: do/ does/ did - Nếu trợ động từ sẵn có (am/ is/ are/ can/ will/ shall/ could/ would) thì đảo chúng ra trước chủ ngữ, không mượn do/ does/ did nữa. b. Cấu trúc thông thường của loại câu hỏi Wh – questions Từ để hỏi thường được viết ở đầu câu hỏi. từ để hỏi có thể làm tân ngữ (O), bổ ngữ (C) hoặc chủ ngữ (S). Dạng Cấu trúc Chú ý - Object là danh từ, đại từ đứng Dạng Wh – work + auxiliary + S + V + (object)? 1: Ví dụ: sau động từ hoặc giới từ. Câu - Where do you live? hỏi - What are you doing? - Whom do you meet this morning? tân ngữ - Who are you going with? Dạng 2: Câu hỏi bổ ngữ Dạng 3: Câu hỏi chủ ngữ

Wh-word + to be + S + Complement? Ví dụ: - Where is John? - Who are you? - Whose is this umbrella? - Who is the head of your school? Wh-word + V + object? Ví dụ: - Who lives in London with Daisy? - Who teaches you English? - Who is opening the door? - Which is better? - What caused the accident?

- Complement là danh từ hoặc tính từ - động từ be chia theo chủ ngữ

- Động từ chính luôn được chia theo ngôi thứ ba số ít

BÀI TẬP VẬN DỤNG CƠ BẢN Bài 1. Khoanh tròn vào đáp án đúng 1. ……..time is the fireworks set off? A. what B. when C. how D. where 2.. …….did you learn Japanese? Because I love Japanese culture. A. when B. why C. what D. how 3. …….did you learn Japanese? I learned from radio programs. A. when B. why C. what D. how 4. ……helped you find your keys? My friend. A. when B. who C. which D. whose 5. ……..did you find your keys?A few minutes ago. A. when B. why C. what D. how 6. …..is the tallest person in your family? A. when B. who C. which D. whose 7. …..essay got the highest score? It’s Jim’s A. when B. who C. which D. whose 8. …..is it from your house to the festivals’venue? A. How far B. How long C. How often D. How many 9. ….people are there in your company? A. How many B. How long C. How often D. How much 10. …….is this table made of? It’s made of wood. A. how B. what C. whom D. which


11. ………have you lived here? A. How many B. How long C. How often D. How much 12. ……..do you visit your grandmother? Every weekend A. How many B. How long C. How often D. How much 13. ……..does this computer cost? A. How many B. How long C. How often D. How much 14. ……..did you begin teaching here? A. how long B. when C. where D. how much 15. …….did you use to go to school? I used to walk to school. A. how B. what C. whom D. which 16. …….does your father do? He’s an architect. A. how B. what C. whom D. which 17………don’t we go camping this weekend? A. when B. why C. what D. how 18. …….milk do you need? 2 litres A. How many B. How long C. How often D. How much 19. …..will how decorate your living room? I will decorate it with flowers. A. when B. why C. what D. how 20. ……dress do you like? I like the blue one. A. how B. what C. whom D. which Bài 2. Dựa vào câu trả lời, chọn từ để hỏi thích hợp để điền vào chỗ trống. 1. ………did you arrive at the train station? 5 o’clock 2. ……..have you learned Japanese? 3 months. 3. ………do you often go to bed? About 11p.m. 4. ……..do you prefer to study – Math or Literature? I prefer Math. 5. ……..are you doing? I’m playing with my brother. 6. …….do you prefer – soda or juice? I prefer soda. 7. ……is the shop closed? It’s closed before 4:30. 8. ……..is the most intelligent student in your class? Tom. 9. …..does your new dress cost? It costs 30$. 10. ………time is it? 6 o’clock. 11. …….is the festival held in your country? Every three years. 12. …….didn’t you come to the party? Because I was too busy. 13. …….about a picnic in the part? It’s a good idea. 14. ……do you clean your room? Twice a week. 15. ………is your cat? It’s sleeping in my room. 16. …..are you going to France? This summer. 17. ……does your mother go to work? She goes by bus. 18. ……students are there in your school? More than 500 students. 19. …….will take you the airport tomorrow? My parents 20. ……..notebook is it? It’s mine Bài 3. Đặt câu hỏi cho cụm từ gạch chân 0. I get up at 6 o’clock. When do you get up? 1. My grandparents brought me up in a small town. …………………………………………………………. 2. Jim was born on May 20, 2001 ………………………………………. 3. Peter rarely goes to the beach. ………………………………………………………. 4. Jane’s sister is going to Venice by plane. ………………………………………………………….. 5. This new radio costs 80 dollars.


………………………………………………. 6. Jim went to Korea to learn about this country’s culture. …………………………………………….. 7. It’s about 600 metres from Ann’s apartment to the supermarket. ……………………………………………………. 8. My father has worked in his company for 10 years. ……………………………………………………. 9. The Rio Carnival takes place in Rio de Janeiro – Brazil. ………………………………………………….. 10. I bought Mary this dress because tomorrow is her birthday. …………………………………………………………………. Bài 4. Nối câu hỏi ở cột A với câu trả lời ở cột B sao cho thích hợp. A B 1. When was your suitcase found? a. It will happen this weekend. 2. By whom was your suitcase found? b. It’s about 2 kilometres 3. When will the prom happen? c. It’s 30 centimetres 4. Where will the prom happen? d. It’s hers 5. How far is it from my house to yours? e. It was found yesterday. 6. How long is your ruler? f. The organizers haven’t decided the venue yet. 7. Whose umbrella is it? g. Occasionally 8. How often do you go to the cinema? h. By the police. 1- ………. 2. ………… 3…….. 4. ……… 5. ………. 6. …………. 7. …….. 8. ………. Bài 5. Gạch chân lỗi sai trong các câu dưới đây và sửa lại cho đúng. 1. How do you often water these flowers? Twice a week. …………………………………………………………………. 2. How long is it from here to the town hall? …………………………………………………………………. 3. When does the bank is closed? …………………………………………………………………. 4. How many money did you borrow from Jim? …………………………………………………………………. 5. What you will do tonight? …………………………………………………………………. 6. What does your mother do to work? By car. …………………………………………………………………. 7. Why about taking a boat trip along the river? …………………………………………………………………. 8. Who hat are you wearing? It’s my brother’s. …………………………………………………………………. 9. How long did you start playing the violin? …………………………………………………………………. 10. Which ice – cream did you used to like the most? …………………………………………………………………. II. Cụm trạng từ (Adverbial Phrases) 1. Định nghĩa Định nghĩa Cụm trạng từ là cụm gồm hai hoặc nhiều từ đóng vai trò như một trạng từ, nó cung cấp thêm thông tin về thời gian, địa điểm, cách thức….của hành động. Cấu tạo Cụm động từ được cấu tạo bởi các danh từ, giới từ hoặc động từ nguyên thể. Ví dụ - The festival was held in my country last year. (Lễ hội đã được tổ chức ở nước tôi vào năm ngoái) - In Vietnam, spring is the season of festivals.


(Ở Việt Nam, mùa xuân là mùa của những lễ hội) 2. Các loại cụm trạng từ thông dụng Cụm trạng từ Định nghĩa Ví dụ Cụm trạng từ Là một nhóm các từ diễn tả thời - La Tomatina takes place in August. chỉ thời gian điểm diễn ra sự việc nào đó và (Lễ hội cà chua diễn ra vào tháng 8) dùng để trả lời cho câu hỏi - The festival of the Sun is held on June 24th. “when ?” (khi nào?) (Lễ hội mặt trời được tổ chức vào ngày 24 tháng 6.) Cụm trạng từ Là một nhóm các từ diễn tả hành - The festival is celebrate in Peru. chỉ nơi chốn động diễn ra ở nơi nào, ở đâu (Lễ hội được kỉ niệm ở Peru) hoặc gần xa thế nào và dùng để - My books are bought in the bookstores. trả lời cho câu hỏi “Where?” (Ở ( Các cuốn sách của tôi được mua trong các hiệu đâu?) sách) Cụm trạng từ Là một nhóm các từ diễn tả tần - The festival takes place every year. chỉ tần suất suất hành động diễn ra bao lâu (Lễ hội diễn ra hằng năm.) một lần và dùng để trả lời cho - I go to the music festival almost every summer. câu hỏi “How often?)(Thường (Tôi đi tới lễ hội âm nhạc gần như mỗi mùa hè) xuyên như thế nào?) Cụm trạng từ Là một nhóm các từ diễn tả lý do - People attend the festival for fun. chỉ lí do, mục tại sao hành động được thể hiện (Mọi người tham gia lễ hội cho vui.) đích và dùng để trả lời cho câu hỏi - A lot of people go to Cusco, Peru to attend the (Why?) (Tại sao?) festival. (Nhiều người đi tới Cusco, Peru để tham dự lễ hội) Cụm trạng từ Là một nhóm các từ diễn tả cách - People celebrate it is in a special way. chỉ cách thức thức một hành động được thực (Mọi người làm lễ kỉ niệm theo cách đặc biệt.) hiện ra sao và dùng để trả lời - People celebrate it with street fairs and live music. cho câu hỏi ‘How” (Như thế (Mọi người làm lễ kỉ niệm với các buổi hội chợ nào?) đường phố và nhạc sống.) BÀI TẬP VẬN DỤNG CƠ BẢN Bài 6. Khoanh tròn vào chữ cái đặt dưới cụm trạng từ trong các câu sau. 1. St Patrick’s Day takes placeon March 17th. 2. Spring came late this year. 3. Once a year, my father helps me paint my room. 4. In Vietnam, Mid-Autumn festival is the second-most important festival. 5. They often go out and have dinnerin expensive restaurants. 6. February is the month of festivals in Vietnam. 7. Sai Gon city was renamed Ho Chi Minh Citymany years ago. 8. The construction of this building started in 1997 and finished in 2000. 9. I have used this computersince 2007. Bài 7. Chỉ ra các cụm trạng từ được gạch chân trong các câu dưới đây thuộc lại trạng từ gì (thời gian, nơi chốn, tần suất, lý do, cách thức) bằng cách viết từ để hỏi tương ứng (when, where, how often, why, how) vào chỗ trống bên cạnh. 1. The teacher took us to the museum yesterday. 2. We went to the museum to learn and have fun together. 3. We visit the museum every year. 4. Last year, our family traveled to Sapa by coach. 5. There were many wonderful things in Sapa. 6. Tom wrote me a letter to apologize for what he said. 7. During summer, I spend most of my time reading. 8. I can find everything I need in the supermarket. 9. My father helped me by giving me useful advice. 10. I visit my grandparents in America every two years.


Bài 8. Gạch chân dưới các cụm trạng từ trong các câu dưới đây. 1. Vietnamese festivals often take place in spring. 2. My brother fixed his bicycle yesterday. 3. I went to Japan last year. 4. Jim goes to school by bus every day. 5. I went to the library yesterday to borrow some books. 6. Jane will wait for me at the bus stop. 7. The plane takes off at 4a.m.tomorrow. 8. There aren’t many festivals in winter. 9. I will do it in a minute. 10. This festival is held every two years. 11. the couple celebrated their 10th wedding anniversary in a luxury restaurant. 12. I need to hand in the report to my teacher before 5p.m. today 13. He would always talk with a nationalistic tone. 14. My brother is preparing some traditional dishes in the kitchen. 15. The room is decorated with flowers and balloons. Bài 9. Đặt những cụm trạng từ cho sẵn vào các câu dưới đây sao cho thích hợp. To visit my parents For 4 months For relaxation Last year In Thailand With flowers Every two weeks In winter months 1. Sue has worked in this software company………………………………. 2. My husband and I go fishing……….. 3. I hope I have the chance to join in the Water festival………………… 4. ……………………….., many people want to go ice – skating. 5. ……………………, I traveled to france to take part in the Cannes Film Festival. 6. This summer, I will come back to my hometown…………………….. 7. I often decorate my living room………………………….. 8. Once or twice a week, I go cycling to the outskirts of the city………………. BÀI TẬP TỔNG HỢP NÂNG CAO Bài 10. Dựa vào các từ cho sẵn, viết thành câu hoàn chỉnh 1. Which festival/ you/ interested in?/ - I/ interested in / the Rio Carnival. …………………………………………………………………. 2. Where/ Jim/ buy/ the cake yesterday? – He/ buy/ it/ in/ the local bakery …………………………………………………………………. 3. Where/ James/ spend/ his last summer? – He/ spend/ his last summer/ Korea. …………………………………………………………………. 4. Who/ visit/ by Jim and Jane/ yesterday? – Tom/ visit/ by Jim and Jane/ yesterday. …………………………………………………………………. 5. How long/ David/ collect/ stamps? – He/ collect/ stamps/ 3 years. …………………………………………………………………. 6. When/ the festival/ hold? – It/ hold/ in spring. …………………………………………………………………. 7. Why/ you/ skip/ classes yesterday? Because/ I / be/ ill. …………………………………………………………………. 8. How much/ apple juice/ you/ buy/ yesterday? – I/ buy/ 2 litres/ apple juice. …………………………………………………………………. Bài 11. Gạch chân những cụm trạng từ trong các câu dưới đây rồi đặt câu hỏi cho phần gạch chân. 0. I went to Kyoto last year. When did you go to Kyoto? 1. I’ve decided to do some part - time jobs to gain hands – on experience. …………………………………………………………………. 2. All the goods are delivered by ferry. …………………………………………………………………. 3. Diwali (or the Festival of Lights) is celebrated in India.


…………………………………………………………………. 4. The locals hold the festival twice a year. …………………………………………………………………. 5. The Mid – Autumn festival is held on the 15th day of the 8th month of the lunar calendar. …………………………………………………………………. 6. The couple celebrated their wedding anniversary with red wine. …………………………………………………………………. 7. My school holds a learning festival for educational purposes. …………………………………………………………………. 8. The White Nights Festival happens during the season of the midnight sun. …………………………………………………………………. Bài 12. Sắp xếp những từ đã cho thành câu hoàn chỉnh. 1. feed/ if/ are/ you/ home/ away/ will/ Who/ pets/ your/ you? …………………………………………………………………. 2. use/when/ kid/ a/ to/ did/ play/ What/ you/ were/ you? …………………………………………………………………. 3. this/ was/ When/ building/ constructed? …………………………………………………………………. 4. we/ don’t/ out/ some/ for/ Why/ fresh/ go/ air? …………………………………………………………………. 5. Mr. Smith/ has/ to/ city/ the/ moved/ long/ How? …………………………………………………………………. 6. accept/ will/ offer/ Which/ job/ you? …………………………………………………………………. 7. father/ sports/ does/ often/ play/ How/ your? …………………………………………………………………. 8. you/ did/ your/ on/ much/ spend/ How/ vacation? …………………………………………………………………. C.EXERCISES TEST 1 UNIT 9 I.Find the word which has a different sound in the underlined part 1. A. those B. they C. than D. Thanksgiving B. lantern C. gather D. apricot 2. A. cranberry 3. A. abundant B. travelling C. character D. biogas 4. A. diverse B. drive C. invention D. crime 5. A. designs B. sails C. pedals D. pollutes B. end C. festival D. elephant 6. A. perform 7. A. cake B. celebrate C. racing D. candle 8. A. desert B. held C. prefer D. celebrate II.Choose the correct option for each gap in the sentences. 1. La Tomatina is a seasonal to celebrate the tomato harvest. A. celebration B. parade C. festival D. game 2. do you like about La Tomatina? A. What B. Which C. When D. Why 3. Do you anything about music festival called Burning Man? A. like B. know C. understand D. have 4. do people do at Burning Festival? A. Why B. Which C. What D. How 5. often is Burning Festival held? - It’s held every year. A. Which B. When C. What D. How 6. does the teacher say La Tomatina sounds unusual?


A. What B. When C. Why D. How festival do you choose? - I choose Elephant Race Festival. A. What B. How C. Which D. When 8. He thinks elephants are animals. A. fascinated B. fascinating C. fascinates D. fascinate 9. It must be amazing elephants racing. A. see B. to see C. seeing D. saw 10. La Tomatina is in Spain, in a small town. A. holds B. hold C. holding D. held III.Find the opposite meaning words. 1. cheap ______________ 6. far ______________ 2. difficult ______________ 7. careful ______________ 3. happy ______________ 8. old ______________ 4. good ______________ 9. similar ______________ 5. noisy ______________ 10. interviewer ______________ IV.Read the passage then answer the questions below. Vietnam’s New Year is celebrated according to the Lunar calendar. It is especially known as Tet Nguyen Dan, or Tet. It begins between January twenty-first and February nineteen. The exact date changes from year to year. Vietnamese people usually make preparations for the holiday several weeks beforehand. They tidy their houses, cook special food, clean and make offerings on the family altars. On the New Year’s Eve, people sit up to midnight to see New Year in, then they put on new clothes and give one another the greetings of the season. Tet lasts ten days. The first three days are the most important. Vietnamese people believe that how people act during those days will influence the whole year. As a result, they make every effort to avoid arguments and smile as much as possible. 1. What is Vietnam’s New Year known as? ___________________________________________________________________ 2. Is Tet celebrated according to the Lunar calendar? ___________________________________________________________________ 3. When does the Lunar New Year begin? ___________________________________________________________________ 4. What do Vietnamese people usually do to prepare for Tet? ___________________________________________________________________ 5. Do people sit up to midnight on the New Year’s Eve? ___________________________________________________________________ 6. Does Tet last five days? ___________________________________________________________________ 7. Why are the first three days the most important? ___________________________________________________________________ V.Read the passage and fill in the blanks with suitable words. Two of the most (1) holidays in the United States are Independence Day and Thanksgiving Day. The fourth of July marks the American (2) of independence from Britain. Most towns, big or small, celebrate the fourth of July with (3) and fireworks. Families (4) with barbecues or picnics. Thanksgiving people give thanks to Day is celebrated in fall, on the fourth Thursday in November. It is a day (5) the harvest. Most families (6) a large dinner with roast turkey. (7) Independence Day and Thanksgiving Day are national (8) . VI.Choose the correct word A, B or C for each gap to complete the following passage. Yesterday, Carlos went (1) La Tomatina. The festival is held on the last Wednesday of August every year in Buñol, Spain. (2) were thousands of people there. In the morning, many people tried (3) up the pole to get the ham. At 11 a.m., they (4) a jet from the water cannons and the chaos began. Bags of tomatoes from trucks were (5) to the crowds, and they began throwing tomatoes at one another. They all had to wear goggle (6) their eyes. 7.


After one hour, they saw another jet and stopped (7) . The whole town square (8) red with rivers of tomato juice. Finally, they tried tomato Paella, (9) Spanish rice dish. Together with local people and tourists, they enjoyed the (10) food and drink. 1. A. at B. in C. to D. from 2. A. There B. They C. That D. This 3. A. climb B. climbed C. climbing D. to climb 4. A. saw B. see C. seen D. seeing 5. A. thrown B. threw C. throw D. throwing 6. A. protecting B. to protect C. protected D. protect 7. A. to throw B. throw C. throwing D. thrown 8. A. were B. are C. was D. is 9. A. tradition B. traditional C. traditionally D. traditionalize 10. A. badly B. better C. well D. good VII.Read the text and fill in the blank with suitable words. Use the words in the box. such








Last summer holiday my family (1) back to the UK and we went to a music festival on the Isle in our country, which takes place every of Wight. It is one of the most famous music (2) June. When we got there, I was impressed (3) the huge number of people. You know about sixty thousand people went to the event. We didn’t stay at a hotel but put up a tent (4) the camp site. It was lots of fun. We listened to a lot of songs by many bands (5) as The Killers and The Stone Roses. Guess singer. He and his band stirred up the crowd in what? We met Jon Bon Jovi! He’s my dad’s (6) nearly three hours with the hit songs. We also went to the Bohemian Woods, a (7) woodland down by the river. There we enjoyed a mix of good music from around the world (8) escaped the busy and noisy festival for a white. VIII.Read the text and answer the questions. VALENTINE’S DAY AROUND THE WORLD Italy There is custom in Italy for young couples to get engaged on Valentine’s Day. Some shops sell baskets and cups which are filled with sweets and tied with ribbons. The young lovers offer these to each other as a sign of their love. Korea On February 14th many young women give sweets to their boyfriends, and on March 14th their boyfriends buy them chocolate. However, the young who do not have a girlfriend or boyfriend can celebrate their own day on April 14th. On this special day, called “Black Day”, these young people sit with their friends, who are in the same situation, and eat jajang noodles, which are black. This ensures that everyone has a day to celebrate. United State of America Most people in the USA take Valentine’s Day as an opportunity to express their feelings towards their loved one or to offer the hand of friendship to others. However, it is popular on these days to send an “anti-valentine” card. These cards either have an insulting message (to person you hate) or say goodbye (to your current partner). If you receive a card with the message C-Ya! (See you), it means your boyfriend or girlfriend wants to end your relationship. 1. What do Italians give for their lovers on Valentine’s Day? .................................................................................................................................... 2. What is April 14th called in Korea? .................................................................................................................................... 3. What do young Koreans who do not have a boyfriend or girlfriend do on April 14th? .................................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................... 4. What is popular for Americans on Valentine’ Day? ....................................................................................................................................


IX.Choose the word or phrase among A, B, C or D that the best fits the blank space in the following passage. Brazil’s most popular and festive holiday is Carnival. In fact, many people (1) Carnival one of the world’s biggest celebrations. Each spring, on the Saturday before Ash Wednesday, the streets of Brazil’s largest city, Rio de Janeiro, come alive (2) parties, festivals and glamorous dances. The Samba School Parade is the highlight of the (3) event. About 3000 performers, in colourful costumes embellished with feathers, beads and thousands of sequin dance down the parade route into the Sambadrome - a dance stadium (4) for the event. Judges award a (5) to the most spectacular group of dancers. 1. A. believe B. regard C. consider D. hope 2. A. with B. in C. of D. at 3. A. four days B. four-day C. fouth day D. four-days 4. A. built B. build C. to build D. building 5. A. result B. price C. respect D. prize X. Choose the sentence that has the same meaning as the first. 1. The people watched the game. None of them will ever forget it. A. None of the people that watched the game will ever forget it B. The people watched the game none of whom will ever forget it C. Nobody that watched the game will ever forget it D. Both A and C are correct. 2. Quang is very good at drawing. His father is a famous painter. A. Quang whose father is a famous painter is very good at drawing. B. Quang, whose father is a famous painter is very good at drawing. C. Quang, whose father is a famous painter, is very good at drawing. D. Quang’s father, who is a famous painter, is very good at drawing. 3. That’s the man. I told you about him yesterday. A. That’s the man about whom I told you yesterday. B. That’s the man whom I told you yesterday. C. That’s the man about that I told you yesterday. D. That’s the man I told you yesterday. 4. He drives more carelessly than he used to. A. He doesn’t drive as carefully as he used to. B. He doesn’t drive carefully than he used to. C. He doesn’t drive as carefully than he used to. D. He doesn’t drive as carefully he does. 5. No one in our club can speak English as fluently as Mai. A. Mai speaks English more fluently than no one in our club. B. Mai is the worst English speaker in our club. C. Mai speaks English as fluently as other people in our club. D. Mai speaks English the most fluently in our club. 6. The sooner you stop smoking cigarettes the better you’ll feel. A. As soon as you feel better, you’ll try to stop smoking. B. You feel so much better since he stopped smoking. C. Though you feel better, you still smoke. D. When you stop smoking, you’ll begin to feel better. 7. No one in the class is taller than Dave. A. Dave is taller student in the class. B. Dave is the tallest student in the class. C. Dave is the taller student in the class. D. Dave is tallest student in the class. 8. The crowd became increasingly angry at the long delay. A. The crowd became very angry because the delay was so long.


B. The longer the delay was, the angrier the crowd became. C. The more increasingly the crowd became, the longer the delay was. D. The more the crowd became angry at the delay, the longer they feel. 9. In spite of all our efforts, we failed in the final match. A. Although we tried very hard, we failed in the final match. B. We made all our efforts so that we could gain success in the final match. C. Whatever efforts we had made, we weren’t able to win in the final match. D. We failed in the final match as a result of all our great efforts. 10. Although old-age pensions have risen considerably, they haven’t kept pace with the cost of living. A. The cost of living is so high that they couldn’t keep with it. B. Despite the fact that old-age pensions have risen considerably, the cost of living isn’t going down. C. Old-age pensions may have risen considerably, but they haven’t kept pace with the cost of living. D. The cost of living hasn’t been kept with no matter how high the old-age pensions are. XI.Choose the sentence that has the same meaning as the first. 1. It’s very likely that the company will accept his application. A. The company needs accept his application. B. The company must accept his application. C. The company might/ may accept his application. D. The company should accept his application. 2. Every student is required to write an essay on the topic. A. Every student might write an essay on the topic. B. Every student must write an essay on the topic. C. They require every student write an essay on the topic. D. Every student should write an essay on the topic. 3. It isn’t necessary for us to get a visa for Singapore. A. We needn’t get a visa for Singapore. B. We mustn’t get a visa for Singapore. C. We mayn’t get a visa for Singapore. D. We shouldn’t get a visa for Singapore. 4. The girl just said hello. She is Tom’s youngest sister. A. The girl who just said hello is Tom’s youngest sister. B. The girl saying hello is Tom’s youngest sister. C. The girl just said hello is Tom’s youngest sister. D. The girl, who just said hello, is Tom’s youngest sister. 5. I’m waiting for the bus. It is late. A. The bus which I’m waiting is late. B. The bus whom I’m waiting for is late. C. The bus for that I’m waiting is late. D. The bus I’m waiting for is late. 6. This house was built years ago. It is still in very good shape. A. This house, which built years ago, is still in very good shape. B. This house, built years ago, is still in very good shape. C. This house, building years ago, is still in very good shape. D. This house, which was built years ago is still in very good shape. 7. Despite his inexperience in the field, John applied for the job. A. John was unable to do the job because he was inexperienced. B. John applied for the job because he has experience in the field. C. John did not apply for the job because of his inexperience in the field. D. John applied for the job even though he has no experience in the field. 8. In spite of heavy rain, my brother went to work. A. In spite it rained heavily, my brother went to work. B. Although it rained heavily, my brother went to work. C. Despite it rained heavily, my brother went to work.


D. Although of heavy rain, my brother went to work. XII.Put question for the underlined part of each sentence: 1. Sarah left two hours ago. ....................................................................................................... 2. She is watching Tom and Terry. ....................................................................................................... 3. She likes watching comedy. ....................................................................................................... 4. I felt terrified before my last Maths test. ....................................................................................................... 5. She felt entertained when she watched a gripping film. ....................................................................................................... 6. It is 10 kilometers from here to ACB bank. ....................................................................................................... 7. I have known Marie for nine years. ....................................................................................................... 8. Yes, they used to be friends at the university. ....................................................................................................... TEST 2 UNIT 9 I. Choose the word which has a different stress pattern from the others. 1. A. manner B. tourist C. machine D. action 2. A. reward B. country C. samba D. music 3. A. costume B. canoe C. highlight D. season 4. A. pavement B. review C. concert D. samba 5. A. famous B. asleep C. pretty D. careful II. Find the word which has a different sound in the part underlined. 1. A. festival B.end C.elephant D. perform B. candle C. cake D. racing 2. A. celebrate 3. A. prefer B. desert C. held D. celebrate 4. A.Thanksgiving B.they C.than D.those 5. A.apricot B. lantern C. gather D. cranberry III. Choose the word which has a different stress pattern from the others. 1. A. diverse B. serious C. special D. local 2. A. open B. affect C. direct D. renew 3. A. attend B. happen C. succeed D. replace 4. A. order B. receive C. perform D. rehearse 5. A. combine B. invite C. circle D. Discuss IV. Choose the correct answer. minorities in Phu Yen celebrate Hoi Mua Festival every March. 1. People of A. native B. local C. ethnic D. village 2. The atmosphere is felt around all the villages. A. festive B. festival C. air D. tradition 3. A lot of cultural and activities are held as part of the Flower Festival in Da Lat. A. arts B. artist C. artistic D. art 4. Diwali, the Hindu Festival of Light, is the holiday of the year in India. A. more important B. most important C. importance D. Most importance 5. The Academy Awards, commonly as The Oscars, are the most famous film awards in the world. A. know B. knew C. known D. be known 6. It is to see elephants racing in the Elephant Race Festival in Dak Lak. A. amaze B. amazing C. amazed D. amazement 7. La Tomatina is a festival to celebrate the tomato harvest. A. season B. seasonal C. year D. annually


8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. V.

People put pumpkin outside the homes during Halloween. A. lanterns B. lights C. neon signs D. bulbs Everyone has gone to the festival. A. music B. musical C. musicians D. musician The of the Rio Carnival is the Samba Parade. A. importance B. highlight C. best D. performance The Elephant Race Festival in Dak Lak is a race between elephants that are ridden by their . A. own B. owning C. owner D. owners The Samba Parade in Rio Carnival has thousands of samba from various samba schools. A. perform B. performance C. performer D. performers People in Cannes take the Cannes Film Festival a very serious way. A. in B. at C. on D. with The biggest prize of the Cannes Film Festival is the Palme d’Or, which is given the best film. A. of B. to C. with D. for The festival every year at the end of August. A. takes B. takes place C. occur D. held La Tomatina on the last Wednesday of August every year. A. hold B. held C. is held D. be held Villagers voluntarily contribute money and other things to the festival. A. open B. celebrate C. remember D. set A lot of dancers go to Rio de Janciro to the Rio Carnival. A. play B. take C. attend D. follow In La Tomatina, people get to throw tomatoes at . A. themselves B. once C. togetherD. each other Which do you think are festivals? A. season B. harvester C. artistic D. music Fill each blank in the following sentences with a word from the box. attractions considered

colorful superstition

decorating canals

society holiday

lantern traditionally

of the year. 1. Diwali is India’s biggest and most important 2. Halloween has always been a holiday with mystery, magic and . 3. Chinese New Year ends with a festival. 4. he number of in Da Lat is increasing. where people would seek the divine blessing of 5. India was an agricultural Lakshmi, the Goddess of Wealth. 6. The Carnival in Rio de Janeiro is a world famous festival and the biggest carnival in the world with 2 million people per day on the streets. 7. , the festival also marked the end of harvest, and parents who had been hard at work in the fields enjoyed spending extra time with their children. 8. The children wear mask and dance in the streets with star lanterns that are illuminated by candles. 9. During the Carnival of Venice, the are full of colorful boats. 10. Every year, in Harbin Ice and Snow Festival people build incredible things out of ice and snow, them with lights and lasers. VI. Complete the following sentences with the correct form of the words in brackets. 1. There were lively New Year all over the town. (celebrate) 2. The hall looked very with its Christmas tree. (festival) 3. There are many differences between the two communities. (culture) 4. She gave a wonderful as the Iron Lady – the former British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher. (perform)


5. When we heard she’d got the job, we all went off for a drink. (celebrate) 6. What forms of do you participate in during the festival? (entertain) 7. The Chinese New Year marks the of spring and the start of the Lunar New Year. (begin) 8. Her eyes were wide with when she heard the news. (excite) 9. Street are decorated with lights and red banners. (colour) 10. It is in America to eat turkey on Thanksgiving Day. (tradition) VII. Choose the word or phrase among A, B, C or D that best fits the blank space in the following passage. Two of the most important holidays in the United States are Independence Day and Thanksgiving Day. The fourth of July marks the American declaration of independence from Britain. Most towns, big or small, celebrate the fourth of July with parades and fireworks. Families (1) with barbecues or picnics. Thanksgiving Day is celebrated in fall, on the fourth Thursday in November. It is a day (2) people give thanks to the harvest. Most families (3) a large dinner with roast turkey. (4) Independence Day and Thanksgiving Day are national (5) . 1. A. celebrating B. celebration C. celebrate D. celebrated 2. A. where B. when C. which D. in which 3. A. have B. buy C. help D. take 4. A. Besides B. Both C. Either D. Nor 5. A. chances B. months C. holidays D. times VIII. Fill in each blank in the following passage with ONE suitable word from the box. ones are

enjoy as

rises according

by numbers

Among the festivals celebrated (1) some of Asian people is the Moon Cake Festival, also the Mid-August Festival. Large (3) of small round moon cakes (4) eaten known (2) on this day, and children (5) carrying colourful paper lanterns come in all shapes; the more popular (6) are shaped like fish, rabbits, and butterflies. (7) to the moon shines brightest on the night of the Moon Cake Festival. As the moon (8) , tables are placed outside the house and women make offerings of fruit and moon cakes to the Moon Goddess. IX. Read the following passage, and then tick the correct answers: true (T), false (F). or not mentioned (NM). Las Fallas Festival in Valencia, Spain is a week-long festival with music, and a lot of fireworks. Fallas are big sculptures made of wood and paper. People burn them at the end of the festival. The festival takes place on 15-19 March every year. David and Marta, two teenagers from Valencia, are talking about the preparations for the festival of Las Fallas. David: The tradition of Las Fallas started when carpenters burned their old wood at the end of winter to celebrate spring. Now, big groups of neighbours usually make a falla together. They can take about a year to make! My brother is an artist and he designed our falla. He’s worried because he hasn’t finished and it has to be ready next week! Marta: I live in a village near Valencia but I come and stay with my grandmother for Las Fallas. There’s music, dacing and lines of people walking in the streets. It’s very noisy festival and it goes on all day and all night for a week. A lot of people wear beautiful, traditional costumes and they make foods in the streets. It’s always great fun. This year is going to be the best. I’m really excited! T F NM 1. The Las Fallas festival is at the beginning of March. 2. It takes place in Valencia, Spain. 3. People make the falla with their friends. 4. People make the falla in one week.


5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. X.

The festival takes place outside in the street. People spend a lot of money on fireworks, fallas, customers. One problem with the festival is the noise from the fireworks. The festival often brings a lot of fun. A lot of tourist go to the festival. People burn fallas at the end of the festival. Read the text carefully, and then answer the questions. Day of the Dead – Mexico Day of the Dead is celebrated on November 1 in Mexico, Ecuador, Guatemala and other parts of Central or South America. Families gather to pray to the souls of dead relatives, asking them to return for one night. People decorate altars in their homes and graveyards with food , candles, candy skulls and marigolds to welcome the souls back to Earth. Skeletons are displayed throughout cities, and people dressed as skeletons parade through the streets. Pan de los muertos (bread of the dead) is baked in the shape of skulls and crossbones, and a toy is hidden inside each loaf. The person who bites into the toy is said to have good luck. Day of the Dead is a time to celebrate and remember the lives of dead family members. 1. Where and When is the Day of the Dead celebrated? __________________________________________________________________________ 2. What do families gather to pray for? __________________________________________________________________________ 3. What do people do to welcome the souls back to Earth? __________________________________________________________________________ 4. What is the custom with Pan de los muertos (bread of the dead)? __________________________________________________________________________ 5. What is the purpose of the Day of the Dead? __________________________________________________________________________ XI. Read the passage, and then answer the questions. A Hindu festival: Diwali The festival of Diwali is one of the most important religious festivals in India. It lasts for five days around the end of October. It is the festival of Lakshmi, the Goddess who, in the Hindu religion, bring peace and prosperity. Preparations for the festival begin several weeks before the festival. People clean and decorate their homes, prepare special food and buy new clothes and jewelry to welcome the Goddess in their homes. All over India, people light up their homes with oil lamps and colourful lights. The celebrations take place on the darkest night of the lunar month, Amavasya. In the evening, fireworks fill the sky to make Diwali a true “Festival of Light”. 1. In which country is Diwali celebrated? __________________________________________________________________________ 2. How long is the festival of Diwali? __________________________________________________________________________ 3. Which Goddess is it the festival of? __________________________________________________________________________ 4. What do people do to prepare for the festival? __________________________________________________________________________ 5. Why is Diwali called ‘Festival of Light’? __________________________________________________________________________ XII. Read the text carefully, and then answer the question. Holi – India Holi is a spring festival also known as the festival of colors. It is an ancient Hindu religious festival which start with a Holika bonfire on the night before Holi where people gather, sing and dance. The next morning is free for all carnival of colour, where everyone plays, chases and colors each other with dry powder and colored water, with some carrying water guns and colored water-filled balloons for their water fight. Children and youth spray coloured powder on each other’s face. Visitors to homes are first teased with


colours, then served with Holi delicacies, desserts and drinks. After playing with colours, and cleaning up, people bathe, put on clean clothes, visit friends and family. 1. What is the festival Holi in India? __________________________________________________________________________ 2. What does Holi start with? __________________________________________________________________________ 3. What do people often o on the second day? __________________________________________________________________________ 4. What are some activities during the festival? __________________________________________________________________________ 5. What do people do after playing with colour? __________________________________________________________________________ XIII. Read the text carefully, and then answer the question. The tradition of dressing in costume for Halloween has both European and Celtic roots. Hundreds of years ago, winter was an uncertain and frightening time. Food supplies often ran low and, for the many people afraid of the dark, the short days of winter were full of constant worry. On Halloween, when is was believed that ghosts came back to the earthly world, people thought that they would encounter ghosts if they left their homes. To avoid being recognized by these ghosts, people would were marks when they left their homes after dark so that the ghosts would mistake them for fellow spirits. On Halloween, to keep ghosts away from their houses, people would place bowls of food outside their homes to appease the ghosts and prevent them from attempting to enter. 76. What is the origin of the tradition of dressing in costume for Halloween? __________________________________________________________________________ 77. What happened in winter hundreds of years ago? __________________________________________________________________________ 78. What would people encounter if they left their homes on Halloween in the past? __________________________________________________________________________ 79. What would people do to avoid being recognized by the ghosts? __________________________________________________________________________ 80. And what would people do to keep ghosts away from their houses? __________________________________________________________________________ XIV. Make questions for the underlined parts in the following sentences, using the question words in brackets. A. Diwali (Festival of Lights) 1. Diwali is celebrated in October or November each year. (When) 2.

It marked the last harvest of the year before winter. (What)

3. Indians celebrate Diwali with family gatherings, glittering clay lamps, festive fireworks, strings of electric lights, bonfires, flowers, sharing of sweets, or worship to Lakshmi. (How) 4. Some people believe that Lakshmi wanders the Earth looking for homes where she will be welcomed. (What) 5.

People open their doors and windows and light lamps to invite Lakshmi in. (What)

B. Elephant Race Festival, Don Village 6. Elephant Race Festival takes place in village of Don or in the forests near the Sevepoi River (Dak Lak) every spring (during the third lunar month). (When and Where) 7.

The M’nong ethnic group are known for their bravery and skill in wild elephant hunting. (What)


8. The racetrack is 1-2 km long, set on even ground where there are only a few big trees, wide enough to accommodate ten running elephants. (How long; Where; How wide) __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ XV. Make questions for the underlined parts, using the question words in brackets. 1. La Tomatina in Brunol near Valencia happens ever year. (How often) __________________________________________________________________________ 2. La Tomatina takes place on the last Wednesday in August. (When) __________________________________________________________________________ 3. The highlight of the festival is the tomato flight. (What) __________________________________________________________________________ 4. La Tomatina dates backs to 1945 when an annual parade of enormous figures with big heads was passing through the streets of Bunyol. (When) __________________________________________________________________________ 5. Some youngsters accidentally knocked over one of the giants. (What) __________________________________________________________________________ 6. Burning Man lasts one week. (How long) __________________________________________________________________________ 7. The festival began in San Francisco’s Baker Beach in 1986. (When; Where) __________________________________________________________________________ 8. The event begins on the last Monday in August, and ends on the first Monday in September. (When) __________________________________________________________________________ 9. It takes its name from the ritual burning of a large wooden model of a hated person. (What) __________________________________________________________________________ 10. In 2010, 51,515 people attended Burning Man. (How many) __________________________________________________________________________ XVI. Write a paragraph about Da Lat Flower Festival, using the cues given below. 1. Name of festival: Da Lat Flower Festival 2. What is the festival? The programs of Flower Festival are a variety of content for every festival period. These will make interests to tourists and participants as well. 3. How often is it held? Da Lat Flower Festival has been organized every two years since 2005. 4. Where is it held? The Flower Garden of Da Lat 5. Why is it held? The local government has recently taken more measures to increase cultural activities in the tourism industry. 6. What is the content of the festival? The shows have the participation of thousands of professional and un-professional artists. Besides the opening and closing ceremonies, the festival has also some other programs such as flower exhibition fair, flower car march, trade fair, contest of Da Lat farmers Answer. __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ TEST YOURSELF 3 I. Choose the word which has a different stress pattern from the others. 1. A. beauty B. career C. fireworks 2. A. award B. drama C. actor 3. A. appear B. prepare C. allow 4. A. police B. story C. cowboy


D. harvest D. hero D. happen D. western

5. A. relaxed B. boring C. moving D. awful II. Choose the correct answers. 6. All critics said film was really ; nevertheless, I was so that I saw it from beginning to end. A. interesting – boring B. boring – interesting C. interested - bored D. boring - interested 7. having a happy ending, the film starts with a terrible accident. A. Despite B. Although C. However D. Nevertheless 8. In spite of the silly , many people enjoyed that comedy. A. actor B. scene C. character D. plot 9. Although the acting is wonderful, the ending is very A. exciting B. fantastic C. interesting D. boring 10. They spent a huge amount of money on the film; , it was not a big success A. although B. however C. but D. because 11. Johnny Depp is a famous actor, he has failed in his recent films. A. Although B. Despite C. However D. Because 12. Who is going to the Oscar for Best Actor this year? A. get B. take C. win D. pass 13. The film Titanic was the most successful – it $1.750 million and eleven Oscars. A. did - got B. made - won C. won - made D. got - did 14. Charlie Chaplin was the most famous of the silent films. A. star B. acting C. plot D. scene 15. Cameron Diaz and Julia Roberts are the best-paid actresses – both $20 million for their last films. A. took B. did C. paid D. earned III. Complete the sentences with the correct words from the box. violent








interesting funny

1. A cartoon is usually ____________ . 2. A horror film is always _________ . 3. A comedy is often _____________ . 4. A love story is always __________ . 5. A is a play or film in which part of the story is sung to music. 6. An action film can be very . 7. A science fiction film is often about a(n) future. because of bad acting. 8. A historical film can be 9. A thriller is a film which has a(n) story, often about solving a crime. 10. It is very to know the origin of the plot and stories around it. IV. Complete the sentences with the types of films from the box. drama 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.


sci-fi film


musical animated film action film romantic film People fall in love in a . . There is a lot of singing and dancing in a I laugh a lot when I see a . There are often UFOs and aliens from space in a . can be too scary to me. A There are usually a lot of guns and car chases in a(n) . I sometimes cry when I watch a . . Drawing seem to move and talk in a(n)


comedy horror film

9. A is a film that gives facts about a topic. 10. A is a film with an exciting story, especially one about crimes. V. Choose the word or phrase among A, B, C or D that best fits the blank space in the following passage. Running of The Bulls - Pamplona, Spain The Running of the Bulls is a (1) of the famous San Fermin festival - a practice that involves running in front of a small group of bulls (typically a dozen) that have been let loose on a course of a town’s streets. A first firework is set off at 8 a.m. to alert the runners that the corral gate is (2) . A second firework signals that all six bulls have (3) released. The third and fourth fireworks are signals that all of the herd has entered the bullring, marking the endof the event. Every year between 200 and 300 people (4) injured during the run (5) most injuries are due to falls and are not serious. So you think you support it? 1. A. part B. whole C. section D. piece 2. A. to close B. closed C. open D. opening 3. A. be B. been C. being D. to be 4. A. are B. were C. have been D. had been 5. A. because B. so C. although D. but VI. Read the following passage, and then tick the correct answers: true (T), or false (F). Hung King Anniversary The Hung King Temple Festival is annually held from 8th to the 11th days of the third lunar month. The main festival day is on the 10th day of the third lunar March, on which the National Assembly has approved Vietnamese working people to annually have one more national holiday to mark the anniversary of the Hung King’s death. Every year, on this traditional occasion, Vietnamese people worldwide join their brothers and sisters in spirit to observe Vietnam National Day in commemoration of their ancestors. The main ceremony takes place at the Hung Temple on Nghia Linh Mountain in Phong Chau District, Phu Tho Province, about 85km northwest of Hanoi. The Hung King Temple Festival is one of the most important and sacred festivals of the Vietnamese people, deeply imbedded in the minds of every Vietnamese citizen, regardless of where they originated from. True False 1. The King Hung Anniversary is yearly held at the first half of the third lunar month. 2. It has become one of the national holidays recently. 3. The Vietnamese show their respect to the ancestors on this occasion. 4. The ceremony only takes place at the Hung Temple in Phu Tho Province. 5. The Hung King Temple Festival is mostly for entertainment. VII. Read the text carefully, and then answer the questions. The Lord of the Rings The three Lord of the Rings films appeared in 2001, 2002, and 2003. They are based on the novels of the British writer J.R.R. Tolkien. Director Peter Jackson filmed them in New Zealand. They cost more than $300 million to make, and, in all, more than 20,000 actorsappeared in the three films! After Titanic, they are the three most successful ever, taking over $3 billion in total! The final film The Return of the King won 11 Oscars. In some countries, fans queued for three weeks to buy tickets. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

When did the three Lord of the Rings films appear? ___________________________________________________________________________ Whose novels are the films based on? ___________________________________________________________________________ Who is the director? ___________________________________________________________________________ Where were the three Lord of the Rings films filmed? ___________________________________________________________________________ How much did the films cost to make? ___________________________________________________________________________



How many actors appeared in the three films? ___________________________________________________________________________ 7. How much money could be got from the three films? ___________________________________________________________________________ 8. What was the final film of The Lord of the Rings films? ___________________________________________________________________________ 9. How many Oscars did the film The Return of the King get? ___________________________________________________________________________ 810. Did it take a long time for fans to get tickets for the film The Return of the King in some countries? ___________________________________________________________________________

UNIT 10 : SOURES OF ENERGY A. VOCABULARY 1. always (Adj) / 'ɔːlweɪz /: luôn luôn 2. often (Adj) / 'ɒf(ə)n /: thường 3. sometimes (Adj) / 'sʌm.taɪmz /: thỉnh thoảng 4. never (Adj) / 'nevə /: không bao giờ 5. take a shower (n) / teɪk ə ʃaʊə /: tắm vòi tắm hoa sen 6. distance (n) / 'dɪst(ə)ns /: khoảng cách 7. transport (n) / trans'pɔrt /: phương tiện giao thông 8. electricity (n) /,ɪlɛk'trɪsɪti /: điện 9. biogas (n) /'baiou,gæs/: khí sinh học 10. footprint (n) / 'fʊtprɪnt /: dấu vết, vết chân 11. solar (Adj) / 'soʊlər /: (thuộc về) mặt trời 12. carbon dioxide (n) / 'kɑːrbən daɪˈɑːksaɪd /: khí CO2 13. negative (Adj) / 'neɡətɪv /: xấu, tiêu cực\ 14. alternative (Adj) / ɔ:l'tə:nətiv /: có thể lựa chọn thay cho vật khác 15. dangerous (Adj) / 'deindʒrəs /: nguy hiểm 16. energy (n) / 'enədʒi /: năng lượng 17. hydro (n) / 'haidrou /: thuộc về nước 18. non-renewable (adj) / ,nɔn ri'nju:əbl /: không phục hồi, không tái tạo được 19. plentiful (Adj) / 'plentifl /: phong phú, dồi dào 20. renewable (Adj) / ri'nju:əbl /: phục hồi, làm mới lại 21. source (n) / sɔ:s /: nguồn B. GRAMMAR I. THÌ TƯƠNG LAI TIẾP DIỄN (THE FUTURE CONTINUOUS TENSE) 1. Cách dùng - Hành động sẽ đang diễn ra tại một thời điểm cụ thể trong tương lai. Ví dụ: Tonight at 11p.m., we will be dancing at the party. (Tối nay lúc 11 giờ, chúng tôi sẽ đang nhảy múa tại bữa tiệc.) 2. Dạng thức của thì tương lai tiếp diễn Thể khẳng định Thể phủ định I He/ She/ It/ Danh từ số ít/ Danh từ Will be He/ She/ It/ Danh từ số ít/ Will not/ won’t be không đếm được V-ing Danh từ không đếm được V-ing You/ We/ They/ Danh từ số nhiều You/ We/ They/ Danh từ số nhiều Ví dụ: Ví dụ:


At this time tomorrow, he will be doing his homework. (Giờ này ngày mai anh ấy sẽ đang làm bài tập về nhà) At this time next week, I will be going to France.(Giờ này tuần sau, tôi sẽ đang đi tới Pháp) Thể nghi vấn Will

I He/ She/ It/ Danh từ số ít/ Danh từ không đếm được You/ We/ They/ Danh từ số nhiều

At 9p.m. tomorrow, they won’t be cleaning their house. (Lúc 9 giờ tối mai, họ sẽ không đang lau dọn nhà) At this time next month, she won’t be working for this company.(Giờ này tháng sau, cô ấy sẽ không đang làm việc cho công ty này nữa.) Câu trả lời ngắn


I He/ She/ It/ Danh từ số ít/ Danh từ không đếm được



You/ We/ They/ Danh từ số nhiều


be V-ing

Ví dụ: - Will she be singing at this time tomorrow? (Cô ấy sẽ đang hát vào giờ này ngày mai chứ?) Yes, she will. / No, she won’t - Will you be having dinner at 6p.m. tomorrow? (Bạn sẽ đang ăn tối vào lúc 6 giờ tối mai à?) Yes, I will. / No, I won’t 3. Dấu hiệu nhận biết - Trong câu có các trạng từ chỉ thời gian: At hour from now (1 tiếng nữa), tonight at…(tối nay lúc….), at this time next week/ month/ year (Giờ này tuần/ tháng/ năm sau)… BÀI TẬP VẬN DỤNG CƠ BẢN Bài 1. Dựa vào những từ cho sẵn, hãy viết câu khẳng định (+), phủ định (-) và nghi vấn (?) ở thì tương lai tiếp diễn 1. Jim/ study/ Math/ at 8a.m. tomorrow. (+)…………………………………………………………… (-)………………………………………………………………. (?)…………………………………………………………………… 2. My father/ work/ at this time tomorrow. (+)…………………………………………………………… (-)………………………………………………………………. (?)…………………………………………………………………… 3. Ann/ play/ badminton/ with her friends/ at 4 p.m. tomorrow. (+)…………………………………………………………… (-)………………………………………………………………. (?)…………………………………………………………………… 4. We/ enjoy/ our party/ at this time next month. (+)…………………………………………………………… (-)………………………………………………………………. (?)…………………………………………………………………… 5. Jane/ sunbathe/ at this time tomorrow. (+)…………………………………………………………… (-)………………………………………………………………. (?)…………………………………………………………………… 6. They/ travel/ to Africa/ at this time next year. (+)…………………………………………………………… (-)………………………………………………………………. (?)……………………………………………………………………


7. My friend/ lie/ on the beach/ at this time next month. (+)…………………………………………………………… (-)………………………………………………………………. (?)…………………………………………………………………… 8. Tom/have/ breakfast/ at 6 o’clock tomorrow. (+)…………………………………………………………… (-)………………………………………………………………. (?)…………………………………………………………………… Bài 2. Chia động từ trong ngoặc ở thì tương lai tiếp diễn 1. I (learn)………………….English at this time tomorrow. 2. My mother (go)……………………to France at this time next month. 3. They (sell)………………..winter closes at this time next week. 4. Jim (read) …………………in the library at 3 p.m tomorrow. 5. He (not study)…………………at that time tomorrow. 6. …………………….(you/ stay) at home when I arrive tomorrow? 7. My father (watch)…………..a soccer match on TV at 8 o’clock tomorrow evening. 8. Our teacher (teach) …………….Math at this time next week. 9. Jim and Jane (go)…………to the local museum at this time next week. 10. All the students (sit)……..the English Exam at 7.a.m. tomorrow. 11. What……(Peter/ do) at & o’clock tomorrow morning? 12. Peter (write)…………..a report. 13. I’m very busy tomorrow morning. I (not/play) ……………sport at 8 a.m. 14. ……………………….(the baby/ sleep) at 9p.m. tomorrow? 15. A well – known professor (deliver) …….a lecture at my university at 8 a.m. Bai 3. Khoanh tròn đáp án đúng 1. Will you be playing the piano at this time tomorrow/ No, I (won’t/ won’t be) 2. My father will (be going/go) on a business trip at this time next month. 3. Jim promises he will (be going/go) to the book store with me tomorrow. 4. I think my cat will (be waiting/wait) for me at home at this time tomorrow. 5. These students will (be working/ work) on their end-of-term project at this time next week. 6. I think Josh won’t (be lying/lie) me again. 7. I will (be lying/lie) on my bed an hour from now. 8. At midnight today, everyone won’t (be sleeping/ sleep) because they want to see the fireworks. 9. Will you (be coming/come) to my birthday party tomorrow, Ann? 10. I think It will (be raining/ rain) at this time next month. 11. I will (be talking/ talk) with my foreign friend at this time next week. 12. I don’t think that Jim will (be winning/ win) the competition tomorrow. 13. My sister will (be having/ have dinner with her boyfriend at 7.p.m tomorrow. 14. Jim will (be learning/ learn) Japanese because he likes it. 15. Mr. Smith will (begoing/ go) shopping with me tomorrow. Bai 4. Sap xep cac tu da cho de tao thanh cau hoan chinh 1. you/ Who/ wii/ be/ at/ time/ this/ waiting/ week/ for/ next? ………………………………………………………………………….. 2. dinner/ will/ My/ preparing/ mother/ 5 o’clock/ afternoon/ be/ at/ tomorrow. ………………………………………………………………………………… 3. Mr. Vu/ teaching/ class/ at/ tomorrow/ Will/ 8.a.m/ be/ your/ in? ………………………………………………………………….. 4. I /be/ will/ think/ sleeping/ hour/ now/ I/ an/ from. ………………………………………………………………………… 5. you/ this/ will/ Where/ going/ week/ be/ time/ at/ next? …………………………………………………………………………… 6. not/ playing/ time/ this / tomorrow/ at / Jane/ will/ be. ………………………………………………………………


7. here/ A/ singer/ performing/ famous/ will/ at/ be/ 8a.m./ tomorrow. ………………………………………………………………………. 8. be/ swimming/ pool/ at/ time/ in/ will/ Mary/ next/ people/ month/ this/ this/ month. ………………………………………………………………………. Bài 5. Điền các động từ đã cho sẵn vào chỗ trống sao cho thích hợp, sử dụng thể khẳng định hoặc phủ định ở thì tương lai tiếp diễn của các động từ đó. 1. I will be very busy tomorrow, so I (go) …………..shopping with my friend s at 4p.m. 2. My parents want to go fishing, so they (fish)………at this time next weekend. 3. I think it (snow)……..at this time tomorrow, so I decided to stay home for warmth. 4. Today I don’t have any homework, so I (do)……….homework at 5 o’clock this afternoon. 5. I have classes tomorrow morning. I (learn)………English at 9 a.m. 6. My bike is broken. I (ride)……. It to school at this time tomorrow. 7. Jame’s bought a train ticket. He (travel)……………to Venice at this time next week. 8. We’ve canceled our boat trip. We (sail)………along the river at this time next week. 9. My parents won’t be home next week. I (eat)……alone at this time next week. 10. I (help)……my mom with housework at this time tomorrow because she will come home late. 11. My wife wants to eat out tomorrow, so she (cook)……..at this time tomorrow. 12. My favorite singer (perform) …….at 7p.m. tomorrow. I will spend time for his show. 13. I (walk)……with my dog in the park at 8 o’clock tomorrow morning because my legs hurt. 14. Jim will finish his project tomorrow. He (do)….it at this time next week. 15. I’ve bought some sunscreen. I (sunbathe)…….on the beach at this time tomorrow. II. CÂU BỊ ĐỘNG Ở THÌ TƯƠNG LAI ĐƠN (THE FUTURE SIMPLE PASSIVE) Thể Câu chủ động Câu bị động Khẳng định S + will + V + O S + will + be + VpII + (by O) Low energy light bulbs will be used. We will use low energy light bulbs Chúng tôi sẽ sử dụng bóng đèn năng lượng Bóng đèn năng lượng thấp sẽ được sử dụng. thấp Phủ định S + won’t + V + O S + won’t + be + VpII + (by O) We won’t use low energy light bulbs Low energy light bulbs won’t be used. Chúng tôi sẽ sử dụng bóng đèn năng lượng Bóng đèn năng lượng thấp sẽ được sử dụng. thấp Nghi vấn Will + S + V + O? Will + S + be + will + V + O? Will you use low energy light bulbs? Wil low energy light bulbs be used? Chúng ta sẽ sử dụng bóng đèn năng lượng Bóng đèn năng lượng thấp sẽ được sử dụng thấp à? à? BÀI TẬP VẬN DỤNG CƠ BẢN Bài 6. Chuyển những câu bị động dưới đây về dạng chủ động (+), dị động (-), và nghi vấn (?) ở thì tương lai đơn. 1. (+) Peter will be taken to the airport by his father tomorrow. (-)…………………………………………………………………. (?)…………………………………………………………………. 2. (+)………………………………………………….. (-) Tonight dinner won’t be prepared by my mother. (?)……………………………………………………………. 3. (+) My broken bicycle will be fixed by my father. (-)…………………………………………………………………. (?)…………………………………………………………………. 4. (+)………………………………………………….. (-)…………………………………………………………………. (?) Will a new building be built here? 5. (+)………………………………………………….. (-) Her baby won’t be looked after by a childminder.


(?)……………………………………………………………. 6. (+) Jim’s next birthday party will be held tomorrow. (-)…………………………………………………………………. (?)…………………………………………………………………. 7. (+)………………………………………………….. (-)…………………………………………………………………. (?) Will this letter be sent to Jane? 8. (+)………………………………………………….. (-) This big tree will not be cut down tomorrow. (?)……………………………………………………………. Bài 7. Khoanh tròn vào đáp án đúng 1. The contract will be …….by the CEO. A. sign B. signing C. signed 2. The last decision will…..by the leader. A. make B. be make C. be made 3. The house………before my brother comes home. A. will clean B. will be cleaned C. will be cleaning 4. This museum………..by thousands of people. A. will visited B. will be visited C. will be visit 5. My grandfather……………after by my sister when I am not home. A. will look B. will be looked C. will be looking 6. ……….painted in blue? A. Will be room B. Will be the room C. Will the room be 7. Will the problem………before 8 a.m. tomorrow? A. solve B. be solved C. be solving 8. When…….be built? A. will B. will the tower C. the tower will 9. Your secret………revealed by anyone. A. won’t B. will not be C. won’t being 10. The meeting……..by many people. A. will be not attended B. will not be attended C. won’t attended Bài 8. Chia động từ trong ngoặc ở thể bị động thì tương lai đơn. 1. Jim (visit)………………by Jane tomorrow. 2. ……..(this car/wash) by my father tomorrow? 3. In the next few days, breakfast (prepare)…………by my sister. 4. Jim’s cat (feed)………..by Jane when he’s away from home. 5. Mr.Smith’s wedding cake (not buy)………………..in the local bakery. 6. ………..(our plan/ develop) into a big project? 7. The equipment you need (sell)…………………at that store tomorrow. 8. All the housework (do)………………….by the new housemaid. 9. Our project on energy saving (complete)………..by the end of this month. 10. I don’t think traditional books (replace) ……………by e-books. 11. The project on new sources of power (invest)………by a group of environmentalist. 12. All the sttudents (instruct)……………………to use the new equipment by the teacher. 13. When……..(a new bridge/ build) across this river? 14. Jim’s essay (read)…………………out loud in front of the whole class tomorrow. 15. The laundry (do)……………..by me tomorrow morning. 16. A new shop (open)……….at the end of the street tomorrow. 17. The report (write)……by the group leader. 18. Who (pick up) ………by Peter tonight? 19. This car (drive)………by me after my father gives me this. 20. My cat (take)……..to the vet’s by my mother. Bài 9. Dựa vào những từ cho sẵn, viết câu bị động ở thì tương lai đơn.


1. The man/ charge/ with/ armed robbery. ……………………………………………………….. 2. A picture of this mountain/ take/ a famous photographer. ……………………………………………………….. 3. His book/ translate/ into English/ next year. ……………………………………………………….. 4. The plan/ explain/ clearly/ to you. ……………………………………………………….. 5. The postcard/ send/ to my grandparents. ……………………………………………………….. 6. Jim’s new book/ publish/ this year? ……………………………………………………….. 7. When/ they/ pay/ their salary? ……………………………………………………….. 8. The reseacher/ conduct/ this year. ……………………………………………………….. 9. A letter/ write/ send/ to me/ a foreign friend. ……………………………………………………….. 10. Mary/ think/ milk/ deliver/ to her house/ before 7 a.m. tomorrow. ……………………………………………………….. Bài 10. Chuyển các câu chủ động dưới đây thành câu bị động hoặc ngược lại 1. They will hold a party tomorrow night. ……………………………………………………………….. 2. Which dress will Jane buy? ……………………………………………………………….. 3. Someone will water these flowers tomorrow. ……………………………………………………………….. 4. People won’t destroy rainforests any more. ……………………………………………………………….. 5. No one will buy this expensive dress. ……………………………………………………………….. 6. What will they do to save energy? ……………………………………………………………….. 7. A lecture will be delivered by a famous propessor tomorrow. ……………………………………………………………….. 8. Non – renewable energy will be replaced by renewable energy. ……………………………………………………………….. 9. All his savings will not be spent on buying new house. ……………………………………………………………….. 10. Peter will be sent to a new shool by his parents. ……………………………………………………………….. 11. All the dishes will be made by a famous chef. ……………………………………………………………….. 12. Where will the students be met by their teacher? ……………………………………………………………….. BÀI TẬP TỔNG HỢP NÂNG CAO Bài 11. Gạch chân lỗi sai và sửa lại cho đúng 1. My family will be gone on a summer vacation at this time next week. 2. Jim will be not reading books at this time tomorrow. 3. When will be the shop opened again? 4. Preparations for the events will be making before 8.a.m. tomorrow. 5. I don’t think machines will be replaced workers in the factories. 6. The streets will be widening soon after tomorrow.


7. All the old houses in my neighborhood will pull down next week. 8. My computer will be assisted me with my study. Bài 12. Chia động từ trong hộp vào chỗ trống sao cho thích hợp, sử dụng thể bị động thì tương lai đơn. find hold install Use up put use replace exploit build broadcast 1. The government has passed laws to protect the forests, so forests (not)………for woods any more. 2. If we don’t save natural resouces, they……….in the near future. 3. I think that renewable sources of energy …………………..widely in the future. 4. Scientists believe that new sources of energy ………..soon. 5. Some windmill….in my hometown. We will probably use wind power instead of hydroelectric power. 6. It is possible that hydroelectricity……by solar or wind energy in the xext decade. 7. A conference on alternative energy……….next month. 8. A TV program about new sources of energy ……..live tomorrow morning. 9. Two thousand of solar panels…….in this erea next year. 10. Watershed forests…….under protection of the government. Bài 13. Khoanh tròn vào đáp án đúng. 1. I …….English at this time tomorrow. A. will be taught B. will be teaching C. will teach 2. What will it ……by its owner? A. be called B. be calling C. call 3. The baby…..after by me before his mother comes back. A. will be looked B. will be looking C. will look 4. I promise this……again. A. won’t be happened B. won’t be happening C. won’t happen 5. Where……to by our parents this weekend? A. will you be taken B. will you be taking C. will you take 6. My favorite singer will be singing……tomorrow. A. at time B. at this time C. in 7. I will be playing badminton……my friends an hour from now. A. by B. with C. of 8. Dinner will ……..by me tonight because I’m ill. A. be cooked B. not be cooked C. not cook 9. Where will it……? A. be located B. be locating C. locate 10. I think my homework …….before 4 o’clock this afternoon. A. will be finished B. will be finishing c. will finish Bài 14. Chia động từ trong ngoặc ở thể chủ động hoặc bị động thì tương lai sao cho thích hợp 1. If we don’t use fossil fuel efficiently, we (run) …..out of it soon. 2. Solar power (use)……..as the main source of energy in many countries in the future. 3. …….(many people/ attend) this conference? 4. Our family (use)……….the new type of bulb to save energy. 5. People (allow)………..to destroy rainforests any more. 6. The government (put)……..natural resources under protection. 7. Solar panels (see)………in many parts of the world. 8. My grandfather doesn’t believe that electricity (generate)……..by the wind.



TEST 1 UNIT 10 I.Put the words in the table in the correct column according to their stress pattern. convenience similar important biogas

calendar marvelous wonderful scientist

exercise excellent abundant musician

travelling familiar convenient energy





Stress on 1st syllable

Stress on 2nd syllable

II.Choose a word in each line that has different stress pattern. 1. A. atmosphere B. plentiful C. effective 2. A. constancy B. sympathy C. generous 3. A. unfortunate B. continuous C. renewable 4. A. recommend B. abundant C. solution 5. A. confident B. memorable C. excited 6. A. motorbike B. generate C. advantage 7. A improvement B. different C. develop 8. A. seriously B. personally C. carefully III.Choose a word in each line that has different stress pattern. 1. A. different B. serious C. effective 2. A. dangerous B. countryside C. energy 3. A. incapable B. sincere C. loyalty 4. A. development B. satisfaction C. population 5. A. interfere B. convenient C. referee 6. A. attraction B. humorous C. acquaintance 7. A. changeable B. dioxide C. countryside 8. A. important B. plentiful C. familiar IV.Find the word which has a different sound in the underlined part. 1. A. wants B. helps C. plays 2. A. transport B. power C. report B. enjoyed C. decided 3. A. listened 4. A. many B. carbon C. large 5. A. blood B. spoon C. noon

D. natural D. suspicious D. artificial D. increasing D. interested D. atmosphere D. enormous D. correctly D. regular D. volunteer D. success D. education D. cigarette D. unselfish D. natural D. convenience D. looks D. short D. played D. hard D. tool

V.Find the word which has a different sound in the underlined part. 1. A. hydroelectric B. environment C. solar D. biogas 2. A. pleasure B. feed C. heat D. meat 3. A. plentiful B. electric C. renewable D. energy B. knew C. new D. sew 4. A. few 5. A. nuclear B. truck C. abundant D. dump VI.Choose the best one (A, B, C or D) to complete the sentence or replace the underlined word. 1. Nuclear energy is , but it is dangerous.


A. renewable B. non-renewable C. natural resource D. fossil fuel 2. Fossil fuels are very common in our society but they the environment. A. waste B. pollute C. renew D. provide 3. All the houses in our village will be by solar energy. A. frozen B. widened C. heated D. heightened 4. Several governments try to the use of fossil fuels. A. waste B. save C. reduce D. increase 5. At this time next week, we a wind turbine in our garden. A. will installed B. will be installing C. install D. installed 6. Low energy light bulbs should be used to electricity. A. convert B. save C. spend D. buy 7. It is a good idea to use when travelling long distances. A. private cars B. public transport C. cars D. taxis 8. “Why is it called a source?” - “Because it can be replaced easily and quickly.” A. renewable B. non-renewable C. effective D. specific 9. We must the amount of water our family use every day. A. lessen B. narrow C. lower D. reduce 10. Wave energy is a source of energy. A. environmental friendly B. environmentally friendliness C. environment friendly D. environmentally friendly 11. Alternative sources of energy developed in the near future. A. has been B. will be C. is D. was 12. She cooking in the kitchen at 7 PM tomorrow. A. will B. is C. will be D. be 13. Some new energy-saving bulbs in the dining room. A. will be put B. will put be C. will put D. will be putting 14. What should we do to electricity? A. take B. save C. cut D. waste sources of energy. 15. The wind, the sun, and the wave are some types of VII.Put the verbs in brackets in the correct tense forms to complete the sentences. 1. I (study) at 8.00 tomorrow. (wait) for her when her plane arrives tonight? 2. You 3. Don’t phone me between 7 and 8. We (have) dinner then. 4. What clothes do you think she (wear) when she arrives? (send) in my application tomorrow. 5. I 6. Linda (arrive) in Ha Noi around March. 7. Next week at this time, you (lie) on the beach. 8. My uncle can’t come to your party tomorrow night because he (work) at night. (meet) your former teachers at 9 a.m. tomorrow morning, won’t you? 9. You 10. At this time tomorrow evening, I (play) computer games in my bedroom. A. cheap B. costly C. changeable D. alternative VIII.Turn into passive. 1. Students will use public transport to go to school. → ................................................................................................................................ 2. Solar power will generate a great deal of electricity this summer. → ................................................................................................................................ 3. Will they install the solar panels on the roof of the house tomorrow? → ................................................................................................................................ 4. Local people won’t burn plants to heat this winter. → ................................................................................................................................ 5. The smoke from factories will pollute the air. → ................................................................................................................................ 6. They will build a hydro power station in this area.


→ ................................................................................................................................ IX.Give the correct form of the words given to complete sentences. 1. We should use them and try to find out ECONOMY alternative sources of power. 2. Solar energy is , plentiful and clean. RENEW 3. I think that solar energy can be an source of ALTER energy in the near future. 4. We should reduce the use of at home. ELECTRICAL 5. It’s a clean source of energy. Sailboats couldn’t move without POWERFUL this . 6. Waves will be used as an friendly source of energy. ENVIRONMENT 7. Limit car trips by relying on biking, walking, public TRANSPORT . 8. Solar power can be used to or cool our houses. HOT 9. Energy is used to a lot of electrical things. PRODUCT 10. There will be a of energy in the near future. SHORT X.Choose the word or phrase among A, B, C or D that best fits the blank space in the following passage. In Western countries, electricity, gas, and water are not (1) but necessities. Companies now realize that consumers want (2) that will not only work effectively, (3) save money. For most North American households, lighting (4) for 10 percent to 15 percent of the electricity (5) . However, this amount can be (6) by replacing an ordinary 100-watt light bulb with an energy-saving bulb. These bulbs use a (7) of the electricity of standard bulbs and last eight times (8) . Therefore, consumers can save about US$7 to US$21 per bulb. In Europe, there is a labeling scheme for refrigerators, freezers, washing machines and tumble dryers. The label tells the consumers how much energy efficiency each model has, compared (9) other appliances in the same category. Ultimately, these innovations will save money as well as (10) the earth’s resources 1. A. launching B. luxuries C. coming D. peaking 2. A. tickets B. weapons C. spaceships D. products 3. A. but also B. towards C. with D. into 4. A. as good as B. like as C. accounts D. such as 5. A. burnt B. bill C. went off D. banged 6. A. reduced B. audience C. observatories D. watcher 7. A. sent back B. returned to C. separated from D. quarter 8. A. weightlessness B. longer C. wavelengths D. length 9. A. space B. atmosphere C. with D. universe 10. A. conserve B. drivers C. tourists D. astronauts XI.Read the passage, and choose the correct answer A, B, C or D for each question. Almost all our energy comes from oil, coal, and natural gas. We call them fossil fuels. The earth’s fossil fuels are running out. What will happen when there is no oil, coal and gas on the earth? Scientists are trying to find and use other alternative sources of energy. We can use energy from the sun, the wind, and the water. Solar energy is unlimited. The sun supplies all the energy used to grow plants, to evaporate water for rain, and to maintain the temperate of the planet. All are necessary for human life. If we are able to collect solar energy, we will be sure to have this abundant source od power. 1. From which do plants on the earth get energy? A. stars B. the Mars C. the moon D. the sun 2. What are the other words or phrase for fossil fuels? A. natural gas B. oil C. coal D. oil, gas, natural gas 3. Natural sources of energy are energy from . A. wind B. the sun C. water D. the sun, wind, water 4. The word “abundant” in the passage is closet in meaning with .


A. plentiful B. limited C. natural D. necessary 5. We are asking the question, “What will happen when there is no oil, coal, and gas on the earth?” because . A. we are now depending so much on oil, coal, and natural gas B. other sources of energy can come from the sun, wind, and water C. we are looking forward to seeing great changes D. we are looking for other alternative sources of energy XII.Read the following passage and choose the best option. It’s hard to imagine education without (1) . Without energy, people’s ability to get a decent education is severely (2) . Education is acknowledged as a crucial factor in helping people escape (3) poverty. In communities without energy children are often forced out of school to help (4) cooking (5) or earn money. When they do go to school it has to be in (6) , which restricts their hours especially as many children walk for hours to get there. When they arrive home to do their schoolwork, they have no (7) to study and all that greets them is darkness. Or they have to rely on kerosene to provide precious light, which is both expensive and dangerous; if a lamp is knocked over it can cause serious burns. Computers, radio or TV are important tools in the (8) education. A (9) of electricity restricts the (10) for children to further their education. And teachers don’t want to work in communities where there are no lights, little equipment, no TVs, computers or life after dark. 1. A. like B. energy C. such as D. similar 2. A. approximately B. expressively C. affected D. progressively 3. A. from B. pioneering C. pioneering D. pioneers 4. A. custom B. waiter C. collect D. pill 5. A. tourists B. materials C. pilot D. guess 6. A. Orbit B. Orbition C. Orbital D. daylight 7. A. light B. designed C. draw D. painted 8. A. equipment B. tool C. modern D. furniture 9. A. invitation B. lack C. space D. aviation 10. A. landscape B. departures C. islands D. opportunity . XIII.Complete the second sentence in each pair so that it has similar meaning to the first sentence. 1. Governments will make more regulations to reduce industrial pollution. → More regulations ________________________________________________ 2. People won’t burn fossil fuels for energy in the future. → Fossil fuels _____________________________________________________ 3. People will construct more wind turbines in that area to produce electricity. → More wind turbines ______________________________________________ 4. Shall we reduce our electricity bills to 20% in five months? → Will our electricity _______________________________________________ 5. People will develop alternative sources of energy. → Alternative sources ______________________________________________ 6. We will be providing electricity this time next year. → Electricity _____________________________________________________ 7. Scientists will find solutions to reduce pollution in our city. → Solutions ______________________________________________________ 8. They will increase the tax on petrol to 15% next September. → The tax _______________________________________________________ 9. With that device people will change the wave energy into electricity. → With that device the wave energy ___________________________________ 10. We shall replace ordinary 100- watt light bulls with energy- saving ones. → Ordinary ______________________________________________________ XIV.Rewrite the sentences so that it has similar meaning as the sentence printed before, using the words given. 1. They will install solar panels on the roof of our house next week.


→ Solar panels ___________________________________________________ 2. They will build a new school for poor children next month. → A new school ___________________________________________________ 3. Will the plumber check cracks on the water pipes in two days? → Cracks ________________________________________________________ 4. They sell these chemicals everywhere in my hometown. → These chemicals_________________________________________________ 5. They won't show the film on types of future energy sources next Friday. → The film _______________________________________________________ 6. Some people will interview the new president on TV. → The new president _______________________________________________ 7. They will destroy the old thermal power plant at the end of this year. → The old thermal _________________________________________________ 8. They will widen the road to our village next year. → The road_______________________________________________________ 9. We will be using biogas for cooking and heating at this time next month. → Biogas ________________________________________________________ 10. They got the first prize at the competition. → The first _______________________________________________________

V. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.


TEST 2 UNIT 10 Put the words in the table in the correct column according to their stress pattern. illegal performance exhausted
















Stress on 1st syllable ………………………………………………. ………………………………………………. ………………………………………………. ……………………………………………….

Stress on 2nd syllable ……………………………………………… ……………………………………………… ……………………………………………… ………………………………………………

11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17.

II. Choose the word which has a different stress pattern from the others. 1. A. excellent B. marvelous C. familiar 2. A. musician B. scientist C. energy 3. A. abundant B. wonderful C. convenient 4. A. excellent B. dangerous C. plentiful 5. A. exercise B. calendar C. travelling D. convenience III. Find the word which has a different sound in the part underlined. B. biogas C. hydroelectric 1. A. solar 2. A. renewable B.energy C. plentiful 3. A. abundant B. nuclear C. truck B. transport C. short 4. A. power 5. A. carbon B. hard C. large IV. Choose the word which has a different stress pattern from the others. 1. A. advantage B. atmosphere C. motorbike 2. A. effective B. regular C. different 3. A. population B. education C. development 4. A. countryside B. natural C. changeable 5. A. renewable B. artificial C. unfortunate


D. similar D. biogas D. important D. polluting D. environment D. electric D. dump D. report D. marry D. generate D. serious D. satisfaction D. dioxide D. continuous

18. 19. 20. VI.

Choose the correct answer. What should we do to electricity? A. cut B. take C. save D. waste Someone’s carbon is a measurement of the amount of carbon dioxide that their activities produce. A. effect B. amount C. footprint D. energy source of energy is the source that can’t be replaced after use. A. Renewable B. Natural C. Effective D. Non-renewable We are looking for cheap, clean and source of energy. A. effective B. efficient C. serious D. dangerous We should put on our roof for the heating and hot water. A. solar energy B. equipment C. cracks D. solar panels We should use light bulbs in our homes. A. low energy B. little energy C. a bit energy D. efficient In my opinion, nuclear power is not only expensive but also to our environment. A. danger B. dangerous C. rick D. disaster Several governments try to the use of fossil fuels. A. reduce B. increase C. waste D. save It is a good idea to use when travelling long distances. A. cars B. taxis C. private cars D. public transport Wave energy is a source of energy. A. environment friendly B. environmentally friendly C. environmental friendly D. environmentally friendliness Remember to the lights before going to bed. A. turn B. turn off C. turn on D. stop A hydropower station in the North of the country next year. A. was built B. were built C. will be built D. has been built Biogas is and cheap for cooking and heating. A. plenty B. abundant C. serious D. expensive source?” – “Because it can be replaced easily and quickly.” “Why is it called a A. effective B. specific C. renewable D. non-renewable At this time next week, we a wind turbine in our garden. A. install B. installed C. will installed D. will be installing developed in the near future. Alternative sources of energy A. is B. was C. has been D. will be Hydro power is because dams cannot be built in certain areas. A. limited B. unlimited C. abundant D. enough Fossil fuels are very common in our society but they the environment. A. renew B. provide C. waste D. pollute By the middle of the 21st century, people in developing countries more renewable energy. A. uses B. will be using C. used D. have used The wind, the sun, and the wave are some types of sources of energy. A. changeable B. alternative C. cheap D. costly Complete the sentences with the suitable word from the box. avoid

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. VII.


speak 1.




Solar power can be into electricity. Fossil fuels can be used to electricity or drive a big machinery. Use electricity economically so that we can our electricity bills. We should using cars or motorbikes for short trips. Businesses have more money in renewable energy in recent years. Complete the sentences with the suitable verb from the box in the future continuous. work


What clothes do you think she



when she arrives?


2. My uncle can’t come to your party tomorrow night because he at night. 3. Linda in Ha Noi around March. 4. You French in Quebee because local people do it, too. 5. At this time tomorrow evening, I computer games in my bedroom. VIII. Read the following passage, and then tick the correct answers: true (T), or false (F). Energy is very important in modem life. People use energy to run machines, heat andcool their homes, cook, give light, transport people and products from place to place. Most energy nowadays comes from fossil fuels such as petroleum, coal, and natural gas. However, burning fossil fuels causes pollution. In addition, if we don’t find new kinds of energy, we will use up all the fossil fuels in the 21th century. Scientists are working to find other kinds of energy for the future. What might these sources of energy be? T F 1. Energy is of great importance in modern life. 2. Energy is used to produce a lot of electrical things. 3. Burning fossil fuels causes pollution. 4. Fossil fuels are limited. 5. Everyone tries their best to find other kinds of energy for the future. IX. Read the following passage, and then tick the correct answers: true (T), or false (F). Many people still believe that natural resources will never be used up. Actually, the world’s energy resources are limited. Nobody knows exactly how much fuel is left. However, we also should use them economically and try to find out alternative resources of power. According to Professor Marvin Burnham of the New England Institute of Technology, we have to start saving coal, oil and gas before it is too late, and solar power is the only alternative. T F 1. Natural resources will never run out. 2. We don’t know exactly how much fuel is left. 3. We shouldn’t waste natural resources. 4. We should find out other types of energy besides fossil fuels. 5. According to Professor Marvin Burnham, solar energy will be used as a form of alternative energy. X. Fill in each blank in the following passage with ONE suitable word from the box. bulbs




natural energy save wastes is used every With the development of science and technology, more and more (1) day. Nowadays, many (2) areas in Vietnam have been electrified, and more (3) is needed . If everyone (4). If everyone (4) energy, it will quickly run out. (5) at school should learn how to (6) energy, for example, they should turn (7) the electric lights when they leave their classrooms. Moreover, we may waste electricity at home if we use a lot of light (8) . By not wasting energy, we will save a lot of (9)we will save a lot of (9) resources, such as (10) and oil. XI. Choose the word or phrase among A, B, C or D that best fits the blank space in the following passage. There is now increasing concern about the world’s energy (1) , particularly about those involving fossil (2) . In less than a hundred years we shall probably use up all the present (3) of oil and gas. The world’s coal reserves should last longer but, once used, these cannot (4) . It is important, therefore, that we should develop such (5) sources of energy as solar energy as well as water and wind power, classed as renewable energy. 1. A. possessions B. resources C. goods D. materials 2. A. fuels B. powers C. forms D. energies 3. A. findings B. productions C. amounts D. sources 4. A. updated B. repeated C. renewed D. produced 5. A. traditional B. alternative C. revolutionary D. Surprising



Read the following passage, and then tick the correct answers: true (T), or false (F). “ My name is Professor Roberts, and tonight, I’m going to tell you how to save energy in your homes. Most of us use too much energy. You can reduce this amount by: using low energy light bulbs, using solar energy, turning off unnecessary lights, preparing food before turning on the cooker. If you follow these simple rules, you will not only save energy but also keep the environment cleaner.” T F 1. The professor tells us about the ways to cut down on wastes of energy in our offices.

2. 3. 4. 5. XIII.

Almost everyone consumes too much energy. Although solar energy is clean, the lecturer doesn’t advise us to use it. The speaker gives four simple rules. According to the speaker, energy will be saved. Read the passage, and then choose the best answer. Almost all our energy comes from oil, coal, and natural gas. We call them fossil fuels. The earth’s fossil fuels are running out. What will happen when there is no oil, coal and gas on the earth? Scientists are trying to find and use other alternative sources of energy. We can use energy from the sun, the wind, and the water. Solar energy is unlimited. The sun supplies all the energy used to grow plants, to evaporate water for the rain, and to maintain the temperature of the planet. All are necessary for human life. If we are able to collect solar energy, we will be sure to have this abundant source of power. 1.

What are the other words or phrase for fossil fuels? A. oil B. oil, gas, natural gas C. natural gas D. coal 2. Natural sources of energy are energy from . A. the sun, wind, water B. water C. wind D. the sun 3. From which do plants on the earth get energy? A. the moon B. the sun C. stars D. the Mars 4. We are asking the question, “What will happen when there is no oil, coal, and gas on the earth?” because . A. we are looking for other alternative sources of energy B. we are looking forward to seeing great changes C. we are now depending so much on oil, coal, and natural gas D. other sources of energy can come from the sun, wind, and water 5. The word “abundant” in the passage is closest in meaning with . A. natural B. necessary C. plentiful D. Limited XIV. 1.

Use the cues given to write correct sentences. Almost all our energy/ come/ oil/ gas/ natural gas. We/ them/ fossil fuels. __________________________________________________________________________ 2. The earth’s fossil fuels/ running out. __________________________________________________________________________ 3. Scientists/ try/ find/ other alternative sources/ energy. __________________________________________________________________________ 4. We/ use energy/ the sun, the wind, and the water. __________________________________________________________________________ 5. The sun/ supply/ all the energy/ used/ grow plants/ evaporate water/ rain/ and/ maintain/ temperature/ planet. __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ 6. If we/ able/ collect solar energy/ we/ be sure/ have enough power. __________________________________________________________________________ 7. Energy/ wind/ use/ centuries/ move ships, grind grain, pump water/ and/ do other forms/ work.


_________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ 8. Recently/ wind/ use / generate electricity. _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ 9. For a long time/ people/ use water/ power machines. __________________________________________________________________________ 10. Today/ water power/ mostly/ use/ generate electricity. __________________________________________________________________________ XV. 1.

Use the cues given to write correct sentences. We/ looking/ cheap, clean, effective source/ energy/ not cause pollution or waste natural resources. __________________________________________________________________________ 2. All present/ most/ our electricity/ come/ use/ coal, gas, oil or nuclear power. __________________________________________________________________________ 3. This power/ could/ provide/ sun. __________________________________________________________________________ 4. One percent/ solar energy/ reach/ earth/ enough/ provide power/ the total population. __________________________________________________________________________ 5. Many countries/ already using/ solar energy. __________________________________________________________________________ 6. Solar panels/ place/ the roof/ a house/ and/ sun’s energy/ use/ heat water. __________________________________________________________________________ 7. The energy/ store/ a number of days. __________________________________________________________________________ 8. On/ cloudy/ you/ use/ solar energy/ too. __________________________________________________________________________ 9. Viet Nam/ an advanced technology/ solar energy. __________________________________________________________________________ 10. Cars/ use solar energy/ gas/ by the year 2030. __________________________________________________________________________

UNIT 11. TRAVELLING IN THE FUTURE A.VOCABULARY 1. safety (n) /'seɪfti/: Sự an toàn 2. pleasant (a) /'pleznt/: Thoải mái, dễ chịu 3. imaginative (a) /ɪˈmædʒɪnətɪv/: Tưởng tượng 4. traffic jam (n) /'træfɪk dʒæm/: Sự kẹt xe 5. crash (n) /kræʃ/: Va chạm xe, tai nạn xe 6. fuel (n) /fju:əl/: Nhiên liệu 7. eco-friendly (adj) /'i:kəu 'frendli/: thân thiện với hệ sinh thái, thân thiện với môi trường 8. float (v) /fləut/: Nổi 9. flop (v) /flɔp/: Thất bại 10. hover scooter (n) /'hɔvə 'sku:tə/: một loại phương tiện di chuyển cá nhân trượt trên mặt đất 11. monowheel (n) /'mɔnouwi:l/: một loại xe đạp có một bánh 12. pedal (v,n) /'pedl/: đạp, bàn đạp 13. segway (n) /'segwei/: một loại phương tiện di chuyển cá nhân bằng cách đẩy chân để chạy bánh xe trên mặt đất 14. metro (n) /'metrəʊ/: Xe điện ngầm


15. skytrain (n) /skʌɪ treɪn/: 16. gridlocked (adj) /'grɪdlɑːkt/: 17. pollution (n) /pə'lu:ʃ(ə)n/: 18. technology (n) /tek'nɒlədʒi/:

Tàu trên không trong thành phố Giao thông kẹt cứng Ô nhiễm Kỹ thuật

B. GRAMMAR I.Động từ khuyết thiếu WILL chỉ tương lai (will for future prediction) WILL là một động từ khuyết thiếu, do đó nó không cần chia theo chủ ngữ và sau nó luôn là một động từ ở dạng nguyên thể không có “to” Cách Cấu trúc này dùng để nói về những hành động mà chúng ta nghĩ sẽ xảy ra trong tương lai. dùng Cấu trúc

(+)S +will + V (-)S+won’t + V (?)Will +S+ V?

Ví dụ

It will rain tonight and stop tomorrow.(trời sẽ mưa tối nay và sẽ tạnh vào ngày mai.) My future house will be very large. ( Ngôi nhà trong tương lai của tớ sẽ rất rộng) The mail won’t arrive until next week.( Bức thư sẽ không đến cho tới tuần sau/ Đến tuần sau bức thư sẽ tới) Will the fuel price increase next month? ( Giá xăng dầu sẽ tang vào tháng sau à)

BÀI TẬP VẬN DUNG CƠ BẢN BÀI 1: Dựa vào từ cho sẵn, viết câu ở thể khẳng định(+), thể phủ định, thể nghi vấn(+) với động từ khuyết thuyết “will” 1. Jim/arrive/here/tomorrow. (+)____________________________________________________________ (-)______________________________________________________________ (?)___________________________________________________________________ 2. There/ be/ many driverless cars/on the street/in the future. (+)____________________________________________________________ (-)______________________________________________________________ (?)___________________________________________________________________ 3. Maria/ travel/to Berlin/ on the metro. (+)____________________________________________________________ (-)______________________________________________________________ (?)___________________________________________________________________ 4. High-speed trains/ be/ very/ popular/in the next years. (+)____________________________________________________________ (-)______________________________________________________________ (?)___________________________________________________________________ 5. There/ be/ gridlock/between 5:30 and 7:00 (+)____________________________________________________________ (-)______________________________________________________________ (?)___________________________________________________________________


6. They/build/an overpass/here/next year. (+)____________________________________________________________ (-)______________________________________________________________ (?)___________________________________________________________________ 7. Peter/ learn/to ride/a monowheel. (+)____________________________________________________________ (-)______________________________________________________________ (?)___________________________________________________________________ 8. People/ travel/flying cars/ in the future. (+)____________________________________________________________ (-)______________________________________________________________ (?)___________________________________________________________________ Bài 2: Hoàn thành các câu dưới đấy sử dung động từ khuyết thiếu “ will” và động từ trong ngoặc. 1. In the future, buildings (be) _________________taller and moderner. 2. I think that people (drive)______________to work by flying vehicles and in the future. 3. People (not use)___________ox or horse carts any more. 4. I think public transportation (develop)____________and people (use)______________less private vehicles. 5.___________ (they/accept) my invitations? 6.____________ (many workers/ choose) to work from home? 7. Jim thinks that life (be) ________________easier in the future thanks to the help of robots. 8. Astronomers believe that they (find) __________________a living planet like the earth. 9. When _________________ (living in Mars/ be) possible? 10. Which means of transportation (take)_________the major role in the next 20 years? 11. It is predicted that there ( be)___________hail and snow tomorrow. 12. I’m afraid that my parents ( not allow)________me to go out too late. 13. Who (make)___________the last decision? 14._______________(robots /replace) all human workers in factories? No, they _____________ 15. Jane expects that her mother (come)_______________home early today. 16. Future vehicles (run)______________on biofuel and other green energy. 17. My grandfather doesn’t believe that cars (fly)_________________like planes in the future. 18. There (not be)____________________gridlock in the future because people ( travel)____________by flying cars. 19. I think that countryside (disappear)______________in the future due to urbanization. 20. Solar-powered equipment ( be)___________________very popular in the future. Bài 3: Nối câu cột A sao cho câu trả lời cột B sao cho thích hợp A B 1.What will they do to reduce traffic jam a. solar and wind energy 2. Will it be possible for people to live on the Moon b. I think train will be more popular in the future? 3. What will be the sources of energy we use in the c. No, they won’t future? 4. What will the authorities do to protect the d. They will widen to the roads and build environment? overpasses. 5. Will it rain tomorrow? e. I think it will be the bullet train. 6. Will all the forest be destroyed in the future? f. yes, it will 7. Which one will be more popular in the futureg. They will enact laws to protect the environment. planes or high-speed trains? 8. What will be the most promising means of h. No, it won’t There’s a good weather forecast transportation in the future? tomorrow.

Bài 4: Dựa vào những từ cho sẵn viết thành câu hoàn chỉnh. 1. They /think/their team/ be/ champion.




Của bạn

1_____ 5______







Của chúng tôi Của họ

2_________ 6________

3__________ 7__________


4___________ 8___________

2. I/ not think/ Jim/ buy/ a new car.

3. More people/ live/work/ in the cities. ________________________________________________________________________________ 4. What/ you/ do/ if/ you/be/ the winner?

5. People/ afraid/ non-renewable sources of energy/ run out/in the future.

6. Many people/ believe/ there/ be/ life/in other planets.

7. People all over the world/speak/ the same language/in the future? _____________________________________________________________________________ 8. More and more people/ travel/ airplanes/in the future. ________________________________________________________________________________ II.ĐẠI TỪ SỞ HỮU (POSSESSIVE PRONOUNS) 1.Đại từ sở hữu Đại từ sở hữu chỉ sự sở hữu của người hoặc vật với người hoặc một sự vật khác. Đại từ sở hữu được sử dụng để thay thế cho tính từ sở hữu và danh từ theo sau để tránh lập lại. (Đại từ sở hữu= tính từ sở hữu + danh từ) 2. Sự khác biệt giữ đại từ sở hữu và tính từ sở hữu . Định nghĩa Ví dụ

Tính từ sở hữu Tính từ sở hữu( possessive adjective ) là từ để chỉ sự sở hữu và đứng trước danh từ. This is my book.( Đây là quyển sách của tôi) Trong câu sử dụng tính từ sở hữu “my” và danh từ “ book”

3. Đại từ sở hữu và nghĩa của chúng. Đại từ nhân Tính từ sở Đại từ sở xưng hữu hữu I My Mine

Đại từ sở hữu Đại từ sở hữu( possessive pronouns) dùng để thay thế hẳn cho tính từ sở hữu và danht từ. Đại từ sở hữu vừa có thể đứng ở vị trí chủ ngữ, vừa có thể kaf tân ngữ trong câu. That is mine. ( Kia là quyển sách của cậu) Trong câu sử dụng đại từ sở hữu “mine” để thay thế cho “my book” vì người nói không muốn lặp lại từ.


Ví dụ

Của tôi

Your book is not as interesting as mine. Quyển sách của bạn không hay như quyên sách của tôi. I will give mine and you will give yours. Tôi sẽ đưa cho bạn cái của tôi, còn bạn đưa tôi cái của bạn . This house is ours. Ngôi nhà này là của chúng tôi. If you don’t have a car, you can borrow theirs.





Của anh ta




Của cô ấy




Của nó

4. Cách dùng các đại từ sở hữu Dùng thay thế cho một tính từ sở hữu ( possessive adjective ) và một danh từ đã nói ở phía trước

Dùng trong dạng câu hỏi sở hữu kép( double possessive)

Nếu bạn không có ô tô, bạn có thể mượn của họ. How can he eat my food not his? Sao anh ấy có thể ăn thức ăn của tôi mà không phải của anh chứ? I can’t find stapler so I use hers. ( tôi không tìm thấy cái dập ghim của tôi vì vậy tôi sử dụng cái của cô ấy.) My feet are small but its are big. ( chân của tôi nhỏ nhưng chân của nó thì to )

Ví dụ I gave it to my friends and to yours. ( Tôi đưa nó cho bạn của tôi và bạn của bạn) yours=your friends Her shirt is white and mine is blue. ( Áo cô ta màu trắng còn của tôi màu xanh.) mine= my shirt VD: He is a friend of mine( anh ta là một người bạn của tôi. It was not fault of yours that we mistook the way. ( Chúng tôi lầm đương đâu có phải lỗi của anh ta.)

BÀI TẬP VẬN DỤNG CƠ BẢN Bài 5: Hãy sử dụng đại từ sở hữu thay thế cho các cụm từ trong ngoặc trong các câu sau: 1. My brother’s bike is blue. (My bike)_____ is blue, too 2. This is my house and that is (her house)_________. 3. My brother ate not only his cake but also (my cake)___________ 4. Please move to another table. This is (our table)_______________ 5. They mistook our car for( their car)_________ 6. Give this book to Jim. It’s ( his book)_________________ 7. My laptop didn’t work, so I used ( her laptop)_________________ 8. My house is not as modern as ( your house)________________________. 9. The last decision will be ( my decision)_________________________________ 10. Is it your suitcase or ( his suitcase)______________? 11. Their garden is smaller than ( my garden)___________ 12. It used to be my car. Now it’s ( her car)_______. 13. I found my keys. Have you found ( your keys)_______? 14. Their team beat ( our team)______________ 15. This is not your money but it is ( my money)_______. Bài 6: Khoanh tròn vào đáp án đúng. 1. Have you got _______pen, or would you like to borrow _________? A. your-mine B. yours-my C. yours-mine 2. Jane’s voice is good. ______is good, too. A.I B. my C. mine 3.______ cat is adorable.______is adorable too. A. Your-Mine B. Your-Mine C. yours-mine 4. My face looks like _______face. A. she B. her C. her 5. it’s not _____fault. It’s _______ A. your-mine B. yours-mine C. yours-mine 6. Jim’s car was parked here. _______parked _______car here too. A.I-mine B.I –mine C.my-mine 7. I know Louis is _________friend. He’s also a friend of_________ A. your-my B. your- I C. your-mine


8. I lost my pencil. Can I have one of ______? A. your B. you C. yours 9. This is not _______car. __________is black. A. my- my B.my-mine C.my –I 10. Has the cat had ______food? A. its B.it C .his Bài 7: Điền đại từ sở hữu thích hợp vào chỗ trống để hoàn thành đoạn hội thoại sau. 1. Peter: Hi Tom, you look happy today Tom: Oh, hi Peter. I am so excited. My father’s bought me a new bike. Peter: Really, I’ve got a new bike too. My bike is blue. How about(1) ________? Tom (2)_________is green. I’ve heard that Jim has a bike too (3)_______has the same color. Peter: Yes, I saw his bike but I haven’t seen ( 4)__________How about going cycling together this weekend? Tom: That a good idea. Let’s invite Jim to join us. 2. Jim: Hello, this is Jim. Tom: Oh, hi Jim, this is Peter. Peter and I are going cycling this weekend because we’ve got new bikes. Do you want to join us? Jim: It sounds nice. Tom: My bike is green. It has the same color with (5)__________I hope that I won’t mistake your for (6)___________ Jim: Don’t worry, my bike must look older than (7)_______Oh, wait a minute. I’ve remembered that my bike’s broken. Tom: It’s such a pity. Can you borrow a bike? Jim: Uhm, let see. My sister has a bike. I will borrow (8)________ I will call you if she agrees to lend me her bike. Tom: Okay Bài 8:Đánh dấu …… trước câu trả lời đúng, dấu ……………trước câu sai và sửa lại cho đúng. _____1.Excuse me. We came here first so this table is our. _____2.Tom is a friend of me. _____3.Jim house is as big as mine house. _____4. My cat doesn’t sleep with me. It’s bed is in another room. _____5.My answer for this question is different from his. _____6.Do you have another umbrella? I forgot my at home. _____7.Her hat is very expensive. Mine have a beautiful hat too. _____8.Theirs restaurant is not as famous as ours. BÀI TẬP TỔNG HỢP NÂNG CAO BÀI 9:Hoàn thành các câu dưới đây , sử dụng động từ khuyết thiếu “will” và động từ cho sẵn Commute Learn

have be

become build

live be

see produce

1. People _________________more overpasses to reduce traffic jam in crowed cities. 2. Bullet trains ___________very popular in the next 10 years. 3. My brother ________to ride a monowheel and my father will teach him. 4. They _______electricity from wave power. 5. More and more people ________by high-speed trains in the future. 6. There _______many skycrapers in the next 30 years. 7. If you break the speed limit, you _______ a car crash. 8. If you leave soon, you( not)_______ stuck in the gridlock. 9. we _____ many flying vehicles in the sky in the future. 10. Do you think that human beings_______ in outer space? BÀI 10: SẮP XẾP CÁC TỪ CHO SẴN ĐỂ ĐƯỢC CÂU HOÀN CHỈNH


1. life/ easier/ think/ will/ in/ be/ I/ future/ the/ don’t. 2.of/This/friend/be/future/boy/a/ will/mine/in/the. 3.human being/will/technological/enable/development/live/to/better. 4.be/will/No/thinks/next/one/the/he/champion. 5.than /My/house/future/modern/his/ more/will/be. 6.no/in/street/the/the/be/will/There/next/years/20/carts/in. 7.cars/run/land/Future/will/and/underwater/on. 8.no longer/travel/horses/in/Will/or/people/camels/by/ the/ future? Bài 11: Khoanh tròn đáp án đúng 1.I think that Jim (will/won’t) go to school tomorrow because he’s sick. 2.Flying cars will (see/be seen) everywhere in the future. 3. Jim (will/ won’t) come to our party because he has a tight schedule. 4. Some scientists (think/will think) that the Earth (explodes/ will explode) in the future. 5. I don’t think that we will (make/be made) contact with the aliens in the future. 6.Jane thinks that there ( will/won’t)be traffic jam in the airways if every person owns a flying car in the future. 7.Inland waterways of the city will ( upgrade/be upgraded) soon . 8.It ( is/ will be) predicted that we ( will run/is run) out of fossil fuel in the future. 9.There ( is/will be)an overpass in my city now and I think they ( will build/are built) another nex year. 10.I hope that the problem of traffic jam will ( solve/ be solved ) as soon as possible. BÀI 12: ĐIỀN ĐẠI TỪ NHÂN XƯNG, TÍNH TỪ SỞ HỮU HOẶC ĐẠI TỪ SỞ HỮU VÀO CHỖ TRỐNG SAO CHO THÍCH HỢP. 1.Jane has already eaten her lunch, but I’m saving__________until late. 2.Mary has broken ______leg 3. My father and I will fix my bike tomorrow. ______was broken two days ago. 4.Peter will sell ______house. __________will move to another city. 5.We gave them _______telephone number, and they gave us_______________. 6. “ _________pencil is broken. Can I borrow _________? 7. Jim’s car is very old._______bought it two years ago. I bought ________car three years ago but mine still looks better than ____________________. 8. Tom lives in England but _______________parents live in Spain. 9. Excuse me, is this _______bag, Anna?- “No, it’s __________ 10. ‘ Is that Mr. and Mrs. Smith’s house?”- No, ________is in the next street’. C.EXERCISES TEST 1 UNIT 11 I.Find the word which has a different sound in the underlined part. 1. A. dear B. heart C. hear 2. A. stupid B. studio C. study B. thick C. they 3. A. brother 4. A. cheer B. parachute C. champagne 5. A. doctor B. hospital C. pollution II.Find the word which has a different sound in the underlined part. 1. A. flood B. typhoon C. groom B. hour C. humor 2. A. hobby 3. A. dynamite B. terrify C. deny


D. fear D. student D. that D. machine D. tomorrow D. balloon D. hole D. symbol

4. A. thunder B. earthquake C. gather D. healthy 5. A dump B. nuclear C. bulb D. plumber III.Choose the correct answer. 1. I have to revise tonight because we are having/ will have an exam tomorrow. 2. I am remembering/ will remember this day for the rest of my life! 3. Do you go/ Are you going to Australia next Christmas? 4. I’m sure you are passing/ will pass your driving test. Don’t worry. 5. If you want me to. I will complain/ am going to complain to the manager about it. 6. Oscar says he is doing/ will do the washing-up after dinner. 7. I’m a bit scared because I am seeing/ will see the dentist this afternoon. 8. What are you going to do/ do you do this evening? 9. Shall you tell/ Will you tell Paul I’m sorry about yesterday? 10. My dad will grow/ is going to grow a beard, but my mum doesn’t like the idea. IV.Choose the best one which fits the space to complete the sentence. hat. It’s . (mine, her) 1. It isn’t 2. books are here. are there. (ours, their) 3. These are shoes. Those are . (your, his) 4. This is sister. That’s . (his, my) V.Complete the sentences. Use the correct possessive adjective or possessive pronoun. 1. Look at my hat. This hat is . 2. Peter has got a cat. That’s cat. 3. My brothers have got bikes. The bikes are . 4. You and Robbie have got scarves. These are scarves. 5. Paul has got a kite. The kite is . 6. Mum has got a new bag. That’s bag. 7. My friends and I have got sweets. The sweets are . 8. I’ve got I watch. This is watch. VI.Supply the correct form of the word to complete the sentence. that will save money. (product) 1. We want to buy 2. These will conserve the earth’s resources. (innovate) 3. D.E Huges was the of microphone. (invent) has gone up again. (electric) 4. The price of 5. People in the countryside is . (friend) 6. If it doesn’t rain soon, there’ll be a great of water. (short) is every body’s responsibility. (protect) 7. Environmental 8. Taxi drivers have to have good on the street names. (know) 9. In the future, many buildings will be by solar energy. (hot) 10. My brother can repair electric very well. (apply) VII. Complete the sentences with the correct prepositions. 1. Life a big city is not so quiet as the country. 2. Most them are fond fiction books. 3. He’s familiar his topic. bookshop and have a look the section picture books. 4. Let’s get 5. It’s difficult walk the busy streets. 6. I’m afraid riding in busy streets. 7. I intend to buy something our house. you to help me. 8. It’s very kind 9. What are you doing? - Oh, I’m looking my pen. 10. These boys always laugh the newcomers. 5. pen is red. is blue. (hers, your) VIII.Fill in the blanks with the correct prepositions to complete the sentences. 1. If you have a problem, ask help. 2. Can I speak you for a minute?


3. My children are afraid dogs. 4. This guide book is full useful information. 5. I agree you about most things, but not politics. 6. Don’t worry about the baby. I’ll look her while you’re out. 7. She fell her horse and hurt her wrist. 8. Don’t forget to turn the lights when you go to bed. 9. Put your warm coat. It’s cold today. 10. Could I try these shoes, please? Size nine. IX.Read the text and fill in the blanks, use the words in the box. journey








Martin Halstead is only 20 but he (1) owns an airline company. Alpha One Airways (2) make its first flight on 14 December this year. The plane will fly (3) the Isle of Man (an island between England and Ireland) to Edinburg, the capital of Scotland. It won’t (4) a lot of passengers because it is a small plane. The (5) will take about 45 minutes. Tickets will be cheap and (6) won’t get any food or drink on the flight. Will the company (7) money? Nobody knows – but most people think that Martin Halstead will be (8) one day. X.Rewrite the sentences so that they have the same meaning as the original ones. 1. We will use renewable energy in the future. Renewable energy ____________________________________________________ 2. This is our school. This school is ________________________________________________________ 3. What is the distance between Vinh and Ha Noi city? How _______________________________________________________________ 4. I often walked to school when I was a student. I used ______________________________________________________________ 5. Although they are short, they still love playing sports. In spite of ___________________________________________________________ 6. They will use solar energy to protect the environment. Solar energy _________________________________________________________ 7. Although she eats lots of food, she is still very slim. In spite of ___________________________________________________________ 8. What is the distance between Hanoi and HCM city? How far ____________________________________________________________ 9. I find English interesting. I am _______________________________________________________________ 10. Our roof will be fixed tomorrow. They _______________________________________________________________ XI.Rewrite the sentences so that the meaning stays the same to the first. 1. The café has a lot of tables. There _____________________________________________________ 2. Theatre programmes usually have lots of information. There is ___________________________________________________ 3. London has more than thirty theaters. There are __________________________________________________ 4. The garden has a swimming pool. There _____________________________________________________ 5. The system has both private and state schools. There _____________________________________________________ 6. I accomplished this task in three months. It took ____________________________________________________


7. Jane spent three hours a week sorting out stamps. Sorting out her stamps ________________________________________ 8. The pictures that are taken will have to travel for three minutes before they reach the earth. The pictures will take _________________________________________ 9. She wrote the letter in thirty minutes. It took ____________________________________________________ 10. John finished his essay in two hours. It took ____________________________________________________ XII.Find and correct the mistakes to complete the sentences. 1. London is a expensive city. ___________________________________________________________________ 2. He is a most intelligent student in our class. ___________________________________________________________________ 3. My father’s office are on the second floor. ___________________________________________________________________ 4. Your new car is more cheaper than John’s. ___________________________________________________________________ 5. Why does Suzie and Guy feel tired? ___________________________________________________________________ 6. He left college when he is 17. ___________________________________________________________________ 7. How long does it take you getting to school? ___________________________________________________________________ 8. Craig starts work at eight o’clock yesterday. ___________________________________________________________________ TEST 2 UNIT 11 I. Find the word which has a different sound in the part underlined. 1. A. traffic B. same C. crash D. jam 2. A. let B. jet C. vehicle D. success 3. A. foot B. scooter C. shoot D. food B. fly C. by D. hymn 4. A. sky 5. A. vehicle B. rehearse C.helicopter D. perhaps II. Choose the word which has a different stress pattern from the others. 6. A. helicopter B. plane C. flying D. cars 7. A. underwater B. taxi C. submarine D. ocean 8. A. man B. driverless C. pilotless D. automatic 9. A. ship B. boat C. sailor D. train 10. A. driver B. pedal C. ride D. sail III. Choose the correct answer. 11. People won’t use flying cars the year 2050. A. before B. after C. during D. until 12. The city is facing serious problems. A. pollution B. polluted C. pollute D. pollutant 13. We believe that urban transport pods can travel around 30kph. A. with B. at C. in D. on 14. Do you think the price will increase next month? A. fossil fuels B. gases C. fuel D. natural gases 15. We will use more energy in the future. A. solar B. sunny C. sun D. sunlight 16. A jet pack doesn’t a lot of space. A. have B. bring C. take D. occur 17. Which of transport do you think will be used in the future?


A. mean B. meaning C. meanings D. means 18. We are looking for types of vehicles that help us to avoid . A. traffic B. traffic jam C. rush hours D. walking 19. The Segway, which is a vehicle, will be a success. A. two-wheels B. two wheels C. Two wheel D. two-wheeled 20. Which the Segway, the driver pulls the handle to go back or pushes it to go . A. forward B. backward C. round D. fly 21. I think we have electric taxis very soon. A. may B. might C. will D. would 22. With teleportation, you disappear at a place, and then in another place seconds later. A. appears B. appeared C. reappear D. reappears 23. Every day over 1,000 new cars add to the city and the city of over 20 million people is getting more and more . A. expensive B. famous C. difficult D. gridlocked 24. My brother and I often come to school foot. A. at B. in C. by D. on 25. Skycycling tubes will be easy . A. drive B. to drive C. ride D. to ride 26. The white cat is Helen’s, and the black cat is . A. my B. I C. mine D. of mine 27. We try to make the future green by using vehicles or kinds of energy that are . A. environmentally friendly B. environment friendly C. environmentally friendship D. environmental friendly 28. This is Linda’s hat, and those shoes are . A. her B. hers C. our D. their 29. It will be to ride a jet pack in bad weather because it doesn’t have a roof. A. enjoyable B. pleasant C. unpleasant D. comfortable traffic jams and crashes. 30. A sky safety system can help cars to A. prevent B. have C. use D. take IV.

Complete the sentences with will or will not (won’t) and a suitable verb to make them true in your opinion. 1. In ten years people on other planets. on holiday on the moon. 2. One day people 3. Flying cheaper in the future. 4. People in the future in cities under the sea. 5. There more wars in the future, and we will live in a peaceful world. more traffic than now. 6. In twenty years’ time, there 7. Our children and grandchildren until they are over one hundred. 8. Driverless cars cheap so that many people can afford them. 9. Flying cars that can change into helicopters a runway to take off. faster than the speed of sound. 10. Future planes V. Choose the correct completion in the brackets. 1. Is this (your/ yours) pen? 2. Please give this dictionary to Mary. It’s (her/ hers) . hat. Here. 3. A: Don’t forget (your/ yours) B: No, that’s not (my/ mine) hat. (My/ mine) is green. 4. A: Please take this wood carving as a present from me. Here you are. It’s (your/ yours) . B: Thank you. 5. A: Isn’t that the Smith’s car? That one over there. The blue one.


B: No, that’s not (their/ theirs) . (Their/ Theirs) car is dark blue. VI. Choose the correct completion in the brackets. 1. A: Nick really likes (his/ him) new bicycle. It is very light and fast. How do you like (your/ yours) B: (My / mine) is cheap, but it’s very reliable. 2. A: Excuse me. Is this (your/ yours) umbrella? B: I don’t have an umbrella. Ask Ken. Perhaps it is (him/ his) . 3. A: When do (your/ yours) classes begin? B: September 2nd. How about (your/ yours) ? When do (your/ yours) begin? A: (My/ Mine) begin on August 23rd. 4. A: Mary, (your/ yours) spaghetti sauce is delicious! B: Thank you, but it’s not as good as (your/ yours) . A: Oh, no. (Your/ Yours) is much better. It tastes as good as Anna’s B: Do you like Anna’s spaghetti sauce? I think (her/ hers) is too salty. A: Maybe. (My/ Mine) mother makes goods spaghetti sauce too. (Her/ Hers) is thick and rich. B: In truth, making spaghetti sauce is easy, but everyone’s sauce is just a little different. VII.

Complete the sentences with the words or phrases in the box. fly


got off

a traffic jam


got on

driving seat belt cycle ride parked train 1. I learned to a bike when I was six 2. David the taxi and gave the driver the address of his hotel 3. “Are you going by train?” “No, I’m .” 4. Tom the bus at the wrong bus top, so he walked from these to school. 5. She has to thousands of miles every year for her job. 6. Cycling is my favourite form of . 7. Do you know how to fasten your ? 8. Wouldn’t it be quicker to go by ? 9. He managed to the boat between the rocks. 10. I was stuck in for an hour yesterday. 11. A red truck was home through the park. VIII. Complete the sentences with will or won’t. 1. In a few years everyone know how to use the Internet. 2. In the future people go to school or university. They study at home using their computer. 3. Some teachers are worried that computers take their jobs one day. 4. In a few years, everyone speak English. 5. Chinese become the global language in the near future; it is English as far as I know. IX. Complete the conversation with the correct form of the verb in brackets. Linda: Do you want to go on holiday to Viet Nam with me? Susan: I don’t know Linda: Come on. We (1. have) a great time. We (2. eat) good food. We (3. meet) a lot of nice people. Your Vietnamese (4. get) better and we (5. not spend) a lot of money. Susan: Well … Linda: It (6. not rain) and we (7. go) to Ha Noi and we (8. buy) some cool clothes. Susan: I think we (9. enjoy) beautiful landscapes in Viet Nam.


Linda: And we (10. try) pho and other traditional Viet Nam dishes. Read the text and answer the following questions. Up, up and away! Martin Halstead is only 19, but he already owns an airline owns an airline company. Alpha One Airways will make its first flight on 14 December this year. The plane will fly from the Isle of Man (an island between England and Ireland) to Edinburgh, the capital of Scotland. It won’t carry a lot of passengers because it is a small plane. The journey will take about 45 minutes. Tickets will be cheap and passengers won’t get any food or drink on the flight. Will the company make money? Nobody knows – but most people think that Martin Halstead will be successful one day. 1. When will Alpha One Airways make its first flight? __________________________________________________________________________ 2. Where will the plane fly from? __________________________________________________________________________ 3. Where will it fly to? __________________________________________________________________________ 4. Will it carry a lot of passengers? Why or why not? __________________________________________________________________________ 5. How long will the journey take? __________________________________________________________________________ 6. Will the passengers get any food or drink? __________________________________________________________________________ XI. Read the text and answer the following questions. It is a computer drawing of the plane of the future. British engineers and scientists have published plans for a new hypersonic plane called the A2. It will be very fast. At the moment, a flight from London in the UK to Sydney in Australia takes about twenty-one hours but with the A2 the same flight will take around four hours. The flight will fly at 4,500 kilometres per hour and will fly at an altitude of over 10,000 metres. It will carry 300 passengers but it don’t have any windows because scientists haven’t found glass that is strong enough. It will be better for the environment than other planes because the engines won’t produce gases that cause pollution. In the future, will people travel from London to Australia for the weekend? It’s possible! Both how much will a ticket cost? The planners say that it won’t be very expensive – about £2,000. The A2 will be ready for its first flight in 2020. 1. How long does it take the A2 plane to fly from London to Sydney? __________________________________________________________________________ 2. What is the speed of the plane? __________________________________________________________________________ 3. What is the altitude of the flight? __________________________________________________________________________ 4. How many passengers can it carry? __________________________________________________________________________ 5. How much does a ticket for the flight from London to Sydney cost? __________________________________________________________________________ XII. Read the following passage, and then tick the correct answers: true (T), or false (F). ‘Sky Whale’ is a plane with four engines that can carries over 700 people. The airplane will exist for short distances between cities. The technology will use eco-engines with energy recovery systems which are able to feed back to the planes themselves. With a capacity to transport a large number of passengers, like a train of high speed, ‘Sky Whale’ will be a safer type of planes for the future. We will also have supersonic planes which are transcontinental or transoceanic. They can fly at very high altitudes more than 30,000 metres and at record speeds. The engines which can change according to the situations are called intelligent engines. True False X.


1. 2. 3. 4.

‘Sky Whale’ can carry a large number of passengers. The airplane will be used for long distances between cities because it has four engines. ‘Sky Whale’ can travel at a high speed. Transcontinental planes can fly at the maximum altitude of 3,000 metres and at record speeds. 5. Intelligent engines are the ones that can change according to the situations. XIII. Read the text and answer the following questions. AeroMobil is a beautiful flying car. It can be changed very quickly from a car to a plane only about minutes, and it can give you freedom to move. AeroMobil is a flying car that can use roads for cars and runways for planes. As a car, it can fit in any standard parking space, use regular gasoline, and can be used in road traffic just like any other car. As a plane, it can use airport in the world, but can also take off and land using any grass trip or paved surface just a new hundred meters long. 1. What is AeroMobil? ___________________________________________________________________________ 2. What can it give you? ___________________________________________________________________________ 3. How long does it take AeroMobil to change from a car to a plane? ___________________________________________________________________________ 4. What characteristics does AeroMobil have as a car? ___________________________________________________________________________ 5. When can AeroMobil take off or land besides an airport? ___________________________________________________________________________ XIV. Write a short paragraph about a future means of transport, using the cues given. Driverless cabs 1. Computer-controlled pods/ take/ you/ wherever/ you/ want along a fixed route/ whenever/ want/ go. ___________________________________________________________________________ 2. People/ ride/ speed of 25mph. ___________________________________________________________________________ 3. There/ be little wait/ for use/ the cabs/ will leave from stations/ and/ be accessed/ by prepaid smartcards. ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ 4. The cabs/ which/ travel/ a 1.5m-wide track/ use 75% less energy per passenger/ a car/ and/ 50% less/ a bus. ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ 5. They/ already test/ 160 driverless cabs/ since 2006/ and/ many investors/ politicians/ support/ the idea. ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ UNIT 12: AN OVERCROWDED WORLD (MỘT THẾ GIỚI QUÁ ĐÔNG ĐÚC) A. VOCABULARY 1. affect (v) 2. block (v) 3. cheat (v) 4. crime (n) 5. criminal (n) 6. density (n) 7. diverse (adj) 8. effect (n)

/ə'fekt/: /blɑ:k/: /tʃi:t/: /kraim/: /'kriminəl/: /'densiti/: /dai'və:s/: /i'fekt/:

Tác động, ảnh hưởng Gây ùn tắc Lừa đảo Tội phạm Kẻ tội phạm Mật độ dân số Đa dạng Kết quả


9. explosion (n) /iks'plouƷ ən/: 10. flea market (n) /fli:'mɑ:kit/: 11. hunger (n) /'hʌɳgər/: 12. major (adj) /'meiʤər/: 13. malnutrition (n) /,mælnju:'triʃən/: 14. megacity (n) /'megəsiti/: 15. overcrowded (Adj) /,ouvə'kraudid/: 16. poverty (n) /'pɔvəti/: 17. slum (n) /slʌm/: 18. slumdog (n) /slʌmdɔg/: 19. space (n) /speis/: 20. spacious (Adj) /'speiʃəs/:

Bùng nổ Chợ trời Sự đói khát Chính, chủ yếu, lớn Bệnh suy dinh dưỡng Thành phố lớn Quá đông đúc Sự nghèo đói Khu ổ chuột Kẻ sống ở khu ổ chuột Không gian Rộng rãi

B. GRAMMAR I. SO SÁNH VỀ SỐ LƯỢNG VỚI “MORE/LESS/FEWER”(COMPARISONS OF QUANTIFIERS) 1. Các lượng từ “more/less/fewer” (nhiều hơn/ ít hơn/ ít hơn) - More (nhiều hơn): là dạng so sánh hơn của “many” và “much”. - Less, fewer (ít hơn): “less” là biến đổi của “little”, còn “fewer” là biến đổi của “few”. - “more” dùng để so sánh số lượng vật này nhiều hơn vật kia, còn “fewer” và “less” được dùng để so sánh số lượng vật này ít hơn vật kia. 2. Cấu trúc So sánh (Danh từ đếm được và danh từ không đếm được) So sánh kém (Danh từ đếm được) So sánh kém (Danh từ không đếm được)

…+ more+ danh từ + than+… VD: The countryside has more trees than a big city. (Vùng quê có nhiều cây hơn thành phố lớn.) This city has more traffic than that one. (Thành phố này có xe cộ đi lại nhiều hơn thành phố kia.) …+ fewer + danh từ đếm được số nhiều (-s/es) + than+… VD: The countryside has fewer problems trees than a big city. (Vùng quê có ít vấn đề hơn thành phố lớn) …+ less + danh từ không đếm được + than+… VD: I have less money than you. (Tôi có ít tiền hơn bạn)

B. BÀI TẬP VẬN DỤNG CƠ BẢN Bài 1: Khoanh tròn đáp án đúng. 1. I have (less/ fewer) pocket money than my brother. 2. He eats (less/ fewer) vegetables and fruit than his wife. 3. The doctor advised the kid to eat (less/ fewer) sweets to be healthy. 4. There are (less/ fewer) cars in this town than in my city. 5. Mr. Smith does (less/ fewer) exercise than he should. 6. She has (less/ fewer) patience than her coworker. 7. I have (less/ fewer) time to spend on relaxing than my sister. 8. Peter wants to have (less/ fewer) business trips because he has become seriously weak. 9. She has (less/ fewer) work to do than me. 10. The students have (less/ fewer) days to finish the project. 11. Jack is advised to smoke (less/ fewer) cigarettes. 12. Jane has (less/ fewer) friends than Jim. 13. My city has (less/ fewer) friends than Jim. 14. There are (less/ fewer) tourists this year. 15. Peter has (less/ fewer) toys than his sibings.


Bài 2: Điền “more/less/fewer” vào chỗ trống sao cho hợp lý. 1. My company has ____________ employees than your company because mine has about one hundred employees but yours has almost two hundred. 2. Jim learns better than Jane. He has ____________ good grades than Jane. 3. Because of water pollution, nowadays there is ____________ fresh water than in the past. 4. My neighborhood is more peacefull than your neighborhood. Yours has criminal cases than mine. 5. There are ____________ industrial emissions in the city than in the countryside. 6. Nowadays people spend ____________ money on education than in the past. 7. I hope this year we will harvest ____________ rice than last year, so we won’t be worried about famine. 8. Many people are moving to the city because there are ____________ job opportunities there than in the countryside. 9. The government are trying to raise the living standards of people. I think that there will be ____________ slum areas in the future. 10. Underdeveloped countries have to deal with ____________ problems than developed countries. Bài 3: Nối mệnh đề ở cột A với mệnh đề ở cột B sao cho hợp lý. A B 1. This year, we grow more a. in the city than in the countryside. 2. Fresh graduates often have less b. exciting experiences than his friends. 3. There are fewer trế c. pets than anyone else in her class 4. Jim has more d. working experience than other employees. 5. Today Jane shows less e. flowers than we grew last year. 6. My borther has to cope with more f. sheep in the farm now than before. 7. Joana owns more g. problems than me. 8. There are more h. confidence than she usually does. 1- _______ 2- _______ 3- _______ 4-_______ 5- _______ 6-_______ 7-_______ 8- _______ Bài 4: Dựa vào câu cho trước, viết câu so sánh với “more/less/fewer”. 0. Today I ate one slide of bread. Today I ate less bread than yesterday. 1. My school has about two thousand students. Jane’s school has more than three thousand student. __________________________________________________________________ 2. I have only one science book but my brother has up to ten science books. __________________________________________________________________ 3. There is only one library in her town but there are many libraries in my city. __________________________________________________________________ 4. Yesterday I drank too much wine but Jane just drank a little. __________________________________________________________________ 5. We can find several skyscrapers in the city but we hardly find one in the rural area. __________________________________________________________________ 6. I think you can finish two tasks and Jane can finish one task today. __________________________________________________________________ 7. Maria has been to 4 countries in the world and I have been to 6 countries. __________________________________________________________________ 8. This week my mother bought 3 littles of milk. Last week she bought 6 littles. __________________________________________________________________ 9. My watch cost a lot of money but her watch was even more expensive than mine. __________________________________________________________________ 10. This year they will plant two hundred trees along the streets. Last year they only planted one hundred trees. __________________________________________________________________


Bài 5: Gạch chân lỗi sai trong các câu sau đây và sửa lại cho đúng. 1. Now there are more people in this village as in the past. _____________________________________________________________________ 2. Jonh has more patient than I expected. _____________________________________________________________________ 3. My brother’s house has fewer modern equipments than mine. _____________________________________________________________________ 4. Today Kim showed fewer confidence than usual. _____________________________________________________________________ 5. There are fewer mouse in this house than there used to be. _____________________________________________________________________ 6. There fishermen caught less fish yesterday than usual. _____________________________________________________________________ 7. You may have to face more problem than your colleague. _____________________________________________________________________ 8. Jim has less time to complete his assignment than. _____________________________________________________________________ CÂU HỎI ĐUÔI (TAG QUESTIONS) 1. Định nghĩa và cách dùng Định Câu hỏi đuôi là một câu hỏi ngắn, được thêm vào cuối câu trần thuật, đứng đằng sau nghĩa dấu phẩy. Ví dụ: You like mushrooms, don’t you? (Bạn thích nấm phải không?) He isn’t a doctor, is he? (Anh ấy không phải là một bác sĩ phải không?) It’s a table, isn’t it? (Nó là một cái bàn phải không?) Trong văn nói, ý nghĩa của câu hỏi đuôi tùy thuộc vào cách diễn đạt. Cách - Nếu xuống giọng ở câu hỏi đuôi thì có nghĩa là không thật sự đặt câu hỏi, chỉ dùng muốn người nghe đồng ý với mình. - Nếu lên giọng ở câu hỏi đuôi, thì đó là câu hỏi thực sự. 2. Cách thành lập câu hỏi đuôi tương ứng với các mệnh đề trần thuật Cấu trúc Auxiliary/ To be/ Modal verb (not) + Subject Trong đó Auxiliary(trợ động từ) như do/ dose/did, have/has Động từ tobe: am/ is/ are, was/were Modal verb (động từ khuyết thiếu) như can, could, must… Subject (chủ ngữ) như he, she, it… Trường Nếu câu trần thuật là câu khẳng định, câu hỏi đuôi phải ở thể phủ định. Hình thức phủ định thường được rút gọn (not = n’t) hợp 1 Ví dụ: - She is reading book, isn’t she? (Cô ấy đang đọc sách, phải không?) - Mr. Nam can speak English well, can’t he? (Ông Nam có thể nói tiếng Anh tốt, phải không?) - They did the test yesterday, didn’t they? (Họ đã làm bài kiểm tra vào hôm qua phải không?) - Your sister can swim, can’t she? (Chị gái của bạn biết bơi, phải không?) Trường Nếu câu trần thuật là câu phủ định, câu hỏi đuôi phải ở thể khẳng định. hợp 2 Ví dụ: - Nga isn’t a student, is she? (Nga không phải là học sinh, phải không?)


I shouldn’t smoke here, should I? (Tôi không nên hút thuốc ở đây, phải không?) Her parents don’t work in this company, do they? (Bố mẹ cô ấy không làm việc ở công ty này, phải không?) - They don’t have to go to school, do they? (Họ không phải đi tới trường phải không?) Nếu trong câu trần thuật có trợ động từ hoặc động từ to be thì trợ động từ này được lặp lại trong câu hỏi đuôi. Ví dụ: - She was a writer,wasn’t she? - Miss Lan will go to Ho Chi Minh next month, won’t she? - They didn’t meet him last night, did they? Nếu câu trần thuật không có trợ động từ, dùng trợ động từ tương ứng với thì của câu trần thuật như do/ dose/did, have/has… - He lives in Hanoi city, doesn’t he? - You came here, didn’t you? - They watch TV every evening, don’t they? Câu hỏi đuôi của I am là aren’t I- nhưng nếu là I am nôt thì vẫn dùng am I? Ví dụ: I am wrong, aren’t I? (Tôi sai, phải không?) I’m not wrong, am I? (Tôi không sai, phải không) -

Chú ý

Trường hợp đặc biệt

Yes nếu đồng ý với câu trần thuật ở trên. No nếu không đồng ý với ý kiến ở câu trần thuật. Ví dụ: Your sister is married, isn’t she? Yes, she has just married./ No, of couse she isn’t. Tuy nhiên, cần chú ý câu trả lời Yes/No trong câu trả lời đối với câu hỏi phủ định. Ví dụ: You’re not going out today, are you? (Hôm nay bạn không đi chơi phải không?) Yes. (=Yes, I am going out) Có. (Có, tôi có đi chơi) No. (No, I am not going out) Không. (= Không, tôi không đi chơi) 3. Các bước lần lượt thành lập câu hỏi đuôi Bước 1: Xác định thì của mệnh đề chính. Bước 2: Xác định loại động từ có trong câu: động từ thường, động từ khuyết thiếu hay động từ to be. Bước 3: Xác định mệnh đề chính là câu khẳng định hay phủ định. Nếu mệnh đề chính là câu khẳng định câu hỏi đuôi là câu phủ định. Nếu mệnh đề chính là câu phủ định câu hỏi đuôi là câu khẳng định. Bước 4: Thay đổi đại từ trong câu hỏi đuôi nếu cần. Dưới đây là một vài ví dụ: Câu trần thuật phủ định, Câu trần thuật khẳng định, câu hỏi đuôi khẳng định. câu hỏi đuôi phủ định. You aren’t a teacher, are you? You are a student, aren’t you? He isn’t crazy, is he? He is very busy, isn’t he? They weren’t late, were they? They were surprised, weren’t they? You don’t speak French, do you? You speak English, don’t you? You haven’t been here all week, have you? You have studied all week, haven’t you? You won’t fail the exam, will you? You will pass the exam, won’t you? She can’t drive a car, can she? She can speak two languages can’t she? We mustn’t say anything, must we? We must be patient, mustn’t we? Câu trả lời đối với dạng câu hỏi đuôi

BÀI TẬP VẬN DỤNG CƠ BẢN Bài 6: Điền một chủ ngữ thích hợp vào chỗ trống để hoàn thành các câu hỏi đuôi sau. 1. They are going home from school, aren’t____________? 2. John didn’t do the washing yesterday, did ____________?


3. We couldn’t buy a new car, could ____________? 4. Kevin will arrive here before 4 o’clock, won’t ____________? 5. I am not good- looking, am ____________? 6. James is from England, isn’t ____________? 7. The car isn’t in the garage, is ____________? 8. You are Ann, aren’t ____________? 9. His father took him to the zoo yesterday, didn’t ____________? 10. Our neighbors have moved here, haven’t ____________? Bài 7: Khoanh tròn vào đáp án đúng. 1. She is collecting seashells, (is/isn’t) she? 2. We often play soccer in the afternoon, (do/don’t) we? 3. You weren’t recognized, (were/ weren’t) you? 4. Your father (has/hasn’t) cleaned your bike, hasn’t he? 5. John and Jim (like/don’t like) scary movies, don’t they? 6. You (can/can’t) win this competition, can you? 7. She is watching TV downstairs, (isn’t/doesn’t) she? 8. The journey to the South cost a lot of money, (doesn’t/ didn’t) it? 9. You won’t lie to me, (will/do) you? 10. Josh and John have met each other, (haven’t/don’t) they? 11. She’s from a small town in Thailand, (doesn’t/isn’t)she? 12. I am intelltgent, (amn’t / aren’t) I? 13. We’re late again, (/ aren’t) we? 14. They are going to France this summer, (aren’t/ don’t) they? 15. She didn’t use to work in a hotel, (did/does) she? 16. You must obey the rule, (don’t/mustn’t) you? 17. They need some new clothes, (needn’t/ don’t) they? 18. Jim and his wife live in a tiny flat, (doesn’t/ don’t) they? 19. Mary studies very hard every night, (doesn’t/ did) she? 20. This table is made wood, (isn’t/ doesn’t) it? 21. There are 30 students in your class, (aren’t/ don’t) there? 22. You shouldn’t take in too much sugar, (do/ should) you? 23. David and James will be learning Japanese at this time next week, (aren’t/ won’t) they? 24. She doesn’t cook very often, (do/does) she? 25. Jim hurt this leg yesterday, (doesn’t/ didn’t) he? Bài 8: Điền các câu hỏi đuôi cho sẵn vào chỗ trống sao cho hợp lý. aren’t don’t we is she does he will they is she did it won’t they wasn’t he isn’t she 1. Your parents will pick you up today, ____________? 2. Mary isn’t sleeping now, ____________? 3. My cat didn’t come home yesterday, ____________? 4. My brother was ill yesterday, ____________? 5. I am right, ____________? 6. We often go fishing in the weekend, ____________? 7. They won’t destroy this building, ____________? 8. Jim doesn’t like collecting stamps, ____________? 9. Your grandmother is watering flowers, ____________? 10. She isn’t your sister, ____________? Bài 9: Hoàn thành các câu hỏi đuôi sau đây. 1. It is your cat, ____________? 2. This umbrella is yours, ____________? 3. You won’t leave the party early, ____________? 4. We went to a Japanese restaurant yesterday, ____________?


5. You mustn’t press this button, ____________? 6. They haven’t found their keys, ____________? 7. Anne and Tom often play badminton with each other, ____________? 8. Peter is listening to music upstairs, ____________? 9. The students must finish their homework, ____________? 10. It will be snowing at this time next week, ____________? 11. I can leave now, ____________? 12. My classmates and I will be learning English at 8 a.m, tomorrow, ____________? 13. You didn’t attend the meeting, ____________? 14. The sheep are grazing in the fields, ____________? 15. Josh should pay attention to his health condition, ____________? 16. His father was an employee of this company ten years ago, ____________? 17. My mother doesn’t like my untidiness, ____________? 18. James will go camping with us tomorrow, ____________? 19. Your bike is broken, ____________? 20. You were terrified by the thunder, ____________? 21. They didn’t expect me to appear at the meeting, ____________? 22. It is important to be on time, ____________? 23. This doctor hasn’t worked in the local hospital for 2 months, ____________? 24. We have been to New York, ____________? 25. James could win the match yesterday, ____________? Bài 10: Đánh dấu [√] trước câu đúng. Đánh dấu [X] trước câu sai và sửa lại cho đúng. _________ 1. You can afford time to come to our party, can you? _____________________________________________________________________ _________ 2. He put sugar on my coffee, doesn’t he? _____________________________________________________________________ _________ 3. They won’t let me take photos here, will? _____________________________________________________________________ _________ 4. This song is catchy, isn’t this? _____________________________________________________________________ _________ 5. Your mother’s bought you a new dress, isn’t she? _____________________________________________________________________ _________ 6. Someone mistook you for a famous singer, didn’t they? _____________________________________________________________________ _________ 7. Josh practices singing every day, does he? _____________________________________________________________________ _________ 8. There isn’t any parks near here, is there? _____________________________________________________________________ BÀI TẬP TỔNG HỢP NÂNG CAO Bài 11: Dựa vào những thông tin có trong bảng cho sẵn, sử dụng “more/less/fewer” để so sánh trường học của Jane và Peter. Number of Jane’s school Peter’s school 0. Student 2 thousand 1.5 thousand 1. Building 5 4 2. Classroom 280 190 3. Classroom equipment Computer, projector, ceiling fans Computer, projector, loudspeakers, air- con, fans 4. Student club 6 9 5. Time for self- studying 10 hours a week 8 hours a week 0. Jane’s school has less students than Peter’s school. 1. _____________________________________________________________________ 2. _____________________________________________________________________ 3. _____________________________________________________________________


4. _____________________________________________________________________ 5. _____________________________________________________________________ Bài 12: Hoàn thành câu thứ hai sao cho nghĩa không đổi so với câu thứ nhất, sử dụng “more/less/fewer”. 0. There are more street lights on this road than that road. There are fewer street lights on that road than this road. 1. There were fewer criminal cases in my country 3 years ago than now. __________________________________________________________________ 2. There are more wealthy people in big cities than in the countryside. __________________________________________________________________ 3. My city has fewer slums than yours. __________________________________________________________________ 4. The standards of living in the cities shows more improvement than in the rural areas. __________________________________________________________________ 5. Old factories produce more carbon dioxide emissions than modern factories. __________________________________________________________________ 6. There are less arable land in the city than in the countryside. __________________________________________________________________ 7. Are there more health centres in my city now than ten years ago? __________________________________________________________________ 8. People in developed countries spend more money on health care and education than in the underdeveloped countries. __________________________________________________________________ Bài 13: Hoàn thành các câu hỏi đuôi sau: 1. No one will reveal my secrets, ____________? 2. Everyone in the room is staring at me, ____________? 3. A bridge will be built here next year, ____________? 4. There aren’t any slums in your city, ____________? 5. Someone has eaten my cake, ____________? 6. The Smiths will travel back to their hometown next summer, ____________? 7. There will be more skyscrapers in our city, ____________? 8. You have been to Paris, ____________? 9. Jim should do more research on this topic, ____________? 10. In the past, rabies was an incurable disease, ____________? 11. A conference on population explosion will be held tomorrow, ____________? 12. You didn’t use to walk to school, ____________? 13. Your pets are fed by your mom everyday, ____________? 14. Air pollution is caused by carbon dioxide emissions from factories and vehicles, ____________? 15. You used to be a teacher, ____________? Bài 14. Dựa vào những từ cho sẵn, viết mệnh đề trần thuật và câu hỏi đuôi của nó. 0. You/ go shopping/ with your mother tomorrow. You will go shopping with your mother tomorrow, won’t you. 1. Mr. Smith/ not come/ home/ yesterday. __________________________________________________________________ 2. Your parents/ be/ at home/ now. __________________________________________________________________ 3. It/ not rain/ tomorrow. __________________________________________________________________ 4. Jim/ not do/ his homework/yet. __________________________________________________________________ 5. Jane’s cat/ sleep/ now __________________________________________________________________ 6. Mary and Jim/ can/ speak/ both English and French.


__________________________________________________________________ 7. Peter/ live/ here/ for 5 years. __________________________________________________________________ 8. These shoes/ cost/ a lot of money. __________________________________________________________________ 9. You sisters/ look after/ your grandparents/ now. __________________________________________________________________ 10. I/ must/ go home/ now. __________________________________________________________________ C.EXERCISES TEST 1 UNIT 12 I.Choose a word in each line that has different stress pattern. 1. A. disease B. service C. standard D. tourist 2. A. agriculture B. industrial C. behavior D. economy 3. A. nutrition B. consider C. experience D. atmosphere 4. A. consider B. industry C. million D. density 5. A. economic B. community C. population D. overcrowded II. Choose a word in each line that has different stress pattern. 1. A. megacity B. education C. overcrowded D. malnutrition 2. A. enough B. affect C. narrow D. require 3. A. peaceful B. labour C. diverse D. wealthy 4. A. physician B. criminal C. average D. skyscraper 5. A. homeless B. violence C. skyscraper D. describe III.Find the word which has a different sound in the underlined part. 1. A. density B. countryside C. reason D. list 2. A. sugar B. slum C. cutting D. luck B. place C. malnutrition D. traffic 3. A. fact 4. A. spacious B. delicious C. social D. decision 5. A. decrease B. healthcare C. sea D. disease IV.Choose the best one (A, B, C or D) to complete the sentences. 1. The children can read English, ? A. can’t they B. can they C. they can D. they can’t 2. Overcrowded places have a lot of problems, ? A. doesn’t it B. have they C. don’t they D. does they 3. The immigrants will hardly find accommodation in the city, ? A. will it B. won’t it C. will they D. won’t they 4. Disease spreads more quickly in overcrowded areas, ? A. doesn’t it B. is it C. isn’t it D. does it 5. Your brother’s here, ? A. is he B. are he C. isn’t he D. aren’t he 6. When people live in a small lace, life can be very difficult. A. too much B. too many C. a few D. few 7. Living in the country is healthier than that in the city because in the countryside, there is traffic. A. more B. less C. Higher D. fewer 8. Tom didn’t see her, ? A. did Tom B. did he C. do Tom D. does he 9. Children in the slums have more diseases than in wealthy areas. A. those B. Ø C. them D. that 10. People move to the city with the hope that they can get food and better healthcare. A. less B. fewer C. more D. bigger V.Choose the best one (A, B, C or D) to complete the sentence or replace the underlined word.


1. Don’t leave anything behind, ? A. do you B. don’t you C. will you D. shall we 2. Overpopulation problems both the rich and the poor. A. happen B. affect C. cause D. reduce 3. Rio de Janeiro is a very culturally city. A. different B. same C. diverse D. diversity 4. That isn’t Bill driving, ? A. is it B. isn’t it C. is that D. isn’t that 5. I think in the future cities will be more crowded and the traffic will get . A. good B. well C. worst D. worse 6. The major cause of death for children living in the slums is . A. density B. illiteracy C. immigration D. malnutrition 7. Susan doesn’t like oysters, ? A. did she B. does she C. doesn’t she D. she does 8. Diseases more quickly in overcrowded areas. A. come B. travel C. move D. spread 9. It’s very in the city. Some rich people live in large villas, while many poor people live in small slums. A. diverse B. equal C. spacious D. healthy 10. Mary wasn’t angry, ? A. was she B. is she C. wasn’t she D. was Mary 11. In Manila, over 30% of the population lives in . A. poverty B. schooling C. crops D. shortage 12. Some poor people may crime when they need money. A. involve B. arrive C. commit D. accept 13. Your grandfather was a millionaire, ? A. was he B. is he C. wasn’t he D. isn’t she 14. Everyone is ready for the game, ? A. aren’t they B. is there C. is it D. isn’t it 15. The city has to find to homeless people immediately. A. earnings B. systems C. calories D. solutions VI.The word at the end of each of the following sentences can be used to form a word that fits suitably in the blank. 1. The first symptom of the disease is a very high TEMPERATE . 2. The long hot summer has led to serious water SHORT . 3. To have hundreds of people sleeping in HOME the streets of a rich city like London is a crime. 4. Average for skilled workers are rising. EARN 5. We lived in rented before buying ACCOMMODATE this house. 6. Drought has many countries in Africa AFFECT after a long period of dry weather. 7. Nuclear power can be used for or PEACE military purposes. 8. The government is trying to limit population . GROW 9. A megacity is a very large city with big . POPULAR 10. Healthcare workers who offer care to MEDICINE others are some of the lowest paid people in the country. VII.Complete each of the following sentences with a correct question tag. 1. Mr. White is a tailor, ? 2. I think that is an overcrowded bus, ?


3. Mr. Vinh is a teacher, ? 4. Your grandparents don’t prefer living in the city, ? 5. It isn’t ready yet, ? 6. The tourists will never be allowed to visit the slums again, 7. I am clever, ? 8. He’s unable to solve that problem alone, ? 9. We must hurry, ? 10. Dai Dong used to be a fishing village with only three thousand people, VIII.Complete each of the following sentences with a correct question tag. 1. They won’t stop long, ? 2. His brother has lived in Jakarta for more than ten years, ? 3. You asked for mustard, ? 4. These houses cannot provide enough accommodation, ? 5. He speaks too quickly, ? 6. Your sister works for a big foreign company in the city, 7. He will arrive soon, ? 8. There were nearly one million people living in this city in 2010, 9. The milk may be sour, ? 10. We shouldn’t go to those streets when it turns dark, ?



? ?

IX. Add question tags to the following statements. 1. Baird didn’t produce the first TV picture before 1920, ? 2. There are many interesting programs tonight, ? 3. Linh didn’t feel confident in her favorite clothes, ? 4. The two cities are not the same in some ways, ? 5. Her listening isn’t excellent, ? 6. Maryam couldn’t stay for longer time, ? ? 7. My sister has to make this room tidy, 8. This poet has mentioned the Ao Dai in poems, ? 9. Lan used to walk past the mosque on her way to primary school, ? 10. Nobody wrote poems yesterday, ? X.Fill in each blank with fewer, less, more or some. patience than Nam. 1. Minh has 2. So far I’ve saved money than my close friend. water than me. 3. She drinks 4. Phong has visited countries than Mai. 5. They give me money. 6. Next year, we will have homework. free time than this year. 7. She has 8. Let’s wait for minutes and try to call her again. 9. We prefer living in the countryside because it has pollution than the city. 10. There used to be unemployed people in this city five years ago. XI.Fill in the blank with a suitable word in the blanket. crime caused fewer better becomes prices provide exceeds between more Overpopulation is an undesirable condition where the number of existing human population (1) the carrying capacity of Earth. Overpopulation is (2) by a number of factors such as reduced mortality rate, (3) medical facilities, and depletion of precious resources. The effects of overpopulation are quite severe. One of these is rise in unemployment. When a country (4) overpopulated, it gives rise to unemployment as there are (5) jobs to support a large number of people. Rise in unemployment gives rise to (6) as people will steal them basic amenities of life. various items to feed their family and (7)


High cost of living is another effect. As difference (8) demand and supply continues to expand due to overpopulation, it raises the (9) of various commodities including food, shelter and healthcare. This means that people have to pay (10) to survive and feed their families. XII.Read the text carefully, and then answer the question below. Mumbai, which is located in the western coast of India, is the capital of Maharashtra state. It is home to Bollywood, the centre of Hindu movie industry, and the film “Slumdog Millionaire” was based there. Poor people have to live in slums. In the slum, people have to live with many problems. People have to go to the toilets in the streets and there are open sewers. Children play among sewage wastes and doctors deal with 4,000 cases of death a day because of lack of hygiene. Next to the open sewers are water pipes which can crack and take in sewage. Dharavi slum is based around this area. There are toxic wastes in the slum including hugely dangerous heavy metals. Dharavi is made of 12 different neighbourhoods and there are no maps or road signs. The further you walk into Dharavi from the edge, the more crowded area becomes. People live in very small slums, often with many members of their extended families. 1. Where are the toilets in the slum? ___________________________________________________________________ 2. Where is Mumbai? ___________________________________________________________________ 3. Is Mumbai famous for the film industry? Why or why not? ___________________________________________________________________ 4. How many neighbourhoods are there in Dharavi? ___________________________________________________________________ 5. What happens to water pipes in Dharavi? ___________________________________________________________________ XIII. Read the following passage and answer the questions below. The Philippines has one of the fastest growing populations in Southeast Asia. From having fifty million inhabitants in 1980, the Philippines today is home to around ninety-eight million people with 12 million living in Manila only. Manila, the Philippine capital, is one of the most overpopulated places on earth. There are few other areas where so many people live so closely together: On average there are 66,140 people per square kilometer, but in some slum regions there are as many as 90,000 people living per square kilometer. The world overpopulation is a growing and complex problem. But for the residents of Manila the result is quite simple. They are running out of space. Families live in home-made shacks built in cemeteries, of between railroad tracks or under bridges. They live wherever they can find some space. Even the city’s toxic garbage dumps are home to people who eat, sleep and live surrounded by rotting trash. With so many residents, the city’s resources are strained to the limit. Large parts of Manila’s 12 million residents lack clean drinking water, work, and access to healthcare and education. 1. What is the average density in manila? ___________________________________________________________________ 2. What do most of manila’s residents lack? ___________________________________________________________________ 3. What was the population of the Philippines in 1980? ___________________________________________________________________ 4. Where do homeless people in manila live? ___________________________________________________________________ 5. How many inhabitants are there in manila? XIV.Rewrite the following sentences, beginning as shown, so that the meaning stays the same. 1. Jakarta doesn’t have as many skyscrapers as Shanghai. → Shanghai ........................................................................................................... 2. You forgot to turn off the T.V last night, didn’t you? → You didn’t remember ........................................................................................ ? 3. The countryside doesn’t suffer as much pollution as the city.


→ The countryside ................................................................................................ 4. I think you should go to work by bike. → Who don’t......................................................................................................... ? 5. New York has more billionaires than Tokyo. → Tokyo .............................................................................................................. 6. We will plant more trees along this street. → More trees......................................................................................................... 7. Does overpopulation cause a lot of social problems in this area? → Overpopulation ................................................................................................ ? 8. Is pollution the most serious problem? → Pollution is........................................................................................................ ? 9. A group of foreigners visited the slums last week, didn’t they? → Did ................................................................................................................... ? 10. Mr Lam lived in the country when he was a child. → Mr Lam used .................................................................................................... TEST 2 UNIT 12 I. Find the word which has a different sound in the part underlined. 1. A. healthcare B. disease C. decrease D. sea 2. A. malnutrition B. traffic C. fact D. place 3. A. slum B. cutting C. sugar D. luck 4. A. social B. decision C. spacious D. delicious 5. A. reason B. list C. density D. countryside II. Choose the word which has a different stress pattern from the others. 6. A. million B. density C. consider D. industry 7. A. skyscraper B. describe C. homeless D. violence 8. A. diverse B. wealthy C. peaceful D. labour 9. A. overcrowded B. malnutrition C. megacity D. education 10. A. industrial B. behaviour C. agriculture D. economy III. Choose the correct answer. 11. Rio de Janeiro is a very culturally city. A. diverse B. diversity C. different D. same 12. The schoolyard is very small, so there isn’t enough for students to play in. A. rooms B. land C. space D. ground 13. Diseases more quickly in overcrowded areas. A. move B. spread C. come D. travel 14. In Manila, over 30% of the population lives in . A. crops B. shortage C. poverty D. schooling 15. Children in the slums have more diseases than in wealthy areas. A. them B. that C. those D.∅ 16. People move to big cities for a better . A. standard of living B. Standard living C. standard life D. life of standard 17. When people live in a small place, life can be very difficult. A. a few B. few C. too much D. too many 18. Everyone is ready for the game, ? A. is it B. Isn’t he C. aren’t they D. is there 19. Overcrowded places have a lot of problems, ? A. don’t they B. does it C. doesn’t it D. have they 20. People living in the slums never get good healthcare, ? A. do they B. don’t they C. are they D. aren’t they IV. Complete the sentences with the words or phrases in the box. hunger

flea market







living standard



1. There are million of people in that African country who are living in because they have no jobs. 2. There has been a shortage of food for a long time because of failure of crops and people are suffering from . 3. is one of the country’s most pressing social problems. 4. She was brought up in the of Dharavi. 5. The hotel rooms are and comfortable. 6. In Africa many people die of each year. 7. Hong Kong has a high population , over six thousand/ km2. 8. A is an outdoor market that sells second-hand goods at low prices. 9. The government has had to take measures to stop the population . 10. The in many developing countries is low. V. Match the word or phrase with their meaning and write the answer in each blank. Answers A B 1. slump A. the number of people in a place in relation to its area 2. overpopulation B. a market usually held outdoors 3. overcrowded C. a very large city, typically one with a population of over 10 million 4. malnutrition D. the sudden increase in the number of people in the country or in the world 5. poverty E. an area of a city where living conditions are extremely bad 6. megacity F. with too many people 7. destiny G. large in size 8. spacious H. the state of having very little money 9. flea market I. a situation in which too many people live in a certain area 10. population J. bad health that is the result of not having enough food explosion VI. Complete the sentences with the words or phrases in the box. drought 1. 2. 3.





growth crime earnings disease accommodation The first symptom of the is a very high temperature. The long hot summer has led to serious water . To have hundreds of homeless people sleeping in the streets of a rich city like London is a

4. Average for skilled workers are rising. 5. We lived in rented before buying this house. 6. has affected many countries in Africa a long period of dry weather. 7. Nuclear power can be used for or military purposes. 8. The government is trying to limit population . 9. A is a very large city with big population. 10. workers who offer medical care to others are some of the lowest paid people in the country. VII. Fill in each blank with fewer or less. hours than Hoa a day. 1. Ba works 2. Ba spends money on books than Nam. 3. They are very tired. They can do exercises this evening. 4. I am very tired, too. I will do work tonight. 5. They get money than us. letters home. 6. Hoa likes her new life in Ha Noi now. She writes


7. You should spend time playing computer games. 8. They have days off than anyone in the factory. 9. Lan drinks water than Hoa a day. 10. There are trees along the streets in the new town. VIII. Fill in each blank with the correct word: more, fewer or less. 1. The weather in winter is worse than that in summer. People get colds in summer than in winter. 2. The new law limits smoking in public. There are places where people can smoke. 3. We are lucky. We work hours than any workers. 4. This factory has workers than any workers. 5. Farmers have time off than workers. Farmers work harder than workers. 6. There are cars in the streets at this time. The traffic is so heavy. 7. Class 7A has 42 students, and Class B has only 38 students. Class 7A has students than Class 7B. 8. Lan has homework than Hoa. 9. fruits are now in season in the south. There are plenty of fruits now. 10. I think we don’t have many publish holidays. We ought to have . IX. Put a tag question at the end of the sentences. 1. In big cities, life can become very difficult and unpleasant, ? 2. The world will soon become overpopulated, ? 3. The number of English speakers is increasing very quickly, ? 4. Jeju Island looks very peaceful, ? 5. I think a megacity is a very large city with big population, ? 6. You have never watched any films made in Bollywood, ? 7. Some people commit crime when they have no money and no food, ? 8. You enjoy living in a peaceful neighbourhood, ? 9. The factory will bring more jobs to local people, ? 10. You forgot to bring textbooks this morning, ? X. Put a tag question at the end of the sentences. ? 1. You don’t like pollution, 2. It’s hot today, ? 3. You’re waiting for your letter, ? ? 4. We had a good time, 5. You won’t tell anyone, ? 6. We don’t have to go yet, ? ? 7. You haven’t gone to Rio de Janeiro, 8. They didn’t like the film, ? 9. The idea can change the situation, ? 10. You need and English-Vietnamese dictionary, ? XI. Read the following passage, and then tick the correct answers: true (T), or false (F). Thousands of people in Calcutta, India, have no jobs and no proper homes. They live in homes made of mats, boxes, and rusty sheets of tin. Many people have to camp permanently in the railway stations, cooking, eating, sleeping and feeding their babies there. Babies are born in the streets and people die there too. As many as seventeen out of every hundred families live in the streets, having nowhere to go. Many of these people are sick because of a hot and damp climate. Although the government tries hard to provide houses, schools, and medical services, it can hardly keep up with the increasing population. True False 1. Many people in Calcutta live in bad conditions because they have no jobs. 2. Many people live in slums made of anything they can find. 3. Babies from poor families are taken care of by the local government. 4. Seventy percent of the families in Calcutta have to live in the streets. 5. The local government makes efforts to help poor families but it cannot solve the problem successfully. XII. Read the text and answer the questions below.


Modern cities all over the world face the same problems. One of them is poor housing. People often live in old houses or huts that don’t have electricity or sanitation. As city population grow, governments don’t have the money to build modern apartment buildings. Cars and industries are polluting city air and rivers more and more. Waste that people throw away is burned or ends up in landfills. All of this makes modern cities an unhealthy place to live in. Especially during morning and evening rush hours cities become packed with vehicles. Daily traffic jams make it impossible for people to get to work in time. City authorities are spending more and more money on public transportation and are taking other steps to reduce traffic in cities. Cities of today face many social problems. Crime, alcoholism, and drug addiction is especially high in cities. Many young people are unemployed. Government organizations work hard to get rid of poverty. They try to give such people better education and jobs. 1. Where do poor people live in cities? __________________________________________________________________________ 2. Why can’t governments solve the problem of poor housing? __________________________________________________________________________ 3. What makes modern cities an unhealthy place to live in? __________________________________________________________________________ 4. What are social problems that many cities face nowadays? __________________________________________________________________________ 5. What do government organizations try to do? __________________________________________________________________________ XIII.Read the following passage, and then tick the correct answers: true (T), or false (F). The population of the world has increased more in modern times than in all other ages of history. The world’s population was about 500 million in 1650. It doubled in the period from 1650 to 1850. In 1986, the population was more than three billion. Estimates based on research by the United Nations in the same year showed that it would be more than 7.5 billion by 2020. True False 1. The world’s population increase in modern times has been greater than ever before. 2. The world’s population was over a billion in 1850. 3. The United Nations carried out the research in 1850. 4. The world’s population in 1986 was three times as big as that in 1850. 5. The world’s population would be more than seven and a half billion by 2020. XIV.Read the text and answer the questions below. Mumbai, which is located on the western coast of India, is the capital of Maharashtra state. It is home to Bollywood, the centre of Hindu movie industry, and the film “Slumdog Millionaire” was based there. Poor people have to live in slums. In the slum, people have to live with many problems. People have to go to the toilets in the streets and there are open sewers. Children play among sewage wastes and doctors deal with 4,000 cases of death a day because of lack of hygiene. Next to the open sewers are water pipes which can crack and take in sewage. Dharavi slum is based around this area. There are toxic wastes in the slum including hugely dangerous heavy metals. Dharavi is made of 12 different neighbourhoods and there are no maps or road signs. The further you walk into Dharavi from the edge, the more crowded the area becomes. People live in very small slums, often with many members of their extended families. 1. 2. 3. 4.

Where is Mumbai? __________________________________________________________________________ What is its function in Maharashtra state? __________________________________________________________________________ Is Mumbai famous for the film industry? Why or not why? __________________________________________________________________________ What is the setting for the film “Slumdog Millionaire”? __________________________________________________________________________



Where are the toilets in the slum? __________________________________________________________________________ 6. What is the effect of open sewers? __________________________________________________________________________ 7. What happens to water pipes in Dharavi? __________________________________________________________________________ 8. How polluted is it in Dharavi? __________________________________________________________________________ 9. How many neighbourhoods are there in Dharavi? __________________________________________________________________________ 10. What happens when you go further into the slum? __________________________________________________________________________ XV. Write a short paragraph about the population of Mumbai, using the cues given. 1. Mumbai/ one/ most populated cities/ world. __________________________________________________________________________ 2. Population/ Mumba/ over 12.7 million/ population density/ 20,482 people/ per square kilometer. __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ 3. Like other big cities/ India/ population of Mumbai/ grow/ rapidly/ last 20 years. __________________________________________________________________________ 4. A large majority/ Mumbai’s population/ migrants/ other states/ India. __________________________________________________________________________ 5. A large number/ people/ Mumbai/ live/ the slums/ other residential areas. __________________________________________________________________________ XVI.Write a short paragraph about the population change in Ho Chi Minh city over the past 30 years, using the cues given. 1. Ho Chi Minh City/ largest city/ Viet Nam. __________________________________________________________________________ 2. 1979/ only 3.4 million/ 10 years later/ only 4 million/ because/ economy/ not/ develop much. __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ 3. Renovation policy/ start/ 1989/ next decade/ dramatic increase/ population/ figure/ over 5 million. __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ 4. With economic growth/ living standard/ Ho Chi Minh City/ higher / other regions/ so/ many people/ look for/ jobs. __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ 5. Ho Chi Minh City/ biggest city/ population/ over 7 million in 2009/ now about 8 million. __________________________________________________________________________ I. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. II. 6. 7. 8. 9.

TEST FOR UNIT 10,11,12 Find the word which has a different sound in the part underlined. A. flood B. wood C. book A. overcrowded B. house C. country A. health B. heat C. meat B. travel C. imagine A. pavement A. footprint B. shoot C. smooth Choose the word which has a different stress pattern from the others. A. petrol B. chimney C. future A. overcrowded B. population C. uncomfortable A. eco-friendly B. environment C. renewable A. underwater B. supersonic C. malnutrition


D. cook D. town D. seat D. transport D. toothache D. hotel D. celebration D. abundantly D. intelligent

10. A. spacious B. comfort C. traffic D. resource III. Choose the correct answer. 16. Driverless cars have already , and they look so cool. A.gone B.travelled C.exist D.existed 17. If I have a jet pack. I will use to fly anywhere easily. A.my B. mine C. his D. their 18. I think teleportation is only . A.imagine B.imaginary C.imaginable D.imagining 19. Do we need much to park that kind of vehicles? A.land B.ground C.soil D.space 20. Do you think it will be (an) , green wayto travel? A.convenient B.inconvenience C.polluting D.polluted 21. I think in the future cities will be more crowded and the traffic will get . A.good B.well C.worse D.worst 22. Which is the best of transport for the future? A.mean B.means C.traffic D.ways 23. Sidewalks are to moving walkways in airports. A.familiar B.similar C.different D.same 24. We are looking for cheap, clean, sources of energy. A.polluting B.harmful C.expensive D.effective 25. We should try to reduce energy as much as possible. A.production B.producers C.consumption D.consumers 26. Solar energy is and it can be replaced easily. A.new B.renew C.renewable D.non-renewable 27. For many people living in rural areas, biogas is a cheap energy available. A.method B.production C.supply D.consumption 28. Nuclear energy can provide enough electricity for the world’s needs, but it is very . A.risk B.risky C.endanger D.endangered and safe. 29. Alternative sources of energy are A.enough B.not enough C.short D.abundant 30. Sources of energy will be used more for our future. A.effective B.efficient C.effectively D.efficiently crashing in the sky. 31. A sky safety system will stop everyone A.at B.from C.through D.for 32. regular light bulbs with low energy light bulbs, which use less energy. A.Turn B.Replace C.Place D.Put 33. Without good insulation, the in our houses goes out through the windows, the doors, etc. A.ice B.atmosphere C.amount D.heat 34. A(n) station will be built in the North of the country next decade. A.hydropower B.water C.hydroelectricity D.energy 35. We can the problem of energy shortage by using solar energy. A.carry out B.get C.recover D.solve 36. Don’t forget to the lights when leaving a room or going to bed. A.turn B.turn on C.turn off D.turn out 37. What should we do to our electric bills? A.fall B.cut down C.drop D.reduce 38. The use of biogas for cooking in the countryside. A.will increase B.will be increasing C.will be increased D.will increased 39. The digital camera belongs to Nick. That camera is . A.him B.he C.his D.one 40. Is this schoolbag ? A.you B.your C.yours D.them



41. The city is working on a project the slums with clean water. A.providing B.provide C.to provide D.to providing 42. In that country, over 30% of the population live in . A.poor B.poorer C.poverty D.the poor 43. Children who malnutrition can have a lot of diseases. A.suffer from B.avoid C.gain D.obtain 44. There are more problems in the slums than in the areas. A.wealth B.richness C.wealthy D.country 45. is quite popular in an overcrowded city where you can see people sleeping in a park or under a bridge. A.Homeless B.The homeless C.Homelessly D.Homelessness IV. Complete the sentences, using the correct possessive form of the words in brackets. 46. This schoolbag is . (I) 47. These books are . (we) 48. Those books are . (they) 49. This raincoat is . (Nick) 50. is light blue, but my hat is red. (she) 51. This is my pen, and that one is . (you) 52. Our flat has four rooms, and has five rooms. (they) 53. This notebook is . (you) 54. These pencil are . (Ann) 55. Our car is a Chevrolet, but is a Toyota. (they) V. Write questions for the underlined parts. 56. We are looking for cheap, clean, and effective sources of energy. __________________________________________________________________________ 57. Solar panels are used to produce energy in that area. __________________________________________________________________________ 58. We learn to reuse some daily products like empty bottles to save money. __________________________________________________________________________ 59. People from the countryside move to cities to find work and a better standard of living. __________________________________________________________________________ 60. People like using urban transport pods because they are very convenient and safe. __________________________________________________________________________ VI. Read the following passage, and then tick the correct answers: true (T), or false (F). Most of the world’s energy comes from the sun. The sun’s energy is in wood, oil, and other things that people use for energy. People use many sources of energy. Ancient people used only their arms, hands and simple tools until they discovered fire. Later, people learned to use the energy of the wind to sail ships. Then they learned to use animals to do work. In the 18th and 19th centuries, people began to use machines. The first machines used steam. They burned coal to heat water. The hot water turned into steam, and the steam engine did the work. Later, people began to use the gasoline engine, and today people are using nuclear energy. Energy is one of the basic concepts, or ideas, or physics. It is the ability to do work. Without energy we could not live. We need energy to work, and scientists are always looking for new sources of energy. True False 61. None of the world’s energy comes from the sun. 62. Wind, steam, and gasoline are sources of energy. 63. People have never used nuclear energy. 64. Energy is the ability to do work. 65. We need new sources of energy. VII. Read the text and answer the questions below. One major issue with a growing population: shortages of both food and water. Crowded cities make wastewater management more difficult. Waste pollutes clean water, making it undrinkable. Even today in some African cities, there are inadequate water supplies because most of the water is lost in pipe leakages.


Today, outdoor air pollution contributes to about two million deaths a year. Indoor air pollution, primarily from cook stoves in developing nations, skills another four million people every year, according to the World Health Organization. As cities continue to crowd, this issue will only grow, according to UN data. It’s also likely that crime and violence will increase along with urban density, the UN reports. Independent studies have found that the warming planet is likely to increase violence worldwide because of the economic pressure caused by heat and drought. The best solution is to manage growth and to prepare for the cities of the future. 66. Where is the major issue with a growing population? __________________________________________________________________________ 67. What does waste pollute? __________________________________________________________________________ 68. What is the effect of outdoor air pollution? __________________________________________________________________________ 69. What will increase along with urban density? __________________________________________________________________________ 70. Why is our planet likely to increase violence worldwide? __________________________________________________________________________ VIII. Read the following passage, and then tick the correct answers: true (T), or false (F). Electricity is the most common form of energy today. In the modern world, electricity is very available at the touch of a switch. Electricity has many uses. The most common use of electricity is to provide artificial lighting. In factories, electricity is used to light up the factories. It is also used to operate airconditioners, computers, and many other machines. Electricity is also used to power the many appliances that we have in our homes. Such appliances include television sets, computers, electric fans, irons, and many others. The list is simply endless. Modern man will most probably be lost without electricity. True False 71. The passage is about a kind of energy. 72. Electricity has a lot of uses. 73. Without electricity, our life will not be affected. 74. Electricity is only useful at the workplace. 75. There are many appliances depended on electricity. IX. Read the text carefully, and then answer the questions below. Driverless cars Motorists will be able to read a book, surf the Internet or talk to other drivers without looking at the road by 2030. Britain would become a world leader in driverless cars, with the first tests on Britain’s roads by the summer. The development of fully automated cars will mean that motorists no longer need licenses. It will be good news because 31 per cent of women and 14per cent of men do not hold driving licenses. The government warns that driverless cars will be the target of hackers because of the high level of computer technology on board. The government will ask manufacturers to ensure all vehicles have ‘fail safe’ systems in case they are hacked. There are likely to be two levels of driverless cars as the technology develops. The first, known as “highly automated”, will require drivers who hold licenses to take control of the wheel if there are any issues. The second, known as “fully-automated” cars, will require no involvement from drivers and will be capable of communicating with other vehicles, traffic lights and road signs 76. Which driverless cars, what will motorists be able to do while travelling on the street? __________________________________________________________________________ 77. Will motorists need driving licenses any more? __________________________________________________________________________ 78. What is one of the problems for driverless cars? __________________________________________________________________________ 79. What are two levels of driverless cars?


__________________________________________________________________________ 80. What are the advantages of “fully-automated” cars? __________________________________________________________________________ THE SECOND TERM TEST I. Choose the word that has the underlined part pronounced differently from that of the others. 1. A. diverse B. drive C. invention D. crime 2. A. nature B. poverty C. question D. future 3. A. convenient B. social C. ocean D. special 4. A. designs B. sails C. pedals D. pollutes 5. A. measure B. breakfast C. appear D. spread II. Find the word which has a different stress pattern from the others. l. A. another B. plentiful C. dangerous D. limited 2. A. attention B. pollution C. holiday D. effective 3. A. expensive B. different C. abundant D. convenient 4. A. petroleum B. advantage C. enormous D. tendency III. Choose the best options to complete these sentences. 1. ............. books are here. ............. are there. A. Theirs – ours B. Their – our C. Theirs – our D. Their – ours 2. ............. is a single-wheel bike. A. Mono wheel B. Hover scooter C. Segway D. Teleporter 3. Choose the word having different stress from the others. A. harvest B. parade C. music D. pumpkin 4. ............. the film was gripping, Tom slept from beginning to end. A. Therefore B. Despite C. However D. Although 5. You should look right and left when you go ............. the road. A. down B. across C. up D. along 6. You found the plot of the film ............. A. boring B. bored C. interested D. acting 7. A lot of dancers go to Rio de Janeiro to ............. the Carnival. A. attend B. join C. perform D. appear 8. Nuclear power ............. in the future. A. will replace B. replaced C. will be replaced D. replaces 9. Wind, hydro and solar are ............. resources. A. modern B. renewable C. non-renewable D. new 10. It’s really difficult to ............. a bicycle up the hill. A. fly B. drive C. pedal D. sail 11. At this time next week, we ............. a test on sources of energy. A. will take B. take C. will be taking D. are taking 12. My children often sleep while they are ............. a plane. A. on B. in C. by D. X 13. Have you ever ............. to Sapa? A. seen B. be C. visited D. gone 14. Don’t eat that type of fish, you may have a/an ............. A. energy B. sick C. sore D. allergy 15. What ............. do I need to cook an omelet? A. menu B. food C. material D. ingredients 16. My cousin, Hoa, is the same age ............. me. A. as B. of C. too D. like 17. A lot of flowers ............. in Da Lat throughout the year. A. grow B. grew C. are grown D. grown 18. ............. bottles of milk does your family need for a week? A. How B. How many C. How much D. How old


19. My brother doesn’t like ice-skating because he thinks it is ............. A. dangerous B. endangered C. danger D. in danger 20. Eating a lot of junk food may lead to your ............. A. fitness B. obesity C. pain D. stomachache IV. Fill in the missing preposition of time. It was one of my usual days. I got up (1) 7 o’clock (2) the morning, washed, dressed and had breakfast (3) 7.30. Then I went to my office. There I worked with the documents till 1 o’clock (4) the afternoon. Then I had lunch (5) 1.30. After that I looked at my diary and saw that I had an important meeting with my companions (6) 3 p.m. in the cafe (7) Monday afternoon. I was short of time. I was in a hurry and forgot to take some important documents with me. I was forced to return to my office. As you could guess I was late. It was awful! I was in the café (8) 20 minutes. Luckily my companions were still there. I apologized for my being late and explained what had happened. Then we discussed some questions about the company. It was a hard day. V. Read the passage and answer the following questions. Among the many special dishes in Ha Noi, pho is the most popular. It is a special kind of Vietnamese soup. We can enjoy Pho for all kinds of meals during the day, from breakfast to dinner, and even for late night snack. Pho has a very special taste. The rice noodles are made from the best variety of rice. The broth for pho bo (beef noodle soup) is made by stewing the bones of cows for a long time in a large pot. The broth for another kind of pho, pho ga (chicken noodle soup) is made by stewing chicken bones. The chicken meat served with pho ga is boneless and cut into thin slices... It’s so delicious. 1. When can we enjoy pho? ___________________________________________________________________ 2. How is the chicken meat served with pho ga? ___________________________________________________________________ 3. What are the rice noodles made from? ___________________________________________________________________ 4. How is the broth for pho bo made? ___________________________________________________________________ VI. Read the following passage and decide if it is T or F. Many people still believe that natural resources will never be used up. Actually, world’s energy resources are limited. Nobody knows exactly how much fuel is left. However, we also should use them economically and try to find out alternative sources of power. According to Professor Marvin Burnharm of the New England Institute of Technology, we have to start conserving coal, oil and gas before it is too late; and nuclear power is the only alternative. However, many people disagree to use nuclear power because it’s very dangerous. What would happen if there was a serious nuclear accident? Radioactivity causes cancer and may badly affect the future generations. The most effective thing is that we should use natural resources as economical as possible. True/ False 1. Natural resources will run out. 1. _________ 2. The world’s energy resources are unlimited. 2. _________ 3. We should use fuel economically. 3. _________ 4. Many people agree to use nuclear power as an 4. _________ alternative energy. VII. Reorder the words/ phrases to make complete sentences. 1. this time tomorrow/ English/ They/ will be learning. ____________________________________________________ 2. to save/ will reduce/ our energy/ the use of electricity/ We. ____________________________________________________ 3. biogas/ is/ cooking and heating/ I think/ for/ abundant and cheap. ____________________________________________________ 4. we use/ travelling long distances/ public transportation/ Will/ when /? ____________________________________________________ VIII. Rewrite these sentences so that the meaning stays the same to the first.


1. We will use sources of energy more effectively for our future. Sources of energy __________________________________________________ 2. We will solve the problem of energy shortage by using solar energy. The problem of energy shortage _______________________________________ 3. They will replace coal by another renewable source. Coal ____________________________________________________________ 4. They will use flying cars to travel from place to another place.. Flying cars _______________________________________________________ IX. Rewrite the sentences, using the frequency of adverbs in bracket. 1. Have you been to London? (ever) ________________________________________________________________ 2. Peter doesn’t get up before seven. (usually) ________________________________________________________________ 3. Our friends must write tests. (often) ________________________________________________________________ 4. They go swimming in the lake. (sometimes) ________________________________________________________________ 5. The weather is bad in November. (always) ________________________________________________________________ 6. Peggy and Frank are late. (usually) ________________________________________________________________ 7. I have met him before. (never) ________________________________________________________________ 8. John watches TV. (seldom) ________________________________________________________________ 9. I was in contact with my sister. (often) ________________________________________________________________ 10. She will love him. (always) ________________________________________________________________ X. Add tag questions to the following sentences. 1. Everyone can learn how to swim, ? ? 2. Nobody cheated in the exam, 3. Nothing went wrong while I was gone, ? 4. I am invited, ? ? 5. This bridge is not very safe, 6. He has a bicycle, ? 7. Peter would like to come with us to the party, ? 8. Those aren’t Fred’s books, ? ? 9. You have never been to Paris, 10. Something is wrong with Jane today, ? ANSWER KEY UNIT 7: TRAFFIC (GIAO THÔNG) Bài 1: Khoanh tròn vào đáp án đúng. 11. How far is it from your apartment (from/to) the city centre? 12. It is (at/ about) 1 kilometre. 13. It is not very (near/far) from my house to the post office. It is just 500 metres. 14. How far (is it/ it is) from your country to Japan? 15. How (far/ much) is it from your location to the train station? 16. My house is 2 kilometers (near/ far) from my grandparents’ bungalow. 17. How far (is it/ are they) from here to the local museum? 18. I think it is about 200 ( metres/ metre) from here to the nearest bus stop.


19. My school is not far (from/to) my house. I can walk to school every day. 20. How far is it (from/ at) your office to the supermarket? Bài 2: Điền một từ thích hợp vào chỗ trống. 9. How _____far_____ is it from your house to the city centre? 10. How far is it from this restaurant to the nearest ___bank_______? It is about 1 kilometer from this restaurant to the nearest bank? 11. How far___is_______it from Hanoi to Ho Chi Minh City? 12. It is about 5 kilometres from my house______to____yours. 13. How far is____it_____from your company to your apartment? 14. It is ____about______3 kilometres. 15. How far is it from my school to yours? ____It______is about 8 kilometres 16. How far is it ____from______where you live to your company? Bài 3: Dựa vào những câu trả lời cho trước, hãy viết câu hỏi về khoảng cách. 11. How far is it from here to the nearest post office? 12. How far is it from New York to California? 13. How far is it from your house to your family store? 14. How far is it from Beijing to Berlin? 15. How far is it from your hotel to the beach? 16. How far is it from here to the place where you live? 17. How far is it from his hometown to the place where he lives now? 18. How far is it from the park to the parking lot? 19. How far is it from here to the airport? 20. How far is it from your parent’s house to yours? Giải thích: Dựa vào những địa điểm được cho sẵn trong câu trả lời, sử dụng cấu trúc “How far is it from A to B? Lưu ý: Các đại từ thuộc về ngôi thứ nhất (I, my, mine) ở câu trả lời phải chuyển về ngôi thứ hai (you, your, yours) ở câu hỏi và ngược lại. Bài 4: Đánh dấu (√ ) trước những câu trả lời đúng. Đánh dấu (X) trước những câu có lỗi sai và sửa lại cho đúng. 9. How far is from your house to the nearest restaurant? X How far is it from your house to the nearest restaurant? 10. It is at 2 kilometers from my house to La Villa French restaurant. X It is about 2 kilometers from my house to La Villa French restaurant. 11. How far is it from your university and my university? X How far is it from your university to my university? 12. It is not far from my university to yours √ __________________________________________________________ 13. How far is it from here to our destination? √ __________________________________________________________ 14. How far it is from our school to the camp site? X How far is it from our school to the camp site? v 15. Its not far from our school to the camp site. It is/ It’s not far from our school to the camp site. 16. How far is it at the train station to the nearest drugstore? X How far is it from the train station to the nearest drugstore?

Giải thích: Dựa vào gợi ý về khoảng cách, sử dụng cấu trúc trả lời về khoảng cách” It is+ (about)+ khoảng cách) Bài 6: Viết các câu sau về thể khẳng định (+), phủ định (-) và nghi vấn (?). 1. (-) Susan didn’t use to live in Paris. (?) Did Susan use to live in Paris? 2. (+)They used to commute from New York to London (?) Did they use to commute from New York to London? 3. (+) Your mother used to teach at the local school (-) Did your mother use to teach at the local school? 4. (+) He used to cry a lot (?) Did he use to cry a lot ? 5. (-) Jane didn’t use to work for a non-profit organisation. (?) Did Jane use to work for a non-profit organisation? 6. (+)Jim used to own an old car (-)Jim didn’t use to own an old car 7. (+) This house used to belong to my family. (?) Did this house use to belong to my family.? 8. (-)My brother didn’t use to go swimming when he was young. (?) Did your brother use to go swimming when he was young? Bài 7: Khoanh tròn vào đáp án đúng. 16. I (used to/ use to) collect stamps when I was nine years old. 17. My father (used to/ use to) be an excellent student at university. 18. I didn’t (used to/ use to) eat with chopsticks when I lived in America. 19. Did they (used to/ use to) work in a big factory before their retirement? 20. Peter (used to/ use to) drive to work but now he doesn’t. 21. My younger brother didn’t use (walk/ to walk) to school 22. My classmates didn’t (used to/ use to) like me. 23. There (used to/ use to) be a lot of trees along this street. 24. Horse and cart used to (be/is) the main way of transportation. 25. Coffee didn’t (used to/ use to) be my favorite drink. 26. Did Sarah (used to/ use to) be Mr Vu’s student? 27. My grandmother (used to travel/ use to travel) a lot before she got married. 28. Mr Ha(used to/ use to) work in Japan for 3 years. 29. I didn’t (like used to/ use to like) reading books. 30. Did Jim and Jane (used to/ use to) hate each other?

Bài 5: Dựa vào gợi ý cho sẵn trong ngoặc, trả lời các câu hỏi về khoảng cách sau đây: 1. It’s 300 metres. 2. It’s 2 kilometres 3. It’s about 800 kilometres 4. It’s about 34 miles 5. It’s 4.2 light-years 6. It’s about 100000 kilometres

Bài 9: Sử dụng cấu trúc “ used to V” với các động từ trong ngoặc để hoàn thành câu. Sử dụng thể khẳng định, phủ định và nghi vấn sao cho hợp lý. 1. used to go 2. didn’t use to like 3. didn’t use to fancy 4. used to work 5. did you use to catch


Giải thích: Cấu trúc câu khẳng định : S+ used to + V Cấu trúc câu phủ định : S+ didn’t use to + V Cấu trúc câu nghi vấn : Did + S+ use to + V? Bài 8: Sử dụng cấu trúc “ used to V” với các động từ trong ngoặc để hoàn thành đoạn văn sau: 1. didn’t use to be 4. used to ride 7. used to make 10. used to be 2. used to travel 5. used to be 8. used to be 11. didn’t use to 3. used to take 6. used to be 9. used to be 12. used to take


6. used to play 7. used to smoke 8. didn’t use to do 9. used to break 10. used to live 11. didn’t use to be 12. didn’t use to have 13. used to be 14. used to like 15. used to live Giải thích: Dựa vào văn cảnh để xác định câu ở thể khẳng định : S+ used to + V, phủ định : S+ didn’t use to + V hay nghi vấn : Did + S+ use to + V? Lưu ý: Các đại từ thuộc về ngôi thứ nhất (I, my, mine) ở lượt lời của Jim cần được chuyển về ngôi thứ hai (you, your, yours) ở câu hỏi trong lượt lời của Jane và ngược lại. Bài 10: Viết câu hỏi về khoảng cách sao cho hợp lý để hoàn thành đoạn hội thoại sau: 1. How far is it from your house to your uncle’s restaurant? 2. How far is it from our school to the library? 3. How far is it from Da Nang to our city? 4. How far is it from your apartment to the library? 5. How far is it from the bus stop to the library Giải thích: dựa vào những địa điểm được nhắc đến trong đoạn hội thoại, sử dụng cấu trúc “ How far is it from A to B? để hỏi về khoảng cách. Bài 11: Dựa vào những từ cho sẵn, hãy viết thành câu hoàn chỉnh: 1. How far is it from your company to where you live? It is about 10 kilometres 2. How far is it from Jane’s apartment to her school? 3. My father and I did not use to spend time with each other. 4. Did this man use to be a famous actor? 5. There did not use to be many vehicles in the streets when I was young. 6. My family used to go sailing every weekend but now we don’t . 7. Her mother used to kiss and hug her when she was a kid. 8. Mrs Smith did not use to do morning exercise but now she does regularly. Bài 12: Sử dụng cấu trúc “ used to V” với những động từ cho sẵn để hoàn thành những câu sau. 1. used to deliver 2. used to be 3. used to go 4. used to drive 5. used to spend 6. used to believe 7. used to work 8. used to serve Bài 13: Viết lại câu, sử dụng cấu trúc “used to”. 1. My mother used to work at a restaurant 3 years ago. Giải thích: Dùng cấu trúc với “ used to” ở thể khẳng định : “S+ used to + V ….”, động từ “worked” chuyển về dạng nguyên thể là “work” 2. He used to be the president of Student Union Giải thích: Dùng cấu trúc với “ used to” ở thể khẳng định : “S+ used to + V ….”, động từ “was ” chuyển về dạng nguyên thể là “be” 3. There used to be many tree-lined streets in my hometown. Giải thích: Dùng cấu trúc với “ used to” ở thể khẳng định : “S+ used to + V ….”, động từ “were” chuyển về dạng nguyên thể là “be” 4. My husband didn’t use to do housework Giải thích: Dùng cấu trúc với “ used to” ở thể phủ định : “S+ didn’t use to + V ….”


5. Children didn’t use to play with high-tech devices at an early age . Giải thích: Dùng cấu trúc với “ used to” ở thể phủ định : “S+ didn’t use to + V ….” 6. The students didn’t go to school by public transportation but now they do. Giải thích: Dùng cấu trúc với “ used to” ở thể phủ định : “S+ didn’t use to + V ….” 7. My city used to be a tourist destination but now it isn’t. Giải thích: Dùng cấu trúc với “ used to” ở thể khẳng định : “S+ used to + V ….”, động từ “was” chuyển về dạng nguyên thể là “be” 8. Traffic jam didn’t use to happen when I was small. Giải thích: Dùng cấu trúc với “ used to” ở thể phủ định : “S+ didn’t use to + V ….” TEST 1 UNIT 7 I. 1. C

2. A

3. B

4. A

5. D

1. D 6. A 11. A

2. A 7. B 12. A

3. B 8. B 13. D

4. C 9. C 14. C

5. C 10. C 15. D

1. C 6. C 11. D 16. D

2. B 7. A 12. A 17. B

3. A 8. B 13. C 18. C

4. D 9. A 14. B 19. B

5. A 10. D 15. C 20. D



IV. 1. Did you use to enjoy 4. Did John use to work 7. did not use to do

2. did not use to like 5. did not use to be 8. Did he use to play

3. used to be 6. used to live

V. 1. It is about 120kms from Ho Chi Minh City to Vung Tau. 2. It is about 384,400kms from the Earth to the Moon. 3. It is not very far from Ha Noi to Noi Bai Airport. 4. It is about 500 meters from my house to the nearest shop. 4. It is about 700 meters from my house to Youth Club. 5. It is about 5kms from my home village to the nearest town. VI. 1. best 5. most

2. drivers 6. their

3. careful 7. however

4. choose 8. more

1. A 6. B

2. B 7. B

3. C 8. A

4. B 9. D

5. C 10. B

1. with 6. in

2. from 7. live

3. sleep 8. their

4. are 9. or

5. and 10. gets

1. A

2. B

3. D

4. C

5. A

VII. VIII. IX. X. 1. It only takes half an hour to get to the art gallery. 2. Her book is different from mine. 3. My brother enjoyed playing the piano when he was very young. 4. These clothes are not as expensive as I thought. 5. A new school is going to be built here next year. XI. 1. Viet Nam’s anthem Tien Quan Ca was composed by Van Cao. 2. If you are not careful, you’ll hurt yourself.


3. How much is the bicycle?/ How much does the bicycle cost? 4. There are not any carrots in the market. 5. No one in the school plays the guitar better than you (do). XII. 1. Anna used to have long hair when she was at school. 2. Mary didn’t use to listen when her teachers were speaking. 3. Ricardo used to get up at 6.00 when he was training for the Olympics. 4. What did you use to do on Saturday evenings? 5. Sophie used to be afraid of dogs when she was a little girl. 6. We used to give our teachers presents at the end of term. 7. Did you use to live next door to Mrs. Harrison? 8. My brother used to wear glasses when he was young. XIII. 1. A

2. B

3. C

4. D

5. A

XIV. 1. I used to stay up late to watch football matches. 2. There used to be some trees in the field. 3. Anna used to live with her parents. 4. He used to be a poor man, but now he becomes a rich businessman. 5. They didn’t use to go to the cinema every Sunday. 6. In the past my hair used to be shorter. 7. I used to have time to collect stamps when I was in primary school. 8. Did you use to go to the beach when you lived in Nha Trang? 9. Mr. Hung used to go to work by motorbike, but now he goes to work by bus. 10. There used to be traffic jams in this street during rush hours, but now the street becomes TEST 2 UNIT 7 I. 1. B 2. A

3. A

4. D

5. D

4. A

5. B

II. 1. D

2. A 3. D

III. 1. C 2. A 3. B 4. A 5. D 6. C 7. B 8. A 9. D 10. A IV. 1. Roadworks have caused traffic jams throughout the city centre. 2. Slow down because you’re breaking the speed limit. 3. A zebra crossing is a place on a road at which vehicles must stop to allow people to walk across the road. 4. A driving license is an official document that shows you are able to drive. 5. We needed to get to Ha Noi, but we had no means of transport. 6. I have two train tickets available to go to Lao Cai. Would you like to go with me to Sa Pa? 7. The government has introduced a new road safety campaign in an attempt to reduce the number of road accidents. 8. We looked on our map to find the way to the railway station. 9. You should know the regulations in order to become a good road user. 10. A safety helmet is a hard hat which covers and protects the whole head, worn especially by motorcyclists. V. 1. take: a bus, a train, a taxi 2. get on: a bus, the plane, a train, a taxi, a car 3. get off: a bus, a train, a taxi, a car 4. go by: bus, taxi, car, helicopter, bike, motorbike, ship 5. ride: a bike, a horse, a motorbike VI. 1. In bad weather, I go to school by bus.


2. I always go to my grandparents’ house on foot. 3. I usually ride/ cycle to school. 4. Do you walk to school? 5. My father usually drives to work. 6. My mother takes me to the bus station by car. VII. 1. didn’t use to2. used to 3. didn’t use to 4. didn’t use to5. used to VIII. 1. True 2. False 3. True 4. True 5. False 6. True 7. True 8. False 9. True 10. True IX. 1. Children at the age of 10 or over can ride their bikes alone. 2. You must wear an approved cycle helmet correctly. 3. Your bike should have working brakes. 4. You should wear a high visibility vest or jacket when you ride at night. 5. Yes. We should copy the way we see our parents riding their bikes. X. 1. Taxis take people from the airport and the train stations to the hotels. 2. Trucks are bringing fresh fruits and vegetables into the city, and ships are bringing food and fuel to the harbour. 3. Commuters are people who work in the big city, but live in the suburbs. 4. Some stop only to drink a cup of coffee. Others stop to buy the morning paper or to have breakfast. 5. The policemen blow their whistles to stop the traffic or to hurry it along. XI. 1. I used to stay up late to watch football matches. 2. There used to be some trees in the field. 3. Linda used to live with her parents. 4. He used to be a poor man, but now he becomes a rich businessman. 5. They didn’t use to go to the cinema every Sunday. 6. In the past my hair used to be shorter. 7. I used to have time to collect stamps when I was in primary school. 8. Did you use to go to the beach when you lived in Nha Trang? 9. Mr. Nam used to go to work by motorbike, but now he goes to work by bus. 10. There used to be traffic jams in this street during rush hours, but now the street becomes wider. XII. 1. First, most streets and roads in our city are narrow and in bad conditions. 2. Second, many people do not strictly follow traffic laws when using the roads. 3. For example, they cross the street at wrong places and ride their motorbikes in the wrong direction. 4. In addition, many street vendors occupy the pavement to display their goods or sale, so pedestrians have to walk in the road. 5. The number of trucks in our city is very big, so they usually interfere with traffic flow. 6. The construction of houses and buildings is not carefully planned, so they occupy the surface of the roads. To solve the traffic problems in our city, we should do many things. 7. All streets should be widened and traffic lines should be more logical. 8. We should encourage people to use public transport instead of their personal vehicles. 9. Heavy penalties should be used for careless and dangerous drivers. People should be educated with traffic regulations at the same time. 10. In short, I hope traffic problems in our city will be solved so that we feel very comfortable when using the road. UNIT 8: FILMS ( PHIM ẢNH) BÀI 1: Thành lập tính từ đuôi “ed” và tính từ đuôi “-ing” từ những động từ sau:


V -ed -ing Annoy Annoyed annoying Bore Bored boring Confuse Confused confusing Depress Depressed depressing Disappoint Disappointed disappointing Embarrass Embarrassed embarrassing Excite Excited exciting Exhaust Exhausted exhausting Fascinate Fascinated fascinating Frighten Frightened frightening Interest Interested interesting Move Moved moving Relax Relaxed relaxing Satisfy Satisfied satisfying Shock Shocked shocking Surprise Surprised surprising Terrify Terrified terrifying Thrill Thrilled thrilling Tire Tired tiring Bài 2: Hoàn thành những câu dưới đây với tính từ đuôi “ed” hoặc “-ing” cho sẵn. 1. moving/ moved 2. terrified/ terrifying 3. tired/ tiring 4. interested/ interesting 5. fascinating/ fascinated 6. depressing/ depressed 7. annoying/ annoyed 8. shocking/ shocked Bài 3: Khoanh tròn vào đáp án đúng. 16. Are you (interested/ interesting) in classical music? 17. I always feel (exhausted/ exhausting) after long working hours. 18. The movie I saw last night was (excited/ exciting). 19. I find it (astonished/astonishing) you didn’t like sci-fi movies. 20. My sister easily gets (embarrassed/ embarrassing). 21. Tom, you look (tired/ tiring). What have you done? 22. I think all my teachers are (amazed/ amazing). I love them very much. 23. Last week, my father threw a (surprised/ surprising) party to celebrate my birthday. 24. I didn’t find the jokes at all (amused/ amusing). 25. Last year, I had a really (terrified/ terrifying) experience at the camp site. 26. I never find reading books (bored/ boring). 27. His wife looked (astounded/astouding) at the news. 28. Ann was (thrilled/ thrilling) to bits that she got the job. 29. This complicated system really makes me (confusing/confused). 30. The film was terribly (disappointed/ disappointing). Bài 4: Sử dụng tính từ đuôi “ed” hoặc “-ing” tạo thành từ những động từ trong ngoặc để hoàn thành những câu dưới đây. 1. Disgusting 11. Satisfied 2. Worrying 12. Pleased 3. Disappointing 13. Intrigued 4. Thrilling 14. Insulting 5. Surprised 15. disturbed 6. Frustrated 16. freezing


7. Frightening 8. Stunning 9. Exhausting 10. Alarming

17. welcoming 18. distracted 19. convincing 20. relaxed

Bài 5: Đánh dấu (√ ) trước những câu trả lời đúng. Đánh dấu (X) trước những câu có lỗi sai và sửa lại cho đúng. 9. The special effects of this film are fascinated fascinating 10. I embarrassed today morning because I wore my sweater inside out. was embarrassed 11. Everyone in my class found the lesson very bored. boring 12. The locals were extremely welcoming. √ 13. My brother is not a bored person. boring 14. Many critics found this film was deeply moving. bỏ “ was” 15. I am confusing by these twins. confused 16. No one was surprised at the news. √ Bài 6: Điền “although/ despite/ in spite of” vào chỗ trống thích hợp. 1. Although 6. despite/ in spite of 11. although 2. Although 7. despite/ in spite of 12. despite/ in spite of 3. despite/ in spite of 8. despite/ in spite of 13. despite/ in spite of 4. Although 9. despite/ in spite of 14. although 5. despite/ in spite of 10. despite/ in spite of 15. although Giải thích: Liên từ “ although” đi cùng một mệnh đề, liên từ “despite/ in spite of” đi với danh từ, cụm danh từ hoặc động từ ở dạng V-ing. Bài 7: Sử dụng liên từ “however” hoặc “nevertheless” để liên kết hai câu cho sẵn. 1.Mrs Smith loves her children so much. However, she’s sometimes very strict. Mrs Smith loves her children so much. She, however, is sometimes very strict. Mrs Smith loves her children so much. She is sometimes very strict, however. 2. We can go there by bus. However, it is not the only way. We can go there by bus. It, however, is not the only way. We can go there by bus. It is not the only way, however. 3. Jim is good at English. However, he is not the best student. Jim is good at English. He, however, is not the best student. Jim is good at English. He is not the best student, however. 4. My new phone costs a lot of money to buy. However, it isn’t as good as I expected. My new phone costs a lot of money to buy. It, however, isn’t as good as I expected. My new phone costs a lot of money to buy. It isn’t as good as I expected, however. 5. It’s hard to find a parking lot near here on Sunday. However, I think we can find one. It’s hard to find a parking lot near here on Sunday. I, however, think we can find one. It’s hard to find a parking lot near here on Sunday. I think we can find one, however. 6. My mother wants to go to Paris in this summer. However, My dad wants to go to Berlin. My mother wants to go to Paris in this summer. My dad, however, wants to go to Berlin. My mother wants to go to Paris in this summer. My dad wants to go to Berlin, however. 7. Jane doesn’t like salads. However, She likes vegetables. Jane doesn’t like salads. She, however, likes vegetables. Jane doesn’t like salads. She likes vegetables, however, . 8. My father loves watching football match. However, he never plays football. My father loves watching football match. He, however, never plays football. My father loves watching football match. He never plays football, however. Giải thích: liên từ“however” hoặc “nevertheless” dùng để nối 2 câu với nhau. Có cách đặt liên từ như sau: Mệnh đề 1. However/ Nevertheless, mệnh đề 2. Mệnh đề 1. Chủ ngữ, however/ nevertheless, động từ. Mệnh đề 1. Mệnh đề 2, however/ nevertheless.


Bài 8: Hoàn thành câu với một trong những từ nối “although/ despite/ however” sao cho thích hợp. 1. despite/ although/ however 5. despite/ although/ however 2. although/ despite/ however 6. despite/ although/ however 3. although/ despite/ however 7. despite/ although/ however 4. despite/ although/ however 8. despite/ although/ however Giải thích: Liên từ although đi cùng 1 mệnh đề Liên từ despite đi với danht ừ, cụm danh từ, V-ing Liên từ however dùng để nối 2 câu với nhau Bài 9: Khoanh tròn đáp án đúng. 1. A. In spite of 5. B. although 8. B. although 2. B. although 6. A. despite 9. A. despite 3. B. despite 7. C. nevertheless 10. A. despite 4. C. nevertheless Bài 10: Nối cột A với cột B sao cho thích hợp. 1-f 2-e 3-a 4. -g 5-b 6-d 7. -c 8-h Bài 11: Gạch chân lỗi sai trong câu và viết lại cho đúng. 1. Despite ofthe film’s amazing effects, its plot is not so appealing. Despite the film’s amazing effects, its plot is not so appealing. 2. However she doesn’t look very beautiful, she has a kind heart. Athough she doesn’t look very beautiful, she has a kind heart. 3. In spite that I don’t like her way of talking, I appreciate her effort. Although I don’t like her way of talking, I appreciate her effort. 4. My brother isn’t very young, nevertheless, he talks like a middle-aged woman. My brother isn’t very young. Nevertheless, he talks like a middle-aged woman. 5. Although the fact that Mary’s recently moved to this city, she is so familiar with it. Despite the fact that Mary’s recently moved to this city, she is so familiar with it. 6. I often eat fastfood. It is not, however, good for my health. I often eat fastfood. It, however, is not good for my health. 7. My brother wants to travel around the world. Although he can’t afford it. My brother wants to travel around the world. However, he can’t afford it. 8. I try to spare some time for my children. I am very busy, although. I try to spare some time for my children. I am very busy, however. Bài 12: Sử dụng tính từ đuôi “ed” hoặc “-ing” tạo thành từ những động từ trong ngoặc để hoàn thành những câu dưới đây. 1. moving 6. frightening 2. disappointed 7. interested 3. stunning 8. boring 4. tired 9. excited 5. irritating 10. surprising Bài 13: Hoàn thành câu thứ hai sao cho nghĩa không thay đổi so với câu thứ nhất, sử dụng từ gợi ý trong ngoặc. 9. Despite traffic jam, me managed to arrive at the train station on time. 10. Despite having enough money, I don’t want to buy a new computer 11. In spite of not living far away from school, both of them usually go to school late 12. Despite his sickness, my brother still went to school yesterday. 13. Despite looking healthy, he has a weak heart. 14. Although Louis is not so rich, he often does charity. 15. Although the weather was awful, we enjoyed our party last night.


16. She goes shopping every week despite many clothes. Bài 14: Điền “although/ despite/ in spite of” vào chỗ trống để hoàn thành những câu sau. 1. Although 5. However 9. However 13. Despite 2. Although 6. Despite 10. Despite 14. However 3. However 7. However 11. however 15. however 4. However 8. Although 12. However Bài 15: Dựa vào những từ cho sẵn, hãy viết thành câu hoàn chỉnh. 1. Although Anna does not look serious, she is worried now. 2. In spite of getting up late this morning, I did not miss the bus 3. Despite having no money, we will go shopping tomorrow. 4. Although the book was thick, Jane finished it yesterday. 5. Jim had a serious car accident last month. Howver, he recover quickly. 6. Although I am fascinated to know the result, I pretend I do not care. 7. Jim does not usually like sci-fi movies. Nevertheless, this one be exception. 8. Although it is sunny, I bring an umbrella with me. TEST 1 UNIT 8 I. /t/



walked, looked, stopped, volunteered, amazed, acted,wanted, convinced, laughed, bored,terrified,appeared disappointed, fascinated, washed, shocked started, interested II. 1. A

2. C

3. C

4. D

5. A

1. C

2. B

3. B

4. C

5. B

1. A 6. C 11. A

2. A 7. D 12. D

3. C 8. B 13. D

4. C 9. B 14. B

5. D 10. B 15. B


V. 2. a. In spite of 3. a. because 4. a. because of 5. a. although

b. though b. although b. in spite of b. because of

VI. 1. horrified 3. interested 5. terrifying – shocked 7. disgusting VII. . 1. impression 4. exciting 7. western 10. threaten VIII. 1. disappointed 4. embarrassing 7. astonishing

2. embarrassing 4. exciting 6. amazed 8. embarrassed 2. funny 5. terrorists 8. disappointment

3. unsuccessful 6. unsatisfied 9. acting

2. interested 5. embarrassed 8. amused

3. exciting 6. amazed 9. bored .... boring


10. boring - interesting IX. 1. to see

2. which

3. performed

4. safety

5. acting

6. the

7. production

8. called in

9. because

10. do

X. 1. I couldn’t sleep despite being very tired. 2. In spite of having very little money, they are happy. 3. Although my foot was injured, I managed to walk to the nearest village. 4. I enjoyed the film in spite of the silly story. 5. Despite living in the same street we hardly ever see each other. 6. Even though I was only out for five minutes, I got very wet in the rain. XI. 1. In spite of being a poor student, Tom studied very well. 2. Because of being sick, Mary couldn’t go to school. 3. Despite the bad weather, she went to school on time. 4. In spite of my sickness, my mother told me to go to school. 5. Because of a big storm, I stayed at home. 6. Despite Tom’s bad grades, he was admitted to the university. 7. Despite her physical handicap, she has become a successful woman. 8. Although Tom got a good salary, he gave up his job. 9. In spite of having not finished the paper, he went to sleep. 10. Even though the prices are high, my daughter insists on going to the movies. TEST 2 UNIT 8 I. 1. D

2. B

3. B

4. C

5. B

1. B

2. A

3. C

4. B

5. A

II. 6. D

7. B

8. A

9. B

10. D

III. 1. favourite

2. thriller

3. director

4. actors

5. Star 6. role 7. scene

IV. 1. boring – bored 4. tiring – tired

2. interested – interesting 5. relaxed – relaxing

3. excited – exciting

V. 1. interested – boring 2. tired – exciting

3. tiring – relaxing – relaxed

VI. 1. bored

2. relaxing

3. tired 4. boring

5. excited

6. interesting

1. Although 6. although

2. However 3. although 4. Nevertheless 5. although 7. However 8. despite/ in spite of 9. Although 10. Although

VII. VIII. 1. Despite/ In spite of 2. Although 3. although 4. Nevertheless IX. 1.film 2. drama 3. western 4. action 6. horror 7. science-fiction 8. musical 9. animated X. 1. At first they want to see the Batman film.


5.in spite of/ despite 5. comedy 10. romance

8. Extras

2. Because the Batman film’s sold out. 3. They are Girl of my Dreams, Journey into Space, and The Pyramid. 4. Girl of my Dreams – a love story; Journey into Space – a science-fiction film; and The Pyramid – a horror film. 5. They agree to see The Pyramid. XI. 1. Yes, he is. His ship is the Black Pearl. 2. Jack and Will love Elizabeth. 3. The pirate Captain Barbarossa has the treasure. 4. Captain Jack wins the treasure. 5. Elizabeth loves Will. XII. 1. It’s a comedy, a drama, and an action film all in one. 2. The main character in the film is a teenager called Calvin Fuller, played by Thomas Ian Nicholas. 3. The director of the film is Michael Gottlieb. He is a great director. 4. Calvin is playing baseball when the earthquake happens. 5. A hole opens in the ground and Calvin falls through it, so he lands in the past, in the time of King Arthur. 6. They think that Calvin is amazing because he plays them modern music on his CD player and he shows them how to make rollerblades and a mountain bike. 7. Calvin is trained to be a knight. 8. Calvin helps King Arthur to beat his enemy, Lord Belasco. 9. Merlin sends Calvin back to the future, and Calvin finds himself back in the baseball game. 10. The special effects in the film are very good. 11. The actors’ performances are good. 12. The writer thinks that the film is funny and exciting. XIII. 1. True 2. False 3. False 4. False 5. True 6. True 7. False 8. True 9. False 10. True XIV. 1. They are Daniel Craig and Halle Berry. 2. Daniel Craig comes from Britain. 3. He’s been in a lot of different kinds of films including action adventure, science fiction, and romantic drama. 4. He played the role of Alex West. 5. Nick’s favourite film is Casino Royale. Because he thinks Daniel Craig is a fantastic James Bond. 6. Halle Berry comes from the USA. 7. She was a model before she became an actress. 8. He likes her because she’s beautiful, and she has a great sense of humour. 9. It is X-Men which is a science fiction film. 10. She plays the main character Storm, who has the ability to change the weather. XV. 1. The new restaurant looks good. However, it seems to have few customers. 2. Although we had planned to walk right round the lake, the heavy rain made this impossible. 3. I’ve been too busy to answer my email. Nevertheless, I’ll do it soon. 4. Despite being sick/ her sickness, Mary didn’t leave the meeting until it ended. 5. In spite of living in the same street, we rarely see each other. XVI. 1. I couldn’t sleep in spite of being tired/ tiredness. 2. They are happy despite having little money. 3. Although my foot was hurt, I managed to walk to the nearest village. 4. We planned to visit Petronas in the afternoon; however, we could not afford the fee. 5. I got very wet in the rain although I had an umbrella. UNIT 9. FESTIVALS AROUND THE WORLD


Bài 1. Khoanh tròn vào đáp án đúng 1. ……..time is the fireworks set off? A. what B. when C. how D. where 2.. …….did you learn Japanese? Because I love Japanese culture. A. when B. why C. what D. how 3. …….did you learn Japanese? I learned from radio programs. A. when B. why C. what D. how 4. ……helped you find your keys? My friend. A. when B. who C. which D. whose 5. ……..did you find your keys?A few minutes ago. A. when B. why C. what D. how 6. …..is the tallest person in your family? A. when B. who C. which D. whose 7. …..essay got the highest score? It’s Jim’s A. when B. who C. which D. whose 8. …..is it from your house to the festivals’venue? A. How far B. How long C. How often D. How many 9. ….people are there in your company? A. How many B. How long C. How often D. How much 10. …….is this table made of? It’s made of wood. A. how B. what C. whom D. which 11. ………have you lived here? A. How many B. How long C. How often D. How much 12. ……..do you visit your grandmother? Every weekend A. How many B. How long C. How often D. How much 13. ……..does this computer cost? A. How many B. How long C. How often D. How much 14. ……..did you begin teaching here? A. how long B. when C. where D. how much 15. …….did you use to go to school? I used to walk to school. A. how B. what C. whom D. which 16. …….does your father do? He’s an architect. B. what C. whom D. which A. how 17………don’t we go camping this weekend? A. when B. why C. what D. how 18. …….milk do you need? 2 litres A. How many B. How long C. How often D. How much 19. ……..will how decorate your living room? I will decorate it with flowers. A. when B. why C. what D. how 20. ……dress do you like? I like the blue one. A. how B. what C. whom D. which Bài 2. Dựa vào câu trả lời, chọn từ để hỏi thích hợp để điền vào chỗ trống. 1. …When……did you arrive at the train station? 5 o’clock 2. …How long…..have you learned Japanese? 3 months. 3. ……When…do you often go to bed? About 11p.m. 4. ……Which..do you prefer to study – Math or Literature? I prefer Math. 5. …What…..are you doing? I’m playing with my brother. 6. ……What .do you prefer – soda or juice? I prefer soda. 7. …When …is the shop closed? It’s closed before 4:30. 8. …Who …..is the most intelligent student in your class? Tom. 9. How much…..does your new dress cost? It costs 30$. 10. …What……time is it? 6 o’clock. 11. …How often….is the festival held in your country? Every three years.


12. …Why….didn’t you come to the party? Because I was too busy. 13. …How….about a picnic in the part? It’s a good idea. 14. …How often…do you clean your room? Twice a week. 15. …Where……is your cat? It’s sleeping in my room. 16. …When..are you going to France? This summer. 17. …How…does your mother go to work? She goes by bus. 18. …How many…students are there in your school? More than 500 students. 19. Who…….will take you the airport tomorrow? My parents 20. ……Whose ..notebook is it? It’s mine Bài 3. Đặt câu hỏi cho cụm từ gạch chân 0. I get up at 6 o’clock. When do you get up? 1. My grandparents brought me up in a small town. Who brought you up in a small town? 2. Jim was born on May 20, 2001 When was Jim born? 3. Peter rarely goes to the beach. How often does Peter go to the beach? 4. Jane’s sister is going to Venice by plane. How is Jane’s sister going to Venice? 5. This new radio costs 80 dollars. How much does this new radio cost? 6. Jim went to Korea to learn about this country’s culture. Why did Jim go to Korea? 7. It’s about 600 metres from Ann’s apartment to the supermarket. How far is it from Ann’s apartment to the supermarket? 8. My father has worked in his company for 10 years. How long has your father worked in his company? 9. The Rio Carnival takes place in Rio de Janeiro – Brazil. Where doea the Rio Carnival take place? 10. I bought Mary this dress because tomorrow is her birthday. Why did you buy Mary this dress? Bài 4. Nối câu hỏi ở cột A với câu trả lời ở cột B sao cho thích hợp. 1- …e……. 2. ……h…… 3…a….. 4. ……f… 5. ……b…. 6. ……c……. 7. …d….. 8. ……g…. Bài 5. Gạch chân lỗi sai trong các câu dưới đây và sửa lại cho đúng. 1. How do you often water these flowers? Twice a week. How often do you………………………………………………………………. 2. How long is it from here to the town hall? How far…………………………………………………………………. 3. When does the bank is closed? is the bank…………………………………………………………………. 4. How many money did you borrow from Jim? How much…………………………………………………………………. 5. What you will do tonight? ……………will you do……………………………………………………. 6. What does your mother do to work? By car. How…………………………………………………………………. 7. Why about taking a boat trip along the river? What…………………………………………………………………. 8. Who hat are you wearing? It’s my brother’s. Whose………………………………………………………………….


9. How long did you start playing the violin? When…………………………………………………………………. 10. Which ice – cream did you used to like the most? …………………………………use……………………………. Bài 6. Khoanh tròn vào chữ cái đặt dưới cụm trạng từ trong các câu sau. 1. St Patrick’s Day takes placeon March 17th. 2. Spring came late this year. 3. Once a year, my father helps me paint my room. 4. In Vietnam, Mid-Autumn festival is the second-most important festival. 5. They often go out and have dinnerin expensive restaurants. 6. February is the month of festivals in Vietnam. 7. Sai Gon city was renamed Ho Chi Minh Citymany years ago. 8. The construction of this building started in 1997and finished in 2000. 9. I have used this computersince 2007. Bài 7. Chỉ ra các cụm trạng từ được gạch chân trong các câu dưới đây thuộc lại trạng từ gì (thời gian, nơi chốn, tần suất, lý do, cách thức) bằng cách viết từ để hỏi tương ứng (when, where, how often, why, how) vào chỗ trống bên cạnh. 1. The teacher took us to the museum yesterday. where 2. We went to the museum to learn and have fun together. why 3. We visit the museum every year. How often 4. Last year, our family traveled to Sapa by coach. how 5. There were many wonderful things in Sapa. where 6. Tom wrote me a letter to apologize for what he said. why 7. During summer, I spend most of my time reading. when 8. I can find everything I need in the supermarket. where 9. My father helped me by giving me useful advice. how 10. I visit my grandparents in America every two years. How often Bài 8. Gạch chân dưới các cụm trạng từ trong các câu dưới đây. 1. Vietnamese festivals often take place in spring. 2. My brother fixed his bicycle yesterday. 3. I went to Japan last year. 4. Jim goes to school by bus every day. 5. I went to the library yesterday to borrow some books. 6. Jane will wait for me at the bus stop. 7. The plane takes off at 4a.m.tomorrow. 8. There aren’t many festivals in winter. 9. I will do it in a minute. 10. This festival is held every two years. 11. the couple celebrated their 10th wedding anniversary in a luxury restaurant. 12. I need to hand in the report to my teacher before 5p.m. today 13. He would always talk with a nationalistic tone. 14. My brother is preparing some traditional dishes in the kitchen. 15. The room is decorated with flowers and balloons. Bài 9. Đặt những cụm trạng từ cho sẵn vào các câu dưới đây sao cho thích hợp. 1. Sue has worked in this software company… For 4 months 2. My husband and I go fishing Every two weeks 3. I hope I have the chance to join in the Water festival In Thailand 4. In winter months, many people want to go ice – skating. 5. Last year, I traveled to france to take part in the Cannes Film Festival. 6. This summer, I will come back to my hometown To visit my parents 7. I often decorate my living room With flowers 8. Once or twice a week, I go cycling to the outskirts of the city For relaxation


BÀI TẬP TỔNG HỢP NÂNG CAO Bài 10. Dựa vào các từ cho sẵn, viết thành câu hoàn chỉnh 1. Which festival/ you/ interested in?/ - I/ interested in / the Rio Carnival. Which festival are you interested in? I am interested in the Rio Carnival. 2. Where/ Jim/ buy/ the cake yesterday? – He/ buy/ it/ in/ the local bakery Where did Jim buy the cake yesterday? He bought it in the local bakery. 3. Where/ James/ spend/ his last summer? – He/ spend/ his last summer/ Korea. Where did James spend his last summer? He spent his last summer in Korea. 4. Who/ visit/ by Jim and Jane/ yesterday? – Tom/ visit/ by Jim and Jane/ yesterday. Who was visited by Jim and Jane yesterday? Tom was visited by Jim and jane yesterday. 5. How long/ David/ collect/ stamps? – He/ collect/ stamps/ 3 years. How long has David collected stamps? He has collected for 3 years. 6. When/ the festival/ hold? – It/ hold/ in spring. When is the festival held? It is held in soring 7. Why/ you/ skip/ classes yesterday? Because/ I / be/ ill. Why did you skip class yesterday? Because I was ill 8. How much/ apple juice/ you/ buy/ yesterday? – I/ buy/ 2 litres/ apple juice. How much apple juice did you buy yesterday? I bought 2 litres of apple juice. Bài 11. Gạch chân những cụm trạng từ trong các câu dưới đây rồi đặt câu hỏi cho phần gạch chân. 0. I went to Kyoto last year. When did you go to Kyoto? 1. I’ve decided to do some part - time jobs to gain hands – on experience. Why have you decided to do some part – time jobs? 2. All the goods are delivered by ferry. How are all the good delivered? 3. Diwali (or the Festival of Lights) is celebrated in India. Where is Diwali (or the Festival of Lights) celebrated? 4. The locals hold the festival twice a year. How often do the locals hold the festival? 5. The Mid – Autumn festival is held on the 15th day of the 8th month of the lunar calendar. When is Mid – Autumn festival held? 6. The couple celebrated their wedding anniversary with red wine. How did the couple celebrate their wedding anniversary ? 7. My school holds a learning festival for educational purposes. Why does your school hold a learning festival? 8. The White Nights Festival happens during the season of the midnight sun. When does The White Nights Festival happen? Bài 12. Sắp xếp những từ đã cho thành câu hoàn chỉnh. 1. feed/ if/ are/ you/ home/ away/ will/ Who/ pets/ your/ you? Who will feed your pets if you are away from home? 2. use/when/ kid/ a/ to/ did/ play/ What/ you/ were/ you? What did you use to play when you were a kid? 3. this/ was/ When/ building/ constructed? When was this building constructed? 4. we/ don’t/ out/ some/ for/ Why/ fresh/ go/ air? Why don’t we go out for some fresh air? 5. Mr. Smith/ has/ to/ city/ the/ moved/ long/ How? How long has Mr.Smith moved to the city? 6. accept/ will/ offer/ Which/ job/ you? Which job offer will you accept? 7. father/ sports/ does/ often/ play/ How/ your? How often does your father play sports? 8. you/ did/ your/ on/ much/ spend/ How/ vacation?


How much did you spend on your vacation?

7. How long have you known Marie? 8. Did they use to be friends at the university? TEST 2 UNIT 9

TEST 1 UNIT 9 I. 1. D 5. D

2. D 6. A

3. A 7. D

4. C 8. C


II. 1. C 6. C

2. A 7. C

3. B 8. B

4. C 9. B

5. D 10. D

III. 1. expensive 4. bad 7. careless 10. interviewee

2. easy 5. quiet 8. young

3. unhappy/ sad 6. near 9. different

2. A

3. B

4. B

5. B

1. D

2. B

3. A

4. A

5. A

1. A

2. A

3. B

4. A

5. C

III. IV. 1. C 2. A 3. C 4. B 5. C 11. D 12. D 13. A 14. B 15.B

6. B 7. B 8. A 9. B 16. C 17. B 18. C 19. D

10. B 20. D


IV. 1. It is especially known as Tet Nguyen Dan, or Tet. 2. Yes, it is. 3. It begins between January twenty- first and February nineteen. 4. They tidy their houses, cook special food, clean and make offerings on the family altars. 5. Yes, they do. 6. No, it doesn’t. Tet lasts ten days. 7. Because Vietnamese people believe that how people act during those days will influence the whole year. V. 1. important 4. celebrate 7. Both

1. C II.

2. declaration 5. when 8. holidays

3. parades 6. have

VI. 1. C 6. B

2. A 7. C

3. D 8. C

4. A 9. B

5. A 10. D

1. went 5. such

2. festivals 6. favourite

3. by 7. beautiful

4. in 8. and

VII. VIII. 1. They give baskets and cups which are filled with sweets and tied with ribbons for their lovers. 2. It is called “Black Day”. 3. Young Koreans who do not have a boyfriend or girlfriend sit with their friends, who are in the same situation, and eat jajang noodles. 4. It is popular to send an “anti-valentine” card to person they hate (with an insulting message), to their current partner (with a goodbye message) or to end their relationship (with C - Ya message). IX. 1. C

2. A

3. B

4. A

5. D

1. D 6. D

2. C 7. B

3. A 8. B

4. A 9. A

5. D 10. C

1. C 5. D

2. B 6. B

3. A 7. D

4. A 8. B

X. XI. XII. 1. When did Sarah leave? 2. What is she watching? 3. Which film does she like watching? 4. How did you feel before your last Maths test? 5. How did she feel when she watched a gripping film? 6. How far is it from here to ACB bank?


1. holiday 2. superstition 3. lantern 4. attractions 5. society 6. considered 7. Traditionally 8. colorful 9. canals 10. decorating VI. 1. celebrations 6. entertainment

2. festive 7. beginning

3. cultural 4. performance 8. excitement 9. colourful

1. C 2. B

3. A

4. B

1. by 2. as

3. numbers 4. are 5. enjoy 6. ones

5. celebratory 10. traditional

VII. 5. C

VIII. 7. According 8. Rises

IX. 1. False 2. True 3. False 4. NM 5. True 6. NM 7. NM 8. True 9. NM 10. True X. 1. It is celebrated on November 1 in Mexico, Ecuador, Guatemala and other parts of Central and South America. 2. Families gather to pray to the souls of dead relatives, asking them to return for just one night. 3. People decorate altars in their homes and graveyards with food, candles, candy skulls and marigolds to welcome the souls back to Earth. 4. Pan de los muertos (bread of the dead) is baked in the shape of skulls and crossbones, and a toy is hidden inside each loaf. 5. Day of the Dead is a time to celebrate and remember the lives of dead family members. XI. 1. It is celebrated in India. 2. It lasts for five days around the end of October. 3. It is the festival of Lakshmi, the Goddess who, in the Hindu religion, brings peace and prosperity. 4. People clean and decorate their homes, prepare special food and buy new clothes and jewelry to welcome the Goddess in their homes. 5. Because people light up their homes with oil lamps and colourful lights all over India, and on the darkest night of the lunar month fireworks fill the sky. XII. 1. Holi is a spring festival also known as the festival of colors. 2. It starts with a Holika bonfire on the night before Holi where people gather, sing and dance. 3. The next morning is free for all carnival of colors, where everyone plays, chases and colors each other with dry powder and colored water, with some carrying water guns and colored water-filled balloons for their water fight. 4. Children and youth spray coloured powder solutions at each other, laugh and celebrate, while elders tend to smear dry coloured powder on each other's face. 5. After playing with colours, and cleaning up, people bathe, put on clean clothes, visit friends and family. XIII. 1. The tradition of dressing in costume for Halloween has both European and Celtic roots.


2. Hundreds of years ago, winter was an uncertain and frightening time. 3. People thought that they would encounter ghosts if they left their homes. 4. To avoid being recognized by these ghosts, people would wear masks when they left their homes after dark so that the ghosts would mistake them for fellow spirits. 5. On Halloween, to keep ghosts away from their houses, people would place bowls of food outside their homes to appease the ghosts and prevent them from attempting to enter. XIV. A/ 1. When is Diwali celebrated? 2. What did it mark? 3. How do Indians celebrate Diwali? 4. How do some people believe? 5. What do people do to invite Lakshmi in? B/ 1. When and where does Elephant Race Festival take place? 2. What are the M’nong ethnic group known for? 3. How long is the racetrack? Where does it set? How wide is the racetrack? XV. 1. How often does La Tomatina in Buñol near Valencia happen? 2. When does La Tomatina take place? 3. What is the highlight of the festival? 4. When does La Tomatina date back to? 5. What do some youngsters accidentally do? 6. How long does Burning Man last? 7. Where and where did the festival/ Burning Man begin? 8. When does the event begin and end? 9. What does the festival take its name from? 10. How many people attended Burning Man in 2010? XVI. Da Lat Flower Festival has been organized every two years since 2005 in the Flower Garden of Da Lat. The programs of Flower festival are a variety of content for every festival period. These will make interests to tourists and participants as well. During the festival, the shows have the participation of thousands of professional and un-professional artists. Besides the opening and closing ceremonies, the festival has also some other programs such as flower exhibition fair, flower car march, trade fair, contest of Da Lat farmers. The reason why Da Lat Flower Festival is held is that the local government has recently taken more measures to increase cultural activities in the tourism industry. TEST FOR UNIT 7,8,9 I. 1. B

2. A

3. D

4. A

5. A

6. D

7. A

8. D

9. D

10. B 11. A 12. C 13. B 14. A 15. D

II. III. 1.enjoyable 6. violent

2. frightening 3. funny 7. imagined 8. boring

4. romantic 9. exciting

5. musical 10. interesting

IV. 1. romantic film 6. action film

2. musical 7. drama

1. A

4. A

3. comedy 8. animated film

4. sci-fi film 9. documentary

V. 2. C

3. B

5. C

VI. 1. True

2. True

3. True

4. False



5. False

5. horror film 10. thriller

1. They appeared in 2001, 2002, and 2003. 2. They are based on the novels of the British writer JRR Tolkien. 3. The director is Peter Jackson. 4. The Lord of the Rings were filmed in New Zealand. 5. They cost more than $300 million to make. 6. More than 20,000 actors appeared in the three films! 7. $3 billion (could be got from the three films). 8. It was The Return of the King. 9. It won 11 Oscars. 10.In some countries, fans queued for three weeks to buy tickets. UNIT 10. SOURCES OF ENERGY Bài 1. Dựa vào những từ cho sẵn, hãy viết câu khẳng định (+), phủ định (-) và nghi vấn (?) ở thì tương lai tiếp diễn 1. Jim/ study/ Math/ at 8a.m. tomorrow. (+) Jim will be studying Math at 8 a.m. tomorrow. (-) Jim will not be studying Math at 8 a.m. tomorrow. (?) Will Jim be studying Math at 8 a.m. tomorrow? 2. My father/ work/ at this time tomorrow. (+) My father will be working at this time tomorrow (-) My father will not be working at this time tomorrow (?) Will my father be working at this time tomorrow ? 3. Ann/ play/ badminton/ with her friends/ at 4 p.m. tomorrow. (+) Ann will be playing badminton with her friends at 4 p.m. tomorrow. (-) Ann will not be playing badminton with her friends at 4 p.m. tomorrow. (?) Will Ann be playing badminton with her friends at 4 p.m. tomorrow?. 4. We/ enjoy/ our party/ at this time next month. (+) We will be enjoying our party at this time next month. (-) We will not be enjoying our party at this time next month. (?) Will We be enjoying our party at this time next month? 5. Jane/ sunbathe/ at this time tomorrow. (+) Jane will be sunbathing at this time tomorrow. (-). Jane will not be sunbathing at this time tomorrow. (?) Will Jane be sunbathing at this time tomorrow? 6. They/ travel/ to Africa/ at this time next year. (+) They will be travelling to Africa at this time next year. (-) They will not be travelling to Africa at this time next year. (?) Will They be travelling to Africa at this time next year? 7. My friend/ lie/ on the beach/ at this time next month. (+) My friends will be lying on the beach at this time next month. (-)…My friends will not be lying on the beach at this time next month. (?) Will My friends be lying on the beach at this time next month? 8. Tom/have/ breakfast/ at 6 o’clock tomorrow. (+)…Tom will be having breakfast at 6 o’clock tomorrow. (-)…My friends will not be lying on the beach at this time next month. (?)…Will My friends be lying on the beach at this time next month? Bài 2. Chia động từ trong ngoặc ở thì tương lai tiếp diễn 1. I (learn)………will be learning.English at this time tomorrow. 2. My mother (go) will be going…to France at this time next month. 3. They (sell) will be selling..winter closes at this time next week. 4. Jim (read) …will be reading…in the library at 3 p.m tomorrow. 5. He (not study)…won’t be studying…at that time tomorrow.


6. Will you be staying.(you/ stay) at home when I arrive tomorrow? 7. My father (watch) will be watchinga soccer match on TV at 8 o’clock tomorrow evening. 8. Our teacher (teach) will ne teachingMath at this time next week. 9. Jim and Jane (go) will be goingto the local museum at this time next week. 10. All the students (sit) will be sittingthe English Exam at 7.a.m. tomorrow. 11. What will Peter be doing(Peter/ do) at & o’clock tomorrow morning? 12. Peter (write) will be writinga report. 13. I’m very busy tomorrow morning. I (not/play) won’t be playingsport at 8 a.m. 14. Will the baby be sleeping(the baby/ sleep) at 9p.m. tomorrow? 15. A well – known professor (deliver) will be deliveringa lecture at my university at 8 a.m. Bai 3. Khoanh tròn đáp án đúng 1. Will you be playing the piano at this time tomorrow/ No, I (won’t/ won’t be) 2. My father will (be going/go) on a business trip at this time next month. 3. Jim promises he will (be going/go) to the book store with me tomorrow. 4. I think my cat will (be waiting/wait) for me at home at this time tomorrow. 5. These students will (be working/ work) on their end-of-term project at this time next week. 6. I think Josh won’t (be lying/lie) me again. 7. I will (be lying/lie) on my bed an hour from now. 8. At midnight today, everyone won’t (be sleeping/ sleep) because they want to see the fireworks. 9. Will you (be coming/come) to my birthday party tomorrow, Ann? 10. I think It will (be raining/ rain) at this time next month. 11. I will (be talking/ talk) with my foreign friend at this time next week. 12. I don’t think that Jim will (be winning/ win) the competition tomorrow. 13. My sister will (be having/ have dinner with her boyfriend at 7.p.m tomorrow. 14. Jim will (be learning/ learn)Japanese because he likes it. 15. Mr. Smith will (begoing/ go) shopping with me tomorrow. Bai 4. Sap xep cac tu da cho de tao thanh cau hoan chinh 1. you/ Who/ wii/ be/ at/ time/ this/ waiting/ week/ for/ next? Who will you be waiting for at this time next week? 2. dinner/ will/ My/ preparing/ mother/ 5 o’clock/ afternoon/ be/ at/ tomorrow. My mother will be preparing dinner at 5 o’clock tomorrow afternoon. 3. Mr. Vu/ teaching/ class/ at/ tomorrow/ Will/ 8.a.m/ be/ your/ in? Will Mr. Vu be teaching in your class at 8 a.m. tomorrow? 4. I /be/ will/ think/ sleeping/ hour/ now/ I/ an/ from. I think I will be sleeping an hour from now. 5. you/ this/ will/ Where/ going/ week/ be/ time/ at/ next? Where will you be going to this time next week. 6. not/ playing/ time/ this / tomorrow/ at / Jane/ will/ be. Jane will not be playing at this time tomorrow. 7. here/ A/ singer/ performing/ famous/ will/ at/ be/ 8a.m./ tomorrow. A famous singer will be performing here at 8 a.m. tomorrow. 8. be/ swimming/ pool/ at/ time/ in/ will/ Mary/ next/ people/ month/ this/ this/ month. Many people will be swimming in this pool at this time next month. Bài 5. Điền các động từ đã cho sẵn vào chỗ trống sao cho thích hợp, sử dụng thể khẳng định hoặc phủ định ở thì tương lai tiếp diễn của các động từ đó. 1. I will be very busy tomorrow, so I (go) won’t be goingshopping with my friend s at 4p.m. 2. My parents want to go fishing, so they (fish) will be fishingat this time next weekend. 3. I think it (snow) will be snowingat this time tomorrow, so I decided to stay home for warmth. 4. Today I don’t have any homework, so I (do) won’t be doinghomework at 5 o’clock this afternoon. 5. I have classes tomorrow morning. I (learn) will be learningEnglish at 9 a.m. 6. My bike is broken. I (ride) won’t be ridingIt to school at this time tomorrow. 7. Jame’s bought a train ticket. He (travel) will be travelingto Venice at this time next week. 8. We’ve canceled our boat trip. We (sail) won’t be sailingalong the river at this time next week.


9. My parents won’t be home next week. I (eat) will be eatingalone at this time next week. 10. I (help) will be helpingmy mom with housework at this time tomorrow because she will come home late. 11. My wife wants to eat out tomorrow, so she (cook) won’t be cookingat this time tomorrow. 12. My favorite singer (perform) will be performingat 7p.m. tomorrow. I will spend time for his show. 13. I (walk) won’t be walkingwith my dog in the park at 8 o’clock tomorrow morning because my legs hurt. 14. Jim will finish his project tomorrow. He (do) won’t be doingit at this time next week. 15. I’ve bought some sunscreen. I (sunbathe) will be sunbathingon the beach at this time tomorrow. Bài 6. Chuyển những câu bị động dưới đây về dạng chủ động (+), bị động (-), và nghi vấn (?) ở thì tương lai đơn. 1. (+) Peter will be taken to the airport by his father tomorrow. (-) Peter won’t be taken to the airport by his father tomorrow. (?) Will Peter be taken to the airport by his father tomorrow? 2. (+) Tonight dinner will be prepared by my mother. (-) Tonight dinner won’t be prepared by my mother. (?) Will tonight dinner be prepared by my mother. 3. (+) My broken bicycle will be fixed by my father. (-) My broken bicycle won’t be fixed by my father (?) Will my broken bicycle be fixed by my father 4. (+) A new building will be built here (-) A new building won’t be built here (?) Will a new building be built here? 5. (+) Her baby will be looked after by a childminder (-) Her baby won’t be looked after by a childminder. (?) Will her baby be looked after by a childminder. 6. (+) Jim’s next birthday party will be held tomorrow. (-) Jim’s next birthday party won’t be held tomorrow. (?) Will Jim’s next birthday party be held tomorrow. 7. (+) His letter will be sent to Jane (-) His letter won’t be sent to Jane (?) Will this letter be sent to Jane? (+) This big tree will be cut down tomorrow 8. (-) This big tree will not be cut down tomorrow. (?) Will this big tree not be cut down tomorrow? Bài 7. Khoanh tròn vào đáp án đúng 1. The contract will be …….by the CEO. A. sign B. signing C. signed 2. The last decision will…..by the leader. C. be made A. make B. be make 3. The house………before my brother comes home. A. will clean B. will be cleaned C. will be cleaning 4. This museum………..by thousands of people. A. will visited B. will be visited C. will be visit 5. My grandfather……………after by my sister when I am not home. A. will look B. will be looked C. will be looking 6. ……….painted in blue? A. Will be room B. Will be the room C. Will the room be 7. Will the problem………before 8 a.m. tomorrow? A. solve B. be solved C. be solving 8. When…….be built? A. will B. will the tower C. the tower will 9. Your secret………revealed by anyone. A. won’t B. will not be C. won’t being


10. The meeting……..by many people. A. will be not attended B. will not be attended C. won’t attended Bài 8. Chia động từ trong ngoặc ở thể bị động thì tương lai đơn. 1. Jim (visit) will be visitedby Jane tomorrow. 2. Will this car be washed(this car/wash) by my father tomorrow? 3. In the next few days, breakfast (prepare) will be prepared by my sister. 4. Jim’s cat (feed) will be fed by Jane when he’s away from home. 5. Mr.Smith’s wedding cake (not buy) won’t be bought in the local bakery. 6. Will our plan developed (our plan/ develop) into a big project? 7. The equipment you need (sell) will be sold at that store tomorrow. 8. All the housework (do) will be done by the new housemaid. 9. Our project on energy saving (complete) will be completedby the end of this month. 10. I don’t think traditional books (replace) will be replacedby e-books. 11. The project on new sources of power (invest) will be investedby a group of environmentalist. 12. All the sttudents (instruct) will be instructedto use the new equipment by the teacher. 13. When will a new bridge built (a new bridge/ build) across this river? 14. Jim’s essay (read) will be read out loud in front of the whole class tomorrow. 15. The laundry (do) will be done by me tomorrow morning. 16. A new shop (open) will be opened at the end of the street tomorrow. 17. The report (write) will be written by the group leader. 18. Who (pick up) will be picked by Peter tonight? 19. This car (drive) will be driven by me after my father gives me this. 20. My cat (take) will be taken to the vet’s by my mother. Bài 9. Dựa vào những từ cho sẵn, viết câu bị động ở thì tương lai đơn. 1. The man/ charge/ with/ armed robbery. The man will be charged with armed robbery. 2. A picture of this mountain/ take/ a famous photographer. A picture of this mountain will be taken by a famous photogragher. 3. His book/ translate/ into English/ next year. His book will be translated into Engkish next yearr. 4. The plan/ explain/ clearly/ to you. The plan will be explained clearly to you. 5. The postcard/ send/ to my grandparents. The postcard will be sent to my grandparents. 6. Jim’s new book/ publish/ this year? Will Jim’s new book be published this year? 7. When/ they/ pay/ their salary? When will they be paid their salary 8. The reseacher/ conduct/ this year. The researcher will be conducted this year. 9. A letter/ write/ send/ to me/ a foreign friend. A letter will be written and sent to me by a foreign friend. 10. Mary/ think/ milk/ deliver/ to her house/ before 7 a.m. tomorrow. Mary thinks milk will be delivered to her house before 7 a.m. tomorrow. Bài 10. Chuyển các câu chủ động dưới đây thành câu bị động hoặc ngược lại 1. They will hold a party tomorrow night. A party will be held tomorrow night. 2. Which dress will Jane buy? Which dress will be bought by Jane? 3. Someone will water these flowers tomorrow. These flowers will be watered tomorrow. 4. People won’t destroy rainforests any more. Rainforests won’t be destroyed any more


5. No one will buy this expensive dress. This epemsive dress won’t be bought. 6. What will they do to save energy? What will be done to save energy? 7. A lecture will be delivered by a famous professor tomorrow. A famous professor will deliver a lecture tomorrow. 8. Non – renewable energy will be replaced by renewable energy. Renewable energy will replace non – renewable energy. 9. All his savings will not be spent on buying new house. He will not spend all his savings on buying new house. 10. Peter will be sent to a new shool by his parents. Peter’s parents will send him to a new school. 11. All the dishes will be made by a famous chef. A famous chef will make all the dishes. 12. Where will the students be met by their teacher? Where will their teacher meet the students BÀI TẬP TỔNG HỢP NÂNG CAO Bài 11. Gạch chân lỗi sai và sửa lại cho đúng 1. My family will be gone on a summer vacation at this time next week. going 2. Jim will be not readingbooks at this time tomorrow. not be reading 3. When will be the shopopened again? will the shop be 4. Preparations for the events will be making before 8.a.m. tomorrow. make 5. I don’t think machines will be replacedworkers in the factories. replace 6. The streets will be widening soon after tomorrow. widened 7. All the old houses in my neighborhood will pull down next week. pulled 8. My computer will be assistedme with my study. assist Bài 12. Chia động từ trong hộp vào chỗ trống sao cho thích hợp, sử dụng thể bị động thì tương lai đơn. find Hold install Use up put use Replace exploit build broadcast 1. The government has passed laws to protect the forests, so forests (not)………for woods any more. won’t be exploited 2. If we don’t save natural resouces, they……….in the near future. will be used up 3. I think that renewable sources of energy will be used widely in the future. 4. Scientists believe that new sources of energy ………..soon. . will be found 5. Some windmill will be builtin my hometown. We will probably use wind power instead of hydroelectric power. 6. It is possible that hydroelectricity will be replacedby solar or wind energy in the xext decade. 7. A conference on alternative energy will be heldnext month. 8. A TV program about new sources of energy will be broadcast live tomorrow morning. 9. Two thousand of solar panels will be installedin this erea next year. 10. Watershed forests will be putunder protection of the government. Bài 13. Khoanh tròn vào đáp án đúng. 1. I …….English at this time tomorrow. A. will be taught B. will be teaching C. will teach 2. What will it ……by its owner? A. be called B. be calling C. call 3. The baby…..after by me before his mother comes back. A. will be looked B. will be looking C. will look 4. I promise this……again. A. won’t be happened B. won’t be happening C. won’t happen 5. Where……to by our parents this weekend? A. will you be taken B. will you be taking C. will you take 6. My favorite singer will be singing……tomorrow.


A. at time B. at this time C. in 7. I will be playing badminton……my friends an hour from now. A. by B. with C. of 8. Dinner will ……..by me tonight because I’m ill. A. be cooked B. not be cooked C. not cook 9. Where will it……? A. be located B. be locating C. locate 10. I think my homework …….before 4 o’clock this afternoon. A. will be finished B. will be finishing C. will finish Bài 14. Chia động từ trong ngoặc ở thể chủ động hoặc bị động thì tương lai sao cho thích hợp 1. If we don’t use fossil fuel efficiently, we (run) …will run..out of it soon. 2. Solar power (use)…will be used …..as the main source of energy in many countries in the future. 3. Will many people attend (many people/ attend) this conference? 4. Our family (use) will usethe new type of bulb to save energy. 5. People (allow) won’t be allowedto destroy rainforests any more. 6. The government (put) will putnatural resources under protection. 7. Solar panels (see) will be seenin many parts of the world. 8. My grandfather doesn’t believe that electricity (generate) will be generatedby the wind.

5. The air will be polluted by the smoke from factories. 6. A hydro power station will be built in this area. IX. 1. economically 3. alternative 5. power 7. transportation/ transport 9. produce X. 1. B 6. A

2. D 7. D

3. A 8. B

4. C 9. C

5. B 10. A

1. D

2. D

3. D

4. A

5. D

1. B 6. D

2. C 7. A

3. A 8. C

4. C 9. B

5. B 10. D

XI. XII. XIII. 1. More regulations will be made to reduce industrial pollution by governments. 2. Fossil fuels won’t be burnt for energy in the future. 3. More wind turbines will be constructed in that area to produce electricity. 4. Will our electricity bills be reduced to 20% in five months? 5. Alternative sources of energy will be developed. 5. Electricity will be being provided at this time next year. 6. Solutions will be found to reduce pollution in our city by scientists. 7. The tax on petrol will be increased to 15% next September. 8. With that device the wave energy will be changed into electricity. 10. Ordinary 100- watt light bulls will be replaced with energy-saving ones.

TEST 1 UNIT 10 I. Stress on 1st syllable

2. renewable 4. electricity 6. environmentally 8. heat 10. shortage

Stress on 2nd syllable

calendar, exercise, travelling, similar, marvelous, convenience, familiar, important, excellent, wonderful, biogas, scientist, energy, abundant, convenient, musician, dangerous, excellent, plentiful polluting XIV.

II. 1. C 5. C

2. D 6. C

3. D 7. B

4. A 8. D

1. C 5. B

2. D 6. B

3. C 7. B

4. A 8. B

1. C

2. B

3. C

4. A

5. A

1. B

2. A

3. C

4. D

5. A

1. A 6. B 11. B

2. B 7. B 12. C

3. C 8. A 13. A

4. C 9. D 14. B

5. B 10. D 15. D


VII. 1. will be studying 3. will be having 5. will send 7. will be lying 9. will be meeting

2. Will you be waiting 4. will be wearing 6. will arrive 8. will be working 10. will be playing

VIII. 1. Public transport will be used to go to school by students. 2. A great deal of electricity will be generated by solar power this summer. 3. Will the solar panels be installed on the roof of the house tomorrow? 4. Plants won’t be burnt to heat this winter by local people.


1. Solar panels will be installed on the roof of our house next week. 2. A new school will be built for poor children next month. 3. Will cracks on the water popes be checked in two days (by the plumber)? 4. These chemicals are sold everywhere in my hometown. 5. The film on types of future energy sources won’t be shown next Friday. 6. The new president will be interviewed on TV. 7. The old thermal power plant will be destroyed at the end of this year. 8. The road to our village will be widened next year. 9. Biogas will be used for cooking and heating at this time next month. 10. The first prize was gotten at the competition. TEST 2 UNIT 10 I. Stress on 1st syllable celebrate; festival; generate; comfortable; library; relative; fortunate illegal; Stress on 2nd syllable: available; consumption; electric; performance; performer; effective; imagine; convenient; exhausted; improvement II. 1. C 2. A 3. B 4. D 5. D III. 1. D 2. A 3. B 4. A 5. D IV. 1. A 2. A 3. C 4. D 5. B V. 1. C 2. C 3. D 4. A 5. D 6. A 7. B 8. A 9. D 10. B 11. B 12. C 13. B 14.C 15.D 16. D 17. A 18. D 19. B 20. B


VI. 1. converted

2. Generate

3. reduce

4. avoid

5. invested

VII. 1. will be wearing 2. will be working 3. will be arriving 4. will be speaking 5. will be playing VIII. 1. True 2. False 3. True 4. True 5. False IX. 1. False 2. True 3. True 4. True 5. False X. 1. energy 2. rural 3. electricity 4. wastes 5. Students 6.save 7. off 8. bulbs 9. natural 10. coal XI. 1. B 2. A 3. D 4. C 5. B XII. 1. False 2. True 3. False 4. True 5. True XIII. 1. B 2. A 3. B 4. A 5. C XIV. 1. Almost all our energy comes from oil, gas, and natural gas. We call them fossil fuels. 2. The earth’s fossil fuels are running out. 3. Scientists are trying to find other alternative sources of energy. 4. We can use energy from the sun, the wind, and the water. 5. The sun supplies all the energy used to grow plants, to evaporate water for rain, and to maintain the temperature of the planet. 6. If we are able to collect solar energy, we will be sure to have enough power. 7. Energy from the wind has been used for centuries to move ships, grind grain, pump water and do other forms of work. 8. Recently, the wind has been used to generate electricity. 9. For a long time, people have used water to power machines. 10. Today water power is mostly used to generate electricity. XV. 1. We are looking for a cheap, clean, effective source of energy that/which doesn’t cause pollution or waste natural resources. 2. At present, most of our electricity comes from the use of coal, gas, oil or nuclear power. 3. This power could be provided by the sun. 4. One percent of the solar energy that reaches the earth is enough to provide power for the total population. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Many countries are already using solar energy. Solar panels are placed on the roof of a house and the sun’s energy is used to heat water. The energy can be stored for a number of days. On cloudy days you can use solar energy, too. Viet Nam has an advanced technology of solar energy. Cars will use solar energy instead of gas by the year 2030. UNIT 11. TRAVELLING IN THE FUTURE

BÀI 1: Dựa vào từ cho sẵn, viết câu ở thể khẳng định(+), thể phủ định, thể nghi vấn(+) với động từ khuyết thuyết “will” 1. Jim/arrive/here/tomorrow. (+)Jim will arrive here tomorrow. (-)Jim won’t arrive here tomorrow. (?)Will Jim arrive here tomorrow? 2. There/ be/ many driverless cars/on the street/in the future.


(+)There will be many driverless cars on the street in the future. (-)There won’t be many driverless cars on the street in the future. (?)Will there be many driverless cars on the street in the future? 3. Maria/ travel/to Berlin/ on the metro. (+)Maria will travel to Berlin on the metro. (-)Maria won’t l travel to Berlin on the metro. (?)Will Maria travel to Berlin on the metro? 4. High-speed trains/ be/ very/ popular/in the next years. (+)High-speed trains will be very popular in the next years. (-)High-speed trains won’t be very popular in the next years. (?) Will high-speed trains be very popular in the next years? 5.There/ be/ gridlock/between 5:30 and 7:00 (+)There will be gridlock between 5:30 and 7:00 (-)There won’t be gridlock between 5:30 and 7:00 (?) Will there be gridlock between 5:30 and 7:00 ? 6.They/build/an overpass/here/next year. (+) They will build an overpass here next year. (-)They won’t build an overpass here next year. (?)Will they build an overpass here next year? 7.Peter/ learn/to ride/a monowheel. (+)Peter will learn to ride a monowheel. (-)Peter won’t learn to ride a monowheel. (?) Will Peter learn to ride a monowheel? 8.People/ travel/flying cars/ in the future. (+) People will travel by flying cars in the future. (-)_People won’t travel by flying cars in the future. (?) Will People travel by flying cars in the future? Giải thích: dùng động từ khuyết thiếu “ will” để nói về dự đoán trong tương lai, cấu trúc câu khẳng đinh( +) “ S+ will +V”; Câu phủ định(-): “ S+ won’t + V; Câu nghi vấn (?) “ Will +S+V” Bài 2: Hoàn thành các câu dưới đấy sử dung động từ khuyết thiếu “ will” và động từ trong ngoặc. 1. In the future, buildings ( be) _will be ____taller and moderner. 2. I think that people ( drive)__will drive_____to work by flying vehicles and in the future. 3. People ( not use)____won’t use_______ox or horse carts any more. 4.I think public transportation(develop)____will develop____and people (use)_____will use ____less private vehicles. 5.__Will____(they/accept)____accept ___ my invitations? 6._____Will_______( many workers/ choose)___choose___ to work from home? 7. Jim thinks that life (be) __will be_______easier in the future thanks to the help of robots. 8. Astronomers believe that they (find)_______will find______a living planet like the earth. 9. When ___will living in Mars be________( living in Mars/ be) possible? 10. Which means of transportation (take)__will take_______the major role in the next 20 years? 11. It is predicted that there( be)___will be________hail and snow tomorrow. 12. I’m afraid that my parents ( not allow)__won’t allow______me to go out too late. 13. Who (make)____will make______the last decision? 14.___will____(robots /replace)__replace _all human workers in factories? No, they __won’t____ 15. Jane expects that her mother (come)_____will come__________home early today. 16. Future vehicles (run)_______will run_______on biofuel and other green energy. 17. My grandfather doesn’t believe that cars (fly)__will fly_______________like planes in the future. 18. There (not be)_____won’t be________gridlock in the future because people ( travel)_____will travel_______by flying cars. 19. I think that countryside (disappear)_____will disappear______in the future due to urbanization.


20. Solar-powered equipment ( be)_______will be______very popular in the future. Bài 3: Nối câu cột A sao cho câu trả lời cột B sao cho thích hợp 1_d_ 2__f__ 3___a_ 4_g__ 5h 6_c__ 7_b____ 8_e__ Bài 4: Dựa vào những từ cho sẵn viết thành câu hoàn chỉnh. 1. They /think/their team/ be/ champion. They think (that) their team will be the champion Hành động nghĩ là hành động ở hiện tại nên chia ở thì hiện tại đơn. Mệnh đề sau mang ý nghĩa dự đoán về hành động trong tương lai 2. I/ not think/ Jim/ buy/ a new car. I don’t think that Jim will buy a new car. 3. More people/ live/work/ in the cities. More people will live and work in the cities. Dùng động từ khuyết thuyết để nói về dự đoán trong tương lai, cấu trúc câu khẳng định. _______________________________________________________________________________ 4. What/ you/ do/ if/ you/be/ the winner? What will you do if you are the winner? Câu bảo gồm hai mệnh đề. Mệnh đề phụ là mệnh đề với câu điều kiện loại 1 chia động từ thì hiện tại đơn. Mệnh đề chính là câu hỏi với từ để hỏi what dùng động từ khuyết thuyết để nói về dự đoán trong tương lai với cấu trúc.

5. People/ afraid/ non-renewable sources of energy/ run out/in the future. People are afraid that non-renewable sources of energy will run out in the future. Giải thích: “ afraid” e ngại là tính từ cần thêm động từ to be để tạo thành câu hoàn chỉnh. Mệnh đề sau đó mang ý nghĩa dự đoán về hành động trong tương lai. 6. Many people/ believe/ there/ be/ life/in other planets. Many people believed that there will be life in other planets. Giải thích: hành động “believe” nghĩa là hành động ở hiện tại nên chia về thì hiện tại đơn. Mệnh đề sau “ believe” mang ý nghĩa dự đoán về hành động trong tương lai. 7. People all over the world/speak/ the same language/in the future? Will people all over the world speak the same language in the future? Giải thích: Dùng độngt từ khuyết thuyết với “ will” để nói về dự đoán trong tương lai, cấu trúc câu nghi vấn: “ will +S+ V” 8. More and more people/ travel/ airplanes/in the future. More and more people will travel by airplanes in the future. Giải thích: Dùng động từ khuyết thuyết “ will” để nói về dự đoán trong tương lai, cấu trúc câu khẳng định : “ S+ will + V” Bài 5: Hãy sử dụng đại từ sở hữu thay thế cho các cụm từ trong ngoặc trong các câu sau: 1. My brother’s bike is blue. (My bike)_mine____ is blue, too 2. This is my house and that is (her house)_______hers__. 3. My brother ate not only his cake but also (my cake)___mine________ 4. Please move to another table. This is (our table)_______ours________ 5. They mistook our car for( their car)__theirs_______ 6.Give this book to Jim. It’s ( his book)_________his________ 7.My laptop didn’t work, so I used ( her laptop)_________hers________ 8.My house is not as modern as ( your house)_____________yours___________.


9.The last decision will be ( my decision)__________mine_______________________ 10.Is it your suitcase or ( his suitcase)_____his_________? 11. Their garden is smaller than ( my garden)____mine_______ 12.It used to be my car. Now it’s ( her car)__hers_____. 13.I found my keys. Have you found ( your keys)____yours___? 14.Their team beat ( our team)_______ours_______ 15.This is not your money but it is ( my money)___mine____. Bài 6: Khoanh tròn vào đáp án đúng. 1. Have you got _______pen, or would you like to borrow _________? A. your-mine B. yours-my C. yours-mine Giải thích: Dùng tính từ sở hữu “ your” trước danh từ “ pen”, dùng đại từ sở hữu “ mine” để thay thế cho “ my pen” 2. Jane’s voice is good. ______is good, too. A.I B. my C. mine Giải thích: Dùng đại từ sở hữu: “mine”để thay thế cho “my voice” 3.______ cat is adorable.______is adorable too. A. Your-Mine B. Your-Mine C. yours-mine Giải thích: Dùng tính từ sở hữu “ your” trước danh từ “ cat” , dùng đại từ sở hữu “ mine” để thay thế cho “ my cat” 4. My face looks like _______face. A. she B. her C. hers Giải thích: Trước danh từ “ face” cần dùng tính từ sở hữu “ her” 5. it’s not _____fault. It’s _______ A. your-mine B. yours-mine C. yours-mine Giải thích: Dùng tính từ sở hữu “ your” trước danh từ “fault”, dùng đại từ sở hữu “ mine” để thay thế cho “my fault” 6. Jim’s car was parked here. _______parked _______car here too. A.I-mine B.I –my C.my-mine Giải thích: Dùng đại từ I với vai trò là chủ ngữ, tính từ sở hữu my trước danh từ car. 7. I know Louis is _________friend. He’s also a friend of_________ A. your-my B. your- I C. your-mine Giải thích: Dùng tính từ ở hữu your trước danht từ friend; dùng đại từ sở hữu mine trong câu sở hữu kép. 8. I lost my pencil. Can I have one of ______? A. your B. you C. yours Giải thích: Dùng đại từ sở hữu “ yours” trong câu sở hữu kép. 9. This is not _______car. __________is black. A. my- my B.my-mine C.my –I Giải thích: Dùng tính từ sở hữu my trước danh từ, dùng đại từ sở hữu mine để thay thế cho my car. 10. Has the cat had ______food? A. its B.it C .his Dùng tính từ sở hữu its trước danh từ Bài 7: Điền đại từ sở hữu thích hợp vào chỗ trống để hoàn thành đoạn hội thoại sau. 1. Peter: Hi Tom, you look happy today Tom: Oh, hi Peter. I am so excited. My father’s bought me a new bike. Peter: Really, I’ve got a new bike too. My bike is blue. How about(1) ____yours____? Tom (2)____mine _____is green. I’ve heard that Jim has a bike too (3)___his____has the same color. Peter: Yes, I saw his bike but I haven’t seen ( 4)_yours______How about going cycling together this weekend? Tom: That a good idea. Let’s invite Jim to join us. 2. Jim: Hello, this is Jim.


Tom: Oh, hi Jim, this is Peter. Peter and I are going cycling this weekend because we’ve got new bikes. Do you want to join us? Jim: It sounds nice. Tom: My bike is green. It has the same color with (5)_____yours_____I hope that I won’t mistake your for (6)______mine_____ Jim: Don’t worry, my bike must look older than (7)___yours____Oh, wait a minute. I’ve remembered that my bike’s broken. Tom: It’s such a pity. Can you borrow a bike? Jim: Uhm, let see. My sister has a bike. I will borrow (8)____hers____ I will call you if she agrees to lend me her bike. Tom: Okay Bài 8:Đánh dấu …… trước câu trả lời đúng, dấu ……………trước câu sai và sửa lại cho đúng. ____1.Excuse me. We came here first so this table is our. Lỗi sai our ours Giải thích: Dùng đạit từ ours để thay thế cho tính từ sở hữu ( our) và danh từ ( table) _____2.Tom is a friend of me. Lỗi sai me mine Giải thích: Dùng đại từ sở hữu mine trong câu sở hữu kép _____3.Jim house is as big as mine house. Lỗi sai mine my Giải thích: dùng tính từ sở hữu “ my” trước danh từ house _____4. My cat doesn’t sleep with me. It’s bed is in another room. Lỗi sai: it’s its Giải thích: Dùng tính từ sở hữu its trước danh từ “ bed” _____5.My answer for this question is different from his. Câu đúng _____6.Do you have another umbrella? I forgot my at home. Lỗi sai: my mine Giải thích: Dùng đại từ sở hữu mine để thay thế cho tính từ sở hữu “ my” và danh từ umbrella _____7.Her hat is very expensive. Mine have a beautiful hat too. Lỗi sai: mine I Giải thích: Dùng đại từ I ở vị trí chủ ngữ _____8.Theirs restaurant is not as famous as ours. Lỗi sai: theirs their Giải thích: Dùng tính từ sở hữu “ their” trước danh từ “ restaurant” BÀI TẬP TỔNG HỢP NÂNG CAO BÀI 9:Hoàn thành các câu dưới đây , sử dụng động từ khuyết thiếu “will” và động từ cho sẵn Commute Learn

have be

become build

live be

see produce

1. People ______will build___________more overpasses to reduce traffic jam in crowed cities. 2. Bullet trains _____will come______very popular in the next 10 years. 3. My brother _____will learn ___to ride a monowheel and my father will teach him. 4. They __will produce_____electricity from wave power. 5. More and more people _____will commute ___by high-speed trains in the future.


6. There ___will be ____many skycrapers in the next 30 years. 7. If you break the speed limit, you ___will have____ a car crash. 8. If you leave soon, you ( not)____won’t be___ stuck in the gridlock. 9. We __will see___ many flying vehicles in the sky in the future. 10. Do you think that human beings____will live ___ in outer space? BÀI 10: SẮP XẾP CÁC TỪ CHO SẴN ĐỂ ĐƯỢC CÂU HOÀN CHỈNH 1.life/ easier/ think/ will/ in/ be/ I/ future/ the/ don’t. I don’t think life will be easier in the future. 2.of/This/friend/be/future/boy/a/ will/mine/in/the. This boy will be friend of mine in the future 3.human being/will/technological/enable/development/live/to/better. Technological development will enable human being to live better. 4.be/will/No/thinks/next/one/the/he/champion. No one thinks he will be the next champion. 5.than /My/house/future/modern/his/ more/will/be. My future house will be more modern than his. 6.no/in/street/the/the/be/will/There/next/years/20/carts/in. There will be no carts in the streets in the next 20 years. 7.cars/run/land/Future/will/and/underwater/on. Future car will run on land and underwater. 8.no longer/travel/horses/in/Will/or/people/camels/by/ the/ future? Will people no longer travel by horses or camels in the future? Bài 11: Khoanh tròn đáp án đúng 1.I think that Jim ( will/won’t) go to school tomorrow because he’s sick. 2.Flying cars will ( see/be seen) everywhere in the future. 3. Jim ( will/ won’ t) come to our party because he has a tight schedule. 4.Some scientists ( think/will think) that the Earth ( explodes/ will explode) in the future. 5. I don’t think that we will ( make/be made) contact with the aliens in the future. 6.Jane thinks that there ( will/won’t)be traffic jam in the airways if every person owns a flying car in the future. 7.Inland waterways of the city will ( upgrade/be upgraded) soon . 8.It ( is/ will be) predicted that we ( will run/is run) out of fossil fuel in the future. 9.There ( is/will be)an overpass in my city now and I think they ( will build/are built) another nex year. 10.I hope that the problem of traffic jam will ( solve/ be solved ) as soon as possible. BÀI 12: ĐIỀN ĐẠI TỪ NHÂN XƯNG, TÍNH TỪ SỞ HỮU HOẶC ĐẠI TỪ SỞ HỮU VÀO CHỖ TRỐNG SAO CHO THÍCH HỢP. 1.Jane has already eaten her lunch, but I’m saving____mine______until late. 2.Mary has broken __her____leg 3. My father and I will fix my bike tomorrow. ___It___was broken two days ago. 4.Peter will sell ____his__house. ____He______will move to another city. 5.We gave them ____our___telephone number, and they gave us__their_____________. 6. “ ___My______pencil is broken. Can I borrow ____yours_____? 7.Jim’s car is very old.___He____bought it two years ago. I bought ____my____car three years ago but mine still looks better than __________his_________. 8.Tom lives in England but __________his_____parents live in Spain. 9.Excuse me, is this _____your__bag, Anna?- “No, it’s _____mine_____ 10. ‘ Is that Mr. and Mrs. Smith’s house?”- No, _theirs_______is in the next street’. TEST 1 UNIT 11 I. 1. B 2. C 3. B 4. A 5. C II. 1. A 2. B 3. D 4. C 5. B III. 1. are having 2. will remember


3. Are you going 5. will complain 7. am seeing 9. Will you tell

4. will pass 6. will do 8. are you going to do 10. is going to grow 2.Their – Ours

3. your – his

4.his – mine

V. 1. mine 5. his

2. his 6. her

3. theirs 7. ours

6. D

7. B

8. A

9. D

10. D

5. Her - Yours

11. D 21. C

12. A 13. B 14. C 15. A 16. C 17. D 18. B 19. D 20. A 22. C 23. D 24. D 25. B 26. C 27. A 28. B 29. C 30. A

1.will not live 6. will be

2. will go 7. will live

3. will be/ become 8. will be/ become

4. will live 9. will not need

5. will not be 10. will fly/ travel

1. your

2. Hers

3. your – my – Mine

4. yours

5. theirs – Their

1. his – yours – Mine 3. your – yours – Mine

2. your – his 4. your – yours – Yours – hers – My – Hers


2. of/ of 7. for

3. with 8. of

4. into/ at 9. for

5. to/ in 10. at

1. for 6. after

2. to 7. off

3. of 8. off

4. of 9. on

5. with 10. on

VIII. IX. 3. from 7. make

4. carry 8. successful

X. 1. Renewable energy will be used in the future. 2. This school is ours. 3. How far is it from Vinh to Hanoi city? 4. I used to walk to school when I was a student. 5. In spite of being short, they still love playing sports. 6. Solar energy will be used to protect the environment. 7. In spite of eating lots of food, she is still very slim. 8. How far is it from Hanoi to HCM city? 9. I am interested in English. 10. They will fix our roof tomorrow. XI. 1. There are a lot of tables in the café. 2. There is much information in the theatre programmes. 3. There are more than thirty theatres in London. 4. There is a swimming pool in the garden. 5. There are both private and state schools in the system. 6. It took me 3 months to accomplish this task. 7. Sorting out her stamps took Jane 3 hours a week. 8. The pictures will take 3 minutes to reach the earth. 9. It took her 30 minutes to write the letter. 10. It took him 2 hours to finish his essay. XII. 1. a → an 3. are → is 4. more → bỏ “more 7. getting → to get

5. A


1. in/ in 6. of

2. will 6. passengers

4. D


2. innovations 4. electricity 6. shortage 8. knowledge 10. appliances


1. already 5. journey

3. A


4. your 8. my

VI. 1. products 3. inventor 5. friendly 7. protection 9. heated

2. C


IV. 1. her – mine

1. B II.

2. a → the 5. does → do 6. is → was 8. starts → started TEST 2 UNIT 11




1. ride 2. got on 3. driving 4. got off 7. seat belt 8. train 9. sail 10. a traffic jam 1. will 2. won't – will 3. will 4. will 5. won't 1. will have 6. won’t rain

2. will eat 7. will go

5. fly 6. exercise 11. parked 12. Cycle

3. will meet 4. will get 5. won't spend 8. will buy 9. will enjoy 10. will try

X. 1. It will make its first flight on 14 December this year. 2. The plane will fly from the Isle of Man (an island between England and Ireland). 3. It will fly to Edinburgh, the capital of Scotland. 4. No, it won’t carry a lot of passengers because it is a small plane. 5. The journey will take about 45 minutes. 6. No, passengers won’t get any food or drink on the flight. XI. 1. It takes about twenty-one hours. 2. It is 4,500 kilometres per hour. 3. The plane will fly at an altitude of over 10,000 metres. 4. It will carry 300 passengers. 5. A ticket for the flight from London to Sydney costs about £2,000. XII. 1. True 2. False 3. True 4. False 5. True XIII. 1. AeroMobil is a beautiful flying car. 2. It can give you freedom to move. 3. It takes AeroMobil only about 15 minutes to change from a car to a plane. 4. As a car, it can fit in any standard parking space, use regular gasoline, and can be used in road traffic just like any other car. 5. It can also take off and land using any grass strip or paved surface just a few hundred meters long. XIV. 1. The computer-controlled pods will take you wherever you want along a fixed route, whenever you want to go. 2. People can ride at the speed of 25mph. 3. There will be little wait for use of the cabs, which will leave from stations and will be accessed by pre-paid smartcards. 4. The cabs, which will travel on a 1.5m-wide track, will use 75% less energy per passenger than a car and 50% less than a bus.


UNIT 12: AN OVERCROWDED WORLD (MỘT THẾ GIỚI QUÁ ĐÔNG ĐÚC) Bài 1: Khoanh tròn đáp án đúng. 16. I have (less/ fewer) pocket money than my brother. 17. He eats (less/ fewer) vegetables and fruit than his wife. 18. The doctor advised the kid to eat (less/ fewer) sweets to be healthy. 19. There are (less/ fewer) cars in this town than in my city. 20. Mr. Smith does (less/ fewer) exercise than he should. 21. She has (less/ fewer) patience than her coworker. 22. I have (less/ fewer) time to spend on relaxing than my sister. 23. Peter wants to have (less/ fewer) business trips because he has become seriously weak. 24. She has (less/ fewer) work to do than me. 25. The students have (less/ fewer) days to finish the project. 26. Jack is advised to smoke (less/ fewer) cigarettes. 27. Jane has (less/ fewer) friends than Jim. 28. My city has (less/ fewer) friends than Jim. 29. There are (less/ fewer) tourists this year. 30. Peter has (less/ fewer) toys than his sibings. Bài 2: Điền “more/less/fewer” vào chỗ trống sao cho hợp lý. 11. My company has _____fewer_______ employees than your company because mine has about one hundred employees but yours has almost two hundred. ( Công ty của tôi có ít nhân viên hơn của bạn vì công ty tôi có khoảng 100 nhân viên nhưng công ty bạn lại có gần 200) 12. Jim learns better than Jane. He has __more__________ good grades than Jane. Jim học tốt hơn Jane. Cậu ấy có nhiều điểm tốt hơn Jane 13. Because of water pollution, nowadays there is ___less___ fresh water than in the past. Do ôi nhiễm nguồn nước , ngày nay có ít nước sạch hơn trước kia. 14. My neighborhood is more peaceful than your neighborhood. Yours has criminal cases than mine. Khu dân cư của tôi yên bình hơn của bạn. Của bạn có nhiều trường hợp phạm tội hơn của tôi. 15. There are ____more________ industrial emissions in the city than in the countryside. Có nhiều khí thải nông nghiệp thành phố hơn nông thôn. 16. Nowadays people spend _____more_______ money on education than in the past. Ngày nay mọi người dành nhiều tiền vào giáo dục hơn trong quá khứ. 17. I hope this year we will harvest ____more________ rice than last year, so we won’t be worried about famine. Tôi hy vọng rằng năm nay chúng ta sẽ thu hoạch nhiều lúa gạo hơn năm ngoái, vậy chúng ta sẽ không lo về nạn đói 18. Many people are moving to the city because there are __more____ job opportunities there than in the countryside. Nhiều người đang di chuyển về thành phố vì ở đó có nhiều cơ hội việc làm hơn ở nông thôn. 19. The governments are trying to raise the living standards of people. I think that there will be _____fewer____ slum areas in the future. Chính phủ đang cố gắng nâng cao mức sống của mọi người. Tôi nghĩ rằng sẽ có ít khu ổ chuột hơn trong tương lai. 20. Underdeveloped countries have to deal with ______more______ problems than developed countries. Những nước chưa phát triển phải đối mặt với nhiều vấn đề hơn các nước phát triển. Bài 3: Nối mệnh đề ở cột A với mệnh đề ở cột B sao cho hợp lý. 2- __a_____ 2- ____d___ 3- ____a___ 4-__b_____ 5- ___h____ 6-____g___ 7-___b____ 8- _______

Bài 4: Dựa vào câu cho trước, viết câu so sánh với “more/less/fewer”. 11. Today I ate one slide of bread. Today I ate less bread than yesterday. 12. My school has about two thousand students. Jane’s school has more than three thousand student. My school has fewer students than Jane’s school. Trường tôi có khoảng 2000 học sinh. Trường của Jane có hơn 3000 học sinh. Trường tôi có ít học sinh hơn trường Jane. 13. I have only one science book but my brother has up to ten science books. I have fewer science books than my brother. Tôi chỉ có một quyển sách khoa học nhưng anh tôi có hẳn 10 cuốn. Tôi có ít sách khoa học hơn anh tôi. 14. There is only one library in her town but there are many libraries in my city. There are fewer libraries in her tow than in my city. Chỉ có một thư viện ở thị trấn của cô ấy nhưng có rất nhiều thư viện ở thành phố của tôi Có ít thư viện ở thị trấn của cô ấy nhưng có rất nhiều thư viện ở thành phố của tôi. 15. Yesterday I drank too much wine but Jane just drank a little. Yesterday I drank more wine than Jane. Hôm qua tôi uống quá nhiều rượu nhưng Jane chỉ uống có một chút. Hôm qua tôi uống nhiều rượu hơn Jane. 16. We can find several skyscrapers in the city but we hardly find one in the rural area. We can find more skycrapers in the city than in the rural area. Chúng ta có thể tìm thấy rất nhiều tòa nhà chọc trời ở thành phố nhưng chúng ta hiêm khi nhìn thấy một cái ở vùng nông thôn. Chúng ta có thể tìm thấy rất nhiều tòa nhà chọc trời ở thành phố hơn ở nông thôn. 17. I think you can finish two tasks and Jane can finish one task today. I think you can finish more tasks than Jane today. Tôi nghi bạn có thể hoàn thành 2 nhiệm vụ và Jane có thể hoàn thành 1 nhiệm vụ hôm nay. Tôi nghĩ bạn có thể hoàn thành nhiệm vụ hơn Jane hôm nay. 18. Maria has been to 4 countries in the world and I have been to 6 countries. Maria has been to fewer foreign countries than I Maria đã từng đến 4 quốc gia và tôi đã tưng đến 6 quốc gia. Maria đã từng đến ít quốc gia hơn tôi. 19. This week my mother bought 3 littles of milk. Last week she bought 6 littles. This week my mother bought less milk than last week. Tuần này mẹ tôi mua 3 lít sữa. Tuần trước mẹ tôi mua 6 lít. Tuần này mẹ tôi mua ít sữa hơn tuần trước. 20. My watch cost a lot of money but her watch was even more expensive than mine. My watch cost less than her watch. Đồng hồ của tôi tốn rất nhiều tiền nhưng đồng hood của cô ấy còn đắt hơn của tôi. Đồng hồ của tôi tốn ít tiền hơn đồng hồ của cô ấy 21. This year they will plant two hundred trees along the streets. Last year they only planted one hundred trees. This year they will plant more trees than last year. Năm nay họ sẽ trông 200 cây dọc những con đường. Năm ngoái họ chỉ trồng 100 cây. Năm nay họ sẽ trồng nhiều cây hơn năm ngoái Bài 5: Gạch chân lỗi sai trong các câu sau đây và sửa lại cho đúng. 9. Now there are more people in this village as in the past. Lỗi sai as than Giải thích: Cấu trúc so sánh hơn “……….+more+ than+ …………..” 10. Jonh has more patient than I expected. Lỗi sai: patient patience Giải thích: Cấu trúc so sánh ……….+ more + danh từ + than +………….Patient là tính từ cần chuyển về danh từ là “ patience”



5. They have already tested 160 driverless cabs since 2006, and many investors and politicians have supported the idea.

11. My brother’s house has fewer modern equipments than mine. Lỗi sai: fewer modern equipments less modern equipment Giải thích “ equipment” là danh từ không đếm được nên dùng less 12. Today Kim showed fewer confidence than usual. fewer less Giải thích: confidence là danh từ không đếm được nên dùng “ less” 13. There are fewer mouse in this house than there used to be. mouse mice Giải thích: sau more là danh từ đếm được dạng số nhiều. 14. There fishermen caught less fish yesterday than usual. less fewer Giải thích: fish là danh từ đếm được dạng số nhiều nên dùng “ more” 15. You may have to face more problem than your colleague. problem problems sau more là danh từ đếm được ở dạng số nhiều. 16. Jim has less time to complete his assignment than. than bỏ than Giải thích: Trong câu này được lưu bởi một đối tượng so sánh nên than “ than” cũng cần được lược bỏ. Bài 6: Điền một chủ ngữ thích hợp vào chỗ trống để hoàn thành các câu hỏi đuôi sau. 11. They are going home from school, aren’t they_? 12. John didn’t do the washing yesterday, did __he__? 13. We couldn’t buy a new car, could ___we____? 14. Kevin will arrive here before 4 o’clock, won’t ___he___? 15. I am not good- looking, am ____I ____? 16. James is from England, isn’t ___he___? 17. The car isn’t in the garage, is __it__? 18. You are Ann, aren’t __ you ___? 19. His father took him to the zoo yesterday, didn’t ___he____? 20. Our neighbors have moved here, haven’t ___they ____? Bài 7: Khoanh tròn vào đáp án đúng. 26. She is collecting seashells, (is/isn’t) she? Giải thích: Mệnh đề trần thuật có động từ” to be” is ở thể khẳng định nên trong câu hỏi đuôi phải dùng thể phủ định là “ isn’t” 27. We often play soccer in the afternoon, (do/don’t) we? Mệnh đề trần thuật có động từ thể khẳng định nên trong câu hỏi đuôi phải dùng thể phủ định. 28. You weren’t recognized, (were/ weren’t) you? Mệnh đề trần thuật có động từ to be “weren’t” ở thể phủ định nên trong câu hỏi đuôi phải dùng thể khẳng định là were 29. Your father (has/hasn’t) cleaned your bike, hasn’t he? Câu hỏi đuôi co động từ thể phủ định nên trong mệnh đề trần thuật phải dùng thể khẳng định 30. John and Jim (like/don’t like) scary movies, don’t they? Câu hỏi đuôi co động từ thể phủ định nên trong mệnh đề trần thuật phải dùng thể khẳng định 31. You (can/can’t) win this competition, can you? Câu hỏi đuôi có động từ thể khẳng định nên trong mệnh đề trần thuật phải dùng thể phủ định. 32. She is watching TV downstairs, (isn’t/doesn’t) she? Trong câu trần thuật có động từ “ to be” is thì lặp lại “is” trong câu hỏi đuôi. 33. The journey to the South cost a lot of money, (doesn’t/ didn’t) it? Câu trần thuật ở thể khẳng địn thì quá khứ đơn nên trong câu hỏi đuôi dùng trợ động từ phủ định “ didn’t” 34. You won’t lie to me, (will/do) you? Câu trần thuật ở thể phủ định thì tương lai nên trong câu hỏi đuôi dùng trợ động từ to be ở thể khẳng định “will” 35. Josh and John have met each other, (haven’t/don’t) they?

Trong câu trần thuật có động từ “ have” ở thể khẳng định thì hiện tại hoàn thành nên trong câu hỏi đuôi dùng trợ động từ ở thể phủ định “ haven’t” 36. She’s from a small town in Thailand, (doesn’t/isn’t)she? Trong câu trần thuật có động từ “ to be “ is” thì nên lặp lại “ is” trong câu hỏi đuôi. 37. I am intelltgent, (amn’t / aren’t) I? Trong câu trần thuật có động từ “to be” are thì nên lặp lại “are” trong câu hỏi đuôi. 38. We’re late again, (/ aren’t) we? Trong câu trần thuật có động từ” to be” are” thì nên lặp lại “are” trong câu hỏi đuôi. 39. They are going to France this summer, (aren’t/ don’t) they? Trong câu trần thuật có động từ to be “ are” thì nên lặp lại are trong câu hỏi đuôi. 40. She didn’t use to work in a hotel, (did/does) she? Trong câu trần thuật ở thể phủ định thì quá khứ đơn nên trong câu hỏi đuôi dùng trợ động từ ở thể khẳng định “ did” 41. You must obey the rule, (don’t/mustn’t) you? Trong câu trần thuật dùng động từ khuyết thuyết ở thể khẳng định “ must” nên trong câu hỏi đuôi dùng động từ khuyết thuyết ở thể phủ định “ musn’t” . 42. They need some new clothes, (needn’t/ don’t) they? Câu trần thuật ở thể khẳng định thì hiện tại đơn nên trong câu hỏi đuôi dùng trợ động từ ở thể phủ định “ don’t” 43. Jim and his wife live in a tiny flat, (doesn’t/ don’t) they? Câu trần thuật ở thể khẳng định thì hiện tại đơn nên trong câu hỏi đuôi dùng trợ động từ ở thể phủ định “ don’t” 44. Mary studies very hard every night, (doesn’t/ did) she? Câu trần thuật ở thể khẳng định thì hiện tại đơn nên trong câu hỏi đuôi dùng trợ động từ ở thể phủ định “ doesn’t” 45. This table is made wood, (isn’t/ doesn’t) it? Trong câu trần thuật có động từ to be “ is” thì nên lặp lại “ is” trong câu hỏi đuôi. 46. There are 30 students in your class, (aren’t/ don’t) there? Trong câu trần thuật có động từ to be “ are” thì nên lặp lại “ are” trong câu hỏi đuôi 47. You shouldn’t take in too much sugar, (do/ should) you? Trong câu trân thuật dùng động từ khuyết ở thể phủ định “ shouldn’t” nên trong câu hỏi đuôi dùng động từ khuyết thiếu ở thể khẳng định “ should” 48. David and James will be learning Japanese at this time next week, (aren’t/ won’t) they? Trong trần thuật ở thể khẳng định thì tương lai đơn nên trong câu hỏi đuôi dùng trợ động từ ở thể phủ định “ won’t” 49. She doesn’t cook very often, (do/does) she? Câu trần thuật ở thể phủ định thì hiện tại đơn nên trong câu hỏi đuôi dùng trợ động từ ở thể khẳng định” does” 50. Jim hurt this leg yesterday, (doesn’t/ didn’t) he? Câu trần thuật ở thể khẳng định thì quá khứ đơn nên trong câu hỏi đuôi dùng trợ động từ ở thể phủ định “ didn’t” Bài 8: Điền các câu hỏi đuôi cho sẵn vào chỗ trống sao cho hợp lý. 11. Your parents will pick you up today, ___ won’t they _________? Chủ ngữ “ your parents” trong câu trần thuật chuyển về chủ ngữ “ they” trong câu hỏi đuôi. Câu trần thuật ở thể khẳng định câu hỏi đuôi ở thể phủ định. Câu ở thì tương lai đơn nên dùng trợ động từ “ won’t” ở câu hỏi đuôi. 12. Mary isn’t sleeping now, ___ is she _________? Chủ ngữ “Mary” trong câu trần thuật chuyển về chủ ngữ “ she” trong câu hỏi đuôi. .Câu trần thuật ở thể phủ định nên câu hỏi đuôi ở thể phủ định. Câu trần thuật có động từ to be “ is” nên dùng “ isn’t” ở câu hỏi đuôi. 13. My cat didn’t come home yesterday, ___ did it _________? Chủ ngữ “my cat” trong câu trần thuật chuyển về chủ ngữ “it” trong câu hỏi đuôi 14. My brother was ill yesterday, ____ wasn’t he ________? 15. I am right, _____ aren’t I ____? 16. We often go fishing in the weekend, ____ don’t we ________? 17. They won’t destroy this building, ____ will they ________? 18. Jim doesn’t like collecting stamps, ____ does he ________?



19. Your grandmother is watering flowers, ____ isn’t she ________? 20. She isn’t your sister, ____ is she ________? Bài 9: Hoàn thành các câu hỏi đuôi sau đây. 26. It is your cat, ____isn’t it________? 27. This umbrella is yours, _____isn’t it _______? 28. You won’t leave the party early, ____will you ________? 29. We went to a Japanese restaurant yesterday, _____didn’t we_______? 30. You mustn’t press this button, ___must you_________? 31. They haven’t found their keys, ____have they ________? 32. Anne and Tom often play badminton with each other, _____don’t we___? 33. Peter is listening to music upstairs, ____isn’t he ________? 34. The students must finish their homework, __must he__________? 35. It will be snowing at this time next week, ____won’t it ________? 36. I can leave now, _____can’t I _______? 37. My classmates and I will be learning English at 8 a.m, tomorrow, ___won’t we__? 38. You didn’t attend the meeting, ___did you_________? 39. The sheep are grazing in the fields, ____aren’t they ________? 40. Josh should pay attention to his health condition, ____shouldn’t he_______? 41. His father was an employee of this company ten years ago, __wasn’t he_____? 42. My mother doesn’t like my untidiness, ___does she_________? 43. James will go camping with us tomorrow, ____won’t he________? 44. Your bike is broken, ______isn’t it ______? 45. You were terrified by the thunder, _____weren’t you_______? 46. They didn’t expect me to appear at the meeting, __did they____? 47. It is important to be on time, ___isn’t it_________? 48. This doctor hasn’t worked in the local hospital for 2 months, ____has he______? 49. We have been to New York, ____haven’t we________? 50. James could win the match yesterday, ____couldn’t he________? Bài 10: Đánh dấu [√] trước câu đúng. Đánh dấu [X] trước câu sai và sửa lại cho đúng. ____ X _____ 1. You can afford time to come to our party, can you? Can you can’t you: câu trần thuật ở thể khẳng định nên câu hỏi đuôi ở thể phủ định ____ X _____ 2. He put sugar on my coffee, doesn’t he? Doesn’t he didn’t he. Câu ở thì quá khứ đơn nên dùng trợ động từ “didn’t” ____ X _____ 3. They won’t let me take photos here, will I ? I they chủ ngữ they trong câu trần thuật được láy lại trong câu hỏi đuôi. _____ X ____ 4. This song is catchy, isn’t this? Isn’t this isn’t it : chủ ngữ this song trong câu trần thuật chuyển về chủ ngữ it trong câu hỏi đuôi. ____ X _____ 5. Your mother’s bought you a new dress, isn’t she? Isn’t hasn’t: câu ở thì hiện tại hoàn thành nên dùng trợ động từ “ hasn’t” ______√___ 6. Someone mistook you for a famous singer, didn’t they? ____ X _____ 7. Josh practices singing every day, does he? Does doesn’t : câu trần thuật ở thể khẳng định nên câu hỏi đuôi ở thể phủ định. ____√_____ 8. There isn’t any parks near here, is there? BÀI TẬP TỔNG HỢP NÂNG CAO Bài 11: Dựa vào những thông tin có trong bảng cho sẵn, sử dụng “more/less/fewer” để so sánh trường học của Jane và Peter. 6. Jane’s school has fewer students than Peter’s school. 7. Jane’s shool has more buildings than Peter’s school. 8. Jane’s shool has more classrooms than Peter’s school. 9. Jane’s shool has less classroom equipment than Peter’s school. 10. Jane’s shool has fewer student clubs than Peter’s school. 11. Jane’s shool has more time for self-studying than Peter’s school. Bài 12: Hoàn thành câu thứ hai sao cho nghĩa không đổi so với câu thứ nhất, sử dụng


“more/less/fewer”. 9. There are more street lights on this road than that road. There are fewer street lights on that road than this road. 10. There were fewer criminal cases in my country 3 years ago than now. There are more criminal cases in my country now than 3 years ago. 11. There are more wealthy people in big cities than in the countryside. There are fewer wealthy people I the countryside than in big city. 12. My city has fewer slums than yours. Your city has more slums than mine 13. The standards of living in the cities shows more improvement than in the rural areas. The standards of living in rural areas shows less improvement than in the cites. 14. Old factories produce more carbon dioxide emissions than modern factories. Modern factories produce fewer carbon dioxide emissions than old factories. 15. There are less arable land in the city than in the countryside. There are more arable land in the countryside than in the city. 16. Are there more health centres in my city now than ten years ago? Were there fewer healthy centres in my city ten years ago than now? 17. People in developed countries spend more money on health care and education than in the underdeveloped countries. People in the undevelop countries spend less money on health care and education than in develop country. Bài 13: Hoàn thành các câu hỏi đuôi sau: 16. No one will reveal my secrets, ___will they ____? 17. Everyone in the room is staring at me, ___aren’t they _________? 18. A bridge will be built here next year, ____won’t it________? 19. There aren’t any slums in your city, ____are there________? 20. Someone has eaten my cake, ______haven’t they ______? 21. The Smiths will travel back to their hometown next summer, ____won’t they _______? 22. There will be more skyscrapers in our city, ___won’t there _________? 23. You have been to Paris, ___have you _______? 24. Jim should do more research on this topic, ___shouldn’t he _______? 25. In the past, rabies was an incurable disease, ____wasn’t it _____? 26. A conference on population explosion will be held tomorrow, ___won’t it ___? 27. You didn’t use to walk to school, ____did you____? 28. Your pets are fed by your mom everyday, ____aren’t they _____? 29. Air pollution is caused by carbon dioxide emissions from factories and vehicles,__isn’t it_? 30. You used to be a teacher, ____didn’t you________? Bài 14. Dựa vào những từ cho sẵn, viết mệnh đề trần thuật và câu hỏi đuôi của nó. 11. You/ go shopping/ with your mother tomorrow. You will go shopping with your mother tomorrow, won’t you? 12. Mr. Smith/ not come/ home/ yesterday. Mr.Smith didn’t home yesterday, did he? 13. Your parents/ be/ at home/ now. Your parents are at home now, aren’t there? 14. It/ not rain/ tomorrow. It won’t rain tomorrow, will it? 15. Jim/ not do/ his homework/yet. Jim hasn’t done his homework yet, has he? 16. Jane’s cat/ sleep/ now. Jane’s cat is sleeping now, isn’t it? 17. Mary and Jim/ can/ speak/ both English and French. Mary and Jim can speak both English and French, can’t they? 18. Peter/ live/ here/ for 5 years. Peter has live here for 5 years, hasn’t he?


19. These shoes/ cost/ a lot of money. These shoes cost a lot of money, don’t they? 20. You sisters/ look after/ your grandparents/ now. Your sisters are looking after your grandparents now, aren’t they? 21. I/ must/ go home/ now. I must go home now, mustn’t I?

4. There are 12 different neighbourhoods in Dharavi. 5. They can crack and take in sewage. XIII. 1. It is 66,140 people per square kilometers. 2. They lack clean drinking water, work, and access to healthcare and education. 3. It was fifty million people/ inhabitants. 4. They live in home-made shacks built in cemeteries, or between railroad tracks or under bridges. / They live wherever they can find some space. 5. There are 12 million (inhabitants).


XIV. 1. A

2. A

3. D

4. A

5. B

1. A

2. C

3. C

4. A

5. D

1. C

2. A

3. B

4. D

5. B

1. A 6. B

2. C 7. B

3. C 8. B

4. A 9. A

5. C 10. C

1. C 6. D 11. A

2. B 7. B 12. C

3. C 8. D 13. C

4. A 9. A 14. A

5. D 10. A 15. D

1. Shanghai has more skyscrapers than Jakarta. 2. You didn’t remember to turn off the T.V last night, did you? 3. The countryside suffers less pollution than the city. 4. Why don’t you go to work by bike? 5. Tokyo has fewer billionaires than New York. 6. More trees will be planted along this street. 7. Overpopulation causes a lot of social problems in this area, doesn’t it? 8. Pollution is the most serious problem, isn’t it? 9. Did a group of foreigners visit the slums last week? 10. Mr Lam used to live in the country when he was a child.




1. temperature 4. earnings 7. peaceful 10. medical

2. shortages 5. accommodation 8. growth

1. isn’t she? 4. do they? 7. aren’t I? 10. didn’t it

2. isn’t it? 5. is it? 8. isn’t he?

1. will they 3. didn’t you 5. doesn’t he 7. will he 9. may not it

2. hasn’t he 4. can they 6. doesn’t she 8. weren’t there 10. should we

1. did he? 4. are they? 7. doesn’t she? 10. did they?

2. aren’t there? 5. is it? 8. hasn’t it?

3. homeless 6. affected 9. population

1. A

2. D

3. C

4. B

5. A

6. C

7. B

8. A

9. C

10. C


VII. 3. isn’t he? 6. will they? 9. mustn’t we?

11. A 12. C 13. B 14. C 15. C 16. A 17. D 18. C

19. A 20. A

1. poverty 6. hunger

2. malnutrition 7. density

4. slums 9. explosion

1. E

3. F

IV. 3. Overpopulation 8. flea market

5.spacious 10.living standard



2. I

4. J

5. H 6. C

7. A

8. G

9. B

10. D

VI. 1. disease 6. Drought

2. shortages 7. peaceful

3. crime 8. growth

4. earnings 9. megacity

5. accommodation 10. Healthcare

1.fewer 6. fewer

2. less 7. less

3. fewer 8. fewer

4. less 9. less

5. Less 10. fewer

1. fewer 6. more

2. fewer 7. more

3. fewer 8. less

4. fewer 9. More

5. less 10. more

1. can’t it 6. have you

2. won’t it 7. don't they

3. isn't it 8. don't you

4. doesn't it 9. won't it

5. isn't it 10. did you

1. do you 6. do we

2. isn't it 7. have you

3. aren't you 8. did they

4. didn't we 9. can't it

5. will you 10. don't you


IX. 3. did she? 6. could she? 9. didn’t she?


X. 1. less 6. less

2. more 7. less

3. less 8. some

4. more 9. less

5. some 10. fewer

1. exceeds 6. crime

2. caused 7. provide

3. better 8. between

4. becomes 9. prices

5. fewer 10. more

XI. XII. 1. The toilets are in the streets. 2. Mumbai is located on the western coast of India. 3. Yes, it is. Because it is home to Bollywood, the centre of Hindu movie industry.


X. XI. 1. True 2. True 3. False 4. False 5. True XII. 1. They often live in old houses or huts that don’t have electricity or sanitation. 2. Because governments don’t have the money to build modern apartment buildings.


3. Cars and industries are polluting city air and rivers more and more, and waste that people throw away is burned or ends up in landfills. 4. They are crime, alcoholism and drug addiction. 5. They work hard to get rid of poverty, and they try to give such people better education and jobs. XIII. 1. True 2. False 3. False 4. False 5. True XIV. 1. Mumbai is located on the western coast of India. 2. It is the capital of Maharashtra state. 3. Yes, it is. Because it is home to Bollywood, the centre of Hindu movie industry. 4. The film “Slumdog Millionaire” was based in Mumbai. 5. The toilets are in the streets. 6. There are 4,000 cases of death a day because of lack of hygiene. 7. They can crack and take in sewage. 8. It is very polluted in Dharavi. 9. There are 12 different neighbourhoods in Dharavi. 10. The further you walk into Dharavi from the edge, the more crowded the area becomes. XV. 1. Mumbai is one of the most populated cities in the world. 2. The population of Mumbai is over 12.7 million with a population density of 20,482 people per square kilometer. 3. Like other big cities in India, the population of Mumbai has grown rapidly in the last 20 years. 4. A large majority of Mumbai’s population are migrants from other states of India. 5. A large number of people in Mumbai live in the slums and other residential areas. XVI. Ho Chi Minh City is the largest city in Viet Nam. In 1979, there were only 3.4 million and in 10 years later the population of the city was only about 4 million because the economy did not develop much. However, thanks to the Renovation policy starting in 1989, in the next decade there was a dramatic increase in population, and the figure reached over 5 million. With economic growth, the living standard in Ho Chi Minh City is higher than that in other regions, so many people came to this city to look for jobs. As a result, Ho Chi Minh is the biggest city in Viet Nam with a population of over 7 million in 2009, and now about 8 million.

61. False 62. True 63. False 64. True 65. True VII. 66. The major issue with a growing population is shortages of both food and water. 67. Waste pollutes clean water. 68. It contributes to about two million deaths a year. 69. Crime and violence will increase along with urban density. 70. Our planet likely to increase violence worldwide because of the economic pressure caused by heat and drought. VIII. 71. True 72. True 73. False 74. False 75. True IX. 76. With driverless cars, motorists will be able to read a book, surf the Internet or talk to other drivers without looking at the road. 77. No, motorists no longer need licenses. 78. Driverless cars will be the target of hackers because of the high level of computer technology on board. 79. The first is known as “highly automated”, and the second is known as “fully-automated” cars. 80. They will require no involvement from drivers and will be capable of communicating with other vehicles, traffic lights and road signs.


2. B

3. A

4. D

5. C

1. A

2. C

3. B

4. D

1. D 6. A 11. C 16. A

2. A 7. B 12. A 17. C

3. B 8. C 13. D 18. B

4. D 9. B 14. D 19. A

1. at 5. at

2. in 6. at

3. at 7. on

4. in 8. in

II. III. 5. B 10. C 15. D 20. B

IV. TEST FOR UNIT 10,11,12 I. 1. A 2. C 3. A 4. A 5. A II. 6. D 7. C 8. A 9. D 10. D III. 16. D 17. B 18. B 19. D 20. A 21. C 22. B 23. B 24. D 25. C 26. C 27. C 28. B 29. D 30. C 31. B 32. B 33. D 34. A 35. D 36. C 37. B 38. A 39. C 40. C 41. C 42. C 43. A 44. C 45. D IV. 46. mine 47. Ours 48. theirs 49. Nick’s 50. Hers 51. yours 52. theirs 53. yours 54. Ann’s 55. theirs V. 56. What are we looking for? 57. What is used to produce energy in that area? 58. Why do we learn to reuse some daily products like empty bottles?/ What do we learn to reuse some daily products like empty bottles for? 59. What do people from the countryside move to cities to find? 60. Why do people like using urban transport pods? VI.


V. 1. We can enjoy Pho during the day. 2. The chicken meat served with pho ga is boneless and cut into thin slices. 3. The rice noodles are made from the best variety of rice. 4. The broth for pho bo (beef noodle soup) is made by stewing the bones of cows for a long time in a large pot. VI. 1. T 2. F 3. T 4. F VII. 1. They will be learning English at this time tomorrow. 2. We will reduce the use of electricity to save our energy. 3. I think biogas is abundant and cheap for cooking and heating. 4. Will we use public transportation when travelling long distances? VIII. 1. Sources of energy will be used more effectively for our future. 2. The problem of energy shortage will be solved by using solar energy. 3. Coal will be replaced by another renewable source. 4. Flying cars will be used to travel from place to another place.


IX. 1. Have you ever been to London? 2. Peter doesn’t usually get up before seven. 3. Our friends must often write tests. 4. They sometimes go swimming in the lake. 5. The weather is always bad in November. 6. Peggy and Frank are usually late. 7. I have never met him before. 8. John seldom watches TV. 9. I was often in contact with my sister. 10. She will always love him. X. 1. can’t they 2. did they 3. did it 6. doesn’t he 7. wouldn’t he 8. are they

4. aren’t I 9. have you


5. is if 10. isn’t it

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