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Ths Nguyễn Thanh Tú eBook Collection


Tài liệu chuẩn tham khảo Phát triển kênh bởi Ths Nguyễn Thanh Tú Đơn vị tài trợ / phát hành / chia sẻ học thuật : Nguyen Thanh Tu Group Hỗ trợ trực tuyến Fb Mobi/Zalo 0905779594

P re p a rin g d ate:


T eaching date: U N IT 6: E N D A N G E R E D S P E C IE S §55: LESSO N 1. GETTIN G STARTED I. O bjectives: 1. K now ledge A t the end o f the lesson, - For the majority o f the students, + besides, consolidating those vocab, they’ll enrich their vocabulary in the further exercises + they’ll finish further exercises given on the topic : E N D A N G E R E D S P E C IE S - Especially for gifted students; like all those students, they’ll cover all o f those points. They’ll also enhance their 4 skills on the topic. 2. Skills + they’ll practice 4 skills w ith simple degree following fo - Reading: Reading for general idea and specific i n f o i ^ i o n and identifying different opinions about protecting endangered species. - Speaking: Talking about how to protect endangered species. - Listening: Listening for why animals ^ e n danger o f extinction - W riting: W rite an essay about a; endangered species - Com m unication and culture + Listen to a talk and a n w e r the questions about how to preserve endangered species. + Scan for s pecific e c f inform ation in passage and skim for general ideas about it to sum up the topic o f the w whhole un>. Fill in the table and answ er the questions. 3. Educatio ca tu n ,.' o,ms + they’ll build up their habbit o f thinking logically and guessing ability. They’ll practice sentence analysis skimm ing for gist and scanning for details. C H IN G A ID S acher: tape, board, chalk, textbook, cassette. Students: textbook, workbook, pen, pencil... III. P R O C E D U R E 1. A ctivity 1

W A RM UP a. A im : V isualize w hat the topic is and supply the background knowledge

b. C o n ten t: Look at the pictures and nam e the animals c. O utcom e: expected answers 1. w hale

2. tiger

3. turtle

4. Giant panda d. O rg an iza tio n : - A sk Ss listen to look at the pictures and ask them w hat they see in the pictures - A sk Ss to guess the content o f the conversation 2. A ctivity 2

P R E S E N T A T IO N a. A im : elicit new words, listen to the conversation b. C o n ten t: Listen and read c. O utcom e: Expected answers 1.T 2.F 3.NG 4.T 5.T 6.F d. O rg an iza tio n - T. plays the recording, asks Ss to listen a

read silently.

- Ss listen and read silently. - T. tells Ss that they are going o lis

a conversation betw een Mr.

W illis, Simon and Lisa 3. A ctivity 3

P R A C T IC E a. A im : practise skills b. C o n ten t: F in d a w o rd in the conversation to complete each o f the fo llo w in g p h ra se s/ expressions. c. O utcom e: S 'g g e s ^ d answer: 1. Extinct 2. Ex.^nction 3. Endangered 4. Build d. O rg an iza tio n : - Sts 're asked to do this exercise individually. - Ask Ss to read the incom plete phrases. - T gives feedback.

4. A ctivity 4

A P P L IC A T IO N a. A im : use languages to practice in pairs/groups b. C o n ten t: R ea d the conversation again a n d w rite the correct fo rm s o f the verbs in brackets c. O utcom e: Suggested answers: 1. W ill have gathered 2. W ill have w alked


d. O rg an iza tio n : - Sts do this exercise individually and then com pare their answers w ith their partners. - A sk Ss to read the conversation again and write the correct form for the given verbs in the space provided. - T gives feedback and introduces the Future Perfect.

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P re p a rin g d ate: 5/1/2021 T eaching date: U N IT 6: E N D A N G E R E D S P E C IE S §56: L an g u ag e Saving en d an g e red species - P ro s an d cons I. O bjectives: 1. K now ledge A t the end o f the lesson, To provide learners some language items in U nit 6 S

For vocabulary, that is words and phrases related to E ndangereds


For pronunciation, that is the linking vowel to vowel in conne


For grammar, that is the future perfect vs. double com parative

2. Skills + they’ll practice 4 skills above fluently - Especially for gifted students +T hey’ll them selves practice 4 skills above c rea ti 3. E d u ca tio n a l aim s + they’ll be easy to choose the right an;w e- basing on the leanrt key words. + they’ll build up their habbit o f thinking logically and guessing ability. They’ll practice sentence analysis skimm ing for gist md scanning for details. II, T E A C H IN G A ID S - Teacher: tape, board, chalk, textbook, cassette. - Students: textbook, workbook, pen, pencil... III. P R O C E D U R E 1. A c id ity

W A R M UP a. A im : V isualize w hat the topic is and supply the background knowledge b. C o n ten t: Complete the fo llo w in g w o rd diagram s c. O utcom e: expected answers 1. Extinction

2. Dangerous, endanger

3. Survival

4. Diversity, diversify

d. O rg an iza tio n : - T asks students to m atch the words w ith their meanings. - T checks answers as a class.

5. Evolution.

2. A ctivity 2

PR ESEN TATIO N a. A im : learn vocabulary b. C o n ten t: Complete the sentences w ith the correct fo rm s o f the words in the box. c. O utcom e: Expected answers 1. Evolution, survival

2. Endangered

4. vulnerable 7. Conservation

5. Extinct

3. H abitat 6. Biodiversity


d. O rg an iza tio n - T asks Ss to com plete the sentences individually. Alternativ d y , in a w eaker class, T has Ss w ork on the sentences in pairs. - Sts find the suitable words to fill in the gaps. - T checks answers as a class. 3. A ctivity 3


P R A C T IC E a. A im : practise pronunciation b. C o n ten t: The fo llo w in g phrases are sp> in fa st, connected speech. Listen

, careful speech a nd P ay attention to the

pronunciation o f the linked sound; c. O utcom e: Listen and repeat the following sentences spoken in fast, connected speech d. O rg an izatio n : - T tells students that they ^ e going to listen to six phrases spoken in tw o different ways: slow, careful speech - T asks students to listen and repeat - Ss repe°+ ch^ral’y and individually 4. A ctivity 4

A P P L IC A T IO N im : review gram m ar itent: The fu tu re p erfect a n d D ouble com paratives itcom e: Suggested answers: W ill have released 2. Has lived 3. W ill have finished 4. will be w atching / will have finished 5. W o n ’t have completed P art 2: com paratives 1. higher/ more 2. m o re/m o re 4. m ore/ greater

3. w arm er/faster

5. M ore/ better

d. O rg an izatio n : - A sk Ss to read the inform ation in the D o you k n o w ...? Box to get more inform ation about “T he fu tu re p erfect” - A sk Ss to read each sentence carefully and do ex 2. - H ave Ss com pare the sentences in pairs.

- Check answers as a class. - Tell them to underline the com parative adj in exam ples of D ouble comparative

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P re p a rin g d ate: 5/1/2021 T eaching date: U N IT 6: E N D A N G E R E D S P E C IE S §57: C. Skills - R ead in g Saving en d an g e red species - P ro s a n d cons I. O bjectives: 1. K now ledge


A t the end o f the lesson,

+ besides, consolidating those vocab, they’ll enrich their vocabulary in the further exercises + they’ll finish further exercises given on the topic : Saving en d an g e red species - Especially for gifted students; like all those students, they’ll covei all of those points. They’ll also enhance their 4 skills on the topic. 2. Skills - For all o f students,


+ they’ll practice 4 skills w ith simple degree following form

- Reading: Reading for general idea and specific inform ation and identifying different opinions •bout protecting endangered species. - Speaking: Talking about how to project endangered species. - Listening: Listening for why animals a e in danger o f extinction - W riting: W rite an essay a b c it an endangered species - Com m unication and cul + Listen to a talk and answ er the questions about how to preserve endangered species. + Scan for specific inform ation in passage and skim for general ideas about it to sum up the topic o f the w hole unit. Fill in the table and answ er the questions. 3.. E du°xtic d :'°x tio n a l aim s + they’ll build up their habbit o f thinking logically and guessing ability. They’ll practice sentence alysis skimm ing for gist and scanning for details. an alysi II, T E A C H IN G A ID S - Teacher: tape, board, chalk, textbook, cassette. - Students: textbook, workbook, pen, p e n c i l . III. P R O C E D U R E

1. A ctivity 1

W A R M UP a. A im : V isualize w hat the topic is and supply the background knowledge. D iscuss w ith a partner. b. C o n ten t: W hich o f these animals are on the list o f endangered species? c. O utcom e: expected answers -dolphin, tiger, saola, elephant, sea turtle, giant panda d. O rg an iza tio n : - A sk Sts to look at the picture and answ er the questions. - H ave Ss w ork in pairs and encourage Ss to make guess';s freely. Tell Ss that they are going to read a passage o f m ass a.s media med forms

2. A ctivity 2



a. A im : learn vocabulary b. C o n ten t: skim the text and guess ess thee meanin g o f new words c. O utcom e: Expected answers 1 Oral w ork * V ocab. Put sb in sb’s shoes: hoes: Attribute (v): Poach (v) Over hu hunt (v) utionary (a) Evoluti 1n le f eere r with ence (adv) Livestock (n) D erive from: Coral reef (n)


d. O rg an iza tio n - T asks Ss to com plete the sentences individually. Alternatively, in a w eaker class, T has Ss w ork on the sentences in pairs. - Sts find the suitable w ords to fill in the gaps.


- T checks answers as a class. 3. A ctivity 3

PRACTICE a. A im : practise skills b. C o n ten t: W hose opinions are these? W rite the correct nam es in the space Ex 3. Find the prepositions in the reading text to com plete these phrases. U se a dictionary to find their meaning. c. O utcom e: E x 2. W hose opinions a re these? W rite th e c o rre c t n am es in t u « e space


1. Yoshiko, Ai Lien 2. Simon


3. Yoshiko 4. Simon 5. extra


6. Ai Lien

Individual w ork and then air w ork hen r a i - "

sitions E x 3. F in d th e prep o sitio n s in th e read in g te x t to com plete these p h rases. Use a d ic tio n ary to find th e ir m eaning. 1. in

2. to

3. to

4. with

d. O r Ss to look at the questions quickly and underline key words, which Ip them to locate the specific inform ation in the text. all on some Ss to read their answers aloud in front o f the class.

A P P L IC A T IO N a. A im : use language to interact b. C o n ten t: W ork in pairs. D iscuss w ith a partner. c. O utcom e: Suggested answers: I agree w ith Ai L ien’s ideas because I ’m for preserving the wildlife 4. m ore/ greater

5. M ore/ better

d. O rg an iza tio n : - Encourage other Ss to ask further questions or give feedback.

- Summarize the main points. - A sk sts to learn the new words in the text. - Tell them to prepare for the next period.

<$y c> & o


P re p a rin g d ate:


T eaching date: U N IT 6: E N D A N G E R E D S P E C IE S §58: C. Skills - S peaking A ctions fo r e n d an g e red species co n serv atio n I. O bjectives: 1. K now ledge A t the end o f the lesson, Ss may

>^ /VC ^

+ they will get to know the topic and some words and phrases related to a newr w wildlife wi'alife park pa + they’ll get to know the future perfect and double comparatives. + they’ll m aster pronunciation, vowel to vowel. + besides, consolidating those vocab, they’ll enrich their vocabulary in the further exercises

+ they’ll finish further exercises given on the topic )ic : A Acctions fo r e n d an g e red species conservatio n 2. Skills + they’ll practice 4 skills w ith simple degree: following form - Reading: Reading for general idea and and spec specific inform ation and identifying different opinions WX _ --____ about protecting endangered species. - Speaking: Talking about how to protect (endangered species. - Listening: Listening for why animals are in danger o f extinction - W riting: W rite an essay about an endangered species - Com m unication and culture: + Listen to a 1dk and answer the questions about how to preserve endangered species. + Scan for specific inform ation in passage and skim for general ideas about it to sum up the topic o f the w hole unit. Fill in the table and answ er the questions. catio n al aim s they’ll build up their habbit o f thinking logically and guessing ability. They’ll practice sentence + analysis skimm ing for gist and scanning for details. II, T E A C H IN G A ID S - Teacher: tape, board, chalk, textbook, cassette. - Students: textbook, workbook, pen, pencil... III. P R O C E D U R E

1. A ctivity 1

W A R M UP a. A im : V isualize w hat the topic is and supply the background knowledge b. C o n ten t: w atch the video a n d discuss the topic c. O utcom e: expected answers give opinion about the questions.


d. O rg an iza tio n : - T asks students to w atch the video and discuss the topic - T calls some Ss to raise ideas _

2. A ctivity 2



a. A im : learn useful languages b. C o n te n t: Put the following w ays o f protecting

gered species in

the correct boxes c. O utcom e: Expected answers H ow to protect rhinos *ban transportation o f and trading in *donate to rhino conservation o rg n iz a t'o n s *launch anti-poaching *stop using rhino products d. O rg an iza tio n A sk Ss to read *he

versation quickly to get the main idea.

- H ave them read it again and m atch the sentences (a-e) w ith the gaps (1­ 5) in the conversation. 3. A ctivity 3


: practise skills W ork w ith a partner. U se the inform ation in 1 or your own i Content: ;

ideas to prepare a talk about how to protect rhinos or coral reefs


c. O utcom e: Good morning everyone. It’s my pleasure to talk to you today. *To begin with, I ’ll suggest the first solution to save rhinos.


*My next point is ... * Finally, I ’d like to summarize the key issues. * Thank you for your attention. d. O rg an iza tio n :

- A sk Ss to practice the conversation with their partner. - H ave Ss w ork in pairs; choose one historical figure and make a similar conversation. - Encourage Ss to add more inform ation about the K ing Le Loi; Le Quy Don; and their legends or stories. 4. A ctivity 4

A P P L IC A T IO N a. A im : review gram m ar b. C o n ten t: Present your talk to the class c. O utcom e: Ss present in groups d. O rg an iza tio n : - Give com ments on Ss’ presentation on endangered spec A sk other Ss to give feedback to their friends’ p resentati

o o



P re p a rin g d ate:


T eaching date: U N IT 6: E N D A N G E R E D S P E C IE S §59: C. Skills - L isten in g D an g ers to w ildlife I. O bjectives: 1. K now ledge A t the end of the lesson,


+ they will get to know the topic and some words and phrases related to a new wviK ildlife iife park pa + they’ll get to know the future perfect and double comparatives. + they’ll m aster pronunciation, vowel to vowel. - For the majority o f the students, + besides, consolidating those vocab, they’ll enrich their vocabulary in the further exercises + they’ll finish further exercises given on the topic : D an g ers 1) w ildlife 2. Skills + they’ll practice 4 skills w ith simple degree f " - ™ - ng form - Reading: Reading for general idea and ,pecific inform ation and identifying different opinions about protecting endangered species. - Speaking: Talking about how to protec endangered species. - Listening: Listening for why animals are in danger o f extinction - W riting: W rite an essay about an endangered species - Com m unication and c ’lture: + Listen to a 1ilk and answ er the questions about how to preserve endangered species. + Scan for specific inform ation in passage and skim for general ideas about it to sum up the topic o f the w hole unit. Fill in the table and answ er the questions. 3. E d u ca tio n a l aim s + th ey ’ll build up their habbit o f thinking logically and guessing ability. They’ll practice sentence +

analysis skimm ing for gist and scanning for details.



- Teacher: tape, board, chalk, textbook, cassette. - Students: textbook, workbook, pen, p e n c i l .

III. PRO CEDURE 1. A ctivity 1

W A R M UP a. A im : V isualize w hat the topic is and supply the background knowledge b. C o n ten t: Below is the conversation status scale w hich indicates w hether a species will exist in the near future. M atch the three phrases indicating three “threatened” levels w ith the num bers 1,2,3 c. O utcom e: expected answers 1. CR critically endangered 2. EN endangered 3. Vu Vulnerable d. O rg an iza tio n : - have Ss discuss the question w ith a partner. - Explain the m eanings o f some new w ords hat Ss will hear. - A sk Ss to read through the statements and answ er options

sothat they

have some ideas about w hat they nave t* listen.

2. A ctivity 2

P R E S E N T A T IO N a. A im : supply language ige background b. C o n te n t: Listen to the first part o f a talk given by Peter Shawl, a conservation biologist, and check your answ er in 1 c. O u tc

: Expected answers

* Voc Ethnic (a) sleeved (a) . O rg an iza tio n - T asks Ss to com plete the sentences individually. Alternatively, in a w eaker class, T has Ss w ork on the sentences in pairs. - Sts find the suitable w ords to fill in the gaps. - T checks answers as a class. 3. A ctivity 3

P R A C T IC E a. A im : practise skills b. C o n ten t: Ex 3. Listen to the second part o f the talk and choose the best option to com plete the statements or answ er the questions. Ex 4. Listen to the second part again. Com plete the summary o f the talk, writing one word in each blank.

c. O utcom e: Suggested answers E x 3. L isten to th e second p a r t o f th e ta lk an d choose th e best option to com plete th e statem en ts o r an sw er th e questions. 2. C

1. B

3. A

4. C

E x 4. L isten to th e second p a r t again. C om plete th e su m m a ry o f th e ta lk , w ritin g one w o rd in each b lan k . 1. Dangers

2. habitat

3. poaching

4. human


5. conserve d. O rg an izatio n : - Help them to identify the key w ords in each statem ent; oro opinion. Play the recording w ithout pausing. - H ave Ss find the answers individually firstt and t hen com pare their answers in pairs. Check answers as a class. 4. A ctivity 4



a. A im : use language to interact b. C o n ten t: D o you agree w ith Peter Shawl that humans are responsible for the loss o f biodiversity? c. O utcom e: Suggested answers: D iscuss with a p a tn e r. T hat’s true. Hum ans are responsible for the loss o f biodiversity. d. O rg an izatio n : A sk Ss to practice the conversation with their partner. ,


¥ P re p a rin ri g d ate: P T re eaching date:


U N IT 6: E N D A N G E R E D S P E C IE S §60: C. Skills - W ritin g E n d a n g e re d species re p o rt

I. Objectives: 1. K now ledge A t the end o f the lesson, + they will get to know the topic and some words and phrases related to a new w ildlife park + they’ll get to know the future perfect and double comparatives. + they’ll m aster pronunciation, vowel to vowel. + besides, consolidating those vocab, they’ll enrich their vocabulary in the further exercis es + they’ll finish further exercises given on the topic : D an g ers to w ildlife 2. Skills


+ they’ll practice 4 skills w ith simple degree following form - Reading: Reading for general idea and specific information and identifying different opinions about protecting endangered species. - Speaking: Talking about how to protect endangered species. - Listening: Listening for why animals are in danger o f extinction cies - W riting: W rite an essay about an endangered specii - Com m unication and culture: + Listen to a talk and answ er the questions about how to preserve endangered species. + Scan for specific inform ation in passage and skim for general ideas about it to sum up the topic o f the w hole unit. Fill in the tablee and ans answ er the questions. 3. E d u ca tio n a l aim s it of thinki + they’ll build up their habbit inking logically and guessing ability. They’ll practice sentence analysis skimm ing f o g-st and scanning for details. II, T E A C H IN G A ID S - Teacher: tape, board, chalk, textbook, cassette. - Students: textbook, workbook, pen, p e n c i l . III. P R O C E D U R E A ctivity 1


W A RM UP a. A im : V isualize w hat the topic is and supply the background knowledge b. C o n ten t: M atch the picture w ith the anim al’s names. Then discuss the questions w ith a partner. c. O utcom e: expected answers

1. b (Kom odo D ragon not found in VN; eats meat, classified as vulnerable) 2. a (blue whale; sometimes found stranded on V N ’s coastal areas, eats small shellfish, classified as endangered) d. O rg an iza tio n : - T asks students to do the task - T checks answers as a class. 2. A ctivity 2

P R E S E N T A T IO N a. A im : set the context for w riting style b. C o n ten t: Read the fact about K om odo dragon and the blue whale . W rite a, b, c, d or e in the space provided to m atch the title w ith the correct section. c. O utcom e: Expected answers 1. c habitat and location 2. e physical features 3. a diet 4. b conservation status 5. d population d. O rg an iza tio n - A sk Ss to read - This activity aims to provide Ss w ith a sample description - A sk Ss to read the table and complete. - Check the answers as the w hole class. The focus o f this activity is to help Ss develop an essay. -C T heck the correct answers.

A ctivity 3

P R A C T IC E a. A im : practise skills b. C o n ten t: Choose one of the two species in 2 and w rite a report of about 150-200 words to describe it. Follow the plan and prom pt below. c. O utcom e: K om odo dragon are found in the wild on only five isslands in Indonesia: Komodo, Rinca, Gili M ontang, Gili Dasami and Flores w here thy roam

freely. They live mainly in forests but can be seen scattered widely over the islands from beaches to hilltops. A lthough they are called dragon, they look like a big lizard. A male adult can m easure three m eters in length and w eigh 90 kilos. K om odo dragon eats meat. They are also fierce hunters and can eat very large prey, such as large w ater buffalo, deer and pig. They will eat even smaller K om odo


dragons. d. O rg an iza tio n : - Get tw o Ss to w rite their outline on the paper. - H ave Ss w rite their drafts individually and then exchange ange; their th eir e’ writing w ith a partner for peer feedback.


Encourage Ss to m ake revisions.

ten comments. Collect some o f the Ss’ final drafts and give written com - W rite Ss’ typical errors on the board an -correction.

;it self - (correction and peer licit

- Give them oral feedback after a ll - For short text, ask Sts to revise h en writing according to their peer’s suggestion. 4. A ctivity 4

A P P L IC A T IO N a. A im : presentation b. C o n ten t: rea d a o u d y o u r w riting c. O utcom e: present in front o f the class d. O rg an iza tio n : - ask s udents to present their writing - give them the feedbacks

P re p a rin g T eaching U N IT 6: E N D A N G E R E D S P E C IE S §61: D. C o m m u n icatio n an d cu ltu re B rin g in g ex tin ct species b a c k to life I. O bjectives: 1. K now ledge A t the end o f the lesson,

+ they will get to know the topic and some words and phrases related to a new w ildlife park + they’ll get to know the future perfect and double comparatives. + they’ll m aster pronunciation, vowel to vowel. + besides, consolidating those vocab, they’ll enrich their vocabulary in the further exercises + they’ll finish further exercises given on the topic : D an g ers to w ildlife 2.


+ they’ll practice 4 skills w ith simple degree following form - Reading: Reading for general idea and specific inform ation and identifying differ


about protecting endangered species. - Speaking: Talking about how to protect endangered species. - Listening: Listening for why animals are in danger o f extinction - W riting: W rite an essay about an endangered species


- Com m unication and culture: + Listen to a talk and answ er the questions about how to preserve enda ndangered species. + Scan for specific inform ation in passage and skim for general ideas about it to sum up the topic o f the w hole unit. Fill in the table and answ er the questions. 3. E d u ca tio n a l aim s + they’ll build up their habbit o f thinking logically and guessing ability. They’ll practice sentence analysis skimm ing for gist and scanning for details. II. T E A C H IN G A ID S - Teacher: tape, board, chalk, textbook, cassette. - Students: textbook, workbook, pen, p e n c i l . III. P R O C E D U R E 1. A c ti'ity <

W A RM UP a. A im : V isualize w hat the topic is and supply the background knowledge b. C o n ten t: w atching the video a n d discuss c. O utcom e: expected answers.


d. O rg an iza tio n : - Tell Ss that they are going to listen to an overview o f the green m ovem ent in V ietnam and do as the exercise order. - T checks answers as a class. 2. A ctivity 2


a. A im : learn vocabulary and set background for the main part b. C o n te n t: Listen to tw o exchanges. Are the speakers for or against bringing extinct species back to life? c. O utcom e: Expected answers 1. Van: Yes - W e should undo the dam age that has been done to nature. Nam: N o - Some species could bring back deadly diseases to our world. 2. Leo: Yes - Scientists could find ways to protect and save speciess in danger of extinction if they knew why some species becam e extinct. * Paul: N o - It’s a w aste o f tim e and money.


d. O rg an iza tio n rect optio - Play the recording twice for Ss to decide on th e corre ption of the answers. A sk Ss to w ork w ith a partner to com pare the ir answers. Have Ss com pare their answers in gr c . ; Check the answers as a class. 3. A ctivity 3



a. A im : practise pronunciation b. C o n ten t: Are you for or against the revival of extinct species? Discus w ith a partner. c. O utcom e: Oral w ork I ’m against the revival o f extinct species, because th at’s the natural selection. These species can’t adjust them selves to the changes in the climate. Instead o f this, why don’t w e try to protect existing species from becom ing extinct. bd- . O rg an iza tio n : A sk Ss to w ork in pairs and discuss the questions: “Fam ily should be told


. A ctivity 4


to children because it is the best w ay to teach children about the fam ily’s history and traditions” . A P P L IC A T IO N a. A im : review culture b. C o n ten t: read the text and do the task c. O utcom e: Suggested answers: Ex 1. R ead th e tex t ab o u t how sea tu rtle s a re p ro tec ted an d com pete th e notes.

1. endangered, critical endangered 2. loss o f nesting habitat 3. climate change 4. warm 5. the beach/ beaches 6. breeding ground 7. turtle eggs 8. raise public awareness W ork in pairs and do the task E x 2. D iscuss w ith a p a rtn e r. 1. Sea turtles are mostly found in Con D ao Islan

Chua National

Park, N inh Thuan Province, and a few in the wil 2. Yes, rescue centres for sea turtle le have been b set up at Con D ao National P ark and Nui Chua d. O rg an iza tio n : out ar and answer ou. - H ave Ss read the text about arddansw answ er the questions. Encourage Ss to c o m ,a .: +K'ir answers in pairs. - A sk Ss to com par their answers. - Check the answers as a class.

A )

- A sk Ss to w ork in pairs and discuss the questions. - Tnvite some pairs or individuals to present their ideas in front o f class. - Encourage other Ss to give comments

P re p a rin g d ate:


T eaching date: U N IT 6: E N D A N G E R E D S P E C IE S §62: E- L o oking b a c k an d p ro je c t I. O bjectives: 1. K now ledge A t the end of the lesson, + they will get to know the topic and some words and phrases related to a new wild ldlife park + they’ll get to know the future perfect and double comparatives. + they’ll m aster pronunciation, vowel to vowel.


+ besides, consolidating those vocab, they’ll enrich their vocabulary in the further exercises + they’ll finish further exercises given on the topic : en d an g e red species 2.Skills + they’ll practice 4 skills w ith simple degree followin - Reading: Reading for general idea and specific information and identifying different opinions about protecting endangered species. - Speaking: Talking about how to protect ndang^red species. - Listening: Listening for why animals are in danger of extinction - W riting: W rite an essay about an endangered species - Communication and culture + Listen to a talk and answ er the questions about how to preserve endangered species. + Scan for specific inform ation in passage and skim for general ideas about it to sum up the topic o f the w hole in it. Fill 'in the table and answ er the questions. 3.E d u ca tio n a l aim s + they’ll build up their habbit o f thinking logically and guessing ability. They’ll practice sentence anal/ si sis skimm ing for gist and scanning for details. , TEA< E A C H IN G A ID S -- Teacher: tape, board, chalk, textbook, cassette. - Students: textbook, workbook, pen, p e n c i l . III. P R O C E D U R E 1. A ctivity 1

W A RM UP a. A im : V isualize w hat the topic is and supply the background

knowledge b. C o n te n t: Pronunciation c. O utcom e: E x 1. R ead th e follow ing exchanges. D ecide w h ere th e lin k in g r is likely to h a p p e n in fast, connected speech.


1.A: are in, danger of, Asia and B: there is 2.

A: Lisa and


B: deer or 2. L isten a n d com plete th e sentences - Pair w ork


d. O rg an iza tio n : - Help Ss to review assim ilation and have them say aloud the words ini each group. Tell the the com bination o f thos<e sounds. A sk Ss to com pare their answers in pairs Get their answers back orally. A sk them if an y o ie has a different answer. Give them a feedback. Have Ss com plete the sentences w ith the - Chec heck the answers as a class. _________ _______________

2. Activity 2

P R E S E N T A T IO N T i . A im : learn vocabulary b. C o n te n t: Complete the sentences w ith the correct forms o f the words in brackets c. O utcom e: Expected answers 1. Survival 2. Extinct


3. conservation

4. Poaching 5. evolution d. O rg an iza tio n - H ave Ss read the instructions. - H ave Ss w ork individually and then com pare their answers w ith their partners.

Check the answers as a class. 3. A ctivity 3

PRACTICE a. A im : practise gram m ar b. C o n ten t: W ork w ith a partner. Practice asking questions and giving answers, using the prompts. c. O utcom e: U se d o u b le co m p arativ es. cut 2. The m ore land people need to build houses, the m ore forests theyy cu down


3. The higher the unem ploym ent rate gets, the higher the criim e rate becom es 4. The better education you get, the more opportunities for a good job there will be. 5. The heavier the rain gets, the w orse the flooding will becom e 6. The m ore car our city has, the more more we we will have to suffer from polluted air. d. O rg an iza tio n :


ly first and then com pare w ith their - H ave Ss do the activity ndividual in d partners. Check the answers ass class. 4. A ctivity 4

A P P L IC A T IO N a. A im : P R O JE C t b. C o ite n t: Group w ork 1. Work in groups o f four to six. Look for inform ation about one ered species and design a poster to introduce this species. ntroduce your poster to the class. Present the features o f your species and explain w hy and how it should be protected. H ere is an example. c. O utcom e: Note: M ime Gesture Facial expression Stress Pronunciation d. O rg an iza tio n :

For this project, ask Ss to w ork in groups o f 4. - A llow Ss one w eek to collect inform ation about fam ous person, write his/her profile and organize their presentation. - A llow 7 m inutes for each group’s presentation. - Encourage each group m em ber to speak for at least 5 minutes. - H ave each group choose the best presentation. - A sk the selected speakers from the groups to give their presentati


- Give them a feedback and encourage the rest o f the class to asl i esto es^ons ns and make com m ents as well.


o Ô


Preparing date: Teaching date:

§62 Unit 7: ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE GETTING STARTED (1) I. Objectives: 1. Knowledge A t the end o f the lesson. - For w eaker students, + they will get to understand and use w ords and phrases rela teJ +o artificial intelligence. + they’ll use the causative: active and passive in the sen + they’ll identify and use sentence stress correctly - For the majority o f the students, + besides, consolidating those vocab, they’ll enrich their vocabulary in the further exercises + they’ll finish further exercises g v e n on the topic: ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE

2. Skills - For w eaker students + they’ll practi Ce 4 sldlls w ith simple degree following form - Reading: i '! u for specific inform ation in an article about artificial intelligence applications. - Speaking: talk about the risks o f artificial intelligence listen for specific inform ation in a conversation about the future A.I. - T istening: isteni riting: write an essay about the advantages and disadvantages o f intelligent machines. - leearn arn more m about different attitudes tow ards intelligent machines. - For the majority of the students, + they’ll practice 4 skills above fluently

- Especially for gifted students +T hey’ll them selves practice 4 skills above creatively

3.Qualities - For w eaker students,


+ they’ll be easy to choose the right answ er basing on the learnt key words.

v v j - For m ost o f the students, + they’ll finish M CQs w orksheets handed and understand the context. - Especially for gifted students




+ they’ll build up their habbit o f thinking logically and guessing ab.’ity. They’ll practice sentence analysis skimm ing for gist and scanning for details.



- Teacher: tape, board, chalk, textbook, cassette.


- Students: textbook, workbook, pen, pencil...


UP Jm : V isualize w hat the topic is and supply the background knowledge

b. Content: finish the task and presentation c. Outcome: Suggestions Activity 1. Nam and M ai are talking about a film. Listen and read. Suggested answers: N am and M ai are talking about the science-fiction film A.I.

d. Organization: W rite Ss’ ideas on the board and circle any w ords or phrases related to the topic or content o f the conservation. - D raw Ss’ attention to the m eaning o f A.I. (artificial intelligence) and explain that the w om an is M onica, and the boy is David. They are the m a;n characters in the science-fiction film A.I. A sk Ss to guess w hat N am and M ai are talking about. ■W rite the best answers on the board and then tell them • at +hey are going to listen to the conversation in order to check their answers

2. Activity 2

PRESENTATION a. Aim: elicit new words, supply structures and gramm atical knowledge b. Content: finish the task and presentation

s y

c. Outcome: Expected a n s w e r

Activity 2. This activity focuses on reading com prehension Suggested answer: 1. The coastal c'ties a*e flooded due to the m elting o f polar ice caps. 2. Because Lhe had the only son w hose life is threatened by a very dangerous disease. 3. Because she w anted her to help him becom e a real boy. 4. I' was dangerous and incredible. . They becom e extinct. 6. She thinks it’s interesting and she will w atch it soon.

d. Organization A sk Ss to read the questions and underline the key w ords in each question


individually. - Rem ind Ss to read the conversation to find the inform ation that matches the key w ords that possibly lead to the answers individually.

- A llow enough tim e for Ss to answ er the questions individually before com paring their answers in pairs. - E licit answers from Ss and write the key words o f the answers on the board.

3. Activity 3

PRACTICE a. Aim: practise skills b. Content: finish th e ta s k an d p re s e n ta tio n c. Outcome: Suggested answer: Activity 3. The aim o f this activity is to help

the m eaning o f

the vocabulary items through paraphrasing Key: 1. science fiction 2. activate 3. threatening 4. resurrect 5. destroyed 6. in vain 7. thrillir

d. Organiz - A sk Ss to read the phrases for com prehension and then refer back to the c -conversation for the words or phrases having sim ilar meanings. Tell Ss to w ork individually before com paring their answers in pairs. check answers as a class.


. Activity 4


APPLICATION a. Aim: use languages to practice in pairs/groups b. Content: finish th e ta s k an d p re s e n ta tio n c. Outcome: Suggested answer:

Activity 5: In pairs, discuss the gram m ar structures in the sentences below. The aim o f this activity is to check Ss’ know ledge o f the causatives: active and passive


d. Organization:

A sk Ss to read the sentences and listen to the recording, focusing on the stressed words. - Check answers as a class then have Ss read the sentence ntence ces again trying to stress the correct words. - H ave Ss w ork in pairs - A sk them to read the tw o sentences careful'y and disc discuss their structures. - H ave Ss analyze the underlined structures ^s and :focus on the verb forms. - Check answers as a class.



Planning date: Teaching date:

§63 Unit 7: ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE LANGUAGE (2) I. Objectives: 1.Knowledge A t the end o f the lesson, - For w eaker students, + they will get to understand and use w ords and phrases; related to artificial intelligence. artifi + they’ll use the causative: active and passive in the sen he sentences. + they’ll identify and use sentence stress correctl y. - For the majority o f the students, + besides, consolidating those vocab, they’ll enrich their vocabulary in the further exercises + they’ll finish further exercises g i'e n on the topic : ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE




- For w eaker studen ts, + they’ll practi ce 4 skil1s w ith simple degree following form - Reading: r t d for specific inform ation in an article about artificial intelligence applications. - Speaking: talk about the risks o f artificial intelligence ning: listen for specific inform ation in a conversation about the future A.I. iting: write an essay about the advantages and disadvantages o f intelligent machines. - l earn more about different attitudes tow ards intelligent machines. - For the majority of the students, + they’ll practice 4 skills above fluently

- Especially for gifted students +T hey’ll them selves practice 4 skills above creatively

3.Qualities - For w eaker students, + they’ll be easy to choose the right answ er basing on the leanrt key words. - For m ost o f the students,


+ they’ll finish M CQs w orksheets handed and understand the context.


- Especially for gifted students.

II. TEACHING AIDS - Teacher: tape, board, chalk, textbook, cassette. - Students: textbook, workbook, pen, p e n c i l .


III. PROCEDURE 1. Activity 1

WARM UP a. Aim: Visualize w hat the topic is and supply the background knowledge

b. Conntent: finish the task and presentation utcome : Suggestions c. Outc I. Vocabulary Activity 1: The aim o f this activity is to help Ss to build their vocabulary by m atching the vocabulary items w ith their meanings. Key


1. e

2. c 3. g

4. b

5. f 6. a 7. d

Activity 2: Com plete the following sentences with the correct form o f the w ords/phrases in 1. Key:

1. automated 2. overpopulation 3. advanced 4. algorithms 5. capable 6. assembly lines 7. reunited

d. Organization: - A sk Ss to w ork in individually to do the matc - A sk them to swap their answers w ith a partner. - Check the answers as a class. - A sk Ss pay attention to the cont

vhich the w ords given in the box

can be used Individual. - H ave Ss com plete the s 1

ndividually, and then com pare their

answers with a partner.


- Check answers as a class.

2. Activity 2

PRESENTATION a. Aim: elicit new words, supply structures and gramm atical knowledge b. Content: finish the task and presentation c. Outcome: Expected answers c Pronunciation Activity 1: Listen and repeat the sentences, paying attention to the stressed words.


Note: In speech each letter in an abbreviation is stressed.

d. Organization A sk Ss to study the D o you k n o w .? Box and check their understanding.

- A sk Ss to listen and repeat, paying attention to the stressed words. A fter that have them identify the w ord class o f the stressed words. - Play the recording for Ss to repeat chorally first, and then in pairs. - Check answers as a class.

3. Activity 3


PRACTICE a. Aim: practise skills b. Content: finish th e ta s k an d p re s e n ta tio n


c. Outcome: Suggested answer: The causatives: active and passive Activity 1: Rew rite the sentences, using have ..............t + bare infinitive K ey, 1. The A .I expert had his assistant activate ^he newly made robot. 2. The com puter corporation had iheir w orkers eliminate malfunctioning products. 3. The robot m a n u fa c.u e r “ ^d his custom ers exchange their outdated robots for the next generation robots. 4. The com pany had someone clear out all the ju n k in the store. 5. The m anager had the w orkers m ove the m achine to a new station. 6. The owner o f the palace had a construction company remodel his estate.

d. Organization: Ss that they are going to change the sentences (1-6) into causative -structures. tT ruecl - H ave Ss read and analyze the structure o f exam ple individually. - Give feedback and explain that in the causative exam ple the action is in the past and M onica (the subject) arranged for someone (the object­


Jimm y) to do the action. - A sk Ss to w ork individually and then have them com pare their answers in pairs.

4. A ctivity 4


a. Aim: use languages to practice in pairs/groups


b. Content: finish th e ta s k an d p re s e n ta tio n c. Outcome: Suggested answer: .. ca Activity 2: This activity focuses on the structures o f the; passive................ K ey 1. The A .I expert got the newly made robot activated.


2. The com puter corporation got m alfunctioning products eliminated. 3. The robot m anufacturer got the outdated robots exchanged for the next generation robot. 4. The com pany got all the ju n k in the store cleared out. 5. The m anager got the m achine moved to a new station. 6. The ow ner o f the palace got his estate remodeled.

d. Organization: - Rem ind Ss o f the structures o f passive causative w ith have and get. - A sk Ss +o read the D o you k n o w ...? Box before doing the activity individually. A sk Ss to read the exam ple carefully, paying attention to the structure o f assive causative w ith get. A llow enough tim e for Ss to do the activity individually first and then have them to com pare the answers in pairs. Check answers as a class.


Planning date: Teaching date:

§64 Unit 7: ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE READING (3) I. Objectives: 1.Knowledge A t the end of the lesson, - For w eaker students, + they will get to understand and use w ords and phrases; related to artificial intelligence. artifi + they’ll use the causative: active and passive in the sen he sentences. + they’ll identify and use sentence stress correctl y. - For the majority o f the students, + besides, consolidating those vocab, they’ll enrich their vocabulary in the further exercises + they’ll finish further exercises g i'e n on the topic : ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE




- For w eaker studen ts, + they’ll practi ce 4 skill s w ith simple degree following form - Reading: r t d for specific inform ation in an article about artificial intelligence applications. - Speaking: talk about the risks of artificial intelligence ning: listen for specific inform ation in a conversation about the future A.I. itmg: write an essay about the advantages and disadvantages o f intelligent machines. earn m ore about different attitudes tow ards intelligent machines. -F o r the majority o f the students, + they’ll practice 4 skills above fluently

- Especially for gifted students +T hey’ll them selves practice 4 skills above creatively

3.Qualities - For w eaker students,


+ they’ll be easy to choose the right answ er basing on the leanrt key words.

v v j - For m ost o f the students, + they’ll finish M CQs w orksheets handed and understand the context. - Especially for gifted students




+ they’ll build up their habbit o f thinking logically and guessing ab.’ity. They’ll practice sentence analysis skimm ing for gist and scanning for details.



- Teacher: tape, board, chalk, textbook, cassette.


- Students: textbook, workbook, pen, pencil...


im: The aim o f this activity is to activate Ss’ previous know ledge o f A.I. applications.

b. Content: finish the task and presentation c. Outcome: Suggestions a. A voice recognition application w hich can be seen in smart phones, tablets, and other electronic devices. b. a device using GPS (Global Positioning System): a space-based navigation system that provides local inform ation in all w eather

conditions, anywhere or near the Earth, and can be seen in advanced means of transport. c. a medical robot w hich can be seen in technologically advanced hospitals. d. an automated bomb disposal robot w hich is used by the military.


d. Organization: spec Inform the class o f the lesson objectives: scanning thee text te for spec: inform ation about A.I. applications.

- A sk Ss to w ork in pairs, look at the pictures and uds'u is'ussss w hat the im ages illustrate and guess w here they m ight see these thi

2. Activity 2

PRESENTATION a. Aim: elicit new words, supply structures and gram m atical knowledge b. Content: finish the task and presentation c. Outcome: Expected Read the following t'x t about some A.I applications. Circle the answers to the questions. Key: D

2. C, D 3. B, C 4. A 5. A, D 6. D

anization ell Ss that this activity focuses on com prehension and reading for specific information. A sk them to m ake predictions about the reading text and then skim the text quickly to check their guesses individually. - A sk Ss to read the questions 1-6 and underline the key w ords w hich will help them to identify the inform ation w hich may lead to the answers.

3. Activity 3

PRACTICE a. Aim: practise skills

b. Content: finish th e ta s k an d p re s e n ta tio n c. Outcome: Suggested answer: Activity 3: The aim o f this activity is to build Ss’ vocabulary through w ord form ation (depriving verbs from nouns and then using the new words in sentences). Key 1. apply

2. intervene

3. interact

4. navigate

5. predict

6. Recognize

7. recom m end

8. inform

d. Organization: A sk Ss to w ork individually to coomplet


& able and have them use a

dictionary if necessary. - H ave them com pare their answers iin pairs. Check answers as a w hole class.

4. Activity 4




a. Aim: use languages to practice in pairs/groups b. Content: finish th e ta s k an d p re s e n ta tio n c. Outcome: Suggested answer: roups, decide w hat type o f robot you w ish to act out. D o not tell the other group members. The rest o f the group taks turns to ask questions in order to find out w hat type o f robot you are

d. Organization: Explain the gam es to the class and dem onstrate how to play it orally. Check Ss’ understanding by having a group o f five Ss model the game. W rite the questions that the players ask on the board as examples. Set a tim e lim it for Ss to play the game. A sk some pairs to present their ideas in front of the class


- Encourage Ss to ask further questions or give feedback. In groups, decide w hat type of robot you w ish to act out. D o not tell the other group members. The rest of the group taks turns to ask questions in order to find out w hat type of robot you are


Planning date: Teaching date:


§65 Unit 7: ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE SPEAKING NG ,4) I. Objectives: 1. Knowledge A t the end o f the lesson, - For w eaker students,

+ they will get to understand and u s ' w ords and phrases related to artificial intelligence. + they’ll use the causative: active and passive in the sentences. + they’ll identify and use sentence stress correctly. - For the m ajori.y of the students, + besides, consolidating those vocab, they’ll enrich their vocabulary in the further exercises + they’ll finish further exercises given on the topic : ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE

or w eaker students, + they’ll practice 4 skills w ith simple degree following form - Reading: read for specific inform ation in an article about artificial intelligence applications.

- Speaking: talk about the risks of artificial intelligence - Listening: listen for specific inform ation in a conversation about the future A.I. - W riting: write an essay about the advantages and disadvantages o f intelligent machines. - learn more about different attitudes towards intelligent machines. - For the majority of the students, + they’ll practice 4 skills above fluently - Especially for gifted students +T hey’ll them selves practice 4 skills above creatively




- For w eaker students,

+ they’ll be easy to choose the right answ er basing on th f leane t key words. - For m ost o f the students, th context. + they’ll finish M CQs w orksheets handed anc'd vunderstand ^ ^ t a n d the - Especially for gifted students llogic + they’ll build up their habbit o f thinking logically and guessing ability. They’ll practice sentence scann analysis skimm ing for gist and scanning for details.



- Teacher: +ape. boa d, chalk, textbook, cassette. - Studeits: textDook, workbook, pen, p e n c i l .



1. Activity 1

WARM UP a. Aim: V isualize w hat the topic is and supply the background knowledge

b. Content: finish the task and presentation c. Outcome: Suggestions Activity 1: W ork in pairs and discuss the following questions. is for? Picture a: D o you know the nam e o f this person? W hat is he fam ous Picture b: W hat do you think this im age illustrates?



d. Organization:

H ave Ss look at the pictures and tell you w hat they know about these images.


- H ave them brainstorm their ideas in pairs.

- W rite the m ost interesting ideas on the board and highlight the ones that answ er the questions.

2. Activity 2

PRESENTATION a. Aim: elicit new words, supply structures and gram m atical knowledge b. Content: finish the ta ck and presentation c. Outcome: Expected answers Activity 2

o f this activity is to help Ss to expand their vocabulary w ith ideas for the speaking activity in this section

and provi K ey 1. efforts

2. threat

3. technology

'onsequences 6. destruction

4. com municate


7. Evolution

d. Organization - A sk Ss to read the text and guess the w ords that can be used to fill in each blank. - H ave Ss com pare their answers.


- Check answers as a class.

3. Activity 3

PRACTICE a. Aim: practise skills

b. Content: finish th e ta s k an d p re s e n ta tio n c. Outcome: Suggested answer: Activity 3: The aim o f this activity is to help Ss to transfer ideas from a news item into a conversation. They can also study a model conversation. Suggested answers:


1. W ho interview ed him? 2. the threat o f creating thinking machines and the d e v e l o p


artificial intelligence. 3. it can lead to the destruction o f humanity. 4. their slow biological evolution. Creating int m atch or surpass humans could lead to the dest

chines that could o f people.

d. Organization: - H ave Ss com plete the conversation w it., inform ation from the news item. - Encourage Ss to w rite down the completed answers on a piece o f paper. - H ave Ss com pare their ans weu in pairs and agree on the best ones before they practise the conversation. - A sk a few paiis to role play the conversation.

4. Activity 4

APPLICATION a. Aim: use languages to practice in pairs/groups b. Content: finish th e ta s k an d p re s e n ta tio n c. Outcome: Suggested answer: Suggested answers: S 1. about the open letter signed by many fam ous people. 2. the letter 3. the w orld of technology, space travel, com puting and mathematics.


4. a ban on offensive autonomous w eapons 5. they are afraid that autonomous killing m achines could easily fall into the hands of the w rong people, and be used for destroying countries, and even the world.



- A sk Ss for com ments on their friends’ presentation. - Give final comments.

Planning date: Teaching date:

§66 Unit 7: ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE LISTENING (5) I. Objectives: 1.Knowledge A t the end of the lesson, - For w eaker students, + they will get to understand and use words and phrases related to artificial intelligence. + they’ll use the causative: active and passive in the sentences. + they’ll identify and use sentence stress correctly. - For the majority o f the students, + besides, conso,id?ting those vocab, they’ll enrich their vocabulary in the further exercises + they’ll finish further exercises given on the topic : ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE



- For w eaker students, + they’ll practice 4 skills w ith simple degree following form - Reading: read for specific inform ation in an article about artificial intelligence applications. - Speaking: talk about the risks o f artificial intelligence

- Listening: listen for specific inform ation in a conversation about the future A.I. - W riting: write an essay about the advantages and disadvantages o f intelligent machines. - learn m ore about different attitudes tow ards intelligent machines. - For the majority o f the students, + they’ll practice 4 skills above fluently


- Especially for gifted students +T hey’ll them selves practice 4 skills above creatively




-F o r w eaker students,

+ they’ll be easy to choose the right answ er basing on the lea: anrt key words. -F o r m ost o f the students.


+ they’ll finish M CQs w orksheets handed andd unde~«+and understa *he context. - Especially for gifted students + they’ll build up their habbit o f thin thinking logiically and guessing ability. They’ll practice sentence analysis skimm ing for gist '.nd sc'n n in g for details.



- Teacher: tape, o o ^ d , chalk, textbook, cassette. - Students: l' iooA , workbook, pen, pencil...

CEDURE III.. PROC . Activity 1


WARM UP a. Aim: V isualize w hat the topic is and supply the background knowledge

b. Content: finish the task and presentation c. Outcome: Suggestions The aim o f this activity is to provide Ss w ith the key vocabulary that will


help them to understand the conversation they are going to listen to. Key 1. c

2. d


4. f 5. b

6. e


d. Organization: - A sk Ss to w ork in pairs to m atch the words a nd phrases w wiith ttheir meanings.


- Check answers as a class.

2. Activity 2



a. Aim: elicit new words, supply structures and gram m atical knowledge

v J

b. Content: finish the task and presentation c. Outcome: Expected answers Activity 2: This activity focuses on listening for specific information. Ss have to decide if the sentences provided are true or False or not given. Key 1. N G

2. F

3. F 4. T

5. T 6. T 7.T

d. Organization Ss that they are going to listen to a conversation between N am and

A sk Ss to read sentences and underline the key words w hen they are listening. - Play the recording twice. - H ave Ss com pare their answers w ith their partners. - Check answers as a w hole class.


3. A ctivity 3


a. Aim: practise skills b. Content: finish th e ta s k an d p re s e n ta tio n


c. Outcome: Suggested answer: Key 1. it is about artificial intelligence. 2. He is an author, com puter scientist, inventor, and futu 'ist.


3. H e’s very talented. 4. They will think quicker than humans. 5. He called them nanobots.


6. Because she thinks o f the tasks o f the scientists: careful developing A.I. programs while also detecting any m alfunctions and preventing cyber­ attacks.

d. Organization: - Tell Ss to read through ^he questions and underline key words. - A sk them to pay attention to these w ords when they listen. - Play the recording w ithout pausing. - H ave s s answer the questions individually - then com pare w ith their answers in pairs. - C h 'c k answers as a class.

4. Activity 4

APPLICATION a. Aim: use languages to practice in pairs/groups b. Content: finish th e ta s k an d p re s e n ta tio n c. Outcome: Suggested answer:


Activity 4: This activity is a follow-up activity w hich enables Ss to do some research on Ray Kurzweil.

d. Organization:

Planning date: Teaching date:

WRITING (6) I. Objectives: 1. Knowledge At the end of the lesson, - For w eaker students, tand and U + they will get to understand W e wc words and phrases related to artificial intelligence. + they’ll use the caupa tm m : active and passive in the sentences. + they’ll identify and use sentence stress correctly. -F o r the m a je sty of the students, + besidts, consolidating those vocab, they’ll enrich their vocabulary in the further exercises + they’ll finish further exercises given on the topic : ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE

Seills -F o r w eaker students, + they’ll practice 4 skills w ith simple degree following form

- Reading: read for specific inform ation in an article about artificial intelligence applications. - Speaking: talk about the risks o f artificial intelligence - Listening: listen for specific inform ation in a conversation about the future A.I. - W riting: write an essay about the advantages and disadvantages o f intelligent machines. - learn m ore about different attitudes tow ards intelligent machines. - For the majority o f the students, + they’ll practice 4 skills above fluently - Especially for gifted students +T hey’ll them selves practice 4 skills above creatively




- For w eaker students, + they’ll be easy to choose the right answ er basing on the hee leanrt 'e le a ^ t key words. - For m ost o f the students. + they’ll finish M CQs w orksheets handed and understand the context. - Especially for gifted students + they’ll build up their habbi

thinking logically and guessing ability. They’ll practice

sentence analysis

g for gist and scanning for details




rd, chalk, textbook, cassette. textbook, workbook, pen, p e n c i l .

WARMUP a. Aim: V isualize w hat the topic is and supply the background


b. Content: finish the task and presentation c. Outcome: Suggestions


Activity 1: The aim o f this activity is to activate Ss’ know ledge relate^ atec to intelligent robots in industries and medicine.



Pi Picture a illustrates a m alfunctioning robot grasping a w orking, Picture b illustrates a medical robot in action.


d. Organization:

Inform the class o f the lesson objectives: writing an essay about advantages and disadvantages o f intelligent machines.

2. Activity 2

PRESENTATION a. Aim: elicit new words, supply structures and gram m atical knowledge b. Content: finish the task and presentation c. Outcome: Expected answers Activity 2. This activity is to provide Ss w ith some useful ideas that they can use to describe the advantages and disadvantages o f intelligent mach machines. K ey Ac advantages: 2, 3, 6

Disadvantages: 1, 4, 5

d. Organization - A sk Ss to w ork in pairs and describe the things they can see from the pictures.


- H ave Ss brainstorm ideas and call 2 Ss to write the best answers on the boards .

3. Activity 3


a. Aim: practise skills b. Content: finish th e ta s k an d p re s e n ta tio n c. Outcome: Suggested answer:


Activity 3: This activity provides m ore ideas for the writing tasks. It a,so helps Ss to form coherent and w ell-structured sentences.


Suggested answers 1. d 2. g 3. e 4. f 5. c 6. a 7. b

d. Organization: A sk Ss to read the sentences carefully and pu

correct columns

individually. - A sk Ss to read and m atch the sentence halves individually. - H ave them com pare their answe - Check answers as a class.

4. Activity 4

APPLICATION a. Aim: use languag b. Content: finish th e ta s k an d p re s e n ta tio n c. Outcome: Suggested answer: Activity 4: The aim o f this activity is to develop Ss’ w riting skills. d. Organization: Ss to study the suggested plan and prom pts and write their drafts individually. - A sk them to com pare their writing in pairs and obtain peer check. - Encourage Ss to make revisions w hen reworking and finalizing their drafts.


- Collect some o f the Ss’ final drafts and give w ritten comments. - A sk com ments from Ss in class.

Planning date: Teaching date:

§68 Unit 7: ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE COMMUNICATION AND CULTURE (7) I. Objectives: 1. Knowledge At the end of the lesson, - For weaker students, + they will get to understand and use words and phrases related to arti ficial intelligence. + they’ll use the causative: active and passive in the sente + they’ll identify and use sentence stress correctly. - For the majority of the students, + besides, consolidating those vocab, they’ll enTch their vocabulary in the further exercises + they’ll finish further exercises g i v e n e topic : ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE 2. Skills - For weaker students, + they’ll practice 4 sk'Uo with simple degree following form - Reading: read for specific information in an article about artificial intelligence applications. - Speaking: talk about the risks of artificial intelligence - Lin*en_ ng: listen for specific information in a conversation about the future A.I. - W"itin; Titing: write an essay about the advantages and disadvantages of intelligent machines. - learn rn m more about different attitudes towards intelligent machines. -F or the majority of the students, + they’ll practice 4 skills above fluently - Especially for gifted students

+T hey’ll them selves practice 4 skills above creatively



- For w eaker students, + they’ll be easy to choose the right answ er basing on the leanrt key words. - For m ost o f the students, + they’ll finish M CQs w orksheets handed and understand the context.


- Especially for gifted students hey’ll practice + they’ll build up their habbit o f thinking logically and guessing abili 1y. They sentence analysis skimm ing for gist and scanning for details.



- Teacher: tape, board, chalk, textbook, cassette.

i V

- Students: textbook, workbook, v u i i v u u u i v , pen, yp vennwci i. l. ..

III. PROCEDURE 1. Activity 1




im: V isualize w hat the topic is and supply the background . Aim

knowle ledge

. . .Content: finish the task and presentation c. Outcome: Suggestions Artificial intelligence in science-fiction films


Activity 1: The aim o f this activity is to provide further listening practice o f the topic o f artificial intelligence in science-fiction films. Listen to a conversation . Linh and Nam. Circle the correct letters to com plete the sentences.

Correct answers: 1. B

2. C

3. C

4. B

5. B .

d. Organization: - Inform the class o f the lesson objectives: further skill developm ent o: f

listening, reading and speaking.

nh ,and - Tell Ss that they are going to listen to a conversation betwee:n Linh

D /X

N am about artificial intelligence in science-fiction films.s.

2. Activity 2


a. Aim: elicit new words, supply structures andd gram m aatical knowledge b. Content: finish the task and presentation


c. Outcome: Expected answers iscuss and recom m end an interesting Activity 2: W ork in groups o f four. D Discus film about A.I.

follow-up ar tidv>y provides Ss w ith further speaking

ning activi practice after the listening activity.

d. Organization Play the recording tw ice for Ss to do the activity. - Give brief explanations o f how films are rated. - A sk S Ss to compare their answers in pairs. ck answers as a class. Ss to discuss the question in groups. - ask some representatives to resent their recom mendations. p

H ave Ss brainstorm w hat they know about popular dom estic robots in

use today. - A sk them to w ork in groups to give their opinions about these automated m achines


3. Activity 3

PRACTICE a. Aim: practise skills

b. Content: finish th e ta s k an d p re s e n ta tio n c. Outcome: Suggested answer: People’s attitudes towards intelligence artificial. Activity 1: R ead the text about people’s different attitudes towards intelligent machines. A nsw er the following questions.


out the - The aim o f this activity is to enrich Ss’ knowledge by reading auou different attitudes o f people in developed countries tow ards intelligent owards machines.

d. Organization: W rite Ss’ opinions on the board and ask them to com pare theirs w ith those expressed by the people in the reading text. - A sk Ss to read the questions and unde-line the key w ords before scanning the text for answers individuall - A sk Ss to com pare their arsw e.s in pairs. - Check the answers as a cl

4. Activity 4


a. Aim: use la n g 'a g es to practice in pairs/groups ish th e ta s k an d p re s e n ta tio n

: Suggested answer: Sugges ested answers S To help robot designers and developers to visualize/ envision the roadmap for their future development. 2. They focus on the dom estic use o f robots. 3. A lot o f people think they are small domestic m achines that can be controlled. A few w ant robots to be friends that can speak and


com m unicate w ith them. 4. People don’t w ant robots to look after children or animals. 5. Because they fear that m alfunctioning robots could be harmful and

Planning date: Teaching date:

§69 Unit 7: ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE LOOKING BACK AND PROJECT (8) I. Objectives: 1. Knowledge A t the end o f the lesson, - For w eaker students, + they will get to understand and use w ords and phrases

ficial intelligence.

+ they’ll use the causative: active and passive in the sen ten + they’ll identify and use sentence stress co rrectly. rrectV - For the majority o f the students, + besides, consolidating those vocab, they’ll enrich their vocabulary in the further exercises e + they’ll finish further e x e rc is e given on the topic : ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE



tudents, - F or w eaker stude + they’ll practice 4 skills w ith simple degree following form - R eadiig: read for specific inform ation in an article about artificial intelligence applications. - Speaking: talk about the risks o f artificial intelligence ng: listen for specific inform ation in a conversation about the future A.I. iting: write an essay about the advantages and disadvantages o f intelligent machines. - learn m ore about different attitudes tow ards intelligent machines. - For the majority o f the students, + they’ll practice 4 skills above fluently

- Especially for gifted students +T hey’ll them selves practice 4 skills above creatively

3. Qualities - For w eaker students,


+ they’ll be easy to choose the right answ er basing on the learnt key words. v



- For m ost o f the students, + they’ll finish M CQs w orksheets handed and understand the context. - Especially for gifted students




+ they’ll build up their habbit o f thinking logically and guessing ab.’ity. They’ll practice sentence analysis skimm ing for gist and scanning for details.



- Teacher: tape, board, chalk, textbook, cassette.


- Students: textbook, workbook, pen, pencil...


im: V isualize w hat the topic is and supply the background knowledge

b. Content: finish the task and presentation c. Outcome: Suggestions Vocabulary 1. The aim o f this activity is to review the key w ords/ phrases in context. Suggested answers 1. m alfunction

2. futurists

3. life-threatening

4. exterminated

5. operating

6. reduce

7. leading

d.Organization: A sk them to m ark the stressed syllables w hen they are listening to the recording. - Play the recording tw ice for Ss to do the activity. - H ave them compare their answers in pairs. - Check answers as a class.

2. Activity 2



a. Aim: elicit new words, supply structures and gramm atical knowledge b. Content: finish the task and presentation c. Outcome: Expected answers 1. The aim o f this activ:+y is to help Ss to review the causatives: active and passive structures, res, and use them in statements. Suggested answ wers: er 1. C 2. C

3. B 4. D

5. D 6. D

7. C

d. Organization Ss to do the activity individually, and then com pare their answers in

A sk Ss com pare their answers w ith a partner. Check answers as a class.

3. Activity 3

S' o

PRACTICE a. Aim: practise skills b. Content: finish th e ta s k an d p re s e n ta tio n c. Outcome: Suggested answer: Suggested answers:


1. I ’ll have a

friend cut it/ I ’ll have my hair cut.

2. I ’ll have a w orker paint it/ I ’ll have it painted. 3. W hy don’t you have the com puter technician repair it?/ why don’t you have it repaired?/ why don’t you get it repaired. 4. Y esterday I had my m other fix it/ I had it fixed yesterday./ I got it fi yesterday. 5. I ’ll have a repairm an update it./ I ’ll have it updated./I’llget it u t e 6. I’ll have a porter bring my suitcase/ I’ll have my suitcase brought by the porter.

d. Organization:

s< <

Explain that this will help them to use the apppropri ate structure when rewriting the sentences. par their answers w ith their - A sk Ss to w ork individually, an d then com pare friends. - Check answers as a clas class.

4. Activity 4

APPLICATION a. Aim: use lainguage s to practice in pairs/groups b. Content: finish th e ta s k an d p re s e n ta tio n c. Outcome' Suggested answer: the class o f the lesson objective: further explore the topic in a L. Inform in'


borative way.

omm ents on

+ ideas + fluency/ pronunciation and stress + accuracy


+ guesture + miming + preparation + co-operation



H ave Ss w ork in groups o f four or six having allowed one w eek for Ss to collect inform ation about a kind o f robot that is in use in the w orld today or a popular science-fiction film about artificial intelligence. - H ave each group introduce their poster, present the features o f the rob^ts rob they have chosen, and explain why and how it should be protected. - Encourage the rest o f the class to ask questions and give fe'd b ^ ck a jo u t the poster and the content of the presentation. tation aand explain why - H ave the class vote for the best poster and presentation they do so. -




Preparing date: Teaching date: § 70 1st 45 MINUTE TEST I. AIMS/OBJECTIVES OF THE LESSON 1. Language focus - To test and m ark the students - To get feedback from the students

2. Skills - To help Ss develop their skills to do M CQ tests

3. Attitudes - To give Ss the m otivation to learn hard for their exam

II. TEACHING AIDS - Teacher: tape, board, chalk, textbook, cassette. - Students: textbook, workbook, pen, p e n c i l .

III. PROCEDURE 1. Class organization (1 minute) 2. Check - up (omitted) 3. T e ^ - g c°nteius (43 ary: U nit 6 - Endangeredspecies U nit 7 - Atificial intelligence Grammar: - Vocabulary in unit 6 and unit 7 - The future perfect tense

- Passive causitive * Reading skills Endangeredspecies

* Listening skills lls Inventions * W riting skills


Endangered species and atificial intelligence: Transformation rn a tio i rand _J error correction

4. Consolidation (omitted) 5. Homework (1 minute) - Look at the test paper at home

Planning date: Teaching date:

§ 71 U n it 8: T H E W O R L D O F W O R K G E T T IN G S T A R T E D I. A IM S /O B JE C T IV E S O F T H E L E SS O N 1. L an g u ag e focus Sts will be able to: - Get started w ith some language items in U nit 8. - For vocabulary, they’ll enrich w ords and phrases related to w orld o f work. - For pronunciation, they’ll recognize stressed words (exceptions) - For grammar, they’ll also use the reported speech: reporting o r d e r s , t s , offers, advice and instructions. + they’ll finish further activities given on the topic: THE W O r l D ' f W O RK . - E specially fo r gifted stu d en ts, like all those students, th ey ’ll cover all o f those points. They’ll also enhance their skills through activities on the topic, guess the m eaning of words based on context, make sentences w ith some new words related to the topic 2. Skills - To help learners get started w ith 4 skills in U nit 8 - In Reading: they’ll skim and scan for general ideas and specific inform ation about in job advertisements. - In Speaking: they’ll talk about skills and qualities needed for getting a job. - In Listening: th ey ’ll listen to the general ideas and specific inform ation about how to write a good CV. - In W riting: they’ll write about a CV to support an application for employment. 3. Q ualities + the uni nit is to help build sts’ know ledge about THE W ORLD OF W O RK . th ey ’ll finish the activities given in each lesson. + they’ll recognize stress in syllabled words and rem em ber the rules. II.


- Teacher: tape, board, chalk, textbook, cassette. - Students: textbook, workbook, pen, pencil... III.. P R O C E D U R E 1. A ctivity 1

W A RM UP a. A im : V isualize w hat the topic is and supply the backgrou ound knowledge b. C o n ten t: finish the task and presentation


c. O utcom e: world introducing the topic, some vocabulary related to the he w wo orld oof work, and the gram m ar point: sentence stress (unstressed w o i4s;, and one gram m ar point: reported speech w ith orders, requests, »ffers, advice and instructions. d. O rg an iza tio n :

2. A ctivity 2

A sk Ss to look at the picture next

G ETTIN G conversation and tell

them that the tw o people in the p i

re are M ai and Nam. They are talking

about their preparations for the w

d o f work.

P R E S E N T A T IO N a. A im : elicit new words, supply structures and gram m atical knowledge b. C o rte n t. finish the task and presentation c. O utcom e: Suggested answer: . H t ;s writing a CV to apply for a part-tim e job. x'es, he does. H e w ants his son to gain more experience. lo, she doesn’t. She w ants her to focus on study. 4. They need to include inform ation about their relevant qualifications, experience, and provide them w ith some training. 5. Because it is a period w hen the em ployer can assess the em ployee’s perform ance and provide them with some training. d. O rg an iza tio n - Tell Ss to read the questions carefully before reading the conversation for a second time. - Help Ss w ith key words or phrases to make sure that they understand all the questions. - L et Ss w ork in pairs to answ er the questions._________________________


3. A ctivity 3

Check answers as a class. PRACTICE a. A im : practise skills b. C o n ten t: finish th e ta s k an d p re s e n ta tio n c. O utcom e: Key: 1. science fiction 3. threatening 5. destroyed 7. thrilling d. O rg an iza tio n


2. activate 4. resurrect 6. in vain

Ex 3. R ead th e co n v ersatio n ag ain m a tch th e w o rd s an d definition


4. A ctivity 4

- L et Ss w ork in pairs to answ er the questions. - Check answers as a class. he key wo: - E licit answers from Ss and write the words o f the answers on the board. A P P L IC A T IO N


a. A im : use languages to prm c tk e in pairs/groups b. C o n ten t: finish th e ta s k ann d p re s e n ta tio n c. O utcom e: In p a;rs, discuss the gram m ar structures in the sentences below. The aim o f this activity is to check Ss’ know ledge o f the causatives: active anu p a sJa e . d. O rg an iza tio n : -W ork in groups

at O

Planning date: Teaching date:

§ 72 U n it 8: T H E W O R L D O F W O R K LANGUAGE I. A IM S /O B JE C T H I.E S O F T H E L E SS O N 1. L an g u ag e focus Sts will be able tc: - Get started w ith some language items in U nit 8. - F cr vocabulary, they’ll enrich w ords and phrases related tc w orld c f work. - For pronunciation, they’ll recognize stressed words (exceptions)

cT < s

u t't s , coffers, advice and - For grammar, they’ll also use the reported speech: reporting orders, reque'ts, instructions. 2. Skills - To help learners get started w ith 4 skills in U nit 8 - In Reading: they’ll skim and scan for general ideas and specific inform ation about in job advertisements. - In Speaking: they’ll talk about skills and q u a ^ ie s needed for getting a job. - In Listening: th ey ’ll listen to the general ideas and specific inform ation about how to write a good CV. - In W riting: they’ll write about a C Vto support an application for employment. 3. Q ualities + the unit is to help b u ' l s ’ know ledge about THE W ORLD OF W O RK . + they’ll finish the actJII.ities g lll.en in each lesson. + they’ll recognize stress in syllabled words and rem em ber the rules. IIN G A ID S iacher: tape, board, chalk, textbook, cassette. Students: textbook, workbook, pen, p e n c i l . III. PROCEDURE

1. A ctivity 1

W A R M UP a. A im : V isualize w hat the topic is and supply the background knowledge b. C o n ten t: finish the task and presentation


c. O utcom e: The aim o f this activity is to help Ss to build their vocabulary by m atching the vocabulary items w ith their meanings. Key 1. e 2. c 3. g 4. b 5. f 6. a 7. d d. O rg an iza tio n :


2. A ctivity 2

A sk Ss to w ork in individually to do the matching. A sk them to swap their answers w ith a partner. Check the answers as a class. ____________ P R E S E N T A T IO N ____________ a. A im : elicit new words, supply structures and gramm atical knowledge

b. C o n ten t: finish the task aand i i u presentation jjic s c j c. O utcom e: blow ing sentences sentences w ith the correct form Complete the following w ords/phrases in 1. Key: . 1. automated 2. overpopulation 3. advanced 4. Algorithms 5. capable 6. assembly lines 7. reunited d. O rg an izatio n

of the

Have Ss com plete the sentences individually, and then com pare their isvers with a partner. ans Check answers as a class. 3. A 't i 'i tSy T3 " - P R' A C T IC E


a. A im : practise skills b. C o n ten t: finish th e ta s k an d p re s e n ta tio n


c. O utcom e: Rew rite the sentences, using have - object - bare infinitive Key: 1. The A .I expert had his assistant activate the newly made robot. 2. The com puter corporation had their w orkers eliminate malfunctioning products.___________________________________________________________

3. The robot m anufacturer had his custom ers exchange their outdated robots for the next generation robots. 4. The com pany had someone clear out all the ju n k in the store. 5. The m anager had the w orkers m ove the m achine to a new station. 6. The ow ner o f the palace had a construction company remodel his estate. - Individual w ork and then pair w ork d. O rg an iza tio n


4. A ctivity 4

- A sk Ss to study the D o you k n o w .. .box and draw their attention to meaning o f causatives. - Tell Ss that they are going to change the sentences (1-6) into r"usmiv> structures. - H ave Ss read and analyze the structure o f example. ion is in - Give feedback and explain that in the causative exam the past and M onica (the subject) arranged for some (the objectJimm y) to do the action. - A sk Ss to w ork individually and then have them . mare their answers in pairs._________________________________ A P P L IC A T IO N a. A im : use languages to practice i b. C o n ten t: finish th e ta s k an d m e çested an sw er c. O utcom e: Suggested answer:

Key 1. The A .I expert g i t the newly made robot activated. 2. The com puter c o lo ra tio n got m alfunctioning products eliminated. 3. The robot m anufacturer got the outdated robots exchanged for the next generation robot. 4. The com prny got all the ju n k in the store cleared out. 5. The m anager got the m achine m oved to a new station. 6. The ow ner o f the palace got his estate remodeled. ». O rg an iza tio n :


R em ind Ss o f the structures o f passive causative w ith have and get. - A sk Ss to read the D o you k n o w . ? B ox before doing the activity. - A sk Ss to read the exam ple carefully, paying attention to the structure o f the passive causative w ith get. - A llow enough tim e for Ss to do the activity individually first and then have them to com pare the answers in pairs. - Check answers as a class.

Planning date: Teaching date:

§ 73 Unit 8: THE W O R LD OF W O R K READ ING I. A IM S /O B JE C T III.E S O F T H E L E SS O N 1. L an g u ag e focus Sts will be able to: - Get started w ith some language items in U nit 8.

cT <r Cr

- For vocabulary, they’ll enrich w ords and phrases related to w orld o f w o - For pronunciation, they’ll recognize stressed words (exceptions)

request; offers, advice and - For grammar, they’ll also use the reported speech: reportingl orders, requests, instructions. 2. Skills


- To help learners get started w ith 4 skills in U nit 8

as and specific infor - In Reading: they’ll skim and scan for general ideas inform ation about in job advertisements. - In Speaking: they’ll talk about skills and qualities needed for getting a job. - In Listening: th ey ’ll listen to the g e n i a l ideas and specific inform ation about how to write a good CV. - In W riting: they’ll write about a CV to support an application for employment. 3.

Q ualities

+ the unit is to help build sts’ know ledge about THE W ORLD OF W O RK . + they’ll finish the actIII.ities gIII.en in each lesson. + they’ll recognize stress in syllabled words and rem em ber the rules. + V sid es the above, th ey ’ll be able to apply the know ledge about THE W O RLD OF W O RK in e life + they’ll speak alm ost sentences with stress in three-syllabled words naturally and rem em ber the rules.

II. TEA CH ING AIDS - Teacher: tape, board, chalk, textbook, cassette. - Students: textbook, workbook, pen, pencil... III. P R O C E D U R E 1. C lass o rg an izatio n 2. New lesson

1. A ctivity 1



ply th a. Aim : V isualize w hat the topic is and supp'y ‘he background know ledge b. C o n tent: finish the task and prese n c. O utcom e: Expected answers: a. A voice recognition applicatio . h can be seen in smart phones, tablets, and other electronic device b. a device using GPS (Global Positioning System): a space-based navigation system that provides local inform ation in all w eather conditions, anywhere or near the Earth, and can be seen in advanced m eans of transport. c. a medical robot w hich can be seen in technologically advanced hospitals. d. an autom ated bomb disposal robot w hich is used by the military. d. O rg an iza tio n : - A sk Ss to w ork in pairs, look at the pictures and discuss w hat the ages illustrate and guess w here they m ight see these things 2. A ctivit

S E N T A T IO N a. Aim: elicit new words, supply structures and gramm atical knowledge b. C o n tent: finish the task and presentation c. O utcom e: Read the following text about some A .I applications. Circle the answers to the questions. Key: 1. B, D 2. C, D d. O rg an iza tio n

3. B, C 4. A 5. A, D 6. D

Tell Ss that this activity focuses on com prehension and reading for specific information.______________________________________________

3. A ctivity 3

- A sk them to make predictions about the reading text and then skim the text quickly to check their guesses. - A sk Ss to read the questions 1-6 and underline the key words which will help them to identify the inform ation w hich may lead to the answers. P R A C T IC E a. A im : practise skills


b. C o n tent: finish the task and presentation c. O utcom e: The aim o f this activity is to build Ss’ vocabulary th o u g h w ord form ation (depriving verbs from nouns and thenn using the new words in sentences). Key 1. apply 2. intervene 3. interact 4. navigate 5. predict 6. Recognize 7. recom m end 8. Inform d. O rg an iza tio n


Explain that there may be more than one c orrect answ er to each question. efully and and find fi the answers to the questions. - have Ss scan the text carefully - H ave Ss com pare their an swers sw ei' in pa pairs. class. - Check answers as a. cla; 4. A ctivity 4

A P P L IC A T IO N a. A im : use languages to practice in pairs/groups b. C o n tent: finish the task and presentation c. O u tco m e: In groups, decide w hat type o f robot you w ish to act out. D o not tell the other group members. The rest o f the group taks turns to ask questions in order to find out w hat type o f robot you are. O rganization: W rite the questions that the players ask on the board as examples. - Set a tim e lim it for Ss to play the game. - A sk some pairs to present their ideas in front o f the class - Encourage Ss to ask further questions or give feedback.

Planning date: Teaching date:

§ 74 Unit 8: THE W O R LD OF W O R K SPEAKING I. A IM S /O B JE C T III.E S O F T H E L E SS O N 1. L an g u ag e focus Sts will be able to: - Get started w ith some language items in U nit 8.


- For vocabulary, they’ll enrich w ords and phrases related to w orld o f work. - For pronunciation, they’ll recognize stressed words (exceptions) - For grammar, they’ll also use the reported speech: reporting orders, requests, offers, advice and instructions. 2. Skills - To help learners get started w ith 4 skills in Unit - In Reading: they’ll skim and scan for general i d n d specific inform ation about in job advertisements. - In Speaking: they’ll talk about skillss and qua qualities needed for getting a job. - In Listening: th ey ’ll listen to the general ideas and specific inform ation about how to write a good CV. - In W riting: they’ll hey’ll write about abou a CV to support an application for employment. 3.

Q ualities

build sts’ know ledge about THE W ORLD OF W O RK . + the unit is to help bdilc + they’ll finish the actIII.ities gIII.en in each lesson. ’ll recognize stress in syllabled words and rem em ber the rules. besides the above, th ey ’ll be able to apply the know ledge about THE W O RLD OF W O RK in the life + they’ll speak alm ost sentences w ith stress in three-syllabled words naturally and rem em ber the rules.

II. TEA CH ING AIDS - Teacher: tape, board, chalk, textbook, cassette. - Students: textbook, workbook, pen, p e n c i l . - Read through English U nit 8 - speaking at home III. P R O C E D U R E 1. C lass o rg an izatio n 1.A ctivity 1

W A RM UP a. A im : V isualize w hat the topic is and supp

£ the background

knowledge b. C o n ten t: finish the task and presentati c. O utcom e: W ork in pairs and d is c 's ; t h ' following questions. Picture a: D o you know the nam e of this person? W hat is he fam ous for? a illustrates? Picture b: W hat do youu think this im age d. O rg an iza tio n : - Inform the class o f the lesson objectives: ob talking about the risks o f artificial intelligence based on the related news items.

2. A ctivity 2

- t - .

- H ave Ss look at the pictures and tell you w hat they know about these images. - H ave them brainstorm their ideas in pairs. - W rite the m ost interesting ideas on the board and highlight the ones that answ er the questions.________________________________________________ P R E S E N T A T IO N *. A im : elicit new words, supply structures and grammatical knowledge b. C o n ten t: finish the task and presentation


c. O utcom e: The aim o f this activity is to help Ss to expand their vocabulary and provide them w ith ideas for the speaking activity in this section Key 1. efforts 2. threat 3. technology 4. communicate 5. Consequences 6. destruction 7. Evolution d. O rg an izatio n

- A sk Ss to w ork in pairs to read the news item, complete the conversation and then practize it. - Encourage Ss to add their own ideas to the conversation. - Set a tim e lim it for Ss to do the activity then invite a few pairs to role play the conversation 3. A ctivity 3

P R A C T IC E a. A im : practise skills b. C o n ten t: finish th e ta s k an d p re s e n ta tio n c. O utcom e: Suggested answers: 1. W ho interview ed him? 2. the threat o f creating thinking machines and the artificial intelligence. 3. it can lead to the destruction o f humanity. 4. their slow biological evolution. Creating intelligent machines that could match or surpass humans could lead to the destruction o f people. d. O rg an iza tio n :

4. A ctivity 4

- A sk Ss to read the news item individually first. - Check their com prehension and u^lp w ith the pronunciation o f any names. - H ave Ss com plete the conversation w ith inform ation from the news item. - Encourage Ss to w rite Hown the com pleted answers on a piece o f paper. A P P L IC A T IO N a. A im : use languages to practice in pairs/groups b. C o n ten t: finish th e ta s k an d p re s e n ta tio n c. O utcom e: Suggested answers: 1. about the open letter signed by many fam ous people. 2. the letter V the w orld o f technology, space travel, com puting and mathematics. i. a ban on offensive autonomous w eapons 5. they are afraid that autonomous killing m achines could easily fall into the hands o f the w rong people, and be used for destroying countries, and even the world.


d. O rg an iza tio n : - A sk a few pairs to role play the conversation. - A sk Ss for com ments on their friends’ presentation.

Planning date: Teaching date: § 75 Unit 8: THE W O R LD OF W O R K L ISTENIN G I. A IM S /O B JE C T III.E S O F T H E L E SS O N 1. L an g u ag e focus Sts will be able to: - Get started w ith some language items in U nit 8. - For vocabulary, they’ll enrich w ords and phrases related to w orld o f work. - For pronunciation, they’ll recognize stressed words (exceptions)

cT < s

Ufc'tS, C - For grammar, they’ll also use the reported speech: reporting orders, reque’ts, offers, advice and instructions. 2. Skills - To help learners get started w ith 4 skills in U nit 8 - In Reading: they’ll skim and scan for general ideas and specific inform ation about in job advertisements. - In Speaking: they’ll talk about skills and qualities needed for getting a job. - In Listening: th ey ’ll listen to the general ideas and specific inform ation about how to write a good CV. - In W riting: they’ll write about a C Vto support an application for employment. 3. Q ualities + the unit is to help b u ' l s ’ know ledge about THE W ORLD OF W O RK . + they’ll finish the actIII.ities g lll.en in each lesson. + they’ll recognize stress in syllabled words and rem em ber the rules. + besides the above, th ey ’ll be able to apply the know ledge about THE W O RLD OF W O RK in th they’ll practice stress in syllabled words and rem em ber the rules. II.


- Teacher: tape, beard, chalk, textbook, cassette.

- Students: textbook, workbook, pen, pencil. III. PROCEDURE 1. A ctivity 1

W A R M UP a. A im : V isualize w hat the topic is and supply the background knowledge b. C o n ten t: finish the task and presentation c. O utcom e: The aim of this activity is to provide Ss vocabulary that will help them to understand the convers going to listen to. Key 1. c 2. d 3.a 4. f 5. b 6. e d. O rg an izatio n :

2. A ctivity 2

- A sk Ss to w ork in pairs to match meanings. - Check answers as a class. P R E S E N T A T IO N a. A im : elicit new words

key are

ds and phrases w ith their

structures and gram m atical knowledge

b. C o n ten t: finish the task and presentation c. O utcom e: U s acti/ity focuses on listening for specific information. Ss have to decide if the sentences provided are true or False or not given. Key 1. N G 2. f 3 . F 4. T 5. T 6. T 7.T rg an iz atio n

3. A ctivity 3

s to read through the questions and underline key words. sk them to pay attention to these w ords when they listen. Play the recording w ithout pausing. H ave Ss answ er the questions individually - Then com pare w ith their answers in pairs. - Check answers as a class. P R A C T IC E a. A im : practise skills b. C o n ten t: finish th e ta s k an d p re s e n ta tio n c. O utcom e: Suggested answer: Key

1. it is about artificial intelligence. 2. He is an author, com puter scientist, inventor, and futurist. 3. H e’s very talented. 4. They will think quicker than humans. 5. He called them nanobots. 6. Because she thinks o f the tasks o f the scientists: careful developing A.I. programs w hile also detecting any m alfunctions and preventing cyber­ attacks. d. O rg an iza tio n :


4. A ctivity 4

Tell Ss to read through the questions and underline key words. - A sk them to pay attention to these w ords when they listen. - Play the recording w ithout pausing. - H ave Ss answ er the questions individually - Then com pare with their answers in pairs. - Check answers as a class. A P P L IC A T IO N a. A im : use languages to practice in pairs, b. C o n ten t: finish th e ta s k an d p c. O utcom e: This activity is a fo

activity w hich enables Ss to

do some research on Ray Kurzweil. d. O rg an iza tio n : - A sk Ss to w ork in groups and get more inform ation about Ray K urzw eil’s ideas. ort in in front front oof class. - R eport



§ 761 U n it 8: T H E W O R L D O F W O R K W R IT IN G I. A IM S /O B JE C T III.E S O F T H E L E SS O N 1. L an g u a g e focus Sts will be able to: - Get started w ith some language items in U nit 8. - For vocabulary, they’ll enrich w ords and phrases related to w orld o f work. - For pronunciation, they’ll recognize stressed words (exceptions) s, advice and - For grammar, they’ll also use the reported speech: reporting orders, requests, s, offers, offe's, instructions. 2. Skills - To help learners get started w ith 4 skills in U nit 8 ormation - In Reading: they’ll skim and scan for general ideas and specific inform ation about in job advertisements. - In Speaking: they’ll talk about skills and qualities needed foi getting a job. - In Listening: th ey ’ll listen to the general ideas andd specific inform ation about how to write a good CV. port an app applicat - In W riting: they’ll write about a CV to suppo-+ application for employment. 3. Q ualities owledge a + the unit is to help build sts’ know ledge about THE W ORLD OF W O RK . + they’ll finish the actIII.itiess gIII.en in ir each lesson. + they’ll recognize stress in syllabled words and rem em ber the rules.



- Teacher: tape, board, chalk, textbook, cassette. - Stude-ts: textbook, workbook, pen, p en cil... III. P R O C E D U R E 1. A ctivity 1

W A RM UP a. Aim: V isualize w hat the topic is and supply the background knowledge

b. C o n ten t: finish the task and presentation c. O utcom e: Suggestions Picture a illustrates a m alfunctioning robot grasping a working; Picture b illustrates a m edical robot in action. d. O rg an iza tio n :

2. A ctivity 2


om - A sk Ss to w ork in pairs and describe the things they can see from pictures. - H ave Ss brainstorm ideas and write the best answers on the boards. s _____ P R E S E N T A T IO N a. A im : elicit new words, supply structures and gram m atical knowledge b. C o n ten t: finish the task and presentation c. O utcom e: This activity is to provide Ss with some uuseful ideas that they can use to describe the advantages and disadvantages o f intelligent machines. Key Advantages: 2, 3, 6 Disadvantages: 1, 4, 5 d. O rg an iza tio n

3. A ctivity 3

- A sk Ss to read and m atch the sentence halves individually. - H ave them compar e their answers in pairs. - Check answers as a class. P R A C T IC E


a. A im : practise skills b. C onn te n t: finish th e ta s k an d p re s e n ta tio n tcom e: This activity provides m ore ideas for the w riting tasks. It also c. O u tc helps S to form coherent and w ell-structured sentences. ps Ss uggested answers s1. d 2. g 3. e 4. f 5. c 6. a 7. b d. O rg an iza tio n


4. A ctivity 4

A sk Ss to study the suggested plan and prom pts and write their drafts individually. - A sk them to com pare their writing in pairs and obtain peer check._____ A P P L IC A T IO N a. A im : use languages to practice in pairs/groups b. C o n ten t: finish th e ta s k an d p re s e n ta tio n

Planning date: Teaching date: § 78 U n it 8: T H E W O R L D O F W O R K C O M M U N IC A T IO N AND C U L T U R E I. A IM S /O B JE C T III.E S O F T H E L E SS O N 1. L an g u ag e focus Sts will be able to: - Get started w ith some language items in U nit 8. - For vocabulary, they’ll enrich w ords and phrases related to w orld o f work.


- For pronunciation, they’ll recognize stressed words (exceptions) - For grammar, they’ll also use the reported speech: reporting orders, request1s,, offers offer s, advice and


instructions. 2. Skills - To help learners get started w ith 4 skills in U nit 8

- In Reading: they’ll skim and scan for general ideas and specific inform ation about in job advertisements. es needed for f getting a job. - In Speaking: they’ll talk about skills and qualities - In Listening: th ey ’ll listen to the general ideas and specific inform ation about how to write a good CV. - In W riting: they’ll write about a CV to support an application for employment. 3. Q ualities + the unit is to help build sts’ know ledge about THE W ORLD OF W O RK . + they’ll finish the actIiI.ities gIII.en in each lesson. + they’ll recognize stress in syllabled words and rem em ber the rules. II. T E A C H IN G a i d s eacher: tape, board, chalk, textbook, cassette. idents: textbook, workbook, pen, pencil... III. P R O C E D U R E 1. A ctivity 1


a. A im : V isualize w hat the topic is and supply the background knowledge b. C o n ten t: finish the task and presentation c. O utcom e: Listen to a conversation letters to com plete the sentences. Correct answers: 1. B 2. C 3. C 4. B 5. B d. O rg an iza tio n :

2. A ctivity 2

Linh and Nam. Circle the correct


- Tell Ss that they are going to listen to a conversation between I inh and N am about artificial intelligence in science-fiction films. - A sk Ss to read statements and guess the answers before * j y listen to the recording. - Play the recording tw ice for Ss to do the activity. - Give brief explanations o f how films are rate< - A sk Ss to com pare their answers in pairs. - Check answers as a class. - Tell Ss to discuss the question in g r . - A sk some pairs to present their recom m endations. P R E S E N T A T IO N a. A im : elicit new words, supply structures and gramm atical knowledge b. C o n ten t: finish the task and presentation c. O utcom e: W ork in groups o f four. D iscuss and recom m end an interesting film about A.I. follow-up activity provides Ss w ith further speakirg p -act^ e after the listening activity. d. O rg an iza tio n

_ 3. A A.c ti \;ty 3

Sss brainstorm w hat they know about popular dom estic robots in - H r aave avc o u^etoday. - AAsk them to give their opinions about these autom ated machines. sk them - W rite Ss’ opinions on the board and ask them to com pare theirs with those expressed by the people in the reading text.______________________ P R A C T IC E a. A im : practise skills


b. C o n ten t: finish th e ta s k an d p re s e n ta tio n c. O utcom e: P eo p le’s a ttitu d es to w ard s intelligence artificial. - Individual w ork and then pair w ork A ctivity 1: Read the text about people’s different attitudes tow ards intelligent machines. A nsw er the

following questions d. O rg an iza tio n :

4. A ctivity 4

- A sk Ss to read the questions and underline the key w ords before scanning the text for answers. - A sk Ss to com pare their answers in pairs. - Check the answers as a class. A P P L IC A T IO N


a. A im : use languages to practice in pairs/groups b. C o n ten t: finish th e ta s k an d p re s e n ta tio n


c. O utcom e: Suggested answers nvision the t’ize/ envis 1. To help robot designers and developers to visualize roadmap for their future development. 2. They focus on the dom estic use o f robots. 3. A lot of people think they are small domestic m achines that can be controlled. A few w ant robots to be friends that can speak and com m unicate w ith them. 4. People don’t w ant robots to look a f t c children or animals. 5. Because they fear that m alfvnc,;oning robots could be harmful and dangerous and humans m ight lose control over them. d. O rg an iza tio n : - A sk Ss to rea the text for A sk Ss Check the

aestions and underline the key w ords before scanning re their answers in pairs. ers as a class.

Planning date: Teaching date: § 78 U n it 8: T H E W O R L D O F W O R K L O O K IN G B A C K AND P R O JE C T I. A IM S /O B JE C T III.E S O F T H E L E SS O N 1. L an g u ag e focus Sts will be able to: - Get started w ith some language items in U nit 8.


- For vocabulary, they’ll enrich w ords and phrases related to w orld o f work. - For pronunciation, they’ll recognize stressed words (exceptions) uests, offers, advice and - For grammar, they’ll also use the reported speech: reporting orders, reque'ts, o instructions. 2. Skills - To help learners get started w ith 4 skills in U nit 8 - In Reading: they’ll skim and scan for general ideas and specific inform ation about in job advertisements. - In Speaking: they’ll talk about skills and qualities needed for getting a job. - In Listening: th ey ’ll listen to the general ideas and specific inform ation about how to write a good CV. - In W riting: they’ll write about a C Vto support an application for employment. 3. Q ualities + the unit is to help

d sts’ know ledge about THE W ORLD OF W O RK .

+ they’ll recognize s s

in syllabled words and rem em ber the rules.

r th ey ’ll be able to apply the know ledge about THE W O RLD OF W O RK in

practice stress in syllabled words and rem em ber the rules. T E A C H IN G A ID S - Teacher: tape, board, chalk, textbook, cassette. - Students: textbook, workbook, pen, p e n c i l .

III. PRO CEDURE 1. A ctivity 1

W A R M UP a. A im : The aim o f this activity is to review the key w ords/ phrases in context.


b. C o n ten t: finish the task and presentation c. O utcom e: Suggested answers 1. m alfunction 2. futurists 3. life-threatening 4. exterminated 5. operating 6. reduce 7. leading d. O rg an iza tio n :

2. A ctivity 2

- A sk Ss to read each sentence carefully and select t to com plete it. - H ave Ss com pare their answers in pai - Check answers as a class. P R E S E N T A T IO N

D <

appropriate option

i!fv Q

a. A im : The aim o f this activity is to help Ss to review the causatives: active and passive structures, and use them in statements. b. C o n ten t: f i r t a s k and presentation c. O utcom e: Suggested answers: 1. C 2. C 3. B 4. D 5. D 6. D

7. C

d. O rg an iza tio n

3.. AActivity 3


■Tel' Ss to read the sentences and underline the agents and objects. Explain that this will help them to use the appropriate structure when -re w riting the sentences. A sk Ss to w ork individually, and then com pare their answers w ith their -e friends. - Check answers as a class. P R A C T IC E a. A im : practise skills b. C o n ten t: finish th e ta s k an d p re s e n ta tio n c. O utcom e: Suggested answers: 1. I ’ll have a friend cut it/ I ’ll have my hair cut. 2. I ’ll have a w orker paint it/ I ’ll have it painted.

3. W hy don’t you have the com puter technician repair it?/ why don’t you have it repaired?/ why don’t you get it repaired. 4. Y esterday I had my m other fix it/ I had it fixed yesterday./ I got it fixed yesterday. 5. I ’ll have a repairm an update it./ I ’ll have it updated./I’ll get it updated. 6. I’ll have a porter bring my suitcase/ I’ll have my suitcase brought by the porter. d. O rg an iza tio n :


4. A ctivity 4

- Tell Ss to read the sentences and underline the agents and objects - Explain that this will help them to use the appropriate structure. when whe rewriting the sentences. - A sk Ss to w ork individually, and then com pare their ans\ answers ers wi with their friends. - Check answers as a class. A P P L IC A T IO N


a. A im : use languages to practice in pairs/groups b. C o n ten t: finish th e ta s k an d p re s c. O utcom e: II. P ro je c t 1. Inform the class o f the esson obj collaborative way. 2. P re se n ta tio n Comm ents on + ideas + fluency/ pronunciation and stress + accuracy uracy sture + guest + miming + prep + co-operation

further explore the topic in a

rg an izatio n : Encourage the rest of the class to ask questions and give feedback about the poster and the content o f the presentation. H ave the class vote for the best poster and presentation._______________

C onsolidation revise the content o f looking back and project part. V. H o m ew o rk - prepare unit 8 at home.

D ate o f plan n in g : D ate o f teaching: §80 R E V IE W 3 U N IT S 6-8 P E R IO D 1 - L an g u ag e

I. A IM S /O B JE C T III.E S O F T H E L E SSO N 1. L an g u ag e focus - To help students revise w hat they have learned in unit 6-8 - To gIII.e them a chance to practice 2. Skills - To promote Ss to develop their com m unication sk

ltural identity

- To help Ss develop the skill o f working in 3. A ttitu d es - To encourage Ss to w ork harder - To provide Ss some motIII .a II.


- Teacher: tape, o o ^ d , chalk, textbook, cassette. - Students: t" ib o o k , workbook, pen, pencil... . PR O C EDURE . A ctivity 1


W A R M UP a. A im : V isualize w hat the topic is and supply the background knowledge b. C o n te n t: finish the task and presentation

c. O utcom e: E x 1. Use th e c o rre c t fo rm o f th e w o rd s in th e box to com plete th e sentences. A w o rd m ay be used m o re th a n once. 1. qualities 3. extinctive 5. Android

2. A ndroid/ robot 4. robots 6. probation

d. O rg an iza tio n : L et Ss w ork in pairs to w rite the chores under each picture. G et their answers back orally. A sk them if anyone has a different answer. Give them a feedback. 2. A ctivity 2



a. A im : elicit new words, supply structures andd gramm grammatical know ledge b. C o n ten t: finish the task and present c. O utcom e: E x 2. C o m p lete th e follow ing ta b le using th e w o rd s in th e ta b le to com plete th e se Pair work N Adj V

evolution evolutionary evolve

1. conservatu

conservation Conserved conserve

diversity Diverse diversify

2. evolution

3. diversit

4. conserve

5. evolve

6. diverse

d- . O rg an iza tio n L et Ss w ork in pairs to write the chores under each picture. G et their answers back orally. A sk them if anyone has a different answer.


Give them a feedback. 3. A ctivity 3

P R A C T IC E a. Aim: practise skills


b. C o n ten t: finish th e ta s k a n d p re s e n ta tio n c. O utcom e: E x 3. L isten to p a r t o f th e co n serv atio n below an d m a rk th e stressed syllables in th e sentences. T h en listen to th e co n serv ation an d p ractice w ith a p a rtn e r, using a p p ro p ria te sentence stress. Pair work Student: W hat should I do to m ake a good im pression on the job interviewer? Career adviser: I think the m ost im portant thing is to dem onstrate yo strong com m unication skills. Student: M y strong com m unication skills? I ’m not sure w het any. W hat exactly do you think I need do? Career adviser: W ell, do things like listening att confidently, m aking eye contact, and asking que

speaking en appropriate

d. O rg an iza tio n : A sk Ss to w ork in pairs to finish the - A sk them if anyone has a differe - Give them a feedback. 4. A ctivity 4

A P P L IC A T IO N a. A im : use languages to practice in pairs/groups b. C o n ten

th e ta s k a n d p re se n ta tio n

c. O utcom e E x 4. W o rk w ith a p a rtn e r. P ra c tic e asking questions an d giving an sw er, using th e fu tu re p erfect tense a n d th e p ro m p ts below. i. H ow many pages will you have w ritten by tom orrow? I ’ll have written pages by then?


2. H ow many trees will our class have planted by the end o f the day? W e’ll have planted 100 by then. 3. H ow many robots will the A .I company have invented by the end of the year? They’ll have invented 8 by the end o f the year/ by then.


4. H ow long will this rhino have lived in the rescue centre by the end o f this year? It’ll have lived there for 5 years by then. 5. H ow many applications will the com pany have received by January 3rd? They’ll have received 200 by then.

6. H ow many animals will the rescue centre have saved and taken in by this tim e next year? They will have saved and taken in hundreds o f them by then. d. O rg an iza tio n : Put Ss in groups to discuss the questions.


A sk Ss to do the ex. L et Ss to present the findings in front o f the class. G et the peer correction.


Give them a feedback.

& Ô


D ate o f plan n in g : D ate o f teaching: §80 R E V IE W 3 U N IT S 6-8 P E R IO D 2 - Skills I. A IM S /O B JE C T III.E S O F T H E L E SSO N 1. L an g u ag e focus - To help students revise w hat they have learned in unit 6-8 - To gIII.e them a chance to practice 2. Skills o promote Ss to develop their com m unication skills and cultural identity --TTo - To help Ss develop the skill o f working in pairs and groups


3. A ttitu d es - To encourage Ss to w ork harder - To provide Ss some motIII.ation


II. T E A C H IN G AIDS - Teacher: tape, board, ch a lk textbook, cassette. - Students: textbook, workbook, pen, p e n c i l . III. P R O "w a r m u p a. A im : V isualize w hat the topic is and supply the background knowledge b. C o n ten t: finish the task and presentation c. O utcom e: E x 1. R ead th e te x t ag ain an d an sw er th e questions.

* V o cab u lary - Analyze -take st into consideration - classify - rate - assign - severe - assess

- Individual work - Pair w ork 1. T. 2. F. 3. NG. 4. F 5. T. 6. F. d. O r Put Ss in groups t discuss the questions. A sk Ss to L et i

»resent the findings in front o f the class.

Get the peer correction.


y 2 2. A 't r i titv

ive them a feedback. I E S E N T A T IO N PR a. A im : elicit new words, supply structures and gram m atical knowledge


b. C o n ten t: finish the task and presentation c. O utcom e: Jobs and skills + W hy/ (Job)/ need/ (skill)? + characteristics/ w hat to do w ith the skills.

- practice as much as possible - prioritize something in the list d. O rg an izatio n Put Ss in groups to discuss the questions. - A sk Ss to do the ex.


- L et Ss to present the findings in front o f the class. - Get the peer correction.


- Give them a feedback. 3. A ctivity 3


P R A C T IC E a. A im : practise skills


b. C o n ten t: finish th e ta s k an d p re s e n ta tio n

c. O utcom e: Listen to recording about som eone’s first encounter with a hum anoid robot. Choose the best option to com plete the sentences. Individual work Pair w ork 1. C

2. C

3. B

4. 4. . A

5. C

6. B

d. O rg an iza tio n : Put Ss in groups to discuss the questions. - A sk Ss to do the ex. Let Ss to present the findings in front o f the class. the peer correction. ive them a feedback. A P P L IC A T IO N a. A im : use languages to practice in pairs/groups b. C o n ten t: finish th e ta s k an d p re s e n ta tio n


c. O utcom e: Ex 5. * Vocabulary Trem endous (adj) Physical endurance

Ex 6. Form o f a CV. 1. Personal details 2. Education and qualification 3. Responsibilities


4. Achievements 5. Skills 6. Interests


7. References d. O rg an iza tio n : Put Ss in groups to discuss the questions. - A sk Ss to do the ex.


- L et Ss to present the findings in front o f the class. Get the peer correction. Give them a feedback.



P re p a rin g d ate: T eaching date: § 81 - T E S T 45’ I. A IM S /O B JE C T IV E S O F T H E L E SS O N 1. L an g u ag e focus


- To test and m ark the students - To get feedback from the students 2. Skills - To help Ss develop their skills to do M CQ tests 3. A ttitu d es - To gIII.e Ss the m otlII.ation to learn hard for their exam m II.


- Teacher: tape, board, chalk, textbook, cassette. - Students: textbook, workbook, pen, pen, pencil p ’ncil... III. P R O C E D U R E 1. C lass o rg an izatio n


2. C h eck - up ( >mittedX 3. T esting co: .1 ; ^ * V o c ^ 'ila ry : U nit 8 * Gramn Grammar: Vocabulary in unit 8


Reading skills: Endangeredspecies, Atificial intelligence

* Listening skills: Inventions


* W riting skills: Endangered species and atificial intelligence: Transform ation and error corrections.

T E S T 45’-No 4 I. P ick o u t th e w o rd w hose u n d e rlin e d p a r t is p ro n o u n ced d ifferen tly fro m th e rest: Q uestion 1: A. trained

B. proved

C. im pressed

Q uestion 2: A. organize

B. gold

C . game.

Q uestion 3: A. swimmers B. meters

C .cap s

Q uestion 4: A. m atch

B. chair

C. church

Q uestion 5: A. please

B. pleasure

C . reading

II. C hoose th e w o rd w hose m ain stress is placed d iffe re n tly f Q uestion 6: A. m eter

B. w ater

D. perform ed

îaracter , easy the r est:

C. football

D. begin

Q uestion 7: A. disappearance B. vulnerable

D. generation

Q uestion 8: A. com petition B. industry

D. com putation

III. W h ich sentence is closest m ean in g t o th e first? Q uestion 9: People built this school in 2 002. A. This school is built in 2012.

C. This school was built in 2012.

B. This school is being built in 2012. Q uestion 10: A. H ouse

D. This school has been built in 2012.

uy that house soon. buy that soon.

C. That house will be buy soon.

B. That hoi se will be bought soon. III.. W h i

D .That house will be bought soon by they.

is n o t c o rre c t ?

Questio uestio stion 11: People do not know much about the need to protect rare and dangerous animals. Q





Q uestion 12: H e had not got any success since the tim e he began his w ork.





Q uestion 13: M r.G reen has been learnt at the unlII.ersity since 1998 A



Q uestion 14: All the data have stored on the floppy disk . A B



Q uestion 15: Someone was stolen a lot o f money from this bank last night. A




V. C hoose th e b est w o rd to com plete th e sentences: Q uestion 16: Y o u ________take your um brella along w ith you today. I t ________ rain later on this afternoon. A. ought to / m ustn't

B. needn't / will

C. will / m -st D. should / m ight

Q uestion 17: Peter has been working for 10 hours. H e ________be very tired now. A. m ust

B. B.has hastoto

C. C. needn't needn't

D. D should

Q uestion 18: Lan gave you a letter to post. Y o u _________forget to post it. A. m ust

B. m ustn’t

C. needn’t

D. may

Q uestion 19: The tu rtle ________in a small area o f Arizona. A. can be lIII.ed

B. is lIII.ed

C. may llll.e

D. may be llll.ed

Q uestion 20: ________I borrow your lighter for a minute? - Sure, no problem. Actually, you ________keep it if you w ant to. A. M ay / 'in

B. M ust / m ight

C. W ill / should

B. m ustn't

C. needn't

D. M ight / needn’t

Q uestion paying on time.


A. do not have to

D. may not

Q uestion 22: The m useum is open to everybody. I t _________betw een and A. can visit

B. visits

C. can be visited

D. visited

Q uestion 23: It is a top secret. Y ou _ A. m ustn't Q uestion 24: They ^ A. are being stayed

tell anyone about it.

B. needn't

B. are stayed

C. are staying

D. were stayed


B. should be cleaned C. should clean

Q uestion 26: Before the end o f the term, I ____ A. had been finished

D. w on't

at a hotel by the sea at the moment.

Q uestion 25: The room is too dirty. It A. should have cleaned

C. m ightn't

D. should be cleaning

^all the required reading.

B. was finished

C. am finished

Q uestion 27: The next m e etin g _________in May. A. will be held

B. will have held

C. will be

D. will hold

Q uestion 28: Up to now, w e ____ enough inform ation about the project. A. have been collected Q uestion 29: If Charlie A. had run

B. collected

C. have collected

into the stree B. runs

'd have been injured. C. had been run

Q uestion 30: The w eather forecast says that it A. needs snowing Q uestion 31: John A. sells

D. w as collected

m ust be snowed

D. ran

tomorrow. C. will be snowed

D. will snow

C. is sold

D. will be sold

old house soon. . will sell

Q uestion 32: It is a good book. I think it is interesting enough for you t o _________. allow

B. put down

C. understand

D. look up

Q uestion 33: W hen a reader reads an interesting book slowly and carefully, h e ____ it


A. chews and digests

B. dips into

C. swallows

D. reviews

C. should have tried

D. may have tried

Q uestion 34: John failed again. H e ________harder. A. can tried

B. m ust have tried

Q uestion 35: I am not deaf. Y o u ________shout. A. needn’t

B. m ustn't

C. need

D. m ust

V I. R ead th e follow ing passage an d choose c o rre c t an sw ers below : It is often said that books are always a good friends and reading is an actIII.e m ental process. U nlike TV, books make you use your brain. By reading, you think more and becom e i Reading im proves concentration and focus. Reading books takes brain power. It require: focus on w hat you are reading for long periods. U nlike magazines, Internet posts or E-m m ight contain small pieces o f information. Books tell the w hole story. Since you m ust concentrate in order to read, you will get better at concentration. M any studies show if you do not use your memory, you lose it. R eading helps you stretch your m emory muscles. Reading requires rem em bering details, facts and figures and in literature, plot lines, t h e d


Reading is a good w ay to im prove your vocabulary. D o you rem em ber that w hen you w ere at elementary school you learned how to infer the m eaning o f one word uy reading the context o f the other words in the sentence? W hile reading books, esp ecial!' challenging ones, you will find yourself exposed to many new words. Reading is a fundamental skill builder. Every

rse has a m atching book to go w ith it.

W hy? Because books help clarify difficult subjects. Books provide inform ation that goes deeper than ju st classroom discussions. By reading more books, you becom e better inform ed and m ore o f an expert on the topics you read about. This expertise translates into higher self-esteem. Since you are so well-read, people loo

r answers. Y our feelings about yourself can only get better.

Books gIII.e you know ledge o f other cultures and places. The more inform ation you have got, the richer your know ledge is. Books can expand your horizons by letting you see w hat other cities u visit them.

B. are not needed in m ost o f course contain less inform ation than class discussions

D. make a sick patient feel better

uestion 37: Books can n o t gIII.e you A. knowledge

B. inform ation

Q uestion 38: W hen you are reading a book,

C. self-esteem

D. muscles

A. you have to read during a very long tim e

B. you have to read small pieces o f

information C. you use your brain in concentration and focus D. you lose your m emory Q uestion 39: Books have great influence o n _________. A. TV

B. brain

C. muscles

D. friendship

Q uestion 40: A challenging book


A. helps you to improve your vocabulary

B. is only for prim ary pupils '

C. can translate all new words

D. contains a lot of difficult vocabulary -The end-

Preparing date: 1/4/2021 Teaching date: U NIT 9: PR ESER V IN G THE ENVIRO NM ENT

§83: A- GETTING STARTED - Environmental impacts

I. AIMS/OBJECTIVES OF THE LESSON 1. Knowledge A t the end o f the lesson, Sts will be able to: - To help learners get started w ith some language items in U nit 9. - For vocabulary, they’ll enrich words and phrases related to environm ental im pacts and w ays to protect the environm ent - For pronunciation, they’ll m aster stress in three-syllable nouns. - For grammar, they’ll also practice the reported speech.

2. Skills - The unit aims at helping learners develop 4 skills - In Reading: they’ll skim and scan for general i d e a e c i f i c inform ation about threats to the natural environment. - In Speaking: they’ll talk about the environm ental im pacts o f hum an activities. - In Listening: th ey ’ll listen for gist and specific inform ation in a student’s talk on environmental impacts. - In W riting: they’ll write about environm ental problem s and giving some practical advice on how to preserve the environment.

3. Qualities + the unit is to help build sts’ know ledge about environm ental impacts. + they’ll finish the activities given in each lesson. + they’ll recognize stress in three-syllabled nouns and rem em ber the rules. + besides the above, th ey ’ll be able to talk about environm ental impacts + they’ll practice stress in three-syllabled nouns and rem em ber the rules.

eaching aids. II. Teach - Teacher: tape, board, chalk, textbook, cassette. - Students: textbook, workbook, pen, pencil...


1. A ctivity 1


a. Aim: V isualize w hat the topic is and supply the background knowledge b. Content: finish the task and presentation c. Outcome: Suggestions Oral w ork W hat do you plan to do w hen you leave school? W hat do you plan to do w hen you leave school? W hat is your dream job, and do you know w hat quali

n T


and training you

need to do

d. Organization: A sk Ss to answ er the questiicns. o - Tell them to look at the main contents o f the lesson. Introduce those points. A sk Ss to listen to the recording ar d * 'ad he conversation.

2. Activity 2

PRESENTATION a. Aim: elicit new words, supp’y structures and gramm atical knowledge b. Content: finish the task and presentation c. Outcome: Expected answers 1. M a and Jim are talking about their options after finishing secondary school. Listen and read. ew words


ie up w ith (v.p)


- workforce (n) - tem porary (a) - Group w ork




- Set their task. - Play the CDs. - A sk them if they understand the w hole dialogue well.

Tell them to do ex 3 (47) in pairs in 2' Get their answers back. 3. A ctivity 3


a. Aim: practise skills b. Content: finish the task and presentation

•> r

c. Outcome: Suggested answer:

d»finitions. i 3. Match the words and phrases in the conversation withh th’ir t key: 1/c


3/e 4/f 5.a


d. Organization:


A sk them if there is a different answ er and p oint iit out t'the key word. - Correct their answer. - Tell them to listen and repeat the w ords' phrases given. - Call some Ss to supply their friends w ith some vocab in groups in 2'.

4. Activity 4

APPLICATION a. Aim: use languages b. Content: fin___

tice in pairs/groups task and presentation

c. Outcome: Sugge jested answer: / V


2. A n w er t ie questions rork in pairs, ask and answ er the questions

L. He is searching for career advice. 2. H e wants to apply for a tem porary job o f smartphones m arketing in a m arketing company. 3.She w ould like to becom e a doctor. 4. She has to been in contact w ith The English Language Centre at the British Council (for the results o f her IELTS exams). 5. She will apply for a scholarship and study in the UK.

4. Find sentences with phrasal verbs consisting of a verb, an adverb, and a preposition, and adverbial clauses in the conversation. Write them in the space below.

- Oral w ork This activity helps Ss to identify sentences w ith phrasal verbs consisting o f a verb, an adverb, and a preposition, and adverbial clauses.

Key Sentences with phrasal verbs (consisting of a verb, and adverb, and a preposition) - . s o that I can com e up w ith a plan. - I ’m looking forw ard to the exam results f r o m .

d. Organization: A sk the pairs to do 2 in 6'. - Get their answ er afterwards. - Get peer correction. - Give them an oral feedback Explain to Ss how to do the activity.


H ave Ss scan the conversation qu uickly ckly and w rite any phrasal verbs and ace given. adverbial clauses in the space Check the answers as a ck k ss. Guide Ss to any answers they have missed. A sk Ss to discuss scuss th the m i n in g s o f these phrasal verbs and adverbial clauses.


Preparing date: 1/4/2021 Teaching date:

UNIT 9: CHOOSING A CAREER §84: LANGUAGE - Options for school leavers I. AIMS/OBJECTIVES OF THE LESSON 1.Knowledge A t the end o f the lesson, Sts will be able to: - To help learners get started w ith some language items in U nit 9. mpacts - For vocabulary, they’ll enrich words and phrases related to environm ental im pacts and and w ays to protect the environm ent - For pronunciation, they’ll m aster stress in three-syllable nouns. - For grammar, they’ll also practice the reported speech.





- The unit aims at helping learners develop 4 skills in U nit 9. specifi inform ation about threats to the - In Reading: they’ll skim and scan for general :ral ideas andd specific sp natural environment. - In Speaking: they’ll talk about the environm ental im pacts o f hum an activities. mental impacts - In Listening: th ey ’ll listen for gist and specific inform ation in a student’s talk on environmental impacts. - In W riting: they’ll write about environm ental problem s and giving some practical advice on how to preserve the environment.

3. Qualities + the unit is to help build sts’ know ledge about environm ental impacts. + they’ll finish the activities given in each lesson. + they’ll recognize stress in three-syllabled nouns and rem em ber the rules. + besides the above, th ey ’ll be able to talk about environm ental impacts + they’ll speak alm ost sentences w ith stress in three-syllabled nouns naturally and rem em ber the rules.

ching aids. - r eacher: tape, board, chalk, textbook, cassette. - Students: textbook, workbook, pen, pencil... III. PROCEDURE

1. A ctivity 1


a. Aim: V isualize w hat the topic is and supply the background knowledge b. Content: finish the task and presentation c. Outcome: Suggestions Ex 1. 1. Complete the sentences with the words or phrases from 3 in GETTING STARTED. 1. career advice 2. career

< r &

3. w orkforce 4. option 5. temporary 6. has secured/ secured

2. Pronunciation.


- Individual w ork - Pair w ork

Unstressed wo.d"

R e n /n d Ss that they may have to change the form o f the w ords to fit the tences. is to study the sentences given and w ork out the form o f the w ords needed com plete them. Encourage Ss to exploit the contextual clues that can help them to figure out the answers. - H ave Ss com plete the sentences individually, and then compare their answers in pairs. - Check answ er as a class.

2. Activity 2

PRESENTATION a. Aim: elicit new words, supply structures and gramm atical knowledge b. Content: finish the task and presentation

c. Outcome: Expected answers PHRASAL VERBS (consisting of a verb, an adverb, and a preposition) Ex 1. Match the phrasal verbs in A with their meaning in B. This activity helps Ss to w ork out the m eanings o f some phrasal verbs.

key 1. g; 2. h; 3. i; 4. j; 5. a; 6. b; 7. c ; 8. d; 9. e; 10 f

d. Organization

n T

- A sk Ss to m atch the phrasal verbs w ith definitions s indiv 'v id tilly , and then com pare their answers in pairs. _

3. Activity 3

PRACTICE a. Aim: practise skills b. Content: finish the task and pre c. Outcome: Suggested answer: Ex 2 . Complete each sentence using the correct form of a phrasal verb in Individual and then pair work.

1. You don’t need to use all the verbs. Key 1. drop out of

2. drops in on

3. cut down on 4. get on with 5. go on w ith

6. keep up with

7.. think back on 8. talked back to

adverbial clauses of condition, comparison, manner, and result. A Ex 3. Underline the adverbial clause in each sentence below. Then say what type of adverbial clause it is. - Oral work.


1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

I f I knew French, than her m other like he is my father that N am dropped out o f school, unless he words harder

d.Organization: A sk Ss to read the inform ation in the D o you k n o w .? Box to get m ore inform ation about the phrasal verbs, then ask Ss to com plete the sentences individually. - H ave them com pare their answers in groups. - Check answers as a class. - A sk Ss to read the inform ation in the do you k n o w . box to learn more inform ation about adverbial clauses and how they are used. - Ensure that Ss understand the rules o f adverbial clauses before continuing - H ave Ss go through the sentences and underline the adverbia’ clau e in each sentence, then identify w hat type of adverbial clauses it is. - A sk Ss to w ork individually and then com pare their answers in pairs. - check the answers as a class.

4. Activity 4

APPLICATION a. Aim: use languages to practice in pairs/groups b. Content: finish the task and presentation c. Outcome: Suggested answe Ex 4. Combine each pair of simple sentences into one complex sentence containing an adverbial clause. Use the words provided and make any necessary changes. 1. I f you are late for work, you may lose your job. 2. Secondary school students w ork as hard as factory workers do. 3. Linda was offered such a good job that she did not hesitate to accept it. 4. If you do not tell me everything, I will not be able to help you. i. we m ixed the chem icals exactly as the lab instructor had told us to.

;d.Organization: R em ind Ss to use the w ords provided and m ake any necessary changes while retaining the m eanings o f the original sentences. - A sk Ss to w ork in groups. - Call some representatives from groups to write down on the board.


- Check answers as a class. - Tell some SS to recall the use o f RELA TIV E clauses.

Preparing date: 1/4/2021 Teaching date:

UNIT 9: CHOOSING A CAREER §85: READING I. AIMS/OBJECTIVES OF THE LESSON 1.Knowledge A t the end o f the lesson, Sts will be able to: - To help learners get started w ith some language items in U nit 9. mpacts - For vocabulary, they’ll enrich words and phrases related to environm ental im pacts and and w ays to protect the environm ent - For pronunciation, they’ll m aster stress in three-syllable nouns. - For grammar, they’ll also practice the reported speech.





- The unit aims at helping learners develop 4 skills in U nit 9. specifi inform ation about threats to the ral ideas andd specific sp - In Reading: they’ll skim and scan for general natural environment. n Speaking: they’ll talk about the environm ental im pacts o f hum an activities. - IIn - In Listening: th ey ’ll listen for gist and specific inform ation in a student’s talk on environmental impacts. - In W riting: they’ll write about environm ental problem s and giving some practical advice on how to preserve the environment.



+ the unit is to help build sts’ know ledge about environm ental impacts. + they’ll finish the activities given in each lesson. + they’ll recognize stress in three-syllabled nouns and rem em ber the rules. + they’ll speak alm ost sentences w ith stress in three-syllabled nouns naturally and rem em ber the rules.

Teaching aids. cher: tape, board, chalk, textbook, cassette. tudents: textbook, workbook, pen, p e n c i l .

III. PROCEDURE 1. Activity 1


a. Aim: Visualize w hat the topic is and supply the background knowledge b. Content: finish the task and presentation c. Outcome: Suggestions - Group w ork

Advice for secondary school leavers - Oral w ork

picturess may do Ex 1. Work with a partner. Guess what the students in the t pic after they leave school. Suggested answers: fo u e . P ic l: They may w ork as apprentices/join the workfoiv Pic2: She may go straight to university/continu^ studying. Pic3: He may take a gap year and go travelling

d.Organization: - Inform the class of the lesson objectives: skimm ing and scanning a text for main ideas and specific information. - A sk Sts to look at the p ic t're and describe it. - H ave Ss w ork in pairs and encourage Ss to make guesses freely.

2. Activity 2

PRESENTATION a. Aim: elicit new words, supply structures and gramm atical knowledge b. Content: finish the task and presentation c Outcome: Expected answers Ex 2. Read some career advice for secondary school leavers. Choose the ppropriate heading for each paragraph. Ep


1. d 2. c - Pair w ork


3. a

4. b

Ex 3. Find the words and expressions in the reading text which are closest in meaning to the following. Write them in the correct space. 1. smooth(er)

2. Apprentice

3. getting to grips with 4. shadowing them

5. take to something like a duck to w ater 6. paperw ork

d. Organization A sk Ss to individually skim the text and then choose the appropriate heading for each paragraph. - H ave them com pare their answers in pairs.

3. Activity 3

___________ 1

PRACTICE a. Aim: practise skills b. Content: finish the task and presentation c. Outcome: Suggested answer: Ex 4. Read the text again and answer tl Key: 1. Some w ebsites that provide schoo’ leavers w ith practical advice about leaving school and taking the next step in their careers. 2. They learn to take responsibility when things go wrong. 3. The best thing for apprentices is that they have the opportunity to earn while they learn. 4. They have +hen Jm< letables and other paperw ork sorted in the first w eek at university. 5. They can find a tem porary job; they can take a year out and go travelling; they may w ork somewhere abroad; they can speak to career advisers to help them com c e up w ith a plan; they can go back to school.


O g anization: dd. sT A sk Ss to look at the questions quickly and underline key words, w hich can A them to locate the specific inform ation in the text. help


k4. Activity 4

- Call on some Ss to read their answers aloud in front o f the class. - Finally, give correct answers and explain all the sentences carefully to make sure Ss understand the m eaning o f the sentences.

APPLICATION a. Aim: use languages to practice in pairs/groups b. Content: finish the task and presentation

c. Outcome: Suggested answer: Ex 5. Discuss the following question with a partner. W hich is the m ost useful piece o f advice for you in the text? W hy do you think it is useful? - W ork w ith group-mates - Self study - Correct each other's errors.


- Develop com m unication or interacting skills - Learn from facts/ failure



Summarize the main points. - Supply them w ith the new words. - A sk sts to learn the new words ir the te: — Tell them to prepare for the next period.



Preparing date: 1/4/2021 Teaching date:

UNIT 9: CHOOSING A CAREER § 86: SPEAKING - Options for school leavers I. AIMS/OBJECTIVES OF THE LESSON 1. Knowledge A t the end o f the lesson, Sts will be able to:


- To help learners get started w ith some language items in U nit 9.

mpacts - For vocabulary, they’ll enrich words and phrases related to environm ental im pacts and and w ays to protect the environm ent - For pronunciation, they’ll m aster stress in three-syllable nouns. - For grammar, they’ll also practice the reported speech.

2. Skills



- The unit aims at helping learners develop 4 skills in U nit 9. specifi inform ation about threats to the - In Reading: they’ll skim and scan for general :ral ideas andd specific sp natural environment. - In Speaking: they’ll talk about the environm ental im pacts o f hum an activities. mental impacts - In Listening: th ey ’ll listen for gist and specific inform ation in a student’s talk on environmental impacts. - In W riting: they’ll write about environm ental problem s and giving some practical advice on how to preserve the environment.

3. Qualities + the unit is to help build sts’ know ledge about environm ental impacts. + they’ll finish the activities given in each lesson. + they’ll recognize stress in three-syllabled nouns and rem em ber the rules. + besides the above, th ey ’ll be able to talk about environm ental impacts + they’ll practice stress in three-syllabled nouns and rem em ber the rules.


/hing . - c aids.

< f'

- T eacher: tape, board, chalk, textbook, cassette. - Students: textbook, workbook, pen, p e n c i l .


1. A ctivity 1


a. Aim: V isualize w hat the topic is and supply the background knowledge b. Content: finish the task and presentation c. Outcome: Suggestions 1. Ex 1. Choose sentences a-f to complete the discussion between Linda, Lan, and John. ng them with This activity prepares Ss for the later speaking activity by provid p a sample conversation and some ideas. Key 1. e

2. d

3. b

4. a

5. f

6. c

- Pair work.




erstand w hat to do. A sk Ss to look at ex 1 and if they understand - A sk students to do the ex. - A sk Ss to read the conversation and the sentences (a-f). A sk Ss to com plete the conversation with the appropriate sentences. Let Ss w ork in

dually, and then com pare their answers in pairs.

Check ar

2. Activity 2

s a class.

ON rim: elicit new words, supply structures and gramm atical knowledge Content: finish the task and presentation

c. Outcome: Expected answers . Ex 2. Find the expressions that John, Lan and Linda used to talk about their ambitions and dreams in the conversation. Write them in the correct space. - Group work. Key John: 1. I ’d like to 1. w hat I ’d love to do one day i s . 2. I ’d like to ... (Lan) 3. One thing I ’d like to do one day i s . (Lan)__________________________

4. I ’ve always w anted to ... (Linda)

d. Organization - H ave Ss fill the gaps w ith the expressions in the conversation, and then com pare their answers in groups. - Check the answers as a class.

3. Activity 3

PRACTICE a. Aim: practise skills b. Content: finish the task and presentation


c. Outcome: Suggested answer: Ex 3. Work in groups of three. Practice conve-"ati'n sa.ti'n in 1. The aim o f this activity is for Ss to practice the conversation so that they can apply the conversation structure, as well as expressions and ideas in the free practice later.

d. Organization: M em ber in each group brainstorm ideas and vocabulary and then rank them in the order o f popularity and present them to the w hole class. - Get tw o or three representatives f ’om different groups to go to the board and give their presentations.

4. Activity 4

APPLICATION a. Aim: use languages to practice in pairs/groups b. Content: finish the task and presentation c. Outcome: Suggested answer: Ex 4. Work in groups of three. Use the expressions in 2 to make a similar conversation to talk about your own ambitions and dreams. c

Group w ork - Students' choice may vary.

- Oral work.

d. Organization: - A sk Ss to w ork in groups o f three. - Set a tim e lim it for the group’s preparation and practice.


- Invite some groups to present their conversations to the class. - D o not stop Ss to correct their mistakes. - Encourage them to speak freely and ju st give com ments on things such as Ss’ am bitions and dreams about future jobs.

Preparing date: 1/4/2021 Teaching date:

UNIT 9: CHOOSING A CAREER §87: LISTENING - Options for school leavers 1. AIMS/OBJECTIVES OF THE LESSON 1. Knowledge A t the end o f the lesson, Sts will be able to: - To help learners get started w ith some language items in U nit 9. - For vocabulary, they’ll enrich words and phrases related to environm ental im pacts and w ays to protect the environm ent - For pronunciation, they’ll m aster stress in three-syllable nouns. - For grammar, they’ll also practice the reported speech.

2. Skills - The unit aims at helping learners develop 4 skills - In Reading: they’ll skim and scan for general i d e a e c i f i c inform ation about threats to the natural environment. - In Speaking: they’ll talk about the environm ental im pacts o f hum an activities. - In Listening: th ey ’ll listen for gist and specific inform ation in a student’s talk on environmental impacts. - In W riting: they’ll write about environm ental problem s and giving some practical advice on how to preserve the environment.

3. Qualities + the unit is to help build sts’ know ledge about environm ental impacts. + they’ll finish the activities given in each lesson. + they’ll recognize stress in three-syllabled nouns and rem em ber the rules. + besides the above, th ey ’ll be able to talk about environm ental impacts + they’ll practice stress in three-syllabled nouns and rem em ber the rules.


eaching Teachaids.

- Teacher: tape, board, chalk, textbook, cassette. - Students: textbook, workbook, pen, p e n c i l .


1. A ctivity 1


a. Aim: V isualize w hat the topic is and supply the background knowledge b. Content: finish the task and presentation c. Outcome: Suggestions


Look at the pictures. What jobs do the people in the picturesi do? W .it down the job under each picture.


1. W hat can you see in the picture? 2. W hat jobs do the people in the pictures do? Key


1. A medical researcher/scientist 2. a flight attendant 3. a TV journalist/reporter


d. Organization:

A sk Ss to look at the wordis and the meanings given, and then m atch the words w ith the appropriate meanings. - H ave Ss com pare their answers in pairs. 11


- Check answiers as a c

2. Activity 2

PRESE NTATON i. Aim: elicit new words, supply structures and gramm atical knowledge b. Content: finish the task and presentation .. O Outcome: Expected answers c Ex2: Match each word with its meaning. The aim o f this activity is to introduce new vocabulary items w hich will help Ss to understand the listening exercise. Key


1. c

2. e

3. d

4. b

5. a

d. Organization - A sk sts to look at the nam es o f the three interviewees, and the list o f careers, and then make their own predictions for the career each o f them does.

Have Ss listen to the recording and m atch the career w ith each interviewee H ave Ss com pare their answers in pairs. Check the answers as a class 3. A ctivity 3


a. Aim: practise skills b. Content: finish the task and presentation c. Outcome: Suggested answer: ■r

1. b


2. c

. . . in t, . »

. n d . . t„

✓ Y th, „ r „ r . i« , . „


3. A

Ex 4. Listen again and decide if the following statements are true (T), false (F) or not given (NG) - Individual an then group work. This activity helps Ss to practice listening for specific information.

Key 1. T

2. N G

3. F

4. F

5. T

d. Organization: H ave Ss lis.en to the recording again and decide if the statements are true (T), false (F) oi not given (NG) - H ave them com pare their answers in groups

4. Activity ity 4

AppLICATION . Aim: use languages to practice in pairs/groups

- f , b. Content: finish the task and presentation c. Outcome: Suggested answer:


Ex 5. Work in groups of three. First tell your group members what career you are looking for. Then discuss its positive and negative points. The aim of this follow -up activity is to provide opportunities for Ss to express their viewpoints in freer com m unication practice.

d. Organization:

Preparing date: 1/4/2021 Teaching date:

UNIT 9: CHOOSING A CAREER §88: WRITING -O ptions for I. AIMS/OBJECTIVES OF THE LESSON 1. Knowledge A t the end o f the lesson, Sts will be able to: - To help learners get started w ith some language items in U nit 9. - For vocabulary, they’ll enrich words and phrases related to environm ental im pacts and w ays to protect the environm ent - For pronunciation, they’ll m aster stress in three-syllable nouns. - For grammar, they’ll also piactice the reported speech.

2. Skills - The unit aims at helping learners develop 4 skills in U nit 9. - In Reading: they’ll skim and scan for general ideas and specific inform ation about threats to the natural environment. - In Speaking: they’ll talk about the environm ental im pacts o f hum an activities. n Listening: th ey ’ll listen for gist and specific inform ation in a student’s talk on environmental - In W riting: they’ll write about environm ental problem s and giving some practical advice on how to preserve the environment.



+ the unit is to help build sts’ know ledge about environm ental impacts. + they’ll finish the activities given in each lesson.

+ they’ll recognize stress in three-syllabled nouns and rem em ber the rules. + besides the above, th ey ’ll be able to talk about environm ental impacts + they’ll practice stress in three-syllabled nouns and rem em ber the rules.

II. Teaching aids. - Teacher: tape, board, chalk, textbook, cassette. - Students: textbook, workbook, pen, pencil...


III. PROCEDURE 1. Activity 1


a. Aim: V isualize w hat the topic is and supply +he background knowledge b. Content: finish the task and presentation c. Outcome: Suggestions Ex 1. Read the job application letter and write the numbers (1-8) next to the letters (a-h) to show the correct components of the letter. Key 2. a 3. d

4. h

5. e



d. Organization: Inform the class of the lesson objective: writing a job application letter in response to an advertisement. A sk Ss to read the letter. - Remin lemi^d them that St is the abbreviation o f Street. - / n s v zer e any other questions ss may ask about the letter format.

2. Activi




a. Aim: elicit new words, supply structures and gramm atical knowledge b. Content: finish the task and presentation c. Outcome: Expected answers


Ex 2: Read the job advertisement. Make a list of the qualities and experience you may need for the job. The aim o f this activity is to provide a job advertisem ent for Ss to analyse. Suggested answers

List o f qualities and experience: -

w orked for a local travel agency last summer. Trustworthy, confident, hard-w orking and enthusiastic Can speak English fluently Can w ork for long hours.

d. Organization - A sk Ss to read the advertisem ent and make a list o f the personal qual experience they may need for the job. - Rem ind Ss that Rd is the abbreviation o f Road.

3. Activity 3

PRACTICE a. Aim: practise skills b. Content: finish the task and presentation c. Outcome: Suggested answer: Ex 3: Write a letter around 180 2. Follow the writing plan belo

plying for the job in the advert in

- Say w here you saw the advert’ s'm en t and w hat job you are applying for. - Give details o f previous w ork experience and responsibilities. - Talk about your p erso n a qualities and offer to send a reference. - M ention when you are available for an interview and can start work.

d.Organization: A sk Ss to read the advertisem ent and make a list o f the personal qualities and e p e rie n c e they may need for the job. ;mind Ss that Rd is the abbreviation o f Road.

PLICATION a. Aim: use languages to practice in pairs/groups b. Content: finish the task and presentation c. Outcome: Suggested answer:


Ex 3: Write a letter around 180 words applying for the job in the advert in 2. Follow the writing plan below. - Say w here you saw the advertisem ent and w hat job you are applying for. - Give details o f previous w ork experience and responsibilities.

- Talk about your personal qualities and offer to send a reference. - M ention when you are available for an interview and can start work.


Organization: Encourage Ss to make revisions.

- Collect some o f the Ss’ final drafts and give w ritten comments. - W rite Ss’ typical errors on the board and elicit self - correction and peer correction. - Give them oral feedback after all. - For short text, ask Sts to revise their writing according to the:ir peer’s suggestion. ______________________



Preparing date: 1/4/2021 Teaching date:

UNIT 9: CHOOSING A CAREER §90: COMMUNICATION AND CULTURE - Options for school leavers I. AIMS/OBJECTIVES OF THE LESSON 1. Knowledge A t the end o f the lesson, Sts will be able to: - To help learners get started w ith some language items in U nit 9.


- For vocabulary, they’ll enrich words and phrases related to environm ental im pacts and w ays to protect the environm ent - For pronunciation, they’ll m aster stress in three-syllable nouns. - For grammar, they’ll also practice the reported speech.

2. Skills - The unit aims at helping learners develop 4 skills - In Reading: they’ll skim and scan for general i d e a e c i f i c inform ation about threats to the natural environment. - In Speaking: they’ll talk about the environm ental im pacts o f hum an activities. - In Listening: th ey ’ll listen for gist and specific inform ation in a student’s talk on environmental impacts. - In W riting: they’ll write about environm ental problem s and giving some practical advice on how to preserve the environment.

3. Qualities + the unit is to help build sts’ know ledge about environm ental impacts. + they’ll finish the activities given in each lesson. + they’ll recognize stress in three-syllabled nouns and rem em ber the rules. + besides the above, th ey ’ll be able to talk about environm ental impacts + they’ll practice stress in three-syllabled nouns and rem em ber the rules.

II. Teach eaching aids. - Teacher: tape, board, chalk, textbook, cassette. - Students: textbook, workbook, pen, pencil...


1. A ctivity 1


a. Aim: V isualize w hat the topic is and supply the background knowledge b. Content: finish the task and presentation c. Outcome: Suggestions 1. Listen to Peter, Jane, and Mary talking about their summer jobs. What does each person do? Write his/her job under each picture.


Key 1. dishw asher

2. Tutor

3. Tour guide

d. Organization:


A sk Ss to look at the three pictures and brainstorm storm some so ideas about the kinds o f jobs they show. Play the recording for Ss and ask them to w -vte an appropriate nam e and job under each picture. A sk Ss to w ork w ith a partn rtner to o com c pa re their answers.

2. Activity 2

PRESENTATION a. Aim: elicit new words, supply structures and gramm atical knowledge b. Content: finish the task and presentation c. Outcome: Expected answers listen again. Do Peter, Jane, and Mary like their job? Why or why not? T ck the correct column and take notes in the table below. his activity will help Ss to practice listening for specific information.

d. Organization :■ - Play the recording again for Ss to listen and tick and w rite notes in the space given in the table. - H ave Ss com pare their answers in groups.


- Check the answers as a class

3. Activity 3

PRACTICE a. Aim: practise skills b. Content: finish the task and presentation

c. Outcome: Suggested answer: 3. Work in groups. Imagine you are going to do a summer job. Tell your group about your job and why you like or dislike it. This follow-up activity provides an opportunity for Ss to personalize the topic through discussion

d. Organization: H ave Ss w ork in groups and prepare their own ideas to t^ k about their im aginary summer job. - A sk each student to tell the group about his/her job and explain why they have chosen it.

4. Activity 4

APPLICATION a. Aim: use languages to practice in pairs/groups b. Content: finish the task and presentati c. Outcome: Suggested answer: 1. Read the text about a year o

nswer the questions that follow.

This activity aims to provide ss with m ore know ledge about the practice o f taking a year out, also known a^ a gap year as practiced by young people in UK. Key 1. He w ould reany . :ke a break from the academic world. 2. He could w ork in a back or do community work. He m ight even do something adventurous, such as joining an expedition to a rainforest. 3. His ^ p ^ e n c e s during a gap year will broaden his horizons and teach him new skills. It m ay also give him the chance to earn some money. 4. B eefore deciding to take a year out, he m ust m ake sure that the university will hold ld his place for him till the following year. 5. Because they find that year out students are more mature, confident and independent. 6. It means the education one gets from experiences in the real world. - W ork in pairs and do the task.


2. Discuss the questions with a partner. - This follow up activity provides an opportunity for Ss to relate the text content to their situation in Vietnam

d. Organization: A sk Ss to w ork in pairs and discuss the questions.

- Invite some pairs or individuals to present their ideas in front o f class. - Encourage other Ss to give comments.


& Ô


Preparing date: 1/4/2021 Teaching date:

UNIT 9: CHOOSING A CAREER §91: LOOKING BACK AND PROJECT- Options for school leavers I. AIMS/OBJECTIVES OF THE LESSON 1. Knowledge A t the end o f the lesson, Sts will be able to: - To help learners get started w ith some language items in U nit 9.


- For vocabulary, they’ll enrich words and phrases related to environm ental im pacts and w ays to protect the environm ent - For pronunciation, they’ll m aster stress in three-syllable nouns. - For grammar, they’ll also practice the reported speech.

2. Skills - The unit aims at helping learners develop 4 skills - In Reading: they’ll skim and scan for general i d e a e c i f i c inform ation about threats to the natural environment. - In Speaking: they’ll talk about the environm ental im pacts o f hum an activities. - In Listening: th ey ’ll listen for gist and specific inform ation in a student’s talk on environmental impacts. - In W riting: they’ll write about environm ental problem s and giving some practical advice on how to preserve the environment.

3. Qualities + the unit is to help build sts’ know ledge about environm ental impacts. + they’ll finish the activities given in each lesson. + they’ll recognize stress in three-syllabled nouns and rem em ber the rules. + besides the above, th ey ’ll be able to talk about environm ental impacts + they’ll speak alm ost sentences w ith stress in three-syllabled nouns naturally and rem em ber the rules.

. Teaching aids. - Teacher: tape, board, chalk, textbook, cassette. - Students: textbook, workbook, pen, p e n c i l .


1. A ctivity 1


a. Aim: V isualize w hat the topic is and supply the background knowledge b. Content: finish the task and presentation c. Outcome: Suggestions


1. Listen and underline the unstressed words in the following sentences. - D o as assigned

2. Underline the unstressed words in the following sente» es and practice reading them aloud. - W ork in pairs

b- Vocabulary er correction.

- W ork individually and then in pairs t do

Complete the sentences with the box.

orms of the words/phrases in the

Key 1. w orkforce 3. temporary 5. apprentice

d. Organization: Play the recording and let Ss listen and on the w ord that is unstressed. Then, put Ss in pairs to practice reading the sentences. .et Ss w ork in pairs to w rite the chores under each picture. et their answers back orally. sk them if anyone has a different answer. Give them a feedback.

PRESENTATION a. Aim: elicit new words, supply structures and gramm atical knowledge b. Content: finish the task and presentation c. Outcome: Expected answers Ex 1. Complete the sentences using the correct forms of the phrasal verbs in the box.

Key 1. go on with

2. Keep up with

3. come up with

4. Get on with

5. ran out o f

6. Drop in on

7. cut down on

8. D ropped out o f

d. Organization - H ave Ss com plete the sentences with the correct words/phrases given in the box. - A sk Ss to com pare their answers in pairs - Check the answers as a class.

3. Activity 3

PRACTICE a. Aim: practise skills


b. Content: finish the task and presentati c. Outcome: Suggested answ er: Ex 2. Make a complex sentence from each pair of sentences. Use the words provided and make any necessary changes. Key 1. I f you eat too much, you may fall ill. 2. K ate is as beautiful as her mother. 3. He io t as bright as he thinks he is. 4. It rained so hard that the plane could not take off. nless you run fast, you will be late for school. . It was such a good novel that M ary could not put it down. 7. I f I had one m illion dollars, I w ould travel around the world. 8. The apprentice finished the w ork as M r Smith had requested.

d. Organization:


A sk Ss to make a com plex sentence from each pair o f sentences using the words provided. - H ave Ss to w ork in pairs and w rite down the sentences. - Check the answers as a class.

4. A ctivity 4


a. Aim: use languages to practice in pairs/groups b. Content: finish the task and presentation c. Outcome: Suggested answer: 1. Work in groups. Choose one of the following jobs/careers and di positive points. 2. Report the result to the class. Prepare to debate the neg the job/career your group has chosen with other grou 3. Comment on their friend's presentation. + ideas + fluency/ pronunciation and stress + accuracy + gesture + m im ing + preparation + co-operation

d. Organization: A sk Ss to


- L et Ss to present the Gliding"'- in front o f the class. - Get the peer correction. - Give them a feedback.


Date o f preparation: Date o f teaching: PERIOD 93:


L E S S O N 1. G E T T IN G S T A R T E D I. A IM S /O B JE C T IV E S O F T H E L E SS O N 1. L an g u ag e focus: Sts will be able to: - To help learners get started w ith some language items in U nit 10 - For vocabulary: w ords and phrases o f the characteristics o f lifelong learning. - For pronunciation, get to know intonation o f questions. - For grammar, conditional clauses - type 3, m ixed conditionals o f type 2 and type3. 2. Skills: - To help learners get started w ith 4 skills in U nit 10 - Reading: general ideas and specific inform ation about lifelong learning. - Speaking: Give a presentation about how to keep learning throughout life. - Listening: Listen for specific inform ation about a successful lifelong le a n e r. - W riting: W rite a description o f a bar chart about barriers to lifelong learning. - Develop listening skills and talk about a lifelong learner. 3. Q ualities : - To help Ss get started for U nit 10 w ith the topic lifelonng learning. - To provide Ss some m otivation II. T eaching aids. - Teacher: tape, board, chalk, textbook, cassette.


- Students: textbook, workbook, pen, p e n c i l . III. P R O C E D U R E 1. A ctivity 1

W A R M UP a. A im : V isualize w hat the topic lfc> m d supply the background knowledge b. C o n ten t: finish the task and presentation c. O utcom e: Suggestion,

2. A ctivity 2

+ What is lifelong learning? + Is there anyone in yo u r fa m ily w ho has kept learning throughout their life? + H ow can r e o p 1e ke^p learning while working, a n d after they retire? d. O rg an iza tio n : W rite the heading o f the unit on the board - “Lifelong Learnl’ g” -Ask Ss to w ork in pairs and answ er these questions: - E l i'u a s w e r s from Ss and write any key words in their answers on the board. If Ss do not answ er the questions adequately, briefly explain the concept o f lifelong warning:_______________________________________________________________________ P R E S E N T A T IO N a. A im : elicit new words, supply structures and gram m atical knowledge b. C o n ten t: finish the task and presentation

& O

c. O utcom e: Expected answers A ctivity 1: L isten a n d read . S u g g ested answer: They are talking about the aim o f lifelong learing and how to keep learning through life. V o cab u lary : 1. self-motivated (adj.) 2 . self-directed (adj.) 3. session (n


O rg an iza tio n

- A sk Ss to look at the picture next to the G ETTIN G STARTED conversation and tell that the tw o people in the picture are A ngela and her grandpa. A sk Ss to guess w hat the tw o people in the picture are talking about. - Call on some students to present their ideas. - Play the recording twice. - H ave Ss listen and read the conversation silently. - A sk students to practise the conversation in pairs - Get sts to practise the vocabulary. - Correct Ss’ intonation and stress if necessary 3. A ctivity 3


a. A im : practise skills

- —


b. C o n ten t: finish the task and presentation c. O utcom e: Suggested answer: A ctivity 2: K ey: 1. F 2. T 3. F 4. T 5. N G 6. T 7. N G


d. O rg an iza tio n : A ctivity w h e th e r th e statem en ts a re tr u e (T), false (F) o r n o t given (N G) - Rem ind Ss o f some Jips this kind o f task. (It focuses on developing com prehension skills) - A sk sts to w ork in pairs to decide w hether the statements are true (T) or false (F), or not given (NC) - Encourage Ss provide reasons for their answers. They may refer back to the conversation to get the necessary information. - Goes around the class to help if necessary. - Then asks Ss to com pare their answers in pairs. -C all on some sts to give answers. and gives feedback.________________________________________________ _ - Corrects C om IC A T IO N 4. A ctivity 4 a. A im : use languages to practice in pairs/groups b. C o n ten t: finish the task and presentation



c. O utcom e: Suggested answer: A ctivity 3: K ey: 1. com pulsory education 2 . lifelong learning 3. self-motivated 4. self-directed 5. learning styles A ctivity 4: K ey: I f I h a d n ’t m issed it, I ’d have come a t least 30 m inutes earlier. I f I h a d known. I ’d have brought you m y Inform ation


d. O rg an iza tio n : - Encourage Ss to provide reasons for their answers. They may refer back to the conversation to get the necessary information. - Goes around the class to help if necessary. - Then asks Ss to com pare their answers in pairs. - Call on some sts to give answers. - Corrects and gives feedback.


& .6


D ate o f preparation: D ate o f teaching:



L E S S O N 2. L A N G U A G E I. AIM S/O BJECTIV ES OF THE LESSO N 1. L an g u ag e focus: Sts will be able to: - For vocabulary: w ords and phrases to the characteristics o f lifelong learning. - For pronunciation, get to know intonation o f questions. - For grammar, conditional clauses - type 3, m ixed conditionals o f type 2 and type3. 2. Skills: - Reading: general ideas and specific information. - Speaking: Give a presentation about how to keep learning throughouf i f e . - D evelop listening skills and talk about a lifelong learner. 3. Q ualities : - To help Ss get started for U nit 10 w ith the topic lifelonglearni - To provide Ss some m otivation II. T eaching aids. - Teacher: tape, board, chalk, textbook, cassette. - Students: textbook, workbook, pen, pencil... III. P R O C E D U R E 1. A ctivity 1



* V <*

a. A im : V isualize w hat the topic is andd supply the background knowledge b. C o n ten t: finish the task and preser tation c. O utcom e: Suggestions A. VOCABULARY A ctivity 1: K ey: 1. D 2. B 3. E 4. A 5. C Ac

2. A ctivity 2

elf-m otivated elong learning; coluntarily . self-directed 4. for its own sake d. O rg an iza tio n : Explains to Ss w hat they are supposed to do. - Go through the w ords and phrases w ith Ss and check their understanding. - A sk students to com plete the table individually. - Check the com pleted table as a class, m aking sure that all Ss have the right answer. P R E S E N T A T IO N a. A im : elicit new words, supply structures and gram m atical knowledge b. C o n ten t: finish the task and presentation c. O utcom e: Expected answers A ctivity 1: L isten a n d m a rk the rising ( ) or th e fa llin g ( ) intonation on the questions. Then p ractise reading th e sentences.

A ctivity 2: Practice th e conversations d. O rg an iza tio n

3. A ctivity 3

- Tell Ss that they have already learnt these intonation patterns and how they are used in different types of questions - rising intonation for Yes-No questions and falling intonation for Wh-questions. - Play the recording for Ss to listen and follow along in their books. - Play the recording again for Ss to repeat chorally and individually. - A sk students to w ork in pairsns saying the questions P R A C T IC E a. A im : practise skills b. C o n ten t: finish the task and presentation


c. O utcom e: Suggested answer: A ctivity 1: K ey: 1. - d I f I had shared my know ledge w ith others, I w ould have had more friends and supporters. 2. - a If I had had m ore inform ation and knowledge, I w ould have been better at problem solving. 3. - b I f I had had opportunity to put my know ledge into practice, I w ould have gained more practical experience. 4. - e If I had known how to analyse the inform ation, I w ould have im proved my critical thinking skills. 5. - c If I had been able to im prove my professional skills through self-learning, I w ould have becom e m ore successful at work. d. O rg an iza tio n : Asks Ss to read .hrough the conditional sentences used in the conversation again (Activity 4, G ETTIN G STARTED) - Tell Ss those tw o sentences are conditional sentences Type 3 - A sk ss to read the D o you know...? box and check their understanding o f the phrase “unreal or im aginary past activities or evnts” Explain the phrase to Ss if necessary. - Explain to Ss the usage o f conditional sentences Type 3 - A sk Ss to do the activity individually. - Ss m ust fii -t m a x h the tw o halves o f the sentences, and then w rite out the com pleted conditional sentence altering forms and tenses w here necessary. This is quite an involved task, so m onotor the class and help w here necessary - Gives feedback - Sts w ork individually the com pare the answers


4. A ctivity 4

A PP L IC A T IO N a. A im : use languages to practice in pairs/groups b. C o n ten t: finish the task and presentation


c. O utcom e: Suggested answer: K ey: 1. had shared, w ould have 2 . had gained, w ould be 3. had been able, w ould have 4. had learnt, w ould not need 5. had been, w ould be K ey: 1. had learnt, w ould be 2 . had known, w ould have had 3. had continued, w ould have found 4. had continued, w ould have kept 5. had done, m ight/m ay have slowed

d. O rg an iza tio n : Introduce Exercise 3 to students and explains how to do it. - A sk Ss to com pete the sentences w ith the correct tenses and forms o f the verbs in brackets. - H ave Ss w ork individually first. M onitor the activity and help Ss, if necessary - A sk Ss to check their answers in pairs or groups - Check the answers as a class.

D ate o f preparation: D ate o f teaching:

PERIOD 95: UNIT 10: LIFELONG LEARNINi L E S S O N 3. R E A D IN G I. AIM S/O BJECTIV ES OF THE LESSO N 1. L an g u ag e focus: Sts will be able to: - For vocabulary: w ords and phrases related to the characteristics o f life - For pronunciation, get to know intonation o f questions. - For grammar, conditional clauses - type 3, m ixed conditionals o f type 2 and type 3. 2. Skills: - Reading: general ideas and specific inform ation about lifelong learning. - Further - Speaking: talk about how to keep learning throughout life. 3. Q ualities : - To help Ss get started for U nit 10 w ith the topic lifelong learning. - To provide Ss some motivation II. T each in g aids. - Teacher: tape, board, chalk, textbook, cassf -


Students: textbook, workbook, pen.

III. P R O C E D U R E 1. A ctivity 1

W A R M UP a. A im : V isualize w hat the topic is and supply the background knowledge b. C o n te n t' finish the task and presentation c. O utcom e: Suggestions R e d i n g : N O T E O N L IF E L O N G L E A R N IN G

2. A ctivity 2

d. O rg an iza tio n : - A sk Ss to look at the pictures and ask: W hat are they doing? - Lead to the lesson, inform the class o f the lesson objectives and w rites the title on the board. P R E S E N T A T IO N a. A im : elicit new words, supply structures and gram m atical knowledge b. C o n ten t: finish the task and presentation c. O utcom e: Expected answers A ctivity 1:________________________________________________________

Suggested an sw er: 1. The governm ent’s education policy and new technology are m aking lifelong learning m ore and m ore accessible. 2. People can practise lifelong learning in many different ways, depending on their situation and circumstances. Some w ays include courses, programm es, or talks at their w orkplace or at home. * New w o rd s: desire “brick a n d m o ta r” self-im provem ent p ursuit e-learning platform ultimate, confine



O rg an iza tio n

- Pre-teaches some new w ords and phrases. - U ses definitions and picture to teach new words - Reads the words and asks Ss to reapeat. 3. A ctivity 3


P R A C T IC E a. A im : practise skills


b. C o n ten t: finish the task and presentation c. O utcom e: Suggested answer: A ctivity 2: R ead th e te x t ab o u t lifelong le a rn in g an d choose a h ead in g fo r each p a ra g ra p h . K ey: 1. c 2. a 3. b d. O rg an iza tio n : Explain to Ss the task. - Explain to Ss that repeated and similar vocabulary can form a vocabulary chain in a paragraph, which /can help to express the main idea o f the paragraph. - A sk Ss to skim t>e text individually to choose the best heading for each paragraph. Rem ind Ss that not all the headings need to be used. Then let them check their answers w ith a partner. - Checks the answers as a class. 4. A ctivity 4

A P P L IC A T IO N A im : use languages to practice in pairs/groups ab . b. C o n ten t: finish the task and presentation c. O utcom e: Suggested answer: A ctivity 3: Identifying w o r d s / p h ra s e s in th e te x t



K ey: 1. pursuit 2 . confine 3. e-learning platform 4. brick and m otar 5. ultim ate K ey: 1. Lifelong learning is not confined to the classroom environm ent 2. Voluntary learning, self-motivation, and a strong desire to learn make people becom e good lifelong learners_____________________________________________

3. Lifelong learning has been facilitated by e-learning platform s w ith a variet o f online courses. 4. Lifelong learners should aim at learning for self-improvement, rather than as a pathway to qualifications A ctivity 5: D iscussion d. O rg an iza tio n : - A sk students to w ork in groups of 4 to take turns thinking about someone yhey know w ho has kept learning throughout their life. Each student briefly talks about that person. A lternatively, Ss can share their ideas about lifelong learning in general. - Choose one or tw o groups to present their ideas in front o f the class.


& .6

D ate ofprep a ra tio n : D ate o f teaching:

PERIOD 96: UNIT 10: LIFELONG LEARNING L E S S O N 4. S P E A K IN G I. AIM S/O BJECTIV ES OF THE LESSO N 1. L an g u ag e focus: Sts will be able to: - For vocabulary: w ords and phrases related to the characteristics o f lifelong learning. - For pronunciation, get to know intonation o f questions. - For grammar, conditional clauses - type 3, m ixed conditionals o f type 2 and type 3. 2. Skills - To help learners get started w ith 4 skills in U nit 10 - Speaking: Give a presentation about how to keep learning throughout 3. Q ualities - To help Ss get started for U nit 10 w ith the topic lifelong learning. - To provide Ss some m otivation II. T each in g aids. - Teacher: tape, board, chalk, textbook, cassette. - Students: textbook, workbook, pen, p e n c i l . III. P R O C E D U R E 1. A ctivity 1

W A R M UP a. A im : V isualize w hat the topic is and

; background knowledge

b. C o n ten t: finish the task and presentatio c. O utcom e: Suggestions A sk students to w ork in pairs and read through the ideas on how to continue learning throughout life. d. O rg an iza tio n : (if necessary), ask Ss to put the ideas in order o f - A fter explaining t im portant) to 9 (least im portant) and briefly explain im portance from 1 (i their reasoning. - H ave Ss write Q 'w n anything they think is interesting and helpful. 2. A ctivity 2

P R E S E N T A T IO N a. A im : elicit new words, supply structures and gram m atical knowledge b. C o n ten t: finish the task and presentation



c. O O utcom u e: A ctivity 2: K ey: 1. Good m orning everyone and thank you very much for com ing to my presentation 2. I ’m here today to talk about how to keep learning after leaving school. 3. M y presentation is divided into three sections. 4. The first step is to choose something y o u ’ll really enjoy learning about. 5. A sk yourself w hat it is that you are m ost interested in. It is your genuine interest that will keep you on track until you reach the final destination. 6 . Secondly 7. M ake a plan. 8. M ake certain that you will have enough time and adequate funding. 9. Last but not least. 10. Put your thought into actions. 11. Contact your course provider. Tell your best friends to support your studies. Buy or borrow all the study supplies as required._______________________________

12. In conclusion, choosing the subject you like most, planning your study, and realizing your plan are three essential steps to keeping you learning through life. 13. Thank you for listening. I hope my advice is useful and that you will start d. O rg an iza tio n

3. A ctivity 3

- Tell Ss that they have already learnt about presentations - H ave Ss w ork in pairs to read through the presentation and the outline. - A sk Ss to read the presentation again to find out the words, phrases, or sentences to com plete the outline. - Check the answers as a class and give feedback. P R A C T IC E a. A im : practise skills b. C o n ten t: finish the task and presentation

4. A ctivity 4

c. O utcom e: A ctivity 3: P ra c tic e p resen tin g d. O rg an iza tio n : - D ivide Ss into groups o f 6. A sk them to choose some ideas discussed in 1 or brainstorm their own ideas to prepare a presentation about how to keep learning throughout life. - Advise Ss to use the presentation in 2 as a good example o f a short explanatory presentation. - Set a tim e limit. - W alk around to m onitor and provide help. - Invite some groups to present in front o f the c'ass - Gives feedback. A P P L IC A T IO N a. A im : use languages to practice i ' pairs/groups b. C o n ten t: finish the task and presentation c. O utcom e: A ctivity 4: Vrite a paragraph about how to keep learning throughout life. d. O rg an iza tio n : - Asks students to w ork in pairs to w rite a paragraph o f about 100 words aoout how to keep learning throughout life. - Pick up some w itin g and corrrect as a class.

i r A

of_ preparation:

D ate o f teaching:



L E S S O N 5. L IS T E N IN G I.A I M S /O B JE C T IV E S O F T H E L E SS O N 1 . L ian g u ag e focus: Sts will be able to: - For vocabulary: w ords and phrases related to the characteristics o f lifelong learning. - For pronunciation, get to know intonation o f questions. - For grammar, conditional clauses - type 3, m ixed conditionals o f type 2 and type 3. 2. Skills: - To help learners get started w ith 4 skills in U nit 10 - Listening: Listen for specific inform ation about a successful lifelong learner. - Develop listening skills and talk about a lifelong learner. 3. Q ualities : - To help Ss get started for U nit 10 w ith the topic lifelong learning. - To provide Ss some m otivation II. T each in g aids. - Teacher: tape, board, chalk, textbook, cassette.

- Students: textbook, workbook, pen, pencil. III. P R O C E D U R E 1. A ctivity 1

W A R M UP a. A im : V isualize w hat the topic is and supply the background knowledge b. C o n ten t: finish the task and presentation c. O utcom e: Suggestions d. O rg an iza tio n :

2. A ctivity 2


P R E S E N T A T IO N a. A im : elicit new words, supply structures and gram m atical knowledge e b. C o n ten t: finish the task and presentation c. O utcom e: - Asks students to w ork in pairs to w rite a par words about how to keep learning throughout life. - Pick up some writing and corrrect as a class.

. ot about 100

d. O rg an iza tio n - A sk students to look at the pictures o f some succes5sfu1 I f elong learners, guess who they are and w hy they are successful ful - Check the answers as a class. 3. A ctivity 3

P R A C T IC E a. A im : practise skills


b. C o n ten t: finish the task and c. O utcom e: Suggested ans\ K ey: 1. B 2. D 3. C 4. B 5. A


£ . A ctivity 4

d. isten a ta lk show a b o u t lifelong le arn in g an d choose th e best A ct arsw e»s. - A sk students to read the sentences and predict w hat they are going to hear. - Help Ss w ith any difficult vocabulary in the question, if necessary. - Give Ss sufficient tim e to listen to the recording so they can extract the inform ation needed and select the correct choices. - H ave students com pare their answers in pairs. - Check and give feedback. A P P L IC A T IO N a. A im : use languages to practice in pairs/groups b. C o n ten t: finish the task and presentation c. O utcom e: Suggested answer: A ctivity 3: K eys: 1. F 2. F

3. T 4. F 5. T A ctivity 4: D iscuss how lifelong learning can help people to becom e successful in their life and career d. O rg an iza tio n : - A sk students to read the statements and have them pay attention to the key words in each o f them. - Play the tape again . - A sk students to do Task 3 then com pare the answ er with a partner. - A sk some students to give the answers and explain. - Check and give feedback.

o D ate ofprep a ra tio n : D ate o f teaching:


l Ea


L E S S O N 6. W R IT IN G I. A IM S /O B JE C T IV E S O F T H E L E SS O N 1. L an g u ag e focus: Sts will be able to: - For vocabulary; w ords and phrases related to the characteristics o f lifelong learning. - For pronunciation, get to know intonation o f questim s. - For grammar, conditional clauses - type 3, m ixed conditionals o f type 2 and type 3. 2. Skills: - To help learners get started w ith 4 sMJ’s in U nit 10 - W riting: W rite a description o f a bar c^art about barriers to lifelong learning. 3. Q ualities : - To help Ss get started for Unu with the topic lifelong learning. - To provide Ss some m otivation II. T eaching aids. - Teacher: tape, board, chalk, te - Students: textbook, workb

assette. n c il...

III. P R O C E D U R E 1. A ctivity 1

W A R M UP a. Aim: V isualize w hat the topic is and supply the background knowledge b. C o n ten t: finish the task and presentation

2. Activity 2


c. O utcom e: D o you think lifelong learning is important? W hy or w hy not? d. O rg an iza tio n : - Asks Ss to discuss some question: D o you think lifelong learning is important? W hy or why not? - Leads to the w riting lesson P R E S E N T A T IO N a. A im : elicit new words, supply structures and gram m atical knowledge b. C o n ten t: finish the task and presentation c. O utcom e: Expected answers A ctivity 1: S tu d e n ts’ answ ers A ctivity 2: Suggested an sw ers: 1. showed / shows, picked

2 . the second rated 3. interview ed / asked 4. accounted for 5. A minority / A very small num ber d. O rg an iza tio n A ctivity 1: - Explain the w ord “barriers” to Ss - H ave students w ork in groups to discuss the question: W hat do you think are barriers to lifelong learning? - A llow all w ild guesses, ideas and opinions at this stage. - Gives feedback. A ctivity 2: - H ave Ss read the bar chart - A sk students to discuss in groups and identify the im portant inform ation presented in the bar chart - A sk Ss to use the inform ation in bar chart and the w o rd s/p h i^P s in the box to com plete the sentences about the barriers to lifelong learning. - A sk ss from different groups to write their sentences on u p board. - Encourage Ss to provide peer feedback. Correct any erro. s iff necessary. 3. A ctivity 3

P R A C T IC E a. A im : practise skills b. C o n ten t: finish the task and present c. O utcom e: A ctivity 3: W rite a des> d. O rg an iza tio n : Set a time lim it for the to write the first draft o f their descriptions. - H ave Ss exchange their d raf^ in pairs - Encourage them to com m ent on the content and structure, clarify o f expression, grammar, and spelling - Add any additional ffpedback - H ave Ss revise their crafts based on their partners’ com ments and feedback - Collect Ss’ descriptions for checking or marking

4. A ctivity 4

A P P L IC A T IO N a. A im : use languages to practice in pairs/groups b. C o n ten t: finish the task and presentation


c. O utcom e: S tu d e n ts’ an sw ers d. O rg an iza tio n : A sk Ss to talk about the barriers to lifelong learning in groups of 4 - T gives feedback on Ss’ work.____________________________________________

D ate o f preparation: D ate o f teaching:

PERIOD 99: UNIT 10: LIFELO NG LEARNING L E S S O N 7. C O M M U N IC A T IO N A N D C U L T U R E I. A IM S /O B JE C T IV E S O F T H E L E SS O N 1. L an g u ag e focus Sts will be able to: - For vocabulary; w ords and phrases related to the characteristics o f lifelong learning. - For pronunciation, get to know intonation o f questions. - For grammar, conditional clauses - type 3, m ixed conditionals o f type 2 and type 3. 2. Skills - Reading; - Speaking; - Listening; - W riting. - Develop listening skills and talk about a lifelong learner. 3. Q ualities - To help Ss get started for U nit 10 w ith the topic lifelong learning - To provide Ss some m otivation II. T each in g aids. - Teacher: tape, board, chalk, textbook, cassette. - Students: textbook, workbook, pen, p e n c i l . III. P R O C E D U R E 1. A ctivity 1

W A R M UP a. A im : V isualize w hat the topic is an

background knowledge

b. C o n ten t: finish the task and pres c. O utcom e: A ctivity 1 K ey: 1. continuous self-motivation 2 . travel and w ork 3. writing words, glancing at them 4. reading in libraries d. O rg an iza tio n : A ctivity 1: L isten to a stu d e n t ta lk in g a b o u t P re sid e n t H o C h i M in h ; s an exam ple o f a successful lifelong le a rn e r. - Tell Ss that +he' are going to listen to a student talking about President H o Chi M inh as an exam ple o f a successful lifelong learner. - A sk students to read the statements and try to anticipate w hat inform ation to write in each gap. - Play the recording once or tw ice for Ss to com plete each statement. - L et Ss w ork w ith a partner to com pare their answers. - Check answers w ith the w hole class. 2. Activ Activity



P R E S E N T A T IO N a. A im : elicit new words, supply structures and gram m atical knowledge b. C o n ten t: finish the task and presentation c. O utcom e: A ctivity 2: D iscuss th e lessons o f lifelong le arn in g fro m P re sid e n t H o C h i M in h d. O rg an iza tio n - H ave students read the instructions carefully - A sk Ss to w ork in groups o f 4 to discuss the lessons o f lifelong learning they can learn from President H o Chi M inh - A sk some groups to present their opinions in front o f the class.

3. A ctivity 3

PRACTICE a. A im : practise skills b. C o n ten t: finish the task and presentation c. O utcom e: A ctivity 1: R ead th e te x t a n d an sw er th e questions. K ey: 1. To increasae individual incom e and em ploym ent security; to help businesses and organisations to be more competitive; to keep up with global development. 2. To get good job and m eet their em ployers’ demands 3. To build the future and strengthen social security 4. It enables Singaporeans to activiely take responsibility for their lare: renin g through their lives by attending various courses

4. A ctivity 4

d. O rg an iza tio n : L ifelong le arn in g in A u stra lia an d S in g ap o re A ctivity 1: R ead th e te x t a n d an sw er th e questions. - A sk students to read the text individually to get an overall i dea sbout its content. - H ave students read the questions and answ er them. - H ave students com pare their answers in pairs. - Check the answers as a class. A P P L IC A T IO N a. A im : use languages to practice in pairs/groups


b. C o n ten t: finish the task and presentati c. O utcom e: Suggested answer: A ctivity 2: D iscussion K ey: Students’ answers d. O rg an iza tio n : A ctivity 2: D iscussion - A sk students to w ork ii pairs and discuss the questions. - Invite some pairs and individuals to present their ideas in front o f the class. - Encourage other students to give comments

N J a


D ate o f preparation: D ate o f teaching:



L E S S O N 8. L O O K IN G B A C K A N D P R O JE C T I. AIM S/O BJECTIV ES OF THE LESSO N 1. L an g u ag e focus - For vocabulary; w ords and phrases related to the characteristics o f lifelong learning. - For pronunciation, get to know intonation o f questions. - For grammar, conditional clauses - type 3, m ixed conditionals o f type 2 and type 3. 2. Skills - Reading; - Speaking; - Listening; - W riting. - Develop listening skills and talk about a lifelong learner. 3. Q ualities - To help Ss get started for U nit 10 w ith the topic lifelong learning. - To provide Ss some m otivation II. T each in g aids. - Teacher: tape, board, chalk, textbook, cassette. - Students: textbook, workbook, pen, p e n c i l . III. P R O C E D U R E __________

1. A ctivity 1

W ARM UP a. A im : V isualize w hat the topic is and su

ckground knowledge

b. C o n ten t: finish the task and presentation

O 2. A ctivity 2

c. O utcom e: A. P R O N U N C IA A ctivity 1: K ey: 1. A: W hat does lifelong learning mean? 2. A: Does lifelong learning contribute to social or personal development? 3. A: Excuse me, I ’ve ju st arrived. Has the seminar on learning skills start? 4. A: Do you think that continuous learning is the key to success? 5. A: H ow should I apply for part-tim e courses? A ctivity 2: K ey: 1. A: Did you say that w e need to pursue know ldge throughout our lives? 2. A: D o you think learning from on-the-job experiences is always effective? 3. A: H ow can parents encourage their children to learn all their lives? 4. A: W hich is m ore im portant, working experience or qualifications? 5. a ; Does asking questions encourage learning? d. O rg an iza tio n : A ctivity 1: L isten a n d m a rk th e in to n atio n p a tte rn s of questions - Play the recording and let sts listen to identify the questions w ith rising intonation and those w ith falling intonation. - Check answers as a class by asking some sts to read the sentences out loud. - Play the recording again and let sts listen and repeat the sentences. A ctivity 2: P ra c tise th e conversations. M a r k th e questions w ith risin g o r falling in to n atio n . - H ave students w ork individually and compare their answers in pairs. - Check the answers as a class. - A sk students to read the sentences aloud. P R E S E N T A T IO N a. A im : elicit new words, supply structures and gram m atical knowledge b. C o n ten t: finish the task and presentation

c. O utcom e: Expected answers B. VOCABULARY: K ey: 1. self-motivation 2 . pursuit, pursuit 3. self-directed 4. lifelong learners 5. improving 6 . flexible 7. professional 8. voluntarily d. O rg an iza tio n

3. A ctivity 3


- C om plete th e sentences w ith th e c o rre c t fo rm s o f th e w o rd s in th e oox - Rem ind ss o f the tips to do this kind o f task quickly. - A sk ss to w ork individually in 2 ’. - A sk them to com pare their answers w ith a partner’s. - Call on some Ss to give answers. - Give feedback. P R A C T IC E a. A im : practise skills b. C o n ten t: finish the task and presentatit c. O utcom e: Suggested answer: 1. Lifelong learning will be successfu. f ihe learner is self-motivated 2. I f that school provided better educational materials, the students w ould be m ore interested in lifelong learning. 3. I f lifelong learning program m es had started earlier this year, I could have arranged my schedule to attend some o f them. 4. I f he had not kept le a rJ n g while w orking here, he w ould not be the director now. 5. I f you do not develop leadership skills, you will have difficulties in working w ith your staff. 6 . I f I had f ^ 'o w d your advice on professional training, I w ould have got a higher salary. 7. I f he had com pleted the previous m anagem ent course, he w ould be recruited to the team now. I f we had taken online courses, w e w ould have saved m ore time. O rg an iza tio n : - Explain the requirem ent to ss. -A Asks ss to do activity 1 individually in 3 ’. -A Asks ss to com pare their answers w ith a partner. - Calls on some Ss to w rite their answers on the board. - Check the answers as a class. A P P L IC A T IO N

oil A 4. Activity 4

a. A im : use languages to practice in pairs/groups b. C o n ten t: finish the task and presentation c. O utcom e: A ctivity 1: D iscussion K ey: Students’ preparation d. O rg an iza tio n : A sk Ss in each group to com pare the inform ation they have collected about their survey participants and try to find out any com mon features among the people interviewed. - Based on these com mon features, ss prepare their reports to the w hole class. - Encourage the rest o f the class to ask questions and give feedback about the presentation._______________________________________________________________

- H ave the class vote for the best presentation. - Give comments.


& .6


D ate ofprep a ra tio n : D ate o f teaching: P E R IO D 101: REVIEW 4 (UNIT I. AIM S/O BJECTIV ES OF THE LESSO N 1. L an g u ag e focus - To help students revise w hat they have learned in U nit 9,10 - To give them a chance to practice 2. Skills - To develop their com m unication skills and cultural understanding - To help Ss develop the skill o f w orking in pairs and groups 3. Q ualities - To encourage Ss to w ork harder - To provide Ss some m otivation II. T each in g aids.


- Teacher: tape, board, chalk, textbook, cassette. - Students: textbook, workbook, pen, p e n c i l . III.


1. A ctivity 1

W A R M UP a. A im : V isualize w hat the topic is and

ackground knowledge

b. C o n ten t: finish the task and presentation c. O utcom e: Suggestions 1. careers 2.apprenticeship 3. p u r su e 4. p ro fessio n a l 5. fle x ib le 6. options 1. fu l-tim e 2. self-learning 3. e x tu-o k s 4. lifelong 5. self-directed 6 - workforce d. O rg an iza tio n : - A sk students to do this activity individually. - Get students to check J . ’ir answers w ith a partner before giving them the correct answers. - H ave some students write the com pleted answers on the board or read them out loud (depending on the level o f the class). 2. A ctivity 2

P R E S E N T A T IO N a. A im : ‘ licit new words, supply structures and gram m atical knowledge b. C o n ten t: finish the task and presentation c. O utcom e: Expected answers Keys: 1 - There are betw een / o f / but / the / are 2- A / o f / / can / on / its / 3- a / from / the / to / an / is d. O rg an iza tio n - - Play the recording and let students listen and ask students to underline the unstressed words. - Check as a class. - Play the recording again for students to repeat each sentence out loud. (Alternatively, have Ss practise saying the sentences at home.)

3. A ctivity 3

P R A C T IC E a. Aim: practise skills

b. C o n ten t: finish the task and presentation

4. A ctivity 4

c. O utcom e: Suggested answer: 1 - to cu t down on 2- w ill th in k back on 3- to talk back to 4- dropping o u t o f 5- com e up w ith 6- keep up w ith d. O rg an iza tio n : - A sk students to follow the instructions and com plete the sentences individually. - H ave students com pare their answers w ith a partner. Check answers as a class. A P P L IC A T IO N a. A im : use languages to practice in pairs/groups b. C o n ten t: finish the task and presentation c. O utcom e: Suggested answer: S u g g ested key: 1- A person w ill not be able to adapt to changes in life a n d w o rk unless h or she becom es a lifelong learner 2- L ifelong learning has become so im portant in our lives that a i o u s courses a nd program m es have been designed a n d developed to m eet our needs. 3-M ing d o e sn ’t rea d as m any books as Kieu. 4H e acts as i f he were / w as a career adviser. 5- I f yo u d o n ’t keep up w ith new technology, y o u ’ll bw l e f behind a t w ork 6- Tom studies harder than Jane d. O rg an iza tio n : - Invite some students to com plete the .ententes on the board w hile others do the activity individually or in pairs. - Check answers as a class, and ask students to explain if necessary.



D ate o f preparation: D ate o f teaching: P E R IO D 102, 103: REVIEW 4 (UNIT 9, 10) (continued) I. AIM S/O BJECTIV ES OF THE LESSO N 1. L an g u ag e focus - To help students revise w hat they have learned in U nit 6, 7, 8 - To give them a chance to practice 2. Skills - To develop their com m unication skills and cultural understanding - To help Ss develop the skill o f w orking in pairs and groups 3. Q ualities - To encourage Ss to w ork harder - To provide Ss some m otivation II. T each in g aids.


- Teacher: tape, board, chalk, textbook, cassette. - Students: textbook, workbook, pen, p e n c i l . III.


*N '

M ark the le tte r A, B, C, or D on y o u r a n sw er sh e e t to indicate th e co rrect answ to each o f the fo llo w in g questions. 1. He failed in th e election ju s tb e c a u s e h e______ his o p p o n en t. A. o v e re stim a te d B. u n d e re s tim a te d C. u n d e rs ta te d D. u n d e rc h a rg e d 2. They______ b eca u se it is a n atio n al holiday. A. d o n 't w o rk B. w o n 't w o rk C. h a v e i 't w o rk e d D. a r e n 't w o rk in g 3. She's fin ish ed th e co u rse,______ ? _______ A. is n 't she__________ B. h a s n 't she________ C. d o e s n 't sh e_______ D. d id n 't she___________ 4. “W ould you like a beer?” “N ot while I ’m______.” A. in the act B. in order C. on duty D. under control 5. Some friends o f mine are really fashion-conscious, while_________are quite simple. A. some other B. some others C. anothers D. the other 6 . A ccording to some historians, I f N apoleon had not invadedR ussia, he________ the rest o f the world. A. had conquered B. w ould conquer C. w ould have conquered D. conquered 7. Is that the man_______has been stolen? A. the car o f w hom B. the car o f his C. w hose car D. the car o f w ho 8 . W hen someone answers the phone, you say, “Can I________ Elsie, please?” A. talk to B. say to C. tell D. speak to 9. “H ow much do y o ’ earr, M ary?” “I ’d______ ” A. rather don’t say B. better not to say C. rather not say D. prefer not say 10. Captain Scott’s_____ to the South Pole was m arked by disappointm ent and tragedy. A. excursion B. visit C. tour D. expedition 11. The teacher made a difficult question, but at last, Joe_________a good answer. A. came up w ith B. cam e up to C. cam e up against D. came up for 12. There are a lot o f_______buildings in the centre o f the city. A. m any-floored B. many story C. m ulti-storied D. multi-storey 13. “M ake yourself at hom e.” “_____ .” A. Yes, can I help you B. Thanks. Same to you C. N ot at all. D o n ’t m ention it D. T hat’s very kind. Thank you. 14. Olympiakos______ 0 - 0 w ith Real M adrid in the first leg o f the semi-final in Athens. A. drew B. equalled C. equalised D. shared 15. The pop star_ ___w hen the lights__ A. sang/ w ere going out B. w as singing/ w ent out C. w as singing/ w ere going out D. sang/ w ent out rem em bered her appointm ent w ith the doctor. 16. It was not until she had arrived hom e_ A. when she B. that she C. and she D. she

17 . _____ a novelty in Am erican retailing, fixed prices are now universal in sales. A. It was once B. Once it w as C. That once D. Once 18. Jane will have to repeat the course because her w ork has been__________. A. unpleasant B. unnecessary C. unusual D. unsatisfactory 19. I don’t know If______ in my essay. A. is there a mistake B. there a mistake is C. a mistake is there D. there is a mistake 2 0 . _____ you ever_______ the U.S. before your trip in 2006? C. W ould/ have been D. H ad/been A. H ave/ been B. W ould/ be 21. “W e’re going to the seaside.” “Can ?” A. I come as well B. also I come C. I too come D. I as well come 22. The old man is both deaf and dump. H e can ____ understand us. D. best A. harder B. hard C. hardly 23. Does that nam e_______ to you? A. ring a bell B. break the ice C. foot the bill ace D. fall into place 24. It was a great_______ to have a doctor living near us. A. convenient B. convenience C. conveniently D. convenienc ences 25. “Thanks for your help.” “_____ .” r C. N ever rem ind me D. All it ilfs foryou A. W ith all my heart B. It’sm y pleasure 26. The greater the demand,________ the price. ✓ - v C . A. higher B. high C. the higher . the high :~ cial artifacts o f the 27. In the 1960s, pop art_______ to discover artistic significant in t consum er culture. A. seeking B. to seek C. has sought D. sought 28. W hat is a______ like that cost? A. clothing B. clothes C. garment D. clothe “I .” 29. “I think w om en should not g o to w ork.” A. q u ite ag ree B. a little ag ree d 30. P u t y o u r sh o es on p ro p e rly o r you'll A. g e t B .tu rn E. E valuatio n : .......................


C. so ag ree over. C. fall

D. r a th e r ag reed D. b e n d

D ate o f preparation: D ate o f teaching: P E R IO D 104:___________ REVIEW FOR THE SECOND TERM TEST (continued) M a rk the letter A , B, C, or D on y o u r answ er sh eet to indicate th e correct answ er to each o f the fo llo w in g questions. 1. The B est Invention_t his year w as given to Jason M eyers. A. Rew ard B. Brand C. Factor D. Award 2. On Christm as Eve, the_______family gathers for dinner, usually at my grandm other's house. A. m ere B. entire C. total D. complete 3. W hen the first Chinese restaurants opened in Greece, it w as very difficult to get fresh_________ of Chinese vegetables. A. provisions B. materials C. supplies D. ingredients 4. I find m ending old socks incredibly________that's why I always ask my m other to do it for A. hilarious B. tedious C. furious D. recreational 5. M egan solved her com puter problem quite_ she happened to mention it to a friend wh had had the same problem and told her w hat to do. A. occasionally B. clumsily C. accidentally 6 . Bill Gates is probably the best known and most successful A. pioneer B. navigator C. generator 7. My m other often_______ our mistakes, w hereas my father is very strict nishes us for even the slightest one. A. passes B. neglects C. avoids overlooks 8 . W hen I joined the army, I found it difficult to________out orde my superiors, but I soon got used to it. A. call B. carry D. take C. miss 9. A fter nine months w ithout any rain, the country w as fa c iig on o f the worst___ in the last fifty years. A. draughts B. floods C. tions D. droughts 10. You should______m ore attention to w hat your teacV r explains. A. make B. get C. set D. pay 11. She______ on her com puter for m ore than tw o hours when she decided to stop for a rest. A. has w orked B. has been w orking C. w as working D. had been working 12. It’s nice I am now in London again. This the second tim e I___ there. A. will be B. w ould be C. was D. have been 13. I______ my M um by cooking dinne" for D. felt like A. cheered up B. looked up C. w aited for 14. If w e can’t afford a car, w e' .1 jus. have to_______ one.” A. do w ith B. put up w ith C. do w ithout D. catch up with 15. has she behaved b eh av 'd like that before. A. Only by B W hen D. N ever C. For 16. A good essay contain enough interesting ideas and specific exam but also have good organization. A. in add addition B. either D. as well C. not only 17. “You should stop working too hard „you’ll get sick.” A. or else B. if C. in case D. whereas 18. Although he w as he agreed to play tennis w ith me. A. exhaustion B. exhausted C. exhausting D. exhaustive • 19. n order to avoid boredom, the m ost im portant thing is to keep on_ A. occupation B. occupied C. occupant D. occupational 20. He carried a(n)________ driving license. A. artificial B. unfaithful C. untrue D. false 21. As the drug took______ , the patient becam e quieter.


22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30.

A. effect B. force C. influence D. action -“D o you like the w eather here?” -“I w ish it_____ D. hadn’t rained A. doesn’t rain B. didn’t rain C. w on’t rain You_____________the washing-up. I could have done it for you. C. couldn’t have done D. m ustn’t have done A. needn’t have done B. hadn’t to do “N ever say that again,______ ?” A. w on’t you B. do you C. don’t you D. will you _____anything suspicious arise, please let me know at once. D. Did A. Should B. W ould C. Can Tom: “ Shall we go out tonight?” - Jane: “______” D. Yes, let’s. A. Yes, I can. B. Yes, w e are. C. Yes, w e go. ____ th e w e a th e r fo re c a st it w ill ra in heavily la te r th is m o rning. A. On acc o u n t of B. Due to C. A ccording to D. B ecause of M any old p eo p le d o n 't like change. They a re v e ry s e t in th e ir_____ A. lives B. h ab its C. ro u tin e s D. w ays It to o k m an y h o u rs of n eg o tiatio n to ______ a co m p ro m ise. A. m ake B. do C. reac h T hey say he in h e rite d his m o n ey from a_ A. faraw ay B. re m o te E. E valu atio n :



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