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Tài liệu chuẩn tham khảo Phát triển kênh bởi Ths Nguyễn Thanh Tú Đơn vị tài trợ / phát hành / chia sẻ học thuật : Nguyen Thanh Tu Group Hỗ trợ trực tuyến Fb www.facebook.com/DayKemQuyNhon Mobi/Zalo 0905779594

LÝ THUYẾT VÀ BÀI TẬP CÁC CHUYÊN ĐỀ NGỮ PHÁP ÔN THI TUYỂN SINH LỚP 10 CONTENTS  PART 1 : GRAMMAR PRACTICE ............................................................................................ 2 Topic 1 :Tenses of the verb ...........................................................................................................2 Topic 2 : Forms of the verb .......................................................................................................... 6 Topic 3 : The Passive voice ....................................................................................................... 12 Topic 4 : Reported Speech .......................................................................................................... 16 Topic 5 : Wish sentences ........................................................................................................... 21 Topic 6 : Conditional Sentences ............................................................................................... 23 Topic 7 : Tag question ...............................................................................................................28 Topic 8 : Adverbs, Adjectives and Comparisons......................................................................31 Topic 9 : Phrases and Clause of ................................................................................................. 37 • PURPOSE ..................................................................................................... 37 • RESULT ....................................................................................................... 39 • REASON AND CONCESSION ..................................................................42 Topic 10 : Connectives ................................................................................................................ 47 Topic 11 : Making suggestions ..................................................................................................52 Topic 12 : Relative Clauses ........................................................................................................ 53 Topic 13 : Phrasal verbs.............................................................................................................. 60 Topic 14 : Prepositions ................................................................................................................ 62 Topic 15 : Some important structures to rewrite sentences .................................................... 69 PART 2 : MIXED EXERCISES ................................................................................................73 I. Indentifying mistakes ............................................................................................. 73 II. Verb tenses and forms ............................................................................................. 75 III. Word form................................................................................................................. 76 IV. Sentence transformation ......................................................................................... 78 MUPTIPLE CHOICE ................................................................................................................. 81 READING .................................................................................................................................... 95 KEY ASNWERS ........................................................................................................................ 123


GRAMMAR PRACTICE TOPIC 1 : TENSES OF THE VERBS (Các thì của động từ) USE SIGNAL WORDS - thói quen ở hiện tại - always, usually, often,

EXAMPLES - She often goes to 1

(HIỆN TẠI ĐƠN) +: S + V1 / V(s/es) -: S + don’t/ doesn’t + V1 ?: Do / Does + S + V1 …? PRESENT PROGRESSIVE (HIỆN TẠI TIẾP DIỄN) +: S + am/is/are + V-ing -: S + am/ is/ are + not +Ving ?: Am / Is /Are + S + V-ing?

PRESENT PERFECT (HIỆN TẠI HOÀN THÀNH) +: S + has / have +V3/ed -: S + has/have + not +V3/ed ?: Has / Have + S + P.P?

SIMPLE PAST (QUÁ KHỨ ĐƠN) +: S + V2 / V-ed -: S + didn’t + V1 ?: Did + S + V1 ….?

- sự thật, chân lí.

sometimes, seldom, rarely, never, every, normally, regularly, occasionally, as a rule … - hành động đang - at the moment, now, diễn ra vào lúc nói. right now, at present - dự định sẽ thực hiện - Look! trong tương lai gần. - Listen! - hành động có tính - Be quiet! chất tạm thời. - Keep silence! Note: một số động từ thường không dùng với thì tiếp diễn: like, dislike, hate, love, want, prefer, admire, believe, understand, remember, forget, know, belong, have, taste, smell, …. - hành động bắt đầu - lately, recently (gần trong quá khứ, kéo đây) dài đến hiện tại và có - so far, up to now, up to thể tiếp tục trong the present (cho tới bây tương lai. giờ) - hành động vừa mới - already, ever, never, xảy ra. just, yet, for, since. - how long … - this is the first time/second time… - many times / several times - hành động xảy ra và - yesterday, last week, chấm dứt ở một thời last month, …ago, in điểm xác định trong 1990, in the past, … quá khứ. - một thói quen trong quá khứ

PAST PROGRESSIVE (QUÁ KHỨ TIẾP DIỄN) +: S + was were + Ving -: S + was /were + not +Ving ?: Was / Were + S + Ving…?

- hành động đang xảy - at that time, at (9 ra tại một thời điểm o’clock) last night, at this xác định trong quá time (last week), khứ - hai hành động cùng xảy ra đồng thời trong quá khứ


- hành động xảy ra trước hành động khác hoặc trước một thời điểm trong quá khứ

+: S + had +V3/ed -: S + hadn’t + +V3/ed

- already, ever, never, before, by, by the time, after, until, when, …. -After+ QKHT, QKĐ -Before+ QKĐ, QKHT

school late. - The sun rises in the east. - I can’t answer the phone. I’m having a bath. - She is going to the cinema tonight. - He often goes to work by car, but today he is taking a bus.

- I have learnt English for five years. - She has just received a letter from her father.

- She went to London last year. - When we were students, we often went on a picnic every weekend. - He was doing his homework at 8 o’clock last night. - The children were playing football while their mother was cooking the meal. - When I arrived at the party, they had already left. - I had completed the English course by 2

?: Had + S + +V3/ed…? SIMPLE FUTURE (TƯƠNG LAI ĐƠN) +: S + will + V1 -: S + will + not + V1 (won’t + V1) ?: Will + S + V1 …?

1998. - hành động sẽ xảy ra trong tương lai - một quyết định được đưa ra vào lúc nói

- tomorrow, next, in 2012, …. - I think / guess - I am sure / I am not sure

- He will come back tomorrow. - The phone is ringing. I will answer it.

Note: - hai hành động xảy ra trong quá khứ: . hành động ngắn dùng thì quá khứ đơn, hành động dài dùng thì quá khứ tiếp diễn Ex: Yesterday morning, I met my friend while I was going to school. . hành động xảy ra trước dùng thì quá khứ hoàn thành, hành động xảy ra sau dùng thì quá khứ đơn Ex: She went out with her friends after she had finished her homework. She had finished her homework before she went out with her friends. Một số cách hòa hợp thì giữa mệnh đề chính và mệnh đề thời gian: Main clause (Mệnh đề chính) Present tenses Past tenses Future tenses

Adverbial clause of time (Mệnh đề trạng ngữ chỉ thời gian) Present tenses Past tenses Present tenses

1.TLĐ + until / when / as soon as + HTĐ I will wait here until she comes back. 2. TLĐ + after + HTHT He will go home after he has finished his work. 3. while / when / as + QKTD, QKĐ While I was going to school, I met my friend. 4.QKĐ + while / when / as + QKTD It (start) --------------- to rain while the boys (play) -------------- football. 5.QKTD + while + QKTD Last night, I was doing my homework while my sister was playing games. 6.HTHT + since + QKĐ I (work) -------------------- here since I (graduate)---------------------. 7.After + QKHT, QKĐ After I had finished my homework, I (go) --------------- to bed. 8.Before / By the time + QKĐ + QKHT Before she (have) ---------------- dinner, she (write) ------------- letter. Supply the correct VERB TENSE : 1. The coffee was all right, but the cream (be)…………………..sour. 2. He has a piano and a violin, but he (not have)………….a flute. 3. I (be)……….there when you arrive. 4. They were still waiting when I ( get)……………..there. 5. He has worked very hard since he ( be)………………here. 6. We have just come in when you (call)………….. 7. We’ll have already gone before you (get )……………back. 8. We decided to go home because it ( be )…………….very late. 9. We have been very busy while they ( be)…………..here. 10. I haven’t seen him since he (arrive)………….. 11. He works on Sundays so that he (can)………earn money to pay his tuition. 12. I (be)……………… busy since we last met. 3

13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62.

I’m very fond of Jane but I (not see)……………….much of her lately. There (be)………..no guests at all since I left? I never(see)………….anyone more beautiful than your wife. I (meet)………………..your husband this afternoon at the station. He solved the problem more quickly than I (do)…………. This one of the best books that I (ever read)…………………. She has already telephoned the people who (come)………tomorrow. I’ll never forget the kindness that you (show)………………me. She left her home last week and nobody (see)……….her since. The video film is so interesting that I (see)…………it twice. It is the first time I (meet)………………..him here. The video film was so interesting that I (see)…………it twice. It was the first time they (ever meet)………………. The news (be)………quite alarming yesterday. We (not live)……….. in England for two years now. I (never forget) ………………… what you (just tell) ………….me. They (prepare)………….. the Christmas dinner at the moment. When I last (stay)……… in Cairo, I (ride)………to the Pyramids on a camel that my friend (borrow)………… the day before. Our teacher (tell)………………… us yesterday that he (visit)………England in 1970. George (work)……………………at the university so far. When he lived in Manchester, he (work)………..in a bank. Birds (build)……………their nests in the summer and (fly)…….to the south in winter. I (lose)……………………my key. Can you help me look for it? My father (not smoke)……………………….for 5 years. My teacher wasn’t at home when I (arrive)…………He (just go)…….out How long Bold and Mary (be)…………married? You (receive)………………….any letter from your parents yet? My brother (join)…………the army when he (be)……….young. I (see)……. a car accident while I (wait)………..for you at this corner yesterday. Mr. John (be)………..principal of our school since last year. Mr. Smith (teach)…………….at this school since he (graduate)………………..in 1990. My father (not watch)……….TV every night. I (meet)…………………. Arthur 3 weeks ago. Yesterday the police (report)…………that they (capture)……………………..the thief. My friend (thank)…………………me for what I had done for him. Someone (steal)………….. my handbag on the bus. The Browns (live)……. in Paris for 7 years when the second world war (break)………. out. Last month I (be)…………………….in the hospital for ten days. Don’t call me in the afternoon. I usually (be)………………...away in the afternoon. John (drive)………..that car ever since I (know)……….him. People (speak)……….English in most of Canada. The dog (wag)………his tail whenever he (see)………me. I (never see)…………anyone more punctual than your brother. I (meet)……. your brother this afternoon at Green Street. He (light)………. a cigarette and (walk)………to the window. The performance (begin)………….at 7 o’clock and (last)……………..for 3 hours. “You (be)…….here before? ” - Yes, I (spend)……..my holidays here last year. He (leave)…………for London 2 years ago and I (not see)……..him since. You (be)…………………to the laboratory this week? By the time you (finish)…………. cooking they (do)……………… their homework. 4

63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68.

I don’t think he (change)………in the thirty years I (know)……..him. Then about a year ago he (disappear)………….and I (never hear)……… from him since. My father (fight)…………. for 4 years in the last war. I’m taking my daughter out tonight. She (not have)…………..fun for a long time. When I (look)………… at my suitcase, I could see that somebody (try)……….to open it. When we (get)…………. to the restaurant, we (find)……….that nobody (remember)…………………..to reserve a table. 69. As soon as she arrived England, she (find)……..that the language (be)……quite different from the English that she (learn)………………..at school. 70. I’m going to bed. I (work)………………..for hours and I’m tired. 71. I wanted to be the first to tell her the news, but I was too late. Someone (already tell)……………………her. 72. He (come) ………in to the room a moment after I (get)……. there. 73. I hardly (be)………there 5 minutes when Mrs. Brown (come)…………in with the coffee. 74. Scarcely they (move)…………….. into the new house when their friends (come)……..in. 75. I (meet)……………...John before I (be)…………….. a fortnight in Paris. 76. He no sooner (reach)……..the door than he (come)…….back. 77. He (have) ……… a bad fall while he (repair)………his roof. 78. It’s no using getting inpatient. The plane (not arrive)……..until the weather (clear)……up. 79. Don’t worry. We (finish)……… ……..the report by 11. 80. Listen to this ! I think this news ( surprise)…………you. 81. The Ajax shoe company (employ)……. 25 new men next month. 82. We must take umbrella. It (rain)………………. 83. Wood usually (float)…………. on the water. 84. Look out! The ceiling (fall)………………in. 85. At school, We (learn)……..two foreign languages. 86. As a boy , I (always read)………….I always (have)………..my nose in a book. 87. By the time I (recover)………. from the shock he (disappear)………round the corner. 88. I am going to write John as soon as I (have)……….spare moment. 89. The thief was arrested as he (leave)………. the bank. 90. We (send)……… the money as soon as the goods are delivered. 91. Before we (go)……very far we found that we (lose)……………. our way. 92. By the end of this year I (be)…………..here for fifteen years. 93. After I (hear)………. the news yesterday evening I (hurry)………… to see him. 94. I (not give)……………another cake till you (finish)……….your milk. 95. I’m busy at the moment. I (decorate)…………….the living room. 96. This is the house that Jack (build)………………..three years ago. 97. Mary (have)…………….. dinner when her friend called. 98. John (live)……………… in the same house since he left school. 99. Shut all the windows before you (go)………………….out. 100. Up to now, the teacher (give)……………………. our class 5 tests

TOPIC 2 : FORMS OF THE VERBS (Các dạng của động từ) I. Bare infinitives( nguyên mẫu không ‘to’) được sử dụng trong các trường hợp sau: - Sau modal verbs: can, could, may, might, shall, should, will, would, be able to, have to, used to..... - Sau các động từ : make( trong câu chủ động), let, would rather, had better... Ex: -She makes me feel happy. - Sau các động từ tri giác: see, hear, notice, smell, taste, fell..... Ex:- You had better think carefully before making a decision. II. To- infinitives(nguyên mẫu có ‘to’) được sử dụng trong các trường hợp sau: 5

S + V + to-V

1. ask (hỏi , yêu cầu) 2. hope (hi vọng) 3. manage (sắp xếp) 4. wait ( đợi) 5. want (muốn) 6. wish (mong) 7. decide (quyết định) 8. need (cần) 9. offer (đề nghị) 10. plan (lên kế hoạch) 11. prepare (chuẩn bị) 12. promise (hứa) 13. refuse (từ chối) 14. expect (mong đợi) 15. mean (ý định) 16. afford (đủ khả năng) 17. agree (đồng ý) 18. appear (xuất hiện) 19. arrange (sắp xếp) 20. beg (nài nỉ , van xin) 21. claim (đòi hỏi) 22. demand (yêu cầu) 23. fail (thất bại)

To -infinitives còn được dùng trong các công thức sau: • it + take + O + (time) + to-inf Ex: It takes me an hour to do this homework. • S + V+ how/ what/when/where/which + to-inf. Ex: I don’t know how to answer this question. • it + be + adj + (for-O) + to-inf Ex: It ís not easy to speak English fluently. • S+ V + adj/adv + ENOUGH + to-inf Ex: She is old enough to go to school alone. • S+ V + TOO + adj/adv + to-inf Ex: That boy is too young to go to school by motorbike

. III. Gerund ( V-ing- danh động từ) S + V + V-ing 1. avoid (tránh) 2. suggest (đề nghị) 3. dislike (không thích) 4. enjoy (thích) 5. fancy ( tưởng tượng ) 6. finish (hoàn thành) 7. hate (ghét) 8. keep ( tiếp tục) 9. mention (đề cập) 10. mind (phiền , ngại) 11. admit (thừa nhận 12. consider (xem xét) 13. delay (trì hoãn) 14. deny (từ chối) 15. discuss (thảo luận) 16. miss (nhớ , bỏ lỡ) 17. postpone (trỉ hoãn) 18. practice (luyện tập) 19. appreciate (đánh giá)

Sử dụng trong các trường hợp • Sau giới từ • Sau các cụm từ +would you mind (có làm phiền) +feel like (cảm thấy giống như) +can’t help (ko thể tránh / nhịn) +can’t stand (ko thể chịu đựng) +can’t bear ( ko thể chịu đựng) +be/get accustomed to (quen dần với…) + be busy (bận rộn) + be worth (xứng đáng) + look forward to(trông mong) + have difficulty/ fun/ trouble +It’s no use/ it’s no good.... chẳng ích gì Ex: It’s no use crying. +Be/get used to... quen với việc gì Ex: she is used to living alone in the city. 6

20. complete (hoàn thành) 21. permit (cho phép) 22. quit (nghỉ , thôi ) 23. recommend (nhắc nhở)

+what/how about...? Ex: What about going to the cinema? • Sau spend/waste+time/money Ex: They spend money buying apartment.

Note : Các trường hợp dùng V-ing hoặc to-inf nhưng mang nghĩa khác nhau: Stop to V: có nghĩa là: dừng lại để làm một việc gì dó Ving ~ give up: Bỏ thôi không làm một việc gì đó Forget to V: quên làm gì đó Ving: Quên là đã làm gì Regret

to V: tiếc nuối Ving: Hối hận là đã làm gì Remember V – ing: nhớ việc đã xảy ra To-V: nhớ việc chưa xảy ra/ cần phải làm Try V – ing: thử làm một việc gì To –V: cố gắng làm một việc gì Go on to -V : tiếp tục làm việc khác V-ing : tiếp tục việc đang làm Prefer + V-ing to V-ing: thích cái gì hơn cái gì +S vật+ need + V-ing = need + to be + V3: cần được (bị động) +S người+ need + to-inf: cần (chủ động) Ex: I need to wash my car. My car is very dirty. It needs washing / to be washed. + Cấu trúc nhờ vả: S + have + O người + V1 + O vật ... S + have + O vật + V3 + (by + O người) ... S + get + O người + to-inf + O vật S + get + O vật + V3 + (by + O người) I. Use the correct verb form 1. Tourists could see fish (swim)………………… along the brook. 2. We enjoy (swim) ………………… along this river. 3. The form teacher has asked Jack (write) …………………an essay on the Thames. 4. It sometimes may be difficult (get) ………………… a taxi during rush- hours. 5. The principal noticed those pupils (try) …………………….. harder and harder. 6. Children have just stopped ( play) ……………………….. football. 7. They keep (talk) …………………………… about an old friend they met yesterday. 8. They’ve finished (do) ……………………………..their homework. 9. I advised him (wait) ………………………………. for me at the airport. 10. Would you mind (help) ……………………………. me with this work? 11. Do you smell something (burn) ………………….. in the kitchen? 12. Mother requests her daughter not (come) ……………………back home late. 13. We shall have the grass (cut)……………………. tomorrow. 14. They noticed lots of sheep (graze) ……………………. in green meadows. 15. Would you like (have) ………………………… something to eat? 16. It started (rain) ……………… an hour ago. Has it stopped (rain) ………………… yet? 17. My family is trying (decide)……………………where to go on holiday. 18. Our teacher made me (answer)……………… .all the questions. 19. I’ve enjoy (meet) ………………. you. I hope (see) ………………….. you again. 7

20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42.

I hate (see) …………………. a child (cry)………………………... They prefer ( play)………………………… in swimming pool all day. They refuse (go)……………………….. out on trips if it’s too hot. I used (smoke)………………… 20 cigarettes a day, but now I give up (smoke) ………… We decided (rent)……………………… a house with a swimming pool. Can you help me (get) ……………………. the dinner ready? When we arrived, the people next door invited us (have)……………a drink with them. We began (talk)……………………………. about next year’s holiday two months ago. I remember (lock)…………. the door when I left but forgot (shut) ………… the window. He agrees (start)…………………………… the job as soon as possible. I finished (read)………………………….. the book and went to bed. My teachers always expected me (do)………………………………….. well in exams. Let me (pay) ………………………………….. for the meal. You paid last time. I used (smoke)………………… 20 cigarettes a day, but now I give up (smoke)………… We decided (rent)……………………… a house with a swimming pool. Can you help me (get)……………………. the dinner ready? When we arrived, the people next door invited us (have)……………a drink with them. We began (talk)……………………………. about next year’s holiday two months ago. I remember (lock)…………. the door when I left but forgot ( shut) ………… the window. I finished (read)………………………….. the book and went to bed. My teachers always expected me (do)………………………………….. well in exams It’s difficult (get) ……………used to (eat) ………………………… with chopsticks. Gravity keeps the moon ………………………. around the earth instead of …………………… off into space. (travel / shoot) 43. If you go on …………………… the dog ……………… after cars, he’ll end by ……………… run over. (let / run / be) 44. There is no point …………………………… about the bill. (worry) 45. In order ……………………… ……………………… with bird flu, Ba suggested that chicken shouldn’t ……………………….. (avoid / infect / eat) 46. He is too ill ……………………. anything. (do) 47. He should be advised ……………………… a lot of milk. (drink) 48. We remember ……………………. him before. (meet) 49. They don’t allow …………………… in the auditorium, they don’t want …………………… …………………. it on fire. (smoke / risk / set) 50. That boy was used to …………………….. from school by his mother. (collect) 51. Do you know the man ………………………at the door ? (stand) 52. You should consider ……………………… on a picnic at the weekend. (go) 53. She didn’t enjoy ………………………… by his neighbors. (help) 54. On the way home, Long often stops ……………………… a newspaper. (buy) 55. I tried …………………… to take part in that competition essay. (convince) II.Choose the best answer : 1. We are looking forward _____ you again soon. A. to see B. to seeing C. saw D. have seen 2. My mother was afraid to let the boy _____ the tree. A. to risk climbing B. to risk to climb C. risk climbing D. risk to climb 3. I remember _____ but he said I did not. A. to buy him a book B. buy him a book C. buying him a book D. to have bought him a book 4. Remember _____ john a present . today is his birthday. A. send B. to send C. sent D. sending 5. I suggest _____ some more mathematical puzzles. 8

A. do B. to do C. doing D. done 6. Would you mind _____ the door? A. open B. to open C. opening D. opened 7. You should give up _____ or you will die of cancer. A. smoke B. to smoke C. smoking D. smoked 8. The driver stopped _____ a coffee because he felt sleepy. A. have B. to have C. having D. had 9. That old man tried to stop _____ because of his bad health. A. smoke B. smokes C. smoked D. smoking 10. There is nothing prevent us from______ the mystery of that palace. A. discover B. discovery C. discovering D. discoveries 11. Mr. Thomas does not allow people_____ in his office. A. smoke B. to smoke C. smoked D. smoking 12. We are not allowed _____ in that restricted area. A. to enter B. enter C. entering D. to entered 13. You had better _____ at home until you feel better. A. stay B. to stay C. staying D. stayed 14. The machine needs_____ . A. B & C are correct B. to be repaired C. repairing D. to repair 15. I couldn’t help _____ when I heard the story. A. laughing B. to laugh C. laughed D.laugh 16. She used that money _____ a new car. A.buy B. buying C. to buy D. for buying 17. Rex hotel was the best place for us _____. A. stays B. staying C. to stay D. stay 18. You can’t stop me from _____ what I want. A. doing B. do C. to do D. that I do 19. Peter usually help his mother ______. A. to do housework B. do housework C. with housework D.all are correct 20. I must go now. I promise _______ late. A. not being B. not to be C. to not be D. I won’t be 21. Can you manage_____ ______ the report in the morning? A. finishing / to write B. to finish / writing C. finishing / writing D. to finish / to write 22. Do you want ______ with you or do you want to go alone? A. me coming B. me to come C. that I will come D. that I come 23. I’m sure I locked the door. I clearly remember _____ it. A. locking B. to lock C. to have locked D. to be locked 24. She tried to be serious, but she couldn’t help ______. A. laughing B. to laugh C. that she laughed D. laugh 25. I like _____ the kitchen as often as possible. A. not cleaned B. clean C. to clean D. that I clean 26. He tried to avoid ______ my question. A. answering B. to answer C. answer D. how to answer 27. Could you please stop _______ so much noise? A. to make B. make C. making D. to have make 28. I enjoy ______ to music. A. listen B. to listen C. listening D. listened 29. Have you finished ______ your hair yet? A. wash B. washed C. washing D. to wash 30. If you walk into the road without looking, you risk _____ knocked down. 9

A. been B. to be C. be D. being 31. Jim is 65, but he isn’t going to retired yet. He wants to carry on _____. A. to work B. work C. works D. working 32. Hello! Fancy _____ you here! What a surprise! A. to see B. seeing C. seen D. see 33. I’ve put off _____ the letters so many times. I really must do it today. A. write B. to write C. written D. writing 34. What a stupid thing to do! Can you imagine anybody _____. A. being B. be C. to be D. were 35. Sarah gave up ______ to find a job in this country and decided to go abroad. A. apply B. to apply C. applying D. application 36. Suddenly he stopped the car in order ______. A. smoke B. to smoke C. smoking D. has smoked 37. I can’t bear ______this dirty room. A. seeing B. to see C. seen D. saw 38. Have you considered _____ to live in another country? A. going B. to go C. gone D. goes 39. Cathy suggested _____ to the cinema. A. went B. not to go C. not go D. going 40. They caused her _____ a lot. A. cried B. crying C. to cry D. cry 41. Paula quit _____ alcohol three years ago. A. to drink B. drank C. being drunk D. drinking 42. We must do something. We can’t go on _____ like this. A. to live B. living C. life D. live 43. My mother rarely allows me _____ things for myself. A. to buy B. bought C. buy D. buying 44. She admitted _____ the money. A. to steal B. steals C. steal D. having stolen 45. It was late, so we decided ______ a taxi home. A. to take B. taken C. taking D. was taken 46. Simon was in a difficult situation, so I agreed _______ him some money. A. lend B. lending C. to lend D. lender 47. How old were you when you learnt ______ ? A. how to drive B. how driving C. how drive D. how drivers 48. I waved to Karen but I failed ____her attention. A. to be attracted B. to attract C. attracting D. attracted 49. We decided ______ because of the bad weather. A. not going out B. not to go out C. not go out D. not gone 50. She always encouraged her son _____ . A. to jog B. jogged C. is jogging D. jogging 51. They seem _____ plenty of money. A. are having B. to have C. having D. had 52. I like Simon, but I think he tends ___too much. A. to talk B. talking C. talk D. is talking 53. Ann pretended ______ me as he passed me in the street. A. not seeing B. not to seen C. not see D. not to see 54. Do you understand _______? A. what done B. what doing C. what to do D. what do 55. Can somebody show me ______ the film in this cinema? A. how to changed B. how change C. how changing D. how to change 10

56. Don’t forget _____ the letter I gave you. A. to post B. posting C. post D. posted 57. Jill didn’t afford _____ a car. A. buy B. to buy C. buying D. bought 58. They had a boy ______ that yesterday. A. done B. to do C. did D. do 59. We get our mail ______ yesterday. A. been delivered B. delivered C. delivering D. to deliver 60. We’ve got a new computer in our office. I haven’t learnt how ______ it yet. A. to operate B. operating C. operate D. be operated 61. Tom hopes _______ a solution soon. A. to be found B. finds C. to find D. finding 62. You must ______ a lot of people here. A. to know B. knowing C. know D. known 63. This involves having a good memory and ______ hard. A. work B. to work C. worked D. working 64. I would rather ______ this job. A. not taken B. not take C. not to take D. not taking 65. I spent some time ______ around the shops in Elizabeth street yesterday. A. looked B. be looking C. look D. looking TOPIC 3 : PASSIVE VOICE (Câu bị động) I. CÁCH CHUYỂN ĐỔI TỪ CÂU CHỦ ĐỘNG SANG CÂU BỊ ĐỘNG Active:




V+ +


BE + Ved/3+

BY + O

II. CÁCH CHUYỂN ĐỔI HÌNH THỨC ĐỘNG TỪ CỦA MỘT SỐ THÌ TENSES Simple present Present continuous Present perfect Simple past Past continuous Past perfect Simple future Future perfect

ACTIVE FORM V1 / Vs(es) Am / is / are + V-ing Has / have + P.P V2 / V-ed Was / were + V-ing Had + P.P Will / shall + V1 Will/ shall + have + P.P

PASSIVE FORM Am / is / are + P.P Am / is / are + being + P.P Has / have + been + P.P Was / were + P.P Was / were + being + P.P Had + been + P.P Will / shall + be + P.P Will / shall + have + been + P.P

Note: - Trạng từ chỉ nơi chốn đứng trước by + O; trạng từ chỉ thời gian đứng sau by + O - Nếu chủ từ trong câu chủ động là từ phủ định thì đổi sang câu bị động phủ định. - Các chủ từ someone, anyone, people, he, she, they … trong câu chủ động thì có thể bỏ “by + O” trong câu bị động III. SPECIAL CASES :(Các trường hợp đặc biệt) 1. Reporting verb with THAT clause : (Động từ tường thuật với mệnh dề THAT) - Động từ tường thuật: say, claim, report, show... 11

- Động từ chỉ ý kiến: think, believe, consider, expect, feel, hope, understand... Dạng 1 : • Active: People/They + V1 + (that) + S + V2 • Passive: It + be + Ved/cột 3(V1) + (that) + S + V2 Ex 1 : People believe that the weather is changing dramatically. → It is believed that the weather is changing dramatically. (Người ta tin rằng thời tiết sẽ thay đổi đáng kế.) Ex 2: They said that he served in the army. → It was said that he served in the army. (Người ta nói rằng ông ấy đã phục vụ trong quân đội.) Dạng 2: • Active : S1 + V1 + (that) S2 + V2 • Passive : - S2+ be + Ved/cột 3(V1)+ to +V bare-inf(V1=V2 ) - S2+ be + Ved/cột 3(V1)+ to +have + Ved/cột 3(V2>V1) Ex1 : We know that he is an honest man. -It is known that he is an honest man - He is known to be an honest man. Ex 2: They say that the castle was built in the 19th century. -The castle is said to have been built in the 19th century. - It is said that the castle was built in the 19th century I. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. II. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14.

Use the correct PASSIVE tense of these verbs in brackets : An island ………………………. by water. (cover) I ……………………… to the party last night but I didn’t come. (invite) Many accidents …………………… by reckless driving. (cause) A new dormitory …………………… in the university campus now. (build) Thank goodness ! My jewelry …………………… in the robbery last night. (steal / not) If I didn’t do my job properly, I …………………………. (sack) The electric light bulb ……………………… by Thomas Edison. (invent) Mickey Mouse cartoons …………………………… in sixty languages. (translate) If it is foggy, that sport event …………………………… (cancel) The examinees …………………… the result of the examination next week. (tell) This machine ……………………… for quite a long time. (not use) The clever dog saved Lan and her family from …………………… in the typhoon. (catch) I am looking forward to ……………………… fairly. (treat) Change these sentences to the passive voice : My students have met their friend at the station. ……………………………………………… They didn’t allow Tom to take these books home. ……………………………………………… The teacher won’t correct exercises tomorrow. ………………………………………………… How many trees did they cut down ? …………………………………………………………… This well-known library attracts many people. ………………………………………………… All students attended the meeting. ……………………………………………………………… People say that he is intelligent. ………………………………………………………………… He can’t repair my bike. ………………………………………………………………………… Mary has operated Tom since 10 o’clock. ……………………………………………………… Mr. Smith has taught us French for 2 years. …………………………………………………… They didn’t look after the children properly. …………………………………………………… Nobody swept this street last week. …………………………………………………………… People drink a great deal of tea in England. …………………………………………………… People speak English all over the world. ……………………………………………………… 12

15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59.

Tom was writing 2 poems. ……………………………………………………………………… She often takes her dog for a walk………………………………………………………………. She didn’t introduce me to her mother. ………………………………………………………… Farmers usually collect milk cows twice a day. ……………………………………………… Our teacher used to bid us talk in class. ………………………………………………………… Workers were digging a large hole in the ground. ……………………………………………… The car knocked a woman down in the street. ………………………………………………… Cows were eating grass on the meadow. ………………………………………………………… My cousin will meet you at the station. ………………………………………………………… Visitors must leave umbrellas in the cloakroom. ……………………………………………… My mother used to make us clean the house. ……………………………………………………. John hasn’t finished his homework. ……………………………………………………………... They suggested banning advertisements on TV. ………………………………………………… I will shut the door if you like. ………………………………………………………………… We have just seen a horrible accident. ………………………………………………………… What language do people speak in this country? ……………………………………………… At 7 p.m., Mrs. Smith was making cakes. ……………………………………………………… He isn’t going to buy that house. ………………………………………………………………… This terrorist has kept 3 hostages for a week. …………………………………………………… He hasn’t seen you for years. …………………………………………………………………… The examiner will read the passage 3 times. …………………………………………………… An earthquake destroyed the town. …………………………………………………………… He didn’t type the letter last night. ……………………………………………………………… They will pick me up at my house. …………………………………………………………… When did you see him in that bank? …………………………………………………………… A man returned the keys to me. ………………………………………………………………… Mary will see her friends off at the station. …………………………………………………… They have to pull down that building. …………………………………………………………… He gave me a knife to cut this bread. …………………………………………………………… They used to drink beer in England ……………………………………………………………… She can sew 3 shirts a day. ……………………………………………………………………… We consider that she is the best singer. ………………………………………………………… Nobody has used this room for ages. …………………………………………………………… I am translating an article into Vietnamese. …………………………………………………… People said he had swallowed a safety pin. ……………………………………………………… Someone is following me. ……………………………………………………………………… The State will assign our students to different jobs. …………………………………………… She read the letter again and again last night. ………………………………………………… This is the first time they have written to us about this. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………. How many lessons are you going to learn next month? …………………………………………………………………………………………………… Someone had invented electric lights before I was born. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………. People know that Japan produces a wide range of cars. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………. Before they took exams they had revised their lessons. …………………………………………………………………………………………………… When he came home his father was reading a newspaper. …………………………………………………………………………………………………… My father will take me to Ho Chi Minh City next week. 13

60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66.

………………………………………………………………………………………………….. When I was 18 years old, my parents allowed me to go out in the evening. …………………………………………………………………………………………………… You were wearing your new hat when I met you yesterday. …………………………………………………………………………………………………… He is preparing everything for the presidential election. …………………………………………………………………………………………………… Last Friday, when I came to Jane’s house, she had finished all exercises. …………………………………………………………………………………………………… Countries are finding a way to solve the problem. …………………………………………………………………………………………………… He put the letter in the drawer, and then he locked it up. …………………………………………………………………………………………………… By the end of this year, we will have learnt 2,000 English words. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………

67. Her father was planting different kinds of flowers in the garden. …………………………………………………………………………………………………… 68. The Prime Minister is making a speech at the moment. …………………………………………………………………………………………………… 69. How many days did she spend finishing the work? …………………………………………………………………………………………………… 70. The doctor pulled out one of my teeth yesterday morning. …………………………………………………………………………………………………… 71. His wife usually brings him sandwiches at lunch time. …………………………………………………………………………………………………… 72. The light went out while I was making a cup of tea. …………………………………………………………………………………………………… 73. When she went to Barcelona, she learnt some Spanish. …………………………………………………………………………………………………… 74. The students of chemistry made many experiments last week. …………………………………………………………………………………………………… 75. For the past years, I have done all my washing by hand. …………………………………………………………………………………………………… 76. A pair of robins has built a nest in the porch since last week. …………………………………………………………………………………………………… 77. They say that she is the best singer in this town. She ………………………………………………………………………………………………. 78. They believe he will be the winner. It ………………………………………………………………………………………………… 79. People think that Tom stole food in the supermarket 3 days ago. Tom ……………………………………………………………………………………………… 80. Someone reported that the situation was under control. The situation …………………………………………………………………………………….. 81. It is said that she works 16 hours a day. She ………………………………………………………………………………………………. 82. Someone thinks that the company is planning a new advertising campaign. The company ……………………………………………………………………………………. 83. Everyone expects that the soap opera will end next year. It ………………………………………………………………………………………………… 14

84. It is alleged that the man drove through the town at 90 miles an hour. The man …………………………………………………………………………………………. 85. Someone believed that the President had suffered a heart attack. The president ……………………………………………………………………………………. 86. They think that the prisoners escaped by climbing over the wall. The prisoners ……………………………………………………………………………………. 87. It is reported that the buildings have been badly damaged by fire. The buildings …………………………………………………………………………………….. 88. It is reported that many people are homeless after the floods. Many people ……………………………………………………………………………………… 89. We all expected that Marta will pass the exam. It ………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 90. People believe that he was killed by terrorists. He ………………………………………………………………………………………………… TOPIC 4: REPORTED SPEECH (Câu tường thuật) I. Thay đổi ngôi (Đại từ nhân xưng, Đại từ sở hữu và Tính từ sở hữu) 1. Ngôi thứ nhất: dựa vào chủ từ của mệnh đề tường thuật; thường đổi sang ngôi thứ ba me → him / her my → his / her I → He / She We → They us → them our → their 2. Ngôi thứ hai: (You, your) - Xét ý nghĩa của câu và đổi cho phù hợp, thường đổi dựa vào túc từ của mệnh đề tường thuật 3. Ngôi thứ ba (He / She / Him / Her / His / They / Them / Their): giữ nguyên, không đổi II. Thay đổi về thì trong câu: DIRECT INDIRECT Simple past – V2 / V-ed Simple present - V1 /Vs(es) Present progressive – am / is / are + V-ing Past progressive – was / were + V-ing Present perfect – have / has + P.P Past perfect – had + P.P Present perfect progressive – have / has been +V-ing Past perfect progressive - had been + V-ing Simple past – V2 / -ed Past perfect – had + P.P Past progressive – was / were + V-ing Past perfect progressive – had been +V-ing Simple future – will + V1 Future in the past - would + V1 Future progressive will be + V-ing Future progressive in the past - would be + V-ing III. Thay đổi các trạng từ chỉ thời gian và nơi chốn: DIRECT INDIRECT Now Then Here There This That These Those Today That day Tonight That night Yesterday The day before / the previous day Last year The year before / the previous year Tomorrow The following day / the next day / the day after Next month The following month / the next month / the month after Ago Before BẢNG ĐẠI TỪ 15

Subject I You He She It We They

Object me you him her it us them

Adjective possessive My your his her its our their

CÁC THAY ĐỔI CỤ THỂ CHO TỪNG LOẠI CÂU TRONG LỜI NÓI GIÁN TIẾP 1. Câu mệnh lệnh, câu đề nghị - Mệnh lệnh khẳng định: Direct: S + V + O: “V1 + O …” Indirect: S + asked / told + O + to + V1 + …. Ex: He said to her: “Keep silent, please.” → He told her ------------------------------------ Mệnh lệnh phủ định: Direct: S + V + O: “Don’t + V1 + …” Indirect: S + asked / told + O + not + to+ V1 …. Ex: The teacher said to the students: “Don’t talk in the class.” → The teacher ------------------------------------------------------------------2. Câu trần thuật Direct: S + V + (O) : “clause” Indirect: S + told / said + (O) + (that) + clause Note: said to → told Ex: Tom said, “I want to visit my friend this weekend.” → Tom said (that) -----------------------------------------------------------------------She said to me, “I am going to Dalat next summer.” → She told me (that) ------------------------------------------------------------------3. Câu hỏi a. Yes – No question Direct: S + V + (O) : “Aux. V + S + V1 + O….?” Indirect: S + asked + O + if / whether + S + V + O …. Ex: He asked: “Have you ever been to Japan, Mary?” → He asked Mary -------------------------------“Did you go out last night, Tan?” I asked → I asked Tan ------------------------------------------------b. Wh – question Direct: S + V + (O): “Wh- + Aux. V + S + V1 + O ?” Indirect: S + asked + O + Wh- + S + V + O. Ex: “How long are you waiting for the bus?” he asked me. → He asked me ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Change these sentences into reported speech 1. Daisy said : “ Please lend me your history book, Joana. ” ……………………………………………………………………………………………… 2. The police said : “ Don’t touch anything in this room, everybody. ”…………………………………………………………………………………………… 3. Mrs. Green said to her friend : “ Can you help my son with his literature ? ” ……………………………………………………………………………………………… 4. “ You shouldn’t translate each sentence into Vietnamese ”, his brother said. ……………………………………………………………………………………………… 5. “You should learn words and do exercises in order to get good grades”, my teacher said. ……………………………………………………………………………………………… 16


“ You have to take part in the rice-cooking contest tomorrow”, Nam’s father said. ………………………………………………………………………………………………… 7. “It was raining all day yesterday in Nha Trang”, my pen pal said. ………………………………………………………………………………………………… 8. “We are waiting for the school bus now”, the children said. ………………………………………………………………………………………………… 9. “Don’t touch this button or you will get a shock, Ha”, his father said. ……………………………………………………………………………………………… 10. “I must go to Hanoi today”, my friend said. …………………………………………………………………………………………………… 11. “The sun rises in the east and sets in the west”, my teacher said. …………………………………………………………………………………………………… 12. My friend said ,“ I have already written this letter”. ……………………………………………………………………………………………… 13. Carol said to me, “I will ask Mr. Wilson about this lesson the next day”. ……………………………………………………………………………………………… 14. Her friend said to her, “I don’t understand these lessons carefully”. ……………………………………………………………………………………………… 15. Mr. Quang said ,“I must leave right now”. ……………………………………………………………………………………………… 16. Charles said to Jane, “I have to leave the office before 3.30 pm” ……………………………………………………………………………………………… 17. Mary and John said, “We don’t know those two girls very well” ……………………………………………………………………………………………… 18. Jimmy said to Maryam, “I have given you this bike twice” ……………………………………………………………………………………………… 19. Mr. Pike said to me, “ I need you to help me with this work tonight.” ……………………………………………………………………………………………… 20. Helen asked the child, “Are you going to visit your uncle tomorrow ?” ……………………………………………………………………………………………… 21. She asked her friend, “Do you go to school by bike today ?” ……………………………………………………………………………………………… 22. The man said to his daughter, “ Did you feel sick yesterday ?” ……………………………………………………………………………………………… 23. Paul asked his mother, “Shall I put this wardrobe here ?” ……………………………………………………………………………………………… 24. “Can you lend me some money to buy this book, please Nam ?”, Uyen asked. ……………………………………………………………………………………………… 25. “ Will you be ready to start the course tonight ?”, she asked us. ……………………………………………………………………………………………… 26. My mother said to my sister, “Do you want to go shopping with me this afternoon ?” ……………………………………………………………………………………………… 27. “Did you go climbing yesterday, Minh”, Mrs. Ngoc asked her son. ……………………………………………………………………………………………… 28. My brother said to his best friend, “If I were you, I would be patient in this situation” ……………………………………………………………………………………………… 29. The teacher wondered, “Does this student understand the lesson completely ?” ……………………………………………………………………………………………… 30. The customer told me, “Can you speak English or French ?” ……………………………………………………………………………………………… 31. The police asks the witness, “What are you doing here ?” 17

……………………………………………………………………………………………… 32. Jim asked Laurence, “How many students are there in your class this year ?” ……………………………………………………………………………………………… 33. “What was Mr. Minh doing at this time yesterday ?”, Ngoan said ……………………………………………………………………………………………… 34. “What happened to Mr. Budd yesterday evening ?”, one of the boys wanted to know. ……………………………………………………………………………………………… 35. The men asked Mary, “How long have you waited for this doctor ?” ……………………………………………………………………………………………… 36. I said to the salesman, “How much does this dress cost today ?” ……………………………………………………………………………………………… 37. Betty wonders, “When did I send a letter to my parents ?” ……………………………………………………………………………………………… 38. I asked him, “What are you writing now ?” ……………………………………………………………………………………………… 39. They said to her, “Where will your father leave here for the USA ?” ……………………………………………………………………………………………… 40. Minh said, “Which of these pictures do you like best, Mr. Hung ?” ……………………………………………………………………………………………… 41. My father told me, “You must choose the person who can try his best to do this work.” ……………………………………………………………………………………………… 42. Hong told Hoa, “ I want to know what was Mom doing at that time ” ……………………………………………………………………………………………… 43. “ I have left my key a home. What time is it now?” he asked me. ……………………………………………………………………………………………… 44. “I am going shopping. Can I get you anything ?” she said to Tan. ……………………………………………………………………………………………… 45. Daniel said, “Is there a café nearby ?” and Tom said, “No” ……………………………………………………………………………………………… 46. Hang said: “Why doesn’t Ha buy them this picture as a wedding present?” ……………………………………………………………………………………………………... 47. “I can’t work at all! My typewriter isn’t working properly,” she said …………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 48. “I think you should try to be more punctual,” she said to Ha …………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 49. “You can’t park here”, the policeman said. …………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 50. “Have you worked before?” she said to him …………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 51. “Can you work on Saturday before?” she said to him …………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 52. “May I open the window?” she asked …………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 53. “Would it be alright if I had the day off?” she said to her boss …………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 54. “May I borrow your tennis racket?” she asked him …………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 55. “Are you coming to the party tonight, Ha?” she asked …………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 56. “Can I borrow your pen , Ha?” she asked ……………………………………………………………………………………………………. 18

57. “Do you know where my tennis racquet is, Mum?” he asked her Mum …………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 58. “Was Ha at work yesterday?” she asked her secretary ……………………………………………………………………………………………………. 59. “Did you read the article about Prince Diana?” she asked him …………………………………………………………………………………………………… 60. “Where do you live?” she said to him …………………………………………………………………………………………………… 61. “Why do you want the job?” she said to him ……………………………………………………………………………………………………. 62. “How did you hear about it?” she said to him …………………………………………………………………………………………………… 63. “How much do you expect to earn?” she said to him …………………………………………………………………………………………………… 64. “When can you start?” she said to him …………………………………………………………………………………………………… 65. “What time is it, Ha?” she asked …………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 66. “How long have you worked for this company?” she asked ……………………………………………………………………………………………………... 67. “Why has he been working so hard?” she asked …………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 68. “Why did you do it when I told you not to?” she said to me ……………………………………………………………………………………………………. 69. “Why didn’t you come at ten o’clock?” she said …………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 70. He said, “I don’t know what happened.” ……………………………………………………………………………………………………. 71. She said, “I went to the dentist yesterday.” ……………………………………………………………………………………………………. 72. She said, “The doctor wrote me a prescription.” …………………………………………………………………………………………………… 73. “If you type this letter out for me, I’ll buy you a drink, OK? Thanks!” he said (persuade) …………………………………………………………………………………………………….

TOPIC 5 : WISH SENTENCES (Câu ước) Có 3 dạng câu mong ước: - Mong ước không thật trong tương lai KĐ: S+ wish(es) + S + would + V1 PĐ: S + wish(es) + S + wouldn’t + V1 Ex: I wish you would stop smoking. - Mong ước không thật ở hiện tại: KĐ: S + wish(es) + S + V2/-ed + O (to be: were / weren’t) PĐ: S + wish(es) + S + didn’t + V1 Ex: Ben isn’t here. I wish Ben were here. I wish I could swim. - Mong ước không thật ở quá khứ: KĐ: S + wish(es) + S + had + V3/-ed 19

PĐ: S + wish(es) + S + hadn’t + V3/-ed Ex: She failed her exam last year. She wishes she hadn’t failed her exam. Note: S + wish(es) có thể thay bằng If only Ex: I wish I weren’t so fat. = If only I weren’t so fat. I. Use the correct verb form : 1. I wish I ………………. one twin sister like my friend Sally. (have) 2. My parents wish they …………………. to the beach this weekend. (go) 3. I’m fed up with the rain. I wish it …………………. (stop) 4. Jimmy wishes he ………………. old enough to drive a car. (be) 5. I wish I ……………………. go to the moon for a vacation. (can) 6. I wish you …………………………… all the time. (not complain) 7. He wished he …………………. harder during the examination. (work) 8. We wish it …………………… raining now. (not be) 9. She wishes he ………………… a lie with her. (not tell) 10. My father wishes I …………………. the entrance 10 next month. (pass) 11. She wishes her father …………… here to help her now. (be) 12. I wish you …………………. them my phone yesterday. (not give) 13. I wish they …………………… us when we were in the town. (visit) 14. He wishes someone ………………… him a work next month. (give) 15. If only I …………………… a trip to Hanoi next week. (take) 16. We wished we …………………… the teacher’s explanation yesterday. (understand) 17. He missed an exciting sport program. He wishes he …………………. it. (watch) 18. If only I ……………… more time to finish this work. (have) 19. I wish she …………………… to see me yesterday. (come) 20. I wish that someone …………………… able to marry her. (be) II. Write sentences beginning with I wish : 1. I haven’t got much money. I wish ……………………………………………………………. 2. She’d like to be far away from house. I wish ………………………………………………… 3. Francisco lives a long way away. I wish …………………………………………………… 4. I have to practice the piano every day. I wish ……………………………………………… 5. I’m very bad at math. I wish ………………………………………………………………….. 6. Daniel doesn’t live in the center of town. Daniel wishes ……………………………………. 7. I don’t know how to repair the car. I wish …………………………………………………… 8. It rains here every day. I wish ……………………………………………………………… 9. Nicholas is sorry he smashed up his car. Nicholas wishes ………………………………… 10. The snow won’t stop until tomorrow. I wish ………………………………………………… 11. I am not lying on a beach in the Caribbean. I wish ………………………………………… 12. I don’t have time to go around the city. I wish ……………………………………………….. 20

13. My friend cannot stay with me longer. I wish ……………………………………………… 14. I don’t know many English words. I wish ……………………………………………………. 15. She doesn’t send me her recent photos. She wishes ………………………………………….. 16. It won’t be fine tomorrow. I wish …………………………………………………………… 17. My students don’t speak English fluently. My students wish ……………………………… 18. My students write lessons slowly. My students wish ……………………………………… 19. The exercises are long. I wish ……………………………………………………………… 20. The film is boring. I wish ……………………………………………………………………. TOPIC 6 : CONDITIONAL SENTENCES (Câu điều kiện) 1. Type 1: điều kiện có thể xảy ra ở hiện tại hoặc tương lai If clause Main clause S + V1 / V s(es) S + will / can/ may + V1 (don’t / doesn’t + V1) (won’t / can’t + V1) 2. Type 2: điều kiện không có thật ở hiện tại If clause S + V-ed / V2 (didn’t + V1) To be: were / weren’t 3. Type 3: điều kiện không có thật trong quá khứ If clause S + had + P.P (hadn’t + P.P)

Main clause S + would / could / should + V1 (wouldn’t / couldn’t + V1)

Main clause S + would / could / should + have + P.P (wouldn’t / couldn’t + have + P.P)

4. Những cách khác để diễn đạt câu điều kiện: a. Unless = If ….not If you don’t work hard, you can’t earn enough money for your living. = Unless --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------b. Without: không có = if … not Without water, life wouldn’t exist. = If ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Note: 1. Có thể diễn tả câu điều kiện mà không cần dùng if hay unless bằng cách đảo ngữ. Were I rich, I would help you. = If I were rich, I would help you. Had I known her, I would have made friend with her. = If I had known her, I would have made friend with her. If you should run into Peter, tell him to call me. 21

= Should you run into Peter, tell him to call me. 2. Mệnh đề chính trong câu điều kiện loại 1 có thể là một câu đề nghị hoặc lời mời. If you see Peter at the meeting, please tell him to return my book. If you are free now, have a cup of coffee with me. 3. Đổi từ if sang unless: IF UNLESS Khẳng định Khẳng định (động từ trong mệnh đề chính đổi sang phủ định) Phủ định Khẳng định (mệnh đề chính không thay đổi) Ex: If we had more rain, our crops would grow faster. Unless ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------If she doesn’t work harder, she will fail the exam. Unless -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------6. Dạng câu: Mệnh lệnh + or + Clause - If you don’t + V1, Clause - If you aren’t + …, Clause Ex: Be carefull or you will cut yourself. If ------------------------------------------------------Go away or I will call the police. If ------------------------------------------------------I. Use the correct form of the verbs in parentheses : a) Type 1 : 1. If the weather …………. good next weekend, we …………… away somewhere. (stay / go) 2. Come on ! If we ……………, we ………………… the bus. (hurry / catch) 3. There …………… big floods every year if the cutting down of trees continues. (be) 4. If there ……… too much litter in the streets, the environment will become polluted. (be) 5. If the sea level ………………, there will be many floods in many parts of the world. (rise) 6. They will be late for the meeting if they ………………… now. (not leave) 7. If you aren’t careful, you …………………. the plates. (drop) 8. If anyone ……………… me, please tell them I’m out. (phone) 9. If crops ………………… with pesticides, they …………… by insects in soil. (spray / destroy) 10. If he ………………. too much pesticide on vegetables, they will become edible. (not use) b) Type 2 : 1. If you ………… a king, what ………………………… ? (be / you-do) 2. You would feel better if you ………………. a short rest. (take) 3. If she ………… two years older, she ……………… part in the contest. (be / take) 4. They ………………… angry if you didn’t inform him. (be) 5. The teacher …………. disappointed if I ……………. lazy like this. (not be / not be) 6. What ……………………. if the moon …………………… ? (happen / disappear) 7. If the cats had wings, they ………………. able to fly. (be) 8. If the streets …………………, there ……………. so many accidents. (widen / not be) 9. If you broke the traffic law like him, you ………………….. a fine. (get) 10. He ……………… better if he ……………… his hair dried. (look / not have) c) Type 3 : 1. If I ……………. that you were in the hospital, I …………………… you. (know / visit) 2. I shouldn’t have believed it if I …………………. with my own eyes. (not see) 3. If you …………………. ten minutes earlier, you ………………… a seat. (arrive / get) 4. If you ………………… more slowly, they ……………………. you. (speak / understand) 5. If he ………………. the instructions carefully, he ………………… in hot water. (read / wash) d) Mixed practice : 1) If I were you, I …………………………….( invite) Jack to the party. 2) She would get 100 pounds if she ………………..(sell) this old shelf. 22

3) If they had enough money, they………………………..( buy) a new car. 4) If it……………………(rain), I will stay at home. 5) If the weather………………….(be) fine, the children can walk to school. 6) We…………………….( pass) the exam if we studied harder. 7) If Pat………………………..( repair) his bike, he could go on a bicycle tour with us. 8) Walter…………………….( help) his mother in the garden if she reads him a story this evening. 9) If you come with me, I ………………….( do) the shopping with you. 10) Our teacher will be happy if we ……………………(learn) the poem by heart. 11) If we meet at 9:30, we………………….(have) plenty of time. 12) Lisa would find the milk if she…………………….( look) in the fridge. 13) The zookeeper would have punished her with a fine if she…………………..(feed) the animals. 14) If you spoke louder, your classmates………………………………(understand) you. 15) Dan………………………..(arrive) safe if he drove slowly. 16) You…………………………..(have) no trouble at school if you had done your homework. 17) If you………………………( swim) in this lake, you'll shiver from cold. 18) The door will unlock if you………………….( press) the green button. 19) If Mel………………………….(ask) her teacher, he'd have answered her questions. 20) I……………………(call) the office if I were you 21) If we…………………( cycle) to Dresden, it will be a fantastic trip. 22) I……………….( miss) the school bus if I don't get up early. 23) Harriet would stay longer in Vienna if she…………………( have) more time. 24) She………………..(support) the people in Peru if she bought her coffee beans in this shop. 25) If I don't see Claire today, I………………………..(phone) her this evening. 26) If Carlos………………….( go) sailing, he'll need a life-jacket. 27) If my brother………………….( park) his car here, the traffic warden would give him a ticket. 28) You'll catch a cold if you…………………………(not wear) a pullover. 29) If you drink more of this sweet lemonade, you…………………………..(get) sick. 30) If Marcus sings under the shower, I………………………(turn up) the radio up to full volume. 31) If I………………..( go) to Leipzig, I'll visit the zoo. 32) If it…………………….(not rain), we'd be in the garden. 33) If you……………………..(wear) a lighter jacket, the car driver would have seen you earlier. 34) We……………………………….(watch) TV tonight if Peter hadn't bought the theatre tickets. 35) She wouldn't have had two laptops if she……………………………………(sign) the contract. 36) If I were a millionaire, I………………………………(live) in Beverly Hills. 37) You would save energy if you………………………………( switch off) the lights more often. 38) If we had read the book, we…………………………………..(understand) the film. 39) My sister could get 10 marks if the teacher…………….( explain) the grammar once more. 40) They…………………………………………….(arrive) on time if they hadn't missed the train. 41) If it rains, the boys………………………………(not play) hockey. 42) If he………………………..(grow) his own vegetables, he wouldn't have to buy them. 43) Jim………………………….(see) whisky destilleries if he travelled to Scotland. 44) Would you go out more often if you…………………..(not have to do) so much in the house. 23

45) She wouldn't have yawned the whole day if she…………………….(not stay up) late last night. 46) If you…………….( wait) a minute, I'll come with you. 47) If we arrived at 10, we………………….(miss) Tyler's presentation. 48) We……………………………(help) John if we'd known about his problems. 49) If they…………………….(use) new batteries, their camera would have worked correctly. 50) If I went anywhere, it……………………………..(be) New Zealand. II. Use UNLESS instead of IF : 1. If she doesn’t hurry, she’ll be late. ……………………………………………………………… 2. If we had more rain, our crops would be better. ………………………………………………… 3. If you don’t like this one, I will bring you another. ……………………………………………… 4. If you are not careful, you will cut yourself with that knife. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 5. I’ll be able to do any work if I don’t now have a quiet room. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 6. The flood would have been ruined if the flood had risen higher. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 7. If you hadn’t sneezed, he wouldn’t have known that we were there. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 8. If she did her hair differently, she would look quite nice. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 9. If John had played for our football team, we would not have lost the game. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 10. If I won the first prize in a lottery, I’d give up my job. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… III.Mixed practice : 1. Keep silent or you’ll wake the baby up. …………………………………………………………. 2. I don’t know the answer, so I can’t tell you. …………………………………………………….. 3. We got lost because we didn’t have the map. ……………………………………………………. 4. My friend was so late, so he missed the train. …………………………………………………… 5. Be calm, or you’ll make a wrong decision. ……………………………………………………… 6. Today isn’t Sunday, so the students don’t go swimming. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 7. Because you don’t leave immediately, I call the policeman. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 8. I don’t know her number, so I don’t ring her up. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 9. Go right now or you will be late for the train. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 10. As she is often absent from class, she can’t keep pace with her classmates. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 11. I couldn’t write to Alice because I didn’t know her address. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 12. The heavy rain kept everybody from going outdoors. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 13. I didn’t watch TV last night because I was busy. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 14. People don’t see the UFO, so they don’t call the National UFO Reporting Center. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 15. Thu can’t swim, so she doesn’t go swimming in Lam Son Swimming pool. 24

………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 16. His flight was delayed so he couldn’t be there on time. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………… 17. They do not understand you because you speak too fast. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 18. He doesn’t apply for the job because he doesn’t have enough qualifications. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 19. He never polishes his shoes, so he never looks smart. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 20. Go right now or you will be late for the train. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… TOPIC 7 : TAG QUESTION (Câu hỏi đuôi) 1. Quy tắc chung: - Câu nói và phần đuôi luôn ở dạng đối nhau Câu khẳng định, đuôi phủ định? Câu phủ định , đuôi khẳng định?

Ex: The children are playing in the yard, aren’t they? They can’t swim, can they? - Chủ từ của câu nói là đại từ, ta lặp lại đại từ này Ex: She is a doctor, isn’t she? - Chủ từ là danh từ, ta dùng đại từ tương ứng thay thế Ex: People speak English all over the world, don’t they? - Đại từ bất định nothing, everything: được thay bằng “it” Ex: Everything is ready, isn’t it? - Các đại từ no one, nobody, someone, somebody, everyone, everybody, anyone, anybody: được thay bằng “they” Ex: Someone called me last night, didn’t they? - Đại từ this / that được thay bằng “it”;these / those được thay bằng “they” Ex:That is his car, isn’t it? These are your new shoes, aren’t they? - “There” trong cấu trúc “there + be” được dùng lại ở phần đuôi Ex: There aren’t any students in the classroom, are there? - Câu nói có trợ động từ (will / can / shall / should / is / are …): trợ động từ được lặp lại ở phần đuôi Ex: You will come early, won’t you? - Câu nói không có trợ động từ: trợ động từ do / does / did được dùng ở phần đuôi Ex: It rained yesterday, didn’t it? She works in a restaurant, doesn’t she? - Câu nói có chứa các từ phủ định thì phần đuôi khẳng định Ex: He never comes late, does he? Note: Động từ trong phần đuôi ở phủ định thì luôn được viết ở dạng rút gọn. 2. Một số trường hợp đặc biệt: - Phần đuôi của I AM là AREN’T I Ex: I am writing a letter, aren’t I? - Phần đuôi của Let’s là SHALL WE Ex: Let’s go out tonight, shall we? - Câu mệnh lệnh khẳng định: + dùng phần đuôi WON’T YOU để diễn tả lời mời + dùng phần đuôi WILL / WOULD / CAN / CAN’T YOU để diễn tả lời yêu cầu lịch sự 25

Ex: Have a piece of cake, won’t you? Close the door, will you? - Câu mệnh lệnh phủ định: dùng phần đuôi WILL YOU để diễn tả lời yêu cầu lịch sự Ex: Please don’t smoke her, will you? - Phần đuôi của ought to là SHOULDN’T Ex: She ought to do exercise every morning, shouldn’t she? I.Add a correct question tag to each sentence 1. You aren't afraid of snakes…………………? 2. Ann isn't at home……………… ……? 3. You don't know French………………? 4. Tom didn't see her……………………? 5. This isn't yours………………………? 6. Mary wasn't angry……………………? 7. Bill hasn't had breakfast………………? 8. You won't tell anyone…………………? 9. I didn't wake you up……………………? 10. Tom doesn't like oysters………………? 11. You don't want to sell the house………………? 12. It doesn't hurt…………………………? 13. People shouldn't drink and drive…………………? 14. You aren't going alone………………………? 15. They couldn't pay the rent……………………? 16. You don't agree with Bill……………………? 17. There wasn't a lot to do……………………? 18. I needn't say anything………………………? 19. That wasn't Ann on the phone……………………? 20. You didn't do it on purpose…………………………? 21. This won't take long………………………? 22. She doesn't believe you…………………? 23. It didn't matter very much………………? 24. Mary couldn't leave the children alone………………? 25. You aren't doing anything tonight……………? 26. You wouldn't mind helping me with this……………? 27. George hadn't been there before……………? 28. The children weren't surprised…………………? 29. You wouldn't like another drink………………? 30. Tom doesn't have to go to lectures……………? 31. Bill hasn't got a car……………? 32. Bill couldn't have prevented it……………? 33. I needn't wait any longer……………? 34. There weren't any mosquitoes………………? 35. The fire wasn't started deliberately ………………? 36. The children can read French…………………? 37. He's ten years old………………………? 38. Bill came on a bicycle………………? 39. The Smiths have got two cars…………………? 40. Your grandfather was a millionaire………………? 41. Tom should try again……………………? 42. It could be done……………………? 43. Your brother's here…………………………? 26

44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80. 81. 82. 83. 84. 85. 86. 87. 88. 89. 90. 91. 92. 93. 94.

That's him over there……………………? George can leave his case here………………………? This will fit in your pocket……………………? His wife has headaches quite often…………………? She's got lovely blue eyes…………………? The twins arrived last night…………………? Mary paints portraits……………………? Bill puts the money in the bank……………………? Prices keep going up…………………? I've seen you before……………………? Bill's written a novel………………? His mother's very proud of him…………………? The twins used to play rugby………………………? Tom might be at home now…………………? We must hurry………………………? You'd been there before……………………? You'd like a drink……………………? The boys prefer a cooked breakfast…………………? Mary ought to cook it for them……………………………? That was Ann on the phone………………………? The Smiths need two cars………….……? He used to eat raw fish………….………? You'd better wait for Bill………………? You'd come if I needed help……………? You could come at short notice…………………? You take sugar in tea…………………? But you don't take it in coffee……………………? The lift isn't working today…………………… It never works very well………………………? The area was evacuated at once ………………………? There was no panic ……………………? Though everybody realized the danger……..…………? There was a lot of noise……………..……? But nobody complained…………………? Mary hardly ever cooks……………………? She buys convenience foods……………………? She'd save money if she bought fresh food…………………? Mr. Smith usually remembered his wife's birthdays…………………? But he didn't remember this one…………………………? And his wife was very disappointed……………………… He ought to have made a note of it……………………? Neither of them offered to help you………………? They don't allow pet dogs in this shop…………………? But guide dogs can come in………………………? He hardly ever leaves the house……………………? That isn't Bill driving……………………? Nothing went wrong………………? Lions are loose in this reserve………………………? It'd be unpleasant to be attacked by a lion………….……? He is never at home on Sunday, …………………? It is a pity Ann didn't come with us……………………? 27

95. Lives were lost unnecessarily…………………? 96. There used to be trees here…………………… 97. There isn't any point in waiting…………………? 98. He'll hardly come now……………………? 99. You’ ve already done your homework,……………………….? 100. They don’t walk regularly,………………………………? TOPIC 8 : ADJECTIVES, ADVERBS & COMPARISONS (Tính từ, trạng từ và các dạng so sánh) 1. Tính từ: - Đứng trước danh từ: adj + N Ex: She is a good teacher. - Sau động từ to be Ex: He is handsome. - Sau các động từ liên kết như: become, get, feel, look, seem, taste, smell, sound,… Ex: My mother looks tired. - Trước enough Ex: Nam is old enough to drive a car. - Trong cấu trúc so + adj + that 2. Trạng từ: - Đứng sau động từ thường Ex: John drives carefully. - be + adv + V3/-ed Ex: The ship wasbadly damaged by the storm. - Một số từ vừa là tính từ, vừa là trạng từ: fast (nhanh), hard, early, late (trễ) 3. Tính từ + Mệnh đề Một số tính từ chỉ cảm giác như: glad, happy, pleased, delighted, excited, sorry, disappointed, amazed, có thể có một mệnh đề theo sau Ex: We are happy that you won the scholarship. 4.So sánh) a. So sánh bằng: S + be + as + adj. + as + …. S + V thường + as + adv. + as+ …. b. So sánh hơn: - Tính từ / Trạng từ ngắn: S + V + adj. / adv. + ER + THAN + ….. - Tính từ / Trạng từ dài: S + V + MORE + adj. / adv. + THAN + ….. c. So sánh nhất: - Tính từ / Trạng từ ngắn: S + V + THE + adj. / adv. + EST + ….. - Tính từ / Trạng từ dài: S + V + THE MOST + adj. / adv. + ….. d. Một số tính từ, trạng từ bất qui tắc Good / well Bad / badly Far Much / many Little

better worse further farther more less

the best the worst the furthest the farthest the most the least 28


happier the happiest Lazy lazier laziest Clever cleverer the cleverest Narrow narrower the narrowest

I.Use the correct tense or form of the words in parentheses : 1. Most of the students did …………… on their test. Their test results were …………... (good) 2. James looked very (sad) …………………... because she lost the game. 3. The children seemed ……………………. They played …………… in the garden. (happy) 4. He is a ……………….. man. He always drives ………………….. (careful) 5. The weather was so ……………...... yesterday. (awful) 6. I can’t remember ……………………….. what happened. (clear) 7. I was disappointed that I did so …………………… in the exam. (bad) 8. It was raining ………………………. so we stayed at home. (heavy) 9. Mary speaks English very ………………………. (fluent) 10. Nam is a …………………….. student. (good) II. Use the correct kind of comparison form of adjectives and adverbs : 1. Your house is ………………….. than my house. (big) 2. These books are ………………… than those books. (thick) 3. Hoi An Ancient Town is the …………………….. town in Vietnam. (old) 4. The Great Wall of China is the world’s …………………. structure. (long) 5. Nam is ………………. than Ba. He is ……………………. boy in class 6A. (tall) 6. This girl is …………………… than that girl. (clever) 7. Mary is ……………………… as her sister. (pretty) 8. The Nile River is the ………………….. river in the world. (long) 9. A new house is ………………………. than an old one. (expensive) 10. We’ve had …………………. difficulty with this part than that one. (little) 11. His English is …………………….. of these students. (good) 12. Mount Everest is ……………………… mountain in the world. (high) 13. Travelling by air or car, which is ………………………… ? (interesting) 14. It’s too noisy here. Can we go somewhere …………………… ? (quiet) 15. Hanoi is ……………………… than Ho Chi Minh City. (small) 16. PETRONAS Twins Towers are ……………………… than Sears Towers. (tall) 17. Thanks to the progress of science, our life is becoming ………… and ………… (good) 18. In order to get good marks, we have to do ………………….. practice. (far) 19. John is much …………………… than I thought. (strong) 20. Mr. Kelly is ………………………… man in that organization. (popular) III. Rewrite these sentences, keeping the original meaning: 1. My house is bigger than your house. →Your house is.................................................................................................... 2. The black car is cheaper than the red car. →The red car ....................................................................................................... 3. This film is more interesting than that one. →That film is ....................................................................................................... 4. My kitchen is smaller than yours. → Your kitchen................................................................................................... 5. My grandmother is older than every one in my family. → My grandmother is the..................................................................................... 6. No one in my class is as tall as Tam. → Tam is the......................................................................................................... 29


I can’t cook as well as my mother. → My mother can cook ....................................................................................... 8. He does not play tennis as well as Jack. → Jack can ........................................................................................................... 9. I did not spend as much money as you. → You spent ....................................................................................................... 10. I don’t think this book is expensive as it is. → This book is ..................................................................................................... 11. He is the tallest boy in his class. → No one in ....................................................................................................... 12. This is the most interesting film of all. → No other films are .......................................................................................... 13. No cars in the world are more expensive than Japanese ones. Japanese cars ...................................................................................................... 14. This exercise is easier than that one. → That exercise is not ........................................................................................ 15. He drives more carefully than Jack does. → Jack ........................................................................................................... 16. No one in the group plays better than he. → He can ........................................................................................................... 17. No hotel in the city is as comfortable as this. → This hotel is the .............................................................................................. 18. Other oceans in the world aren’t as large as the Pacific one. → The Pacific Ocean is ....................................................................................... IV. Choose the best answer among A, B, C or D to complete each sentence. 1. Ms. Jones isn't as nice ................. Ms. Smith. A. as B. for C. like D. to 2. The rooms in Graduate Towers are ................ Patterson Hall. A. larger than B. larger than that of C. larger than those in D. larger than in 3. Although she is very popular, she is not ............. her sister. A. pretty as B. as pretty C. prettier than D. most pretty than 4. Tuition at an American university runs …….... six thousand dollars a semester. A. so high as B. as high to C. as high as D. as high than 5. Everyone looks much ................ today than they did yesterday. A. happy B. more happily C. happily D. happier 6. Mr. Brown receives a ............. salary than anyone else in the company. A. big B. more bigger C. bigger D. the bigger 7. The Boeing 747 is twice ................. the Boeing 707. A. bigger than B. as bigger as C. as big as D. more bigger than 8. "Do you know that beautiful lady over there?" "Yes, that's Wanida. She's ...................... in her group. A. more beautiful than any girl B. more beautiful than any other girl C. so beautiful as other girl D. beautiful more than another girl 9. My young brother grew very quickly and soon he was ........... my mother. A. more big than B. so big than C. as big as D. too big than 10. He is not ……………………tall as his father. 30

A. the B. as C. than D. more 11. John’s grades are ………………..than his sister’s. A. higher B. more high C. high D. the highest 12. Deana is the …………………… of the three sisters. A. most short B. shorter C. shortest D. more short 13. She speaks English as ………………. as her friend does. A. good B. well C. better D. the best 14. Of the three shirts, this one is the ………………… . A. prettier B. most prettiest C. prettiest D. most pretty 15. The baby’s illness is ………………… than we thought at first. A. bad B. worst C. worse D. badly 16. Today is the ………………… day of the month. A. hot B. hotter C. hottest D. hottest than 17. He works more ………………….. than I. A. slow B. slowly C. slowest D. most slowly 18. My book is as …………………. as yours. A. good B. well C. better D. the best 19. I love you ………………….. than I can say. A. much B. many C. more D. the most 20. It’s ……………… to go by bus than by car. A. cheaper B. cheapest C. more cheap D. more cheaper 21. That house is ……………… one on the street. A. oldest B. the oldest C. old D. older 22. This hotel must be ……………… than the small one next door. A. expensive B. more expensive C. the most expensive D. the more expensive 23. An orange is ……………… than a plum A. more large B. more larger C. larger D. the largest 24. What is the ……………… thing you have ever done? A. more difficult B. most difficult C. difficulty D. difficult than 25. This river is ..................... than that river. A. narrow B. narrowest C. narrower D.most narrow 26. The test is not ………….… difficult ……………… it was last month. A. as / as B. so / as C. more / as D. A and B 27. Peter usually drives ………………… Mary. A. more fast B. more fast than C. faster than D. B and C 28. My brother sang ....................of all the pupils of the group. A. more beautifully B. the most beautifully C. less beautifully D. most beautifully 29. At 3,810 meters above sea level in Bolivia stands Lake Titicaca, ……........ in the world. A. the highest large lake B. largest high lake C. high largest lake D. the high largest lake 30. The hotel was ................... any one we had stayed at before. A. more expensive than B. more expensive as C. most expensive than D. better expensive than 31. A: It's a long way from Britain, isn't it? B: Yes, but it isn't as ................ as Hong Kong. A. far B. farther C. farthest D. further 31

32. A: It's hot there, isn't it? B: It's very ................ during the day. A. hot B. hotter C. hottest D. hotter than 33. Japan is usually ................ Saudi Arabia in summer. A. hot than B. as hot so C. cooler than D. so hot as 34. .............. apples are grown in Washington State. A. Best B. The better C. The best D. The most good 35. She is now ............... she used to. A. more busy than B. busier than C. more busier than D. busier that 36. This play is ............... than the one we saw last week. A. as good B. good C. more good D. better 37. Of Charles Dickens’ novels, Great Expectations is perhaps .............. to many readers. A. the most satisfying one B. most satisfying one C. more than satisfying one D. the more satisfying than 38. He says: “These neighbors are .................. the others.” A. friendlier than B. friendly than C. friendlier as D. more friendly than 39. The Mississippi is .................. The Thames. A. the longer than B. longer than C. the longest than D. more long than 40. ................ tools are screwdrivers, hammers and saws. A. The usefulness B. The most useful C. The more useful D. The best useful 41. Some computers can work 500,000 times ................ any person can. A. faster than B. fast than C. fatter than D. more fast than 42. This pen is .................. the other two pens. A. more expensive as B. the most expensive of C. more expensive than D. as expensive than 43. The exam was quite easy; ................... we expected. A. more easy that B. more easy than C. easier than D. easier as 44. The story was really boring. It was ..................... I’ve ever read. A. most boring story B. the more boring story C. the story more boring D. the most boring story 45. The picture he gave you is more valuable .......... the one he gave me. A. over B. above C. to D. than 46. Australia’s one of the .................places in the world for holiday. A. good B. the best C. better D. better 47. Nam runs ....................than any boy in his class. A. faster B. more faster C. the fastest D. fastest 48. The Sears Tower is ………………. building in Chicago. A. taller B. the more tall C. the tallest D. taller and taller 49. Peter is ……………… John. A. younger and more intelligent than B. more young and intelligent than C. more intelligent and young than D. the more intelligent and younger than 50. The Mekong Delta is ………………. deltas in Vietnam. A. the largest of the two B. the more larger of the two C. one of the two largest D. one of the two larger 32

TOPIC 9 : PHRASES AND CLAUSES (Mệnh đề và cụm từ) A. PHRASE AND CLAUSE OF PURPOSE I/ Clauses and phrases of purpose(mệnh đề và cụm từ chỉ mục đích): 1. Để chỉ mục đích ta dùng 1 số cụm từ sau:to V, in order to,so as to. Vto not Vto In order to + V- inf hoặc phủ định in order not to + V-inf So as to so as not to Ex :I try to study to pass my next exam. I try to study in order to pass my next exam. I try to study so as to pass my next exam. 2. mệnh đề chỉ mục đích được dùng với so that/in order that S + V + so that/in order that + S + can/ could/ will/ would + V-inf I try to study so that/in order that I can pass my next exam I. Rewrite these sentences, using CLAUSE OF PURPOSE : 1. We hurried to school so as not to be late. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 2. He climbed up the tree in order to get better view. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 3. You should get up early so that you will have time to review your lesson. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 4. Some young people like to earn their own living in order to be independent of their parents. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 5. We should do morning exercise so as to improve our health. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 6. Everybody in the world must unite their efforts to maintain and protect peace. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 7. She put on warm clothes so as not to catch cold. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 8. She locked the door so as not to be disturbed. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 9. He cut the hair so as to avoid being arrested by the police ………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 10. We should take advantage of the scientific achievements of the world so as to develop our national money. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………. II. Rewrite these sentences, using PHRASE OF PURPOSE : 1. Leave early so that you may get home before dark. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 2. This man changed the address constantly so that he could avoid the police. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 3. I shouted in order that I could warn anyone of danger. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 4. Banks are developed so that they can keep people’s money safe. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 5. Mary went to the library in order that she could borrow some books. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 6. Yesterday, my father went to the bank so that he would open a checking account. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 7. I went to see him so that I could find what had happened. 33

………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 8. Tom is saving up so that he could buy a new bicycle. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 9. He hurried so that he could catch the train. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 10. She is learning French so that she will be able to speak it when she comes to Paris. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………. III. Use phrase or clause of purpose to combine each pairs of these sentences : 1. The boy stood on the chair. He wanted to get better view. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 2. We turn down the volume of the radio. We don’t want to bother our neighbors. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 3. I’ll write to you. I want you to know my decision. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 4. Angelina Jolie wore a veil. She didn’t want to be recognized. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 5. These men were talking in whispers. They didn’t want anyone to hear their conversation. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 6. The man spoke loudly. He wanted everyone in the hall could hear him clearly. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 7. Doris often goes home as soon as the class is over. She doesn’t want her mother to wait for her. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 8. Mr. Thompson is studying Vietnamese. He wishes to read Kim Van Kieu. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 9. Alice prepared her lesson carefully. She needed to get good marks. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 10. You should walk slowly. Your sister can follow you. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 11. She needs a job. She wants to support her parents. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 12. The farmer built a high wall around his garden. The fruits wouldn’t be stolen. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 13. The notices are written in several languages. Everyone may understand them. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 14. Dick is practicing the guitar. He can play for the dance. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………. B. PHRASE AND CLAUSE OF RESULT (Mệnh đề và cụm từ chỉ kết quả) II/ Clauses and phrases of result(mệnh đề và cụm từ chỉ kết quả) 1. Cụm từ chỉ kết quả: * ENOUGH TO: đủ... dể có thể S + V + Adj/ Adv + enough (for+O) + to V S + V + not + Adj/Adv + enough (for+O) + to V Ex :

He is tall enough to reach the top shelf. I didn’t run fast enough to catch up the bus . * TOO....TO: quá ... không thể S + V + too + Adj/Adv + ( for + O) + to V + O Ex : He is too short to play basket ball. 2.Mệnh đề chỉ kết quả: là mệnh đề phụ dùng để chỉ kết quả do mệnh đề chính gây ra 34

* SO……THAT: Qúa ...đến nổi S + V + so + Adj / Adv + that + S + V + O . Ex : She speaks English so quickly that we can’t understand her. Có thể dùng với danh từ: SO many + Nđđ + that + S + V SO much + Nkđđ + that + S + V * SUCH……..THAT: qúa... đến nổi It + be + such + a/an + Adj + N + that + S + V They + be + such + Adj + Ns + that + S + V . Ex : The exercise is very difficult so we can’t finish. = The exercise is so difficult that we can’t finish. = It is such a difficult exercise that we can’t finish. Nếu S1 là vật mà O2 nhắc lại vật đó và dùng với từ “it”: • Trong cấu trúc: So/ such … that, ta giữ lại từ “it” • Trong cấu trúc: Too … to; enough … to ta bỏ từ “it”. Ví dụ: The water was so cold that the children couldn’t swim in it. → It was such cold water that the children couldn’t swim in it. → The water was too cold for the children to swim in. → The water is not warm enough for the children to swim in * SO : cho nên Clause ( nguyên nhân) , so + clause ( kết quả) Ex : The weather was very cold , so we couldn’t go out. She didn’t study harder ,so she didn’t pass the exam. I. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. II.

Combine each pairs of these sentences, using TOO…TO : Tom is short. He can’t touch the ceiling. ……………………………………………………… Alice is very young. She can’t stay at home alone. ……………………………………………… It’s very late. We can’t see a movie. …………………………………………………………… She lives far from school. She can’t walk there. ………………………………………………… It’s very cold. We can’t go swimming today. …………………………………………………… The jacket is very small. He can’t wear it. ……………………………………………………… Peter is very tired. He can’t study. ……………………………………………………………… The pencil is very short. She can’t use it. ……………………………………………………… The meeting is very important. We can’t miss it. ……………………………………………… Sarah can’t take a day off. She was very busy. ………………………………………………… You speak so fast that I can’t catch up with your words. …………………………………………………………………………………………………… The piano was too heavy. We couldn’t hang it on the wall. …………………………………………………………………………………………………… The test was very long. We can’t finish it in half an hour. …………………………………………………………………………………………………… Mike was very busy. He couldn’t go to his aunt’s house warming party. …………………………………………………………………………………………………… Some movies are very violent. Children shouldn’t watch them …………………………………………………………………………………………………… He reached the station very late. He couldn’t catch the train. …………………………………………………………………………………………………… Combine each pairs of these sentences, using ENOUGH TO : 35

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

It’s not warm today. We can’t go outside. ……………………………………………………… The coat isn’t warm. I can’t wear it in winter. ………………………………………………… Tom doesn’t have money. He can’t pay his bills. ……………………………………………… The ice is very thick. People can dance on it. …………………………………………………… The ladder is rather long. We can use it. ………………………………………………………… The shirt is big. He can wear it. ………………………………………………………………… That bookcase is large. It can hold 150 books. ………………………………………………… The box is light. She can lift it. ………………………………………………………………… The weather is very rough. We can’t swim in it. …………………………………………………………………………………………………… 10. I didn’t have time. I couldn’t eat breakfast this morning. …………………………………………………………………………………………………… 11. The room is not wide. We can’t hold a party in this room. …………………………………………………………………………………………………… 12. That chair is not strong. We can’t stand so long on that chair. …………………………………………………………………………………………………… 13. It was very hot. You can fry an egg on the pavement. …………………………………………………………………………………………………… 14. You are quite thin. You can slip between the two bars. …………………………………………………………………………………………………… 15. Mary doesn’t have money. She can’t buy that Martin bicycle. …………………………………………………………………………………………………… III. Combine each pairs of these sentences, using SO / SUCH THAT : 1. Combine these pairs of sentences using "so……..that": 1. That woman was very tall. She could almost touch the ceiling. __________________________________________________________ 2. This coat is very big. I can't wear it. __________________________________________________________ 3. The coffee was so strong. She couldn't go to sleep. __________________________________________________________ 4. That bag was very heavy. None of us could carry it. __________________________________________________________ 5. The stadium is very large. It can hold 60,000 people. __________________________________________________________ 6. Those lessons are very difficult. He can't understand them. __________________________________________________________ 7. She was very busy. She couldn't do the housework. __________________________________________________________ 8. The climate was very bad. All the plants couldn't grow well. __________________________________________________________ 9. I'm very tired. I couldn't keep my eyes open. __________________________________________________________ 10. That boy is very lazy. He never does his homework. __________________________________________________________ 2. Combine these pairs of sentences using "such....that" : 1. Tom was a tall man. He could almost touch the ceiling. __________________________________________________________ 2. Mary is a good swimmer. She has won two gold medals. __________________________________________________________ 3. He drank strong coffee. He couldn't go to sleep. __________________________________________________________ 36

4. It was a long walk. The children got tired. __________________________________________________________ 5. He told interesting stories. They all like him. __________________________________________________________ 6. The boy made rapid progress. It surprised everybody. __________________________________________________________ 7. He had a difficult exercise. He couldn't do it. __________________________________________________________ 8. The speaker gave a long talk. Most of the audience felt sleepy. __________________________________________________________ 9. We watched an exciting competition. We didn't want to go home. __________________________________________________________ 10. It was an excellent show. We all enjoyed it. __________________________________________________________ IV.Rewrite the following sentences as directed: 1. It was such an expensive house that nobody can buy it. → The house was so ________________________________________ 2. The food was so good that we ate all of it. → It was __________________________________________________ 3. The patient was too weak to get up. → The patient was so ________________________________________ 4. This room is too dark for me to study. → This room is so __________________________________________ 5. This room is too small for us to take the meeting → This room isn’t ___________________________________________ 6. The test was so difficult that we couldn’t do it. → The test was not __________________________________________ 7. The map is so old that I couldn’t read it. → The map is too ___________________________________________ 8. He spoke so fast that we couldn’t hear him well → He didn’t ________________________________________________ C. PHRASE AND CLAUSE OF REASON and CONCESSION (Mệnh đề và cụm từ chỉ nguyên nhân và sự nhượng bộ) Clauses and phrases of reason:( mệnh đề và cụm từ chỉ lí do) 1. Cụm từ chỉ lí do: Because of / Due to/ owing to + N / Pro/ V-ing Ex : We couldn’t go out because of the bad weather . 2. Mệnh đề chỉ lí do: Because/As /Since + S + V Ex: We couldn’t go out because the weather was bad . IV/Clauses and phrases of concession( mệnh đề và cụm từ chỉ sự nhượng bộ) 1. Cụm từ chỉ sự nhượng bộ: Inspite of / Despite + N / Pro/ V-ing Ex : Inspite of the bad weather , we had a wonderful holiday. 2. .Mệnh đề chỉ sự nhượng bộ 37

Though Although + S + V + O. Eventhough Ex : Although the weather was bad , we had a wonderful holiday. THE WAYS OF CHANGING A CLAUSE TO A PHRASE (cách đổi một mệnh đề thành cụm từ) 1- Mệnh đề có chủ từ là một đại từ (Pronoun) + be + adj khi đổi sang cụm từ ta bỏ BE, đổi chủ từ thành tính từ sở hữu (possessive adj), đổi tính từ thành danh từ Subject (pronoun) + be + adj

Ex1: Althoughadj he +was lazy, he passed the test. Possessive noun Despite hislaziness, he passed the test. Ex2: Though he was poor, he lived a happy life. 2- Mệnh đề cú chủ từ là danh từ (noun) + be + adj khi chuyển sang cụm từ ta bỏ Be, đổi chủ từ thành sở hữu cỏch (possessive case), đổi tớnh từ thành danh từ. Subject (noun) + be + adj

Ex:possessive The car didn’t crash+though case nounthe driver was careless. The car didn’t crash despite the driver’s carelessness. 3- Mệnh đề cú chủ từ + V(ordinary) khi chuyển sang cụm từ ta bỏ chủ từ đổi động từ sang dạng V-ing. Subject + V(ordinary)



Though he studied hard, he didn’t passed the test. In spite of studying hard, he didn’t passed the test. 4- Mệnh đề cú There be + noun, khi chuyển sang cụm từ ta bỏ there be. There + be

+ Noun

Ex: ->Although there were+many people there, they couldn’t rescue him. x Noun Despite many people there, they couldn’t rescue him. I. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

Complete these sentences by using although / in spite of / because / because of : ………………… the meeting is at 2pm, I won’t be able to see you. ………………… I told you the absolute truth, no one would believe me. My mother is always complaining ………………. The untidiness of my room. I didn’t get the job …………………… I have all necessary qualifications. It’s unsafe to travel in that country …………………… the ongoing civil war. The villagers refused to leave …………………… the drought. ………………….. everything looked different, I had no idea to go. …………………. his age, John was not hired ……………… he had enough qualifications It was difficult to deliver the letter …………….the sender had written the wrong address on the envelope. 38

10. We decided to leave early …………………the party was boring. 11. Rescue attempts were temporarily halted ……………………………the bad weather. 12. Paul may not go to the football game………………………….his grades. 13. ………………… the traffic jam, I came to the meeting late. 14. ………………. having a bad cough, she was able to sing in the choir. 15. She walked slowly …………………. her leg was injured. 16. Several people in the crowd became ill and fainted ……………….. the extreme heat. 17. I had to work the yesterday …………………….. I was still feeling unwell. 18. ………………… there was a shortage of water, many trees died rapidly. II. Choose the best answer : 1. _____it was raining heavily he went out without a raincoat. A. In spite B. In spite of C. However D. Although 2. _____he wasn’t feeling very well, he went to visit his aunt as usual. A. Although B. However C. Therefore D. Still 3. He was offered the job______ his qualifications were poor. A. despite B. in spite of C. even though D. Whereas 4. ______ we were in town, we often met him. A. For B. Although C. So D. When 5. She didn’t get the job ____ she had all the necessary qualifications. A. because B. although C. so D. but 6. I could not eat ____ I was very hungry. A. even though B. in spite C. despite D. in spite the fact that 7. In pite _____, the baseball game was not cancelled. A. the rain B. of the rain C. it was raining D. there was a rain 8. ______ he had enough money, he refused to buy a new car. A. In spite B. In spite of C. Despite D. Although 9. ______, he walked to the station. A. Despite tired B. In spite being tired C. Although to be tired D. Despite being tired The children slept well, despite _____. A. it was noise B. the noise C. of the noise D. noisy 10. She left him __________ she still loved him. A. even if B. even though C. in spite of D. despite 11. _______ her lack of hard work, she was promoted. A. In spite B. Even though C. in spite of D. despite of 12. _______ they are brothers, they do not look like. A. Although B. Even C. Despite D. In spite of 13. We are concerned with the problem of energy resouces ____ we must think of our environment. A. despite B. though C. as D. but 14. ______ some Japanese women are successful in business, the majority of Japanese companies are run by men. A. But B. Even if C. If D though 15. In spite of not speaking French, Mike decided to settle in Paris. A. Even though Mike didn’t speak French, but he decided to settle in Paris. B. Mike decided to settle in Paris despite he didn’t speak French. C. Mike decided to settle in Paris though the fact that not speaking French. D. Although Mike didn’t speak French; he decided to settle in Paris. 16. Mr. Ba was late for the meeting though he took a taxi. A. Even though taking a taxi, Mr. Ba was late for the meeting. B. In spite of taking a taxi, Mr. Ba was late for the meeting. C. Mr. Ba was late for the meeting despite the fact he took a taxi. D. Mr. Ba was late for the meeting although having taken a taxi. 39

17. We came to the meeting on time though the traffic was heavy. A. Despite the traffic was heavy; we came to the meeting on time. B. In spite of the heavy traffic, we came to the meeting on time. C. Even though the heavy traffic, we came to the meeting on time. D. Although the traffic was heavy, but we came to the meeting on time. 18. Although he took a taxi, Bill still arrived late for the concert. A. Bill arrived late for the concert whether he took a taxi or not. B. Bill arrived late for the concert because of the taxi. C. In spite of taking a taxi, Bill arrived late for the concert. D. Bill took a taxi to the concert, but he couldn’t catch it. 19. Although she is rich, she can’t afford to buy the car. A. She doesn’t have enough money to buy the car she likes. B. Rich as she is, she can’t afford to buy the car. C. The car is too expensive for her to buy. D. She wants to buy the car but it costs a lot. 20. Although Sue felt tired, she stayed up late talking to Jill. A. Despite feeling tired, Sue stayed up late talking to Jill. B. In spite feeling tired, Sue stayed up late talking to Jill. C. Sue wouldn’t feel tired despite staying up late talking to Jill. D. Sue stayed up late talking to Jill. As a result, she was tired. III. Rewrite these sentences, using BECAUSE / BECAUSE OF : A. 1. Because I am sick, I do not go out. Because of …………………………………………… 2. Because the water is polluted, we can’t swim in that river. Because of ………………………………………………………………………… 3. Because Nga has had a sore leg, she had difficulty in walking Because of …………………………………………………………………………………… 4. Because he behaved badly, he found himself in trouble. Because of …………………………………………………………………………………… 5. Because it was snowing, we didn’t go out for a walk. Because of …………………………………………………………………………………… 6. Because of his good looks, he is popular with many girls. Because ……………………………………………………………………………………… 7. Because of his serious sickness, he couldn’t come to the class. Because ……………………………………………………………………………………… 8. Because of too much exhaust fume, people have to wear gauze masks in the streets. Because ……………………………………………………………………………………… 9. Because of their good performance, they won the first prize. Because ……………………………………………………………………………………….. 10. Because of your advice, we didn’t use that poisonous chemical. Because ……………………………………………………………………………………… IV. Rewrite these sentences, using ALTHOUGH / THOUGH / DESPITE / IN SPITE OF 1. The traffic jam made them come to the meeting late. => Because……………………………………………………………………………………… 2. Because of the heavy rain, the traffic jam became more serious. => Because ……………………………………………………………………………………… 3. Although he has a very important job, he isn’t particularly well-paid. =>In spite of …………………………………………………………………………………… 4. Although I had never seen her before, I recognized her from a photograph. => Despite ……………………………………………………………………………………… 5. She wasn’t wearing the coat althoughit was quite cold. 40

=>In spite of ……………………………………………………………………………………… 6. We thought we’d better invite them to the party although we don’t like them very much. => Despite ……………………………………………………………………………………… 7. AlthoughI didn’t speak the language, I managed to make myself understand. =>In spite of ……………………………………………………………………………………… 8. Although the heat was on, the room wasn’t warm. => Despite ……………………………………………………………………………………… 9. I didn’t recognize her although I’d met her twice before. =>In spite of ……………………………………………………………………………………… 10. Mr. Harris often misses the bus because his hours are irregular. => Because of ………………………………………………………………………………………… 11. We’re not very good friends although we’ve known each other a long time. => Despite ……………………………………………………………………………………… 12. Although Minh was ill, he still came to the meeting. =>In spite of ……………………………………………………………………………………… 13. The play was not accepted because of numerous objections which they made. => Because ……………………………………………………………………………………… 14. In spite of his age, he still leads an active life. => Even though …………………………………………………………………………………… 15. In spite of his hard work, Ba he failed his exam. => Though ……………………………………………………………………………………… 16. In spite of the heavy rain, we decided to go to see the match. => Although ……………………………………………………………………………………… 17. In spite of their quarrel, they remain the best of friends. => Though ……………………………………………………………………………………… 18. In spite of the bad weather, they went out for dinner. => Although ……………………………………………………………………………………… 19. She isn’t brilliant but she studies quite well. => Although ……………………………………………………………………………………… 20. The house isn’t nice, but I like the garden. => Even though ……………………………………………………………………………………

TOPIC 10 : CONNECTIVES (Từ nối) CONNECTIVES / CONNECTORS (Từ nối) : AND(và) , BUT(nhưng), OR ( hoặc / hay,nếu không ), SO ( do đó, vì thế ), THEREFORE (do đó), HOWEVER (tuy nhiên) Những từ nối : AND, OR, BUT, SO còn được gọi là tập hợp liên từ (coordinating conjunctions): được dùng nối hai từ, hai cụm từ hay hai mệnh đề cùng loại, chức năng hay cấu trúc . 1. AND : dùng thêm thõng tin bổ sung (additional ideas), e.g.: This appliance is modern and economical. (adj. + adj). His father is a doctor nnil he works in a hospital. (clause + clause) 2. OR : diễn tả sự chọn lựa. e.g.: Do you study Maths or Chemistry? (Bạn học toán hay lý) Does he live in the city centre or in the suburbs? (Anh ấy sổng ở trung tâm thành phố hay ở ngoại ô?) * OR ELSE ( nếu không) : diễn tả điều kiện, e.g.: You hurry or (else) you'll be late for the bus? (Bạn nhanh lên nếu không bạn sẽ trễ xe buýt.) 3. BUT-HOWEVER : nối hai ý tương phản nhau, 41

e.g.: He’s fat but his brother isn't. (Anh ấy mập nhưng anh của anh ấy thì không.) That man is famous but humble. (Người đàn ông đó nổi tiếng nhưng khiêm tốn.) 4. SO –THEREFORE: diễn tả hậu quả. e.g.: He’s busy, so he can’t help you. (Anh ấy bận, nên không giủp anh được.) The test was easy, so most of the pupils could do it. (Bài thi dễ, do đó đa số học sinh làm được.) I. Join each pair of the following pairs of sentences with“ and, but , so ,because ” 2. I told a joke . Nobody laughed. ………………………………………………………………… 3. Last night’s storm damaged the power lines. The town was without electricity for several hours. …………………………………………………………………………………………………… 4. The city suffers from air pollution . The city suffers from water pollution. …………………………………………………………………………………………………… 5. Coal is a valuable natural resource. Oil is a valuable natural resource. …………………………………………………………………………………………………… 6. We must do whatever we can in order to conserve oil. Oil is a valuable natural resource. …………………………………………………………………………………………………… 7. The Bakers want to use solar energy. The Bakers don’t know how to install the solar panel on the roof of their house. …………………………………………………………………………………………………… 8. They decided to cut down on the number of lights in their house. They wanted to save energy. …………………………………………………………………………………………………… 9. We can’t afford energy- saving light bulbs. The light bulbs are too expensive. …………………………………………………………………………………………………… II. Join sentences ,using “and , so , although , but , because , however , therefore” 1. She isn’t English . ……………………,she speaks English fluently 2. She went home …………………she was tired. 3. She can speak French ,………………….she can’t write it . ( however / but ) 4. He worked hard ,…………………he passed all his exams. 5. She not only goes to school ………………………. also has a part time job. 6. We haven’t got a dishwasher……………….. we haven’t got a microwave. 7. She is working late next Friday, ……………she can’t come to the party. ( so / therefore ) 8. I haven’t got a car ,…………………I’ve got a motorbike. 9. We enjoyed the holiday………………………it rained a lot. 10. She didn’t study …………………… , she failed the test . ( Therefore / Because ) EXERCISES FOR TOPIC 9&10 Choose the best answer among A, B, C or D to complete each sentence. 1. …………… he always did well on his English tests, his parents were not surprised that he got an B level. A. When B. Since C. Because of D. Although 2. You should keep the milk in the refrigerator, …………… it doesn't go bad. A. since B. so that C. because D. after 3. You should say goodbye to your brother…………… you leave for Europe. A. despite B. after C. since D. before 4. _________ he is old, he wants to travel around the world. A. In spite of B. Although C. Despite D. Because 5. …………… my father has high blood pressure, he has to watch what he eats. A. Although B. After C. Since D. Before 6. …………… I came to this country, I couldn't speak a word of English. A. Since B. After C. When D. Before 42

7. I'll let you know …………… I come back. A. though B. since C. because D. before 8. He doesn't understand …………… he doesn't speak French very well. A. whenever B. so that C. because D. before 9. He spoke slowly …………… she would understand. A. while B. after C. so that D. because 10. …………… you stop crying, I'll buy you an ice cream. A. Unless B. If C. Since D. As 11. .............. she's got an English name, she is in fact Vietnamese. A. Despite B. Although C. In spite of D. More than 12. . ................ you subtract 7 from 12, you will have 5. A. Because B. If C. Though D. As 13. They left the house .............. saying good-bye to their mother. A. before B. afterC. during D. in 14. Mr. Young is not only healthy .................. also cheerful. A. and B. both C. but D. with 15. The class discussion was short. …......., we gained some new knowledge from it. A. However B. Moreover C. Although D. Therefore 16. The underground is cheap; ..................., it is faster than the train. A. however B. moreover C. but D. though 17. ................ you study harder, you will not win a scholarship. A. Unless B. Because C. If D. In order that 18. The country air is fresh. .................., it is not polluted. A. However B. Moreover C. Whenever D. Beside 19. ................ she spoke slowly, I couldn't understand her. A. Since B. Although C. If D. As 20. He never goes to bed .................... he finishes his homework. A. unless B. when C. while D. if 21. She is looking for a new job ……………... she is tired of doing a routine job day after day. A. since B. as C. because D. all are correct 22. She can't marry her cousin .................. she loves him. A. though B. so C. despite D. because 23. He's still going to school ………........ his injury. A. even though B. although C. in spite of D. even 24. He left home early .................. he could arrive at the station on time. A. because of B. in order to C. although D. so that 25. We will wait here ................ he comes back. A. while B. until C. before D. after 26. Thousands of people came to see the Queen ................ the rain. A. because B. owing to C. in spite of D. according to 27. We could reach the house .................. the road was flooded. A. although B. whether C. as if D. even 28. You have to make up your mind fast, ............... you slip the best opportunity. A. and B. so that C. if D. or 29. My mother looks ............. she is tired. Perhaps she didn't sleep well last night. A. like B. although C. until D. as if 30. Our teacher speaks slowly ................... we may understand him. A. because B. in order to C. so that D. or 31. I haven't seen Tom ............... he gave me this book. A. since B. for C. until D. before 32. ............ it is getting dark, she still waits for him. 43

A. Unless B. Since C. While D. Although 33. ....................... he has a headache, he has to take an aspirin. A. How B. Because C. Where D. Although 34. Mary asked her husband: "What would you like for supper?" He answered " ............... I am so tired, I want to have some shrimp soup" A. However B. Moreover C. Since D. Although 35. ....................... it rained heavily, they went to school on time. A. Even though B. despite C. Though D. A and C are correct 36. Our visit to Japan was delayed ............... my wife's illness. A. because B. because of C. thanks to D. though 37. ............... he comes to theater with me, I shall go alone. A. Because of B. Unless C. Because D. When 38. Trees won't grow .................. there is enough water. A. if B. when C. unless D. as 39. The flight had to be delayed ................ the bad weather. A. because B. due to C. because of D. B and C are correct 40. ................ she's busy, she still helps you. A. Although B. Because C. Since D. As 41. ................. the traffic was bad, I arrived on time. A. Although B. In spite of C. Despite D. Even 42. Take a map with you ............... you lose your way. A. in case B. so C. because D. although 43. The play was very boring ................. they walked out. A. although B. so that C. since D. so 44. I couldn't unlock it ................ I had the wrong key. A. because B. so that C. since D. so 45. He agreed to go climbing .............. he hated heights. A. although B. in case C. since D. because 46. He got a new alarm clock .................... he'd get up on time. A. although B. so that C. since D. so 47. He hasn't written to us ................. he left. A. as long as B. since C. by the time D. as soon as 48. She'll only do the job .............. you pay her more. A. before B. afterC. if D. while 49. I never take an umbrella ............... it's raining heavily. A. when B. whenever C. if D. unless 50. ………… rain or snow, there are always more than fifty thousand fans at the football games. A. Despite B. Although C. Despite of D. Although 51. A small fish needs camouflage to hide itself …………… its enemies cannot find it. A. so that B. so C. therefore D. due to 52. The gate was shut ....................... the cows won't get out of the cage. A. so as to B. in order to C. so as not D. so that 53. The car was easy to recognize, …………….. it wasn’t difficult for the police to catch the thieves. A. because B. that C. so D. but 54. He works hard ................... help his family. A. so as that B. in order to C. in order that D. A and B are correct 55. We moved to the front row ................ we could hear and see better. A. so B. so that C. such D. such that 56. Mozart could write music …………… he was only five. A. because B. although C. when D. however 57. I made a mistake …………… I was tired. 44

A. though B. so that C. because D. if 58. I will wait …………… he comes. A. however B. until C. so that D. in spite of 59. …………… a headache, he enjoyed the film. A. Although B. In spite of C. Because of D. However 60. My sister will take the plane …………… she dislikes flying. A. because B. so that C. although D. before 61. ............... photosynthesis were to stop, life would disappear from the planet Earth relatively quickly. A. For B. However C. If D. Although 62. It was late, ..................... I decided to phone home. A. however B. but C. although D. and 63. Minh had a terrible headache. .............., he went to school. A. Therefore B. But C. However D. Although 64. Tom has a bike, ............... he always walks to work. A. so B. but C. however D. and 65. It was too dark to go on, ............... we found somewhere to stay. A. so B. but C. however D. because 66. Her mother was sick. .................., Jane had to stay at home to look after her. A. but B. However C. so D. Therefore 67. They asked me to wait for them, ................. they didn’t turn up. A. so B. however C. but D. and 68. It was raining hard. ..................., the match went ahead A. Therefore B. However C. But D. Because 69. We couldn’t get a seat .................. we arrived quite early. A. but B. however C. nevertheless D. although 70. My car broke down on the way.________, when I got to the airport the plane had taken off . A. Because B. However C. But D. Therefore 71. We keep our bread in the fridge, …………… it doesn't go bad. A. since B. so that C. although D. after 72. …………… these cars are cheap, they last a long time. A. Because B. In order that C. Although D. After 73. You should give the iron time to heat up …………… you iron your clothes. A. because B. so that C. even though D. before 74. You need good shoes to go hiking in the mountains …… the ground is rough and hard. A. because B. so that C. before D. even though 75. Hockey players wear lots of protective clothing …………… they don’t get hurt. A. because of B. after C. in order that D. though 76. .................................. he is tired, he can't work longer. A. Because B. Even though C. Although D. Besides 77. ......................... it was so cold, he went out without an overcoat. A. If B. Since C. Although D. Because 78. ......................... you ask him, he will help you. A. If B. Since C. Although D. Because 79. ............... he is so busy with his work, he always finds time to go to the concert every week. A. If B. Since C. Although D. Because 80. He passed the examination ......... he had been prevented by illness from studying. A. although B. but C. however D. moreover 81. We have not won yet; ........................., we shall try again. A. although B. but C. however D. moreover 82. Tom was not there; ........................., his brother was. A. since B. and C. however D. but 45

83. ......................... he wasn't ready in time, we went without him. A. When B. Moreover C. As D. So 84. Is that all ..................... would you like something else? A. or B. but C. and D. although 85. ................ it was late, we decided to take a taxi home. A. Because B. Since C. As D. All are correct 86. You will have to pay higher insurance…………… you buy a sports car. A. if B. although C. so that D. before 87. You shouldn’t drive …………… drinking alcohol. A. if B. after C. even though D. in order that 88. …………… the dolphin lives in the sea, it is not a fish – it’s a mammal. A. Whether B. So that C. Although D. After 89. You may get malaria …………… you are bitten by a mosquito. A. if B. so that C. though D. before 90. I haven’t been climbing …………… I broke my leg last summer. A. although B. since C. so that D. before 91. He jogs …………… there is very little traffic. A. however B. so that C. as if D. where 92. He went to bed …………… he was sleepy. A. because B. so that C. because of D. although 93. I will not lend you a little money…….… you promise to pay me back next week. A. as if B. unless C. if D. where 94. She took a computer course ____ she could get a better job. A. so that B. as if C. if D. though 95. He ran …………… fast …………… I couldn’t catch him. A. such/that B. very/that C. too/to D. so/that 96. …………… you save your money, you will be able to go to college. A. Unless B. Although C. If D. So 97. …………… Jack has a master’s degree, he works as a store clerk. A. Because B. So that C. Where D. Though 98. We took many pictures …………. the cloudy sky. A. despite of B. even though C. despite D. because 99. ………… both his legs were broken, he managed to get out of the car before it exploded. A. Because B. Although C. So that D. Where 100. We understood him …………… he spoke very fast. A. because of B. though C. in spite of D. despite TOPIC 11 : MAKING SUGGESTIONS (Lời đề nghị) * Các mẫu câu đề nghị: - Let’s + V1: - Shall we + V1…? - How about / What about + V-ing….? - Why don’t we + V1 ….? * Câu đề nghị với động từ suggest: S + suggest + V-ing ………. S + suggest + that + S + should + V1 ……….. (từ that không được bỏ I. Use the correct verb form : 1. Lan suggested ………………………… to the zoo on the weekend. (go) 2. The movie is not interesting. How about ……………………… to the concert ? (go) 3. You don’t like Chinese food. What about ……………………… English food ? (eat) 4. Our teacher suggests ……………………… a meeting to discuss the problem. (hold) 46

5. Her former leader suggested that she ………………………. harder for the exam. (train) 6. I suggest that fans ……………………… instead of air conditioners. (use) 7. Would you like ……………………… milk or water ? (drink) 8. What is the purpose of ………………………. energy-saving bulbs ? (use) 9. Tom suggested ………………………… to the zoo by his father. (take) 10. Our class suggested that the leader …………………….. very good and patient. (be) II. Rewrite these sentences : 1. Shall we use gas instead of burning coal ? I suggest …………………………………………….. 2. Shall we play badminton ? How …………………………………………………………………. 3. What about buying energy-saving bulbs ? Shall ………………………………………………… 4. Let’s use electricity economically. Why don’t ………………………………………………… 5. Why don’t you ask her yourself ? I suggest you ………………………………………………… 6. I suggest decorating our classroom again. I suggest our ……………………………………………………………………………………… 7. What about organizing a charity event to raise money ? I suggest a charity ………………………………………………………………………………… 8. I suggest that helmet should be used to protect our heads. What ……………………………………………………………………………………………… 9. I suggest unused clothes should be collected for the victims. What about ……………………………………………………………………………………… 10. “Shall we go to the English speaking club ?” Andrew said. Andrew suggested ………………………………………………………………………………… 11.“Why don’t you repair the electric fan, Nam” Ba asked. Ba suggested ……………………………………………………………………………………… 12. “Let’s not tell anyone until we are certain that the report is true”, said Tom. Tom suggested …………………………………………………………………………………… TOPIC 12 : RELATIVE CLAUSES (Mệnh đề quan hệ) * Đại từ quan hệ: 1. WHO: chủ từ, chỉ người N (người) + WHO + V + O …. 2. WHOM: - làm túc từ, chỉ người …..N (người) + WHOM + S + V 3. WHICH: - làm chủ từ hoặc túc từ, chỉ vật ….N (thing) + WHICH + V + O ….N (thing) + WHICH + S + V 4. WHOSE: dùng để chỉ sở hữu cho danh từ chỉ người hoặc vật, thường thay cho các từ: her, his, their, hoặc hình thức ‘s …..N (person, thing) + WHOSE + N + V …. 5. WHY: mở đầu cho mệnh đề quan hệ chỉ lý do, thường thay cho cụm for the reason, for that reason. …..N (reason) + WHY + S + V … 6. WHERE: thay thế từ chỉ nơi chốn, thường thay cho there ….N (place) + WHERE + S + V …. (WHERE = ON / IN / AT + WHICH) 7. WHEN: thay thế từ chỉ thời gian, thường thay cho từ then ….N (time) + WHEN + S + V … (WHEN = ON / IN / AT + WHICH) * Mệnh đề quan hệ 47

1. Mệnh đề quan hệ xác định: dùng khi danh từ không xác định, không có dấu phẩy ngăn cách với mệnh đề chính. 2. Mệnh đề quan hệ không xác định: dùng khi danh từ xác định, có dấu phẩy ngăn cách với mệnh đề chính. I. Fill in the blank with a Relative pronoun or a Relative Adverb. 1. John, _____________ appetite is spectacular, is fat. 2. My book, _____________ I put into the trash bag, has been stained. 3. My father , _____________ is coming back, is in a bad mood. 4. I comfort Maggy _____________ is crying. 5. This child, _____________ school record book is awful, seems to be sad. 6. The woman _____________ is reading a book is a friend of mine. 7. John, _____________ Father is a doctor, wants to be a doctor too. 8. the book _____________ is on the table is not for sale. 9. My sister, _____________ husband is inside the car, can't drive. 10. He's the boy _____________ delivers the newspaper on Sundays. 11. My friend Paul _____________ lives in London, always takes the bus to go to work. 12. The Indian restaurant _____________ is in Green street is very expensive. 13. Yes, this restaurant is expensive, but the Chef, _____________ is a native Indian, is a marvelous cook. 14. Who is this man _____________ wife is looking so sad ? 15. Do you see the dog, _____________ is over there? 16. Is this the umbrella _________ you lost ? 17. The man _________ is sitting by the door takes a break. 18. He reminds me of someone _________ I used to know. 19. The children played in the snow _________ had fallen during the night. 20. He is the doctor _________ I will see this afternoon. 21. John is the boy _________ father is a painter. 22. She is the girl _________ I saw at the party last night. 23. The student _________ lent you his book, speaks Italian. 24. The boy to _________ you spoke is my cousin. 25. Marco Polo was a young traveler _________ father was a rich man. 26. This is the painting _________ Mr. Cool showed us last week. 27. The gloves _________ I lost at school yesterday were not my best ones. 28. The doctor _________ she visited is famous. 29. The flowers _________ my boyfriend gave me have died. 30. She doesn't know the person _________ they mentioned. 31. A chef is a person _________ cooks food in a restaurant. 32. He had to deliver a message to a person _________ name was Mrs. Smith. 33. Luckily he had never met the boy _________ had just died. 34. He is famous now for a theory _____ has changed our ideas of time space and universe. 35. Men _________ lead are never good followers. 36. The women _________ I saw in the house, were quiet. 37. The book _________ I had given to him was well-written. 38. The town _________ I saw in Italy were beautiful. 39. The towns _________ I saw in Greece were beautiful. 40. Where's that book _________ was here a moment ago? 41. The soldier _________ son I knew was brave. 42. The woman _________ house was large lived close by. 43. The women _________ I saw in town were quite angry. 44. The women _________ voices were pleasant sang at the concert. 45. Animals _________ run wild in the streets are never fun. 46. The animals _________ I saw in the streets were wild. 48

47. The woman _________ I praised was happy. 48. The animal _________ I saw was tame. 49. The man _________ I saw was tall. 50. The man, _____________is sitting on the chair, is a teacher. 51. The dog, _____________ is eating, belongs to Mike. 52. This actor, _____________ films are very bad, is really rich. 53. People _____________ the company employs are expected to sign a contract. 54. The house _____________ you saw belongs to my brother. 55. The only thing _____________ matters is to tell the truth. 56. That's the house _____________ I was born. 57. The girl _____________ phoned to my sister is her best friend. 58. Ann, _____________ children are now grown up, is looking for a job. 59. I told the police _____________ happened. 60. Peter, _____________ I met yesterday, is sick. 61. These pupils, _____________ come into the classroom, are disruptive. 62. My car, _____________ I crashed in a roundabout, is broken. 63. That is the bus _____________ I usually take. 64. Here is a game the rules _____________ I don't understand. II. Rewrite as directions : i. Use a Relative pronoun or a Relative adverb to combine each pairs of the sentences below 1. A dictionary is a book. It gives you the meaning of words. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 2. The man was very kind. I talk to him yesterday. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 3. Nam is an excellent student. His father’s death made him sad a lot. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 4. The children are playing soccer in the stadium. Do you know them? ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 5. The little boy lost his way. He is crying over there. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 6. Kim Lien is a village. Ho Chi Minh was born and lived there. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 7. Ha Noi is an ancient city. Many customs are still on this lovely area. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 8. Vu Quoc Viet is a famous artist. I love his works very much. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 9. Teacher’s Day is a day. All the students show their gratitude to their teacher on that day. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 10. Quynh Dao is a famous writer. Quynh Dao’s works are widely read all over the world. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 11. Sa Pa is a famous city. Many visitors travel to this city for their holiday. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 12. Easter is a festival. People will have a lot of fun in this occasion. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 13. The river is the Saigon river. It flows through Ho Chi Minh city. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 14. Mona was painted by Leonardo De Vinci. It has been popular for long. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 15. The lady in black is a famous writer. You met her at the party last night. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 16. The little boy lost his way. He is crying over there. 49

………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 17. Children like to eat ice-cream. It can cause toothache if they have too much everyday. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 18. Mr. Quang is a famous chef cook. His food can be enjoyed all over the world. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 19. Mrs. Lien is very smart. I met the son of her on the stage last night. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 20. Dolphins are sometimes caught and killed in fishing nets. They often swim with other fish. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 21. The tourists visited China. They went to see the Great Wall and the old Kingdom in Beijing. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 22. My classmates had so much fun at the carnival. They wanted to go there again. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 23. A typhoon is a violent tropical storm. It can cause great destruction. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 24. The victims of the club need help. They were half-starved for many days. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 25. The Southam Chess Club meets weekly on Friday evenings. It has more than 50 members. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 26. Lan is my classmate. She lives near my parents’ house. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 27. Ninety per cent of the earthquakes occur around the Pacific Rim. It is known as the Ring of Fire. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 28. The weather forecast program take place at 8:oo pm every day. Some people like to watch it. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 29. The female mosquito can suck blood and transmit malaria. It can survive in new and different environments. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 30. Her book is widely read . It is well- written. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 31. Cuc Phuong is a famous nation park. I came there along time ago. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 32. He is a manager in this factory. You have talked to his mother in the company. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 33. Trinh Cong Son composed songs. They are greatly liked by millions of Vietnamese people. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 34. John Bridge is one of my oldest friends. He has just gone to live in Canada. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 35. The Earth is a planet. It can support life. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 36. The man works in the hospital. I told you about him. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 37. He is a famous doctor inmy neighbor. You have just met his daughter last night. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 38. Tet is a big occasion. The members of family gather on this occasion. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 39. New York is a famous city. Everybody want to live in this city. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 40. The scientists are making progress. They are researching the causes of cancer. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 41. The movie Harry Potter is coming soon. I’m longing to see it. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 50

42. Then he was caught in the mouth of a white shark. It is one of the most dangerous sea creatures. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 43. The most beautiful park is opposite my house. It has a lot of big trees. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 44. A waitress served us. She was very impolite and impatient. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 45. A building was destroyed in the fire. It has now been rebuilt. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 46. Some people were arrested . They have now been released. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 47. A bus goes to the airport. It runs every half an hour. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 48. Peter is studying French and German. He has been abroad. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 49. Chinese people have a very special kind of soup. This kind of soup is made from shark’s fin. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 50. Many people get sick or die every year. These people eat puffer fish, a very poisonous species. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ii. Rewrite these sentences, remember to put commas in their right place : 1. Smallpox has disappeared. It once killed thousands of people every year. ............................................................................................................................................................................. 2. This is Felicity. You met her sister last week. ............................................................................................................................................................................. 3. He swam across the English Channel. It is hard to believe that. ............................................................................................................................................................................. 4. Borges was a wonderful writer. He never won the Nobel Prize. ............................................................................................................................................................................. 5. Charlie Chaplin died in 1977. His films amused millions. ............................................................................................................................................................................. 6. Dr Oley is our family’s dentist. He is a popular dentist in the city. ............................................................................................................................................................................. 7. His sisters are identical twins. I saw them last ............................................................................................................................................................................. 8. The river is the Sai Gon River. It flows through Ho Chi Minh City. ............................................................................................................................................................................. 9. The girls are performing the play. They rehearsed it yesterday. ........................................................................................................................................................................... 10. Their parents are anxious about their children. The children come back late ............................................................................................................................................................................. iii. Combine these sentences, using WHICH, WHERE, WHEN : 1. Ha Noi is the place. I’d like to come to Ha Noi. ............................................................................................................................................................................. 2. Summer is the time. The weather is very hot then. ............................................................................................................................................................................. 3. The bed was comfortable. I slept in it last night. ............................................................................................................................................................................. 4. I never forget the park. We met each other for the first time at this park. ............................................................................................................................................................................. 5. I do not know the reason. She left school for it. 51

............................................................................................................................................................................. 6. We have not decided the day. I’ll go to London on that day. ............................................................................................................................................................................. 7. Our school has a good laboratory. The students practice chemistry in the laboratory. ............................................................................................................................................................................. 8. Our school has a good laboratory. Mr John designed it in ............................................................................................................................................................................. 9. 7:30 is the time. My plane will arrive then. ............................................................................................................................................................................. 10. I love my parents’ house. I was born in that house. ............................................................................................................................................................................. iv. Rewrite these sentences, using preposition + WHO / WHOM : 1. The movie was interesting. We went to it. ............................................................................................................................................................................. 2. I couldn’t understand the woman. I talked to her on the phone. ............................................................................................................................................................................. 3. I want to tell you about the party. I went to it last night. ............................................................................................................................................................................. 4. The music was gentle. We listened to it last night. ............................................................................................................................................................................. 5. Alice likes the foreign family. She is living with them. ............................................................................................................................................................................. 6. The market has refresh vegetables. I usually go to it. ............................................................................................................................................................................. 7. The man is over there. I told you about him. ............................................................................................................................................................................. 8. The film is fantastic. They are talking about it. ............................................................................................................................................................................. 9. She’s the nurse. We gave the flowers to her. ............................................................................................................................................................................. 10. We are speaking to the man. The man was our new history teacher. ............................................................................................................................................................................. Topic 13: PHRASAL VERBS (Động từ kép) - Động từ kép là động từ được cấu tạo bởi một động từ với một tiểu từ hay một giới từ hay cả tiểu từ và giới từ. 1. Một số động từ kép thường gặp: - turn on: bật, mở - turn off: tắt - turn down: vặn nhỏ - turn up vặn lớn - look for tìm kiếm - look after chăm sóc = take care of - go on tiếp tục = continue - give up từ bỏ = stop - try on mặc thử - put on mặc vào - wait for chờ, đợi - depend on dựa vào - escape from thoát khỏi - go out đi chơi - go away đi xa - lie down nằm xuống - come back quay về - throw away quăng, ném - take off cất cánh, tháo ra - break down hư hỏng - run out (of) cạn kiệt - set off khởi hành - pass down chuyển giao - pull down dở xuống - live on sống nhờ vào -get over vượt qua - deal with giải quết vấn đề - turn up đến - close down ngừng kinh doanh - think over xem xét 52

- get on with hòa thuận với - go on tiếp tục - face up to đối mặt với - dress up= put on smart clothes - turn down từ chối - cheer sb up làm cho ai đó vui - bring out phát hành - set up thành lập - look through đọc - find out tìm kiếm thông tin I. Choose the best correct answer 1. What time do you often ________ ? a. get up b. turn up c.look up d. get out 2. We must ________ the information to fill in the form a. get out b. find out c. find down d. find up 3.My favourite writer has _______ another best seller a. bring out b. brought up c. brought out d. brought in 4. We invited her to go out for dinner, but she ________ a. turn down b. turn up c. turned down d. turned on 5. When I turn up, the town hall was already ______ of teenagers a. full b.packed c.crowded d. jamed 6. She turned _______ the new job in a big city in spite of the high salary a.on b.down c.off d. up 7. After using, you should ______ the computer a. turned off b.switched on c. liiked for d. put off 8. Has Peter arrived yet ? – No, but I’m sure he _______ up soon a. will turn b. has turned c. turns d. turned 9. My grandmother hasn’t ______ over the death of my grandfather a. get b. got c. getted d. getting 10.Remember to _______ out how many people are coming to the party a.go b. turn c. find d. look 11. You are going too fast so I can’t _________ up with you a. keep b. take c. go d. come 12. The car _________ down on my way home last night a. break b. broke c. broken d. to break 13.My father used to smoke too much but now he has ______ up a.given b. give c. to give d. giving 14.I enjoyed living in Lodon , but it didn’t really _______ up to my expectation a. living b. lived c. live d. to live 15.Please, _______ on what you are doing ! a. go b. turn c. get d. take 16. We don’t remember exactly when our parents started this workshop a. set on b. set up c. set out d. to set 17.We have to try harder so that our handicrafts can stay equal with theirs a. keep up with b.keep on with c. live up with d. live on 18. I want to watch the news so I ______ the TV a. turn up b. turn off c. turn on d. turn of 19.What time will you begin your journey to Da Lat? a.set off b. get up c. keep up with d. come over 20.We arranged to meet in front of the cinema but they didn’t arrive a. find out b. turn up c. go on d. switch off 21. The artisans in my village can earn enough money from sweater knitting to live a.live on b. live up to c. live with d. live at 22.They have to________ the museum because it’s no longer a place of interest. a.close down b. set off c.set up d. look forward to 53

23.Do you think we can ________selling silk scarves as souvenirs? a.live on b. go on c. live up d. get up 24.They are going to publish a guidebook to different beauty spots in Viet Nam a. bring to b. bring out c. bring up d. bring on 25.I’m thinking with pleasure about the weekend a. looking forward to b. excited c. fond of d. keen on 26.You have to read the instruction before making models a. look up b, look through c. look for d. look up 27. Who will take care of the baby when you go on bussiness? a. look after b. look up c. look for d. look through 28. What time did you come ________ from the trip last night? a. out b. back c. to d. over 29. We must _____the reality that our handicrafts are in competition with those of other villagers. a. face up to b. get on with c.turn down d.come back 30.The craft of basket weaving is usually ______ from generation to generation. a.passed down b. deal with c. closed down d. bring out 31.The city has recently set _____ a new library in the West Suburb a.off b. up c. out d. on 32.You should _______ the shoes when coming into the Japanese houses a. take off b. put on c. get off d. take on 33.We were shown ______ the town by a student a.up b.on c. around d. off 34.The town council decided to pull ______ the building because it was unsafe a.down b. over c. up d. with 35. Their children have all grown ________ and left home for the city to work a. on b.up c. out d. with 36. I often use a dictionary to look _______ the meaning of new words a. up b. for c. after d. on 37.One you have finish reading, you can go on with your work a. continue doing b.continue to do c. keep do d. keep to do 38.The doctor wanted to examine the test results with her patient a. go over b. up c. go on d. go out 39. The local meeting is on this weekend. Please put it down in your diary a. make a note b. made a note c. have made a note d. to make a note 40. You don’t need the light on in here. Press the switch, please! a. turn on b. turn down c. turn off d. turn up 41.My grandfather has recovered from the illness a. get over b. got over c. to get over d.getting over 42. She spent her chilhoodin a small village in the south a. grew up b. grow up c. grown up d. to grow up 43. We are really expecting to see you again pleasure. a. looking forward to b. look up c. look for d. look after 44. I’ve ______ the product catalogue and decided to buy this table a. found out b. closed down c. looked through d. lived on 45.Do you know who’s _______ his pottery workshop? a. taking over b. bringing out c. assing down d. turning down 46. This sports centre is so small that it cannot ______ the demands of local residents a. face up to b. keep up with c.deal about d. set up 47.After I find all the information I needed, I _____ the computer a. turned off b. switched on c.looked for d. put off TOPIC 14: PREPOSITIONS 54

(GIỚI TỪ) Giới từ là từ hay cụm từ thường được dùng trước danh từ hay đại từ để chỉ mối liên hệ giữa các từ này với các thành phần khác trong câu. I. Các loại giới từ (Kinds of preposition): 1. Giới từ chỉ thời gian (Prepositions of time): • IN (trong, vào) được dùng để chỉ các buổi trong ngày (ngoại trừ at night), tháng, năm, mùa, thập niên, thế kỷ hoặc khoảng thời gian ở tương lai. Ex: in the morning, in January, in 1990, in the summer, in the 1990s, in the 20th century, in the Middle Age, in ten minutes IN TIME: đúng lúc, kịp lúc Ex: Will you be home in time for dinner? • AT(vào lúc) được dùng để chỉ thời điểm hoặc các kỳ nghỉ (tòan bộ những ngày trong kỳ nghỉ) Ex: at 6 o’clock, at night, at noon, at midnight, at bedtime, at dawn, at the weekend, at Christmas, at New Year, at Easter At : được dùng trong một số cụm từ chỉ thời gian: at the moment, at present, at the same time, at once, at that time, at first, at last • ON(vào) được dùng để chỉ ngày trong tuần, ngày tháng trong năm, ngày trong kỳ nghỉ hoặc các buổi trong ngày cụ thể. Ex: on Monday, on 5th January, on Christmas Day, on Monday morning, on one’s birthday ON TIME: đúng giờ Ex: The train arrived right on time. • FOR(trong) + khoảng thời gian: for two months, for a long time • SINCE(từ, từ khi) + mốc thời gian: since last Monday, since 2002 • UNTIL/ TILL(đến, cho đến): until 5 o’clock, till midnight • BEFORE(trước, trước khi): before lunchtime • AFTER(sau, sau khi): after luchtime • DURING(trong, suốt): during World War II • BY(vào lúc): by the end of May • FROM … TO(từ … đến): from morning to noon 2. Giới từ chỉ nơi chốn (Prepositions of place): • AT(ở, tại) được dùng để chỉ vị trí tại một điểm. Ex: at home, at school, at the bus stop, at the airport, at the office, at the cinema, at the seaside, at the grocer’s, at the top/ bottom, at the beginning/ end, at the front/ back * Lưu ý: arrive at the village/ the airport/ the railway station But: arrive in Vietnam/ Ho Chi Minh City • IN(trong, ở trong) được dùng để chỉ vị trí trong một diện tích, một không gian; dùng trước tên đường, tên thị trấn, thành phố, quốc gia, miền, phương hướng hoặc dùng với các phương tiện đi lại bằng xe hơi (car). Ex: in a box, in a small room, in the countryside, in the world, in Oxford Street, in London, in Vietnam, in the east, in a car/ taxi * Lưu ý: in a car (trong xe hơi), but: by car (bằng xe hơi) • ON(trên, ở trên) được dùng để chỉ vị trí trên bề mặt, số tầng trong một tòa nhà, trước tên đường (US) hoặc dùng với một số phương tiện đi lại. Ex: on the table, on the wall, on the ground, on the first floor, on Albert Street, on a bus/ train/ plane/ (motor)bike/ horse, on foot On cịn được dùng trong một số cụm từ: on the left/ right, on the farm, on the coast/ beach, on TV/ radio… • ABOVE/ OVER(bên trên – không tiếp xúc với bề mặt) Ex: Her name comes above mine on the list. The sign over the door said: “Exit”. • UNDER/ BELOW(ở dưới, dưới) Ex: The shoes are under the chair. The temperature has fallen below zero. 55

• IN FRONT OF(ở phía trước), BEHIND(ở phía sau), IN THE MIDDLE OF(ở giữa) Ex: I hung my raincoat in front of/ behind the door. • NEAR(gần) Ex: Is there a train station near here? • NEXT TO, BY, BESIDE(bên cạnh, kế bên) Ex: Peter is standing by the gate. • BETWEEN (ở giữa hai người/ vật), AMONG(ở giữa nhiều người/ vật) Ex: Tom is sitting between Mary and Peter. Tom is among the crowd. • INSIDE(ở bên trong), OUTSIDE(ở bên ngòai) Ex: Luckily, no one was inside the building when it collapsed. • OPPOSITE(đối diện) Ex: They sat opposite each other. 3. Giới từ chỉ sự chuyển động (Prepositions of movement): • TO(đến) Ex: He goes to school by bus. • FROM … TO(từ … đến) Ex: How far is it from New York to California? • THROUGH(xuyên qua) Ex: They walked through the woods. • ACROSS(ngang qua) Ex: The children ran straight across in front of our car. • ROUND/ AROUND(quanh) Ex: The earth moves round/ around the sun. • ALONG(dọc theo) Ex: We had a walk along the river bank. • UP(lên)/ DOWN(xuống) Ex: We followed her up the stair. • TOWARD(S)(về phía) Ex: Mary stood up and walked towards Peter. 4. Một số giới từ khác: - Giới từ chỉ mục đích: for, to, in order to, so as to(để) - Giới từ chỉ nguyên nhân: for, because of, owning to(bởi vì) - Giới từ chỉ phương tiện: by, with(bằng), through (nhờ qua) - Giới từ chỉ thể cách: with( với), without(không có) - Giới từ chỉ sự tương quan: according to (tùy theo), instead of (thay vì), in spite of (mặc dù) II. Giới từ theo sau danh từ, tính từ và động từ (Prepositions following nouns, adjectives, and verbs): 1. Noun + preposition: FOR affection for: yêu mến need for: sự cần thiết cho demand for: nhu cầu về reputation for: sự nổi tiếng reason for: lý do về regret for: nuối tiếc responsibility for: trách nhiệm admiration for: khâm phục talent for: tài năng desire for: sự mong muốn cure for: việc chữa trị cho IN rise in: phát triển, tăng increase in: phát triển, tăng decresase in: giảm belief in: tin experience in: có kinh nghiệm interest in: thích, quan tâm delay in: trì hõan OF 56

cause of: nguyên nhân knowledge of: kiến thức opinion of: ý kiến example of: ví dụ TO damage to: sự hư hại đối với reaction to: phản ứng attitude to: thái độ threat to: đe dọa ON effect on: ảnh hưởng advice on: khuyên WITH relationship with: mối quan hệ contact with: sự tiếp xúc với link with: liên kết với BETWEEN difference between: sự khác biệt 2. Adjective + preposition: ABOUT annoyed (with sb) about: bực tức anxious/ worried about: lo lắng careful about: cẩn thận về careless about: bất cẩn về concerned about: quan tâm confused about: nhầm lẩn về AT amazed at: kinh ngạc về bad at: dở về (bad for: xấu cho) clever at: khéo léo về excellent at: xuất sắc về FOR available for: có sẵn eager for: nóng lòng chờ eligible for: xứng đáng cho famous for: nổi tiếng known for: nổi tiếng FROM absent from: vắng mặt ở different from: khác với IN disappointed in/ with: thất vọng interested in: quan tâm successful in: thành công OF afraid of: sợ ahead of: đi trước ashamed of: hổ thẹn aware/ conscious of: ý thức capable of: có khả năng certain of/ about: chắc về

advantage/ disadvantage of: thuận lợi/ bất lợi lack of: thiếu benefit of: lợi ích sense of: ý thức invitation to: lời mời solution to: giải pháp access to: phương tiện reply to: đáp lại influence on: ảnh hưởng report on: báo cáo connection with: sự liên quan với association with: sự kết giao với trouble with: có vấn đề với comparison between: so sánh excited about: hào hứng furious about: điên tiết về happy about: hạnh phúc sad/ upset about: buồn/ thất vọng serious about: nghiêm túc về sorry about/ for: xin lỗi về good at: dở về (good for: tốt cho) quick at: nhanh nhẹn về skillful at: khéo léo về surprised at: ngạc nhiên về late for: trễ necessary for: cần thiết cho responsible for: chịu trách nhiệm useful for: có ích cho free from/ of: thóat khỏi safe from: an tòan involved in: có liên quan rich in: giàu có, phong phú full of: đầy guilty of: có tội independent of: độc lập jealous of: ghen tị proud of: tự hào scared of: hoảng sợ 57

confident of: tự tin envious of: ghen tị fond of: thích frightened of: sợ

short of: cạn kiệt sure of: chắc tired of: chán typical of: tiêu biểu

TO accustomed to: quen grateful to sb for sth: biết ơn addicted to: nghiện opposed to: phản đối committed to: tận tụy harmful to: có hại cho contrary to: trái với important to: quan trọng với dedicated to: tận tụy married to: thành hơn với devoted to: tận tâm open to: mở ra cho equal to: bằng với similar to: tương tự với essential to/ for: cần thiết cho WITH acquainted with: quen với friendly with: thân thiện happy with/ about: hạnh phúc về angry with/ at sb about sth: giận angry with/ at sb for doing sth: giận honest with: thành thật với bored with/ fed up with: chán với identical with: giống hệt với busy with: bận rộn với impatient with: mất kiên nhẫn với patient with: kiên nhẫn với crowded with: đông đúc disappointed with: thất vọng pleased/ satisfied with: hài lòng với familiar with: quen thuộc với popular with: phổ biến với OF/ TO generous/ good/ kind/ nice/ polite/ rude/ stupid… to sb generous/ good/ kind/ nice/ polite/ rude/ stupid… of sb to do sth 3. Verb + preposition: ABOUT care about sb/ sth: coi trọng remind sb about sth: nhắc ai nhớ (care for: thích) (remind sb of sb/ sth: gợi ai nhớ đến) complain about: phàn nàn talk about sb/ sth: nói chuyện về dream about/ of sb/ sth: mơ về tell sb about sb/ sth: nói với ai về forget about: quên think about/ of sb/ sth: nghĩ về hear about sth: nghe nói về warn sb about/ of sth: cảnh báo về (hear from sb: nghe tin tức của ai) worry about: lo lắng learn about: biết AT aim (sth) at sb/ sth: nhắm vào shout at sb: la mắng ai arrive at/ in: đến tại (shout to sb: goi lớn ai) glance at sb/ sth: liếc nhìn smile at sb: mỉm cười với ai laugh at sb: cười nhạo ai stare at sb/ sth: nhìn chăm chú look at sb/ sth: nhìn vào throw sth at sb: ném mạnh vào ai point (sth) at sb/ sth: chĩa vào (throw sth to sb: ném cho ai bắt) FOR apply for sth: nộp đơn xin leave (a place) for: rời.... để đi đến account for: giải thích look for sb/ sth: tìm kiếm apologize for: xin lỗi (look after sb/ sth: chăm sóc) ask sb for sth: yêu cầu ai về pay for sth: trả tiền cho blame sb for sth: đổ lỗi cho ai về search for sb/ sth: tìm kiếm excuse for: xin lỗi thank sb for (doing) sth: cảm ơn forgive sb for (doing) sth: tha thứ wait for sb/ sth: chờ đợi 58

hope for sth: hy vọng về FROM escape from: trốn thóat khỏi prevent sb from (doing) sth: ngăn chặn

protect sb from sth: bảo vệ suffer from sth: chịu, bị (bệnh, đau khổ…)

IN believe in sb/ sth: tin vào specialize in sth: chuyên về participate in: tham gia succeed in (doing) sth: thành công về INTO crash into: tông, đụng vào divide/ split into: chia ra cut into: cắt ra thành translate (from a language) into: dịch ra OF accuse sb of (doing) sth: buộc tội ai disapprove of sth: khôngđồng ý approve of: đồng ý, chấp thuận hear of: nghe tin consist of sb/ sth: bao gồm suspect sb of (doing) sth: nghi ngờ die of/ from: chết vì think of: nghĩ về ON live onsb/ sth: sống nhờ vào concentrate on sth: tập trung vào congratulate sb on (doing) sth: chúc mừng plan on: kế hoạch comment on: phê bình rely on: tin cậy spend (money) on sth: tiêu (tiền) depend on: phụ thuộc insist on (doing) sth: nài nỉ TO adapt to: thích nghi explain sth to sb: giải thích cho ai add to: thêm vào happen to sb/ sth: xảy ra với listen to: lắng nghe adjust to: điều chỉnh apologize to sb for (doing) sth: xin lỗi ai về object to: phản đối complain to sb about sth: phàn nàn prefer … to …: thích … hơn describe sth to sb: mô tả cho ai talk/ speak to sb: nói với devote to: cống hiến WITH fill with: làm đầy agree with: đồng ý argue with: cãi nhau với provide sb with sth: cung cấp collide with: tông, đụng vào (provide sth for sb: cung cấp) communicate with: giao tiếp supply sb with sth: cung cấp compare with/to: so sánh (supply sth to sb: cung cấp) EXERCISES I. Fill in each blank with the correct preposition. 1. Water consists ………… hydrogen and oxygen. 2. Santa Claus is based ………. the description of Saint Nicholas in the poem. 3. We give each other presents …………. Christmas. 4. Don’t sit …………. the floor. 5. I’m going away …………. the end of January. 6. I met Tom …………. the street yesterday.. 7. Nobody knows what the cause …………. the explosion was. 8. Do you think we’ll find a solution …………. this problem? 9. Have you ever read any books …………. Mark Twain? 10. It’s unreasonable …………. you to expect her to love you at first sight. 11. They were furious ………….me ………….not inviting them to the party. 12. Were you disappointed ………….your examination results?. 13. She is scared ………….going out alone. 59

14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64.

I’m not ashamed ………….what I did. My sister won’t have dinner ............... 11.30 p.m. She is engaged ………….an American. Who was responsible …………. all the noise last night? Your writing is similar ………….mine. Ann wasn’t keen ………….going out in the rain. The city centre was crowded ………….tourists.. Why don’t you apply ………….a position in that company? He is very selfish. He doesn’t care ………….other people. Don’t look out of the window. Concentrate ………….your work! He lost control of the car and crashed ………….a wall. He was the sort of person that you could depend …………. Did you hear ………….the fight in the club on Saturday night? She’s very old. She needs someone to look ………….her. He often dreams …………. travelling to America. I didn’t have enough money to pay ………….the meal. He has suffered ………….lung cancer for ages. He shouted ………….from the other side of the street. The police are searching ………….the escaped prisoner. That’s a good idea. Why didn’t I think ………….that? They arrived ………… this gas station ……… 5 o’clock yesterday. I was watching TV ………. 9 ……… 12 o’clock yesterday. She will be ………… home ……… Tuesday afternoon. You shouldn’t believe everything you read ………. the newspaper. The course starts ……… November 3th and ends ……… January. ………. first, we didn’t like each other, but …….. the end we are good friends. I was disappointed ……… the grade I received in Math. Are you interested ……….. listening to pop music ? My father hasn’t met my uncle ………… last month. Products made ………. China is not very popular in Vietnam. It’s compulsory ……… students to study P.E. They had to separate the rice ……… the husk and then cooked the rice. The park was named ………… a young hero, Le Van Tam. During the War, our country was divided ………… 3 parts. My mother has completely made this skirt ………… cotton. Ao dai is the compulsory uniform of women teacher ………… work. Hanoi and Kuala Lumpur are the same ……….. many ways. The office is closed …………. the weekend. I have been playing computer games ………… 8 am this morning. Their son has cleaned the floors ……… three hours. This machine hasn’t been used ……… ages. Maryam was really impressed ……… the beauty of Hanoi. They arrived ………… this gas station ……… 5 o’clock yesterday. We are looking forward ………. new possibilities. We can live ………… a dormitory ………. campus. What aspect ………… learning English do you find difficult ? Practicing listening ………. English tapes or English programs ……… the radio. The hotel is close …………. the historical district of the city. I saw a big old banyan tree ………. the entrance to your village. Ann’s birthday is ……… November 25th.. They have lived in his house ………. several months. 60

65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78.

There is a meeting …….. 2 pm and 5 pm. He apologized ………… his being late at the meeting. It was hard work ……….. the farm. The heavy rain prevented us …………… playing football. The first train has just arrived ……….. Canberra. The office will be closed ………….. Christmas and New Year. We will eat a lot of moon cakes ………… Mid-Autumn Festival.. I am aware ………. Mark’s reputation ……….. being late. She is extremely well-qualified ……… the job. The government should encourage the residents to use public buses instead ……… motorbikes. The seaside is always full ……… trash. Our students are aware ……… pollution effects on their health. I look forward ……… hearing from you. I haven’t seen you ……… ages. ……. autumn, the yard in front of my house is covered ……… leaves.

TOPIC 15: SOME STRUCTURES 1. Would you mind / Do you mind + V-ing ….? Do you mind if I + V (Hiện tại đơn)….? Would you mind if I + V (Quá khứ đơn) ….? 2. Đổi thì quá khứ đơn sang hiện tại hoàn thành S + last + V quá khứ đơn + thời gian + ago. - S + V hiện tại hoàn thành (phủ định) + for + thời gian - It’s + thời gian + since + S + last + V quá khứ đơn. - The last time + S + V quá khứ đơn + was + thời gian + ago. Ex: I last went to Dalat nine years ago. - I ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- It -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The ----------------------------------------------------------------------------This is the first time + S + HTHT khẳng định - S + HTHT never + before Ex: This is the first time I have visited Hanoi. - I ------------------------------------------------------------------------------3. It takes / took + O + time + to-inf…. S người + spend + time + V-ing… 4. It is + adj. + to-inf .. → V-ing + be + adj. : thật ….. để …. 5. SO …THAT → SUCH … THAT Ex: The film was so good that I saw it three times. It was such a good film that I saw it three times. It is such a bad book that nobody reads it. This book is so bad that nobody reads it. 6. TOO … + to-infinitive → ENOUGH … + to-infinitive Ex: Mary is too young to get married. Mary isn’t old enough to get married. The tea was not cool enough for her to drink. The tea was too hot for her to drink. 7.SO …THAT / SUCH … THAT TOO … + to-infinitive / ENOUGH … + to-infinitive Ex:1. This raincoat is so small that she can’t wear it. This raincoat is too small for her to wear. 2. It was such an interesting novel that I read it many times. The novel was interesting enoughfor me toread manytimes. 3. This question is easy enough for us to answer. This question is so easy that we cananswer. 4. The box was too heavy for the child to carry. It was such a heavy box that the child couldn’t carryit. 8. UNLESS IF NOT Note: Khi chuyển thì trong câu sẽ không bị đổi 61

Ex: Unless it rains, we will go to the movies (loại 1) If it doesn’t rain, we will go to the movies. (loại 1) If they didn’t attend class regularly, they couldn’t understand the lesson (loại 2) Unless they attendedclass regularly,they couldn’t understand the lesson. (loại2) 9. S + have/has + not + V3/ed … since (for)… S + last + V(past) …when… The last time + S + was…. Ex: I haven’t heard him since August. The last time I heard him was in August. I haven’t seen him since I was a student. I last saw him when I was a student. 10.S + V(past) ….. ago S + have/has + Ved/3 + since (for)… Ex: He started working for this factory a year ago. He has been worked for this factory for a year./He has worked for this factory since last year 1.The last time I went to Ho Chi Minh City was ten years ago. It……………………………………………………………… 2.The car is too expensive. I can’t affordit. Itwas . 3.It's the first time I've been to NewYork. Ihaven’t . 4.If you hadn’t studied hard, you would have failed the exam. Had . 5.I started teaching English three yearsago. Ihave . 6.No one in my class is more intelligent thanLan. Lan 7.This exercise was very difficult. We couldn’t doit. This exercisewasso . 8. She hasn’t gone out with him for 5 months. The last time ……………………………………………………………………………. 9. We haven’t seen such a cruel mother before. This is the first …………………………………………………………………………… 10.It’s two years since we last saw Mr. Jones. We haven’t ……………………………………………………………………………… 11.This is the first time I have visited the USA. I haven’t …………………………………………………………………………………. 12.I have learnt English for 10 years now. I began ……………………………………………………………………………………… 13.She moved to London 20 years ago. She has ………………………………………………………………………………………. 14.The Pikes haven’t visited Paris for 2 years. The last time ……………………………………………………………………………… 15.The last time I saw John was when he was leaving for Edinburgh. John hasn’t ………………………………………………………………………………………… 16.How long have your family read Tuoi Tre Newspaper ? When did your …………………………………………………………………………………… 17.When did he start teaching Physical Education in this school ? How long ………………………………………………………………………………………… 18.We haven’t seen Mary since we left the university. We last ………………………………… 19.The book was so interesting that we couldn’t put it down. Itwas 20.If I am not busy, I will do some shopping with you. Unless 62

21."Shall we go somewhere for a cup of coffee?" Marysaid. Marysuggested 22.Hung said to Nga, "Why don't you take an umbrella?” Hungsuggested 23.He is too short to playbasketball. Heisnot . 24.She bought that television two weeks ago. She has 25.The furniture was so expensive that I couldn’t buy it. The furniture was too 26.It has been ten years since Hong stopped playing the piano. Hong hasn’t 27.Is it all right if I borrow your car tonight ? Would you mind 28.What about going to New Age Movie Theater tonight ? Why 29.It took me a fairly long time to answer all my e-mails. I spent 30.She has never eaten lobster before. This is the 31.The flight from Ho Chi Minh City to Singapore only takes three hours. It takes

. .


1. PRONUNCIATION I. CÁCH PHÁT ÂM -S/-ES - Có 3 cách phát âm –s hoặc –es tận cùng. * đọc thành âm /iz/ với những từ có âm cuối là / s,ss, ch, sh, x, z, ge, ce / * đọc thành âm /s/ với những từ có âm cuối là / k, t, th ,p, f, / * đọc thành âm /z/ với những trường hợp còn lại Exercise 1: Choose the underlined words has pronouced differntly from the others. B. books C. points D. days 1. A. proofs 2. A. helps B. laughs C. cooks D. finds 3. A. neighbors B. friends C. relatives D. photographs 4. A. snacks B. follows C. titles D. writers 5. A. streets B. phones C. books D. makes 6. A. cities B. satellites C. series D. workers 7. A. develops B. takes C. laughs D. volumes 8. A. phones B. streets C. books D. makes 9. A. proofs B. regions C. lifts D. rocks 10. A. involves B. believes C. suggests D. steals 11. A. remembers B. cooks C. walls D. pyramids 12. A. miles B. words C. accidents D. names 13. A. sports B. plays C. chores D. minds 14. A. nations B. speakers C. languages D. minds 15. A. proofs B. looks C. lends D. stops 16. A. dates B. bags C. photographs D. speaks 17. A. parents B. brothers C. weekends D. feelings 18. A. chores B. dishes C. houses D. coaches 19. A. works B. shops C. shifts D. plays 20. A. coughs B. sings C. stops D. sleeps 21. A. signs B. profits C. becomes D. survives 63

22. A. works B. stops C. shifts 23. A. wishes B. practices C. introduces 24. A. grasses B. stretches C. comprises 25. A. desks B. maps C. plants 26. A. pens B. books C. phones 27. A. dips B. deserts C. books 28. A. miles B. attends C. drifts 29. A. mends B. develops C. values 30. A. repeats B. classmates C. amuses 31. A. humans B. dreams C. concerts 32. A. manages B. laughs C. photographs 33. A. dishes B. oranges C. experiences 34. A. fills B. adds C. stirs 35. A. wants B. books C. stops 36. A. books B. dogs C. cats 37. A. biscuits B. magazines C. newspapers B. peas C. trees 38. A. knees 39. A. cups B. stamps C. books 40. A. houses B. faces C. hates II. II. CÁCH PHÁT ÂM –ED - Có 3 cách phát âm –ed tận cùng. * đọc thành âm /id/ với những từ có âm cuối là / t, d / * đọc thành âm /t/ với những từ có âm cuối là /ch,p, f, k, s, sh,x, ch / * đọc thành âm /d/ với những trường hợp còn lại

D. plays D. leaves D. potatoes D. chairs D. tables D. camels D. glows D. equals D. attacks D. songs D. makes D. chores D. lets D. sends D. maps D. vegetables D. niece D. pens D. places

Exercise 2: Choose the underlined words has pronounced differently from the others. B. reached C. absorbed D. solved 1. A. failed 2. A. invitedB. attended C. celebrated D. displayed 3. A. removed B. washed C. hoped D. missed 4. A. looked B. laughed C. moved D. stepped B. parked C. stopped D. watched 5. A. wanted 6. A. laughed B. passed C. suggested D. placed 7. A. believed B. prepared C. involved D. liked 8. A. lifted B. lasted C. happened D. decided 9. A. collected B. changed C. formed D. viewed 10. A. walked B. entertained C. reached D. looked 11. A. watched B. stopped C. pushed D. improved 12. A. admired B. looked C. missed D. hoped 13. A. provedB. changed C. pointed D. played 14. A. helped B. laughed C. cooked D. intended 15. A. smoked B. followed C. titled D. implied 16. A. coughed B. phoned C. booked D. stopped 17. A. talked B. looked C. naked D. worked 18. A. developed B. ignored C. laughed D. washed 19. A. phoned B. stated C. mended D. old-aged 20. A. clapped B. attracted C. lifted D. needed 21. A. involved B. believed C. praised D. locked 22. A. remembered B. cooked C. closed D. cleaned 64

23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48.

A. smiled B. regarded C. suggested A. reversed B. choked A. provedB. looked C. stopped A. dated B. changed A. scaled B. started C. phoned A. behaved B. washed A. worked B. shopped A. coughed B. cooked A. signed B. profited A. walked B. hundred A. watched B. practiced A. passed B. stretched C. comprised A. tested B. clapped C. planted A. intended B. engaged A. married B. sniffed A. smiled B. denied C. divorced B. developed A. planned A. approved B. answered A. doubted B. wedded A. managed B. laughed B. exchanged A. washed A. filled B. added A. wanted B. booked A. booked B. watched A. bottled B. explained B. stamped A. laughed

D. naked C. played D. coughed C. struggled D. hundred C. clicked C. missed C. melted C. attracted C. fixed C. introduced D. washed D. demanded C. phoned C. booked D. agreed C. valued C. amused C. connected C. captured C. experienced C. started C. stopped C. jogged C. trapped C. booked

D. sentenced D. agreed D. approached D. played D. mixed D. naked D. coughed D. cleaned D. enabled D. coughed D. recognized D. uttered D. passed D. signed D. mixed D. intended D. laughed D. developed D. betrayed D. contented

PART 2: MIXED PRACTICE MULTIPLE CHOICE I. Choose the word or phrase that needs correcting : 1. They have given me three bicycles since I startriding to school. A B C D 2. Lion King is one of the most interesting cartoon I have ever seen. A B C D 3. I didn’t use to go swimming when I livein the countryside. A B C D 4. Wearing uniforms help students feel equal whether they are rich or poor. A B C D 5. I enjoyed listening to traditional music and go dancing with my friends. A B C D 6. I haven’t heardfrom Susan sincea long time. A B C D 7. She wishes she will go to the party with her sister tomorrow. A B C D 8. They asked him not give that new information to anyone else. 65

A B C 9. He said that hewould visit me tomorrow. A B C D 10. The Brownsdecidegoingto school tomorrow. A B C D


11. I was listeningto the radio last night when the door bell rings. A B C D 12. My family spent an interested holiday in Nha Trang last summer. A B C D 13. She is looking forward to go to Europe after she finishes her studies at the university. A B C D 14. The Internet is a very fast and convenient way for us to get a lot of informations. A B C D 15. Liverpool is an industry city in the North of England. A B C D 16. The taxi drivertold the man doesn’t allow his disobedient son to hang out the window. A B C D 17. What about play tennis instead of going to the cinema ? A B C D 18. Stay in bed all day is not good for our health, isn’t it ? A B C D 19. You know, the room is so tidy that it needclean without delay. A B C D 20. Many of my students enjoy to surf the web in their free time. A B C D 21. I wish I can go to the cinemawith you tonight. A B C D 22. He asked me if I know that man over there. A B C D 23. The number of the booksin the library have risento over five million. A B C D 24. If I had his phone number here, I will give it to you immediately. A BC D 25. My aunt has beguntaught English for twenty years. A B C D 26. If I have beenhungry, I would have eatensomething. A B C D 27. We are really enjoying the TV set that we bought itlast week. A B C D 28. Last summer I have stayedon my uncle’s farm, which is near Whitby. A B CD 29. Although tornadoes have beenobserved on every continent, but most occur in the United States. A B C D 30. Lam said that he was leaving for the capital tomorrow. A B C D 31. I can’t find the book which Lan lent it to me last week. A B C D 66

II. Use the correct tense or form of the verb in parentheses : 1. I hate …………………………. at by another people. (laugh) 2. This truck is used ……………………… high metals. (carry) 3. Malaysia ……………………… into 2 regions. (divide) 4. Are you afraid of ………………………. ? (follow) 5. This knife is used ………………… fruit. (cut) 6. She wishes she …………………… English as fluently as his sister. (speak) 7. Today, young generation are fond of ……………………. jeans. (wear) 8. My nephew is looking forward ……………………… a new job in the company. (get) 9. I wish they ……………………… here tomorrow. (come) 10. She is used ……………………… up early. (get) 11. Her sister often ………………… the floor when she was a housekeeper. (sweep) 12. Water can’t …………………. here. (find) 13. I would rather you …………….. well on your test. (do) 14. Haven’t the key ………………………. yet ? (find) 15. ……….you ………. all the housework yet ? The floor isn’t very clean now. (do) 16. He ……………….. a novel for many years (write), but he …………… it yet. (finish) 17. Mr. Quang ……………… Math at this school (teach) since he ……………… (graduate) in this university in 1989. 18. My brother …………… my house 10 years ago (leave) . I ……………… (never / meet) him again since then. 19. The bags ………………. on the wall are our team’s. (hang) 20. The story ……………… by my teacher is very interesting. (tell) 21. The students discussed the problems ………………. the pollution. (cause) 22. Originally, the book ……………… (write) in English, and a few years later is ……………………. (translate) into several languages. 23. The Greens …………………… in this city for 10 years. (live) 24. Children enjoy ………………….. picture books. (read) 25. If you come here in Spring, you ……………… a chance to go to the village fair. (have) 26. If I finish my work soon, I …………………… for a drink with you. (come) 27. The weather …………………. terrible since yesterday. (be) 28. All the students are looking forward ………………………… summer vacation. (spend) 29. Justin said he …………………. the following day. (return) 30. The teacher ordered Tom …………… to the blackboard. (go) 31. Tam’s mother advises her ……………… (not spend) too much time on …………………. computer games. (play) 32. What ………………………….. at this time yesterday ? (you / do) 33. The robber climbed into the windows without ……………………… (see) 34. Do you suggest ………………… on the grass enjoying sunshine ? (lie) 35. Those environmentalists are happy ……………… the battle against dynamite fishing. (win) 36. On the way home, Long often stops ………………… a newspaper. (buy) 37. It is very possible ………………… solar energy for a number of days. (store) 38. How about …………………… used paper, bottles and cans every day ? (recycle) 39. I’m not used to ………………. so far, so I must stop ……………… for a while. (walk / stop) 40. His joke made me ………………. a lot. (laugh) 41. She will tell him about the news when he ………………….. her tomorrow morning. (phone) 42. They ……………………. roses in the garden when I came to see them. (plant) 43. Thank you for ……………………….. after my grandpa while I was away last week. (look) 67

44. Young people are keen on …………………… fashionable clothes. (wear) 45. They ……………………. TV all evening yesterday. (watch) 46. John ………………… the first prize in the English speaking contest. (just / win) 47. Uncle Ho devoted his life …………………. the independence for Vietnam. (gain) 48. Let her ……………… her best to finish her work in time. (try) 49. I saw an accident while I …………………… for a bus at a bus stop. (wait) 50. When he reached our house, mother …………………… (leave) 51. I remember ……………………… to the circus by my grandmother when I was 6. (take) 52. By the time the police reached the station, the robber …………………. away. (run) 53. Nam wishes he ………………………. a lot of time last year. (not waste) 54. She couldn’t go with them because she was busy ………….. on the exam next time. (work) 55. Children hate …………………… (make) ……………… (do) a lot of homework. III. Use the correct form of the word given in parentheses 1. Their …………………… has lasted for over 15 years. (friend) 2. We enjoyed the ……………….. atmosphere in Hue. (peace) 3. Wearing helmets is …………………………… by law. (compel) 4. She enjoys looking at the …………………… made by Mr. Oscar. (design) 5. In Malaysia, …………………… is free. (educate) 6. America’s …………………. pollution fell for the fourth successive month. (industry) 7. Those boys are young enough to live …………………… from his family. (depend) 8. It’s very …………………… to phone a call late at night. (convenience) 9. Dove ……………………. for peace. (symbol) 10. Those men are not really ……………… dressed for a wedding party. (suit) 11. Finding the film ……………………, they turned off the TV set. (interest) 12. We often take part in many different ………………… activities. (culture) 13. This accident happens because of driving …………………. (care) 14. You can receive a lot of …………………… by using Google. (inform) 15. Japan is said to be a …………………… country. (mountain) 16. What do you think of her ……………………… of rock ? (collect) 17. There are a lot of ……………………… at tourist attractions in HCM City. (sightsee) 18. I felt ……………………. in climbing up the mountain. (interest) 19. Acting has brought me some enormous ………………….. (enjoy) 20. He has had treatment for 2 months now without any ……………………… (improve) 21. Travelling to the countryside is becoming …………………….. popular nowadays. (increase) 22. …………………… are looking for an effective way to reduce energy consumption. (science) 23. What we must do is to keep the earth ……………………… (pollute) 24. We must use electricity ……………………… (economy) 25. ……………. energy is the best alternative source of energy. (sun) 26. These toys made in the USA is ………………….. to children. (harm) 27. I am …………... disappointed to know my children have not cleaned up all the trash. (extreme) 28. He is one of the most famous ……………………. all over the world. (environment) 29. Fuel …………………… can be cut down by having fewer cars on the roads. (consume) 30. Governments encourage people to use the products which are ……………………… friendly (environment) 31. Let’s have an …………………… mend the iron. (electric) 32. In Sweden, most houses will be …………………… by the sun soon. (hot) 33. The sky is clear – it’s ……………………. (cloud) 34. Lunar New Year is ………………… celebrated in many areas of Asia. (joy) 35. I don’t want to think of that ………………….. accident. (destroy) 68

36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61.

A typhoon is going to hit our area. What sorts of ………………. shall we make ? (prepare) The mountain was full of ……………… rock and ash when the ………………… was over. (volcano / erupt) Thousands of people have been made ………………… by flooding. (home) …………………., people eat ………………. rice cakes at Tet. (tradition / stick) TV viewers like Mr. Bean’s sense of …………………… (humorous) He is very …………………… towards his children. (consider) I think that Mother Day should be celebrated ………………… in Vietnam. (nation) Mary is very ………………… of her father. (pride) Nguyen Du is considered a great Vietnamese …………………… (poetic) Jimmy doesn’t like wearing ……………………. clothes. (embroider) Trinh Cong Son is one of the most well-known …………………… in Vietnam. (music Modern ……………………. are used to bring people together. (communicate) Do you know the man who …………………… the telephone ? (invention) By learning English you can access to the world’s ……………………. (develop) Christopher Columbus was a great ……………………… (explore) Information technology is very …………………… to our modern life. (use) In order to keep our environment _________________, we shouldn’t drop litter in public places. (pollutant) If ________________ continues, there will be more a lot of forests ten years from now. (forest) These hills were formed by _________________ eruption. (volcano _______________, the typhoon caused severe damage to the village. (luck) Is there any _______________ for the existence of life in other planet ? (evident) Those who ……………… in the meeting yesterday had an opportunity to speak. (participant) Angkor Watt used to be a ………………. center. (religion) My friend ate some …………………. mushrooms, so he had to go to the hospital. (poison) He turned off the …………………… when he went out of the house. (electric) There are many ……………………… around the year in Vietnam. (festive) IV.Write the second sentence so that it has the same meaning as the first one: A 1 It’s a pity! We don’t have today off. I wish………………………………………………………………………………………… 2. I can’t join in your trip as I promised because I have to finish my report on books. If ......................................................................................................................................................................... 3. They have held a big march to promote the spirit of the working class. A big march ......................................................................................................................................................... 4. You won’t find any accommodation if you don’t book it in advance. Unless .................................................................................................................................................................. 5. I don’t think you should go to work today. You’d better ......................................................................................................................................................... 6. Mandy is excited about going to Greece on holiday. Mandy is looking ................................................................................................................................................. 7. I can’t go climbing and hiking this weekend. I wish .................................................................................................................................................................. 8. When I was a child, I lived in Bristol. We used .............................................................................................................................................................. 9. We felt bored because of his long speech. Because ………………………………………………………………………………………………. 10. You will catch a cold if you don’t keep your feet dry. Unless .................................................................................................................................................................. 69

11. The book is quite worth reading. You lent me the book last week. The book which ................................................................................................................................................... 12. He is overweight because he eats so much chocolate. If he ...................................................................................................................................................................... 13. They are building a new stadium here. A new stadium ..................................................................................................................................................... 14. I spend half an hour travelling to work by motorbike every day. It takes ................................................................................................................................................................. 15. I missed the bus this morning so I was late for class. Because ................................................................................................................................................................ 16. We couldn’t drive fast because the traffic was heavy. Since .................................................................................................................................................................... 17. The town was nearer than we thought. The town wasn’t as .............................................................................................................................................. 18. We spent five hours getting to London. It ........................................................................................................................................................................... 19. They’ve been living here for six years now. They moved ……………………………………………….... 20.”You shouldn’t spend your weekend in the city” She advised me .................................................................................................................................................... 21. “Can you give me a ride to school?” He asked his friend .............................................................................................................................................. 22. It is so cold that we can’t bathe. It is too ................................................................................................................................................................. 23. We can’t have breakfast in the garden because it is very cold. It is so .................................................................................................................................................................. 24. In spite of his age, Mr. Benson runs seven miles before breakfast. Though ................................................................................................................................................................. 25. Although she had an injured ankle, Esther still won the tennis match. Despite ................................................................................................................................................................. 26. It was such a long journey that they were all asleep by the time they arrived. The journey.......................................................................................................................................................... 27. Unfortunately, Nick was too short to be a good basketball player. Unfortunately, Nick wasn’t ................................................................................................................................. 28. The exam question was so easy that all the students got it right. It was such ........................................................................................................................................................... 29. “Where’s the best place to buy souvenirs ?” I asked her............................................................................................................................................................ 30. You won’t lose weight if you don’t stop eating much. Unless .................................................................................................................................................................. 31. To know English is necessary. It is ....................................................................................................................................................................... 32. He has been collecting stamps for five years. He started ............................................................................................................................................................. 33. Remember to check your flight number. Don’t .................................................................................................................................................................... 34. He can’t pass the exam because he doesn’t work hard. If he ...................................................................................................................................................................... 70

35. Let’s go abroad for our holiday this year. Why…………………………………………………………………………………………………..? 36. How long have they moved here? When.................................................................................................................................................................... 37. It took us two hours to water the flowers. We spent .............................................................................................................................................................. 38. “Turn down the radio, Tom” Tom’s mother told ............................................................................................................................................... 39. We couldn’t answer those two difficult questions. Those two questions ............................................................................................................................................ 40. Mark is too young to see that horror film. Mark isn’t ............................................................................................................................................................ 41. It’s not a good idea to travel during rush hour. It’s better to avoid 42. I have just met the boy helping you with the work yesterday. The boy 43. My mother cooks better than Alan’s mother does. Alan’s mother 44. She bought that television two weeks ago. She has 45. The furniture was so expensive that I couldn’t buy it. The furniture was too 46. It has been ten years since Hong stopped playing the piano. Hong hasn’t 47. Although Tom eats a lot of chocolate, he never puts on weigh. In spite of 48. “When are you going to Nha Trang Beach ?” My uncle asked me 49.Your daughter is too young to watch this kind of horror film. Your daughter is not 50.What about going to New Age Movie Theater tonight ? Why 51.He is so stupid that he can’t understand the lesson. He is such 52. It was difficult for her to connect the new dishwasher. She found 53.He is talking to the girl with long hair. The girl whom ___________________________________________________________ 54. They want to buy a bigger house but they don’t have enough money. If they _________________________________________________________________ 55. I didn’t go to school on time this morning because the bus was late. If the bus _______________________________________________________________ 56. She started working as a secretary five years ago. She has ________________________________________________________________ 57. The children couldn’t go swimming because of the rough sea. The sea was too __________________________________________________________ 58. Although he had a good salary, he was unhappy in his job. In spite of ______________________________________________________________ 71

59. They haven’t cleaned the streets this week. The streets ______________________________________________________________ 60. The restaurant is so dirty that no one wants to eat there. It was such ______________________________________________________________ 61. I haven’t been to Bristol for 3 years. The last time ____________________________________________________________ 62.He is too young to appreciate such a film. He’s not ________________________________________________________________ 63.I haven’t seen that man here before. It’s ____________________________________________________________________ 64. It’s said that English people are quiet and severed. English people ___________________________________________________________ 65.Although his leg was broken, he managed to get out of the car. In spite of ______________________________________________________________ 66.The cake was so hard that I couldn’t eat it. It was __________________________________________________________________ 67.The water was so cold that the children could not swim in it. The water was not ________________________________________________________ 68.I don’t live in a big city, so I can’t go to the cinema very often. If _____________________________________________________________________ 69.The bridge was so low that the bus couldn’t go under it. It was __________________________________________________________________ 70.I last saw him when I was a student. I haven’t _______________________________________________________________ 71.If Joe doesn’t change his way, he will end up in prison. Unless _________________________________________________________________ 72.He wrote the letter in two hours. It _____________________________________________________________________ 73. It was such hot tea that I couldn’t drink it. The tea _________________________________________________________________ 74. Because she behaves well, everybody loves her. Because of ______________________________________________________________ 75. Unless you water the flowers every day, they will die. If _____________________________________________________________________ 76. She never seems to succeed even though she works hard. In spite of ______________________________________________________________ 77. Jeanie is the tallest girl in her class. No one _________________________________________________________________ B. Rewrite the following sentences with the words given so that the rewritten ones have the same meaning as the original ones. 1) The bridge was so low that the lorry couldn’t go under it. ---> The bridge was too ---> It was such 2) My brother used to walk to school with his friends. ---> My brother no longer ---> No longer 72

3) “What’s your name?” the policeman said to the little boy. ---> The policeman asked the little boy 4) My kitchen is smaller than yours. ---> Your 5) I’ll give you my phone number. I want you to phone me when necessary. ---> I’ll give you my phone number so 6) I couldn’t come there on time because I got up late. ---> Because of ---> If ---> I got up late 7) My father advised me to choose that job. ---> I 8) That boy is clever. He can make children’s toys. ---> That boy is so ---> That is such 9) That pupil is very lazy. My sister can’t teach him English. ---> That pupil is so ---> That pupil is too 10) I regret buying the second-hand motorbike. ---> I wish I 11) They think that she is the most beautiful girl in this class. ---> She is ---> It is 12) We have to keep these explosives in a safe place. ---> These explosives 13) It was such a good film that we decided to go and see it again. ---> The film was 14) People are using computers in almost every field. ---> Computers 15) The thief drove very quickly. The police couldn’t catch him. ---> The thief 16) I would like you to help me to lift this heavy box up. ---> Would you mind 17) Someone rang the alarm as soon as the burglars left the shop. A. ---> No sooner 18) The last time I saw her was a week ago. ---> I haven’t 19) He had hardly put down the phone when his wife rang back. ---> Hardly 20) She stayed in bed because of her sickness. ---> Because 21) You didn’t work hard. You got bad marks. ---> If 22) The boy can’t wear the shirt because it’s very tight. ---> The shirt is so ---> The shirt is too 23) Both Peter and Mary enjoy scientific expeditions. ---> Mary enjoys scientific expeditions, and so 73

---> Peter enjoys scientific expeditions, and Mary 24) Mike is a more careful driver than his brother. ---> Mike drives 25) She worked hard so she got high wages. ---> If 26) Unless you phone me tonight, you won’t get any information. ---> If 27) Tom cried a lot when he was a child. ---> Tom used to 28) This problem is very difficult. He can’t solve it. ---> The problem is too ---> It is such ---> The problem is so 29) Let’s go to the seaside this summer. ---> Why don’t we ---> How about ---> I suggest 30) Many people said that our team won the gold medal by chance. ---> Our team was 31) I’m sorry that I lent him much money. ---> I wish 32) Mary felt sick because she drank too much wine. ---> If 33) You will catch a cold if you don’t put on your coat. ---> Unless 34) Both he and she couldn’t afford to buy a car. ---> He couldn’t afford to buy a car, and neither ---> He couldn’t afford to buy a car, and she 35) We enjoyed our trip although the weather was bad. ---> In spite of 36) He was sleepy; therefore, he went to bed early. ---> Because 37) I made a mistake because I was very tired. ---> Because of 38) These cars are cheap but they last a long time. ---> Even though 39) Despite the noise, the children slept well. ---> Although 40) Because of being tired, he didn’t walk to the station. ---> Because CHƯƠNG TRÌNH CŨ MULTIPLE CHOICE Choose the best answer : A. 1. They haven’t seen each other, but they write to each other frequently. They are ……………… A. pen pals B. writers C. co-writer D. paper pals 74

2. Children in this poor village are allowed to go to school without …………………….. A. education B. instruction C. tuition fee D. impression 3. Churches, pagodas and temples are places of ………………….. A. gossip B. worship C. warship D. friendship 4. They knelt down and …………………. for the peace of the world. A. enjoyed B. prayed C. interested D. hoped 5. Since 1960, jeans have become more and more …………… with students. A. common B. popular C. famous D. familiar 6. The Singaporean ……………… is Singapore dollars. A. currency B. capital C. language D. climate 7. Islamic people usually go to the …………… to pray. A. pagoda B. church C. mosque D. temple 8. Wearing uniform encourages students feel ……………… in many ways. A. official B. fashionable C. equal D. worried 9. Shall we go to Vung Tau on the weekend ? …………………. A. That’s a fine day B. That’s a good trip C. Yes, let’s D. Yes, please 10. Hello, you must be Minh. ……………………. A. Yes, please B. That’s right, I am C. Yes, here I am D. No, I am Minh 11. May I help you ? ………………………… A. I’m afraid I’m busy now C. Yes, that’s very kind of you B. What can I do for you ? D. What do you need ? 12. Maryam, this is Nga, I am. ……………………………. A. Nice to meet you again C. Pleased to meet you. B. How are you ? D. That’s right, I am. 13. The imagine of ao dai is ……………………… in a lot of songs. A. interested B. impressed C. provided D. mentioned 14. US dollars are considered common …………… in international transactions. A. currency B. money C. value D. support 15. Would you like a cup of tea ? …………………………. A. Yes, I would B. Yes, please C. I’m sorry D. It’s my pleasure 16. What can you do to ………………… your friend when he fail ? A. encourage B. embroider C. wear D. call 17. They moved away five years ago, but they still ………………….. the other A. keep peace on B. keep on well with C. keep in touch with D. take up on 18. The English 9 textbook …………………. 10 units. A. comprises B. consists C. divides D. depends 19. Do you find these questions ………………… ? A. easily B. terribly C. expensive D. difficult 20. I saw your school’s …………………… in today’s edition of Vietnam. A. institute B. advertisement C. dormitory D. scenery 21. We will go on a ………………… trip to Dalat. A. three days B. three-days C. three-day D. three day 22. Hung said he ……………… an English course at a foreign language center the next week. A. has taken B. took C. will take D. would take 23. The village ________near the foot of a mountain and by a river. A. goes B. lies C. comes D. stands 24. That’s the man _________ mother tongue is Chinese. A. which B. whose C. that D. who 75

25. She ________ a famous singer some years ago. A. is used to be B. is used to being C. used to be D. used to being 26. English __________ one of the most popular languages nowadays. A. was B. is C. were D. are 27. A computer can gather a lot of _________ for many different _________ . A. informations / purpose B. informations / purposes C. information / purposes D. information / purpose 28. Liz saw some wild ducks. Liz was resting under the trees. A. While Liz was resting under the trees, saw some wild ducks B. While Liz saw some wild ducks, she was resting under the trees. C. Liz saw some wild ducks while she was resting under the trees. D. Liz was resting under the trees while she saw some wild ducks. 29. 12. How long have you learnt English? - _________ A. Since 4 years B. 4 years ago C. For 4 years D. Within 4 years 30. 13. Viet got up late_________ He couldn't catch the first bus. A. then B. so C. as D. when 31. All the teachers in this language center are_________ A well qualified B good qualifying C well qualifying D good qualified 32. Matthew said he was meeting a friend at the station later ______. A. that day B. yesterday C. tomorrow D. this today 33. If he doesn’t come soon, he ______ be late. A. has B. ought to C. ought D. might 34. I wish I ______ on a beautiful sunny beach now. A. would be lying B. can be lying C. can be lied D. could be lying 35. In order _______ your writing, you have to read a lot and write English as much as possible. A. to improve B. to excel C. to pass D. to increase 36. Look at this _________in today’s edition of the Vietnam News, Nam. A. advertisement B. advertising C. advertise D. advertment 37. After completing the basic class of computing, you can _________a high course. A. come B. have C. attend D. go 38. I wonder ___________ . A. why he doesn’t love his family . B. why doesn’t he love his family . C. why does he love his family ? D. why loves his family ? 39. The journey to the village is very _______________ A. interested B. interesting C. disinterested D. interest 40. Cars and trucks are ……………………… in the city center. A. preserved B. banned C. prohibited D. B and C 41. Polluted water can directly do …………… to people’s health and destroy marine life. A. harm B. destruction C. terror D. ruin 42. “Why do we need clean air ?” “Well, it ……………… us with a lot of oxygen” A. protects B. provides C. preserves D. produces 43. The Browns had to use all their_______ to buy their house. A. expense B. savings C. reserves D. remains 44. Another word for fortune is_______. A. rich B. lucky C. foreign D. good 45. If Lan comes to England, it will be a good_______ for her to improve her English. A. opportunity B. possibility C. advantage D. experience 46. Please_______ your hand if you want to ask the teacher a question. 76

A. rise B. push C. raise D. lift 47. Tam has a big_______ of foreign coins. A. collector B. collection C. collecting D. collective 48. If we don’t_______ on electricity, there will be power cut. A. economic B. economics C. economical D. economize 49. I’ve always enjoyed traveling. My mother; _______, prefers to stay at home. A. bit B. although C. however D. moreover 50. He is a person_______ friends trust him. A. whom B. his C. whose D. who’s 51. ………………….. is very harmful to the environment. It makes the water become poisonous. A. Using electricity to catch fish C. Using dynamite for fishing B. Fishing with worms D. Fishing with nets 52. You can ………………. a word in dictionary if you don’t know what it means. A. look into B. look up C. look for D. look over 53. My shoes are dirty. I’d better take them ________before I come in. A. always B. up C. on D. off 54. If you want to save money, you should ________he amount of water your family uses. A. increase B. reduce C. adapt D. repair 55. Mary’s eyes are weak, __________, she has to wear glasses. A. but B. however C. and D. therefore 56. If there is a mechanical problem, we suggest _________ the manufacturer directly. A. contact B. contacting C. to contact D. be contacted 57. Our energy will soon come to an end if we don’t__________ it. A. use B. save C. spend D. take 58. Please turn __________ the gas. I want to cook my lunch. A. over B. on C. in D. over 59. Scientists are looking for an ___________ way to reduce energy consumption. A. effective B. affection C. effect D. effectively 60. They are completely short of water now. A number of people have died because of this____ A. shortage B. short C. shorten D. shortly 61. In order to save electricity, an ordinary 100-watt light bulb can be replaced by ______. A. a 1000-watt light B. a lamp C. an electric bulb D. an energy-saving bulb 62. My father has gone to Can Tho _____ business. A. for B. on C. by D. because 63. Tom has had flu for the last three says. He _____ now. A. has seen the doctor B. is seeing the doctor C. sees the doctor D. was seeing the doctor 64. _____ breakfast? A. Did you have just B. Are you just having C. Have you just had D. Do you just have 65. I can't hear what you are saying. Can you ______ the radio? A. turn down B. turn on C. turn up D. turn off 66. According to the weather _________ , it will be raining tonight. A. prediction B. information C. announcement D. forecast 67. She applied for the job as a personal manager _________she liked meeting people. A. in spite of B. because C. although D. because of 68. _________ they thought the exam had been easy, they all failed. A. Although B. Even though C. Though D. All are correct 69. People are happy to welcome the New Year. They make a lot of _________ A. readiness B. working C. preparation D. housework 77

70. It was _________ wonderful music that I went straight out and bought the record. A. so B. very C. too D. such 71. He wrote them three letters _________ he didn’t get a reply. A. so B. and C. but D. that 72. There is a big old banyan _________at the entrance to the village. A. plant B. field C. grass D. tree 73. We all enjoyed the trip to the village very much. It was an _________ trip. A. enjoy B. enjoyed C. enjoyable D. enjoying 74. I have never had a chance to see a real green paddy _________ . A. tree B. place C. meadow D. field 75. It took us two hours _________ the village by bus. A. to come B. to reach C. to get D. to arrive 76. Living in the countryside, you can enjoy the peaceful atmosphere and the … air there. A. windy B. strong C. fresh D. salty 77. Remember to take the camera. We’ll take _________ to show the trip to our parents. A. copies B. pictures C. photos D. paintings 78. We had a picnic on the river _________ before going home late in the evening. A. side B. bank C. part D. place 79. She cried with _______ when she heard the news. It was her _______ time. A. joy / joyful B. joyful / joy C. joyfully / joy D. joy / joyfully. 80. There used to be a military _______ in Red Square on 1st May. A. parade B. festival C. party D. paradise 81. What activities do you want to _______ in that school and at the club? A. taking part in B. taken part in C. take part D. took part in 82. The _______ lady gave her new friend a huge before they said goodbye. A. gentleness B. gently C gentle D. kind 83. He is generous man. He is _______ known for his generosity. A. well B. good C. better D. best 84. It‘s very nice _______ you to say so. A. in B. on C. of D. to 85. Passover is celebrated in Israel and by all _______people. A. English B. Vietnamese C. Jewish D. Chinese 86. You shouldn’t laugh ________ old people . A. at B. on C. with D. for 87. Turn the radio ________It’s too loud. A. down B. up C. on D. off 88. Please turn _______ the volume on TV . I want to listen to the news. A. down B. up C. on D. off 89. Although Tom’s grandmother doesn’t _____ weather forecasts, she likes watching them. A. experience B. trust C. expect D. predict 90. An area of land with hills or mountains is called the _______. A. regions B. territories C. highlands D. environment 91. The word “typhoon” comes ______ the Chinese, doesn’t it ? A. from B. for C. about D. with 92. The accident ______ while he was driving to the office. A. occurred B. was occur C. was occurred D. was being occurred 93. That important event ______ in 1945. A. happened B. happening C. was happened D. has happened 78

94. She was having a rest when the volcano _______ . A. erupted B. flew C. flowed D. broke 95. Two hundred people died in that volcano ______. A. corruption B. eruption C. destruction D. reduction 96. ________are funnel-shaped storms passing overland below a thunderstorm. A. Earthquakes B. Tropical storms C. Hurricanes D. Tornadoes 97. In 1995 , a huge earthquake struck Kobe city in Japan and caused severe _______ A. damage B. destruction C. shift D. collapse 98. The earthquake _______ the city at 2 this morning A. occurred B. hit C. swept D. measured 99. Thousands of people were saved because scientists had__them about the volcanic eruption. A. said B. spoke C. warned D. talked 100. A tropical storm which reaches 120 kilometers an hour is called a _______ in North and South America. A. typhoon B. cyclone C. hurricane D. tornado 101. The roof ________ under the weight of snow last night. A. collapsed B. fell C. dropped D. flew 102. A tornado looks like a big, dark _______ coming from the bottom of a storm cloud. A. funnel B. bowl C. mushroom D. cloud 103. Early warnings about tornadoes could save many __________. A.lives B. life C. living D. things 104. Yesterday a typhoon _________ a coastal city in the country. A. hit B. strike C. collapsed D. predicted 105. People can know when a volcano will ________ nowadays, can't they ? A. break B. warn C. erupt D. seek 106. A tropical storm is called a hurricane in North and South America when it _____ 120 kilometers per hour. A. reaches B. goes C. gets D. comes 107. A ____ is a very large wave. A. tidal wave B. tsunami C. tornado D. a and b are correct. 108. A / An __________ is a sudden strong shaking of the ground. A. snowstorm B. tidal wave C. earthquake D. volcano. 109. A _______ is a tropical storm with strong winds. A. typhoon B. tornado C. volcano D. tsunami B. 5. It’s very hot. We wish our room …………….. air-conditioning. A. have B. were C. had D. would be 6. All the teachers in Le Hong Phong School are …………………… A. good-qualified B. good-qualifying C. well-qualified D. well-qualify 7. I look forward …………………… from my brother, who is living abroad. A. in order to hear B. to hearing C. to hear D. hear 8. This restaurant has the …………………. for serving Chinese dish. A. reputation B. businessman C. name D. knowledge 9. Since their argument, there had been a strained ………………… between them. A. friendliness B. atmosphere C. instruction D. activity 10. Judy ………………… going for a walk, but no one else wanted to. A. admitted B. offered C. promised D. suggested 11. The house ………………… two bedrooms, a kitchen and a bathroom. A. divides B. takes C. gets D. consists of 12. Before newspapers were invented, …………… would go through the streets ringing the bells. 79

A. designers B. writers C. town criers D. poets 13. …………………. is the symbol of the countryside in Vietnam. A. Banyan trees B. Paddy fields C. A bamboo forest D. Buffaloes 14. Wearing casual clothes makes school more colorful and ………………. A. living B. alive C. live D. lively 15. TV ………………… can enjoy interesting programs by choosing the right channels. A. spectators B. audiences C. watchers D. viewers 16. No one can ………… the advantages of using computers. A. agree B. deny C. accept D. refuse 17. Van helped the Parkers with ………………. the chickens and collecting the eggs. A. feeding B. harvesting C. catching D. plowing 18. The “Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary” is now in its 7th ………………… A. advance B. institute C. fee D. edition 19. We received our first semester ……………… a few days ago. A. problem B. report C. passage D. aspect 20. She has two children to look after, so she’s looking for a …………. job in her neighborhood. A. part-time B. full-time C. low-paid D. extra 21. My younger brother is studying under his teacher’s ……………… A. academy B. request C. tuition D. reputation 22. Many students in this city live in the ………………….. A. campus B. dormitory C. building D. apartment 23. We should travel to Dalat by car to enjoy the beautiful …………………… on the way. A. campus B. reputation C. scenery D. institute 24. If I attend the course in London, I’ll be able to have a chance to speak to …………… speakers. A. natural B. native C. formal D. national 25. Living in the distant town, students can’t get …………… to the Internet easily. A. connect B. relation C. access D. work 26. There is a small bamboo ………………… at the entrance to the village. A. forest B. mountain C. style D. peasant 27. Cattle and sheep are grazing in the ………………….. A. paddy fields B. bridges C. rivers D. meadows 28. Pagodas, churches and mosques are places of ………………… A. gossip B. worship C. amusement D. interest 29. The English 8 textbook ………………… of 16 units. A. comprises B. consists C. divides D. depends 30. Wearing helmets when riding motorbikes is …………………….. by law. A. adding B. optional C. religious D. compulsory 31. Let’s go swimming today. It’s so hot - ………………… A. Oh like B. It’s beautiful C. Good idea D. It’s hot 32. Help yourself with some chicken - ……………………. A. Thank you B. No, I don’t like chicken C. Yes, I will D. Never mind 33. What do you think about American films ? - …………………….. A. Yes I do B. No I don’t C. I think of them very much D. I like them 34. I’m sorry I was stuck in a traffic jam - ……………………. A. Never mind B. Don’t apologize C. OK, we’ve just started D. My pleasure 35. There’s plenty of more cake if you’d like another piece - ………………….. A. Thanks a lot B. It’s very delicious C. I don’t mind if I do D. No problem 36. The earthquake caused loss of life and property ……………………… 80

A. destruction B. construction C. production D. eruption 37. Remember to ………………… all the lights and fans before you leave their rooms. A. turn on B. look for C. go on D. turn off 38. This newspaper is ................... everyday. It’s daily newspaper. A. publishing B. published C. to publish D. publish 39. He shouted and looked ........................ at me when I broke the vase. A. angry B. angrier C. angrily D. angryly 40. He is tired ......................... he stayed up late watching TV. A. so B. because C. but D. and 41. We are talking about the preservation of ........................... resources. A. natural B. naturally C. nature D. naturalize 42. Is he really .................... that you can’t come there ? A. disappoint B. disappointed C. disappointing D. to disappoint 43. I think most children are creative enough to write ..................... poems. A. beauty B. beautiful C. beautifully D. beautify 44. It is our policy to ........................ forests and increase forestation. A. protect B. protecting C. to protect D. protected 45. Everyone must take part in .............................. deforestation. A. prevent B. preventing C. to prevent D. prevented 46. I suggest ................................ to the movies. A. go B. to go C. going D. went 47. They made their living by ........................ fish in the ocean everyday. A. catch B. catching C. to catch D. caught 48. .................... means cutting or over- harvesting trees for lumber or pulp, or clear the land for other human activities. A. Forestry B. Forestation C. Deforester D. Deforestation 49. Some farmers don’t like ..................... the ground with the pesticides. A. spray B. spraying C. throw D. throwing 50. The inhabitants wrote a letter of complaint to the local .................. about the noise from the factory. A. author B. authorities C. authority D. authorized 51. Using ................. transport is a good way to reduce traffic jams and air pollution. A. common B. private C. public D. train 52. I will be ................... if she manages to sell that motorbike at high price. A. surprise B. surprised C. surprising D. to surprise 53. Unless you understand, I ........................ explain it again to you. A. am B. was C. will D. would 54. If you know where she lives, please let me ......................................... A. know B. knew C. known D. to know 55. If he ...................... a student, he will get a discount. A. is B. was C. were D. will be 56. ........................ you are interested in this film, don’t go to see it at any cost. A. If B. Unless C. Because D. So 57. If you like that book, I will give it ......................... you as my present. A. for B. from C. at D. to 58. I won’t go unless you ............... me back the money. A. to pay B. paid C. paying D. pay 59. I felt ..................... disappointed because of their bad behavior. A. real B. reality C. really D. realize 81

60. If people drive their cars .........................., they won’t get hurt themselves and others. A. careful B. carefully C. careless D.carelessly 61. If she ..................... enough money, she’ll buy her son a motorbike. A. earn B. will earn C. earns D.is earning 62. Can you turn .................... the light ? It’s too dark. A. on B. off C. in D. for 63. What are you looking .................. ? My picture book. I’ve lost it. A. on B. off C. in D. for 64. I had to pay much money this month for the international...................................... A. calls B. calling C. to call D. called 65. A new air- conditioner will be .......................... this morning. A. to install B. installed C. installing D. install 66. What can we do to spend less ..................... lighting ? A. in B. on C. about D. of 67. Don’t waste water or you’ll get an enormous ............... by the end of the month. A. bill B. receipt C. paper D. letter 68. We have to get the pipes checked by a ...................... A. mechanic B. plumber C. piper D. engineer 69. Don’t forget to turn .................. the lights when you leave the classroom. A. on B. out C. off D. up 70. The ............... in the pipes made water leak and we had to pay for the water. A. cracks B. holes C. cut D. break 71. ..................... energy is much safer than nuclear power. A. Sun B. Sunny C. Solar D. Sun’s 72. Lighting ....................... for 30 percent of our electricity bill. A. accounts B. makes C. puts D. does 73. Doing ................... driving is a way to save energy. A. more B. fewer C. not D. less 74. Buy this kind of energy- .................... bulb and you won’t spend as much money on electricity. A. using B. saving C. producing D. consuming 75. She is very tired; ........................, she has to finish her homework. A. moreover B. so C. and D. however 76. Is he an actor ..................... a singer ?~ an actor. A. and B. or C. with D. so 77. He was tired, ..................... he took a rest before continuing the work. A. so B. and C. but D. if 78. I suggest ................... money for the poor people in our neighborhood. A. save B. to save C. saving D. saved 79. Who looks ..................... your childrren when you are away from home ? A. for B. at C. after D. to 80. After coming home, she cleaned the floor ..................... cooked dinner. A. but B. howerver C. moreover D. and 81. They didn’t understand the matter; ......................., they didn’t ask for help. A. but B. howerver C. moreover D. and 82. He got wet ........................ he forgor his umbrella. A. because of B. because C. but D. and 83. People try to .................... the dirty and polluted beach. A. clean out B. clean up C. clean with D. clean in 82

84. She ..................... the bus and ran into her school. A. got out B. got off C. got over D. got up 85. Sticky rice cakes are a ........................ dish at Tet in Vietnam. A. traditional B. tradition C. custom D. customary 86. The Seder is a special meal ........................... on the first two nights of Passover by Jewish families. A. eaten B. eating C. celebrated D. celebrating 87. Some people consider Easter a ........................... festival rather than a religious festival. A. happy B. cheer C. joyful D. joke 88. Chocolate and eggs are what children receive ............................ Easter. A. at B. on C. in D. with 89. What I like best about my uncle is his ............................ of humor. A. telling B. jokes C. character D. sense 90. Can you tell me the reason for ............................. the Mother’s Day ? A. celebrating B. celebration C. celebrate D. celebrated 91. We think that Mother’s Day should be celebrated ........................ ............................. A. nationhood B. nationwide C. nationality D. nation 92. They stayed up late for a new television movie ........................ they had to go to school in the morning. A. even though B. but C. and D. despite 93. ..................... Lan practises speaking English everyday , she feels shy and timid ( nhut nhat) when meeting the foreigners. A. And B. But C. Though D. in spite of 94. Her father enjoys films ........................ her mother is fond of plays. A. although B. but C. and D. because 95. Pompeii was completely .......................... in AD 79 by an eruption of Mount Vesuvius. A. to destroy B. destroy C. destroyed D. destroying 96. many people become ........................... because of the natural disasters every year. A. homeland B. homesick C. homeless D. homework 97. There are .......................... tornadoes in spring than in any other season. A. more B. many C. much D. less 98. Daddy, it’s the weather forecast .................... TV. A. in B. to C. on D. at 99. Please hurry. We need these documents ........................ delay. A. under B. without C. in D. at 100. We thought the two films were very similar .................... a great extent A. to B. with C. at D. in 101. Heat from the sun makes the earth .................... enough for life. A. warm B. cool C. cold D. hot 102. The moon is the only place ......................... that human beings have visited. A. the air B. space C. sky D. atmosphere 103. UFOs mean ............................... flying objects. A. unknown B. unidentified C. unable D. imaginary 104. Some scientists say that flying objects may be people’s ........................................ A. imagination B. imagine C. imaginative D. imaginary 105. Imagine someday you would live without ............................ A. electricity B. electric C. electrician D. electrical 106. Tim is an ............................... child. A. image B. imagine C. imaginative D. imagination WORD FORM 83

(Từ loại) Use the correct form of the word given in parentheses 1. Their …………………… has lasted for over 15 years. (friend) 2. We enjoyed the ……………….. atmosphere in Hue. (peace) 3. Thanh Bach is an …………………. MC (Master of Ceremony). (amuse) 4. New fashion designers have ………………………. the ao dai by ……………... some ………………… pictures. (modern / addition / symbol) 5. The government is ………………………. Ho Chi Minh city at the moment. (beauty) 6. Wearing helmets is …………………………… by law. (compel) 7. She enjoys looking at the …………………… made by Mr. Oscar. (design) 8. Mr. Si Hoang took ……………………… from the …………………. ao dai of Nguyen Dynasty. (inspire / tradition) 9. In Malaysia, …………………… is free. (educate) 10. America’s …………………. pollution fell for the fourth successive month. (industry) 11. It’s difficult to find ……………………. fruits for sale in London. (tropic) 12. The North and the East of our country was ……………………… during the US-War from 1954 to 1975. (separation) 13. Those boys are young enough to live …………………… from his family. (depend) 14. Our boss always tries to treat every member of the staff ………………… (equal) 15. It’s very …………………… to phone a call late at night. (convenience) 16. Teenagers are now …………………… dressed. (fashion) 17. He has been ………………… invited to that important meeting. (office) 18. In the ……………………., he explained why he wrote the book. (introduce) 19. Most …………………… are written in English. (instruct) 20. Many …………………… have mentioned the ao dai in their poems. (poem) 21. Dove ……………………. for peace. (symbol) 22. Those men are not really ……………… dressed for a wedding party. (suit) 23. Finding the film ……………………, they turned off the TV set. (interest) 24. That school has excellent …………………… (repute) 25. Nha Trang always attracts more and more ……………………… (sightseeing) 26. I can complete a ……………… Vietnamese test if ………………. (speak / necessity) 27. These two …………………. are very strict to candidates. (exam) 28. There are two …………………. to his house. (enter) 29. They ………………. me to join their trip to the village last year. (invitation) 30. We often take part in many different ………………… activities. (culture) 31. This accident happens because of driving …………………. (care) 32. The guides are ……………………… to lead our group to the top of the mountain. (quality) 33. Mr. Cao Xuan Hao is one of the brilliant Vietnamese ………………… (language) 34. The booklet gave a brief …………………… about each place. (describe) 35. Do you have any rooms ……………………… this weekend ? (avail) 36. Our school has a lot of ……………………….. teachers. (quality) 37. His poor ………………........ achievements prevented him from the university. (academy) 38. This shirt costs ………………………… 100 dollars. (approximate) 39. You can receive a lot of …………………… by using Google. (inform) 40. He gets angry if you …………………….. with his idea. (agreement) 41. Mr. Obama has to make a ……………… at White House today. (speak) 42. The children were taken to the …………………. garden yesterday. (botany) 84

43. Goods are ………………………. as long as they are returned in good conditions. (exchange) 44. Japan is said to be a …………………… country. (mountain) 45. What do you think of her ……………………… of rock ? (collect) 46. I have great ………………………… for her as a writer. (admire) 47. The room has been full of laugher since her …………………… (arrive) 48. There are a lot of ……………………… at tourist attractions in HCM City. (sightsee) 49. In the summer, millions of people want to go to the …………………… (country) 50. Our performance was very ………………………. We should make more efforts. (appoint) 51. Reading novels is his ………………………. (relax) 52. Some ………………. want to go ……………….. on this river. (visit / boat) 53. I felt ……………………. in climbing up the mountain. (interest) 54. The …………………. of trees occurs very slowly. (grow) 55. She had a ………………… action to save her family. (hero) 56. The factory is located in the …………………. of Vietnam. (south) 57. Acting has brought me some enormous ………………….. (enjoy) 58. He has had treatment for 2 months now without any ……………………… (improve) 59. You can ask that plumber for ………………on how to repair the racks in water pipes. (advise) 60. A complaint letter should be ended …………………… (impolite) 61. The drivers have left lots of garbage on the ground after their ………………… (refresh) 62. I think careless drivers should be fined …………………… (heavy) 63. Travelling to the countryside is becoming …………………….. popular nowadays. (increase) 64. …………………… are looking for an effective way to reduce energy consumption. (science) 65. What we must do is to keep the earth ……………………… (pollute) 66. We must use electricity ……………………… (economy) 67. ……………. energy is the best alternative source of energy. (sun) 68. The teacher stressed the need for regular …………………… (attend) 69. These toys made in the USA are ………………….. to children. (harm) 70. No doubt there will be a great …………………. of food for the world’s population. (short) 71. I am …………... disappointed to know my children have not cleaned up all the trash. (extreme) 72. He is one of the most famous ……………………. all over the world. (environment) 73. Speaking in public seems to come quite ………………. to her. (nature) 74. We are looking forward to the latest ………………… in computer technology. (innovate) 75. Paper and most plastics are ………………… materials. (recycle) 76. What should you do at school to ………………… pollution ? (minimum) 77. Fuel …………………… can be cut down by having fewer cars on the roads. (consume) 78. Governments encourage people to use the products which are ……………………… friendly (environment) 79. Water is going on the floor because of the ………………… faucet (drip) 80. A ………………… is a person who installs and repairs things such as water pipes, toilets,… (plumbing) 81. Let’s have an …………………… mend the iron. (electric) 82. In Sweden, most houses will be …………………… by the sun soon. (hot) 83. Water is …………………… as it passes through the rocks. (pure) 84. Like beverage cans and bottle, this ……………………. can be recycled. (produce) 85. The sky is clear – it’s ……………………. (cloud) 86. Lunar New Year is ………………… celebrated in many areas of Asia. (joy) 87. My father is loved because we are always his ………………….. (prior) 88. I don’t want to think of that ………………….. accident. (destroy) 89. There were two ……………………… yesterday : Boxing and Swimming. (compete) 90. Let me ………………….. you on your ……………………… (congratulation / nominate) 85

91. …….. waves are one of the great forces of nature. They are very dangerous for people. (tide) 92. A typhoon is going to hit our area. What sorts of ………………. shall we make ? (prepare) 93. …………….. food are very convenient for campers. (can) 94. Today …………. can ……………… when the earthquake will occur. (science / prediction) 95. The mountain was full of ……………… rock and ash when the ………………… was over. (volcano / erupt) 96. Thousands of people have been made ………………… by flooding. (home) 97. If we want to look after the environment, we should protect ……………. rainforests. (tropic) 98. …………………., people eat ………………. rice cakes at Tet. (tradition / stick) 99. After ten years in prison, he was given …………………… (free) 100. Forest fires start …………………. during the drought. (ease) 101. TV viewers like Mr. Bean’s sense of …………………… (humorous) 102. He is very …………………… towards his children. (consider) 103. I think that Mother Day should be celebrated ………………… in Vietnam. (nation) 104. Mary is very ………………… of her father. (pride) 105. This shop ……………………… in chocolates. (special 106. He left the company for ……………………. reason. (vary) 107. In ………………… to teaching, she works as a baby sitter in the evening. (add) 108. X and Y are two ………………… values in this math problem. (know) 109. Finally, she decided to study ……………………… in the university. (lingual) 110. In ………………………., secondary school students should wear uniform. (conclude) 111. Jimmy doesn’t like wearing ……………………. clothes. (embroider) 112. It is located in the ……………………. of Vietnam. (locate) 113. The information of this piece of news many not be …………………… (correction) 114. Modern ……………………. are used to bring people together. (communicate) 115. By learning English you can access to the world’s ……………………. (develop) 116. Fresh air is very …………………… to our health. (benefit) 117. Christopher Columbus was a great ……………………… (explore) 118. Information technology is very …………………… to our modern life. (use) 119. The ………………….. of the magazine has declined since last year.(popular) 120. I felt rather ……………………., so I turned off the hi-fi system. (comfort) 121. Our school was …………………… There are many modern things in our class. (equip 122. The …………………. of Vietnamese women prefer to wear ao dai at work. (major) 123. Your electricity bill can be greatly _______________ by using low-energy heaters. (reduction) 124. I’m very ________________ because they use electricity to catch fish. (worry) 125. Sulfur dioxide is one of several_______ that can be found in coal-fired power station. (pollute) 126. Your ______________ have to be taken into consideration. (suggest) 127. What is the UFO, Dad ? – Well, it is an ______________ flying object. (identical) 128. _______________, the typhoon caused severe damage to the village. (luck) 129. She is an _____________ teacher who graduated from the university last year. (experience) 130. I think UFOs are just the ___________________ of some people. (imagine) 131. Is there any _______________ for the existence of life in other planet ? (evident) 132. ……………………… ! You passed the exam …………………… (congratulate / success) 133. “Dang Thuy Tram Diary” is known to everyone. It is ……………. read. (wide) 134. A lot of ……………… to New York are delayed because of the fog. (fly) 135. Those who ……………… in the meeting yesterday had an opportunity to speak. (participant) 136. Angkor Watt used to be a ………………. center. (religion) 137. My friend ate some …………………. mushrooms, so he had to go to the hospital. (poison) 86

138. Bell demonstrated his ……………… at a lot of …………………… (invent / exhibit) 139. Do you often check your ………………… before travelling abroad ? (arrange) 140. Tuoi Tre Newspaper is a …………………… one. (day) 141. John’s …………………… has ………………… a lot since last year. (behave / improvement) 142. Nowadays, parents have little time to …………………. with the children. (interactive) 143. Attention, please ! Here is a special ……………………. (announce 144. Jim always does what he says, he is very …………………………. (rely) 145. There have been many wonderful …………………………. in the field of …………………… in the last twenty years. (develop – communicate) 146. So as not to be ……………………… by paparazzi, Angelina Jolie wore a veil. (recognition) 147. Have you finished the ………………………… given by the teacher last week ? (assign) 148. There are many ……………………… around the year in Vietnam. (festive) 149. The first ………………… system,…………………… by the Phoenicians (3000 – 2000 BC) in the Middle East went from right to left. (write – invention 150. Travel is said to …………………. the mind. (broad) 151. Marie Curie’s husband sudden death didn’t make her life……………………… (mean) 152. Gambling is now legal in every part of our country, but there was a time when it was ……………………….. in most states. (legal 153. We’ve taken only twenty new ……………………… this year already. (employ) 154. Stamp-collecting holds a strange……………………… for some people. (fascinate) 155. Do you feel …………………………. when you are away from home ? (sick) 156. They haven’t found the …………………… for this problem yet. (solve) 157. There has been a ………………… of 10 % on every foreign books in this bookstore. (reduce) 158. My employer says she is not …………………… with my ………………. (satisfy / perform 159. David had to make a ………………between moving house or losing job. (choose) 160. Hard work is the key to ………………….. (successful VOCABULARY +GRAMMAR+ WORD FORM E9 THÍ ĐIỂM MULTIPLE CHOICE Choose the best answer to complete the following sentences. 1. The villagers are trying to learn English _____ they can communicate with foreign customers. A. so that B. in order that C. although D. A and B are correct 2. I’ve been to a _____ village in Hue! A. conical hat making B. making conical hat C. making conical hats D. hat making conical 3. _____ we had eaten lunch, we went to Non Nuoc marble village to buy some souvenirs. A. After B. Before C. By the time D. Because 4. Do you think that the various crafts remind people _____ a specific region? A. about B. of C. for D. at 5. _____ this hand-embroidered picture was expensive, we bought it. A. As B. Because C. Even though D. so that 6. Conical hat making in the village has been passed _____ from generation to generation A. on B. down C. up D. in 7. This department store is an attraction in my city _____ the products are of good quality. A. when B. because C. though D. so that 8. A conical hat is a well-known handicraft, not only in Viet Nam, _____ also all around the world. A. and B. but C. so D. or 9. This is called a Chuong conical hat _____ it was made in Chuong village. A. but B. so C. since D. because of 87

10. They can’t because we have lots of products. They make some and other people make__________. A. the rest B. the last C. the other D. others 11. I look forward to _____ you soon. A. see B. seeing C. seen D. saw 12. It’s a nice place for _____ who love nature and quietness. A. this B. that C. those D. the other 13. You like history, so Viet Nam National Museum of History is a _____ place. A. must-see B. must-be seen C. must-be seeing D. to see 14. The artisan ______ this statue in bronze. A. moulded B. cast C. carved D. knitted 15. The artisans in my village can live _____ basket weaving. A. for B. on C. up D. in 16. There is a big _____of handicrafts made by different craft villages. A. collect B. collection C. collector D. collecting 17. Last week we had a memorable trip to a new zoo on the ______ of the city. B. middle A. outskirts C. centre D. mid 18. Then we had a delicious lunch ______ by Nga and Phuong. A. prepare B. to prepare C. prepared D. preparing 19. I invited her to join our trip to Trang An, but she ______ down my invitation. A. passed B. sat C. turned D. closed 20. We have to try harder so that our handicrafts can keep _____ theirs. A. on B. up C. up with D. up down 21. The flower was _______ out of a single piece of valuable wood. A. carved B. moulded C. cast D. given 22. In this town, they _______ all the frames in steel. A. make B. have C. mould D. cast 23. She is skilled at_______ cloth. A. giving B. carving C. doing D. weaving 24. We didn’t go camping yesterday _________ it rained heavily. A. because B. although C. despite D. In spite of 25.I wish I_________ his name. A. knew B. know C.will know D. would know 26. If you like , I can _______ flowers on the cushion covers for you. A. embroider B. make C.grow D. knit 27. Please turn _______ the light when you leave the room. A. on B. off C.up D. down 28.It is true that you _______ this woollen hat yourself ? A. wove B.knitted C.did D. carved 29. I love going to this place______it's the quietest place in the city, A. so B. though C. so that D. as 30. ________ she's young, she's the most famous artisan in the village. A. When B. Although C. Whereas D. In order to 31. Do you know who's________ his pottery workshop? A bringing out B. taking over C. passing down D. turning down 32. I've ________ the product catalogue and decided to buy this table. A found out B. closed down C. looked through D. lived on 33. This sports centre is so small that it cannot ________the demands of local residents. A. keep up with B. face up to C. deal about D set up 88

34. Nam went to Hue city________ he could take some beautiful photos. A. when B. although C. while D. so that 35. The city has recently set _____ a library in the West Suburb. A. up B. off C. out D. down 36. The last exhibition was not ______ this one. A. as interesting B. more interesting than C. as interesting as D. interesting 37. I don’t think Fred gets _____ with Daniel. They always argue. A. over B. through C. on D. in 38. This city is developing ______ in the region. A. as fast as B. faster than C. the fastest D. faster 39. You should take your hat _____ in the cinema. A. in B. over C. off D. down 40. You’re not a safe driver! You should drive ______. A. careful B. careless C. more carefully D. carefully 41. Their children have all grown _____ and left home for the city to work. A. up B. out C. out of D. in 42. I was disappointed as the film was ______ than I had expected. A. as entertaining B. less entertaining C. more entertaining D. entertaining 43. We were shown _____ the town by a volunteer student. A. up B. off C. around D. on 44. Let’s take this road. It is ______ way to the city. A. the shortest B. a shorter C. shortest D. A and B are correct 45. The town council decided to pull _____ the building, as it was unsafe. A. up B. over C. down D. in 46. At weekends the city centre is always packed with people. A. busy B. crowded C. full D. quite 47. She lives in one of the most ______ parts of the city: there are lots of luxury shops there. A. fashionable B. historic C. comfortable D. exciting 48. China is _____ farthe most populated country in the world. A. as B. by C. so D. to 49. Air pollution has a bad influence _____ the environment. A. at B. in C. on D. to 50. Karachi in Pakistan is the _____ largest city in the world in population. A. most B. two C. second D. three 51. Before ______ to the office, she has to take her children to school. A. go B. going C. to go D. went 52. Hai Duong is famous _____ its green bean cakes. A. for B. of C. with D. in 53. When I turned up, the town hall was already ______ teenagers. A. full B. packed C. crowded D. jammed 54. We’ve spent a lot of time _____ around the town. A. wander B. wandering C. to wander D. wandered 55. After I found all the information I needed, I_______ the computer. A. turned off B. switched on C. looked for D. put off 56. Japan is the_______ developed country in the world. „ A. most second B. second in most C. second most D. two most 57. Factories and offices should be built in_______ areas only. A. rural B. coastal C. cultural D. urban 89

58. Adolescence is the period ________ child and young adulthood A. for B. between C. and D. from 59. Your body will change in shape and________ A. height B. high C. tall D. taller 60. Your brain will grow and you’ll have improved self-control and_______ skills A. housekeeping B. reasoning C. social D. emotion control 61. They can’t decide who _______ first A. go B. to go C. went D. going 62. We need to prepare food, do laundry and chores at home. It’s _________ A. Social skill B. Self-care skills C. Housekeeping skill D. Cognitive skills 63. I’ve won an essay contest. ---- _______________! A. Congratulations! B. It’s interesting C. Oh poor! D. Good! 64. Your friend stayed up late studying for an important exam. A. Well done! C.I know how you feel B. Stay calm. Everything will be all right. D.A really great job. 65. It’s difficult to _____ changes in technology. A. go with B. look through C .keep up with D. turn up 66. Six people applied for the job, but four of them were ______ A. turned down B. turned up C. turned on D. turned off 67. If I ______ in your shoes, I’d take it easy and try to forget it. A. are B. am C. were D. have 68. Magic number 18001567 is a _____toll free service. A. 24 hours B. 24-hours C. 24 – hour D. 24 hour 69. Computers offer a much greater degree of ____________ in the way work can be organised. A. flexible B. flexibility C. flexibly D. inflexible 70. She spoke English with a(n) ____________ that I couldn’t understand. A. accent B. stress C. intonation D. tone 71 Louis is virtually bilingual ____________ Dutch and German. A. on B. in C. for D. with 72. She ____________ up some Spanish when she was living in Mexico. A. took B. looked C. picked D. learnt 73. Teachers provide a model for children to ____________. A. allow B. behave C. change D. imitate 74. Peter can just about get ____________ in German. A. up B. down C. out D. by 75. Sound symbolism means that we often ____________ the meaning of a word from its sound. A. guess B. judge C. imagine D. expect 76. I can have a conversation in Italian, but I’m a ____________ rusty. A. bit B. lot C. very D. too 77. Is English a(n) ____________ language in your country? A. mother B. official C. living D. old 78. He spoke a ____________ of French that we found hard to understand. A. slang B. jargon C. dialect D. language 79. The paintings _________ Mr. Brown has in his house are worth around £100,000. A. whose B. which C. what D. whom 80._________ is visiting important and historic places in a city or an area as a tourist. A. Travelling B. Sightseeing C. Wandering D. Sunbathing 81. All _________ must complete a visa form upon arrival at Singapore airport. 90

A. tourists B. departures C. customers D. passengers 82. The garlic sausage is also sold pre-packed in _________. A. slices B. stalks C. sticks D. packets 83._________ people never seem to put on weight, while others are always on a diet. A. All B. One C. Few D. Some 84.Travellers are advised to find an alternative _________ during road repairs. A. field B. direction C. route D. itinerary 85. All food products should carry a list of _________ on the packet. A .elements B. materials C. foods D. ingredients 86. Traditionally, an ‘English breakfast’ is a large cooked breakfast, usually _________ bacon and eggs, toast, baked beans, black pudding, and tea or coffee. A. making of B. having C. consisting of D. existing of 87. If you want to stay slim and healthy, you _________ reduce the amount of fast food you eat every day. A. may B. should C. need D. would 88. I have _________ older brother and ____ younger sister. A. an... a B. an... an C.a... a D. a... an 89. I said that I remembered _____________ with him in a handicraft village, but he said I was mistaken. A. to work B. working C. work D. worked 90. Don’t forget _____________ your identity card with you to the interview. A. taking B .take C. to take D. took 91. Would you mind _____________ me through to the manager, please? A. putting B. to put C. put D. putted 92. Remember _____________ smartly when you attend an interview. A. dress B. to dress C. dressing D. dressed 93. I tried _____________ some essential skills before applying for that job. A. to master B. master C. mastered D. mastering 94. My boss promised _____________ me a pay rise but he broke the promise. A. give B. giving C. to give D. given 95. He admitted not _____________ his colleagues well. A. to treat B. treating C. treat D. treated 96. The company tends _____________ people with higher qualifications. A. to employ B .employ C. employing D. employed 97. The book ___________ Amelie is reading now is about the Big Bang theory. A. which B. who C. where D. whose 98. In winter, many Swedes travel to a country ___________ there’s a lot of sunshine. A. which B. where C. who D. whom 99. This is the space tourism service ___________ is being advertised on our website. A. that B. who C. when D. which 100. ‘The cinnamon buns ___________ my mother makes are the best in the world!’ he said. A. when B. that C. whose D. who 101. A spacewalk occurs ___________ an astronaut gets out of a vehicle while in space to do science experiments, or conduct repairs. A. who B. what C. when D. whose 102. The dance club ___________ Mai often goes to will be doing a performance this Christmas. A. when B. who C. which D. whom 103. You can learn a lot about the local __________ by talking to local people. A. territory B. area C. land D. nation 104. It’s good to have someone to __________ you when you are visiting a new place. 91

A. lead B. take C. guide D. bring 105. When you __________ your destination, your tour guide will meet you at the airport. A .arrive B. reach C. get D. achieve 106. It can be quite busy here during the tourist __________. A. season B. phase C. period D. stage 107. Make sure you __________ a hotel before you come to our island, especially in the summer. A. book B. keep C. put D. buy 108. Captain Cook discovered Australia on a __________ to the Pacific. A. vacation B. travel C. cruise D. voyage 109. Most tourist attractions in London charge an admission __________. A. fare B. ticket C. fee D. pay 110. The hotel where we are __________ is quite luxurious. A. living B. existing C. remaining D. staying 111._________ people never seem to put on weight, while others are always on a diet. A. All B. One C. Few D. Some 112. The PGA, _____________ stands for Professional Golfers’ Association, organises a prestigious golf championship every year. A. which B. who C. it D. whom 113. Louis Lassen, _____________ made and sold the first hamburger, was an American chef from Connecticut. A. which B. he C. whose D. who 114. More open discussions _____________ online to help us reach a good decision. A. will conduct B. will be conducted C. conducts D. conducted 115. The Mona Lisa, _____________ is a painting by Leonardo da Vinci, has caused a lot of disputes. A. which B. who C. it D. they 116. In the future, men and women _____________ equal roles in society. A. play B. will be played C. will play D. are playing 117. He suggests that mothers _____________ are employed full-time will not be able to give their children enough care and attention. A. which B. who C. whom D. whose 118. The good news is more money _____________ on education in the next five years. A. will spend B. will be spent .spends D. is spent 119. In _____________, students can study a work sector like applied business, design, health, or tourism. A. vocational subjects B. academic subjects C. applied approach D. schedule 120. What will you do to earn _____________? A. life B. a living C. a job D. a career 121. I wish I could take _____________ where I can experience microgravity. A .a parabolic flight B. an ocean cruise C. an express train D. flying course 122. In the near future, a teacher will act more like a(n) _____________ than a giver of knowledge. A. instructor B. facilitator C. speaker D. listener 123. Astronomy studies _____________ and objects in it like the Moon and the Sun. A. the Moon B. the planet C. the universe D. the Earth 124. Beyond 2030 is a forum _____________ allows students to share their vision of the future. A. who B. it C. which D. and 125.__________ are the secondary education certificates awarded to students between the ages of 14 to 16 A. Academic subjects B. GCSEs C. Careers D. SATs 126. Will lessons ever _____________ in places other than traditional classrooms? A. deliver B. learnt C. be learning D. be delivered 92

127. These red buttons are only used in case of _____________. A. emergency B. hurry C. rain D. sickness 128. I’m interested in doing _____________ so I can stay at home in the evening. A. night-shifts B. an evening course C. something adventurous D. a 129. All the best theatres and restaurants are ___________ within a few minutes' walk of each other. A. laid B. situated C. seated D. stood 130. Would you like to live in a modern house or a(n) ___________ cottage? A. picturesque B. awful C. terrible D. bad 131. A ___________ is a solid figure or object, made by carving or shaping wood, stone, clay, etc. A. painting B. sculpture C. medal D. picture 132. Ho Chi Minh City has been divided into twenty-four ___________ divisions since December 2003. A. administer B. administration C. administrative D. administrator 133. A ___________ is a castle on high ground in or near a city, where people could go when the city was being attacked. A. cathedral B. monument C. centre D. citadel 134. The station building used to be a high wooden ___________ with a curved roof. A. facility B. carriage C. complex D. structure 135. The new sports ___________ has six tennis courts. A. complex B. match C. medium D. game 136. The local government is introducing tougher ___________ to preserve historical sites. A. measures B. actions C. plans D. steps 137. The pagoda is in a beautiful ___________, close to the sea. A. spaces B. setting C. tower D. set 138. There is general ___________ that Vietnamese students lack knowledge of the natural, or man-made, wonders of Viet Nam. A. accepting B. saying C. recognition D. undertaking WORDFORM Give the correct form of the word in brackets. 1. One of the ………………… in my hometown is the traditional market, which is open every Sunday. (attract) 2. What are the differences between Dong Ho ……………………… and Sinh ones? (paint) 3. This is a very beautiful piece of ……………………….. (embroider) 4. …………………………. is one of the biggest problems in this city. (employ) 5. Photography is strictly .……………………in this museum. (forbid) 6. Do you know what is the most ………………………. town in this region? (population) 7. Remember to visit the Ancient Tower as it’s the only …………….. building in our area. (history) 8. I feel so ………………….. because I can’t run as fast as my friends. (embarrass) 9. ……………………. can help you succeed in many fields. (confident) 10. Find out more about the job so that you can make an …………………… choice. (inform) 11. An ……………….. family includes several generations living together in the same house. (extend) 12. It’s a tradition in Viet Nam that the juniors have to ………………… the seniors. (obedient) 13. Traffic jams in most big cities are getting more and more serious, and it’s hard to find a proper ………..…….. (solve) 14. What should we do to …………………… our man-made wonders? (preservation) 15. Thien Mu Pagoda is a famous …………… spot in Hue, an ancient city in central Viet Nam. (religion) 16. Ha Long Bay has been ……………………by UNESCO as a World Heritage Site. (recognition) 17. Customs and traditions make a great ………………… to the unique culture of a country. (contribute) 18. Many ethnic people in mountainous areas are …………….. They can’t read or write. (illiteracy) 19. Greener is an organisation which ………………. community activities. (support) 93

20. I felt ……………………. in climbing up the mountain. (interest) 21. I hope that in the near future, scientists will find a reliable method to ……………. earthquakes. (prediction) 22. ………. energy is the best alternative source of energy. (sun) 23. Every school has to ……………….. how well their students are doing. (evaluation) 24.With rapid scientific ……………….…, people will soon be able to inhabit other planets. (develop) 25.To become a skilled repairman, you need some special vocational …………………. (train) 26.He had been an ……………. salesman before he decided to set up his own business. (experience) 27.We will be responsible for our studies, so our teacher won’t have to check ……………... (attend) 28.In our vocational training course, students will be the ……………... of their own work. (evaluate) 29.There were over one hundred ……………………………. at the forum.(participate ) 30. This beefsteak is not _____________enough for my grandmother to eat.(tenderness) 31. This poem is written in simple English, which is immediately ________ to our students.(access) 32. This area, which is an important natural _____________, is attracting more and more European _____________.(preserve/tour) 33. A _____________ person is someone who can speak and use several different languages.(lingual) 34. Adults often like hot, _____________ foods, whereas children usually prefer mild ones.(spice) 35. Since the mid-20th century, English has been a(n) _____________ language of _____________ organisations such as the United Nations.(office/nation) 36. Computers offer a much greater degree of _____________ in the way work is organised.(flexible) 37. The discussion included a critical............................ of the new course. (evaluate) 38. Women get a job to support their families as well as to be........................independent. (finance) 39. He is one of the most famous ……………………. all over the world. (environment) 40. Speaking in public seems to come quite ………………. to her. (nature) 41. We are looking forward to the latest ………………… in computer technology. (innovate) 42. The man doesn’t mind ..............overtime as long as he earns enough for his family (work) 43. My brother trained to be a teacher, but then he decided to become a tour __________. ( guidance) 44. If you want to pay a more__________ price, remember to book the tour two weeks in advance. ( reason) 45. My English is a bit__________. I haven’t used it for years.( rust) 46. My grandfather is 80 years old, and he’s __________in both French and English.(fluence) 47. There is nothing more boring than a seaside town in the low __________.( seasoning) 48. To make a carrot cake for four people, you need 200 grams of __________ carrot.( grate) 49. When you place food over boiling water to cook, it means you__________ it.(steaming) 50. …………………., people eat ………………. rice cakes at Tet. (tradition / stick) 51. She enjoys looking at the …………………… made by Mr. Oscar. (design) 52. In Malaysia, …………………… is free. (educate) 53. America’s …………………. pollution fell for the fourth successive month. (industry) 54. Those boys are young enough to live …………………… from his family. (depend) 55. It’s very …………………… to phone a call late at night. (convenience) 56. Finding the film ……………………, they turned off the TV set. (interest) 57. We often take part in many different ………………… activities. (culture) 58. This accident happens because of driving …………………. (care) 59. You can receive a lot of …………………… by using Google. (inform) 60. Japan is said to be a …………………… country. (mountain) 61. What do you think of her ……………………… of rock ? (collect) 62. There are a lot of ……………………… at tourist attractions in HCM City. (sightsee) 63. Acting has brought me some enormous ………………….. (enjoy) 64. He has had treatment for 2 months now without any ……………………… (improve) 94

65. …………………… are looking for an effective way to reduce energy consumption. (science) 66. We must use electricity ……………………… (economy) 67. These toys made in the USA is ………………….. to children. (harm) 68. Lunar New Year is ………………… celebrated in many areas of Asia. (joy) 69. I don’t want to think of that ………………….. accident. (destroy) 70. A typhoon is going to hit our area. What sorts of ………………. shall we make ? (prepare) 71. The mountain was full of ……………… rock and ash when the ………………… was over. (volcano / erupt) 72. Thousands of people have been made ………………… by flooding. (home) 73. Mary is very ………………… of her father. (pride) 74. Modern ……………………. are used to bring people together. (communicate) 75. Do you know the man who …………………… the telephone ? (invention) 76. Christopher Columbus was a great ……………………… (explore) 77. Information technology is very …………………… to our modern life. (use) 78. If ________________ continues, there will be more a lot of forests ten years from now. (forest) 79. My friend ate some …………………. mushrooms, so he had to go to the hospital. (poison) 80. There are many ……………………… around the year in Vietnam. (festive)

BÀI ĐỌC LUYỆN THI VÀO 10 A. READ THE PASSAGES AND CHOOSE THE LETTER A, B, C, D TO INDICATE THE CORRECT ANSWER TO EACH OF THE QUESTIONS TEST 1 One of the main sources for the spreading of news and events throughout the world is the newspaper. The purpose of newspapers is to inform the public of political, social economic and entertainment happenings, among other things .Generally, there are three types of newspapers: daily newspapers, weekly newspapers, and special-interest newspapers. Daily newspapers publish at least one edition every weekday. Most dailies also have a weekend edition. Daily newspapers often have sections for news, sports, arts and entertainment, business and classified advertising. Weekly newspapers print once a week and cover news of interest to readers in a smaller area than that of a daily paper. They focus on local happenings rather than national or international events. Specialinterest newspapers may publish daily, weekly, monthly, or even less frequently. They generally disseminate news of interest to a particular group of readers or feature news about a specific topic. Thanks to the development of the Internet, we can now get access to electronic newspapers. To some extent, enewspapers are cheap, up-to-date, and convenient for most readers in the world. 1. The purpose of newspapers is to inform the public of… A. political and social happenings B. economic and entertainment happenings C. other different events D. all A, B and C 2. Three types of newspapers are… A. daily newspapers, weekly newspapers and special-interest newspapers. B. weekly newspapers, monthly newspapers, yearly newspapers . C. daily newspapers, weekly newspapers and monthly newspapers. D. weekly newspapers, monthly newspapers and special-interest newspapers. 95

3. Most daily newspapers publish… A. only one edition every weekday . B. one edition every weekend . C. at least once every weekday and once at weekend. D. one different edition for one different section 4. Weekly newspapers usually focus on… A. local happenings B. national happenings C. international happenings D. local and international happenings . 5. Social-interest newspapers cover news of interest to… A. special people B. particular group of readers C. feature news about a specific topic D. both B and C 6. We can easily get access to electronic newspapers because they are… A. modern, up-to-date but expensive B. cheap, up-to-date and convenient worldwide C. quick, cheap and convenient D. modern, quick and up-to-date TEST 2 You probably hear a lot about the environment. But do you really worry about it? Do you help to save the Earth? Cleaning a planet is not a task for only one person. People everywhere have to get involved and understand this is our world. If we pass the world about the importance of reducing, reusing and recycling, the destiny of this planet can change. Reducing the amount of waste you produce is the best way to help the environment. Did you switch off the water while brushing your teeth in the morning? You should do it! Did you walk to school or did you use public transportation? Reusing is another way of being environmentally friendly. Try to find ways to use things again! Take cloth sacks when you go shopping instead of taking home newspaper or plastic bags. You should use cloth sacks again and again. You have to save some trees! Shoe boxes and margarine containers can be used to store things or become fun art projects. Use your imagination! You can also recycle in your home or even at school. Many communities have recycling centers for newspapers, batteries and a variety of glass and plastics. These can be made into new products. Câu 1: What is the most environmentally friendly way to save the Earth? A. The involvement of people everywhere in this planet. B. Recycling things in your home or at school. C. Reusing things instead of buying or using new ones. D. Reducing the amount of waste produced. Câu 2: Which of the following statements is NOT true? A. The environment is probably talked a lot about. B. Batteries, glass and plastics cannot be recycled. C. Only one person cannot save the planet. D. You should use cloth sacks to go shopping. Câu 3: According to the passage, how many ways are there to help save the Earth? 96

A. 4 B. 5 C. 3 D. 6 Câu 4: According to the third paragraph, which of the following can be used to make fun arts? A. shoe boxes B. cloth sacks C. batteries D. plastic bags Câu 5: What does the word "These" in the last paragraph refer to? A. your home and school B. many communities C. newspapers, batteries, glass and plastics D. centers TEST 3 English is my mother tongue. Besides, I can speak French and Spanish. I studied the two languages when I was at high school. Now, I am still learning Spanish at the University. As for me, mastering a foreign language is not easy. After studying a language, practice is very necessary and useful. Travelling to the country where the target language is spoken is very helpful, but if you cannot speak the language well enough you will certainly have troubles. I also frequently go to the movies, watch television, listen to the radio in the language I am trying to learn. Reading is another good way to learn. Books are good, but I personally think newspapers and magazines are better. However, getting some knowledge of the language is the most important thing. Grammar and vocabulary should be mastered first. 1. How many languages can the writer speak? A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4 2. The writer has learnt Spanish _______. A. in Spain B. at high school C. at university D. B and C 3. Travelling may cause troubles if _______. A. you cannot speak the language well enough. B. you can speak the language well enough. C. you can speak the language badly enough. D. you can communicate in the target language. 4. Some useful ways to practice your target language are _______. A. listening to the radio and watching TV in the language. B. reading books in the language. C. seeing films in the language. D. all are correct. 5.The most important thing is____________________. A. Mastering grammar and vocabulary B. Practicing speaking C. getting some knowledge of the language D.Reading books and newspapers TEST 4 Most of the people who like films are only interested in the leading actor or actress when they enjoy a film. It seems to them that only the actors or actresses have made the film successful. They always pay attention to their appearance, performance, and fashion. There are many film viewers who have no awareness of the other people’s work to make a film. A finished film is, actually, the result of the collaboration of many people, and the most important among them are the scriptwriter, the cinematographer, the film editor, the actor, and the director. Especially, in some thrilling scenes, the roles of stuntmen are very important. They are always in danger when they are acting; some of them are even badly hurt or dead. But what a pity, many film viewers rarely appreciate their work. 1. To many film viewers, ________. A. the director is the most important B. no one is more important than the leading actor or actress C. the stuntmen play the most important role D. the most important person is the cinematographer 97

2. Many film viewers always pay attention to ________. A. the director’s name and appearance B. the pictures taken by the cinematographer C. the leading actors’ or actresses’ family D. the actors’ and actresses’ appearance, performance, and fashion 3. The work of stuntmen is ________. A. secure B. dangerous C. interesting D. thrilled 4. A finished film is the result of the collaboration of _______. A. many people B. the actors C. the actresses D. the director TEST 5 It is estimated that about 200 million people who use the Internet computer network around the world. The Internet allows people to work at home instead of traveling to work. The Internet allows businesses to communicate with customers and workers in any part of the world for the cost of a local telephone call. E-mail allows users to send documents, pictures and other data from one part of the world to another in at least 5 minutes. People can use the Internet to do shopping. This save a lot of time. It is possible to use the Internet for education – students may connect with their teachers from home to send or receive e-mail or talk their problems through “on-line” rather than attend a class. 1. The Internet allows people ................................................. A. to stay at home and rest B. not to work C. to travel to work D. to work at home 2. To a business, the Internet is .................to communicate with customers. A. a cheap way B. a very expensive way C. an inconvenient way D. a difficult way 3. E-mail can be used to send ................................................. A. documents B. information C. data D. all are correct 4. To use the Internet for education is ............................. A. impossible B. possible C. inconvenient D. difficult TEST 6 Dear Editor I am writing with regards to the article 'Is the TV Dead?' that appeared in your newspaper on the 4th March. The author claimed that with the rise of the Internet, the TV was becoming less and less significant in our lives. I find it very difficult to agree with this view. The TV is still the main way most of us get our entertainment at home. It offers us the chance to see top musical artists, great films and documentaries and occasionally, thanks to important televised events, it has the power to bring the whole nation and all ages together in a way the Internet never could. Your article was particularly critical of the TV for the poor quality of programmes available on the many channels we now have. It is certainly true that many of the channels offer nothing more than repeats or low budget programmes. However, I would argue that the majority of content on the Internet is also of questionable quality. I agree with the writer that it is easy to keep up - to - date with the latest news on the Internet, but I'm sure most of us still enjoy sitting down to the News on TV in the evening just as much. The writer is correct in stating that the Internet has become our major source for research and I think this is its main strength. However, criticising the TV for not being as good is totally unfair. Information programmes like documentaries are made for their potential as entertainment not as research tools and as such will continue to be popular with viewers. 98

So in conclusion I don't think the writer should be so quick to write the TV off. On the contrary, I think it has many more years left in it! Yours sincerely Samantha Johnson 1. Why is the person writing this letter to the newspaper? A. to make a complaint B. to offer a different point of view C. to encourage people to watch more TV D. to persuade people to not use the Internet 2. What do we learn about the writer's opinion of TV? A. It is useful as a reference tool. B. It is excellent entertainment. C. It is suffering because of the Internet. D. The quality of programmes is a problem 3. Which of the following is seen as a problem with TV? A. the quality of some of the programmes B.the lack of entertainment programmes C. its poor use as a reference tool D its unpopularity with younger people 4.The word "questionable" in paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to _______. A. reasonable B. certain C. likely D. doubtful 5. Which of the following words describes how the writer feels about TV? A. excited B. worried C. pleased D. confused. TEST 7 Along with jogging and swimming, cycling is one of the best all-round forms of exercise. It can help to increase your strength and energy, giving you more efficient muscles and a stronger heart. But increasing your strength is not the only advantage of cycling. Because you’re not carrying the weight of your body on your feet, it’s a good form of exercise for people with painful feet or backs. However, with all forms of exercise it’s important to start slowly and build up gently. Doing too much too quickly can damage muscles that aren’t used to working. If you have any doubts about taking up cycling for health reasons, talk to your doctor and ask for his/her advice. Ideally you should be cycling at least two or three times a week. For the exercise to be doing you good, you should get a little out of breath. Don’t worry that if you begin to lose your breath, it could be dangerous and there must be something wrong with your heart. This is simply not true; shortness of breath shows that the exercise is having the right effect. However, if you find you are in pain then you should stop and take a rest. 1. People with back problems might go cycling because__________. A. it enables them to carry the weight of their body on their feet B. it does not make them carry the weight of their body on their feet C. it helps to make their backs become stronger D. it helps them to relieve their backache 2. All forms of exercise must be started__________. A. gradually B. quickly C. strenuously D. violently 3. According to the writer, it is best to go cycling__________. A. once a week B. at least two or three times a week C. at least two or three times a day D. every day 4. You should not worry about the shortness of breath because__________. A. it shows that there is something wrong with your heart B. it shows that you should stop and take a rest C. it is a sign of exercise having the right effect D. it is a sign of your getting rid of your heart problem 5. Which of the following is NOT included in the advantages of cycling? A. Giving you a stronger heart B. Increasing you strength and energy C. Giving you better muscles D. Making you look younger TEST 8 99

Litter on Mount Everest Mount Everest is the highest mountain in the world. It is also the highest trash pile in the world. About 400 people try to reach the top every year. Having many climbers means a lot of trash. It is very dangerous to climb Mt. Everest. The air is very thin and cold. Most people carry bottles of oxygen; they could die without it. When the oxygen bottles are empty, people throw them on the ground. When strong winds rip their tents, people leave them behind. They don’t have the energy to take the trash away. They only have enough energy to go down the mountain safely. Trash is a terrible problem. Since people first began to climb Mt. Everest, they have left 50,000 kilos of trash on the mountain. Several groups have climbed the mountain just to pick up the trash. When people plan to climb the mountain, they have to plan to take away their trash. 1. What is the main topic of the passage? A. Wind on the mountain B. A problem with trash C. A dangerous mountain D. Climbing safely 2. Where do climbers put their empty oxygen bottles? A. On the ground B. In trash cans C. On their back D. In their tents 3. Why do climbers leave their trash on the mountain? A. Special groups will pick it up. B. The wind will blow it away. C. They don’t have the energy to take it away. D. Other climbers will use it later. 4. How much trash has been left on the mountain? A. Four hundred kilos B. Four thousand kilos C. Five thousand kilos D. Fifty thousand kilos 5. Why do climbers on Mount Everest carry bottles of oxygen? A. The weather is not cold. B. Climbing makes them tired. C. The air is very thin. D. They are thirsty. 6. In line 6, the sentence: “people leave them behind”, what does the word them refer to? A. Tents B. Oxygen bottles C. Strong winds D. Other climbers TEST 9 Paper is named for papyrus, a reed like plant used by ancient Egyptians as writing material more than 5000 years ago. The Chinese invented the paper that we use 2000 years ago. A piece of paper is really made up of tiny fibers, unlike a piece of material. The fibers used in paper, however, are plant fibers, and there are millions of them in one sheet. In addition to the plant fiber, dyes and additives such as resin may be used. Dyes can make the paper different colors; resin may add weight and texture. Where do these fibers come from? The majority of paper is made from the plant fiber that comes from trees. Millions are cut down, but new trees are planted in their place. Paper may be also made from things like old rags or pieces of cloth. Wastepaper, paper that has been made and used, can be turned into recycled paper. This recycling process saves forest, energy and reduces air and water pollution. Câu 1: According to the passage, the paper that we use was first invented by ___________. A. ancient cultures B. the Chinese C. the Egyptians D. foresters Câu 2: What is the main ingredient in most paper? A. resin B. cardboard C. papyrus D. plant fiber Câu 3: According to the passage, the primary source of the plant fiber used in paper is ___________. A. rags B. fabric C. trees D. waste paper Câu 4: According to the passage, recycling paper is ___________. A. bad for the environment B. good for the environment C. economical D. wasteful Câu 5: According to the passage, recycling paper does all of the following EXCEPT ___________. A. reduce the need for ink B. reduce air pollution 100

C. save energy

D. save forests

TEST 10 If you are invited to someone's house in America for dinner, you should bring a gift, such as a bunch of flowers or a box of chocolates . If you give your host a wrapped gift, he or she may open it in front of you. Opening a present in front of the gift-giver is considered polite. It shows that the host is excited about receiving the gift and want to show his or her appreciation to you immediately. Even if the host doesn't like it, he or she will tell a "white lie" and say how much they like the gift to prevent the guest from feeling bad. If your host asks you to arrive at a particular time , you should not arrive exactly on time or earlier than the expected time , because this is considered to be potentially inconvenient and therefore rude , as the host may not be ready. 1. Why shouldn't you arrive exactly on time if you are invited to a dinner at a particular time? - Because …………………………………. A. the host may not be ready. B. the host is not at home. C. you are impolite. D. you go there by bus. 2. When should you arrive if you are asked a particular time? A. earlier than the expected time B. exactly on time C. later than the expected time D. very late 3. Opening a present in front of the gift-giver is considered …...…. A. polite B. impolite C. bad D. good 4. What will the host do if he or she doesn't like the present ? A. tell a "white lie". B. say how much they dislike the present. C. prevent the guest from being happy. D. All of them. 5. What should you bring if you are invited to someone's house in America for dinner? A. flower B. gift C. wine D. fruit TEST 11 Every year people in many countries learn English. Some of them are young children. Others are teenagers. Many are adults. Some learn at school. Others study by themselves. A few learn English just by hearing the language in film, on television, in the office or among their friends. Most people must work hard to learn English. Why do these all people learn English? It is not difficult to answer this question. Many boys and girls learn English at school because it is one of their subjects. Many adults learn English because it is useful for their work. Teenagers often learn English for their higher studies because some of their books are in English at the college or university. Other people learn English because they want to read newspapers or magazines in English. 1. According to the writer. English is learn by _____________. a. young children b. adults c. teenagers c. all are correct 2. Most people learn English by ____________. a. themselves b. hearing the language on television c. working hard on the lesson d. speaking English to their friends 3. Where do many boys and girls learn English? a. at home b. in the office c. in evening class d. at school 4. Teenagers learn English because ___________. a. It’s useful for their higher studies b. it’s one of their subjects. c. They want to master it. d. a and c are correct. 5. Why do many adults learn English? a. Because they want to see movies in English. 101

b. Because they need it for their job. c. Because they are forced to learn. d. Because it’s not difficult to learn. TEST 12 More than two hundreds years ago, the term “ environmental pollution” was quite strange to people. They lived healthy, drank pure water, and breathed fresh air. Nowadays, the situation is quite different. People all over the world are worried about things that are happening to the environment. Actually it is man that is destroying the surroundings with many kinds of wastes. Everybody knows that motorbikes and cars emit dangerous gases that cause poisonous air and cancer, but no one wants to travel on foot or by bicycle. Manufactures know that wastes from factories make water and soil polluted, but they do not want to spend a lot of their money on treating the wastes safely. Scattering rubbish is bad for our health, but no one wants to spend time burying it. Is it worth talking a lot about pollution? 1. More than two hundred years ago _____________. a. the environment was polluted as much as it is today. b. people knew nothing about environmental pollution. c. air was polluted badly d. people was faced with pollution. 2. In former days, people ____________. a. led a healthy life b. lived in the polluted environment c. were worried about pollution d. drank contaminated water 3. Nowadays, many people are concerned about ___________. a. the destruction of the poisonous air. b. the polluted water c. the wastes from the factories. d. the pollution of the environment. 4. Everybody knows that cars emit dangerous gases ______________. a. so they do not travel by car b. so they prefer travelling by bicycle c. but they still prefer traveling by car d. and they enjoy traveling on foot. 5. Factory owners _____________. a. know nothing about pollution b. have no awareness of pollution c. treat wastes from their factories safely d. do not want to spend money on treating the wastes safely 6. It’s harmful for our health _______________. a. if rubbish is pleaded over our sea b. If we don’t scatter our rubbish c. if we spend time on gathering rubbish d. if rubbish is buried TEST 13 The search of alternative resources of energy has resulted in different directions. Many communities are burning garbage and other biological waste products to produce electricity. 102

Experimental work is being done to make synthetic fuels from coal, or coal tars. But to date, that process has proved expensive. Some experts are trying to revive hydroelectric power which is derived from streams and rivers. Fifty years ago, hydroelectric power provided one third of the electricity used in the United States, but today it supplies only four percent. The oceans are another source of energy. Scientists are studying ways to change the energy of ocean currents, tides, and waves into electricity. 1. What are many communities doing to produce electricity? a. burning garbage and other biological waste products. b. changing waste products into power c. searching for alternative resources 2. Has the process of making synthetic fuels proved cheap or expensive? a. It has proved cheap b. It has proved expensive c. It has not proved expensive 3. Where is hydroelectric power derived from? a. rivers and ocean b. lakes and streams c. rivers and streams. 4. What percentage of the electricity used in the United States does hydroelectric power provide today? a. 33% b. 35 % c. 4 % 5. What are scientists studying? a. ways to have electricity from the energy of ocean. b. ways to change the energy of ocean currents, tides, and waves into electricity. c. a and b are correct. TEST 14 I often hear or read about “natural disaster”- the eruption of Mount St Helen, a volcano the state of Washington: Hurricane Andrew in Florida; the floods in the American Midwest; terrible earthquakes all over the world; huge fires; and so on. But I’ll never forget my first personal experience with the strangeness of nature – “the London Killer Fog” of 1952. It began on Thursday, December 4th when a high –pressure system (warm air) coC ver southern England. With the freezing-cold air below, heavy fog formed. Pollution from factories, cars, and coal stoves mixed with the fog. The humidity was terribly high, there was no breeze at all. Traffic (cars, trains, and boats) stopped. People couldn’t see, and some walked onto the railroad tracks or into the river. It was hard to breathe, and many people got sick. Finally on Tuesday, December 9th , the wind came and the fog went away. But after that, even more people got sick, many of them died. 1. Which natural disaster isn’t mentioned in the text? A. a volcanic eruption B. a flood C. a hurricane D. a tornado 2. What is his unforgettable person experience? A. the London killer B. the heavy fog in London C. the strangeness of nature D. a high-pressure system 3. What didn’t happen during the time of the “London Killer Fog”? A. pollution B. humidity C. heavy rain D. heavy fog 4. The traffic stopped because of ………. A. The rain B. the windy weather 103

C. the humid weather

D. the heavy fog

TEST 15 Christmas is the biggest festival of the year in most of Britain. Celebrations start properly on December 24, Christmas Eve, although there have been several weeks of preparation beforehand. The Christmas tree and all the presents, food, drink and decorations have been bought. Christmas cards have already been sent to friends and relations. About a week before Christmas, people usually put up their decorations and decorate the Christmas tree with lights, various colored decorations and an angel on the top. Family presents are usually put under the tree. Christmas Day is the biggest day of the holiday. On the Christmas morning (often very early), children open the presents that are in their socks. Some families go to church. The traditional Christmas dinner consists of roast turkey with potatoes and various other vegetables. Before the dinner, people usually pull crackers-small rolls of paper that have gifts, jokes, and party hats inside. 1. People usually decorate the Christmas tree …………………… A. on December 24 B. on December 25 C. several weeks before Christmas D. about a week before Christmas 2. The most important day of the holiday is …………………… A. the day before Christmas B. the day after Christmas Day C. Christmas Eve D. Christmas Day 3. Children open the presents………………………… A. on the Christmas morning B. on the Christmas afternoon C. on Christmas Eve D. on December 24 4. Which of the following is the traditional Christmas dinner? A. Roast turkey and potatoes and bread B. Roast potatoes, tomatoes with turkey and various vegetables C. Roast turkey with tomatoes and various other vegetables D. Roast turkey with potatoes and vegetables TEST 16 Pollution is the process of making air, water, soil etc dangerously dirty and not suitable for people to use. For example: * Air pollution is where there are gases in the air that is harmful, these gases come from object or buildings like harmful smoke from factories, vehicles, automobiles. (cars, trucks, planes, boats) and many more. * Light pollution is unwanted light, such as the light of cities, street lights, and others makes it hard to see the stars. * Noise pollution is unwanted noise, such as the sound of cars in a city, loud boats/ship, airplanes, and trains. * Water pollution is where there are things in the water that are harmful such as crude oil spilled from a shipwrecked tanker, smoke, poison, air pollution, and a lot other things that are not human/plant/animal remains. 1. Air pollution comes from harmful………………from factories, vehicles, etc. A. trees B. parks C. smoke D. liquid 2. All of the following things cause light pollution except…………… A. traffic light B. light of cities C. street lights D. light of the moon 3. Noise pollution is ……………sound of cars, trains, planes, etc. A. unwanted B. small C. interesting D. useful 4. Which of the following sentences is Not true? E. Air pollution comes from harmful gases. B. Light of the stars causes light pollution C. Sound from a loud ship cause pollution D. Water pollution can come from the land. 104

TEST 17 In biology and ecology the environment is all of the natural materials and living things on the Earth. This is also called the natural environment. Some people call themselves environmentalists. These people think that harmony with the environment is important. They think we must protect the environment. The important things in the environment that we value are called natural resources. For example fish, sunlight, and forests. These are renewable natural resources because they grow naturally when we use them. Non-renewable natural resources are important things in the environment that do not come back naturally. For example coal and natural gas. 1. What does the world “environmentalists” in line 3 mean? A. living things B. people who protect the environment C. people who destroy the environment D. people who pollute the environment 2. One example of renewable natural resource is……………….. A. sunlight B. coal C. oil D. natural gas 3. One example of non-renewable natural resource is……………….. A. fish B. tree C. water D. coal 4. All of the following things are renewable natural resource except……………………. A. Air B. gas C. silver D. animal 5. What does the word “them” in line 7 refer to? A. materials B. environmentalists C. renewable natural resources D. non-renewable natural resources TEST 18 Christmas . Two popular traditions at Christmas are: decorating the home and singing the Christmas carols. The home is the center of the Christmas celebration. Inside, an evergreen tree is usually placed in the corner of the living room. Children and their parents wrap string of colorful lights around the tree, they hang ornaments on the branches. A star or angle often crowns the top. Careful- wrapped gifts are placed beneath. Outside, families often string lights around the windows and wind light around trees and shrubs in the front yard. As the families decorate their homes, they often put on Christmas record. Almost every family has at least one favorite album or compact disc. School children of all ages perform Christmas concerts for their parents and communities. On Christmas’ Eve, family members gather around Christmas tree to sing traditional songs Such as Jingle bells and Silent night and then give presents to each other. Questions. 1- What are the popular traditions at Christmas? a) Decorating the home. b) Singing Christmas carols. c) Eating Christmas pudding. d) a and b are correct. 2- Where is the evergreen put ? a)In the middle of the living room. c) In the middle of the bedroom. b)In the corner of the living room. d) In the corner of the bedroom. 3- How do they decorate the Christmas tree? a) They wrap string of colorful lights around the tree. c) They crown a star on the top. b) They hang ornaments on branches d) a, b and c are correct. 4- What do the family members often do on Christmas’ Eve ? a) They gather around Christmas tree. b) They sing traditional songs. c) They gather around the tree, sing traditional song and get presents d) They give presents to each other. 105

5- What do they do as they decorate their home ? a) They sing traditional songs. c) They eat Christmas pudding. b) They put on Christmas record. d) a , b and c are correct. B. READ THE PASSAGES AND CHOOSE THE WORD TO FILL IN EACH BLANK TEST 1 amount burning because pollutes who of rubbish and green should One of the reasons, which (1)_________________ our environment , is that each household produces a large amount of (2)______________ every day. In order to reduce the pollution, we need to increase the (3)______________ of rubbish that is recycled (4)_____________we cannot carry on burying and (5)____________ rubbish forever. This means that we (6)_____________ reduce the amount of rubbish we produce and increase the amount we reuse and recycle. We also need to have a strict punishment for those (7)____________ throw rubbish on the streets, in the ponds, rivers (8)_______ seas. Besides, we ourselves should be aware (9)_____________ keeping our environment (10)____________, clean and beautiful. from



TEST2 them



Everyone wants to reduce pollution. But pollution problem is ________ (1) complicated as it is serious. It is complicated ________ (2) much pollution is caused by things that benefit people. For example, exhaust ________ (3) automobiles causes a large percentage of all air pollution. But automobiles provide transportation for millions of people. Factories discharge much of the material ________ (4) pollutes the air and water, but factories give employment to a large number ________ (5) people. Too much fertilizer or pesticide can ruin soil, but fertilizers and pesticide are important aids to the growing of crops. Thus, to end or reduce pollution immediately, people would have to stop using many things that benefit ________ (6). Most people do not want to do that, of course. But pollution can be gradually reduced in several ways. TEST 3 written useful It Better Therefore Knowledge English is a very (1) …………language. If we know English , we can go to any countries we like. We will not find (2) ……….…..hard to make people understand what we want to say. English also helps us to learn all kinds of subjects. Hundreds of books are (3) …………in English every day in many countries. English has also helped to spread ideas and (4)………. to all corners of the world.(5) …….. , the English language has helped to spread (6) …………... understanding and friendship among countries all over the world. energy


TEST 4 higher



Energy is one of the problems that many people are interested in. It is not an unfamiliar word. It is heard, said, discussed day after day. It is close to everyone’s (1)_____ life. You turn on the lamp and it is (2)______ that gives you light. You turn on a TV and it is energy that gives you pictures and sound. You ride a motorcycle and it is energy that gives you movement. You (3)______ your meals and it is energy that gives you heat to boil rice.


The problem is that the demand for energy is rising and that the price of energy is getting (4)______ and higher. The supply of energy on earth is limited. It cannot provide us all forever. The shortage of energy in the future is inevitable. Therefore, (5)______ energy is a must if we want to continue to live in a safe and sound world. TEST 5 transmission growth developed energy popular basic possible improved practical regular The development of television Television was not really invented. Many scientists invented or (1) __________ parts of the systems that have become the television systems we know now. Radio, of course, was necessary before television could be (2) __________ , because the television uses the same principles of electromagnetic waves that radio does. As soon as radio became possible, the possibility of television(3) _________ was also known, but it took many years for it to become (4) ____________ . British and American scientists helped to develop the (5) ___________ ideas that made television (6) ___________ , but it was a Russian who made the first practical television system. By 1923, Vladimir Zworykin , a Russian, had invented a camera tub that could turn pictures into electric (7) ___________ . By 1929, Zworykin had built a television system that work. By 1935, (8) ____________ television broadcasts were begun in Germany. the first broadcasts in the United States began in 1939, but television did not really become (9) ___________ until later the Second World War. Between 1945 and 1955 there were rapid (10) ___________ in the practical use of television. 1. TEST 6 power – effective – nuclear – advanced – pollution heat – stored – electricity – energy - panels Are you looking for a cheap, clean, (1) ________ source of power that doesn’t cause (2) ________ or waste natural resources? Look no further than solar (3) ________ from our Sun. At present, most of our (4) ________ comes from the use of coal and gas, oil or (5) ________ power. This power could be provided by the Sun. one percent of the solar energy that reaches the Earth is enough to provide (6) ________ for the total population. Many countries are already using solar energy. Solar (7) ________ are placed on the roofs of a house and the Sun’s energy is used to (8)………. water. The energy can be (9) ________ for a number of days, so on cloudy days you can use solar energy, too. Sweden has an (10) ________ solar energy program. There, all buildings will be heated by solar energy and cars will use solar power instead of gas by the year 2015. C. READ THE PASSAGES AND CHOOSE THE BEST CORRECT ANSWER( A, B, C, D) TO COMPLETE THE PASSAGES TEST 1 Britain will soon ban smoking in cars with children. Britain’s government wants (1)_________ the harm cigarette smoke does to children. New laws will cut the chances of children passive smoking. This is when someone breathes in the (2)_________from other people’s cigarettes. Many studies say passive smoking can almost be as (3)__________as actually smoking a cigarette. The British government says that it has looked at search putting out that children who sit in smoke-filled cars have (4)__________problems. It is particularly bad in cars because there is so little space, so the car fills with smoke very quickly. (5)__________ agrees with the new law. Some lawmakers argue that it takes away the freedom for people to smoke in their own car. However, Britain’s health minister states that the health of children is more (6)___________ than the freedom to smoke. 1. A-reduce B-to reducing C-to reduce D-reducing 2. A-gas B-tobacco C-smell D- smoke 3. A-harmful B-heavy C-careless D-tired 107

4. A-traffic 5. A-everyone 6. A-important

B-housing B-No one B-useful

C-health C- Not everyone C-serious

D-economic D-Every lawmaker D-interesting

TEST 2 Christmas is a biggest festival of the year (1)__________ Britain. Before Christmas, people send Christmas (2)__________ to their friends and family showing traditional Christmas symbols such as Santa Claus, angels, holly and snowmen. Shops are decorated for Christmas from September and in the weeks before Christmas people do their Christmas (3)__________, buying Christmas presents for friends and family. A few days before Christmas, families decorate a Christmas tree, a fir tree (4)__________in lights and colorful decorations, in their home. Many people go to midnight mass in church on Christmas Eve. Young children believe that Santa Claus will bring them presents during the night and they usually wake up to find a stocking, a long sock filled with small presents, by (5)__________bed. A at B. In C On D. From A books B. Magazines C Cards D. Letters A shopping B. Washing C Cleaning D. Gardening A celebrated B. Sealed C Covered D. Shared A his B. Her C Our D. Their TEST 3 PLANET EARTH Planet earth is part of a system of planets and their moons, as well as numerous asteroids and comets which (1) _____ around a huge star - the Sun. The Sun itself (2) _____ of gas. Nuclear reactions inside its core (3) _____ the heat and light that make life on the Earth (4) _____. The Earth is the third of four small terrestrial (Earth like) planets (5) _____ orbit close to the Sun. Further out in our Solar System are four huge gas planets, while distant Pluto, (6) _____ planet, is made (7) _____ rock and ice. Our Earth is one of the ten planets that orbit the Sun - a huge, burning-hot star in the center of our Solar System. The Solar System and all the stars in the (8) _____ are part of our galaxy - the Milky Way, which (9) _____ as many as 200 billions stars. Beyond our galaxy (10) _____ millions more galaxies. They all add together to make up the Universe. 1. (A) run (B) orbit (C) turn (D) walk 2. (A) consists (B) remains (C) includes (D) maintains 3. (A) produce (B) product (C) production (D) productive 4. (A) able (B) possibility (C) possible (D) ability 5. (A) who (B) where (C) what (D) which 6. (A) the smaller (B) smallest (C) the most smallest (D) the smallest 7. (A) from (B) of (C) for (D) in 8. (A) space (B) sea (C) moon (D) sky 9. (A) consists (B) makes from (C) stays (D) contains 10. (A) is (B) are (C) to be (D) get TEST 4 A new study shows that women can reduce their chances of developing heart disease (1) _______ jogging for about three hours every week. The researchers at Harvard Medical University in Boston have just reported the results of the study on the New England Journal of Medicine. The study is the first to show the effectiveness of jogging in the developing of heart disease in women. Only (2) ________ earlier studies have examined the effects of jogging on the heart, but nearly all have been done on men. The new study involves more than 72,000 women between the (3)________ of forty and sixty-five during a period of eight years. The researchers have found that 108

women (4)________ jog at least three hours a week have a thirty to forty percent lower chance of owning a heart attack than those who do not. 1. A. by B. to C. of D. in 2. A. a little B. a few C. many D. much 3. A. age B. years C. years old D. ages 4. A. who B. which C. how D. those TEST 5 More than 300,000,000 people speak English (1) _______ their first language. Another 300,000 speak it as a second language. No one (3) _______ how many people speak it as a foreign (2) _______. Chinese is the only language with more (4) _______ than English. This is because of the huge (5) _______ of Chinese, more than one billion people. More people study English than any other languages. English is the language of aviation, commerce, and education. (6) _______ English, a lot of people from the Third World have (7) _______ to change their lives. (8) _______ the appearance of Esperanto, (9) _______ used to be thought the world official language, English is still the (10) _______ international language. 1. A. like B. as B. alike D. likely 2. A. know B. have known C. knows D. speaks 3. A. language B. words C. tongue D. tips 4. A. speech B. speakers C. foreigners D. attendant 5. A. outbreak B. ancestor C. growth D. population 6. A. According to B. Due to C. Thanks to D. But for 7. A. challenge B. condition C. situation D. chances 8. A. Despite B. In fact C. Although D. In spite 9. A. that B. which C. who D. whom 10. A. more B. almost C. most D. mostly TEST 6 It's important (1) ________ well, especially when you're students. If you areat (2)_________, you may go home for lunch, and have a cooked meal of (3)__________or fish and vegetables. Or perhaps you take some food with you to school, and eat it in the lunch (4) _____. A chicken and lettuce sandwich, with some fresh (5) __________, would be a light but healthy lunch. Many people around the world eat plain, (6)___________rice two or three times a day. Pupils and (7) ______ often don't eat well when they're (8) ______for an exam they eat chocolate and drink lots of black coffee! And by the way, doctors say everybody should start the day with a healthy (9) _________. It's also good for you to drink a lot of water right through the day. 1. A. eats B. to eat C. eating D. have eaten 2. A. school B. primary C. office D. class 3. A. cheese B. meat C. fruit D. seafood 4. A. timetable B. classroom C. lesson D. break 5. A. lemons 6. A. boiled 7. A. teachers

B. fruit B. baked B. professors

C. chicken C. grilled C. students

D. peas D. roast D. boys

8. A. review

B. reading

C. learn

D. revising

9. A. dinner

B. breakfast

C. lunch

D. supper


Wales has a population of about three million. English is the main language and only twenty per cent speak both Welsh and English. Every year, (1)_____ August there is a Welsh-speaking festival. It (2)_____ place in a different town each year so everyone has a chance for it to be near them. Local people (3)_____ years making plans for the festival when it is organized in (4)_____ town. Each festival is (5)_____ by about 160.000 people. They travel not only from nearby towns and villages (6)_____ also from the rest of the British Isles and (7)_____ from abroad. There are concerts, plays and (8)_____ to find the best singers, poets, writers and so on. Shops sell Welsh music, books, pictures and clothes as (9)_____ as food and drink. The festival provides a chance (10)_____ Welshspeaking people to be together for a whole week, with the Welsh language all around them. Câu 1: A. on B. at C. in D. by Câu 2: A. has B. finds C. makes D. takes Câu 3: A. pass B. do C. put D. spend Câu 4: A. their B. his C. its D. our Câu 5: A. come B. attended C. visited D. arrived Câu 6: A. but B. however C. and D. since Câu 7: A. even B. hardly C. quite D. just Câu 8: A. competitions B. examinations C. tests D. races Câu 9: A. far B. well C. good D. long Câu 10: A. on B. to C. of D. for

TEST 8 LEARNING A SECOND LANGUAGE Some people learn a second language (1) _________. Other people have trouble learning a new language. How can you help (2) _________learn a new language, such as English? There are several ways to make learning English a little easier and (3) _________. The first step is to feel positive about learning English. If you believe that you can learn, you will learn. (4) _________patient. You don’t have to understand (5) _________all at once. It’s natural to make mistakes when you learn something new. We can learn from our mistakes. The second step is to practice your English regularly. For example, write in the journal, or diary, everyday. You will get used to (6) _________in English and you will feel more comfortable to express your ideas in English. After several weeks, you will see that your writing is improving. (7) _________, you must speak English every day. You can practice with your classmates (8) _________class. The third step is to keep a record of your language learning. You can write this in your journal. After (9) _________class, think about what you did. Did you answer a question (10) _________? Did you understand something the teacher explained? Perhaps the lesson was difficult, but you tried to understand it. It is important to practice every day and make a record of your achievements. 1. A. easilier B. easy C. easily D. ease 2. A. itselfB. herself C. himself D. yourself 3. A. interested B. more interesting C. interest D. interesting 4. A. Be B. Been C. Being D. To be 5. A. something B. everything C. anything D. nothing 6. A. written B. to write C. writing D. write 7. A. By addition B. In addition C. Addition D. Additional 8. A. beside B. behind C. next to D. out of 9. A. all B. few C. some D. each 10. A. correctly B. corrective C. correct D. correction TEST 9 110

Most people think of computers as very modern inventions, products of our new technological age. But actually the idea for a computer had been worked out over two centuries ago by a man (1)_____ Charles Babbage. Babbage was born in 1791 and grew up to be a brilliant mathematician. He drew up plans for several calculating machines which he called "engines". But despite the fact that he (2)_____ building some of these, he never finished any of them. Over the years people have argued (3) _____ his machines would ever work. Recently, however, the Science Museum in London has finished building (4) _____ engine based on one of Babbage's designs. (5) _____ has taken six years to complete and more than four thousand parts have been specially made. Whether it works or not, the machine will be on show at a special exhibition in the Science Museum to remind people of Babbage's work. 1. A. written B. called C. recognized D. known 2. A. wanted B. started C. made D. missed 3. A. until B. whether C. though D. why 4. A. that B. the C. some D. an 5. A. He B. They C. One D. It TEST 10 There’s much more water than land on the (1) ___ of the earth. The seas and oceans cover nearly (2) ___ of the whole world, and only one-fifth of (3) ___ land. If you traveled over the earth in different directions, you would have to spend (4) ___ more of your time (5) ___ on water that on roads or railways. We sometimes forget that for every mile of land (6) ___ four miles of water. There’s so much water in the surface of our earth that we (7) ___ to use two words to describe. We use the word SEAS (8) ___ those parts of water surface which (9) ___ only few hundreds of mile, the word OCEANS to describe the huge area of water (10) ___ are thousands of miles wide and very deep. 1. A. cover B. surface C. outer D. outside 2. A. four-fives B. four-fifth C. four fifths D. fourth-fifths 3. A. it is B. it’s C. its D. them are 4. A. many B. much C. few D. too 5. A. to move B. move C. moved D. moving 6. A. there are B. there is C. there has D. have 7. A. must B. should C. have D. would 8. A. describing B. describes C. describe D. to describe 9. A. is B. are C. has D. will be 10. A. that’s B. which C. where D. whose TEST 11 ARE MEN LAZY Men are lazy in the home, according to an official survey (1)_______ today. They have about six hours’ a week more free time than wives, but play very little (2) _______ in cooking, cleaning, washing, and ironing, according to the Social Trends Survey by the Central (3) _______ Office. Nearly three quarters of married women (4) _______ o do all or most of the housework, and among married men the proportion who admitted that their wives did all or most of the housework was only slightly lower. The survey (5) _______ that washing and ironing was the least popular task among men, with only one per cent (6) _______ this duty, compared with 89 per cent of women, and 10 per cent sharing equally. Only 5 per cent of men (7) _______ the evening meal, 3 per cent carry out household cleaning duties, 5 per cent household shopping, and 17 per cent wash the evening dishes. But when household gadgets break down, (8) _______ are carried out by 82 per cent of husbands. The survey says that, despite our economic problems, the majority of Britons are substantially better (9) _______ than a decade ago. We’re healthier, too – eating healthier foods and smoking less. 111

The (10) _______ Briton, not surprisingly, is more widely traveled than a decade ago. More people are going abroad for holidays, with Spain the favorite destination. 1. A. emerged B. edited C. published D. furnished 2. A. role B. section C. work D. part 3. A. Numerical B. Ordinal C. Cardinal D. Statistical 4. A. pronounced B. uttered C. claimed D. emitted 5. A. pointed B. evolved C. planned D. showed 6. A. forming B. formulating C. performing D. burdening 7. A. prepare B. process C. undertake D. fit 8. A. repairs B. fixings C. fittings D. amendments 9. A. over B. off C. through D. on 10. A. medium B. average C. popular D. normal TEST 12 Ever since humans have inhabited the earth, they have made (1) _______ of various forms of communication. Generally, this expression of thoughts and feelings has been in the form of oral (2)______. When there is a language (3)______, communication is accomplished through sign language in which motions (4) ______ for letters, words, and ideas. Tourists, the deaf, and the mute have had to (5) ______ to this form of expression. Many of these symbols of whole words are very picturesque and exact and can be used internationally; spelling, however, cannot. Body language (6) ______ ideas or thoughts by certain actions, either intentionally or unintentionally. A wink can be a way of flirting or indicating that the party is only joking. A nod (7) ______ approval, while shaking the head (8) ______ a negative reaction. Other form of nonlinguistic language can be (9) ______ in Braille (a system of raised dots read with the fingertips), signal flags, Morse code, and smoke signals. Road maps and picture signs also guide, warn, and instruct people. (10) ______ verbalization is the most common form of language, other systems and techniques also express human thoughts and feelings. 1. A. usage B. use C. employment D. utility 2. A. address B. speech C. utterances D. claims 3. A. barrier B. obstacles C. divisions D. separation 4. A. point B. signify C. imply D. stand 5. A. refer B. rotate C. resort D. revolve 6. A. progresses B. transmits C. remits D. emits 7. A. signifies B. signs C. registers D. presents 8. A. predicates B. indicates C. abdicates D. implicates 9. A. traced B. trailed C. found D. explored 10. A. While B. As C. Because D. Until TEST 13 Environmental (1)……………is one of the most serious problems (2)……………mankind today. Air, water and soil are necessary to the survival of all (3)………………things. Badly polluted air can (4)………………illness and even death. Polluted water (5)…………… many kinds of wild animals and other marine life. Pollution of soil reduces the amount of land (6) ……………growing food. 1.A. pollute B. polluted C. pollution D. polluting 2.A. face B. faces C. to face D. facing 3.A. lived B. living C. live D. lives 4.A. cause B. give C. make D. catch 112

5.A. kills 6.A. of

B. kill B. to

C. are killing C. from

D. doesn’t kill D. for

TEST 14 Among the festivals (1)………… by some of Asian people is the Moon Cake Festival, also known (2)………… the Mid August Festival. Large numbers of small round moon cakes are eaten (3)………. this day, and children enjoy carrying colorful (4)…………. lanterns come in all shapes; the most popular ones are shaped like fish, rabbits and butterflies. According to (5)…………, the moon shines the brightest on the night of the Moon Cake Festival. As the moon rises, tables are placed (6)……… the house and women make offerings of fruit and moon cakes to the Moon Goddess. 1. A. celebrated B. made C. held D. set 2. A. like B. as C. such as D. Þ 3. A. in B. for C. at D. on 4. A. wood B. metal C. paper D. gold 5. A. they B. them C. it D. their 6. A. under B. near C. outside D. around

TEST 15 Nowadays, people are destroying rain forests of the earth seriously. It is (1)……………….. that every year 100,000 (2)……………….. kilometers of rain forests are destroyed for (3)……………….. of wood paper and fuel as well as for the residence and (4)……………….. land. Rain forests are very important for the world’s climate. They receive the rainfall on the earth and produce a large amount of the world’s oxygen. Destroying rain forests,(5)……………….. , is destroying our environment. Saving rain forests is a(n) (6)……………….. problem. Nations need cooperation to save rain forests, if not, it will be late. 1. A. exhausted B. pleasure C. interesting D. estimated 2. A. square B. cross C. round D. heart 3. A. bring B. supply C. support D. suggest 4. A. planting B. field C. farming D. rice 5. A. moreover B. however C. so D. therefore 6. A. national B. international C. world wide D. world TEST 16 Halloween is a holiday. It is on the night of October 31. It is (1)………………in many English speaking countries. Children (2)………………costumes. They go to people’s homes. The people give them candy. Children say “trick or treat!” to ask (3)…………candy. This comes from a threat. It means, “Give me a treat (4)…………I will play a tricks o you. “Children today usually (5)……………not do the tricks (6)……………they do not get treats. But some students still do (7)…………(playful pranks or things to make fun of people like putting toilet paper in trees or writing with soap on windows). In these countries Halloween is about ghosts, witches, goblins, and (8)……………acray things. 1. A. presented B. proposed C. celebrated D. played 2. A. wear B. hold C. take D. up 3. A. with B. for C. after D. movies 4. A. otherwise B. when C. but D. fire 5. A. do B. goes C. will D. little 6. A. if B. unless C. before D. Therefore 7. A. problem B. mischief C. incident D. little 113

8. A. other

B. another’s

C. other D. Therefore TEST 17 Garbage is what someone leaves behind that they do not want to use anymore. It can also be called (1)…………… or rubbish. A definition of garbage is anything left behind at a place (2)………….you used to be, but are not anymore. In modern home and businesses, (3)…………….., garbage is normally separated and put where it can be (4)………….and taken to a place designed to hold, burn, or (5)…………….garbage. Smoke is a cloud of very small, solid parts. It is made when (6)…….something. Smoke is can be bad because if it goes into the lungs of a person, it can kill them. Most people think that they are always (7)……..to see smoke, but it can also can (8)…………(a thing that a person is not able to see). 1. A. waste B. save C. safe D. stone 2. A. it B. that C. which D. where 3. A. but B. however C. therefore D. moreover 4. A. wrapped B. organized C. collected D. picked 5. A. recycle B. rebuild C. reuse D. rearrange 6. A. firing B. fighting C. burning D. chopping 7. A. could B. possible C. capable D. able 8. A. invisible B. unmovable C. unspeakable D. insensible TEST 18 Television is one of man's most (1) ………… means of communication. It brings events and sounds (2) ………….. around the world into millions of homes. A person with a television set can sit in his house and watch the president making a (3)……… or visit a foreign country . He can see a war being (4)………… and watch statesmen try (5) ………… about peace . Through television, home viewers can see and learn about people places and things all over the world. TV even takes its viewers out of the world. It brings them coverage of American's astronauts as the astronauts explore outer space. 1.A. importance B. important C. unimportance D. unimportant 2.A. from B. at C. in D. to 3.A speak B. speaking C. speech D. spoken 4.A fight B. find C. found D. fought 5.A bring B. brought C. bringing D. to bring TEST 19 Every year many people in the world learn English. Some of them are young children. (1)…………are teenagers. Many are adults. Some learn at school, and some learn in evening classes. A few learn English by (2)………….or just by (3) …………. to the language on television or among their friends. Most people must work hard to learn English. (4) ………. do all these people want to learn English? It is difficult to answer that question. Young children learn English at school to study better at their subject. Many adults learn English because (5) …………. useful for their work. Teenagers often learn English for their (6) …………studies, because some of their books are written (7) …………….English at their college or university. Other people learn English because they want to read English newspaper or magazine for (8) ……….and entertainment. 1. A. The other 2. A. them 3. A. listening 4. A. What 5. A. they are 6. A. taller

B. Others B. their B. speaking B. How B. it is B. higher

C. Another C. themselves C. talking C. Why C. there is C. better

D. Each other D. theirs D. hearing D. Where D. of being D. fuller 114

7. A. in 8. A. equipment

B. at B. example

C. by C. transportation

D. with D. information

TEST 20 Millions of people (1) …………the world want to learn English. Many of them go to the US and other English (2) ………… countries to study at language schools, especially (3) …………summer. There are thousands of different schools. They often course (4) ……children, teenagers and adults. If you go to a language school, you should try (5) ………… English as much as possible. Students can stay with a local family. This is a good opportunity (6) …………your English and to learn a lot about everyday life. You should try to talk to students from other countries. This will help you to improve your English (7) ……it will also show how important English is for international (8) ……………… 1. A. at 2. A. speak 3. A. at 4. A. to 5. A. to speak 6. A. to improve 7. A. but 8.A.communicatoor

B. around B. spoke B. on B. with B. speak B. improved B. so B.communication

C. on C. speaking C. for C. between C. spoke C. improving C. and C.communicative

D. to D. spoken D. in D. for D. speaking D. improve D. therefore D. communicate

TEST 21 Television is an important invention of the 20th century. It has been (1) ............. popular that now we can't imagine what life would be like if (2).......... were no television. Television is a major means of communication, It (3) ........... pictures and sounds from around the world into millions of home. Though television (4)............... can see and learn about people, places and things in far away lands, television widens our knowledge by introducing us to new ideas which may lead us to new hobbies and recreations. In addition (5) ............ the news, television provides us with a variety of program that can satisfy (6)............ taste. Most people now seem to like spending their evenings (7)............ television. It is more convenient for them to sit at (8)................. watching television than to go out for amusements elsewhere. 1. a. very b. too c. enough d. so 2. a. there b. those c. these d. they 3. a. gets b. brings c. gives d. shows 4. a. audience b. spectators c. viewers d. people 5. a. to b. spectators c. for d. at 6. a. each b. many c. all d. every 7. a. watching b. looking c. seeing d. cleaning 8. a. house b. home c. building d. office TEST 22 115

Air pollution is a (1) _______ of ill health in human beings. In a lot of countries there are laws limiting the amount of smoke which factories can (2) ________. Although there isn’t enough (3) _______ on the effects of smoke in the atmosphere, doctors have (4) _______ that air pollution cause lung diseases. The gases from the exhausts of cars have also (5) ________ air pollution in most cities. The lead in petrol produces a (6) _______ gas which often collects in busy streets surrounded by high buildings. Children who (7) _______ in areas where there is a lot of lead in the atmosphere can not think as (8) _______ as other children and are clumsy when they use their hands. 1. A. reason B. cause C. effect D. effort 2. A. reduce B. send C. produce D. give 3. A. information B. news C. data D. figures 4. A. said B. told C. proclaimed D. proved 5. A. increased B. decreased C. minimized D. sent 6. A. poison B. poisonous C. poisoned D. poisoning 7. A. stay B. live C. come D. work 8. A. quick B. slow C. quickly D. slowly TEST 23 New Year is one of the most important (1) ____________ in the United States. On New Year's Eve, most people go to the parties. At twelve o'clock (2) ____________ night, everyone says "Happy New Year" and they (3) _____________ their friends and relatives good luck. New Year's Eve is usually a long night to this holiday children (4) __________ as witches, ghosts or others. Most children go from house to house asking for candy or fruit. (5) ___________ the people at the house do not give (6) _____________ candy, the children will (7) ___________ a trick on them. But this (8) __________ ever happens. Many people give them candy or fruit. 1. A. festivals B. meetings C. contests D. courses 2. A. on B. at C. in D. for 3. A. dream B. greet C. wish D. congratulate 4. A. wear B. dress C. put on D. take off 5. A. Whether B. So C. Although D. If 6. A. they B. them C. their D. theirs 7. A. say B. tell C. play D. speak 8. A. hardly B. hard C. soon D. always TEST 24 Áo Tứ Thân is (1) …………… one of Vietnam’s enduring relics, having been worn widely by (2) …………… centuries before the Áo Dài. As Vietnam expanded southward, Áo Tứ Thân was the gradually became associated specifically with northern women. Áo Tứ Thân was the (3) …………… of peasant women, which explains why it was often made with plain fabric in dark colors, expect when it was to be worn at special occasions such as festivals (4) …………. weddings. Regardless of its many different forms, the basic Áo Tứ Thân consists (5) …………… : A flowing outer tunic reaching almost the floor, a long skirt, worn under the tunic and Yếm, an ancient bodice worn as an undergarment by women. A silk sash (6) …………… is tied at the waist as a belt. Áo Tứ Thân is modern-day Vietnam (worn almost exclusively in northern-related festivals) tends to be extremely colorful , using different hues throughout the dress, from the tunic to the bodice and the skirt. 1. A. mentioned B. considered C. symbolized D. described 2. A. girls B. women C. men D. woman 3. A. skirt B. shirt C. dress D. blouse 4. A. or B. but C. and D. so 5. A. with B. from C. of D. at 6. A. who B. whom C. whose D. which TEST 25 116

Many people think that the teachers give students too (1) ………. homework. That say it is (2) ………. for children to work at home (3) ………. their free time. Moreover, they argue that most teachers do not properly have to repeat tasks which they have already done (4) …….. school. Recently in Greece many parents complained (5) ………… the difficult homework which the teachers give to their children. Most people agree that homework is unfair. A student who can do his homework in a quiet and comfortable room is in (6) ………… better position than a student who does his homework in a small, noisy room with television (7) ………… Some parents help their children (8) …………… their homework. Other parents take no interest at their children’s homework. It is important, however, that teachers talk to parents about homework. A teacher should suggest suitable tasks for parents (9) ………… with their children. Parents are often better (10) …… teacher their own children. 1. A. much B. many C. more D. less 2. A. necessary B. necessity C. unnecessary D. unnecessarily 3. A. in B. at C. on D. within 4. A. at B. since C. on D. from 5. A. for B. on C. with D. about 6. A. many B. much C. more D. few 7. A. in B. at C. on D. with 8. A. in B. at C. on D. with 9. A. do B. to do C. doing D. does 10. A. in B. for C. at D. with TEST 26 Tet is a national and .................... (1) festival in Vietnam . It is occasion for every Vietnamese to be reunited to think .................(2) their past activities and hope for good luck in the new year. Before Tet all houses .................. (3) white washed and ...................... (4) with colorful lights . Everybody is looking ......................... (5) to a better life. In the new year’s eve, children are smartly dressed . ......................... (6) are hoping to receive money put in small red envelopes as they are wishing longevity to ................... (7) grandparents and parents. Wrong doings should ...................... (8) avoided on these days . 1. A. traditional B. modern C. compulsory D. convenient. 2. A. about B. with C. after D. for 3. A. was B. were C. are D. is 4. A. decorate B. decorating C. to decorate D. decorated 5. A. for B. forward C. after D. at 6. A. them B. who C. these D. they 7. A. his B. her C. my D. their 8. A. take B. not C. we D. be TEST 27 LEARNING A LANGUAGE Speech is one of the most important (1)_________of communicating. It consists of far more than just making noises. To talk and also to (2)_________by other people, we have to speak a language, that is, we have to use combinations of (3)_________that everyone agrees stand for a particular object or idea. Communication would be impossible if everyone made up their own language. Learning a language properly is very (4)_________. The basic (5)_________ of English is not very large, and only about 2000 words are needed to speak it quite ….(6)…... But the more words you know, the more ideas you can (7)_________and the more precise you can be about their exact meaning. Words are the (8)_________ thing we use in communicating what we want to say. The way we (9)_________ the words is also very important. Our tone of voice can express many emotions and (10)_________whether we are pleased of angry, for instance 1. A. ways B. reasons C. rules D. tests 117

2. A. be examined 3. A. sounds 4. A. important 5. A. word 6. A. good 7. A. grow 8. A. most 9. A. send 10. A. asks

B. be talked C. be understood D. be spoken B. languages C. systems D. talks B. expensive C. simple D. easy B. vocabulary C. grammar D. structure B. fluent C. well D. perfect B. need C. pass D. express B. main C. certain D. full B. talk C. say D. pass B. understands C. knows D. shows TEST 28 There are at least 2,000 different languages in the world. Of all these languages, English is the most (1)……………….used. It is used by business people, airline pilots and sea captains all over the world. It is also the first language (2)…………………sports and science. So it is very (3)………….to learn English. Chinese is also an important language because it has the (4)……………numbers of speakers. There are not only one billion people living in China today, but also many Chinese people (5)………………outside China. Chinese is widely (6)……………..in many parts of Asia and Africa. Russian is spoken in both Europe and Asia. French is widely (7)………………in Europe and in parts of Canada, Africa and Asia. From more than 2,000 languages, the United Nations has (8)……………six of them for business. They are Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian and Spanish. 1. A. wide B. widely C. widen D. widening 2. A. in B. at C. of D. to 3. A. unimportance B. unimportant C. importance D. important 4. A. great B. greater C. greaten D. greatest 5. A. live B. lived C. to live D. living 6. A. speak B. spoke C. spoken D. speaking 7. A. understood B. understanding C. to understand D. understand 8. A. choose B. chosen C. chose D. choosing D. READ THE PASSAGES AND ANSWER THE QUESTIONS . TEST 1 It is estimated that about 200 million people who use the Internet computer network around the world. The Internet allows people to work at home instead of traveling to work. The Internet allows businesses to communicate with customers and workers in any part of the world for the cost of a local telephone call. E-mail allows users to send documents, pictures and other data from one part of the world to another in at least 5 minutes. People can use the Internet to do shopping. This saves a lot of time. It is possible to use the Internet for education – students may connect with their teachers from home to send or receive e-mail or talk their problems through “on-line” rather than attend a class. 1. How many people use the Internet computer network around the world? ................................................................................................................................... 2. Do people have to travel to work instead of working at home? …………………………………………………………………………….. 3. How can people send documents, pictures, and other data from one part of the world? ………………………………………………………………………………. 4. What can students use the Internet for? ………………………………………………………………………………. TEST 2 118

Tet is a national and family festival. It is an occasionfor every Vietnamese to have a good time while thinking about the last year and the next year. At Tet, spring fairs are organized, streets and public buildings are brightly decorated and almost all shops are crowded with people shopping for Tet. At home, everything is tidied, special food is cooked, offerings of food, fresh water, flowers and betel are made on the family altar with burning joss-sticks scenting the air. First-footing is made when the first visitor comes and children are given lucky money wrapped in a red tiny envelope. Tet is also time for peace and love. During Tet, children often behave well and friends, relatives and neighbors give each other best wishes for the new year. 1. Why is Tet a national and family festival? - ………………………………………………………………………………… 2. Are homes tidied and decorated before Tet? -…………………………………………………………………………………… 3. What do children often receive at Tet? - …………………………………………………………………………………… 4. How do children often behave? TEST 3 One of the most important discoveries of the nineteenth century was a method of using natural gas for cooking and heating. Large amounts of natural gas found in the United States, usually several thousand feet below the surface of the earth. For many years after natural gas first discovered, it was thought to have no value. Finally, however, people began to understand its uses and to find ways of storing it and of moving it from place to place. Today natural gas is stored in large tanks and used for lighting, cooking, and heating. In many ways, natural gas is one of our finest fuels. It is cheap and can be used for cooking without making the room hot. It can be moved easily from one place to another through long pipelines, some of which are hundreds of miles in length. 1. Was natural gas first used for cooking and heating in the nineteenth century? …………………………………………………………………………………. 1. How is natural gas stored? …………………………………………………………………………………. 2. Why is natural gas one of our finest fuels? …………………………………………………………………………………. 3. How can natural gas be moved from one place to another? …………………………………………………………………………………. TEST 4 LEARNING ENGLISH It is not easy for adult students of English to improve their accent. Unlike children, who are flexible, adults often find it hard to change the way they speak. This is why even the top, or smartest adult students have difficulty with pronunciation. There are several things that an international students can do to improve his or her pronunciation. One method is to sign up for a pronunciation class. Studying pronunciation can help students to understand the rules of English, but in order to practice speaking, students often need to be exposed to English outside the classroom as well. This is why many students say that studying in an English-speaking country greatly affects their English. Living with native speakers can help students to learn new vocabulary as well as improve their accents. International students can also learn important cultural information. This can help to prevent misunderstandings that can occur when people from different cultures live together. 1. Is it easy for adult students of English to improve their accent? 2. Who often find it hard to change the way they speak? 119

3. What can help students understand the rules of English? 4. Can students learn new vocabulary as well as improve their accents by living with native speakers? 5. How should students do to avoid misunderstandings about cultures? TEST 5 One of the most important discoveries of the nineteenth century was a method of using natural gas for cooking and heating. Large amounts of natural gas found in the United States, usually several thousand feet below the surface of the earth. For many years after natural gas first discovered, it was thought to have no value. Finally, however, people began to understand its uses and to find ways of storing it and of moving it from place to place. Today natural gas is stored in large tanks and used for lighting, cooking, and heating. In many ways, natural gas is one of our finest fuels. It is cheap and can be used for cooking without making the room hot. It can be moved easily from one place to another through long pipelines, some of which are hundreds of miles in length. 1. Was natural gas first used for cooking and heating in the nineteenth century? …………………………………………………………………………………… 2. How is natural gas stored? …………………………………………………………………………………… 3.Why is natural gas one of our finest fuels? ………………………………………………………………………………………… 4. How can natural gas be moved from one place to another? …………………………………………………………………………………………..

ANSWER KEYS 1 .is 2 .doesn’t have 3.will 4. Got 5. was 6. call 7 .got 8. was 9 .were 10 .arrived 11. can

TOPIC 1 12 .have been 13 .haven’t seen 14. were 15 .have never seen 16 .met 17 .did 18 .have ever read 19. will come 20 .showed 21 .has seen 22 .have seen

23 .have met 24. have seen 25 .have ever met 26 .was 27 .haven’t lived 28 .will never forget/have just told 29 .are preparing 30 .stayed/rode/had borrowed 31 .told/had visited 32 .has worked 120

33 .worked 34. build/fly 35. have lost 36. hasn’t smoked 37. arrived/had gone 38. have…been 39. Have…received 40. joined/was 41. saw/was waiting 42. has been 43. has taught/graduated 44. doesn’t watch 45. met 46. reported/had captured 47. thanked 48. has stolen 49.had lived/broke 50.was 51.am 52 has driven/knew 53. speak 54. wags/sees 55. have never seen

56. met 57. lights/walks 58 .has begun/lasted 59 .have…been/spent 60 .left/haven’t seen 61 .will be 62 .finished/had done 63 .will change/know 64 .disappeared/have never heard 65 .has fighted 66 .hasn’t had 67. look/has tried 68. got/found/ had remembered 69 .found/had been/had learnt 70. has worked 71. had already told 72 .came/had got 73 .was/came 74 .had moved/came 75. Had met/came 76 .reached/came 77 .had/was repairing 78 .won’t arrive/clears TOPIC 2

79 .will have finished 80 .will surprise 81. Will employ 82 .will rain 83 .floats 84 .Is falling 85 .learn 86 .read/have 87. .recovered/had disappeared 88 .have 89 .left 90 .will send 91 .went/had lost 92 .will have been 93 .heard/hurried 94 .will not give/finish 95 .am decorating 96 .built 97 .was having 98 .has lived 99. go 100 .has given

I 40. To do 21. Going 1. Swim 41. Getting 22. Playing 2. Swimming 42. Travelling/shooting 3. To write 23. To smoke/ smoking 4. Getting 43. Letting/run/being 24. To rent 5. Trying 44. worrying 25. Get 6. Playing 45. To 26. To have 7. Talking avoid/infecting/eat 27. Talking 8. Doing 46. To do 28. Locking/to shut 9. To wait 47. To drink 29. To start 10. Helping 48. Meeting 30. Reading 11. Burning 49. To smoke/to 31. To do 12. To come risk/setting 32. Pay 13. Cut 50. Collecting 33. To smoke/smoking 14. Grazing 51. Standing 34. To rent 15. To have 52. Going 35. Get 16. Raining 53. Helping 36. To have 17. To decide 54. To buy 37. Talking 18. Answer 55. To convince 38. Locking/to shut 19. Meeting/ to see 39. Reading 20. Seeing/crying II. 1 .B 2 .C 3.C 4.B 5.C 6.C 7.C 8.B 9.D 10.C 11.B 12.A 13.A 14.C 15.A 16.C 17.C 18.A 19.D 20.B 21.B 22.B 23.A 24.A 25.C 26.A 27.C 28.C 29.C 30.D 31.D 32.B 33.D 34.C 35.C 36.B 37.A 38.A 39.D 40.C 121

41.D 42.B 43.A 44.D 45.A 46.C 47.A 48.B 49.B 50.A 51.C 52.A 53.D 54.B 55.D 56.A 57.B 58.B 59.B 60.A 61.C 62.C 63.D 64.B 65.D TOPIC 3 I. 1. Is covered 8. Are translated 2. Was invited 9. Will be canceled 3. Were caused 10. Will be told 4. Is being built 11. Hasn’t been used 5. Wasn’t stolen 12. Being caught 6. Would be sacked 13. Being treated 7. Was invented II. 1. Their friend has been met at the station by my students 2. Tom wasn’t allowed to take….. 3. Exercises won’t be corrected by the teacher tomorrow 4. How many trees ware cut down 5. Many people are attracted by this well-known library 6. The meeting was attended by all students 7. It is said that he is…. 8. My bike can’t be repaired 9. Tom has been operated by Mary since 10 o’clock 10. We have been taught French by Mr. Smith for 2 years 11. The children weren’t looked after properly 12. This street wasn’t swept last week 13. A great deal of tea is drunk in England 14. English is spoken all……….. 15. 2 poems were being written by Tom 16. Her dog is often taken for a walk 17. I wasn’t introduced to… 18. Milk cows is usually collected by famers twice a day 19. We were used to be bidden to talk in class our teacher 20. A large hole was being dug in the ground by worked 21. A woman was knocked down in the street by the car 22. Grass was being eaten on the meadow by cows 23. You will be met at the station by my cousin 24. Umbrellas must be left in the cloakroom by visitors 25. We was used to be made clean the house by my mother 26. John’s homework hasn’t been finished 27. Advertisements were suggested banning on TV 28. The door will be shut if you like 29. A horrible accident has just been seen 30. What language is spoken in this country 31. At 7 p.m, cakes were being made by Mr. Smith 32. That house is going to bought 33. 3 hostages have been kept by the terrorists for a week 34. You haven’t seen for years 35. The passage will be read 3 time by the examiner 122

36. The town was destroyed by an earthquake 37. The letter wasn’t typed……. 38. I will be picked up at my house 39. When was he seen in that bank 40. The keys were returned to me by a man 41. Mary’s friends will be seen off at the station 42. That building has to be pulled down 43. A knife was given to me to cut…. 44. Beer was used to be drunk in England 45. 3 shirts can be sewed a day 46. It is considered that she is…. 47. This room hasn’t been used for ages 48. An article is being translated into Vietnamese 49. It was said that he had…. 50. I am being followed 51. Our student will be assigned to different jobs by The State 52. The letter was read again and …. 53. This is the first time we have been written about this 54. How many lessons are going to be learnt next month 55. Electric lights had been invented before…. 56. It is known that Japan…… 57. Before they took exam their lessons had been revised 58. When he came home a newspaper was being read by his father 59. I will be taken to HCM City by my father next week 60. When I was 18 years old, I was allowed to go out this evening by my parents 61. Your new hat was being worn when I ….. 62. Everything is being prepared for the…… 63. Last Friday, when I came to Jane’s house, all exercises had been finished 64. A way is being found to solve problem by countries 65. The letter was put in the………… 66. By the end of this year, 2000 English words will have been learnt 67. Different kinds of flowers were being planted in the garden by her father 68. A speech is being made by The Prime Minister at the moment 69. How many days were spent finishing…. 70. One of my teeth was pulled down by the doctor yesterday… 71. He is usually brought sandwiches by his wife at lunch time 72. The light went out while a cup of tea was being made 73. When she …., some Spanish were learnt 74. Many experiments was made by the students of chemistry last week 75. For the past years, all my washing have been made by hand 76. A nest has been built in the porch by a pair of robins… 77. She is said to be the best… 78. It is believed that he will… 79. Tom is thought to have stolen… 80. The situation was reported to be under.. 81. She is said to work 16… 82. The company is thought to be planning…. 83. It is expected that the …. 123

84. The man is alleged to have driven through… 85. The president was believed to have suffered… 86. The prisoners are thought to have escaped…. 87. The buildings are reported to have been… 88. Many people are reported to be homeless… 89. It was expected that Marta will… 90. He is believed to be killed… TOPIC 4 1. Daisy told Joana to lend her his history book 2. The police told everybody not to touch…in that room 3. Mrs green asked her friend if he could help her son with.. 4. His brother advised me not to translate… 5. My teacher advise me to learn… 6. Nam’s father told Nam that he had to …contest the next day 7. My pen pal said it was raining all day the day before in…. 8. The children said they were waiting…..then 9. Ha’s father told him not to touch that button or you would get a shock 10. My friend said that he had to go Hanoi that day 11. My teacher said that the sun rose ….set… 12. My friend said he had …that letter 13. Carol told me she would …about that … 14. Her friend told her she didn’t ..those lesson.. 15. Mr Quang said he had to leave then 16. Charles told Jane he had to … 17. Mary and John said they didn’t know… 18. Jimmy told Maryam he had given her that bike twice 19. Mr. Pike told me he needed me to help him with that work that night 20. Helen asked the child if he was going to visit his uncle the next day 21. She asked her friend if he went to …bike that day 22. The man told his daughter if she had felt sick the day before 23. Paul asked his mother if he should put that wardrobe there 24. Uyen asked Nam to lend her some …that book 25. She asked us if we would be ready to… that night 26. My mother told my sister if she wanted to….her that afternoon 27. Mrs. Ngoc asked her son if he had gone .. the day before 28. My brother told his best friend if he was her, he would be…that situation 29. The teacher wondered whether that students understood … 30. The customer told me if I could speak… 31. The police asked the witness what he was doing there 32. Jim asked Laurence how many students there were in her class this year 33. Ngoan asked me what Mr. Minh was doing that time the day before 34. One of the boys wanted to know what had happened to Mr. Budd the day before evening 35. The man asked Mary how long she had waited for that… 36. I told the salesman how much that dress costed that day 37. Betty wonders when he sent a letter to his parents 38. I asked him what he was writing then 39. They asked her where her father would leave there… 40. Minh asked Mr. Hung which of those pictures he liked best 124

41. My father told me I had to choose…….who could try ….. that work 42. Hong told Hoa she wanted to know what mom was doing …. 43. He asked me he had left his key a home and what time it was then 44. She asked Tan she was going and if she could get him anything 45. Daniel asked Tom if there was a café nearby and Tom answered no 46. Hang asked me why Ha didn’t buy them that picture…… 47. She said that she couldn’t work at all her typewriter wasn’t… 48. She advised Ha to try …. 49. The policeman told them that they couldn’t park there 50. She asked him if he had worked before 51. She asked him if he could work… 52. She asked me if she might open….. 53. She asked her boss if it would be alright if she had had the day off 54. She asked him if she might his tennis racket 55. She asked Ha if he was coming to the party that night 56. She asked Ha if she could borrow his pen 57. he asked her Mum if she knew where his racket was 58. She asked her secretary if Ha had been at work the day before 59. She asked him if he had read the…. 60. She asked him where he lived 61. She asked him why he wanted the job 62. She asked him how he had heard about it 63. She asked him how much he expected to earn 64. She asked him when he could start 65. She asked Ha what time it was 66. She asked me how long I had worked for that company 67. She asked me why he had been… 68. She asked me why I had done it when she had told me not to 69. She asked me why I hadn’t come … 70. He said he didn’t know what had happened 71. She said she had gone to the dentist the day before 72. She said the doctor had written her a prescription 73. He told me that if I typed this letter out for him, he would buy me a drink

TOPIC 5 I. 1. Had 2. Would go 3. Stopped 4. Were 5. could 6. didn’t complain 7. Worked 8. Weren’t 9. Didn’t tell 10. Would pass

11. Were 12. Hadn’t given 13. Had visited 14. Would give 15. Would take 16. Had understood 17. Had watched 18. Had 19. Had come 20. Were 125

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19.

I wish I had got much money. I wish she weren’t far away from house. I wish Francisco didn’t live a long way away. I wish I didn’t have to practice the piano every day. I wish I were good at math. Daniel wishes he lived in the center of town. I wish I knew how to repair the car. I wish It didn’t rain here every day Nicholas wishes he hadn’t smashed up his car I wish the snow would stop….. I wish I were lying on… I wish I had time… I wish my friend could stay…. I wish I knew many…. She wishes it would be …. My students wish they spoke … My students wish they didn’t write …. I wish the exercise were short I wish the film weren’t boring TOPIC 6 I. a. type I b. type 2 1. Stay/will go 1. Were/what would you do 2. Hurry/will catch 2. Took 3. Will be 3. Were/would take 4. Is 4. Would be 5. Rises 5. Wouldn’t be/weren’t 6. Don’t leave 6. Would happen/disappeared 7. Will drop 7. Would be 8. Phones 8. Widened/wouldn’t be 9. Spray/will destroy 9. Would get 10. Don’t use 10. Would look/didn’t have c. Type 3 1. Had known/would have visited 2. Hadn’t seen 3. Had arrived/would have got 4. Had spoken/would have understood 5. Had read/ would have washed d.mixed practice 11. will have 1. Would invite 12. looked 2. Sold 13. had fed 3. Would buy 14. would understand 4. rains 15. would arrive 5. Is 16. would have had 6. Would pass 17. swim 7. Repaired 18. press 8. Will 19. had asked 9. Will do 20. would call 10. learn 126

21. cycle 22. will miss 23. had 24. would support 25. will phone 31. go 32. didn’t rain 33. had worn 34. would have watched 35. had signed 36. would live 37. switched off 38. would have understood 46. wait 47. would miss 48. would have helped

26. goes 27. parked 28. don’t wear 29. will get 30. will turn up 39. explained 40. would have arrived 41. won’t play 42. grew 43. would see 44. didn’t have to do 45. had’t stayed up 49. had used 50. would be

II. 1. Unless she hurries, she won’t be late 2. Unless we didn’t have more rain, our crops wouldn’t be better 3. Unless you like this one, I will not bring you another 4. Unless you are careful, you will not cut yourself with that knife 5. I won’t be able to do any work unless I now have a quiet room 6. The flood wouldn’t have been ruined unless the flood had risen higher. 7. Unless you had sneezed, he wouldn’t have known that we were there 8. Unless she did her hair differently, she would not look quite nice 9. Unless John had played for our football team, we would have lost the game. 10. Unless I won the first prize in a lottery, I wouldn’t give up my job. III.Mixed practice: 21. If you don’t keep silent, you’ll wake the baby up. 22. If I knew the answer, I could tell you. 23. We wouldn’t have got lost if we had had the map. 24. If my friend hadn’t been so late, he wouldn’t have missed the train. 25. If you are calm, you won’t make a wrong decision. 26. If today was Sunday, the students wouldn’t go swimming. 27. If you didn’t leave immediately, I would call the policeman. 28. If I knew her number, I would ring her up. 29. If you don’t go right now, you will be late for the train. 30. If she wasn’t often absent from class, she could keep pace with her classmates. 31. I could have written to Alice because I had known her address. 32. If it hadn’t rained heavily, everybody could have gone outdoors. 33. I could have watches TV last night if I hadn’t been busy. 34. If People saw the UFO, they would call the National UFO Reporting Center. 35. Thu could swim if she went swimming in Lam Son Swimming pool. 36. If his flight hadn’t been delayed, he could have been there on time. 37. They would understand you if you didn’t speak too fast. 38. He could apply for the job if he had enough qualifications. 39. If he polished his shoes, he would look smart. 40. If you don’t go right now, you will not be late for the train. 127

TOPIC 7 I. Add a correct question tag to each sentence 1. Are you 35. Was it 2. Is she 36. Can’t they 3. Do you 37. Isn’t he 4. Did go 38. Didn’t he 5. Is it 39. Haven’t they 6. Was she 40. Wasn’t he 7. Has he 41. Shouldn’t he 8. Will you 42. Couldn’t it 9. Did I 43. Isn’t he 10. Does he 44. Isn’t it 11. Do you 45. Can’t he 12. Does it 46. Won’t it 13. Should they 47. Doesn’t she 14. Are you 48. Hasn’t she 15. Could they 49. Didn’t they 16. Do you 50. Doesn’t she 17. Was it 51. Doesn’t he 18. Need i 52. Doesn’t it 19. Was it 53. Haven’t I 20. Did you 54. Hasn’t he 21. Will it 55. Isn’t she 22. Does she 56. Didn’t they 23. Did it 57. Mightn’t he 24. Could she 58. Mustn’t we 25. Are you 59. Hadn’t you 26. Would you 60. Wouldn’t you 27. Had he 61. Don’t they 28. Were they 62. Shouldn’t she 29. Would you 63. Wasn’t she 30. Does he 64. Don’t they 31. Has he 65. Didn’t he 32. Could he 66. Didn’t you 33. Need I 67. Wouldn’t you 34. Were they 68. Couldn’t you TOPIC 8

69. Don’t you 70. Do you 71. Is it 72. Does it 73. Wasn’t it 74. Wasn’t it 75. Didn’t they 76. Wasn’t it 77. Did they 78. Does she 79. Doesn’t she 80. Wouldn’t she 81. Doesn’t he 82. Did he 83. Wasn’t she 84. Shouldn’t he 85. Did they 86. Do they 87. Can’t they 88. Does he 89. Is it 90. Did it 91. Aren’t they 92. Wouldn’t it 93. Is he 94. Isn’t it 95. Weren’t they 96. Didn’t it 97. Is it 98. Will he 99. Haven’t you 100. Do you

I. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Well/good Sad/ Happy/happily Careful/carefully Awful

6. Clearly 7. Badly 8. Heavily 9. Fluently 10. Good

II. 1. Bigger 2. Thicker 3. Oldest

4. Longest 5. Taller/the tallest 6. Cleverer 128

7. As pretty 8. Longest 9. More expensive 10. Less 11. The best 12. The highest 13. More interesting

14. Quieter 15. Smaller 16. Taller 17. Better/better 18. Farther 19. Stronger 20. The most popular

III. 1. Your house is smaller than my house 2. The red car is more expensive than the black one 3. That film is more boring than this one 4. Your kitchen is bigger than mine 5. My grandmother is the oldest person in my family 6. Tam is the tallest student in my class 7. My mother can cook better than me 8. Iack can play tennis better than him 9. You spent more money than I did 10. This book is the most expensive 11. No one in his class is taller than him 12. No other films are more interesting than this one 13. Japanese cars are the most expensive in the world 14. That exercise is not as easy as this one 15. Jack drives more carelessly than he does 16. He can play best in the group 17. This hotel is the most comfortable in the city 18. The Pacific Ocean is the largest in the world IV A C A B B C B C D C B A A A A C C TOPIC 9 11. We hurried to school in order that we couldn’t be be late. 12. He climbed up the tree in order that he could get better view. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17.


18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34.

35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50.



13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20.

You should get up early so that you will have time so that you can review your lesson. Some young people like to earn their own living in order that they can be independent of their parents. We should do morning exercise so that we can improve our health. Everybody in the world must unite their efforts so that they can maintain and protect peace. She put on warm clothes so that she couldn’t catch cold. She locked the door so that she couldn’t be disturbed. He cut the hair so that he can avoid being arrested by the police We should take advantage of the scientific achievements of the world so that we can develop our national money.

II. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. III.

You should leave early so as to get home before dark. This man changed the address constantly so as to avoid the police. I shouted in order to warn anyone of danger. Banks are developed so as to keep people’s money safe. Mary went to the library in order to borrow some books. Yesterday, my father went to the bank so as to open a checking account. I went to see him so as to find what had happened. Tom is saving up to buy a new bicycle. He hurried so as to catch the train. She is learning French to speak it when she comes to Paris.

15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28.

The boy stood on the chair in order to get better view. We turn down the volume of the radio so as not to bother our neighbors. I’ll write to you so that you can know my decision. Angelina Jolie wore a veil in order not to be recognized. These men were talking in whispers so that anyone couldn’t hear their conversation. The man spoke loudly in order that everyone in the hall couldn’t hear him clearly. Doris often goes home as soon as the class is over so that her mother can’t wait for her. Mr. Thompson is studying Vietnamese in order to read Kim Van Kieu. Alice prepared her lesson carefully to get good marks. You should walk slowly so that your sister can follow you. She needs a job so as to to support her parents. The farmer built a high wall around his garden so that the fruits wouldn’t be stolen. The notices are written in several languages so that everyone may understand them. Dick is practicing the guitar in order that he can play for the dance

B. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27.

Tom is too short to touch the ceiling. Alice is too young to stay at home alone. It’s too late for us to see a movie. She lives too far from school to walk there. It’s too cold for us to go swimming today. The jacket is too small for him to wear Peter is too tired to study. The pencil is too short for her to use . The meeting is too important for us to miss Sarah was too busy to take a day off You speak too fast for me to catch up with your words. 130

28. 29. 30. 31. 32.

The piano was too heavy for us to hang it on the wall. The test was too long for us finish in half an hour. Mike was too busy to go to his aunt’s house warming party. Some movies are too violent for children to watch He reached the station too late to catch the train.\ II. Combine each pairs of these sentences, using ENOUGH : 16. It’s not enough warm today for us to go outside. 17. The coat isn’t enough warm for me to wear in winter. 18. Tom doesn’t have enough money to pay his bills. 19. The ice is enough thick for people to dance on . 20. The ladder is enough long for us to use 21. The shirt is enough big for him to wear 22. That bookcase is enough large to hold 150 books. 23. The box is enough light for her to lift 24. The weather is enough rough for us to swim in . 25. I didn’t have enough time to eat breakfast this morning. 26. The room is not enough wide for us to hold a party in this room. 27. That chair is not enough strong for us to stand so long on that chair. 28. It was enough hot for you to fry an egg on the pavement. 29. You are t enough thin to slip between the two bars. 30. Mary doesn’t have enough money to buy that Martin bicycle. III. Combine each pairs of these sentences, using SO / SUCH ….THAT : 1. Combine these pairs of sentences using "so…..that": 1.That woman was so tall that she could almost touch the ceiling. 2. This coat is so big that I can't wear. 3. The coffee was so strong that she couldn't go to sleep. 4. That bag was so heavy that none of us couldn’t carry. 5. The stadium is so large that it can hold 60,000 people. 6. Those lessons are so difficult that he can't understand. 7. She was so busy that she couldn't do the housework. 8. The climate was so bad that all the plants couldn't grow well. 9. I'm so tired that I couldn't keep my eyes open. 10. That boy is so lazy that he never does his homework. 2. Combine these pairs of sentences using "such....that": 1. Tom was such a tall man that he could almost touch the ceiling. 2. Mary is such a good swimmer that she has won two gold medals. 3. He drank such strong coffee that he couldn't go to sleep. 4. It was such a long walk that the children got tired. 5. He told such interesting stories that they all like him. 6. The boy made such rapid progress that it surprised everybody. 7. He had such a difficult exercise that he couldn't do it. 8. The speaker gave such a long talk that most of the audience felt sleepy. 9. We watched such an exciting competition that we didn't want to go home. 10. It was such an excellent show that we all enjoyed it. IV. Rewrite the following sentences as directed: 1. The house was so expensive that nobody can buy. 2. It was such good food that we ate all of. 3. The patient was so weak that he couldn’t get up. 131

4. This room is so dark that I can’t study. 5. This room isn’t large enough for us to take the meeting. 6. The test was not easy enough for us to do. 7. The map is too young for me to read. 8. He didn’t speak slowly enough for us to hear well. C. PHRASE AND CLAUSE OF REASON and CONCESSION I. 1. Because 7. Although 13. Because of 8. In spite of/because 14. In spite of 2. Although 3. Because of 9. Because 15. Because 4. Although 10. Because 16. Because of 5. Because of 11. Because of 17. Although 6. Although 12. Because of 18. Because II. 1. D 8. D 15. D 2. A 9. D 16. B 3. C 10. B 17. B 4. D 11. C 18. C 5. B 12. A 19. C 6. A 13. C 20. A 7. B 14. D III. 11. Because of being sick, I do not go out. 12. Because of the polluted water, we can’t swim in that river. 13. Because of having a sore leg, Nga had difficulty in walking 14. Because of behaving badly, he found himself in trouble. 15. Because of the snow we didn’t go out for a walk. 16. Because he looks good, he is popular with many girls. 17. Because his sickness is serious, he couldn’t come to the class. 18. Because there is too much exhaust fume, people have to wear gauze masks in the streets. 19. Because their performance is good, they won the first prize. 20. Because you advised, we didn’t use that poisonous chemical. IV. 21. Because the traffic was heavy they came to the meeting late. 22. Because it rained heavily, the traffic jam became more serious. 23. In spite of having a very important job, he isn’t particularly well-paid. 24. Despite having never seen her before, I recognized her from a photograph. 25. She wasn’t wearing the coat in spite ofthe cold. 26. We thought we’d better invite them to the party despite disliking them very much. 27. In spite of not speaking the language, I managed to make myself understand. 28. Despite the heat, the room wasn’t warm. 29. I didn’t recognize her in spite of meeting her twice before. 30. Mr. Harris often misses the bus because of his irregular hours. 31. We’re not very good friends despite having known each other a long time. 32. In spite of being ill, Minh still came to the meeting. 33. The play was not accepted because objections were numerous which they made. 34. In spite of he is old, he still leads an active life. 35. Though Ba worked hard, he failed his exam. 132

36. 37. 38. 39. 40.

Although it rained heavily, we decided to go to see the match. Though they quarrel, they remain the best of friends. Although the weather was bad, they went out for dinner. Although she isn’t brilliant, she studies quite well. Even though the house isn’t nice, I like the garden. TOPIC 10 : CONNECTIVES I.Join each pair of the following pairs of sentences with“ and, but , so ,because ” 10. I told a joke but nobody laughed. 11. Last night’s storm damaged the power lines so the town was without electricity for several hours. 12. The city suffers from air pollution and water pollution. 13. Coal and oil are a valuable natural resource. 14. We must do whatever we can in order to conserve oil because it is a valuable natural resource. 15. The Bakers want to use solar energy but the Bakers don’t know how to install the solar panel on the roof of their house. 16. They decided to cut down on the number of lights in their house because they wanted to save energy. 17. We can’t afford energy- saving light bulbs because the light bulbs are too expensive. II. Join sentences using “and , so , although , but , because , however , therefore” 11. But 12. Because 13. But 14. so 15. But 16. And 17. So 18. Therefore 19. Although 20. Therefore 1. B 2. B 3. D 4. B 5. A 6. D 7. D 8. C 9. C 10. B 11. B 12. B 13. B 14. C 15. A 16. A 17. A 18. B 19. B

EXERCISES TOPIC 9&10 20. A 21. C 22. A 23. C 24. D 25. B 26. C 27. A 28. D 29. D 30. C 31. A 32. D 33. B 34. D 35. D 36. B 37. B 38. C

39. D 40. A 41. A 42. A 43. D 44. A 45. A 46. B 47. B 48. C 49. D 50. A 51. A 52. D 53. C 54. B 55. B 56. C 57. C 133

58. B 59. B 60. C 61. C 62. B 63. C 64. B 65. A 66. D 67. C 68. B 69. D 70. B 71. B 72. C

73. D 74. A 75. C 76. A 77. C 78. A 79. C 80. A 81. C 82. C 83. C 84. A 85. D 86. A 87. B TOPIC 11 : MAKING SUGGESTIONS (Lời đề nghị)

88. C 89. A 90. B 91. D 92. A 93. B 94. A 95. D 96. C 97. D 98. C 99. B 100. B

III. Use the correct verb form : 1. Going 2. Going 3. Eating 4. Holding 5. Should train 6. Should use 7. To drink 8. Using 9. Taking 10. Should be IV. Rewrite these sentences : 7. I suggest using gas instead of burning coal 8. How about playing badminton 9. Shall we buy energy-saving bulbs 10. Why don’t we use electricity economically. 11. I suggest that you should ask her yourself 12. I suggest our classroom should be decorated 13. I suggest a charity event should be organized to raise money 14. What about using helmet to protect our heads 15. What about collecting unused clothes for the victims 16. Andrew suggest going to the English speaking club 17. Ba suggested Nam should repair the electric fan, 18. Tom suggested not telling anyone until we are certain that the report is true”, said Tom. TOPIC 12 I. 6. Who 11. Who 1. Whose 2. Which 7. Whose 12. Which 3. Who 8. Which 13. Who 4. Who 9. Whose 14. Whose 5. Whose 10. Who 15. Which 134

16. Which 33. Who 50. Who 17. Who 34. Which 51. Which 18. Whom 35. Whose 52. Whose 19. Which 36. Whom 53. Whom 20. Whom 37. Which 54. Which 21. Whose 38. Which 55. Which 22. Whom 39. Which 56. Which 40. Which 57. Who 23. Who 41. Whose 58. Whose 24. Whom 59. What 25. Whose 42. Whose 26. Which 43. Whom 60. Whom 27. Which 44. Whose 61. Who 45. Which 62. Which 28. whom 29. Which 46. Which 63. Which 30. Whom 47. Whom 64. Which 31. Who 48. Which 32. Whose 49. Whom II. Rewrite as directions: i. Use a Relative pronoun or a Relative adverb to combine each pairs of the sentences below 51. A dictionary is a book which gives you the meaning of words. 52. The man whom I talk to yesterday was very kind. 53. Nam whose father’s death made him sad a lot is an excellent student. 54. Do you know the children who are playing soccer in the stadium? 55. The little boy who lost his way is crying over there. 56. Kim Lien is a village where Ho Chi Minh was born and lived. 57. Ha Noi is an ancient city which many customs are still on 58. Vu Quoc Viet whose his works I love very much is a famous artist 59. Teacher’s Day is a day when all the students show their gratitude to their teacher 60. Quynh Dao whose works are widely read all over the world is a famous writer. 61. Sa Pa is a famous city which many visitors travel to for their holiday. 62. Easter is a festival which people will have a lot of fun. 63. The river which flows through Ho Chi Minh city is the Saigon river. 64. Mona which was painted by Leonardo De Vinci has been popular for long. 65. The lady in black whom you met at the party yesterday is a famous writer. 66. The little boy who lost his way is crying over there. 67. Children like to eat ice-cream which can cause toothache if they have too much everyday. 68. Mr. Quang whose food can be enjoyed all over the world is a famous chef cook. 69. Mrs. Lien whose son I met on the stage last night is very smart. 70. Dolphins which often swim with other fish are sometimes caught and killed in fishing nets. 71. The tourists who went to see the Great Wall and the old Kingdom in Beijing visited China. 72. My classmates had so much fun at the carnival where they wanted to go again. 73. A typhoon which can cause great destruction is a violent tropical storm. 74. The victims of the club who were half-starved for many days need help. 75. The Southam Chess Club which has more than 50 members meets weekly on Friday evenings. 76. Lan who lives near my parents’ house is my classmate 77. Ninety per cent of the earthquakes occur around the Pacific Rim which is known as the Ring of Fire. 78. The weather forecast program which people like to watch take place at 8:00 pm every day 135

79. The female mosquito which can survive in new and different environments can suck blood and transmit malaria. 80. Her book which is well- written is widely read. 81. Cuc Phuong where I came along time ago is a famous nation park. 82. He whose mother you have talked in the company is a manager in this factory. 83. Trinh Cong Son composed songs which are greatly liked by millions of Vietnamese people. 84. John Bridge which has just gone to live in Canada is one of my oldest friends. 85. The Earth which can support life is a planet. 86. The man whom I told you about works in the hospital 87. He is a famous doctor inmy neighbor. You have just met his daughter last night. 88. Tet is a big occasion when the members of family gather 89. New York which everybody want to live in is a famous city. 90. The scientists who are researching the causes of cancer are making progress. 91. The movie Harry Potter which I’m longing to see is coming soon. 92. Then he was caught in the mouth of a white shark which is one of the most dangerous sea creatures. 93. The most beautiful park which has a lot of big trees is opposite my house. 94. A waitress who was very impolite and impatient served us. 95. A building which was destroyed in the fire has now been rebuilt. 96. Some people who were arrested have now been released. 97. A bus which runs every half an hour goes to the airport. 98. Peter who has been abroad is studying French and German. 99. Chinese people have a very special kind of soup which is made from shark’s fin. 100. Many people who eat puffer fish, a very poisonous species get sick or die every year. ii. Rewrite these sentences, remember to put commas in their right place : 11. Smallpox, which once killed thousands of people every year, has disappeared. 12. This is Felicity, whose sister you met last week. 13. He swam across the English Channel, which is hard to believe that. 14. Borges, never won the Nobel Prize, was a wonderful writer. 15. Charlie Chaplin, whose films amused millions, died in 1977. 16. Dr Oley, which is a popular dentist in the city, is our family’s dentist. 17. His sisters are identical twins, whom I saw last 18. The river, which flows through Ho Chi Minh City, is the Sai Gon River. 19. The girls, who rehearsed it yesterday, are performing the play. 20. Their parents are anxious about their children, who come back late iii. Combine these sentences, using WHICH, WHERE, WHEN : 11. Ha Noi is the place where I’d like to come. 12. Summer is the time when the weather is very hot 13. The bed where I slept last night was comfortable. 14. I never forget the park where we met each other for the first time. 15. I do not know the reason why she left school. 16. We have not decided the day when I’ll go to London. 17. Our school has a good laboratory where the students practice chemistry 18. Our school has a good laboratory where Mr John designed 19. 7:30 is the time when my plane will arrive 20. I love my parents’ house where I was born iv. Rewrite these sentences, using preposition + WHO / WHOM : 11. The movie to which we went was interesting. 136

12. I couldn’t understand the woman to whom I talked on the phone. 13. I want to tell you about the party to which I went last night. 14. The music to which we listened last night was gentle. 15. Alice likes the foreign family with whom she is living. 16. The market to which I usually go has refresh vegetables. 17. The man about whom I told you is over there. 18. The film about which they are talking is fantastic. 19. She to whom we gave the flower’s the nurse 20. The man to whom we are speaking was our new history teacher. TOPIC 13 1. A 2. B 3. C 4. A 5. A 6. B 7. A 8. A 9. B 10. C 11. A 12. B 13. C 14. C 15. A 16. B

17. A 18. C 19. A 20. B 21. A 22. A 23. A 24. B 25. A 26. B 27. A 28. B 29. A 30. A 31. B 32. A

33. C 34. A 35. B 36. A 37. A 38. A 39. A 40. A 41. B 42. A 43. A 44. A 45. A 46. A 47. A TOPIC 14

I. 1. of 2. on 3. at 4. on 5. at 6. on 7. of 8. to 9. by 10. for 11. about 12. with 13. of 14. of 15. at 16. to 17. for 18. to

19. on 20. with 21. for 22. for 23. on 24. into 25. on 26. about 27. after 28. about 29. for 30. from 31. at 32. for 33. about 34. at/at 35. from…to 36. at /on

37. on 38. in/in 39. at/at 40. with 41. in 42. since 43. from 44. for 45. from 46. after 47. into 48. of 49. at 50. in 51. down 52. at 53. for 54. for 137

55. by 56. at/at 57. to 58. in/on 59. of 60. to/on 61. to 62. at

63. on 64. for 65. between 66. for 67. on 68. from 69. in 70. between

71. at 72. of/for 73. at 74. of 75. of 76. of 77. to 78. in

TOPIC 15 1. it’s ten years since I last went to HCM City 2. it was such an expensive car that I can’t afford it 3. I’ve never been to New York before 4. Had you not studied hard, you would have failed the exam 5. I have taught English for three years 6. Lan is the most intelligent person in my class 7. This exercise was so difficult that we couldn’t do it 8. The last time I went out with him was 5 months 9. This is the first time I’ve seen such a cruel mother 10. We haven’t seen Mr. Jones for two years 11. I haven’t visited the USA before 12. I began learning English 10 years ago 13. She has moved to London for 20 years 14. The last time the Pikes visited Paris was 2 years 15. John hasn’t been seen since he was leaving for Edinburgh 16. When did your family read Tuoi Tre Newspaper 17. How long has he teach Physical Education in this school? 18. We last saw Mary was when we left the university 19. It was such an interesting book that we couldn’t put it down 20. Unless I am busy, I will do some shopping with you 21. Mary suggested going somewhere for a cup of coffee 22. Hung suggested Nga should take an umbrella 23. He is not tall enough to play basketball 24. She has bought television for two weeks 25. The furniture was too expensive for me to buy 26. Hong hasn’t played the piano for ten years 27. Would you mind if I borrowed your car tonight 28. Why don’t we go to New Age Movie Theater tonight? 29. I spent a fairy long time answering all my e-mails 30. This is the first time she has eaten lobster 31. It takes the flights three hours from Ho Chi Minh City to Singapore PRONUNCIATION Exercise 1 1. D 2. D

3. D 4. A

5. B 6. B 138

7. D 8. A 9. B 10. C 11. B 12. C 13. A 14. C 15. C 16. B 17. A 18. A Exercise 2 1. B 2. D 3. B 4. A 5. A 6. C 7. D 8. C 9. A 10. D 11. D 12. A 13. C 14. D 15. A 16. B

19. D 20. B 21. B 22. D 23. D 24. D 25. D 26. B 27. D 28. C 29. B 30. C

31. C 32. A 33. D 34. D 35. D 36. B 37. A 38. D 39. D 40. C

17. C 18. B 19. A 20. A 21. D 22. B 23. A 24. B 25. A 26. A 27. B 28. A 29. D 30. C 31. A 32. A

33. D 34. C 35. B 36. A 37. A 38. C 39. B 40. C 41. D 42. B 43. B 44. A 45. A 46. C 47. C 48. D PART 2

MULTIPLE CHOICE I 1. 2. C 3. C 4. C 5. B 6. C 7. C 8. B 9. B 10. D 11. C 12. D

13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23.


24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32.


II. 1. Laughing 2. To carrying

3. Is divided 4. Following

5. To cutting 6. Could speak 139

7. Wearing 8. To getting 9. Would come 10. To getting 11. Swept 12. Be found 13. Do 14. Found 15. Have you done 16. Has written/has finished 17. Has taught/graduated 18. Left/have never met 19. Are hung 20. Is told 21. Causing 22. Is written/translated

23. Have lived 24. Reading 25. Will have 26. Will come 27. Was 28. To spending 29. Would return 30. To go 31. Not to spend/playing 32. Were you doing 33. Seeing 34. Lying 35. To win 36. To buy 37. To store 38. Recycling 39. Walking/to stop

40. Laugh 41. Phones 42. Were planting 43. Looing 44. Wearing 45. watched 46. Has just won 47. To gain 48. Try 49. Was waiting 50. Had left 51. Taking 52. Had run 53. Had not wasted 54. To work 55. Making/do

III. 1. Friendship 2. Peaceful 3. Compulsory 4. Designs 5. Education 6. Industrial 7. Dependently 8. Convenient 9. Symbolize 10. Suitable 11. Interesting 12. Cultural 13. Careless 14. Information 15. Mountainous 16. Collection 17. Sightseeing 18. Interested 19. Enjoyment 20. Improvement 21. Increasingly IV. A 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

22. Scientists 23. Unpolluted 24. Economical 25. Solar 26. Harmful 27. Extremely 28. Environmentalist 29. Consumption 30. Environmental 31. Electrical 32. Heat 33. Cloudy 34. Joyful 35. Destruction 36. Preparations 37. Volcanic/eruption 38. Homeless 39. Traditionally/sticky 40. Humor 41. Considerate 42. Nationally

43. Proud 44. Poet 45. Embroidery 46. Musical 47. Communication 48. Invent 49. Development 50. Explorer 51. Useful 52. Unpolluted 53. Deforestation 54. Volcanic 55. Luckily 56. Evidence 57. Participate 58. Religious 59. Poisonous 60. Electricity 61. Festivals

I wish I had today off If I didn’t have to finish my report on books, I could join your trip as I promised A big has been held to promote the spirit of the working class Unless you book accommodation in advance, you won’t find any You’d better go to work today Mary is looking forward to going to Greece on holiday I wish I could go climbing and hiking this weekend 140

8. We used to live in Bristol 9. His speech is long, we felt bored 10. Unless you keep your fit dry, you will catch a cold 11. The book which you lent me last week is quite worth reading 12. If he didn’t eat so much chocolate, he wasn’t overweight 13. A new stadium is being built here 14. It takes me half an hour to work by motorbike every day 15. Because I missed the bus this morning, I was late for class 16. Since the traffic was heavy, we couldn’t drive fast 17. The town wasn’t as far as we thought 18. It took us five hours to get to London 19. They moved to here six years ago 20. She advised me not to spend mu weekend in the city 21. He asked his friend if she could give him a ride to school 22. It is too cold for us to bathe 23. It is so cold that we can’t have breakfast in the garden 24. Though Mr. Benson is old, he runs seven miles before breakfast 25. Despite having an injured ankle, Esther still won the tennis match 26. The journey was so long that they were all asleep by the time they arrived 27. Unfortunately, Nick wasn’t tall enough to be a good basketball player 28. It was such a easy question that all the student got it right 29. I asked her where the best place was to buy souvenirs 30. Unless you stop eating too much, you won’t lose weight 31. It is necessary to know English 32. He started collecting stamps five years ago 33. Don’t forget to check your flight number 34. If he worked harder, he could pass the exam 35. Why don’t we go abroad for our holiday this year? 36. When did they move here? 37. We spent two hours watering the flowers 38. Tom’s mother told Tom to turn down the radio 39. Those two questions were so difficult that we couldn’t answer 40. Mark isn’t old enough to see that horror film 41. It’s better to avoid traveling during rush hour 42. The boy has just been met helping you with the work yesterday 43. Alan’s mother cooks worse than my mother does 44. She has bought that television for two years 45. The furniture was too expensive for me to buy 46. Hong hasn’t played the piano for ten years 47. In spite of eating a lot of chocolate, Tom never puts on weight 48. My uncle asked me when I was going to Nha Trang beach 49. Your daughter is not old enough to watch this kind of horror film 50. Why don’t we go to New Age Movie Theater tonight? 51. He is such a stupid student that he can’t understand the lesson 52. She found connecting the new dishwasher difficult 53. The girl whom he is talking has long hair 54. If they had enough money, they would buy a bigger house 55. If the bus hadn’t been late, I could have gone to school on time 56. She has worked as secretary for five years

57. The sea was too rough for the children to go swimming 58. In spite of having a good salary, he was unhappy in his job 59. The streets haven’t been cleaned this week 60. It was such a dirty restaurant that no one want to eat there 61. The last time I have been to Bristol was 3 years 62. He is not old enough to appreciate such a film 63. It’s the first time I have seen that man 64. English people is said to be quiet and severed 65. In spite of his broken leg, he managed to get out of the car 66. It was such a hard cake that I couldn’t eat it 67. The water was not warm enough for the children to swim in 68. If I lived in a big city, I could go to the cinema very often 69. It was such a low bridge that the bus couldn’t go under it 70. I haven’t seen him since I was a student 71. Unless Joe change his way, he will end up in prison 72. It took him two hours to write the letter 73. The tea was so hot that I couldn’t drink it 74. Because of her good behavior, everybody loves her 75. If you don’t water the flowers every day, they will die 76. In spite of working hard, she never seems to succeed 77. No one in her class is taller than Jeanie B 1) The bridge was too low for the lorry to go under. It was such a low bridge that the lorry couldn’t go under it. 2) My brother no longer walks to school with his friends. No longer does my brother walks to school with his friends. 3) The policeman asked the little boy what his name was. 4) Your kitchen is bigger than mine. 5) I’ll give you my phone number so that you can phone me when necessary. 6) Because of getting up late, I couldn’t come there on time. If I had not got up late, I could come there on time. I got up late so I couldn’t come there on time. 7) I was advised to choose that job by my father. 8) That boy is so clever that he can make children’s toys. That is such a clever boy that he can make children’s toys. 9) That pupil is so lazy that my sister can’t teach him English. That pupil is too lazy for my sister to teach him English. 10) I wish I had not bought the second-hand motorbike. 11) She is thought to be the most beautiful girl in this class. It is thought that she is the most beautiful girl in this class. 12) These explosives have to be kept in a safe place. 13) The film was so good that we decided to go and see it again. 14) Computers are being used in almost every field. 15) The thief drove so quickly that the police couldn’t catch him.


16) Would you mind helping me to lift this heavy box up? 17) No sooner had someone rung the alarm than the burglars left the shop. 18) I haven’t seen her for one week. 19) Hardly had he put down the phone when his wife rang back. 20) Because she was sick she stayed in bed. 21) If you had worked hard, you wouldn’t have got bad marks. 22The shirt is so tight that the boy can’t wear it. The shirt is too tight for the boy to wear. 23. Mary enjoys scientific expeditions, and so does Peter. Peter enjoys scientific expeditions, and Mary does, too. 24) Mike drives more carefully than his brother. 25 If she hadn’t worked hard, she wouldn’t have got high wages. 26) If you don’t phone me tonight, you won’t get any information. 27) Tom used to cry a lot when he was a child. 28)The problem is too difficult for him to solve. It is such a difficult problem that he can’t solve it. The problem is so difficult that that he can’t solve it. 29) Why don’t we go to the seaside this summer? How about going to the seaside this summer? I suggest going to the seaside this summer. 30) Our team was said to have won the gold medal by chance. 31) I wish I had not lent him much money. 32) If Mary had not drunk too much wine, she wouldn’t have felt sick. 33) Unless you put on your coat, you will catch a cold. 34) He couldn’t afford to buy a car, and neither could she. He couldn’t afford to buy a car, and she couldn’t, either. 35) In spite of the bad weather, we enjoyed our trip. 36) Because he was sleepy, he went to bed early. 37) Because of being very tired, I made a mistake. 38) Even though these cars are cheap, they last a long time. 39) Although it was noisy, the children slept well. 40) Because he was tired, he didn’t walk to the station. CHƯƠNG TRÌNH CŨ MULTIPLE CHOICE 1. A 2. C 3. B 4. B 5. B 6. A 7. C 8. C 9. B 10. B 11. C 12. C 13. D 14. A

15. B 16. A 17. C 18. B 19. D 20. B 21. C 22. D 23. B 24. B 25. C 26. B 27. C 28. C

29. C 30. B 31. A 32. A 33. B 34. D 35. A 36. A 37. C 38. A 39. B 40. D 41. A 42. D

43. D 44. B 45. A 46. C 47. B 48. D 49. C 50. C 51. C 52. B 53. d 54. B 55. D 56. B 57. B 58. B 59. A 60. A 61. D 62. A 63. C 64. C 65. A

66. D 67. B 68. D 69. C 70. D 71. C 72. D 73. C 74. D 75. B 76. C 77. C 78. B 79. C 80. A 81. C 82. C 83. A 84. C 85. C 86. A 87. A 88. C

89. B 90. C 91. A 92. A 93. A 94. A 95. B 96. D 97. B 98. A 99. C 100. C 101. A 102. A 103. D 104. A 105. C 106. A 107. d 108. C 109. A

1. C 2. C 3. B 4. A 5. A 6. D 7. D 8. C 9. A 10. D 11. D 12. B 13. A 14. D 15. B 16. A 17. D 18. B 19. C 20. B 21. C 22. A 23. A 24. B 25. B

26. D 27. C 28. A 29. C 30. C 31. B 32. A 33. D 34. B 35. A 36. B 37. A 38. B 39. C 40. A 41. B 42. C 43. B 44. D 45. D 46. C 47. C 48. B 49. C 50. A

51. A 52. B 53. D 54. D 55. C 56. B 57. C 58. A 59. D 60. A 61. B 62. B 63. A 64. B 65. C 66. A 67. C 68. A 69. D 70. B 71. D 72. B 73. A 74. C 75. C


76. D 77. B 78. B 79. B 80. B 81. A 82. A 83. C 84. B 1. 2. 3. 4.

Friendship Peaceful Amusing Modernized/adding/symb olic 5. Beautifying 6. Compulsory 7. Designs 8. Inspiration/traditional 9. Education 10. Industrial 11. Tropical 12. Separated 13. Dependently 14. Equally 15. Inconvenient 16. Fashionably 17. Officially 18. Introduction 19. Instructions 20. Poets 21. Symbolize 22. Suitable 23. Uninteresting 24. Reputation 25. Sights 26. Speaking/necessary 27. Examiners 28. Entrances 29. Invited 30. Cultural 31. Carelessly 32. Qualified 33. Languages 34. Description 35. Available 36. Qualified 37. Academic 38. Approximately

85. D 86. A 87. B 88. A 89. C 90. B 91. C 92. C 93. A WORD FORM 39. Information 40. Disagree 41. Speech 42. Botanic 43. Exchanged 44. Mountainous 45. Collection 46. Admiration 47. arrival 48. Sightseeing 49. Countryside 50. Disappointing 51. Relaxing 52. Visitors/boating 53. Interested 54. Growth 55. Heroic 56. Southern 57. Enjoyment 58. Improvement 59. Advice 60. Politely 61. Refreshment 62. Heavily 63. Increasingly 64. Scientists 65. Unpolluted 66. Economically 67. Solar 68. Attendance 69. Harmful 70. Shortage 71. Extremely 72. Environmentalists 73. Unnaturally 74. Innovation 75. Recycling 76. Minimize 77. Consumption

94. C 95. B 96. A 97. A 98. B 99. B 100. A 101. A 102. C 78. Environmental 79. Dripping 80. Plumper 81. Electrical 82. Heated 83. Poured 84. Production 85. Cloudy 86. Joyful 87. Priority 88. Destruction 89. Competitions 90. Congratulate/nomination 91. Tidal 92. Preparation 93. Canned 94. Scientists/predict 95. Volcanic/eruption 96. Homeless 97. Tropical 98. Traditionally/sticky 99. Freedom 100.Easily 101.Humor 102.Considerate 103.Nationwide 104.Proud 105.Specialize 106.Variety 107.addition 108.Knowledge 109.Bilingual 110.Conclusion 111.Embroidered 112.Location 113.Corrected 114.Communication 115.Development 116.beneficial

117.explorer 118.useful 119.popularity 120.comfortable 121.equipped 122.majority 123.reduced 124.worried 125.pollutants 126.suggestion 127.identifying 128.luckily 129.experienced 130.imagination 131.evidence 132.congratulation/successfuy 1. D 2. A 3. A 4. B 5. C 6. B 7. B 8. B 9. C 10. D 11. B 12. C 13. B 14. B 15. B 16. B 17. C 18. C 19. C 20. C 21. A 22. D 23. D 24. A 25. A 26. A 27. B 28. B 29. D 30. B 31. B

133.widely 134.flights 135.participated 136.religious 137.poisonous 138.invention/exhibition 139.arrangement 140.daily 141.behavior/improved 142.interact 143.announcement 144.reliable 145.developments/communicat ion 146.recognized 147.assignment CHƯƠNG TRÌNH THÍ ĐIỂM MULTIPLE CHOICE 32. C 33. A 34. D 35. A 36. C 37. C 38. B 39. C 40. C 41. A 42. B 43. C 44. D 45. C 46. B 47. A 48. B 49. C 50. C 51. B 52. A 53. C 54. B 55. A 56. C 57. D 58. B 59. A 60. D 61. B 62. C

148.festivals 149.written/invented 150.broaden 151.meaningful 152.illegal Employees 153.fascinating 154.sickness 155.polution 156.reducation 157.satisfied/performance 158.choice 159.succeed

63. A 64. D 65. C 66. A 67. C 68. C 69. B 70. A 71. B 72. C 73. D 74. D 75. A 76. A 77. B 78. C 79. B 80. A 81. D 82. D 83. D 84. C 85. D 86. C 87. B 88. A 89. B 90. C 91. A 92. B 93. A

94. C 95. B 100. B 101. C 102. C 103. B 104. C 105. B 106. A 107. A 108. D 109. C 110. D 131. B 132. C 133. D 1. Attractions 2. Paintings 3. Embroidery 4. Unemployment 5. Forbidden 6. Popular 7. Historic 8. Embarrassed 9. confidence 10. Informal 11. Extended 12. Obey 13. Solution 14. Preserve 15. Religious 16. Recognized 17. Contribution 18. Illiterate 19. Supports 20. interested 21. Predict 22. solar 23. Evaluate 24. Development 25. Training 26. Experienced 27. Attendance

96. A 97. A 111. D 112. A 113. D 114. B 115. B 116. C 117. B 118. B 119. A 120. B 121. A 134. D 135. A 136. A WORDFORM 28. Evaluator 29. Participants 30. Tender 31. Accessible 32. Preservation/tourists 33. Bilingual 34. Spicy 35. Official/national 36. Flexibility 37. Evaluation 38. Financial 39. environmentalists 40. naturally 41. innovation 42. Working 43. Guide 44. Reasonable 45. Rusty 46. Fluent 47. Season 48. Grated 49. Steam 50. Traditionally/sticky 51. Designs 52. Education 53. Industrial 54. Dependently

98. B 99. D 122. B 123. C 124. C 125. B 126. D 127. A 128. D 129. B 130. A 137. B 138. C 55. Inconvenient 56. Uninteresting 57. Cultural 58. Careless 59. Information 60. Mountainous 61. Collection 62. Sightseeing 63. Enjoyment 64. Improvement 65. Scientists 66. Economically 67. Harmful 68. Joyfully 69. Destruction 70. Preparation 71. Volcanic/eruption 72. Homeless 73. Proud 74. Communication 75. Invent 76. Explorer 77. Useful 78. Deforestation 79. Poisonous 80. festivals


3. C 4. A 5. D 6. B TEST 2 1. D 2. C 3. C 4. A 5. B TEST 3 1. C 2. D 3. A 4. D 5. C TEST 4 1. B 2. D 3. B 4. A TEST 5 1. D 2. A 3. D 4. B TEST 6 1. B 2. B 3. A 4. D 5. C TEST 7 1. B 2. A

TEST 13 1. A 2. B 3. C 4. C 5. B TEST 14 1. D 2. B 3. C 4. D TEST 15 1. D 2. D 3. A 4. C TEST 16 1. C 2. D 3. A 4. D TEST 17 1. B 2. A 3. D 4. B 5. C TEST 18 1. D 2. B 3. D 4. C 5. B

3. B 4. C 5. D TEST 8 1. A 2. A 3. C 4. D 5. C 6. A TEST 9 1. B 2. D 3. C 4. B 5. A TEST 10 1. A 2. C 3. A 4. A 5. B TEST 11 1. C 2. C 3. D 4. D 5. B TEST 12 1. B 2. C 3. D 4. C 5. D 6. A

B. READ THE PASSAGES AND CHOOSE THE WORD TO FILL IN EACH BLANK TEST 1 1. Pollute 2. Rubbish 3. Amount 4. Because 5. Burning TEST 2 1. as 2. Because

6. Should 7. who 8. and 9. of 10. green

3. From 4. Which

5. Of 6. them

TEST 3 1. useful 2. it TEST 4 1. daily 2. energy TEST 5 2. improved 3. developed 4. transmission 5. practical TEST 6 1. effective 2. pollution 3. energy 4. electricity

3. written 4. knowledge

5. therefore 6. better

3. prepare 4. higher

5. saving

6. 7. 8. 9.

basic possible energy regular

10. popular 11. growth

5. 6. 7. 8.

nuclear power panels heat

9. restored 10. advanced

C.READ THE PASSAGES AND CHOOSE THE BEST CORRECT ANSWER( A, B, C, D) TO COMPLETE THE PASSAGES 8. A TEST 1 TEST 5 1. C 1. B 9. B 2. D 2. C 10. D 3. A 3. A TEST 8 4. C 4. B 1. C 5. C 5. D 2. D 6. A 6. C 3. B 7. D 4. A TEST 2 1. B 8. A 5. B 2. C 9. B 6. C 3. A 10. C 7. B 4. C 8. D TEST 6 5. D 1. B 9. D 2. A 10. A TEST 3 1. B 3. B TEST 9 2. A 4. D 1. B 3. A 5. A 2. B 4. C 6. A 3. B 5. D 7. C 4. D 6. D 8. D 5. D 7. B 9. B TEST 10 8. A 1. B TEST 7 9. D 1. C 2. C 10. A 2. D 3. C 3. D 4. B TEST 4 1. A 4. A 5. D 2. B 5. B 6. B 3. A 6. A 7. C 4. A 7. A 8. D

9. A 10. B TEST 11 1. C 2. D 3. D 4. C 5. D 6. C 7. A 8. A 9. B 10. B TEST 12 1. B 2. B 3. A 4. D 5. C 6. B 7. A 8. B 9. C 10. A TEST 13 1. C 2. D 3. B 4. A 5. B 6. D TEST 14 1. A 2. B 3. D 4. C 5. B 6. C TEST 15 1. D 2. A 3. B 4. C 5. D 6. B TEST 16 1. C 2. A 3. B

4. A 5. A 6. B 7. B 8. C TEST 17 1. A 2. D 3. B 4. C 5. A 6. A 7. D 8. A TEST 18 1. B 2. A 3. C 4. A 5. D TEST 19 1. B 2. C 3. D 4. C 5. B 6. B 7. A 8. D TEST 20 1. B 2. C 3. D 4. D 5. A 6. A 7. C 8. B TEST 21 1. A 2. A 3. B 4. C 5. A 6. D 7. A 8. B TEST 22 1. B

2. C 3. D 4. D 5. A 6. B 7. B 8. C TEST 23 1. A 2. B 3. C 4. B 5. D 6. B 7. C 8. A TEST 24 1. B 2. B 3. C 4. A 5. C 6. D TEST 25 1. A 2. C 3. A 4. A 5. D 6. B 7. C 8. D 9. B 10. C TEST 26 1. A 2. A 3. C 4. D 5. B 6. B 7. D 8. D TEST 27 1. A 2. C 3. A 4. A 5. B

6. C 7. D 8. A 9. C 10. D

TEST 28 1. B 2. C 3. D 4. D

5. 6. 7. 8.


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