3 minute read

A. magic B. weaken C. happen D. begin

A. strange round orange plastic B. plastic orange round strange C. strange plastic orange round D. strange round plastic orange 16. Charles was wearing a______at the Peter’s party. A. funny wide red silk tie B. red silk funny tie C. tie red silk funny D. red funny tie silk 17. Jane lost the______bicycle he bought last month and his parents were very angry with him because of his carelessness. A. Japanese beautiful new blue B. blue Japanese beautiful new C. beautiful new blue Japanese D. beautiful Japanese blue new 18. “Can I help you, sir?” - “I’m looking for a______desk for my son.” A. wooden round fashionable B. round fashionable wooden C. wooden fashionable round D. fashionable round wooden 19. These______boots belong to Nick who is a famous fashion designer in China. A. riding leather red Spanish B. red Spanish rising leather C. leather Spanish riding red D. red Spanish leather riding 20. There is a (n)______basin. A. sugar antique silver B. antique silver sugar C. sugar silver antique D. antique sugar silver 21. He gave me a ______box to say sorry to me for what he had done. A. small square jewelry metal B. small metal square jewelry C. small square metal jewelry D. small jewelry square metal 22. She is going to marry a______man next year and they’ll give birth to two children after getting married. A. tall pretty English B. English tall pretty C. tall English pretty D. pretty tall English 23. In the live show, Son Tung gave me some______cards, which made me so happy. A. nice blue round B. round blue nice C. nice round blue D. blue nice round 24. His sister is not only a (n)______singer but also a distinguished painter. A. famous opera Italian B. opera famous Italian C. famous Italian opera D. Italian famous opera 25. They collected a lot of______stamps to exhibit at Tuan Chau festival. A. postage Australia valuable B. valuable Australia postage C. Australia valuable postage D. valuable postage Australia 26. Although he is a______man, he is an expert at taking care of wild animals. A. young Japanese silly B. silly young Japanese C. young silly Japanese D. Japanese silly young 27. My husband extremely likes a______boat and has a passion for owing one. A. splendid old model B. model old splendid C. splendid model old D. old model splendid 28. My mother puts a(n)______seat in my house to relax at the weekend. A. expensive wooden garden B. wooden expensive garden C. garden wooden expensive D. wooden garden expensive 29. There are______chairs in the class for students to sit on. A. blue metal five B. five blue metal C. metal blue five D. five metal blue 30. It was a______journey with my boyfriend before we get married. A. boring long train B. long boring train C. boring train long D. long train boring 31. Please give me that______bucket to take out the trash. A. green new plastic B. plastic green new C. new green plastic D. green plastic new 32. That poor man used to live in a______house with two dogs and a cat. A. big brick old B. big old brick C. brick old big D. brick big old 33. She was wearing a______dress to dine out with her family. A. dirty old flannel B. old dirty flannel C. old flannel dirty D. dirty flannel old 34. Bring me the______bowl on that table to mix with pork. A. round salt black B. black round salt C. round black salt D. salt black round 35. Look at that______ship! It is one of the biggest ships in the world.


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