2 minute read

A. throaty B. throughout C. without D. although

Although (mặc dù) - Though trạng từ, và thường hay đứng cuối câu. • I am busy today. We could meet tomorrow, though. (adverb) - Liên từ chỉ đứng đầu hay giữa câu, không bao giờ đứng cuối câu. - Nghĩa though (thường dùng hơn)/although (trang trọng hơn) giống nhau • Although/ though I don't like him, I admit that he's a good manager.

Even though (cho dù) - Có sắc thái ý nghĩa mạnh hơn although, nói về tính tất nhiên sẽ xảy ra dù với điều kiện gì đó. (express a fact) • You keep making that stupid noise even though I've asked you to stop three times.


Even if (thậm chí)

- Diễn tả 1 sự việc có khả năng xảy ra, nhưng dù có hay không, nó cũng không ảnh hưởng đến sự việc ở mệnh đề chính. (used in a supposition or hypothesis). • Even if she studies hard, she won't pass the exam. No matter + who/what/which/where/when/how + S +V, clause. (dù có... đi chăng nữa.. thì) No matter how = however (dù thế nào đi chăng nữa) No matter what = whatever (dù gì đi chăng nữa) No matter where = wherever (dù nơi nào đi chăng nữa) No matter when = whenever (dù khi nào đi chăng nữa) No matter which = whichever (dù điều gì đi chăng nữa) No matter who = whoever (dù ai đi chăng nữa) • No matter who telephones, say I'm out. • No matter what you say, I won't believe you. • No matter where we met, I call you friend. LƯU Ý    Các cấu trúc này có thể đứng cuối câu mà không cần có mệnh đề theo sau: • I will always love you, no matter what.  Cấu trúc: No matter how/ however + adj/ adv + S + V, clause. (cho dù, dù) No matter how/ however hard I try, I can't solve this problem.  Cấu trúc: Adj/ ady + as though + S+V, clause. (mặc dù). Rich as he is, he is unhappy. = Rich though he is, he is unhappy. As, since, because, due to, owing to seeing that, now (that), in as much as... (Bởi vì) Due to + N (thường dùng sau “be”). Owing to +N (thường đứng đầu câu) • The delay was due to the traffic jam. • Owing to the heavy traffic, they were late. • Due to the rise in oil prices, the inflation rate rose by 1.25%. Because of/ on account of + N/V-ing • The man was detained on account of his strange behavior. Because/ since/ as/ seeing that/ now (that) due to the fact that +S+V • As/ Since/ because you weren't there, I left a message. • Seeing that he's been sick, he's unlikely to come. For/ in that /in as much as (trang trọng) • The film is unusual in that it features only 4 actors. • I believed her, for surely she would not lie to me. BÀI TẬP ÁP DỤNG Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions 1. We’ve had a burglar alarm installed in our holiday cottage_________we will feel happier about leaving it unoccupied for long periods. A. for fear that B. so that C. now that D. provided that 2. He couldn’t ride his bike_________there’s no air in one of the tyres.

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