24 minute read

A. keenness B. science C. demand D. physics

18. They now regret ______ their son by providing too many material possessions. A. having spoiled B. to have spoiled B. having been spoiled D. to have been spoiled 19. But after _______________ it over, I decided to laugh at myself and just join anyway. a.Having thought b. I have thought c. thought d. to have thought 20. Mary said, “ I regret _______________him earlier in my life.” a.To meet b. not having met c. to have met d. at meeting 21. Martin denied _______________the accused man on the day of the crime. a.To see b. of having seen c. to have seen d. having seen 22. _______________ from the horseback, he was taken to hospital and had an operation. a.When falling b. as he was fallen c. after having fallen d. to fall 23. _______________ for twelve hours, I felt marvelous. a. Having slept b. have slept c. Having been slept d. have been slept 24. By the time their baby arrives, the Johnson hope ____________ painting and decorating the new nursery. a. having finished b. to have finished c. having been finished d. to have been finished 25. She's angry about ____________ to the farewell party last night. a. not having invited b. not to have invited c. not having been invited d. not to have been invited 26. "After her partner had uninstalled a program, he restarted the computer." has the closest meaning to_______________. A. After had uninstalled a program, her partner restarted the computer, B. Had uninstalled a program, her partner restarted the computer. C. Having uninstalled a program, her partner restarted the computer. D. After uninstalled a program, her partner restarted the computer 27. Your receptionnist talked to me after _______________ with some other customers. A. have dealt B. having dealt C. dealt D. having dealing 28. The police suspected that strange van driver of _______________ and eaten many wild animals. A. hunting B. hunted C. having hunted D. had hunted 29. _______________ the bottles, Mike poured the drinks for everyone. a.To open b. to have opened c. being opened d. having opened 30. Mr. Lee was upset by _______________the truth. a.Not having been told b. us not to tell him c. He hadn’t been told d. being not told 31. _______________all the papers already, Sarah put them back in the file. A. To have photocopied b. to photocopy C. Photocopying d. having photocopied 32. George mentioned _______________ in an accident as a child, but he never told us the details. A. Having injured b. having been injured C. To have injured d. to have been injured 33. Tom was accused _______________some top secret document. a.To steal b. of having stolen c. for stealing d. to have stolen 34. We decided not to travel, _______________ the terrible weather forecast. a. having heard b. to have heard c. having been heard d. to have been heard 35. I don't recall _______________him at the conference. a. having seen b. to have seen c. having been seen d. to have been seen 36. _______________in dark colors, the room needed some bright lights. a. Having painted b. To have painted c. Having been painted d. To have been painted 37. The stockbroker denied _______________ of the secret business deal. a. having informed b. to have informed c. having been informed d. to have been informed

38. They now regret _______________ their son by providing too many material possessions. a. having spoiled b. to have spoiled c. having been spoiled d. to have been spoiled 39. ________________ to the party, we could hardly refuse to go. a. Having invited b. To have invited c. Having been invited d. To have been invited 40. Tom made a bad mistake at work, but his boss didn't fire him. He's lucky ____________ a second chance. a. having given b. to have given c. having been given d. to have been given 41. Are you sure you told me? I don't recall ________________about it. a. having told b. to have told c. having been told d. to have been told 42. _______________UNESCO criteria for outstanding universal value to humanity, Trang An Scenic


Landscape Complex was added to the World Heritage List in 2014. A. Meeting B. Met C. To meet D. Having met 43. _______________the email - supposedly from Boyd's Bank - to be genuine, she was tricked into disclosing her credit card details. A. Believe B. Being believed C. To believe D. Believing 44. On_______________he had won, he jumped for joy. A. he was told B. having told C. being told D.get fined 45. _______________the distance was too far and the time was short, we decided to fly there instead of going there by train. A. To discover B. Discovered C. To have discovered D. Discovering 46. _______________every major judo title, Mark retired from international competition. A. When he won B. Having won C. On winning D. Winning 47. _______________for 4 hours, they decided to stop to have lunch at a cheap restaurant. A. Having been walked B. Having walked C. Walking D. Walked 48. _______________ , Joe was annoyed to find that he had left his key at the coffee shop. A. After returned to his office B. To have just returned to his office C. Upon returning to his office D. Having been returned to his office 49. ________________the instruction, he snatched up the fire extinguisher. A. Read B. Having read C.Being read D.Being done 50. ________________the instruction, he snatched up the fire extinguisher. A. Read B. Having read C.Being read D.Being done


LÝ THUYẾT TRỌNG TÂM 1. Ví trí, chức năng và dấu hiệu nhận biết từ loại DANH TỪ(NOUN) Vị trí của danh từ trong câu. 1. Chủ ngữ của câu (đầu cầu, đầu mệnh đề) Maths is the subject I like best 2.Sau tính từ (good, beautiful..),

Sau tính từ sở hữu (my, your, his, her,..).

Cụm danh từ: a/ an the + (adv) + adj + N. She is a good teacher. His father works in hospital. 3. Làm tân ngữ, sau động từ I like English. We are students.

4. Sau "enough" (enough +N) 5. Sau các mạo từ (a, an, the)

Đại từ chỉ định (this, that, these, those); He didn't have enough money to buy that car. She is a teacher. This book is an interesting book.

Lượng từ (each, no, any, a few, a little,..) I have a little money to go to the movie. 6. Sau giới từ: in, on, of, with, under, at... Thanh is good at literature. Dấu hiệu nhận biết danh từ -ion (distribution), -ment (development), -er (teacher) , -or (actor), -ant (accountant), -age (marriage), -ship (friendship), -sm (enthusiasm), -ity (ability), -ness (happiness), -dom (freedom), -ist (terrorist), ian (physician), -hood (childhood), -ance (importance), -ence (dependence), -ety (society), -ty (honesty) TÍNH TỪ(ADJECTIVE) Vị trí của tính từ trong câu 1. Trước danh từ: (a/an/the) + (adv) + adj + N My Tam is a famous singer. 2. Sau động từ liên kết: be/ seem/ appear/ feel/ taste/ look/ keep/get/ keep/ make (sb) + adj Tom seems tired now The homework keeps me busy all the time 3. Sau "too": S+ be/ seem/look..+ too +adj.. Coffee seems too hot for me to drink. 4. Trước “enough": S + be + adj + enough.. She is tall enough to play volleyball. 5. Trong cấu trúc: so + adj + that The weather was so bad that we decided to stay at home

6. Dùng dưới các dạng so sánh Meat is more expensive than fish.

7. Dùng trong câu cảm thán: How + adj +S+V!

What + (a/an) + adj +N! How intelligent she is! What a beautiful girl!

Dấu hiệu nhận biết tính từ -ful (helpful), -less (homeless), -ly (friendly), -al (national), -ble (acceptable), -ive (active), -ous (famous), ish (selfish), -y (foggy), -like (childlike), -ic (scientific), -ed (bored), -ing (interesting), -ary (necessary), ant (important), -ent (different)

TRẠNG TỪ Vị trí của trạng từ trong câu 1. Trước động từ thường giữa trợ động từ và động từ thường (đặc biệt là các trạng từ chỉ tần suất: always, usually,...) They seldom get up early in the morning. I have recently finished my homework. I don't usually go to school late. 2. Trước tính từ: be/ feel/look.. + adv + adj She is very nice. He looks extremely unwell. 3. Sau "too": V(thường) + too + adv ! The teacher speaks too quickly. 4. Trước "enough": V(thường) + adv + enough The teacher speaks slowly enough for us to understand. 5. Trong cấu trúc : V(thường) + so + adv + that Jack drove so fast that he caused an accident. 6. Đứng cuối câu (trạng từ thời gian) I finished my essay last week. 7. Thường đứng 1 mình ở đầu câu/ giữa câu và cách các thành phần khác của câu bằng dấu “,” Last summer I came back my home country. Its raining hard. Tom, however, goes to school. Dấu hiệu nhận biết trạng từ: Adv = adj + ly (beautifully, usefully, carefully, strongly, badly) Ngoại lệ: Một số từ có đuôi “ly” nhưng là tính từ: daily: hàng ngày, early: sớm; elderly: già, lớn tuổi; friendly: thân thiện, likely: có khả năng sẽ xảy ra; costly = đắt đỏ; lively = sinh động, lonely lẻ loi, lovely = đáng yêu, manly = nam tính; silly = ngớ ngẩn; ugly = xấu xí; unlikely: không có khả năng xảy ra; monthly: hàng tháng; weekly: hàng tuần, brotherly = như anh em; comely = duyên dáng; goodly = có duyên; homely =giản dị, lowly = hèn mọn, masterly = tài giỏi; scholarly uyên bác; shapely = dáng đẹp, timely = đúng lúc; unseemly = không phù hợp. ĐỘNG TỪ Vị trí của trạng từ trong câu

1. Thường đứng sau chủ ngữ 2. Đứng sau trạng từ chỉ tần suất Lam Anh plays volleyball everyday. I usually get up late. Dấu hiệu nhận biết động từ

-ate (compensate), -ain (maintain); -flect (reflect), -flict (inflict); -spect (respect), -scrib (describe), -ceive (deceive), -fy (modify), -isel-ize (realize), -ude (include), -ide (devide), dus (evade), -tend (extend),... BÀI TẬP ÁP DỤNG Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions 1. He won't be……………………..until he's upset everyone in the office. A. contented B. contentioning C. contents D. contentedly 2. The nationalists are very eager to……………………… their customs and language. A. conservation B. conserve C. conservationist D. conservative 3. Here, the ………………….high-income workers that invest the most in the riskiest funds, and they will not likely need the minimum pension guarantee. A. well-educated B . education C. educational D. educate 4. These steps aren't……………..… proven to prevent DVT, but they're common sense. A. science B. scientific C. scientist D. scientifically 5. She left a large sum of money in her will to…………………….a wildlife sanctuary. A. found B. founded C. foundation D. founder 6. The report criticized boardroom fat cats who…………………..themselves huge pay increases. A. awarded B. award C. awarding D. awardee 7. The settlers began to move inland and………………..the river valleys. A. populous B. populate C. population D. popularly 8. The air was abuzz with military helicopters, airlifting ………………people and equipment. A. injuries B. injuring C. injured D. injury 9. There's a growing………………that this country can no longer afford to be a nuclear power. A. recognition B. recognize C. recognizing D. recognized 10. Opencast coal mining is among the most environmentally….....................activities carried out in Wales. A. destroyed B. destructive C. destruction D. destroyer 11. Acting is …………………….. you've got to really push yourself if you want to succeed. A. compete B. competition C. competitive D. competitors 12. Job insecurity seems to be increasing across most of Western Europe, the United States and other parts of the ……………..world. A. development B. developer C. developing D. developed 13. The booklist at the end of the chapter contains some……………..reading on the subject. A. introduce B. introduction C. introductory D. introduced 14. Until 1986 most companies would not even allow women to take the exams, but such blatant……………….. is now disappearing. A.discriminates B.discrimination C. discriminating D. discriminated 15. She is very clever,…………………..but do you think she has the right personality for the job? A. admit B. admitted C. admittedly D. admission 16. Five hundred troops were sent in, more as a……………………gesture than as a real threat. A. symbolic B. symbolize C. symbol D. symbolizes 17. In her essay, she……………………….the whole era as a period of radical change. A. character B. characteristic C. characterized D . characterizes 18. …………………..repetitive movements can cause inflammation of the joint. A. Long B. Prolonged C. Prolongation D. Length 19. Students were asked which task represented the greatest……………………..challenge. A. intelligent B. intellect C. intellectual D . intelligence 20. High levels of……………………… have been found in the groundwater, causing concerns about possible health risks to nearby neighborhoods. A. contamination B. contaminated C. contaminants D. contaminates 21. Although they did not agree with the plan, they did not ………………..their opposition to it. A. relate B . relationship C. relative D. related 22. It would be wrong to discriminate against a candidate because of their sexual……………….. (=the sex of the people they are sexually attracted to).

A. preferential B. preference C. preferable D. preferably 23. …………. for government posts are always thoroughly investigated before being admitted A. Applicants B. Applicable C. Apply D. Applications 24. Estimates of the amount of money needed to decontaminate the heavily polluted chemical installations……………………….. . A. variety B. various C. vary D. varied 25. The temple is still an example of well- ………………… traditional Vietnamese architecture. A. preserved B. preservation C. preservative D. preserver 26. His…………………….with the project began when he was on (a) secondment from NASA to the

European Space Agency. A. involve B. involves C. involvement D. involved 27. People in Italy are more………………………..of children in public places than in Britain. A. tolerate B. tolerant C. toleration D. tolerable 28. Her health is what matters…………………….. the cost of the treatment is of secondary A. importance B. important C. importantly D. import 29. Many species of plants and animals are threatened with……………………atened with (=being destroyed so that they no longer exist). A. extinctiveness B. extinctly C. extinct D. extinction 30. The……………….ability of the whale is thought to be highly developed. A. communication B. communicative C. communicating D. communicable 31. The children squealed in…………………….when they saw all the presents under the Christmas tree. A. delight B. delighted C. delights D. delighting 32. Hyperactive children often have poor………………………..and require very little sleep. A. concentrates B. concentration C. concentrated D. concentrative 33. The terrorists have chosen to play a…………………… game with the civilian population. A. dead B. dying C. death D. deadly 34. She swallowed her…………………….., saying, "That's OK, it doesn't matter." A. disappointed B. disappointingly C. disappointment D. disappoints 35. Differences over these issues narrowed during the………………………talks. A. preparation B. prepare C. preparatory D. prepared 36. WTO members are committed to delivering a mutually………………..trade liberalization. A. advantage B. disadvantage C. advantageously D. advantageous 37. Women's groups are concerned about the high levels of medical………… during childbirth. A. intervening B. intervened C. intervenes D. intervention 38. An Olympic gold medal is the only thing that has evaded her in her ……………..……..career. A. remarkably B. remarked C. remarkable D. remarks 39. How the massive stones were brought here from hundreds of miles away remains……… . A. mystery B. a mystery C. a mysterious D. mysteries 40. An increasing number of tests are available for detecting foetal…………………… . A. normalities B. abnormalities C. normal D. abnormal 41. The………….was a misrepresentation of the truth and bore little resemblance to actual events. A. documents B. documentary C. documentarrily D. documented 42. She was accused of stalking the actress by repeatedly calling her and sending……. letters over the past few months. A. threat B. threaten C. threatening D. threatened 43. Humans, he argues, are amoral and what guides them is not any sense of morality but an instinct for …………………….. . A. survival B. survive C. survivor D. survived 44. You risk being judged ………………….by some listeners whenever you give a presentation. A. adversity B. adversary C. adversely D. adverse 45. State officials are encouraging more farmers to become ………………… as organic growers. A. certificate B. certify C. certificates D. certified

46. We have been appointed sole UK…………………. of a number of Hungarian wines. A. distribute B. distribution C. distributing D. distributor 47. New legislation does little to solve the state's……….problems and puts other crucial services at risk. A. transportation B. transport C. transportable D. transported 48. Fifty people have……………………….been injured in an explosion at the plastics factory A. report B. reported C. reportedly D. reporter 49. It was thought that he'd committed the crime but there wasn't……………….. convict him. A. sufficiency B. sufficiently C. suffice D. sufficient 50. The water's only knee-……………………, so we'll be able to get across the river easily. A. depth B. deeply C. deep D. deepen 51. A / an _______ species is a population of an organism which is at risk of becoming extinct. a. dangerous b. endanger c. endangered d. endangerment 52. Almost half of turtles and tortoises are known to be threatened with ____. a. extinct b. extinction c. extinctive d. extinctly 53. They are going to _______ the pool to 1.8 meter. a. deep b. depth c. deepen d. deeply 54. The referee had no hesitation in awarding the visiting team a _______. a. penalty b. penalize c. penal d. penalization 55. The referee's _______ is the most important in any sport competition. a. decide b. decisive c. decision d. decider 56. Johnny used to be one of the most _______ athletes in my country. a. succeed b. success c. successful d. successfully 57. The success of the 22nd SEA Games had a great contribution of many _______ volunteers. a. support b. supporter c. supportive d. supportively 58. He was so _______ that he could not even say a word. a. nerve b. nerves c. nervous d. nervously 59. I am really _______ in the way he talks, but the way he behaves. a. interest b. interested c. interesting d. interestingly 60. Thanks to labor-saving devices, women have more time to take part in _______ activities. a. society b. social c. socially d. socialize 61. Are there any …………………….between Vietnamese and American culture? A. differences B. different C. differently D. differential 62. Some people are concerned with physical……………………. when choosing a wife or husband. A. attractive B. attraction C. attractiveness D. attractively 63. What could be more ………………………….than a wedding on a tropical island? A. romance B. romantic C. romanticize D. romanticism 64. In my hometown, many people still believe in………………………marriage. A. contract B. contractual C. contracts D. contracting 65. Though their performance was not perfect yet, the students held the audience's ………….until the end. A. attentive B. attention C. attentively D. attentional 66. Both Asian and Western students seem ……………about how to answer the questionnaire of the survey. A. confusedly B. confused C. confusing D. confusion 67. She was …………………..unaware of the embarrassing situation due to her different cultural background. A. complete B. completed C. completing D. completely 68. They started, as …………gatherings but they have become increasingly formalized in the last few years. A. informal B. informally C. informalize D. informality 69. Children who are isolated and lonely seem to have poor language and _______ A. communicate B. communication C. communicative D. communicator 70. There is a wide range of_________in the education system of the USA. A. select B. selective C. selected D. selection 71. Despite his……………..., he succeeded in learning foreign language. A.disables B. disabled C. disability D. disable

72. My sister has talent in………………….and she has won many prizes. A. photographic B. photogenic C. photograph D. photography 73. I tried to know the………………………..of my new house as much as possible. A. surround B. surrounded C. surrounds D. surroundings 74. The……………..... in the war should be taken care of. A. injuring B. injure C. injures D. injured 75. Miss Hoa is very……………………...She goes to church every morning. A. religious B. religiously C. religion D. region 76. Some designers have…………………….the Aodai by printing lines of poetry on it. A. modernized B. modernize C. modern D. modernly 77. Our school has many well-………………… teachers. A. qualified B. qualify C. quality D. qualification 78. I saw your school's……………….........in today's edition of the Viet Nam News. A. advertiser B. advertisement C. advertising D. advertise 79. If you want to ...................................your English, we can help you. A. improve B. improving C. improved D. improvement 80. The restaurant has excellent…………………....for serving some of the finest food. A. repute B. reputed C. reputation D. reputable



Diễn đạt ý nghĩa là “NHIỀU” - MANY = a large number of/a great many/ a majority of/ a wide variety of/ a wide range of MUCH = a great deal of/a large amount of... - Dùng với danh từ không đếm được.

Diễn đạt ý nghĩa là “MỘT ÍT” Diễn đạt ý nghĩa là “HẦU NHƯ KHÔNG/ RẤT ÍT” Diễn đạt ý nghĩa là “MỘT VÀI”

Diễn đạt ý nghĩa là “TẤT CẢ”

Diễn đạt ý nghĩa là “KHÔNG”

Diễn đạt ý nghĩa là “HẦU HẾT”

Diễn đạt ý nghĩa là “MỖl/MỌI”

Diễn đạt ý nghĩa là “CÁI KHÁC/NGƯỜI KHÁC” - Dùng với danh từ đếm được. MANY + MUCH = A lot of/lots of/plenty of/a (large) quantity of (Dùng với cả danh từ cả đếm được và không đếm được). A FEW A LITTLE - Dùng với danh từ đếm được. - Dùng với danh từ không đếm được. FEW LITTLE - Dùng với danh từ đếm được. - Dùng với danh từ không đếm được.

SOME - Dùng trong câu khẳng định và trong câu nghi vấn khi mang ý mời/đề nghị. - Dùng trong câu phủ định, nghi vấn và dùng trong câu khẳng định khi nó mang ý nghĩa là “bất cứ”.

ALL - Dùng để chỉ từ ba ngườỉ/vật (tất cả) trở lên.

NONE - Dùng để chỉ từ ba người/vật trở lên đều không.


BOTH - Dùng để chỉ cả hai người/vật (cả hai).

NEITHER/EITHER - Dùng để chỉ cả hai người/vật đều không. Trong đó: + Neither: dùng trong câu khẳng định. + Either: dùng trong câu phủ định. MOST OF

- Most + N = most of + the/tính từ sở hữu + N Lưu ý: MOSTLY (chủ yếu là): dùng như một trạng từ ALMOST (gần như): dùng như một trạng từ bổ trợ cho động từ, tính từ, danh từ. EACH EVERY

EACH/EVERY: dùng với danh từ đếm được số ít - Dùng với danh từ số nhiều khi có số lượng cụ thể.

OTHER - Other + danh từ không đếm được. - Other + danh từ số nhiều - Other + ones - Others được sử dụng như đại từ. Lưu ý: Phân biệt “other” và “others”: - Theo sau “other” thường là một danh từ hoặc đại từ. - Mặt khác “others”, bản thân nó là một đại từ và theo sau nó không có bất kì một danh từ nào cả. Sự khác nhau giữa THE OTHER - THE OTHERS: - The other: cái còn lại trong hai cái, hoặc người còn lại trong hai người,... - The others: những cái còn lại hoặc ANOTHER - Another + danh từ số ít

- Another + one - Another + số đếm + danh từ số nhiều - Another được sử dụng như đại từ

những người còn lại trong một nhóm có nhiều thứ hoặc nhiều người. BÀI TẬP ÁP DỤNG Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions 1. I have ______money, not enough to buy groceries. A. a lot of B. little C. any D. many 2. I have ________money, enough to buy a ticket. A. a lot of B. little C. many D. a little 3. She has _______books, not enough for references. A. few B. a few C. many D. little 4. She has _______books, enough to read. A. many B. few C. a few D. a little 5. There _______ traffic on the street at rush hours. A. are too many B.is too much C. are too alot D. are too little 6. He bought _______furniture for her new apartment which she has bought recently. A. many B. few C. much D. a few 7. _________ the people I work with are very friendly. A. some B. some of C. a little of D. a few 8. _________these money is mine. A. some B. a few of C. many D. none of 9. We didn’t spend __________money A. many B. some C. much D. a few 10. There are _________people there. A. too many B. too a little C. too much D.too little 11. Do you know ________people in this neighbourhood. A. much B. a little C. many D.little 12. We must be quick. There is ________time left. A. much B. many C.a lot of D. little 13. Let’s go and have a drink we have _______time left. A. much B. a little C.a lot of D. little 14. There are four books on the table .________has a different colour. A. Every B. Each C.Many D. Some 15. He has two bookstores. One is in Thac Mo. _________is in Phuoc Binh A. other B. the others C.another D. the other 16. ________restaurant is expensive. A. some B. either C.neither D. any 17. Did you take _______ photographs when you were on holiday. A. some B. either C.much D. many 18. We ‘ll hurry We haven’t got ________time left. A. some B. many C. much D. any 19. We didn’t buy ________flowers yesterday. A. some B. many C. much D. any 20. There ___________ at the door. A. is somebody B. is anybody C. is everybody D. isn’t nobody 21. She went out without_________money. A. any B. many C. much D. some 22. There are _________in the hall. A. somebody B. anybody C. everybody D. some people 23. I’m not hungry. I don’t want _________to eat. A. everything B. anything C. something D. nothing 24. She didn’t take _________money with her.

A. any B. many C. much D. A and C are right 25. Has __________body seen my bags? A. somebody B. any person C. anybody D. some people 26. Can I have _________sugar please. A. any B. some C. much D. little 27. Let me know if you need ______help. A. any B. many C. some D. A and B are right 28. I don’t have ________relatives in these strange place. A. any B. some C. a little D. much 29. You can’t see much of a country in a week. A. much of B. some of C. a lot of D. many of 30. I won’t pass the exam. I have missed many of my lessons A. some of B. much of C. many of D. a lot of 31. He got _______men friends, but he doesn’t know ________women. A. lots of/ many B. much/ many C. many / many D. many/ much 32. She pays a visit to her parents________other day. A. each B. every C. most D. either 33. The house is small. However, there are________rooms for my family. A. much B. little C. a few D. few 34. I need________sugar to make this cake. A. many B. few C. lots D. a little 35. My mother has spent________money on this handbag. A. a lot of B. many C. few D. lots 36. This is a very boring place to live because there’s________to do. A. lots of B. many C. any D. little 37. There was hardly________food left by the time we got there. A. any B. some C. few D. plenty of 38. She used________chalk to write on the board. A. many B. few C. some D. any 39. ________and every one of the flowers has its own colour and smell. A. Each B. Every C. Both D. Almost 40. “How many potatoes do you want?” “Oh, just a________, please.” A. much B. few C. many D. little 41. The grass received so________water that it turned brown in the heat. A. many B. few C. little D. much 42. The Smiths had so________children that they formed their own baseball team. A. many B. much C. little D. few 43. Just think, in________three months it’ll be summer again. A. most B. another C. other D. every 44. He has finished________the exercises in this book. A. most B. mostly C. most of D. almost 45. ________students in my class like watching football. A. Most of B. Most C. Almost D. Mostly 46. We were bitten by mosquitoes________every night. A. most B. almost C. mostly D. most of 47. ________all the passengers on the ferry were French. A. Almost B. Every C. Most D. Mostly 48. We’ve got two TVs, but________works properly. A. either B. neither C. none D. both 49. ________of these restaurants are expensive. A. Both B. Either C. Neither D. Each 50. We tried lots of hotel. of them had any rooms. A. No B. None C. Neither D. Either

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