1 minute readJohn C. Shea: Honoring the Legacy of a Great Dayton Attorney - 100 Years Later by Nathaniel Fouch, Ohio Court of Appeals 12th Districtfrom Dayton Bar Briefs Digital | SEPT/OCT 2022 Vol. 22 No. 1by Dayton Bar AssociationNext ArticleDBA 50 YEAR HONOREE LUNCHEON Come celebrate members in practice since 1972September 29th marks a very important moment in Dayton legal history.AdvertisementMore articles from this publication:DBA 50 YEAR HONOREE LUNCHEON Come celebrate members in practice since 19721minpages 8-10AMENDED LOCAL RULE 4.45: TRANSCRIPTS AND EXHIBITS10minpages 20-24OCTOBER & NOVEMBER SECTION MEETINGS Join a section, join the conversation2minpage 112022-2023 DBA LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT ROSTER Our future leaders of tomorrow1minpages 17-19DBA President's Message1minpages 4-5This article is from:Dayton Bar Briefs Digital | SEPT/OCT 2022 Vol. 22 No. 1