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BOARD OF TRUSTEES: Nominees for Second Vice President & Treasurer

2022-2023 DBA Board of Trustee



In accordance with Section 2, Article III of the Dayton Bar Association Code of Regulations, Regular Members shall have the right to nominate another candidate or candidates for any elected office for which vacancies exist to be filled at the Annual Meeting not later than noon on the 15th day of the month following the publication of the nominee’s names.

One must deliver to the Association office, a nominating petition signed by at least twenty-five (25) regular (voting) members of the Association whose dues for the current fiscal year are paid.

Members nominated by the Nominating Committee and approved by the Board of Trustees for vacancies that will exist as of July 1, 2022 are: Second Vice President and Treasurer Second Vice President: The Honorable Judge Michael Newman U.S. District Court, Southern District of Ohio Walter H. Rice Federal Building and U.S.Courthouse 200 W. Second St., Rm 505 Dayton OH 45402-1443 937.512.1640 michael_newman@ohsd.uscourts.gov

Treasurer: Jamar T. King Esq. Thompson Hine LLP 10050 Innovation Dr., Ste. 400 Miamisburg OH 45342-4934 937.443.6500 jamar.king@thompsonhine.com

Elections will take place at the DBA Annual Meeting Luncheon at Noon on Thursday, June 2, 2022.

Mark Your Calendars and Register Online!

DBA Member Appreciation Month

DBA Events in Appreciation of YOU All throughout the month of May! 2 10 11 12 12 14

Chancery Club Luncheon: Law Day Celebration DBA Complimentary Photo Session Day #1 Celebration of Life Memorial Luncheon DBA Complimentary Photo Session Day #2 Leadership Development Cornhole Tournament Volunteer Day at The Foodbank Dayton Urban Garden

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