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Annual Holiday Gift Ideas
With the never-ending stream of curveballs life keeps throwing these days, it might be hard to come up with the right gift for that legal professional in your life who’s at the end of their rope. Luckily for you, this intrepid researcher has managed to curate the perfect list of 2020-appropriate gifts (that may be just what you need in your own life as well.) May the holidays be ever in your favor! By Daniel Rafferty Teaching and Research Assistant JD Candidate May 2022 University of Dayton School of Law
$899+ Oru Folding Kayak https://www.orukayak.com/pages/compare Are you itching for adventure after months of being trapped indoors? Is your car not equipped to carry big recreational equipment? With an Oru folding kayak, now you can get the same wilderness experiences without the hassle of rooftop carriers or bumbling around with bulky buoyant boats. Choose between five models to find the best fit for your adventure.
$399+ reMarkable 2 Paper Tablet https://remarkable.com/store/remarkable-2 Are paper notebooks a thing of the past? You be the judge! Now you can take handwritten notes that are easily convertible into text, all on an eye-friendly display that looks and feels like paper! You can also read and review electronic documents, which includes taking notes directly on PDFs. And the best part? All your notes will be organized and accessible on any devices you choose. Step into the future today!
$260-310 per screen Mobile Pixels Trio Laptop Monitors https://www.mobilepixels.us/products/trio Have you found yourself lacking the virtual real estate needed to stay productive in an increasingly online world? Well put your FOMO (fear of missing out) to rest, because now you can double or triple your available screen space! Imagine having Lexis, Westlaw, Microsoft Word and Instagram all pulled up simultaneously or your digital notes easily available next to a full-screen zoom meeting. Suddenly your workload seems a little bit more manageable. $250+ Gorilla Bow Home Gym https://www.gorillabow.com/products/gorilla-bow-travel Never miss a strength workout just because you’re spending your life zooming at home or holed up in your office. This collapsible, ultra-portable system delivers a total-body workout anywhere you need it, and with the assorted strength bands it can deliver up to 350lbs. of tension. The company also provides a wealth of different exercises on their website so you can target whatever muscle groups you need.
Annual Holiday Gift Ideas
$130 Unbreakable Walking Stick Umbrella https://unbreakableumbrella. com/unbreakable-walkingstick-umbrella-standard/ Are you in need of a sturdy yet discrete method of self-defense that doesn’t sacrifice style or function? Well look no further! This umbrella protects against rain and everything else, providing whacks just as strong as a steel pipe but weighing less than 2 lbs!
$120 Prepdeck Food Organizer
Lawyers love process. If you’re anything like me, navigating your kitchen at mealtimes can be very inefficient. But now you can meal prep with ease, slicing, chopping, juicing, or managing ingredients in a neat and self-contained system that makes cleanup a breeze! And it all folds up so it isn’t an eyesore on your countertop. $75 Multifunctional Zipper Leather Business Manager Bag https://tiptoplike.com/products/mobileoffice?variant=33112577474698 It’s time to upgrade your padfolio. Find storage for anything, including keys, cell phone, pens, tablet, notebook, folders, business cards and more, all inside a durable faux leather waterproof package. Additionally, with a wireless power bank and a transformable tablet/ phone stand, you can create a functional mobile workstation anywhere you go. $70 “Scales of Justice” Decanter https://www.homewetbar.com/ scales-of-justice-custom-decanterset-with-rocks-glasses-gift-forlawyers-p-7528.html Do you constantly find yourself in need of some…apple juice…when you get home for a long day in court, yet lack a quality, legal-themed carafe to drink from? Well now the universe has tipped the scales in your favor with this chic set of glassware, allowing you to unwind with all the…cider…you need.
$12 Insults and Comebacks for All Occasions https://www.amazon.com/Knock-50108Insults-Comebacks-Occasions/p/1601060580 Are you constantly walking out of oral arguments wishing you’d had the perfect, pithy one-liner for “esteemed” counsel? Well now you can add some wordplay preparation to your legal arguments. Who needs to win friends and influence people
when you can obliterate them with a witty retort?
$10 How to Have Impossible Conversations https://smile.amazon.com/dp/B07X7KF3KX/ Immerse yourself in the straightforward, practical, and conversational techniques that are necessary for every discussion, no matter how radioactive the topic. Learn everything from the fundamentals for good conversations to the expert-level techniques needed for dealing with hardliners and extremists, as well as the subtle art of instilling doubts and opening minds.
Dayton Bar Foundation
The Dayton Bar Foundation (DBF) is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization and serves as the philanthropic arm of the Dayton Bar Association. The Foundation was formed exclusively for charitable and educational purposes with the object of using its resources to foster the integrity of the legal profession, to facilitate the administration of justice, to defray the administrative expenses of providing pro bono legal services to indigent persons, and to aid lawyers in need.
A gift to the DBF will continue to provide support for programs in the community that further our interest in promoting justice and respect for the law. All gifts are eligible for charitable deductions on your federal income tax return if you itemize deductions. We encourage you to donate to the DBF below.
Consider donating to the Dayton Bar Foundation on Giving Tuesday, December 1st , to help us continue strengthening our local community: https://www.daybar.org/donations
#DBAGivesBack #GivingTuesday
University of Dayton School of Law
Miller Walker & Brush is extremely proud to announce that MiChael brush, MiChael Miller and JessiCa anDress have been honored by Super Lawyers for 2021. Brush was selected to the 2021 Ohio Super Lawyers list for Criminal Law for the 4th year in a row. Miller was recognized by the 2021 Ohio Super Lawyers list for Family Law for his 12th consecutive year. Andress was selected to the 2021 Ohio Rising Stars list for the 2nd year in a row. Only 5% of attorneys in Ohio receive these prestigious honors. Each honor is reserved for those lawyers who exhibit excellence in practice.
The Ohio State Bar Foundation (OSBF) is pleased to announce that the honorable MiChael J. newMan is the recipient of the 2020 Ritter Award. This award is given each year to recognize an Ohio attorney’s accomplishments in attaining and promoting the highest standards of professionalism, integrity, and ethics in the practice of law, while assisting other attorneys, the courts, and the public to improve the justice system in Ohio.
If you are a member of the DBA and you’ve moved, been promoted, hired an associate, taken on a partner, received an award, or have other news to share, we’d like to hear from you! • News of CLE presentations & political announcements are not accepted • Printed at no cost • Must be submitted via email and are subject to editing • Printed as space is available Contact Shayla to submit your announcement or ad: publications@daybar.org | 937-222-7902
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• Classified ads are accepted each month, September through July 1 • Copy and payment must be received by the first day of the month preceding the month of publication • Bar Briefs Editorial Board reserves the right to refuse any ad • Classified ads of greater length are allowed • Members: $20 per 25 words | NonMembers: $30 per 25 words • Additional $5 for DBA reply box
december Classifieds
Green & Green, Lawyers, an AV-rated regional firm with offices in Dayton's Performance Place, is accepting applications from well-credentialed attorneys with three to five years' experience in civil litigation and business law. Applicants with expertise in torts, municipal liability, employment, construction, business transactions and commercial law preferred. Strong academic credentials, research and analytical ability and excellent oral and written communication skills required. We offer a supportive work environment, competitive compensation, parking and participation in health, retirement and disability plans. Please forward c.v., writing samples, references and compensation expectations to Green & Green, Lawyers, 109 N. Main St., Suite 800, Dayton, OH 45402.
Dayton Municipal Court has proposed changes to the Local Court Rules. Please visit the Dayton Municipal Court at: daytonmunicipalcourt.org for notice of and an opportunity to view and comment on proposed local court rules.
Dennis J. Langer Retired Common Pleas Judge
LangerMediation.com (937) 367-4776
William H. Wolff, Jr., LLC Retired Trial and Appellate Judge Phone: (937) 293-5295 (937) 572-3185 judgewolff@woh.rr.com
MEDIATIONS Jeffrey A. Hazlett Esq. 5276 Burning Bush Lane Kettering, Ohio 45429-5842 (937) 689-3193 hazlettjeffrey@gmail.com nadn.org/jeffrey-hazlett