March 2020 Dayton Bar Briefs Magazine

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C ontinuing L egal E ducation March 2020

April 2020

Wed. March 4 | 1:00pm - 4:15pm | 3.0 Gen. Hrs

Wed. April 1 | 9:00am - 12:15pm | 3.0 Gen. Hrs

M $105 | NM $150 | P$0

M $105 | NM $150 | P$0

Wed. March 11 | 9:00am - 12:15pm | 3.0 Gen. Hrs

*Details, Agenda on pg 9. CLE hours pending approval. Fri. April 3 | 8:30am - 1:30pm | 3.0 Gen. Hrs

Criminal Rules by the Number (Video Replay)

The Anatomy of a Will Contest (Video Replay)

2019 Judge Langer Criminal Law Update (Video Replay) M $105 | NM $150 | P $0 *Details, Agenda on pg 15 Fri. March 13 | 8:30am - 4:30pm | 6.5 Gen. Hrs

2020 DBA Annual Probate Law Institute Sinclair Community College, Building 12 EARLY BIRD RATE Register by March 6th : M $215 | NM $300 | PP $30 After March 6th : M $240 | NM $325 | PP $30 *Materials will be available in electronic format. **Printed Materials are $30, with sales ending March 6th. Wed. March 18 | 1:00pm - 4:15pm | 3.0 Gen. Hrs

2020 DBA Diversity Day

Sinclair Community College, Building 12 Luncheon Table (8) $250 Member: Seminar Only $105 | Lunch Only $35 | Seminar + Lunch $125 | Passport $30 NonMember: Seminar Only $150 | Lunch Only $45 | Seminar + Lunch $175 Speakers: Adriane H. Miller, MSW, LSW and Lake Miller Wray Blattner Esq., and Julius Carter Esq. Ebony Davenport Esq. and Jamar King Esq. Cori Haper Esq. and Marissa Weatherly Keynote Speaker: Verna L. Williams, Dean and Nippert Professor of Law University of Cincinnati

Business Law Basics (Video Replay) M $105 | NM $150 | P $0

Wed. March 25 | 1:00pm - 4:15pm | 2.0 Gen. Hrs AND 1.0 Professional Conduct

27th Annual Intellectual Property for General and Corporate Practitioners (Video Replay) M $105 | NM $150 | P $0

Wed. April 8 | 1:00pm - 4:15pm | 3.0 Gen. Hrs or 3.0 NLT Hrs

YLD Core Components (Video Replay) M $105 | NM $150 | P $0

Get Your CLE ONLINE 24-7!

DAYBAR.CE.21.COM Take up to

12 hours of self study credit.

Wed. April 15| 9:00am - 2:15pm | 3.0 Gen. Hrs or 3.0 NLT Hrs

2019 Appointed Appellate Counsel (Video Replay) M $105 | NM $150 | P$0

Wed. April 22 | 9:00am - 4:45pm | 5.0 Gen. Hrs or 1.0 Professional Conduct

2019 Elder Law Update (Video Replay) M $215 | NM $300 | P $0

Fri. April 24 | 9:00am - 4:45pm | CLE hours pending approval.

2019 Annual Domestic Relations Institute

Sinclair Community College, Building 12 EARLY BIRD RATE Register by April 17th : M $215 | NM $300 | PP $30 After April 17th : M $240 | NM $325 | PP $30 *Materials will be available in electronic format. **Printed Materials are $30, with sales ending April 17th. Wed. April 29 | 1:00pm - 4:15pm | 2.5 Professional Conduct AND 0.5 Gen. Hrs

Well-Being Skills for the Effective Lawyer (Video Replay) M $105 | NM $150 | P$0 14

Dayton Bar Briefs March 2020


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