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Greater Dayton Volunteer Lawyers Project

October was Celebrate Pro Bono Month! We are grateful for all the amazing attorneys who volunteer their time, talent and treasure to provide pro bono services to low-income individuals in need in our community. It’s hard to pick just one volunteer to highlight – so we picked two! Wayne Novick and Elizabeth (Liz) Chinault make up a stellar tag team bankruptcy firm in Dayton. Wayne and Liz have been consistent rock star volunteers for the Greater Dayton Volunteer Lawyers Project for more than fifteen years. GDVLP clinics set three to four clients with one volunteer attorney who will represent them through the whole Chapter 7 process. Wayne and Liz generously take on one Chapter 7 bankruptcy clinic after another and never say no. On top of their clinic participation, they are always available to answer staff questions about any bankruptcy related issue. Recently they shared their expertise in a CLE event to train new bankruptcy volunteers. We salute their hard work, dedication, and belief in the GDVLP’s mission!


University of Dayton School of Law

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