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SAINSBURY’S Retail Superstores
from DB3 Food Retail
by DB3Group
Location: UK-wide
Expertise Area: Architecture
DB3 provided services as Architect for retail superstore projects on behalf of Sainsbury’s.
We developed a wide array of schemes that included both new stores and existing store extension, all varying in both size and complexity.
Projects included the addition of trading space, creation of mezzanine floors, and store warehouses.
In addition to new structures projects, we were also responsible for an extensive programme of store refurbishments across the Sainsbury’s estate.
Our services included planning applications and supporting materials, working alongside the panel of Planning, Highway and Public Relations consultants.
DB3 worked in a full-partnership with both the client team and the wider design team, including the building contractor. We created a pro-active team with a non-adversarial spirit at its heart.
Together we achieved the best for the client and team members alike.