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(TCOs A& B) What is organizational learning? Why is it important for firms to emphasize organizational learning? (Points: 10) Organizational learning is an organization-wide ongoing process that improves its collective ability to accept, make sense of, and respond to external and internal change. It requires the.. (TCOs E & F) Please identify and give examples of four of the five indirect conflict management strategies. (Points: 10) Four of the five indirect conflict management strategies include reduced interdependence, appeals to common goals, hierarchical referral, and alterations in the use of mythology and scripts. Reduced interdependence involves making.. (TCO A, B) An organization is a collection of people working together within a given structure and culture to achieve a common purpose. Identify and describe the three components that assist the organization in meeting its goals and list any three of the five components of job satisfaction that contribute to a company meeting these goals. (Points: 10) Three components that assist the organization in meeting its goal include an organizational identity, a long-rage strategic plan, and staff

development and organizational culture. The organization’s identity consists of its mission, vision, and… (TCO G) The Michigan and Ohio State studies represent seminal research on leadership theory. Both studies identified two basic forms of leader behaviors. What were the similarities in the findings from these two studies and what was the significance of the research? (Points : 30) In the late 1940s, researchers at the University of Michigan sought to identify the leadership pattern that results in an effective performance. From interviews of high and low performing groups in different organizations the researchers derived two basic forms of… (TCO A, B) Define organizational behavior and list the four emotional intelligence competencies that contribute to understanding ourselves and others within the organizational behavior environment. (Points : 10) Organizational behavior is a culture that is a shared set of beliefs and values within an organization (Schermerhorn et al., 2012, p. 9). It influences the way people act and feel in organizations. For example, an authoritarian culture restricts the employees from.. (TCO B) Faxco Incorporated is a business with 500 employees. The CEO of the company has recently learned based on employee surveys. That the employees are not very happy with the company in fact the CEO is starting to believe that this may be the reason why Faxco is experiencing slower sales and a recent budget crisis which threatens to shut down … (Points: 45) The attitudes of the employees affect their behavior, which in turn affects their job performance and the company’s productivity level. In particular, their attitudes are influenced by their belief that the company is making poor quality… (TCO D) Identify the five stages of team development, and explain what happens at each stage. Give a specific example from your own experience to highlight one of the stages. (Points : 45) The five stages of team development are the forming, storming, norming, performing, and adjourning stages. The forming stage is when the members first join the team. At this stage, the members get to know each other in efforts to find a common ground. In addition, they will… (TCOs A& B) OB defines stress in terms of both work stressors and life stressors. Please identify four common sources of stress at work. (Points : 10) Four common sources of stress at work are task demands, ethical dilemmas, interpersonal problems, and physical setting. Task demands pertain to when the employee has either too much or too little workload. In particular, too much workload can lead… (TCO D) Referring to the team decision-making process, define consensus and unanimity and explain the difference between the two.(Points : 10) Consensus is a group or teams that consist of people who come from different backgrounds and who have different values, personalities and

skills, different opinions and approaches may arise with regards to the resolution of problems, an example… (TCO D) There are six methods that teams use to make decisions. Identify and define three of the five. (Points : 10) Three of the methods that teams use in making decisions are through authority rule; through a consensus; and through unanimity. Decisionmaking through authority rule occurs when a leader, manager, or chairperson decides for the… (TCO E, F) Although conflict is usually considered a negative experience to be avoided, it actually has the potential to produce positive organizational outcomes. Please identify three ways in which conflict can be a positive influence. (Points : 10) Three ways that conflict can be a positive influence is the information that is represent by a member can be beneficial to the company. If something isn't going right and it has been noted by the person causing the conflict, his solution may benefit.. (TCOs E & F) Please identify and give examples of four of the five direct conflict management strategies. (Points : 10) Four of the five direct conflict management strategies are accommodation or smoothing; collaboration and problem solving; compromise; and avoidance. Avoidance is when… (TCO G) There are six sources of position power in organizational settings. Identify and define three of these sources. (Points : 10) The six sources of position power are legitimate, reward, coercive, process, information, and representative power. The reward power allows a manager to use extrinsic and intrinsic rewards to control other people. Some examples would be promotions, money, or even… (TCO G) Define power from an organizational behavior perspective. What is the difference between power and influence? (Points : 10) Power is defined as the “ability to get someone to do something you want done or the ability to make things happen or get things done the way you want” (Schermerhorn et al., 2012, p. 264) while influence… (TCO E, F) Neff Incorporated is a small business with 100 employees and 4 managers. Susan and Bob work are co-workers at Neff Incorporated. Ever since they were both assigned to work on Project X, they have been arguing about how to meet the goals of that project. On Monday they get into a very loud argument about Project X, in the cafeteria during lunch break. Manager 1 is told about the argument and he sends out an email…(Points : 45) Manager 1 used avoidance in that he or she downplayed the disagreement and failed to participate in the situation, He or she stayed neutral. However, this was an inappropriate conflict management strategy for this situation as it doesn’t lead to the resolution of.. (TCO F) Eagle Standard AInc. (ESI) a major engineering firm specialized in designing aircraft parts for government contracts. ESI employees

project managers and 42 engineers who are divided into project group of 6-7 members. The majority of project…(Points: 45) Two conflict management methods that Bruce can use are force and collaboration. As the team lead, Bruce can create opportunities that will allow the engineers to work in a more collaborative environment. For example, he can assign some engineers to pair… (TCO H, I, J) The senior executive team at, after a strategy review session with the Board of Directors, has decided that it's time to invest some time and capital in improving the corporate culture. The company has rebounded from a near calamity two years ago, and while it was a great scramble, the…(Points : 40) Management feels that constructive styles are important yet the employees result display a passive defensive style as being prominent. The management ideal results indicate that perfectionist, competitive, achievement, and self-actualization are preferred. The… (TCO C) As a manager you are in a situation where a key employee seems to have lost his excitement about the job. The employee's familiar positive tone and high energy approach to the job and the workplace seem to be on the wane. You really don't know what is going on with this person. But, you can try to start to understand this employee by examining various motivation theories. Use elements from each of…(Points : 40) Maslow's hierarchy of needs theory offers appear amid the psychological, safety, social, esteem, and self-accusation needs. The higher needs are identified as self-accusation, and a steam. Self-actualization is regarded as the highest need level; need to fulfill oneself; to grow in use abilities to fullest and most creative… (TCO A, B) In order to meet organizational goals and objectives management must comprehend organizational behavior in relationship to the functions of management. List and describe the management process functions and describe how the five personality traits contribute to the management process. (Points : 30) The management process includes planning, organizing, leading, and controlling. The functions describe what managers are supposed to do in respect to: Planning-defining goals, setting specific performance objectives, and identifying the actions needed to… Answers Based on Study Guide (TCO A & B) Define organizational culture and list the key areas of diversity we learned about in this course. It influences the way people act and feel in organizations. For example, an authoritarian culture restricts the employees… (TCO D) Please define self-managing teams and identify four of the five tasks for which a true self-managing team is responsible. A self-managing team, also known as the self-directed work team, “is a high-involvement workgroup design” (Schermerhorn et al., 2012, p. 150) where the team members are…

(TCO E & F)Explain how interpersonal conflict occurs and give two example of substantive conflict, and two examples of emotional interpersonal conflict. An interpersonal conflict occurs when two persons are in disagreement about something. This type of conflict can either be a substantive or an emotional conflict, although it’s also possible for both to occur… (TCO G)List at least 3 ethical questions leaders or followers may face as discussed in our text and class. Provide a possible scenario wherein each question you provide would be at issue. One question is if employees should be penalized for what they post on social media Websites and if they shouldn’t be allowed to practice their freedom of speech. This can become an issue if an employee, for example, rants about their superior or their colleagues on social media websites. In this case, the… (TCO E & F)Identify and discuss the stages of conflict development. Based on news and events from around the world, please give an example of a recent conflict you have read or heard about and show how the conflict moved through the developmental stages we learned about in this course. The stages of conflict are: 1.) Antecedent conditions; 2.) Perceived conflict; 3.) Felt conflict; and 4.) Manifest conflict. Antecedent conditions or conflict antecedents are… (TCO A & B)OB defines stress in terms of both work stressors and life stressors. Please identify four common sources of stress at work. Four common sources of stress at work are the workload and deadlines when there’s too much work that needs to be completed at the same time. Another is one’s relationships… Our “Leaders on Leadership” highlight on page 279 introduces us to Edward J. Zore. Mr. Zore is the 16th president of Northwestern Mutual, the largest direct provider of individual life insurance. Under Mr. Zore’s leadership… By allowing the customers to gain from the company’s shares of stock rather than letting the executives benefit from these, Mr. Zore gains power in that the foundation of … (TCO D)Identify the five stages of team development, and explain what happens at each stage. Give a specific example from your own experience to highlight one of the stages. If you have no team experience, utilize the case study you completed in connection with same. The five stages of team development are the forming, storming, norming, performing, and adjourning stages. The forming stage is when the… What is communication? What are the issues in interpersonal communication? What is the nature of communication in organizations? Communication is the tool that enables collaboration and that holds an organization together. It is the means by which emotions, feelings, expectations, directions, goals, ideas, and information are shared, in turn enabling people’s actions to be…

(TCO A & B) You have recently been hired by a consulting firm with a national practice. Your first assignment is to put together a briefing explaining workplace diversity to a regional manufacturing firm in the Southwestern U.S. and present them with a plan for fostering improved diversity in their organization. Workplace diversity means that the members of an organization come from various backgrounds and would thus have different attributes in things such as sexual attribution, physical… Your boss has reminded you to cover the basics.. The five types of diversity are sexual orientation, disability, age, gender, and racial/ethnic. To implement workplace diversity, it would first be important to get senior management’s buy-in for the cultural… (TCO C) Define and give examples of intrinsic rewards and extrinsic rewards. Examining further the value of rewards, respond to the statement “Money is not a motivator.” Explain your response and … Extrinsic rewards are tangible rewards that are physically received as a form of recognition for the accomplishment of something (“What is intrinsic and extrinsic rewards?,” 2012). Examples are praise, awards, money, or… (TCO C) Contrast in detail Alderfer's ERG Theory and Maslow Hierarchy of Needs theory. One difference between Alderfer’s ERG Theory and Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs theory is that Maslow’s theory has five categories of needs whereas the ERG theory has only 3 categories of needs. In particular, the needs in Maslow’s theory are… (TCO B) Define perception. Select three perceptual distortions, explain the importance of each, and advise managers how to overcome them. “Perception is the process by which people select, organize, interpret, retrieve, and respond to information from the world around them” (Schermerhorn et al., 2012, p. 76). It is the way by which people form impressions about themselves, other people, and… (TCO C) An October 15, 2004 article by Scott Wyman in the South Florida Sun-Sentinel included the following information on salaries awarded in the county: The Equity theory of motivation states that people behave in ways that maintain or restore equity in situations. This theory proposes that people will try to eliminate… How can county management reduce the perception of inequity? To reduce the perception of inequity, county management should be more transparent when it comes to the work being done by the top executives. These should be… (TCO E) In the May 18, 1998 issue of BusinessWeek, the story line read “Nice Guys Finish with MBAs.” The following is an excerpt from that piece: In your response define organizational culture and discuss which OCI styles most likely appeal to these graduates. Organizational culture is the shared set of values and beliefs within an organization. It influences the

way employees feel and act in organizations. I think that these men are… How can a culture be a liability to an organization? Culture can be a liability to an organization if the organization’s culture is not aligned with the company’s objectives. For example, an organization that competes in a fast-paced market such as the IT industry will benefit more from a culture that encourages competitiveness… What are the various types of organizational change? The various types of organizational change are transformational, incremental, unplanned, and planned. A transformational change consists…What is the difference between exploration and exploitation? Exploration occurs at the initial stages of the innovation process whereas exploitation occurs at the latter stages of the innovation process, or at least after the exploration stage… (TCO A). Given that people make the difference in how well organizations perform, assess how an understanding of organizational behavior concepts and theories is a useful knowledge base for career success and for improving an organization's effectiveness. Organizational behavior concepts and theories can be used to ensure success and improve an organization’s effectiveness in that organizational behavior affects the organizational culture and both of these influence the success and effectiveness of the… (TCO B). Given the influence of factors such as values, attitudes, beliefs, feelings, and personality on individual behavior, demonstrate how knowledge of individual difference factors help in understanding, predicting, and influencing individual behavior. Use a diagnostic instrument such as the Life Styles Inventory (LSI) to assess your personal thinking and behavior styles and their role in accomplishing selfimprovement goals. Knowledge about individual difference can help in predicting an employee’s behavior in that an employee’s attitudes, beliefs, feelings, and personality influence how they relate to others… (TCO C). Given the array of theories of motivation, demonstrate their application to successfully guide employees toward accomplishing organizational objectives. The theories of motivation can be used to determine the factors that motivate employees to perform well at their jobs; and therefore, contribute to the achievement of the organization’s objectives. Since people are… (TCO D). Given knowledge of group dynamics and decision-making, apply this knowledge to a case analysis to diagnosis an organizational problem and recommend solutions. Given that groups or teams consist of people who come from different backgrounds and who have different values, personalities and skills, different opinions and approaches may arise with regards to the resolution of … TCO E. Given an understanding of the communication process and given specific incidents of communication problems at the dyad, group, or

organization level, diagnose the problem and develop a strategy for improving organizational performance through improvement of communication processes. Communication processes that involve large teams can be difficult to manage. For example, in IT companies, large teams work on various software applications where each team consists of smaller teams, such as the teams of the developers, the quality control… (TCO F). Given a specific challenge of intra- and inter-group conflict, demonstrate specific conflict resolution behaviors a leader can use to effectively resolve the conflict. Leaders should serve as role models. They should portray the right behavior and conduct when resolving conflicts. In other words, the leader should always behave in an ethical manner. They should also promote… TCO G. Given an understanding of the trait, behavioral, and situational theories of leadership, apply this knowledge to analyze a leadership situation, assess a leader’s leadership style, and determine the most appropriate leadership style for the situation. Positive Traits of a Successful Leader Successful leaders are physically vital and emotionally resilient. They are also concerned for task objectives, are willing to assume responsibility, and are driven to excel and succeed

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