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Search for an Outstanding Leader
The Lowndes County Board of Education is seeking a self-motivated, goal-oriented leader with strong leadership and administrative skills to create a system that performs and achieves results.
Other desired traits include:
Demonstrated ability to improve student achievement
Visionary and goal oriented
Ability to initiate and adapt to change
Committed to long-range planning
Skilled in effectively leading an administrative team
Strong analytical and problem-solving skills
Manager of budget and fiscal affairs
Ability to think out of the box
A record of accomplishment in current position
Knowledgeable and trustworthy
Alabama law requires the superintendent be chosen for general fitness and character; that he or she have a recognized ability as a school administrator; and that he or she have or be eligible for an Alabama certificate in administration and supervision. The law also requires the successful applicant have: at least five years experience in public school work when taking office; three years of successful educational experience as a teacher, principal, supervisor, superintendent, educational administrator or instructor in school administration during the five years next preceding the appointment; and a degree from a recognized four-year college or university.
The salary range is $120,000-$140,000 and will be negotiated based on experience and a proven track record.
Application deadline: Aug. 6, 2023
Interviews: Aug. 23 -29, 2023
Superintendent Begins: Late Sept. 2023