How To Lose Love Handles and Burn Belly Fat

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“The Man’s Guide To Fast & Easy Fat Loss…”

How To Lose Love Handles And Burn Belly Fat The Step-By-Step No-Brain-Damage Lazy Man’s Guide To Losing 20 lbs Or More In 90 Days Or Less

By David Berman, MS, PT, COMT, CSCS

Liability Disclaimer By reading this document, you assume all risks associated with using the advice given below, with a full understanding that you, solely, are responsible for anything that may occur as a result of putting this information into action in any way, and regardless of your interpretation of the advice. Medical Disclaimer The information provided is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Never disregard professional medical advice, or delay in seeking it, because of something you have read on this website. Never rely on information in this ebook in place of seeking professional medical advice. David Berman is not responsible or liable for any advice, course of treatment, diagnosis or any other information, services or products that you obtain through this site. You are encouraged to consult with your doctor with regard to this information contained on or through this website. After reading this ebook, you are encouraged to review the information carefully with your professional healthcare provider.

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2 | How To Lose Love Handles And Belly Fat With Minimal Effort Š 2013 David Berman

Table of Contents How To Succeed In Losing Weight And Getting Rid Of Your Love Handles And Belly Fat Once And For All ............................. 4 The Love Handle & Belly Fat Melting Blueprint ..................... 5 Step 1: Back Yourself Into A Corner .............................................. 5 Step 2: All’s Well That BEGINS Well ............................................. 5 Step 3: The Simplest Eating Plan Ever ............................................ 5 Step 4: Turbo-Charging Your Metabolism ....................................... 6

The 500 Year Old Secret Method To Guarantee Your Success In Obliterating Your Belly Fat and Melting Away Your Love Handles 7 How To Ensure Your Plan Is Working ............................... 10 The Easiest Eating Plan Ever .......................................... 13 How To Turbo-Charge ANY Workout To Rev Up Your Body’s Natural Fat Burning Engine And Give You The Metabolism Of A 20 Year Old So Fat Literally Melts Off Of You ......................... 15 The Quick Start Checklist ............................................. 17 Recommended Resources .............................................. 18 •

14 Day Rapid Fat Loss Macro-patterning Nutrition & Exercise System ……………………………………………………………………………………………………….18

Turbulence Training ....................................................... 19

Burn The Fat, Feed The Muscle .......................................... 19

Old School New Body ...................................................... 19

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How To Succeed In Losing Weight And Getting Rid Of Your Love Handles And Belly Fat Once And For All This report is for you if you:  Have at least 20 lbs to lose  With most of it between your chest and your knees And most importantly…  If you are sick and tired of looking down and seeing a big gut blocking the view of your nether-regions and a spare tire hanging around your waist. In this report you are going to learn everything you need to know to get rid of your belly and love handles once and for all. Most guys I know don’t like complications. I know I don’t. When there’s something we have to do we want a simple step-by-step plan that gets results. So this ebook lays out a plan for you that: • • •

Anyone can follow Is easy to understand Gets results!

Sure, it’s gonna take a little work. But you’re not afraid of a little work, are you? If you are afraid of doing some work and don’t have time to spend reading 19 pages to finally get rid of your love handles and gut fat - then go ahead and ditch this report (and also just forget about ever getting rid of your fat). But if this all sounds good to you then let’s get to it! We’ll start with…

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The Love Handle & Belly Fat Melting Blueprint Are you ready to quickly and effectively shrink your belly and love handles and get them to stay gone? Here’s the plan (this is just the “big picture” – we’ll get into the details later…)

Step 1: Back Yourself Into A Corner This Step Is The Most Important Step To Ensure Your Success If you are really serious about finally losing some weight and getting rid of your love handles and your gut – then you need to put yourself in a position where failure is not an option. And I’ll show you exactly what you need to do to do to make sure success is the ONLY option. Once you’ve done that you’re going to need to move to…

Step 2: All’s Well That BEGINS Well Once you get started you are going to need something to PROVE to you that what you are doing is worth doing. Otherwise you’re gonna quit. And feeling like a quitter sucks more than having a big gut. Oh, and I’ll make this step super easy for you to do. You can do it in the comfort and privacy of your own home and it’ll take about 5 minutes (max). Now that you’re off to a good start you’re gonna want to know about…

Step 3: The Simplest Eating Plan Ever Everyone knows that “diets” don’t work. And anyway - dieting sucks! 5 | How To Lose Love Handles And Belly Fat With Minimal Effort © 2013 David Berman

So in this step, I’m going to give you the straight dope on how you have to eat to lose weight. There are really only 2 keys to nail this (and neither of them involved giving up everything you love – so stop whining) and I’m going to tell you both of them. Then it’s on to…

Step 4: Turbo-Charging Your Metabolism To get rid of your gut and lose your love handles you’re going to need the metabolism you had when you were 20 years old. And I’m going to show you just how to do that. And if your metabolism SUCKED when you were 20, then we’re going to get it revved up to ignite your natural fat burning furnace.

Ready to get to it? Ready to lose your gut and incinerate your love handles? Now that you’ve seen the BIG PICTURE – Let’s Get Started! In the next chapter you’re going to create an iron-clad guarantee so that in 90 days your gut and love handles will be history…

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The 500 Year Old Secret Method To Guarantee Your Success In Obliterating Your Belly Fat and Melting Away Your Love Handles You’ve heard the saying “All’s well that ends well…” To me that means that the results you get are important. And I’m sure you agree. But to END well you have to BEGIN well. And you’re going to do this by using a 500 year old method made famous by the Spanish conquistador Hernán Cortés. If you’re interested in the story – you can read about it here. The core concept is: Succeed by using the power of No Turning Back

How To Use The Power Of No Turning Back To Guarantee Your Fat Loss Success The Cortés story is a lesson in psychology. Given the choice of two outcomes people will choose the less painful of the two. So your success comes down to one simple concept: Pain To be more precise, the PAIN of failing (i.e. not achieving your goal of losing your love handles and belly fat) has to be greater than the pain of quitting. Look – fat loss programs (any of them) are tough. To lose fat you have to: • •

Burn more calories than usual (with exercise) and Take in fewer calories (by making changes to your eating habits).

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And let’s face it… If exercising with sufficient intensity to burn fat and eating in a way that supported fat loss was already a part of your life, you wouldn’t have love handles and a belly that you want to get rid of… and you wouldn’t be reading this ebook! To get results with this (or any other) fat loss program, you’re going to have to do things you aren’t accustomed to doing. And that means you’re probably going to be a little uncomfortable for a while. But this discomfort must be MUCH LESS than the discomfort of quitting. In other words – to make sure you stay the path… You have to burn all other options. The most effective way I’ve found to do this is to put yourself in a situation where failure is so painful, so unthinkable, that you stick to the program. Here’s how to do that: Go to your bank and get $1000 in cash (or some amount that is substantial to you – it should be a large enough amount that losing it would be painful). Give the cash to your best friend (or anyone you can entrust it to and who will follow your instructions – and someone who WON’T fold and give it back to you unless you hit your goal). Tell the cash-holder: “Starting today - If I don’t lose at least 20 lbs in the next 90 days you are to give it to ________________ (fill in the blank with the name of a person you dislike OR a cause that you don’t believe in). If I DO lose 20 lbs in the next 90 days (or less) I get the cash back.” That’s it. And if you didn’t just throw up a little (or a lot) in the back of your mouth at the thought of doing that – then the amount isn’t high enough. Think this is too extreme? In the story Cortés BURNED THE BOATS. He didn’t tell the guys “Go and fight, or else I’ll come up with some wimpy consequence.” 8 | How To Lose Love Handles And Belly Fat With Minimal Effort © 2013 David Berman

He went to the extreme and gave his troops NO CHOICE but to succeed… or DIE. Your extreme consequence of quitting has to be like-wise painful (okay – so it’s not death… but it should still really suck). If you really want to get rid of your love handles and gut once and for all – then you will use put the principle of No Turning Back to use. And once you have that in place, the next step is…

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How To Ensure Your Plan Is Working Now that you are committed – Now that you’ve put the proverbial gun to your head and have no choice but to stick to the program, it’s time to make sure you build in some positive support. If you were somehow able to make the program less uncomfortable… If you could KNOW that the program was working to move you closer and closer to succeeding… And if you could use that knowledge to create some momentum… Then success would be far easier. So that’s exactly what we’re going to do. At any point in time you will have a way of knowing that what you are doing is working to help you lose your love handles and belly. You’ll do that by starting with a baseline. The Baseline Measurements To make things easy you are only going to need to know three numbers… 1. Your weight 2. A tape measurement of your belly (at the widest point) 3. A tape measurement of your hips (at the widest point) Use this chart to document your starting measurements: Starting Date:




am pm


lbs kgs

Belly (widest point)



Hips (widest point)



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Every 2 weeks on the same day and time take new measurements (i.e. if you took the first set of measurements at 10:00 am on a Monday, take the next set 2 weeks later at 10:00 am on Monday). The only exception will be for Day 90… To make this easy for you here are measurement charts for the entire Day 14:




am pm


lbs kgs

Belly (widest point)



Hips (widest point)



Day 28:




am pm


lbs kgs

Belly (widest point)



Hips (widest point)



Day 42:




am pm


lbs kgs

Belly (widest point)



Hips (widest point)



Day 68:




am pm


lbs kgs

Belly (widest point)



Hips (widest point)



11 | How To Lose Love Handles And Belly Fat With Minimal Effort © 2013 David Berman

Day 82:




am pm


lbs kgs

Belly (widest point)



Hips (widest point)



Day 90:




am pm


lbs kgs

Belly (widest point)



Hips (widest point)



If you’ve completed the two steps of the program thus far: • Using the No Turning Back strategy AND • Taking baseline measurements) you’re ready for…

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The Easiest Eating Plan Ever Most people absolutely dread the thought of dieting… But the simple truth is that losing weight and shrinking your belly and love handles all boils down to making two simple changes to your current eating habits. So let’s just jump right in… Key 1: Eat Less This Key is not only easy but makes sense. You need to eat less than you currently eat on a regular basis. If you are currently eating 2500 calories per day, to lose weight you’ll need to eat less than that. Simple… Right? Okay. I can hear you saying “I already knew that.” But are you DOING it? Since you’re reading this ebook, my guess is that your answer is “No”. Solution: Use MyFitnessPal to track what you are doing now, then eat less. You can download the MyFitnessPal app for free and use it either on a computer or on a smart phone. CLICK HERE TO GET IT My suggestion is to eat 500 calories per day less than “normal”. Using the 2500 calories per day average – you would knock that down to 2000 calories per day. Now let’s move on to… Key 2: Eat Better This is another one you already know… And now it’s time to start doing this as well. 13 | How To Lose Love Handles And Belly Fat With Minimal Effort © 2013 David Berman

Better just means: eat less crap. Notice I didn’t say QUIT eating ALL crap. Just eat less of it. Instead of 2 scoops of ice cream, have 1 scoop. Instead of 3 beers, have 2. If you can do that – you just accomplished both Key #1 – Eat Less AND Key #2 – Eat Better! Knocking out the scoop of ice cream (267 calories) and holding off on that one beer (155 calories) decreases your total calories for the day by just over 500 calories! You get the idea. Just start using these two simple keys and you’re on the way to getting rid of your love handles in no time! And now that you have the eating part under control, let’s move on to the last essential piece of the program…

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How To Turbo-Charge ANY Workout To Rev Up Your Body’s Natural Fat Burning Engine And Give You The Metabolism Of A 20 Year Old So Fat Literally Melts Off Of You Exercise has to be a part of your program if you’re ever going to get rid of your love handles and belly. The most effective programs will have you performing resistance training at least part of the time. One problem with resistance training is that, if done slowly it’s not very metabolically challenging. Here’s what I mean… Resistance training usually looks like this: -Do a set Rest -Do another set Rest -Do a third set Etc. If the set takes 20 seconds (and I’m being very generous by saying that) and you rest for 2 minutes between sets, then your work to rest ratio is 1:6. In other words, you rest 6 times more than you do work. I bring this up because when it comes to burning fat (and losing your belly and love handles) it would be FAR more effective to train with more intensity. Increased intensity will have a higher metabolic cost… In other words – it will make the workout harder. And in the case of fat burning, harder is better. One very effective way to increase the intensity of the workout is to… Decrease the amount of rest between sets. 15 | How To Lose Love Handles And Belly Fat With Minimal Effort © 2013 David Berman

If you normally rest 2 minutes between sets, try resting only 1 minute. That will make the work to rest ratio 1:3. If you rest only 20 seconds between sets – you’re ratio is 1:1! Think that’s tough? There’s even a very popular workout protocol (called Tabata training) where the work to rest ratio is 2:1. You actually exercise for 20 seconds and only rest for 10. Talk about intense! You’ll have to give this a try to see what I mean. You can use any workout you like. There are literally hundreds online and in magazines that will work. Don’t spend too much time choosing… Pick one and go with it. So now you know the four action steps you need to take to get rid of your love handles, shrink your belly and finally lose (and keep) the weight. But just to be sure you’ve got the game-plan down… I’ve provided you with…

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The Quick Start Checklist Now that you know the details, let’s review the 4 Steps To Lose Your Love Handles and Belly Fat… Put a  in each box as you follow along.

 Step 1: Use the power of No Turning Back. Put yourself in a situation where success is the only option. Remember that the alternative should be so painful that you give yourself no choice but to stick to your plan to lose weight to guarantee your success.

 Step 2: Weight yourself on a scale. Measure your gut and butt with a tape measure. Take objective measurements to use as a baseline. Every 2 weeks you should re-measure to make sure you are making progress and as evidence that the plan you are on is working. There are only 3 possibilities when you follow this program: 1. You are making progress – losing weight and inches 2. You are staying the same – no change in weight OR inches 3. You are getting fatter and bigger – your weight and / or inches are increasing How to use this information If you are making progress – if your weight is going down and your measurements are getting smaller – keep doing what you have been doing! If you are staying the same – then decrease your total calorie intake by another 200 calories per day (eat even less) AND decrease your inbetween sets rest by another 10 seconds (rest even less). If you are getting bigger and fatter – then you are doing something very wrong. Come on now… Have you even read this ebook?? Are you implementing ANYTHING? Remember – your cash is on the line!

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 Step 3: Follow the simple eating plan. Eat less – in amount and frequency. Use MyFitnessPal to chart total calories. Aim for a 500 calorie per day reduction to start with, and decrease it as needed. Be consistent… NO CHEATING!

 Step 4: Turbo-charge every workout by keeping rest time to a minimum. Move as fast as you can. If you are already on a program, cut your rest between sets and exercises in half. If you aren’t sure, start with 1 minute as your rest and decrease it as needed. Be sure to use a timer. Once your fitness improves – rev things up again by going even faster (i.e. rest for a shorter duration). I wish you much success!

Recommended Resources • 14 Day Rapid Fat Loss Macro-patterning Nutrition & Exercise System Finally a system that lets you eat your favorite carbs and you still get to watch your belly get significantly smaller (and flatter) in as little as 14 days. And along with this proprietary nutritional program you get a detailed step by step exercise routine to take fat burning to the next level for incredibly fast results. CLICK HERE for more information

• The Renegade Diet Described as the “easiest to follow” nutritional plan around, this program lets you eat whatever you want and as long as you follow the plan you’ll STILL lose fat and build muscle at the same time. CLICK HERE for more information 18 | How To Lose Love Handles And Belly Fat With Minimal Effort © 2013 David Berman

• Turbulence Training Using scientifically proven secrets in exercise program design, you’ll get better results in less time than you can imagine. Just 3 short workouts per week is all that’s needed to shed fat and give you the body you’ve been dreaming of. CLICK HERE for more information

• Burn The Fat, Feed The Muscle A 49 day total body transformation program – you won’t believe the results you get! This program has it all and is one of the best selling online fat loss programs of all time. CLICK HERE for more information

• Old School New Body Created for men over 35 years old this program will help you turn back the clock by slowing down and even reversing the aging process. Imagine how life will be when you are working out just 90 minutes per WEEK while making some simple (and basic) changes in the way you eat – and ending up looking ten years (or more) younger. If this sounds good to you – then the Old School New Body program is definitely something you should check out. CLICK HERE for more information

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