GARDEN GOlike a pro YourWelcome!visittoday, supports Garden scientists working worldwide to save cactus for generations to come. As you explore 50,000 desert plants from around the world remember:Stayhydrated with touchless water refilling stations. Stay on the trails at all times. Desert plants have very shallow roots. Don’t be shy–anyone with a name badge is happy to help. Many of our plants look soft, but they do bite. Please look, but don’t touch Snap a picture during your visit today? We want to see it! Follow us #desertbotanicalgarden@dbgphx Garden Shop 8 a.m. - 8 p.m. Daily Gertrude’s Restaurant Mon. - Fri. | 10:30 a.m. - 8 p.m. Sat. - Sun. | 8 a.m. - 8 p.m. Patio Café | Ullman Terrace 8 a.m. - 4 p.m. Daily Opening Sept. 23
YEAR ROUND Here are seasonal highlights you may encounter on today’s visit. For more bloom sightings, visit the “What’s in Bloom” display in Ottosen Entry Garden. Viguiera stenoloba Skeleton goldeneye Epilobium canum California fuchsia Ferocactus latispinus Devil’s tongue Ruellia peninsularis Desert ruellia Justicia spicigera Mexican honeysuckle Abutilon palmeri Superstition mallow The bold and lyrical large-scale sculptures of Rotraut enliven the Garden trails while a selection of her paintings and small sculptures fill Ottosen Gallery. World renowned and based in Arizona, Rotraut’s artwork explores the energy of the seasons and the relationship of nature with the sky, sun and universe. Oct. 7 – May 14
Office Office Archer House Webster Center Binns Wildflower Pavilion Admissions ShopGardenRestaurantGertrude’s Marley CactusLearningHorticultureLabClubhouse Steele GardenHerb Ullman Terrace RamadaPratt Amphitheater Donor Wall Schilling Entry Arbor Ride Share Pick-Up/Drop-Off Sybil B. Harrington Cactus and Succulent Galleries MountainTelescopesVista DesertOasis Stardust Foundation Plaza HouseholdApache AkimelHouseholdO’odham Weisz FamilyPlaza Ottosen Entry Garden SaguaroHarvestingRamada Grassland GardensSpanish Native GardenCrop ButterflyGarden HummingbirdGarden GardenBee BoulderGardenShadeGarden GardenEdible School and Group Bus Zone Patio Café Jan and Tom Lewis Desert Portal Virginia G. Piper Charitable Trust Desert Terrace Garden Kitchell Family Heritage Garden Harriet K. Maxwell LOOPWILDFLOWERDESERTTRAIL 1/3 mile = .53 km Closes at sunset SONORAN DESERT NATURE LOOP TRAIL 1/4 mile = .40 km PLANTS & PEOPLE OF THE DESERTSONORANLOOPTRAIL 1/3 mile = .53 km Closes at Sunset LOOPDISCOVERYDESERTTRAIL 1/3 mile = .53 km LIVINGFORCENTERDESERTTRAIL 1/10 mile = .16 km Butterfly Pavilion Nina PulliamMason CenterHorticultureResearchDesertand Berlin Agave Yucca Forest Ottosen Gallery Dorrance Hall Boppart Courtyard Marley BuildingVolunteerandEducation Weisz CenterLearning Trail closed for renovations through early Oct. Sept. 24 – Nov. 13 Opening Sept. 23 TOREADYexplore MAP LEGEND ParkingFoodRestroomsInformationFirstAidATM RetailATMHydrationStations Cohn GatheringTour Area
The Garden’s main trail features the evolution of aridadapted plants in the Sybil B. Harrington Cactus and Succulent Galleries; agave and yucca families in the Berlin Agave Yucca Forest; and the treasured, historic plant collections in the Kitchell Family Heritage Garden. Harriet K. Maxwell
How do desert plants and animals survive with so little water? Take this trail to learn their secrets and experience the organ pipe cactus forest. Dramatic mountain views await at the top of the trail.
Wildflowers' color, scent and shape attract pollinators, including hummingbirds, butterflies and bees. Stroll this trail to see what’s in bloom.
Be sure to check out our newly renovated Plants and People of the Sonoran Desert Loop Trail featuring improved plant displays and exhibits, opening early October! Trail closed for renovations through early Oct.
9 a.m., 10 a.m., 11 a.m., 1 p.m. Daily Included with membership or paid admission. 12 visitor maximum per tour. Beginning Oct. 5
DESERT WILDFLOWER LOOP TRAIL (1/3 mile = .53 km) | Closes at sunset
Fragrant herbs, vegetable beds and shady spots to relax make this trail a desert gardener’s delight. Come see what’s growing and learn strategies for creating a vibrant, water-wise garden.
PLANTS AND PEOPLE OF THE SONORAN DESERT LOOP TRAIL (1/3 mile = .53 km) | Closes at sunset
MEMBERSHIP Turn your admission into a membership today. A Senita membership pays for itself in only two visits for two adults and one child–and supports the Garden’s conservation efforts. Stop by Admissions to learn more. Offer is only valid the day of admission. HAS ITS 1201 N. Galvin Parkway Phoenix, AZ 85008 | 480.941.1225 | #desertbotanicalgarden | @dbgphx Ready to plan your next visit? Visit to discover upcoming events and exhibits or simply roam and enjoy the Garden’s beauty again. The Garden is here to THE BEAUTY OF THE DESERT AND CARE ABOUT IT. help you enjoy