1 minute read


By the end of Year 2, the children should have consolidated confidence in the following areas in preparation for the Key Stage 2 curriculum:

• Asking their own questions about what they notice

• Using different types of scientific inquiry to gather and record data and using simple equipment, where appropriate, to answer questions

• Observing changes over time

• Noticing patterns

• Grouping and classifying things

• Carrying out simple comparative tests and finding things out using secondary sources of information

• Communicating their ideas, what they do and what they find out in a variety of ways

Critical Scientific Content

By the end of Year 2, the children should have confidence in the following areas:

• Naming and locating parts of the human body, including those related to the senses, and describing the importance of exercise, a balanced diet and hygiene for humans

• Describing the basic needs of animals for survival and the main changes as young animals, including humans, grow into adults

• Describing the basic needs of plants for survival, the impact of changing these, and the main changes as seeds and bulbs grow into mature plants

• Identifying whether things are alive, dead or have never lived

• Grouping animals according to what they eat, describing how animals get their food from other animals and/or from plants and using simple food chains to describe these relationships

• Naming different plants and animals and describing how they are suited to different habitats

• Distinguishing objects from materials, describing their properties, identifying and grouping everyday materials and comparing their suitability for different uses

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