CASMEC Program 2025

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Welcome CASMEC 2025

January 15 - 19, 2025

SAFE Credit Union Convention Center

Downtown Sacramento

Welcome to the California All-State Music Education Conference (CASMEC)!

The California Alliance for Jazz (CAJ), California Band Directors Association (CBDA), California Choral Directors Association (CCDA), California Music Educators Association (CMEA), and the California Orchestra Directors Association (CODA) want to first express our thanks to all who attend the conference. This conference is a celebration of music education in our beautiful state.

The leadership teams from each organization have worked diligently to create this wonderful musical opportunity for attendees and students alike. These individuals, working in collaboration with one another, have helped prepare a meaningful experience for all involved. We are so appreciative of their dedication.

Each CASMEC partner organization recognizes that music is an essential part of a well-rounded education and the human experience. We hope this conference will encourage and remind us of these facts. The arts transform lives, and your work as music educators play an integral role in this process.

As our field continues to evolve and expand, music educators continue to create, connect, and support students, schools, and communities. The resiliency and creativity that music educators bring to their work each day changes lives for the better.

We hope you will find your own moments of inspiration, joy, and renewal at this conference. Thank you for your service to this wonderful profession.

Kristina Raymond CAJ President
Dan Bryan CBDA President
Dr. Arlie Langager CCDA President
Chad Zullinger CMEA President
Tiffany Ou-Ponticelli CODA President


CCalifornia Band direCtors assoCiation Board of direCtors


California Music Educators Association Board of Directors

Executive Board


Holly MacDonell President-Elect

Emelynn Montoya Secretary Immediate Past President

Section Presidents

Craig Bryant Bay Section

Ryan Duckworth Vice President

Executive Administrator

Elisha Wells Central Section

Jane Brown Northern Section Southeastern Section

Barry Capiaux Central Coast Section

Pitts North Coast Section Capitol Section

Emma Schopler Southern Border Section

Ryan Gonzalez Southwestern Section


Executive Officers

California orC hestra direCtors assoCiation Board of direCtors

Greg Conway Secretary President Treasurer / All-State Orchestra Coordinator Immediate Past President

Programs Committee Advisory Committee

Lawrence Huang Co-CASMEC Logistics Coordinator

Co-CASMEC Logistics Coordinator

Website Editor Communications Chair/All-State Assistant Coordinator

All-State Student Host

Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion/ Consortium Project Chair

Zachary Christy

President’s Council


Conference/Event Committee Chairs

Choral Composition Chair
Two-Year College Chair
Dr. Steve Kim Music in Worship Chair Community Youth Chair
Vocal Jazz and A Cappella Pop Chair
SSAA Choirs Chair TTBB Choirs Chair
Marc McGhee Central Honor Choir Chair
Jenni Gaderlund All-State Honor Choir Chair
Kira Dixon Coastal Honor Choir Chair All-State Honor Choir Chair
Choral Leadership Academy Choir
Dr. Jennifer Heder CASMEC Chair
Jeffe Huls Summer Conference Chair

of direCtors

Tana Scott Treasurer
Vocal Rep
Middle School Rep
Barb Shinaver President-Elect Past President
Kyoko Yamamoto Membership Chair
High School Rep
Kris Tiner Newsletter Editor
Molly Redfield Scholarship Rep Secretary
Jeff Jarvis Higher Ed Rep
Bam Scholarship Website Administrator
Alana Hill
Student Host

S an Jos é State University

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Scholarship Funds

To learn about scholarship funds or to donate, click the following links.











Product Showcase

Welcome to the product showcase, a new offering for CASMEC 2025! In these 45-minute sessions, designed specifically for CASMEC, attendees will have a dedicated platform to engage with vendors and to learn about unique features of their products. The Product Showcase is located on the 2nd floor of the Convention Center in Prefunction-B area. Make sure to come with your questions and learn about the products and services from these vendors!


Thursday, January 16

2:00 PM Yamaha Corporation of America

3:00 PM Ludus

Friday, January 17

9:00 AM Hayward La Honda Music Camp/Oboist Alli Gessner

10:00 AM QuaverEd

11:00 AM Sight Reading Factory

1:00 PM Hal Leonard

2:00 PM Yamaha Corporation of America

Saturday, January 18

10:00 AM CutTime 11:00 AM MakeMusic, Inc.


Alfred Music

American Band Accessories

American College of Music

Barbershop Harmony Society

Bertrand’s Music

Biola University Conservatory of Music

Bob Rogers Travel

Bookmark Music

Brass for Beginners/ BFB Brass

Cal Poly Humboldt

Cal Poly in San Luis Obispo

Cal Poly Pomona Music Department


California State University Fullerton School of Music

California State University, Bakersfield

California State University, Chico

California State University, Fresno

CASMEC Merchandise

Cazadero Music Camp

Clovis Unified School District

Creative Costuming & Designs

CSU Stanislaus Music Department

CSUN Music Department

Custom Fundraising Solutions



DeMoulin Brothers & Company

Dorman and Stewart Musicworks LLC


Educational Discovery Tours

Ensemble Schools

Find Mi Dot

Forrests Music Inc

Forum Music Festivals

Fred Bock Music Publishing

Fred J. Miller, Inc.

Fresno Unified School District

Fruhauf Uniforms

GIA Publications, Inc.

GL Custom Conducting Batons

Gottschalk Music Center

GPG Music


Guardian Travel Group

Guitar Ensemble Method

Hal Leonard

Handbell Musicians of America Area 12

Hawaii State Tours

Hayward La Honda Music Camp


J.W. Pepper

Knott’s Berry Farm

LAYP Orchestra Band Choir

Liberty University School of Music


MakeMusic, Inc.

Mandarins of Sacramento, Inc.

Manteca Unified School District


Mariachi Clothing Company

Messiah University

Modesto City Schools

Morongo Unified School District

Music Celebrations International - Concert Tours with Integrity

Manteca Unified School District

Music Contact International

Music Duo

Music Filing Solutions

Music In The Parks/Festivals of Music

Music Masters Concert Series

Music Workshop


National Concerts

Nick Rail Music

Pavane Publishing

Pearl Corporation

Peripole Music

Playbook Music


Sacramento Jazz Education Foundation

Sacramento State School of Music

Sacramento Youth Band Parent’s Association

San Diego State University

San Jose State University

San Juan Unified School Dist

Santa Clara University Music Department


Sierra Mountain Music Camp

Sight Reading Factory

Silver Lake Band Camp

Sing Democracy 250

Snap! Mobile

Sonoma State University

Southern California Vocal Association

Stanbury Uniforms, LLC

Stockton Unified School District


Tim’s Music

Twin Rivers Unified School District

U.S. Marine Corps

United States Army Bands

University of Nevada, Reno School of Music

University of the Pacific

University of Utah

USAF Band of the Golden West

Vanguard Music and Performing Arts

Wenger Corporation

West Music Co.

Western Band Association

Westmont College

Wildwood Music Camp

World Projects


Yamaha Corporation of America

Young Producers Group

Exhibit Hall Hours

Thursday, January 16 12:00 PM – 5:00 PM Friday, January 17 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM Saturday, January 18 9:00 AM – 1:00 PM

Choral Leadership Academy

Overview and Faculty

The Choral Leadership Academy (CLA) offers two days of musical and educational activities to students who demonstrate an interest in the music profession. Group sessions inspire confidence and build camaraderie among choral musicians of the next generation. CLA invites high school, community college, and university music education majors to work together with choral professionals including 2025 Headliner, Dr. Emily Mercado!

The 2025 CLA invites the very best choral musician students in the state, who are thinking and striving to become our next generation of music educators and conductors. Each singer should demonstrate the highest level of musicianship, exceptional work habits, and a passion for choral music. All participating singers are from choirs whose directors are members of CCDA, CMEA, or SCVA. Students may also have their own ACDA Student Membership.

Overview of Schedule

Friday, Jan 17

Registration begins at 8am, followed by a day of sessions, group activities, singing, lunch, singing, dinner, more singing!

Saturday, Jan 18

Morning sessions, singing, lunch, honor choir performances, send off and wrap up by 5pm.

Dr. Emily Mercado

Emily Mercado, Ph.D. is an Assistant Professor of Choral Music Education at The University of Utah where she teaches choral music education courses at the undergraduate and graduate levels, supervises music education student research, and conducts Voci Altissime, a treble voice choir. Mercado is an active conductor, clinician, adjudicator, and researcher. Her research has appeared in leading music education journals including Update: Applications of Research in Music Education and Arts Education Policy Review. Mercado has presented at the Society for Music Teacher Education Symposium, NAfME’s Research and Teacher Education National Conference, the American Education Research Association Annual Meeting, and state and regional music education conferences in Oregon, Louisiana, and Utah. Mercado currently serves on the ACDA-UT board and served on the Oregon Music Education Association and Oregon American Choral Directors Association boards for eight years. Mercado is also actively involved in developing community partnerships with area schools.

Mercado received a Ph.D. in Music Education from Louisiana State University, a Master of Arts in Teaching degree from Oregon State University, and a Bachelor of Arts degree from Oregon State University. Prior to joining the faculty at The University of Utah, Mercado taught choir for nine years at Crescent Valley High School and Cheldelin Middle School in Corvallis, OR. Mercado also held the post of Associate Conductor of the Corvallis Repertory Singers

Congratulations to All Participants!

J.H. Tackett Marketing has been the proud vendor for CASMEC Merchandise for the last 10 years.


Program Features:

• 10 units each summer.

• 2-week in-person residency each summer.

• 4 weeks of online coursework.

• Up to 4 electives each summer.

• Courses o ered in

Alexandra Beller
Cynthia Johnston
David Vickerman
Dr. Diana Hollinger Program Coordinator Professor of Music Education
Dr. David Vickerman Director of Bands
Dr. Corie Brown Assistant Professor of Choral Music Education
Dr. Je rey Benson Director of Choral Activities Assistant Program Coordinator
San José State University
San José State University

CMEA Higher Education and Research Poster Session

Friday, January 17, 2025, 9:00 AM, Lobby D

Dr. Karen Koner, CMEA Higher Education and Research Representative, Presiding

Welcome to our research and educational projects poster session. This is a friendly, informal session where you may meet presenters, learn about their projects as you peruse the various posters, and discuss in small groups and one-on-one conversations. Hear about the observations, data, or “myths” that inspired these projects, the concrete suggestions for best practice, and ideas for future projects of collaborations!


University of Southern California Music Listening in Gen Z: An Interdisciplinary Review of

Whitney High School Promoting Well-Being Through Mindfulness for Music Educators

Stephen Morman, University of Southern California Prevalence of Performance-related Musculoskeletal Disorders (PRMDs) Among Music Conductors

Yinuo Ying, Angela Chong, Pablo Davila, and Beatriz Ilari, University of Southern California Musical Parenting of Children and Teens: The Roles of Cultural Background, Ethnicity, and Social Class

Ramon Cardenas, San Diego State University

“There’s room for me here:” An Ethnographic Study on Autonomy, Motivation, and Psychological Safety in the Choral Rehearsal

Jordan Bell Souza, University of the Pacific Male/Female Choral Enrollment and World Issues: 19242024

Madison Karzin, University of the Pacific Patterns Regarding Gender, Instrument Selection, and Participation Rates in California Honor Bands

Karen Koner, San Diego State University Female Band Directors’ Reflections, Viewpoints and Experiences Regarding Competition in the High School Instrumental Ensemble

Jacqueline Hairston, University of the Pacific The Band Director’s Group Chat: The Role of Digital Mentorship for Band Directors On and Off the Podium

Jennifer Gee, San Diego State Universit Exploring Music Integration in Early Childhood and Elementary Education: Practices of Nonpublic and Private School Teachers in the United States

Nick Filotei, University of Southern California AI in the Music Classroom

Theory, University of Southern California Artificial Intelligence & Creativity in Music Education

Amalia Medina, University of the Pacific and Edison High School Orchestra Programs in Central California

Ruth Brittin, University of the Pacific Repertoire and Diversity: Understanding Music Education Opportunities in California Honor Ensembles

Yiqing (Cassio) Zhou, University of Southern California Literature Review of Enhancing Music Education: Integrating Classical Confucianism with Feminist Perspectives

CMEA Music Composition Walking Gallery

The CMEA Music Composition Walking Gallery is open throughout the conference, located in Lobby D near the Exhibit Hall (compositions will not be available during the higher ed research session)

Student Compositions:

Michael Chang, Composer, 10th Grade “Epiphany”

Fremont High School, Fremont Union High School District

Joseph Kelly – Music Educator

Desmond Dent, Composer, 10th Grade

“Night Owl, Mvt. One”

Yosemite High School, Yosemite Unified School District

Tamara Dent – Music Educator

James Barrera, Composer, 11th Grade

“Rise of the Morning Sun”

Coalinga High School, Coalinga Huron Unified School District

Kevin Brumana – Music Educator

Stephen Van Dusen, Composer, 12th Grade

“Ballade No. 1 in D# Minor, Op.4”

Thomas Downey High School, Modesto City Schools

Alexis True – Music Educator

Mischa Posin, Composer, 12th Grade “Vegas, Baby!”

Santa Monica High School, Santa Monica-Malibu United School District

Ryan Rowles – Music Educator

Hengyi Zhang, Composer, 7th Grade “The Hurricane”

William Mendenhall Middle School, Livermore Valley Joint United School District

Robert Huntington – Music Educator

Kate Wang, Composer, 11th Grade

“Keep It Up”

Mayfield Senior School, Pasadena Unified School District

Christin Hablewitz – Music Educator



Designed for all band and color guard student leaders Band Presidents, Drum Majors, Color Guard Captains, and more. Gain skills, inspiration, and energy to lead your program to success Start your school year ready to lead with confidence!

Learn to lead with confidence through hands-on training in running sectionals, leading stretches, collaborating with directors, and motivating your ensemble.

Have an exclusive session with the Pacific Crest’s 2025 Corps members and enjoy a free ticket to a drum corps show!

CASMEC Photo Order Form 2025

Ways to order:

Order onsite at CASMEC (Memorial Auditorium) Add $5 if ordering onsite Payment methods may include credit/debit card and cash (no change will be given) No checks Print this form and bring with cash

*Unframed Photos may be shipped as well Add $10 for shipping cost per print

*No refunds given.

Package Options

Sect one by circling the package letter you’d like to buy:

Package A: 13x19 Wood Framed Print (specify matte or glossy paper) $70

Package B: 11x17 Wood Framed Print (specify matte or glossy paper) $55

Package C: 13x19 Unframed Print (specify matte or glossy paper) $40

Package D: 11x17 Unframed Print (specify matte or glossy paper) $25

All-State Concerts


7:00 PM, Memorial Auditorium

All-State Vocal Jazz Ensemble

All-State Junior High Jazz Band

All-State High School Jazz Band


12:00 PM, Memorial Auditorium

All-State Junior High School SATB Choir

All-State Junior High School SSAA Choir

All-State High School SATB Choir

2:30 PM, Memorial Auditorium

All-State High School TTBB Choir

All-State High School SSAA Choir

7:00 PM, Memorial Auditorium

All-State High School Symphony Orchestra

All-State High School Wind Symphony

Recording is not permitted. According to US Copyright and Synchronization Rights, sharing a recording of this concert is not permitted unless you have paid for and own the rights to the music being performed. Individuals recording will be responsible for any incurred fines. Recordings can be purchased through Soundwaves Recording.


8:30 AM, Memorial Auditorium

All-State Junior High School Concert Orchestra

All-State Junior High School String Orchestra

All-State High School String Orchestra

11:00 AM, Memorial Auditorium

All-State High School Golden State Band

All-State High School Concert Band

All-State High School Symphonic Band

1:30 PM, Memorial Auditorium

All-State Junior High School Concert Band

All-State Junior High School Symphonic Band


Soundwaves Recording 4708 Surfside Drive Huron, Ohio 44839 office 419-433-4918 email: web site:

California All State Music Education Conference

2025 All-State Recordings Order Form

January 17-19, 2025 Sacramento, CA

Each performer will receive an MP3 Audio Download and an MP4 video download of their performance paid for by one of the CASMEC associations. Use this form only if you want to order extra recordings. Recordings will be sent through an email link 5-6 weeks after the performance.

All-State Ensemble Rehearsals

High School Wind Symphony

Sheraton B6/B7

Thursday, January 16, 5:45 PM - 8:45 PM

Friday, January 17, 9:00 AM - 11:45 AM

Friday, January 17, 2:45 PM - 5:15 PM

Saturday, January 18, 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Saturday, January 18, 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM

High School Symphonic Band

Convention Center Hall C

Thursday, January 16, 5:45 PM - 9:15 PM

Friday, January 17, 9:00 AM - 11:15 AM

Friday, January 17, 1:15 PM - 4:45 PM

Saturday, January 18, 10:00 AM - 12:30 PM

Saturday, January 18, 1:30 PM - 4:45 PM

High School Concert Band

Sheraton Magnolia Ballroom

Thursday, January 16, 6:15 PM - 9:15 PM

Friday, January 17, 11:00 AM - 1:15 PM

Friday, January 17, 2:15 PM - 5:00 PM

Saturday, January 18, 9:30 AM - 12:45 PM

Saturday, January 18, 1:45 PM - 4:15 PM

High School Golden State Band

Sheraton Gardenia Ballroom

Thursday, January 16, 5:45 PM - 8:45 PM

Friday, January 17, 8:45 AM -10:45 AM

Friday, January 17, 2:15 PM - 5:00 PM

Saturday, January 18, 9:30 AM - 12:45 PM

Saturday, January 18, 1:45 PM - 4:15 PM

Junior High School Symphonic Band Hyatt ABC

Thursday, January 16, 6:15 PM - 9:15 PM

Friday, January 17, 8:30 AM - 10:15 AM

Friday, January 17, 1:30 PM - 5:00 PM

Saturday, January 18, 9:30 AM - 12:30 PM

Saturday, January 18, 2:00 PM - 5:00 PM

Junior High School Concert Band Hyatt DEF

Thursday, January 16, 6:15 PM - 9:15 PM

Friday, January 17, 8:30 AM - 11:15 AM

Friday, January 17, 1:45 PM - 5:00 PM

Saturday, January 18, 9:15 AM - 12:00 PM

Saturday, January 18, 1:30 PM - 4:15 PM

High School Symphony Orchestra Convention Center Hall A

Thursday, January 16, 6:15 PM - 9:00 PM

Friday, January 17, 8:15 AM - 11:15 AM

Friday, January 17, 1:45 PM - 5:15 PM

Saturday, January 18, 9:30 AM - 12:00 PM

Saturday, January 18, 1:00 PM - 3:30 PM

High School String Orchestra Convention Center Hall 3 & 4

Thursday, January 16, 5:45 PM - 8:45 PM

Friday, January 17, 9:00 AM - 11:15 AM

Friday, January 17, 2:15 PM - 5:15 PM

Saturday, January 18, 9:30 AM - 12:30 PM

Saturday, January 18, 1:30 PM - 5:00 PM

Junior High School String Orchestra

Convention Center Hall 1

Thursday, January 16, 5:45 PM - 8:45 PM

Friday, January 17, 9:45 AM - 11:45 AM

Friday, January 17, 2:15 PM - 5:15 PM

Saturday, January 18, 9:30 AM - 12:30 PM

Saturday, January 18, 1:30 PM - 5:00 PM

Junior High School

Concert Orchestra

Memorial Auditorium (Ballroom)

Thursday, January 16, 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM

Friday, January 17, 8:30 AM - 10:30 AM

Friday, January 17, 1:15 PM - 4:30 PM

Saturday, January 18, 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Saturday, January 18, 1:30 PM - 5:00 PM

High School Jazz Band

Convention Center 11

Wednesday, January 15, 6:15 PM - 8:45 PM

Thursday, January 16, 8:00 AM - 11:00 AM

Thursday, January 16, 12:15 PM - 1:45 PM

Thursday, January 16, 6:00 PM - 8:15 PM

Friday, January 17, 8:30 AM - 11:30 AM

Friday, January 17, 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM

High School Vocal Jazz Ensemble

Sheraton Falor

Wednesday, January 15, 6:15 PM - 8:45 PM

Thursday, January 16, 8:00 AM - 11:00 AM

Thursday, January 16, 12:15 PM - 3:15 PM

Thursday, January 16, 6:00 PM - 8:15 PM

Friday, January 17, 8:30 AM - 11:30 AM

Friday, January 17, 1:00 PM - 2:45 PM

Junior High School Jazz Band

Sheraton Tofanelli

Wednesday, January 15, 6:15 PM - 8:45 PM

Thursday, January 16, 8:00 AM - 11:00 AM

Thursday, January 16, 1:45 PM - 3:15 PM

Thursday, January 16, 6:00 PM - 8:15 PM

Friday, January 17, 8:30 AM - 11:30 AM

Friday, January 17, 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM

High School SATB Choir

Capistrano Hall 143

Thursday, January 16, 1:30 PM - 4:30 PM

Thursday, January 16, 6:15 PM - 8:30 PM

Friday, January 17, 9:30 AM - 11:45 AM

Friday, January 17, 1:00 PM - 5:20 PM

Friday, January 17, 7:00 PM - 8:50 PM

High School SSAA Choir

Capistrano Hall 142A

Thursday, January 16, 1:30 PM - 5:15 PM

Thursday, January 16, 6:00 PM - 7:30 PM

Friday, January 17, 9:00 AM - 11:30 AM

Friday, January 17, 12:45 PM - 5:05 PM

Friday, January 17, 7:00 PM - 7:50 PM

High School TTBB Choir

Capistrano Hall 151

Thursday, January 16, 1:30 PM - 4:15 PM

Thursday, January 16, 5:45 PM - 7:30 PM

Friday, January 17, 9:00 AM - 11:30 AM

Friday, January 17, 12:45 PM - 4:50 PM

Friday, January 17, 7:00 PM - 7:50 PM

Junior High School/9th Grade

SATB Choir

University Union Orchard Suite

Thursday, January 16, 12:30 PM - 5:25 PM

Friday, January 17, 8:00 AM - 11:00 AM

Friday, January 17, 12:00 PM - 5:40 PM

Junior High School/9th Grade

SSAA Choir

University Union Cottonwood 1 & 2

Thursday, January 16, 12:45 PM - 5:20 PM

Friday, January 17, 8:00 AM - 11:15 AM

Friday, January 17, 12:15 PM - 5:40 PM


The Yamaha Educator Suite (YES) gives you access to a wealth of professional development opportunities and resources. YES brings you into a network of like-minded colleagues, experts and professionals who want to share their real-world experiences. You’ll also receive valuable tips on advocacy assistance, program health support and much more. Let us help you raise the bar. Go to

All-State Jazz Concert

Friday, January 17, 2025, 7 PM

Memorial Auditorium

All-State High School Vocal Jazz Ensemble

Rosana Eckert, Conductor






All-State Junior High School Jazz Band

Dave Gregoric, Conductor

H. WARREN & M. GORDON There Will Never Be Another You arr. MARK TAYLOR







All-State High School Jazz Band

Annie Booth, Conductor





THAD JONES Little Pixie

All-State High School Vocal Jazz Ensemble Rosana Eckert University of North Texas

Rosana Eckert is an internationally renowned vocalist, songwriter, arranger, and master teacher of jazz and voice. Her many solo albums received critical acclaim, and she has collaborated with countless jazz luminaries, including singing on the Grammynominated album Vocabularies by Bobby McFerrin, coproducing the Grammy-nominated track “How Deep is Your Love” by vocal group Kings Return, and singing on the Grammy Winning composition “Eberhard” by legendary jazz pianist Lyle Mays.

Formerly an accomplished French horn player, Rosana began singing jazz while in college at the University of North Texas, later becoming the first woman and first vocalist hired to their esteemed jazz faculty in 1999. Since then, Rosana has helped build the UNT vocal jazz program into one of the best in the world. A renowned arranger, she has published

many vocal ensemble arrangements and created various educational resources for all levels, including her book, Singing with Expression, which has been praised as an unparalleled resource for contemporary singers.

In addition to her extensive performing, writing, arranging, and teaching, Rosana works regularly as a studio vocalist, producer, and voice-over actor. She is the in-house announcer for the awardwinning PBS TV station in Dallas, KERA, and she has sung on hundreds of commercials, album projects, publishing demos, and radio IDs heard worldwide.

All-State High School Vocal Jazz Ensemble Students


Gianna Acquisto, Natomas Charter School Performing and Fine Arts Academy

Coco Benedetti, OCSA (Orange County School of the Arts)

Sara Panameno, Saugus High School

Siena Polasek, Burlingame High School

Harmony Wayne, Rodriguez High School


Manizha Ahmady , Rodriguez High School

Ja Janmau Howa, Rodriguez High School

Skylar Rodriguez, Maria Carrillo High School

Alona Savella, Burlingame High School


Nick Koomey, Burlingame High School

Zaide Rihani, Saugus High School

Shravan Sundaram, Maria Carrillo

Aidan Vega, Burlingame High School


Ryan Boothe, Rodriguez High School

Cameron (CJ) Kilgore, Folsom High School

Juny Snyder, Rodriguez High School

All-State Junior High School Jazz Band

Dave Gregoric Mills High School

Dave Gregoric has been teaching music at Mills High School since 2016 bringing over 28 years of music education experience and 45 years of life as a professional musician. He has directed outstanding programs at Valley Christian Schools, Marin School of the Arts and Mills High School. He has also worked with summer camps and year round programs with the Monterey Jazz Festival, San Jose Jazz Festival and Stanford Jazz workshop.

Mr. Gregoric has received Educator Awards from the National Endowment of the Arts, Stanford Jazz Workshop, Jazz At Lincoln Center, SMUHSD, San Jose Jazz Society, NSHSS, and Valley Christian Schools. Dave has also received CMEA (Bay Section) Outstanding Jazz Educator Award and San Jose Stage Top Honor Awards for Musical Direction and Pit Orchestra.

Credits as a performer include Pete Escovedo, Cab Calloway, Della Reese, Zasu Pitts Memorial Orchestra, Jubilee Gospel choir, San Jose Jazz Orchestra, National Public Radio.Temptations, Jimmy Heath, Confunktion, Bobby Watson, Cyndi Lauper, Sheila E., Duke Robillard, Brenda Lee, Guy Lombardo Orchestra, Michael W. Smith, San Francisco R&B All Stars, Louis Bellson, Bill Berry, Steve Turre, Twila Paris, Frankie Valli, Carol Channing, The Drifters, Henny Youngman, Sheryl Merrymont, Ladd MciNtosh, Marlena Shaw, Martha and the Vandellas, Buddy Montgomery, Andy Narell, Little Anthony, Princess-Royal NorwegianWestern cruise lines, Disneyland, Great America, Circus Vargas, and the Bentley Brothers Circus.

All-State Junior High School Jazz Band Students


James Park, Sierra Vista MS

Amelia Yu, Proof School


Mariano Ortiz, Union MS

Ethan Spence, Oliver Wendall Holmes Junior HS


Gus Alley, Granite Ridge Intermediate School


Everett Allen, Harvest Park MS

Zeke Damm, White Hill MS

Gabriel Kwon, San Francisco Day School

Abigail Nguyen, Sierramont MS

Leo Villegas, McAuliffe MS


Kaden Garcia, Ramirez Intermediate School

Jaxon Lim, William Hopkins Jr HS

Michael Sandoval, Central MS (San Carlos)

Cooper Shaffer, Alder Creek MS MS


Alex Ahmad, Willma Cavitt Junior HS


Dylan Wong, Diablo Vista MS


Anthony Holtz, Walter Reed MS


Liam Saul, Colina MS

All-State High School Jazz Band Annie Booth University of Denver

Annie Booth is a versatile and award-winning composer, arranger, and jazz pianist. She has received international recognition for her work as a composer with awards and grants from the likes of Chamber Music America, ASCAP, Downbeat Magazine, and many others. As a bandleader, Booth has released seven albums with ensembles she leads ranging from trio to large chamber jazz ensemble. Additionally, Booth is a respected jazz educator and appears frequently across North America as a guest artisteducator at high schools, universities, and as a guest conductor of all-state jazz ensembles. She serves on the faculty at the University of Denver’s Lamont School of Music in the Jazz & Commercial Music Program teaching jazz composition, arranging, and jazz piano.

For more informaiton visit www.annieboothmusic. com.

All-State High School Jazz Band Students


Madhav Ramaprasad, Westview HS

Nigel Weiss, El Cerrito HS


Miles Fryling, Tesoro HS

Michael Rim, Sequoia HS


Varvara Vasilyeva, Saratoga HS


Levi Farrar, Northgate HS

Mason Head, Folsom HS

Miri Izenberg, Orange County School of the Arts

Tiam Khosravan, Del Norte HS

Allison Molin, Orange County School of the Arts


Nathan Hazelrigg, Clovis North HS

Aloalo Malimali, Del Norte HS

Matthew Vasquez, Golden Valley HS (Merced)


Gavin Raichart, Mt. Carmel HS


Nathan Joseph, Acalanes HS


Oliver Shiwota, Orange County School of the Arts


Manos Vourgourakis, Harvard-Westlake School (North Hollywood)


William Robinson, Westlake HS

• NASM-accredited

• Predominately online

All-State Choirs Concert

Saturday, January 18, 2025, 12 PM

Memorial Auditorium

All-State Junior High School SATB Choir

Maria A. Ellis, Conductor

John Iosefa, Collaborative Pianist



DIANA SÁEZ & Canto’ E Libertad





All-State Junior High School SSAA Choir

Dr. Marcela Molina, Conductor

Renee Harris, Collaborative Pianist

KYLE PETERSON Does the World Say?

TRADITIONAL Ain’t Gonna Let Nobody Turn Me ‘Round arr. ANTHONY TRECEK-KING

B.E. BOYKIN Music of Life




Jong Jong Inai

All-State High School SATB Choir

Dr. A. Jan Taylor, Conductor

Heidi Van Regenmorter, Collaborative Pianist


Praise the Lord

HYO-WON WOO Cum Sancto Spiritu








All-State Junior High School SATB Choir

Maria A. Ellis Girl Conductor LLC

Maria A. Ellis is a distinguished music educator and conductor, renowned for her expertise and dedication to the advancement of music education. As the owner of Girl Conductor LLC, she provides innovative and diverse music education resources. Maria holds the prestigious roles of Artistic Director for both The Sheldon’s All-Star Chorus and the University of Missouri-St. Louis Voices of Jubilation Ensemble.

Her exceptional skills as a clinician, adjudicator, and presenter are in high demand across the United States and internationally. Maria earned her Bachelor of Music in Music Education with a focus on Voice (K-12 Certified) from the University of Missouri-St. Louis, and she holds Level 3 Certification from the CME Institute for Choral Teacher Education. She is currently pursuing a Master of Arts in Choral Conducting from Webster University.

Maria is the acclaimed host of the award-winning radio programs “Bach and Beyoncé” and “American Gospel with Maria A. Ellis” on Classic 107.3, The Voice for the Arts in St. Louis. In 2023, she achieved the remarkable milestone of making her conducting debut at Carnegie Hall and was honored with both The St. Louis Arts and Education 2023 Arts Innovator Award and the St. Louis Suburban Music Educators Association 2023 Merit Award.

Her professional affiliations are extensive, including active membership in the American Choral Directors Association, serving as Chair for the Choral Music Council within the National Association of Music Educators, and being a member of the Chorus America Board.

Maria’s dedication to her craft is matched by her commitment to her family. She is the devoted wife of Marion Ellis and the proud mother of Aria, Kendal, and Noah Ellis.

All-State Jr. High School SATB Choir Students


Luna Arreola, J. L. Stanford Middle School

Angelisa Begley, Creekside Junior High School

Gabriela Bogiages Garcia, Marin Girls Chorus

Karlee Bossana, Sierra Middle School

Isabella Chan, Reyburn Intermediate School

Kelzy Dunbar, John Adams Middle School

Amelia Eao, Stockdale High School

Adela Fakes, Eleanor Roosevelt High School

Annie Gacherieu, Castro Valley High School

Noe Hopkins, Marin Girls Chorus

Jonah Hsu, Ragazzi Boys Chorus

Eleanor Kao, Hart (Thomas S.) Middle School

Kaylee Ko, Hart (Thomas S.) Middle School

Aahana Lal, Horner (John M.) Junior High School

Grace Lee, Jeffrey Trail Middle School

Sydney Lin, Marin Girls Chorus

Gia Luthra, Raymond J. Fisher Middle School

Vivian McNeill, Canyon Middle School

Anne Nakao, Carlmont High School

Georgia Orcharton, Piedmont East Bay Children’s Choir

Aniyah Pitts, James Rutter Middle School

Olivia Raymon, Reyburn Intermediate School

Lyla Schramm, J. L. Stanford Middle School

Rhea Sharma, Vivace Youth Chorus

Casey Shilling, Clovis East High School

Awa Traore, Canyon Middle School

Ahnnika Velasquez, Rancho Pico Junior High School

Sophia Whittemore, Sutter Middle School

Laasyaveena Yadavilli, Amador Valley High School

Aryn Yang, Warren Junior High School

Brenden Yu, Ragazzi Boys Chorus

Sophienne Yuen, Young Women’s Choral Projects


Emma Allred, Richland Junior High School

Sai Sahana Anand, Hart (Thomas S.) Middle School

Mayura Appiah, Amador Valley High School

Anya Biswas, San Francisco Youth Chorus

Madison Brown, Rocklin Gateway Academy

Jordynn Carmona, Eleanor Roosevelt High School

Aahana Deshpande, Kennedy Middle School

Briana Dunton, Adda Clevenger School

Savannah Fakes, Eleanor Roosevelt High School

Amelia Flandermeyer, White Hill Middle School

Ava Garcia, Eleanor Roosevelt High School

Poppy Gomez, Central Valley Christian Schools

Faith Hayes, Charles Evans Hughes Middle School

Sofia Hotimsky, Archbishop Mitty High School

Harleena Jawahar, John M. Horner Middle School

Keerthana Katuri, Sutter Middle School

Namrata Kumar, Pleasanton Middle School

Mackenzie Lee, Walter Stiern Middle School

Clarissa Marin, Tevis Junior High School

Holden McDermott, Carmel Middle School

Isla Ortman, A.E. Wright Middle School

Jonica Rajasekar, Dr. Augustine Ramirez Intermediate School

Brianna Roman, Sierra Middle School

Hadley Rubenstein, White Hill Middle School

Maya Salter, Rancho Pico Junior High School

Rylan Steinmetz, Adda Clevenger School

Charli Stone, A.E. Wright Middle School

Anvika Thomas, Stockdale High School

Ayva Tiru, Sierra Middle School

Darling Torres, Jordan Interemediate School

Agratha Vanamali, Raymond J. Fisher Middle School

Giada Wettstein, Jeffrey Trail Middle School


Mia Boyd, Albany Middle School

Calvin Caro-Disterhoft, Albany Middle School

Nathan Conley, Carlmont High School

Jasper Ervice, Albany Middle School

Daksh Goyal, John M. Horner Middle School

Oliver Hoffman, Raymond J. Fisher Middle School

Lakshya Jain, Ralston Middle School

Ojasya Machiraju, Carlmont High School

Maya Palomo, Hughes Middle School

Steven Sablan, Carmel Middle School

Gyan Dakshin Senthil Kumar, Irvington High School

Jackie Si, Eleanor Roosevelt High School

Prithviraj Singh, John M. Horner Middle School

Xavier Thompson, Castro Valley High School

Gabriel Tong, Beacon Park School

Justin Vives, Ragazzi Boys Chorus

Albert Wehrman, Greene Middle School

Celeste Wilson, Piedmont Middle School

Abigail Wong, Jefferson Middle School

Nathaniel Yu, Graham Middle School


Jeremy Ashlock, Graham Middle School

Rayhan Awasthi, Pleasanton Middle School

Luke Barksdale, Norris Middle School

Evan Clason, Norris Middle School

David Moslares De Guzman, Olympus Junior High School

Dylan Gangula, Eleanor Roosevelt High School

Dowon Lee, Mountain House High School

Florian Mayssat-Basu, J. L. Stanford Middle School

Christopher Mendoza, Reyburn Intermediate School

Gunnar Meridith, Norris Middle School

Aksel Moore, Jefferson Middle School

Jared Ngo-Phan, Morrill Middle School

Smith Notzold, Greene Middle School

Dominic Olaes, Buchanan High School

Cristian Robinson, Reyburn Intermediate School

Isacc Santoyo, Downtown Elementary School

Mateo Vasquez, Charles Evans Hughes Middle School

Liam Weir, Amador Valley High School

Michio Yamamoto, Raymond J. Fisher Middle School

Max Yan, Jeffrey Trail Middle School

All-State Junior High School SSAA Choir

Dr. Marcela Molina Tuscon Girls Chorus

Dr. Marcela Molina has been leading the Tucson Girls Chorus (TGC) since 2006, initially serving as Artistic Director and taking the helm as Executive Director in 2011. In addition to guiding the executive and artistic vision of the organization, Dr. Molina conducts the Advanced Choir (grades 9-12) and the Alumnae choir. Under her direction, the Tucson Girls Chorus has experienced significant growth in both programming and community engagement. Throughout her tenure, the TGC has transformed into a vibrant and collaborative organization that offers inclusive programming for youth and provides resources and support to music educators year-round.

Born in Bogotá, Colombia, Dr. Molina holds degrees from Westminster Choir College and the University of Arizona. She has contributed articles to Antiphon and the books Teaching through Performance in Choir, Volume 2 and Choral Reflections: Insights from American Choral ConductorTeachers. In 2019, she was named Choral Director of the Year by the Arizona American Choral Directors Association (AzACDA). Dr. Molina frequently serves as a clinician and guest conductor for choral festivals across the country. She has served on the board of the AzACDA, on standing committees for the ACDA Western Division, and currently serves on the board of Chorus America. Additionally, Dr. Molina is the Director of the Tucson Symphony Orchestra Chorus.

All-State Jr. High School SSAA Choir Students


Gianella Alvarez, White Hill Middle School

Laurence Barbasa, Dr. Augustine Ramirez Intermediate School

Elodie Barker, John Adams Middle School

Willow Benham, White Hill Middle School

Danika Benson, Creekside Junior High School

Angeline Bibin, Mountain House High School

Sumaya Bouhaja, Carmel Middle School

Sephora Bourhenne, Madison Middle School

Jillian Cana, Dr. Augustine Ramirez Intermediate School

Violet Caspari, Greene Middle School

Emily Cendejas, Paul L. Cato Middle School

Aresa Chakraborty, Greene Middle School

Rosalie Chi, Marin Girls Chorus

Siena Deason, Norris Middle School

Charlotte Dorio, Rancho Pico Junior High School

Eva Eiseman, Paul L. Cato Middle School

Andrea Foster, Morrill Middle School

Mia Garcia Ramirez, Mammoth High School

Sophie Getz, Graham Middle School

Caroline Hill, Sierra Middle School

Hazel Hosmer, Albany Middle School

Olivia Howie, Graham Middle School

Isha Joshi, Kennedy Middle School

Airi Kakeda, Sutter Middle School

Vidhi Kapadia, Hart (Thomas S.) Middle School

Jeah Kim, D. Russell Parks Junior High School

Ana Larrain, J. L. Stanford Middle School

Lily Larsen, Beacon Park School

Janice Lee, Jeffrey Trail Middle School

Kayce Lee, Jefferson Middle School

Sarah Lopez, Sierra Middle School

Fallon Lykken, Carmel High School

Leanza Martin, Canyon Middle School

Aavya Mishra, Archbishop Mitty High School

Rajlaxmi Mohapatra, Pleasanton Middle School

Edyn Neale, Mammoth High School

Lily Nguyen, Lincoln High School

Michaela Peterson, Reyburn Intermediate School

Wynona Prawira, Jeffrey Trail Middle School

Mehar Randhawa, Jeffrey Trail Middle School

Sophia Risk, Adda Clevenger School

Hayeon Ryu, Sierra Vista Middle School

Amelia Schwartz, Cantabile Youth Singers

Sanvitti Shah, John F. Kennedy Middle School

Lyra Subramanian, Monte Vista High School

Sana Tanaka, Ralston Middle School

Ava Tarapore, Piedmont East Bay Children’s Choir

Nandika Vinod, Hart (Thomas S.) Middle School

Kendall Wickliff, Katherine Delmar Burke School

Hannah Wolds, White Hill Middle School

Colin Xiellie, Ragazzi Boys Chorus


Vedika Acharya, Arthur E. Wright Middle School

Grant Ashcraft, Carlmont High School

Chloe Bair, Mammoth Middle School

Cassandra Bayani, Dr. Augustine Ramirez Intermediate School

Cora Beaber, Murphy’s Music Camp

Pepper Blythe, Albany Middle School

Zoë Botwinick, Albany High School

Rozlyn Christensen, Olympus Junior High School

Kassandra Clemente, Charles Evans Hughes Middle School

Elise Doan, Morrill Middle School

Hana Donjerkovic, Pleasanton Middle School

Jacqueline Franco, Paul L. Cato Middle School

Aaheli Ghosh, Hart (Thomas S.) Middle School

Isabella Guerrero, Reyburn Intermediate School

Ava Jeanette, Archbishop Mitty High School

Beverley Kho, Jefferson Middle School

Olivia Killian, Walter Stiern Middle School

Andi Kim, Carlmont High School

Paige Kirk, Sierra Middle School

Iris Klein, White Hill Middle School

Aditi Konda, Pleasanton Middle School

Vedant Kumar, Hart (Thomas S.) Middle School

Kayelynn Lambert, Norris Middle School

Penelope Legorreta, Walter Stiern Middle School

Isabella Li, Albany Middle School

Abigail Liu, Canyon Middle School

Elise Luna, Dr. Augustine Ramirez Intermediate School

Anika Maderas, Albany Middle School

Charlotte Mccain, John Adams Middle School

Sonia Melvin, La Jolla Country Day School

Willa Myers, Albany Middle School

Alekhya Nittala, Beacon Park School

Kylie Osborne, Norris Middle School

Naisha Panjwani, Jeffrey Trails Middle School

Jaxson Perez-Christie, Sutter Middle School

Jade Peterson, Mammoth High School

Zelda Preston, Fullerton Union High School

Maanya Putrevu, Hart (Thomas S.) Middle School

Charlotte Ligaya Ramos, Charles Evans Hughes Middle School

Xiamary Rangel-Mejia, Canyon Middle School

Olivia Regni, Albany Middle School

Bella Angela Rivera, Piedmont Middle School

Katarine Robb, Norris Middle School

Lucia Servais, Sutter Middle School

Sonya Shah, Portola High School

Maya Shankar, Jeffrey Trail Middle School

Orelia Sinha, Irvington High School

Mia Stevens, La Jolla Country Day School

Jade Sychr, Castro Valley High School

Naavya Unadkat, Eleanor Roosevelt High School

Aithne Wong, Eleanor Roosevelt High School

Mia Wood, Norris Middle School

Zihan Yuan, Eleanor Roosevelt High School

Holly Zumwalt, White Hill Middle School

All-State High School SATB Choir

Dr. A. Jan Taylor Professor Emeritus, Prairie View A&M University

A. Jan Taylor, educator, pianist, singer, and choral conductor is a native of Houston, Texas. Dr. Taylor received the Bachelor of Music degree from the University of Houston, the Master of Arts degree from Prairie View A&M University, and the Doctor of Musical Arts degree in conducting from the University of Houston. She served as Associate Professor of Music and Director of Choral Activities at Prairie View A&M University from 1996 until her retirement in 2022.

As an educator, Dr. Taylor has taught general music, piano, and trained choirs in elementary, middle, and high schools in the Houston Independent School District. She has conducted masterclasses in choral conducting for undergraduate and graduate students and has served as adjudicator and choral clinician for numerous choral competitions, festivals, and regional choirs throughout the United States. Taylor frequently lectures on the performance practices and preservation of the Negro Spiritual.

Dr. Taylor has traveled throughout the United States, Europe, and Asia as a singer and conductor, is former Assistant conductor of the Houston Symphony Chorus, serving under Charles Hausmann, and has prepared choruses and collaborated with renowned conductors and composers. For the Houston Ebony Opera Guild, she has coached and accompanied singers, and has conducted the Guild’ Chorus in concerts of spirituals, African American choral art music, and operatic works. Dr. Taylor has conducted the ”105 Voices of History” HBCU National Choir in performances at the Grand Ole Opry House in Nashville, the Andrew W. Mellon Auditorium, and at the Kennedy Center in Washington, DC, and in Memphis for the performance on the nationally televised MLK50 Commemoration event presented by the National Civil Rights Museum.

Under Taylor’s direction, the Prairie View A&M University Concert Chorale and PV Chamber Singers performed throughout the United States and abroad,

including performances with the Houston Symphony Orchestra, international music festivals in Poland, Germany, and in South America. Taylor is a 2022 recipient of the Texas Choral Directors Association Texas Choir Master award, and holds memberships in the Texas Music Educators Association, American Choral Directors Association, Texas Choral Directors Association, and Sigma Alpha Iota Music Fraternity for Women.

All-State High School SATB Choir Students


Natalie Aires, Dougherty Valley High School

Michelle Banci, Mountain House High School

Audrey Bier, Foothill High School

Hope Bradley, Orange County School of the Arts

Kathryn Breton, Clovis North High School

Aleah Carrillo Hernandez, University High School

Mikah Carson, Los Osos High School

Sidney Clark, Lincoln High School

Abby Claycamp, Shasta High School

Shefali Gokulnatha, Lynbrook High School

Blythe Griffin, Buchanan High School

Helen Gu, The Harker School

Emmy Hartigan, Shasta High School

Katherine Heller, Cantabile Youth Singers

Sara Jackson, Canyon Springs High School

Erica Lee, Valencia High School

Anna Li, The Harker School

Jinghan Li, Temple City High School

Galileah Limon, Clovis East High School

Charlotte Ludlow, The Harker School

Georgia Madland, Marin Girls Chorus

Proma Majumdar, Diamond Bar High School

Paula Nadores, University High School

Diana Padilla, El Diamante High School

Aurora Park, Monache High School

Soumya Pradhan, Dougherty Valley High School

Katy Rodgers, Central Valley Christian Schools

Evelyn Wu, Diamond Bar High School

Lining You, Stevenson School

Maile Yutangco, College Park High School


Luciana Arias, San Ramon Valley High School

Ella Boyd, Albany High School

Karin Cervantes, Santa Monica High School

Ziyan Chen, Piedmont Hills High School

Alexia Choi, Portola High School

Mical Cohen, Alexander Hamilton Senior High School

Haley Crowell, Castro Valley High School

Clare Donaldson, Alta Loma High School

Holland Dowdle, Bonita High School

Minke Doyle, El Diamante High School

Emily Driscoll, Frontier High School

Yazmin Gonzalez, Albany High School

Rana Khozmanyar, Irvine High School

Raina Martinez, University High School

Corinne Mccorkle, Los Osos High School

Camryn McCormick, Bakersfield High School

Kyle Memley, Sanger West High School

Kiera Mouanoutoua, University High School

Therese Nadores, University High School

Ayla Oner, Lynbrook High School

Emily Peebles, Shasta High School

Allison Plumlee, Strathmore High School

Marlena Reinshagen, Carlmont High School

Taylor Rhien, Mountain House High School

Suzaina Saini, Irvine High School

Kiana Sipes, Albany High School

Chasity Syvong, Clovis East High School

Thejasree Venkatesh, Mountain House High School

Phie Wei, Carlmont High School

Aviva Wrosch, The Bishop’s School


Miguel Aguilar, Moreno Valley High School

James Avalos, Riverside Poly High School

True Birmingham, Granite Bay High School

Johnathan Burton Jr., Will C. Wood High School

Roman Camber, Rocklin High School

Bryce Chen, Crystal Children’s Choir

Lawrence Cheung, Salinas High School

Jared Gabriel, La Habra High School

Diptodhee Goswami, Portola High School

Aditya Krishnan, Foothill High School

Max Lim, Albany High School

Sidhant Lochan, Henry M. Gunn High School

Ethan Madera, East Bakersfield High School

Jax Manning, Carlmont High School

Jacob Pan, Troy High School

Jacobo Ramirez, Arlington High School

Jesus Rosas Huitron, North High School

Rogelio Soria Alvarado, Mira Monte High School

Akash Sriram, Milpitas High School

John Williford, Frontier High School

Man Pok Yim, Temple City High School

Luke Zeng, The Harker School


Julian Baldwin, Albany High School

Steven Benny, Foothill High School

Morgan Cartier, Ridgeview High School

Sam Dickey, Ragazzi Boys Chorus

Jacky Ding, Irvine High School

Jacob Dinh, Irvine High School

Maximillian Donner, Da Vinci Charter Academy

Eric Feng, The Bishop’s School

Michael Henslee, Gregori High School

Jordan Holdaway, Lincoln High School

Joshua Karoly, Granite Bay High School

Olivier Kondo, Ragazzi Boys Chorus

Marco Lordge, John Adams Academy

Yildiz Orens, Proof School

Rafael Ramirez, Shasta High School

Jacob Reed, Carlmont High School

Josue Rivera Juarez, Bella Vista High School

Kevin Sanchez, Ridgeview High School

Michael Roger Tabanas, Buchanan High School

Vivienne Tempesta, Pacific Collegiate School

Liam Watt, Albany High School

Finnegan Willits-Musell, Albany High School

• Two Choirs

• Two Jazz Ensembles

• Opera Theatre

• Three Vocal Jazz Ensembles

• Symphony Orchestra

• Wind Ensemble

• Concert Band

• Marching Band

• Pep Band

• Wide variety of chamber groups and jazz combos

• Music Education

• Conducting

• Composition

• Performance

All-State Choirs Concert

Saturday, January 18, 2025, 2:30 PM Memorial Auditorium

All-State High School TTBB Choir

Dr. Edryn J. Coleman, Conductor

Gerald Rheault, Collaborative Pianist



TRACY WONG JAM! (Jom-Ayuh-Mari!)



Soon I Will Be Done

B.E. BOYKIN Stardust



All-State High School SSAA Choir

Dr. Kimberly Dunn Adams, Conductor

Heather Bishop, Collaborative Pianist

B.E. BOYKIN We Sing As One


Laudate Pueri







A Green Voice

Let the River Run

I’ll Be On My Way

All-State High School TTBB Choir

Dr. Edryn J. Coleman

Oakland Mills High School & University of Maryland, Baltimore County

Edryn J. Coleman, originally from Alabama, teaches choir and piano at Oakland Mills High School in Columbia, MD, and music education courses at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County (UMBC).

A highly active music educator, Dr. Coleman regularly serves as a guest conductor, adjudicator, and session presenter for school systems, churches, and community choirs across the country. He frequently presents on various musical topics at both state and national music conferences. Most recently, he led an Insight Session with his school ensemble at the 2023 American Choral Directors Association National Conference.

Beyond the classroom, Dr. Coleman has held numerous leadership roles. He is the Immediate PastPresident of the Maryland Choral Educators Association and currently serves as the Membership Chair for the Eastern Region of the American Choral Directors Association. Musically, he is the Artistic Director for the Prince George’s County Choral Society and performs with Elevation Choir, Delaware’s only professional vocal ensemble.

Dr. Coleman earned a BA in Music from Stillman College, an MME from Florida State University, and a DMA from the Shenandoah Conservatory of Music at Shenandoah University. Passionate about sharing his musical experiences, he lives by the motto, “They’ll never care how much you know until they know how much you care!”

All-State High School TTBB Choir Students


Stanton Anderson, Castro Valley High School

Derin Apay, Arnold O. Beckman High School

Edgar Aragon-Felix, Bakersfield High School

Pranav Balaji, Vivace Youth Chorus

Shaurya Banjara, Los Gatos High School

Toby Bernov, Venice High School

Gerardo Callejas Ii, Sierra Pacific High School

Henry Chen, Cate School

Max Cho, Arnold O. Beckman High School

Luke Dabell, La Canada High School

Nicolas Deschaux-Beaume, Los Gatos High School

Bruce Escobedo Vidana, Warren High School

Samira Fernando, Delano High School

Rylan Flanigan, Portola High School

Timothy Florez, Mt. Whitney High School

Siddhant Gaur, The Harker School

Jayadev Ghanta, Lynbrook High School

Alexander Gonzalez, El Monte High School

Jacob Gonzalez, Riverside Poly High School

David Gutierrez, California High School

Owen Huffmire, Irvine High School

Benjamin Jung, Irvine High School

Ishaan Juyal, Palo Alto High School

Philip Kennedy, Bonita High School

Rohan Khanna, Portola High School

Maddox Kreil, Irvine High School

Anish Kumar, Irvine High School

Leonardo Lin, Sage Hill School

Richard Machado, College Park High School

Max Magana, Alisal High School

Vishnu Manikandan, Archbishop Mitty High School

Kyan Mayenkar, Ragazzi Boys Chorus

Isaiah Medina, Tesoro High School

Daniel Mejia, Roosevelt School of the Arts

Abel Montes, Modesto High School

Nathan Origel, Del Norte High School

Ashley Pham, Dana Hills High School

Jhed Ramos, Magnolia High School

Zachary Rasmussen, Carmel High School

Jackson Rickard, Canyon Springs High School

Erin Rowins, Paso Robles High School

Alpha Salviejo, Delano High School

Suraj Shah, Beckman High School

Noah Sutherland, Monache High school

Joshua Tan, Troy High School

Odie Thomas, SOCSA at Dana Hills High School

Devin Tian, Lynbrook High School

Samuel Troxell, University High School

Claidie King Abraham Valdez, Magnolia High School

Ivan Villalobos, University High School

Michael Yang, Albany High School

Ryan Zhu, The Bishop’s School


Aidan Acosta, Sierra Pacific High School

Andrew Altorfer, Ragazzi Boys Chorus

Duncan Anderson, Shasta High School

Maxwell Balbin, Mountain House High School

John Barreto, Los Altos High School

JJ Basch, Poway High School

Ahaan Basu, Los Altos High School

Kien Biggs, Riverside Poly High School

Jayce Biltz, University High School

Brando Bowse, Harvard-Westlake School

Andrew Buskirk, San Ramon Valley High School

Ethan Chu, Aragon High School

Christopher Culwell, Ragazzi Boys Chorus

Anshul Dandekar, San Mateo High School

Sebastian Danielson, Carmel High School

Ian Donahue, Stockdale High School

Liam Fobert, Mountain House High School

Owen Fugit, Los Gatos High School

Aarav Gadkar, Carlmont High School

Michael Gibson, Los Osos high school

Agastya Goel, Henry M. Gunn High School

Aiden Gonzalez, Redlands East Valley High School

Saul Gonzalez, North High School

Keith Hancock, Tesoro High School

Connor Herrmann, St. Ignatius College Preparatory School

Gavin Ho, Temple City High School

Sammy Hordista, Troy High School

Kexuan Hu, Christopher High School

Ezra Huang, Venice High School

Simon Johnston, Jubilate Performing Arts Program

Peter Kildirian, Clovis North High School

Noam Lazarov, Fremont High School

Sage Long, Johansen High School

Mateo Lopez, Rubidoux High School

Bradyn Lyons, Mt. Whitney High School

Nolan McCormick, Redwood High School

Robert McPhie, Pacifica Christian High School

Samuel Mendoza Rodriguez, Orange High School

Matthew Montoya, Walnut High School

Daniel O’Brien, Rocklin High School

Isaias Pallib, Rocklin High School

Edison Peng, Sacred Heart Prep

Antonio Quinonez, Bullard High School

Finn Reese, Ragazzi Boys Chorus

Misael Reyes, Salinas High School

Jaehun Shin, Portola High School

Saikrishnan Sitaraman, Troy High School

Luciano Smith, Carmel High School

Seth Toste, Sierra Pacific High School

Diego Valladares, Rubidoux High School

Logan Wang, The Bishop’s School

Aaron Wimbley, Arnold O. Beckman High School

All-State High School SSAA Choir

Dr. Kimberly Dunn Adams West Chester University

Dr. Kimberly Dunn Adams is the Director of Choral Activities and Professor of Music at West Chester University, where she conducts the Concert Choir and Allegro Voices. She also teaches undergraduate and graduate courses in choral conducting and literature. Dr. Adams previously served as the Director of Choral Activities at Western Michigan University for thirteen years; prior to that, she was the Director of Choral Ensembles at Mount Holyoke College.

Dr. Adams has been recognized for her work as a conductor, winning the Director’s Prize – given for exceptional conducting – at the 2017 Kaunas Cantat competition. She was named a Conducting Fellow in the American Choral Directors Association (ACDA) International Conductors Exchange Program (Sweden, 2015) and authored an article in the Choral Journal about the experience. Choirs under Dr. Adams’ direction have won prizes in national and international competitions and been selected for live or virtual performances at the Michigan Music Conference, National Collegiate Choral Organization (NCCO) conference, and multiple ACDA conferences. She maintains an active schedule as a clinician and has been featured at multiple state music conferences as a headliner, lecturer, clinician, and All-State conductor. Additionally, she has presented at the World Choral Symposium, Nordic Choral Conference, NCCO biennial conference, and ACDA Region Conference. She has been invited to lecture and teach at universities throughout the country, giving graduate and undergraduate masterclasses, conducting lessons, lectures, and professional development workshops. Dr. Adams is highly praised for her energetic, positive, and insightful work as an honor choir conductor and is a sought-after guest conductor, clinician, and adjudicator.

Dr. Adams holds a Bachelor of Arts in religion from Oberlin College, a Bachelor of Music in vocal performance from Oberlin Conservatory, and the

Master of Music degree in choral conducting from the Yale School of Music. She earned the Doctor of Musical Arts degree in choral conducting with a minor in music theory at the University of WisconsinMadison.

All-State High School SSAA Choir Students


Ruby Anderson, Temecula Valley High School

Caitlin Andrews, Pitman High School

Amelle Badey, Los Altos High School

Abby Cai, Irvine High School

Cameron Catanella, Granite Bay High School

Riley Chaye-Shin, Marin Girls Chorus

Sabrina Dailey, John Adams Academy

Ella Duenas, Christopher High School

Olivia Garcia, St. Francis Catholic High School

Maia Gierczak, Rancho Cucamonga High School

Lila Glazier, Carmel High School

Olivia Gonzalez-Salgado, Los Osos High School

Rupsaa Goswami, Dougherty Valley High School

Sera Han, Portola High School

Emily Heinrichs, Sanger High School

Rachel Hess, Enterprise High School

Ruohan Huang, Walnut High School

Kate Hwang, St. Francis Catholic High School

Aadya Jain, Los Gatos High School

Eugenia Kang, La Canada High School

Avnit Kaur, Portola High School

Prajna Krishnamurthy Adiga, Oak Park High School

Maya Krishnan, Fremont High School

Angie Lam, Los Gatos High School

Nora Layne, Castro Valley High School

Zhenyi Liu, Thousand Oaks High School

Olivia Maltezos, Irvine High School

Chaheti Mathur, Clovis East High School

Eleanor McNellis, Centennial High School

Addison Mendenhall, Gregori High School

Annabelle Miin, Pacific Collegiate School

Ruchira Mukherjee, Granada Hills Charter High School

Basye Mummert, Albany High School

Ainsley Northrop, Los Gatos High School

Alba Patterson, Shasta High School

Charlotte (Charlie) Paul, St. Francis Catholic High School

Eva Pogorelov, Granite Bay High School

Anika Prasad, California High School

Vaishali Ravikumar, Lynbrook High School

Julia Rindt, Sherman E. Burroughs High School

Jodie Rivera, St. Ignatius College Preparatory School

Luna Salvador, Modesto High School

Medha Sarkar, Los Gatos High School

Sara Sepulveda, Stockdale High School

Janie Sperry, El Diamante High School

Natalie Strohman, Woodside Priory School

Vy Tran, Piedmont Hills High School

Evaleigh Walker, Clovis High School

Helen Xie, Davis Senior High School

Kiara Zhou, Los Gatos High School


Elise Leann Abella, Fremont High School

Sara Anderson, Jubilate Performing Arts Program

Isabella Argonza, Los Gatos High School

Natalie Brahan, Irvington High School

Ryen Bzostek, Willow Glen High School

Shaoie Chan Chordia, Henry M. Gunn High School

Chloe Grace Chen, Portola High School

Jessica Skylar Chen, The Harker School

Vicky Chen, La Jolla Country Day School

Ella Crotzer, Del Norte High School

Rebekah Dickey, Sherman E. Burroughs High School

Gitasri Dintakurthi, Mission San Jose High School

Milla Djurovic, Piedmont Hills High School

Lahari Dongre, Irvine High School

Lalima Duddu, Foothill High school

Gianna Ferreri, San Ramon Valley High School

Maya Fowler, Granite Bay High School

Anna-Sophia Gruzman, St. Ignatius College Preparatory School

Norah Heller, Saratoga High School

Bernice Ho, Archbishop Mitty High School

Ronnie Horowitz, Henry M. Gunn High School

Aliyah House, East Bakersfield High School

Ruoqing Huang, Walnut High School

Evangeline Ishak, Los Gatos High School

Emilia Rose James, Cantabile Youth Singers

Anjali Kakarla, Stockdale High School

Sabrina Kuntjara, Irvington High School

Madeline Liu, Granite Bay High School

Wendy Liu, The Harker School

Harper Mccallum, Santa Monica High School

Talia Mickelson, Albany High School

Audrey Moore, San Ramon Valley High School

Ceira Motoyama, Cantabile Youth Singers

Jamie Navarro, Kern Valley High School

Miriam Negro Velasco, Irvine High School

Mia Nelson, Lincoln High School

Sara Niemeyer, Los Gatos High School

Saniya Parker, Lincoln High School

Michelle Pierre, Clovis North High School

Sophie Poon, Saratoga High School

Jemma Post, Buchanan High School

Irene Quackenbush, Nordhoff High School

Avni Rajagopal, Los Altos High School

Navya Rao, Saratoga High School

Brisa Sanchez, North High School

Diana Santos, Fowler High School

Srikrithi Sivasubramanian, Irvine High School

Adina Steinberger, Palo Alto High School

Mira Sumant, Los Altos High School

Brooke Walker, Tesoro High School

Naomi Warnecke, Sanger High School

Ivy Wu, Eleanor Roosevelt High School

Aria Zhang, Saratoga High School

Teresa Zubacz, University High School

All-StateWind Symphony and Symphony Orchestra Concert Saturday, January 18, 2025, 7 PM Memorial Auditorium

All-State High School Symphony Orchestra

William Eddins, Conductor

LEONARD BERNSTEIN Overture to Candide (1955-1956)


D’un matin de printemps (“Of a Spring Morning”) (1918)

CHRISTOPHER THEOFANIDIS As Dancing is to Architecture (1996)


El sombrero de tres picos, “Three-Cornered Hat” (1916 - 21) Suite No. 2

All-State High School Wind Symphony

Dr. Robert Taylor, Conductor

VIET CUONG Heart on Fire

RON NELSON Resonances I

LINDSAY BRONNENKANT King of Cups (mvmt II) from “Tarot”


All-State High School Symphony Orchestra



Director Emeritus, Edmonton Symphony Orchestra

William Eddins is the Music Director Emeritus of the Edmonton Symphony Orchestra and a frequent guest conductor of major orchestras throughout the world.

Engagements have included the New York Philharmonic, St. Louis Symphony, Philadelphia Orchestra, the symphony orchestras of San Francisco, Boston Minnesota, Cincinnati, Atlanta, Detroit, Dallas, Baltimore, Indianapolis, Milwaukee, Houston, as well as the Los Angeles and Buffalo Philharmonics.

Internationally, Eddins was Principal Guest Conductor of the RTÉ National Symphony Orchestra (Ireland).. He has also has conducted the Berlin Staatskapelle, Berlin Radio Orchestra, Welsh National Opera, Royal Scottish National Orchestra, Bergen Philharmonic, Adelaide Symphony Orchestra, Barcelona Symphony Orchestra, and the Lisbon Metropolitan Orchestra.

Career highlights include taking the Edmonton Symphony Orchestras to Carnegie Hall in May of 2012, conducting RAI Orchestra Sinfonica Nazionale on Italian television, and leading the KwaZuluNatal Philharmonic on tour in South Africa with soprano Rene Fleming. Equally at home with opera, he conducted a full production of Porgy and Bess with Opera de Lyon both in France and the Edinburgh Festival and a revival of the production during the summer of 2010.

Mr. Eddins is an accomplished pianist and chamber musician. He regularly conducts from the piano in works by Mozart, Beethoven, Gershwin and Ravel. He has released a compact disc recording on his own label that includes Beethoven’s Hammer-Klavier Sonata and William Albright’s The Nightmare Fantasy Rag.

Mr. Eddins has performed at the Ravinia Festival with both the Chicago Symphony Orchestra and the Ravinia Festival Orchestra. He has also conducted the orchestras of the Aspen Music Festival, the Hollywood Bowl, Chautauqua Festival, the Boston University

Tanglewood Institute and the Civic Orchestra of Chicago.

A native of Buffalo, NY, Mr. Eddins attended the Eastman School of Music, studying with David Effron and graduating at age eighteen. He also studied conducting with Daniel Lewis at the University of Southern California and was a founding member of the New World Symphony in Miami, FL.

All-State High School Symphony Orchestra Students


Ian Cheung, Henry M Gunn HS

Shonna Foo, Burlingame HS

Jina Han, Archbshop Mitty HS

Daniel Kim, Flintridge Prep School

Joel Kim, Diamond Bar HS

Seaena Kim, University HS (Irvine)

Susan Kim, Northwood HS

Audrey Lee, Orange County School of the Arts

Hannah Lee, Archbshop Mitty HS

Michael Liu, Mission San Jose HS

Benjamin Luo, Canyon Crest Academy

Rohan Nadkarni, Cupertino HS

Yuna Noh, Woodbridge HS

Caitlyn Ohler, Davis Senior HS

Elizabeth Pak, La Canada HS

Saarthak Shankavaram, Prospect HS

Jenna Son, Davis Senior HS

Chloe Woo, Orange County School of the Arts

Chloe Yoon, Los Angeles County HS for the Arts

Peter Yoon, Leland HS



Dylan Chua, California HS

Maximilian Huang, Mountain View HS (Mountain View)

Jenny Jiang, Saratoga HS

Sarah Jiang, Saratoga HS

Claire Kim, Crean Lutheran HS

Joseph Kim, Diamond Bar HS

Rachael Kim, Orange County School of the Arts

Constance Kuan, Homestead HS

Sarah Kumayama, Mountain View HS (Mountain View)

Jaynie Lee, Orange County School of the Arts

Sean Lee, Ayala HS

Adam Liu, Crean Lutheran HS

Rajbir Longia, Buchanan HS

Eunseo Nam, Cupertino HS

Atom Paz, Buchanan HS

Serena She, Valley Christian HS

Marina Shickler, Santa Monica HS

Claire Shin, Amador Valley HS

Junnosuke Yanagisawa, Leigh HS

Julian Yoon, Orange County School of the Arts


Arthur Bekdjanov, Mira Loma HS

Victoria Chen, La Canada HS

Jamie Cheung, Henry M Gunn HS

Jiwon Chung, Orange County School of the Arts

Michael Deng, Valley Christian HS

Angelina Gai, Crescenta Valley HS

Hanae Grunwald, Prospect HS

Lyla Han, Orange County School of the Arts

Brandon Kang, Archbshop Mitty HS

Brian Kim, Orange County School of the Arts

Claire Kim, Amador Valley HS

Haeyul Kim, Crean Lutheran HS

Heejae Kim, Orange County School of the Arts

Jenna Kim, Los Gatos HS

Haoching Liu, Davis Senior HS

Olivia Park, Leland HS

Annie Vo, Henry M Gunn HS

Yihan Yoon, Portola HS


Alexander Chang, Foothill HS (Pleasanton)

Liam Curtiss, University Preparatory HS

Gregory Gee, Santa Monica HS

Kaitlyn Hong, Westridge School for Girls

Matthew Hong, Palo Alto HS

Anthony Jung, Dougherty Valley HS

Sophie Kou, Henry M Gunn HS

Amy Lantz, University HS (Irvine)

Ryan Lee, Dublin HS

Elspeth Luu, Monta Vista HS

Yoonsa Park, Henry M Gunn HS

Uma Rohatgi, Henry M Gunn HS

Annie So, Palos Verdes Peninsula HS

Bryan Tseng, Sage Hill School

Florence Wei, Saratoga HS

Kaitlyn Yoon, Mountain View HS (Mountain View)


Sofia Chang, Prospect HS

Brianna Choy, Independence HS

Grayson Fitzgerald, Santa Monica HS

Haku Homma, California Online Public Schools

Ian Kim, Saratoga HS

Rouyan Lechner, Campolindo HS

Connor Lee, Santa Monica HS

Tyler Nichols, Aragon HS

Cade Peckham, University HS (Fresno)

Allison Prakalapakorn, Castilleja School


Angela Wang, Diamond Bar HS


Olivia Park, Archbishop Mitty HS

Sophia Zhou, Diamond Bar HS


Lela Buck, Clovis HS

Jesse Hu, Diamond Bar HS


Aidan Lee, Crean Lutheran HS


Samuel Choi, Valencia HS Bb Clarinet

Jun Kim, Canyon Crest Academy Bb Clarinet

Kenny Song, Orange County School of the Arts Bb Clarinet


Omkar Perinkulam, Palo Alto HS

Natalie Tao, Del Norte HS

Jay Xu, Diamond Bar HS


Bennett Anderson, Rancho Bernardo HS

Elle Guggenheim, Santa Monica HS

Marshall Lin, San Luis Obispo HS


Alice Ouellette, Henry M. Gunn HS

Cameron Rhees, Diamond Bar HS

Hideo Rhees, Diamond Bar HS

Karlin Rhees, Diamond Bar HS


Harvy Chang, Lynbrook HS

Mikael Malmgren, Rancho Bernardo HS


Yupan Zhao, Agoura HS


Ace Tecson, Diamond Bar HS


Yichen Cai, Foothill HS (Pleasanton)


Jaime Yong, Carlmont HS


Nhu Kim Dizon, University HS (Fresno)

Qiaolun Gao, Lynbrook HS

Alexander Liu, University HS (Fresno)

Elonzo Motus, Diamond Bar HS

Jason Sabol, Monta Vista HS

Michael Sun, Monta Vista HS

All-State High School Wind Sympohony Dr. Robert Taylor Northwestern University

Robert Taylor is Professor of Conducting and Director of Bands at Northwestern University, where he holds the John W. Beattie Chair of Music. As the fourth person in the university’s history to hold the Director of Bands position, Taylor conducts the Symphonic Wind Ensemble, teaches graduate and undergraduate conducting, and leads all aspects of the band program. With a career in music education spanning over thirty years, previous appointments include the University of British Columbia in Vancouver, BC, University of Puget Sound in Tacoma, WA, and Eureka High School in northern California, where ensembles under his direction earned recognition by Downbeat Magazine, the Selmer Corporation, and Grammy Signature Schools.

Known for innovative and immersive concert programming, Dr. Taylor maintains an active schedule as a guest conductor. Past engagements include performances with the Vancouver Brass Orchestra, U.S. Army Field Band, Pacific Symphonic Wind Ensemble, and Chicago-based contemporary music group, the Maverick Ensemble. Collaborations span a wide range of international artists—from virtuosi performers Barbara Butler (trumpet), Jose FranchBallester (clarinet), Larry Knopp (trumpet), Julia Nolan (saxophone), Daniel Perantoni (tuba), Jeff Nelsen (horn), Gail Williams (horn), and Allen Vizzutti (trumpet); to composers Mason Bates, Jodie Blackshaw, Steven Bryant, Raven Chacon, Michael Colgrass, John Corigliano, David Maslanka, Cait Nishimura, Joel Puckett, Alex Shapiro, Frank Ticheli, and Dana Wilson; to jazz, pop, and crossover performers Ingrid Jensen, Shruti Ramani, Manhattan Transfer, Kenny Werner, and Big Bad Voodoo Daddy. As a passionate advocate of music in the schools, Dr. Taylor is in high demand as a festival adjudicator, rehearsal clinician, and guest conductor throughout North America and internationally. His frequent appearances with young musicians include serving as principal conductor of

the Puget Sound Youth Wind Ensemble and guest conductor of numerous honor groups, such as the Honors Performance Series at Carnegie Hall, National Youth Band of Canada, AMIS Asia Honor Band, California Orchestra Directors Association Honor Symphony, and many provincial and all-state bands across Australia, Canada, and the United States.

Taylor received the Master of Music and Doctor of Music degrees in conducting from Northwestern University, where he studied with Mallory Thompson, and the Bachelor of Arts degree in Trumpet and Music Education from Humboldt State University. His research on wind literature, rehearsal techniques, integration of cutting-edge technology, and application of Ashtanga Yoga to improve body awareness and injury prevention in the training of nascent conductors and performing musicians, has been featured in presentations at regional, national, and international music conferences, including appearances at the Midwest Clinic, College Band Directors National Association, and on several popular podcasts. Among numerous contributions in leading publications, recent research focuses on diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging, through contemporary, socially-conscious programming and as co-author of The Horizon Leans Forward, a book that amplifies the talent and voices of underrepresented communities in the wind band field.

Dr. Taylor is a Killam Laureate, Jacob K. Javits Fellow, and Thomas A. Davis Teaching Prize Winner, and has served as on the executive boards of the British Columbia Music Educators Association and College Band Directors National Association (Northwest Region). He is a member of the Phi Kappa Phi and Pi Kappa Lambda National Honor Societies, World Association for Symphonic Bands and Ensembles, and National Association for Music Education.

All-State High School Wind Symphony Students


Sophie Dong, Diamond Bar HS


Angela Fu, Homestead HS

Eric Gu, Brentwood School

Chloe Lee, Crescenta Valley HS

Erin Liao, Eleanor Roosevelt HS

Hannelle Yang, Campbell Hall School

Ashlyn Choi, Valley Christian HS


Connor Shim, Canyon HS

Ahri Shin, Sunny Hills HS


Eliane Juang, Lynbrook HS


Byron Chen, Diamond Bar HS

Edward Pacal, Scripps Ranch HS

Enrique Valdez, Lathrop HS

Ethan Worthen, Ramona HS


Rick Chi, Diamond Bar HS


Mason Ahn, Orange County School of the Arts

Eric Choi, Orange County School of the Arts

Terri Choi, Valley Christian HS

Ashton Cohan, The Buckley School

Preston Hong, Homestead HS

Seongwon Jang, Portola HS

Wooyoung Jung, Davis Senior HS

Lydia Kang, Andover Heritage School

Andrew Lee, Northwood HS

Benjamin Lee, Orange County School of the Arts

Brandon Park, Oak Park HS

Derek Pfeiffer, Valley Christian HS

Sola Suzuki, Cupertino HS

Hanbo Xu, The Webb Schools

Sean Yu, Northwood HS


Victor Chen, Palo Alto HS

Thomas Gallagher, James Logan HS


Alex Fisher, Clovis North HS

Dylan Huang, Saratoga HS

Shido Kamai, Troy HS

Adam Yuen, Rancho Bernardo HS


Vivek Moorkoth, Dublin HS

Luke Noordmans, Clovis North HS


Apollo Pride, James Logan HS


Justin Brewer, Diamond Bar HS

Brandon Carr, Westview HS

Kaitlyn Chung, Orange County School of the Arts

Wade Hardy, Eleanor Roosevelt HS

Edward Kim, Del Norte HS

James Lee, Leland HS

Bryson Moffatt, Westmont HS


Cecilia Anderson, Homestead HS

Elinor Cooper, Foothill HS (Pleasanton)

Owen Ellis, Henry M. Gunn HS

Ben Higuchi, Caruthers HS

Baylin Lamee, Clovis North HS

Annabelle Lin, Irvington HS

Erik Stopinski, Buchanan HS

Nick Taylor, Carlmont HS


Haiden Chase, Eleanor Roosevelt HS

Kenneth Gong, Diamond Bar HS

Gautam Khajuria, Branham HS

Andrew McPhie, Canyon Crest Academy

Matthew Rider, Vista Murrieta HS


Ryland Del Mundo, Vista Murrieta HS

Lenel Elison Gomintong, Capuchino HS


Jadyn Kamel, Stockdale HS

Zuriel Martinez, Orange County School of the Arts


William Kwok, Burlingame HS

Kanath Namvong, Vista Murrieta HS

Cameron Strahs, Los Gatos HS


Andy Fisher, Clovis North HS


Ashley Ahn, Branham HS


Amber Chui, University HS (Irvine)


Lucas Blietz, Westlake HS

Michael Chang, Fremont HS

Justin Chen, Washington High School

Talon Lu, Diamond Bar HS

Deangelo Montenegro, Monache HS

Derick Shu, American HS

Luna Yang, Irvington HS

Edward Yao, Monta Vista HS

All-State Orchestras Concert

Sunday, January 19, 2025, 8:30 AM Memorial Auditorium

All-State Junior High School Concert Orchestra

Dr. Rachel Dirks, Conductor

G.F. HANDEL Concerto Grosso in G, Op. 6, No. 1 (1739)


YUKIKO NISHIMURA Snowberry (2021)

ISAAC ALBENIZ Asturias (1898) arr. CHIN

RICHARD MEYER Incantations (2004)

All-State Junior High School String Orchestra

Dr. Tammy S. Yi, Conductor

QUENTON BLACHE Habari Gani (2023)

VIVIAN FUNG Pizzicato (2001)

CHARLEY HARRISON Take the L.A. Train (2024)

REENA ESMAIL Testament, from Vishwas (2017)

All-State High School String Orchestra

Dr. Jacob Sustaita, Conductor

JOHN WILLIAMS Air and Simple Gifts (2009)

CAROLINE SHAW Entr’acte (2014)


All-State Junior High School Concert Orchestra

Dr. Rachel Dirks Kansas State University

Rachel Dirks, Director of Orchestral Studies, is an active conductor, clinician, and educator. In addition to her work with the KSU Symphony Orchestra, she teaches applied cello and string education at K-State. Dr. Dirks holds cello performance degrees from the University of Texas at Austin and Bethel College, and a Ph.D. in music education, with an emphasis in orchestral conducting, from the University of Kansas. As a guest conductor Dr. Dirks has been invited to conduct orchestras throughout the United States, including recent appearances in Kentucky, Oregon, New York, Illinois, Missouri, Oklahoma, and throughout Kansas. As a featured clinician, she has presented at the National Convention of the American String Teachers Association (ASTA), the Midwest International Band and Orchestra Clinic, and the state music education conferences of Texas, Oregon, Colorado, and Kansas. Her most recent research has been accepted for presentations at the International Society of Music Education (ISME) and the National Association for Music Education (NAfME).

Along with her work at Kansas State, Dr. Dirks serves on the national ASTA committee on health and wellness with a focus on mental health. Her writing has been published in the American String Teacher, the Kansas Music Review, and several volumes of the instructional publication, Teaching Music Through Performance in Orchestra. She has led performance tours to Italy, Austria, Ireland, San Francisco, Chicago, and New York, and as a cellist, she has enjoyed performing in a wide array of ensembles and venues, including Carnegie Hall. And, as an educator, she has been honored with awards from the Kansas Music Educators Association, the American String Teachers Association Kansas Chapter, the Lawrence Schools Foundation, and the Newton Public Schools. Throughout her work, her fundamental goal is to encourage musicians to seek and create community through music.

All-State Jr. High School Concert Orchestra Students


Eugene Baker, Christensen MS

Inah Chang, South Pasadena MS

Emily Dai, Harvest Park MS

Elijah Ding, Oliver Wendall Holmes JHS

Steve Gu, Lawson MS

Yuna Hong, Redwood MS (Saratoga)

Claire Kim, Kraemer MS

Hera Kim, Moreland MS

Eungi Lee, Easterbrook Discovery School

Ariel Li, Harvest Park MS

Catherine Ouyang, Fletcher MS

Jisoo Park, Union MS

Yuzuki Quoit--Minematsu, Orange County School of the Arts

Roy Roh, Orchard Hills MS

Steven Tang, Bethany Elementary School

Vanessa Wang, Mesa Verde MS

Margaret Woodward, Computech MS

Joyce Xie, Valley Christian HS

Grace Zhou, Chaparral MS (Diamond Bar)

Joey Zhu, Valley Christian HS


Peter Chen, Sierra Vista MS

Annie Chih, Sierra Vista MS

Yui Goto, Frank S. Greene MS

Ellie Hsu, Presidio MS

Abigail Keum, South Pasadena MS

Jayden Kim, Orchard Hills MS

Joshua Kim, Harvest Park MS

Lynn Kim, Jeffrey Trail MS

Seohyeon Kim, Harvest Park MS

Jeein Kong, Dartmouth MS

Ethan Ma, Alta Sierra Intermediate School

Lillian Ma, Redwood MS (Saratoga)

Sora Ogawa, Carmel Valley MS

Lena Seo, Kraemer MS

Nathan Sun, Melody Academy of Music

Anchen Wan, Redwood MS (Saratoga)

Ethan Wang, Jeffrey Trail MS

Sebastian Wong, Joaquin Miller MS

Hyunoh Yoo, Dartmouth MS

Shawn Zheng, John F. Kennedy MS


Lynly Abo, Kraemer MS

Victoria Black, Tierra Linda MS

Jade Chhou, Reyburn Intermediate School

Ameyaa Deo-Dixit, Marshall Academy of the Arts

Irene Kim, Saint Simon Parish School

Kylie Kim, Jeffrey Trail MS

Jaeho Lim, Redwood MS (Saratoga)

Andy Lu, Cottonwood Creek School

Paul Schnabl, The Bishop’s School

Serene Vo, Jane Lathrop Stanford MS

Olivia Wang, Lawson MS

Neil Yeung, Redwood MS (Saratoga)

Subin Yoon, Blach Intermediate School

Alice Yu, Beacon Park MS

Amber Yun, Orchard Hills MS

Ella Zheng, John F. Kennedy MS


Elise Chang, Orchard Hills MS

Landon Cheng, R.J. Fisher MS

Ansel Huang, R.J. Fisher MS

Ayoon Jo, Jeffrey Trail MS

Kiavash Kalantarian, Lakeside MS (Irvine)

Jaejoong Kim, Egan Junior HS

Justin Kim, Redwood MS (Saratoga)

Seowoo Kim, Cadence Park School

Tyler Koh, San Francisco Conservatory of Music

Joshua Lee, Bernardo Heights MS

Candace Li, Oliver Wendall Holmes JHS

Duhan Li, Rancho San Joaquin MS

Christian Moore, Granite Ridge Intermediate School

Ryan Wen, Orchard Hills MS

Matthew Yang, Sierra Vista MS

Shirley Yang, Sierra Vista MS


Emily Almanza Ruiz, Richardson PREP HI MS

Matthew Fernandez, Redwood MS (Saratoga)

Liam Gillespie-Breslo, John Adams MS

Therese Macatula, Sierra Vista MS

Sophie Tran, Harvest Park MS

Coltrane Wozniak, Golden State Youth Orchestra

Leo Wu, Carden School of Fresno

Annika Yathirajadasan, Chilton MS

All-State Junior High School String Orchestra

Dr. Tammy S. Yi Chapman University

Dr. Tammy S. Yi is a first-gen conductor-educator, string pedagogy specialist and music education scholar from Los Angeles, CA. She is an assistant professor of music education at Chapman University, founding director of Mariachi Panteras and the orchestra conductor of the Los Angeles Philharmonic YOLA Orchestra. Dr. Yi is also faculty at the Colburn Conservatory of Music, teaching graduate courses in music performance research and pedagogy.

Dr. Yi emphasizes the significance of transformative social activism for youth in music, education and the performing arts. She maintains an active conducting schedule with El-Sistema orchestra programs, local school communities and state honor ensembles. As an international conductor, she has performed at prestigious international venues, collaborating with artists including Janet Jackson, Gustavo Dudamel, Ray Chen and Thomas Wilkins, among others. In addition to conducting, she mentors pre-K–12 music teachers in the community, Teaching Artists in the YOLA program, facilitates professional development sessions and designs music education curricula for the Los Angeles Philharmonic. Dr. Yi’s research focus is on ethnic studies, culturally responsive pedagogy and EDIA (equity, diversity, inclusion and access) initiatives as they pertain to music performance and education. She regularly presents her work at music education and conducting conferences worldwide, gaining impressive international exposure for her and her research, including Oxford University, Sydney Conservatorium of Music, National Association for Music Education, California Music Educators Association, Sphinx Organization, and headlining the 2023 Texas Orchestra Directors Association Conference. Dr. Yi continues to serve on the American String Teachers Association’s national board to train current and future music teachers in a social justice ethos so that educators can develop culturally and community-responsive pedagogy in orchestra

education. Her research has appeared in leading music education journals, including Music Education Research, Update: Applications of Research in Music Education, Oxford Handbook Series, and Music Educators Journal.

Dr. Yi’s musical accomplishments in teaching, scholarship, and youth activism have earned her a number of prestigious awards. She was awarded the Innovation in Diversity and Inclusion Research Award, the Grant for Pedagogical Innovation, which led to the formation of the first collegiate mariachi ensemble in Orange County, and the Award of Excellence from Chapman University. She was also named a finalist for the 2022 GRAMMY Music Educator Award.

Prior to teaching at Chapman University, Dr. Yi taught violin and orchestral conducting at Columbia University, was the conductor of the Manhattan School of Music Pre-college Orchestra and was an assistant professor of string education and conductor of the UA Philharmonic at the University of Arizona. Dr. Yi earned her doctorate in music and music education from Columbia University as a Florence K. Geffen Fellow, and she was awarded the Ella Fitzgerald Scholarship for her master’s degree at the University of Southern California.

All-State Jr. High School String Orchestra Students


Jihoon Ahn, Bret Harte MS

Ryan Bao, John F. Kennedy MS

Olivia Chen, Blach Intermediate School

Annessa Hui, Sierra Vista MS

Katie Hwang, Orange County School of the Arts

Jimin Kang, Orange County School of the Arts

Allison Kim, Union MS

Renee Kim, Diablo Vista MS

Justine Liu, R.J. Fisher MS

George Na, Chaparral MS (Diamond Bar)

Olivia Park, Bret Harte MS

Summer Park, Orange County School of the Arts

Johnson Qu, Pasadena Christian School

Winston Ryee, Sierra Vista MS

Catherine Shin, Harvest Park MS

Eric Shin, Sierra Vista MS

Emily Suh, Richardson MS

Alex Tu, Winston Churchill MS

Jason Yang, Viewpoint School

Emma You, Harvest Park MS


Alice Feng, Granite Ridge Intermediate School

Claire Gao, Challenger School - Strawberry Park

Derek Guan, Jeffrey Trail MS

Claire Hahn, Sierra Vista MS

Takuma Huang, Easterbrook Discovery School

Julia Hyun, Valley Christian HS

Yuna Jin, D. Russell Parks Junior HS

Yun, aka Clara Jo, Union MS

Noel Jung, Sierra Vista MS

Joanna Kang, Sierra Vista MS

Ellen Kim, Sierra Vista MS

Emmalyn Kim, Rancho San Joaquin MS

Evan Kim, Kraemer MS

Ashley Lee, Union MS

Eunice Jiyoon Lee, Oxford Academy

Junseo Lee, Lakeside MS (Irvine)

Riona Lee, Diablo Vista MS

Owen Lo, Sierra Vista MS

Zen Parris, Correia MS

Michael Zhao, Golden State Youth Orchestra


Gianni Campbell, The Waldorf School of San Diego

Yuchan Cho, Peterson MS

Elin Choi, Lawson MS

Isabel Jeong, Pine Valley MS

Jenna Jin, Redwood MS (Saratoga)

Hyunjun Kang, Bret Harte MS

Danna Kim, Union MS

Darren Kim, Union MS

Jiwoo Lee, Bret Harte MS

Mary Lee, Sunnyvale MS

Ameera Pottahil, Tierra Linda MS

Jamie Reyes, Jeffrey Trail MS

Ivy Sun, Windemere Ranch MS

James Thompson, Sierra School of Music

Angel Yang, Rancho Milpitas MS

Tim Zhang, Solis Park K-8 School


Seojun Baek, Sierra Vista MS

William Dolezal, Diablo Vista MS

Abigail Han, Sierra Vista MS

Hyein Jeong, South Lake MS

Yufei Jiang, Challenger School - Strawberry Park

Adam Kim, Nueva School

Lucas Kim, Beechwood School

Sharon Kim, Orange County School of the Arts

Chloe Lee, Jane Lathrop Stanford MS

Matthew Li, Redwood MS (Saratoga)

Daniel Lien, Granite Ridge Intermediate School

Jaehwan Lim, Horner Junior HS

Kylie Liu, Harvest Park MS

Jeeho Park, Jeffrey Trail MS

Erin Suh, Orchard Hills MS

Alex Tang, Hillview MS


Max Balansay, Peterson MS

Lila Conde, El Cerrito MS

Jace Jackson, Sierra Vista MS

Riye Kang, Sierra Vista MS

Carrie Rao, Goddard MS

Hazem Rohaim, Ralston MS

Shreya Srikanth, Redwood MS (Saratoga)

Karina Turean, Fletcher MS

All-State High School String Orchestra Dr. Jacob Sustaita Pacific Symphony Youth Orchestra

Dr. Jacob Sustaita serves as the assistant conductor for Pacific Symphony and Music Director Carl St. Clair, a position he has held since the fall of 2020. Dr. Sustaita also serves as Music Director and Conductor for Pacific Symphony Youth Orchestra (PSYO), the premier training orchestra of Orange County, recognized as one of the most outstanding youth orchestras in the country.

Dr. Sustaita is also the newly appointed Orchestra Director for the Orange County School of the Arts Symphony Orchestra. In the fall of 2021 and 2022, Sustaita served as Acting Director of Orchestras at the Bob Cole Conservatory of Music at California State University Long Beach (CSULB). From 2015 to 2020, he led the Sam Houston State University Symphony, Chamber, Ballet, and Opera Orchestras as Director of Orchestral Studies. In 2016, Sustaita and the Symphony Orchestra performed the American premiere of Anton Bruckner’s Symphony No. 1 (original Linz version) with high praise from the American and European Bruckner Societies.

Dr. Sustaita is a frequent guest conductor and clinician across the country. In 2015, Sustaita was selected by Carnegie Hall’s Weill Institute to serve as assistant conductor for Charles Dutoit and the National Youth Orchestra of America (NYO). Sustaita regularly conducted and coached the orchestra during its New York residency and on their seven-city tour of China and Hong Kong.

A native of Texas, Sustaita completed his Doctorate and Bachelor of Music degrees at the University of Houston, where he served as assistant conductor for the Moores Opera Center for three seasons. He also earned a Master of Music degree from both Penn State University and Rice University.

His honors include: Schissler Conducting Fellowship, Rice University Prize and Provost Fellowship and American Prize semi- finalist and finalist. His teachers and mentors include Carl St.Clair,

Charles Dutoit, Franz Krager, Brett Mitchell, Gerardo Edelstein, and Paavo Järvi.

All-State High School String Orchestra Students


Esther Ahn, Woodbridge HS

Rebecca Cai, Lynbrook HS

Ethan Chang, Dougherty Valley HS

Natalie Chen, Mountain View HS (Mountain View)

Brian Choi, Los Altos HS

Claire Choi, Valley Christian HS

Shayl Khatod, Santa Monica HS

Sarah Kim, Monta Vista HS

Sophia Kim, Portola HS

Sylvie Kim, Orange County School of the Arts

Tehyun Lee, Henry M Gunn HS

Yishan Lin, Monta Vista HS

Emily Lu, Orange County School of the Arts

Justin Park, Troy HS

Bradley Son, University HS (Irvine)

Ho Sen Ken Xiao, Orange County School of the Arts

Danny Yoo, University HS (Irvine)

Eva Yoon, Valencia HS

Edward Yun, Foothill HS (Pleasanton)

Lucy Zhang, Saratoga HS


Olivia Cho, Palo Alto HS

Jiwoo Chung, Northwood HS

Jimin Ha, Orange County School of the Arts

Sarah Han, Carlmont HS

Yejoon Jang, Portola HS

Aiden Jiang, Dougherty Valley HS

Mila Keres, Torrey Pines HS

Arash Keyani, Bellarmine College Preparatory

Chanew Kim, Henry M Gunn HS

Annabelle Lee, Los Altos HS

Noah Lee, Yorba Linda HS

Yoomin Lim, University HS (Irvine)

Kaito Miyanouchi Porter, Monta Vista HS

Victoria Park, Northwood HS

Clara Percus, Santa Monica HS

Alex Rollins, Los Gatos HS

Yihe Wang, Maria Carrillo HS

Kayley Xu, The Bishop’s School

George Yang, The Harker School - Upper School Campus

Alexander Yoon, Maria Carrillo HS


Joshua Chang, Portola HS

Yu Kee Chang, Dougherty Valley HS

Jonathan Cheng, Valley Christian HS

Kanon Endo, Mira Mesa HS

Yueran - Olivia Guo, Woodbridge HS

Hannah Kim, Santa Margarita Catholic HS

Hannah Kim, The King’s Academy

Lauren Kim, Monta Vista HS

Eireen Lu, Diamond Bar HS

Bianca Lumapas, Redwood HS (Visalia)

Dylan Nguyen, Milpitas HS

Allison Oh, Northwood HS

Jun Seo Oh, The King’s Academy

Gracie Park, Orange County School of the Arts

Johan Sears, Woodbridge HS

David Tang, The Harker School - Upper School Campus

Xavion Torres, University HS (Fresno)

Sean Yeh, Diamond Bar HS


Sabrina Chang, Orange County School of the Arts

Aidan Chien, Northwood HS

Jason Chien, Mountain View HS (Mountain View)

Hyein Choi, Scripps Ranch HS

Brandon Diep, San Diego Civic Youth Orchestras

Suah Jin, Sunny Hills HS

Donghu Kim, Dougherty Valley HS

Akhilesh Kuppili, Portola HS

Jeremy Lee, Orange County School of the Arts

Hongjoo Nam, Los Altos HS

Daniel Ostrovsky, Santa Monica HS

Christina Roh, Stockdale HS

Zachary Tomooka, Redwood HS (Visalia)

Danlei Wang, Oak Park HS


Annalise Fung, Rancho Bernardo HS

Cameron Huss, Glendora HS

Andrew Lin, Stockdale HS

Kate Lin, Stockdale HS

Xinran Liu, Henry M Gunn HS

Chloe Lublinerman, Saratoga HS

Dhruv Narayan, Saratoga HS

Jack Zhong, Stevenson School - Upper Division

All-State High School Bands Concert

Sunday, January 19, 2025, 11:00 AM Memorial Auditorium

All-State High School Golden State Band

Dr. Jon Noworyta, Conductor

HOWARD HANSON Centennial March





All-State High School Concert Band

Dr. Emily Moss, Conductor

STEVEN BRYANT In This Broad Earth

OMAR THOMAS Shenandoah


ALFRED REED El Camino Real

All-State High School Symphonic Band

Dr. Shanti Simon, Conductor


GIOVANNI SANTOS Radiant Hearts (World Premiere)


Second Suite in F

I. March

II. Song Without Words “I’ll love my love”

III. Song of the Blacksmith

IV. Fantasia on the “Dargason”

All-State High School Golden State Band Dr. Jon Noworyta University

of Indianapolis

Jon Noworyta, is the Associate Professor of Music and Director of Bands, Instrumental Activities, and Educational Outreach at the University of Indianapolis. There, he administers all aspects of the woodwind, brass, and percussion area, teaches courses in conducting and music education, and conducts the Symphonic Wind Ensemble, Pep Band, and opera. A versatile conductor who is equally comfortable with orchestras as well as wind or brass groups, Noworyta is the Director of the Crossroads Brass Band of Indianapolis, IN, the Artistic Director of the Queen City Freedom Band of Cincinnati, and the former Assistant Conductor of the Cincinnati Chamber Orchestra. Noworyta is a twenty-one-year veteran public school music educator. Ensembles under his direction have given notable local, state, national, and international performances, the most significant being Carnegie Hall in 2009, the 2010 Midwest Band and Orchestra Clinic, and the 2012 Music for All National Festival. Noworyta has led groups at such legendary venues as Chicago’s Symphony Center, the Kennedy Center, the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, and Carnegie Hall.

Professionally, Noworyta has collaborated with members of the Buffalo and Dayton philharmonics, the Elgin, Knoxville, and Indianapolis symphonies, the Cincinnati Chamber Orchestra, and the Cleveland Orchestra. Noworyta has accompanied worldrenowned pianist James Tocco in concerti by George Gershwin and David Maslanka.

Noworyta’s professional affiliations have included the NAFME, CBDNA, WASBE, NABBA, NBA, Pride Bands Alliance, GLSEN, the Conductors Guild, and the Indiana, Illinois, New York (NYSSMA) and Ohio Music Educators Associations. He is an editor for the Indiana Music Educators Association publication INfORM, sits on the Committee for Diversity, Equality, and Inclusion for the North American Brass Band Association, and is listed in the Who’s Who in America Educator’s Edition.

A Western New York native, Noworyta holds

degrees from Baldwin-Wallace University (BME), Northwestern University (MM), and the CollegeConservatory of Music of the University of Cincinnati (DMA). Additional study at the Eastman School of Music, the New England Conservatory, and the Juilliard School, has given Noworyta the opportunity to work with the major conducting pedagogues in the field today.

All-State High School Golden State Band Students


Ariella Taylor-Zhang, Clovis North HS


Amy Choi, Sage Hill School

Mary Kate Fidopiastis, San Luis Obispo HS

Min-Hyuk Jang, Crean Lutheran HS

JoAnna Lee, Monterey HS

Jooha Lee, Crean Lutheran HS

Sophia Li, Brentwood School

Meya Lin, Carmel HS

Emma Park, Alameda HS

Hayden Salazar, Central Valley Christian School

Rachel Toh, San Marino HS


Nicholas Urmaza, Canyon Hills HS

Amelia Yamauchi, North HS

Owen Zgliniec, Ventura HS


Zhiyuan Zhu, University HS (Irvine)


Darren Hack, Canyon Crest Academy

Beckham Kunkler, San Dieguito HS Academy

Abigail Pinto, The King’s Academy

Ash Villanova, Mira Mesa HS

Andra Yang, Westview HS


Warren Robinson, Simi Valley HS


Brady Ahn, Chaminade College Preparatory

William Balsley, Brentwood School

Jaiden Brent Barredo, Monterey Trail HS

Juan Barrera-Rosas, Golden Valley HS (Merced)

Logan Bender, San Dieguito HS Academy

Damian Burgess, Technology HS

Joanna Chen, Sage Hill School

Logan Fleming, Mira Mesa HS

Samuel Gegax, Jesuit HS

Abigail Gray, Clovis West HS

Haley Hua, Mark Keppel HS

Madilyn Hunter, Mira Mesa HS

Zooey Jeong, Viewpoint School

Daniel Karpoukhin, Alexander Hamilton HS

Yunho Kim, Apostles Lutheran HS

David Lee, Brea Olinda HS

Brendan Malveda, James Logan HS

Kian McCarthy, Granite Bay HS

Alex Nguyen, Mira Loma HS

Tristan Quezada, Bullard HS

Karina Revenko, Pacific Ridge School

Damian Silvera, Castaic HS

Devin Simmons, Justin Garza HS

Andrew Son, Bellarmine College Preparatory

Charles Taylor, Loara HS

Isaac Vang, Clovis East HS

Luke Woods, Sierra Pacific HS


Chase Cline, Pleasant Valley HS

Alfred Drum, Red Bluff HS

Eric Wong, Independence HS

Jonathan Yang, Clovis East HS


Antrell Gulley, Lathrop HS

Jayden Lee, Oxford Academy

Amberlin Liu, Mira Loma HS

Robbie Uno, River City HS

William Wu, Gahr HS


Aaron Cho, Diamond Bar HS

Arshad Gulam, Clovis East HS

Christopher Tallcott, Fred C. Beyer HS


Jared Provencio, Hollister HS

Elizabeth Yuan, Aragon HS


Derek Darter, Clovis East HS

Emily Gonzalez, Ventura HS

Daniel Hwang, Dougherty Valley HS

Isaac Laemmle, San Dieguito HS Academy

Graham Lemos, Grover Cleveland Charter HS

Alex Maynard, Mt. Carmel HS

Molly Pozniak, Mt. Carmel HS

Mia Schneider, La Jolla HS

Sanjana Sukheja, Del Norte HS

Zachary Tiep, San Diego Jewish Academy

Jason Wang, Lynbrook HS


Drew Bellinger, Escalon HS

Charlotte Canter, Mira Loma HS

Colin Chu, Nueva School

Thomas Hutchison, Lincoln HS (San Jose)

Joseph Jephson, Liberty HS

Bryon Johnson, Fred C. Beyer HS

Caroline Laber, Ventura HS

Madison Ma, Bakersfield Christian HS

Luke Millay, Westview HS

Jishnu Mukherjee, Viewpoint School

Anna Wilsen, University HS (Irvine)

Amelie Wright, Fremont HS


Ian Barnes, Ventura HS

Andres Franco Cervantes, Central Valley HS

Sierra Greany, Santiago HS

Jaden Jung, Valencia HS

Aiden Kim, John C. Kimball HS

Nathan Nguyen, Oxford Academy

Donovan Phipps, James Logan HS

Antonio Plaza, Soquel HS


Isaac Cha, Oak Ridge HS

Isaac Sim, Branham HS


Christian Guzman, Canyon Springs HS

Eli Naranjo, Ramona HS

Isaiah Salvatierra, Canyon Springs HS

Brian Suarez Herrera, Lathrop HS


Riley Henrichsen, Justin Garza HS

Camille Jerdonek, The King’s Academy

Abir Mehta, Fremont HS

Joshua Nava, Norte Vista HS

Leo Nolan, Helix Charter HS

Daniel Quiroz, Parlier HS

Ricardo Rivas, Dos Palos HS


Claire Seymour, Mesa Verde HS


Tony Diaz, Truckee HS

Jonathan John, Santa Fe Christian Schools

Regina Radoc, Capuchino HS

Ruben Rangel, Firebaugh HS

Kelly Shi, Mission San Jose HS

Isaiah Sum, Santiago HS

Brooklynne Summers, San Gorgonio HS

Alexander Xie, Quarry Lane School

All-State High School Concert Band Dr. Emily Moss University of New Mexico

Dr. Emily Moss began her position as Professor of Music and Director of Bands at the University of New Mexico in August 2023 where she conducts the Wind Symphony, oversees the graduate conducting program, and teaches other courses in conducting and wind literature. Her previous position at California State University, Los Angeles (2011-2023) included conducting the Wind Ensemble and Symphonic Band, teaching undergraduate and graduate conducting and music education courses, and administering the instrumental music education program. She also held a similar position at the Conservatory of Music at Brooklyn College of the City University of New York.

Originally from the Pacific Northwest, Dr. Moss began her collegiate music studies at the University of Washington in Seattle, earning a Bachelor’s degree in Music Education. After teaching middle school band for six years in both Washington and Arizona, Dr. Moss served as a teaching assistant with the University Bands at the University of Northern Colorado, earning her Master’s degree in Wind Conducting and the Doctor of Arts in Music Education and Bassoon Performance, studying with Kenneth Singleton, Richard Mayne, and Charles Hanson.

As a conductor and clinician, Dr. Moss is in high demand across North America and regularly gives band clinics at middle and high schools in her local area and beyond. She is also an accomplished bassoonist, actively performing during her degree programs in Washington and Colorado, with the Conservatory Orchestra and other ensembles at Brooklyn College, and for student and faculty recitals at Cal State LA. Dr. Moss has presented at conferences across the United States on a variety of topics and is a contributor to the esteemed Teaching Music through Performance in Band series. Her professional memberships include College Band Directors National Association (CBDNA) where she recently served as the President of the Western Division, World Association

for Symphonic Bands and Ensembles (WASBE) where she serves on the Board of Directors, National Association for Music Educators (NAfME), and the National Honor Society Phi Kappa Phi.

She resides in Albuquerque, NM with her husband Noah and their two daughters, Ella and Sadie.

All-State High School Concert Band Students


Yige Zhou, St. Margarets Episcopal School


Rashmi Chelliserry, Westview HS

Yongrong Chen, Mountain View HS (Mountain View)

Isabella Cho, Orange County School of the Arts

Eleonora de Cal, Dougherty Valley HS

Jake Esqueda, University HS (Fresno)

Kent Gao, West Ranch HS

Eileen Lee, Palo Alto HS

Grace Lee, Crescenta Valley HS

Martha Marki, Fremont HS

Yuna Seo, Cupertino HS

Audrey Tang, Eleanor Roosevelt HS

Dorie Xie, Los Altos HS

Chloe Yang, Orange County School of the Arts

Ray Zhu, Lynbrook HS

Victoria Zong, Westlake HS


Eliane Juang, Lynbrook HS

Theo Lee, Henry M. Gunn HS

Rachael Yang, Diamond Bar HS


Sherlock Xu, Diamond Bar HS


Rachel Allen, Christian HS

Matthew Chan, Irvington HS

Stuthi Jaladanki, Valley Christian HS

Glynnis Leong, James Logan HS

Anthony Paul, Valley Christian HS

Alexander Wong, Valley Christian HS


Christian Santos, Del Norte HS


Prashast Bhatia, Amador Valley HS

Nathaniel Chin, Santa Monica HS

Kapil Dave, Maria Carrillo HS

Eric Dong, The Harker School

Therese Fuentes, James Logan HS

Felix Gray, Mission Bay HS

Andrew Han, Diamond Bar HS

Gabriel Huang, Rio Americano HS

Andrew Jun, Valley Christian HS

Nahyun Allison Kim, Leigh HS

Travis Kim, Foothill HS (Pleasanton)

Kaden Lee, Portola HS

Tristan Lim, Carlmont HS

Brandon Lin, Palo Alto HS

Valerie Liou, Leigh HS

Ken Liu, Eleanor Roosevelt HS

Rick Liu, Westlake HS

Sophia Liu, Diamond Bar HS

Hannah Lo, Canyon Crest Academy

Brady Lucas, Amador Valley HS

Jimena McDonald, Rancho Bernardo HS

Esther Moon, Branham HS

Benjamin Oh, Lynbrook HS

Eliza Palmer, San Juan Hills HS

Isaac Park, Calabasas HS

Arsheen Seehra, James Logan HS

Mark Shin, Crescenta Valley HS

Raymond Tan, Newbury Park HS

Eli Tobel, Santa Monica HS

Benjamin Tran, Westview HS

Grady Wang, Thousand Oaks HS

Aaron Wong, University HS (Fresno)

Guanting Wu, Orange County School of the Arts

Chanyoung You, Branham HS

Michael Zheng, Torrey Pines HS

Yumeng Zou, Northwood HS


Orion Arroyo, Valley Christian HS

Shravan Harish, James Logan HS

Natalie Kiatsupaibul, Irvington HS

Drew Newton, Granite Bay HS


Cameron Davenport, Eleanor Roosevelt HS

Ben Dragics, Rancho Bernardo HS

Sumanth Ganga, Granite Bay HS

Hunter Hatfield, Clovis North HS

Mauryaditya Lankipalle, Amador Valley HS

Yesun Lee, Mission San Jose HS

Zeye Lue, Eleanor Roosevelt HS

Aydin Miller, Diamond Bar HS

Andrew Van, Granite Bay HS


Advaith Appajodu, Granite Bay HS

Ezra Chan, Homestead HS

Noah Hartford, Granite Bay HS

Albus Shih, Diamond Bar HS


Samuel Barnes, Amador Valley HS

Samyam Bhandari, Eleanor Roosevelt HS

All-State High School Concert Band Students (cont.)


Dominic Chan, Westview HS

Brandon Chen, Saratoga HS

Derek Chen, Canyon Crest Academy

Minseo Chung, Northwood HS

Caleb Cooper, Foothill HS (Pleasanton)

Alex Dimitrov, Santa Monica HS

Chanyn Eifertsen, Woodcreek HS

Romtin Golabi, Amador Valley HS

Uta Sasada, Homestead HS

Gerrit Siwabessy, Del Norte HS

Ari Takei, Dougherty Valley HS

Sage Taylor, Westview HS

George Ty, Eleanor Roosevelt HS


Atticus Chan, Lincoln HS (Stockton)

Ethan Chang, Dublin HS

Daniel Cooper, Monta Vista HS

Jacob Cuder, Del Norte HS

River Hicks, Moorpark HS

Isaac Kim, Granite Bay HS

Yuuya Lau, Dublin HS

Aidan Lenk, Centennial HS

London Leslie, Santa Monica HS

Jonah Lin, Homestead HS

Aviv Poliva, Redlands East Valley HS

Ryan Sanders, Saratoga HS

Sylas Wei, Orange County School of the Arts


Gurtaj Gill, James Logan HS

Declan Gilmore, Folsom HS

Kaden Kwak, Northwood HS

Tara Malmgren, Rancho Bernardo HS

Ethan Moran, Benicia HS

Ethan Rhee, Westview HS

William Wang, Lynbrook HS

Wiley Zamora, Westview HS


Philip Bright, Buchanan HS

Anthony Lam, Dublin HS


Alan Co, Diamond Bar HS

Silas Fell, Amador Valley HS

Raymond Kim, Irvine HS

Zong-Xiang Lee, Rancho Bernardo HS


Lucas Bot, Eleanor Roosevelt HS

Alex Bowser, Eleanor Roosevelt HS

Ari Fenton, Amador Valley HS

Thomas Fernandez, Westview HS

William Hamel, Dublin HS

Gina Low, Lynbrook HS

Eli Magdaleno, California HS

Charlie Toy, Clovis North HS

Bryan Woo, Portola HS


Philip Jazmin, Mira Mesa HS


Amber Chui, University HS (Irvine)


Aileena Bisset, University HS (Fresno)

Brandon Chen, Irvington HS

Marton Chen, Castro Valley HS

Yilun Gao, Lynbrook HS

Garrett Guo, BASIS Independent Silicon Valley

Jeffrey Lee, Irvington HS

Keshav Ramesh, University HS (Fresno)

Megan Tu, Amador Valley HS

The Cal Poly Pomona Music Department is a hands-on creative community combining

All-State High School Symphonic Band Dr. Shanti Simon University of Oklahoma

Dr. Shanti Simon is the Director of Bands at the University of Oklahoma where she conducts the Wind Symphony and leads the graduate wind conducting program. Prior to joining the faculty at OU, Dr. Simon was the Flight Commander and Associate Conductor with The United States Air Force Academy Band in Colorado Springs. Before moving to Colorado, Simon served as Flight Commander and Associate Conductor with The United States Air Force Band in Washington, D.C., where she conducted performances in the national capital region and around the country including the 2011 National Tree Lighting Ceremony with the Airmen of Note hosted by President Obama and the First Family. Simon was on the faculty of Shenandoah Conservatory as the Associate Director of Bands for the 2013-2014 academic year. In 2016, Simon deployed to the Middle East with the United States Air Force Central Command bands as the Officer-In-Charge, overseeing musical troop-support, community-outreach and partnership-building missions in seven countries.

Before joining the Air Force, Simon earned her MM and DMA degrees in conducting from the University of Minnesota where she studied with Craig Kirchhoff. She received her BME and BM degrees from Stetson University with Bobby Adams. Hailing from Florida, Simon served as the Associate Director of Bands at Vero Beach High School for four years, where her ensembles consistently earned top ratings in all areas of district and state assessment. Simon is active nationally and internationally as a guest conductor and clinician.

All-State High School Symphonic Band Students


Juliette ‘Iggy’ Im, Mira Costa HS


Kaya Baird, Irvine HS

Abigail Chong, Rancho Bernardo HS

Esther Kim, Cupertino HS

Jia Kim, Orange County School of the Arts

Xiwen Liang, Henry M. Gunn HS

Shune Okada, Chino Hills HS

Kalyaa Pradeep, Cupertino HS

Emilie Yoo, Albany HS

Aurora Zajac, Crescenta Valley HS


Michelle Hsu, Diamond Bar HS

Andrew Kim, Branham HS

Eric Lee, Harvard-Westlake School (North Hollywood)

David Wong, Orange County School of the Arts


Boyce Chow, Dougherty Valley HS


Lucas Brito, Granite Bay HS

Lucas Dungan, Henry M. Gunn HS

Sky Lee, Harvard-Westlake School (North Hollywood)

Liam Porter, Westview HS

Ziv Rapoport, Aragon HS


Sohrab Zarin, Santa Monica HS


Yiming Jia, Dougherty Valley HS


Ian Chen, Lynbrook HS

Jesse Chen, Arcadia HS

Kathy Chen, Saratoga HS

Jayden Choi, Amador Valley HS

Ethan Choo, Portola HS

Henry Ha, Menlo-Atherton HS

Steve Han, Beckman HS

Sera Jung, Mission San Jose HS

Dylan Kim, Canyon Crest Academy

Sein Kim, High Bluff Academy

Subin Kim, Archbishop Mitty HS

Cameron Kung, Leigh HS

Alyssa Kwon, Dougherty Valley HS

Claire Lee, Westlake HS

Doyoon Lee, Portola HS

Jinwoo aka Ryan Lee, Leigh HS

Jooa Lee, Valley Christian HS

Alex Liu, Christian Brothers HS

Myles Loong, James Logan HS

Joel Min, Albany HS

Jonathan Myung, West Ranch HS

Jonathan Rhee, Westview HS

Chihiro Shitomi, Leland HS

Nidhi Vichare, Rancho Bernardo HS

Sierra Walker, Truckee HS

Andrew Wi, Archbishop Mitty HS

Eric Wong, Northwood HS

Gahyeon Yoon, Valley Christian HS


Joel Kent, Valley Christian HS

Danielle Schmidt, Bella Vista HS

Owen Tsai, Mission San Jose HS


Sanaya Shroff, Leigh HS


Edward Curley, San Marcos HS

Kavi Knik, Rancho Bernardo HS

Jed Yao, Saratoga HS

Thomas Zhao, Eleanor Roosevelt HS


Rohith Dinesh, Amador Valley HS

Yueling Wang, Dublin HS


Elijah Leppert, Henry M. Gunn HS

Kaiyan Liu, Amador Valley HS


Benjamin Brokaw, Yosemite HS

Michael Clouse, Saugus HS

Georgios Galanos, Westview HS

Kevin Larochelle, Del Norte HS

Daniel Lee, Crean Lutheran HS

Julian Moran, Benicia HS

Oliver Olah, Westview HS

Eric Pujols, Vista Murrieta HS

Yuichiro Sano, Canyon Crest Academy

Matti Scott, Santa Monica HS

Hayley Smith, Academy of Our Lady of Peace

Ivan Sokolenko, Lynbrook HS


Bea Barnes, Ventura HS

Grace Ha, Albany HS

Xandre Hartling, Eleanor Roosevelt HS

Grant Holmquist, Thousand Oaks HS

Evaline Kim, Diamond Bar HS

Ash Russ, Del Norte HS

Francis Samson, Villa Park HS

Oscar Santos, Caruthers HS

Viget Vuong, Portola HS

Lily Walker, Crescenta Valley HS

Koen Wang, Diamond Bar HS

Mykah Williams, River Valley HS


Luca Dustin, Vista Murrieta HS

Caitlyn Dwyer, Chula Vista HS

Callan Gaderlund, Mountain View HS (Mountain View)

Owen Ramos, Orange County School of the Arts

Jeremiah Valdez, James Logan HS

Jerry Xu, Diamond Bar HS

Xingyu Zhu, Beverly Hills HS


Ryan Kim, Diamond Bar HS


Daniel Macaraig, Vanden HS

Kyler Nguyen, Mira Mesa HS

Emily Silvernail, Rancho Bernardo HS

Ruimin Henry Zhao, Arcadia HS


Logan Campbell, Fred C. Beyer HS

Austin Galon, Mira Mesa HS

Christopher Kricorian, Santa Susana HS

Ava Patri, Mira Mesa HS

Quinn White, Westlake HS


Just’n Briseno, Santiago HS

Aryan Swamy, Saratoga HS


Jaslene Lai, Burlingame HS


Jeremy Chen, Washington High School

Kellyn Hu, Saint Francis HS

Sean Koh, Evergreen Valley HS

Jeremy Lin, Irvington HS

Brandon Lu, James Logan HS

Aiden Wang, Homestead HS

Chelsea Wang, Irvington HS

Lucas Yang, Irvington HS

July 20-26, 2025

Lake Tahoe Music Camp is a weeklong overnight camp for band students who have completed grades 6-12.* Students have the opportunity to work with our instructors one-on-one, in section rehearsals and in full band rehearsals.

For more info:

*Students completing 6th grade may participate with approval from the Camp Director please email


Junior High School Bands Concert

Sunday, January 19, 2025, 1:30 PM Memorial Auditorium

All-State Junior High School Concert Band




JAN VAN DER ROOST Suite Provencale

I. Un ange a fa la crido

II. Adam e sa Coumpagno

III. Lou Fustié

IV. Lis Escoubo



All-State Junior High School Symphonic Band

Rachel Maxwell, Conductor

SAMUEL HAZO Blue and Green Music

WILLIAM OWENS Festive Proclamation



All-State Junior High School Concert Band

Dr. Cliff Croomes University of Texas, Austin

Cliff Croomes serves as the Associate Director of Bands and Director of the Longhorn Band at the University of Texas at Austin. Prior to his return to Austin he was the Assistant Director of Bands at Louisiana State University and the Music Director and Principal Conductor of the Civic Orchestra of Baton Rouge. Previous to his appointment the faculty he studied at LSU for his Master of Music and Doctor of Musical Arts degrees. Prior to his time at LSU Dr. Croomes served as the Director of Bands at Georgetown High School in Georgetown, Texas. Under his baton, the Georgetown Wind Symphony was named a 2014 Mark of Excellence Commended Winner. Earlier in his career Mr. Croomes was the Associate Director of Bands at Douglas MacArthur High School in San Antonio, Texas. He has also taught at Westview Middle School, Pflugerville High School and Bastrop High School. He has also had the pleasure of serving on the faculty of the University of Texas Longhorn Music Camp from 2001-2014.

Mr. Croomes earned his Bachelor of Music Studies degree from the University of Texas at Austin and is an alumnus of the Cavaliers Drum and Bugle Corps from Rosemont, Illinois. He has performed with ensembles throughout the United States, London, Paris, Switzerland, Germany, and Italy as well as serving as an international consultant throughout Japan. He has served as an adjudicator and clinician for marching and concert bands throughout the states of Texas and Louisiana.

Dr. Croomes holds an artist/educator endorsement with Innovative Percussion Inc. and is a founding board member of the composer diversity initiative “And We Were Heard” as well as a member of the Dr. William P. Foster Project advisory board. He also holds professional memberships in the Texas Bandmasters

Association, Texas Music Adjudicators Association, the Percussive Arts Society, Louisiana Music Educators Association and the Texas Music Educators Association.

All-State Jr. High School Concert Band Students


Henry Ohm, Folsom MS


Eva Ai, Oak Valley MS

Pearleen Chu, South Pointe MS

Stella Chung, Design39 Campus

Arianna Gago, Black Mountain MS

Arnav Goel, Jane Lathrop Stanford MS

Koushani Haldar, Lawson MS

Aaron Jung, Thomas S Hart MS

Taeyeon Kim, Joaquin Miller MS

Rachel Lee, Fallon MS

Chloe Park, Chaparral MS (Diamond Bar)

Krishnabandhu Srivathsa, Harvest Park MS

Rou Weng, Burlingame Intermediate School

Lydia Wu, Jane Lathrop Stanford MS

Yixuan Wu, Orange County School of the Arts

Anning Zhang, Sierra Vista MS

April Zhang, Solis Park K-8 School


Alex Dong, South Pointe MS

Derrick Hsu, South Pointe MS

Mattan Kama, Harvest Park MS

Jaden Kim, Chaparral MS (Diamond Bar)

Delal Sen, The Harker School


Christian Abad, Itliong-Vera Cruz MS

Desmond Chen, Joaquin Miller MS

Pinakin Dhamdhere, Bernardo Heights MS

Madeline Han, South Pointe MS

Hayley Lu, South Pointe MS

Nimrit Seehra, Itliong-Vera Cruz MS


Haeun Bae, Harvest Park MS

Advay Bansal, Ramirez Intermediate School

Zidaan Barodawala, Windemere Ranch MS

Daniel Cho, Hyde MS

Hajin Cho, Easterbrook Discovery School

Sarah Chou, Ramirez Intermediate School

Jaiden Chow, Egan Junior HS

Jiayang Dong, Joaquin Miller MS

Jia Han, Valley Christian Junior High

Claire Hwang, Burlingame Intermediate School

Varun Karthik, John F. Kennedy MS

Elise Kim, Joaquin Miller MS

Elizabeth Kim, Orchard Hills MS

JuAn Kim, Bret Harte MS

Justin Kim, Joaquin Miller MS

DANIEL KWON, Chaparral MS (Diamond Bar)

Raelyne Lastra, Ramirez Intermediate School

Eunsun - Ella Lee, Beverly Vista MS

Jenna Lee, Union MS

Chelsea Li, Hyde MS

Liran Liu, South Pointe MS

Hayul Park, Lawson MS

Robyn Park, Dartmouth MS

Keira Rudkin, Bernardo Heights MS

Jacob Segre, Willard MS

Eric Shin, Harvest Park MS

Hailey Shin, Orange County Classical Academy

Andrew Sun, Windemere Ranch MS

Ryan Sung, South Pasadena MS

Justin Tan, Joaquin Miller MS

Charlotte Wagner, Nordhoff HS

Ethan Wang, Sierra Vista MS

Evan Xiong, Harvest Park MS

Jeffrey Xiong, Cottonwood Creek K-8 School

Lusen Yao, Harvest Park MS


Rafael Perez, Itliong-Vera Cruz MS

Ashley Sun, William Hopkins Jr HS

Chloe Yin, South Pointe MS

Zeyue Zhang, Rancho San Joaquin MS


Leo Eastwood, Lincoln MS

Cita Eldadah, Granite Ridge Intermediate School

Taemin Han, Harvest Park MS

Lucas Huang, Harvest Park MS

Benjamin Nguyen, Western Sierra Collegiate Academy

Audrey Stacy, Winston Churchill MS

Lucas Vash-Munoz, Redwood MS (Saratoga)

Chengxun Yang, Jeffrey Trail MS


Eva Hsu, Harvest Park MS

Dylan Kim, Folsom MS

Yannai Richter, Union MS

Iris Tang, Windemere Ranch MS

Akhilesh Vijayaraghavan, Bernardo Heights MS


James DiMaggio, Willows Intermediate School

Celina Fam, Ramirez Intermediate School

Fiona Yang, South Pointe MS


Sam Hardy, Albany MS

Vincent Kim, Venado MS

Changbyung Lee, Cadence Park K-8 School

Damian Lee, Orchard Hills MS

Aiden Limon, Granite Ridge Intermediate School

Evelyn Mangers, Mesa Verde MS

Shashank Manu, Windemere Ranch MS

Leah Mollner, Palms MS

Lev Novo-Lake, La Canada HS

Sarah Suel, Carmel Valley MS

Kai Tangherlini, Albany MS

Yinan Yuan, Harvest Park MS

Lexing Zhou, Horner MS

Max Zimmer, Chilton MS


Owen Askew, Harvard-Westlake School (Los Angeles)

Sadie Carroll, Rancho del Rey MS

Asuka Matsuura, Central MS (San Carlos)

Diya Rao, Windemere Ranch MS

Parker Reyes, Ralston MS

Emma Ueng, Redwood MS (Saratoga)

Abby Yan, South Pointe MS

Richard Zhang, Hyde MS

Elwen Zhao, Joaquin Miller MS


Christabel Choi, Orange County School of the Arts

Ronen Fenton, Harvest Park MS

Alex Gormley, Norris MS

Henry Iwamoto, Easterbrook Discovery School

Louis Liu, South Pointe MS

Benjamin Lozano, Clark Intermediate School

River Mayes, Winters MS

Arun Murugappan, Horner MS

David Oh, Bret Harte MS

Mukund Rao, Harvest Park MS

Daniel Yoo, Jeffrey Trail MS

Elias Yun, D. Russell Parks Junior HS


William Guo, South Pointe MS

Rami Hassanieh, Redwood MS (Thousand Oaks)

Zander Yu, Piedmont MS

Ethan Yue, Pacific Trails MS


Kenneth Huang, Itliong-Vera Cruz MS

Yiyeon Jin, Dartmouth MS

Dillynn Luther, Alder Creek MS

Vaishnavi Nishtala, Joaquin Miller MS

Samuel Partovi, Rincon Valley MS

Neil Singhvi, Jane Lathrop Stanford MS

Adwitya Sood, John F. Kennedy MS

Bryce Ye, Burlingame Intermediate School

Elizabeth Zhang, Burlingame Intermediate School


Ian Chang, Joaquin Miller MS

Rajendra Gorrepati, John F. Kennedy MS

Owen Monasmith, Roosevelt MS

Sudhouth Navarathna, Lawson MS

Benjamin Zaientz, South Pointe MS

Iris Zhu, Valley Christian Junior High

All-State Junior High School Sympohonic Band Rachel Maxwell

Traughber Junior High School

Rachel Maxwell currently serves as the Director of Bands at Traughber Junior High School and has served as the Junior High Band Coordinator for SD #308 in Oswego, IL. She has taught music education courses at VanderCook College of Music in Chicago and North Central College in Naperville, IL, and has been invited to be a guest conductor, clinician, and adjudicator at a number of music camps and festivals nationally including the Music for All National Summer Symposium, the NC All-State Middle School Band, ISYM at the Univ. of Illinois, Il State Univ. Junior High Camp and several ILMEA District Level Festivals. Mrs. Maxwell has degrees from Illinois State University (BME), The University of Illinois (MME), Aurora University (MAEL) and completed additional coursework in team-building, leadership, and working with diverse students. She is currently a Doctor of Musical Arts student at Boston University.

Mrs. Maxwell taught band in the West Aurora School District (1993-95) and in the Oswego School District (1995-present). A proponent of new music for young bands, she is part of the team from Oswego SD #308 that commissioned and premiered Sheltering Sky by John Mackey, Sol ye Sombra by Donald Grantham, Atmosphere by Scott McAllister, Our Cast Aways by Julie Giroux, and Dream of Ember, Dream of Star by David Biedenbender, and an upcoming work by Omar Thomas (2024). She independently commissioned a setting of L’Inglesina arr by Andrew Hunter, A Darkening Twilight Sky by Kent Baker, Blackstar Alpha by JaRod Hall, and an upcoming work by Katahj Copley for 2024.

Maxwell is also involved in several consortium commissions: Shubuduba by Dana Wilson, The N-BEAM Group, Garden Suite by Randall Standridge, Float by Roy Magnuson, Love and Light by Brian Balmages, Unspoken by Katahj Copley, The Salt March by Aakash Mittal, a new Alex Shapiro Consortium, a Haley Woodrow Consortium Project TBA, The Next

Music Project Consortium (with Joni Greene, Ivette Herryman Rodriguez, Aaron Perrine), and Consortium for Native Composers by Keith Secola. She is a founding member of The Kneel Consortium. Under her direction the bands at Traughber JHS have received national acclaim and have performed at The Midwest Clinic (two clinic presentations and one rehearsal lab group), the Illinois Music Educators Association All State Conference (three formal concerts and four clinic presentations), the University of Illinois Super-state Festival and at the ASBDA National Convention.

Rachel Maxwell is a member of the The National Association of Music Education, Illinois Music Educators Association, American School Band Directors Association, National Band Association, National Council of Supervisors of Music Education, Pi Kappa Lambda, Phi Beta Mu and a number of honor societies. She is a multiple year nominee for the Music Educator Grammy Award, 5 time recipient of the National Band Association Citation of Excellence, Chicago-land Outstanding Music Educator Award, National Recipient of the Jim Ott (Drum Corps International) Scholarship, ASBDA/UMI Outstanding Young Band Director Award-Junior High Division for the North Central Region of the United States and a Golden Apple nominee.

All-State Jr. High School Symphonic Band Students


Crystal Zhao, South Pointe MS


Sarah Feigenbaum, Orange County School of the Arts

Emma Fu, Ramirez Intermediate School

Sabrina Hu, Winston Churchill MS

Lyric Huang, Sierra Vista MS

Mason Jeong, Sierra Vista MS

Subin Jung, Sierra Vista MS

Ellie Kim, Orange County School of the Arts

Annabel Lin, Rancho San Joaquin MS

Annabelle Lo, Chaboya MS

Grace Onishi, Mesa Verde MS

Huixin Shi, Joaquin Miller MS

Melody Shi, South Pointe MS


Ethan Lee, Hyde MS

Olivia Park, Orange County School of the Arts

Yoon-Jae Park, Hyde MS

Stephanie Zhou, Chaparral MS (Diamond Bar)


Min Kim, St. Raymond School

Cecilia Lara, San Marcos MS

Hannah Ryu, Oak Valley MS

Juliet Zhu, South Pointe MS


Daniel Ahn, Orange County School of the Arts

Annabelle Baek, Orange County School of the Arts

Chloe Baek, Orange County School of the Arts

Nicholas Baltasar, Winston Churchill MS

Alex Bang, Union MS

Chieh-Hsin Chao, Cupertino MS

Daniel Chung, Sierra Vista MS

Jaden Hong, Jeffrey Trail MS

Nigel Huang, John F. Kennedy MS

Ryan Kim, Hyde MS

Stella Kim, Orange County School of the Arts

Claire Kuo, South Pointe MS

Ryan Kwong, Jane Lathrop Stanford MS

Gwang-Yu Lee, Carmel Valley MS

Hayoon Lee, Cadence Park K-8 School

Jayden Lee, Hyde MS

Jihu Lee, Orange County School of the Arts

Bryce McArn, Lincoln MS

Jimin Oh, Joaquin Miller MS

Olivia Salzberg-Rona, Natomas Charter School

Cameron Sheu, South Pointe MS

Minjoon Suh, Harvest Park MS

Joseph Sung, Fremont Christian School

Haobo Xu, Day Creek Intermediate School

Zhenni Xu, Santa Rosa Technology Magnet School

Austin Yang, South Pointe MS

Honghen Yun, Carmel Valley MS

Chloe Zhang, El Cerrito MS


George Chuan, Orange County School of the Arts

Praneel Sharma, Cupertino MS

Karson Tsai, Harvest Park MS


Chia-Wei Hsiao, Los Cerritos MS

Jude Lee, South Pointe MS

Maximus Mar, Chaparral MS (Diamond Bar)

Aiden Shan, Harvest Park MS

Eli Singleman, Winston Churchill MS

Max Wang, South Pointe MS


Brayden Lee, Ramirez Intermediate School

Anish Surpur, Windemere Ranch MS

Lucas Weng, South Pointe MS


Zoe Clancy, Laguna MS

Nathan To, South Pointe MS


Anderson Burns, Clark Intermediate School

Ahana Chakraborti, Thomas S Hart MS

Gloria Chen, Pacific Trails MS

Cash Ferrato, Citrus Hills Intermediate School

Evan Kim, Pacific Trails MS

Tony Lee, Orange County School of the Arts

Eojin Lim, William Hopkins Jr HS

Cylas Lovett, Rio Vista MS

Michael Lozano, Clark Intermediate School

Tomo Nagasaki, Orange County School of the Arts

Emma Poloyan, Redwood MS (Thousand Oaks)

Andrew Xie, Ralston MS


Lucas Chen, Jane Lathrop Stanford MS

Linnae Knutson, Laguna MS

Nathan Kuo, South Pointe MS

Andrew Metcalfe, Price Charter MS

Charles Nord, John Adams MS

Yuxin Peng, Rancho San Joaquin MS

Gurshan Singh, Raymond Cree MS

Brandon Tang, South Pointe MS


Charlotte Allen, Mill Valley MS

Malakai Arca, Itliong-Vera Cruz MS

Collette Cruz, Twin Peaks MS

Natalie Dechary, Orange County School of the Arts

Elryck Domingo, Itliong-Vera Cruz MS

Chance Hopkins, Windemere Ranch MS

Marcus Jephson, Rosedale MS

Francisco Lozano, East Whittier MS

Nathan Sung, Sierra Vista MS

Connor Yi, Redwood MS (Saratoga)


Tabitha Anderson, Cupertino MS

Eun Kwak, Sierra Vista MS

Noah Lee, Cupertino MS

Maria Paraskevopoulos, Carmel Valley MS


Derek Daguio, Itliong-Vera Cruz MS

Sriram Gelle, Windemere Ranch MS

Jaimee Lee, Walter Reed MS

Nora Stone, Hale Charter Academy

Emma Tsai, South Pointe MS

Hayley Wei, R.J. Fisher MS


Jack Jordling, Winters MS

Andrew Li, Pinewood School

Samanyu Rao, Lawson MS

Samyatha Rao, Lawson MS

Kevin Sabol, Lawson MS

Maddix Trey Saplan, South Pointe MS

Kenny Zhi, Stratford Preparatory School

FeaturedPerforming Groups

Thursday, January 16, 2025

5:00 PM

Convention Center - A1

Harvest Park Middle School Wind Ensemble

Patrick Dandrea, Director

5:00 PM

St. John’s Cathedral

Los Gatos High School Treble Choir

Maricel Riley, Director

5:30 PM

St. John’s Cathedral

Bonita High School Chamber Singers

Ryan Yoder, Director

Friday, January 17, 2025

9:00 AM

Convention Center - A1

Monta Vista High School Chamber Orchestra

John Gilchrist, Director

10:00 AM

St. John’s Cathedral

Albany High School Chamber Singers

Kate Huizinga, Music Director

10:30 AM

St. John’s Cathedral

San Diego State University Chamber Choir

Dr. Arian Khaefi, Director

1:00 PM

Convention Center - A1

Clovis East High School Wind Ensemble

Scott Downs, Director

3:00 PM

Convention Center - A1

Rancho Buena Vista High School Wind Ensemble

Eric Weirather, Director

4:30 PM

St. John’s Cathedral

Fresno City College City Singers

Dr. Jennifer Hansen Heder, Director

5:00 PM

Convention Center - A1

University of the Pacific Wind Bands

Dr. Vu Nguyen, Director

Saturday, January 18, 2025

9:00 AM

Convention Center - A1

Chaparral Middle School Sinfonia

Taylor Barr, Director

1:00 PM

Convention Center - A1

Sacramento State University

Vocal Jazz Ensemble

Gaw Vang Williams, Director

4:00 PM

Convention Center - A1

Sacramento State University

Jazz Ensemble I

Dr. Greg Johnson, Director

Elementary Showcase

Thursday, January 16, 2025

Sacramento Safe Credit Union - Ballroom A1

9:00 AM

BCSD Elementary Orchestra

Colonel Nichols Elementary, Bakersfield City School District

Crystal Walker

9:30 AM

GO Stage Gators

Grand Oaks Elementary School, San Juan Unified School District

Sarah Brown and Shelby Medlin

10:00 AM

Ferris Spanger 4/5 Combo Orff Ensemble

Ferris Spanger Elementary School, Roseville City School District

Jess Suderman

10:30 AM

Eastin-Arcola Wildcats

Eastin-Arcola Elementary, Madera Unified School District

Sarah Ausley 11:00 AM

Riego Creek Ensemble

Riego Creek Elementary School, Roseville City School District

Stephanie Tomicich 11:30 AM

St. Helena Elementary School 5th Grade Orff Ensemble

St. Helena Elementary School, St. Helena Unified School District

Brandon Binder

Harvest Park Middle School Wind Ensemble

Los Gatos High School Treble Choir

Maricel Riley, Director

Bonita High School Echoes of the Spirit

Monta Vista High School Chamber Orchestra

Albany High School Chamber Singers

Kate Huizinga, Director


San Diego State University Chamber

Beyond the Caravan

Dr. Arian Khaefi, Director

Friday, January 17, 10:30 AM

St John’s Cathedral


Goli Az Dast Beraft

Dokhtar-e Boyer-Ahmadi

Golnoush Khaleghi, ed. Daniel Reza Sabzghabaei 1979, ed. 2024 daniel reza d.sabz@

Daniel Reza Sabzghabaei 2017 self-published by the composer, daniel reza d.sabz@

Arr.Rubik Gregorian, ed. Daniel Reza Sabzghabaei

Clovis East High School Wind Ensemble

Scott Downs, Director


Rancho Buena Vista High School Wind Ensemble

Fresno City College City Singers

Dr. Jennifer Hansen Heder, Director

University of the Pacific Wind Bands

Dr. Vu Nguyen, Director


Chaparral Middle School Sinfonia

Taylor Barr, Director

Sacramento State University Vocal Jazz Ensemble Gaw

Vang Williams, Director

Sacramento State University Jazz Ensemble

Dr. Greg Johnson, Director

Acknowledgements Thank You


Trish Adams


Ryan Dirlam


Jeff Detlefsen


Barb Shinaver


Johnny Sandler


Katie Gilchrist


Yasmine Brackens


Michael Tackett


Benji Gonzalez


Katie Takahashi


Adam Wilke


Tara Adams

Ruben Amavisca

Andy Leyva


Jonathon Angeles - Manager

Lizabeth Figueroa

Andrew Mendoza

Daniel Murray

Juan Rodriguez

Michael Russel


Ashley Crow

Katie Carbajal


Tyler Buer

Spencer Jepson

David Tinajero


J.W. Pepper


Jennifer Heder


Molly Peters

Kristina Nakagawa


William Zinn


Jenni Garderlund

Susanna Peeples


Susie Martone


Will Melendez


Jesse Lopez

Emmanuel Arredondo

Garrett Berge

David Hernandez


Lawrence Huang

Johnathan Hsu


Brandon Muhawi


Alfred Publishing

Anchor Music Publishing

Excelcia Music Publishing

Hal Leonard Publishing

Yamaha Corporation


Ella Fitzgerald Charitable Foundation

Yamaha Corporation


Amy Villanova


Valerie Lee

Brant Nishida


Amie Jan


Miguel Chicas, JHS SATB Choir

Jennifer Meregini , HS SATB Choir

Andrew Lu, JHS SSAA Choir

Amanda Isaac, HS TTBB Choir

Adam Serpa, HS SSAA Choir

Mark Lee, HS Wind Symphony

Shane Ryan, HS Symphonic Band

Kimberly Gonzalez, HS Concert Band

Christian Lozano, HS Golden State Band

Shoko Nagami, JHS Symphonic Band

Brent Williams, JHS Concert Band

Adam Green, HS Symphony Orchestra

Lotan Yeung, HS String Orchestra

Sandra Na, JHS String Orchestra

Marissa Staffero JHS Concert Orchestra

Michael Gutierrez, HS Jazz Band

Maricela Navarro, HS Jazz Choir

Kilan Thorns, JHS Jazz Band


Kellie Formanek, HS Wind Symphony

Ramiro Sanchez, HS Symphonic Band

Kosta Kutay, HS Concert Band

Kyle Callan, HS Golden State Band

Panithi Kachinthorni, JHS Symphonic Band

Dustin Bear, JHS Concert Band

Ivy Vigil, HS Symphony Orchestra

Sherry Vakharia, HS String Orchestra

Kerry Li, JHS String Orchestra

Cameron Muldrow, JHS Concert Orchestra


John Gilchrist-Head

Michael Veizades -Assistant


Niles Flynn,, HS Wind Symphony

Jeffrey Marcos, HS Symphony Orchestra

Chris Hoefflinger, HS Symphonic Band

Monte Eoff, HS Concert Band

Justin Griffin, HS Golden State Band

James Tran, JHS Symphonic Band

Adriel Flores, JHS Concert Band


Harlee Balajadia - Courtyard & DoubleTree

Joshua Bell - Hyatt

Kao Sheng Vang - Sheraton


Eleace Zachary


Harlee Balajadia


Steven York, HS TTBB Choir

Kaitlin Chheng, JHS SSAA Choir

Sammy Salvador, JHS SATB Choir

Hailey Hurd , HS SSAA Choir

Ariel Bañuelos, HS SATB Choir


Pablo Acosta

Morgan Armas

Akoni Bacungan

Madison Chamberlain

Chloe Chiang

Nina Crecia

Liisa Davila

Don Del Barrio

Jacob Ellis

Lincy Fernando

Jacob Gomez

Jakob Hesse

Samantha Ibay

Nick Jamero

Lindsey Lacanilao

Milena Leonis

Chan Ng

Jennifer Olson

Hannah Park

Justin Parron

Cyrus Payne

Dustin Peng

Luke Pirruccello

Alondra Ramirez

Ben Reyes

Veronica Torres

Marty Torres

Michael Torres

Mico Valenzuela

Quintessa Wedell

Owen Williams

Austin Zhuang


Dani Santana, HS Wind Symphony

Emma Crawford, HS Symphonic Band

Camryn Deisman, HS Concert Band

Owen Richards, HS Golden State Band

Emma Marie Surdilla, JHS Symphonic Band

Lupe Ramon, JHS Concert Band

Catrina Currier, HS Symphony Orchestra

Julian Dohi, HS String Orchestra

Felicity Marple, JHS String Orchestra

Aaron Colon, JHS Concert Orchestra

Connor Buckley - HS Jazz Band

Jasmin Alvarez - HS Jazz Choir

Patricia Malimali- JHS Jazz Band


Madison Berchtold

David Moffatt

Sarah Moffatt

Emma Crawford

Tu Han Huynh

Erick Aguilon

Maeve (MJ) Urban

Megan Nguyen

Shreyasi Sharma

Ben Cooper

John Bhaskar

Ralitsa Dimitrova

Joanne Oliveira

Jennifer Nolan

Sabrina Ghulam

Elise James

Ryan Gurule

Meghan Metcalfe

Liming Jin

Zheng Zhang

Dillon Pringle

Viraj Sonawala

Cheryl Luther

Ho Yun

Lorena Arízaga

Eun Joo Lee

Johannes Eberhart

Cindy Fitzgerald

Julie Yang

Abraham Villarreal

Seung Kyung Yang

Sang Lee

Journey Poe

Kristy Sun

Hyunhae Shin

SungMin Jin

Roberta Wong

Yan Qi


Crystal Palencia

Aracely Duran

Jacky Huang

Kristi Scoubes


Cari Earnhart

Stacey Kikkawa

Tammi Alderman

Hillary Ngo

Robert Davis

John Sorber

Scot Hanna Weir


Jeff Dougherty - Visit Sacramento

David Jones - Safe Credit Union Convention Center

Jennifer Mann, Isabelle Newcomb, Jessica Neal - Hyatt


Jessie Mcadams - Sheraton

Lisa Cortez - Convention Center Event Coordinator

Mark Stotzer


Crystal Velasco - Sodexo Live!

Jeff Queen - Yamaha

Linda Baldwin - St. John’s

Sacramento State University

Jeanette Tackett - JH Tackett



Previous All-State Conductors

1979 El Cajon FREDERICK FENNELL, University of Miami

DAVID GOEDECKE, University of the Pacific

1980 Stockton FRANCIS McBETH, Ouachita University

WILLIAM JOHNSON, Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo

CSU Los Angeles

, CSU Chico

1984 Santa Cruz FRANK BENCRISCUTTO, University of Minnesota


1985 Santa Monica FRANCIS McBETH, Ouachita University


1986 Oxnard JOHN PAYNTER, Northwestern University

LeROY ROACH, CSU San Francisco

1987 San Jose FREDERICK FENNELL, University of Miami


1988 El Cajon COL. ARNOLD GABRIEL, George Mason University


1989 Stockton EUGENE CORPORON, University of Cincinnati


1990 Oxnard FRANCIS McBETH, Ouachita University

GARY PRATT, CSU Northridge

1991 Fresno DANIEL HIESTAND, CSU Chico

ROBERT HALSETH, University of the Pacific

1992 Bakersfield DAVID GOEDECKE, CSU Stanislaus


1993 Pasadena COL. JOHN BOURGEOIS, U.S. Marine Band


1994 Fresno TIMOTHY SMITH, CSU Hayward

WILLIAM JOHNSON, Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo

1995 Oxnard FRANCIS McBETH, Ouachita University

MALLORY THOMPSON, University of South Florida

1996 Stockton EDWARD HARRIS, CSU Stanislaus


1997 Bakersfield JOHAN DE MEIJ, Composer, Amsterdam, Holland

ELLIOT DEL BORGO, Composer, Cape Vincent, NY

1998 Fresno ROBERT HALSETH, CSU Sacramento

JAMES BARNES, University of Kansas

1999 Fresno MALLORY THOMPSON, Northwestern University

JACK STAMP, Indiana University of Pennsylvania

2000 Fresno H. ROBERT REYNOLDS, University of Michigan




2002 Fresno CRAIG KIRCHHOFF, University of Minnesota


JOHN ANDERSON, Monterey Peninsula College

2003 Fresno ALLAN McMURRAY, University of Colorado

ERIC HAMMER, University of the Pacific


DEBORAH SHELDON, Temple University

2004 Fresno EUGENE CORPORON, University of North Texas

RAY CRAMER, Indiana University

EDWARD HARRIS, San Jose State University


DON MCLAURIN, Western State College

2005 Fresno ROBERT PONTO, University of Oregon


JOHN MALTESTER, Los Medanos College

JAMES SWEARINGEN, Capital University

ANDREA STRAUSS, Georgia Institute of Technology


2006 Fresno THOMAS LEE, UCLA

GARY HILL, Arizona State University

MERYL WAMHOFF, Santa Rosa Junior College

CYNTHIA HUTTON, Southern Oregon University


JOHN FEDCHOCK, Composer, New York

2007 Fresno GLENN PRICE, University of Calgary

TIM SALZMAN, University of Washington



RAMIRO BARRERA, James Logan High School

PATRICK WILLIAMS, Henry Mancini Institute

2008 Fresno MARK CAMPHOUSE, George Mason University

ROBERT HALSETH, Sacramento State University

MARCELLUS BROWN, Boise State University

ROBERT W. SMITH, C.L. Barnhouse Co.


CHUCK OWEN, University of South Florida

2009 Fresno MALLORY THOMPSON, Northwestern University

A.G. McGRANNAHAN, University of Nevada, Reno

LORAS JOHN SCHISSEL, Cleveland Symphonic Winds

TIMOTHY SMITH, Contra Costa Chamber Orchestra

TOM COLE, Rancho Bernardo High School

STEVE OWEN, University of Oregon

2010 Fresno MARK DAVIS SCATTERDAY, Eastmen School of Music

DAVID GILLINGHAM, Central Michigan University

PETER LOEL BOONSHAFT, Hofstra University



ELLEN ROWE, University of Michigan

2011 Fresno JERRY JUNKIN, The University of Texas, Austin

JUNG-HO PAK, Orchestra Nova




NORM DEA, Acalanes High School

FRED STURM, Lawrence University

DARMON MEADER, New York Voices

2012 Fresno GARY GREEN, The University of Miami

DANIEL BOICO, Formerly New York Philharmonic

TIMOTHY MAHR, St. Olaf College

ROBERT FELLER, Biola University

MATTHEW LUTTRELL, University of Texas, Arlington

ANDY COLLINSWORTH, Sonoma State University

STEVE WEIST, University of North Texas

JEREMY FOX, Vocal Jazz Arranger

2013 Fresno CRAIG KIRCHHOFF, University of Minnesota

RAYMOND HARVEY, Kalamazoo Symphony

ROBERT PONTO, University of Oregon

SCOTT HAGAN, University of Utah

ERIC HAMMER, University of the Pacific

MICHAEL STONE, Bakersfield City Schools

LOUIS BERGONZI, University of Illinois


JAMIE SHEW, Fullerton College

2014 Fresno ALLAN MCMURRAY, University of Colorado

KENNETH KIESLER, University of Michigan

TONY MAZZAFARRO, Fullerton College

FRANK TRACZ, Kansas State University

CHERYL FLOYD, Hill County Middle School

ANGELA WOO, John Adams Middle School

RICAHARD MEYER, Pasadena Youth Symphony

JOEY SELLERS, Saddleback College


PAUL LUCCKESI, Buchanan Education Center

2015 Fresno JOHN CARNAHAN, CSU Long Beach


KEVIN SEDATOLE, Michigan State University

SHANNON KITELINGER, San Diego State University

DAVID GORHAM, Owasso High School

JAMES MAZZAFERRO, Sheldon High School

E. DANIEL LONG, Ann Arbor School of the Arts

JOHN DAVERSA, University of Miami

JENNIFER BARNES, University of North Texas

CRAIG BRYANT, Albany High School

2016 San Jose MALLORY THOMPSON, Northwestern University

JUNG-HO PAK, Cape Cod Symphony

GARY HILL, Arizona State University

SHARON LAVERY, University of Southern California

RICHARD SAUCEDO, Carmel High School


SOO HAN, Carmel High School

BILL BITTER, Highland High School

KATE REID, University of Miami

STEVE ROACH, Sacramento State University

JUSTIN PADILLA, Oak Middle School

2017 San Jose

EUGENE CORPORON, North Texas State University

KEVIN NOE, Michigan State University


PETER LOEL BOONSHAFT, Hofstra University

MICHAEL BOITZ, Saratoga High School

2017 San Jose JONATHAN GRANTHAM, Amador Valley High School (continued)



GEORGE STONE, Cuesta College

BARB CATLIN-BERGERON, Caltech and Pasadena City College


2018 San Jose EMILY THREINEN, University of Minnesota

EDWIN OUTWATER, Kitchener-Waterloo Symphony

EDWARD HARRIS, San Jose State University



JOHN BURN, Homestead High School

JONATHAN GLAWE, Pioneer High School

MARILYN KESLER, Suzuki Director

DANA LANDRY, University of Northern Colorado

MIKE GALISATUS, College of San Mateo


ANTHONY TRECEK-KING, Boston Children’s Choir


Presbyterian Church

KEVIN FENTON, Florida State University

PAUL RARDIN, Temple University

2019 Fresno ANTHONY MAIELLO, George Mason University

GREG JASPERSE, Western Michigan University

FRANK TRACZ, Kansas State University


JAMES SMART, University of Montana

REED CHAMBERLIN, University of Nevada Reno


WILLIAM LARUE JONES, University of Iowa

ROB TAPPER, University of Montana

LES NUNES, Clovis High School


2020 Fresno KEVIN SEDATOLE, Michigan State University

REI HOTADA, Fresno Philharmonic

CODY BIRDWELL, University of Kentucky

RODNEY DORSEY, Indiana University

TIMOTHY HARRIS, Chabot College


SAYRA SIVERSON, Albuquerque Youth Symphony

WILLIAM DICK, Retired Austin ISD

DAN GAILEY, University of Kansas

JOHN ZIMNY, Folsom and Sutter Middle Schools


PEARL SHANGKUAN, Calvin University

JANET GALVÁN, Ithaca College

JEFFERY L. AMES, Belmont University


2021 Virtual GARY GILROY, CSU Fresno

ROBERT MOODY, Memphis Symphony Orchestra

ROBY GEORGE, Indiana State University

ELIZABETH PETERSON, University of Illinois


MARY LAND, Western Michigan University

ROBERT BALDWIN, University of Utah


PAUL LUCCKESI, Fresno City College

KIM NAZARIAN, Sacramento State University

ANTHONY TRECEK-KING, University of Hartford

AMANDA QUIST, University Of Miami


JUDY BOWERS, University of Louisiana Monroe

2022 Fresno CYNTHIA JOHNSON TURNER, Wilfrid Laurier University

ORIOL SANS, University of Wisconsin-Madison

MARCELLUS BROWN, Boise StateUniversity

VU NGUYEN, University of the Pacific



KAYOKO DAN, Sam Houston University

LASAUNDRA BOOTH, Wake Forest Community Youth

REBECCA MACLEOD, University of North Carolina


DAVE BEATTY, Azusa Pacific University


MIKE FALKER, Mira Costa College

JEFFREY REDDING, University of Central Florida

JACE SAPLAN, University of Hawai’i at Mānoa


FELICIA BARBER, Westfield State University

2023 Fresno GARY GILROY, CSU Fresno

GISELE BEN-DOR, Santa Barbara Symphony

ROBY GEORGE, Indiana State University



MARY LAND, Western Michigan University

MARK LAYLOCK, Wichita State University

ANGELA AMMERMANN, George Mason University

ADRIAN GORDON, Providence Day School

CURTIS GAESSER, Folsom/Cordova School District

BRIAN MCNAIR, Alta Loma High School

GAW VANG WILLIAMS, Sacramento State University

BETSY COOK WEBER, University of Houston

LYNNEL JOY JENKINS, Westminster Choir College

JEFFERSON JOHNSON, University of Kentucky

CONNIE DROSAKIS, Bak Middle School of the Arts


2024 Sacramento DAMON TALLEY, Louisiana State University

CHAOWEN TING, Georgia Institute of Technology


SHELLY JAGOW, Wright State University


MJ WAMHOFF, Delta College

ADAM WILKE, James Logan High School

SELIM GIRAY, University of Mississippi


CRESTON HERRON, University of Kansas

PATRICK LANGHAM, University of the Pacific

ROBERT HARRELL, Oak Middle School

KIM NAZARIAN, Ithaca College

JULIE YU, Oklahoma City University

ELISA MACEDO DEKANEY, Syracuse University

TROY ROBERTSON, Tarleton State University

MARY BIDDLECOMBE, Vanderbilt Blair Academuy

BRANDON WILLIAMS, Rutgers University

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