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News from the Northstate!!
If you are new to the CBDA organization, an introduction is in order. The NORTHERN CALIFORNIA BAND AND CHOIR DIRECTORS ASSOCIATION, is an organization of music teachers in the area of the state north of highways 80 and 50 in Norcal. Our main mission is to provide world class music experiences in the form of honor ensembles for the high school music students of our members.
Rotating between CSUs Sonoma, Chico and Humboldt, we host an annual honor event, featuring Honor Concert Band, Honor Concert Choir, Honor Jazz Ensemble and Honor Jazz Choir, all conducted by the top educators from all over the country.
NorCal is looking forward to bouncing back after two years of on-site events. We are very fortunate to be hosting some premieres of compositions for all of our ensembles in the next few years as we celebrate major milestones in the form of 60 years of our concert band and 30 years of Honor Concert choir. Further details to come, but one the we do know…. NorCal honor band and choir weekend WILL be back in full force in 2023.
In addition to getting back to business as usual, we are grateful to finally be expanding beyond our single weekend and into clinics for both students and teachers alike happening in the fall semester. We are looking forward to working with our host universities and other organizations to utilize professional instrumental clinicians to work with our students, and also helping our teaching members to address areas of interest at fall clinics.
Again, more information and specifics to follow.
NCBCDA is proud and grateful to be working alongside CBDA to help build back our music programs. Health and good luck to all!
Casson Scowcroft
Northern California Band and Choir Directors Association Representative Director of Bands, Pleasant Valley High School