1 minute read
From the Past President
structure that works, and launching in a time where schools are rebuilding, they were spectacular.
While at times I feel limited with the opportunities in my regular 9-5 (more like 7am-11pm) position, CBDA has provided me the opportunity to grow as a professional, network with amazing conductors, teachers, and performers, and meet some of my biggest inspirations and mentors. I have loved interacting with so many in our profession and especially those outside of my expertise. Serving alongside the presidents of CODA, CAJ, CCDA, and CMEA has been amazing, and the relationships I’ve made with people in those other organizations have been second to none. It is so amazing to see systems and procedures we brainstormed and put into place years ago continue to adapt and be used to serve our All-State students and colleagues.
I would be remiss if I didn’t say that absolutely none of this would even have been a possibility without the support of my amazing better half. Mary has picked up the slack when I am away for weeks at a time, done bedtimes alone as I’m on the 4th Zoom call of the week planning out the upcoming All-State or big project for CBDA, and far more.
While slightly relieved of the stress load lifting, I am also extremely humbled and a bit sad to be on my way off of this board and leadership position. I look forward to spending the next two years as Immediate Past President helping to encourage new board members to continue the traditions of greatness, look for ways to grow and change, and continue our amazing goal of supporting band directors and their students in California.
Thank you California Band Directors Association,