r e t t Be
S L L I K S B JO E LIF March 2014
Monthly News Bulletin of DB Tech Society
Guest Lecture for Automobile Domain Students at DB Tech (Muzaffarpur, Bihar)
A guest lecture was organized to provide a better understanding to the Automobile students at DB Tech (Muzaffarpur, Bihar) on February 28, 2014. Mr. Suman Kumar (Manager, Farmer Tractors Pvt. Ltd, Bihar) was invited as the resource person to deliver the lecture. He started the session by asking the students about the difference between working of Diesel & Petrol Engine. Trainees involved themselves by answering whatever they could. Based on the inputs shared by students, Mr. Suman discussed the topics elaborately and made them understood. He also briefed them on working responsibility and time management, which is extremely important for students to sustain at the workplace. He informed the trainees about several things that a person should know to work successfully in Automobile sector. Trainees were quite convinced to learn after hearing real life experience being shared by the resource person. The session was concluded with a questionnaire session that clarified many of the trainees’ doubt. At last, one of the trainers at DB Tech (Muzaffarpur, Bihar) thanked the resource person for giving his precious time and sharing knowledge.
Batch Inauguration and Parents Meet at DB Tech (Harmutty, Assam)
BASE – Corporate Project Inaugurated at DB Tech (Hubli, Karnataka)
Exposure Visit to Enhance Practical Knowledge on Retail Business
Batch inauguration cum parents meet was organized at DB Tech (Harmutty, Assam) on March 7, 2014. Fr. Shantilal (Parish Priest, Harmutty) was invited as the Chief Guest for the day; and Mrs. Aunjoyti (Panchayat President, Harmutty) was the Guest of Honor. A cultural program was organized, wherein students performed on stage. The invitees and parents were happy to see children performing so well. The Chief Guest was impressed to see the tremendous change taken place among the students and encouraged them to carry on with the same enthusiasm in the coming days of training. Mrs. Aunjoyti was contented to learn about this special programme for training unemployed youth. She encouraged the trainees to learn and do well in the training and spread the message further to their friends to join this vocational training. Later in her speech, she addressed parents by encouraging them to send their children for training regularly. After the inauguration programme, DB Tech trainers and Fr. Lazarus (Center In-charge) met trainees’ parents and clarified many of their doubts. In the meeting, parents shared their views and queries about their children’s future. The programme ended with trainees themselves sharing their experience and the changes occurred in them from the time they have joined the training.
The Inauguration the 12th batch for job oriented skill training courses under the aegis of DB Tech - Corporate projects began with great enthusiasm at Don Bosco Auditorium Sutgatti (Hubli) on March 7, 2014. Mr. Deepak N S (HR Personnel, Taj Gateway, Hubli) was invited as Chief Guest for the occasion. Other dignitaries present at the function included Fr. Leandro (Rector and Principal, Don Bosco Academy) and Fr. Leo Pereira (Center In-Charge, DB Tech, Hubli) Bro. Joseph, Mr. Mallikarjun and Mr. Keshav along with the trainers. Rev. Fr. Leandro Gracias in his presidential address said, “Don Bosco NGO has been in India since 1906; and its main focus has been to serve the youngsters from poor and less fortunate backgrounds.” Speaking to the trainees on this occasion, he urged them saying, “Many youngsters have placed their trust in this programme and are today successful in life.” They have secured a respectable place not just in their family but also in their village and in the society at large. He encouraged the students to take complete advantage of the training facilities offered and secure a respectful livelihood. Mr. Deepak in his address spoke of the partnership of Taj Group of Hotels with Don Bosco Tech (DB Tech) and linkages in other states like Kerala, Maharashtra, Goa, etc. He later spoke of the opportunities available once the students have completed their training. He said that the training imparted by Don Bosco all over India is commendable and very much appreciated. A few questions were put on the floor to clarify the doubts by the trainees. Keshav (BPO Trainer, DB Tech, Hubli) then proposed the vote of thanks on behalf of the entire staff and students of DB Tech.
On February 4, 2014, DB Tech (Manikandam, Tamil Nadu) organized an exposure visit for the students undertaking three months skill training in Retail Management. Around 30 students participated and reached the threshold of Spencer Mega Mart, which is located at the Bharadhidasan Salai (Annamalai Nagar, Trichy). The students got the opportunity to meet different types of vendors and clarified their doubts in order to enhance their knowledge with regard to various aspects of Retail Management. The visit helped them to understand several things such as how to deal with different kinds of customers, behavior and conduct of customers, bargaining techniques, tactics of approaching a customer, convincing customers to buy the products by enlightening them regarding the quality aspect, methods of Sales and Marketing and trade secrets. The students were satisfied with the exposure visit. Students gave different feedback regarding the exposure visit. One of the students said, “Direct field exposure based on the Retail Management is highly knowledgeable. Interaction with different types of vendors/customers bestows a practical idea of dealing with different mindsets. It is a great opportunity for understanding the technocommercial aspects of the retail products and negotiation skills involved in Retail Management.”
Inaugural Ceremony and Parents Meet at DB Tech (Hospet, Karnataka) March 10, 2014 was the special day for the students of DB Tech (Hospet) for the reason that it was the day of inauguration and parents meet, where all the parents & students were gathered. Miss. Evelyn started the program with a small introduction and a prayer song. After that Fr. Sebastian (Principal, DB Tech – Hospet) welcomed Fr. Lawrence (Rector, DB Tech – Hospet), Fr. Sijju (Administrator), Mr. Rajendra Prasad (Engineer), Mr. Somasheksr (Architect) and the students and complete staff. Fr. Lawrence along with other dignitaries inaugurated the batch by lighting the lamp. Fr. Sijju, Fr. Lawrence and Mr. Somashekar gave a selfmotivated speech to the parents and the students, which motivated them to get more involved in the training. Mr. Rajendra Prasad in his speech appreciated the entire staff at the centre for the work they are doing. Later at the parents meet, Fr. Sebastian addressed the trainees’ parents and explained them the entire process of three months training programme and placement at the successful completion of the training. The parents were also instructed to send their children to the classes regularly. Thereafter a cultural program was performed by the trainees with full energy & zeal. Vote of thanks was proposed by Ms. Lakshmi (BPO trainer, DB Tech – Hospet) at last.
Women’s Day Celebration at DB Tech (Sonarpal, Chhattisgarh) On the Occasion of the International Women’s Day, the team at DB Tech (Sonarpal, Chhattisgarh) organized a celebration program at the centre on March 8, 2014. On the Occasion, all the female staff was invited from DB Tech located at Bastar Dharma Kshema Samiti. Fr. Abraham (Centre Head - DB Tech, Sonarpal) and Mr. Xavier Toppo and our trainees jointly celebrated the occasion. The program started with Fr. Abraham’s welcome speech. He addressed all the women presented at the program and invited them to share their experience. A cultural programme was organised to make the evening more pleasant. Mr. Simendra (State M&E – DB Tech, Chhattisgarh), who was also present at the event shared his views and a story on women empowerment. It was followed by the speech by Mr. Rahul (Trainer - DB Tech, Sonarpal), who gave a comic example concerning women empowerment. He also asked them to be an active part not only in empowering themselves but also other women. Mr. Xavier Toppo concluded the program with a thanks note to all participants of the program.
Induction for New Trainers at DB Tech (Guwahati, Assam)
Rising Star Darshan
Life is not a failure for them, who dream with open eyes. Their dreams lead them long way ahead to convert the same into reality.
arshan belongs to Kushalnagar, which is located in Kodagu district, though presently he stays in Banimantap (Mysore). He comes from a family of four members. His father is newspaper hawker; and younger brother is studying in 9th standard. By nature Darshan is a shy and s i m p l e b o y, w h o c o m p l e t e d h i s matriculation with no technical skills in any market demand domain. He says, “I wanted to learn computers as in the present employment scenario that is only skill, which pays high salary.” But his father’s meager income is insufficient to give him the required education. But Darshan says, “Life is not a failure for them, who dream with open eyes. Their dreams lead them long way ahead to convert the same into reality.” One day, he heard about the skill training program ‘Bosco Academy for Skills & Employment (BASE)’ of Don Bosco Tech through a public announcement by the trainers, while mobilizing in his village. They were going village to village in an auto with loudspeaker so that needy youngsters will be informed about the program. Darshan met DB Tech trainers in the community, who were approaching youth to come up for DB Tech’s three months placement assisted training programme. Since Darshan was waiting for such opportunity to come. Instantly he joined DB Tech (Makkalalaya, Mysore) choosing Retail domain, which was running under the project facilitated by Quest Alliance. Since he was more interested in computers, he was quite happy to get this opportunity. He says, “The training was a wonderful experience for me. I found the delivery style of our trainers is most appropriate and much helpful to me. It was really motivating. It has not only imparted additional knowledge, skills to work but has also given me a chance to groom myself, learn etiquettes to perform better in the outside world. This is the best that could happen to me, I heartily thank all my DB Tech trainers for doing this favor.” Today, he is happily working as a Customer Service Executive in Dominos situated at Mall of Mysore Branch. He is getting a salary of Rs. 7000 per month with incentive. His parents are happy with such a great achievement.
A 5-day Training of Trainers (ToT) was organized by the Learning and Development department at DB Tech (Guwahati) to facilitate the trainers from different projects March 5-7, 2014. The programme was inaugurated by Rev. Fr. K. J. Thomas (Economer, Guwahati), who welcomed all the trainers and briefed them about Don Bosco and how did he got engaged in skilling youth. Later Fr. Jaya also added to Fr. Thomas’s words, emphasizing on the need of equipping the staffs to contribute in the skilling mission of DB Tech. Later the session was taken over by Mr. Tony Chacko and Ms. Mridhul Fotedar from L&D dept who welcomed the group and initiated with introduction session through an activity called name game. The session was proceeded further with the introduction to DB Tech, its mission, vision and goal. The next session was about DB Tech hierarchy and the career growth of the prospective trainers. Day two was dedicated to the BASE model and the overall process of preimplementation, implementation and postimplementation. They even discussed the various methods through which mobilization of the trainees could be done. On the third day, the trainers were acquainted with the difference between facilitation and teaching a trainee. This was depicted through various videos and followed by the discussion session. Here Don Bosco’s preventive system of education was discussed with the participants. Fr. Thaddeus Kujur took the last session speaking about skill development its importance. He quoted, “It is the inner strength that motivates a person; and skill development means to develop the inner strength as the outer strength usually crashes a person.” He said that if a balloon is filled with air, it will rise high but if the air is blown from outside, the balloon will fall
For more Information on Don Bosco Tech Society, visit www.dbtech.in or contact us at info@dbtech.in / Helpline: 1800 208 5555 (Toll free) For media enquires, please contact communications@dbtech.in Designed and published by Communications Department, Don Bosco Tech Society The photograph at the header section of the news bulletin is one of DB Tech’s alumni who studied at Bosco Academy for Skills & Employment (BASE) .
down. On fourth day, the trainers were divided into groups and asked to prepare one activity for one life skill. Then the trainers were taken for center visit to Maligaon center, where the groups conducted the activities with the students and debriefed them about it. This was followed by a session by Mr. Prasun Dutta (State – Operations, DB Tech) about the operations. He spoke about the working pattern of DB Tech, monitoring authorities, duties and responsibilities of trainers and emphasized on team work. The departmental presentations were delivered on the last day where Mr. Rajdip Mitra (Manager-MIS, DB Tech) discussed about Management Information System. The process of MBA and batch review was discussed along with the monitoring and evaluation mechanism of external agencies such as NIRD and NABCONS. After that the representatives from HR and Placements departments were discussed with the trainers. They were informed about the placement department process and the importance of post-placement tracking. The program ended with the certificate distribution by Fr. Jaya and a vote of thanks from Fr. Jaya.