Charting Employment Opportunities

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M. Fagbemi National Center on Deaf-Blindness Helen Keller National Center

My Takeaway from Yesterday  Identifying challenges and their complexities are easy  Having multiple providers from different backgrounds

listen , pair and share are good practices  Your presence here demonstrates your dedication  Lets continue to wear our many hats together

Our time together.. Overview of Discovery

Identify key components of Customized Employment Lessons Learned

On my way here‌ Former student HKNC Taught himself braille

No opportunities until the mid 1970’s ( Supported Employment)

Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious Big Fan of Mary Poppins

Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious •


• “I don’t know what it all means but it sounds like you don’t either”

National Transition Follow-up Study of Youth Identified as Deafblind “Parent Perspectives” (Petroff, 1999)

The study revealed that upon leaving school, these youth may expect that: ●

They will not go on to participate in post-secondary education;

They will experience high rates of unemployment and underemployment;

They will probably not live independently;

Their repertoire of experiences in community life will be limited;

They will create few close relationships (other than with family members)


The majority of students did not received adequate transition planning;  Only 40% of the students’ and/or parents’ interests and preferences were identified as a component of the transition planning process; Only 12% of youth and their families were involved in person-centered planning; Of those who engaged in transition planning, the majority didn’t begin until one year prior to school exit;

A very few number of students received community based experiences (vocational or otherwise)

customized employment initiative ď‚— Participating states:

National Consortium on DeafBlindness initiative:  Distance Technology – onsite strategic planning meetings  3 year commitment to build the capacity of 11 state deaf-

blind projects to implement CE strategies & replicate  Build the capacity of service providers in schools systems

to embed CE within the IEP  Build the capacity of adult service agencies to utilize CE as

a strategy to develop and expand employment options

Customized Initiative  Eleven deaf-blind projects committed fiscal resources  Awareness training with developers of the CE strategy

 Conducted via teleconferencing  Individual consultations with DB project staff  Build the capacity of DB projects to provide technical

assistance to school districts  College and career success  Develop a model for replication

Process Protocols • Discovery - To guide the process based on the job seeker • Profile – To assure comprehensiveness and everyone on the same page • Plan – to direct the job development activities; tasks, targeted employers • Job portfolio – to introduce CE and the job seeker to the employer • Job Development – to create a job • Job support – to facilitate the best outcome for the job seeker

Customized team members  Teacher

 Speech therapist  Administrator  Family

 Young Adult  Deaf-Blind Project Staff  Vocational Rehabilitation  Adult services provider

What did we learn about the national initiative Year 1?  Interagency collaboration is hard work

 It is a strategy adopted by individual choice  Labor intensive !  Relationships and rapports matter

 Allow team to make mistakes  Shortcuts??  There will never be enough laws, policies, processes, documents etc. to force

change” Change is best realized through the relationships we build with those people and groups that have a common interest toward solving a persistent problem or seizing an opportunity” Bill East NASDE 2012

Challenges of DB Youth Communication



Communication Vision Loss Combined Hearing & Vision loss

Sign language

Hearing loss

Communication systems

Census matters  Approximately 10,000 school age children birth to 22

years old  The nature of low incidence disabilities create

challenges to instruction and supports  School systems and adult service delivery systems

Access  Deaf-Blindness is the disability of access:  People  Places

 Information  Incidental learning

Typical Learning Alsop, L., et. al. (2012) A Family’s Guide to Interveners for Children with Combined Vision and Hearing Loss. Logan, UT: SKI-HI Institute.

Direct Hands-on experiences

Secondary Listening to a person teach or present information

Incidental Occurs automatically without much effort The way most information is learned

Deafblind Learning Alsop, L., et. al. (2012) A Family’s Guide to Interveners for Children with Combined Vision and Hearing Loss. Logan, UT: SKI-HI Institute.




Incidental learning usually does not occur and is not effective Secondary learning is difficult

Direct learning and hands-on experiences are essential and the best way to learn


What type of information is available to Winfield ?

He knows what outcome is expected

Jake who is standing five feet away from Winfield is learning the same thing

What type of information did Jake need to complete task?

Inclusion – Equity – Opportunity – Expectations – Concept Development

The unique learner challenged in the workplace Concept Development Learn best by doing

• Impacts on ability to learn the work culture

Skills Acquisition

• Isolation

Hard skills are important

• Soft skills are important

For a job seeker with a disability there are obstacles.. • Lower expectations

• The myths about hiring a person with a disability Mismatched jobs


• Self determination


Job retention

• Lack of opportunity


• • • • • • •

National Agenda Four DB projects Two young adults Local team Web based training Technical assistance Onsite training

Discovery • Foundation of Customized Employment • Exploration of a person’s life • Who is this person? • A journey to discover information about a person that can be translated to work tasks

• Discovery seeks to identify already – existing information rather than developing information solely for the purposes of evaluation or diagnosis • How & what you discover starts with a plan……

Types of Discovery • Self Discovery • Facilitated Discovery • Group Discovery

Facilitated Discovery  Authorized Biography

 Family

 Friends  Interview & Observation

 Teachers  Paraeducators

 Copious Documentation

 Church congregation

The importance of Discovery • Discovery is the foundation of customization. The lessons learned in discovery have a direct impact on the negotiations with employers and should be reflected in the customized job descriptions for job seekers.

Focus areas of Discovery • • • • • • • • • • •

Identifying Personal Information Residential/Domestic Information Educational Information Work Experience Information Summary of Present Level of Performance Preferences Connections Learning and Performance Characteristics Flexibility/Accommodations Future visions Other Important Information

When to do Discovery • During Typical Activities of Life This aspect comprises the majority of discovery interactions. Just be there. • During Planned Familiar Activities This aspect is done once or twice during discovery in places where the individual is at his or her best. • During Planned Novel Activities This activity is done once during discovery. Make sure the novel activity makes sense.(Marc Gold & Associates)

Implementing the Discovery process • Prior to high school years, students have opportunity to explore life after high school before entering transition years • Eight weeks of uncovering the best of the student, gathering information, and describing the student • One week of creating a vision of the student’s future regarding life upon leaving school

Documenting discovered information Narrative: Written narrative of the information in the focus areas and any additional categories Visual: PowerPoint presentation or picture book of the information in the narrative presented in pictures and words (available for group viewing prior to the IEP and Transition Plan)

Life Book: Pictures of the student with family and friends engaged in activities using captions, mementos, and written pages of the information in the focus areas

Activities to gather information • Teachers, parents, student and others take pictures at events. • Teachers observe students to provide insight on “the best of who they are” and write it in the Life Book or Personal Profile. • Teachers and families work together to gather information both in school and out of school. • Teachers may identify a peer to partner with a student to gather additional information.

Scenario # 1 • A census taker makes an appointment to come to your house for purposes of gathering on family members, income, housing values. The meeting is held in your living room. The census taker asks very discrete questions from a pre – set and writes information while you respond. The offer of a beverage is declined and as soon as the interview is complete, the census taker thanks you and leaves for another appointment down the street ( Marc Gold & Associates)

Scenario # 2 • Your new next door neighbor drops by to borrow the traditional cup of sugar. You welcome the neighbor in with an offer of a cup of coffee, which is accepted. You both take a seat in your living room and & a conversation begins that touches on topics as far – ranging as weather, sports, the local school system, directions to the shopping mall & your mother –in law’s visit next week. After about an hour, the neighbor says its time to get back home and the conversation continues out the front walk & re –establishes itself when your spouse comes with new topics & sharing. Finally after about an hour & a half your neighbor leaves to go home with promises of getting together sometime next week. (Marc Gold & Associates)

Questions to consider : • Which scenario was most successful in determining who we are and how we feel? • Which scenario resulted in more discrete information that could be used for social / planning?

It is the same setting and same homeowner but there is a distinction…

Can we have the best of both… • Effective Discovery asks us to develop an interview style that feels more like a conversation. • Effective Discovery asks that you let the person know the general direction of the conversation/ interview. • Decide quickly on how this information will be captured

The iceberg Analogy of Discovery We need to know who the job seeker is and than who the job seeker isn’t

What we usually know

Discovery & Customization are compatible concepts Sequential and important to facilitate employment for job seekers who might not otherwise achieve employment.

We need to know much more ( Excerpts from Partners in Transition ppt. presentation 8/12/08)

Strategies to consider.. 1) Census taker: Formal Factual More discrete information 2) Neighbor: Informal About feelings More conversational

Discovery • The tools of Discovery are comprised of interview and conversation, observation and time together, review of info and organization of info. (Bodgan & Bilkin 1998; Taylor & Bodgan, 1998)

Discovery can lead to no where.. • Discovery can be viewed as simplistic • The process is often accelerated and details about a person’s life is forgotten.

• We think we know the person so therefore there is nothing else to know.

Discovery in the educational setting • Gather information to plan specific interventions for accessing the curriculum and planning transition. • Conduct functional authentic assessment that is independent of perceived complexities in ones life.

• Document information in a manner that creates a capacity picture of the student.

Peer to peer group discovery

Using time in Discovery… How :

For what:

 Observation

 Interests

 Interview

 Contributions

 Digital Pictures

 Performance of job tasks

 Video

 Conditions

Steps of Discovery 

 

Tour the neighborhood, observe surroundings, make a list of businesses, transportation, near the individual’s home. Interview the job seeker and family about their routines Provide Social Security benefits information and explain a benefits analysis Ask for names of individuals, both personal and professionals who the individual/family feels know the person the best. With the job seeker’s permission and following the visit to the home, meet with and interview with these people. Observe the job seeker as they engage in typical life activities to determine their performance, interests, connections and other important perspectives

More steps of Discovery 

Observe an unfamiliar activity that they haven’t tried before or a place they haven’t gone before to obtain more information about support needs, reactions, attention to natural cues, etc. Return to job seeker’s home for additional information, unstructured conversation, observation, and further interviews. 1 – 3 additional visits are recommended. Review files, memorabilia and records of past and current activities services. Focus on files that reflect an optimistic, success-based perspective Develop a written, visual or alternative format profile of the job seeker

After Discovery Hold a Customized Planning Meeting to develop a plan for job development. Develop a representational portfolio for the job seeker using visual and narrative information developed during discovery and the Customized Planning Meeting. Using list of possible employers and contacts developed at the Planning Meeting, begin contacting employers to look for a good fit. Negotiate employment. Begin work

Discovery leads to Customizing  A job is developed in the area of the job seeker’s

interests. This provides the motivation &desire for the job seeker to be their best  The ideal conditions are matched to the environment

of the work site & to the job tasks  The job seeker’s contributions lead towards the tasks

a job seeker can offer an employer thus a customized job description

Meet Ramon‌

A snapshot of Ramon’s complex life  Lack of formal education

 Mismatched job

 Hearing loss

placements  Job retention  Soft skills  Environment  Hygiene issues

 Health  Behavior challenges  Maturity / Youth

Typical Labor market approach  Self directed search  Differential Aptitude test  Situational Assessments  Vocational Assessments tools  Those with more skills and less complexities

are valued more

Customized Process:  Discovery of the job seeker – Who is Ramon?  Capturing discovery through profiles – What did we

learn about Ramon’s abilities, interests that will help us find the right job?  Portfolio/visual resume development – How can we best present Ramon’s abilities to an employer?  Job development and negotiation – What does an employer need that Ramon’s can provide that is good for them both?  Job site analysis, accommodations, support- What will Ramon need to make the job successful

Ramon needs a job  What did we know

before?  Likes physical activities  Fixes electronics  Social butterfly  Loves video games  Jobs in stock room  Cafeteria

Ramon needs a job he can keep  Video games were his     

passion How much did he play What type of skills were needed Written vocational profile The video game was not the main attraction Headphones..

 Online community

Now that we knew who Ramon is what will he do for work?

Employment planning meeting  Ramon needed someone to

help represent the best of him  Ramon needed someone to help facilitate this information on his behalf  Ramon needed someone to document it  Ramon needed someone to develop the job(s)

Ramon’s job search using Customized Employment  Discovery of the job seeker – Who is Ramon?  Capturing discovery through profiles – What did we

learn about Ramon’s abilities, interests that will help us find the right job?  Portfolio/visual resume development – How can we best present Ramon’s abilities to an employer?  Job development and negotiation – What does an employer need that Ramon can provide that is good for them both?  Job site analysis, accommodations, support- What will Ramon need to make the job successful

BEST BUYELECTRONICS • Best Buy launched video games initiative • Purchased used games & electronics • Online community inquiring about buy back program , exchanges • Ramon attained a position in their customer support department

Ramon’s negotiated job What we discovered

Employer need

 Part of a gaming community

 Needed a service center  People person  Demo games and make  Spanish speaking  Likes to problem solve  Works better in the afternoon

recommendations for similar types  Coordinate and catalog Facebook and email addresses for future promotions

Customized Employment • A blend of services that combines good employment practices to assist in developing a negotiated job which is based upon the discrete needs of the employer and the interests and strengths of the job seeker (Dept. of Labor)

Customized employment An individualized approach to providing access to employment for all students and adults with complex lives Customized employment means individualizing the employment relationship between employees and employers in ways that meet the needs of both. It is based on an individualized determination of the strengths, needs, and interests of the person with a disability, and is also designed to meet the specific needs of the employer ( Office of Disability Employment Policy 2001)

Under the Umbrella of Customized Employment • • • • • •

Discovery of the job seeker Capturing discovery through profiles Customized, person-centered planning Portfolio/visual resume development Job development and negotiation Job site analysis, accommodations, support

Features of Customized Employment • Employees earn at least minimum wage up to the prevailing wage • Job seeker is represented by person who can knows and can represent them best.

• Focus on tasks not job titles

Features of Customized Employment • Starts with the individual as the source of information and direction to labor force • Applicable to all users of workforce system • Includes on-going supports and reasonable accommodations, as appropriate

Features of Customized Employment  The focus is on the job seeker’s preferences, talents , life

experiences and dreams rather than challenges or limitations  Concerns & complexities are considered solvable thru negotiation and support, and must not become reasons to rule out career options  Job seeker is always the primary source of information  Planning process focuses on community based integrated

employment that pays a competitive wage ( Marc Gold & Associates)

Customization must include.. • Role of developer

• Questions to consider:

• Research the company!

• What is the work culture?

• Request for informational interview & tour

• Shared responsibilities ?

• Tasks that occur episodically?

Strategies for implementation  Tour the neighborhood, observe surroundings, make a list

of businesses, transportation, near the individual’s home.  Interview the job seeker and family about their routines  Ask for names of individuals, both personal and

professionals who the individual/family feels know the person the best. With the job seeker’s permission and following the visit to the home, meet with and interview with these people.  Observe the job seeker as they engage in typical life activities to determine their performance, interests, connections and other important perspectives. (Marc Gold & Associates)

Categories of Customized Employment  Single source job descriptions based on tasks derived from a    

single traditional job Multiple source job descriptions based on tasks derived from a variety of jobs Created job descriptions based on heretofore unmet needs of a work setting Contract jobs based on single or multiple source or created job descriptions performed under a contract Micro-enterprises based on the unmet needs of a local market

The perspective of the employer • Hiring Challenges – – – –

Nature of the work Not knowing accommodation costs Cannot find qualified candidates Reduction of company bottom line

• Hiring Concerns – – –

Costs Lack of skills and experience Less safe and productive

Negotiating talking points • Essential responsibilities of a job as detailed in job descriptions; and/or • Non-essential responsibilities or expectations that might include: – Time, hours, location, etc for work to be performed – Support and supervision strategies – Productivity and outcome expectations

Food for thought… • The concept of customization is not a foreign one to most employers…. • Everyone does something well.

Customized Employment Initiative  Ramon’s team learned  College and career readiness require action  Never to early to think about the future  Every individualized education plan should have some clear student

directed goals with opportunities to engage in routines & new activities

 Early and frequent exposure to various experiences work and non work

related are great stepping stones for a young person maturing into adulthood

Lessons learned :

what do you want to do?

 Avoid asking the job seeker this question

 Why ?  Limits the job seeker’s employment options  Start to identify job titles / back to a large pool of applicants  Who knows what they want to do anyway

Strategies to support employment in postsecondary programs

Go to college Get a Job Or BOTH

Know your students Know your campus connections

Know the businesses Negotiate to win

To get a BETTER JOB!!!

The Vision  Social Connections

 Increased independence & responsibility  Paid employment in an integrated community setting

with appropriate supports  Connected to adult support systems  Access to postsecondary education or adult learning

Challenges that cause impediments to employment  Vision loss

 Liability concerns

 Hearing loss

 Myths related to

 Communication

disabilities  Independent living  Self-care  Self-direction

 Cognitive disabilities  Physical Disabilities  Mobility

Structure  Paid employment is a PROGRAM GOAL  Student self determination

 Family engagement  Dedicated Job Development Staff  Flex time

 Trained  College Coursework tied into CAREER PLAN  Classes based on job interests  Scheduling and Transportation  Job supports & getting to and from work

The importance of Employment ď‚— For youth with disabilities , one of the most important research findings

shows that work experience during high school helps them get jobs at higher wages after they graduate. NCWD/Youth ,hot topic work learning2003 volume 2 ď‚— Secondary school students with disabilities who worked for pay outside

the home in the preceding year before exit and / or have participated in a work study program at school, have an increased chance for employment in their post school years. Changes over times in the Early post school outcomes with disabilities

Data from the national vocational rehabilitation database show that youth with ID who participated in postsecondary education were 26% more likely to leave voc rehab services with a paid job and earn a 73% higher weekly income

Why post secondary programs are ideal for employment  A college campus is its own world of work  Every student’s focus is CAREER

 Career resources all over campus  Training opportunities  Students can take coursework in their fields of interest

 Career exploration  Skills development that opens doors

Perceived Barriers to Employment  No skills –most jobs are too difficult for people with

sensory disabilities  The economy – no opportunities  Fear – Employers don’t want to / won’t hire people who

have sensory disabilities

Actual Barriers To Employment  Lower expectations by key stakeholders  Lack of trained job development professionals

 Limited knowledge of the market  Uneducated employers  Some logistics ( transportation, child care etc.)

Solutions To Actual Barriers  Raise expectations of student outcomes  Spend more time educating employers about the

benefits of hiring these young college students  Customize the job search , acquisition and maintenance to each student  Planning with all stakeholders

Strategies to assist students in getting jobs  Discovery and assessment  Job Search Plan

 Research and marketing to employers  Customize and negotiate  Problem solve with stakeholders

 Customer Service and Follow-Along

Critical Elements  Connecting college experience with employment

 Providing access to college coursework  Connecting the experience to real outcomes

Employment Success  Paid work is the goal from day one  Hire dedicated trained staff person for job

development  Practice customized employment strategies where appropriate  Include in job description specific duties and flex time  Ensure that students understand and can communicate their support needs

Positive outcomes for students  Ability to gain access to adult learning opportunities  Expanded social networks

 Opportunity to connect learning to personal desired

outcome  Individualized and enhanced employment outcomes  Socially valued roles and experience

Strategies to assist students in getting jobs  Discovery and assessment  Job Search Plan

 Research and marketing to employers  Customize and Negotiate  Problem-solve with stakeholders

 Customer service and follow along

Discovery and assessment  Non traditional

 Observe in multiple settings  Get feedback from stakeholders  CONFIRM SKILLS!!!

 POSITIVE PERSONAL PROFILE  -likes , dislikes , personality traits, values, strengths, support needs,skills,interests,talents,dreams and goals,learning styles,experiences,temperament,environmental preferences

Build a “Positive Personal Profile  Believe in your job seeker

 Focus on skills – not deficits  No prerequisites  Everyone is “job ready”

 Look for “rays of light”  What will employer value about the job seeker

Get to know students  Students groups  Campus activities

 Extracurriculars  Peer mentors  Coursework

Approaching Employers : Where do you start looking?  Career Center

 Neighborhood

 Colleges or departments

 Places where you are a

 Work study

customer  Industrial parks  Your own personal network  Mom & Pop shops

 Campus internships  Student groups

What do Employers want to hear from us?  Old Marketing

 New Marketing  We represent...

 Hire the Handicapped  Charity orientation  Selling disability

 Motivated employees who

are excited about working  Candidates with skills sets that add value to their workforce  Business solutions that improve the company’s productivity and/or workflow

Research & Marketing to Employers  Explore the local market & match to job search plan  Network

 Get your foot in the door – elevator speech  Sell yourself and services  Develop a rapport – often takes time

 Talk business to business  Disability disclosure options

Informational Interviews  Foot in the door

 Low pressure  Chance to make a great first impression  Start of working relationship

 Uncover possible opportunities

Informational Interviews  Foot in the door

 Low pressure  Chance to make a great first impression  Start of working relationship

 Uncover possible opportunities

Make the request easy to say “ Yes” TO!  “ I work with job seekers interested in your industry.

Would it be possible for me to come see what you do and talk to you about the skill sets needed to work in this field so I can better counsel the job seekers I serve

During your visit, find out these things about the employer  Known for ; proud of

 Array of skills sets required  Production / operation challenges  Work culture

Spot ways to help the employer  Serve more customers or improve services  Increase efficient use of…

 Resources  Time  Staff

 Save money  Earn more money

Be on the lookout  Possible ways to improve work flow

 Employees bogged down with important yet non

essential tasks  Core staff who struggle to manage their work loads  Customers unhappy  Duties that might be performed in a different way- but will yield excellent outcomes  Reciprocation with college entities (teaching , research, internships)

Spot ways to help the employer  Serve more customers or improve services

 Increase efficient use of ....  Resources  Time

 Staff  Save money  Earn more money

Person Centered Planning  Student – driven goals  Careers based on students interests , strengths and

support needs  Students monitor own progress  Eliminate barriers to desired experiences  Help students connect achievement in college with adult outcomes  Plans change ! Allow room for that change and adjust future plans

Customized Employment in Action:  Processes A) Career Assessment

1. Person Centered Planning 2. Community –based b) Matching Coursework / extracurricular 1. Connect classes to career 2. Explore interests through clubs c) Soft skills d) Career exploration search and acquisition Internships , job try –outs , on campus experiences e) Support and follow along Post hire consulting

Staff Roles  Teaching  Skills

 Self –determination / independence  Marketing  Community / campus liaison  Supporting  Guidance  On the job / classroom  Coordinating  Schedules / activities  Program management  Consulting  Customer support ( students , employers ,professors , families )


Customized Employment Strategies for Addressing Complexities & Contributions

The client-centered, TEAM foundation:

NCDB: Technical Assistance

Vocational Rehab: self-employment goal

VR + Contractor: Benefits & Business Planning

FL D-B Project: Technical Assistance (TA), Discovery, & Linkages

Client (Noah) & Facilitator (Mom)

Community college

HCBS Waiver Support Coordinator: Support Plan

Agency for Persons with (Developmental) Disabilities: waiver-funded ongoing supports

“Wrap Around Services” approach

DVR & VR Contractor

Agency for Persons with Disabilities Client Driven; Family facilitated

NCDB, HKNC, FL D-B Project

Waiver Support Coordinator

Traditional Vocational Assessment would show many deficits: • Noah is unable to speak or use sign language. • Noah does not read or write text. • Noah is unable to stand independently. • Noah does not walk. • Noah cannot use tools. • Noah attends for only limited periods.


Interest Areas: music, painting, computer art, adapted sports


no diploma

Cortical Vision Impairment / Legal Blindness, Severe Hearing Loss in Left Ear,


Finished school,

Complexities & Challenges:

Skills: Chooses colors, Paints with adapted tools, Modifies images with computer & switches, Interacts using voice-output devices

Profound Deafness in Right Ear, Nonverbal, Nonambulatory Cerebral Palsy

Supported Employment: Traditional Job Match

Ongoing Supports

Customized Employment Options: carved, negotiated, created job, or

*micro-enterprise (maximum customization) NOAH

“DISCOVERY” as the foundation

What was Discovered about Noah’s Skills and Contributions ? Noah signals that he wants to paint by picking up a paint brush. Noah chooses bold colors, sparkly, and metallic paints. He paints on paper or canvas with long, roundhandled brushes held in his right hand. Sometimes, he will choose stencils to add shapes to his paintings. Noah signals that he wants to use the computer by picking up a mouse. He will look at magnified images of his painting, select portions to modify with a switch, select effects to apply with a switch, and use a switch to print the resulting image for his portfolio. Noah has sold paintings to raise funds for his Boys & Girls Club. He has also helped create notecards from his paintings for friends and family. He displayed his portfolio and notecards at the Family CafÊ conference. With a partner (Mom) helping to hold, Noah guides a small paint brush.

A canvas can be turned several times, so that Noah is always painting at eye level.

With the paper closer to him, Noah fills a painting with color.

With a partner (Dad) helping to locate the boundary, Noah starts a new painting.

Service team develops the best approach to self-employment using discovery information (“personal profile”) to help develop a customized microenterprise. *Noah paints as often and as much as he chooses. *Noah can modify each painting with the computer to produce multiple images.

*Each of Noah’s images can be added to his portfolio and made into various products. *Customers will select their chosen images and products from Noah’s Café Press store.

*Noah can also travel with his family and friends to sell his art at craft fairs and flea markets.

Voc rehab shares their perspective • VR agencies should consider exploratory approaches instead / addition to assessment

Job development strategies must follow the customized plan

“Find a job you love and you will never have to work a day in your life” Confucius  Work helps to organize various aspects of your life and

makes it more meaningful  Everyone should be given an opportunity to contribute

and participate in the daily fabric of their communities If you find something that you like to do you will probably be very good at it

Everyone customizes..

Contact Info

Thank you!!!

Resources • ODEP –Office of Disability Employment Policy, Customized Employment fact sheets • Marc Gold & Associates Samples of Customized Employment with students NCWD- National Center on Workforce & Disability

Thank you !!!

I hope this presentation was helpful!

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