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01 GDL Airport
Project description
Stages: Concept & Schematic Design
Area Built: 155,000m2
Retail: 12,350m2
Guadalajara Terminal 2 is unique in terms of presence, as it offers local culture, music and food from throughout the region. Its design inspiration comes from the vast and majestic fields of Agave, a monocotyledonous plant native to the hot and arid regions of America. The rich and beautiful canyons considered as a biogeographical corridor are home to many types of vegetation unique to this rich region. The dancers of the Jarabe Tapatío welcome the world to Guadalajara and its entire region. The Mexican Eagle, pride and joy of Mexico, rises above the canyon and is the symbol of our flight.
From the sidewalk to the operations area, the passenger Terminal 2 initiates an experience that is immediately integrated into the Guadalajara Airport, which makes it unique: its journey is easy, fluid and reliable. Every traveler, whether upon arrival, departure or connection at the Guadalajara Airport to some other distant destination via a wide network of flights, will find amenities and services that they need at the moment.
Project roles
- Lead the project concept book design working side by side with all the involved parties from engenieers to render artists
- Co-designed the gate operation and airside bridges along with the remote gates area and bus coordination.
- Responsible of the master plan integration on the landside that connect the parking and terminal building
- Participated on the BIM 360 team for schematic design documentation.