Mary H. Price Advisor of the Year 2018-2019
West Covina
| Division 35 West |
Region 13
NOMINEE INFORMATION Faculty Advisor Anh Ligutom Kiwanis Advisor Mary H. Price Nominee Name: Mary H. Price Nominated By: Deanne Banh Key Club: Sierra Vista Highschool Club #: H88890 District: California-Nevada-Hawaii Division: 35W Region: 13 Sponsoring Kiwanis Club: West Covina Years in Position:
NOMINATION & CERTIFICATION OF ORIGINALITY To be eligible for this recognition, the advisor must be nominated by two of the following: (1) Key Club Officer, (2) Club or Region Advisor, (3) Kiwanis Officer, or (4) School Administrator.
THIS CERTIFIES THAT WE, THE UNDERSIGNED, VERIFY THE COMPLETION OF THE INITIALED ITEMS BY THE INDIVIDUAL NAMED ON THIS APPLICATION. It is also understood that the decisions of the judges are final and no changes, alteration or re-judging will take place after the judges, respective Lieutenant Governor, and Chair of Member Recognition have certified the results. NOTE: All names, initials and contact information are required if used as verification. Signatures from the school representative and the Kiwanis club representative may not be the same person. The below e-Signatures must be provided by at least 2 out of 4 people. INITIALS
Key Club Officer
Deanne Banh
Anh Ligutom
(626)960-7741 ext.2605
Club/Region Advisor Kiwanis Officer AL
School Administrator
Club Standards DB DB DB
Membership: Paid club membership dues by December 1 Club Elections: Worked with club President to facilitate the elections process; club held elections by the last day of February as outlined by Key Club International bylaws Kiwanis Relations: Key Club maintained an active relationship with the nominated advisor’s Kiwanis Club
Work Accomplishments DB DB DB DB
Reporting: Assisted clubs officers with timely submissions of reports Leadership Qualities: Promoted and exemplified the core values, led by example, and motivated the members Leadership Skills: Developed effective problem-solving skills and helped to resolve issues/conflicts; promoted leadership development of future leaders Communication: Communicated effectively with District and International officers on dues and club membership
Attendance DB DB DB DB DB DB DB DB
Club Meetings: Attended eighty-percent (80%) of all club general meetings Board Meetings: Attended eighty-percent (80%) of all club executive board meetings Key Club Division Council Meetings: Attended a minimum of six (6) Key Club Division Council Meetings Training Conference: Attended the Officer Training Conference or the Region Training Conference Convention Involvement: Attended an Advisors Workshop at District Convention or International Convention Service Project Participation: Attended at least ten (10) or eighty-percent (80%) of club service projects Fundraiser Participation: Attended at least five (5) or eighty-percent (80%) of club fundraisers Club Social Participation: Attended at least five (5) or eighty-percent (80%) of club social events
Number of Years Served: ___3+____________
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Dates: ___1/29/19______________
ESSAY/REPORT Describe and document with detail the efforts undertaken by the advisor to promote the core values of Key Club, celebrate outstanding members, disseminate useful information, encourage club involvement in division, district, and international projects or events and promote active and unique service and fundraising opportunities. You may include supplementary materials such as photos, clippings, and other pertinent material.
As one of the many clubs that Ms. Price reaches out to, Sierra Vista is writing in support of Mary H. Price as a nominee running for Advisor of the Year. It is an honor for us to be able to recommend Ms. Price. Merely from the very first interaction, Ms. Price has touched the hearts of Sierra Vista Key Club members. It started from a simple “hello” yet she has persisted to support not only Sierra Vista Key Club, but all the clubs under her guidance in all their endeavors. Ms. Price seized the hearts of the members through the warmth and care she exudes. That same warmth she emitted still shows throughout Division 35 West as she inspires Key Clubbers, leaving a lasting impact that motivates others to achieve more. Being a Kiwanis Advisor is a difficult job that necessitates an immense amount of time, effort, and passion. She constantly promotes the core values of Key Club: Caring, Leadership, Character-Building, and Inclusiveness by being a prime example. In the beginning, Ms. Price had started off with simple greetings, introducing herself and simply trying to get to know Key Club members. She began to worm her way into the clubs, promoting and encouraging active participation in volunteer events and trying to provide as many opportunities as possible for her clubs. Ms. Price is ambitious, always setting goals for herself and her clubs. She aims high to make the best of her clubs’ potential. Starting off the term, Ms. Price opened up new opportunities to other clubs other than her home club, West Covina. In an event known as the SLP Takeover, West Covina usually presents their achievements and aspirations to other Kiwanians. Ms. Price recognized this event as a great opportunity for other clubs as well such as Edgewood Key Club and Sierra Vista Key Club. Through the opportunity provided, Sierra Vista Key Club was able to understand and get know more Kiwanians as well as gain more support. Through this simple opportunity, Ms. Price has demonstrated the four core values. She cared about the other clubs under the West Covina Kiwanians, not only her home club which then led to inclusiveness. As she included other clubs in this wonderful opportunity, they were able to reach out and extend their connections and bonds, a large factor in character building of the whole club. It is apparent that Ms. Price is a leader, setting new precedents in Key Club. When she sees the chance, she seizes it and then guides her clubs with the newly gained opportunities. Sierra Vista is proud to be supporting Ms. Price in getting the recognition she deserves, in the same way, she has served us. Thanks to her, our club has immensely improved, being filled with precious memories and bonds created with the other clubs in the division. Ms. Price constantly checks up on us, making us feel welcome. She personally approaches us at events to encourage us and confirm us of our efforts.
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Advisor of the Year | Promoting the 4 Core Values Ms. Price is truly a role model through her promotion of the 4 core values. She promotes caring through the smallest acts of kindness, whether it is giving rides or 2checking up on the club she serves. She encourages inclusiveness by persisting members to reach out to members that look lonely. She displays character building by setting an example through her service and encouraging members to participate. She exemplifies leadership by keeping strong communication between the clubs she serves.
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Advisor of the Year | Ensuring Leadership Training
Ms. Price encouraged the training of officers through constant advertisement of training conferences. She herself attended all of them. She willingly came to club meetings and service events to promote OTC and RTC. She told us about all the information officers would learn and how their job is done. Ms. Price actively sent texts and emails about the training conferences so that officer would never forget to tell their club about it.
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Advisor of the Year | Celebrating Outstanding Members
Ms. Price has recognized and encouraged members of clubs to reach for levels of recognition by always informing and providing service events that are local to clubs. She actively participates in service events which motivates members to continue their efforts of service. She also reaches out to clubs and talks to their members to get them to participate in more events.
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Advisor of the Year | Disseminate Useful Information
Ms. Price excels in communication. She keeps in constant touch with all the club she serves through texts and emails. She often visits club meetings to check up on the clubs. She encourages continuous effort put into the club by rewarding clubs with snacks when she visits. She creates elaborate emails and texts filled with useful information to pass onto club members .
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Advisor of the Year | Encourage Club Involvement Ms. Price has been to almost every single event provided by the division. She encourages other to attend by reaching out to clubs through text and emails. She also promotes events by personally visiting clubs and telling them about her volunteering experience, which inspires members to attend more events. Her attendance to all the events has created a welcoming environment in which members feel comfortable to participate in.
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Advisor of the Year | Promote Active and Unique Service/Fundraising Opportunities Ms. Price has opened many doors and opportunities to fundraise through active insistence. For example, she invited us to take over a Kiwanis club meeting where we raised over $500 for our club. With this money we decided to donate $300 to the Pediatric Trauma Program. The Kiwanis club meeting was originally opened to one club and Ms. Price took the initiative to invite several other clubs to get the opportunity to fundraise for their club. Ms. Price’s passion for the club has inspired many Key Club members to become more active in serving the community.
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Marry Happy Price Sierra Vista Division 35 West Region 13
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