Distinguished Secretary Portfolio

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Deanne Banh Secretary 2016 – 2018 Sierra Vista |Division 35 West| Region 13 =

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It is with vast pleasure and honor that I nominate Deanne Banh for the award of Distinguished Secretary for CNH Key Club. I received the honor and great memories of working along with her as the treasurer of Sierra Vista Key Club. Her qualities as a leader, hard worker, and friend have let our club shine through many of the hard times that we have gone through. She has been someone who you can rely on ever since her freshman year when she wasn't even a member of the SVHS board yet. Deanne has been a truly outstanding Key Clubber from being to every event, where it is a social or a long marathon, and doing everything on time and ahead. She has always tried to see the light in the darkest of times. Even when a fundraiser may seem to go in the wrong direction, her energy and total positivity gives us motivation to continue and do the best that we can. She has always pushed everyone to try their best as there would be no greater loss than not trying. As a freshman, she has always been pretty goofy and a bit quiet, but she knows how to get anything that she wants done. Her event attendance alone has provided an example for our club of how an amazing member of the Kiwanis family should care about their community and others. She also serves as a great role model for people who are in other clubs and who are not taking part of Key Club. Leadership is a quality of hers that has grown immensely during this term from when she barely joined. Out of all the events that I have gone to the 2015-16 term and 2016-17 term, I cannot name any event that she has not gone to. She keeps our members motivated and has kept our attendance at quite the high level from our first meeting. From our 2016-17 term, one of the most influential Key Clubbers in my life was Deanne Banh. Even when I was sore from practice or tired from staying up the night before from doing homework, I always tried my best to make it to every event knowing she would be there and make it fun. She spent many hours in the summer to make sure that the members got the best experience that they could. Many members are now devout Key Clubbers because of her good values and positivity. The countless hours that she has put into our club has let it be as smooth as it is right now. The members of the board and I are extremely thankful for all of the effort and hard work that she has put into making sure that everyone had a great time at every event. As a representative of the Sierra Vista High School, I can undoubtedly say that Deanne Banh deserves the award as Distinguished Secretary. 2 |Page 3 |Page

Letters of Recommendation Through my experience as a secretary I have learned and improved many skills. My social skills have improved from communicating with my members and asking for their insights of an event to help sign up for similar events that they enjoyed. My organization skills have grown through the term from taking down hours and sorting out files for the Monthly Report form and minutes. I have also learned time management skills; I would plan dates on when to do my MRF and minutes. Problems I faced were members not checking in with me. Through the experience of members not checking in with me, I learned to make personal connections to make it more comfortable for members to approach and check in with me. One of my accomplishments is turning in all my Monthly Report Forms early. This section includes letters of recommendations from Nalani Nguyen, Sierra Vista’s president, Rebecca Nhan, Division secretary and, Dylan Tran, Lieutenant Governor of Division 35 West to show proofs of my efforts. These three people have seen my growth throughout my term.

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Letters of Recommendation To whom it may concern:

As the current President of Sierra Vista Key Club, it is with great honor that I commend Deanne Banh for the as a nominee for the Distinguished Secretary award. I have known Deanne for nearly 2 years. Within that time, she has shown a great deal of fellowship and leadership for the club she serves. In all my 3 years being a Key Club member, some people stand out for their great qualities and Deanne is no exception. What makes Deanne unique in contrast to others is her determination to incorporate all four Key Club core values into her daily life. She constantly strives to include all members from all classes in our club's events. She leads the members of Sierra Vista to take an extra step to better serve their community. She also goes above and beyond her leadership calls of duty. Deanne builds her character by attending all, if not most, events. It is apparent that her intent is to inspire the members in Sierra Vista Key Club so they may feel encouraged to become leaders themselves. She no longer cares about helping the members in SVHS grow - she HUNGERS to do so.

Deanne is well known for her interpersonal communication skills, hardworking ethics, and her compassion to become a stronger leader. She is well respected throughout Division 35 West for being a person everyone can trust, depend on, and aspire to be. Throughout the years I have know her, she has shown me time again that she is an optimistic and motivated leader with potential. During her time here, she played an important role in keeping Sierra Vista Key Club blooming. Not only is she active as a leader, but especially as our secretary. She is excellent. In every submission, Deanne uses Monthly Report Forms as a tool to spill her compassion for serving her community. There has not been one month where Deanne's MRFs have not brought a smile to my face. Due to her great attitude, dedication, and potential, I, Nalani Nguyen, heartily recommend Deanne Banh to be recognized as a Distinguished Secretary of the CNH district. Please do not hesitate to contact me if further questions arise.


Nalani Nguyen Sierra Vista Key Club President 2016-2017

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Letters of Recommendation To whom it may concern:

The “Distinguished Secretary” award is one of the most honorable and commendable awards a club secretary can receive. Those who are awarded it show dedication, excellent work ethic, and embodiment of the core values of Key Club International. I, Division 35 West Secretary, am honored to be writing this letter of recommendation for Deanne Banh.

Working with all thirteen club secretaries in the division, I can see Deanne Banh’s incredible work ethic and how she efficiently manages to carry out assigned tasks in a manner that is organized, thorough and wellexecuted. Moreover, she has served a stupendous amount of hours and applied her skills in various ways to benefit her home club, Sierra Vista Key Club, and Division 35 West. As a secretary, she shows consistency and thoroughness in posting the service hours monthly. Key Club members see her as a mature leader, who puts passion into her work in a respectable way. Through experience of working with her, I have witnessed how dedicated she is, always listening thoughtfully to the members of her club, contributing her opinions, and working to bring everyone together so they can have the best Key Club experience. Only being a sophomore this was her first year as a secretary. She has proven that she is a quick learner. Deanne has the ability to work without supervision and works with unwavering commitment to her club and community.

Deanne is able to balance school and her officer duties with grace and poise. Seeing her grow and take on challenges with finesse has definitely inspired Key Club member that has made her acquaintance. I truly believe that Deanne should be recognized for the phenomenal amount of service she has given to Key Club by nominating her for the Distinguished Secretary, an award that will truly portray her love and passion for this great organization. She has my highest recommendation. There is no else that I believe deserve this award more than her. I am confident that Deanne will continue to succeed in the future regardless of whatever challenge is thrown at her. She offers a range of skills and potential for CNH Key Club. It is for these reasons I strongly recommend her, without reservation. Please feel free to contact me if you have any further questions.

Rebecca Nhan Sierra Vista High School Division 35 West Secretary 2016-2017 Key Club International d35w.cnhkc.ds@gmail.com

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Letters of Recommendation To whom it may concern: As the Lieutenant Governor of Division 35 West Key Club, I am writing in support of Deanne Banh and her decision to apply for Distinguished Secretary. I believe that she exemplifies what it means to be an officer and member of Key Club. At first, Deanne was a bit but I was surprised with how much I was able to connect with her. She made the decision to run for Secretary for her home club, Sierra Vista, and I was impressed from the start. She consistently turns in her MRF earlier than the early bird deadline. I can always count on her MRF to be shown to the rest of the division as an example if others need help. Anything that is asked of her to be fixed is done and it’s always nice to see her progress as a leader and a person. I cannot count the amount of times I have seen Deanne at an event. It seems that she attends every event that Division 35 West holds. She went ahead and not only provided new members at these events, but she also made sure they had a great time. Deanne shows a genuine interest in bonding with members in our division and her home club. During our term, Deanne improved greatly in terms of public speaking. She comes off as a bit shy but shines the most when she speaks to large groups of people. Seeing her going from a shy member to taking initiative to checking in members at service events makes me realize that she has a lot in store for this wonderful club. I am glad that she is able to go beyond what it takes to be a secretary and actively participate in division events. I am glad that Deanne is applying for Distinguished Secretary. My Lieutenant Governor experience has greatly increased due to her quality MRFs and her attendance at events. I know that she still has a lot in store for Key Club. She is the person I trust to bring her own club and the division to heights that I can’t even imagine. Sincerely, Dylan Tran Lieutenant Governor 2016-2017 Division 35 West Seals Region 13, Cali-Nev-Ha District Key Club International Cell: (626) 673-9649

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Secretary Checklist As a secretary for the term 2016-2017, I have demonstrated growth in my time management skills and my organization skills. Turning in Month Report Forms early has allowed me to plan my work throughout the month. Dealing with many files and documents has allowed me to efficiently organize work. The past secretary and present board has assisted me during my term, I was able to accomplish more than expectation with their help. Through their help I was also able to complete the following checklist that shows proof of my accomplished duties and the work that I have presented upon my club and division.

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Stephanie Self Brad Manning Dylan Tran

Saself205@bpusd.net Coach1326@aol.com D35w.cnhkc.ltg@gmail

(626) 960-77412514 (626) 260-1997 (626)673-9649

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Proof of Attendance By volunteering I was given the opportunity to change the world a little at a time. Whether it be handing out water during runs or making small crafts to donate to people in need, in the long run it makes a big impact in the world. I have served 100+ through Key Club in my 2016-2017 term. I have gained knowledge and personal skills by attending Division Councils Meetings, Officer and Regional Training Conferences. Through these training conferences I have learned leadership skills and communication skills. In the beginning of my freshman year I was very timid and I felt like I didn’t belong but gradually I became more comfortable with the environment and now even a leader. Key Club has made me who I am, spirited, proud, and confident. A person who can be a leader that builds character, who cares, and who includes all. By attending these events I have filled the following documents with events and training conferences I have attended

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Club Directory

Being organized is a crucial aspect of the club. Using the club directory has allowed me to contact members more efficiently as all their contact information is on the form. Through maintaining and updating the club directory I have learned consistency and efficient working habits. The following documents include the club directory I have used throughout my term, an order form for spirit packs, and a list of events and spirit sessions members have attended before Fall Rally.

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Club Directory

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Club Directory

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Club Directory

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Monthly Report Forms As a secretary, it is one of my obligations to input the club’s information in to the Monthly Report Form each month. It allows me to look back at past events and achievements and see the growth of the club. With this reliable system, I am able to assist my board with information such as hours, past events, and achievements made in the month. The following page includes my Monthly Report Forms from the four quarters, June, September, October, and January.

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June Monthly Report Form

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June Monthly Report Form

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September Monthly Report Form

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September Monthly Report Form

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October Monthly Report Form

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October Monthly Report Form

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January Monthly Report Form

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January Monthly Report Form

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As a Secretary, one of my duties is to file minutes. Every week during meetings I document upcoming events and plans. At the end of the month I am required to turn in my minutes to the division secretary. Completing minutes allowed not only myself but the board to stay informed of future plans. Taking minutes has allowed me to efficiently record information and to include the utmost important information throughout the meeting. The following pages include minutes from the four quarters, (months of minutes)


May Minutes Board Meetings

General Meetings

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September Minutes Board Meetings

General Meetings

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October Minutes Board Meetings c

General Meetings

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January Minutes Board Meetings

General Meetings

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Communications As a board member communication is crucial to maintain connections. It is my duties to send e-mails of my Monthly Report Form and my minutes. As a secretary, I also must be able to contact event coordinators and the Kiwanis advisor. As an officer of my home club I must send information to the school’s administrator.

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Communications School Administrator Communication with the school administrators are very important because they are the reason why Key Club is allowed to do what we do.

Division Communication with the division allows them to know what is going on.

Lieutenant Governor Sending lists and any other information about the club notifies the LTG.

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Communications Division Secretary Every month I am expected to turn in the minutes, this allows the division secretary to know out happenings.

Event Coordinator As secretary, I am expected to sign the club up for events. I must ask for details and any additional information

Kiwanis Advisor Communication with the Kiwanis advisor is very crucial because they help and support our home club.

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Miscellaneous In Key Club I’ve been taught to aim high. The sky is the limit, just like the limitless ways I can assist my club. Throughout my term I have gone above the bare minimum of just accomplishing my duties. Whether it be lending a hand to a board member and taking on a completely different job, the effort all goes to the same place; to serve our members and to help our community. The next page includes my accomplishments I have achieved outside of my duties as a secretary.

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As a secretary time is very crucial. I have never submitted a Monthly Report Form late. I always submit it before the early bird submission because I value the members that put their hard work into achieving service hours. Through my hard work I received an award. Receiving officer of the month, made me realize the importance of recognizing members for what they have contributed towards the club. The experience of being recognized pushed me to assist the president in choosing members of the month. After receiving the award I’ve noticed the members enjoy Key Club more. It has also taught me to notice working ethics during a service event.

It is important to keep members notified about events. I assist historians by relaying information through social media, such as Facebook.

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Miscellaneous During the time while the board was in search for a second Spirit Leader, I assisted the other half of a Spirit Leader in teaching cheers during a home spirit session.

To grab member’s attentions, I assisted historians in making informational edits. Informational edits are more appealing to read than paragraphs of information.

I have also created google form sign ups to inform the board an estimate of how many members will attend an event.

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Deanne Banh

2016-2017 Sierra Vista High School Region 13 D35W

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