DCC N Durham Guide to Services 2017

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Council Services Your Guide to

North Durham

Welcome to the 2017 edition of your Guide to Council Services Your guide is localised to your area. But you can see the other local guides online at www.durham.gov.uk/aboutus

Inside... Area Action Partnerships in your area


How to contact local councillors


Education, schools and learning


Culture and sport


Have your say




Advice and benefits


Planning and building control


Social care and health for adults 13-17



Community and living




Children’s services


Travel and transport


Please ask us if you would like this document summarised in another language or format. Braille


Large print

durhamcountynews@durham.gov.uk 03000 268 059 When you have finished with this magazine, please recycle it. This guide costs 13p a copy. It is written and designed by Durham County Council, printed by Acorn Web Oset Ltd and distributed by The National Leaflet Company and Royal Mail.


Tell us what you think of our services: To make a suggestion or to thank us: www.durham.gov.uk/compliments If we get it wrong: www.durham.gov.uk/complaints

or ring: 03000 269 007

Contact us Online and on the move


In person Visit your local customer access point:

l l



There’s a whole host of council services available 24/7 at www.durham.gov.uk

Twitter: @DurhamCouncil Facebook: /durhamcouncil linkedin.com/company/ durham-county-council YouTube: DurhamCouncil



Save time do it online

Sign up to Twitter and Facebook. We’ll send you information on: l School closures l Events l Council news l Weather warnings l Service disruptions l Job vacancies and closures



Chester-le-Street (Cestria Community Housing Hub, Front Street) Consett (Front Street) Durham (Millennium Place) Stanley (Louisa Centre, Front Street)

Open Monday to Thursday 8.30am to 5pm and Friday 8.30am to 4.30pm. For queries about council tax and housing benefit please make an appointment, call 03000 26 0000.

By email


By phone


Customer service enquiries

(24 hour emergency options available)

03000 26 0000 l l l

Benefits 03000 26 2000 Council tax 03000 26 4000 Streetscene, highways and street lighting (including rubbish and recycling and local environmental issues)

03000 26 1000 l l

24/7 payment line 0300 456 2771 Social Care Direct/ First Contact 03000 26 79 79 (your first point of contact if you are concerned about a child or young person, or need social care help and support)


Area Action Partnerships Area Action Partnerships: Working in your area We have 14 Area Action Partnerships (AAPs) throughout County Durham. They all have budget to spend on local projects which have been decided by local people. Each year local people help choose the AAP’s priorities for the area – the big issues they want to see tackled. The AAPs then use their budget to support projects working in these key areas. Priorities can vary from helping people into employment, to supporting voluntary and community projects, to providing opportunities for children and young people. You can be part of this too. Get in touch with your local AAP. Find out more at www.durham.gov.uk/aaps

Chester-le-Street and

District AAP

Achievements: ensure it looks its best ing with floral displays to bria in Bloom. om blo t ee Str leerest Ch Helped get n’ in Northum winning ‘Best Large Tow for residents and visitors; w businesses with a iation to support six ne soc As ess sin Bu al loc the p fronts, and window Worked with e to improve signage, sho em sch nt gra nt fro p small sho ps are in the pipeline. displays. Five further sho Durham Constabulary to play e Punch North East and On ty ari d bars to dis ch h wit up d Teame ce; working with pubs an len vio h nc pu e on of promote the dangers posters and beer mats. ll: 03000 266 144 p@durham.gov.uk Ca taa ee Str leerest Ch Email: r e-bulletins e.co.uk Sign up for ou -liv r-le ste on Facebook he w.c ww it: Vis t Area Action Partnership tric Dis d an t ee Str leerSearch for Chest

• •



Altogether better

Durham Stanley AAP Achievements:

Supported a Navigator project that helps identify people who feel lonely and isolated. Working one-toone, services and groups are found that best meet that person’s needs and can help them socialise. Funded the Ageless Project, which brings different generations together to increase understanding and break down stereotypes; helping the generations understand each other’s lives, pasts, futures, hopes and fears. Supported North Durham Academy to inspire their students into studying science, technology, engineering and mathematics subjects at a higher level to get jobs within this thriving sector.

Email: stanleyaap@durham.gov.uk Call: 03000 265 323 Search for Stanley Area Action Partnership on Facebook

Case study: Wheels to work

In rural areas, getting to work can be the biggest challenge. Stanley AAP, Chester-leStreet and District AAP and Mid Durham AAP are offering a wheely innovative solution.

Unemployed residents with a confirmed job offer, or people with a job or in education or training who are finding it hard to get to work using public transport, can borrow a scooter for up to six months under the Wheels to Work scheme. To qualify, residents must live within these AAP areas and not have any alternative transport options available to them. Find out more at www.wheelstowork.org and click County Durham.

Email info@wheelstowork or call Gina 07460 068 668 or Susan on 07472 668 884.

Help set our AAP priorities for 2017/18. You could influence where our funding is targeted and help make your neighbourhood a better place to live and work. Find out more about your AAP and how to get involved at www.durham.gov.uk/aaps

www.durham.gov.uk/aaps 5

Mid Durham AAP Achievements:

• •

Supported two community centres to gain over £1million of Big Lottery Reaching Communities funding for rebuilding projects. Supported three projects, which have helped nearly 2,000 local residents who are suffering from the impact of welfare reform, with volunteers from a clothes bank winning a Chairman’s medal.

Supported four projects which help people manage their money better, bring people and communities together to tackle social isolation and tackle energy efficiency.

Email: mdaap@durham.gov.uk Call: 07818 510 370 Search for Mid Durham Area Action Partnership on Facebook

Derwent Valley Part nership

Achievements: Trained teachers and bought equipment to start aft er-school Code Clubs for pupils in ten primary schools to teach the ba sics of computer programm ing. Developed a Beat the Scammers project in partnership with Age UK County Durham to pro tec people from telephone t older fraud. Worked with Consett Churches Detached Youth Projec t and our Sustainable Transport Team to provide a new Comm unity Transport minibus for local group s. Email: dvaap@durham .gov.uk Call: 03000 260 725 Visit: www.derwentva lleylife.org.uk Search for Derwent Va lley Partnership on Facebook


Durham AAP Achievements:

Supported events to bring people into the city, including the Durham Dash, the St Nicholas Nativity and Fire and Ice. Held an ‘It’s up 2 you’ voting event attended by more than 850 people where nine projects were chosen to receive funding. Initiated a project to give new life to Wharton Park, which reopened this year following its £3 million refurbishment. The project was taken on by Durham County Council and received funding through the Heritage Lottery Fund and Big Lottery Fund.

Email: dcaap@durham.gov.uk Call: 03000 267 204 Search for Durham Area Action Partnership on Facebook

Area Action Partnerships Weardale AAP


• Transformed Wolsingham recreation ground with new play and fitness equipment. n to over 30 local projects from bui • ofGrasocntsialgive lding refurbishment to reduction isolation. Working with over 50 community • has and industry volunteers, the Woodl and Trust supported walkers.

the reclamation of Thornley Wood

to create an ideal location for

Email: weardaleaap@durham.go v.uk Call: 03000 268 666 Search for Weardale Action Partner ship on Facebook

Mobile: 07753 779 975

Case study: Weardale’s “All In” outdoor physical activity programme

Weardale’s sports apprentices programme is bringing double the benefits.

Not only because it is helping young apprentices get onto the career ladder in their chosen career; but everything they learn and do then benefits the residents of Weardale.

The two current apprentices, Josh and Daniel, work with young people to plan the sports programme they want to see in their area, from football to climbing, soft ball to dance.

Because they’ve been part of setting up the programme, young people take ownership of the project, regularly turn up, and help to identify new opportunities. So whilst Josh and Daniel are benefiting from a great start to their careers, the young people of Weardale are also benefitting from awesome sports opportunities in their area.

www.durham.gov.uk/aaps 7

How to contact

your local councillors

Local councillors are elected by the community to decide how the council should carry out its various activities. They work to improve the quality of life for people within their area and make decisions about local issues.

We have 126 county councillors in total. Full list at www.durham.gov.uk/councillorsinfo Annfield Plain Annfield Plain


Michele Hodgson Tel. 03000 268 724

Thomas Nearney Tel. 03000 268 754

Peter Oliver Tel. 03000 268 757

Stephen Robinson Tel. 03000 268 765





Burnopfield and Burnopfield and Dipton Dipton

Not sure which ward you live in? Check out our interactive map at www.durham .gov.uk/ councillorsinfo Chester-le-Street East

Becoming a councillor is a great way to represent and make positive changes to your local community. Find out more at www.durham.gov.uk/ councillorsinfo

Chester-le-Street North


Joanne Carr Tel. 03000 268 671

Ivan Jewell Tel. 03000 268 731



Chester-le-StreetChester-le-Street South South

No elected councillor for this area at present.

Chester-le-Street Chester-le-Street West Central West Central

Tracie Smith Tel. 03000 268 773

Keith Davidson Tel. 03000 268 703

Katherine Henig Tel. 03000 268 720

Simon Henig Tel. 03000 268 820

Linda Marshall Tel. 03000 268 742






Consett North Consett North

Owen Temple Tel. 07881 268 963 01207 505 564 LIB DEM

Craghead and SouthCraghead Moor and

Consett South

South Moor

Alex Watson Tel. 03000 268 787

Derek Hicks Tel. 03000 268 722

Mark Davinson Tel. 03000 268 704

Carole Hampson Tel. 03000 268 717





and Esh and WittonEsh Gilbert

Witton Gilbert

Delves LaneDelves Lane

You can find other ways to contact your councillor and their surgery times at www.durham .gov.uk/ councillorsinfo

Jane Brown Tel. 03000 268 690

Bob Glass Tel. 03000 268 711

Barbara Armstrong Tel. 03000 268 674

Joe Armstrong Tel. 03000 268 675





Lanchester Lanchester

Information about Cabinet

Ossie Johnson Tel. 03000 268 732

Richie Young Tel. 03000 268 794



The Cabinet is made up of the Leader of the Council and nine other councillors, each with their own portfolio. Cabinet discusses and makes decisions about our policies and strategies, as well as countywide decisions. Cabinet reports and key decisions can be read at www.durham.gov.uk/councillorsinfo

Leadgate and Leadgate and Medomsley



Alan Shield Tel. 03000 268 769

Watts Stelling Tel. 03000 268 774



Alan Bell Tel. 03000 268 679 0191 389 1831 DURHAM IND GROUP


North Lodge

Audrey Willis Tel. 03000 268 790

Peter May Tel. 03000 268 745




How to contact

your local councillors www.durham.gov.uk/councillorsinfo

What can my councillors do for me? Advise or point you in the right direction if you are dissatisfied with a council service. Talk to you at surgeries about problems or your ideas to improve your area. Put forward proposals to improve your ward and campaign on local issues. Support local partnerships and organisations. Help fund projects that benefit your ward.



Alison Batey Tel. 03000 268 678

Colin Carr Tel. 03000 268 692

Jim Cordon Tel. 03000 268 699

Heather Liddle Tel. 03000 268 738

Simon Wilson Tel. 03000 268 792











David Hall Tel. 03000 268 716

Bill Kellett Tel. 03000 268 715

Katherine Dearden Tel. 03000 268 705

Carl Marshall Tel. 03000 268 741






Got a question about councillors? Contact our Democratic Services on 03000 269 714.



Joyce Charlton Tel. 03000 268 694

Olga Milburn Tel. 03000 268 748



Subscribe to receive email alerts when committee papers and minutes are published at www. durham. gov.uk


Anita Savory Tel. 03000 268 767 01388 527 594 DCC IND GROUP



John Shuttleworth Tel. 01388 517 298 07714 324 442 DCC IND GROUP

Have your say We want everyone who lives in, works or visits County Durham to help improve our services and influence the decisions we make. Here’s how:

Area Action Partnerships (AAPs): You can become a member of your AAP forum and raise issues important to you and your community. Find out more on pages 4-7.

Consultations: We will consult and involve as many people as possible when reviewing and running services. Visit our website for details of current consultations. www.durham.gov.uk/consultation

Overview and Scrutiny: Our Overview and Scrutiny Committees make the decision-making processes more transparent, accountable and inclusive. They challenge decisions so improvements can be made and aim to improve services for people by being responsive to their needs. Find out more at: www.durham.gov.uk/scrutiny email scrutiny@durham.gov.uk

Voting in elections: To vote in the county and parish election to be held on 4 May 2017 you need to be on the Register of Electors. The deadline to be registered in time for this election is Thursday 13 April 2017. You can check if you are registered by contacting electoral services. If you are not registered, you can register online or request a registration form from us. www.gov.uk/register-to-vote www.durham.gov.uk/voting email electoralservices@durham.gov.uk 11

Advice and benefits Advice and assistance to point you in the right direction. Welfare Rights advice The Welfare Rights Service can give you advice and information on benefits and tax credits, including checking you’re getting the right amount and advising what might happen if your circumstances change. We can often act on your behalf or represent you at an appeal tribunal hearing. 03000 268 968 Mon-Fri 9am-12noon email welfare.rights@durham.gov.uk

Claiming benefits from the council If you are on a low income, you may be able to get help to pay your rent and council tax. You can apply online. www.durham.gov.uk/applyforit or contact us at 03000 26 2000.

Reporting housing benefit fraud Benefit fraud costs all taxpayers. If you suspect someone of fraud, report it anonymously. Online at www.gov.uk Call the National Benefit Hotline on 0800 854 440.

Reporting Council Tax fraud If you suspect council tax reduction fraud, single person discount fraud, or any other fraud against the council, report it to us. Call 03000 266 745 Email corporatefraudteam@ durham.gov.uk

Council Tax Pay your council tax online, by direct debit or through our automated payment line 0300 456 2771. www.durham.gov.uk/counciltax 03000 26 4000

Immigration and asylum If you’re from another country and want legal residence in the UK, visit www.ind.homeoffice.gov.uk If you are homeless and need advice, contact Housing Solutions. 03000 268 000.

Citizens Advice Free and independent help to resolve legal, money and other problems or get advice on benefits and tax credits. 03444 111 444. Find your local bureau at www.citizensadvice.org.uk Find out about your consumer rights. 03454 04 05 06 www.adviceguide.org.uk

Advice in County Durham Visit www.adviceincountydurham.org.uk to find out where you can access local support and advice on a range of issues.

Loan sharks Report loan sharks in confidence. 0300 555 2222, email reportaloanshark@stoploansharks.gov.uk

If you’re unable to pay for daily essentials, such as food or heating, and have no other immediate financial assistance, our Welfare Assistance Scheme may be able to help you. www.durham.gov.uk/welfareassistance 03000 267 900 12

Social care and health for adults

Adult social care services provide support to the most vulnerable people in our community. This includes: •

Older people

People with a physical disability

• • • •

People with a learning disability People with a sensory loss

People with substance misuse or alcohol misuse People with mental health needs

Locate - Care and support in County Durham If you live in County Durham and think you need care and support, your first step should be to visit our Locate website. Locate hosts a range of information and advice, including details of organisations that can help you live as independently as possible. If you have difficulty using the internet, ask a carer, friend or relative to help you. You can also take advantage of free computer access at your local library although booking is advisable. www.durhamlocate.org.uk 13

Social Care Direct If you can’t access Locate you can speak to a social care worker at Social Care Direct.

03000 26 79 79 Open Monday-Thursday 8.30am to 5pm and Friday 8.30am to 4.30pm. An out of hours EMERGENCY service is also available on the same telephone number. SMS text message 07786 027 280 email scd@durham.gov.uk www.durham.gov.uk/socialcaredirect Social Care Direct can provide advice and information and guide you to organisations that can help you live independently. It can also take referrals for a care and support assessment if appropriate.

Care and support assessment and eligibility The aim of an assessment is to identify what care and support needs you or any person caring for you may have. If you are assessed as having eligible needs, you may be entitled to care and support from the council. If you are not eligible, we can put you in touch with other organisations that may be able to help you. A fact sheet entitled Eligibility criteria for adults with care and support needs is available on the Locate website. If you are eligible for support, you will be allocated a Personal Budget to meet your eligible care and support needs. There are different ways in which you can manage your budget such as receiving Direct Payments or having services organised for you by social care staff. If you wish to apply for help with costs you will require a financial assessment. 14

Equipment Advice Service

Care Connect offers an alarm

The service can help you find products that will enable you to carry out everyday tasks around the home, meaning you can maintain your independence. Advice is provided over the phone or by email or you can make an appointment to visit our Independent Living House in Spennymoor. 03000 265 667, email equipmentadvice@durham.gov.uk

monitoring and response service 24/7, sending staff direct to your home in emergency situations. 03000 262 195 www.durham.gov.uk/careconnect

Stair lift servicing We offer stair lift and platform lift maintenance services. Fully-trained tradespeople will provide a troublefree annual lift servicing package from as little as £72.60. Call 03000 269 359.

Adult protection If you know someone who has, or needs, care services and is being neglected or abused.

See it, Report it Contact Social Care Direct on 03000 26 79 79 24/7 More information about adult protection is available at www.safeguardingdurhamadults.info

Support for carers A range of support services are provided for carers of all ages through local carer support organisations. Services include advice and emotional or practical support. There’s also a Carers Emergency Support Service. If you are 18+ contact Durham County Carers Support 0300 005 1213 If you are under 18 contact Family Action “The Bridge” on 0191 383 2520 www.durham.gov.uk/carers

Adult carers can join the carers mailing list to receive our free carers magazine. 03000 261 381 www.durham.gov.uk/carers 15

Help in difficult times County Durham drug and alcohol recovery services

Domestic abuse and outreach services

Providing substance misuse services for adults, young people and families across County Durham. Please call 03000 266 666 to find your nearest Recovery Centre. All self-referrals are welcome.

Outreach and refuge services are available across the county to support victims of domestic abuse.

HIV - support for adults

Harbour Support Services: 03000 20 25 25 email info@myharbour.org.uk www.durham.gov.uk/domesticabuse

Social Care Direct can provide information on how we can help you. 03000 26 79 79 www.durham.gov.uk/hivsupport

Gay Advice Darlington and Durham: 01325 355 551

Macmillan cancer information and support centre

Harbour Support Service Refuge, Peterlee and East Durham: 0191 586 8890

Information and support for anyone affected by cancer. 0808 808 00 00

Contraception and sexual health Testing and treatment services for sexually transmitted infections, sexual health and contraception at your local hospital. Visit www.cddft.nhs.uk and search for ‘GUM’. For contraceptive advice, pregnancy testing and infection testing in the local community, call the County Durham and Darlington Sexual Health Services Central Booking Line Mon-Fri 9am-5pm on 0191 372 8700.


Durham Women’s Refuge: 0191 386 5951

Stone Meadow House, Derwentside: 01207 282 193 Wear Valley Women’s Aid Refuge: 01388 600 094

A healthier, more active you Wellbeing for life EEat at well well


Are you aged 40-74? Find out your risk of developing heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes or kidney disease with a check4life health check. Then get personalised advice to reduce the risks. Visit your GP or have a check4life health check in a community venue, contact 0191 569 2860. helping you tto... o...

moree Mov Movee mor

SStop top smoking

lesss Drink les

Smokefreelife County Durham The FREE stop smoking service supporting County Durham residents to give up the habit and lead a healthier smokefree life. For more information or simply an informal chat about stopping smoking, please call our team of advisors on 0191 369 2016 or 0800 772 0565 or text QUIT to 66777. www.smokefreelifecountydurham.co.uk

Your wellbeing is about your happiness, your health, how involved you are in your community, the opportunities that are available to you, and the overall quality of your life. The wellbeing for life service is here to help and support you to make the changes you want. In your community you may want to: Be more physically active. Change what you eat or drink or stop smoking. Try something new. Find out how you can volunteer or help others. Find out how to get involved in your community. For more information call 0800 876 6887 www.wellbeingforlife.net

for life


Community and living

Safer communities We want to help create safer communities where residents feel they belong and can contribute to community life.

Anti-social behaviour

Neighbourhood wardens

If you are experiencing anti-social behaviour which is causing you or your family distress, you can report it by phone or online. 03000 26 1000 www.durham.gov.uk/asb For problems that require emergency assistance, call the police on 999.

Wardens patrol local areas to tackle environmental problems and reduce anti-social behaviour and the fear of crime. They can issue fixed penalty notices for crimes such as littering, dog fouling and graffiti. 03000 26 1000 www.durham.gov.uk/ neighbourhoodwardens

Hate crime Targeting people because of their race, religion, sexual orientation, disability or gender is a crime. Everyone has the right to live free from fear. Call 101 www.durham.gov.uk/hatecrime

Community safety This service works in partnership with police, fire, health and probation services to tackle crime, anti-social behaviour and re-offending. 03000 26 0000, email safer.communities@durham.gov.uk www.durham.gov.uk/communitysafety Trading Standards Report rogue traders, the sale of counterfeit goods, unsafe products and underage sales of alcohol and tobacco to Trading Standards through the Citizens Advice Consumer Helpline on 03454 04 05 06 or visit www.advice.org.uk 18

Neighbourhood Watch Join a neighbourhood watch scheme to help make the area you live in a safe, friendly, pleasant place. Call 101 www.durham.gov.uk/NHW

Tattooists: reporting concerns We’re responsible for registering all tattooists and body-piercers. If you have concerns about someone who’s offering these services, contact 03000 261 016.

Event safety information for organisers If you are planning an event, please contact the County Durham Safety Advisory Group for advice, guidance and support to ensure that your event is a safe one. email safeevents@durham.gov.uk www.durham.gov.uk/eventsafety


Gypsy, Roma, Traveller Service

We can provide sandbags for highways or your home when there are floods or severe weather warnings. www.durham.gov.uk/sandbags 03000 26 1000 (out-of-hours service available)

We work with Gypsy, Roma, Traveller communities, the general public and key partners. We lead on the management of unauthorised encampments and provide support and advice when there are encampments on private land. 03000 26 1000 email grtservice@durham.gov.uk www.durham.gov.uk/travellers

Emergencies Find out how you can help make your community more resilient to emergencies. County Durham and Darlington Civil Contingencies Unit. 03000 264 654 email ccuenquiries@durham.gov.uk

Food safety Eating out? Check out the food hygiene rating of local food premises online at www.durham.gov.uk/foodhygienerating We carry out regular food safety and hygiene checks as well as investigating complains to ensure premises are safe and clean to serve food. Contact us if you have any concerns about a business premises near you. 03000 261 016 email ehcp@durham.gov.uk Gypsy, Roma, Traveller site management We manage six permanent residential Gypsy, Roma, Traveller sites in County Durham. 03000 264 932 email grtsites@durham.gov.uk

Warm Homes Campaign You could be one of the people in County Durham who benefits from a warmer home and lower energy bills. Subject to a survey on your home and income you may benefit from a range of partially or fully-funded energy efficiency measures.

Solutions available include:

l Replacement of an inefficient boiler * l FREE cavity wall insulation * l FREE loft insulation * l Advice on fuel taris

l Advice on saving energy

For more information call 03000 268 000

warmhomes@durham.gov.uk *eligibility criteria apply


Need to check council decisions, boundaries and rights of way, or obtain copies of baptisms/marriage in church certificates?

Register offices and bereavement services Register offices To register births, deaths, marriages and civil partnerships make an appointment at your local register office, call 03000 26 6000 Monday to Friday. All appointments must be booked in advance. We have nine register offices throughout the county, for full details visit www.durham.gov.uk/registeroffices Your local register offices are: Aykley Heads House Register Office, Durham Stanley Register Office Chester-le-Street Register Office Consett Register Office Bishop Auckland Register Office contains a strong room of indexes, records and registers going back to 1837. To make an appointment, call 03000 26 6000. You can order replacement birth, death, marriage and civil partnership certificates online at www.durham.gov.uk/registrars or by calling 03000 26 6000. 20

Want to trace your family history or find out what life was like in your home town? Then contact our Archives Service: 03000 267 619 email record.office@durham.gov.uk www.durhamrecordoffice.org.uk

Bereavement services Contact us to pre-purchase a grave plot in council-owned cemeteries. We also oer a plot selection service and advice to people trying to trace family members who may be buried in council-owned cemeteries. 03000 26 0000 Contact town and parish councils direct for cemeteries owned by them.

Crematoriums There are two council-run crematoriums in County Durham. Central Durham Crematorium, Durham City 0191 384 8677 email durhamcrem@durham.gov.uk www.durhamcrem.co.uk Mountsett Crematorium, Dipton 01207 570 255 email Mountsettcrem@durham.gov.uk www.durham.gov.uk/mountsettcrem


Fancy trying something new? Meeting new people? Learning new skills? Then volunteering could be for you. With so many fun ways to help other people or improve your neighbourhood, volunteering is incredibly rewarding. To find out more about volunteering opportunities in County Durham, contact Durham Community Action which provides a one-stop shop for volunteering. 01388 742 040, email volunteering@durhamcommunityaction.org.uk www.durhamcommunityaction.org.uk Twitter @DurhamVolunteer Facebook search for Durham Community Action

There are lots of council activities you can volunteer to take part in. These include: • Archaeology • Archives and local history • Books on Wheels • Civic pride • Composter volunteer scheme • Culture and sport volunteering • Parks and countryside • Youth Offending Service See www.durham.gov.uk/volunteering Check out www.do-it.org.uk the national volunteering website.

Local markets

County Durham is home to nine regular markets operating throughout the year and offering a range of items. Your local markets are:

Chester-le-Street Market, Marketplace Tuesday, Friday and Saturday 8am-5.30pm Consett Market, Middle Street Thursday, Friday and Saturday 8am-4pm Stanley Market, Front Street Thursday and Saturday 8am-4pm 21

Children’s services Sharing your home and heart Adoption Adoption is a lifelong commitment where a child who cannot live with their birth family lives permanently with the adopter. If you are thinking about adoption, get in touch. 03000 269 400 email adoption@durham.gov.uk www.durham.gov.uk/adoption

Fostering Make ordinary moments extraordinary, foster with Durham County Council. We provide advice, support and training for foster carers and would like to hear from you. 03000 269 400 email fostering@durham.gov.uk www.durham.gov.uk/fostering

We provide a range of services for children, young people and families. Private fostering If you have been looking after someone else's child, or someone else has been looking after your child for 28 days or more, this is classed as private fostering and the law says you must notify us about the arrangement. 03000 26 79 79 email scd@durham.gov.uk www.durham.gov.uk/privatefostering

Supported Lodgings Durham Supported Lodgings Scheme provides accommodation and emergency placements for young people leaving care and vulnerable young people and adults. If you can offer lodgings to a young or vulnerable person please get in touch. We can offer up to £250 a week as payment and we will support you with advice and training. 03000 262 272 email supportedlodgings@ durham.gov.uk www.durham.gov.uk/supportedlodgings

Foster Xtra Foster Xtra is a specialist type of fostering, for children who need extra help to live as part of a family. These children may be struggling to cope with difficult times in their life and need special foster carers to give them extra support and understanding. 03000 269 400 email fostering@durham.gov.uk www.durham.gov.uk 22

Breastfeeding Cafés Pregnant women and breastfeeding mums can drop in to our relaxed sessions offering information, guidance and support from dedicated staff. Find your local group at www.breastmilk.co.uk

Does your child complain they have nothing to do? Check out www.countydurhamfamilies.info or like www.facebook.com/youngdurham for events, news and young people’s activities.

Keeping children safe First Contact - Safeguarding children and their families If you have concerns about the welfare of a child or young person who lives in County Durham, call First Contact on 03000 26 79 79. First Contact brings together children's services staff with partners such as Durham Constabulary and health services. First Contact is open from 8.30am until 5.00pm, Monday to Thursday and from 8.30am until 4.30pm on a Friday. 03000 26 79 79 email scd@durham.gov.uk www.durham.gov.uk/firstcontact


A duty officer is available outside of normal office hours in an emergency.

County Durham drug and alcohol recovery services Providing substance misuse services for adults, young people and families across County Durham. Please call 03000 266 666 to find your nearest Recovery Centre. All self-referrals are welcome.

County Durham Youth Offending Service (CDYOS) We work with young people aged 10-17 and their families to prevent re-offending. We supervise court orders and youth cautions used as an alternative to going to court. We also support victims of youth crime. 03000 265 999

Tell us what you think

Tell us what you think of this guide and you could win £50 of shopping vouchers. How do you tend to find out about council services?

o In my ‘Guide to Council Services’ o By using the www.durham.gov.uk website o By contacting Customer Services when I need help

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o Very easy o Quite easy o Not easy

W IN £50

Are there any council services listed you didn’t know about previously and will consider using?

o Yes o No If yes, please give details

................................................................................. continued overleaf...


Information and advice for families One Point The One Point Service brings together staff from Durham County Council and Harrogate and District NHS Foundation Trust to provide early help and support for children and young people from 0-19 years (25 years if the child has a disability), and their families. We have ten One Point hubs across the county. For a full list see www.durham.gov.uk/onepoint Your nearest centres are at: Chester-le-Street (Burns Green) Consett (Beechdale Road) Stanley (Front Street) Or ring us on 03000 261 111 and we’ll put you through to the right One Point hub to help with your query.

FISCH - A weight management programme for primary school children. Contact your child’s school nurse.

Survey continued

Is there something you think should be included in the next guide?

o Yes o No If yes, please give details

................................................................................... If you would like to enter the competition to win £50 of shopping vouchers, please fill in your details (right).

Families Information Service (FIS) FIS provides free and impartial information for families on childcare, family support, activities and more! We also have a Local Offer section for families with 0-25 year olds who have special educational needs and disabilities. Visit: www.countydurhamfamilies.info Call: 0800 917 2 917

Young carers If you’re under 18 years of age and look after someone who can’t manage without your help, such as a parent or your brother or sister, you might be a young carer. To apply for an assessment or for more information, contact First Contact on 03000 26 79 79. We’ll work with you to see if there are any services that could help and support you. Your name



W IN £50


Telephone ..............................................................

Address.................................................................... Postcode ................................................................

Pop this survey in the post (don’t forget to use a stamp) to Durham County News, Durham County Council, County Hall, Durham DH1 1RH or pop it into reception at any of our access points before Monday 27 March 2017.


Thanks for taking part

Education, schools and learning

We want to help young people in County Durham develop and achieve their aspirations.

Schools School admissions

School governors

Apply for a place online at www.durham.gov.uk/schooladmissions For guidance, call 03000 265 896 or email schooladmissions@durham.gov.uk

If you can bring energy, experience and fresh ideas to support our schools, why not become a school governor? 03000 265 704 / 5, email sgss.administration@durham.gov.uk www.durham.gov.uk/schoolgovernors

School closures When a school has to close at short notice due to bad weather or problems with heating we’ll tweet it @DurhamCouncil. Information is published on the Durham County Council website at www.durham.gov.uk/schoolclosures

Grants for school shoes and coats The School Benevolent Fund is a registered charity offering carers (who meet the criteria) a grant towards a school coat and a pair of shoes. The fund is now run by Thornhill Primary School. 01388 772 906 www.durham.gov.uk/ schoolbenevolentfund

School exclusions and secondary transfers If your child has been excluded you may need further guidance. Contact our pupil casework teams for advice. 03000 265 904 / 905 / 906 www.durham.gov.uk/schoolexclusion

School crossing patrols We provide school crossing patrols in various locations across the county where children frequently need to cross the road on their way to school and where there may be higher volumes of road traffic. 03000 268 175 email road.safety@durham.gov.uk

School transport Some schools operate ‘walking buses’ and ‘park and stride’ initiatives - find out more from your school. We provide free home to school transport to families that are entitled. 03000 264 444, email schooltransportteam@durham.gov.uk www.durham.gov.uk/schooltransport

School information For a full list of schools and headteachers, visit www.durham.gov.uk/schools


Children and Young People’s

Network Free school meals All children in reception, year 1 and year 2 are entitled to a free school meal under the Universal Infant Free School Meals scheme. It’s still important that you complete an application form as the school receives additional funding for those who are in receipt of certain benefits. For older children, if you receive certain benefits your child may be eligible for free school meals and additional help. Contact your child’s school or our school meals team. 03000 268 002 / 003 email schoolmeals@durham.gov.uk www.durham.gov.uk/freeschoolmeals

School holidays Check school term dates online at www.durham.gov.uk/schoolholidays

Growing Healthy County Durham The Growing Healthy Team works in local communities to support the emotional and physical health and wellbeing of families, children and young people across County Durham. 03000 263 538 Visit www.hdft.nhs.uk and click ‘services’. 26

Children and Young People’s Network We must keep a register of children and young people up to the age of 25 with a special educational need or disability. In County Durham, we call this the Children and Young People’s Network and more than 1,200 children and young people are registered. It helps us to better plan what services are needed and in what areas. If you register, you’ll receive a free e-newsletter and information about services and activities that may be of interest. www.durham.gov.uk/cypn

The County Durham Local Offer The Local Offer has a wide range of information for families of children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) including services that may help you or your child as they progress from birth to the age of 25. www.countydurhamfamilies.info/ localoffer

Time4U Offering arts and activities for older people and people with a disability. 03000 261 384

Help4teens.co.uk www.help4teens.co.uk is for young people aged 13-19 across County Durham. It holds up-to-date information and advice to support career planning and preparation for education, employment or training. Download factsheets on career areas or to help you write CVs, complete application forms and prepare for interviews.

Special Educational Needs and Disability Information Advice and Support Service Confidential, impartial support and advice for parents, carers, children and young people (up to 25 years) in relation to Special Educational Needs and Disability. 0191 587 3541 www.durhamsendiass.info

Durham Music Service Durham Music Service is one of the country’s biggest music education hubs providing high quality and inclusive musical opportunities for 14,000 pupils from over 340 schools. With over 30 musical ensembles including a range of orchestras, choirs, wind and brass bands as well as percussion, strings and special school ensembles. 03000 262 368, email durhammusicservice@durham.gov.uk www.durham.gov.uk/durhammusicservice

Don’t miss out - Free play and learn for two and three year olds Some two and three year olds may be entitled to free ‘play and learn’ sessions at a nursery, playgroup, school or with a childminder. Contact the Childcare Places Team on 03000 268 913.

Adult learning and skills service Provides training and learning opportunities for people who are living or working in County Durham. You could brush up on your English or maths, learn how to use a computer, or perhaps develop skills for your job. Courses include business admin, team leading, supporting teaching and learning in schools. We also offer apprenticeships in a number of work areas including social care and administration. email alss@durham.gov.uk www.durham.gov.uk/adultlearning


Adult Learning and Skills Service Sign up for an adult learning course.

Learn new skills, gain qualifications, find a new career or build confidence.

4 4 4

Improve your maths and English at all levels up to GCSE. Study computer and technology courses. Gain vocational qualifications in areas like childcare, health and social care, and business and administration.

Find out more on 03000 266 115, www.durham.gov.uk/adultlearning


Culture and sport Leisure centres and clubs All of our leisure centres offer state-of the-art gym facilities with affordable membership packages. www.durham.gov.uk/ leisurecentrememberships Our pools offer public swimming, swimming memberships, swimming lessons, aqua fitness classes, Dementia Friendly swimming*, pool parties and fun sessions. www.durham.gov.uk/swimming

Here’s a list of your local leisure centres: Consett Leisure Centre** 01207 218 151 Gym, 20m and 25m pools, squash, sports hall, dance studio, cardio studio, spinning studio. Chester-le-Street 03000 266 444 Gym, 25m pool, learner pool, squash, soft play area. Freeman’s Quay, Durham City 03000 268 488 Gym, 25m pool, learner pool, sports hall, dance studio, ‘Changing Places’ disability changing facility. * Available at Freeman’s Quay, Chester-le-Street, Teesdale Spennymoor and Woodhouse Close Leisure Centres. ** Run by Leisureworks www.leisureworks.net (Thrive card not valid at these sites)

Louisa Centre, Stanley** 01207 218 877 Gym, 25m pool, learner pool, squash, two sports halls, adventure play area, library, bistro. Riverside Leisure Complex, Chester-le-Street 03000 266 447 Indoor and outdoor training facilities for club and private hire including cricket training, refurbished outdoor floodlit pitches and 3G pitches, athletics track and tennis courts. Operates a full exercise class and activity programme. No gym facilities on site but you can use Chester-le-Street gym with your membership.

If you use your leisure centre regularly you could benefit from having a Thrive card to gain discounts on some of the services offered. For more information, visit www.durham.gov.uk/thrivecard To see current promotional offers visit www.durham.gov.uk/leisureoffers Visit www.durham.gov.uk/leisurecentres to see a list of all our leisure centres.


Durham Institute of Sport

Activities for young people

Durham Institute of Sport (DIS) supports the development of County Durham’s talented athletes and coaches, helping them achieve their sporting potential. 03000 282 012 email dis@durham.gov.uk www.durham.gov.uk/dis

Activities for five to 25 year olds to help get young people enjoying and succeeding at sport. Term time and school holiday programmes. 03000 282 012

Disability Sport A programme of sporting activities for disabled children and young people to help them improve their confidence and have fun. Call 03000 282 012 or contact your local leisure centre. email sportandleisure@durham.gov.uk www.durham.gov.uk/disabilitysport

Culture and sport volunteering Club Durham Club Durham is our free support scheme helping sports clubs to be safe and sustainable. We help with sourcing funding, advice on getting new members and keeping them, and training. More than 300 clubs have joined Club Durham already. 03000 282 012 email clubdurham@durham.gov.uk Check out Club Durham’s website for more information and to register www.clubdurham.co.uk 30

There are lots of ways you can get involved in our culture and sport programme, from helping deliver books for our books on wheels services to being a festival maker at one of our many events. Email cultureandsportvolunteers @durham.gov.uk Call 03000 266 555 See page 21 for other ways to volunteer.

Find a sports club near you at www.countydurhamsport.com 03000 282 012

Libraries Your local libraries are: Annfield Plain: 03000 269 511 Open: Mon 10am-7pm, Tues 9am-1pm, Thurs 1pm-5pm, Sat 9.30am-12.30pm.

Chester-le-Street: 03000 269 512 Open: Mon 10am-7pm, Tues 10am-6pm, Thurs 10am-7pm, Fri 10am-5pm, Sat 9.30am-12.30pm.

Consett: 03000 269 513 Open: Mon 9.30am-5pm, Tues 9.30am-7pm, Wed 9.30am-12.30pm, Thurs 9.30am-7pm, Fri 9.30am-1pm, Sat 9.30am-12.30pm.

Having trouble getting to your local library? Try Library Online. Browse to see what books we have, request or renew an item and get full, free access to a range of online resources. Borrow e-books and e-magazines to read on your PC, tablet or phone. www.durham.gov.uk/libraryonline

Durham Clayport: 03000 265 524 Open: Mon to Fri 9.30am-7pm, Sat 9am-5pm.

Lanchester: 03000 269 514 Open: Mon 2pm-5.30pm, Tues 2pm-5.30pm, Thurs 9am-7pm, Sat 9.30am-12.30pm.

Try Books on Wheels. Our free home delivery service may be able to help you. 03000 263 790 or 03000 263 789 www.durham.gov.uk/libraries Try our Mobile Library Service to rural communities. With disabled access. www.durham.gov.uk/mobilelibrary

Pelton: 03000 269 515 Open: Mon 2pm-5.30pm, Wed 9am-7pm, Thurs 2pm-5.30pm, Sat 9.30am-12.30pm.

Sacriston: 03000 269 504 Open: Mon 9.30am-7pm, Thurs 9.30am5pm, Sat 9.30am-12.30pm.

South Moor: 03000 269 516 Open: Tues 1pm-5pm, Thurs 9.30am-7pm Fri 9.30am-1pm, Sat 9.30am-12.30pm.

Stanley: 03000 269 517 Open: Mon 10am-7pm, Tues 10am-7pm, Thurs 10am-5pm, Fri 10am-6pm, Sat 9.30am-12.30pm.

Library HealthZones To learn more about an illness or find a support group, visit the HealthZone in any of our libraries. www.durham.gov.uk/healthzones

E-Books You can now borrow a huge range of e-books from our libraries. Read them free of charge on a PC, tablet or phone. All you need to access these is an internet connection and your library card. www.durham.gov.uk/libraries 31

Save yourself worry; save yourself heartache; save yourself from crippling debts.

How? By talking to your local credit unions, NEFirst and The Prince Bishops Community Bank about savings and loans that can help you manage your money better.

Prince Bishops Credit Union

NEFirst Credit Union

www.pbcb.org.uk 01207 232 351

www.nefirstcu.co.uk 03300 553 666

Credit Unions are not-for-profit savings and loans organisations run for the benefit of the local community. They are regulated by the Bank of England and the Financial Conduct Authority.


County Durham has so much to offer, from spectacular coastline to rolling countryside, mind-blowing museums to awesome art galleries. Check out our council-managed venues below.

Museums and arts venues Bishop Auckland Town Hall There’s something for everyone with a library, art gallery, theatre, festivals, live music, stand-up comedy and weekly films. 03000 269 524 www.bishopaucklandtownhall.org.uk

Gala Theatre and Cinema, Durham A state-of-the-art modern theatre, cinema and café-bar. Hosting the best in live entertainment from the UK and beyond. 03000 266 600 www.galadurham.co.uk

Killhope Lead Mining Museum Restored 19th century lead mine, where visitors can experience ‘hands on’ the life and work of the lead mining families of the North Pennines. 01388 537 505 www.killhope.org.uk

Locomotion: The National Railway Museum at Shildon Marvel at over 70 vehicles from the National Collection: from the earliest locomotives to the newest trains! Café, gift shop, play areas, free admission, and free parking! 01388 777 999 www.nrm.org.uk/locomotion

The Witham, Barnard Castle Managed by the Witham Trust, a vibrant cultural, community and commercial centre in the heart of historic Barnard Castle. Gallery, shop, café and programme of events. www.thewitham.org.uk email info@thewitham.org.uk 01833 631 107

The official tourism website for the county provides information on: Attractions Activities Events Food and drink Shopping

• • • • •

www.thisisdurham.com The Visitor Contact Centre is also on hand to provide information: Call 03000 26 26 26 Email visitor@thisisdurham.com Text ‘Visit’ and your enquiry to 80011 Calls - cost of a local call, calls from mobiles may vary. Texts – standard network charges apply.

Durham e-newsletter Sign up to the free Durham e-newsletter to get all the latest news and events direct to your inbox. www.thisisdurham.com/ newsletter Follow us /thisisdurham @MoreDurham 33

Go outdoors We look after loads of sites for you to visit; from the award-winning Hardwick Park to the Waskerley Way Railway Path, which is part of the national coast to coast cycle route.

Walking and riding


Discover the great outdoors and join us on one of our guided countryside walks. Get our twice yearly guided walk programme and sign up for our e-newsletter www.durham.gov.uk/countryside and follow us on Facebook: /Durham-Countryside-Volunteers 03000 282 012

A weekly programme of guided bike rides for beginners and intermediate level cyclists across County Durham. This also includes ‘Back on your bike’ rides which are suitable for beginners. If you don’t have a bike, don’t worry, Bike4Life can loan all participants a bike and helmet for the duration of each ride. To take part in one of our rides simply turn up on the day. For more information on your local ride, please contact us on 03000 282 012 or log onto www.durham.gov.uk/cyclingevents

Walk4life A weekly programme of free, short, led walks across County Durham specifically designed to improve your health. For more information on your local walk, please contact us on 03000 266 555 or log onto www.durham.gov.uk/walk4life


For more places to walk or ride, visit www.durham.gov.uk/prow or to order your free cycle map, email pedalpower@durham.gov.uk

The DLI Collection provides amazing evidence of the daring deeds of our county’s own regiment. The majority of the collection – 10,000 items, only some of which were previously displayed at the DLI Museum - has been moved into a new research and study centre at Sevenhills, Spennymoor. Items include uniforms and medals, hats, buttons, weapons and ammunition, all of which help to tell the story of the Durham soldier.

Exhibitions Items from the collection will be loaned to museums and exhibitions. A gallery will be on display at Palace Green Library in 2017.

The Medal Collection Medals can be viewed, preferably by appointment, in the Barker Research Library at Palace Green Library, open Monday–Friday 9am-5pm. www.dur.ac.uk/library/asc/dlimedals

Viewing the Collection Items from the collection can be viewed at the new research and study centre, preferably by appointment. Email: DliCollectionEnquiries@Durham.gov.uk or call 03000 266 631. The collection is located at Greenhills Business Park, Enterprise Way, Spennymoor DL16 6JB. DLI Archives, such as diaries, letters and photos, can be viewed at Durham County Record Office, County Hall, Durham. Call 03000 267 619 or email record.office@durham.gov.uk to make an appointment.



Housing difficulty

Housing Find a home Empty Homes We provide support and assistance to owners of empty properties. 03000 268 000 email privatesectorhousing @durham.gov.uk

Private landlords We provide help and advice on a wide range of housing-related questions to both tenants and landlords. 03000 268 000, email privatesectorhousing@durham.gov.uk

Housing Solutions provides a range of services to assist people who are homeless, threatened with homelessness or experiencing financial difficulties. It is important you seek advice before a problem becomes a crisis so we can prevent homelessness. We have a number of ways we can help you to improve your situation. This may prevent you from losing your home or help you find suitable and aordable alternative accommodation. 03000 268 000 Out of Hours Service (for emergency homelessness) 01388 722 538 email housingsolutions@durham.gov.uk Housing Solutions also oer a number of more specific services: Family Intervention Project 03000 268 000 Gypsy Roma Traveller 03000 264 932

To Let

Your first choice for housing in County Durham

No bond

No admin fee

Cestria Housing

0191 385 1900

Derwentside Homes

01207 521 100

Dale and Valley Homes 0800 083 0333

Durham City Homes

0800 068 0013


0800 587 4538

East Durham Homes North Star Housing

0800 032 0835

03000 11 00 11

www.durhamkeyoptions.co.uk Derwentside Homes


Planning and building control Planning approval

Building control

You can get lots of useful information about the planning process at www.durham.gov.uk/planning including:

We carry out plan examinations, site inspections, dangerous structure assessments and issue demolition notices. Contact your local office for more information. 03000 262 832, email buildingcontrol@durham.gov.uk

View and comment on planning applications.

Check if you need planning permission for the work you want to do.

Report concerns about building work or development activity.

Find out how to appeal a planning decision.

Learn more about listed buildings and conservation controls.

Make online planning applications.

Make your application online More than 60 per cent of all planning applications are now made online. It's quick, easy to use and available 24/7. Complete your application form, upload supporting documents and pay for your fees all in one place www.durham.gov.uk/planning You can also contact your local planning office on 03000 262 830 email planning@durham.gov.uk For Chester-le-Street and Consett Areas.

For all major projects contact our strategic building control office. 03000 262 832, email buildingcontrol@durham.gov.uk Make your building control application online at: www.submitaplan.com

Planning, Housing, Economic Development and Transport Policy, including Local and Neighbourhood Plans For information on the County Durham Plan, neighbourhood plans and council policy relating to planning, housing, economic development and transport contact: 03000 263 967 email spatialpolicy@durham.gov.uk www.durham.gov.uk/cdp 37

Environment We provide a range of services to keep our county attractive and safe.

Waste and recycling We collect rubbish and recycling from households in County Durham on alternate weeks. One week we empty the rubbish bin and the following week we empty the recycling bin and box. In 2015/16, we recycled, reused or composted around 40 per cent of household waste.

Collections To find out your collection day, enter your house number and postcode into ‘My Durham’ on our website. www.durham.gov.uk/bins www.durham.gov.uk/recycling www.durham.gov.uk/whatgoeswhere 03000 26 1000

Garden waste collections To find out if your property is eligible for garden waste collections and to sign up to the service go to www.durham.gov.uk/gardenwaste or call 03000 26 1000. 38

Assisted collections If you have difficulty getting your household bin to its collection point, and you meet certain criteria, we can help you. 03000 26 1000 www.durham.gov.uk/assistedcollections

Lost or stolen bins There is a charge to replace lost or stolen bins. Help minimise the chance of losing your bin by returning it to within the boundary of your property as soon as possible after it has been emptied on your collection day. 03000 26 1000 www.durham.gov.uk/bins

Bulky waste collections We collect bulky waste items, such as furniture and white goods from households. There is a charge for this service. 03000 26 1000 www.durham.gov.uk/bulkywaste

Furniture reuse schemes If your unwanted furniture or household items are too good to throw away, contact one of the county’s reuse charities and find your item a new home. 03000 26 1000 www.durham.gov.uk/reuse

Garden waste collections 2017 Collections from the kerbside between spring and autumn. Fees for 2017 £25 for 17 collections between spring autum mn (sign up by 14 February to and autumn ions). receive all collections)

To sign up 7R ¿QG RXW LI \RXU SURSHUW\ LV HOLJLEOH RXU SURSHUW\ LV HOLJLEOH for collections and to sign up visit gov.uk/gardenwaste www.durham.gov.uk/gardenwaste Call 03000 26 1000

www.durham.gov.uk/gardenwaste m.gov.uk/garden Terms erms and conditions apply.

for County Durham

Recycling facilities You can recycle your household waste at the Household Waste Recycling Centres (HWRCs). Please separate your waste according to the material and place your items into the correct recycling container at the sites. Here’s a list of your local recycling centres and opening hours: Opening times: April - September

Opening times: October - March


Opening days

Annfield Plain Morrison Busty Industrial Estate

Every day

9am - 6pm

9am - 3.30pm

Potterhouse Lane Pity Me, Durham

Every day

9am - 6pm

9am - 3.30pm

Hett Hills B6313 Chester-le-Street to Craghead

Saturday, Sunday and bank holidays only

9am - 6pm

9am - 3.30pm

For a full list of sites across the county, see www.durham.gov.uk/hwrc

Waste permits If you are visiting the recycling centres with a van, pick-up vehicle, minibus or towing a trailer, you will need to contact us for a free waste permit before visiting the site. 03000 26 1000 www.durham.gov.uk/householdpermit

www.durham.gov.uk/whatgoeswhere 03000 26 1000 40

Helping you to keep areas safe, clean and tidy Dog fouling, litter and graffiti We issue fixed penalty notices for dog fouling, littering, graffiti and rubbish in yards and gardens. Let us know if you spot a problem. 03000 26 1000 www.durham.gov.uk/litter www.durham.gov.uk/dogfouling

Fly-tipping (illegally dumped waste) Through our multi-agency ‘Operation Stop It’ campaign with Durham Constabulary, the Environment Agency and Crimestoppers, we continue to prosecute for fly-tipping offences. Report fly-tipping or unlicensed waste carriers in confidence – www.durham.gov.uk/flytipping 03000 26 1000 or Crimestoppers 0800 555 111.

Grass cutting, grounds maintenance and tree management We maintain public grounds and trees in parks and open spaces, in schools and on highways. Call 03000 26 1000. www.durham.gov.uk/treemanagement

Noise, pollution or nuisance issues If you are experiencing problems with commercial or domestic noise, air quality, general nuisances, pollution or contamination. 03000 261 016 or 03000 26 0000.

Civic Pride team We work with residents, partners, businesses, schools, volunteers and community groups to address clean and green issues that affect our open spaces. 03000 26 1000 www.durham.gov.uk/civicpride

Pest control See page 42.

Stray animals Report a stray dog or horse to us and we will try to identify the owner. 03000 26 1000 www.durham.gov.uk/strayanimals

Allotments We manage several allotment sites. Additional sites are provided by local town and parish councils, allotment associations, or are privately owned. Find out what sites are available. www.durham.gov.uk/allotments email allotments@durham.gov.uk 03000 266 050

Caring for our natural, built and historic environments Design and Conservation We provide advice on listed buildings, conservation areas, heritage at risk, development proposals, environment awards and heritage open days. 03000 267 146, email design.conservation@durham.gov.uk

Archaeology We protect, manage and conserve the archaeological remains of the county and offer opportunities for people to get involved in investigating their heritage. We also maintain the County Durham and Darlington Historic Environment Record and manage Binchester Roman Fort visitor centre. 03000 267 013 email archaeology@durham.gov.uk www.durham.gov.uk/archaeology

Tree preservation We offer advice about Tree Preservation Orders and trees in conservation areas. Call 03000 267 133 email treeofficers@durham.gov.uk



for households

We can help get rid of most common pests for a one-off payment of ÂŁ40. We treat rats, mice, moles, wasps, squirrels and most flying insects.

Book an appointment: www.durham.gov.uk/pestcontrol Email: pestcontrol@durham.gov.uk Tel: 03000 26 1000


for businesses

Protect your business from pests. As a local authority for pest prevention and control, we can help you to protect your reputation, minimise the risks to your staff and reduce spoiled stock. Whether you want advice on pest prevention, one-off treatments or an integrated pest management contract, contact us now for a free no obligation survey and quote. Tel: 03000 262 550 www.durham.gov.uk/pestcontrol Email: pestcontrol@durham.gov.uk

Allan Mushen

Business Business Durham is the economic development company for County Durham, delivering the environment for business and economic growth. We provide advice, guidance and support to help businesses in the county to grow and develop. We have a large business property portfolio, including offices, industrial space and specialist accommodation for science and technology businesses at NETPark. We also promote enterprise and business start-up in the county, whilst providing businesses with an easy route into council services which they may need to access.

We oer guidance and support in: l l l

For more information: 03000 261 261 enquiries@businessdurham.co.uk www.businessdurham.co.uk Twitter: @_businessdurham

l l

Starting your business. Finding the right premises for your business. Growing your business. Locating your business in County Durham. Access to funds, finance and grants. 43

Business rates


Some businesses may be able to get a reduction in their rates. For more information and advice, contact the Business Rates Team on 03000 268 997 www.durham.gov.uk/businessrates

Find out how you can make your business more resilient in an emergency situation or business interruption. 03000 264 654 email ccuenquiries@durham.gov.uk

Commercial vehicles

Maintenance of building and facilities

We are an authorised testing facility for Heavy Goods Vehicles (HGVs) and Public Service Vehicles (PSVs) at our Meadowfield (Durham) depot. See page 47 for more information. 03000 269 342 www.durham.gov.uk/MOT


We oer a range of building and facilities management services to businesses, including: construction services, repairs and maintenance, building compliance, facilities management, catering and cleaning services. 03000 269 359 www.durham.gov.uk/BAFM

Trade waste

Businesses may require licences for a number of reasons, such as premises licences for pubs, restaurants and betting shops, taxi licences and scrap metal dealer licences. www.durham.gov.uk/licensing

We oer a trade waste collection service to businesses in the county, with a number of collection options. Contact us for a quote. 03000 262 660 www.durham.gov.uk/commercialwaste

If you have any concerns about a licensed premises, call 03000 261 016.

Workplace driver training

Pest control We provide a comprehensive pest management service to businesses, either as a single treatment, or a programmed pest management control contract. 03000 262 550 www.durham.gov.uk/pestcontrol 44

We can help small and medium sized businesses to develop their driver safety at work policies to comply with health and safety requirements. We can also help with driver assessments and training to help reduce costs for businesses. 03000 268 173 email road.safety@durham.gov.uk www.durham.gov.uk/roadsafety

Travel and transport We look after 2,300 miles of roads, 2,112 miles of footways and more than 80,000 street lights and illuminated signs in County Durham.

Blue badge scheme A national scheme enabling people with severe mobility problems, walking difficulties or people registered blind to park close to their destinations. 03000 269 425 www.durham.gov.uk/bluebadge

Concessionary passes You can get a bus pass when you reach the State Pension age - this age has changed, depending on your birthday. People with qualifying disabilities can get a pass at any age. 03000 268 667

Park and Ride A direct bus service runs every ten minutes to Durham city centre from our three park and ride sites (Belmont, Sniperley and Howlands). For ÂŁ2 per person you get parking, unlimited daily travel into the city centre and free use of the cathedral bus. www.durham.gov.uk/parkandride

Public transport For information and journey planning advice visit www.durham.gov.uk/publictransport or www.traveline.info/

Travel Response Centre Phone us to book our dial a ride Link2 and Access Bus services, and to arrange hospital transport. 03000 269 999 Access Bus The Access Bus service provides people who have limited mobility or are unable to use mainstream public transport with a door-to-door transport service to popular shopping and leisure destinations. Link2 Our Link2 bus service is a pre-bookable bus service for people making journeys (up to five miles) where there is no other suitable bus or where they are unable to access mainstream public transport due to mobility issues.

Bridge Card Scheme If you travel on the bus alone but struggle because of your age, a disability or illness, or just lack confidence, carrying a Bridge Card can help. Get your card from local bus stations, customer access points, libraries, or by calling 03000 268 667. 45

Safe journey Highways and street lighting For problems with roads, pavements, street lights, traffic signals or road drains in County Durham or if you have a query about highway licences and permits. 03000 26 1000 email help@durham.gov.uk Report it online www.durham.gov.uk

Road safety education We provide road safety education and training in schools and colleges, including Bikeability cycle training, child pedestrian training and the Junior Road Safety Officer Scheme. 03000 268 167 or 03000 268 168 email road.safety@durham.gov.uk www.durham.gov.uk/roadsafety

Winter services

MOT testing

We provide a winter maintenance service from October to April, pre-salting to prevent ice forming and clearing snow during and after major snowfalls. Follow us on Twitter: @DurhamCouncil and @TwitterGritterNE www.durham.gov.uk/winterinfo

We offer an MOT testing service to the public (vehicle classes 4, 5 and 7). Call one of our test centres to book. Annfield Plain: 03000 265 638 Chilton: 03000 266 247 Meadowfield: 03000 269 342 Peterlee: 03000 264 100

Follow our gritters online by selecting ‘Today’s gritting plans’.



See page 47 for more information.

Call to book your MOT

MOT tests vehicle servicing centres

£45 From

l l l l

Annfield Plain - 03000 265 638 Chilton - 03000 266 247

Meadowfield - 03000 269 342 Peterlee - 03000 264 100


DVSA ATF and Tachograph Station

We are an approved Driver and Vehicle Standards Agency (DVSA) Authorised Testing Facility (ATF) for HGVs and PSVs. We are able to provide an on-site trailer and ballast weights at competitive rates.

Reliable | Flexible | Professional Open from 7am to 5pm weekdays. Call: 03000 269 342


Durham County Council, St John’s Road, Meadowfield, Durham, DH7 8XQ

Service Direct Newco Limited

www.durham.gov.uk/whatgoeswhere 03000 26 1000


Uniforms, medals, hats, buttons, weapons and ammunition all help to tell the story of the Durham soldier. You can view, preferably by appointment, parts of the DLI Collection at our new research and study centre at Sevenhills, Spennymoor. Find out more on page 35.

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