E-Commerce in the Time of Pandemic

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The Sustainabilist | E-COMMERCE

Bolt-on Store Automation uses compact,

emerging concept, it integrates the automation

stationary, with an automated storage and

robotic automation technologies to create

into the shopping environment, allowing

retrieval system delivering the products they

small fulfilment centres at the back of the store

shoppers to have the flexibility to place their

need to fulfil the next order as it is needed. Pick

that automate current manual processes for

orders in advance or while in the store, to pick

time is thus reduced significantly, and accuracy

non-perishable item picking while utilising

their own perishable items, or to have the store

is improved, while pickers experience less

store inventory to top off orders with perishable

complete their order for pickup or delivery.


from one location, reducing transportation time

E-Grocery Automation Technologies provide

Robotic-Assisted Picking is another approach,

and costs.

groceries with a range of automation solutions

in which a robot guides the picker through the

to choose from. The best solution will depend

store to optimise travel based on the location

Micro-fulfilment Centres create an

to a degree on the selected e-fulfilment strategy,

of the items to be picked and allowing multiple

opportunity to convert abandoned or

but as with e-commerce automation in general,

orders to be picked at the same time. The robot

underperforming retail outlets into micro-

grocers should seek out solutions that are

leads the shopper through the aisles in the most

fulfilment centres that serve the same area

flexible, data-driven, and robotic to ensure they

efficient manner and even guides the picker on

as a traditional grocery store with automated

won’t become obsolete as the market changes

how to package the order, determining which

fulfilment for curbside pickup or home

and can leverage new technologies as they

stock-keeping units (SKUs) should be put into

delivery. This strategy sacrifices in-store

emerge. There are multiple niche solutions

which grocery bag based on criteria, such as

shopping so it is particularly attractive to

being developed today to capitalise on the

the maximum weight for a bag, crushability

pure-play e-grocers but creates the opportunity

growth in e-grocery fulfilment, the primary

and whether items need to be segregated by

to optimise the environment by efficiently

automation solutions being used or considered


integrating automated and manual picking.

are either robot-assisted picking or goods-to-

It allows grocers who don’t have an existing

person automation systems.

goods. This allows them to fill complete orders

brick-and-mortar footprint within a particular

Automation has proven to be a sustainable and future-focused solution and it is becoming

area to move fulfilment closer to customers,

Goods-to-person picking is a concept that

a competitive differentiator that can help

reduce transportation costs, and enable shorter

has been widely adopted in e-commerce and

companies uplift their operations without

delivery times.

multi-channel warehouses to enable higher

affecting business continuity while offering the

productivity and faster order fulfilment times.

smooth and organised experience for customers.

The Automated Grocery Store is a new type

Instead of pickers walking up and down

of grocery store that combines automated

warehouse aisles to pull orders, the goods-

e-fulfilment with traditional shopping. Still an

to-person system allows the picker to remain


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