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Providing Unprecedented Marine and Costal Development and Protection

Providing Unprecedented Access to Marine Solutions Globally

Ecocoast is a driver of sustainable coastal and marine development that is progressively buoying its position as a global leader. Thanks to its recent acquisition of Bolina, the European leader in marine safety, Ecocoast now fulfils its global clients’ needs with unprecedented access to environmental, safety and security solutions.


Both Ecocoast and Bolina are leaders in their respective core markets. Ecocoast with coastal and marine protection, demarcation and navigation; Bolina with safety and security booms.

The inclusion of Bolina’s brand will allow Ecocoast to offer safety and security solutions globally for inland waterways, dams and critical infrastructure.

Protection, Demarcation & Navigation

Ecocoast specialises in engineering, manufacturing and installing custom

solutions for clients that are seeking purpose marine solutions for protection, demarcation and navigation applications.

of that. They had been testing a series of screen prototypes for a couple of years to measure whether they could withstand the harsh conditions in the Pacific Ocean. Unfortunately, all of them failed to pass the tests. These failures were euphemistically referred to as Unscheduled Learning Opportunities.

At the end of 2017, Ecocoast partnered with The Ocean Cleanup. Within a period designed and manufactured a screen that passed the rigorous tests in the North Sea, engineering knowledge and skills made impossible.

Safety & Security

The Bolina Safety & Security Booms have been effective for the protection of commercial ports, naval bases, force protection and many other critical sites, such as docks, power stations and airport runways. They have proven to provide clear delineation of restricted areas where there may be a risk of intrusion, whether accidental or deliberate.

The booms are the preferred choice for both British Waterways and the Environment Agency who control the navigable waterways within the United have followed their lead.


Ecocoast, founded by two Australian entrepre


and critical infrastructure healthy, safe and

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