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SCHOOL MEAL PROGRAM The D.C. Everest Area School District is proud to offer school meals with a wide variety of fresh, local, and homemade ingredients as part of the National School Breakfast and Lunch Programs.
Daily Weekly Monthly (20 days) Quarterly (45 days) Semester (90 days) Reduced Costs:
Elementary Meal Prices 2020-2021 Milk (Snack Break Breakfast Lunch or Cold Lunch Milk) $0.40 $1.35 $1.85 $2.00 $6.75 $9.25 $8.00 $27.00 $37.00 $18.00 $60.75 $83.25 $36.00 $121.50 $166.50 $0 $0 $0.40/day Milk, Breakfast, & Lunch
$3.60 $18.00 $72.00 $162.00 $324.00
We accept cash or check payments in person at the school office. Please include the student name and ID number with the deposit. Payment may also be made online for a small fee on the MySchoolBucks website, www. myschoolbucks.com. You can check account balances, view recent purchases, and set up low balance alerts for free on the MySchoolBucks website.
A copy of the Free or Reduced Price Meal Applications are sent home to each household and areavailable in the school office or on the D.C. Everest website. If you think your family might qualify for this benefit, please fill out an application. A new application must be completed each school year. We only need one form per household, even if your students attend multiple D.C. Everest Schools. Applications may be submitted at any time during the school year. All information is kept confidential.
A printed school breakfast and lunch menu is sent home monthly. Check Nutrislice for our interactive online menus at www.dce.nutrislice.com.
Breakfast is served each day that school is in session unless there is a school delay. Students are encouraged to order breakfast the day prior, however any student is welcome to participate in breakfast.
Milk is offered every day during a morning break for $0.40 per 8 oz carton. If a student is determined to be eligible for Free & Reduced Price Meals, then milk is also free during morning break.
There are two main meals offered each day. Students in grades 1-5 have the choice of the main or alternate lunch. Alternate lunches are listed as the second meal on the menu and must be ordered one day in advance.
Students may order a bag lunch from the Food Service program when there is an activity that takes them out of the building over the lunch period. All lunches must be ordered in advance. The lunch may be purchased for the cost of a meal and will be charged to the student’s lunch account. If a student is determined to be eligible for Free & Reduced Price Meals, then the meal will be charged accordingly.
Some foo d pr oducts can cause an anaphylactic reaction ifa person eats,touches,orbreathesin the protein. Anaphylaxis meansthattheimmunesystem over reacts to a particular protein fou nd in that food. Each reactionis unique and symptoms range from mild to life threatening with each exposure. The eight foods most commonly responsible for the majorityofreactionsare: cow’smilk,eggs,fish,peanuts, shellfish, soy, tree nuts, and wheat. Examples of non-food related anaphylactic allergens are latex, medication, and inse ct venom (i.e. bee stings).
Althoughthedistrictcannotguaranteeanallergenfreecampus, DC EverestPolicy5335.01 providesananaphylactic aware environment(K-12)forstaffand studentsby taking measuresto minimize the risk of an exposure and educate staff to respond to life threatening reactions. During classroomprojectsand activities,common food allergens,aswellaslatex, willbeavoided.
To reducetheriskofexposureforphysiciandiagnosedanaphylacticfoodallergies,itisrecommendedthatproducts containing nutsare consumed in the cafeteria. Ifnutcontaining productsare eaten, hand w ashing with soap and wateris recommended prior to returning to a classroom environment or playground. Ite ms for snack break should not contain
nutsasthey cannotbe consumed in the classroom.
Th efoods ervicedepartmentwillmakedietarysubstitutionsinaccordance withUSDA regulations7CFR Part15b, when the "Medical Statement for Children with Disabilities Requiring Special Foods in Child Nutrition Programs" is correctly completed by a physician and returned to the Supervisor of Food Services.
A reasonableeffortforschooloperatedprograms willbemadetonotserveorpurchasefoodproductsthatcontainnut ingredients. Nut containing products will not be served in grades K-5. Allstudentsmay pack a cold lunch containing nut pro ductto be eaten in the cafeteria only.
Theparent/guardians willsupplyaphysiciansignedandcompletedAnaphylactic Actionplantotheschoolandindicateif the student shouldsit at an alle rgy safe table and notify staffifthere are any changesin the student’s health.