3 minute read
Treasurer's Report
OCTOBER 26, 1956
The semi-annual meeting of the Dutchess County Historical Society was held on Friday, October 26, at the Nelson House, Poughkeepsie.
The meeting was called to order at 11:30 a. m., and the minutes of the annual meeting, held May 18, 1956, were read and approved.
The treasurer gave the semiannual report and stated that at the present date only $211.28 remained in the checking account. Her report was accepted as read.
The secretary reported that the society had had four resignations and had lost the following members by death: Mr. Joseph Acker, Miss Elizabeth P. Bockee, Mr. Osborne V. Burlingame, Miss Mary Corliss, Mrs. Henry B. -Nichols and Mrs. William C. Sproul.
The curator reported on the possessions of the society and listed several acquisitions. She suggested that an effort be made to obtain photographs of buildings, etc., in the county for the permanent collections of the society. 1VIrs. Daniels reported on the pilgrimage and stated that many persons had told her that it was the most enjoyable trip that had been made by the society in recent years. It was voted that the secretary write Mr. Frazier, telling him of the pleasure given this society and expressing the appreciation of its members.
Mention was made of the two books which have been published by officers of the society. Mrs. Hackett told something of Membership in the Kingdom of God, written by Mr. Leland H. Shaw and recommended it highly. Mr. Van Wyck stated that it had been some years since a history of the county had been written and congratulated Dr. MacCracken on his work and its happy title, Old Dutchess Forever. He urged the members of the society to read both books. Mention was made of a forthcoming book, Bridges, by Henry Billings and it was suggested as a possible Christmas gift for boys.
Dr. MacCracken spoke of the interest that young people have displayed in the history of the county and urged that plans be made for the formation of a junior historical society. He spoke of the work done by the groups of Yorkers under the guidance of
the New York State Historical Association. Dr. 1VIacCracken and Mrs. Hackett were asked to serve as chairmen of a committee to work on such a project.
The names of the following new members were proposed and they were elected: Mrs. Ernest A. Acker, Mrs. Jonas Borak, Mrs. William Bronson, Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Bleecker Brown, Mr. Jesse Effron, Mr. and Mrs. Charles D. Eggert, Mr. Fred W. Haida, Mr. Richard Hillman, Professor Clair Leonard, Mr. Louis Mayer, Miss Emma Mewkill, Mr. Francis S. Peterson and Mrs. A. Leslie Ross.
Mr. Bisbee told of having met, in London in the 1920's, a member of the de Ferranti family who was interested in Mr. Bisbee's home city because his great-grandmother had been born in Poughkeepsie. Mr. Bisbee stated that he had renewed his acquaintance with members of the family during the past summer and that they would be interested to discover the names of the parents of Sarah Myers, born February 16; 1799, in Poughkeepsie. Mr. Bisbee said he would be glad to transmit the information to his friends in England if any member of the society could supply the names of Sarah's parents.
On motion, the meeting adjourned to the dining room. After Mr. Hillery had asked the blessing, the members enjoyed an excellent luncheon.
Following the luncheon, the president introduced Mr. Godfrey Olsen, who gave a most interesting talk on the Schaghticoke Indians and showed slides illustrating his archeological work and some of the friends he had made among the Indians.
The meeting closed with a rising vote of thanks to Mr. Olsen. Amy \Ter Nooy, Secretary