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The Clinton Historical Society
Organized March 16, 1971
During 1971, another Dutchess County Township formed an Historical Society making a total of eleven Town societies in the County. For several years, residents of the Town of Clinton had discussed the formation of an historical society and it is said the decision to organize took roots at a delightful old fashioned "Game Night" which took place at the home of Clifford Buck in October, 1970.
The organization of the Town of Clinton Historical Society occurred on March 16, 1971, when a good number of the residents of the Town met, adopted a Constitution and By-Laws and elected officers and trustees. Mr. Francis Van Auken was elected president of the new Historical Society, Mr. John Adriance, vice president, Mr. George White, treasurer, Mrs. H. Fountain, recording secretary, and Mrs. W. Kershow, corresponding secretary. Mr. Howard Adriance, Mrs. C. Barker, Miss Ruth Hoyt, and Mr. Leonard Kinney were elected trustees of the Society.
It was explained by a member of the Clinton Historical Society that the main purpose of the Society will be the preservation and dissemination of historical information about the Township. The start of the projects came a few years ago when the Clinton Library started the collection of old papers, letters, clippings, maps and pictures which were donated by residents of the Town of Clinton. The members of the Dutchess County Historical Society were priviledged to learn about this porject when the Clinton Library was one of the stops during the 1970 Pilgrimage of the Society members.
Since its formation, the members of the Clinton Historical Society have participated in the Rhinebeck Historical Day celebration by supplying horses, buggies and drivers for tours of the Town. In September, at the annual Clinton Community Day, members of the Clinton Historical Society prepared a generous display of horse drawn vehicles and antique automobiles.
The Dutchess County Historical Society congratulates the founders of the Clinton Historical Society and stands ready to give support and encouragement to this latest addition to our historical group.