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Glebe House Report
Glebe House has had another busy year with hundreds of students and friends visiting and enjoying its history.
In May, Jeremiah O'Kane, custodian, left for Ireland. We acquired the services of Robert Burnham, but were saddened at his death in October. Theodore Rich joined us in November and, although he does not give tours, he is doing a fine job keeping the house clean and in order.
On June 6, 1971, the Glebe House Committee held a Craft Day from 1:00 to 5:00 P.M. Sixteen exhibitors took part and refreshments of lemonade and sugar cookies were served. About 500 people attended this event.
In the fall of 1971, a new Committee took over Glebe House duties and planned the annual Christmas Open House. This year, however, the Open House was held in conjunction with the Junior League Christmas Sale on December 4 and 5 and Charles Dickens' Christmas Carol was its theme. The house was visited by 882 people in those two days and the Glebe House Committee made nearly $400 in an "early attic" sale held in conjunction with the Christmas event.
With the fine cooperation of Mr. Nelson and Mr. George Pascoe, the following maintenance work has been completed during the year. 1. Painting the front hall, the master bedroom and the ceiling in Reynolds Room. 2. Repairing the window at the head of the stairs. 3. Erecting a fence along the east border of the property.
The Glebe House was very pleased to receive a cradle given by the family of Balms B. Van Kleeck. A complete record of the babies rocked in this cradle accompanied this gift. Respectfully submitted, Nancy P. Straub Junior League Chairman and Jean B. Courtney Historical Society Co-Chairman
GLEBE HOUSE COMMITTEE 1971 Mrs. Lauren C. Straub, Junior League Co-Chairman Mrs. Paul M. Courtney, Historical Society Co-Chairman Mrs. C. B. Schmidt II, Secretary Miss Monica Gosse, Treasurer Mrs. Richard Temple, Special Events Mrs. Davison Moore, Public Relations and Publicity Mrs. H. Sherman Hirst, Ga,rden Club Representative Miss Valere Voorhees, Garden Club Representative Mrs. Edward J. Holden III, Restoration Mrs. David Petrovits Mrs. Albert J. Blodgett, Jr. Mrs. Herbert Van Benthuysen Mrs. Thomas Pelish
Mrs. Robert M. Lawatsch Miss Judy Pierpont Mrs. Melvin Landis Mrs. Joseph A. Butler, Jr.
Mrs. Warren Partridge, Jr. Mr. Herbert Roig Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Van Kleeck Mr. Balms Van Kleeck Mr. Edmund Van Wyck Mrs. Peter Mund