3 minute read
Report of Committee on Milestones
The treasurer read her report which was accepted and which follows these minutes.
Dr. Ashley reported for the committee which had been appointed to see what might be done to insure the preservation of the brownstone milestones. He said that all of the milestones that the committee had been able to find along the Post Road had been protected with cement and stone, with the exception of one located in the city of Poughkeepsie. He regretted that two of the stones on the old road had been removed from their original setting and were placed three-tenths of a mile apart. He reported that aside from this instance the stones are spaced properly and well protected and should be able to stand in their positions for another hundred years.
It was moved and seconded that a resolution of thanks be passed by the society and that a copy of the same be sent to the members of this committee.
The Secretary read a letter that had been received from the office of the public schools of Woodville, Texas, requesting a copy of the bylaws of this society or any other printed material which might be of use in forming an historical society in Tyler County, Texas. The letter described the Dutchess County Historical Society as "one of the most outstanding historical associations in America."
The Secretary also read a letter from Mr. Louis Colwell, a member of this society who resides in Montreal, in which he invited any members, who might be in Montreal, to view his collection of Dutchess County historical material.
Miss Reynolds reported for the Year Book Committee that the material for the 1935 issue was well in hand and would be mailed to paid-up members in December. She explained that the publication of the year book used practically all of the money received each year in membership dues and that the year book was sent only to members whose dues were paid for the year.
Miss Reynolds also reported that the recent pilgrimage to Millbrook had been one of the most successful in the history of the society.
It was moved and seconded that the society express its appreciation of the cooperation of Mr. Harry Harkness Flagler and others on the occasion of the recent successful pilgrimage by passing a resolution of thanks and that a copy of the resolution be sent to Mr. Flagler.
Miss Reynolds explained what Mr. Frederic Smith, the County. Clerk, had been doing at the county court house to preserve the old records and maps and spoke about the weekly exhibits that Mr. Smith had prepared and placed in the window of the Sunday Courier on Market Street. She moved, and it was seconded, that a resolution of thanks and encouragement be passed by the society and that a copy be sent to Mr. Smith.
The following new members were proposed and elected: Bard College, Dr. Milton M. Grover, Mrs. David F. Lane, Mrs. William J. McLaughlin, Mrs. Her-
man G. Place, Mr. Everett Rowe, Mrs. Everett Rowe, Mr. Howard G. Winne and Mrs. Howard G. Winne.
Dr. Baldwin introduced Mr. Louis Sherwood, President of the Hudson County Historical Society of New Jersey, who is also a member of this society and whose ancestors lived in Dutchess County. He told of the work of the New Jersey society and extended greetings on behalf of his society.
The matter of the spring meeting was discussed and arrangements were left to the Board of Trustees.
There being no further business, the meeting adjourned to the dining room where one hundred and twenty-eight members and friends partook of luncheon which was followed by an interesting talk on early days in Newburgh and Orange County given by the Rev. A. Elwood Corning, President of the Temple Hill Association.
The meeting concluded with a rising vote of thanks to the speaker.