17 minute read
Secretary's Minutes
April 5, 1965
A meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Dutchess County Historical Society was held on Monday afternoon, April 5, 1965, at the Poughkeepsie Savings Bank. Present: President Van Kleeck, Vice-President Van liVyck, Dr. Balch, Dr. Davison, Mr. Dwelley, Miss Halstead, Mr. Frederic A. Smith, Mrs. Southworth, the treasurer and the secretary.
The meeting was called to order by the President who introduced the new members and reported that Mr. Bisbee had been ill but was very much improved.
The secretary reported that the society had lost eight members by resignation and the following by death: Miss Hazel J. Ball, Miss Irene M. Braman, Mr. LaVerne M. Bull, Mrs. Peter M. Cornell, Mrs. Paul DeGrofif, Mrs. Harry J. W. Ethal, Mrs. W. L. Hewson, Mr. Leon L. Jaminet, Mrs. Emlen T. Littell, Mrs. H. A. McLaughlin, Miss Jean E. IVIoehle, Dr. Frederick W. Muth, Miss Ann M. Platt, Mrs. Robert L. Smith and Mrs. Theodore Van Kleeck Swift.
The treasurer gave a report on the current state of the treasury, which was accepted as read. There was some discussion as to the use which might be made of the Helen Wilkinson Reynolds Memorial Fund.
The secretary proposed the following names as new members and they were elected: Mrs. Wilber T. Archibald, Mr. George H. Benedict, Mrs. Edward Buchanan, Mr. Brent B. Caldwell, Mrs. John H. Darrow, Mr. and Mrs. R. Dale Fisher, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. Furlong, Mrs. John B. Hackett, Mr. Gilbert L. P. Knapp, III, Mrs. Bernard J. McCoy, Mr. Harold Mangold, Mr. G. Stuart Mansfield, Mrs. Joyce Rittgers, Mrs. J. Sheafe Satterthwaite, Mrs. Leonard A. Sibley, Mr. Elliott W. Smith, Mr. and Mrs. James B. Stevens, Mr. Michael J. Strong, Mr. Theron Van Scoter and Dr. Earle W. Voorhees.
It was reported that the material for the 1964 year book was ready for printing and there was some discussion with reference to the increased costs of printing. Mr. Dwelley offered to get some figures on other methods of reproduction.
The President reported that he and other members of the Board had received from the Dutchess County Planning Board a list of land-
marks in the county with requests for corrections and additions. The members present felt that many of these landmarks should be preserved. It was the consensus of opinion that progress in the right direction was being made by the several planning boards. The trustees of the historical society were especially interested in the preservation of the City Hall building. Dr. Balch moved that a committee be appointed to confer with the urban renewal authorities, looking toward the preservation of that particular building. The President appointed Mr. Dwelley as chairman, with Dr. Balch, Mr. Smith and the President, as a committee with this end in view.
Mrs. Southworth read a very complete report of the progress in the several projects for the rehabilitation of the Glebe House. She especially mentioned the helpful services of Mr. Van Wyck, Mr. Pearce and Mr. Ham.
She reported that a very successful open house day was held on December 6, at which time 350 persons visited the house which had been attractively decorated with such materials as might have been available and used in the early 1800's as Christmas decorations.
She reported that a new caretaker would have to be employed and asked the trustees for assistance in obtaining a suitable person.
She reported that the pamphlets descriptive of the Glebe House had been placed in a number of locations, including the Van Cortlandt Manor House Restoration and Boscobel Restoration, where they would be available to interested tourists. Mr. Dwelley suggested that he be supplied with a quantity which could be included among the materials distributed by Community Greeters.
Mr. Van Kleeck reported that there had been no progress toward the settlement of the Wells estate.
A communication from Miss Elise Kinkead was read and, after discussion, the President was asked to explain to her that it is the current policy of museums and historical societies not to accept gifts upon which conditions are imposed and that it would be impractical for a present group of trustees to bind their successors in a program which might be difficult to maintain.
The President observed that the annual meeting would be held in May and that the terms of some of the officers would expire. He appointed a committee, composed of Dr. Davison and Mr. Bisbee, to select candidates to fill those offices which would be vacant.
There was some discussion as to where the spring meeting might be held and Mr. Van Wyck, Mr. Gill and Mrs. Southworth were appointed a committee to make the arrangements.
It was reported that Dr. Elizabeth B. Drewry, Director of the Franklin D. Roosevelt Library, had recently been honored as one of six women named to receive the 1965 Federal Woman's award for outstanding contributions to government programs, the only award created to honor women in the Federal Government. It was suggested that the society congratulate Dr. Drewry and invite her to attend the Epr:ng meeting.
Mr. Van Kleeck told of a ceremony, held at the home of Miss Annette Young on August 27, 1964, at which time "Locust Grove" was designated a Registered National Historic Landmark by the United States Department of the Interior. He told of Miss Young's plans for the creation of the Samuel Finley Breese Morse Museum, which will insure the preservation of the property. Miss Young had been presented by the representatives of the governmental department with a certificate and a bronze marker.
The secretary showed a number of books and pamphlets which had been written by members of the society or had been compiled to commemorate anniversaries of institutions within the county or its environs. They included the very comprehensive Data Book, compiled by the Dutchess County Planning Board; Prologue to Independence, by Dr. MacCracken ; LaFayette in America, by Hamilton Fish; Bernie Fitchett's Hudson Valley Recipe Book; Genealogy of the Birdsall Family; and a number of pamphlets, some of which were mentioned in the 1964 year book. It was decided that the Birdsall genealogy be placed on indefinite loan in the genealogy section of the Adriance Memorial Library, where it would be available to the public.
The secretary also reported that several gifts had been received and showed a small, framed engraving of the Poughkeepsie Collegiate School, the gift of Mr. Andrew W. Lent of Highland, and two reproductions of coats of arms of the Baldwin and the De La Vergne families, the gift of Mr. Leon C. Baldwin of Fulton, New York. She further reported the receipt of copies of the Pawling News-Chronicle which contained articles on local history by Mr. Ben Brown.
It was reported that back issues of the year book had been sent to the Fishkill Historical Society and to the Aldrich Library of Bennett College.
There was no further business to be considered and the meeting ad j ourned
Amy Ver Nooy, Secretary
May 13, 1965
A meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Dutchess County Historical Society was held on Thursday afternoon, May 13, 1965, at the Poughkeepsie Savings Bank.
Present: President Van Kleeck, Vice-President Van Wyck, Mr. Badgley, Mr. Bisbee, Dr. Davison, Miss Halstead, Dr. MacCracken, Mr. Smith and the secretary and Mr. John A. Wolf.
The President called the meeting to order at 3 p.m.
The reading of the minutes of the meeting, held April 5, was omitted.
The secretary reported that the society had lost three members since the last meeting: Mrs. F. Irving Bower, Miss Alethea D. Halliday and Miss May Belle Williams.
The following names were proposed and they were elected annual members: Mrs. Margaret T. Lane, Lieutenant-Colonel Samuel A. Moore, Dr. and Mrs. Peter R. Mund, Mr. Henry C. Reichert and Mr. Ralph E. Van Kleeck.
The President reviewed the history of the Caroline Thorn Wells estate and its provisional bequest to the historical society. He asked Mr. Wolf to report on recent developments.
There was considerable discussion and the meeting adjourned to May 20, when there would be more information available. Amy Ver Nooy, Secretary.
May 20, 1965
A meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Dutchess County Historical Society, adjourned from May 13, was held on Thursday afternoon, May 20, 1965, at the Poughkeepsie Savings Bank.
Present: President Van Kleeck, Vice-President Van Wyck, Mr. Badgley, Dr. Balch, Dr. Davison, Mr. Dwelley, Miss Halstead, Dr. MacCracken and Mr. Smith, the treasurer and Attorney John Wolf.
The President opened the meeting and explained that, for lack of up-to-date information, no decisions had been made at the previous meeting. He gave a brief review of the discussion held on May 13 and asked Mr. -Wolf to add further information.
There was considerable discussion and Mr. Wolf was asked to notify the attorneys representing the Wells estate that the historical society trustees desired and expected a final settlement without further delay.
The President was pleased to report that Dr. MacCracken would be the guest speaker at the annual meeting to be held May 22.
It was reported that Dr. Elizabeth B. Drewry, Director of the Franklin D. Roosevelt Library, had accepted the invitation to attend the annual meeting.
On motion, the meeting adjourned. George IVI. Gill, Acting Secretary
May 22, 1965
The annual meeting of the Dutchess County Historical Society was held on Saturday, May 22, 1965, in the Educational Hall of St. John's Evangelical Lutheran Church, Poughkeepsie.
After a buffet luncheon, served to seventy-seven members, the President, Mr. Van Kleeck, called the meeting to order and expressed the appreciation of the society to the Reverend Mr. Sievert, Pastor, and to the other officers of the church for the use of the building.
The President stated that the secretary, Mrs. Ver Nooy, was in Oklahoma and had sent regrets that she was unable to be present. He said that Miss Edith Pearce would serve in her place for the meeting and he thanked Miss Pearce for her cooperation.
The minutes of meetings of the Board of Trustees, held April 5, May 13 and May 20, 1965, were read and approved. (It had been impossible to carry out the plans for a semi-annual meeting in the fall of 1964 and that meeting had been omitted.)
The secretary's report, listing the loss of several members, had been given at a meeting of the Board of Trustees and there was nothing to add to that report.
Mr. Gill, the treasurer, reported a balance of $397 in the checking account; $7,819 in the permanent account; $3,570 in the Helen Wilkinson Reynolds Memorial Fund and $12,500 in the William Platt Adams Fund.
Mrs. Southworth reported for the Glebe House committee. She enumerated many of the improvements being made and stated that
gifts had been received from the Junior League, the Poughkeepsie Garden Club and the Dutchess County Historical Society.
She explained that the city owns the property and allows $1,200 per year for maintenance, which is being used this year for painting. She described in detail the restoration work in the kitchen, which is a project of the historical society, and mentioned the gift of a crane by Mr. Eugene Ham. She called attention to the fact that additional funds will be needed for other changes and also for the floors which will have to be replaced. She reminded the members that the use of the Glebe House is available to other organizations and suggested that requests be made at least ten days in advance.
She expressed thanks to the Junior League, Mr. Van Wyck, Mr. Pearce and Mr. Ham for their assistance.
In thanking Mrs. Southworth for her fine report, the ?resident called attention to the fact that the Glebe House is one of the very few houses in the city dating from 1767 and emphasized the importance of keeping it in good condition in order that it be preserved.
The President called for a report of the Nominating Committee, Mr. Joseph B. Bisbee and Dr. C. 0. Davison.
Mr. Bisbee reported that officers were to be elected for a term of two years and four trustees for a term of four years. He stated that, under the present bylaws, he and Dr. Davison and Mr. Newton D. Deuel were ineligible for re-election this year.
Mr. Van Kleeck added that the name of Mrs. Ver Nooy would not be included in nomination for secretary as she had notified the Board of Trustees that she did not wish to continue in office. He stated that she had been elected a member in 1928 and during the same year was appointed assistant secretary, serving in that capacity until 1947 and thereafter as secretary. In addition, since the death of Miss Helen W. Reynolds in 1943, she had edited the year book and had written many of the articles published in it. He said that the trustees were pleased that she had consented to continue as editor of the publication.
Mr. Bisbee then presented the following nominations: for President, Mr. Baltus B. Van Kleeck; Vice-President, Mr. Edmund Van Wyck ; Secretary, Mr. Frank V. Mylod ; Treasurer, Mr. George M. Gill; Trustees for a term of four years: Mrs. Robert W. Asher, Lieutenant-Colonel Samuel A. Moore, Mr. Ralph E. Van Kleeck and Miss Valere S. Voorhees.
Mr. Bisbee took the chair and it was moved and seconded that the report of the Nominating Committee be accepted. The candidates so nominated were unanimously elected.
The President asked for nominations of new members, but no names were presented.
The President called upon Dr. Balch who introduced Dr. Elizabeth B. Drewry, Director of the Franklin D. Roosevelt Library. He stated that she had been recently honored as one of six women named to receive the 1965 Federal Woman's award for outstanding contributions to government programs and that this was the only award created to honor women in the Federal Government.
Dr. Drewry expressed her appreciation of the privilege of attending the meeting. She spoke of the rich history of Dutchess County and President Roosevelt's deep interest in the historical background of the area. She also told of the room in the Roosevelt Library where members of the historical society had met with President Roosevelt and she expressed the hope that they would continue to take advantage of the facilities of the library.
Mr. Van Kleeck thanked Dr. Drewry and invited her to attend future meetings of the society.
In introducing the speaker, Mr. Van Kleeck stated that Dr. MacCracken had been a member of the society since 1915, had served as president and is currently one of the trustees. He spoke of the many books and articles concerning Dutchess County which Dr. MacCracken had written and of the numerous broadcasts he had made on the history of the area. The President said that Dr. MacCracken would speak today on "Tidewater Dutchess—Yesterday—Today—Tomorrow ?"
The address was most interesting and was enthusiastically received by the audience.
Mr. Van Kleeck thanked Dr. MacCracken for having appeared again as the speaker at the annual meeting and for his continuing interest in the county and the society.
The meeting closed at 3 :15 p.m. with a rising vote of appreciation for the speaker.
Edith M. Pearce, Acting Secretary
October 23, 1965
On the overcast, chilly Saturday morning of October 23, 1965, members of the Dutchess County Historical Society congregated at the Harris-Rusted house at Hammerto-wn, about one mile east of the
historic village of Pine Plains, on Route 199, where they were welcomed by the officers of The Little Nine Partners Historical Society.
Commemorative trees were planted in honor of the occasion by Mrs. William B. Jordan, its president, for the host society; Mr. Baltus B. Van Kleeck, president, for the Dutchess County Historical Society; Mrs. Charlotte Slingerland 'Tuttle Kester for the donors of the land, and Mr. Richard Bliss for the founding officers and trustees of The Little Nine Partners Historical Society.
After a talk on Hammertown by Mrs. Kester, those assembled inspected the pre-Revolutionary house which is being restored by the host society.
Members and their hosts then proceeded to the Methodist Church hall in the village and partook of their picnic lunches; coffee and cookies being served with the help of local Girl Scouts.
The business meeting of the Dutchess County Historical Society was called to order by the president. Upon proper motion, the reading of minutes of prior meetings was dispensed with.
The secretary reported that Mrs. Gladys Hall Murray of Mount Vernon had given to the society, for the Glebe House, a well preserved blanket, handwoven about one hundred and fifty years ago from the wool of Dutchess County sheep. There had also been received a copy of the History of the Red Hook Methodist Church of Red Hook, Dutchess County, N. Y., from its pastor, the Reverend Russell E. Sargent.
The secretary reported that the society had lost the following members by death: Mrs. George L. Nickerson, Mr. Everett E. Rowe and Dr. Edwin R. Van Kleeck.
Mr. George M. Gill, treasurer, reported on the state of the treasury. He also reported the receipt of $200, the bequest of Miss Alethea D. Halliday.
In the absence of Mrs. Southworth, Mr. Van Wyck reported for the Glebe House Committee, stating that considerable work had been done in the restoration of the chimney and fireplace in the kitchen and that progress was being made in the numerous repairs to that part of the house.
Mrs. Ver Nooy reported that the 1964 year book had been much delayed and was still at the printer's.
It was reported that space for the society in one of the library buildings had been sought but that the request had been rejected.
A plea was made to the members present to endeavor to interest new members.
The following names were presented and they were accepted and elected annual members of the society: Mrs. Walter Averill, Mrs. Henry R. Bollinger, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Case, Jr., Dr. and Mrs. Harry Hanley, Mrs. John F. King, Jr., Dr. and Mrs. William Liesenbein, Mrs. William D. Lynn, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph McCabe, Mrs. Verna Mingley, Mr. and Mrs. Victor E. Nelson, Mrs. Chalmer B. Strain and Mrs. Robert F. Wilkinson.
Upon motion, a rising vote of appreciation was given to The Little Nine Partners Historical Society and its committees for its invitation to join them in their activities.
After the business meeting, Mrs. Jordan gave an interesting talk on the history of Pine Plains and some of its early inhabitants, following which Mr. Richard Bliss, vice-president, gave the story of their society, its endeavors and ambitions.
A tour of some local places of interest was made: the Episcopal Church, the Stissing National Bank, the Moravian Mission Monument and the Isaac Huntting Homestead, where Mrs. Palmatier augmented her talk on the IVIoravians by maps of the locality.
The members then went home by various routes through the breathtakingly beautiful Dutchess County countryside. Frank V. IVIylod, Secretary
Alderman Welch, of the Flag Committee [Aldermen Welch, Mullen and Raldeanol, reported that a design had been selected for the Municipal Flag, after consultation with Judge Frank Hasbrouck, Dr. J. W. Poucher and others. The flag is 8 x 12 feet and consist of three vertical stripes, each four feet wide. The colors are orange, white and blue, arranged in the order named. In the white bar is embroidered a bee hive and bees and the letters, "City of Poughkeepsie, 1799-1854."
On motion, the flag was adopted as the Municipal Flag of Poughkeepsie, after incorporating an amendment by Alderman Raldeano that the design be copyrighted.
Official Minutes of the Common Council, Poughkeepsie, New York, June 7, 1909