6 minute read
Secretary's Minutes
On the afternoon of August 16, 1966, a meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Dutchess County Historical Society was held at the Poughkeepsie Savings Bank.
Present — President Van Kleeck, Vice-President Van Wyck, Miss Halstead, Mrs. Asher, Mr. Emsley, Dr. Balch, Mr. Dwelley, Mr. Smith, Mrs. Southworth and the Secretary, Mr. Mylod.
Mr. Van Kleeck called the meeting to order at 2:00 P.M. He explained that practically all arrangements had been made to have the Spring Meeting at Pawling. However, it developed that the Historical Society of Quaker Hill had already made complete and definite plans for the same period and our plans would conflict with theirs. Owing to the difficulty there is to find luncheon accommodations for large groups, it was too late to schedule our meeting.
Mr. Van Kleeck then read a letter from Mrs. Fred C. Daniels of Pawling inviting the Society to hold its Fall pilgrimage at Quaker Hill, Pawling, as guests of the Historical Society of Quaker Hill and Vicinity. She suggested that Saturday, September 24, would be an agreeable date. After some discussion indicating that all thought that the membership would find that locality interesting and that the date would be agreeable, it was agreed that the Secretary so inform Mrs. Daniels. The Secretary was delegated to assist Mrs. Daniels in making the final arrangements.
As part of the program at Quaker Hill would be a short business meeting, Mr. Van Kleeck appointed Mr. Van Wyck and Mr. Dwelley to submit a list of candidates for the election of four Trustees to succeed those whose terms expired in 1966.
Mrs. South-worth of the Glebe House committee gave an extensive report upon the progress being made in rehabilitating the structure and the interior decoration.
She stated that the main thing yet to be done in the house was the completion of the kitchen by laying a new floor. To do this it appeared that some of the foundation would have to be repaired. In keeping with the time factor, old lumber — wide boards — are needed for the floor. It was thought that old barn flooring would be desirable if some could be located. Mr. Van Wyck thought that Frank Eberhard, the builder, might have some and he would contact him.
Mrs. Southworth stressed that an effort should be made to attract more people to the house. It was suggested that a slide lecture be prepared to be shown to groups; that the house would be available for small group meetings, that industry be informed of its availability for entertaining out-of-town guests and that bus touring companies be
informed of its historical significance as a stopping point. 1VIrs. Southworth mentioned the cooperation of the Garden Club and of Mr. Herbert Saltford in connection with the improvement of the grounds.
A general discussion was had about various methods of raising funds for the house — one thought being to have a donating group to be known as Friends of Glebe House.
Mr. Van Kleeck reported that Mr. Wolf had forwarded to him from Mr. Frost a check to the Society in the amount of $9,484.35 being the final payment to be received from the Estate of former president William Platt Adams —$12,500.00 having been previously received. Income therefrom is for the support of the Glebe House.
Mr. Van Kleeck read the treasurer's report in the absence of Mr. Gill.
The cost of the year book was discussed involving a consideration of increasing the dues. After many opinions had been given, it was decided that the matter be taken up again at a later meeting.
A recent program about the Hudson narrated by Tex Ray, given to service clubs was mentioned as being of unusual merit to the locality.
The following were proposed as members and duly elected as such:
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Beery Mr. Arthur W. Emigh
Mrs. Robert B. Breed Mr. F. J. McAllister
Mrs. Wright W. Jackson Mrs. Joseph S. Logan
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Eggert Mr. and Mrs. Arnold P. Sable
Mr. David Aldeborgh Mr. Michael J. Homak Mrs. Lawrence McGinnis
No further business having been proposed, the meeting adjourned at about 4:15 p.m.
FRANK V. MYLOD Secretary
Minutes of the Fall Meeting of the membership held September 24, 1966, in Christ Church, Quaker Hill, Town of Pawling in connection with the annual pilgrimage. Christ Church is on the site of the former Mizzentop Hotel.
President Baltus Van Kleeck called the meeting to order about 2:15 P.M. with a sizeable attendance present.
After words of welcome from the president a motion was made to dispense with the reading of the minutes of the last annual meeting. Having been duly seconded and put to a vote, the motion was carried.
The need for an increase in the membership was stressed and all were urged to endeavor to interest more people in joining.
The secretary reported the Society has received a considerable number of requests from all parts of the United States for information about early inhabitants of the County. He reported the gift of several old photographs of the Peterkin family. Mr. Peterkin ran a millinery store on Main Street.
The treasurer's report was given in the absence of Mr. Gill. Special note was made of the receipt of $9,484.35, the final payment from the Estate of William Platt Adams. As the previous payment was $12,500.00, this made $21,984.35 received under Mr. Adams' will.
The president reported that four Trustees were to be elected and Mr. Edmund Van Wyck, chairman of the nominating committee, submitted the following nominations:
Mrs. Amy VerNooy
Mrs. Fred Daniels
Mr. Kenneth Pearce
Mr. John Gindele to be elected for a term of four years. It was moved and duly seconded that the report of the nominating committee be accepted. The motion was duly passed. The president called for any further nominations from the floor; having received none, the candidates so nominated were unanimously elected.
A short report on the Glebe House was given indicating progress on its rehabilitation and a need for period furnishings. It was announced that there would be a general open house there in December.
The president expressed the hope that as part of the urban renewal plan in the City of Poughkeepsie, the City Hall, built in 1831 would be preserved and turned into a museum. It would attract gifts of historical items and would be an asset to the City.
There being no further business Mr. Van Kleeck turned the meeting over to Mrs. Fred Daniels who introduced Dr. Ralph Lankier who gave a history of the Church, its various locations in the vicinity, periods of operation and of those who were instrumental in the erection of the church at its present location.
Upon the completion of his remarks the president thanked him and all the members of the Historical Society of Quaker Hill and Vicinity for their invitation and hospitality.
The meeting then adjourned.
FRANK V. MYLOD, Secretary.