18 minute read
Secretary's Minutes
Secretary's Minutes
Treasurer's Report
Glebe House
Annual Pilgrimage
In Brief
Horticulture in Dutchess County
Joseph W. Emsley
The Town of LaGrange Edmund Van Wyck
Louise H. Tompkins
Peter De Riemer, Goldsmith
Katherine L. Babson, Jr.
Early American Glass
Kenneth E. Pearce
The Drovers
Edmund Van Wyck
More Shunpiking in the Hudson Valley
Walter Averill
Old Ways Rediscovered Richard A. Dwelley
Romance of Hudson River Sloops
William F. Gekle
In Memory of Miss Reynolds
Joseph W. Emsley
Recent Publications
By-Laws of the Society 6
The Society cannot be responsible for statements made by contributors, although an effort is made for historical accuracy in the publication.
Joseph W. Emsley Kenneth E. Pearce Frank V. Mylod Baltus B. Van Kleeck Mrs. Albert E. Powers President Vice-President at Large Secretary Treasurer Curator
Term ending 1969
Mrs. Robert W. Asher
Lieut.-Col. Samuel A. Moore Term ending 1970
Mrs. Amy P. Ver Nooy
Mrs. Fred C. Daniels Term ending 1971
Walter Averill, 2nd.
Arnold P. Sable Term ending 1972
Mrs. Mary Bogardus
Mrs. Jean B. Courtney Ralph E. Van Kleeck Mrs. Lawrence A. Heaton
Edmund Van Wyck Clyde C. Griffen, Ph.D.
Mrs. Peter R. Mund William F. Gekle
Charles Eggert Herbert S. Roig
Mrs. J. E. Spingarn Mrs. Irving Picard Mrs. F. Philip Hoag James Budd Rymph Thomas J. Boyce Mrs. Charles Boos Miss Edith Van Wyck Mrs. John Mulford Hackett Miss Hazel Skidmore Baltus B. Van Kleeck, Jr. Walter W. Davis Egbert Green Mrs. William B. Jordan Miss Agnes K. Bower Miss Annette I. Young Arthur F. Wollenhaupt Mrs. Charles E. Robinton Mrs. Donald E. Norton Mrs. Silas Frazer Mrs. Roland F. Bogle Miss Louise H. Tompkins
5 Town of Amenia City of Beacon Town of Beekman Town of Clinton Town of Dover Town of East Fishkill Town of Fishkill Town of Hyde Park Town of LaGrange Town of Milan Town of North East Town of Pawling Town of Pine Plains Town of Pleasant Valley Town of Poughkeepsie City of Poughkeepsie Town of Stanford Town of Red Hook Town of Rhinebeck Town of Wappinger Town of Washington
On Saturday afternoon, May 18, 1968, the annual meeting of the Dutchess County Historical Society was held in the Aula at Vassar College upon due notice to all members. President Emsley presided, over 100 members being present.
President Emsley called the meeting to order at one o'clock and then introduced Professor George D. Idangdon who welcomed the Society to Vassar College in behalf of President Simpson who was unable to be present. He mentioned that in writing a book about Plymouth Colony, he had found local societies and persons interested in local history very helpful to him.
President Emsley regretted that owing to illness, Mr. Downer would not be present to conduct the tour of the grounds. He announced that Mr. Sben Sward, the superintendent of grounds for many years would head the tour explaining the various types of trees and other items of interest.
The president announced that as the minutes of the last annual meeting had been printed in the year book for 1967 recently published, that he would entertain a motion that the Secretary read only the minutes for the two Trustee's meetings held in 1968. Motion made, seconded and carried. Accordingly the Secretary read the minutes for the meetings of the Trustees held on March 11, 1968 and April 8, 1968.
The Secretary reported that the year was an active one; that considerable information was furnished in response to inquiries and that many new members have been received. He announced that the estate of Edward A. Perkins had turned over to the Society some of his papers, clippings and so forth. As Mr. Perkins was one of the ones who induced Franklin D. Roosevelt to enter local politics his items make a desirable addition to our records which will be available for future researchers.
Mr. Baltus Van Kleeck, Treasurer, gave his annual report; upon motion of Edmund Van Wyck, duly seconded, the Treasurer's report was accepted and directed to be filed with these minutes.
Mr. Van Kleeck, as chairman of the finance committee, the other two members thereof being Col. Samuel Moore and Frank V. Mylod, then reported on the investment of the Wells Fund and a copy of his report is attached hereto.
While at the lectern Mr. Van Kleeck, as editor of the Year Book, gave a report about the last issue setting forth the increase in cost of production and mailing. He stated that the Society would welcome the return of any early year books which members found necessary to dispose of, especially the issues of 1920, 1934, 1937 and 1959.
Mrs. C. Robert Southworth, chairman of the Glebe House Committee was unable to be present and her report was given by the Secretary. Upon motion by Dr. Balch, seconded by Mr. Van Kleeck, a vote of thanks was given to Mrs. Southworth for the interest and energy she gave the project — the renovation of the kitchen — the furnishings and many consultations in connection therewith. A copy of her report is made a part of these minutes.
Dr. Balch, chairman of the historic preservation committee, reported that steps were being taken to obtain funds from the State for a preliminary survey of the historical sites in the County. Dr. Balch understood that approval therefore had been indicated, the only question being which State agency was to furnish the funds. He also referred to the recent issue of Life magazine for a splendid article setting forth the ideas which the recent panel discussion had in mind.
Mr. Walter Averill, chairman of the nominating committee — the other members thereof being Mrs. Jane Heaton and Mr. Richard Dwelley reported the following nominations for trustees for the class of 1972: Mr. Charles Eggert, Mrs. Mary Bogardus, Mrs. Jean Courtney and Mr. Herbert S. Roig.
For Curator to fill out the term until the next annual election: Mrs. Albert E. Powers
For Town Vice-Presidents: Mrs. Silas Frazer, Town of Rhinebeck; Mrs. Charles Robinton, Town of Stanford; Mr. Baltus B. Van Kleeck, Jr., Town of Milan; and Mr. Walter W. Davis, Town of North East.
The president then called for any further nominations for any of the offices from the floor. There being none he entertained a motion by Dr. Balch that the report of the nominating committee be accepted and that those so nominated be elected. Upon second to the motion and there being no opposition the motion was carried.
The Secretary then presented the following names and they were elected to membership:
Mr. Victor E. Grover Rev. Carl R. Voth Mr. Herbert A. Schultz Mr. John A. Smithers Miss Mary Ellen Clance Mrs. Allen Webster Mr. Edward B. Wright Mrs. Marion Saye Miss Elizabeth Hasbrouck Mr. John M. Jenner Airs. Geo. R. Fairbairn Mrs. Fred Conrad Mrs. John E. Grissy Mr. Henry Glasstetter Dr. Benjamin S. Hayden, III Mrs. Emma K. Felter Mr. John 0. Hamlin Mrs. M. Kenneth Eidle Mrs. Charles Butts Mr. Alfred Hasbrouck Dr. and Mrs. Paul Lass Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Butts
He announced the following resignations: Mrs. John R. Schwartz, Miss Mary F. Hall, Miss Laura B. Hall.
The Secretary presented two resolutions—copies of which are filed herewith—one providing for the renting of a safe deposit box and the other setting forth the necessary authority required for the sale or transfer of the Society's securities. Some suggestions or questions were received from the floor especially as to the former resolution for the rental of the safe deposit box.
A motion was made and seconded for passage of the resolution to rent a safe deposit box at the Dutchess Bank and Trust Company.
Mr. Baltus Van Kleeck then offered an amendment to this resolution to the effect that access to the box should be limited to the secretary and treasurer acting together or separately with either the president or vicepresident. His amendment was seconded and after discussion was put to a vote and passed. The original motion as amended was then put to a vote and passed. A copy of this resolution as amended is hereto attached.
The speaker at the Annual Meeting was Dr. Clyde C. Griffen of the Vassar College faculty and a Trustee of the Historical Society. His subject was "People on the Move". Dr. Griffen traced the changing Poughkeepsie during the mid-nineteenth century, its changes due to the influx of the Irish and Germans with the building of the Hudson River Railroad, and the movement of business from the Main Street hill section eastward. His very interesting address was receivd with great enthusiasm by the assembly.
The meeting was adjourned and many members toured the grounds of Vassar College under the direction of Sben Sward. The tour was somewhat curtailed on account of rain.
FRANK V. MYLOD, Secretary
Present: Baltus Van Kleeck, Frank V. Mylod, Walter Averill, Mrs. Southworth, Edmund Van Wyck, Ralph Van Kleeck, Dr. Balch, Mrs. Peter Mund, Mrs. Lawrence Heaton, Arnold Sable and Mr. Moore.
The minutes of the fall meeting of the Society, December 6, 1967, were read and accepted.
The membership of the following was confirmed: Mrs. Robert C. Fouhy, Mrs. Jean Courtney, Mrs. Helen Ludolph, Mr. and Mrs. Louis H. LaMotte, II, Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Murtaugh, Mr. Hugh Speirs, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Eidle, Mr. and Mrs. John White Delafield, Mr. Alfred M. Madsen, Mrs. William Howe, Mr. and Mrs. J. Edward Johnson, Mrs. Helen Fuller Goerlich, Mr. and Mrs. George T. Bookman, Mr. and Mrs. Augustus Thomes, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Schmalz, Mrs. Richard Pierce, and IVIrs. Robert Asher (Life Member).
The Secretary reported the passing of the following members: Mr. G. Stuart Mansfield, Mr. David G. McCullough, Mrs. Harry Arnold, and Mrs. Melbert B. Cary, Jr.
The Secretary reported the following resignations: Mrs. Rachel J. Rynders and Mrs. Frank S. S. Snyder.
A copy of a letter sent by the Rhinebeck Historical Society to the County Executive requesting that the County take steps to preserve the Mathew Vassar House on Academy Street was read and the matter discussed by those present As it was suggested that the question might arise at the panel discussion on this coming Saturday, no decision was reached.
Treasurer Baltus Van Kleeck having given those present a copy of his financial report, a copy of which is filed herewith, he answered questions in regard to costs and other items mentioned therein. At the same time he filed a proposed budget for the coming year. Motions having been made and seconded on the Treasurer's report and proposed budget they were both approved. The Treasurer was authorized to make such change in the dates of payment to the Junior League of the usual $400.00 given in connection with the operation of the Glebe House if agreeable to the league.
Mr. Baltus Van Kleeck reported that it would be necessary on short notice to remove our items stored at Roosevelt Library on account of additions being made to the library. He was authorized to expend up to $500.00 for a wide drawer map file and a three or four drawer legal file. The designs thereof to be approved by his committee which includes Mrs. Powers and Mr. Sable.
There was a discussion of the desirability of investing some of the trust principals in proper corporate bonds or common stock in view of the possibility of inflation. Mr. Walter Averill moved and it was seconded by Dr. Balch that the Treasurer pick a committee to study the idea.
Mr. Averill brought to the Board's attention the efforts of the Hudson River Valley Association suggesting that the Society could, if desired, become an associate member for an annual fee of $50.00.
Dr. Balch reported on the progress for the panel discussion to be held next Saturday on the preservation of historical places in Dutchess County. He stated that he had received approximately 100 reservations to the invitations that were sent out. In order to draw a conclusion at the end of the panel discussion as to the attitude of the Historical Society the matter was discussed from many angles and Dr. Balch reported that Mr. Close advised that there was the possibility of state funds to study the question of the need for setting up an organization for such purpose. The consensus of opinion was that the trustees were in support of convening with other groups interested in the matter to request that such survey be made if state funds were available.
The meeting adjourned shortly after 6:00 p.m. FRANK V. MYLOD, Secretary
The meeting was called to order at 3 :30 p.m. by President Joseph Emsley.
The following were present: President Joseph Emsley, Edmund Van Wyck, Baltus Van Kleeck, Walter Averill, Frank V. Mylod and Dr. Griffen.
The minutes were read and approved by a vote of those present.
In connection with the reading of the minutes, Mr. Van Kleeck referred to the fact that Mr. Walter Averill had at the last meeting outlined the advantages of belonging to the Hudson River Valley Association and on motion of Mr. Van Kleeck, duly seconded, it was voted that the Historical Society should join the Hudson River Valley Association taking an associate membership, the dues thereon to be $50.00 a year.
The membership of the following was confirmed: Mrs. Alfred Thompson, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Kerin, Mrs. Paul M. Young, Mrs. Claire Conway, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph G. Christ and Mr. Herbert Saltford.
Mrs. Helen Ludolph of the Garden Club invited the officers and members of the Society to attend a tree planting ceremony on the Glebe House lawn to be held Friday, April 26, 1968 at 11:00 a.m. under the sponsorship of the Garden Club. The Secretary was directed to advise Mrs. Ludolph that members of the Society would be present at the ceremony.
In connection with the discussion of the invitation of the Garden Club it was suggested that due to the interest of the Garden Club in the
beautification of the Glebe House grounds, the matter of appointing a member of the Garden Club to the Glebe House Committee be taken up with the Glebe House Committee and if agreeable to the Junior League members thereof, action be taken accordingly.
Mr. Van Kleeck reported that he had made a list of all those buried in the Livingston plot from the Society's volume "Old Gravestones of Dutchess County" and delivered the same to Poughkeepsie Rural Cemetery. The Rural Cemetery at one time was extended to include the grounds occupied by the Livingston Plot.
The next item was the report of the investment committee given by Baltus Van Kleeck, Chairman of the Committee consisting of Mr. Van Kleeck, Samuel Moore and Frank V. Mylod, a copy of which report is attached hereto and in which the committee recommends that the funds of the Wells estate be invested by putting 60 % thereof in corporate bonds of high rating and as approved by New York State for investment by Savings Institutions. 10% in selected common stocks with good records of the regular payment of dividends and the balance thereof to be invested in savings accounts and /or certificates thereof.
After a discussion of the report, upon motion of Dr. Grif fen and duly seconded, authorization was given to the investment committee to make investigations in accordance with the guidelines set forth in the report. The motion was voted in the affirmative by all present.
Mr. Van Kleeck reported that Mr. Arnold Sable, Mrs. Powers, Curator, and Mr. Van Kleeck had arranged for the purchase of a map case and a filing cabinet, the total cost thereof being approximately $400.00. It is their hope that the items will be delivered at an early date as it will probably be necessary to remove the items now at Roosevelt Library to the Adriance Library upon short notice, depending upon when construction of two new wings at Roosevelt Library is started.
It was brought to the attention of those present that in the April issue of the Antique Magazine there is an article on Benson Losing written by Mrs. Amy Ver Nooy.
A report was received from Mrs. Lawrence Heaton, who was unable to be present, that she had attended the County Officers Meeting in Albany at which time she had spoken to Mr. Sc'hoentag who stated to her that he was awaiting from the Historical Society the name of a qualified person to be appointed County Historian. After due consideration it was the consensus of those present that Mr. Clifford M. Buck would be a very suitable person for that post in view of his intimate knowledge of and interest in the history of the County. Mr. Buck having written many historical articles and done a considerable amount of research. Mr. Buck recently delivered to the Adriance Memorial Library a record of deeds of lands in the Beekman Patent from the earliest records thereof to a time in the 1800's, a work of many years research.
The President appointed Mr. Walter Averill Chairman of the nominating committee to present to the May meeting of the members,
candidates for trustees, etc. to take the place of Dr. Balch, Mr. Dwelley, Mr. Smith and Mrs. Southworth whose terms expire as well as Town representatives, Treasurer and Secretary.
The short discussion in regard to the May meeting was had and the matter referred to the President and to Dr. Grif fen to make the arrangements therefor.
At 5:30 the meeting was adjourned.
FRANK V. MYLOD, Secretary
Present: Joseph Emsley, President, Baltus Van Kleeck, Treasurer, Frank V. Mylod, Secretary, Mrs. Albert E. Powers, Curator: Mrs. 1VIary Bogardus, Mr. Herbert Roig, Mr. Charles Eggert, Mrs. Jean Courtney, Mrs. Peter 1VIund, Mr. Walter Averill, Dr. Clyde Grif fen, Col. Samuel Moore, Mr. Arnold Sable, Mr. Ralph Van Kleeck, Trustees. Also present—Dr. Balch and Mr. Kenneth Toole of Planning Board— at the invitation of the President.
The Secretary read the minutes of previous meeting. Motion by Mrs. Courtney seconded by Mr. Averill that the minutes be accepted— carried.
The Secretary reld the following letters; one from Mr. Elliot B. Wheaton relative to placing the Wheaton papers with the Society. His letter is filed herewith,
One from Mrs. Elizabeth B. Drewry relative to the transfer of the the records—filed herewith.
One from Dr. Alan Simpson—relative to our annual meeting at Vassar College—filed herewith.
The secretary then presented the following names for membership: Mr. Kenneth R. Tolle, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Van A. Howard, John S. Dyson, and Mr. Eugene F. McPartlin.
The Treasurer reported that all except 24 members had paid their 1968 dues. Final notices would be sent to the delinquents.
Mr. Baltus Van Kleeck gave a report on the year book. It was suggested that an extra charge be made to non-members for copies of the year book. This brought a discussion of the publications on hand. A motion was made and passed that a committee be appointed to study the pricing of year books and publications in large supply to promote their sale.
The investment committee reported that the Wells Fund consisted of $60,000.00 in bonds, $2,626 in common stccks and balance in certificates of deposit and bank deposits.
Mrs. Powers, the Curator, reported that the records formerly stored at the Roosevelt Memorial Library had been delivered to the room set aside for our society at the Adriance Library. She highly praised Mr. 1VIarshall for the efficient manner in which the items were arranged and packed for prompt disposition in the new drawer files recently purchased for that purpose. Now that our accessions are all centrally located Mrs. Powers was authorized to have a printed list of our documents made.
In view of Mrs. Powers report it was moved and seconded and passed that a letter of thanks be sent to Mrs. Drewry and Mr. Marshall at the Roosevelt Library for their splendid cooperation. A vote of thanks was given to Mrs. Powers and Mr. Sable for their efforts in setting up the records.
The Secretary gave a brief report on the discovery and resetting of milestone 84 in front of the Hoe Property on the Albany Post Road now known as Route 9.
Dr. Balch was called on for a report on the matter of preservation of historic houses, etc. The council of the arts recommended that a broad committee be organized to handle the matter. A previous plan suffered from a budget cutback.
Mr. Tolle explained a new plan was in the making. He mentioned as possible consultants James Vanderpoole, Mrs. Harrington of Rochester, N. Y., and Mrs. Helen Bullett of the National Historic Trust. Efforts are being made to arrange a meeting for July 14 or 15 for a study group to meet with consultants—a group of five or six people whose qualifications should be that they believe in the need for the projct. That they agree to work and that they give their time and effort during the summer and fall. The studies were to be at state expense.
Mrs. Bogardus extended an invitation to those present to visit the Kipp House at Fishkill the following Saturday, 1:00 to 4:00.
President Emsley then announced that to get the plans for the Fall pilgrimage under way he appointed Charles Eggert chairman thereof. The northwest corner of the County is to be visited. All arrangements were left to Mr. Eggert who upon motion, was authorized to appoint his own committee members. He was asked to have a report for a Trustees meeting to be held the second Thursday in September. The meeting was adjourned.
FRANK V. 1\41.7LOD, Secretary