25 minute read
Secretary's Minutes
Annual Meeting
Minutes of the Annual Meeting of the Dutchess County Historical Society held Saturday, May 24, 1969 at the new County Home and Farm Center, Route 44 between Washington Hollow and Millbrook.
President Joseph Emsley called the meeting to order at 1:00 P.M. with approximately 60 members present. Some of the absentees were accounted for by the fact that at the same time a new addition to Vassar Hospital was being dedicated.
Upon motion duly made and seconded and carried, the reading of the minutes of last year's annual meeting were dispensed with since said minutes had been published in the 1968 Year Book.
Mrs. Albert Powers, Curator, reported that progress had been made in completing an inventory and classification of the Historical Society materials at the Adriance Library.
In the absence of Mrs. Karin, Chairman of the Glebe House Committee, Mrs. Mund read her report which was accepted with the thanks of the membership.
In the absence of the Treasurer, Baltus Van Kleeck, his financial statement was read by the Secretary, Frank Mylod. A copy of the same is attached hereto and made part of these minutes.
The Secretary reported that Mr. Clifford Buck proposed the name of Mr. Paul Pollock for membership and he was duly elected a member. The Secretary reported that Mr. Arnold Sable had resigned as a Trustee since Mr. Sable found he was unable to attend the meetings of the Trustees. A motion was made duly seconded and carried that the By-Laws of the Society be amended by including therein the resolution as set forth in the notice of this meeting as follows:
RESOLVED — that the By-Laws of the Society be amended to include the following provision namely — In pursuing its purposes the Society shall not engage in propaganda or political activity; shall not be operated for profit and all income and earnings shall be used exclusively for the purposes of the Society; no part of the net income, earnings or assets shall inure to the benefit or profit of any member and in the event of dissolution, all of the assets of the Society, after the payment or making provision for the payment of all liabilities shall be distributed to the Historical Societies of Dutchess County which at the time shall qualify as exempt organizations, all to be in accordance with Section 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code.
The nominating committee submitted its report as follows:
Ralph E. Van Kleeck — President
Walter Averill — Vice-President at Large
Frank V. Mylod — Secretary
Baltus B. Van Kleeck — Treasurer
Mrs. Albert E. Powers — Curator
Trustees to serve a term of three years:
Thomas J. Boyce
Arthur F. Wollenhaupt De Witt Gurnell Mrs. Lawrence A. Heaton
Trustees to fill vacancies, term of two years:
Dr. Roscoe A. Balch Mrs. Albert E. Powers
Vice-Presidents representing the Towns and Cities of Dutchess County:
Mrs. Irving Picard
Joseph W. Emsley
Mrs. J. E. Spingarn
Mrs. Philip Hoag
James Budd Rymph
George Whalen
Mrs. Charles Boos
Miss Edith Van Wyck
Mrs. John Mulford Hackett
Miss Hazel Skidmore
Baltus B. Van Kleeck, Jr.
Walter W. Davis
Egbert Green
Mrs. William B. Jordan
Miss Agnes K. Bower
Miss Annette I. Young
Mrs. Charles E. Robinton
Mrs. Donald E. Norton
Mrs. Silas Frazer
Mrs. Roland F. Bogle
Miss Louise H. Tompkins City of Beacon City of Poughkeepsie Town of Arnenia Town of Beekman Town of Clinton Town of Dover Town of East Fishkill Town of Fishkill Town of Hyde Park Town of LaGrange Town of Milan Town of North East Town of Pawling Town of Pine Plains Town of Pleasant Valley Town of Poughkeepsie Town of Stanford Town of Red Hook Town of Rhinebeck Town of Wappinger Town of Washington
The President called for any further nominations and there being none, upon motion from the floor, duly seconded and carried the foregoing were duly elected.
A motion was made, seconded and carried, thanking Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Roig for their efforts in making all the arrangements for the successful meeting.
Mr. Emsley then brought to the dias the newly elected president Ralph E. Van Kleeck and Mr. Richard Amerman, the speaker. The meeting then adjourned for dessert and coffee, after which the new president ably presented the speaker, Mr. Richard H. Amerman, Editor of the "Halve Maen", the quarterly publication of the New York Holland Society. Mr. Amerman in his discourse covered many facets of the Dutch influences on Hudson River History, touching on a great many angles which were of a special interest to those present.
Frank V. Mylod, Secretary.
Present: President Emsley, presiding; Trustees Moore, Mund, Van Wyck, B. Van Kleeck, R. Van Kleeck, Roig, Sable, Mylod, Averill and Heaton.
The minutes of the November meeting were read and approved.
The Secretary proposed for membership the following: Ralph Winans, Norman Polhemus, Nathanien Rubin, Charles J. Cook, Robert E. Ditton, Mrs. Edward V. K. Cunningham, John R. Gardner, and William Heidgerd. Upon motion they were elected, subject to the payment of the annual dues.
The Secretary reported the death of the following members: Mrs. Warren Rockerfeller and John Tataro. He also reported the resignation of Mrs. Marguerite Quinlavin and Mr. and Mrs. James V. Mead. The resignations were accepted with regret.
The Treasurer reported th:a ten members had failed to pay the 1968 dues and that they had been dropped from the membership list.
The Secretary read a letter from David C. Schoentag, County Executive, requesting the Society to recommend the names of people qualified to act as Dutchess County Historian in place of Frederic A. Smith who had resigned. The matter was discussed and the Secretary was directed to send the following names to Mr. Schoentag: Theron Van Scoter, C. Fred Close, Mrs. Silas Frazer, William M. Smith, Mrs. Jean B. Courtney, Miss Hazel Skidmore, Wright Jackson, Mrs. Edward V. K. Cunningham, Mrs. Irving Picard, Mrs. Mary Bogardus, H. Wilson Guernsey and Mrs. Lawrence McGinnis.
The Treasurer, Baltus B. Van Kleeck, submitted his report for 1968 and upon motion duly presented and passed, the report was accepted and ordered filed.
A report of the Finance Committee was discussed, and upon a motion, duly seconded and carried, the finance Committee was empowered to invest not in excess of $25,000.00 in bonds on the legal list for trust funds and savings banks.
Mrs. Albert Powers, Curator, reported that additional equipment was needed in the Historical Society room at the Adriance Library to take care of records and documents. Mrs. Powers was authorized to make a purchase of a five drawer file. There was a discussion of air-conditioning the room at the Library, but no action was taken.
Due to the death of Mrs. Araminta Mahoney, the office of Vice-President for the City of Poughkeepsie is vacant. Arthur F. Wollenhaupt was appointed to fill the vacancy.
Several matters in connection with the Glebe House were discussed. Mrs. Peter Mund, Glebe House Chairman, reported that a slide projector and tape recorder were needed to be used throughout the schools in the County, and that the Junior League had agreed to pay the cost of the projector. Upon motion which was passed Mrs. Mund was authorized to buy a suitable tape recorder, the cost would be underwritten by the Society. The matter of loaning the Glebe House a primitive portrait of Helen Cabel, belonging to the Society and now stored at the Library was considered. It was moved, seconded and carried that after necessary repairs were made to the portrait, it would be loaned by the Society to Glebe House.
It was reported that the County Committee for preservation would have a final meeting in February to complete plans for another Spring meeting at Marist College.
Meeting adjourned at 5:30 P.M.
Frank V. Mylod, Secretary.
Present: Trustees Heaton, Courtney, Van Wyck, Averill, B. Van Kleeck, Roig, R. Van Kleeck, and Mylod.
In the absence of the President and Vice-President, Secretary Mylod was requested to take the chair. The minutes of the January 9th meeting were approved as corrected.
The Secretary stated the following had been proposed for membership of the Society and they were elected subject to the payment of the annual dues: Dell Upton, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J McGowan, Smith Townsend, Bennett College, Mr. and Mrs. Ira Alsdorf, Mrs. Paul D. Hasbrouck,
Dr. Russell Berkines Booth, Edward J. Holden 3rd., Mrs. Albert Pross, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene F. McPartlin; John MacD. Miller, Dr. and Mrs. John M. Coulter, Mrs. Emil L. Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. Franklin A. Butts, Richmond F. Meyer and Robert Eastwood.
The Secretary announced the following members had resigned: Miss Edith Gerard and Brother Edward Cashin, and that the Society had lost the following by death: Clifford Nuhn, Herbert Hart, Mrs. John D. Coleman, Mrs. W. A. Saltford, and Mrs. Frederick H. M. Hart.
Mrs. Heaton reported that a meeting of the Society will be held in March at the Mid-Hudson Library auditorium and that Dr. Tucker, the State Historian would be the speaker. Dr. Tucker planned to visit the Glebe House and a dinner would be held at the Nelson House for Dr. and Mrs. Tucker. The Trustees were invited to attend the dinner.
Mr. Roig brought up the matter of having a committee appointed to learn what local planning boards and the Common Council might be planning regarding historic houses and places and that the Society might have a long range view in regard thereto. A lengthy discussion followed, but no action was taken.
It was moved, seconded and carried that Mr. and Mrs. Roig be chairmen for the annual meeting to be held in May.
The Treasurer reported that $1,140 had been received from dues, $267.05 from sale of publications, and $114.00 from donations. He also stated that several unbound copies of Platt's History of Poughkeepsie were in the possession of the Adriance Library, that they are to be bound and that this scarce book would again available.
It was moved, seconded and carried that Historical Society take an organization membership in the Dutchess County Landmarks Association when the same had been fully incorporated. The Secretary reported having received two railroad pictures from Thomas B. Annin of Fair Haven, New Jersey.
The meeting adjourned at 5:00 P.M.
Frank V. Mylod Secretary.
Present: President Emsley and Trustees Bogardus, Eggert, Averill, Heaton, Griffen, Courtney and Mylod.
The reading of the minutes of the March 13th meeting was omitted on motion by Mr. Eggert, seconded and carried. The Secretary stated the following had been proposed for membership in the Historical Society: Mrs. Marguerite C. Spratt, Mrs. V. V. Anderson, Mrs. Lewis Gage, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin S. Knauss, Mr. and Mrs. John C. Smith, James Reiley, and William Hammond. Upon motion which was carried they were elected subject to the payment of the annual dues. The Secretary reported that the Society had lost the following members by death: Jesse D. Wetsel and Mrs. Hamilton Fish, Jr.
The Secretary read a letter from the State of New York Department of Taxation and Finance dated March 26, 1969 addressed to the Society regarding exemption from the New York State Sales Tax and suggesting that either the articles of incorporation or the constitution and by-laws be amended to include three items set forth in the letter, a copy of which is annexed hereto and made a part of these minutes. The discussion of the contents of the letter was had and a motion made and duly seconded that the Secretary prepare amendments to our by-laws to comply with the suggestions made in said letter and to send a notice to all members that the amendments would be acted upon at the annual meeting in May. A further amendment was proposed and duly passed for presentation also at the May meeting which would give the Board of Trustees the power to appoint two members as auditors.
Mrs. Heaton reported for Mr. and Mrs. Roig who were appointed at the last meeting the chairman and co-chairman to arrange for the annual meeting, they not being present she stated that arrangements were being made to hold the meeting at the Farm and Home Center on Route 44, between Washington Hollow and Millbrook, on Saturday, May 24, 1969 at 1:00 p.m. That they were endeavoring to obtain the editor of the -Halve-Maen" publication of the Holland Society. Dessert and coffee would be available at approximately $1.00 per person. Upon motion by Mrs. Heaton, duly seconded and passed, Mrs. Amy P. Ver Nooy, in recognition of her many years of service to the Dutchess County Historical Society, was elected an Honorary Life Member of the Society.
The meeting adjourned shortly after 4:00 P.M.
Frank V. Mylod, Secretary.
Present: Trustees Mund, Powers, Roig, Griffen, B. Van Kleeck, Emsley, Mylod.
It was moved, seconded and carried that the reading of the minutes of the previous meeting be dispensed with. The Secretary read a letter from Arnold Sable, stating that because of his various commitments he was unable to give the Society his best efforts. A motion was made seconded and carried that his resignation be accepted with regret and appreciation for the services he had rendered to the Society.
New members presented for admission to the Society and elected subject to the payment of the annual dues were: Miss Mary S. Brewester, James J. Mulcare, Mrs. Allan R. Traver, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin L. Loomis.
Mrs. Powers, Curator reported that she had received word that there would be an auction of the many historical books of Mrs. Araminta Mahoney on this coming Saturday. A check of the records of the Historical Society and Adriance Library showed that the important books were already on hand. She further stated that she would give a Curator's report at the annual meeting.
A letter from the Historical Preservation Committee was received thanking the Society for its support of its recent meeting at Marist College. It was duly moved that it be accepted and placed on file. There was a letter from the Dutchess County Arts Council including an information form which was referred to the Secretary to give the information requested. A letter was received from the LaGrange Historical Society announcing a visit to historic points which that Society would visit on the 24th day of May, 1969.
The main purpose of the meeting was presented by Mrs. Mund. Mrs. Mund, while a Trustee of the Society is also a member of the Junior League. The Glebe House is operated under a lease from the City of Poughkeepsie by the Junior League and the Historical Society. A committee for said purpose consists of members of the Historical Society and the Junior League. The committee meets frequently and it appears that a great deal of the management of the Glebe House rests upon the shoulders of the members of the Junior League. Mrs. Mund reported that the League is having difficulty in getting sufficient members to fulfill the task properly. Many new members prefer other activities to that of Glebe House and many do not have the historical interest. In addition, the Junior League is not supposed to become permanently involved in a public project, and its Glebe House connection is contrary to this policy.
Accordingly Mrs. Mund proposes that the Glebe House committee be expanded to include interested citizens who are not members of the Historic Society or the Junior League. She suggested that the committee be made up of 1/3 members of the Historical Society, 1/3 members of the League and 1/3 non-members of either organization. A general discussion of the matter was then had, and it was pointed out that the Society and the League were both obligated on the lease which is for thirty years with about twenty years yet to run. It was suggested that the addition of nonmembers of the two organizations might stir up more interest in the Glebe
House and that their inclusion on the committee would not relieve either the Junior League or the Historical Society from their obligation under the lease or be contrary to the purpose of having the building available to the public. It finally was moved, seconded and carried that the suggestion made by Mrs. Mund that the Glebe House committee be composed of not more than 1/3 non-members of the League and the Historic Society be approved.
There being no further business the meeting was adjourned. Frank V. Mylod, Secretary.
A meeting of the Trustees of the Dutchess County Historical Society was held Thursday, July 10, at the Glebe House. Mr. Ralph Van Kleeck presided.
The minutes of the May 22 Trustees meeting were read and approved with the following correction: "The Glebe House may be expanded to include no more than 1/3 membership of persons not members of the Junior League or the Historical Society. Those added to the committee shall be chosen for what they can actively contribute."
The minutes of the Annual Meeting, May 24, were approved as read.
Balms Van Kleeck read the Treasurer's report which was placed on file. Mr. Van Kleeck read the finance committee report. (attached). Item one of this concerning investments, was approved. Item two, a recommendation that the Dutchess County Historical Society become a member of all the historical societies in the county was approved. The Secretary is to write to the societies to which we do not belong asking to join. Item three noted that all area colleges with the exception of Marist are members of the Dutchess County Historical Society. It was moved and seconded that Marist be invited to join. Dr. Balch suggested the Librarian as the person to contact.
DeWitt Gurn.ell officially invited the Society to become a member of the Rhinebeck Historical Society. He also reported that the Wells property had been purchased by Thomas Thompson and was being restored as a private home.
Balms Van Kleeck asked about the status of the Landmarks Association. The Association is now officially incorporated, therefore, according to previous minutes, the Historic Society will become a member.
Dr. Balch asked that the Trustees consider a larger commitment. The Association will be in need of professional staff and of capital as it becomes involved in projects.
It was moved by Balms Van Kleeck and seconded by Herbert Roig to become a member for $100 at present and to consider greater financial commitment as specific need arose. The Trustee approved.
Dr. Balch reported on the status of Springside. New York State has said they would restore and maintain the property if it were presented as a gift. If this is to be done there must be further appraisals, negotiations, and funds to purchase found.
The following were presented for admission to the Society: Mrs. J. S. Cross, Dr. and Mrs. Edward Bastian, Mary A. Glover, Mr. and Mrs. Artsen Van Wagenen, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Millspaugh, Colin Case, Dr. and Mrs. Alfred Joyce, Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth Hollenbeck, Mr. and Mrs. John Van Benschoten, Jr., Mrs. Katherine F. Leigh, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ludham, Mrs. V. V. Anderson, Roger Baylis, Mrs. James E. Spratt, Jr., Mrs. Russell Aldrich, Mr. and Mrs. Myron Terhune, Jr., Charles S. Mitchell, and Thomas B. Annin.
Mrs. Mund reported for the Glebe House Committee. Mrs. Jean B. Courtney will be the new Historical Society Cochairman, Mrs. Edward Kerin will continue as Junior League Co-chairman. The Spring Festival was held June 8.
Attendence at the event was somewhat less than expected, perhaps because the publicity was handled differently from the previous Crafts Day. The loom can be set up to weave fabric some time this fall at a cost of approximately $50. The loom and several other items are the gift of Thomas Benton.
Mrs. Powers, Curator reported that retyping of the notebooks and reining of documents continues. The Roosevelt Library will be sent a duplicate of the card file when it is completed. The "M#" tags are listed in her catalog, many of these items are at Glebe House.
Mrs. Powers was given a vote of thanks for her efforts.
Ralph Van Kleeck announced that Thomas Boyce will be pilgrimage chairman, the area will be Eastern Dutchess. Mr. Boyce suggested that Kenneth Vincent had an interesting glass collection and knew a lot about the furnaces of the area. Mr. Vincent will be asked to be assistant chairman. Mr. Van Wyck and Balms Van Kleeck will be on the committee. Mrs. Courtney asked about using busses; Mr. Roig will find out about costs and let Balms Van Kleeck know. The pilgrimage will be Saturday, September 27.
Mrs. Bogardus reported on the Fishkill Historical Society's Fourth of July celebration at which she read the Declaration of Independence. About 150 attended.
Ralph Van Kleeck appointed Arthur Wollenhaupt publicity chairman.
The next meeting of the trustees will be Thursday, September 11, at Glebe House at 3:30 p.m.
There being no further business the meeting was adjourned.
Those attending: Trustees R. Van Kleeck, B. Van Kleeck, Balch, Bogardus, Boyce, Courtney, Gurnell, Mund, Powers, Roig, Van Wyck and Wollenhaupt.
Respectfully submitted
Winifred L. Mund, Secretary pro tern.
Present: Trustees: Heaton, Powers, Daniels, Courtney, Mund, Griffen, Roig, Gurnell, B. Van Kleeck, R. Van Kleeck and Mylod. President R. Van Kleeck presided.
The reading of the minutes was dispensed with upon motion of Mrs. Heaton, seconded and carried.
The following were presented for admission to the Society and were duly elected subject to payment of the annual dues: Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Erck, Barbara Thompson, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Norris, Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Vincent.
The President reported that representatives of the State would be present at a conference to be held in Fishkill, Saturday, September 13, 1969 relative to the preservation of the historical lands there. Mrs. Powers stated that she would attend the meeting.
The Treasurer gave his report a copy thereof to be filed with these minutes. On motion duly made and seconded, his report was accepted and directed to be placed on file. He reported that there were still several members who had not as yet paid their dues for 1969. A bill for the annual dues of $50.00 from the Hudson Valley Association was received and upon motion was held over.
Mr. Balms Van Kleeck reported the receipt from Mr. Stephen C. Millet of ancient Dutchess County deeds which were in frames.
A communication was received from Mr. Lyndon A. Haight relative to the subsequent donation of Dutchess County Railroad data he has collected.
The Secretary reported that the Society's tax free status had been reinstated by the New York State Tax Department.
He further stated application forms and considerable data in regard thereto had been furnished the United States Internal Revenue Service for the purpose of having the Socity ddared exempt from Federal taxes.
The matter of the Fall pilgrimage was taken up. Mr. Roig reported that he had arranged to have two or three buses for the use of members depending upon number wishing to go by bus. It was arranged that return postals be sent to all the members accordingly.
Mr. C. Kenneth Vincent for the program committee outlined the proposed arrangements, described the places to be visited and that a lecturer would be present on each bus to answer questions. He agreed to furnish the secretary with the necessary data for a printed program.
A letter from Mr. Ray Roberts Knight of Minneapolis, Minnesota was receiveed wherein he offered to give the Society his father's Eastman College diploma of 1866. It was accepted.
A letter was received from the New York Attorneys for the Mary Flagler Cary charitable trust. The Trustees of the trust showed their willingness to make a gift to the Society of Dutchess County historical material under certain conditions fully set forth in said letter. It was duly voted to accept the gifts and the president authorized to execute the agreement as furnished.
It was reported that the LaGrange Historical Society was to have a pilgrimage September 20th covering places of interest in that town.
The matter of saving the Poughkeepsie City Hall was discussed and the secretary was directed to send a letter to the newly formed Dutchess County Landmarks Association that it be asked to take such steps as might result in the saving of said structure at its present site or at a new location in the vicinity.
The meeting then adjourned.
FRANK V. MYLOD, Secretary
Present: Ralph Van Kleeck, President, Baltus Van Kleeck, Treasurer, Mrs. Powers, Curator, Mrs. Courtney, Edmund Van Wyck, DeWitt Gurnell, Thomas Boyce and Frank V. Mylod, Secretary.
The reading of the minutes of the previous meeting was dispensed with and the President called upon Baltus Van Kleeck for his Treasurer's Report, a copy of which is filled herewith and made part of these minutes. In connection therewith, the Treasurer read a list of those whose dues had not been paid and learned therefrom that Mrs. Leonard J. Hart was now deceased. He also noted particularly from his report that Mrs. Powers had received $732 during the year for the sale of books and Year books.
Secretary Myloci reported about the correspondence with the Internal Revenue Service in regard to having the Historical Society declared tax exempt. He suggested that in view of the situation, perhaps Congressman Hamilton Fish, Jr., a member of the Society, could be of assistance in the matter and that his office be contacted for an appointment accordingly. The President appointed the Treasurer and Secretary to act with him in arranging an appointment to see Mr. Fish.
The Secretary presented the following for admission to the Society: Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Murphy Mrs. Robert E. Butler, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Michael Martino Mr. and Mrs. David E. Anderson Mr. and Mrs. Edward C. Allen Miss Marion Thystrop Mrs. J. B. Owen Mrs. F. Crandel Scott Mrs. Harold McClay Mr. and Mrs. John H. Snyder Mrs. William Ketchin, Sr. Mrs. James W. Coote Mr. and Mrs. Eugene J. Coleman Mr. and Mrs. John Callahan Mr. and Mrs. Donald F. Traver Mrs. Alice Hemroth Mrs. Paul Smith Mr. and Mrs. Alan Simpson Mrs. Edwin R. Van Kleeck Mr. and Mrs. Allen Quigley, Jr. Mr. James Morganteen
Upon motion duly made, they were elected to membership.
The Secretary reported that the Society had lost the following members by death:
Florence Beeckman, Emil L. Johnson and Mrs. Leonard J. Hart
In accordance with instructions received at the last meeting, letters were sent to the Dutchess County Landmarks Association, The County Executive and Mr. M. Donald Lane. The replies to such letters were read and a motion was made to have a committee appointed to meet with the
Dutchess County Landmarks Association and any other Society interested in saving the old City Hall be appointed. Accordingly, the President appointed Baltus Van Kleeck, Walter Averill and Mrs. Courtney.
A notice was received from the Fishkill Historical Society accepting our Society as a member thereof.
A letter was read from Trustee, Dr. Clyde Griffen setting forth his work schedule at the College and suggesting that in view thereof, his resignation as Trustee be accepted. Upon motion his resignation as Trustee was accepted with regret.
This brought up the matter of the request by Mrs. Heaton that she be permitted to resign her trusteeship. Her resignation was received with regret. As Mrs. Heaton was chairman of the program committee and had tentatively arranged a slide program to be given in January by Mr. Walter Averill, the thought was for the President to contact Mr Averill to see if he would accept the chairmanship for said committee and to proceed with the arrangements for the January meeting.
A form letter was received from Mr. B. John Ross enclosing a form to be filled out setting forth the educational items owned by the Society. The same was turned over to Mrs. Powers for answers thereto and when completed, to be given to the Secretary to forward to Mr. Ross. Mrs. Powers reported that a letter was received . from one Mr. Detzen offering an 1876 Atlas for sale to the Society for $300.00. The offer was not accepted as the Society and the Library have such atlas.
Mrs. Powers mentioned the fact of an accumulation of pamphlets from other Historical Societys along the River and wished to know whether they should be saved. It was intimated that they should be saved.
The availability of the Historical Society's records at the library was brought into focus and it was suggested that the Society appoint a committee to meet with the Trustees of the library and the City in regard to the matter of air-conditioning and lighting for the Society space.
The continuing of our membership in the Hudson River Valley Association was discussed, and the Secretary was advised to notify the organization of the resignation of the Historical Society.
The meeting adjourned with the thought that the next Trustees meeting be held at the Dutchess County Room of the Adriance Library.
Frank V. Mylod, Secretary.