7 minute read
Dutchess County Deeds Filed In Kingston
by Clifford M. Buck
Dutchess County was set up as a separate County November 1, 1683.
In Volume I of the Colonial Laws of New York State on page 868, dated July 21, 1715, the Justices of the Peace are instructed to have the Constables call a public meeting for the purpose of building a County House and Jail and select a suitable site for same.
Apparently this did not get done and on page 914 dated May 27, 1717, they are again requested to call a meeting for the same purpose. The building was not actually built until 1746 and that building was burned in 1785.
Smith's History p 118 states that from October 18, 1701 the affairs of Dutchess County were provisionally attached to Ulster County.
It was not until 1720 that a Court of Common Pleas and a Court of General Sessions was established here.
From the above information one would also conclude that the deeds and mortgages for Dutchess County property were also recorded in Ulster County. To bear out this conclusion it will be noted that the records of our deeds and mortgages start with the year 1718.
As a result of searching Ulster County deeds up to 1700, the following deeds were found for Dutchess County property.
Further research needs to be done to cover 1700-1718.
DUTCHESS COUNTY DEEDS RECORDED IN KINGSTON (Started p 50 1686 of book AA) AA 195 Sept. 6, 1698 Pieter Schuyler of Albany to Tjerck DeWitt of Kingston In Dutchess County north Bounds of Col Beekman along Hudson River North of Madleens Island 1/3 part of sawmill AA 196 October 12, 1698 Hendrick Kip of Dutchess County to Walrond Dumond Jr of Dutchess County Land in Kingston AA 230 May 6, 1699 Robert Sanders and Elsie Myndert Harmense and Helen to Michael Palmentier of Bosswyck, Kings Co. Island of Nassau At a place called Wareskeech or Old Mans Valley, Mentions third brook and Mill Creek 'Witnesses: Thomas Sanders A D LaRoy Lanswell Phillip Baltus Barent VanKleeck Jacobus Van Boogert
AA 233 June 11, 1692 Recorded June 24, 1700 Myndert Harmans and Hellena of Dutchess County to Philip French of New York City 600 acres in Dutchess County in Long Reach. Mentions being partner with Robert Sanders of Albany Known by name of Pokeetsuis & Meninesuis Bounded South to land of Henrich Kypert deceased North Marica Sanders West Said Long Rock or Albany River AA 234 May 29, 1700 Philip French to John Hendrick D B Ruyne AA 236 June 3, 1697 Robert Sanders and Alice (signed Elsie) to Bahhazar Van Cleck of Long Rock, Dutchess County Gov Thomas Donegan granted 1200 acres to Robert Sanders and Myndert Harminse called Monawsinck and Poghdysinck Refers to patent to Courtland & Francis Rombout and Co Oct 4, 1686
Mentions: Hendrick Ostrom Synaon Scoule Mynd Harmense Jr Bahharas Barnse AA 268 'May 26, 1702 Gerrit Aertsen, Arian Roosa, Rolof Eltinge, eldest son of John Elting deceased, Hendrick and Jacob Kip Share to Arian Roosa Land Gov Thomas Donegan granted to Hendrick and Jacob Kip On Rondout Kill 1200 acres in Dutchess County AA 268 Share to Arian Roosa AA 268 Share to Roloff Elting AA 269 Share to Garritt Aaertson Lot 3 and 6 AA 269 Share to Hendrick and Jacob Kip AA 270 Shaxe to Jacob Kip AA 258 May 26, 1701 Neeltje Pawling widow of Henry Yen ( Jane) Pawling Richard Brodhead and Wyntie John Pawling to Barent Staats and Dirck VanDer Burgh 4000 acres on Hudson River commonly called: EAQUAQUANESSINCK Meadow called MANSAKIN Creek called NAMCAPAIONICK Up Hudson river by CROWN ELBOW Called EAQUORSINCK AA 342 July 20, 1702 Myndert Harmse of Dutchess Co Robert Sanderse of New York City
to Barent Van Cleek of Dutchess Co 5 lbs South of land of John Oosterion Bounds John Oosterion and Barent VanCleek and certain bridge called Sparr bridge slinks fountain Creek Vlackje or small plain 85 acres Quit rent of bushel of wheat 'Witness:
Jan Oosteron Johannis VanKleeck Jacob VanDen Bogaert AA 345 May 25, 1705 Col Henry Beekman of Kingston to William Traphagen of Kingston, wheel wright In Dutchess County by run of water called Landsman Kill Bounds Henry Beekman run of water some people call Kips Kill Hendrick Kip Jacob Kip Gerrit Aartse 281 acres AA 371 Jan 27 1688/9 & Feb 12 1705/6 Col Henricus Beekman to Jan Elting Refers to will of Jan Elting and Jacomyntie of Horly Land east of Hudson River Bounded every way by woodland of Henry Beekman 210 acres AA 377 June 4, 1706 William Traphagen, weele Right of Ulster Co to Jacob Kip of Dutchess Co, cooper In Dutchess Co west of a kill. Bounds: Col Beekmans land John Kip Jacob Kip 24 acres AA 415 June 20, 1703 Myndert Harmense and Helena to of Pogheepsin Lucas Schermerhorn Pogheepsin North of Fallkill or creek by house of Lucas Schermerhorn
Baltus VanCleeck Jacobus VanDenBogert Johannis VanCleek AA 418 July 14, 1707 John Kip, cooper of Dutchess Co eldest son of Hendrick Kip deceased of Dutchess Co. Mother Arme tie, brother Hendrick, sister Callyma 2/3 of north part of land of his father Mother Cantine south part. Bounds Evert Van Wigeringenen
Wallerand DuMont Walrand DuMont Jr D Meyer Clarke July 31, 1707
AA 478 April 19, 1709 Luycas Schermerhorn and Elizabeth of Pogkeepsink to John Kip, Cooper On Fall kill by house AA 480 April 21, 1709 Garrit Aartsen of Kingston to Evert Van Wagermige, husbandman of Dutchess Co South of Kip Ncirth of heirs of Jan Elting East of Hudson River in Lot 3 AA 493 John Kip of Dutchess County Sept 12, 1709 Hendrick Kip Catlyntie Kip Children of Hendrick Kip to Baltus VanKleek of Dutchess Co North of Jacob Kip South of Col Beekman Bds River AA 499 Sept 12, 1709 John Kip eldest son of Hendrick Kip of Dutchess Co refers to land sold to Balms VanKleek sells to Hendrick and Katlyntie Kip refers to after decease of their mother Antie wife of Mattys Blanchan refers to patent to Ariaen Roosa Jan Elting Gerrit Aartse Hendrick Kip Jacob Kip BB 30 Feb 7, 1700 TJerck DeWitt and Barbara of Kingston to son Peek DeWitt N E bds of Henry Beekman; Hudson River, Madleen Island from Patent of Col Pieter Schuyler Except sawmill BB 31 June 21, 1710 Peek DeWitt of Dutchess Co to Pieter Piele of Kingston In Dutchess Co 1/3 between Madleen Island and Maine land obtained from Tjerck DeWitt now deceased BB 34 Feb 6, 1707/8 Pieter eldest son of Thomas Noxon to Pieter Hogeboom of Claverack who had uncle Cornelis. Land in Kingston BB 162 Mar 10, 1710 Refers to patent June 2, 1688 to Anion Roosa, of Hurley, Jan Eking, Hendrick and Jacob Kip of 1200 acres Roeloff Eking son of Jan Elting agrees to lay out 3/4 to Hendrick and Jacob Kip 6 lots Lot 1 and 4 to Roosa May 26, 1702 Now lot 4 to Evert Roosa of Hurley BB 164 same as above South end of lot 1 to Lourens Oosterhout of Hurley
BB 166 Laurens Oosterhout of Kipsbergen, Dutchess Co to Jacobus VanEtten of Hurley. Land in Hurley BB 227 Aug 25, 1703 Refers to Long Reach; Crokked Elbow and Island in River Land at Esopus in Ulster Co BB 280 May 6, 1713 C 1 Henry Beekman of Kingston to Henricus Beekman Jr In Dutchess County. Bounds Capt Arien Roosa & Co; Lansmans Kill Capt Henry Pawling, deceased of Marbletown; Hudson River Bounded North Beekman East Queens woods South Pawling West Hudson River and Roosa refers to certain Come mill Also east of F RombOut & Co behind Pockkeepsinck Mentions stream Seapons Haghkie hill Memkatinck hill Tathepemesinck meadow Teaghpacksinck Also a parcel in Ulster Co BB 284 Apr 1710 Arien Roosa of Hurly to Henry Beekman Jr 6 acres on mill creek sold May 26, 1702 BB 287 May 20, 1712 Thomas Hall of Sommersett Co of New East Jersey & Geertie to Cornelis Eltinge of Marbletown. Land Col Beekman sold to Elting. Refers to Kip patent of 1200 acres Beekman to Elting 210 acres Jan 2, 1706 lots 2 and 5 to heirs John Elting 1/5 and 1/9 part fell to Thomas Hall BB 314 July 28, 1713 Cornelis Elting of Marbletown to Gerrit Aartson of Kingston land Elting bot of Hall BB 383 1715 Peek DeWitt and Maritie of Dutchess Co land in Ulster Co Also to Col Beekman of Dutchess Co Bds Hudson River, Madleen Island 1/3 of mill creek etc BB 384 Aug 9, 1715 Col Henry Beekman to Pieter Schuyler and Tjerck DeWitt and then to Peek DeWitt of Dutchess Co Land in Dutchess Co. Bds Rondout Creek; Major Jacob Artson great fall, Mill creek right to fetch wood etc. Also a 10 acre meadow next to John Frere and Henry Beekman BB 386 Long list of names who gave oaths of allegiance