22 minute read

Secretary's Minutes


January 15, 1974 Minutes The trustees met at Glebe House at 4 p.m. In the absence of the Secretary, Mrs. Robert Hoe, Mrs. Lawrence McGinnis acted as Secretary. The Resolution drawn up jointly by members of the Junior League and the Dutchess County Historical Society was read by President Roig. It was unanimously approved. The Resolution has to do with the operation of Glebe House, the fact that it is funded jointly by the Junior League and the Dutchess County Historical Society, and that its operation shall be run by the Glebe House Committee. A preliminary report has been received from Temple University outlining the work done at the Fishkill Archeological Dig during 1972. The Annual Meeting has been tentatively scheduled for late April. The Pilgrimage to Stanford will take place in early June with Mr. Franklin Butts as chairman working with the Stanfordville Society. Mr. John Jenner expects the auction for Glebe House to take place in early February, whenever Mr. Calvin Smith, the auctioneer, is available. Mrs. Wilhemina Powers reported that she has been investigating several different publishing houses over the past 2 years for reasonable estimates for reprinting the Society's books, which are now out of print. Before proceeding further, it was suggested that the dates of our copyrights be checked.

February 19, 1974 Minutes The Trustees met at Glebe House at 4 p.m. President Roig asked about the progress with regard to the various copyrights of books. Mr. John Jenner said he must contact the Library of Congress and check with the Surrogate of the Court to find out the heirs of said copyrights. He will confer with Mrs. Powers, Curator, and Gordon Hamersley to proceed. It was moved to pay our dues to the Hudson River Valley Association. President Roig stated that the Glebe House Committee will send a copy of their minutes each month which will be attached to our monthly minutes. The Resolution drawn up between the Junior League and the Dutchess County Historical Society is also made a part of our minutes, together with a letter from Edward V. Cunningham, lawyer, accepting such Resolution. Mr. Ralph VanKleeck said that teachers are available to teach spinning to a small group of interested people. Such people will be canvassed through the Junior League and the D.C. Historical Society. President Roig read a letter of resignation from Wynne Mund. The resignation was accepted with regret and the Secretary will write and thank her for her past service. There was some discussion about the proposed cultural center. Mrs. Lawrence McGinnis feels that our documents and artifacts should be displayed where they are most accessible. Mr. Roig said that we have committed ourselves to use the cultural center, which is presently the Old Men's Home, for our displays.

Mr. John Jenner reported on the results of the auction held on January 26. A copy of the report is made a part of the minutes. There was a net amount of $1,182.40 from the auction, but some items donated were not sold but kept by the Historical Society, and also some pledges not yet collected, wnich should bring the grand total to over $3,000. Mr. Roig said that items which are not to be used in Glebe House should be sold to obtain cash to replace or purchase items for Glebe House, since this was the policy decided upon. Mr. Roscoe Balch reported that Mr. Joseph Norton had been asked to be the speaker for the Annual meeting. Mrs. Lawrence McGinnis asked if we would be responsible for having a curator in the cultural center. President Roig said that there would be a curator, and that perhaps a curator might be shared with other occupants of the cultural center. Mr. Franklin Butts read a sample letter which will go out to the members about the spring Pilgrimage to Stanford, the date having been set for June 15, 1974. It will include an invitation for new members.

March 12, 1974 Minutes The Trustees met at Glebe House at 4 p.m. President Roig reported that an 1876 Atlas had been given the Society by Mrs. Genevieve Caven Traver and her sister. He will personally acknowledge and thank them both. Also, letters of thanks had been sent to all who donated articles and money to the auction. President Roig read a letter from the corresponding secretary of the Historical Society of Newburgh Bay and the Highlands. The gist of the letter was that they issue a quarterly and are interested in exchanging publications with us. The secretary will write and accept with pleasure the exchange. Mr. Hamersly will send them a current Yearbook and add them to our mailing list. It was suggested that our Secretary write the Ulster County Society and the Putnam County Society with the same suggestion for exchange of publications. Mrs. Wilhemina Powers showed the Trustees some commemorative plates issued by different chapters of the DAR, and also another organization, with the idea that this might be a possible project for our Society for the Bicentennial. Mrs. Lawrence McGinnis was asked to make some inquiries. Mr. Walter Averill announced the Annual meeting would be held on May 4, 1974. President Roig suggested buying a 1776 flag to fly in front of Glebe House instead of the 50-star flag there now, to commemorate the Bicentennial. There could be a special flag-raising ceremony. The motion was duly passed that a 1776 flag be purchased. Mr. Roig said that with the Bicentennial celebration in mind that the Glebe House Committee, the Historical Society and the Poughkeepsie Garden Club are all anxious to have Glebe House looking its best, that it was important to beautify the outside as well as the inside. He plans to present this idea to the Glebe House Committee who would contact the Garden Club as help is needed. Mr. Roig appointed Mr. Ralph VanKleeck as chairman of this year's nominating committee. Mrs. Lawrence McGinnis, Mrs. John Smith and Mr. Clifford Buck will be other members of the committee.

April 9, 1974 Minutes The trustees met at Glebe House at 4 p.m. Mrs. John Smith felt a letter should be sent to the Westchester County Historical Society similar to the ones already sent to nearby Societies asking for an exchange of publications. The secretary will do so. Pres. Roig reported that Mrs. Arthur Wollenhaupt was a new member of the Society as approved. Mr. Franklin Butts reported that plans for the June 15 pilgrimage had been finalized and a flyer would go out the middle of May. Mr. Roig reported the Annual Meeting will be held on May 4, 12:30 p.m., at Holiday inn, Sharon Drive, luncheon to cost $4.25. Mr. Walter Averill reported that there would be a meeting of the State Bicentennial Commission on May 11 at Camelot Inn, with representatives from 8 Counties attending, about 150 people. Mrs. Lawrence McGinnis reported that she had been in contact with Mrs. Henry Bollinger about our issuing a commemorative plate, since Mrsb Bollinger had been in charge of a similar project for the DAR. Mrs. McGinnis has written the two companies that Mrs. Bollinger had suggested and will continue to try to contact others. Mr. Hamersley stated that he is hoping to get the Yearbook out in the next 8 weeks. The Secretary is to furnish him with a list of the officers and trustees, all the 1973 minutes and a list of the Town Vice-Presidents. Mr. Ralph VanKleeck stated that there had been a dinner for the City officials recently at Glebe House which had been very successful. The Secretary was asked to contact Mr. Peter VanKleeck to be sure the mailing list is up-to-date for the Annual Meeting mailing.

May 4, 1974 Minutes Annual Meeting Annual meeting of the Dutchess County Historical Society was held on May 4, 1974, at 12:30 p.m., at Holiday Inn, Sharon Drive. Luncheon was served prior to the meeting. Approximately 80 members were present. The meeting was called to order by President Roig. Mrs. John C. Smith reported that the Society plans to issue commemorative plates beginning with a plate depicting Glebe House as a souvenir of the Bicentennial. She is working with Mrs. Lawrence McGinnis on this project. President Roig reported that the auction that was held did not raise as much money as had been hoped for, for the purpose of refurnishing Glebe House for the Bicentennial celebration. He said he would like to increase the membership in the Society, that the membership dues structure is still the same. A life membership for husband and wife is $100. He further reported that there will be a flag-raising ceremony at Glebe House next week, that the 1776 flag will fly 24 hours a day and be lighted continually. The Poughkeepsie Garden Club will be working on the garden at Glebe House to have it in fine shape for the Bicentennial. Mr. Peter VanKleeck's treasurer's report emphasized the tremendous increase in printing costs for the Yearbook. Also, we will pay approximately $720 to the Internal Revenue Ser-

vice, and he recommended that we investigate every possible means of restructuring to avoid these taxes. The Dutchess County Arts Council allows us to use their postal permit which saves us on sending out our bills and mailing the Yearbook. He reported a total membership in the Society of 541 persons. He paid tribute to Miss Amy VerNooy, who passed away in 1973 and had been a member since 1920. Mr. John Jenner reported on the auction held by the Society the end of January to help pay for the Chlanda collection which had been purchased and also to raise money to continue to refurbish Glebe House. To date the net proceeds are over $2,000, with some things still unsold, which should bring the total to $3,000. He thanked everyone for their contributions of cash and donated items. Mr. Jenner announced that Mrs. Margaret Partridge is chairman of a furnishing committee of 10 for the decorating of Glebe House. One or two members of the committee will be responsible for each room, will submit proposed decorating plans with a proposed budget for each room to be approved by the whole committee. Mr. Gordon Hamersley stated that he would like to close the 1973 Yearbook this month, and that it will be a smaller Yearbook than last year. He spoke of the tremendous increase in printing costs. Mr. Walter Averill announced the meeting on May 11 of the New York State Revolutionary Bicentennial Commission, which will be attended by representatives from 11 counties, and will be held at the Camelot Inn in Poughkeepsie. He invited anyone present who would like to attend to see him after the meeting. Mr. Franklin Butts announced the annual Pilgrimage will be held on June 15, and that the members will be notified with a "flyer" in 2 or 3 weeks. It will be in the town of Stanford. Mrs. Irving Picard spoke for a few minutes about the Madam Brett Homestead. She said it had been built in 1709, and had been continuously lived in until 1954 when the DAR had bought it for preservation. She said that the entire maintenance is taken care of by the DAR, but that needed repairs and costs necessitated their appealing to interested friends from time to time for financial aid. She asked for donations. The DAR has a charter from New York State to operate it as a museum, and hence, is not subject to taxation. Mr. Ralph VanKleeck reported for the nominating committee. He said the officers are elected every other year, and that 16 board members rotate and serve 4-year terms. Those whose terms are completed and are going off the board are:

Mrs. Lawrence McGinnis Mr. Robert Breed Mr. H. Wilson Guernsey Mr. Franklin A. Butts Those who have resigned and not completed their terms: Mrs. Peter Mund Mr. Edmund VanWyck Proposed to serve 4-year terms: Mrs. John Losee Mrs. Fred C. Daniels Mr. George Bookman Rev. Herman Harmelink, III

Proposed to complete the term of Mrs. Peter Mund for 2 years: Mr. Ranford Curdy Proposed to complete the term of Mr. Edmund VanWyck for I year:

Mrs. David N. Sanford Proposed for Vice-President of the town of Milan: Mrs. Henry B. Thompson Proposed for Vice-President of the town of Pawling: Mrs. Howard Smith The proposed nominations were accepted as read by the membership vote. Mr. VanKleeck thanked his nominating committee of Mrs. Lawrence McGinnis, Mrs. John C. Smith, and Mr. Clifford Buck. Mr. Roscoe Balch introduced the speaker, Mr. Joseph Norton, who is a colleague of his at Marist College. His topic for the afternoon had to do with the distribution of wealth in the County prior to the Revolutionary War. For this he had researched all the available old tax records of Dutchess County.

May 21, 1974 Minutes The Trustees met at Glebe House at 4 p.m. The new Trustees were introduced to the board, and a discussion followed about the fact that Town Vice-Presidents are not invited to the monthly meetings and hence, are not knowledgeable about what the Board is doing. It was decided that they should receive notices of the monthly meetings. Mr. Franklin Butts discussed the proposed route of travel of the buses for the Pilgrimage on June 15. The trip will include, besides Stanford, going through Bangall, Amenia, visiting Federal Square, by Hunn's Lake, Stissing and Lafayette. For members the charge is $2, and it is hoped that some people may join the Society for $4 so that they may go on the Pilgrimage. Mrs. John Losee, a new Trustee, and previously VicePresident of the town of Milan, told of her work in connection with being assistant historian of Milan. She said she felt that many Vice-Presidents might not know their responsibilities toward the Society. Hence, Mr. George Bookman will write a letter to each town Vice-President to go out with the notice of the June board meeting explaining the role of town Vice-Presidents. The flag-raising ceremony at Glebe House will take place the morning of the Pilgrimage. The buses will come to Glebe House before proceeding to Stanford. Mrs. John C. Smith said that she and Mrs. Lawrence McGinnis are awaiting 2 samples of plates being considered for our commemorative plate. Mr. John Jenner felt that we should notify the various bicentennial committees of our plan to issue a plate so that there will not be duplication. President Roig asked Rev. Harmelink and Mr. Franklin Butts to also serve on the commemorative plate committee. It is hoped that plans for the plate can be finalized at the June meeting.

June 12, 1974 Minutes The Trustees and Town Vice-Presidents met at Glebe House at 4 p.m. Mr. Peter VanKleeck reported two new members who were approved, and said our accountant is preparing our tax report.

President Roig read a letter from the Fishkill Historical Society asking for our support in researching the area immediately adjacent to the Van Wyck Homestead. They are trying to raise $15,000 and currently have $4,000. A motion was passed that we give them $1,000 for this project. Permission was given to Mr. George Bookman to reprint an article of his and his wife's which had previously appeared in our Yearbook. President Roig mentioned an inquiry he had had from someone interested in having a yearbook of reprints of revolutionary articles from various historical journals. Mr. Gordon Hamersley will investigate the possibility of reprinting such articles in a special periodical. Mr. Hubert Spross suggested the possibility that we might interest students studying history locally in doing research on various historical subjects, and that perhaps a prize might be offered. Or, their articles could be printed in our Yearbook. There was interest in such an idea and President Roig appointed a committee of Mrs. John C. Smith, Mr. Radford Curdy, Mr. Hubert Spross, Mr. Felix Scardapane and Mr. Roscoe Balch to pursue the matter further. Mrs. John C. Smith discussed the design of the commemorative plates to be issued. She said the committee was trying to decide upon a motif for them, which could be used on any of the series. She suggested having the original patentee seals of Dutchess County on the border of each plate issued. The motion was passed that these patentee seals be used as the motif of the border of each plate. The first plate will have a picture of Glebe House in the center. President Roig said that 90 people have signed up for the Pilgrimage. The buses hired will be more expensive than last year.

September 17, 1974 Minutes President Roig asked Mrs. John C. Smith to report on the progress of the commemorative plate project. She presented the following recommendations for the Board to consider: 1. That we order 18 dozen plates in Delft Blue of the Glebe House cut with original patentees' coats of arms and a gold rim border. 2. That a brochure be developed to go with plate giving a brief history of Glebe House and the Patentees. 3. That the price be set to realize a modest profit. A motion was passed that we eliminate considering Wedgewood and Gorham companies since their plates were too expensive. A motion was passed that the committee be authorized to purchase plates of a number not to exceed 24 dozen and not to exceed a cost of $2.50 each. Mr. Ralph VanKleeck reported on the Glebe House Committee, that a letter was going out to all Historical Society members announcing that a committee is planning to issue a cookbook featuring recipes used during the revolutionary times. He told the group that various craft classes are being held at Glebe House for children. The annual Open House will be on Sunday, December 8. He also said that a letter had gone out to various groups and people informing them that Glebe House can be rented for various meetings or functions. Mr. John Jenner said that the Furnishing Committee for

Glebe House is working on the Master plan for refurnishing Glebe House and that the report will be ready very soon. It will show the proposed plans for each room and list the items needed with the estimate of the cost of purchase. The report will be available to those interested. Mr. Hubert Spross will look into the possibility of having a spring boat trip on the Hudson for the members instead of a Pilgimage. Mr. Stanley Willig asked if there was a clearing house for dates for the Bicentennial to avoid possible conflicting celebrations or events in the various surrounding towns. Mr. John Jenner stated that Mr. Jack Littman is County Chairman for the Bicentennial, and that the county committee would appreciate having the names of all town chairmen so that they could be informed of county-wide celebrations.

October 8, 1974 Minutes The Trustees and Town Vice-Presidents met at Glebe House at 4 p.m. Reverend Harmelink suggested that with regard to dates for various town Bicentennial celebrations that the dates should be put on the community calendar which is kept by the Voluntary Action Center (phone 452-5600) to avoid too many conflicts. Mr. Peter VanKleeck stated that the Savings Bank is no longer able to furnish us with our address labels for our mailings which they have done for a number of years. Mr. Ralph VanKleeck suggested that perhaps Marist College might be able to do this, since they have a similar machine there. He left the meeting to call Mr. Linus Foy at Marist who agreed to do this for us. A motion was passed that the secretary send a letter of thanks to Mr. Thomas Norton of the Poughkeepsie Savings Bank for their many years of help. Mr. Hubert Spross reported about the possibility of offering a boat ride on the Hudson River to the members next May or June in lieu of a pilgrimage. He said we should make a decision before January. President Roig asked Mr. Spross if he could put on a program of slides of the Hudson River for the members in early December, to run about an hour. Mr. Spross will see if this is possible. A motion was made that a committee of Mr. Franklin Butts, Mr. Stanley Willig, and Mr. Spross be authorized to investigate the details of having a spring boat trip for the members. Mr. Felix Scardapane asked about the progress of the committee appointed to investigate various research projects which local college students might undertake under the auspices of the Society. It seems he is involved presently in a similar undertaking by another organization. Since our committee had no definite plans as yet, it was felt that Mr. Scardapane and his other commitment might proceed with their plans and then our committee would wait before making their plans. Mrs. Wilhemina Powers told the Trustees that the library now has a burglar alarm system. Mr. Ralph VanKleeck will call our insurance agent to see if our premiums might be reduced now that the library does have an alarm system. President Roig read a letter of thanks from the Fishkill Historical Society thanking us for our gift of $1,000. He also read a letter from Miss Hazel Skidmore, who resigned as Vice-President for the town of LaGrange. The board decided to wait to take action on this until the next meeting. 11

November 12, 1974 Minutes The Trustees and Town Vice-Presidents met at Glebe House at 4 p.m. Since there was a children's craft class in progress, Mrs. Dennis Arnold brought us up-to-date on current activities at Glebe House. She was dressed in attire suitable to the Glebe House period. President Roig presented a bill for $110 due the Library of Congress for printing 10 sets of the complete plans of Glebe House and 2 sets of pictures taken of Glebe House before World War I. The bill was approved for payment. Rev. Harmelink reported on the commemorative plate project. He said two companies are currently being considered. He said that the color of blue of one of the companies was not the shade that they would like. Upon discussion the board did not object to the shade of blue. The committee is waiting for a response from the other company before making a final decision. President Roig said that a December meeting is planned at which Mr. Hubert Spross will show some of his slides of the Hudson River. He said that a 35 mm projector is being sought as Mr. William Schrailth has some old moving pictures of Main Street which it is hoped will be included in the program. Mr. Gordon Hamersley reported that the Yearbook will be ready in early December. He is hoping to effect some savings by using a different method of printing. He will proceed to investigate the possibility of issuing a special publication of various articles appropriate to the Bicentennial. Mr. Clifford Buck is working on finding someone who would be representative of the Town of LaGrange, since Miss Hazel Skidmore has resigned. He will report at the next meeting. Mr. Roscoe Balch reported that Mr. Jesse Effron of the Three Arts is taking a course in Albany and is making a survey of where all the archival materials are. Mrs. Wilhemina Powers has categorized all that we have at Adriance Library and has turned a copy of it over to Mr. Effron. President Roig said that the final report of the furnishing committee of Glebe House is being drafted and will be ready soon. He said that actually the largest work will be the installation of better lighting in keeping with the period. He expects to have the final report for the December meeting.

December 10, 1974 Minutes The Trustees and Town Vice-Presidents met at Glebe House at 4 p.m. Mr. Hubert Spross reported that the projected meeting of the Society plans for December and showing slides of the Hudson River had been postponed until January. He said he would ask Mr. John Mylod, who has written a book on the Hudson River, to do the commentary. Mr. Spross mentioned the special problems involved in trying to show an old movie such as is in the possession of Mr. William Schrauth. The board felt we should not try to make this old movie part of the program. The board decided that January 15 would be a good night for the meeting, with January 22 as the alternate date. The MidHudson Library Auditorium can hopefully be secured in which to hold the meeting. Mr. Clifford Buck announced that Mrs. E. Stuart Hubbard, Jr. will succeed Miss Hazel Skidmore as Vice-President from

the town of LaGrange. The board moved her acceptance, and the secretary will so inform her, as well as write a letter of thanks to Miss Hazel Skidmore for her past service. Mr. Stanley Willig discussed with the board various projects which his town of Stanford might undertake for the Bicentennial. He said that restoring the old charcoal pits in the area had been suggested to show how a major source of fuel was made. There was much interest in this project by the board. Mrs. Howard Smith of Pawling said that they are enlarging their civic planting in a color scheme of red, white and blue for the Bicentennial. Mr. John Jenner said that presently there is a display in the window of the Hudson Valley Savings of the blueprints of Glebe House and various artifacts. The Open House at Glebe House had been held for 2 days instead of the original plan of 1 day, and had been well attended both days. Mr. John Jenner summarized the Glebe House furnishing committee report. He said that the total estimated cost of completing the refurbishing job is about $12,000 and that about $3500 of this amount could be generated by selling some furnishings which we now have which are not to be used. Mr. Hubert Spross suggested that perhaps a brochure could be distributed at the January meeting to see if anyone had any of the things which we need. Mr. Walter Averill made a motion that we approve the report of the Glebe House Committee and that we authorize the expenditure of $3,000 for the purchase of items with top priority, and that we be informed as soon as possible about the possibility of getting any loans of furniture from museums. The motion passed. It was decided that a further allocation of funds would be contingent upon a review of the Historical Society budget.

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