42 minute read
A Legend and an Account Book
Occasionally one encounters a mortal of a very strange cast who, for lack of better understanding, is perceived by others as being "peculiar." It was, alas, around just such an individual that sprang one of the oddest tales ever to be heard in the quiet countryside of Dutchess County. New Hackensack, known in historical annals chiefly for its ancient Dutch church, was in early days a sleepy hamlet, not much disposed to notoriety. The meandering Wappingers, a geographical feature of immense importance, flowed close by and its high banks had been chosen by the early settlers for their homesteads. It was here, not far from the creek and close by the church, that there lived a physician, known among his patients as the "Two-shilling Doctor." A familiar sight was he indeed, as he rode through the countryside calling on the sick; his single volume medical library in one pocket, his bleeder in the other. Protruding from his saddle bag, rarely parted from his person, was a great long leather bound volume - a meticulously kept, closely penned account book. There was a deep strangeness about him, perhaps reflecting the fearful torment within. To his neighbors the water ran turbulent and deep - they had all heard, and some had even been witness to the curse and the tragedy surrounding Dr. Stephen Thorn. Dr. Thorn came of a very respectable Long Island family, one which for generations had been a pillar of Flushing Quakerism. Records relating to his early life seem to have vanished, but it is known he was born about 1737, probably at White Plains, to which community his father Samuel had removed on his trek north, which ended with a new life in Rombout Precinct, Dutchess County. It appears that Dr. Thorn was already well established when his father died in 1759 and he was a practicing physician in 1762 when he married Mrs. Elizabeth Hicks. Whether he attended a medical school or studied with an established physician has never been determined. In 1772 he built a large brick home close by the New Hackensack Church and here raised a family of six children. Dr. Thorn's early professional life seems to have been uneventful, marked only by an occasional problem in collecting a bill. But deep trouble marked most of his life and it began four short years after moving into his new home. The Revolution brought soul searching for many Dutchess County residents and some found themselves with no choice but to cling to their loyalty to George III. Among that group were the children of Samuel Thorn. In 1775, Dr. Thorn, and his brothers Jonathan, Robert and John all refused to sign the Articles of Association. On October 17, 1776, Dr. Thorn and his brothers Robert and Jonathan were arrested for their loyalist sympathies and sent off to Exeter, New Hampshire. On March 7, 1777, Dr. Thorn and his brother Jonathan were allowed to return, owing to their having "behaved peaceable and not spoken against the American cause." Both Jonathan and Robert continued manifestly opposed to the whig cause, but Dr. Thorn had apparently become less inclined to support the Tories. Jonathan in May was
sent to the prison fleet at Esopus, but Dr. Thorn was ordered simply to be confined at the Everett house in Poughkeepsie. Jonathan was subsequently imprisoned again at Hartford, Connecticut, where he died on November 14, 1777. Dr. Thorn however, reconsidered his previous outspoken sympathies, and on June 17, 1777 changed his allegiance and took the oath. Although discharged by the Committee for Detection of Conspiracies, Thorn's practice had suffered disasterously from his loyalist stand, and it took him two to three years to rebuild confidence in his person and regain the friendship of those who had been his patients before the war; many of whom were among the leading whigs. His practice did flourish and he amassed considerable wealth. His name is encountered frequently in Dutchess County records as a witness to a mortgage or deed or a will and sometimes as an executor of a will. His gravest troubles, those which were to plague him until his death, began not long after the hatreds of the Revolution had died down. Authorities seem at odds as to whether it began in 1786 or 1789, but all agree it commenced when a cobbler stopped at the Thorn home. In subsequent generations the family preferred to forget what had happened and that it came near driving Dr. Thorn insane, but when asked they would invariably recount the story in the same manner word for word as if it had been memorized. Dr. Thorn's great-great-granddaughter put it thus: "One day there was a travelling cobbler at the house of Dr. Thorn. He tried to kiss the pretty maid. She slapped his face with her dishcloth. He said: 'You shall suffer for this!' Then he went away. And soon strange noises followed the girl wherever she went. There were rappings on the floor. Tables and chairs were overturned. The girl was said to be bewitched. People came from far and near to see and hear what happened. It was very disagreeable for the family. They sent a messenger to try and find the cobbler. He was traced to Hudson, New York, and found in an orchard. He admitted he had caused the disturbance. He was plead with to end it and he said: 'When a large stone that is in the attic rolls down stairs and out of doors with a great noise the trouble will cease.' One day a big stone in the attic did roll down stairs and out of doors and then they had no more trouble. And the stone was in the attic after that. And the publicity that attended the family was so unpleasant they had to go away from the home for a while." There are many versions of the curse and ensuing events. In some the servant girl was called a tailoress; in others the cobbler was omitted entirely. One story referred to him as "humpbacked" and that he was angry not because of the kiss, but because she laughed at him. In the early part of this century an old New Hackensack resident spoke of furniture moving about and lumber in the cellar of the Thorn house flying about. He added: "The New York Legislature made an investigation. To cure her, they carried her across the river and kept carrying her until the evil spirit left her. The big stone which belonged to the cobbler is still to be seen in the garret of the house and if thrown out of the window, will mysteriously return to the garret and be found there the next time it is
looked for and when there is a thunderstorm the ghost of the tailoress runs around on the baseboard of the double parlors." One source referred to the girl as being fourteen, and described the noises as "knockings" which were described in the New York Daily Advertiser of February 27, 1789 as "somewhat resembling the noise attending a shoemaker's hammering on the heel of a shoe." The New York Packet of March 10, 1789, printed a letter from "a gentleman at Fishkill," which related three different visits with Dr. Thorn. Speaking of the last, the letter writer stated: "The knocking still continued but was much louder," during the second visit, but during the third visit the "phenomena were still more alarming. I then saw the chairs move; a large dining table was thrown against me and a small stand, on which stood a candle, was tossed up and thrown in my wife's lap, after which we left the house much surprised at what we had seen." The curious were said to have come from as far away as Philadelphia and New England and learned men were at a loss to solve the problem. Instead of improving, the situation grew worse. Knives and forks would fly from the girl's hands when she tried to eat and furniture would overturn at her touch. Dr. Thorn found some relief when a neighbor volunteered to take the girl in his own house for a time and this person supposedly was able to give her relief from the knockings by placing his hand on her forehead. She finally went to live with a relative and though the knockings were said to have followed, they are said to have become less frequent. The cobbler's stone supposedly still exists, although today Dr. Thorn's house is gone. Dr. Thorn did not long survive the episode with the cobbler. He died on October 16, 1795 and lies buried in the Dutch churchyard adjacent to the New Hackensack Church. Mystery, oddness and even calamity however, seemed to follow his progeny. The doctor's great grandnephew was Lieut. Jonathan Thorn, U.S.N., who had served with distinction during the Tripolian War. In 1811 he was sent to the Columbia River in command of the bark "Tonquin," fitted out by John Jacob Astor for an exploration in anticipation of establishing trading settlements. In June of 1811, Thorn, then promoted to Captain, became embroiled in what was later called a "nonsensical" squabble with Indians over a minor trade involving skins. Thorn and his crew, including his brother James Thorn, were murdered by the Indians. Dr. Thorn's eldest son was also a physician, Dr. James Thorn. This son took over the father's practice and was widely esteemed in the neighborhood. It was noted at the time of his death, June 26, 1816 that: "The best families were represented and the bearers were leading men socially and profressionally. They were so drunk that the burial had to be delayed two hours for them to sober up sufficiently to be able to carry the body from the house." Some 50 years later, Dr. Thorn's grandson, Robert Thorn, who lived in the house at the intersection of Route 376 and Maloney Road, which had been built by Dr. Thorn's son Samuel, died under mysterious circumstances. Robert Thorn died on January 19, 1870 and according to the Poughkeepsie Daily Eagle of January 22, 1870, he was murdered:
"Robert Thorn was a quiet man and did not wish personal affairs brought before public. This was known to the band of robbers by whom he had been plundered several times and finally murdered. Three scoundrels were involved and the housekeeper is thought to be involved. He is said to have been worth $150,000. It is said his son-in-law Richard Akin figured in a defalcation in New York City and had fled and that he had previously robbed Mr. Thorn of $6,500. He is said to have been seen around Poughkeepsie just before the last attack and to have then disappeared." The papers then fell strangely silent on the mysterious attack except to note that it had occurred on January 5 and that Thorn had been "beaten and gagged." It was noted that Thorn refused to "disclose the particulars of the attack" which was described as "without parallel in Dutchess County history." One reason might have been the possible involvement of the husband of his only child, Caroline. Among the relics associated with Dr. Thorn which are known to exist, is his 344-page, closely penned account book which surfaced recently in a collection of Dutchess County historical materials. This large leather volume contains entries dated from 1775 to 1795, relating to over 500 patients. Although Dr. Thorn traditionally is said to have offered but three remedies, "a puke, a purge or a bleed," the accounts clearly display ample evidence that his abilities reached much further. He mentions dressing wounds, extracting teeth, and delivering children. He treated a frozen foot and was called upon to relieve worms in children. What he referred to as "cancer" was treated on several occasions and he seems to have been proficient at setting all types of bone fractures and dislocations. Among the maladies he observed were "leephrosy," venereal disease, ulcerations, fevers and tumors. The medicines utilized show he was well versed in 18th century practices and, to use his spellings, included: "camphor, sulphur, castor, tartar cream, callomel, red barck, nitriol, powders, pills, gum mynah, licorice, salts, volat spirits, ointments, mouthwaters, plasters, bitters, magnashe, adquintum, juniper oil, and liquid ladum." He also mentions "brimstone for salavating, borax, colleriam, breast oyntment, pergorche, and ear medicine." The record shows that whatever the ailment, Dr. Thorn's charge indeed was two shillings per complaint, per visit. On some occasions however, he did accept "fish, grain, sheep and lambs" in payment for his services. The most important feature of the account book lies in that owing to the size of his practice and Dr. Thorn's manner of entering accounts, the book represents a sort of post-Revolutionary census of central Dutchess County; in some instances complete with valuable background information. The appended list is a complete index to the volume. The name of the patient is first given, followed by the name as spelled in the record where it deviates, obviously due to phonetics. This is then followed by the years a person was a patient, the place of residence where given or known, and then, any additional data known or quoted from the account.
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Stairway in the home of Dr. Stephen Thorn from an old photo. It was down this stairway that reputedly rolled the stone which supposedly ended the curse imposed by a wandering cobbler on a servant girl.
Gravestone of Dr. Stephen Thorn in the old Churchyard of the New Hackensack Church. Dr. Thorn died October 16, 1795.
Ackerman, Casparus, (Caspardos Ockerman), 1788, of Poughkeepsie. -David, (Ockerman), 1787, of Poughkeepsie, had "son David." -Gulian, (Corline Ockerman), 1786-1791, of Barnegat, had a slave. -Jacobus, (Cobus Ockerman), 1792, of Barnegat. Adams, Abel, 1784-1788, of Marlboroughtown. -Elisha, 1785-1786, of Rombout. Akins, Stephen, see John Mott. Aldrich, Peter, (Peter Aldres), of Newburgh, 1792, "over the river." Ames, David, 1791, of Fishkill, "delivered wife." -George, (George Eames), 1783, of Barnegat. Anderson, David, 1785, probably Beekman, "employed by James Scoot." Annan, Daniel, (Danel Annen), 1785-1795, of Fishkill, "Betsy Downing." -James, (Annon), 1776, 1785-1793, of Barnegat, a cooper, "John," (a son?). Applebee, Conrad, (Cunerod Aplebee), 1782, of Fishkill. -Gilbert, (Appelbee), 1790-1791, of Fishkill, "employed by John Jackson." Avery, Polly, (Polle Every), n.d. (c 1783), of Fishkill. Baker, Jacob, (Jacob Backer), 1790, of Fishkill. Bancker, Stephen, 1783, of Fishkill. Barber, Moses, 1784, of Fishkill, believed moved to Stillwater, c 1790. Barnes, Gilbert, 1776, of Fishkill. -Richard, 1791, of Fishill. Beadle, Daniel, (Daniel Beadel), 1776, of Beekman. -Jesse, n.d. c 1785, of Beekman, "wife's sister employ'd Wornin, shoemaker." Bell, Henry, n.d. c 1785, of Fishkill. -John, 1785, of Fishkill. Bennett, James, (James Bennot), 1788, of Fishkill. Bents (?), Thomas, 1790. Bergen, John, (John Bagn), 1793, of Fishkill. Billings, Major Andrew, (Mgar Billings), 1792, of Poughkeepsie. Bishop, Gabriel, (Gabril Biship), 1790, of Fishkill. -Joshua, (Biship), 1790, of Fishkill or Cortlandt-town? Bloodgood, Joseph, (Bludgood), 1788-1789, of Fishkill, "fractured arm." -Robert, (Bludgood), 1790, of Fishkill. Bloom, Benjamin, 1782-1785, 1790, of Fishkill, "dressing finger." -George, n.d. c 1783, of Fishkill, see Underhill Budd. -Sylvester, 1775, 1783-1786, of Fishkill, "Richard Cornell," (employee?) Bockee, William, (Bockes), 1786, of Rombout, "for Rowlin Emrey;" Bockee had "son Adam." Bogardus, Cornelius, (Cornelus Bargardus), 1786-1788, of Fishkill. -Francis, (Bargadus), 1782-1793, of Fishkill, mentions "Drakes and Cornalls." Bogart, Henry, 1783, "young man," "ulcer," "leg fracture." -James, 1790, of Fishkill, son-in-law of William Van Amburgh.
Bool (?), John, 1783, "employed by Isaac Veal." Bount, Thomas, 1788, son-in-law of "Cobus Steenbarck." Bouton, , 1790, "Mr. Bouton over the river," (Joseph Bouton, Cornwall?). Bragaw, John, (John Beggaw), 1792, "son of Jacob." -Peter, (Peter Begaw or Bugoe), 1790-1792, mentions "Dorance Plase." Bremer, John, 1776, of Barnegat. Briggs, John, (John Brigs), 1791, of Beekman. Brinckerhoff, Col. Abraham, (Connell Abraham Brinkerhoff), 1791, of Fishkill. -Adrian, (Eddaryon Brinkerhoff), 1783, of Fishkill. -George, (see John Lane). -Mrs. Sarah, (Widow Sary Brinkerhoff), 1787, of Fishkill. Brisbee, James, 1783. Brooks, Elizabeth, 1784-1786, of Fishkill. -William, (William Brucks), n.d., c 1785, of Fishkill. Brouwer, Cornelius, (Cornlus Brower), 1791, of Fishkill, "salvating daughter." -David, (David Brower), 1791, of Fishkill. -Jacob, Sr., (Old Jacob Brower), 1788, of Fishkill. -Jacob, Jr., (Jacob Brower son of Jacob Brower), 1788, of Fishkill. Brown, John, 1776, 1783, "over the river," (location not identified), "delivered wife." Buck, Andries, 1787, of Beekman. Buckhout, Mrs. John, (Widow Buckhout), 1791, of Fishkill, wife of late John Buckhout. Budd, Underhill, (Undrell Budd), 1784-1786, 1791, of Town of Poughkeepsie, "on George Bloom's farm." Burnet, Thomas, 1776, of New Windsor. Bursa, , (Bursa a Frenchman), n.d. , c 1787, "employed by James Elderkin." Burtis, Barent, 1785, of Rombout, "delivered wife." Bussing, (Aaron?), (Old Mr. Busson), 1783, of Rombout, (probably Aaron Bussing, a New York refugee), "Hyer, shoemaker, his son-in-law," (who was probably of Poughkeepsie). Buys, Henry, (Henry Byse), 1788, of Fishkill, "a mason by trade," "cancer in wife," "broken arm." Cain, Philip, n.d., c 1783, of Charlotte, "taking out cancer. Canniff, Daniel, (Daniel Cannof), 1788-1789, of Fishkill. Carrs, John, (John Cars), 1791. -Philip, (Philip Cars), 1788, "employed by Samuel Cars." -Samuel, see Philip Carrs. -Thomas, (Thomas Cars), 1783-1784, "Over the river." Case, Rev. Wheeler, (Mr. Case, Menester), 1790, (Minister of Pleasant Valley Presbyterian Church). Casebee, Peggy, (Pegga Casebee), 1792, of Rombout, "employed by Benj. Roe, Jr." Catton, Betts, (Bits Catton), 1792. Chatterton, Betts, (Bets Chaterton), 1786-1789, 1791, of Fishkill. -Peter, 1775, 1787. -William, 1786-1787. Christie, Dennis, see Spencer, Churchill, , 1783, of Fishkill. -Edward, (Edward Churchel), 1789, of Middlebush, (a pipemaker).
-John, Sr., (John Churchwell), 1775-1776, 1784-1789, 1793, of Middlebush, "a carpenter," "Widow Wilse at -John Churchels, 1783." -John, Jr., (John Churchel), 1784-1788, "John Churchel son of John," "at Middlebush." -Jonas, 1783, of Fishkill. Clapp, Benjamin, Jr., (Benjamin Clap younger), 1782-1783, of Fishkill. Clapp, Henry, see Silas Clapp. -Silas, (Silas Claap), 1790-1791, of Fishkill, "son of Henry Clap." Clark, Noah, see John McBride. -Samuel, 1785, of Fishkill, "a carpenter." Coe, John, (John Goe), 1785-1786, of Rombout, living "near Capt. Tyse Lesters," (Capt. Matthias Luyster). Coffin, John, 1787, of Rombout. Cole, Isaac, see Jacob Ferris. Collins, Joshua, (Joshua Colins), 1787, of "Oswego," see Stephen Gales. Compton, James, (James Comtin), 1783-1784, "daughter Jane," "Nelle," (relationship unknown). Concklin, Lawrence, (Larance Conklin), 1783-1784, of Fishkill, "a weaver." -Matthew, (Mathewe Conklin), 1788. -William, (William Conklin), 1783. Conover, Benjamin, 1791, of Fishkill. -Peter, 1790, of Fishkill. Cook, Rev. , (Mr. Cook the Minister), 1789. -Matthew, see John Cooke. Cooke, John, 1775, 1782-1784, 1786-1789, 1790-1792, of Rombout, (lived at New Hackensack), "his negro boy," "Jack," (relationship unknown), "Mrs. Cooke," "son -Matthias Cooke," "merchant," "delivering negro wench." Cool, Minard, (Mynard Cooles), 1783-1786, (of Oswego?). Cooper, Obediah, (Obediah Cupper), 1785, of Middlebush, "sonin-law to Tuna Van Benscoten." -Philip, (Philip Cuper), 1783, of Poughkeepsie. Copeman, Jacob, (Jacob Copman), 1782-1783, of Poughkeepsie, (had children). Cornell, , see Francis Bogardus. -Benjamin, (Ben Cornel), 1790-1791, of Rombout, "cupper by trade," "dressing thumb." -Benjamin, (Benjam Cornel), 1791, of Rombout, (perhaps same as preceeding?), "son of Clement," "at Hick's." -Clement, 1775, 1786-1793, of Rombout, "at John Hoffs." -John, (John Curnell), 1783-1788, of Rombout, "negro Daniel," "Sapir the negro," "delivering wench," "Squire a negro at John Curnell." -Peter, (Piter Curnell), n.d., c 1789, 1790-1791, of Rombout, "on Van Kleecks," "cancer in wife." -Richard, see Sylvester Bloom. Cramer, , (Old Mr. Cramer), n.d., c 1785, of Middlebush, "employed by Henry Cramer." -Henry, see Cramer. Crandell, Samuel, (Samuel Crandel), 1783-1789, of Oswego, "weaver of coverlid." Crawford, Henry, (Henry Crawfoot), 1785, of Barnegat, "at John Sheffields." Cronk, Abraham, 1775, of Fishkill. Culver, , (Probably James Culver, the Cooper), (Mr. Culver, 1775-1776, of Fishkill. 87
Dates, John, 1788, of Rombout, see "Widow Andreas Lossing." -John, Jr., (Young John Dates), 1792, of Rombout, "shumaker," (perhaps same as preceeding and perhaps not a junior). -Peter, 1787-1788, of Rombout, see Michael Gulneck and Abraham Lent. Dayton, Cornbury, (Cornbury Datin), 1783. Dean, Daniel, (Danel Deen), 1786, of Oswego. -Evans, (Evins Deen), 1785-1787, of Rombout, "Solomon," "Betsy," (relationships unknown), see Layton -Jonathan, (Jonathan Deean), 1784, 1790, "at Castons place." -Robert, (Robert Deen), 1785-1788, of Rombout, "brother of Evans Deen." Decker, Barent, (Barnt Decker), 1791-1792, "had son David." DeDuyster, Abraham, (Abraham Dudheer), 1790, of Fishkill. -Barent, (Barnt Dutcher), 1783, 1788, 1791-1792, of Fishkill. -David, (David Dutcher), 1785, of Fishkill. -Sarah, (Sary Dutcher), 1785, of Fishkill, "employed by Gidon DuBoys." DeGroff, Gideon, (Gidon Degrove), 1791, of Rombout. -James, (James Degrove), 1788, of Rombout, "son to Jacobus Degrove." -Moses, Jr., (Moses Degrove the younger), 1789, 1791, of Rombout, "delivering his wife." -Simon, (Simon Degrove), 1783-1784, of Rombout. DeLange, Conrad, (Conrad Delong), 1776. -John, (John Delong), 1786-1788, of Fishkill, "son of Aaron Delong?" DeMilt, Garret, 1783-1785, 1789, of Fishkill. -Isaac, (Isaac Demelt), 1775, of Fishkill. -John, (John DeMeth), 1776, of Fishkill, "cansor on the thumb." DeOude, Daniel, (Old Mr. Daniel Dauida), 1789. Dennis, John, (John Denis) , 1785, of Rombout, "employed by William Fun Tyne." DePue, Peter, 1781-1786, 1789-1792, of Fishkill, "delivering wife." Devine, Asher, 1789, of Fishkill, "near Jacobs." DeWee, Isaac, 1790, of Fishkill. Dingee, Mark, (Marck Dimsee), 1785-1786. -Thomas, (Thomas Dimsee) , 1783. Dodge, Henry, 1783, of Poughkeepsie. Dollson, George, (Gordge Dolson), 1785-1787, of Poughkeepsie or Fishkill, "employed by Simon Lawsons son Simon." Dorland, Samuel, (Samuel Durlin, Dorlan), 1775-1776, 1785, of Fishkill. Downing, Betsy, see Daniel Annan. -Sary Betsy, 1791. Drake, , see Francis Bogardus. DuBois, Gideon, see Sarah DeDuyster. -Hannis, (Hannos DuBoys), 1782-1786, of Rombout, his "son James," "John," (relationship unknown). -Jacob, (Jacob DuBoys), 1775, 1783-1787, 1790-1791, of Fishkill, his "son John," "Peter," (relationship unknown) "John Deyos son," (son-in-law?). -Johannis, (Johannis DuBoys), 1784-1785, of Fishkill.
- John, (John DuBoys), 1789, 1791, of Fishkill, "John DuBoys son of John," his "son Lewis Dubys." - Colonel Lewis, (Luis DuBoys), 1775, 1783-1789, of Poughkeepsie, "his wife," "his negro boy." - Nathaniel, (Nathaniel DuBoys), 1785, of Fishkill. -Teunis, (Tunis DuBoys), 1792, of Fishkill, "his negro." -Thomas, (Thomas DuBoys), 1786, of Fishkill, his "son John." Dumond, Henry, (Henry Dimon), 1785-1793, "paid him 10 s. and six pens." -Matthew, (Mathew Dumon), 1793. Dunscomb, , (possibly Edward Dunscomb a New York Revolutionary War officer), (Old Mr. Danscom), 1783. Durling, James, (James Dearling), 1788, of Fishkill. Duryea, , (Widow Durhe), 1791, of Rombout. Edwards, William, 1775, of Fishkill. Egars, Philip, 1792. Elderkin, James, see Bursa. Elsworth, John, (John Elwourth), 1783, "cure his negro man." -Samuel, n.d., c 1783. Emigh, George, (Geordge Emough), 1787, of Beekman. Emory, Rowland, see William Bockee. Erct, Benjamin, 1792, "on Hogaland place." Everitt, Benjamin, (Benjaman Everet), 1791-1792, of Fishkill, "Betsy Pattin," "Aaron," (relationship unknown.) Everson, John, (John Evensen), 1787-1791, of Fishkill, "a merchant." Ferdon, Abraham, (Abraham Furdon), 1780-1789, 1791. -Jacob, (Jacob Furdun), 1784-1786, 1790. -John, Jr., (Young John Furdon), 1785, "young John son to John Furdon." -Mrs. John, (Widow John Furdon), 1791. -Peter, (Peter Forden), 1789, "Peter Forden son of Z. Forden." -Zacharia, (Zeachre Furdon), 1775, 1783-1789, "Purdys wife," his negro boy." -Mrs. Zacharia, (Widow Zache Furdon), 1791, "employed by her son John." Ferris, Jacob, 1783, "son-in-law of Isaac Cole." Fillow, Peter, 1775-1776. Fish, Robert, 1783, of Fishkill, "son-in-law to Jeremiah Jones." Fisher, , (Mrs. Fisher), 1784, "daughter to Lasher." Flagler, David, (David Flagalar), 1788-1789. -Paul, (Paulus Flagalar), 1788. Fort, Abraham, (Abraham Foort), 1788-1790, of Poughkeepsie, "negro slave" treated, Mr. Fort treated for "opening a tumor in his leg" and treated for a year, 1789-1790. -John, (John Foort), 1786, of Poughkeepsie. Fowler, John, (John Fowlor), 1790. -Sollen, see Martin, Frear, John, (John Fraer), 1793, ▪ of Poughkeepsie, "son of
Simon Fraer." Freeman, Anthony, (Anthony Freeman), n.d. Furgeson, Stephen, (Stephen Furgoson), 1783, "his sons wife." Gales, Stephen, (Stephen Geales) , 1787, of Oswego, "employed by Joshua Collins." Ganse, Casper, (Caspor Gance), 1783-1786, 1791, of Fishkill, "a currier."
Germond, James, (James Garman), 1788, of Nine Partner, "father to Peter Garman." - John, (John Garman), 1787, of "the Hollow in Nine Partners." -Peter, (Piter Garman), 1783, of Nine Partners, "his son James," paid with three crowns," (large silver dollar size coins.) Gidley, Henry, (Henry Gidlee), 1787-1788, of Oswego. -Jasper ?, (Master Gidle), 1785, of Fishkill, "son-inlaw of John Guill." Giles, William, (William Gyls), 1787, of Fishkill, "a carpenter." -Mrs. William, 1790, of Fishkill. Graham, Commissioner Daniel ?,(Mr. Graham at Colonel Van Bunscotens),1790, Poughkeepsie. -Duncan, (Dunkin Graham), 1780-1783, of Poughkeepsie, "lip cancer," "fractured arm," see Roger Roe. Green, Isreal, (Ozrial Green), 1784, of Rombout. -Joseph, 1783, of Fishkill, "son-in-law of Furdon." Griffin, Col. Jacob, (Jacob Griffen, Connell), 1786-1790, 1792, of Fishkill, "Nestor, negro boy," "his son Richard Griffen,""lancing wife's breast." -John, (John Griffen), 1789-1793, "his son Richard." Jonathan, 1790, of Nine Partners. -Michael, (Mickall Griffen), 1782-1784, of Nine Partners, "son of Joseph Griffen." -Obediah, 1788, 1792, of Nine Partners, "son Joseph." Gulneck, Jacob, (Jacob Culneck), 1782, of Fishkill. -Michael, (Mickel Gulneck), 1786-1793, of Rombout, "son-in-law of Peter Dates." Hageman, Cornelius, (Cornalus Hagaman, Hagamin), 1784, 17871789, of Rombout. -John, 1786, "from Long Island." -Katy, 1790. Haight, Capt. Cornelius, (Capt. Cornalus Haight), 1783, of Fishkill. Hall, John, 1793, of Marlboro, "over the river." -John, of Rombout, see Clement Cornell. Halsted, Samuel, (Samuel Haltst), 1791, of Rombout. Hamlin, , (Mr. Hamlin), 1785, "shoemaker at Joseph Jacksons." Harris, Baltus, 1785, of Rombout. -Capt. Joseph, 1782-1786, of Rombout, "his son Joseph." -Peter, 1789, of Rombout. Hart, William, n.d., c 1782. Hathorn, Hon. John, (John Hatorn), 1775. Heermanse, , (Widow Harmensee), 1792, of Rombout. -Andries, Sr., (Old Andreas Harmensee), 1786, of Rombout, "his negro boy." -Andries, Jr., (Andries Harmansee, Jr.), 1775, 1782-1787, of Rombout, "James," (relationship unknown.) -Andries P., (Andres P. Harmansee), 1790, of Rombout. -Henry, (Henry Harmonsee), 1783-1789, 1791-1792, of Rombout, "his son Andres," "his son's widow." -John, (John Harmonsee), 1782-1793, of Rombout. Hicks, Gilbert, 1790-1791. -Jacob, n.d., c 1783, of Rombout. -James, (perhaps same as preceeding), 1789-1791, of Rombout, "his son Tim," "a weaver."
-William, 1786-1789, of Rombout, "his son James," "worms in his wife." Hill, Zachariah, (Zachrea Hill), 1792-1793. Hilleker, Henry, (Henry Heleker), 1779-1786, of Charlotte. Hoff, Hannah, 1786, of Rombout, "daughter to Peter Hoff employed by Larance Hoff," "dressing and taking out dead flesh," "four months of dressing." -John, 1783-1788, 1791, of Rombout, "Clement Cornwell." -Joseph, 1789-1790, of Rombout. -Joseph, Jr., (Joseph Hoff the younger), 1790, of Rombout. -Lawrence, (Larance Hoff), 1775, 1782-1789, of Rombout, "his black chyld," "Joseph Hoff."
-Mrs. Peter, (Widow Peter Hoff), 1787-1790, of Rombout. Hoffman, Isaac, (Isaac Huffman), 1789-1792, of Poughkeepsie, "delivered wife." -Martin, 1785-1786, 1791-1792, of Poughkeepsie, "his son Robert, "his wench." -Martin, Jr., (Young Marten Hufman), 1791, "his black chyld." -Robert, 1788-1789, 1791, of Poughkeepsie, "his wench," "his negro man." Honson, David, (David Honsee), 1788, 1790, of Rombout. -John, (Old John Honsa), 1787-1790, of Rombout, "a miller," "his son Oart," "his daughter." -Stephen, 1787, of Rombout. Hooghboom, Peter, see Peter Kidney. Hooghland, Abraham, (Abraham Hogeland), 1786, "his son Abraham." -Dirck, (Derick Hogeland), 1775, 1785-1788, 1791-1792, of Rombout, "Caty Fowler," "Widow Montross," "Billy," "William," (relationships unknown.) -William, (William Hogeland), 1783-1789, of Rombout, "Abrahams wife," "Sweet Jack," "Mathew Luyster settled his account," "his black chyld," "his son William." Horton, Joseph, 1786, of Rombout. -Matthias, (Mathane Horton), 1784-1786, of Rombout, -"Jackson," (relationship unknown.) Hughson, Gabriel, (Gabreal Huson), 1786-1788, 1791, of Fishkill, "employed by Mr. Taler." -James, (James Huson), 1786, of Fishkill, "employed by John Huson." -John, (John Huson), n.d., c 1789, of Fishkill, "son of Walter," see John Vail. -John Walter, (John Walter Huson), n.d., c 1790, of Fishkill. -Walter, (Walter Huson), 1790-1791, of Fishkill. -William, (William Huson), 1787-1788, of Fishkill, "son of John Huson," Bolas his negro employed by John Walter Huson," "Cato." Hyatt, Abraham, 1775, of Fishkill, see Nathan Hyatt. -Nathan, 1775, 1783-1784, of Fishkill, "Abraham Hyatt." Inger ?, Peter, n.d., c 1783, "wife employed Kandel." Irish, Peggy, (Pegga Isrish), 1792. -Samuel, 1783, "son of Smith." Jack, (Negro Jack), 1783. Jackson, Joseph, 1784-1789, 1791-1792, of Rombout, "venereal disease in his negro, "dressing wounds," "negro Sam,"
"negro boy James," see Hamlin, Gilbert Applebee, and Stephen Townsend. -Richard, 1784-1791, of Rombout, "negro man," "wench," "Joseph," " Samuel," (the last two probably of the Jackson family.) -Samuel, 1790, of Rombout, "son of Richard," see Betsy McKenzie. Jaycocks, Benjamin, 1775, 1783, 1789, of Barnegat, "his son Francis." -Francis, (Francis Jacocks), 1786-1787, 1790, of Barnegat. -Jonathan, 1776, of Barnegat. -Kelly, (Cala Jacocks), 1789, of Barnegat. -Thomas, Sr., 1785-1789, of Barnegat. -Thomas, Jr., (Thomas Jacocks Younger), 1784, 1790, 1792, of Barnegat, "son of Thomas Jacocks," "Abraham his boy," "delivering his wife." -Thomas P., 1792, of Barnegat. -William, see Smith, Jewell, George, (George Guell), 1775, of Fishkill, see Gideon Townsend. -Harmon, (Harmene Guel), 1784-1786, of Fishkill, "dislocated joint." -Harmon, Jr., (Harmana Guel the younger), 1790-1791, 1793, of Rombout, "delivering wife." -Henry, (Henry Juel), 1792, of Rombout. -John, (John Jual and Guel), 1787-1788, 1790, of Fishkill, "son of Harmene," "his son Isaac," (see Jasper Gidley.) -Richard, (Richard Jueal and Jawel), 1787, of Rombout. Johnson, Jonathan, 1776, of Barnegat. -Thomas, 1789, of Rombout, "at Dominicus Montforts." Jones, Betsy, n.d., c 1787, 1791, of Rombout, "wife of Jeremiah Jones." -David, n.d., c 1783. -Jeremiah, see Betsy Jones and Robert Tist. -Thomas, 1787, of Rombout, "son of Jeremiah." Jranthuf, Samuel ?, 1790. Keck, Abigail, 1790-1791. Kelly, William, (William Keelee and Cala), n.d., c 1785, 1788-1789, of Oswego, "a cooper," "breast oyntment for wife," "brimstone for salavating wife." Kennedy, Alshe, (Widow Alshe Caneday), n.d., c 1787. Kidney, James, 1783. -Peter, 1787, "wife daughter of Crandell," "employed by Peter Hogeboom." Kipp, Bennone, (Bennone Keep), 1776. -Elizabeth, (Widow Elizabeth Keep), 1782. Knapp, , (Mr. Knap), 1784-1785, "employed by Capt. Scoot." Kock, Jabe, n.d., c 1788. La Due, Peter, 1776, "at Fishkill Hook." Laight, William, 1789, of Fishkill. Landers, Joseph, (Joseph Landors), 1786-1787, "served time with William Mosher." Lane, John, 1787, of Rombout, "employed by Snedeker near George Brinckerhoff." Langdon, John, 1776, of Rombout. - Mrs. John, 1785, of Rombout, "at Dover." -Thomas, (Thomas Landon), 1791.
Layton, , (Mr. Layton), 1790, of Rombout, "at Evans Deens.) Lawrence, John, (John Larance), 1776, 1786-1789, of Rombout. -Stephen, (Stephen Larance), 1784-1786, of Rombout. -Thomas, (Thomas Larance), 1783, 1789, of Rombout. Leet, Nathan, 1792. Lennington, Hannah, (Hannah Lanenton), 1783, of Rombout. Lent, Abraham, 1784-1788, 1790, "at Sprout Creek," "merchant, "at Peter Oates." LeRoy, Frans, (Francis Laroe), 1786, of Rombout, "son of Simon." -Frans, Jr. (Franc Lary), 1792, of Rombout, "son of France." -John, (John Lare), 1787, of Rombout, "son of Simon Leroe." -Michael, (Medich Laroe), 1791, of Rombout. -Peter, (Peter Leroe), 1783, of Rombout. -Simon, see Frans LeRoy, John LeRoy and Barnet Van Kleeck. Lewis, Barent, (Barnt Lewis), 1775, of Rombout. -Thomas, (Thomas Luis), 1789, of Poughkeepsie, "son of Lanard Luis," "lancing leg." Linion, Larey, ?, (Larey Linion), 1783, "brikesmaker." Livingston, Elizabeth, 1775. -Henry G., (Henry G. Levnstone), 1783. Lockwood, Stephen, 1784, 1790, of Rombout. Losee, Aaron, (Aaron Losie), 1784. -Abraham, see Chauncey Losee, John Losee. -Chauncey, (Chansee Loosey), 1785-1789, of Rombout, "son of Abraham Loosee." -John, (John Loosee), 1783, of Rombout, "son of Abraham Loosee." -Joseph, (Joseph Loosee), 1782-1785. -Langdon, (Landon Loose), 1787-1788, of Rombout, "a carpenter." Lossing, Abraham, (Abraham Lawson), 1789, "John," "son of - John Lawson and grandson of William Lawson." -Mrs. Andreas, (Widow Lawson, Widow Andres Lawson), 1788, "employed by John Dates." - Grashe, (Grashe Lawson), 1785, "daughter of Peter Lawson." Lossing, Henry Andreas, (Henry Andras Lawson), 1782. -Isaac, (Isaac Lawson), 1775, of Fishkill. - John, (John Lawson), 1775. - John, Jr., (John Lawson), 1789-1792, "son of John Lawson," "dressing frozen foot." - Lawrence, (Larnce Lawson), 1776, of Fishkill, loan of 3 pounds "to you and your comrade," (was son of or had a child named Lawrence Lossing.) - Mary, (Mary Lasin), 1775. - Matthew, (Mathew Lawson), 1785, "son to Simon Lawson," "his son Peter Lawson." - Peter, (Peter Lawson), 1782-1787, of Fishkill, "Andreas," see Grashe Lawson. - Peter, Jr., (Cline Peter Lawson), 1785-1791. - Simon, (Simon Lawson), 1784, 1786, "son of William," see George Dollson. - William, Sr., (William Lawson, senior), 1776, of Fishkill.
-William Andreas, (William Andres Lawson), 1782. -William P., (William P. Lawson), 1776, 1783, "William Lawson that married Gans." Low, Andrew, 1785, "employed John Van Benscoten." -William, 1785-1786, 1791, "a blacksmith." Luckey, James, (James Luckee), 1783-1785, of Rombout, -"Samuel Lucke," "sisters daughter," "wench." -Samuel, (Samuel Lucke), 1786-1788, of Rombout, see Thomas Pinckney. Luyster, Capt. Cornelius, (Capt. Curnalus Lister, Squire Curnalus Lester), 1790-1792, of Fishkill. -Dirck, (Derick Lyster), 1785-1789, 1792, of Fishkill. -Garret, (Garact Lyster), 1785, 1791, of Fishkill, "a blacksmith." -John, (John Lyster), 1790, of Fishkill. -Matthias, (Capt. Tyse Lyster), 1783-1792, of Fishkill, "John," "young woman," (see John Coe.) -Peter, (Peter Leyster), 1776, 1785-1793, of Fishkill. Mabbett, Joseph, see John Ray. Mack, John, 1792. Mackie, David, (David Macke), 1790, of Marlboro, "over the river," "employed by Van Kurin." Manney, Wines, (Whyns Manne), 1776, 1783-1786, of Poughkeepsie. -Wines, Jr., (Whines Manna younger), 1790-1791, of Poughkeepsie. Manning, Joshua, (Joshua Mannin), 1776. Mapes, Peter, (Peter Maphes), 1791. Martin, , (Mr. Martin), 1791, "son-in-law to Sollen Fowler." Masten, Aert, ?, (Oart Mowston), 1783. -Henry, 1791, of Poughkeepsie, "lives by the creek." Matthews, Samuel, 1790, of Poughkeepsie. Maton, , (Mr. Maton), 1792, "Solomon Fowlers son-in-law. McBride, John, 1782-1783, of Rombout, "his negro," "Noah Clark." McCord, Benjamin, 1791. -Joseph, (Joseph McCoord), 1788, of Fishkill, "employed by John Williams." -Samuel, 1790. -William, 1788, 1790, of Fishkill, "son to Joseph." McCrady, James, (James McCrade), 1783, of Fishkill. McKenzie, Betsy, (Betsee McKinsee), n.d., c 1785, "Samuel Jackson." Meddaugh, James (Cobus or James), 1788-1790. -James, Jr., (James Medoch), 1789-1790, "son of James Medoch." -Joris, (Yeoras Medoch), 1784-1789, of Rombout, "son of Youras Medoch," "James Medoch." Mesier, Peter, (Peter Muszear), 1782-1784, of Rombout, "merchant," "his negro wench." Meynema, John (John Manemow), 1791, of Fishkill. Midlar, Aaron, (Aaron Midlor), n.d., c 1784, 1790, of Fishkill. -John, (John Midlor), 1787, 1790, of Fishkill. Milkins, Robert, (or possibly Robert Mulkins), see James Reynolds, Sarah Young. Miller, James, 1792, of Fishkill. -Jonathan, 1791.
Montfort, Albert, (Albert Monfoort), 1790, "of Sprout Creek," see Elbert Montfort. -Albert H., (Albart H. Monfoort), 1791, of Rombout -Albert J., (Albart J. Monfoort), 1785, 1790, "son-inlaw Charck Van Kurin." -Dominicus, (Merekus Monfort), 1789, see Thomas Jackson. -Elbert, (Elbert Monfoort), 1783-1793, of Rombout, "sonin-law of Hogelandt," "his negro boy," "Albart," "Henry," (relationships unknown,) see Albert Montfort. -Henry, (Henry Monfoort), 1793, of Rombout, "son of Peter Monfoort." -John, (John Monfoort), 1783-1788, 1790-1791, of Rombout, "David," (relationship unknown.) -Peter H. (Peter H. Monfoort), 1788-1793, of Rombout. Montross, Anne, 1783, of Fishkill. -Peter, (Peter Montros), 1775, of Fishkill. Moore, Abel, (Aleal More), n.d., c 1785, "lives over the river." -Isaac, (Ezeak Moor), 1784. Morgan, , (Mr. Morgan), n.d., c 1787, 1790, "lives by John Myers." -John, n.d., c 1782, "came to the Board with me." -Thomas, 1790, of Rombout, "a curreor," "at Nathaniel Soams," "delivering wife." -William, 1789, "Nathaniel Soames." Morrell, John, 1792. Mosher, William, 1775, see Joseph Landers. Mott, John, (Old John Moot), 1785, of Rombout, "Employed Stephen Ackens," "his son-in-law Samuel Titus." Mulkins, Robert, see Robert Milkins. Myers, Aaron, 1782-1783, "Harlem." -Abraham, 1791-1792, of Middlebush. -Anna, 1792, "employed by Abraham Myers." -John, 1776, 1788, of Middlebush, see Morgan. -John, Jr., (the younger John Myers), 1786-1788, 1791, of Middlebush. -Mrs. John, n.d., c 1783, "Mr. Ockermans (Ackerman) daughter John Myers wife." -Polly, (Polle Myers), 1785. -Simon J., 1784-1786, "Gilbert," (relationship unknown.) -William, 1789, "at Oswego." Oakley, Nehmiah, (Memiah Ockly), 1790, of Rombout. Ogden, Jack, 1785-1787. Osborn, Samuel, (Samuel Osburn), 1785, of Fishkill, "employed James Way, mason." Ostrom, Jacobus, 1790, of Beekman. Outwater, Daniel, n.d., c 1784, of Rombout. Owen, Joshua, 1784, (lived in the present town of Pleasant Valley.) Palen, Ezekiel, (Ezeheal Palin), 1784, 1790, of Rombout. -Gysbert, (Gibbart Palen), 1776, 1789, of Rombout. -Henry, 1776, 1783-1785, of Rombout. -Paulus, (Pawlis Palin), 1776, 1784, of Rombout. -Peter, (Peter Palin), 1784-1792, of Rombout, "son of Polis." Palmatier, Isaac, (Isaac Palmeteer), 1789. Patterson, Abijah, (Abijah Patason), 1783-1787, of Fishkill, "Piter," "John," "children," (relationships unknown.) Patton, Betsy, see Banjamin Everett. Pells, Peggy,(Pegga Pals), 1790. 95
-Simon, (Simon Pels), 1776, of Rombout. Perkins, , (Widow Parekins), 1783, "employd by son Zopar," (believed to be New Paltz.) -Ebenezer, (Ebenezer Paarkens), 1787-1789, "a blacksmith," see William , (believed to be New Paltz.) -Zophar, (Zofer Parekens), 1789-1791, (believed New Paltz.) Peters, , (Mr. Peters),n.d., c 1783, "a weaver," "John," (relationship unknown.) Phillips, Conrad, (Coonrod Philips), 1785-1788, of Rombout, "son of Henry," "James," "Cobus," (relationship unknown,) see Ebenezer Staples. -Henry, 1785-1788, of Rombout, "his son Coonrad." -John, Jr., (John Philips, Jr.), 1775, of Rombout. -Ruloef, 1791, of Rombout. Pinckney, Samuel, 1783, of Poughkeepsie, see Springsteen. -Thomas, 1787-1788, of Poughkeepsie, "cancer," "Samuel Luckey." Platt, Zephaniah, (Zeafa Plat), 1785-1789, of Poughkeepsie. Plough, William, (Wilhelmus Plow), 1788, 1791, of Fishkill. Presley or Preslar, (Master Presle), 1790, (possibly New Paltz.) Randall, Matthew, (Mathew Randel), 1788-1789, "of Middlebush." Rapalje, John, (John Rapelja), 1790-1791, of Fishkill, "a shoemaker," "Rapple." Rapre, John, 1789. Ray, , (Mr. Ray), 1790, of Rombout, "near Carman on Jonathan Thorns farm," (possibly John or Thomas Ray.) -John, 1786, "near Joseph Mabbett." Reichard, John, (John Reckard), 1788. Remsen, Ranshe, (Ranshe Ramsone), n.d., c 1784, of Rombout, "employed by Harmonsee." Reynolds, James, (James Runnels), 1784, 1786-1787, "a miller," "brother-in-law to Robert Malkins." Rhodes, Eliza, (Eliza Rods), 1790, of Marlboro, "her brother Michea," "over the river." Ricketson, Rowland, (Rownling Rickerson), 1783, of Beekman. Robinson, John, (John Robbeson), 1783, 1790, of Fishkill, "woman chyld." Rodgers, Saffer, (Saffer Rodgars), 1786-1787, "at Oswego." -Thomas, (Thomas Rodgar), 1788, of Fishkill, "son of William." -William, 1785, of Fishkill, "employed by Benjamin More." Roe, Benjamin, 1776, 1783-1791, of Rombout, "bleeding him," "his son William Roe," "Benjamin Roe younger," "his wench Ann," "his young wench." -Benjamin, Jr., 1791, of Rombout, see Peggy Casebee. -John, 1792, of Rombout. -Roger, (Rodger Roe), 1787-1788, "near Dunkin Graham." -William, 1790-1792, of Rombout, "his wench." -Mrs. William, (Widow Roe), 1780, 1785, of Rombout, "the wife of William Roe late." Romer, Aaron, (Aaron Rommar), 1789-1790. -Annethe, 1786-1788. -John, 1783-1791, of Fishkill, "his daughter Mary," -"Aaron," (possibly a son.) -Mrs. John, 1792, of Fishkill. Romeyn, Isaac, (Isaac Rymmone), 1793, of Poughkeepsie.
Ronts, Thomas, 1790, "on Hagamans place." Roosekrans, John, (John Rosecrans), 1783, 1790, of Fishkill, "woman chyld." -Peter, (Peter Rosecrans), 1785-1793, of Fishkill. -Thomas, (Thomas Rosecrans), 1790, of Fishkill, see Moses Sherwood. Ruger, John, (John Rugar), 1786, 1791, of Rombout, "son of Hans Rugar." Ryan, , (Mr. Ryan), 1787, of Fredericksburgh, "Schoolmaster at Capt. Makeels." Rynders, Andreas, (Andreas Rynis), 1783, of Rombout, "John," (relationship unknown.) -Harmanus, (Haremonus Rinis), 1775, 1787-1788, 1792, of Rombout, "at Hagemans." Rysdyck, Garmack, (Garmack Risedick), 1791, of Rombout. -(Henrietta), (Widow Risedike), 1791-1792, of Rombout, "widow Henriette," "Peter," (relationship unknown.) -Rev. Isaac, (Revrnt. Isaac Risendick), 1785-1787, of Rombout, "delivered wife." Saintjohn, , (Mr. Saintjohn, probably Thomas), 1790, of Fishkill. Sands, , (Mrs. Sands, Mrs. Comfort Sands?), 1788, "at Verplancks." Saul, Free Negro, 1783, 1791. Schenck, Gysbert, (Gisbart Scank), 1786-1789, 1791, of Fishkill, "his wench." -Roeloff, (Rulof Scanck), 1784, 1790, of Fishkill. -Roeloff, Jr., (Young Roluf Scank), 1792, of Fishkill. Schoonhoven, Benjamin, (Benjaman Sconnover), 1791. Schoonmaker, Henry, (Henry Scoonmonker), 1786-1787, 1790, "a younger man," "Jeremiah Brumb." Schutt, Freiderich, (Frade or Fade Scoott), 1791-1792, of Fishkill. -Joseph, (Joseph Scoot), 1787-1790, of Poughkeepsie. -Michael, (Myckell Shutt), 1790-1791. Scott, George, (George Scoott), 1775, "a blackman." -James, see David Anderson. Seale, (Mr. Seale), 1789, "at Mr. Brush." Seaman, David, (David Semon), 1782-1784, of Fishkill, "a miller." Seymour, Stephen, (Stephen Saymour), 1784-1785. Shafer, Frederick, 1783. Sharer, Peter, (Peter Shearer), 1783, of Rombout, "a blacksmith." Shaw, David, 1793. Sheffield, John, see Henry Crawford. Sheldon, Caleb, (Caleb Sheldin), 1786, of Dover, "employed Mr. Woolcocks." Sheldon, Thomas, (Thomas Sheldin) (probably Capt. Thomas Sheldon), 1787-1788, of Dover. Sheon, John, 1792, "a blacksmith." Sherwood, Moses, (Moses Shearwood), 1783, of Fishkill, "employed Thomas Rosecrans," "delivering wife." Shute, Aaron, (Aaron Shut), 1791, of Fishkill. Simmons, , (Mr. Simons), 1783, 1791, "at Runnells Mill." -Hansa, 1782. Simpson, John (John Simson), 1791, "the house above Croklot house."
Skinner, , (Mr. Skinner, possibly Thomas), 1793, of Fishkill. Sleight, Jacobus, (James Sloit), 1791, of Rombout. -John, (John Slack), 1786-1792, of Rombout, "near Gideon Van Velea," "Abraham." Smith, , (Smith), 1787, of Poughkeepsie, "living at stone house by Will Jacocks." -John, (John Smyth high Duker), (Highdekker ?, high Dutcher ?), 1788-1793, of Rombout, "son-in-law to Cloomp." -Samuel, 1784-1788, of Oswego. Snediker, Richard, 1775-1776, 1783-1787, of Poughkeepsie, "James," (relationship unknown.) Snyder, Jost, (Old Mr. Youst Snyder), 1783, of Rombout. Soams, Nathaniel, see Thomas Morgan, William Morgan, (of Rombout.) Spencer, , 1783, of Beekman, "son-in-law to Dennis Chiste," (Christie.) Springsteen, , 1776, of Poughkeepsie, "at Samuel Pinckneys." -David, (David Springstad), 1786-1794, of Rombout. Staples, Ebenezer, (Ebenezer Steaplls), 1786, of Barnegat, "son-in-law of Coonrad Philips." Storm, Dirck, (Derick Storm), 1776, of Rombout, "employed by Gorus Storm." -Gorus, (Goris Storm), 1784, 1788, of Rombout. -Peter, 1784, 1787, of Rombout, "son of Goris," "delivered wife." -Soalsmar ?, (Soalsmar Storms), 1782. Striker, James, 1783. Stringham, Owen, (Own Stringom), 1776, of Fishkill. -Samuel, (Samuel Stringom), 1787, of Fishkill, "employed by John Townsin." Stotesbury, Dr. , (Doct. Stoutboro), 1789, of Fishkill. Taylor, Samuel, 1790, of Oswego. TerBush, Jacob, (Jacob Bush), 1785-1790, of Fishkill, "a blacksmith," "his chyld Jacob." Terlew, , (Mr. Turlew), 1792, "employed by his son James over the river." Terpenning, John, (John Tarpina), 1790-1792, of Rombout. Terry, Franna, 1791. -William, (William Terre), 1775, of Poughkeepsie, (probably William Terry, the hatter, of Poughkeepsie.) Terwiliger, Jurian, (Yearion Turwellegar), 1779-1788, of Rombout. Thocal ?, Joseph, n.d., c 1783, "negro." Thompson, Samuel, (Samuel Tomson), 1787, "employed by Nixon." Thorn, Cornelius, 1782, of Rombout, "son of Jonathan Thorn." -Isaac, 1775, 1787, of Rombout. -Jonathan, see Ray. -Joseph, 1788, 1791, of Rombout, "sparma elix." Thurston, Benjamin,(Benjamin Thustin), 1787, 1791, of Fishkill. -Joseph, (Joseph Thustin), 1782, of Rombout. -Thomas, (Thomas Thustin), 1786-1787, 1791. Tist ?, Robert, 1787-1791, of Fishkill, "son-in-law of Jeremiah Jones." Titus, Ebenezer, 1787-1789, of Rombout, "near Barnt Valays." -Samuel, see John Mott.
Tobias, , (Widow Toboy), 1775-1776, of Poughkeepsie, "employed by mother." -Frederick, 1782-1791, of Poughkeepsie, "Henry," (relationship unknown.) Todd, Robert, 1776, 1786-1789, of Rombout, "taking out a cancer, "leephrosy," (see Mrs. Wolf.) Totten, Mrs. John, (Widow Totten), 1776, 1788, of Rombout, "widow of John Totten. Townsend, Calab, (Caleb Townsin), 1776. -Elijah, (Elija Townsin), 1783-1785, of Oswego. -Gideon, (Giddon Townsing), 1790, of Fishkill, "employed by Geordge Juel," opening tumor." -John, (John Townsin), 1783, of Fishkill, "hatter," see Samuel Stringham. -Stephen, (Stephen Townsin), 1786, of Rombout, "near Joseph Jackson." Turner, , (Mr. Turnor), 1791. Tusten, Peggy, (Widow Pegga Thustin), 1791. -Thomas, (Thomas Thustin), 1790-1791. Vail, Daniel, (Daniel Veal), 1783, of Fishkill, "son-in-law of John Huson." -Isaac, see John Bool. Velie, Barnt, see Ebenezer Titus. -Goose, (Gosa Veal), 1788, of Rombout, "at Wapping Creek," "his negro boy." -Capt. Minard, (Capt. Mynard Veale), 1786, of Rombout. Vemont, John Pierre, 1790, of Poughkeepsie. Vermilye, David, (David Varmillear), 1787, of Fishkill. -Garardus, (Gradous Varmillar), 1787, of Fishkill. -John, (John Furmiller, Fumalaer), 1786, 1790, of Fishkill, "son of John Furmiller," "a shoemaker." Verplanck, Catharine, (Cate Varplanck the older), 1787, of Rombout. -Caty, (Caty Verplanck, Philip's sister), 1783, of Rombout. -Crommeline (Cromeline Varplanck), 1788, of Rombout. VerValen, Daniel, (Daniel Van Vala), 1790, of Rombout. -Freeborn, (Freeburn FunValie), 1785, of Rombout, "Hannah Vun Valies husband.) -Gideon, see John Sleight. -Jeremiah, (Jeremiah Van Valee), 1785, of Rombout. -John, (John Fun Vale), 1789, of Rombout. -Moses, (Moses Van Vale), 1790-1791, of Rombout. Vincent, John, (John Vinsant), 1775. Van Alst, Isaac, (Isaac Van Aulst), 1789, of Rombout. Van Amburgh, John, (John Van Burgh), 1790, of Fishkill. -William, see Henry Bogart. Van Bommel, Christopher, (Cristefor Van Bumbel), 1782-1783, of Poughkeepsie. -Peter, (Peter Van Bumble), 1785, of Poughkeepsie. Van Bremen, Peter, (Peter Funbramer), 1784-1790, of Rombout, "his wench." -Thomas, (Thomas Funbramer), 1786, of Rombout. Van Bunschoten, Col. Elias, (Connell Elias Van Benscoten, Old Elias), 1783-1788, 1790-1791, of Poughkeepsie, "washing his wound," "John," "cancer tumor." -Isaac, (Isaac Van Benscotan), 1789. -James, (James Van Benscoten), 1786-1788, of Poughkeepsie, "son of Elias," "setting two fractured arms."
-Capt. John, (Capt. John Van Benscoten), 1783, see Andrew Low. -Matthew Van Bunschoten, (Mathew Van Benscoten), 1789-1790, 1792, of Rombout, "his black chyld." -Peter, (Peter Van Benscoten), 1793, of Rombout, "Peter," (relationship unknown.) -Tunis, 1775-1776, 1783-1788, of Rombout, "his black chyld," "Adam," "Susan."(relationships unknown), see Obediah Cooper. VanderBilt, Arie, (Oart Van Debilt), 1787-1788, of Rombout, see Peter Wyckoff. -Philip, (Philip Vandebilt), 1792, of Rombout, "delivered wife." VanderBurgh, William, (William Vandeburg), 1790, of Rombout. VandeWater, Adolf, (Dollofus Van De Warter), 1786, of Rombout. -Benjamin, (Benjamin Vandewarter), 1784-1788, of Rombout. -Benjamin, Jr., (Benjamin Van Dewarter younger), 1788, 1791. -Harmanus, (Harmonus VanDewarter), 1783, 1788. -Peter, (Peter Vandewarter), 1782-1789, of Rombout, "James wife." -William, (William Vandeworter), 1791, "son of Benjamin Vandewarter." Van Dyck, Cornelius, (Cornalus Van Dick), 1784, of Crum Elbow, "at Crumelbo Crick," "daughter employed by James Lawrence." Van Everen, Pade ?, (Pade Van Every), 1783, of Rombout. Van Keuren, Abraham, (Abraham Vankurin), 1788-1792, "John Morgan," "Benjamin," (relationship unknown.) -Benjamin, (Benjam Van Kuren), 1791, "a schoolmaster," "son of Mathew." -Jacobus, (Cobus Van Kurin), 1790, "son of Cark." -Matthew, (Mathew Van Kurren), 1784-1785, 1791, "his wench." -Tjerck, (Chark Van Kurin), 1786-1789, of Rombout, "Cornelius," "Benjamin," (relationships unknown,) see Albert J. Montfort. Van Kleeck, Ahasueras, (Swans Van Cleeck), 1782-1788, of Rombout, "Anne mother," "woman at his house," "Black chyld." -Baltus, (Baltus Van Cleak), 1776, of Rombout, "bill paid by benefit of the act." -Baltus, Jr., 1784-1788, 1790, of Rombout, "son of Baltus," "fractured arm." -Barant, (Barnt Van Klack), 1785-1789, of Rombout, "at Simon Laroys," "son of Baltus." -Cornelius Leonard Van Kleeck, 1783, "little wench." -Henry, 1789, of Rombout. -Hugh, 1783, of Rombout. -Lawrence, (Larence Van Kleeck), 1775-1776, of Rombout. -Levi, 1788-1789, 1791, of Rombout, "son to Peter." -Michael, (Mickel Van Kleeck), 1791, of Rombout, "son to Barnt Van Kleeck." -Peter, 1790, of Rombout, "his grandson over the hill." Van Norstrand, Cornelius, (Cornalus Noorstrant), 1783-1784, 1790. - George, (Geodge Van Norst), 1789, of Rombout, "due from Isaac," "delivering wife." -James, (James Noortstrant), 1785, "son of Garret." -Jane, (Jane Van Norstrandt), 1789, "employed by her brother."
-John, (John Van Nostrant), 1783, 1790. Van Siclen, Cornelius, (Cornalis Van Suklin), 1783-1786, 1792, of Poughkeepsie or Rombout. -John, (John Van Sicklen), 1776, 1783-1789, 1791, of Rombout. Van Steenburgh, Elias, (Elias Stenbarrick), 1788-1789, of Rombout, "at Cornalus Duboys." -Flem, (Flem, Fleaman Van Stenbarck), 1776, 1787-1789. -Henry, (Henry Steenbarck), 1787, "delivering wife." -Jacobus, see Thomas Blount. -John, (John Steenbarck), 1791, of Poughkeepsie. Van Tassell, Hendrick, (Henry Van Tassel), 1775, of Rombout. -Jacob, (Jacob Vantassel), 1784, 1790, of Rombout. -John, 1787-1788, of Rombout. Van Tyne, William, (William Fun Tyne), 1783-1787, of Middlebush, see John Dennis. Van Vliet, Frederick, (Fredrack Van Vleat), 1785-1786, "his wench." -Garret, (Garrat Van Vleat), 1785-1786, of Rombout. -Peter, (Peter Van Vleat), 1784, of Fishkill. Van Wyck, Abraham, (Abraham Van Wick), 1790, of Rombout, "living in the hook." -Cornelius, (Cornelus Van Why, Squire Cornalus Van Wick), 1786-1792, of Fishkill, "his son Richard." -William, (William Van Wick), 1785-1787, of Rombout. Waldron, Peter, (Peter Waldrin), 1790, of Fishkill, (a merchant.) Waring, Daniel, (Daniel Woring), 1789, (possibly Fishkill.) Warner, John, (John Worner), 1791, of Rombouts, "merchant Wappings Creek." Way, Daniel, 1786-1788, of Oswego. -James, see Samuel Osborn. Weaver, Michael, (Michel Weaffer), 1785-1794, of Fishkill, "a weaver." -Peter, (Peter Waver), 1791-1792. Weeks, Obediah, 1784, of Fishkill. - Rachael, 1783. Weldon, Thomas, n.d., c 1786, "maried the widow Green," (possibly Fishkill.) Wells, Henry, 1786, of Fishkill, "schoolmaster." Westervelt, , (Vesterwelt), 1783, "married Short." - Abraham, (Abraham Vesterwelt, Vosterwelt), 1775-1776, 1778, 1783-1793, of Poughkeepsie, "his wench," "John," (relationship unknown.) - Benjamin, (Benjamin Vesterwelt), 1790, of Poughkeepsie, "son of Cornalus." - Casparus, (Caspardus Vesterwelt), 1791, of Poughkeepsie, "son of Cornalus." - Cate, (Cate Vesterwelt), 1788, of Poughkeepsie, "widow employed brother-in-law." - Cornelius, (Cornalus Vesterwelt), 1776, 1789, of Poughkeepsie, "son of Benjamin." - John, (John Vesterwelt), 1791, of Poughkeepsie. -Joost, (Youse Vesterwelt), 1783, of Poughkeepsie. Wilcox, , (Mr. Wilcox), 1784, "at Dover," "James," (relationship unknown.) Wilkinson, John (John Wilkerson), 1786, of Rombout, "delivering wife." Williams, John, see Joseph McCord.
Wilson, Robert, 1783, of Fishkill, "delivering wife." Wiltse, Widow, see John Churchill. -Cradus ?, (Cradus Willsee), 1791, of Fishkill, "delivering wife," "making cider, 4 shillings." -Henry, (Henry Wilsee), 1783, of Barnegat, "son of John." -Henry, (Henry Wilse), 1788-1789, of Fishkill, "son of William Willsee," "delivering wife." -Jacob, 1777-1778, of Fishkill, "son of William and grandson of Henry Willsee." -John, (John Wilsie), 1790, of Fishkill, "for his negro." -William Wiltse, (William Willse), 1789, "son of Henry Willsee." Wolf, Mrs. , (Mrs. Wolf), 1789, of Rombout, "at Robert Todds." - Godfrey, (Godfree Woolf), 1786-1788, 1791, "his negro boy," "delivering his wife." -William, 1784. Wood, Capt. , (Capt. Wood), 1785, "over the river." - James, 1786-1793, of Fishkill, "a cooper." Woolley, Charles, (Charls Wolle), 1792, of Marlboro, "over the river." Worden, , (Widow Wordin), 1791. , (Schoolmaster Wordin), 1792. Wyckoff, Peter, (Peter Whycoff, Wycop), 1788-1792, of Rombout, "son-in-law to Aries VandeBilt." Yerry, Peter, (Peter Yarry), 1786, of Poughkeepsie. Young, Sarah, (Sary Young), 1790, "employed by Robert Milkins." , Sally, (Sale), 1791, "a negro." - William, 1791, "son-in-law to Parkins," (probably - Ebenezer Perkins of New Paltz.)
(Bibliographical note: For more detailed material on Dr. Thorn, his family and the curse see:
Bailey, Henry DuBois, Local Tales and Historical Sketches, Fishkill Landing, 1874. New York Daily Advertiser, February 27, 1789. New York Packet, March 10, 1789. Reynolds, Helen Wilkinson, Dutchess County Doorways, New York, 1931. Reynolds, Helen Wilkinson, notes (for preceeding volume), Adriance Memorial Library. Thorn, Geneological notes on the family, on file, Adriance Memorial Library. Dutchess County Historical Society, Yearbook, Volume 28, "Lieut. Jonathan Thorn," 1943.)