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Who is Doing Worst in Our Continent?

Well, we know a lot about the BEST, but what about the REST? Meaning, who is doing worst in our continent? One factor must answer the question: HDI (The Human Development Index). HDI is a summary measure of average achievement in key dimensions of human development: a long and healthy life, knowledge, and a decent standard of living. It is a standard means of measuring well-being. It is used to distinguish whether the country is devel- oped, developing, or underdeveloped and measure economic policies’ impact on quality of life. Countries fall into four broad categories based on their HDI: very high, high, medium, and low human development. All European countries fall into the very high or high human development category. We are in the “high” group, including our neighbours. The worst is not the poorest, in fact. Azerbaijan has an HDI of 0.745 in 2021, an enormous improvement from

2020 (0.730). Armenia follows it with 0.759, and Moldova, North Macedonia, and Ukraine (before the war) with 0.767, 0.770, and 0.773, respectively. The 6th place is taken by Bosnia-Herzegovina with 0.780, followed by a surprising EU member, Bulgaria, with a falling result of 0.795, and Albania with a rising 0.796. Serbia and Georgia complete the Down 10 with 0.802, with Serbia falling for 0.002 in the 2020-21 period. No wonder people are moving from these countries.


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