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The Second DiplomatSki Slalom Race on Jahorina Takes Place

In early March, the second slalom race called DiplomatSki, organized by the Jahorina Olympic Centre and the Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Bosnia and Herzegovina, took place on the Poljica track

The start of the fantastic slalom race was preceded by a welcome speech given by the director of the Jahorina Olympic Centre, Mr Dejan Ljevnaić, and the Ambassador of the Republic of Slovenia, His Excellency, Mr Damijan Sedar, the initiators and organizers of the traditional ski race of representatives of international institutions in Bosnia and Herzegovina.


One of the participants in today’s race was His Excellency Ambassador Damijan Serdar, who, at the press conference, expressed his great satisfaction at the successful implementation of another joint project by the Embassy and the Jahorina Olympic Centre.

“The DiplomatSKi giant slalom competition takes place for the second time and is organized by the Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Bosnia and Herzegovina together with the Jahorina Olympic Centre. As we have a considerable number of interested people this year and have had an excellent experience with the previous one, the number of participants in this event is much higher this year. Some of the resident ambassadors in Bosnia and Herzegovina say that DiplomatSKI 2022 was one of the best events in the diplomatic corps world in recent years, which is a great compliment to us and at the same time, an obligation as we are expected to organize a ski race that is at the same level as last year’s, particularly because in 2024, we will mark the 40th anniversary of the 1984 Winter Olympic Games (held in Sarajevo). Next year, in addition to the diplomatic corps and well-known business people, we expect the arrival of well- known Olympic skiers, such as Bojan Križaj and Jure Franko. The Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Bosnia and Herzegovina is extremely honoured to have excellent cooperation with the Jahorina Olympic Centre,” Mr Serdar said.

After last year’s very successful Ambassador’s race, the Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Jahorina Olympic Centre decided to continue their extraordinary cooperation and organize another race. Exactly one year

THE DIPLOMATSKI GIANT SLALOM COMPETITION TAKES PLACE FOR THE SECOND TIME AND IS ORGANIZED BY THE EMBASSY OF THE REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA IN BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA TOGETHER WITH THE JAHORINA OLYMPIC CENTRE after the first race, today, we have twice as many competitors, which, I must admit, after last year’s great experience, did not surprise us. The idea of repeating this event was met with a great response, so this year we had as many as 60 competitors, of which 18 were ambassadors and 42 competitors competed on behalf of embassies, European delegations, EUFOR and NATO. The slalom race ended successfully, and now we are all waiting for a fantastic party in the Olympic bar with a DJ and excellent food” and added: “Good reputation reaches far and the good reputation we earned last year, thanks to the excellent cooperation with the Embassy of Slovenia, went even farther. That is why we have received plenty of great compliments about this idea, our organization of the event and the hospitality, for which we are widely known. I would like to take this opportunity to especially thank the Ambassador of Slovenia, His Excellency Mr Damijan Serdar, with whom it was a real pleasure to collaborate in organizing today’s event. I am confident that we will continue the tradition of this race in the years ahead.”

60 competitors took place in the race which started exactly at 3 p.m. and successfully ended before the start of the media conference, at which the director of the Jahorina Olympic Centre, Mr Dejan Ljevnaić, said the following: “The reason for our gathering today at the Poljica track is the second DiplomatSki slalom race, which last year brought together 33 competitors from embassies and international organizations from 13 countries.

After the successful completion of the slalom race, all the participants in this sporting event attended the prize ceremony, which, along with a party and traditional lunch for them, took place in the Olympic Bar, at the top of the Poljica ski track.

Ambassador Levanti is a career diplomat. She joined the Diplomatic service as Embassy Attaché in 1997. Her diplomatic career includes postings at Greek embassies in Brussels (1999-2002), Tirana (2002-2004), Damascus (2010-2012), and Rome (20152019). She held various posts at the Greek Foreign Ministry, including that of the Directorate for Personnel and Administrative Organization, the Directorate for Turkey, the Diplomatic Cabinet of Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs, and the Directorate of Foreign Common and Security Policy, where she was Head of Section for Common Security and Defense Policy.

In 2020 she became head of the Directorate for NATO and the OSCE in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Greece, and before her posting as ambassador to Serbia, she acted as Head of the Directorate for Personnel and Administrative Organization. She

H.E. Bassem Jouman Agha

The President of the Republic of Serbia, Aleksandar Vučić, received the credentials of the newly appointed Ambassador of the Syrian Arab Republic, Bassem Jouman Agha, and wished him a warm welcome and successful work.

President Vučić and Ambassador Agha stated that the ties between the two countries are based on friendship that dates back to the time of the SFRY and joint engagement in the Non-Aligned Movement, but also that there is room for strengthening bilateral relations. President Vučić thanked Syria for its principled and consistent support for preserving Serbia’s sovereignty and territorial integrity, pointing out that our country will always be on the side of international law, which implies respect for the sovereignty and territorial integrity of all UN member states. He expressed the hope that Syria will overcome difficulties based on a solution that is in line with the aspirations of the Syrian people and embark on the path of recovery. On this occasion, Ambassador Agha expressed his satisfaction that he is starting diplomatic work in Belgrade. holds a Degree in Political Science from the Athens School of Law, Economics, and Political Science and an MA in International Relations from Geneva Graduate Institute for International Studies.

The President of the Republic of Serbia, Aleksandar Vučić, welcomed the new Ambassador of the Hellenic Republic and wished her a successful diplomatic mandate. Ambassador Levanti expressed assurances that Greece does not change its position on the issue of Kosovo and Metohija, recalling the statements of Prime Minister Mitsotakis.

President Vučić and Ambassador Levanti expressed the hope that the development of Serbian-Greek relations will continue for mutual benefit, with the expectation that a new session of the High Council for Cooperation between Serbia and Greece will be held.

Archbishop Gangemi was born in Messina in 1961. He was ordained a priest on 28 June 1986 by Archbishop Ignazio Cannavò of Messina.

On 27 January 2012, Pope Benedict XVI named him Titular Archbishop of Umbriatico and Apostolic Nuncio to the Solomon Islands.

On 24 March 2012, he was appointed Apostolic Nuncio to Papua New Guinea. He was replaced in those positions on 16 April 2013. In November 2013, Pope Francis appointed him Apostolic Nuncio to Guinea. On 5 February 2014, he was appointed Apostolic Nuncio to Mali as well. Before he was appointed to Serbia in 2022 by Pope Francis, he was appointed as Apostolic Nuncio to El Salvador. President Vučić thanked the Holy See for its principled position to respect the territorial integrity of Serbia and not recognize the unilaterally declared independence of Kosovo.

He also noted that the Holy See is willing to hear and understand the views of Serbia, which he also saw during his visit to Pope Francis.

Archbishop Gangemi conveyed the assurances of the Holy See that they would not change their position on the unilaterally declared independence of Kosovo.

The President of the Republic of Serbia, Aleksandar Vučić, received the credentials of the new ambassador of the Republic of Cuba, Leyde Ernesto Rodríguez Hernandez, and on this occasion, wished him a welcome and a successful mandate in our country.

President Vučić reiterated Serbia’s commitment to friendly relations with Cuba based on mutual understanding and support. He added that Serbia is interested in strengthening economic cooperation with that country, with special emphasis on agriculture and the food industry, medicine, and other areas of common interest. Also,

From 2020 to 2022, fifty-five-year-old Jozsef Zoltan Magyar was the responsible deputy state secretary for European cooperation in Hungarian MFA. He has extensive experience in working with the countries of the Balkans: he was previously a representative for Serbia, Macedonia, and Croatia, worked at the embassy in Zagreb on several occasions, and was also the ambassador to Croatia. President Vučić welcomed the Hungarian ambassador to Serbia and expressed his pride because of the sincere friendship between the two countries and the bilateral relations, which have never been at a higher level.

President Vučić stated that he expects that during the mandate of the Hungarian ambassador, the already excellent economic cooperation with Hungary will continue to strengthen, emphasizing that Serbia is interested in further intensifying ties in the field of energy, infrastructure, the agricultural and food sector and other areas of common interest. President Vučić expressed his gratitude for the active support that Hungary provides to Serbia in the European integration process, as well as for the understanding of our country’s strategic issues.

The Hungarian ambassador, handing over the credentials to President Vučić, conveyed the greetings of President Novak and Prime Minister Orban, as well as his satisfaction with the excellent Serbian-Hungarian relations. He also said that he would work on specific joint projects and strengthen cooperation, which will be contributed to by the new joint session of the governments.

President Vučić expressed gratitude for Cuba’s principled adherence to international law and support for Serbia’s sovereignty and territorial integrity. President Vučić pointed out that it would be a great pleasure for him to host President Miguel Diaz-Canel Bermudez in Belgrade.

Ambassador Hernandez announced the visit of President Díaz-Canel this year, which, he expects, would contribute to the strengthening of cooperation. He also added that he sees his mandate in Belgrade as an opportunity to turn good political relations into better economic ties, taking into account the existing potential.

Kuwait National Day marked in Belgrade

On the occasion of the 62nd Anniversary of the National Day and the 32nd Anniversary of the Liberation Day of the State of Kuwait, the embassy organized a ceremonial reception at the Hyatt Hotel. Hosted by the Kuwaiti Ambassador H. E. Fayez Al-Mutairi, it was attended by representatives of the government, military, religious communities, the cultural life of Serbia, and the diplomatic corps. On this occasion, he wished his country and people to maintain stability, prosperity, security, and further development. Kuwait was the first state of the Persian Gulf to gain independence from the UK in 1961.

Ceremony on the occasion of the end of the initiative “Nordic Green Project –Sustainable solutions for Serbia”

In the residence of the Norwegian ambassador, a ceremony was held on the occasion of the completion of the “Nordic Green Project – Sustainable Solutions for Serbia” initiative for 2022/23. This initiative presented Nordic green solutions to the domestic public, that is, Nordic green technology, business models for environmental protection, and solutions in the fight against climate change, all with the aim of creating a sustainable future. The ceremony was attended by Ministers in the Government of Serbia, Tanja Miščević, Minister for European Integration and Dubravka Đedović, Minister of Mining and Energy, ambassadors of four Nordic countries, Susanne Shine – Denmark, Kimmo Lähdevirta – Finland, Jørn Eugen Gjelstad – Norway, and Sweden’s Annika Ben David, as well as representatives of local self-government, business associations, the academic community, and others.

The 63rd birthday of Japanese Emperor Naruhito celebrated in Belgrade

The Embassy of Japan in Belgrade hosted a reception on the occasion of the birthday of Japanese Emperor Naruhito, the 126th emperor of that country. The ceremony was attended by Prime Minister Ana Brnabić, Minister of Internal and Foreign Trade Tomislav Momirović, Ministers without Portfolio Edin Đerlek and Novica Tončev, Minister Dubravka Đedović, as well as other officials and members of the diplomatic corps. Japan’s Emperor Naruhito, who turned 63, was crowned on May 1, 2019, after his father, Akihito, abdicated. Ambassador of Japan to Serbia Katsumata Takahiko greeted those present and thanked the Government and people of our country for their long-standing friendship. I would like to use this opportunity to express my heartfelt gratitude to the Government and people of the Republic of Serbia for the long-standing friendship with Japan, which last year marked its 140th anniversary – said Ambassador Takahiko at the reception held in Belgrade. The ambassador recalled the late Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s visit to Serbia and his meeting with President Aleksandar Vučić and added that relations between Serbia and Japan are entering a new era of bilateral, regional, and international cooperation. The most significant turning point was the late Prime Minister Abe’s visit to Serbia in 2018 – said Ambassador Takahiko and emphasized: His meeting with President Vučić opened the way to improving our relations in various areas. As he added, he is proud of the projects and investments in Serbia in many areas and said that the common goal of these projects is the promotion of sustainability and the development of human resources.

1 MARCH 2023

Cultural celebration „Georgia –an oasis of ancient European heritage“

In close cooperation and partnership with the newly opened, luxurious “Madlena Art Palace”, the Embassy of Georgia to the Republic of Serbia organized an exclusive high-level cultural celebration, „Georgia – an oasis of ancient European heritage“. The event was opened with polyphonic singing performed by the National Folk Choir „Herio“. The National Ballet „Apkhazeti“also performed Georgian National Folk dance. Guests had the pleasure to see an exhibition of unique Georgian traditional costumes, degustation of Qvevri amber wine, and premium-level Wine Brandy „Sarajishvili“. The reception at Madlena Art Palance was attended by a large number of guests, including representatives of Serbian public life and numerous representatives of the diplomatic corps in Serbia.

Ivica Dačić opened the Month of Francophonie

First Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs Ivica Dačić opened the Francophonie Month in the Palace of Serbia. In addition to Minister Dačić, the importance of La Francophonie and Serbia’s contribution to that organization were also discussed by the Ambassador of Romania to Serbia, Silvia Davidoiu, in her capacity as president of the Group of Francophone Ambassadors, the

Ambassador of France in Belgrade, Pierre Cauchard, in his capacity as vice-president of the Group of Francophone Ambassadors, as well as the first lady of Serbia, Tamara Vučić. Numerous dignitaries then had the opportunity to watch a report produced by “TV5 Mond”, entitled “The direction of Francophonie – Serbia”, which was announced by reporter Ivan Kabakof.

A reception in honor of the Fest held at the French Embassy

The reception organized in honor of the French and Francophone delegation visiting the Fest was held at the French Embassy in Belgrade. Ambassador of France Pierre Cauchard greeted the crowd, which included actress Annabelle Langron, director from Madagascar Laza Razanayatovo, as well as Olivier Sabi, a member of the French Council of State. Ambassador Cauchard emphasized that the ties between Serbia and France are now lasting for 180 years. Those ties are particularly strong in the field of culture and film. Serbia is a big country with a rich history of film, especially during the time of Comrade Tito, who had a great passion for cinematography – said Cauchard and added that the Fest is at the center of those relations. We are satisfied with the numerous francophone delegation at the Fest and the fact that the festival works to promote women – Cauchard said.

The President of Germany honored Boris Mašić

By decree of Frank-Walter Steinmeier, President of the Federal Republic of Germany, the Order of Merit was awarded to Boris Mašić from Apatin, who is the president of the “Adam Berenz” Association in this place and was awarded thanks to his many years of service related to the nurturing and promotion of the cultural heritage of Germans in Serbia. The award was presented to Mašić at a solemn ceremony at the residence of the German ambassador in Belgrade, in the presence of the Mašić family and Dubravka Korać, the president of the municipality of Apatin.

Moroccan Brunch at Hyatt Regency’s Metropolitan Restaurant

The Embassy of the Kingdom of Morocco in the Republic of Serbia, in partnership with the Hyatt Regency Hotel in Belgrade, is organizing lunches dedicated to Moroccan cuisine and its various traditional dishes at the Metropolitan Restaurant of the same hotel during the whole month of March. The objective is to introduce to Serbian foodies, members of the diplomatic corps, media, tour operators, but also customers the Moroccan cuisine, its richness and diversity around a whole ceremonial starting from the mint tea to the art of receiving in the Moroccan way on the background of ancestral Moroccan music. It is not only about lunches but also about an Iftar during the holy month of Ramadan, which will beautifully complete this culinary project that will last for a whole month. The first lunch on Sunday, 5 March 2023, was attended by representatives of embassies accredited to Belgrade as well as regular customers of the hotel restaurant who came with their families to enjoy Moroccan delicacies. The Metropolitan restaurant was dedicated to Moroccan gastronomy but also to the millenary culture of the Kingdom, with several items of Moroccan handicraft, books related to the various facets of Moroccan culture, brochures, and not forgetting the Moroccan tea corner, which inspired the enthusiasm and the amazement of all the guests.

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