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the Swedish Agency for International Development and Cooperation (SIDA) helped RGZ to overcome numerous challenges and achieve outstanding results in the reform of the land registry system
“The support provided by the Kingdom of Sweden’s institutions meant a lot to the Republic Geodetic Authority (RGZ) because, by doing so, Sweden sent a kind of public message that our institution has friends”, said the Director of RGZ, Borko Drašković, MSc, at the celebration marking twenty years of the Kingdom of Sweden’s support for RGZ. Mr Drašković pointed out that the excellent cooperation with Lantmäteriet, the Swedish Land Survey Agency, with the financial support of the Swedish Agency for International Development and Cooperation (SIDA) helped RGZ to overcome numerous challenges and achieve outstanding results in the reform of the land registry system.
The Director General of the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA), Carin Jämtin, expressed her satisfaction with the fact that the cooperation between the Serbian and Swedish land registries has resulted in a better economic situation for people in Serbia, as well as a significant increase in land registry’s security and transparency.
The Head of the Group for International Cooperation of the Embassy of the Kingdom of Sweden, Karin McDonald, said she was pleased with the twenty-year cooperation with the Republic Geodetic Authority, adding that the cooperation facilitated the establishment of a mutual relationship from which both countries have something to learn, and is a good example of common European values.
The Assistant Director of the Development and Innovation Sector at RGZ, Darko Vučetić, thanked the institutions of the Kingdom of Sweden for their support in the reform of the Ser- bian land registry. In addition to the presentation of the new project, the results of the twenty-year cooperation between the Republic Geodetic Authority and the Kingdom of Sweden, through projects financed by SIDA and implemented by RGZ and Lantmäteriet in mass real estate evaluation, digital archive and digital management of geospatial data, were also presented.
Mathias Rantanen, Project Manager from Lantmäteriet, thanked RGZ and SIDA for the exceptional cooperation and expressed his satisfaction that the new Smart SDI project is starting, valued at 2.25 million euros, which main goal is to improve the national geospatial data infrastructure. The project will focus on the preparation of a platform and the implementation of standards for digital data exchange between institutions, businesses and citizens in the Republic of Serbia.