The Communicator - Spring 2015

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Spring Edition

Latest News

Council Nursery Council is excited to announce that we will be establishing two Nurseries in conjunction with both the Mallala and Two Wells Primary Schools.

Adelaide International Bird Sanctuary

This collaboration will initially focus on involving children in the propagation of indigenous plants and planting days such as National Tree Day and World Environment Day.

The Adelaide International Bird Sanctuary has been formed on a vision of creating an internationally important conservation area on the fringes of Adelaide that safeguards migratory birds, improves the health of Gulf St Vincent, creates a more liveable and sustainable city, provides exclusive eco-tourism experiences and offers opportunities for indigenous involvement. The motto for the Bird Sanctuary is ‘Protecting birds, creating opportunities for local and visiting people’.

Children will not only learn how to propagate plants, but will learn about the environment from a multifaceted perspective, including why it is important to protect and conserve remnant vegetation.

Mayor, Duncan Kennington and CEO, Katrina Marton were invited and are excited to have joined ‘The Collective’ which provides a framework for facilitating the development of the Bird Santuary. The Collective provides a structured and disciplined approach to bringing cross-sector organisations together to focus on a common agenda that results in long-lasting change. This Collective partnership will join in a vision of protecting shorebirds and creating opportunities for local and visiting people. The Collective believes that communities connecting with nature strengthens community and enhances the environment.

Limited hard copies are available from Council offices and Libraries or online

Annual Business Plan 2015-2016 Council's Annual Business Plan and Budget was endorsed at the Council meeting on 17th July. Included in the Plan is a proposal to relocate our registered office and associated administration staff to Two Wells. Council understands that there is some community concern regarding this proposal, and reassures the community that a full public consultation process will be undertaken. Draft plans are expected to be presented to Council in late October for endorsement to go on public consultation. The entire community of the District will then have an opportunity to have their say and provide feedback for Council's consideration.

Your Councillors

Dates to remember

MAYOR Cr Duncan Kennington PO Box 18. Mallala 5502

Mob 0401 526 361 Email

Lewiston Ward Cr Karen McColl

Deputy Mayor

PO Box 18. Mallala 5502 Mob 0433 222 874 Email

Dog Registrations due 31 August 2015

Cr Tom Summerton

1 Aunger Rd, Lewiston 5501 Tel (08) 8524 3385 Email

Cr Anne Picard

PO Box 18, Mallala 5502 Tel (08) 8524 3186 Email

Dublin Ward Cr Marcus Strudwicke

4 Dublin Rd, Mallala 5502 Tel (08) 8527 2046 Mob 0407 392 191 Email

Cr Terry-Anne Keen

PO Box 118, Dublin 5502 Tel (08) 8520 2049 Mob 0407 971 022 Email

Get Bush Fire Ready

Winter is the perfect time to clean up and clear vegetation from around your home. The things you do now, could save you or your family's lives this summer. It's not that hard to be bush fire ready.

Cr Steve Jones

C/- Post Office, Lower Light 5501 Mob 0447 947 577 Email

Two Wells Ward Cr P M (Joe) Daniele

8 Old Port Wakefield Rd, Two Wells 5501 Tel (08) 8520 2233 Email

Council Rates

Cr Mel Lawrence

PO Box 634, Two Wells 5501 Mob 0432 939 446 Email

Cr Eddie Stubing

52 Smith Rd, Middle Beach 5501 Tel (08) 8520 3419 Mob 0428 824 712 Email

Payment of installments are due on the following dates:

18 September 2015 4 December 2015 4 March 2016 3 June 2016


Re-Registering Dogs

2015 - 2016

This year Council implemented a new dog registration renewal procedure. Registration tags were sent out with the renewal notice. The relevant registration fee needed to be paid for the registration tag to be validated. If the owner failed to re-register their dog/s by 31 August 2015, a $20 late fee applied for each animal. The reason for this administration change was to simplify the registration process and in most cases, remove the need for the dog owner to attend one of the Council offices to register their dog/s and collect the tag/s. After 31 August 2015, residents do not have the option to pay their dog re-registrations fees by credit card via the Council website or dedicated telephone number.

Community Bus

Business & Community Directory Business Business ++ Community

Business +


Community Directory 2015-2017

OUT NOW! 2015 2017

Get your hard copy from any Council Office or Library or view online at

NOT IN HERE? If you would like to add your Community or Business details to the next edition of the Business & Community Directory please contact: Tel. 8527 00200 or email

Come join us! 2015

The District Council of Mallala provides a monthly Bus Service to the Elizabeth Shopping Centre on the third Friday of the month.


Bookings are essential. Tel 8520 2233 or Mob 0409 052 103

16 OCT

Travel costs $5 return trip. Children travel for FREE (must be accompanied by parent/caregiver)


20 NOV

18 DEC

Library News Library Opening Hours Two Wells


Mon Tues Wed Thur Fri Sat

Wed - 10am to 12 noon Fri - 3pm to 5pm


Closed 9:30am to 5pm 1pm to 7pm 9:30am to 5pm 9:30am to 3pm 9am to 11 am

Windsor Sun - 10am to 11:30am

Too many to books to carry? only


Buy a Library Bag and support your local library

Great-Grandma’s silver spoons, Uncle Frank’s war medals, that first edition book handed down through the family imagine the history and stories behind these antiques. Antique expert Paul Bartlett will host an Antiques and Collectables Show & Tell where people are invited to bring an antique item to show and share its story. Appraisal and valuation of the antique item will be available.

The free event will be held at The Two Wells Bowling Club on

Tuesday 27th October 2015 from 1pm Afternoon tea provided



Library News



Make and play a musical instrument

Weird science workshop

29 September 1.30pm - 3pm

7 October 1.30pm - 3pm

Old Two Wells Council Chambers

Old Two Wells Council Chambers

FREE – places limited

FREE – places limited

Program is aimed at school age children who must be accompanied by an adult.

Program is aimed at school age children who must be accompanied by an adult.

New Online Databases What is lyndaLibrary? lyndaLibrary is one of several shared digital resources available for all public library customer use. It is a user-friendly online training resource that offers a variety of expertly presented training courses, all of which are edited for accuracy. The flexibility allows you to complete training sections at your own pace, and the site will also save your place for your return. What is Zinio? Zinio is the world’s largest Online magazine resource for libraries. The new statewide subscription will offer South Australian public library customers access to over 400 full colour digital magazine titles, many of which are Australian.

Coming Travelling Suitcase Australian Children’s Laureate – Jackie French The Two Wells Public Library is excited to announce that we will be hosting the Travelling Suitcase for approximately four weeks, beginning 15 November. The Travelling Suitcase is a joint project between the Children’s Book Council of Australia and Book Links Travelling Suitcases (QLD). The Travelling Suitcase on display is based on Jackie French, a widely known and popular author of picture books, junior and young adult novels. Jackie has also written numerous Non-fiction books related to gardening and poultry care. Jackie was awarded an Australian Children’s Laureate 20142015 and also Senior Australian of the Year 2015. The suitcase contains books by the author, rough drafts, biography and an interview on DVD filmed in the writing environment. The suitcase is designed to engage children with books and encourage the love of reading through an understanding of the creative process. The suitcase is designed to be of interest to emerging writers to help them gain an insight to the creative process.

Youth Stuff Adelaide Plains Community Hub The Adelaide Plains Community Hub group held their first event at Two Wells on July 8th 2015. The newly formed group was keen to gather the ideas of the local community to inform future actions. The Regional Youth Bus and a talented airbrush artist entertained the young people while Blue Light, Centrelink & NACYS (Northern Area Community and Youth Services) and Two Wells Library supplied information about their services. The Two Wells Primary School were impressed with the event given the short notice and all enjoyed a free sausage supplied by Council and cooked by NACYS. The “engagement man” was a highlight and the young people that attended added their suggestions for: - Do you have any ideas? - What do you love? - What don’t you like? - What do you wish for? If you would like to forward your ideas to they will be included in the group’s planning sessions.


Two Wells Area Young People

Do you have any ideas?

Will be visiting... 2pm - 6pm

What do you love?

What do you wish for?

What don’t you like?

2 Sept - Two Wells (Main Street) 3 Sept - Dublin (Oval) 4 Sept - Mallala (Oval) 15 Sept - Two Wells

RYB Regional Youth Bus

(Main Street)

16 Sept - Mallala (Oval) 18 Sept - Two Wells Have a chat to RYB staff, we are good listeners, we don’t tell anyone else without your permission and we might find someone who can help or email to make a time to talk.

Engaging Connecting Supporting

Community News

The Two Wells Ageing in Style EXPO was held on Thursday 13th August in the Two Wells Community Centre. Organised by the District Council of Mallala, the event was part of an expo ‘road show’ held in collaboration with the Gawler, Barossa and Light Regional Councils. The EXPO attracted over 35 stallholders showcasing in-home support and care services, retirement living options, scooters and mobility aids, and was well received by the community. Free circulation and diabetes tests were popular, as were the craft and local produce stalls. Gawler music group, Passive Minds were on stage throughout the event, breaking for a moment for the Magic Moments Dance Group from Parham who once again entertained the audience with their performance. Over 200 people attended the event, where delicious scones from the Two Wells Bakery were provided for all patrons, along with tea and coffee where visitors were able to sit cafe style while enjoying the morning. A survey was conducted which included a free raffle with $50 IGA vouchers going to Gwenda Cheek of Mallala and Judith Thamm of Two Wells. Feedback from those who attended was positive with most stating the event was well organised and had a lovely friendly atmosphere.

Citizenship Ceremonies Citizenship is a common bond which unites all Australians, whether they are the traditional inhabitants, first generation migrants or the descendants of our early settlers. Our rich heritage stems from the contributions made by us all. Citizenship ceremonies are special events. They fulfil requirements under Australian citizenship law and provide an important opportunity to officially welcome new citizens as full members of the Australian community. To reflect the significance of the occasion, Council conducts four Citizenship Ceremonies each year (pending applicants)

26th Jan - Australia Day; 21st March – Harmony Day 9th July – Constitution Day and 17th September - Australian Citizenship Day

With the exception of Australia Day, where any of these dates fall on a weekend, the ceremony will be held on the next working day. Applicants may also be given the opportunity to participate in ceremonies conducted by the Department of Immigration and Citizenship on Australian Citizenship Day at the discretion of the department. Ceremonies will be conducted by the Mayor and held in the Mallala Council Chambers unless otherwise specified and with the exception of Australia Day. Private ceremonies may be arranged at the discretion of the CEO and Mayor. Further information about citizenship can be found by contacting the Department of Immigration and Citizenship www.immi. or phone 13 18 80

Community News

Exhibition The South Australian Living Artists Festival celebrates local artists. Come along to the Two Wells Public Library, 61 Old Port Wakefield Rd, Two Wells to veiw artwork from across our region For more info Tel 8527 0200

SALA Festival 1st to 31st August 2015

s’’ e y e gu our y Au ugh o r ‘‘Th st st 1

‘Through your eyes’


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Welcome to SALA, the home of South Australia’s Visual Arts. The District Council of Mallala is celebrating the SALA (South Australian Living Artists) Festival in a big way with over 17 local artists showcasing their artworks with around 80 pieces submitted. This year has been truly amazing with a diverse display of media including, watercolour, oils, a short film, aerosol art, quilting, puppets and dolls.

promoted the diverse talents of South Australian Living Artists. SALA is an innovative open access visual arts festival presenting thousands of artists through unique collaborations and exhibitions in hundreds of exhibition spaces throughout metropolitan and regional South Australia.

The launch of the SALA Festival was held on the 5th August with the Deputy Mayor, Karen McColl presenting the artists with certificates and acknowledging their hard work and talents.

The SALA Festival is a truly unique state wide celebration of the visual arts.

August is visual art month in South Australia! Since its inception in 1998 the annual SALA Festival has celebrated and

found at

Details of next years SALA venues across the state can be

National Volunteer Week 2015

This year we celebrated National Volunteer Week by hosting FREE movies at The Gawler Cinema on Thursday 14th May. Both ‘The Second Most Exotic Marigold Hotel’ and ‘A Royal Night Out’ were a hit amongst the audience with light hearted humour and feel good storylines. A great way to say ‘Thank You’ to our many volunteers within our region who without there dedication and support many services just wouldn’t happen. ‘Jess and I thoroughly enjoyed the evening. It was great to mingle with others volunteers, those I am on Committees with and those that I have met from other volunteer areas. There was a lively/happy atmosphere on the night as we could just relax and watch the movie (no work involved!). It was especially good for me, to relate the movie to the life of my Parents (Jess’s Grandparents) who were in their early twenties, in London, on VE Day’. Sylvia Nieuwenhuizen

Community News Community Partnerships Funding Grants Applications for Community Partnerships Fund 201516 opened Monday 22nd August and will close at 5pm on Monday 28th September 2015. Since it began in 2001, the District Council of Mallala's Community Partnerships Fund has provided over $500,000 to local community groups and organisations for projects which enhance the economic growth and community development in our region. Each year our nation celebrates the achievement and contribution of eminent Australians through the Australian of the Year Awards by profiling leading citizens who are role models for us all. They inspire us through their achievements and challenge us to make our own contribution to creating a better Australia. The Australian of the Year Awards provides all Australians with the opportunity to recognise someone who makes them proud. Nominations are now open for the Australian of the Year Awards 2016 with four categories: •

Australian of the Year – open to all Australians who deserve recognition for their extraordinary achievements, contributions to the community and nation and who are exemplary ambassadors for Australia.

Senior Australian of the Year – recognises those Australians aged 60 years and over who continue to achieve and contribute to the community

• Young Australian of the Year – recognises those extraordinary young Australians aged 16-30 years who are contributing to the community: and •

Australia’s Local Hero – recognises Australians who make a real difference in their local communities whose outstanding contributions enrich the lives of those around them.

Nominations are being sought for Australians excelling in all fields of endeavour including arts, media and entertainment, business, charity, education, environment, indigenous/ethnic services, medicine/science, engineering /technology and sport. To nominate, or find out more about the Australian of the Year Awards please visit the website or contact the Australia Day Council of South Australia on 8463 5436

The program supports initiatives that focus on the development and promotion of local clubs and communities groups and/or stimulate economic growth. Applications for one-off projects are now invited from incorporated, non government, not-for-profit organisations based within, or providing a service to, the District Council of Mallala. Applications forms including eligibility criteria are available from the Mallala and Two Wells Council Offices and Council website.


P layground A good playground is fun and challenging, but above all must be safe. Mallala Playground’s recent upgrade ticks all these boxes and has been well received by local Mallala residents.



It is not unusual to encounter horses and their riders on our roads. Horse-riders have little protection from other vehicles and horses may behave unpredictably at times. Crashes with horses typically involve: • High speed roads – 70 km/h speed zones and above. • Outer suburbs or rural areas. • A vehicle hitting the horse from behind or side-swiping a horse as the vehicle overtakes. • The horse being spooked or bolting. • The horse straying from a paddock or enclosure. What can motorists do to minimise risk? • Watch out for horses being led or driven on the road – leave as much space as possible to allow for unexpected movements by the horse. • Take extra care on bends, crests and on narrow roads, particularly in areas close to horse riding schools, trail ride businesses and on rural roads. • Allow for inexperienced horse riders – especially young children.

What can horse-riders do to enhance their safety on the road?

What the Law says

Under the Australian Road Rules, horses are regarded as a vehicle and riders are subject to the same road rule as apply As a horse-rider, you should: to other drivers. However there are some specific additional • know and obey the Australian Road Rules rules including: • ride on the left hand side of the road with the flow • Horses are allowed on footpaths and nature strips, unless of the traffic specifically prohibited. Horse riders must give way to any • use clear hand signals pedestrian on a footpath or nature strip. • wear an approved helmet and footwear safe for horse • If you are riding two-abreast with another rider, you must riding not ride more than 1.5m apart. This will allow other road • wear fluorescent clothing during the day and reflective users room to overtake safely. clothing if you ride in the early mornings or evenings • Lights on animal drawn vehicles – when ridden at night when the light is poor or in conditions of reduced visibility they must display a • always ‘look, check, and look again’ - the lifesaver look white light on each side at the front of the vehicle, a red • where possible, use horse trails and horse crossings light on each side at the rear (visible for 200m) and be fit • if you’re an inexperienced rider, always be accompanied ted with a red reflector towards the rear of each side of by experienced rider/horse combinations when in road- the vehicle. related areas • A person must not lead an animal while also driving a • ride single file or two-abreast motor vehicle or riding a bicycle. • ride carefully and be a courteous road user Penalties -A horse is considered to be a vehicle and therefore • if you are involved in an incident on the road, report it permitted to be ridden on the road, horse-riders are subject • always ride with a positive attitude. to the same penalties for road traffic offences as other drivers.

Mallala Community Wastewater Management System


Waste Water Management Scheme (CWMS) project is now complete and Council is accepting connection applications for approval. For further information and application forms to connect, please go to Council’s website

Fire Prevention

Fencing in THEtheTRUTH ABOUT CATS AND DO Gawler River Flood Plain The truth is that waste is part of our lives, including our pets’ dr

to provide landgreener owners with As you are probably aware, the Fire Danger Season Instead ofCouncil using wishes your waste bin, residents here areand some solutio clarification regarding the construction of fences within the is fast approaching. Now is a great time to remind Gawler River Flood Plain (as delineated by Council’s Development you to make you property fire safe. Plan). This particularly affects properties located within the Two Wells and Lewiston areas. The Fire and Emergency Services Act requires: For all her All land owners and residents within the district are advised chickens a An owner of private land must take reasonable Many councils will accept pet poo if placed in your that in South Australia all fences within a flood plain, other steps— is easy – p green organics bin. These councils include: than a post and wire fence, require Council approval under the (a) to prevent or inhibit the outbreak Dog, cat a Development Act 1993, before they are built. • Adelaide City • Adelaide Hills of fire on the land; and poo carry • Campbelltown • Charles Sturt (b) to prevent or inhibit the spread of Council strongly recommends that any person interested be placed • Gawler fire through the land; and THE TRUTH ABOUT CATS AND DOGS • Holdfast Bay in building a fence contacts Council to clarify if approval is (c) to protect property on the land • our Marion The truth is that waste is part of lives, including our pets’ droppings. • Mitcham required before they undertake any work. However, you can purchase Instead of using your waste bin, are some greener solutions for disposal. from fire; and • here Norwood Payneham • Onkaparinga (d) to minimiseIS IT the threat to human deal with this waste.aSearc and St Peters • Playford OK TO USE THE CANRecently, I PUT PET POOenforcement IN MY COMPOST BIN? action has been undertaken against life from a KERBSIDE-COLLECTED fire on the land.GREEN BIN? for information on how to pu • Port Adelaide Enfield • sheep, Prospect For allof herbivore pets like number individuals who have been responsible for erecting chickens and guinea pigs the answer your Maximum penalty: $5 000.Many councils will accept pet poo if placed• inSalisbury • Unley – place in your compost bin. the necessary development approval. green organics bin. These councils include: fencesis easy without obtaining Remember, compost made Dog, cat andpenalties other meat-eatingfor animal • Adelaide City • Adelaide Hills The possible undertaking such work without having • West Torrens poo carry harmful bacteria so should not • Campbelltown • Charles Sturt cat waste is great for ornam CFS Requirements: be placed in your compost bin. • Gawler • Holdfast Bay obtained the appropriate development approval may include: • •

• Marion • Norwood Payneham and St Peters • Port Adelaide Enfield • Salisbury • West Torrens

• • • • •



Several factors councils However,determine you can purchase whether or set up systems designed to will

suitable for food crops.

Mitcham Onkaparinga Playford Prospect Unley

with this waste. Search ‘pet waste composting’ online Vacant town blocks are required to have all dry accept thedeal howor make frequently - such direction to the unauthorised fence forwaste, information on howatoas purchase your remove own. the green flammable material to be reduced to a maxi bin is collected - and criminal prosecution for undertaking illegal Remember, compost made at home from youritdog how and where isand processed. cat waste is great for ornamental plants but is NOT mum height of 10cm by means of slashing or Commercial for food crops.development suitable composters use intense work heat to neutralise Several factors determine whether councils will accept the waste, such as how frequently the green Pet safely be plac mowing or removing and maintain throughout - ABOUTso criminal conviction a maximum finehair of can bin is collected and how and where it is processed. any harmfulWHAT bacteria the compost is safeand to use on PET HAIR? the Fire Danger Season. Commercial composters use intense heat to neutralise Pet hair $120,000 bins and green organics b can safely be placed in worm farms, compost any harmful bacteria so the compost is safe to use on plant and food crops. Your average backyard compost bins and green organics bins to be composted. House blocks are required to all dry flammable plant and food crops. Your average backyard compost cannot achieve these extremely high temperatures. these extremely high temperatures. grass material to be reduced to a maximum cannot achieve contact with Council before undertaking any work CANPreliminary I PUT POO IN MY WORM FARM? However, in country areas many councils use a height of 10cm by meanscomposting of slashing process thator does not allow pet waste to will assist in reducing theusepossibility of the above penalties Use paper based kitty litter and your in country worms areas many councils a be collected in the green organics bin. ForHowever, more details will eat this too. Worm castings mowing or removing andabout maintain throughout your green organics service, call your local council. being from imposed. of pet waste are only composting process that does Council notsuitable allowcan pet also wasteassist to in outlining the typeUse for ornamental plants and not pape the Fire Danger Season. NO PLASTIC BAGS information food crops. required to be submitted with fencing applications. be collected in the green organics bin. For more details THE TRUTH ABOUT CATS AND DOGS worms wi Pleasemay place allonly pet waste • Larger blocks (more than 1 hectare) loose into the Beware worming medications. These bin and NOT in plastic bags, even those will kill your worms in muchcall the same about your green organics service, your local council. from pet w require having a firebreak, slashed mowed bagsor labelled biodegradable. way as they worms your pets. If including our pets’ droppings. The truth is that waste isdopart ofin our lives, your pet has been wormed recently, THE TRUTH ABOUT CATS AND DOGS If you have collected your pet’s poo in a plastic bag, to maximum height of 10cm to a minimum Instead of using allow yourthewaste bin, are some greener solutions for disposal. for ornam poo to age for ahere month before these will need to be emptied into green bin and the feeding it to the worms. bag placed in the waste bin. The truth is that waste is part of our lives, including our pets’ droppings. width of 5 metres around property boundary, food crop To reduce odours, cover with other organic materials of using your waste bin, here are some greener solutions for disposal. IS IT OK TOInstead USE THE CAN I PUT PET POO IN MY COMPOST BIN? and with a minimum width of 20 metres around such as leaves, lawn clippings and prunings. Unsure about Please place pet waste loose into the Beware w GREENall BIN? ForPET all herbivore petsCOMPOST like sheep,BIN? any building or asset on the property. This must KERBSIDE-COLLECTED IS IT OK TO a USE THE CAN I PUT POO IN MY which bin and NOT in plastic chickens and guinea pigs the answer Many councils willbin accept pet specific poo if placed in your bags, even those will kill you GREEN BIN? also be maintained throughout the Fire Danger green organicsKERBSIDE-COLLECTED For–all herbivore pets like sheep, is easy place in your compost bin. bin. These councils include: labelled waste item go? chickens and guinea pigs the answer Manybags councils willshould accept petbiodegradable. poo if placed in your way as the Season. place in your compost bin. Dog, iscateasy and– other meat-eating animal green organics bin. These councilsHills include: • Adelaide City • Adelaide Check out the RECYCLE RIGHT online search engine your poo carry bacteria so should not pet h Campbelltown • Charles • All flammable material must be stored in a safeIf you• have that will provide details specific to your council. Dog, harmful cat and other meat-eating animal collected your pet’s poo in a plastic bag, • Adelaide City •Sturt Adelaide Hills be placed in your compost bin. • GawlerVisit • Holdfast• Bay poo carry harmful bacteria so should not • Campbelltown Charles Sturt allow the manner. or call•1300 be placed in your compost bin. these• Marion will need to 137 be118.emptied into• green bin and the • Mitcham Gawler Holdfast Bay




• Marion

• Mitcham

• Norwood Payneham • Onkaparinga bag placed in •the waste bin. Norwood Payneham and St Peters • Playford• Onkaparinga

feeding it

However, you can purchase or set up systems designed to However, you can purchase set upcomposting’ systems designed deal with this waste. Search ‘pet or waste onlineto deal with this waste. Search ‘pet waste composting’ online for information on how to purchase or make your own.

St Peters • Playford Starting mid October and continuing throughout • Port Adelaideand Enfield • Prospect• Prospect for information on how to purchase or make your own. • Port Adelaide Enfield • Salisbury • Unley To reduce odours, cover with other organic materials the Fire Danger Season Council will be conducting • Salisbury • Unley Remember, compost mademade at home from your dog Remember, compost at home from your dogand and • West Torrens Torrens great ornamental plants butbut is NOT cat is waste is for great for ornamental plants is NOT such as leaves,• West lawn clippings and waste inspections of compliance to these requirements forcrops. food crops. factorswhether determine whetherwill councils will suitablesuitable for food Several factorsSeveral determine councils accept the as waste, as how frequently and will be issuing notices to non complying properties. accept the waste, such howsuch frequently the greenthe green bin is collected and how and where it is processed. ABOUT HAIR? and how and where it is processed. WHATWHAT ABOUT PETPET HAIR? This may result in legal action being taken against bin is collectedCommercial composters use intense heat to neutralise Pet hair can safely be placed in worm farms, compost Commercial composters use intense to neutralise any harmful bacteria so theheat compost is safe to use onPet hair can safely be placed in worm farms, compost bins and green organics bins to be composted. the owner of the property and Council organising any harmful bacteria sofood the crops. compost safe tobackyard use on compost plant and Yourisaverage bins and green organics bins to be composted. cannot achieve these extremely highcompost temperatures. plant and food crops. Your average backyard a contractor to complete the required work at the cannot achieve these extremely high temperatures. CAN I PUT POO IN MY WORM FARM? However, in country areas many councils use a property owner’s expense. MYpaper WORM FARM? composting process that does not allow pet waste toCAN I PUT POO INUse based kitty litter and your

If you required further information please contact the Fire Prevention Officer Tel 8527 0200 who will be happy to discuss your needs.

However, in country areas many councils use a be collected in the green organics bin. For more details composting process thatgreen doesorganics not allow pet waste tolocal council. about your service, call your be collected in the green organics bin. For more details about your green organics service, NO PLASTIC BAGS call your local council.


Please place all pet waste loose into the bin and NOT in plastic bags, even those bags labelled biodegradable.

Please place all pet waste loose into the

If you pet’s poo in a plastic binhave andcollected NOT in your plastic bags, even thosebag, these will need to be emptied into green bin and the bags labelled biodegradable. bag placed in the waste bin.

If you have collected your pet’scover poo in a plastic bag, materials To reduce odours, with other organic as leaves, lawn andand prunings. these will needsuch to be emptied intoclippings green bin the bag placed in the waste bin.

Unsure about which bin a s waste item sh

worms will eat this too. Worm castings

Use paper based littersuitable and your from pet wastekitty are only worms eat this plants too. Worm castings forwill ornamental and not foodwaste crops.are only suitable from pet for ornamental plantsmedications. and not These Beware worming will kill your worms in much the same food crops.

Check out the RECYCLE that will provide details sp Visit way as they do worms in your pets. If Beware worming medications. These your petcall has been wormed recently, or 1300 137 118. will kill your worms in much the same allow the poo to age for a month before

feeding it toworms the worms. way as they do in your pets. If your pet has been wormed recently, allow the poo to age for a month before feeding it to the worms.

Unsure about which bin a specific

Justice of the Peace Service A Justice of the Peace (JP) is authorised to witness and attest many documents, such as Statutory Declarations, Affidavits, Wills, Divorce, Power of Attorney and Advanced Care Directive documents etc, as well as certify copies of original documents.

Mallala & Districts Historical Society

OPEN SUNDAYS 2pm - 4.30pm OPEN SUNDAYS 2.30PM -­‐ 4PM or by appointment OR BY APPOINTMENT

The District Council of Mallala offers the service of a JP at:

Two Wells Library Saturdays 9am - 11am For further information: Tel 8520 2100

Visit the award winning displays of local, regional & family history

ð W E W E L C O M E G R O U P S B Y A P P O I N T M E N T


Secretary: Ph 08-­‐8519-­‐9295 or 0433-­‐820-­‐570



Recycling Collection Times Two Wells Transfer Station Wells Rd, Two Wells Wednesday: 1.30pm - 3.30pm Saturday: 8am - 10am Sunday: 10.30am - 12.30pm Mallala Resource Recovery Centre 105 Limerock Rd, Lower Light Thursday: 1.30pm - 3.30pm Saturday: 10.30am - 12.30pm Sunday: 8am - 10am For further info Tel 8527 0200

Telð (08) 8527 0200 Fax: (08) 8527 2242 Email:

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