Making An Impact Program
Community & Family
Making a Difference in Our Community!
VISION The mission of the Boston Mutual Making An Impact program is to support the giving of our talents and resources to those that foster our core belief in community & family, education, and the environment.
Community & Family
Organizations that serve individuals, families, and neighbors.
Education Activities that promote educational programs and scholarships.
Environment Organizations that make a positive impact on the environment.
Peace of Mind for Our Communities At Boston Mutual Life Insurance Company, we are committed to delivering on our promises and providing financial peace of mind for all those we serve. As a mutual company, that dedication to acting in the best interests of our stakeholders extends from our producers, policyholders, and employees to the communities around us.
We’re passionate about finding ways big and small to pay it forward, and through our corporate citizenship program, we engage with organizations and causes where we live and work to support those in need. This is how we live the goodness of mutuality in all we do – by going the extra mile not just in our work, but also in how we live our brand.
“ With this program, we
can highlight the great work our employees and producers are doing in our communities and pave the way for future opportunities to continue giving back.”
– PAUL A. QUARANTO, JR. Chairman, CEO, and President
To learn more about our program, including details on how to submit a request, please contact:
Employee Volunteerism In our Making An Impact program, Boston Mutual employees volunteer their time and skills to a wide range of worthy causes.
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As part of the program, employees are eligible to use one workday each year to volunteer at an organization of their choosing.
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Employees can also get involved with a variety of organizations through volunteer events, fundraisers, and other initiatives coordinated by Boston Mutual.
• Educational opportunities Partnering with local schools on unique ways to give back • Community leadership opportunities Participation on local town boards and business planning committees • Transformative community donations Contributing technology solutions to local schools and other community organizations
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Giving back to the community means getting involved in activities beyond traditional philanthropic efforts, including:
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Public Affairs
Charitable Giving We tap into relationships with our key partners to identify new ways to give back to communities across the country. In most cases, we will match an employee’s donation to contribute additional support to the cause.
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If you have a charitable giving opportunity you’d like to share for consideration, please contact for directions on next steps.
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Environmental Sustainability
Taking care of the community includes the environment too - and when establishing sustainable efforts to protect the environment for future generations, every little bit counts.
At Boston Mutual, we continue to find ways to save resources every day, including: • Commuter benefits with the Neponset Valley Transportation Mgnt. Assoc. • Timed lights throughout the building • Identifying sustainability opportunities during building renovations • Promoting and offering ride sharing to company-sponsored events (company outings, charitable events, etc.)
• Eliminating paper waste and moving to digital options
KEY PARTNERS Our key partners embody many of the traits we embrace for our Making An Impact program. Through our deep relationships and histories with these groups, we are proud to make a difference with these worthy causes.
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R o b o t i c s
To learn more about the Boston Mutual charitable program, including details on how to submit a request, please contact:
Join the conversations in our communities on Facebook and Linkedin!
120 Royall Street, Canton, MA 02021 | 800.669.2668 | 410-035 5/20